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Biology animal report:

Maarten colon A1E

Table of content
2.Biological information
3.Natural information

I think that the camel is an very interesting animal because it
has very interesting features like: He has a hump on his back
to store water , that he lives in deserts, that he is able to
survive for a long time in the desert. I also think that they are
very beautiful for where they live because not many animals
will be able to live there without overheating.

Main body
Biological information
A camel grows up to 1.85m at the shoulder and at the hump
up to 2.10m . they can become forty to fifty years. They can
run about 65km an hour but usually when they run they run
about 40km an hour. Then they will be able to do it longer. It
weighs about 300 to 1000 kilo the hump doesnt store water
directly. It stores body fat wich is mostly water and also has
more nutrients than just water so it also gives him some
food. it is in the vertebrates phylum because it is bilaterally
symmetrical and it has an internal skeleton. The Latin names
for vertebrates are: aves, Mammalia, Amphibia, osteichthyes,
chondrichtyes and reptilia.
the fact that he is bilaterally symmetrical and has an internal
skeleton makes him part of this group. If he would not have
those things he wouldnt be able to be in this phylum.
Here is a table with animals who are also in this phylum

Fishes Amphibians
Birds Reptiles
A camel is a mammal so he is in this phylum.

Natural information
Camels are smart animals because they store water to
survive longer. They need this because they live in deserts
which are mostly in south Africa and for the rest a little bit in
morocco and in Australia. You can conclude that they like hot
places and they are able to survive for a long time without
food or water. Camels eat about everything of vegetables
even thorny cactuses. They can stand allot of heat and allot
of sun as well . he has almost no enemys because there
dont live any enemys there. The only big enemy is the
scorpion because other animals dont survive it in that heat.
A lion would definitely eat him or her but he will never get
the chance. I also have some facts about animals like: a
camel never sweats even when the temperature reaches 49
degrees. They also take the evaporated water that the breath
and catch it in their cheeks to re-use the water.

The earliest known camel is called protylptus. It lived in north
America 40 to 50 million years ago. It was about the size of a
rabbit and lived in the woods of what is now South Dakota. By
35 million years ago the poebrotherium (the next camel like
animal) was the size of a goat and had many more
similaritys to camels. The direct ancestor of all modern
camels, the procamelus existed in the upper parts of south
America and lower parts of north America Around 35 million
years ago. Then you get the normal camels were we are used
this was an very interesting project because we had to do
allot but I think it was still pretty funny to do. The project was
hard but helpful. It helped me in learning things about a
camel and learning new ways to improve my way in
searching for information. It helped me in such a way that I
kind of want to make another report. Just so that I can learn
more. The troubles that I had were that at first I needed to do
allot of research which I am honestly not too good at.
Secondly I didnt know half of the words so that made me
research even more and last I wasnt able to work on the
report in the lesson so I said allot of the time(which is my
own problem) Ill do it tomorrow. I said this allot.

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