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1 Name:

2 Age:

3 Gender: Male Female

4 How many years have been with the company?

Less than a year 1-2 year 3-4 year 4-5 year more than five

5 Working condition of this company is comfortable?

Agree Neutral Disagree

6 Whether safety measure are adequate?

Agree Neutral Disagree

7 Whether the role of trade union helps in developing work environment?

Strongly agree Agree Disagree strongly disagree

8 Whether supervisors recognize your effort and had work?

Agree Neutral disagree

9 Do you get opportunity in decision making?

10 Are you satisfied with your coworkers ?

11 Do you feel that salary being offered at Add india pvt ltd is sufficient to lead
a satisfied life?

Strongly agree Agree neither agree or disagree disagree

strongly disagree

12 Does your company pay overtime allowance?

Highly satisfied satisfied moderate dissatisfied highly


13 Do the management maintain a good relationship?

14What motivates you to work more?

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