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Appendix 2.

Student Handout

Ethical Responsibilities to Children, Paraphrased

Directions: Use the column My Paraphrase to write in your own words what each responsibility means and the
row My Views to write your opinion or view of this responsibility.

Ethical Responsibility 1 My Paraphrase

Do not cause harm/pain to
Do not harm children children.

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 2 My Paraphrase

Only involve those who are
Involve those with relevant knowledge related to the situation/ child.
in decisions about children

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 3 My Paraphrase

Always start with the positives of
Communicate concerns about children in the child then properly address
a positive way the issue/s.

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 4 My Paraphrase

Know what child abuse signs are
Be familiar with symptoms of child and what to do if you have a
abuse and know procedures for concern.

My Views
Appendix 2.02H
Student Handout

Ethical Responsibilities to Families, Paraphrased

Directions: Use the column My Paraphrase to write in your own words what each responsibility means and the
row My Views to write your opinion or view of this responsibility.

Ethical Responsibility 1 My Paraphrase

Always allow family members in
Not to deny family members access to the daycare at all times.

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 2 My Paraphrase

Inform families of who is taking
Inform families of philosophy, policies, care of their child/ren and the
and personnel qualifications qualifications one has to do so.

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 3 My Paraphrase

Always get consent before
Keep fully informed of research projects involving children in specific
involving their children and gain consent activities.

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 4 My Paraphrase

Don't use your relations with
Not use relationship with family for family to help yourself.
personal advantage

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 5 My Paraphrase

What happens in the daycare,
Maintain confidentiality and the familys stays in the daycare.
right to privacy

My Views
Appendix 2.02I
Student Handout

Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues, Paraphrased

Directions: Use the column My Paraphrase to write in your own words what each responsibility means and the
row My Views to write your opinion or view of this responsibility.

Ethical Responsibility 1 My Paraphrase

Inform co-workers of the issue
Inform co-workers first of concerns and and try to solve it efficiently.
attempt to resolve

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 2 My Paraphrase

If you disagree with a rule/
When disagreeing with program routine, start at the facility with
policies, first attempt to effect change attempts to change it.
within the organization

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 3 My Paraphrase

Inform your staff that it's coming
Inform employees who do not meet time to renew or update
program standards of concerns and assist qualifications.
in making improvements

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 4 My Paraphrase

Dont hire your homie, hire
Base hiring and promotion solely on people based on qualifications to
records of accomplishment and ability the job.

My Views
Appendix 2.02J
Student Handout

Ethical Responsibilities to Community & Society,

Directions: Use the column My Paraphrase to write in your own words what each responsibility means and the
row My Views to write your opinion or view of this responsibility.

Ethical Responsibility 1 My Paraphrase

Assure the families know the
Communicate openly and truthfully services and you are truthful
about the nature and extent of services about the services.

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 2 My Paraphrase

Associate with the people in your
Cooperate with other professionals who field.
work with children and families

My Views

Ethical Responsibility 3 My Paraphrase

Dont break the law.
Refrain from participating in practices
that violate laws and regulations that
protect children
My Views

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