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1. Do you like todays fashion?

1. Do you consider yourself to be stylish?
2. How important is fashion to you?
3. Describe the fashion or different styles at your school.
4. What would you wear if you were going to meet your friends for a coffee in the morning? To
go dancing at night? To have a picnic in the park? To go shopping? To a job interview?
5. Clothes make the man is an expression that means people will judge you by your clothes.
Do you think this is true?
6. Do you pay attention to what the celebrities wear?
7. Do you and your friends have a similar taste in fashion? You and your family?
8. How often do you think about fashion?
9. Is it good to think about clothes and fashion?
10. What do you think about second-hand stores?
11. Do you prefer shopping at department stores, small shops, outdoor markets, second-hand
stores, or making clothes by hand?
12. In your opinion, is hair an important aspect of fashion?
13. Do you like wearing accessories such as a watch, necklace, bracelet, earrings, etc.?
14. Whats in today? In other words, whats in style today?
15. When you go shopping for clothes do you usually try the clothes on before you buy it?
16. Whats the most important/valuable piece in your wardrobe? (Whats your most prized item
in your closet?)
17. What pieces of clothing do you hate wearing?
18. Who is the best-dressed person you know?
19. Describe typical clothing people wear for each season of the year: spring, summer, fall, and
20. How much do you spend getting ready to go to school? / to a party?
21. What would you do or feel if you were refused entry to somewhere because of what you are
22. What would you wear to meet royalty or the President of your country?

shirt = camisa trousers = pantalones belt = cinturn

t-shirt = remera slacks = pantalones informales hood = capucha
polo shirt = polo, chomba jeans = jeans tie = corbata
blouse = blusa shorts = pantalones cortos bowtie = moo
sweatshirt = sweater = pullover tie-pin = traba de corbata
= jersey = slip-over = suter slippers = pantuflas braces (GB) = suspenders (US) =
cardigan = saco liviano de lana clogs = zuecos tiradores
dress = vestido shoes = zapatos handkerchief = pauelo
vest = chaleco sandals = sandalias neckerchief = pauelo de cuello
suit = traje high-heeled shoes = zapatos de gloves = guantes
three-piece suit = traje de tres taco alto scarf = bufanda
piezas bathrobe = bata shawl = chal
coat = saco nightdress = nightgown = cloak = capa
raincoat = piloto camisn cap = gorra
waistcoat = chaleco pyjamas (GB) = pajamas (US) = beret = boina
mackintosh = abrigo de tela o pijama hat = sombrero
lana gruesa socks = calcetines wide-brimmed hat = sombrero
anorak = campera, anorak knee-length socks = medias 3/4 de ala ancha
bomber jacket tights = medias bonnet = gorro para beb
underwear = ropa interior top hat = sombrero de copa
bra = brassiere = corpio helmet = casco

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