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Micronutrient deficiency remains a major problem for developing countries, one of them in
Indonesia. People who have iron deficiency anemia, zinc deficiency, vitamin A deficiency,
calcium deficiency and disorders caused by lack of iodine still in high enough quantities.
Riskesdas data (2013) show that the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia that occurs at age>
1 year of 27.1%. WHO says less micronutrients particularly iron deficiency is one of 10
important risk factor for the occurrence of disease, disability, and death, which can be
prevented. More than half of the deaths of infants and toddlers are indirectly caused by the
lack of micronutrients. In Indonesia between 30 "60% of young children, adolescent girls
and pregnant women suffer from lack of micronutrients with various effects (Soekirman
2003). According Soekirman (2003), the need for micronutrients in Indonesia only 10-50% of
their needs are met.

Genesis less micronutrients influenced by several factors which consist of inadequate intake,
absorption in the lower body, as well as decreased bioavailability due to several factors
inhibiting. According Pacho et al. ( 2009) some of the ways in which to overcome the
shortage of iron is to increase iron intake, consumption of foods that have been fortified with
iron, pairing additives such as meat and ascorbic acid with iron consumption of non-heme
from plants, or reduce and even avoid the consumption of substances inhibitors, such as
phytate on vegetables.

The strategy of the government to address the problem of deficiency of micronutrients are
fortified. Food fortification is done for the reduction of micronutrient deficiency problems
and to improve the quality of a food (MoH RI 2008). Fortification of wheat flour produced,
imported and distributed in Indonesia must be implemented. Based on the Ministry of Health
Regulation No. 49 / MIND / PER / & / 2008, wheat shall fortified by micronutrients
consisting of iron, zinc, thiamin / vitamin B1, riboflavin / vitamin B2 and folic acid / vitamin

Flour for the people of Indonesia has become a second food commodity after rice, so that
future needs will increase. Therefore, the evaluation of wheat flour fortified by companies in
Indonesia needs to be done. The study results Hartanto (2013) indicates that 93.99% of
samples from 366 samples have been eligible SNI 01-3751-2006 and 95.85% of 217 samples
have been eligible SNI from 3751 to 2009.

Fortification of wheat flour is expected to be the way out to reduce the incidence of less
micronutrients. Reports coalition fortification Indonesia (KFI), based on the Global Alliance
for Improving Nutrition (GAIN) (2006), the fortification of flour with iron in Chile managed
to reduce the prevalence of anemia due to iron deficiency, so that anemia is no longer a public
health problem (prevalence of only 1 -7%). While Argentina, which did not carry out the
fortification of flour, the prevalence of anemia was recorded 27%.

The effectiveness of flour fortification in Indonesia, according Sukati et al. (1995) in his
research on the impact of iron fortification and vitamin A in instant noodles, showed a decline
in the prevalence of anemia in children under 5 years of 10.1%. Some of these studies
showed the importance of food fortification activities mainly on flour. Fortification is done
not just single nutrients, but fortification with multiple micronutrients. Multi-micronutrient
fortification is an effective way to overcome deficiency from two or more micronutrients at
the same time in an efficient manner (Darnton-Hill et al. 2002) and does not pose a risk loss
substantially or effect which deteriorated during storage and processing.

Based on data SUSENAS (2002), processed food wheat flour of the most popular Indonesian
population respectively fried foods (49.4%), instant noodles (48.6%), noodle meatball
(44.7%) and cakes (39.3%) (Hardinsyah & Amalia 2007). There has been no recent data on
food consumption of processed flour in Indonesian society. Based on the latest data in 2002,
the consumption of cakes in the community by 39.3%. It shows, moist cake made of flour
fortification donate micronutrient intake daily. The intake of micronutrients is important to
know its availability when absorbed in the body. Therefore, the analysis of the bioavailability
of micronutrients, especially iron and zinc in the traditional snacks (including wet cake) is
needed to add to the list of data bioavailability of iron and zinc in processed food made from
flour fortification.

Formulation of the problem

Snack food accounts for around 10% -20% energy and nutrient intake of each individual
(Almatsier 2001). Most hawker favored Indonesian society is made from wheat. Fried foods,
bread, wet noodles, meatball noodles, cakes are some of the most widely consumed snacks
(Hardinsyah & Amalia 2007). Due to the use of wheat flour for processing snacks, flour
become the second largest commodity after rice and is expected to continue to increase every
year (Hartanto 2013). Increased demand for wheat flour fortification program underlying the
micronutrients for wheat flour consumed almost every day in all societies.

Fortification of the flour has been set in the laws and regulations ministry kesahatan food, so
the need for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the program. In addition, the
evaluation also needs to be carried out on wheat flour that has been processed and consumed
by the public. This relates to the purpose of the micro-nutrient fortification of wheat flour
which is to reduce the incidence of lack of micronutrients in the community. Widyakarna
National Food and Nutrition (WNPG), yet have data on the biological availability of the
mineral-fortified wheat flour in some processed foods. Some formulation of the problem in
this research is

1. What is the content of iron and zinc on traditional snacks made from flour

2. How the biological availability of iron and zinc on traditional snacks made from flour

3. Is iron and zinc fortification of the flour has been effectively carried out related to the
biological availability of iron and zinc after processing?

4. Do jajanana tradisionan (wet cake) can be used as an alternative to reduce the

incidence of micronutrient deficiency Indonesian society?
Research purposes
This research was aimed to analyze bioavailbilitas iron and zinc on traditional snacks made
from wheat flour fortified with various treatment processes. There is also the specific
objectives of this study are:

1. Analyzing the moisture content, fat content, protein content, ash content, and
carbohydrate content on flour fortification were treated with three processing methods,
namely fried (donuts, bakwan, cake mine), steamed (steamed cakes, pastries cherry, pastry
putu ayu), and baked goods (cakes, pukis, surabi)

2. Analyze the mineral content of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) on nine types of products
processed flour fortification

3. Analyze the biological availability of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) on nine types of
products processed flour fortification

4. Efekitifitas evaluating fortification of wheat flour used as a basis for making snacks

5. Analyze the contribution of nutrients to the wet cake nutritional adequacy adults
associated with the availability of food and biological availability (bioavailability)

Benefits Of Research
This study is expected to provide information to consumers about traditional snacks made
from flour fortification that can contribute intake of iron and zinc in an effort to meet the
minimum level of dietary iron and zinc in a day. As well as providing data on the
bioavailability of iron and zinc on traditional snacks made from wheat flour fortified with
various processing that made the list in WNPG.

Time and Place of Execution
This research is an experimental research study. The research was conducted from March to
July 2015 in the Laboratory of Culinary and Nutrition, Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory,
2nd Floor, Laboratory of Chemistry and food analysis 3rd Floor, Department of Community
Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, as well as Joint Chemical Laboratory, Department of
Kima, Bogor Agricultural University.


The main material used in this study is a traditional snack made of flour fortification. Some
snacks Yag research sample including snacks with processing steamed consists of pastry putu
ayu, steamed cakes and muffins sakura, snacks with the processing of baked goods consisting
of muffins, pancakes, and pastries pukis and snacks with the processing of fried consisted of
donuts, bakwan and cake mine. The materials used in the manufacture of a wide range of
snacks including fortification of wheat flour, margarine, eggs, and sugar. As for the other
additives such as food coloring, baking soda, vanilla, coconut milk, shredded coconut, soda
water, and yeast.

The chemicals used for the analysis of iron and zinc bioavailability in vitro method on
samples consisting of deionized water, the enzyme pepsin (Sigma P-7000), pankreatin (Sigma
P-1750), extract bile (Sigma B-8631), HCl 0.1 N, concentrated HCl, NaOH, HNO 3, H 2 SO 4
solution sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3), distilled water, and oxalic acid.

The tools used in the manufacture of traditional snacks including mixers, basin, bowl, spoon
stirrer, cookie cutters, flour sieves, skillet (frying), cormorant (steamer), and oven.

The tools used for proximate analysis and the determination of the levels of minerals (iron
and zinc), among others cup aluminum cup porcelain, oven, furnace, pumpkin kjeldahl,
distillation equipment, bath electricity, soxhlet, pumpkin erlenmeyer, flask, funnel, analytical
balance, spatula, filter paper, rod stirrer, and instruments AAS (Atomic Absorption
Specthrophotometre) for reading mineral content (Ramadhani 2013).

The tools used for the analysis of the bioavailability of iron and zinc consists of a container to
soak glassware, Ph meter, pipette Mohr, pipette, pipette volumetric, test tube, aspirator
(bulb), funnel, glass stirrer, cup ashing, blender, burette, measuring cups (100 Ml 250 Ml),
erlenmeyer (100 Ml) spray bottles, plastic, scissors, binders dialysis bag, Whatman filter
paper # 42, sac dialysis (Spectrapor I, MWCO 6000-8000, he was: 32, 8 mm, flat width: 50
mm, vol / length: 8 ml / cm), shaking water bath, double beam Spectrophotometre Optima
SP-300, and AAS (Atomic Absorption Specthrophotometre).

Stages Research
1. Research Introduction

The first stage of research is determining the type of samples to be analyzed through a
survey of traditional snacks (cake) in wet cake seller about Pasar Anyar Market and Bogor.
Additionally, conducted literature as references to processed flour is used as a wet cake. After
getting a reference, the next stage of the research conducted sample making snacks with three
different methods, namely steaming, roasting and frying. The following sample preparation
procedure is complete.

a. Steaming method

Putu Ayu Bolu Bolu Steamed Sakura

Figure 1 The procedure of making traditional snacks steaming method

b. Roasting method

Pancake Cake Bolu Pukis

Figure 2 The procedure of making traditional snacks

roasting method

c. Frying method
Cake donuts Bakwan Mine

Figure 3 The procedure of making traditional snacks frying method

2. Main research

2 Proximate test

Test proximate to determine the water content of direct heating method (AOAC
1995), ash content gravimetric method (AOAC 1995), the protein content of the
method of micro kjeldahl (AOAC 1995), fat content method soxhlet (AOAC 1995),
levels of carbohydrates by difference (Winarno 2008)

2. Assay of minerals: AAS method (Atomic Absorption Specthrophotometre)

(Apriyantono et al. 1989)

Sample preparation by wet ashing method

A number of samples containing 3 g solids were weighed and inserted into the
erlenmeyer. Added 20 ml of HNO 3 and 10 ml of H 2 SO 4 wait until overnight to remove
organic substances. Solution was added 10 ml of deionized water and heated to smoky
with caution. The solution was allowed to stand until cool down, then add 5 ml of
deionized water, boiled until smoky. The solution was cooled and diluted to a volume of
50 ml, then the reading is done by AAS. Also carried a blank determination.

3. Bioavailailitas analysis of iron in vitro by dialysis method (Miller et al. 1981).

The main research aims to analyze the bioavailability of iron and zinc on traditional snacks
made from flour fortification. Iron and zinc bioavailability analysis using methods Roig et al.
(1999). Mineral samples dihirolisis of ties with the protein using digestive enzymes found in
the stomach and small intestine. Free minerals contained in the sample solution diffuses
through a semipermeable membrane into the dialysis bag containing NaHCO 3 buffer.
Minerals in the dialysate shows the amount of minerals absorbed by the body. The drying
process samples using methods of freeze drying is done before the sample is analyzed.
Process analysis and iron bioavailability contained in Appendix 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Processing and Data Analysis

Data types of traditional snacks (cake) were analyzed descriptively according to the survey
results of the study sites. Calculation of the sample manually nutrients along with the data
analysis of total iron and zinc as well as iron and zinc bioavailability tabulated using
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 for Windows. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using SPSS
version 16 software with different test t-test to determine differences in the contribution of
each sample to AKG.


Research Introduction
Confectionary wet cake is made of various materials, can be made in various forms, contain
enough liquid so that no durable stored (KBBI). Most of the wet cake made from starchy
foods, such as wheat flour, rice flour and tapioca flour. According Hardinsyah and Amalia
(2007), moist cake made of flour is one of the three types of flour processed food most
consumed by the people of Indonesia (> 3 g / cap / day) in 1993-2005.

A survey conducted prior to carrying out the research suggests that some types of
cakes made from flour that were encountered in the pastry shop around the market brand-new
and the market bogor is steamed sponge, sponge cherry, cake bake, putu ayu, pancake, pukis,
cakes mine, donuts and bakwan. Based on the results of the survey, 9 types of cakes sampled
in this study.

Nine types of samples which have been determined not obtained from the seller.
Samples made researchers to minimize the effect of treatments or harmful additives that can
not be controlled. Each sample to be studied, based on a standard recipe that refers to the
culinary book market snacks archipelago and interviews with some of the wet cake. Before
the test chemical in the laboratory, the samples were tested qualitatively to the 10 respondents
to the purpose, ensuring the physical properties of the sample (taste, aroma, texture) made
already standardized. Results obtained from the simple qualitative test, respondents stated
that each sample has physical properties similar to those commonly marketed.
Nutritional content of Cakes
A wet cake snack foods commonly consumed in the morning (breakfast), the mid-
time between breakfast and lunch or mid lunchtime and evening (interlude). Research
Hardinsyah and Amalia (2007), shows that in 2002, moist cake made of flour is the favorite
food of Indonesian society (39.3%). Processing by means of steaming, roasting and frying is
a method often used in making cakes. Results of the analysis of moisture, ash, protein, fat,
and are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 macro nutrient content of various cakes

Levels of Fat
Content Abu levels Carbohydrate
Samples Replay Protein Content
(%) levels (%)
(%) (%)

1 37.46 0:38 3.98 1:21 56.97

sponge cake
2 37.27 0:39 4:31 1:22 56.81

Average 37.37 0:39 4:14 1:22 56.89

1 34.79 0.82 3.87 4.86 55.66

Bolu Sakura
2 34.01 0.84 3.95 5:16 55.04

Average 34.40 0.83 3.91 5:01 55.85

1 36.85 0.93 5:06 10:26 46.90

Putu Ayu
2 36.56 0.94 6:39 10:41 45.71

Average 36.70 0.94 5.72 10:34 46.30

1 53.15 0.69 5.91 3:32 36.94

2 53.58 0.69 6:07 3:31 36.35
Average 53.36 0.69 5.99 3:32 36.64

1 37.83 0:37 6:14 8.61 47.05

2 37.15 0:38 6:56 8:20 47.70

Average 37.49 0:38 6:35 8:41 47.37

1 21:46 1:36 4:57 22.85 49.76

Bake cakes
2 21.75 1:40 4:59 22.97 49.30

Average 21.60 1:38 4:58 22.91 49.53

1 11:38 0.63 3:16 14.91 69.91

Mine cake
2 11:11 0.64 3:44 15:55 69.25

Average 11:25 0.64 3:30 15:23 69.58

1 19.91 0.90 7:50 7:56 64.12

2 20:36 1:04 7.73 8:12 62.75

Average 20:13 0.97 7.62 7.84 63.43

1 46.28 1:19 2:41 16.80 33.32

2 46.68 1:14 3:37 17.82 31.00

Average 46.48 1:16 2.89 17:31 32.16

* Test results based on wet basis

Water Content

Water is a key element contained in a particle. Particles of solid, semi-solid, or liquid

water content therein. One example, in food, water is an important component because it can
affect the appearance, texture, and taste. The water content in food to be one of the factors
determining acceptability, freshness, and the durability of the material (Winarno 2008).
Based KBBI, interpreted wet cake cake containing liquid so that no durable stored or fast
odor (rotten). Wet cake typically has a shelf life of 1-3 days at room temperature. If stored for
more than 3 days. will lead to changes in aroma, flavor, and texture of wet cake.

The water content of the wet cake ranges between 11:25% -53.36%. Cake mine has
the lowest water content (11:25%) and muffin has the highest water content (53.36%)
compared to other samples. The water content of each sample varies due to the constituent
materials in the manufacture of each sample was different. Results showed a high water
content in the pancake (53.36%) allegedly because of the use of thin coconut milk (150 ml)
water to the dough which contributed 60% of the total water content. Besides. processing into
one of the factors that determine water content in these foods. According to Henry and
Chapman (2002). composition of food is lost during the frying process water is replaced by
cooking oil. Samples cake mine has a low water content compared to other samples suspected
because of the process of changing water into water vapor because the frying process in a
long time, so that the surface becomes dry food. Along with these changes, the empty space is
filled with fat that is absorbed (Syamsir 2015).

Abu levels

Residual ash is inorganic substances oxidation of organic material in food.

Determination of total ash can be used for many purposes, among others, to determine
whether or not a treatment, knowing the type of material used, and as a determinant of the
nutritional value parameter of a foodstuff (Astuti 2011). Ash content in the wet cake samples
ranged between 12:37% -1.38%. Pukis cake has a low ash content (0.37%) and baked sponge
cake has the highest ash content (1:38%) than other samples. This is presumably because the
building blocks of each sample is different, so that the resulting ash content is also different.
The mineral content in the constituents of each sample also affects the resulting ash content
(Nielsen 2010).

Results of the determination of ash content indicates that the baked sponge cake has a high
ash content compared to most other samples. This is in line with research Ersoy & -zeren
(2008), that the processing of foodstuffs with roasted, increasing the ash content higher than
other manufacturing processes (fried, baked, and microwave). Meanwhile, in another sample
with the same processing that pukis cake, ash content obtained by the smallest. The use of
materials in the manufacture of different samples as well as the traditional roasting method
regardless pukis roasting temperature in the making, is expected to affect the results obtained.

Protein levels

Protein is an abundant component found in every cell. Almost all of the deposits of
protein in the body plays an important role in biological functions dn cell structure (Nielsen
2010). Protein is also used as fuel when the body's energy needs are not met by the intake of
carbohydrates and fats (Winarno 2008). Protein in the body needs to be supported by a
protein intake of food. Therefore. the levels of protein in the diet need to know the amount.

Protein levels wet cake ranging from about 2.89% - 7.62%. Bakwan have the lowest
nutritional protein content (2.89%) and donuts have the highest protein content (7.62%)
compared to other samples. In addition to the raw materials used are different, the processing
is expected to affect the results of the protein content of each sample. Food processing can
affect the nutrients in the food. One of the nutrients most affected by the treatment process is
protein. The protein content can be increased by processing, but is very easily damaged if the
processing is done in a long time and high temperatures (Winarno 2008). Therefore, the
protein content in the lowest bakwan allegedly because processed by frying in a temperature
of about 170A C "190 C in about 5-10 minutes. In addition, the high water content
in bakwan can influence the content of other nutrients in the food, one of which proteins
(Ersoy & -zeren 2008).

Although the processing is done together with bakwan, donuts have the highest
protein content than other samples. The use of different raw materials suspected to be a
determining factor for the protein content of donuts, namely the addition of powdered milk
and eggs. In addition, the process of fermentation by yeast can affect the outcome. Haryati
(2014), in his research on the effect of fermentation time on the chemical properties of kefir,
stating that there are significant long fermentation of kefir protein content.

Fat levels

Most foods containing fats and oils with varying amounts. Fats and oils are usually used as
auxiliary material intentionally added in foodstuffs for particular purposes. Functions of fats
and oils in the processing is as a medium of heat, enhancer calories, improve texture and
more flavor (Winarno 2008). The process of making cakes using additional materials fats
such as margarine, butter, shortening and oils aims to form the taste and texture of wet cake
as desired.

Wet cake fat content ranging between 1.94% -22.91%. Steamed sponge cake has the lowest
fat content (1.94%) and putu ayu has the highest fat content (22.91%) compared to the other
samples. Results are influenced by the raw materials used in each sample containing different
amounts of fat. As in the steamed sponge cake, do not use raw materials source of fat, so that
the fat content is obtained lower than other samples. Unlike the case with pastry putu ayu, has
the highest fat content than other samples because it uses raw materials source of fat is
coconut milk and shredded coconut. Coconut milk has a fat content of 10% and a half old oil
has a fat content of 15% (MoH 2010).

Moreover, the addition of margarine to spread and oil for frying, can affect the fat content in
the sample, for example fat content is high enough to bakwan and cakes baked. During the
frying process, most of the oil into the food and fill the empty space in the beginning filled
with water. When the final stage of the frying pan, a number of additional oil will be absorbed
by capillary action when a vacuum is formed inside the material. During cooling after frying,
the moisture in food will be condensed to form a vacuum chamber which accelerate the
absorption of the oil from the surface to the inside of the product (Thomas 2007).

Carbohydrate levels
Carbohydrates are the primary energy source in the body from food. In addition to
producing energy for the body, carbohydrates in the form of dietary fiber has physiological
functions of the digestive system (Nielsen 2010). Carbohydrates also have an important role
in determining the characteristics of foodstuffs, such as flavor, color, and texture. Many
carbohydrates found in plant materials, either in the form of simple sugars and carbohydrates
with a high molecular weight (Winarno 2008).

Carbohydrate content is calculated by difference, namely the reduction of the

percentage of the total (100%) minus the percentage content of other nutrients, so the levels
are influenced by the presence of moisture, ash, fat and protein. The results obtained showed
that the carbohydrate content of the wet cake ranging between 32.16% - 69.58%. Bakwan
having the lowest carbohydrate content (32.16%) and cakes mines have the highest levels of
carbohydrate (69.58%) compared to other samples. In addition to the composition of raw
materials used each sample is different, the content of other nutrients affect carbohydrate
content. High levels of water and fat in bakwan lead to a reduction in the percentage of
carbohydrates, while the mining cake, water content and low fat can increase the percentage
of carbohydrate content.

Carbohydrate content in the wet cake is generally considered high. This is because the
flour is the food sources of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate content in wheat flour by 77.3%
(MoH 2010).

Table 2 The energy content per 100 gram samples

Samples The content of Energy (kcal)

Steamed sponge cake 259

Bolu Sakura 297

Putu Ayu 301

Pancake 200

Pukis 291

Bake cakes

Table 2 The energy content per 100 gram samples (continued)

Samples The content of Energy (kcal)

Mine cake 429

Donuts 334

Bakwan 296

The content of Energy

Energy is one of the products of metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, and dietary fat diasup.
Energy serves as a substance for the energy metabolism, pertumbhan, temperature regulation,
and physical activity. Excess energy is stored in the form of glycogen as an energy reserve in
the form of short-term and long-term fat as reserve (IOM 2005).

Data results indicate that the energy on the cake moist ranges between 200 kcal "429 kcal
per 100 gram sample. Variation of the energy content of the wet cake is because the levels of
protein, fat, and karbhidrat different for each type of cake. The energy content of cake highest
mine (429 kcal / 100 g) allegedly due to the mining cake carbohydrate levels higher than
most other samples, thus contributing most of the energy in the sample. While most pancake
has particularly low energy content, it is suspected because of the high water content in the
sample, thus affecting the nutrients and energy contribution.

Mineral levels

Minerals are micronutrients with important roles in the body, therefore the amount of
minerals that the body needs to know. Some minerals are naturally present in foodstuffs in
quantities high enough (Nielsen 2010). Approximately 96% of foodstuffs composed of
organic materials, and the rest is mineral. Starchy is one type of food that contains natural
minerals. Albeit in relatively small quantities, mineral has a vital function. Minerals in the
body can combine with organic substances or in the form of free ions. Functions as a mineral
in the body builder substances and regulator (Winarno 2008).

Table 3 Mineral content (Fe and Zn) samples of wet cake

Samples Replay Fe content (mg / 100 g) Zn (mg / 100 g)

1 4.64996 2.41589
Steamed sponge
2 3.43785 2.05861

Average 4.04390 2.23720

1 4.77270 1.83543
Bolu Sakura
2 2.97553 1.40146

Average 3.87411 1.61840

1 3.15802 1.50891
Putu Ayu
2 4.19683 1.71423

Average 3.67740 1.61150

1 3.65963 2.45666
2 3.59138 2.39463

3.6255 2.4356

Table 3 Mineral content (Fe and Zn) samples of wet cake (continued)
Samples Replay Fe content (mg / 100 g) Zn (mg / 100 g)

1 3.53262 2.20981
2 3.19715 2.81748

Average 3.3648 2.5136

1 3.08015 1.87031
Bake cakes
2 6.99625 1.70516

Average 5.0382 1.7877

1 4.77561 2.16521
Mine cake
2 5.83183 2.30167

Average 5.30372 2.2334

1 8.70294 2.38065
2 6.31066 2.49593

Average 7.5068 2.4382

1 5.55191 2.50693
2 5.46032 2.31963

Average 5.50611 2.4132

Iron (Fe)

Iron is a mineral important that involved in the entire process respiration because its
role in the synthesis hemoglobin, which carry oxygen in the blood. In addition to a role in
energy production, iron involved in synthesis DNA and brain development normal and
functions in the air The human immune (Sharlin et al. 2010).

The content of iron in the diet consisting of iron heme and non-heme iron. Non-heme
iron is found in plant foods such as legumes, starchy and green leafy vegetables (Almatsier
2001).Data results showed that the iron content in the wet cake samples ranged between
3.6255 mg "7.5068 mg per 100 g of sample. Pukis cake has the lowest iron content
(3.6255 mg / 100 g) and donuts have the highest iron content (7.5068 mg / 100 g) than other

Results varied allegedly under the influence of the composition of the material used is
different each sample. Donat highest iron as raw materials which allegedly using eggs and
powdered milk, donated more iron than other samples that do not use the material
composition. In addition, when viewed under the data results, a process expected to affect the
processing of iron content in the sample. For example, the samples were processed by frying
have an iron content higher compared to samples processed using the method of steaming and
roasting. This is consistent with research Gokoglu N et al. (2004), which states that the iron
content in the sample is fried, increased significantly compared with samples cooked with
roasted, baked, and microwave.

Zinc (Zn)

Zinc is a nutrient that has an important role in many aspects metabolism as cellular
immune function and physical growth of normal (Sharlin et al.2010). The use of zinc in the
body depends on the composition of zinc in the diet. Food such as red meat, whole grain
cereals, legumes, has a relatively high zinc content. Other foodstuffs, the average zinc
between 25-50 mg / kg of raw weight. Wet cake containing zinc are varied ranging from
1.61150 "2.5136 mg / 100 g sample. Putu Ayu has the lowest content of zinc, and pukis
have the highest zinc content than other samples. Different zinc content is influenced by the
composition of the materials used in making each sample is different.

Based on the resulting data, the zinc content in the wet cake could be expected to be
affected by the processing. It can be seen, the zinc content in the samples processed by frying
greater than steamed cake. Research Ersoy & -zeren (2008), states that the content of Zn in
fish increased significantly after cooked by baking, frying, and microwave, but no increase in
the samples which were burned.

According Palupi et al. (2007), in general, mineral salts sigifikan not affected by the
chemical and physical treatment during processing. The presence of oxygen, allowing some
minerals are oxidized to higher valency minerals, but does not affect its nutritional value.
Although some food components damaged in the process of roasting food, the process does
not affect the mineral content of foodstuffs.

Mineral Bioavailability
Bioavailability is defined as the proportion of nutrients diasup, which can be used by
the body in normal conditions or for storage. Assessment bioavailability of nutrients in
humans and animals can be assessed through the blood (which can be used), in animal tissue
(deposits), and through excretion in the study using isotope (Frano e t al. 2014).

Bioavailability of iron associated with the process of iron absorption in the small intestine
(duodenum) so that the term can be interpreted in iron bioavailability of iron absorption in the
intestine (Muflihah 2011). Heme iron has a high bioavailability which is about 15 "30%
due to be completely absorbed in the ring and not exposed porifin ligands inhibitors (binder)
contained in food (Rolfes et al. 2008). In contrast to, non-heme iron around 2-20% which can
be absorbed, depending on the ligand and a person's iron status (Beard et al. 2003).

Bioavailability of zinc in the diet of the most common is usually in the range of 10-30%.
Some substances derived from plants such as phytates, fiber foods and lignin can bind zinc in
a way that hamper absorption so cause deficiency of zinc from food. Calcium too is known to
inhibit the absorption of zinc and often act synergistic with phytate to inhibit the absorption
of zinc (Nriagu 2007).
Figure 4 Bioavailability of iron and zinc each sample type

The test results bioavailability of iron in the sample shows, bioavailability ranges
from 6:43% -39.12%. The most high iron bioavailability in putu ayu (39.12%) and lowest in
mining cake (6,431%). Bioavailabiltas zinc in wet cake samples ranged between 11:41%
-30.48%. Zinc bioavailability highest in donuts (30.48%) and lowest in mining cake
(11:41%). Bioavailability of iron and zinc in the samples varied, allegedly influenced by the
composition of the foodstuffs used in each sample is different. Various studies suggest that
the composition of the food has an influence on the absorption and utilization of minerals.
Food composition varied, either in the form of nutrients or substances antigizi such as
phytate, dietary fiber, tannins, and others became the main focus of attention (Johnson PE

Preparation and processing of foodstuffs has also become one of the factors that affect
the absorption and utilization of minerals in the body (Johnson PE 1991). Food processing
methods can produce different effects on mineral absorption (Frano e t al. 2014). The data in
Table 4 shows the results, the bioavailability of iron and zinc influenced by processing
methods. It can be seen that the bioavailability of iron in the sample fried lower than samples
cooked by steaming and roasting. Similarly, the bioavailability of zinc in the sample fried, on
average, lower than other samples. This is not in line with the research Nugroho et al. (2013)
which states that the increased bioavailability of zinc in the samples fried and baked higher
than steamed samples. Frying and baking process using high temperature, respectively 200-
205 C and 160A C, thus causing the breaking of ties and affect the absorption and
utilization of minerals (Palupi et al. 2007). Research Hotz & Gibson (2007), stating that the
heating process will degrade some antigizi substances, one of which phytate which may
inhibit the absorption of iron, zinc, and calcium. Phytic damage that occurs depends on the
temperature of heating used and the degree of acidity (pH). Tubers boiled and blanched green
vegetables, lower levels of phytate as much as 15%.

Iron and zinc are able to inhibit the absorption of each other. It is not visible on the
results obtained. According to Frano e t al. (2014), negative interactions on the absorption of
iron and zinc only occur if both these minerals are in a solution, not to be in the same food.

Contributions Energy, Protein, Iron and Zinc against

General Adult AKG
Figures dietary allowance (RDA) or commonly known as the recommended daily allowance
(RDA) is the amount of certain nutrients that are needed for a particular group (age, sex,
weight, height, and level of physical activity) which covers almost all peduduk (97.5% ) for a
healthy life. Meeting the needs of nutrients can prevent various diseases caused by
malnutrition, including undernutrition and stunting, nutritional anemia, vitamin A deficiency,
and disorders caused by lack of iodine, which is still a public health problem (MoH RI 2013).

Table 4 Contributions of energy, protein, iron and zinc to the general adult AKG

Samples Serving Contribution

(cut) / 100
Fe (%) Zn (%)
g E (%) P (%)
Woman Man Woman Man

Steamed sponge
3 60 36.34 61.94 123.88 100.62 77.40

Bolu sakura 3 69 34.29 64.44 128.88 94.59 72.76

Putu Ayu 4 70 50.21 55.96 111.91 87.52 67.32

Pancake 2 47 52.56 69.72 139.44 121.28 93.29

Pukis 3 67 55.73 64.71 129.42 125.68 96.68

Bolu paggang 2 98 40.16 53.48 106.96 80.58 61.98

Cake mines 17 100 28.96 108.96 217.91 111.67 85.90

Sinker 3 78 66.81 116.53 233.06 121.91 93.78

Bakwan 3 69 25.34 105.89 211.77 120.66 92.83

* based on the general adult RDA (Energy = 2150 kcal, P = 57 g, Fe = 26 (Wn), 13 (Pa), Zn = 10
(Wn), 13 (Pa))

* standard for contribution snack foods / snacks (20% RDA)

Calculation of the contribution of nutrients require the determination of the number of

servings that nutritional adequacy rate per serving and its contribution can be calculated AKG
(Almatsier 2004). Serving to traditional wet cake in Indonesia does not have a standard, so it
is used the contribution per 100 gram sample. Weight of sample (100 g) dikonverikan to the
weight per piece of each sample, to obtain the serving size. The average serving size is 2-4
pieces of samples, but for mine cake, due to the weight per piece only 6 grams per 100 gram
serving is quite a lot, which is 17 pieces.
Energy adequacy rate of each sample ranged from 47-100%. Based on these results,
there are two samples that almost meets the minimum level of dietary energy snack foods
(20%) per 100 grams, namely, baked cakes and pastries mine. Apart from the two samples, a
wet cake only contribute 40-70% minimum level of dietary energy snack foods for the
general adult. The energy contribution of each sample varies, influenced by the content of
nutrients that affect the energy content of the sample (protein, fat, carbohydrates, and water).
Protein contributes to the general adult RDA is low, which has an average <50% from 20%
RDA snack foods. Referring to the BPOM regulation (2011) on nutrition claims, moist cake
can not be used as a source of protein, but it provides an additional daily protein intake for

Contributions micronutrients of wet cake is quite varied. Some samples were fried,
have adequate levels of iron (women and men) for having menyumbangakan more than 100%
sufficiency in iron for snack foods. As for the wet cake with other cooking methods (steamed
and grilled), only the adequacy of iron in men only, not the adequacy of iron adult women.
This is related to the needs of adult women would be higher in iron than adult men. Adult
women experience menstruation and childbirth so much to lose iron, and requires a very high
iron when pregnancy (MoH 2014). The contribution of zinc from zinc wet cake of the
adequacy of adult men and women differently. All kinds of cakes insufficient dietary
allowance of zinc for adult men contribute less than 100% RDA snack foods (20% RDA).
Meanwhile, the contribution of zinc from wet cake for adult women, only three species are
still less than 20% RDA, which is the cherry cake, putu ayu, and bake cakes. This is related to
the content of zinc in the three samples is relatively low compared with other samples.

Iron and zinc are contributed by the wet cake on the nutritional adequacy rate (iron
and zinc) in adults is relatively high, ranging between 61-233% per 100 grams. The results
are not sufficient to conclude that the contribution of iron and zinc from wet cake to snack
foods RDA for adults is enough. This is related to the bioavailability of iron and zinc which
need to be considered, especially in conditions of food patterns in Indonesia (Ministry of
Health 2014). Data bioavailability of iron and zinc on any type of cake has been listed in
Table 4. Referring to the outcome data, bioavailability of iron and zinc from wet cake is quite
small. When considering the bioavailability of iron and zinc, it will affect its contribution to
the RDA of iron and zinc adults.

Table 5 Contributions iron and zinc cake and bioavailability

Bioavailability (%) Contributions Total (%)

Samples Fe Zn
Fe Zn
Woman Man Woman Man

Steamed sponge
24 .06 20 .19 14 .90 29 .81 20 .31 15 .62
Bolu sakura 26 .15 17 .58 16 .85 33 .70 16 .62 12 .79

Putu Ayu 25 .63 20 .86 14 .34 28 .68 18 .25 14 .04

Pancake 29 .85 25 .35 20 .81 41 .63 30 .74 23 .65

Pukis 24 .89 25 .12 16 .10 32 .21 31 .57 24 .29

Baked sponge 39 .12 26 .96 20 .92 41 .84 21 .72 16 .71

Cake mines 6 .43 11 .41 7 .01 14 .01 12 .74 9 .80

Sinker 14 .91 30 .48 17 .37 34 .75 37 .16 28 .58

Bakwan 10 .62 18 .99 11 .08 22 .15 22 .91 17 .62

* The total contribution to 20% RDA snack foods for adults

Contributions iron and zinc cake to AKG adults are very small when considering the
bioavailability of iron and zinc in the body. Wet cake tends to donate iron is greater in adult
males, while the contribution of zinc cake varies between women and men. Contributions
iron in adult men and women range between 7-41% from 20% RDA snack food for adults.
Contributions zinc in women and men ranged between 9-37% RDA snack food for adults.
Iron and zinc are contributed by wet cake, the smallest is derived from the mining cake,
because the level of bioavailability of iron and zinc on the cake is very small.

Based on the results obtained, the wet cake can not be used as a food recommended as
a snack food source of iron and zinc. Flour before processing can contribute about 20% of the
adult RDA and Zn contributes 30% of the adult RDA. Food labeling is estimated
bioavailability of approximately 2-20% wheat flour because it is a kind of vegetable food.
The main ingredient is wheat flour cake that is as much as 47%, and 53% are other foodstuffs
(Hardinsyah & Amalia 2007).

Consumption of wheat flour and processed foods, continues to rise. Consumption of

wet cake enough to increase from year to year, but the complete data regarding the
consumption of cakes made from wheat flour can not be obtained in full. This is related to the
lack of research on the cake (the basic ingredients of flour), so it is still a bit of information to
the public. Recent research conducted by Hardinsyah and Amalia (2007), the increased
consumption of wheat flour and processed food in Indonesia. Increased consumption of cakes
made from wheat flour is relatively small, compared with other preparations such as fried
foods and noodles. Each year, the consumption of fried noodles and increased significantly in
various circles as well as in villages and towns (years 1993-2002). For the cake, from 1993 to
2002, the average increase per year was quite low at 0.3%. It is presumed, in the year 1993-
2002, the type of cake are consumed relatively simple. Indonesian residents who eat cakes
made from wheat flour by 39.3% in 2002. Based on data from Susenas (2012), moist cake
consumption as much as 0.2 grams / capita / week or 0.8 grams / capita / month. Such data
are wet cake is keseuruhan consumption, not specifically made from wheat flour. The data
shows that consumption of the wet cake mainly made of flour still low. When looking at the
mineral content of the wet cake made from flour that has been fortified, the average
contribution of minerals (Fe and Zn) moist cake 100 grams per day, it meets AKG adults.

Snacks known as wet cake made of flour are sold in Bogor, West Java consists of
steamed cakes, cherry cake, putu ayu, pancake, pukis, baked cakes, pastry mine, donuts, and
bakwan. Nutrient content of each type of cake varies, depending on the composition and the
process of ripening. Per 100 grams of wet cake containing water is quite high, ranging
between 11.2-53.3%, ash content ranging from 0:37 to 1:19%, a relatively low protein
content between 2.8-7.6%, fat content between 1.2-22.8%, carbohydrate 32.1 -59.5%, and
contains the energy range between 200-429 kcal.

Mineral fortified the flour consists of iron and zinc. Iron content of each kind of cakes
varied, ranging from 2.9-6.0 mg / 100g and zinc content of each kind of cakes ranged from
1.6-2.5 mg / 100g. The availability of iron and zinc in the wet cake will affect the biological
availability in the body. Bioavailability of iron in each sample ranged from 6.4-36.1%, while
the bioavailability of zinc ranging from 11.4-30.4%. The availability of iron and zinc in food
and biological availability needs to be known to determine the contribution of iron and zinc
to AKG adults. Despite the availability of foodstuffs in pretty high, but low biological
availability, then the contribution of iron and zinc in the wet cake is low, because it has not
reached 20% RDA snack food for adults.

The fiber content in foods can affect the bioavailability of minerals in food, so that the
fiber content analysis needs to be done. This study is limited to testing in vitro, suggested
further research, identification and analysis in vivo to animals or humans. To evaluate the
effectiveness of fortification of wheat flour and analysis directly to the public required
consumption data moist cake made of flour are complete, so that the necessary preliminary

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Appendix 1 Procedure analysis Fe and Zn bioavailability (Roig et al. 1999, in

Nugroho et al. 2013) stage 1

Figure 5 Procedure Fe and Zn bioavailability analysis (Roig et al. 1999) stage 1

Appendix 2 Procedure Fe and Zn bioavailability analysis (Roig et al. 1999) Phase 2

Figure 6 Procedure Fe and Zn bioavailability analysis (Roig et al. 1999) Phase 2

Appendix 3 Procedure Fe and Zn bioavailability analysis (Roig et al. 1999) stage 3

Figure 7 Procedures Fe and Zn bioavailability analysis (Roig et al. 1999) stage 3

Appendix 4 analysis procedures total Fe and Zn (Roig et al. 1999)

7 image analysis procedures total Fe and Zn (Roig et al., 1999)

Appendix 5 Documentation

Steamed sponge cake cherry

Putu Ayu Serabi

Bake Bolu Pukis

Mine cake donuts

Moisture content (oven) levels of fat (Soxhlet)

Protein levels (Distillation kjehdal) mineral levels (destruction)

Mineral bioavailability (pH) frezze dryer

Appendix 6 Table data from mineral bioavailability

Sample Total Mineral dialysate Total Mineral in Bio Sa

Weight (mg / 100g) (mg / 100g)
weight T2
Code T1 Weight ml Dialysate
equivalent Weight
Samples (g) Titration NaHCO3 Weight (g)
of 0.4 g P (g)
(g) (g)
Fe Zn Fe Zn

A 6.62 6.62 6.63 17.1 .3207 15.657 0.320 0.179 0.208 0

B 7,24 7.23 7,24 18.4 .3454 18.282 0,305 0.134 0.214 0

C 7.21 7.21 7.21 21.4 .4010 18.346 0.280 0,118 0.200 0

D 3.29 3.28 3.29 18.7 0.350 21.208 0,153 0.097 0.108 0

E 4.30 4.29 4.29 16.9 .3169 18.544 0.182 0.128 0.136 0

F 5.26 5.26 5.26 19.6 .3672 19.833 0.304 0.108 0.154 0

G 11.62 11.60 11.61 21.7 .4071 20.434 0.170 0.140 0.540 0

H 4.64 4.66 4.61 19.7 .3652 17.361 0.195 0.192 0.227 0

I 9.31 9.31 9.31 30.9 .5791 20.336 0.220 0.218 0.428 0



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