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by James "Mempter" Tillman

On me mothers sainted soul, I swear it to be true! Seen that fellow Grimshod

making to leave The Goose one night through the front door, cept he dont open
it right away--just knocks a few times, then mutters something under his breath.
Thats when he opens the door and you know what I seen: the inside of another
bleeding tavern, as surely as Im standing in front of you! And in he went! Well
of course I goes to have a look for meself, but when I open the door all I see is
the street outside! Damnedest thing I ever saw, but it happened just like I told
you, or may the gods strike me dead!"

--Tars Brodrin, laborer and regular at The Wild Goose

W inding down
from Wain-
wright Street one can
those who seek to take advantage of its
proximity to that planar crossroads. Such
an individual went so far as to purchase
find their way off the this property some decades ago, a myste-
beaten path to the rious figure that retains ownership to this
poorer sections of Grey- day.
hawks Artisans Quar-
ter. Only slightly above THE TAVERN AT THE
their counterparts in
Old City in regards to END OF THE STREET
quality of life, this area The Wild Goose is open every day and
of the city is home to typically begins admitting custom at
numerous tenements and duskaround 5 or 6 o clock depending
small businesses, catering mostly to the on the seasonand remains open until
large populace of laborers that dwell here. 3 am the following day. Situated at
Largely law-abiding, if somewhat insular the end of an alley coming off Carters
in comparison to the quarters more well- Street, The Wild Goose is a single story
to-do residents, they congregate in their structure that has clearly seen better
respective neighborhoods at the end of days, constructed of aging timber with a
the workday to mingle with their own and roof of crumbling, gray slate shingles. An
grouse to each other about their lot in life, equally dilapidated, single door is set in
disparage those that they work for, and the center of the faade facing the street,
curse the Old City scabs that compete for above which hangs a faded, crooked sign
(i.e. steal) their jobs. depicting a rampaging goose biting the
Yet this is the Gem of the Flanaess, nose of a hapless peasant. Single-paned
thus outward traffic makes its way to even windows of dingy glass with slats covered
these isolated sections of Greyhawk. Lo- in peeling, green paint are situated to
cated in one such neighborhood is a rath- either side of the door. A single sconce is
er rundown, unremarkable tavern that attached just level with the jambs upper
caters mostly to the local color, but also right corner containing a torch. This is
unknowingly plays host to a veritable cav- typically lit at dusk, providing the only
alcade of truly unique and unusual visitors source of illumination for those outside
who seekyet do not seekthis particu- the entrance at dark.
lar establishment. The Wild Goose, as it is The interior offers little more in regards
known, is among other things a gateway to appearance and ambiance. Much of
to a multi-dimensional demesne known as the buildings lack of upkeep is hidden by
The World Serpent Inn, a popular stopping poor lighting, with what little illumination
point for many a traveling planehopper. that does exist being provided by the two
Knowledge of that place is entirely un- windows during the day and by torches
known to any of the day-to-day populace and light from the fireplace at night. The
who frequent The Wild Goose (despite space consists of a large, open common
the number of odd occurrences that have area, the floor of which is made of ill-
taken place in the common room over fitted boards slightly warped by age and
the years), but to the better informed moisture. A layer of grime and dirt covers
the Goose holds considerable interest for its surface and is particularly thick in the
corners. A number of wooden tables curse-ridden recommendations to visit
and chairs, their mediocre craftsmanship other businesses more accommodating to
immediately noticeable, are arranged their needs. Only the barest of amenities
haphazardly about the room, the are provided by the taverns surly hosts,
rectangular surfaces of the former being with even the basic courtesy of clean
covered in stains of varying age and serving vessels being a luxury that must
viscosity. On a few of the lesser used be specifically requested. There are no
tables, many of these stains are concealed serversone must make their own way
under a thin layer of dust. The bar proper to the bar to order drinks, which they can
is located near the far end of the building, either partake of there in the presence of
its battered, elongated surface extending the glowering barkeep, or bring back to
some fifteen feet from the west wall. their respective tables. Service is never
Behind the bar one can see shelving cheerfully rendered, and oftentimes
containing several kegs and various items accompanied by growling imprecations of
such as glasses, bottles of spirits, and dismay.
unused taps and spigots. Further east lies The Gooses usual clientele consists
a door leading into a small storage room almost entirely of laborers who not only
containing empty barrels, crates, kegs and work in the nearby districts, but also
sagging shelves filled with tools, supplies, reside in the surrounding neighborhoods.
and discarded refuse. A flight of stairs can A dour, brooding lot, they come here
be seen going down into darkness near to be with those who share their
the center of the room, leading down into circumstancesa life of backbreaking
the taverns basement. labor and drudgery for little return and
The Wild Goose employs a single scant hope of anything more. They have
bartender during the week, one Barnes nothing to offer in the way of friendship
Wythorn of Tenh, commonly assisted by or even cordial acceptance to strangers
a young Garn Tulbrech and the weekend who do not happen to share in their
server, Grelnik Tuftbristle. The Goose plight, having only cold glares and snarls
also employs a pair of bouncers (though for those seeking either. Obviously well-
they often prove redundant when armed, or otherwise capable looking
Grelnik is on duty): a hulking brute of individuals are given a wide berth;
a former (rede: digraced) watch officer laborers from Old City, however, are right
Brenold Goffstetter (CN War 2) and out, and any so foolish as to make their
a self-proclaimed master fencer Sam way therein can expect be assaulted the
Shyster Legold (LE Rog 4) who is actually moment their origins are discerned. These
a member of The Greyhawk Guild of patrons are rounded out by a handful of
Thieves and secretly reports to Strivus, regulars who are either also residents of
though almost everyone is aware of his the area, or visitors who frequent this
true allegiance (including Grimshod; see region often enough to be considered the
below). The Goose offers only libations next closest thing. Nonetheless the place
in the form of beer, ale and mead, all of is never full, with the number of those
poor quality and typically watered down. that frequent the place being scant at
Prices range from 2 coppers for beer to 5 best. However, even these regulars have
coppers for mead. No food is served and no more affinity with Barnes than anyone
any complaints are met with scathing, else who treats with the man, and those
with even the slightest bit of business that Grimshod is often found in those
acumen wonder at how Barnes is able infrequent moments he chooses to meet
to maintain his overhead on the surely with guests, or have Barnes appraised
meager profits he takes in. of his presence. There have been many
The aforementioned stairs lead down incidences in the past where Barnes has
into a dimly lit 40x 40 cellar that is of come down to what he assumed was an
comparatively better construction than empty cellar, only to find Grimshod sitting
the rest of the building. Made of fitted quietly at this worktable smoking his pipe
blocks of granite, this large and whittling away at some hunk of wood.
chamber is divided into two In each incident the befuddled barkeep
sections, with a smaller has had no indication or clue as
room connected by an to how the grizzled veteran had
open doorway to the managed to enter the place
south. The main cellar without his knowledge, as
contains nothing Barnes has yet to see Grimshod
but supplies, the enter The Wild Goose via the
amount far exceeding front door. All efforts by Barnes to
what is needed to supply the find the secret entryway that must
paltry business done by the surely exist have thus far been in vain.
tavern above with rows of casks,
kegs and crates lining the GRIMSHOD
walls. Beyond the A self-proclaimed warrior-
open doorway lies scholar, the gregarious
a 20 x 40 chamber yet discreet Grimshod is
that is brightly the del-facto owner of
illuminated by The Wild Goose, having
everburning torchlight. acquired the property and the
The room is nearly as rundown warehouse that was built
spartan as its northern upon it over fifty years ago. The
neighbor, with only connection to The World Serpent
a worktable, tool Inn drew Grimshod to the place,
cabinet, chair and a a unique feature that he opted
full wine rack representing the only to hide in plain sight by transforming the
furnishings. A trash barrel also sits nearby, abandoned warehouse into a tavern. So as
the bottom of which is covered in wood not to draw further attention, Grimshod
shavings. A number of wood carving made certain that the subsequent
tools can typically be found lying on the establishment would only appeal to
surface of the table and hanging on hooks the locals (and even then, only barely).
inside the cabinet behind. The wine is of Therefore as the need arises, Grimshod is
vastly superior quality in comparison to able to clandestinely monitor the resulting
the swill that is served upstairs, as this slow trickle of beings specifically seeking
is Grimshods personal collection of rare access to The Serpent.
vintages (which Barnes doesnt dare filch), Grimshod is native to neither Oerth,
with generally 200-1,500 gold pieces nor any of her parallel sister worlds
worth contained within the rack. It is here (Aerth, Uerth, Yarth, and Earth, though he
has visited each in turn), instead hailing a similar fashion, opening with the proper
from a far removed, alternate Prime knock and phrasing. The well-traveled and
Material World. It is there that he came learned Grimshod serves as a convenient
into conflict with a cabal of dark arcanists springboard to anywhere a GM wants
who seek out planar rifts torn into the or needs their players to go, and his
fabric of the Prime Material by foul magics, extensive contacts here in Greyhawk
a phenomena that apparently emanates provide a means of introducing characters
a type of profane energy that they tap to key personalities around and about the
into in order to garner greater power for Flanaess.
themselves. Grimshod stumbled upon this
world through The Serpent while THE SAFEHOLD
pursuing one their number
Created by a wizardly associate of
and after vanquishing
Grimshods, this area serves as a
his opponent in a final,
refuge where he can safely rest
climatic battle, he opted
and recuperate, doubling as a
to stay and explore
safe house for those he wishes
his newly discovered
to protect. This 10 x 30 room is
surroundings. Of late,
in actuality an extradimensional
Grimshod has noted
space created through powerful
evidence of the cabalists
magics, and constructed to
renewed interest in
prevent magical means of
Oerth with the advent of
detection and gaining egress
several recent events (the
(treat as if under the effects
Cagewrights, the awakening
of a forbiddance spell and an
of Kyuss, the machinations
amulet of proof against
of Demogorgon, the
detection and location). The
appearance of Shothragot,
walls and floor are concrete
etc.), and has returned to
blocks built over sheets of
preemptively hinder further
lead, the mortar of which
inroads by them here.
having been combined with
Grimshod has traversed
gorgons blood (preventing
a significant portion of
the entrance of ethereal and incopereal
the multiverse using The Serpent as a
beings). Four floating, magic globes of
nexus, and Oerth is but one of numerous
light, their radiance equal to that of an
worlds he has visited. The Goose is also
everburning torch, provide illumination.
one of many locales he uses during or
Gaining entry into this space is possible
between planar excursions to rest and
only by means of a portal keyed to a used
replenish supplies, as well as a convenient
keg tap (a number of which are always
method of reaching other destinations
kept at the bar and storeroom upstairs).
in the multiverse. Grimshod has means
The entrance of the portal is located at
of accessing The World Serpent through
the midway point of the stairway leading
a backdoor by using a unique device
to the cellar, floating in midair just to the
that allows him to use the portal located
south; one must climb or hop over the
at The Gooses front door from the inside
banister with the key in their possession
as well. This end of the portal is keyed in
to enter through the portal and into the the locker to those he entrusts to utilize
safehold area. the safehold.
The safehold is sparsely furnished with GM Notes: While clever detective
desk and chair, bed, worktable, bookcase work can eventually reveal Grimshods
and an armchair and matching footrest; a connection to The Goose (and possibly
Baklunish carpet beneath the desk rounds even his ownership of the property),
out the dcor. The bookcase holds actually making contact with the
a small collection of books mysterious personage is another story
covering a diverse selection entirely. Grimshod normally only
of topics, dealing mostly appears on Oerth when he some
with regional lore and local event of interest may be
the local culture; none immient, and even then initially
of these books are only to observe; while doing so
magical. Referencing he will always be in disguise and
these works gives a +2 indiscernable from the regular
bonus on the following tavern-goers, always mindful of
skill checks: Craft new faces and their movements
(alchemy), Knowledge about the area.
(arcana), Knowledge Reports of his appearances at
(dungeoneering), The Goose are always through
Knowledge (geography), rumors and second hand
Knowledge (history), accounts, so player
Knowledge (local), characters will never
Knowledge (nobility just bump into him as
& royalty). The a random encounter.
safehold also Attempts to contact
contains a number of Grimshod will always
magical items as well: a result in seekers being
murylnds spoon (along directed to one of the two
with accompanying bartenders, who themselves
wooden bowl, q.v.), a respond to all queries with non-
decanter of endless commital shugs and cursory
water, an open bottle of replies of hes not here. A
air, a leomunds labile sufficient bribe will get a
locker (q.v.) at the foot of the bed, and a grudging, Ill let em know yer lookin for
crystal ball with clairaudience/clairvoyance em. Under no circumstances is anyone
which rests atop the desk. The labile allowed to enter the storeroom, or go
locker typically contains 1d6 potions of downstairs. Any attempts to do either will
cure moderate wounds, 1d4 potions of be met with violent resistance from any
cure serious wounds, 2 scrolls of raise of the bouncers on duty, with the barkeep
dead, 4 scrolls of break enchantment, 3 calling for the local watch (1d4+3 warriors
scrolls of cure disease, a jar of keoghtoms of levels 1-2 with 50% chance of a junior
ointment (q.v.), along with 10 flasks each seargant, warrior level 3-5).
of antivenom and anitplague. Grimshod Grimshod is not meant to be
shares the operating command words for background flavor: he is only availabe
when some major event is about to under the signboard, knocking three
take place, or the PCs are ready for times on an imaginary door in the air,
adventuring offworld and are in need then invoking the name of any divine
of a contact, or perhaps even a patron. being prior to the actual door being
In short, Grimshod only avails himself opened. The invocation must include
when the GM needs him to, otherwise a proper name of a deity and the
remaining a mysterious, semi-mythical words I and enter in the language
entity who haunts The Wild Goose. being spoken. For example, say By
the honor of Rao, I will enter or In
MAP KEYS the name of Boccob, I enter. Once
THE WILD GOOSE & performed, the would-be entrant sees
ENVIRONS The Wild Gooses signboard change to
1. The Wild Goose Tavern: This read The World Serpent Inn across
establishment and its principal a horizontal figure-eight of a serpent
inhabitants are described in detail eating its tail.
above (q.v.). A portal keyed to an 2. Reldmars Tenement: Local merchant
extraplanar nexus known as The Reldmar Tranthias (see below) is the
World Serpent Inn can be accessed owner of this three-story building
via the Gooses front door by passing and the cheap, poorly maintained
apartments within. Rent typically runs adolescent human male and female
about 3 gold pieces a month, yet even experts 1).
with such relatively cheap rates there 6. Brevin Lane
is a high turnover as Reldmar has 7. The Nimble Eye (seamstress): This
little patience with deadbeats, and shop is owned and run by the rotund
will evict anyone even a day late with and vivaciously affable Agatha
payments. Rhedrick Gervais (N male Indragosen, known to locals as the
human commoner 4) is the live-in aptly nicknamed Ample Aggie (NG
landlord who is wholly neglectful of middle-age half-elf female expert
building maintenance and generally 12), whose skill with fashioning
turns a blind eye to any illicit activity and repairing garments is known
that occurs under his roofso long throughout the Artisans Quarter, and
as his palm is sufficiently greased. brings in a slow, but steady stream
Rhedrick and Andura have a long of custom despite her isolated locale.
standing relationship where he takes She is often commissioned to create
a portion of Anduras take in exchange garments for later enchantment, and
for her use of unoccupied apartments her ability is such that she is capable
to entertain clients. of making minor magical items of
3. Residence of Reldmar the Merchant: her own, with prices that are quite
Reldmar Tranthias is a minor reasonable. Popular with the locals
merchant (LN Oeridian middle-age for the discounts she offers them
human male aristocrat 2/expert 4) for the occasional patch job, Agatha
who owns several buildings in the also treats gladlyeven eagerly
area, including the tenement down with adventurers who patronize
the street. Reldmar bemoans the her business. She still harbors
fact that he cannot afford habitation fantasies of being swept away by
in more upscale environs and is some dashing, heroic archetype, but
contemptuous of his neighbors, who settles for tales of dangerous exploits
regard him in kind. As a result he is and derring-do in the interim. The
rarely home, spending much of his quirky matron flirts with anyone
time in the Artisans and High Quarters, fitting the aforementioned criteria
leaving Rhedrick to deal with the and who shows the smallest hint
constant deluge of complaints from of kindness, proudly displaying
his employers tenants. Meanwhile, her almost improbably outsized,
Reldmars home is well-guarded with callimammapygian attributes in
traps and a private security force. tailored-made outfits designed to
4. Carters Street inveigle even the most puritanical
5. Meldin the Cobbler: Like Agatha onlooker. Agatha finds such
down the street, Meldin Henedrin (LN dangerous associations thrilling, and
Oeridian old human male expert 8) can count a number of adventurers
is capable of producing masterwork among her circle of friends. Some of
quality goods, but spends most of his these associates have placed wards in
time repairing the work boots of local and about her shop that have served
laborers. Overflow for this latter work admirably in deterring would-be
is relegated to his two apprentices (N thieves. (To read more on The Nimble
addiction to alcoholic spirits. Too many
nights of hard carousing have robbed
Andura of both youth and beauty, making
her formerly fetching features careworn
and blotchy with puffy, bloodshot eyes of
cornflower peeringoften unfocusedly
from a face now mapped in fine, red
Eye, see Appendix I). veins. Resident of a neighboring tenement,
Andura frequently plies her trade in The
THE WILD GOOSE TAVERN Gooses common room, taking advantage
of the convenient locale of her nearby
A. Common Room living quarters to adjourn to with her
B. Bar latest custom.
C. Storage Room Her addictions have done surprisingly little
D. Main Cellar to blunt her skill in wheedling information
E. Workshop from clients and as a result, she is a
F. Entrance to Safehold veritable font of information on what
G. Safehold goes on in the Artisans Quarter. Andura is
particularly adept in her manipulation of
NOTABLE NPCs Barnes and subsequently knows as much
Andura Gormund (N middle-age female about The Gooses comings and goings
Oeridian human aristocrat 4): A formerly as the barkeep does. Coupled with own
noted courtesannow aging, besotted her own observations of those occasional
trullthe slatternly Andura Gormund is visits by strange individuals who come
a near permanent fixture at The Goose. seeking something known only as The
Once a darling of the citys Garden Serpent, Andura has become unwittingly
Quarter, Andura has since fallen on hard privy to some potentially valuable (and
times due in no small part to a subsequent dangerous) lore.
Barnes Wythorn (LE male Flan human Grimshod. His promotion to his current
commoner 2/expert 5): Greasy, lanky and position is virtue of his simply showing
balding, this surly, hard-bitten individual up at the right place at the right time,
has served as The Gooses barkeep for something that Grimshod has made very
several years now. Barnes personality and clear from the beginning, alluding to the
mannerisms are conducive to one firm fact that Barness status of employment
in their belief that the world at large, by was hardly secure and that he could, and
simple virtue of their very existence, owes would be summarily dismissed if he felt
them everything. That he has yet to be so inclined for any reason. Therefore fear
paid his due serves only to fuel his serves to encourage Barnes to remain
bitterness, least of all instill cordial with his employerfear of losing
within him any ambition to the best job hes had to date, and fear
better his circumstances of Grimshod himself who has duly
through his own aplomb. demonstrated his ability to inflict
Thus Barness history injury on those who raise his ire.
consists largely of his Barnes is wise enough not to ask
being fired from one questions of Grimshods activities,
job after another due to or about the strange goings-on
offending some employer, that occur infrequently under the
customer, or both. Such taverns roof. However, this sense of
circumstances eventually discretion does nothing to curtail
brought him to the doors his willingness to answer
of The Wild Goose where, questions directed to
much to his surprise, he him pertaining to
was hired on the spot. At what hes
The Goose he is paid observed (and
more than hes ever speculate on
earned at any of his what he hasnt).
previous jobs and More specifically,
with fewer duties, as the Thieves Guild
Grimshod deals with the has taken an interest in
ordering, inventory, and Grimshods activities of
oversees what little upkeep late and has taken to plying
is actually undertaken. Barnes with extra gold to
Barnes is well aware that The Goose better loosen his tongue. For his part
doesnt take in enough to cover expenses, Barnes routinely documents Grimshods
and presumes Grimshods lack of concern movements, reporting what hes seen to
for the losses he takes is due to his Strivus Garondi.
involvement with some illicit activity that Garn Tulbrech (N male Oeridian human
Barnes, as of yet, has been unable to male commoner 3): A fresh-faced local
ascertain. teenager, Garns duties at The Goose
Barnes has no friends, not among the consist primarily of overtaking Barness
clientele and certainly not among his post while the barkeep is occupied
co-workershe hates and fears Grelnik, by other matters (typically trysts with
and is envious of Garns friendship with Andura). The contempt Barnes directs
towards the lad is quite mutual, with this oft-laughing, affable individual is
Barnes jealous and resentful of the often as puzzling as efforts to uncover
youths opportunity to escape to a life the mans backgroundat least until one
beyond this one, and Garn being derisive has observed his martial skills in battle.
of the barkeeps harsh and domineering Speaking with an accent that cannot be
ways. Garn is in awe of the mysterious properly placed by even the most traveled
Grimshod, who in turn has taken a liking of individuals, Grimshod steers inquiries
to the lad, occasionally enlisting him to away from the topic of his origins with
run errands about town. Garn also eagerly skilled application of both wit and charm.
informs on Barnes to Grimshod about the To even those astute enough to surmise
formers recent consorting with his otherworldly origins, Grimshod
Strivus. only divulges that on his world,
Grelnik Tuftbristle (N omens and portents have
male half-orc fighter 3): been made questionable
Grelnik is a refugee of the ever since the recent,
Greyhawk Wars, formerly untimely demise of their god
of Elredd when that city of humanity.
was overrun by the forces Grimshod is a grizzled,
of Turrosh Mak. Grelnik was yet darkly handsome man
conscripted into Maks armies of medium height and solid
and forced to march with them build who appears to be in his
as they made their way north, late forties to early
fleeing when they finally met fifties, but in truth
determined resistance and is chronologically
subsequently repulsed. a man past his
Finding himself suddenly second century
in the midst of hostile of life. His closely
territory, Grelnik was cropped hair is
able to make his way to gray in color, as are
Safeton and ingratiate his expressive high
himself within a military arched eyebrows and
counter-insurgency unit. Grelnik well-trimmed goatee.
moved steadily up the ranks, Grimshods most striking
until a violent disagreement feature are his lavender
with a superior officer forced him to flee eyes which shine with intensity whenever
to Greyhawk. Since then, he has eked out he is laughing or angry, and seem to take
a living doing the few odd jobs that were in and access all that they survey. His
willing to hire a half-orc. His position as deeply tanned complexion is a result
the weekend barkeep at the Goose is his of both heritage and exposure to the
latest gig, and one he has found tolerable elements.
as he gets on well enough with Grimshod. Grimshod is a well known personage in
Grelnik blandly accepts Garn, and enjoys the Artisan Quarter and Clerkburg, often
intimidating Barnes. visiting the latters places of learning
Grimshod (CG venerable male human to gather lore, or simply chat it up with
fighter 20+): The choice of moniker by the local sages. His knowledge of things
extraplanar is considerable and is often collecting protection monies from the
sought out by those seeking advice on local businesses in this neighborhood,
such matters. Beyond The Wild Goose, utilizing his personal gang of toughs to
Grimshod will occasionally visit the do the actual legwork. The only place
nearby Broken Staff tavern, or make his he personally visits is the common room
way to the River Quarter and The Green of The Goose where he confers with his
Dragon tavern when he wishes to unseat lackeys--and partake of the cheap booze
the current dragonchess champion. and Anduras charms. Of late, Strivus has
Grimshods skill as a warrior and explorer been tasked with gathering information
has garnered the attention of a number on the Gooses owner, as Grimshod has
of noteworthy individuals, not the least been connected with a preemptive theft
of which include the likes of that resulted in the guild being
Mordenkainen and members denied a valuable, magic item.
of his Circle of Eight. Former Strivus has since been gleaning
member Tenser the Mage information from Andura
holds Grimshod in particularly and bribing Barnes, along
high regard, and the two have with using guild operatives
worked together on more to study Grimshods
than one occasion to meet movements. Thus far the
common goals in and around cagey warrior has proven to
Oerth. be far too elusive, and Strivus
Grimshod is grows increasingly frustrated
as well-equipped and resentful of this assignment
as someone of that keeps him from the
his skill level and quiet, laidback lifestyle
ability would he enjoyed with his
be expected to former duties.
be. Among his
more noteworthy LOCAL KNOWLEDGE
possessions are a pair of CHECK:
blades he typically wields DC 10: The Wild
one that purportedly lays Goose? Pshaw! Trust me
fiends low with but a touch, on this one friend: youre
and another that renders better off pulling draughts
its wielder immune to from the rain barrel
magic. He also carries a complex work outside! Itll be cleaner, and taste
known as Rendergamens Catalogue better than any of the sheeps spit that
of the Outer Planes, a collection of place serves!
mathematical equations and cosmological DC 10: Just locals to be found there
menstruations that pinpoint planar and mind you, they dont care for
connections when used in conjunction outsiders at all; as soon thrash you
with his well of many worlds. as look at you, they will. Still, theyre
Strivus Garondi (LE male human rogue a sight more pleasant than that
5): A mid-ranking member of the Thieves miserable barkeep they got working
Guild, Strivus is primarily in charge of there
DC 15: Dont know who owns the DC 40: Grimshod is the absentee
placeI know it aint that sodding owner of The Wild Goose, where
Barnes, though. Hes always referring hes rumored to maintain an
folks to his boss when you ask extradimensional safe house.
questions about the place, though he
aint never there, whoever he is. ADVENTURE HOOKS:
DC 20: Theres one regular there that
I see passing through from time to The player characters are in need of
time that the bartenders seem to defer a particularly rare magical item or
to; Grimshod I think I heard them call component, and are referred to an
him once. Nice enough bloke, though off-world seller. To reach the merchant
you dont want to get on his bad side. they must find and gain access to The
Once saw him clear out the common World Serpent Inn to utilize its planar
room single-handedly in the time it connections, and are subsequently
took me to tell you about it! directed to the Wild Goose.
DC 20: Grimshod? Yeah I know him. It has come to the attention of
Cant say for sure where hes from Reldmar the Merchant that one of
though, and Ive been from one end of his security guards is actually on the
the Flanaess to the other, mind you! Thieves Guilds payroll. He requests
Hes one of those adventuring types, the player characters to perform guard
and good one from what I hear. Rumor duty for one night until he can find a
has it that hes done work for the trustworthy replacement, offering a
Circle of Eight, if thats any indication. generous reward in return. If the PCs
And smart too. Seen him in Clerkburg agree to the task, an attempt to rob
arguing with the sages there, and Reldmars townhouse is made that
usually winning! night and the level of successor
DC 25: And speaking of ioun failurethey achieve in thwarting the
stonesdid you know you can thieves determines whether or not
cultivate them naturally on the Quasi- they find themselves on the wrong
Elemental Plane of Minerals? You side of the Thieves Guilds ire, or
just have to get past the archomental accused of being in on the plot by
that watches over them of course, Reldmar, who then attempts to have
heh! Butwho was it that told me them arrested. Alternately, the PCs
that? Remember him quite well could be called upon by Agatha to
pleasant fellow, was referred to him recover several magical items that
by Otto the Mage, no less. Can see his were stolen from her shop and now
face clear as dayah, I remember in the possession of some larcenous
Grimshod! Most knowledgeable wizard who resides in a heavily
that one, particularly on extraplanar warded lair of his own.
phenomena. I would recommend
speaking with him as well if you wish The player characters overhear an
to further investigate such matters. assault taking place in the alleyway
DC 30: The Wild Goose is known to between the Goose and the
serve as a local access point to The neighboring tenement. When they
World Serpent Inn. investigate they find Garn being
accosted by two men warning him to of an imminent threat involving the
keep quiet, or else. If the assailants Wild Goose. A group of outer-planar
are driven off, Garn will relay to them invaders are preparing for an incursion
that he overheard them talking about into Oerth and are using the World
an imminent raid on Grimshods Serpent as a staging point for sending
safe house in order to kill Grimshod agents into this world. The threat
himself. Garn knows nothing else could be anythingan ethergaunt
beyond what he heard, least of all scouting party, githyanki warriors
the location of the safe house of doing reconnaissance, agents of Fraz-
which he had no knowledge of until Urbluu seeking to claim possession
now. Fearing for his friends life, he of the Goose for their patron, etc.
asks if the characters can help him by and the PCs must intercede before
finding it first and warning Grimshod. catastrophe strikes. The invaders
Unbeknownst to Garn and the PCs will be disguised, and will attempt to
however, is the fact that this is mingle with the local populace, most
nothing more than an elaborate ruse: likely starting with the patrons at the
Garn was meant to overhear that Goose. Grimshod will most certainly
conversation, with the subsequent become involved in such a case, and
attack added on for appearances, all may offer to lend his aid to those
in the hopes that someone could seeking to put an end to the threat.
be duped into trying to find the safe
house and leading them to it.

Anduras penchant for gossip and

snooping has finally proven to be
her undoing. Prying too closely into
the affairs of one patron has resulted
in her being captured and replaced
by a disguised Glaysa Meldaris, a
member of the dark cabal Grimshod
has clashed with in the past (NE
female human wizard 10). Glaysa has
operated under the guise of Andura
for the past two months, using her
memories and her own magic and
feminine wiles to gather information
about Grimshod and his access to the
World Serpent. Glaysa will use these
same methods to coax the player
characters to seek out the rumored
safe house and magical cache that she
believes is there, or even to convince
them to eliminate Grimshod.

Word reaches the player characters

Ever heard of the Circle of Eight? Well I met em, I did! Went to the Eye one
morning to have Aggie patch up my trousers when I sees her sitting with a
group of folks over tea and cookies. Oh Tars, Im sorry, she says. I meant
to put up the closed sign, but thats fine. Come sit with us wont you, and
share in some refreshment! So thats how I met the whole lotBigby, Otto,
even ol Mord himself! An lemme tell you: I never been more scared in my
whole life! There I was, surrounded by archmages while trying to hold a
conversation while munching on shortbread of all things! So take my advice
friend, the next you go visiting Aggie at her shopknock first!

--Tars Brodrin, in the right place at the right time yet again.
A large, overhanging sign featuring a group; Agatha has established close ties
sewing needle dancing with a spool of with the local community by generously
thread helps to direct seekers to this repairing their garments at cost, or even
out-of-the-way business in the Artisans for free. As a result, the locals are much
Quarter of Greyhawk. The Nimble Eye is appreciative of her talents and reciprocate
something of an insider secret among her generosity.
practitioners of magic in the city, as well The latter of the aforementioned
as some of the its better connected represent her preferred clientele as it
citizens. Adventurers too, are known to is they who most often commission her
visit this otherwise quiet, unassuming greatly coveted works of magic. Having
shop. learned her craft through family traditions
The shop is the latest of a long line of passed along by her mother, Agatha
businesses to have occupied this locale in nonetheless has wisely maintained a
the neighborhoods long history. Agatha friendly relationship with Greyhawks
Indragosen established The Nimble Eye Guild of Wizardry by offering further
over 30 years ago after emigrating with cuts in pricing when dealing with its
her daughter to Greyhawk from the Ulek members; this, along with her focus on
city of Jurnre. Since opening her doors only garments and articles of clothing,
in the year 561, Agatha has developed a has in turn allowed Agatha to accept
client base that includes many well-to- commissions from whomever she pleases
do residents of the Artisans Quarter and without being viewed as competition by
Clerkburg, with members of Greyhawks the guild (who in fact have been known to
Guild of Wizardry not the least among send referrals her way).
them. The inside of Agathas shop has The Nimble Eye is a two-story wooden
seen not only some of Greyhawks most structure with a modestly sized ground
upstanding citizens, but also a number of level and a much smaller upper level loft
the Flanaesss more notable personages, that serves as Agathas personal living
brought there by word of her reputable quarters. The upper floor overhangs the
garments. neighboring building to the west, which
Agathas cloaks, gowns and robes has served as a catalyst for numerous
have become status symbols among the disputes about the exact placing of
wealthy in all parts of the city and the respective property lines with the
waiting list for her services is extensive, buildings owner, Reldmar the Merchant.
due not only to the exceptional quality Fortunately for Agatha (and much to
of her work but also to the fact that Reldmars dismay) she has far better
the demand exceeds supply, and for connections to people of influence and
her wealthiest clientsparticularly thus far the merchants complaints have
those hailing from the High and come to naught.
Garden Quarterexpensive. It is for The front faade has a large display
those to whom Agatha holds especial window where one can see wooden
affectionprofessionals, adventurers and mannequins showcasing her latest works.
practitioners of the arcane mysteries Coming through the front door of her
that she reserves her best deals and shop one is treated to a large, open
discounts. Of the former, it is the local area with walls and floor of aged and
laborers that comprise much of this faded wood that are otherwise kept
scrupulously free of dust and grime, children of her own in a tenement not far
although it is not uncommon to see much from the shop. As much as Tambrin enjoys
in the way of scraps of material, cloth her work, she has no love for Greyhawk
patterns, and other tools of the trade and longs to move the business back to
strewn about during business hours. From her childhood home of Jurnre; meanwhile
there a wooden counter can be seen, Agatha remains adamant in her desire
with a flight of stairs going up and to the to continue working in the Free City, so
right. The entire ground floor serves as a Tambrin has conceded the fact that she
workshop, waiting area, and storage; may either have to wait and outlive her
to the left of the door are a number mother, thus inheriting the current
of comfortable looking chairs, business (unlikely), or start anew
divan and table, while to the in Jurnre. This latter idea has been
right one can see crates and the source of much tension between
trunks stockpiled next to a the two of late, as it conflicts with
raised platform behind the Agathas ultimate desire for one, or
window where Agatha more of Tambrins progeny
sets up her displays. to eventually take over
The rest of the The Eye there in the
area is where the Artisans Quarter
crafting is done when she retires.
with a large worktable, The shop
bureaus and cabinets, owner Agatha
stools, screens, racks (NG middle-aged
and shelving for supplies and female half-elf
completed commissions, while expert 12) is the
a stone fireplace with a supply product of a union
of firewood lies next to the between a lonely human
backdoor. seamstress and an elven
Agatha greets all custom adventurer passing
warmly at the door whenever through the Sheldomar
possible, or at the very Valley. Inheriting much
least hail enthusiastically from wherever of her human parentage, Agatha is stout
she is currently working on the shop and heavyset of build, though with much
floor. Besides herself, Agatha employs of that weight strategically distributed
her daughter Tambrin (see below) and distribution that she audaciously
two assistances, Ambreene and Kelti (N exhibits in brazen displays of fashion
human females Exp 1). While busy training that would rouse a dying man. Agathas
the latter in general crafting skills, Agatha mother was completely enamored of
has also been passing on familial arcane her wayward father and his exciting
traditions to Tambrin. The assistants stories of adventures and travel, never
are local girls from the neighborhood speaking ill of him even after his untimely
who occasionally sleep in the workshop departure; as a result, Agatha continues
when working on particularly involved to think of him with fondness. Indeed
assignments, while Tambrin lives with Agatha was raised on tales of grand
her husband, a daytime laborer, and two adventures, daring heroics, and glorious

with the occasional amorous tryst thrown

in for good measure.
Unlike her mother, Tambrin (N middle-
aged female human expert 4) inherited
more of her grandfathers elven traits
and in stark contrast to her mother is
possessed of a slender, willowy figure. As
acts of bravery, stories that captured her mother did before her, Agatha regaled
her imagination and stoked desires of her daughter with tales of her fathers
someday finding a handsome, successful adventuresome exploits; however unlike
adventuring husband of her own her mother, Tambrin saw no romance
somedaythis in spite of efforts from in her fathers decision to abandon her
her mothers family to vilify her absentee and her mother, and came to resent
father. This desire not only led to Agatha both him and what she saw was her
eventually finding herself in similar mothers navely complacent acceptance
family way with a passing adventuring of the circumstances. Subsequently,
wizard, but also to her decision to move Tambrin views all adventurers as being
her mothers tailoring business to the disreputable in characterlittle better
acclaimed city of adventure itself. Armed than tomb robbers and greed-driven
with her familys ancestral talent for mercenariesand opposed to their
combining cloth weaving with magic, continued patronage at their shop.
Agatha quickly made a name for herself Tambrin is embarrassed by her mothers
there as a magical artisan of note. Agatha behavior around such individuals, and
often fantasizes about leading a free- finds her tendency to get romantically
wheeling adventuring career, but long involved with the occasional client wholly
ago came to the realization that the unprofessional. She gladly leaves the duty
opportunity for such a life had long past. of greeting customers to her mother as a
She instead lives vicariously through the result of these feelings and when forced
adventurers who stop by the shop, flirting to do so, is barely cordial to those she
and fawning over the more fetching perceives as adventuring types. Deep
specimens that make their way therein, down, Tambrin envies her mothers free-
spirited lifestyle and ability to embrace life, and tailoring supplies.
yet would never admit this to even herself. D. Shop Counter: The daily account
Tambrin is entrusted with maintaining of business transactions are kept in a
records of all transactions yet small lockbox (DC 15 lock) beneath the
unbeknownst to Agatha, Tambrin secretly counter here. It is here that either Agatha
and willfully shuffles the order in which or Tambrin conclude business with their
they are taken down; thus individuals clients.
who take exception to her cool demeanor E. Fitting Area: A pair of dress screens,
may find themselves being moved to the and a full length mirror occupy this area
bottom of the list prior to her relaying of the shop, providing a somewhat private
their requests to her mother, or delay area for shoppers to try on outfits, or be
passing their on requests altogether. fitted for custom orders.
Besides her resentment towards her F. Storage Area: A stockpile of chests
mothers choice of clientele, Tambrin and trunks take up a portion of the space
hates living in Greyhawk: while Agatha behind the shops display platform. These
sees the Gem of the Flanaess as being containers typically hold tailoring material,
vibrant and intoxicating, Tambrin sees it unused scraps, and other items that cant
as a wretched hive of scum and villainy. be stored elsewhere in the shop. What is
Tambrin wants nothing more than to represented here is but a small portion
move back to Ulek, a subject that remains of the clutter the shop has accumulated
a continual point of contention between however, the rest being stored in a
the two of them. She has gone to great nearby warehouse owned by Reldmar
lengths to offset Agathas attempts at the Merchant. To avoid the outrageous
imposing her desires and influence on fees that Reldmar would almost
the grandchildren and arguments on that certainly charge the shop in retaliation
score have become increasingly heated. for their current dispute (and to avoid
having to use storage space outside the
THE NIMBLE EYE neighborhood), Agatha clandestinely
A. Front Door: The front door of the shares space with her neighbor, Meldin
shop is secured with a superior lock (DC the Cobbler.
40) andcourtesy of a former lover of G. Back Door: This door is secured in
Agathasan alarm and an arcane lock the same manner as the front with
spell at the 15th level. one addition: a unique 5th level spell
B. Waiting Area: Comfortable chairs and known as andruis baneful backfire
a divan have been set aside for customers further enhances the arcane lock placed
awaiting an opportunity to speak with here. Any attempt to remove the lock by
Agatha, or for family/friend to finish their means of any spell causes that spell to
fittings. A tableful of refreshments is be immediately nullified, then forces the
always provided during business hours. caster to make a DC 20 Will save, or have
C. Workshop: It is here that most of the a random spell of equal level to the one
work is done. The area is dominated by attempted erased from their memory. If
a large and oftentimes cluttered table, there is no spell of that level available,
along with a pair of cabinets, a clothes then the baneful backfire will remove
rack, and full-length mirror. A ladder lies a spell of the next highest level and so
next to shelving overflowing with tools on, until a spell is removed. This ward is
a lingering gift left behind by a long ago her initial fears and she eventually
visit from the incomparable Bigby of the befriended the strange creature. Naming
Circle of Eight (for more details on this it Patches, the raggamoffyn now serves
spell, see Appendix II). Additionally due not only as the Eyes mascot but also
to the number of businesses in the area as its watchdog. For a while, tales were
(including The Fruit of the Mill directly circulating about piles of cloth suddenly
behind the shop), any suspicious activity coming to life and attacking intruders
here will draw an inordinate amount of who were caught trespassing at the Eye
attention from the locals. past business hours. One of the Eyes
H. Agathas Living Quarters: It is here that best kept secrets, Agatha has told no one
Agatha resides when not working in her of its existence beyond Tambrin and the
shop. While far from spacious, Agathas two apprentices, who themselves have
modest apartment is well-appointed been sworn to secrecy. Patches itself
with tasteful, fashionable dcor and blends in perfectly with the background,
has all necessary amenities including a typically lying dormant as a pile of refuse
pot-bellied stove and full cupboard. The on the shop floor, or secreting itself
wardrobe contains Agathas favorite up to Agathas bedroom out of sight of
garments, outfits at once beautiful in others. While it never speaks, Patches
design and fashioned by her own hand. does understand Common and readily
The trunk at the foot of her bed contains obeys the commands of both Agatha and
her collection of books pertaining to Tambrin.
the study of magic, particularly where
it concerns the placing of magic into PATCHES CR 3
prepared vessels and the fabrication XP 800
of magical items. Agatha finds this Common Raggamoffyn (see Appendix II)
loft a quiet retreat for the purposes of
conducting her studies, or to simply
relax. A greater glyph of warding adorns
the wall facing the stairs that discharges
when anyone other than Agatha, Tambrin,
Ambreene, or Kelti enters this area
(though only Agatha and Tambrin know
the password).
Creature: Several years back, the Guild of
Wizardry donated a stockpile of crafting
material to the Eye, all remnants of
deconstructed magic items. Intending to
incorporate the material into items she
would craft later, Agatha stored it with
some of her own cloth in the meantime.
Inexplicably, the lingering magic of the
donated cloth interacted with Agathas,
resulting in the creation of a common
raggamoffyn. At first startled by this turn
of events, Agathas curiosity overcame
KEOGHTOMS OINTMENT causes growth to quadruple dimensions,
Aura faint (conjuration); CL 5th with sides, top, and bottom of one foot
Slot none; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 1/2 thickness, huge copper bands, and a
lb weight of 1,200 pounds.
A jar of this unguent is 3 inches in Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
diameter and 1 inch deep and contains ethereal jaunt, shrink item; Cost 12,500
five applications. Placed upon a poisoned gp
wound or swallowed, the ointment MURLYNDS SPOON
detoxifies any poison (as neutralize Aura faint (conjuration); CL 6th
poison). Applied to a diseased area, it Slot none; Price 4,000 gp; Weight --
removes disease (as remove disease). DESCRIPTION
Rubbed on a wound, the ointment cures This unremarkable eating utensil is typ-
1d8+5 points of damage (as cure light ically fashioned from horn and radiates
wounds). a dim dweomer of the conjuration sort
CONSTRUCTION if magic is detected for. If the spoon is
Requirements Brew Potion, cure light placed in any empty container--a bowl,
wounds, neutralize poison, remove cup, dish, etc.--the vessel will fill with
disease; Cost 2,000 gp. a thick, pasty gruel. Although this sub-
stance has a flavor similar to warm, wet
cardboard, it is highly nourishing and
Aura moderate (transmutation); CL
contains everything necessary to sustain
any herbivorous, omnivorous, or carniv-
Slot none; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 30
orous creature. The spoon will produce
sufficient gruel each day to feed up to
four medium-sized humanoids.
This copper-bound box is two feet wide
and tall, and three feet long. Invisible
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cre-
runes are scribed upon its front; these
ate food and water, purify food and drink;
reveal four command words. The first
Cost 2,000 gp
shrinks the box to a twelfth of normal
size, with all contents likewise becoming
minute. The weight of the shrunken
chest, empty or filled, is 30 pounds. School Abjuration; Level 5
The second word causes the chest (if Casting Time 1 round
of normal size) to function as one upon Components V, S, M
which a leomunds secret chest spell Range see below
has been placed (but with no smaller Area one enchanted object
replica necessary). The third word causes Duration see below
the box to return to full size or normal Saving Throw None; Spell Resistance No
place, as applicable. The fourth word
This spell enables you BACKGROUND
to protect societiesparticularly
not before she could send those warning
whereto magic
Myriad property
legionand areenchantments
the secrets held from endangered
is common. Raggamoffyns
ward. tend to cluster
by the infinite
tampering by other
vastness spellofcasters.
the multiverse,
The together,
With her operating
protector asnowmuch out inofsecret
the way,
awaiting can discovery
be castusually
on anyby magical
those item
who The Temporal
possible, taking Fold
took of theselected
opportunity hosts
or both motivated
even temporarily and knowledgeable.
endowed with to further
move against their agendas.
the wizardess Unlikeenother masse
Yet someproperties
magical of these discoveries
(such as anare individual
quite in a concerted
constructs, a raggamoffyn
effort to take is her
not captive
the result
under the effects
such was slow
of athe case spell).
with Ojhalia, andany
of eliminate
deliberate heract remaining
of creation. students.
Rather, As
The backfire
a powerful wizardess
remains anddormant
specialist until
in such the
it is attack
formedtook when place,
Ojhalia magical
ordered energy
the esoteric
time someone study
of temporal dispel
to castmechanics surviving with
interacts apprentices
inanimate to flee,
whoThe then
magic, break
in relation enchantment
to planar manifestations.
or similarA promptly
exact processscatteredis notacross
well understood,
the planes.but
magic event
the sent
object. The backfire
ripples throughout notthe
only Among
it alwaysthose results to in
one of wasfourthe types
time stream,
causes the magic inadvertently
to fail automatically,
revealing tobut Audarra Theiadan,
raggamoffyn. A raggamoffyn
a gifted arcanistappears as
an investigating
the dispelling caster Ojhalialosesa phenomenon
one memorized with
an animated,
a particular ragtagfocus assortment
in the fieldofofodds
spell of asa level
a timevoid,
equal toa thing
the spell thatorwhich
effect chronomancy.
and ends, roughly Soon humanoid
after her in flight
shape. from
up towere
they that point
tryinghad to dispel.
been nothing
If they havemoreno Ojhalias
The four types
stronghold,differ bothAudarra in thefocused
kinds her
than spell,
such the backfire
a postulated theory. causes
them as to efforts
of refuse in that
trying form
to discover
their bodies the ultimate
and the
well awas
lose spell
thatof Ojhalias
the next investigation
lower level, until of this fate andthey
powers whereabouts
possess. of her mentor. In
the caster has discovery
lost onealso spelluncovered
or has no a the midst of her investigation, Audarra
spell to plot destroy all mortal life on COMBAT
crossed paths with another of Ojhalias
Material a 7th Plane
levelby wizard
a powerful
is students,
Above all,aaplanetouched
raggamoffyn seeks human to named
cabal of undead
attempting to cast dispelasmagic
known the Union
on a of aTimiras,
host that who it can
offered dominate.
to aid inThe hercreatures
door thatahas plotbeenthat arcane locked and
was subsequently The twofrom
refrain established
harmingapotential lair in planar hosts as
foiled when
protected byshe baneful the
theenlisted backfire.
aid of Upon metropolis
long as possible, of Sigilsso they
Lower work
Ward quickly
from by
casting dispel heroes
themortal magic, from the wizard
the farwould which they
rushing in withbased touchtheirattacks.
foe that
lose oneofsecond
that plane.
level spell (equal to the assuccessfully
is well as an emergency dominatedbolt is wrapped
hole at The by
When thisarcane
of the threatlock wasspell)
finallyand averted,
the door World
the raggamoffyn,
Serpent Innwhich in case then
oneusesor more
its host
would wasbe thereafter
magicallyfree continue them
to defend
ran into itselfserious
and other trouble.
herThe baneful
study backfire isresearch
of timevoids, not effective
that Raggamoffyns
This latter precaution unleash their was full
against a spell
the attention
caster ofof a higher
other interested
level than for indeed
attack capabilities
their efforts against oncefoes again
the wizard
andwho sooncast Ojhalia
it. Inhadsuchgathered
a case, the the attention
resistant to their of themind Temporal
controlling Fold,powers,
a significant
magic wouldfollowing
dispel both of would-be
the ward and the were still
fearing rightfully
attempting thatto antrack
escapeddown foeand
spell it was put andinothers
place seeking
to protect. to share eliminate
will warn othersOjhalias of remaining
the raggamoffyns students; a
in her
material component
Unfortunately, of the
it also
spell pair of keepers were soon dispatched and
is a bitthe
of attention
cat fur andofathose piecewith of carpeting
darker Control
in pursuit, Host (Su): A
chasing Audarra
raggamoffyn and Timiras
roughly a cloister
inches of square.
keepers known as across worlds.
attempt to takeThe control
keepers of anycornered
The Temporal Fold. Soon after placing them
it has inwrapped
their lair (seein the
below).Lower ThisWardability
Ojhalia under their surveillance, the captured Timiras,
functions like the dominate
leaving one monster
keeperspell hot
keepers began capturing, interrogating, on Audarras
(caster level 18th; heelssave and forcing
DC varies; hersee to
What you had thought to be a pile of
and eventually executing her students flee to thedescriptions).
individual World Serpent, Asonly
a freeto action,
discarded clothing suddenly rises up
one by one until their murderous the monster
keeper track mayher relinquish
down there control as well.
of its own volition, assuming a roughly
machinations were uncovered by Ojhalias Panicked,
over its host Audarra
by physically
placed her anddesperate
humanoid shape.
appointed guardian, the solar Andirell. hopes on locating
disengaging itself from
one of thethelatters
heroes body.
The angel sleware
Raggamoffyns a fairmysterious
number of constructs
keepers rumored toTraits:
Construct have A beenraggamoffyn
enlisted by is Ojhalia,
before the of
composed more animated
capablescraps among and them
bits of and so stumbling
immune to mind-affecting
through aeffects, nearbypoison,
used powerful
cloth, metal, ormagic otherto refuse
but portal paralysis,
sleep, she soon found stunning, herself
in thedeath
of Greyhawk.
It is here effects,
that Audarras
and any XP 800
the Serpents other patrons, the trail takes
effect that
caught a Fortitude
up to her,save and unless
the themedium
N PCs to the construct
backrooms and corridors of
it also works on aasimar
The creature found Init +2; Perception
the place where Audarras
+6 safe house is
is not subject
in a battle
to critical
for herhits,life.subdual
It is this DEFENSE
located. After circumventing some of the
fight thatability
damage, the player
ability come
drain,upon AC
17, touch
found17, there,
the PCs15 at(+2
while journeying
energy drain, or death through from themassive
Artisans up with their foe alone at her refuge, who
Quarter one
damage. It cannot
night. heal itself but can hp
16 (3d10) attempts to eliminate the
be healedADVENTURE
through repair. SUMMARYIt cannot be Fort
PCs to Ref +3,their
+1,prevent Will further
+3 involvement.
The first orpart
resurrected. A raggamoffyn
of the adventure occurshas If they accompanied
Immune construct traitsby Audarra, they
darkvision (60-foot range).
while the PCs are leaving the Wild Goose OFFENSE
instead encounter the other half of the
tavern, where Grabthey(Ex):witness
If a raggamoffyn
a woman Speed
keeper30 retrieval
ft., fly 30
teamft. (clumsy)
waiting for them,
being attacked by whatisappears
an opponent that its own size to beor Melee
who immediately
slam +4 (1d6+3) attempts to slay both
smaller with a slam
a pale-skinned human attack,
garbed it deals
in blacknormal Space
Audarra 5 ft.;
the PCs5 ft.
in good order. If
damage and attemptsresults
leather. Intervention to start in athe
grapple as STATISTICS
victorious in either scenario, the PCs find
free action without provoking
assailant either being killed an attack
or Str
a clue
14,onDex their Con --,
15, foes bodyInt that
10, Wiswill15, Cha
driven off, or the woman herself beingsee
opportunity (grapple bonus varies; them to where Timiras is being held in
killed whereupondescriptions).
her killer If itflees.
gets aWith hold, Sigil. Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 18
hercan attempt
dying breath,to wrap (see below)
the mystery woman in the Feats
In the
final part
of theImproved
adventure, Grapple
begs round.
the PCsAlternatively,
to give chasethe andraggamoffyn
rescue Skills
the PCs Flymust
+7, Perception
navigate these +6, Stealth
new +8
has the option to conduct
her fellow apprentice before he the grapple
meets Languages
surroundings Nonewhile tracking down
normally, or simply use its
a similar fate, ending with the cryptic appendage ECOLOGY
Timirass locale, where he is being held
to hold the
message opponent
meant to help (20 penalty
in their on If
pursuit. Environment
hostage by another Any keeper. They must
pursued,check, but the seemingly
the assailant raggamoffyn fleesis not
into Organization
then defeat this Solitary,
latest pair,
foe inororder
gang to
considered grappled). In
the nearby Wild Goose tavern yet when either case, each Treasure
rescue theNone wayward apprentice who can,
followed inside,grapple checkbe
cannot it found
makesand during SPECIAL ABLITIES
in turn, show them how to return to The
with no witnessesrounds automatically
having ever seen deals their Serpent Host
Control (Su): The common
slam damage.
quarry entering; baffled PCs will need to raggamoffyns controlSTARTED
GETTING host ability has a
Wrap (Ex): With
make sense of the a successful
mystery womans grapple final Will
This save DC of
scenario 14. in the Wild Goose
words to a raggamoffyn
progress further. can wrap If on itself
the other Improved
itself. There Grab
any (Ex):
numberA common
of reasons why
around any foe it has
hand the PCs are able to rescue already grabbed
Audarra, raggamoffyns
the PCs are patronizingbonus
grapple is +4.
this particular
she introduces herself and beginscheck.
another successful grapple Suffocate
establishment, (Ex): A common
though raggamoffyn
if the GM desires
The monsterthem
questioning formsabouta skintight layer
her current can
to preserve the mystique of their by
asphyxiate a wrapped creature
location,the wrapped
hinting to hercreature,
otherworldlycovering drawing
discovering thetheair from its lungs.
existence of The This
it from head
origins. to toeshe
Eventually butattempts
leaving enough to enlist attack automatically deals 1d4
Serpent, their reasons shouldnt be tied points of
their aid in protecting herbreathe
for the creature to and helping damage per round.
to that place. The timing of this adventure
to rescueitsher mouth and nose.
absconded Attacks
friend; if theyon works best with the PCs either about
such a target deal half their
agree, Audarra will lead them into the damage to Scholars
to embark theorize thaton
on a night common
the town or
World monster
Serpent and and half to thethe
access wrapped
safe house raggamoffyns form from
engaging in some other late enchanted
night business
creature. An affected
she has set up there. creature can extract gloves, robes, hats, and other
that requires visiting some of the magic
itself by making a successful
However the PCs finally gain entry grapple clothing that was lost or discarded
sections of town, therefore necessitatingby
into theOnce it hasthe
Serpent, wrapped
secondapart creature,
of the its
beingThey are usuallyfor
fully equipped found near
the raggamoffyn can attempt
adventure begins with them either to control
tryingit cemeteries and places where magical
trouble. Perhaps the PCs are following
on its next
to track theaction.
whereabouts of Audarras battles haveofrecently
up rumors transpired.
some important A or
attacker, or escorting Audarra back to her common
they seek and looks
arelike a suit to
en route
bolt interacting
hole. After CR 3 with some of of mismatched clothing with no
a rendezvous or confrontation when thewearer.
The clothing
events of thisappears
adventure to bebegin,
in good
or simply
repair, of warhammers,
grapple until closer inspection
bonus is +7.
on their
and it would
way probably
for a nightstill of be
usable ifand
it reveals the weapons
Immunities (Ex): Guttersnipes
to actuallyarebe
saw The
could be Wild
Goosefrom as a the
construct. attachments
immune at the
to spell endsthat
effects of his wrists!light
A common
stop beforeraggamoffyn
for OlditsCity.
host or darkness.
If the PCs make their presence known, the
creature combat.
reason, It suffocates
the GM should the host woman immediately requests their aid.
take every
when it hasopportunity
either lost control
to encourage
over the Guttersnipes
Her assailant are most
on the prevalent
other hand, around
the PCs interaction
creature or has no further
with Gooses
use forpatrons
it. settlements
focused on his target, ignoring theand
of dwarves, gnomes, PCs
and allow them to experience the full halflings. They form from worn-out
unless they attack or otherwise attempt
GUTTERSNIPE as it isthe
ambiencesuch CR 5 tavern has and discardedonadventuring
to intervene the womans and
behalf. If this
to offer.
1600 Whenever they have had their fill construction gear. A guttersnipe
happens, read the following: appears
of medium
N the place, construct
or any point the PCs choose as a whirling mound of frayed rope, worn
Init +1; Perception
to leave The Goose,+8 begin reading the The manpieces,
leather in leather regards
strings, belts,you
Introduction. in a sidelong fashion as it speaks,
of cloth. Within this mass of material all is
21, flat-footed 20 (+1 Dex, the while pressing his attack on the
a core made of small gems, bits of glass,
At some
+10 natural)
point the PCs are passing woman. You
and glitter. are not of are
Guttersnipes Thecontent
Fold, the
to lie
44 (8d10)
or leaving the area when Event stranger intones dispassionately. Make
in wait for suitable hosts. They save their
Fort +2, Ref
One takes +3, Will +5
place: no further ability
glitterdust attempts to deter
to dazzle mewhen
foes fromthey
Immune construct traits,hasspells with light/ my
need appointed
to escape.task, or you too will be
At long last your group escaped the liquidated.
darkness descriptors
confines of the local tavern and into
the welcoming night air of the Artisans The man will
SHRAPNYL say nothing CR further
7 to the
Quarter. 20What
ft., flya20 ft. (clumsy)
wretched dive that was! PCs,3,200
XP and will not elaborate on the nature
Melee slam +7 (1d6+1)
None of you can recall in recent memory of large
N its task. Unless prevented, the man
ft.; Reach 5aft. more disgusting, immediately
Init +0; Senses returns his full attention to
; Perception
Spell-Like Abilities
unseemly establishment (CL 5th;asconcentration
that of the woman.
DEFENSE During the fight, the PCs will
The Wild Goose, with its unabashed notice
AC 24, odd
touch things about their24opponent,
24, flat-footed (-1 size,
filth, surly patronage (DC and
15). even surlier suchnatural)
+15 as his shambling gait and the way
staff. Yet all this is chaff in the wind as his 66
hp joints bend at impossible angles. If
you13, Dex 13,on
continue Con Int 10,lane
the,empty Wis you
16, Cha at any
Fort +4,point the Will
Ref +4, mans+3goggles and/or
find yourselves on towards your new clothing are removed,
Immune construct traits he is revealed as
Base Atk +7; CMB
destinationat CMD
least the19quiet a featureless, sexless humanoid lacking
of theCombat
night is Reflexes,
shatteredGreater Grapple,
by a nearby even discernible
Speed 20 ft., fly 10eyes. The man will take
ft. (clumsy)
Improved Grapple,
womans cries for help. Improved Natural every opportunity
Melee slam +12, ortogore continue targeting
+12 (1d8+4 or
Attack (slam) the woman with his attacks, even at
Skills DisguisePCs +10, should
Fly +5, eventually
Perception find
+8, the
Space expense of his 5own
5 ft.; Reach ft. defense while
Stealth +10 in one the back alleys or side combating the PCs. While the PCs engage
Languages coming
None off Brevin Lane. When they the 18,
Str mystery
Dex 11, man,Conthe, woman will 19,
Int 10, Wis attempt
find the source of the cries, describe the
ECOLOGY to assist her would be rescuers with her
Environment scene Any unfolding before them: wandAtk
Base and+10;
few CMB
+15; CMDspells.25If slain,
In the shadowy
Organization depthspair,
Solitary, of aornearby alley,
gang (3-4) the man melts into a discorporate
Feats Combat Reflexes, Greater Grapple, pool of
you comeNone
Treasure upon woman garbed in exotic black fluid;Critical
Improved if the man successfully
(gore), Improved slays
robes and
SPECIAL wielding a staff, attempting
ABLITIES the woman,
Grapple, he immediately
Improved flees for
Natural Attack to
to fend off
Control Host a bald, pale-skinned
(Su): The guttersnipesman The Wild Goose.
Improved Natural Attack (slam)
control goggles
abilityandhasa long,
a Willblack
save DCleather
of Skills Disguise +12,
+6, Perception FOLD+10,
17. The man is attacking the woman Stealth
(KEEPER) +12CR 7
with whatGrab
Improved initially appear
(Ex): to be a pair
A guttersnipes Languages
XP 3,600 None
N vulnerable to shatter
outsider (extraplanar) ImmuneArtist
Escape blunt weapons, construct traits
Init +7; Senses blindsight 200 ft., scent;
ECOLOGY Languages Common, Celestial, Infernal
Perception +6Any SQ body
Speed 40switch,
ft., fly 40dissolution,
ft. (clumsy) great leaper
DEFENSE Solitary or pair Melee slam +1 If(1d4)
Development: the PCs are unable
AC 21, touch
Treasure None 13, flat-footed 18 (+2 armor, Space 5
to prevent ft.;the
Reach keeper5 ft.from delivering
+3 Dex, +6 ABLITIES
Audarra a mortal wound, she will live just
hp 87 (9
Cloud of HD)
Steel (Ex): Once per day, a Str
long10, Dex 21,
enough to Con , Inta 10,
whisper Wis message
cryptic 19, Cha
Fort +8, Ref
shrapnyl can+6, Will +5
explode into a deadly cloud 15
to anyone who goes to her side. You
of flying, sharpAbilities
mind; DR 10/mag- Base
must Atksave+1; CMB +1; CMDI15
Timirasplease, beg of you
ic; Immune
creature within
a 10-foot spread centered Feats Combat
hes in The Cage. Reflexes
Go to The Goose; knock
on theacid
10, cold
points of10, fire Skills
three Fly
the name +9 of your patron to
10, sonic(Reflex
damage 10; SR DC18 16 half ). This attack Languages None
enter the Serpent. Once she delivers this
OFFENSE frees a creature wrapped by
instantly ECOLOGY
message, she expires. If on the other hand
the shrapnyl
40 ft., from
climbits 20control,
ft. and the Environment
she is rescued,Any the woman breathlessly
Melee mimicked
wrapped creatureglaive
takes+14 no damage
from Organization
thanks her saviors, Solitary, pair, or gang
subsequently (3-6)
or 2 mimicked
that cloud of steel warhammers
attack. +14 (1d8+5/ Treasure
her beautiful,Noneyet inhuman features
x3) Host (Su): A shrapnyls control SPECIAL ABLITIES
of burnished copper skin and hair like
host 5 ft.; has
Reacha Will
(10 ft.
of 19.
glaive) Control
flickeringHost (Su): of
tongues The tatterdemanimals
Special Attacks
Improved Grab (Ex):
breath A shrapnyls
weapon (20-ft.
grapple control host ability has a Will save DC of
cone, poison,
bonus is +17. Reflex DC 16 negates, usable You
12. have my sincere thanks for your
every 1d4 rounds), to Shatter:
mimicThe shatter spell
weapon timely
Improved intervention;
Grab (Ex): my name is
A tatterdemanimals
deals 3d6 points of damage to a shrapnyl. Audarra
grapple bonusTheiadan. is +1 As you have no
During Combat Whenever possible, the doubt surmised, I am not native to your
keeper willare
Shrapnyls trythe
to keep
only raggamoffyns
the woman be- world, but came here
Tatterdemanimals seeking
are the leastaid for the
made itself and of any
They lurk
reserv- desperate circumstances
of the raggamoffyns. TheyI often
find myself
lurk in.
ing at least oneasattack
battlegrounds well as toforges.
direct towards And not just for myself:
around rubbish mounds and other even as I speak,
A shrapnyl
The keeperconsists
of bitsdevoted
of metalto its my companion
places where refuse lies inis the clutches
heaped. A of
in every of size.
Its appearance
Audarra and canwill
take others like the being
tatterdemanimal whoas
appears attacked
a swirlingme.
every opportunity
greatlyone mighttoconsist
of swords,
this goal Iheap
his rescue, yet I cannot
tattered rags and
in lieu ofand
shields, all else,
gear, while
up its life hope
other to accomplish
scraps of cloth.this task alone. I
in order
could contain
to deliver
a helm,a killing
chains, and am
often take animals as hosts my
in your debt for saving life, yet
because I
keys. Shrapnyls
Until Audarra
are theismosteliminated,
the of would
are thecall upon
easier to your assistance again.
the raggamoffyns.
fights to theThey not hesitate to Will you please help me?
use their cloud of steel attack when faced While her original inte
Str 21,
with anDex 16, Con 14,situation.
overwhelming Int 15, Wis 9, Cha nt was to track down a particular
6 individual here on Oerth, the PCs timely
Atk +9; CMB +13; CR CMD 1 26 intervention and their apparent fighting
XP 400Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved ability compel her to make the decision
CN Small construct
Mobility, Power Attack, Spring to abandon this search and instead rely
+5 on their aid. Audarra wont mention this
Skills Acrobatics +15 (+23 to jump), Climb
DEFENSE prior objective to the PCs as it is no longer
16, flat-footed
+14, Escape11 (+1
size, +5 of any consequence, and has no name
+23, Knowledge (arcana, planes) +14, Per-
Dex) for the individual besides; if the matter
5 (1d10)+11, Stealth +15; somehow comes up anyway, she simply
Fort +0,Modifiers
Ref +5, Will+8 Acrobatics
+4 to jump, +8 states that she was only told

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