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Student Name: Date: Block: D

Rachel Goodside 5/9/2017

Ten Commandments for my Future Christian Vocations
Spring 2017

Commandment Rationale Scripture Suppo

I I will put the needs I think that putting the needs Do nothing from rivalry o
of your loved ones above your conceit, but in humility c
of my family before own is one of the greatest others more significant th
my own things you can ever do. It yourselves. Philippians 2:
helps us to become closer to
Jesus in realizing how selfless
he was by dying on the cross
for our sins. Giving up his own
wants and desires for the
needs of his people. This class
has also taught me a lot about
being selfless and sharing
Gods love with others so once
I graduate I hope to keep
spreading that love in college
II I will make sure to growing up family has always Yet you do not know wha
been the most important thing tomorrow will bring. Wha
set aside time for for me. No matter what I was your life? For you are a m
my family. going through, my parents that appears for a little ti
and siblings always had time and then vanishes. James
set aside for me if I ever
needed someone to talk to or
go to for help. No matter what
that always gave me comfort
in knowing that someone
always had my back. This
class also taught me a lot
about what it takes to have a
family both romantically and
realistically. Especially when it
comes to natural family
planning and the financial
hardships that many families
go through. However no
matter what I will always set
aside time or my family
keeping in mind that they are
the most important thing to

III I will love whole Throughout my life I have 4 Love is patient, love is
struggled with many ups and It does not envy, it does
heartedly downs. However things always boast, it is not proud. 5 It
seemed easier when I had my
not dishonor others, it is
family around to support me.
No matter what mess I had self-seeking, it is not eas
gotten myself in or what I had angered, it keeps no reco
failed to do, they always loved wrongs. 6 Love does not
me for me, regardless of my delight in evil but rejoice
actions and for that I am the truth. 7It always prot
eternally grateful. Throughout always trusts, always hop
this year I have learned a lot
about love and the different always perseveres.
types of love. I learned that Corinthians 13:4-7
love is one of the most
powerful emotions of all and
leads us to do some. amazing
things for ourselves and
IV I will be a teacher, As a teenager, you do not My son, keep your father
truly know who you are just command and do not for
a guide for my yet. You are still going through your mothers teaching.
family if they ever high school, testing the Proverbs 6:20
waters, trying to figure out
feel lost or where exactly you belong in
confused this world. It is hard because
you mainly only learn by
making mistakes. However the
mistakes do not seem as bad
when you have a mother like
mine who readily awaits to
help with any struggles you
might be facing. I hope to be
that as well for my children. In
this class I learned a lot about
forming my own values and
morals, showing me the type
of person I want to b and who
I hope to be in the future. This
class has helped to shape m
into the person I am today and
I hope to be that same kind of
beacon for my kids.
V I will treat others I know that this is the golden So in everything, do to ot
rule but as a kid growing up I what you would have the
the way I want to never really understood what to you, for this sums up t
be treated it meant. I grew up in a Law and the Prophets.
somewhat religious household Matthew 7:12
so this phrase was talked
about a lot as being the
golden rule. However it wasnt
till I grew out of my egocentric
stage and learned more about
empathy. Once I learned this
lesson, it was easier for me to
treat others better.

VI I will protect my Growing up as a victim of So do not fear, for I am w

bullying, I learned a lot about you; do not be dismayed
family from harm the cruelty of people at a am your God. I will streng
both mentally and young age. It almost felt as if I you and help you; I will u
had lost my innocence. I you with my righteous rig
physically would not wish that kind of hand. Isaiah 41:10
abuse on anyone let alone my
children. In my case it was
different because I never said
anything and learned how to
mask my pain. I hope to
prevent my kids and children
in general from experiencing
what I did. In this class we
also learned a lot about drugs
and addiction while also
having guest speakers come
and talk to us. I hope to take
the lessons I have learned and
share them with my kids so
that they are protected.
VII I hope to be fair Growing up with two other He who walks righteously
siblings I played the baby speaks with sincerity, He
and righteous card a lot. I would blame my rejects unjust gain And sh
older siblings for things that I his hands so that they ho
did and stick out my tongue at bribe; He who stops his e
them when they received the from hearing about blood
blame. I hope to always have And shuts his eyes from
a fair household and keep looking upon evil. Isaiah
peace within it as well in order
to ensure a healthy family
lifestyle. I also learned a lot
about God in this class and
hwo through the Passion,
Jesus always remained
righteous and just. I hope to
be like that.

VIII I hope to be My mother and father were But we proved to be gent

the best parents a child could among you, as a nursing
nurturing and a ask for. They came to every mother tenderly cares fo
good support sporting event, spelling bee, own children. Thessalonia
and talent show I ever 2:7
system for my performed in. they constantly
family claimed to be my #1 fans.
Their support and love has
been so important to me that I
dont know that I would be
who I am today without it. I
owe everything I am to them.
In this class I learned about
Mary and her nurturing nature
to not only Jesus but to
everyone she ever met. I want
to be like that not only with
my family but everyone I meet
as well.

IX I will always keep My family is very unique Therefore welcome one

from other families, not only another as Christ has
an open mind with our own unique quirks welcomed you, for the gl
but because a good amount of God. Romans 15:7
them are homosexual.
Growing up it was normal for
me that people of the same
sex could be married and
show affection to one another.
I promise that if my child if
homosexual, bisexual, and or
transgender, that I will still
love and support them no
matter what.
X I will be the best I hope to honestly be just like Start children off on the w
my mother. Not only is she my they should go, and even
mom and wife that mom but she is also my best when they are old they w
I can be friend. I want my kids to feel turn from it. Proverbs 22:
as though they can come and
talk to me about anything and
that I will always be there for
them just like my mom was for
me. Looking at Mary in this
class, she gave her everything
to God, her family and Gods
path for her. She was always
kind and always kept faith.
She always looked after Jesus
and wanted what was best for
him and I will be like that with
my kids.

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