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Universidad de Guanajuato

Divisin de Ingenieras, Campus Irapuato-Salamanca

Mecnica de materiales avanzada

Profesor: Miguel Ernesto Gutirrez Rivera
Correo electrnico:


Al terminar el curso se debe tener un conocimiento de la elasticidad bidimensional como parte integral
de la mecnica, as como un manejo de las principales tcnicas para resolver problemas aplicados a la
ingeniera. Adems, desarrollar la capacidad de revisin crtica sobre investigaciones actuales de la


0. Mathematical preliminaries
0.1 Scalar, vector, matrix, and tensor definitions
0.2 Index notation
0.3 Kronecker Delta and Alternating Symbol
0.4 Coordinate transformations
0.5 Cartesian tensors
0.6 Principal values and directions for symmetric second-order tensors
0.7 Vector, matrix, and tensor algebra
0.8 Calculus of Cartesian tensors

1. Introduction
1.1 Elasticity
1.2 Stress
1.3 Notation for forces and stresses
1.4 Components of stress
1.5 Components of strain
1.6 Hookes Law

2. Plane stress and plane strain

2.1 Plane stress
2.2 Plane strain
2.3 Stress at a point
2.4 Strain at a point
2.5 Measurement of surface strains
2.6 Construction of Mohr strain circle for strain rosette
2.7 Differential equations of equilibrium
2.8 Boundary conditions
2.9 Compatibility equations
2.10 Stress function

3. Two dimensional problems in rectangular coordinates

3.1 Solution by polynomials
3.2 Saint-Venant's principle
3.3 Determination of displacements
3.4 Bending of a cantilever loaded at the end
3.5 Bending of a beam by uniform load
3.6 Solution of the two-dimensional problem in the form of a Fourier series

4. Two dimensional problems in polar coordinates

4.1 General equations in polar coordinates
4.2 Stress distribution symmetrical about an axis
4.3 Pure bending of curved bars
4.4 Strain components in polar coordinates
4.5 Displacements for symmetrical stress distributions
4.6 Rotating disks
4.7 Bending of a curved bar by a force at the end
4.8 The effect of circular holes on stress distribution in plates
4.9 Concentrated force at a point of a straight boundary
4.10 Force acting on the end of a wedge
4.11 Concentrated force acting on a beam
4.12 Stresses in a circular disk
4.13 Force at a point of an infinite plate
4.14 General solution of the two-dimensional problem in polar coordinates
4.15 Applications

5. Analysis of stresses and strain in three dimensions

5.1 Specification of stress at a point
5.2 Principal stresses
5.3 Stress ellipsoid and stress-director surface
5.4 Determination of the principal stresses
5.5 Determination of maximum shearing stresses
5.6 Homogeneous deformation
5.7 Strain at a point
5.8 Principal axes of strain
5.9 Rotation

6. General theorems
6.1 Differential equations of equilibrium
6.2 Conditions of compatibility
6.3 Determination of displacements
6.4 Equations of equilibrium in terms of displacements
6.5 General solution for the displacements
6.6 The principle of superposition
6.7 Uniqueness of solution
6.8 The reciprocal theorem

Timoshenko S.P., Goodier J.N., Theory of elasticity, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
Sadd, M.H., Elasticity: theory, applications, and numerics, Second Edition, Academic Press, 2009.
Boresi A.P., Schmidt R.J., Advanced mechanics of materials, Sixth Edition, John Wiley and Sons,
Volterra E., Gaines J.H., Advanced strength of materials, Prentice-Hall, 1971.
Sokolnikoff I.S., Mathematical theory of elasticity, McGraw-Hill,1956.


El curso se calificar con tres exmenes parciales, un proyecto final y tareas de la siguiente manera:
Exmenes parciales (promedio) 60%
Proyecto final 15%
Promedio de tareas 25%

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