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{ 2008 08 28 }

An Enumeration of Prime Numbers with Anonymous Methods

In this post, I am going to demonstrate a programming technique which cannot be done without
anonymous methods (or lambda expressions). I’ll throw in some generics for fun. First, though, I need
to describe the problem I’m solving.

I want to solve problem three of Project Euler. Project Euler is a web site which poses a series of
programming problems intended to teach you mathematical concepts. Here is problem three:

The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.

What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?

In order to compute prime factors, it helps to have a method to return a list of primes. A very simple
algorithm to do this is called the Sieve of Eratosthenes. If you don’t already know this algorithm well
enough to implement it yourself, then please read the Wikipedia article I just linked before continuing.
The rest of this post will make very little sense unless you understand the Sieve.

I’m going to make a minor change to the algorithm described in the article. In that version, you begin
by "writing a list of numbers from 2 to the largest number, say n, you want to test for primality." That
won’t work for me, since I don’t know the largest number I need to test for primality. I could guess,
but I might be wrong, and, in any event, it seems inelegant.

So I’m going to take a different approach. Whenever I have a need for a sequence of something, say,
prime numbers, I think of enumerations. It’s common to see enumerations over a fixed list, like strings
in a TStringList, but they work just as well for infinite lists. So I’m going to write an enumerator
which returns prime numbers in ascending order.

The basic outline of the algorithm is this:

1. Start with the lowest prime number.

2. Increment the current prime number.
3. Test it with a function which returns false if any of the previous prime numbers are factors of
the number tested, true otherwise.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until a new prime is found.

Obviously, the heart of the algorithm is the function in step 3. To solve this problem without
anonymous methods, I would need to maintain a list of the primes returned previously, and test each
one in sequence. That would work fine, but I am going to demonstrate a different approach.

Since I happen to know that 2 is prime, I’m going to start with a function which returns true. So in step
1 I’ll begin with 1, not a prime number, but the "uninitialized" start of the enumeration. Note that the
value 1 will never be returned by the enumeration. In step 2, I’ll increment it to 2. In step 3, I’ll test it
with my function, which, at this point, returns the constant true. So far, so good, since 2 is prime.

Now I need to change the function to one which excludes products of 2, the first returned prime. That
way, when we get to 4, it will be rejected by the function. In order to do this, I’m going to dynamically
create a new function and substitute it for the original function which always returned true.

OK, enough chat. Let’s look at some code. First, here is the
interface for the enumerator: TPrimeNumberEnumerator = class


FCurrent: integer;

FIsPrime: TPredicate<integer>;

function MakeFilter(CurrentPredicate: TPredicate<integer>;

CurrentPrime: integer): TPredicate<integer>;


constructor Create;

function GetCurrent: Integer;

function MoveNext: boolean;

procedure Reset;

property Current: integer read GetCurrent;


The public portion of the interface is just an implementation of the

enumerator pattern in Delphi, plus the constructor, which simply
calls Reset. FCurrent will hold the last prime number returned, or 1
if no primes have been returned yet. FIsPrime is a reference to a
function which returns false if any of the previously returned
returned primes are even factors of the integer argument passed, and
true otherwise. TPredicate<integer> means a function which returns a
Boolean with a single, integer argument. GetCurrent just returns
FCurrent. First, let’s look at Reset, which gets everything ready.
procedure TPrimeNumberEnumerator.Reset;


FCurrent := 1;

FIsPrime := function(AValue: integer): boolean


Result := True;



FCurrent is initialized to the value below the first value returned, as with many enumerator
implementations. FIsPrime, at this point, ignores its argument, and simply returns true. I used an
anonymous function here for consistency with the rest of the code, but a non-anonymous function
could have been used in this part. Again, since I know that 3 is prime, this trivial function is good
enough for this specific case, although we’ll need something better soon!

The heart of the enumerator is in MoveNext and MakeFilter. Here’s

MoveNext: function TPrimeNumberEnumerator.MoveNext: boolean;



while not FIsPrime(FCurrent) do Inc(FCurrent);

FIsPrime := MakeFilter(FIsPrime, FCurrent);

Result := true;


That’s just the algorithm I described above. Increment FCurrent, then test this value for primality.
Keep incrementing until we find a new prime. Return True, since there’s always another prime.

Importantly, however, when a prime is found I modify the predicate

FIsPrime in such a way that it excludes products of this prime.
That’s the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Let’s look at how this is done:
function TPrimeNumberEnumerator.MakeFilter(

CurrentPredicate: TPredicate<integer>;

CurrentPrime: integer): TPredicate<integer>;


Result := function(AValue: integer): boolean


Result := CurrentPredicate(AValue) and ((AValue mod CurrentPrime)

<> 0);



MakeFilter takes the function it was passed plus a new prime number and returns a new function,
which returns false if the passed function, CurrentPredicate, returns false or the integer argument,
AValue, can be evenly divided by the prime number passed to MakeFilter. The new function returns
true, otherwise. Note that the function is "capturing" both the original function, CurrentPredicate, and
CurrentPrime, both of which are arguments to MakeFilter, but not to the function returned.

Since I always pass FIsPrime as the CurrentPredicate argument, each time I call MakeFilter I’m
enhancing FIsPrime to exclude more non-prime numbers.

In effect, I’m creating a new function which has only one argument, AValue, but incorporates two
additional arguments, CurrentPredicate and CurrentPrime. The difference is that CurrentPredicate and
CurrentPrime are captured from the creating method and hence fixed at the time the function is created,
whereas AValue will be specified at the time the function is executed. This is a technique called
currying, and it’s quite common in functional programming. You cannot do currying in the general
sense without anonymous methods or lambda expressions. So this is a new programming technique
available in Delphi 2009.

Having done all this, I need to be able to get an instance of my

enumerator: TPrimes = class


function GetEnumerator: TPrimeNumberEnumerator;


And now I can solve the original problem: procedure

TForm4.btnGoClick(Sender: TObject);


Current: integer;

Primes: TPrimes;

Composite: Int64;

Composite := 600851475143;


Primes := TPrimes.Create;


for Current in Primes do begin

if Composite mod Current = 0 then begin

Composite := Composite div Current;


if Composite = 1 then break;







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Posted by Craig Stuntz on Thursday, August 28, 2008, at 8:31 am. Filed under Delphi, General
Software Development. Follow any responses to this post with its comments RSS feed. You can post a
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{ 19 } Comments

gabr | August 28, 2008 at 10:20 am | Permalink

A great example of an interesting technique.

The question that pops up, however, is - how slow will this run? After all, Filter will get longer with
each found prime.

Leonel | August 28, 2008 at 10:40 am | Permalink

Great example, really interesting.

Your project Euler link is bad.

Craig Stuntz | August 28, 2008 at 11:05 am | Permalink


Slower performance with increasing prime values is a characteristic of the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Indeed, it’s characteristic of every algorithm for finding primes I’ve ever seen, although the Sieve is
one of the slowest. I chose it because it’s very simple to explain and plenty fast enough for the job at
hand. I do not think this implementation will be significantly different in speed than other
implementations of the same algorithm, though.


Thanks; fixed.

Pawel Glowacki | August 28, 2008 at 12:21 pm | Permalink

Very interesting example:-)

One, maybe stupid, question: how is the "TPredicate" generic class defined?

Craig Stuntz | August 28, 2008 at 12:27 pm | Permalink

TPredicate is part of the RTL. The definition is:
TPredicate<T> = reference to function (Arg1: T): Boolean;

Jolyon Smith | August 28, 2008 at 7:18 pm | Permalink

Interesting, although (yet again) outside of a classroom environment I’m not sure I see the value of
using this approach over the alternatives other than as an intellectual curiosity.

And I might cheekily point out that you didn’t "solve the problem". You are only required to identify
the largest prime factor, not ALL prime factors.

In the classroom you’d be down marked for not having read/answered the question properly.

I think you’d probably also be marked down for enumerating all the primes up to to your Composite,
when you need only consider primes to/including the square root - there can’t be any higher factors
than that, surely?

Jolyon Smith | August 28, 2008 at 7:28 pm | Permalink

PS - A performance comparison /would/ be interesting.

My quick and crude effort (D7, so no anon methods or currying) arrives at the correct answer in 22
seconds on a 2.2GHz E4500 Core Duo)

Jolyon Smith | August 28, 2008 at 9:10 pm | Permalink

Doh! Stupid error - right answer, but via a *very* scenic route. Now getting there in under 300 msecs!

Craig Stuntz | August 28, 2008 at 9:34 pm | Permalink

Jolyon, don’t mistake showing my work for answering the question incorrectly. Also, you misread
the code; I don’t evaluate all primes up to the composite, or even the square root. I only evaluate
primes up to and including the correct answer.
I didn’t time the execution, but it’s certainly less than 1/2 sec. on a similar machine. I suspect the
compiled code is pretty similar, with some overhead for the method call.

Raymond | August 28, 2008 at 10:56 pm | Permalink

Assuming I read the code correctly, MakeFilter() essentially creates an expanding recursive(nested)
series of calls of the FIsPrime anon method, essentially writing an extended longhand version of the
code if then else if then … ad inifinitum within the anon method.

Obviously, for larger starting values this means the anon method will become large. What are the
practical limits for htis type of usage of anon methods?


gabr | August 29, 2008 at 1:35 am | Permalink

@Craig: And what if the composite is a prime number? You should still stop at the square root.

Craig Stuntz | August 29, 2008 at 6:40 am | Permalink

Raymond, I doubt there’s any limit beyond the stack size. That said, for 1/2 of the numbers tested (the
evens) the method exits immediately, and so on, so you rarely get very deep. Most functional languages
will do an optimization called tail recursion which will allow calls on the last line of a method without
blowing up the stack, removing this limitation.

Primoz, I know that the composite is non-prime per the problem statement. In the general sense, I’d
agree, but I wasn’t trying to solve a general problem (and, hence, the hard-coded value). Rather, I was
trying to solve problem 3 of Project Euler.

Raymond | August 29, 2008 at 3:08 pm | Permalink

Thanks Craig.
You know, with all the confusion of generics, and the examples being posted of how to use them being
somewhat artificial, what we really need is an implementation of something a little more concrete/real
world for us all to sink our teeth into and appreciate generics with.

Something like a MapReduce would be cool!


Jolyon Smith | August 30, 2008 at 5:45 pm | Permalink

Oops, quite right Craig - I didn’t spot the mutation of Composite. I guess I find it easier to read code
whose expression more closely resembles it’s purpose:

function LargestPrimeFactor(const aComposite: Int64): Int64;

i: Integer;
primes: TEratosthenesSieve;
primes := TEratosthenesSieve.CreatePrimesTo(Round(Sqrt(aComposite + 0.0)));
for i := Pred(primes.Count) downto 0 do
if (aComposite mod primes[i]) = 0 then
result := primes[i];

(apologies for the literals-gymnastics required to co-erce an Extended value from an Int64 param - is
that fixed in Delphi 2009 I wonder?)

i.e. the algorithm is - get the primes that the answer could possibly be, then find the largest one that is
the answer. The code describes the algorithm, I don’t have to deduce it.

Funny thing - I thought these new language features were supposed to enable us to more clearly
express intent, not unwittingly obfuscate it.

Isn’t there also a hidden cost in an enumerator based approach?

With my TEratosthenesSieve, if I have a number of operations that involve a certain sequence of

primes, I only need to calculate that sequence once. With an enumerator, won’t I be re-calculating the
primes over and over again (every separate time that I enumerate)?
An enumerator approach would perhaps be useful when you don’t know in advance how many primes
you are going to need, but even then, a non-enumerating sieve implementation could easily be extended
to calculate primes on demand.

Which rather begs the question, what benefit does an enumerating approach really deliver?

Apart from providing a hook off of which to hang some new language features, I mean.

And if such questionable uses are what the language features are useful for, what use are those features,

I’m not saying that those features don’t have practical uses, only suggesting that such examples don’t
actually help shed any light on what those uses are. And concrete, practical examples do seem rather
hard to come by for some reason.

Craig Stuntz | September 2, 2008 at 8:43 am | Permalink

Jolyon, if you’re seriously interested in learning why it’s worthwhile to bother with functional
programming styles, I recommend reading the writings of John Backus, starting with his Turing award

Craig Stuntz | September 2, 2008 at 8:44 am | Permalink

Raymond, I’ll show something along those lines when I get the chance.

Romkin | September 10, 2008 at 4:58 am | Permalink

Great example, thanks.

When Composite = 12 (2*2*4) cycle should be endless.

thehangedman | September 17, 2008 at 8:45 am | Permalink

Thank you for very curious example.

One more interesting thing to mention is that actually it’s neither the Sieve of Eratosthenes, nor the
sieve at all. Here’s the fine paper explaining why, with examples in Haskell:
"A much beloved and widely used example showing the elegance and simplicity of lazy functional
programming represents itself as “The Sieve of Eratosthenes”. This paper shows that this example is
not the sieve, and presents an implementation that actually is."

Anyway your example is great.

Craig Stuntz | September 17, 2008 at 8:53 am | Permalink

Weird. Despite having read a lot of Haskell tutorials, I never knew this was a "common" example!
{ 3 } Trackbacks

Craig Stuntz’s Weblog : Building a Generic Statistics Library, Part 1 | September 9, 2008 at 11:35 am |

[...] the comments to another post on the subject of Delphi 2009 generics, Raymond asked for an
implementation of MapReduce. I thought about how I might demonstrate that in the context of
generics, and decided that [...]
Craig Stuntz’s Weblog : Building a Generic Statistics Library, Part 3: Fold | September 11, 2008 at
1:11 pm | Permalink

[...] to do in code. But recall that my purpose in writing this series was to answer commentor
Raymond’s request for "something like MapReduce." So when you read this post and wonder why
I’ve chosen such a roundabout method of doing [...]
Paweł Głowacki : Delphi 2009 Online Resources | November 3, 2008 at 3:03 pm | Permalink

[...] Craig Stuntz’s Weblog: An Enumeration of Prime Numbers with Anonymous Methods [...]

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craigstuntz @SamCorder Which part didn't make sense, precisely? There would need to be a lot of
layers (EF provider, mapping generator, Expando, maybe) 19 hours ago reply

craigstuntz @cincura_net Right now it's just a thought experiment. Effort would be high enough that I
don't forsee actually writing it. Yet. 19 hours ago reply

craigstuntz @cincura_net I agree, many would find that challenging. OTOH, a lib which turns types
into Mongo<->EF maps would be easy to get. 20 hours ago reply

craigstuntz @cincura_net With code-first you can build an EF model dynamically. E.g., take an
ExpandoObject, set properties, turn it into a model (!) 20 hours ago reply

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