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Application number 13 to the magazine "Apocrypha". January 2011

Adinath Bhairav

Trikasamarasya Mahakalagni
Kaul Kula Tantra


Literary and esoteric magazine

Appendix number 13. January 2011


Do what you want -
Cry for the moon!
The journal has been published since 2006.

Copying and distribution

all the magazine and its individual Ma-
materials under permitted and privetstvu-
etsya provided a link to the author
electronic materials and instructions
magazine addresses
( Http:// ).
The opinion of the editorial board may
does not coincide with the opinion of the authors.

Order of the White Monkey, in 2011;
Club "93 in 39: The Citadel of Chaos"
(Working group on the organization
Camp Ordo Templi Orientis
Kaliningrad, in 2011;
esoterica-informatsionnay Center
"93 in 39", in 2011;
as well as the authors of the magazine.

Editor , layout designer:

Fr. Nyarlathotep Otis.
236000 Kaliningrad,
Str. Narva 17, 11.
Trikasamarasya Kaul 3
Corrector release -
Kristina Panova Mahakalagni Kula Tantra
Associate editor - 182
darth Comahon

When the design of the cover

Use Job Jaya Kula.

Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Trikasamarasya Kaul.
Strategy and tactics trails Pattern Great Abyss.
I dedicate this book to the Great Bhairava and Bhairavi,
which manifest in different guises,
They instructed me in the path of Anand Trikasamarasya Kaula

Preface to the Russian edition

and today a paradoxical situation in the CIS: on the shelves
stores of spiritual books, you can nd anything: from treatises on Russian or-
todoksalnomu Christianity to diaries Voodoo, but good books on indium
tion tantra - a powerful, highly efcient way of self-realization, allowing
to achieve the cherished goal for a human life. The books, which are printed on
Russian under the title "The Indian Tantra" sexual uprazh- described mainly
neniya. It is understood that sex, as well as delicious food or alcohol, is an attractive phenomenon
for most people, but has no relation to the Tantra. Of course, in tantriche-
skom teaching sex to pay close attention, but along with numerous other yav-
leniyami, and even in a particular context, to which cognition takes years. isolate the
stogrannogo of diamond tantra exclusively sexual facet and call it the essence
Tantric practice is nothing but speculation on how human passions with the aim udovletvore-
Nia lust and possibly material enrichment.
Against the background of such a "physiological" literature books by A. Avalon, H. and M. Johari
Khanna look like pearls. At the same time it should be noted that the work of A. Avalon co-
keep a sufcient number of inaccuracies, because to him the Europeans have not been studied Indian
the path of transformation, and this venerable British researcher was a pioneer in studies
SRI Saiva Shaktism. Books also Johari H. and M. Khanna mainly describe any technical
skie part of tantra, or popularly tell what Tantrism.
Every year in Russian is published a signicant number of good books on Tibetan
Tantra written vysokorealizovannymi masters of Vajrayana or outstanding scientists.
Why not publish a book of this level, dedicated to Indian Tantra? why tan-
an insulating masters of India, in contrast to the Tibetan lamas, do not come to lecture in the city Ros-
these, Ukraine and Belarus? By the way, I did not hear that they enjoyed visiting and Western
country, and in India to meet a real master of a particular tantric tradition
tion is difcult. To understand this, let us compare the situation with both types of tantra
- Tibetan and Indian. To start pay attention to the difference between Hinduism and bud
dizmom in general.
Hinduism is not more than the blossoming and preserved to this day form
paganism: it clearly can be traced all the pagan principles. Thrives when polytheism
understanding that all variety of deities, there are different manifestations of a single transtsenden-
tal Reality. Attitudes and behavior of Indians based on archaic myths and pre-
daniyah on ancient tribal principles and laws, for many centuries past transformers
tion due to changes in consciousness and the human condition. Buddhism as an independent The relative
sensible doctrine originated in the Hindu environment much later and is not based on ancient myths, pre-
daniyah and customs, and in the set of ideas that can be proved by logic.


Hinduism - this doctrine comprehended from childhood in a certain lifestyle.

Buddhism - the teaching, teaching in the process of mastering the logic of certain ideas, Ko
lichestvo which quite easily amenable to calculation.
Of course, the essence and that, and other exercises can be fully grasped only when po-
the following output is beyond the myths and customs, and outside ideas, but the fact remained
otsya fact: in this era ideas spread in non-traditional environment for teaching much
lighter than the entire way of life with its innumerable small details and habits. Can
say that in archaic times lifestyle of many tribes and nations match
the principles of Hinduism, Buddhism also was at rst certain localized ucheni-
eat arose as an attempt to fan the dying re of transcendental knowledge. Vposledst-
Wii everything changed - when the conditions of life and way of thinking have changed dramatically, many
ancient symbols become irrelevant, the true meaning of the rituals had been forgotten. In this po-
ru Buddhism, carrying a clear idea of all the peoples of compassion, and the cause of suffering
way to get rid of suffering, is widespread in many countries, where before
dominated by pagan teachings.
When people lose all sense of unity and clearly isolate itself from the surrounded
zhayuschego the world, they can not do without logic. That is why one of Buddhism with its
advanced logic has spread widely - his followers without much difculty
smashed on philosophical debates followers of Hindu teachings, revealing to the listeners
lyami contradictions and logical inconsistencies ancient systems of describing the world, and obe-
schaya equality of all people regardless of their social status. Later, in the process of po-
polemics with Buddhism, Hinduism still able to manifest their ideas and their system logic
evidence, such teachings Trickey, Adwaita-Vedantha philosophical and other logic
teaching. Based on these systems that support the ancient symbols and myths, doctrines and ritua-
ly, Hinduism ared up and drove Buddhism from its territory. However, and now Hinduism
- is, above all, the life of teaching, and they are perceived primarily not through the study
special books, and are perceived by the mother's milk in daily, but sakral-
Noah lives.
Non-Indic often resent the fact that, despite all their efforts in studying tek-
ists and customs Hindu society will never recognize their full co-religionists. the nal
but some teachers and schools make exceptions and recognize individual Western indui-
ists as a co-religionists. All this is sad, India itself suffers from this damage without possibilities
STI complete spiritual expansion to other countries. However, this approach has its own PA-
rationality. If you did not grow up in a Hindu family, as you have learned the thousands of important sakral-
GOVERNMENTAL little things that make up the path of a Hindu? After all, these small things are not only not specically teach
Hindu but not even think about their existence, perceiving them as a matter of disordered
Buddhism is not conned within the indigenous population has traditionally Buddhist countries.
Of course, anywhere can sometimes be heard in Buryatia that Buryat Mongolian or bud
Dist "a Buddhist" than its Russian or Belarusian counterpart. However, ofcially recognized,
that anyone who took refuge in the precious, understand the basics of learning and living
according to certain principles, it is a Buddhist, regardless of whether he is a Tibetan
or German, African, American or Russian. This is conrmed by the Dalai Lama himself.
Of course, the real non-dual Indian Tantra, as well as some other induist-
skie areas do not recognize national and caste differences insurmountable prepyatst-
viyami to comprehend the wisdom of the ancients, but these teachings are lost in the mass of the orthodox
tallow-nationalistic sects.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Buddhist monasteries Institute is serving both the theological schools and
universities, healing centers and workshops, crafts and arts.
Traditional Indian same tantricheskiy ashrama is usually a settlement
practitioners, teachers proliferating around the house or outside of a sacred space.
In Tibet Vajrayana Tantrism in the past centuries it has been the predominant Ay
, ecclesiastical direction of a theocratic state. In India, there have been times when Tantrism
He became the dominant spiritual direction of various kingdoms or impe-
ry, but it was not everywhere and not always. In other regions of the tantric teachings were considered non-
chestivymi and adepts of Tantra often mistaken for black magicians.
The last century, India was ruled by Muslims, and then the British. Tantric is not only
supported by foreign lords, but often just had to ght for their Su-
existence, becoming invisible to his pursuers, becoming isolated in an environment of reliable people.
Buddhist hierarchy system for all its faults can successfully coordinated
Rowan efforts of practitioners in the development and dissemination of teaching. Hinduism does not actually
a hierarchy system. This makes it impossible to coordinate large groups
practitioners and to concentrate large forces to carry out large-scale problems, apparent
the outer plane. Hindu Tantra contains hundreds of different schools, not united
hard and not ordered a detailed hierarchy. Much is based on the personal interrelationships
niyah practitioners and their teachers.
After the invasion and occupation of Tibet by Chinese troops many tantric teacher
They were forced to ee their homeland. They were welcomed by many Western
countries and does not remain in debt, educating foreigners, conducting workshops and retreats, making
books and organizing spiritual centers.
Indian tantric master is not necessary to escape from India. Fleeing from the pre-
investigations of foreign rulers and by pressure from their own Hindu orthodoxy,
they just disappeared into the crowd of ordinary believers, Brahmans and sadhus. Although it should be noted,
Indian culture is pluralistic and tolerant, so in the Indian kingdoms and
principalities, for all the differences between the spiritual direction is not such large-observed
cial and severe persecution, how, for example, in France, the Protestants were subjected to
part of Catholics.
As for the situation with the study and practice of Indian Tantra in the East Slavic
countries, it is even more difcult than, say, the US or the UK. India has never
It was not a colony of Russia, and vice versa. Historically, that among peoples, HA
Russian Empire villagers, there was no nation, professing Hinduism. But there were
there are still Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva, Buddhist Tibetan wing. Ec
natural to that Russian scientists had more opportunities to study Buddhism, rather than induced
rev. British same researchers, scientists, and then other countries are faced with Hinduism go-
Section before. Later, at the time, while the Communist Party of the Soviet Union fought the religions and
suppressed both the freedom of believers, and the initiative of scientists, Western experts do not lose
time in vain, to study the text and in consultation with the Indian philosophers and tantric
masters. Therefore, most of the books, both good and not so, the Indian Tantrism
It was published, and continues to be published in English.
In some CIS countries, there is another factor that prevents the spread of indium
Skogen Tantra - resistance to this a number of Governments. In our time, these governments
ARISING legal and illegal methods of trying to "pull the plug", "non-traditional
for the region, "a spiritual community, in order to" save the national spirit from the pernicious alien
inuence. " Mystics eastern areas are portrayed in the press the "fanatics", the "sharlata-



us ", the" powers hostile agents. " Hindu spiritual organizations that have not had time to
register in the perestroika years, under various pretexts, refused to register,
It prohibited to meet together for classes and services, talking to people about their spiritual
Mr direction through the media. Police breaks into the apartment of Great
purifying, conducting illegal searches, uses various types of violence against
indust in general and Saiva akti in particular, but also relative to the Buddhist and posledo-
Vatel teachings of Bon-Po. Focused on the inner spiritual development, far from poly-
tics and business, many followers of the Eastern teachings are completely defenseless
GOVERNMENTAL before the arbitrariness of the authorities.
However, despite the many obstacles, the Russian-speaking Shaiva Shakti overcome
left enormous difculties, grasp the wisdom of the Sacred Way. yourself enthusiasts
studying Sanskrit and English, at their own expense, sometimes at the last save, go to
India and other countries to meet with the tantric masters, advanced practical
Kami and outstanding scientists. Followers of the ancient teachings in secret government pri-
hereby invites teachers conduct classes and worship services, printed books, transmit teachings to others.
Nobody and nothing can stop those who have at heart the sacred re burning spiritual
In coming years, the Russian-speaking Shaiva Shakti planned to publish in their own language
such wonderful books on tantric tradition of Bhairava, as "oral instructions"
Lakshman Joo, "Vidzhnyanabhayrava tantra" with comments Dzhaydeva Singh, "Kashmir
Shaivism "Kamalakara Mishra and others. This work is also a contribution to the
revival and spread of nondual tantras Bhairava and Bhairavi.
I note that the content of this book is somewhat beyond the scope of the Hindu national
Noah religion. Firstly, the author intends to show in this paper that the teachings of nondual
tantras and transnationally Transreligious. Secondly, the author has a point of view on it,
what is considered the traditional doctrine of Bhairava and Bhairavi, thrives in some regions
Asia, and that "neoinduistskoy tantra" and syncretism. This point someone may po-
seem unorthodox, but the author adheres to the conviction that it is completely You are a
It reects the opinion of the non-dual tantra in this regard and consistent with the content sootvetst-
vuyuschih Agam related to this tradition. Thirdly, the author's task is not so much
Academic informative overview of some that ourished hundreds of years ago, the Indian scientists
Nia, whose best days are in the distant past as a living demonstration of the phenomenon due Tantra
Inside, from the point of view of modern adept it is not necessarily ethnic Indian.
With all of this I want to note that this work is, perhaps, the rst Russian-language book
by the authors, which describes the essence of the non-dual tantra related to tradition
Bhairava. These days in India itself this mystical system is quite rare
Coy. Even in Kashmir, the traditional propagation region Tantras Bhairava, is not so easy
nd mystics, versed in the theory and practice of this path. Centuries-old religious persecution
from the Muslims have done their job and ancient heritage Rishi Durvasa, Somanandy and Abdul
hinavagupty has become the lot of the very few. The same renowned branch teachings as Kapalikas
Sampradaya, virtually almost disappeared from the face of the earth. But do not just upset at this-
th over. This work illustrates the revival of traditions of Bhairava and Bhairavi, with
revival, stepped away within the Indian subcontinent. I hope that this kni-
ha will benet talented mystics, speaking in Russian.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Mahakalabhayravi. South Indian batik



Preface to the American edition

hen I go to a spiritual book store and check the contents of the section "Tantra", methyl
nya usually perceives a sense of disappointment. Eyes appears a huge quantitative
in the literature on New Age sex with the eastern tinge, which
ignorant people take for "tantra yoga." What do these sexy
instructions to Tantra? No. The shelves come across a book with the description populyaristicheskim
chakras and energy channels, mantras and yantras. Whether it is Tantra? No, all this is
a description of some of the technical resources and symbols from the study are not skladyva-
etsya understanding of the essence and heart of tantra. Much more interesting cause I labor-scientic
dy of tantra, standing alone among the ranks of all this netantricheskoy literature. these books
little, they are written in the dry language of science, and often they are not illuminated by the phenomenon of Tantra in
Overall, only describes certain theoretical phenomena. So tell me, you have a lot of
modern, esoterically minded person likely to get access to the eternal, innite
Death Traditions?
Buddhist Tantra luckier than Hindu. There vadzhrayanskie mona-
Styr and centers, published a good book. At the same time, even in the Vajrayana meaning and understanding
Some of the things lost or known only to a few. In addition, Hindu and buddiy-
Skye tantric system in ancient times experienced their golden years of prosperity. Now poch-
ty is not carried out new research, almost does not open new Tantric texts The relative
Kroviniu of deities more than rare. Therefore, between the ancient and the modern life of Tantra
there was a precipice. But according to the principle of Tantra teachings and life must be united.
I was fortunate to receive the tantric teachings of Bhairava and Bhairavi - INAPPROPRIATE
Opinions authorities Tantric tradition. Their instructions were intended for people con-
the time period and were transferred to a person who was born in Russia - a country that connects
West and East. Therefore, they may be perceived to benet members of both cultures.
This book is written based on my previous works, until now known only
my students. I'm not going to describe in detail the philosophy and metaphysics Teachings Bhay-
Rava and Bhairavi. This is already done by many authors, such as the great Lakshman Joo Raina, Deba
Bratt September Sharma Dzhaydev Singh Kamalakar Mishra and others. For example, the division into four upaya
re the type I will not describe in principle, for not see the practical sense. I og-
ourselves to a brief description of the doctrines, will elaborate on the practical details
sadhana, some important symbols and images, as well as to those doctrines which have
practical value, but there were few highlights previous authors, as they are
mainly to oral instructions.
In the process of writing this book, I tried not to overload its Sanskrit terminology,
however, some important concepts of tantric teachings have no analogues in other languages
so basic and essential terms I left as they are, explaining their main
Americans peculiar to certain specic thinking, many of them try
nd all the practical, applied use. This is a good business-like feature,
if not in hypertrophied aspiration when faced with any phenomenon, immediately py-
tatsya squeeze out utilitarian benet. Many spiritually oriented Americans,
Faced with tantra, understand it as "a set of specic techniques" - the mantra, yantra, etc.
Success in moving along the path of tantra they link with the acquisition of the necessary mantra and yantra
technology. This is not quite the right approach. The candle will not burn under water, the mole will not y


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

by air. Tantric techniques will not work, placed in a mediocre netantricheskoe

consciousness. Miracle of transformation did not take place, and spiritual seeker only disappointment will gain in
Tantric teachings. Before embarking on meditation practices must be prepared
the stage for success in them - must be deeply and in detail to understand the world of tantra, to achieve the identity
vennosti with him. Therefore, many chapters of this book are devoted to what is usually not obrascha-
etsya attention, but without which the success of the implementation of the Great Perfection is impossible. This book,
like Mace Bhairava, it destroys misconception about Tantra and helps to nd
a clear understanding of its path.



A little about yourself, or the background chakras

Asha life does not begin only from the moment of birth, we carry a power and impressive
Lenia, inherited from past reincarnations. At the same time, the time and place of the birth
Denia impose very specic imprint on us. I was born on the peninsula
Kamchatka. This peninsula is located in the north-east of Russia and is the rare
inhabited the land of volcanoes and earthquakes, mountains, impassable taiga, tundra and wildlife. In this regard,
that I feel a special connection with the entrails of the earth. Every time I see on TV and on
magazine photographs spewing from the crater of the volcano magma, I have a feeling
some of exaltation and close relatives of this element. From my early childhood, I have been practicing
Tantric sadhana is not the rst reincarnation, although I can not say I was an advanced yogi-
rated or not. Since birth, I did not feel like a child. I did not want to suck the mother's breast and
a little later, when learned to speak, he refused to wear children's clothes. My mother distribution
They say that I have learned to speak in one year, to read - in three years. In ve years, I was able to
overpower such books as "Robinson Crusoe" and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
It can be seen, certain skills and ability to maintain a past life. And most
the main thing - I was blessed Bhairavi and Bhairava, although he had it presented no
Lenia. Only many years later the whole mystery began to clear.
My father worked as a military doctor, and the doctor's mother worked. People are intelligent and
educated, they were not religious. Father believed in God, but preferred not to spread
nyatsya on this topic. After all, every ofcer in the Soviet Union had to be a Communist, and Communists
to believe in God is not necessary. Mother ofcially communist was not considered, but in fact un-
Separately I believed in the ideas of Marx and Lenin, and, therefore, denied the existence of God. Only
an old illiterate grandmother taught me religion, which caused general condemnation of relatives
nicks. Perhaps, I am here to tell you more about what constitutes at the vre-
The Soviet empire was on me spiritually and magically. Ofcially, it was believed that the Soviet state
not religious, but it was not so. Communists set up their cult, their religion, where the Virgin
Mary declared Engels, God the Father - Marx, God the Son - Lenin, and the role of
Holy Spirit spoke the head of state. Yes, ofcially declared that the Communists do not believe
in a higher power, miracles and magic. However, the slogans were hung everywhere: "Lenin - lived, Lenin -
lives, Lenin - will live "and" Lenin - very much alive! ". Just imagine - in the European
skom state of the twentieth century was built a mausoleum in the form of a stepped pyramid, in Ko
torus lying in the sarcophagus of a mummy, "the leader, the Messiah, the savior of the world." What is this if not a clear pri-
a sign of a certain religion, spontaneously or intends to spread by Leninists! archetypal svya-
whelping symbols wittingly or unwittingly, erected by those who considered themselves to their opponent. co-
-Soviet space and parks decorated with tall stone obelisk. What is not megalita-
E, Shivalinga and the World Tree were these buildings? A cult of the eternal ame - in
national holidays ofcials and leaders laid wreaths from branches
coniferous trees and owers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. These "graves" were available in all go-
childbirth and towns of the country and is a star-pentagram, from the core of which You are a
discontinuity ames from a gas burner. Here you have the ve material elements, and that ve
Shiva energy, and more re prohibitive depth.
Mystical archetypes is not eradicated, they will manifest themselves even in the godless
country. Another thing, what will and energy to invest in universal symbols. You can pro-



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

reveal them as tantra release, you can - as a religion, and it is possible - as the black magic. The non-
which satanic sects, as well as predatory gangs was made that, when the old
leader died, becoming the new cofn dead, trampling on his feet. Ditto on mavzo-
Leah Lenin got up the country's leaders. They all loved to be on the podium, distribution
laid on top of the mausoleum, there a parade, were pronounced ofcial po-
This is not surprising: Lenin's mummy, which is in the mausoleum, contained a great
the energy of fear and reverence, and communist leaders are attached to this energy. I remember
energy accumulation process Lenin mummy. Thousands of people were held almost daily
mausoleum maze, following through the central chamber, wherein a glass sarcophagus lying He
one who "very much alive". In each corner of the chamber and the mausoleum corridors were guards
uniformed avtomatoobrazno, dead voice, saying: "Hush ... hush ... hush ...". are stopped
vatsya at the tomb prohibited, the ow of people passed through the mausoleum, leaving part of his
Yes, much has changed in Russia as long as the crosses on the Kremlin towers replaced
red pentagrams. The teachings of Marx - Lenin was not supposed to question. for correct
Nost interpretation of the sacred texts of the following special Communist Inquisition.
And what was the position of other religions in the Soviet Union? Ofcially proclaimed svobo-
but religion, but ...
The Bible into modern languages of the Soviet Union was not possible to obtain. cost of
rare instances was often monthly salary worker. I remember one Lithuanian
I became interested in religion and bought a Bible for $ 100. The wife of the man, having learned about it,
immediately I called the KGB and told about what happened. Security ofcials came to
him into the house, took her husband and after questioning put him in a closed psychiatric department
tion hospital, saying that only a sick man would give all salary for religious stupidity. che
go here to speak about the situation with the Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism.
The prison and the madhouse - that has been given to independent mystics or podpol-
GOVERNMENTAL sectarians, unmasked by the KGB. It is clear that neither go to India or invite
the spiritual master of the USSR was not possible. Books on Buddhism and Hinduism
little it was available, most of it has been banned. My rst books induced
ism and Buddhism became atheistic books, swearing and criticizing the Eastern teachings.
Were it not for these books, how would I nd out what is the essence of these religions? discarding ninety
ve percent communist husk, mysticism single extracted from the atheistic books
precious ve percent reliable information. So, to pick up the pieces together
Eastern areas are rare and small clandestine religious communities,
persecuted by the state.
As a child I grew up kind and myagkoharakternym boy, not prone to sports games
and ghts. I could not stand the sight of blood, and when any of my friends in the games getting bruised or
cut, it seemed to me that the trouble occurred to me - so hard going through someone else's pain. maltose
Chishki soon noticed that I feel sorry for the offender hit in the face, and often use my
sweet-tempered me harm. Besides, I was not interested in most of the usual det-
Sgiach games. When I was a little older, I felt the false teachings and disharmony com-
NIST and the mode of existence of the Soviet state. By their nature, I openly and
abruptly announced his opinions, religious and moral, so easy to set up against CE
BOJ majority of children and adults. Parallel to this unfolding of spiritual and magical
mystery. After reading various artistic and documentary books in my conscious
SRI start saving nuggets mysticism. I once unwittingly became a mandate to draw



Dala devoted four elements and duodecimal cycle, magical symbols in the form of
various stars, swastika, geometric gures and animals. Only later did I learn and understand Tai
Noah of all these archetypal characters. In parallel with this, it happened to me and
some shamanic zoomorphic metamorphosis. Periodically, I began to feel the cat,
the monitor lizard, the mouse, the hedgehog, the penguin, the golden turnips. In this period, I head
He plunged into the world of the living being. The main totem was the Owl, mother and tutor
all beings. She came to me in my visions, taught, rechargeable power bestowed love and
defend against enemies.
Once I got hold of a ceramic hard like a "great stone" - megalithic shiva-
Lingam and built an altar setting on the sides of the two bubbles. The bubbles were blue and
red and had to embody the male and female deities. With the help of mirrors, re,
ash from burnt mystical signs I spent improvised rituals designed to
attach me to the higher powers. Needless to say, neither I nor my entourage had no
clue about Hinduism, Buddhism and shamanism. Think about what it all meant,
whether it was preserved karmic memory, genetic memory of archetypes, knowledge,
coming from God, from the Bhairava or all of these simultaneously.
I loved dressing up in her mother's gown, imposing on his head a turban from a towel, so
how to feel kinship with Eastern cultures. Then I took all of the above as a
ring games, and only many years later realized what was happening. However, it is the manifestation of PA-
RAM memory and the methods. I will say a few words about the manifestation of the vision and wisdom.
Once in my childhood, when I was sitting in the sandbox, to me unexpectedly crept attack pro-
Studio, a high fever. I felt bad, and I went home, but parents do not by-
Lo, I did not have the keys. I spent a long time on the doorstep and for the coming of the parents was
already in a semiconscious state. When I was put to bed, I lay there and realized, as I
badly. Suddenly the thought came: "Who's bad? To me. But who am I, who thinks and feels?
A little boy in a ridiculous children's duds? This is nonsense, this can not be! I'm no
boy, but ... ". Then I looked at myself and found the whirlpool of the black abyss, blowing conscious
of a chasm. I was very scared, and I recoiled. Immediately the question arose: "I shall die, he
who think now? ". It was extremely scared and lonely. Under the inuence of aspirin me
it became easier, and I fell asleep.
Later, similar conditions arise spontaneously during childhood and adolescence. Abyss
It attracted me, but the fear did not give to rush into it. Only later, after many years, I plucked smelo-
STI, but Bhairavi immediately ceased to appear in front of me that way. However, I found
other effective door in order to meet her. I'll tell you about the spontaneous and direct perezhiva-
niyah original nature of everything. Throughout childhood and adolescence, I had periodically
brief experience of unity of emptiness and clarity. It happened spontaneously and length
elk seconds. I felt something real, free, native, full higher, thin
The shortest bliss, but I could not realize what was happening to me. since such
topic of conversation did not exist in the world around me, I immediately forgot everything, and so - to
next time. This is especially manifested in the state of decline - the gap between
day and night. That's Bhairava and Bhairavi, where through beauty, through which disease and suffering,
where just passed right through his shaktipat.
As I mentioned, I could not t into the existing society, and it's me The relative
jected. Neither parents nor teachers, nor contemporaries did not share my perception of the world, I have to
all was an outcast. "Friends", received as a gift from me what they sought - a toy kni-
gu, drawing, immediately rejected and betrayed me.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Despite the ability, I quickly lost interest in school and out of the honors rolled up
level hardened Losers. What interested me, not interested in the Soviet obschest-
in. I could not choose a profession based on their inclinations. Such a profession
It did not exist in the USSR.
Gradually, under the inuence of total incomprehension, condemnation and betrayal (I was
very sensitive and impressionable), in my heart I grew angry, turns into hatred. I
I began to realize that only a strong, intelligent and cruel are the masters of life and Self
tion began to study logic, psychology, swing muscles. Fantasy drawing all-picture
possible tortures to which I subjected their abusers if became great
magician and sorcerer.
At the age of 14 years, I have amassed a gang of his friends-teenagers. We pumped muscles, TO-
chili knives and fought for inuence with other gangs. All the time I then tried oblago-
birth hooliganism brought under our anger some high political, mystical or oils
based communities base. By age 15, I became a full devil, created in the mind of the cult of his pre-
voskhodstva and insignicance of all those who are not part of my gang. I have become a complete cynic, goto-
vym for $ 100 to accomplish the genocide of entire peoples, and at the same time over the labor-cry
PAMI animals, mutilated and killed by evil people. All people were divided in my soz-
nanii on "useful", "useless" and "enemies." "Utility" was given to the whole heart, I was ready to
to sacrice for the sake of their lives. "Enemies" were destroyed by all means, without restrictions, and
"Neutral cattle" I was not interested at all. I strongly etched away from the soul the good
feeling, accustomed themselves to the sight of blood and suffering. In parallel, I continued to improve,
studying certain sciences, preparing himself for a "global sweep" and "great revenge". I do not con-
ryal anyone, including himself. Intelligence has evolved to a signicant level, but it took bozhest-
vennoe children's perception of reality.
However, against their nature do not go. I still irresistibly attracted the
secrets of the universe. I continued to explore all possible ways the nature of God, inter-
mootnosheniya God and human beings, probed ways to achieve immortality,
Harmony and Power. In its expanded scope of orthodox Christianity, enriching it with the idea of
reincarnation, to achieve unity with God, ravnoistinnosti all religions. Later, I did
ceased to have any dealing with Christianity. I wanted to destroy all enemies and collecting friends
to escape from the USSR to tropical islands, to build a fair spiritual gosudar-
GUSTs love, beauty and strength. I sought God, but I was drawn images of monsters, demons and
monsters generated by my anger, and fear. So, long before I rst learned about
Black Bhairava, in my mind began to manifest his image: a terrible, ruthless, but
holy, all-powerful and full of love to your friends, children and followers. Subconsciously
I thought that if I became one with everything that makes me fear I have nothing and no one will
fear. Despite the fact that he had a gang of friends, I was suffering from inner loneliness and ready
It was to help even a serial killer if he would consider me your friend.
However, choking in a sea of tears, blood and suffering, I gradually realized that I need
be kind, hard to strive for excellence, both physical and spiritual. Bhairava
Bhairavi and began to throw my books on Eastern philosophy and religion, and I
head plunged into the daily hours of reading and meditation on the nature of the Absolute, of
the way living creatures to full Fortunately, the nature of evil and suffering. I learned a lot of PE
faith-based ways and means to see reality. I wanted to nd the truth, not the imitation,
learn the truth about God, about the reality as it is brutal no matter. when the front
I stood up a choice: Truth or mental comfort and material prosperity, I chose
Truth. His suspicious mind, I scanned the life and teachings, his deep vision I



He pierced the darkness of ignorance, sharing and integrating or perceiving everything as it is. I do not schi-
tal shameful to learn from all - wise and fools, good and evil, human and animal, in a word,
I learned from around the world. Ability innate, inherited and acquired, very pomo-
gali me in this. Clearer and clearer I have seen and heard Bhairava, getting better understand its essence.
Later reality granted me the opportunity to meet with spiritual teachers as buddiy-
Skim as Hindu and Bon as with tantric and religious. Experience and knowledge
Nia teachers even more advanced me on the trail. Tantra impressed me with its grandeur:
deep knowledge of the world and man, a huge arsenal of methods of achieving perfection,
witty exercises based on yogic experience. Tantra admired me PA-
national, scientic character and at the same time to take the art of divine revelation and
transcendental vision. Here, everything that has been proven experience the greatest masters, and
checked and their own experiences.
I decided that Tantra - this is the perfect way for me. Thanks to her, I changed
for the better, get rid of the disadvantages of entire mountains and bought a lot of perfection that made
My life is beautiful, harmonious and happy. The moment came when I began to teach myself mis-
matic the way of those who turn to me for help.
Today, our tantric chakra is the most advanced and spiritually
numerous Shaiva Shakta community in Belarus. Our sadhakas practical
forging Way, every day is getting closer and closer approach to the ultimate goal of tantra implementation
full and complete oneness with God. This is accompanied by the fact that they feel that they are in
this life is getting better and better. Practices have no doubt that each of them has a good
chance to reach full unity with God in this lifetime, without waiting for the arrival of the physical
death of the body. What is the reason for our success? Doctrine and blessing transmitted
We Bhairava and Bhairavi.

Why my chakra experience is unique?

Second experience gives new knowledge and breaks the old patterns, it shows that:
1. Deity can transmit the teachings of not only those who have reached the level of sanctity, but also
The usual practice, who sincerely wants to get these teachings and this makes for all
possible. A person having both advantages and disadvantages, and genuine desire for
Truth and goodness deserves Tantric revelations, for they to him
intended. If you do not have the drawbacks, then why do you need to know the secrets of how their
transform into advantages?
2. Much
is an. On of whatmuch
the contrary, is considered toconsidered
of what is be important elements oforTantra,
insignicant in fact those
even unworthy upo-are not
Minani, it is the most important in tantra.
In addition, some of the things and the laws that are essential keys to success,
Many modern practitioners did not led, so that they do not
can achieve great success in the way.
3. Important tantric elements such as ishtadevy, guru sampradaya, mantras seksu-
cial practices, rituals, yantra, mandala, many modern practitioners, both Western
and east, misunderstood. The true role and signicance of all this is often Neveu
houses, even those who are not the rst year trying to achieve success on the path of tantra.
4. As tantrizm Vajrayna and Saiva shakta tantrizm lead to one and the same
result, no matter how it tried to deny both orthodox traditions.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

5. Nowadays Teachings ow is a bit different than in previous eras. Role

religion in society greatly diminished, and God will use other channels to help zhi-
vym beings. Are not integrated together Tantra and modern life, is impossible to achieve success
can. But the tantric methods such integration is signicantly different from the New
eydzhevskih attempts to make this integration.
In this book, I will focus in detail on each of these issues. what
the reasons for the success in understanding all the important knowledge of tantra and its magical practices?
1. Will of God. Bhairava and Bhairavi pleased to convey an explanation of tantra person XX -
XXI century, they did not just explain the ancient thing in modern language, but also gave
and explain the revelation completely new.
2. Features of the student. To transfer a new thread teachings old style disciples did not
suited. They would have understood everything in the old style, but it was the will of the deities to help present-
mennym real people, without taking into account the centuries-old prejudices with modern features
integrate the ow of life with the teachings of the ow.
Firstly, I was born and practiced in the spiritual state of isolation and had no possibilities
STI constantly consult with the traditional tantric authorities. Therefore,
nding themselves in a desperate situation, I prayed to God to help me, and he has given thousand-Doctrine
years of wisdom, but without the beard millennial false opinions and prejudices, adherent to
true tantra.
Later, when Bhairava and Bhairavi has given me the opportunity to meet with teachers,
advanced practitioners and serious books, I saw that my understanding of Tantra is true,
although I often put other accents used by other ways and description languages, multi ignore
Gia prejudices; I know about some of the methods that they do not know other sadhakas received
knowledge solely through membership in the chain of disciplic succession, and practitioners
certain methods mechanically, without understanding the essence, and if at all they do not know about these meto-
dah. At the same time, when I'm already having the experience, I went into the ancient tantric line over-
Teachings garden, it was enriched by the knowledge of what previously had little idea. so ob-
time, old and new revelations are connected together, showed to the world scientists unprecedented power
Secondly, I had as pronounced mystical talents, and pronounced non-
prosperity, marred, and so was forced to nd extreme ways to ALLOW
Nia extreme problems. I learned how to work with the most delicate areas of the divine,
and with terrible energies of hellish dimensions, it is necessary in the way of wrathful deities.
Third, I do not accept blindly, analyzing and identifying all the principles by which
They work all the Tantric phenomena. It helped me to see the essence of Tantra in general, are different
GOVERNMENTAL its phenomena and the relationship of these elements to each other. In addition, I studied Tantra
Only one tradition and had the opportunity to conduct a comparative analysis of several systemic
themes. This allowed me to identify what is required by universal principles,
and that the elements of the specic schools and teachings.
So it was that I began a mystical way with theistic religions and God-integrated
centric system with your life. When I wanted to study tantra, I had the possibility
Nost at that time to meet only with the non-theistic tantra. In the Soviet Union we had no tradition
Hindu tantra, we had a Buddhist Datsan. I eagerly rushed to study
Vajrayana, struck me with its perfection. However, I did not have in her positivism,
God, and at the rst opportunity I have found the opportunity to go to study shayva-
Shakta tantra. Practicing and studying both systems, I came to the conclusion that both
It has common roots, principles and leads to the same goal.



Comparing Hindu tantric schools such as trick Mahakapalika, Nath, Bhay-

. Rav-Aghora et al, found that:
1) understanding of the original reality in tights and Vajrayana SAME, Ca
actualization completely analogous;
2) many dharani Vidzhnyanabhayrava tantra represent the same semdiny
3) many meditation Kaula match meditations vadzhrayanskih Mahayoga Tantra
and Anuyoga tantra, performed with the same purpose and giving the same results;
4) Class Aghora many meditation almost one to one match meditations
5) there Transreligious traditions present in the Hindu and
in Buddhist Tantra, associated with deities: Kurukula, Bhairava, Varaha, Tara,
Ekajati Hayagriva - the same divinity, the same mantra and much more;
6) the same mahasiddhas and Hindu and Buddhist Tantric school schi-
melt their masters;
7) at the same time describe the language in various Tantric schools is different.
As a result, I found that:
a) the main difference is that some build their metaphysical speculation on the theory
Atmavady, and others - on Anatmavady theory (at the same time and they both realize
that all these theories - only conditionally description languages);
b) Some of the transmission line are from different persons but from the same IZ
INITIAL reality without the Buddhist or Hindu;
c) When Lama criticized Hindu tantric teachings and Hindu masters -
Buddhist teachings, in most cases, they criticize NOT REAL scientists
Nia and his fantastic ideas about them. In life I have witnessed this de-
syatki time, no offense will be told;
d) real mahasiddha, enlightened masters were Buddhist and Hindu,
or in other words, were neither "Buddhists" or "Hindu". reached adenosine
Suitable approach vision of reality, the nature of the universe were boundless and The relative
covered, like the ocean. Many of them are equally sarcastically treated as pra-
vovernym Buddhists and Hindus to the faithful. Masters were lled
boundless love and happily shared their teachings and practices with
worthy, despite the formal religious membership. Often they were
forced to hide their Transreligious outlook from ortodoksov-
pedants, do not understand the way of freedom. This Mahasiddha heart
always a heretic for priests of other religions, and for the priests of their own religion.
However, it is best to combine the experience of both traditions, as each of them is, as
advantages and imperfections, and integration helps two streams of Tantra become one
powerful great river rich perfections having a minimum number nedos-
At rst I was misled, that authoritative Tibetan teacher called invariant
duistskuyu samsaric Tantra teachings and Hindu gurus argued that "Buddhist tantri-
Cam never rise above the level of emptiness, and it still is not the highest perfection. " Later
I saw that they both do not criticize the real teachings of opponents, and their not quite pra-
the villas presentation of these teachings. And Buddhists and Shaiva Shakti so devoted to their ucheni-
pits, so they do not believe in the truth and everything else is not serious, they just come in
head to look deeper into the ashrams and tomes of their opponents. "What for? ancient avtorite-



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

you and so everything is explained to us on this subject! "Not everyone understands that the real ancient tantriche-
skie Titans were not subject to a variety of shortcuts and magic religious tags, and saw extra-
sektarnuyu essence, transcendental living blood universal ow tantra. And if they
arguing about something, these disputes were the superiority of one or another language for describing real
Nost or about the level of understanding of the specic yogis. When it is said that vadzhrayansky svya-
Padmasambhava that won a hundred Hindu tantric, it should be perceived not as pobe-
Do Buddhism on Hinduism, but as something that an advanced master taught a lesson by advanced less
fth practices that could be Hindus, Buddhists, and Bonzi t. d. The same is true in The case of
tea describe wins Shaiva Shakta Tantrik over vadzhrayantsami. We should not think that one
Description Language of Truth worse than the other. Someone approaches language Madhyamikas someone Trickey, and someone
already outside the scope of all of these language systems. Mahasiddha also were disputes pursuant to the game
particular situation, to help awaken sentient beings. And when we had different
beat the mental shackles of formal "co-religionists", they claimed the opposite,
He taught that the practice of other religions and achieve the same result. some present-
mennye masters as the ofcial "Buddhist" and ofcial "Hindus", all this prekras-
but understand, but pose only a narrow circle of advanced students, not wanting to anger the untold
crowds of fanatics Doctrine forms that do not recognize the essence of living.

Why Bhairava?

Why is it Bhairav, Bhairavi, and not any other god came revival
to give the teaching of tantra? There are several reasons.
From the standpoint of orthodox Hinduism, all those who were not born in ethnic families
Sgiach and religious Hindus are not Indians. And according to the ancient Indian social
point scale, most of the world refers to mlecchas and gates - barbarians, standing below,
than the Sudras. A barbarian doctrine is not passed.
Indian Hare Krishna, for example, is not considered full-edged real krish-
inux of immigrants from Europe and America. Only ethnic and religious Hindus can enter
Krishna in the main sanctuary, the "white Krishnas' entrance to it is closed.
Shaivism and Shaktism more tolerant towards foreigners, but still in many famous
Shiva's temples or Shakti neurozhdonnym Hindu entry is prohibited.
The teaching of Bhairava does not recognize such boundaries. Bhairava - it's not only God ritu-
cial purity, but also the God of ritual impurity. He teaches not only representatives of the caste
Brahmins and Kshatriyas, but Vaishya, Shudra and foreign barbarians. Bhairava is God varva-
pit, he came to us and gave the teaching, no one else did. If any deity and
care about the observance of the caste system, it does not Bhairava.
The second reason is that the path of Bhairava is more powerful and intense than
most of the other tracks. This tradition allows you to be cleansed from sin and attain The improvement
ARISING even terrible killer, not that blessed man. And our age is full of terror and nasi-
Leah. Bhairava doctrine gives everyone a chance to get rid of fear, anger, aggression and achieve the only
CTBA with God.
The third reason - Bhairava loves to tear down the taboos and prohibitions, customs and dogmas. Our life,
life being a post-industrial era, is very different from the life of ancient tantric,
someone suitable for them teaching was transferred. Therefore, we need a new Tantric
revelation of new texts and approaches. But this does not mean that we must spoil the tan-
labor not serious New Age ideas and approaches. This means that God must come and
to give people a fresh vision and a clear understanding of the ancient teachings. With the advent of industrial-



technocratic civilization many deities lost interest in the people of the Earth. Bhairava and
Bhairavi - not. They want to sit behind the wheel of a high-speed car, wander maze
Internet Tami, dance to the computer-trance music. Bhairava - a great joker
and an invaluable assistant. He explains to us how to integrate the knowledge of the era and the golden age
the modern era.

Good or bad to be a barbarian?

the point of view of Western civilization, the white people - carriers of progress, but from the point
of view of orthodox Hinduism - they are barbarians who do not live by the sacred prin-
tsipam Dharma, because white does not deserve such a life of karma.
On the one hand, it looks as though we were not lucky. We do not enter into some temples,
are places of power. Language and cultural barriers separating us from the traditional HO
Sitel Tantric tradition, stir well to understand texts. However, on the other storo-
us, we have the advantage, especially in the way of Kaula Tantra. Our consciousness is pure and fresh,
free from many of the age-old prejudices and superstitions of the Hindu religion. We are also more
suitable to the understanding of new revelations and the tantric energies. Indian spiritual cultures
the tour is very ancient. Periodically, she does not keep up with changes in style and living conditions
society, between ancient knowledge and experience people have a crack lled out wrong
understanding and superstitions. Later came this or that teacher, guru and correcting the situation
- delete some old items, and other same interpreted in a new way, or present-explained
mennym language and introduced entirely new elements of the exercise. That the truth vosprini-
hand, was clear mysticism should be fresh for the perception, though full of centuries-old mud-
rosti. All this spiritual culture so become familiar before the eyes of the Indians, for the sake of freshness
they introduced into it more and more mystical elements of respect and keeping the old ones.
Because of this, metaphysics, philosophy and rituals were complicated by the huge mass of details.
We - the barbarians, the western spiritually ignorant. Our consciousness and so mystically, tantriche-
Ski empty and fresh, and we do not need so many things to see truth and attain it. it is used
exceptionally positive aspect of our status. Because of this, we, the post-industrial
mysticism, perhaps much closer to Tantra stone age than, say, medieval induced



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Bhairava. Palace Square. Katmandu



View from the top of the Volcano

This section contains a brief panoramic view
Tantric Kaula school Trikasamarasya.

Part I. Roots

roshlye era - it is dark. we know too little, hundreds of thousands took place
years ago on Earth. It has always been that the teaching of our tradition originated in the deep
The shortest ancient times, but there is no scientic evidence for this. There is only a legend, pre-
Denmark, describing those ancient times. The information contained in the legends, so sur-
wonder that in the pages of one of his books, great master Lakshman Joo says
that it is not covered in detail on these topics, as modern people will be very
hard to believe in the truth of what they say. Nevertheless, I venture to speak of the pro-
Shlomo, choosing to present topics synthesis of traditions and legends, popular science and language.
Of course, all dates given me a very conventional and I can not scientically prove the truth
referred to the views of the historical process. However, I believe that the reader will be very po-
useful to look at the alternative side to what many call the progress of humanity
and the development of spirituality.

A few words about the Saiva Shaktism

uhovnaya tradition of Shiva and Shakti is very ancient. According to her own, this teaching
in one form or another existed long before the appearance of our galaxy. As for me-
NIJ scientists base their judgments on the material evidence, the roots Shein
all-Shaktism at least go back to the Paleolithic era. Extraordinary natural and archaic, this
spiritual tradition at the same time miraculously remains current and relevant. Secret
Teachings of relevance is that it is based on the knowledge of the true nature of the universe and
It has potent and diverse methods of cultivation, leading to adept
achieve absolute perfection - the level of God Himself.
Over time, the researchers divided into many branches. Some of these branches are
is simply archaic and beautiful religious cult based on faith, tradition and ri-
Twal, while others kept the authentic re of mystical life - the ow of inspired Bo-
Divine Mercy, in-depth knowledge of the true nature of the universe, as well as an arsenal of Chu
Gums methods of self-realization. One of the oldest, most powerful and mysterious
Teachings ows is Bhayravizm - The trail of Bhairava. Before proceeding to its rassmot-
rhenium, we should say a few words about Saiva Shaktism in general. In this doctrine, God pochita-
etsya as the Great Father (Shiva) and the Great Mother (Shakti). It is alleged that God is one and the aspect
Shiva expresses the reality of God, the Divine Consciousness, and the aspect of Shakti - Divine
Energy inherent in this consciousness. Everything in the world is created and destroyed, there suschest-
Vovan Shiva and Shakti forces. Shiva does not exist separately from Shakti, and Shakti does not suschest-
It exists apart from Shiva.
Archaeologists have found in different places of the planet objects dating from the Paleolithic era,
indicating that Shiva and Shakti, under these or other names already worshiped
then. These items include Shivalinga - vertically mounted in the sacred


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

local stones, according to the ideas of Saiva Shaktism connecting heaven and earth, as well as
other "opposition" into one. It is also worth to mention being found in different chas-
tyah light stone and clay male and female gurines with hypertrophied polovy-
mi authorities relating to the cult of the Great Mother and the Great Father.
Facts nd all of these items in various widely separated places say
but that tradition is based on the universal archetypes common to all races and cultures
tours, or that the ancient tribes were not isolated from each other and are closed on self
IIR currently.
Take a look at the images of Shiva Yogaradzhi, Lord of the Yogis and Shiva Pashupati, the Lord of
Beasts. Is not it, in these images, God reminds us of the great primitive ancestors -
Shiva nude, and only animal skin encircling his hips, uncut long hair and
some images and beard fell over his shoulders and chest. The neck is decorated with Shiva
necklace of beads made from seeds of the sacred tree, and a snake, wound around his neck Vla-
dyki, symbolizing the unity of Shiva with his consort Shakti blessed and power over the power-off
E world.
In the image of Nataraja Shiva, Lord of the Dance, God is like an ancient shaman with razvevayu-
schimisya from the frantic dance of hair, loudly beating drums. Face the Shiva Nataraja
while retaining the expression of complete rest and transcendental trance. considering images
Shakti, we also nd that they are very archaic and natural.
Passing through the change of times, Saiva Shaktism has undergone various transformations and changes
neniya, but the essence and strength of the tradition remains alive.
To better understand how the Saiva Shaktism as a whole, and Bhairava Tantra in particular ber
lai excursion into ancient times.

The origins of the Way

ak I mentioned above, according to myths and legends, the Doctrine existed long before
occurrence in our galaxy. I will not describe this time, as a story about it
It will sound too fantastic for the modern man. I go around and lightning
chaniem era when our Earth was young, covered with volcanoes, rivers and lakes
Magma, when knowledge is stored ery creatures called in some cultures
efreeti. We also will not stop at a later period, when the living suschest-
Islands, owned by Knowledge, lived in the water and have been androgynous, and touch on more close to us epo-
heh, which began a few hundred thousand years ago. Despite its proximity to our time,
story even about her difcult t in the mind of man, who grew up in this era.
Many people today believe that the people who lived 450,000 years ago and earlier,
They were less developed than we are. Many believe that ancient man was stupid and we had less
opportunities. Such representations show naivety and ignorance. Let podu-
May. If we compare the history of mankind with one year, the period
time since we began using metals, t in po- till today
Latter-hour before the ght hours, alerting the new year. Ancient as civilization
tion, not to get involved in the development and improvement of tools, there are hundreds
thousands of years. It would be frivolous to say that those people do not create their great civilizations
just because they did not build palaces and did not use a shovel. Man - a creature
creative. The climax of the last 5 - 7000 years of our civilization was the creation of
spacecraft, computer and nuclear bombs. What was the highest fruit of ancient
civilization, which existed for over 450,000 years, in comparison with which our


It soundsisstupid
as an infant? Is this
and naive. a stone
it was alsoax and the
foolish ability
to say thattothe
life itin the nature does not make it possible
lyala ancient man to reach greater heights in development. ancient life of man in the world,
full of berries and mushrooms, fruits and beasts, it was no more difcult than our lives for us. ancestry
complete and harmonize with nature and the course of its events. Generally, there are different criteria
Vitia personality? Ability to build and drive a car or the ability to be happy, HA
hodyas in harmony with oneself and with the world? Achieving full absolute harmony
and happiness - it is no less necessary than the TV's design, I dare to say that this case
even more necessary. Ancient people not engaged in the improvement of the environment (-to
Daubney idea would be perceived by them as complete madness), and improving themselves.
Study of its nature, as well as the nature of the world, was the key to success.
Let us reect on the following ideas.
Wise understands that if you do not hurt yourself in the foot, it is not necessary to walk with crutches, but if
you have good eyesight, nor to wear glasses. Minds, memories, any information
accurate and fast, do not create libraries. And if they are able to count them all that they need,
they never invent computers. If these minds possess telepathy, they do not need
create a script, to invent radio and telephones. If you heat - do not wear Shu
boo. If you are always warm - you do not have to own a sewing clothing technology and manufacturing
Our ancestors who lived millions of years ago, had no need of writing, kompyute-
rah, television and radio, they did not need the house and clothes. Such a civilization can not be HA
call undeveloped. If civilization bespectacled cripples, riding in a wheelchair and have
weak brains, will blame the heroes civilization to savagery and backwardness only because
that heroes are not developed manufacturing technology wheelchairs and articial limbs, cripples
They are wrong.
Civilization stone age and earlier times was more perfect than ours,
since it had virtually no prosthetic technology, t. e. tools. people TO-
GDS did not invent religions, this suggests that the direct realization of God was in his eyes and serd-
tse each person.
Our ancestors who walked naked and slept in the woods on the grass, grasped the mystery of world-
building and we found a way to absolute happiness and harmony, so the scientists say. This was
crown of achievements of an ancient civilization. They did not know the word "God", most likely, they do
We did not use the language, resorting to other means of communication, but they comprehended the way to
union with God, with the Reality. As secondary consequences of the ancient paths tsivilizatsiya-
E have been developed so-called siddhic telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation to unprecedented
Heights have developed immunity, regeneration, the ability to be used as sources
huge variety of food and energy capacity of adaptation to harsh climatic
matic conditions.
What changed the course of history and led people to forget about yourself and do change Oak
vironment? And legends mention generations of degeneration and degeneration che
lovechestva. Well, everything in the universe has periods of growth, prosperity and decline, that's the law.
Of course, many will not agree with this point of view on the progress of civilization and values
development. No one today can not provide scientic evidence that the ancient myths
and stories describe real events, real past. We know little of the giant,
from the human point of view, the period of time prior to the era of intensive development of weapons-
diy work, but we should learn more about it: we all come from that time, and all we
we have from our spirituality, came out of that era. Realizing that was a mystery



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

spiritual path of our ancestors, it will be easier to understand where, how and why we go to
our spiritual quest.
We might ask: "Do modern people knowledge of stone and gold of Great Need
kov, because we do not live more in the woods, and if we have degenerated, if we are able to use
use, butwisdom?
Of course, much of to
that continues thebewealth of the
relevant andculture
may beofgained
our ancestors,
for we are no longer able
ve great benet. As for the degeneration and degeneration of human beings ... Stroke
Life goes in a spiral, and the lowest point of decline may be the start of a new revival.
According to ancient legend, the ancestors of modern humans are descended from the gods - mogu-
sneeze beings, able to move on his own in the space of the universe at large distribution
standing, as they wish to create and destroy worlds.
Everything in this world decays and loses its purity and strength. This is the law of the universe. wind grind
the tops of the mountains, the forests turn into the elds, and the eld - in the desert. Each new generation chut
slightly weaker than the previous one. Once the time has come, and the gods, having lost the ability to give birth to the gods,
gave rise to the rst people to land. Ancient people were very different from today's. in multi-
by God they preserved the wisdom and power of the gods. Our ancestors had a great physical
strength and ability to adapt to any climatic conditions. Therefore, the ancients did not
wearing clothes that do not require instruments of labor and construction of dwellings. digestive systematic
theme of our ancestors who lived in Eurasia, was so powerful that they could used
enjoy in food herbs, leaves, roots, fruits and meat from animals, even without putting
all this heat treatment. The descendants of the gods almost did not know illness. legends and
legends say that the ancestors lived in a harmonious fusion with God and nature, not separating
yourself from them. And therefore we had a lot of amazing abilities. Ancient people had
such force that easily defeated in a duel of predators such as lions and bears. they mog-
whether to move material objects with eyes, possessed the talent to perceive thoughts
each other, and send mental messages to other people who were on them
a distance of thousands of kilometers. Therefore, our ancestors did not need speech. Legends go-
voryat that the majority of the ancestors had the ability to leave their physical bodies on
ground and in the unseen magical bodies to travel to other worlds. From the legends that
the gods - the greatest beings from different worlds of the universe - have continued to communicate with obitate-
lyami ancient Earth. On the planet was not then no war, no strife - our ancestors were not separated
limye from God and nature, have higher wisdom. In addition, in the world enough space around zhi-
vym beings.
What was the spiritual life of those mighty creatures? Do they have their own religion? Ay
, ecclesiastical life of our ancestors was very rich, but the religion they did not have at all. All of them
life was religion. Indeed, the ancients were Kaula-tantrik, because their life is inspired
It had everything - even the physiological process of eating, mating, sleeping and breathing. The concept of "God"
was unknown to them, as to conceive of God as something concrete, it is necessary to allocate
him out of himself and the world, and himself separated from the world and God. Only then can God be considered
as something to think about it. But will God what is different from you, what can be thought
reason? The ancients did not divide the world into the spiritual and the material, the evil and the good. they were the body
like beasts, spirit-consciousness - the gods. Everything was complete and undifferentiated. such co-
standing in mysticism, symbolized by the image of a dragon, combining terrestrial nature
reptiles and heavenly nature of winged creatures.
Great Perfection is great simplicity. If your mind completely, you do not
to build the temple, for both inside and outside of you - the sacred temple area.




Some call this era the Age of Chaos, the other - the Golden Age. I would say that while
The era of harmony.

Stone Age

elovechesky kind of slowly but surely degenerated with each successive generation.
Millennium after millennium generation lost their wisdom, strength and talents. gradual
foam human consciousness became devote himself from the universe, became separated from
Unity with indescribable reality which we call God. It is natural and full of spontaneity

stvennost have been violated, the perception of harmony gave a failure. People felt this trouble, multi-
Gia wanted to go back to wholeness, but a desire to achieve the goal was
It is not enough. Inuence tirodhana shakti Truth conceal energy on the planet has increased.
As the world many have ceased to be perceived for what it is, people tried
to make up the lost rudiments of religion. There was a need for mysticism - the science of unity with
Only Jehovah, God, and the ancient holy guru took up its mission. che
lovechestvu transferred shaktipat and meditative techniques.
The rst religious symbol, the rst icon and the rst temple was standing verti-
locally natural stone. That's about it and told us to research scientists studying The cylinder
vilizatsiyu. Hard, durable and sturdy, simple and uniform, its vertical soedi-
sculpt the heavens and the earth, the stone was the most faithful image of God. It is not so co
consummate as the All-and-nothing of past epochs, but much more perfect religious objects
Bronze Age. Even when people began to use not only prirodnostoyaschie, but also articial
governmental set stones, they were wise and happy times. People missing one
meditation - contemplation of the stone, to know God. To this was added a daily
heart close observation for external and internal worlds. Barrier separating
man from God, was thin and similar to the haze. Meditative contemplation stone was sufcient
precisely to break this barrier hazy. Thus began the Stone Age, Stone Age conscious
Nia. A side effect of the use of such stone was its use in the salvaging
-totalitarian order - as a substitute for their own claws and fangs that much posposobst-
Vova such degradation. In addition to the sharp and strong claws and teeth over time people
I lost telepathic skills and was forced to use the sounds to transmit informa-
tion. It took the re to soften the food scare away dangerous animals and protect against
cold. The time will come when a man took clothing from animal skins to
to protect themselves from the cold.
The more a person is separated in the life of nature, the more sophisticated stano-
curling stone and bone tools. The more consciousness of ancient man departs from
God consciousness, the less knowledge and more problems took on people. For example, before
people always knew what he should do in different situations, his awareness and behavior were
inseparable from the natural rhythm set by God. Later this direct link It turned
familiarize lost in man in doubt. Gradually, very slowly began to society
emerge rudiments of ethics, morality, law, designed, like prostheses to replace
Many thousands of years ago, during the Middle Paleolithic, the case has not yet reached full
falling away from unity with God and to the fratricidal struggles between people, but the process
degeneration was evident. Most people are needed in the way of returning to divinity
Nome Oneness with God - there are methods, systems, special psychological, energy
and-energy exercise that can achieve this unity. There was a pri-


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

quotation marks to use in everyday life tools - formed trend, improving these tools
Labor loses the ability of the physical body. In this era, it begins to form a serious
separation between people - equality of lost abilities. Some pretty
degree preserved miraculous powers of their ancestors, while others have lost them. However drev-
Nation system of spiritual and physical perfection largely helped samorazvi-
Tia people.
We did not yet have any blind modern religions with their dualism, dogmas, superstitions
and misunderstanding of reality. God was in everything - in stone, trees and animals, the earth, the sky,
stars and, of course, in man himself. You had only to tune in, make an effort to reconstruct
novit unity with Him.
In more recent times, the perfection of humanity continued to be lost and how
consequently it continued to improve as the self-development of systems and tools.
nye areFollowing the Stone
ancient stone Agegurines
and clay came thesymbolizing
era of the Unity
a manofand
God and the Goddess. On all continents ucho-
schinu (half of these gures can be traced to very exaggerated sexual
featured). This follows after the stone objects that helped to break the road to the lost
Vision. See - the veil between man and God became even denser, one stone
It is not enough to break through the path. There was a need for energy for the pro-
discontinuity walls limitations. Energy is always formed between two uni-
opposite poles.
At this stage, a man came to the perception of God as the One to perfectly,
taking the form of the Great Mother and the Great Father gave birth to the whole universe. All living beings
- Children of Heaven and Earth. God manifest in the world, both directly and through a variety of elements, and different
personal beings and teaches the people. God is in everything - food, breath, life force, re, sun,
moon, earth, bull, bear. However, the root of all manifestations - the Great Mother and the Great
God and Goddess, a man and a woman. Figures tuned ancient man meditate
on itself - the God within us, ordinary men and women outside - we are human beings, clay
symbols inside - we are God - that is not based on anything, but can express themselves than
anything. Manifesting itself as the unshakable duality in the world of samsara, God teaches that superreality
two great "opposites" are inseparably united. Realize the profound nature of ourselves and
your "opposites", you will understand how to extract energy from the duality for a breakthrough
environmental consciousness walls. God - this reality-consciousness, the Goddess - Reality-energy
in their unity secret return to Freedom.
Why did the medieval Christians believed sex a sin? One of the reasons is
that the connection of the two poles gives strength, and if your mind is weak, you can not pra-
correctly use that power, and the power overcomes you and brings in the wrong direction. In such
case you hurt yourself and others. Christians are wise enough to understand the danger volsheb-
Noah sticks in the hands of ignorant and weak-minded, but lacks the wisdom to cure dementia and
to give knowledge. In our time, there is no religion that could give a person the knowledge and methyl
Toda is again due to the imperfect and limited human to become the original, perfect
and innite God. And do not look for religion, which might help you with this, due to their nature
it is able to be a path leading to the side of God, but not able to be trail dovodya-
conductive to God himself, only mysticism can help achieve the goal.




It was not yet a religion but a mystical and magical teachings. Millennia have passed, and the Doctrine
has acquired a variety of details. In different places it is beginning to take local specics. Pri-
Kladno aspects - hunting magic, healing magic, and others clothed in more and
a ritualistic form.

Great Mothers Time

An era when people are becoming urgent for the possibility of nding the Higher
Strength and great for business as usual. Obtaining an intuitive knowledge of the Force remains largely
depending on the Goddess - Great Mother, personied in the human community zhenschi-
our tribes. On the other hand, equality of forces biologically disrupted - in men for you-
syacheletiya began to prevail outside, brute force, as in women - interior,
secret. As more suitable for this purpose, men were hunters, women 'specialized
Rowan "in the manufacture of tools, healing, magic. Hunt then had a mediocre de-
scrap, animals in the forests and steppes were so many, the birth of the household items - mysterious.
That woman in charge of procreation, its vitality, became hrani-
Telnice ancient and modern mystical magic and crafts. Thus, an era matri-
Arhat. If earlier incarnation of the One God, both were equally important in this era of role
God - the Great Father receded. For many millennia reigned primeval
Shaktism, the cult of the Great Mother. Life tribes proceeded according to its laws. Headed ple-
wise women were giving birth variables. Marriage is the same as hundreds of thousands of years ago, retains the character
We went millennium. 35 - 40 thousand years ago came to life more difcult times
- climatic conditions greatly deteriorated. Ancient mankind has experienced these tysyachele-
ment to reect them in their life and culture. The course of history continued. 10 - 15 thousand years ago
under the leadership of women who relied on the power of the Great Goddess, people have mastered pottery
production, began to move to the breeding and burn agriculture.
Some tribes engaged in farming. At the same time, in remote locations is continuing
Are there communities that have preserved a more ancient way of life and thought. The main weapons-
Labor diyami they continued to be the crudest stone objects, and a source of food
served as hunting, shing and gathering.
However, the overall situation in the world has changed signicantly. Changed and the spiritual life
of people. Despite the efforts of the wisest, human waste from God and nature, as well as everywhere in the con-
natural or man continued. Mystical and magical teachings overgrown religion many ancient premud-
growth has been lost. The cult of the Great Mother enriched with details. Archaeologists nd glinya-
nye and stone gurines of the Mother Related to this period of time, as in Central Asia,
and everywhere in the world. They are a female torso with hypertrophied sexual
signs. These gures were used in mystical exercises and magic rites, in
particular to ensure fertility.

Bronze Age: the end of matriarchy

In spite of the all new developments period of matriarchy, itself a system in which
dominated by one sex, can not be in a state of equilibrium and harmony. with
time warp necessarily arises painful. In the men's early contained
his wisdom and power, without respect to which the Divine Harmony, and
normal social harmony is achieved. The strength of the matriarchy gradually became his low-


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Stu. Not having a strong support of the Great Father, man has increased the gap between themselves and
With each new century skew caused matriarchate was amplied. inside the male
community dissatisfaction arose gradually. Response to this discontent was the revival
of denominations in a pedigree male veneration beginning as lingam - vertically supplied
lennogo stone, symbolizing the universe axis, as well as the male genital organ, oplo-
dotvoryayuschy land of nascent life.
Again, the gures are male torso with hypertrophied sexual priznaka-
E. During meditation, male and female gures, as in earlier times, are set
together. Due contemplation of two principles in man awakens arc energy which HA
directs to the attainment of unity.
Developing the art of using in the mystical and magical purposes special uzorov-
psychograms, traceable nger in the sand or being drawn paints on stone surfaces
With the emergence of hoe farming and ranching role of collecting and rybolov-
CTBA has decreased. The economy began to appear surplus wealth. men
engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture, and later, when people learned how to use
in the economy and copper bronze, steel metallurgy and smiths, all of these facets of life demanded svo-
its spiritualization, its magic. The role of men in the tribal community has changed and ravenst-
in between the man and the woman recovered. It was a great time, ver- society
nulos to thebecome
Do people ancientmore
correct.order. Blossomed mysticism and magic, intergovernmental relations
However, centuries later, there was a reverse bias. Over time, a dominant position
men increased between the fourth and third millennia BC matriar-
halnye bolshesemeynye communities have become patriarchal. This process is virtually
fully completed ve thousand years ago.
So mentally Walk again through a series of thousands of years. The Golden Age and the rst po-
Lovina stone up to matriarchy, I would call the best time of humanity. at rst
People were almost equal to the gods, and later - the mighty giants. In their high development and mudro-
STI, they almost did not need a detailed and complex spiritual teachings. In his physical
esk almost perfectly done without tools. Consciousness to be like
God and the body - the beast, is not it perfect? Not by chance, as I mentioned earlier, volsheb-
ny dragon symbolizes Pratsivilizatsiyu. Dragon - the complete unity of bird and snake, and the sky
The cult of God as the Great Father and the Great Mother - the veneration of icons as a stone, designated
sistent with great simplicity and inviolability of God - this is truly the highest and purest
perception of the world in which owering branches intertwined with the heavenly stars. All clean and
true that survived in later teachings and religions - is a trace of the ancient era.
Fifteen thousand years ago, people engaged in animal husbandry and land cultivation. Vyruba-
were under forest and arable elds. It began an unrestrained growth of the population. An era of well-being are not
denstviya and abundance, and the wars between groups of people for excess fruit material
production. Seven thousand years ago, people learned to use copper in the economy, about
Five thousand years ago - the bronze. It was created not only more effective instruments of peace
labor arsenal of fratricidal wars enriched with new types of deadly weapons.
There was a huge variety of aids to the mystical way - sta-
Tui, drawings, magic signs, yantra and mandala, churches with their complex architecture, and i-
schronnym symbolism. Only one stone was already far enough to open in CE



God Be stupeed and degraded man. Mystical prostheses helped people uvi-
to put God in himself and around as long as the disintegrating consciousness and weakening minds
down to the level of a mystical natural path to the level of religion. The original vre-
Names people directly seen, felt, realized the truth, and therefore believed in it. In
times Religious vision and feeling God waned in the highest degree, was only
faith - but vague and blind, relying only on a conditional limited symbolism threshold
zhdonny lack of a clear and a clear vision. It can not because the mind is weak, weak consciousness po-
have great power and great clarity. Only a few prophets, saints and masters stayed
in Harmony-found unity, freedom and power. However, by our standards, in those days,
there were quite a lot, and the gods of the people visited much more frequently than in our day.
Degrading, mankind thought that moving to a better life. It farther and farther
waste from nature, manifestiruemoy God - the Great Mother and the Great Father. If
before the laws of society were perfect - they dictated the nature itself, the later laws
Society became imperfect - because they invent shortcomings exposed people. Ec
Do rst person followed the true laws of God and perfected by reading the Book of His tvore-
Nia, then later people began to follow the stupid laws of other people. Around them they saw
a world created by people. People are not as sophisticated architects God. how many
you can learn by reading the book of human creations? The upshot was that man began to Boc
take nature as a hostile environment, a terrible chaotic element. God also began
understood as a certain invisible superman who lives in the sky!
Thus, the First Age - a period dokamennogo century. The second - is to Palaeolithic matriar-
Third Period starts with the arrival and ends matriarchate iron invention. AT
this time the ancient knowledge of God is weakened, sometimes twisted, sometimes lost. accumulated
the sins of people
novyatsya mankind. Increasing
externally, theevil
more and injustice. they
"barbaric", The more civilized sta-
are spiritually.
Nevertheless, in the sacred territory of the Third Age - Knowledge centers of pure existence
Wali still on Earth. In addition to this knowledge it was permeated all around, had only to him
see, having the desire and some abilities. Of course, not everyone was able to see, but
relatively many.
With the advent of the Fourth Age, Iron Time, the spiritual power of humanity exhausted
even more, and the load of sins increased enormously. In the Middle Ages mysticism was supplemented
complex philosophical and metaphysical exercise designed to reassure vychle-
currently logged out of the universe mind, beating in the throes of duality. Tantric rituals stano-
curled more and more complicated and pretentious.
In our period of time Iron separation of man from nature has reached an all-time
However, there is their lighter and darker periods in each of these periods. And
Bronze and Iron Age has its oases disseminated First time. During such periods, in
some areas of the planet is reviving ancient wisdom of God, manifested in the idea of a
other secret teachings. Around these teachings formed harmonious society tending to
Truth people. How to determine which exercise is the real and pure? The more true scientists
set, the more it is natural, natural, t. e. based on our knowledge of the internal and
external nature, rather than on the ideas or hallucinations of a man.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Amriteshvarabhayrava and Amriteshvarabhayravi




Disappointment in the material and spiritual mystery

azhdy committed to integrity, completeness and harmony, some consciously, others - no.
The man picks a particular type of activity from the desire to obtain through this deya-
telnost something that will satisfy him. We feel incomplete and internal nesvo-
baud, but at the same time vaguely feel that the path to the fullness of freedom and innity suschest-
It exists. Many people give up on the idea of nding happiness through material enrichment
of, power, and fame. It is easy to discover that far from watching those who are rich and famous
Not all of these people are happy that after all the happiness and satisfaction - it internally Ka-
man celebrates inherent in one and unattainable by others.
Disappointed in material activities, we seek spiritual knowledge, spiritual tro-
ny. But here we are faced with serious difculties. Many scriptures
It said that the world was created by God according to the divine project. However, we are constantly vi-
Dim in our world of injustice, violence and hatred. On the ground, do not stop zlodeya-
Niya, and often we can see that the villains, following his path, thrive, and virtuous lyu-
di have a lot of problems and do not have the power to change things for the better. we pytaem-
Xia themselves to follow the path of love, goodness and justice, however, this is often very difcult
- periodically awaken in us aggression and anger, greed and selshness. we stremim-
Xia to the spiritual, the divine, that there is slavery matter. However, we have not encountered
tea in our lives the angels and gods, God is not for us and our neighbors, in order to inspire
we have direct proof of the existence of the spiritual world. On the contrary, we see only the materi-
cial things - the earth, rocks, trees, food, and other creatures. All these factors can show HA
blyudatelnomu person, that something in our traditional understanding of the nature and essence of the world
Spirituality is not something. There is a great mystery and a path to harmony, completeness, integrity, beauty
and freedom depends on its resolution. The doctrine Trikasamarasya Kaul says:
The path to God - through the stone. Trees teach ethics sacred commandments. Equality with zve-
ryami makes you a. Empty space inspires and bestows the divine. your heart
- the highest altar. Realize the Mysteries of Light, Darkness and Blood Draw Great Pattern - will attain
integrity, freedom and beauty.
Love is your nature, your anger will cloak. Death, sex and reproduction OS-
Freedom to you from the limitations of awed, you will cease to understand who you are, but you ob-
retosh like you're there in its entirety.
This Way - The ancient trail, but she was always new, as is nding happiness
always important for the living beings. It has no beginning and has no end, because the nature of its
- Innity.
Many modern people do not agree with my historical analysis, and say that
it is impossible to draw conclusions based on the study of legends about the four eras. However, ancient
view that such a development and the decline of civilization, what progress and degradation
spirituality, deserves attention. This view looks much more plausible,
than many of the theories of scientists.
I was always funny to listen to the "scientic reasoning" that, say, a belief in a Supreme originated from
ancient people out of fear of a hostile environment.
You see, it was their medium of their mother, a kind and friendly world. They did not know of another
for themselves and their life was not heavy. Primitive people were ideally suited for
such a life. In Higher believed, because it is impossible not to believe in what you see, feel and osozna-
osh, for you and Ono - are inseparable.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

The more it was lost the original vision, Feeling and Awareness of Himself as
God, the more developed the mysticism, the more weakened consciousness, the less it was spo-
sobno understand and use mystical methods and the more and more into their PE
faith-based symbols.
Religion - a cross between a limited vision and understanding of the mystical method Dos
tizheniya Lost God.
Changing the perception of the reality leads to physical changes in the real
Nost man. So consciousness degradation leads to the degradation of the body - it is every century
still needs more and more in ever increasing number of prostheses. A body degradation spo-
Property and degradation of the environment: we have transformed the forest into the elds and steppes, now our civilizing
tion of the eld and turns in the desert steppe, and not in the desert plain, and poisoned with
industry. Environmental consciousness of the body and the planet are interconnected. So what will be the end?
Time ages and destroys civilization. Centuries pass, and weaken the mind and the mind, weakens the TE
lo. There is a growing mountain of dentures - spiritual and material. The planet can not bear the weight
the mountain and slowly dies.
Is there any hope of salvation? Yes, there is, but only if you know the laws of the world.
Life moves cyclically in a spiral, and the last stage of degradation and imperfections
very similar to the starting point Perfection and owering.
Take a closer look at our civilization. The architecture of our buildings is that
recalls rocks, dotted with caves. Modern dance music computer napo-
Mina ancient shamanic rhythms. Many types of modern painting and drawing napomi-
nayut rock painting of the ancient tribes. Religion has lost its meaning, and God sends
mystic knowledge through the "household" channels - literature and cinema, music and psychedelia.
That there are at least such lms as NIRVANA and MATRIX.
Victory, and happiness can be achieved through the integration of ancient wisdom with modern
Noah lives. So I teach me Bhairava.
The world is driven by not only the collapse of the ow, degradation and death, but also the ow of the Eternal Osoz-
Navan Energy and Blood of God. The availability of this my book clearly conrms the existence
vanie this good ow. A Way? Ancient knowledge has not disappeared completely. Now it suschest-
It exists on the planet in the form called Tantrism, especially archaic manifested in schools
Shiva and Shakti. And if you are a man, you have a chance. Using all his strength, and the voice of God in
your heart, nd the path of tantra, using the ancient methods of escaping from the jaws of slavery and
suffering, to realize and remember - God is a reality.
Tantric Path of Bhairava and Bhairavi is that the power to help worthy people
come to the revival and ourishing. After passing through the Palaeolithic, the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages,
The tradition has been enriched with new techniques and symbols, logical philosophical system, po-
Leznov intelligent
presentation people,
teachings as wellman.
to modern as adequate terminology
Currently, there is a for ease and
tradition convenience
of Bhairava
in Tantric Buddhism, and Tantric Hinduism. For example, Tibetan Buddhist
Gelug school contains a secret doctrine Vajrabhairava, and among the mystical schools susche-
stvuyuschih stream Hindu and containing a Path BHAIRAVA and Bhairavi, we should point
erage to such famous branches as Kashmir Trick, and Kapalikas BHAIRAVA-Kaul.



Black dog - vahana Bhairava. Kalabhayrav Mandir



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Part II. teaching

Name and image

hayrava ... One of the many names of God, also called Rudra and Shiva. Name
"Bhairava" is superstitious terror in the hearts of the ignorant, and it is not surprising
- in the framework of the national Hindu Bhairava it is considered the most destructive and deadliest
HOCH manifestation of Lord Shiva, born of his wrath. According to legend, Bhairava and
his spiritual wife Bhairavi like to live in mountain caves, dense forests, places burning
corpses. At night they feast in cemeteries, not only with the gods and sages, but also with the demo
us and the spirits of the cemetery: Rakshasa and Pisachas, Bhutia and Preti. During these or-
nologies enjoy feasting putrid meat, blood and magical drinks, izgotovlen-
GOVERNMENTAL from herbs and roots.
The name "Bhairava" is interpreted as "Devouring the Destroyer." Throughout the Hindu pan-
Theon dating back thousands of deities, it's hard to nd a gure more formidable and frightening.
In the Hindu pantheon there is Yama, the God of Death, which takes the lives of living beings, when
It comes their turn to die. God Mahakala, a great time, can break the life even of God
Of death. When it shows its destructive power of Bhairava, no one will even copper
coins for the existence of a formidable and implacable Mahakala. Nobody and nothing can resist
before the destructive power of Bhairava, after it hit or not remains only dust, but even
void dies and ceases to exist. Yoga worship Bhairava as liberators,
destroys all the shackles and obstacles to the achievement of God, both internal and
At the same time, such an understanding of Bhairava is one-sided and incomplete.
Bhairava is not only by rigorous Destroyer, but also the one who transforms sin into holiness,
impurity in purity, duality in the non-duality; He also is the Lord of tan-
an insulating yoga, shamanic rituals, magic and witchcraft. According to such a prestigious school,
as a trick, Bhairava name has three syllables: "Bha" - means maintaining power, "Ra" -
power failure and "Ba" - the power of creation. Thus, it explained that creates Bhairava
world, supports it and destroys. He is above the highest and deeper than the deepest. Tai
nye teachings explain that Bhairava is the Source and Lord of all the energies of the world, that Bhayra-
va is the Reality, Nature and essence of everything in the innumerable worlds and dimensions. In the tradition of
there are peaceful demonstrations Bhairava, such as Amriteshvara - Lord of sky-ocean
of the nectar of immortality.
Bhairava has its female hypostasis - the Goddess Bhairavi is his wife and
mistress. In Trikasamarasya Quale, unlike Bengal Kaula, Bhairavi is not
only one of goddesses Mahavidya and revered as Great Goddess (Mahadevas) and Great De-
Moniz (Mahasuri), generates, nourishes and destroys all the phenomena of the universe,
including space and time. Bhairava and Bhairavi together constitute the divine family
- Kullu, which also includes all those who practice their doctrine, whether it be the gods, giants, demons, people
or animal. His example Divine pair shows how it is possible, while in The available
present form of the body, living in the "impure material world" - forests, mountains and deserts, kladbi-
soup, cities and battleelds, to be completely free and will not stain or car-
my, norBefore
sin, experiencing
you continuethe
theSupreme Bliss of
consideration ofAwakening.
the image of Bhairava, let us reect on neko-
torymi things.




Reection in front of the Reality

E If you were to ask religious people, whether they want to meet with God, is likely
most of them would answer in the afrmative. It is easy to understand - for God of Great
ruyuschih is the source of Light, Love, Beauty, Justice and Eden bla-
zhenstva. God is called the Absolute Truth. All this is true, but ... What conclusions can be drawn
from the usual descriptions of God, whether or not the above description of the divine qualities
sufciently comprehensive? Yes, God is the truth, but do we really want to know the truth
as it is, not as we would like to see her? Why are we so sure that obraduemsya Isti-
not when we nd her? Do we run, faced with a bare and absolute Truth, from Her
without looking back, shuddering with horror if she us to the heart does not hurt? Yes, God is light, God is
the source of all light in the universe, brightness and clarity knows no bounds, but ... if the average
the man's eyes shine a powerful spotlight, whether he would go blind from the light exceeding
present possibility of human perception, not cover whether the blinded total darkness?
What to speak of the Divine Light, which is in direct contact with it can vospri-
nyatsya as a complete and absolute darkness. The energy of this light has the highest energy of love, she,
not knowing the obstacles, it permeates everything in its path. But whether we are pleased to embrace God can
Will we survive without the cry of pain of such intensity of love? Will we be able to survive in the ashes of her negasi-
direct ame? Yes, God can lend us a cup of nectar of heavenly bliss, but will not
Do drink the Supreme Bliss too strong for us, if it does not corrode like sulfuric
acid, all of our entrails, both physical and spiritual? Would not it be God's ambrosia
poison for a person?
Yes, God is absolutely beautiful, but will this be perceived average prohibitive Beauty
him as a man of terrible deformity? Are we sure that we are good enough and thin
cue taste to enjoy this supreme beauty, such an absolute and perfect, that,
perhaps it passes into its opposite? It turns out that instead of be-
logo, beautiful images, radiating into space the soft light and holding a bowl with his hands
lemonade heavenly bliss, we can face the dreaded black gure standing in
halo of hell re eternal Divine Love and hands us a vessel with prozhi-
gayuschim body and soul the poison of ambrosia. Left pririsovat horns and a tail, and now in front of HA
mi ... No, this image of God is unlikely to be pleasant kind-hearted man in the street. But who will give gas-
Ranta, that he / she will come not so? And that is not all! Let's touch on the Nature of God,
and Divine Justice. We see the world in which we live, created Gospo-
home in His image and likeness. And we see in this world as owers and singing birds, and ple-
canopy and bloodthirsty predators like the gentle sun and a gentle breeze, and erupting
volcanoes, storms and earthquakes, taking with them thousands of lives, as the bright day, and
dark night, as the health and youth, so old age and disease. Can we say that all
beautiful and good in the world created by God, and all the ugly and deadly created by someone dru-
GIM, some rival good Creator? It is unlikely, since, if it exists, even very mogu-
Others, a competitor and embraces the other half of the world, we can not call it
being God, for God - the Absolute, the Vast and Completeness. So do not blame everything
horror and misery to a certain devil, for if the devil existed, then he would be a creation of God,
existing with divine approval. God is everything. That is why a person Zorka
and it is also difcult to accept the theory that says that the whole world - is an illusion, unreality, koto-
Heaven has no respect for God-Brahman. If this were so, the Brahman would
is limited by the existence of another reality, not pertaining thereto.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Further, we see that in our world, winning is not only good, but sometimes even evil. Mnozhe-
GUSTs good and kind people, including newborn babies, suffer from hunger and BO
existing illness, poverty and injustice at the time, as many villains and villains thrive in ros-
Cauchy, get out of life are numerous fun and have all the means to osuschestvle-
Niya their nefarious designs. Where is Divine Justice? We can say that strada-
Niya good people and bad people prosperity is the result of karma in their past over-
births, so that everything is true. Even so, the very possibility of such suffering and such
the situation is not denied by the universe. Who knows what is expressed supreme justice
God and how it differs from human notions of justice? Do not you see
higher justice on a human level as the lack of justice in general?
Most of the people that inhabit our planet, have an average level of development -
average intelligence, average power, average sense of taste and beauty. Not this way
a lot of people can understand the classical music and enjoy movies Tarkov-
Skogen, but millions enjoy primitive pop music and love to watch "soap
Opera. " Is that what most believers worship, true God?
God - eternal, immortal, therefore, he / she is outside the ow of time, His / Her
It can not be concluded in the past, present and future. God is innite, He / She is unlimited, Bu
Duchi prisoners in a certain space. What does "out of time"? This means that God is not in
the past, not the present or in the future, that is. e. He / She will never exist. What do you mean "for pre-
affairs of space "? This means that there is no God in front, behind, left and right, there is not at the top,
or at the bottom, ie. e. His / Her nowhere. If God is nowhere and never was, then what do we? Ec
Do the same God is always and everywhere, then the world is His / Her manifestation. If God is primary and
He / She created the world, then we must admit that the world was created from God, for anything else, even
void, then it was not. (If with him / her was something else besides Him / Her, it
would limit God, and God is, by denition, is full and is not limited.) If all threshold
REPRESENTATIONS Creator of Himself, then everything in the world "slepleno" of divine test. Nature che
Lovek and worm, a virtuous or a villain, he is God. But God is the Source, Maintenance & Ko
Heff, everything that happens in the world. Where disappeared comely gure of the good old man,
full clear we love, ruling the world according to clear us of justice, You are a
expression for us in the holy commandments? God reveals himself, being both light and
Darkness, the source of both evil and good, and at the same time, is outside of and dru-
Gogo, ruling the world according to the principles that do not have much in common with human pre-
representations of good and bad, just and unjust, does not cause rapid Boc
bargaining millions of people inhabiting our planet. Especially if you can not even about the idol
say whether he / she is within or outside of the existence or nesuschestvova-
Nia. How to love a God in Him / Her to believe as expected justice and protection?
Such a God is afraid, and many will not want to strive to reach his / her to jump into
arms, or at least enjoy the divine presence.
Most people are afraid to have desires and preferences, and therefore do not want to see PE
alnost do not want to accept it for what it is, therefore, attributed to God acceptable
for most people the attributes and characteristics of the images. The device and principles of the world
life granted to human religions, simple (in theory but not in practice), it is sufcient one-
digit and t easily into the consciousness. However, when for the sake of our complex is simplied pro-
complicated-empty and the desired issued for real, we are losing even more understanding
themselves, the world and God, even more escape from reality into the world of illusions. When Reality razbi-
Vaeth our illusions, we suffer.



In this paper, I did not set myself the goal to reveal to the reader the nature of God in
words and descriptions (try to describe something that does not t into any description!). My
task - to show what truth is, but it is signicantly different from the perceptions of
It, from simulations, designed to meet the masses of the faithful people and make their lives Me-
it terrible, more clear and lled with a kind of sense.
Symbols have characters, but they express what is behind them. Everyone chooses their
characters based on the fact who the person and why and where it goes. Tantric is mani-
festatsii of God is much more than symbols. Take a look at the image of Samaras, unites
a conductive Bhairava and Bhairavi. Where we still have seen such a thing? Of course, in our lives, but
Do we give ourselves in this report? God is all-consuming, all-containing in itself the darkness, but at the
same time, the Great Darkness contains the entire light of the world. At the same time God is Great
vseizluchayuschy Light exhibiting all the phenomena of the universe.
The wings and tail of a reptile say that God contains within itself the unity of the divine
and material, celestial and terrestrial, water and re. God is perfect, complete in Himself,
His nature is self-sufcient and still includes the feminine and the masculine - Shiva-Bhairava
and Shakti-Bhairavi, located in Harmony Supreme Unity. Central facial expression
the bottom of the head can be interpreted as the ultimate joy or limit the anger that olitse-
es the imagination is inaccessible intense energy of the Divine The existence
Nia located outside the duality of thought and descriptions. The image of God may be perceived
and taken as a sexy, attractive and beautiful, and at the same time as the predatory,
horrible and repulsive. This indicates a very large extent - the unity of the destruction and sozida-
Niya held together in balance and harmony. God naked gure, which shows the
nakedness of truth, the complete original natural nature of the universe. Halo
re and light symbolizes not just total destruction, but also purity, Bespredel-
hydrochloric Power, Wisdom and Love. Month represents what even all-destroying time yavlya-
by only the toy, invented by God for fun. Owl head is za-
limit Wisdom and Spiritual Master, able to see in total darkness sansa-
ry. Lightning coming from the hand of God, represent Shaktipat - the ow of Divine Grace,
descending on living beings and helps them to nd harmony and happiness. In the hands of God
holding various objects, some of which are scientists and others - methods of achieving
Nia. Both is a treasure - gifts of God, allowing us to realize
his divinity indescribable Absolute Perfection.
Deciphering the meaning and signicance of each item and each icon element would take
a lot of time and space, besides much of this knowledge can be opened only
those who follow Trail Bhairava.

Doctrine and Its fruit

ccording to the Doctrine, there is a reality which is beyond thoughts and descriptions
but at the same time is the nature, essence and basis for all the world to innite
worlds and numerical measurements. This primal and innite reality called
God, the Absolute, Parasamvitom, Shivatvoy, Adiparabhayravoy, Samaras. poetically and
metaphysically it is described as Chitty, Great Consciousness Mahashunya - Great Void,
Prakash - Great Light and Parashakti - Great Energy. Scientists argue that consciousness,
Emptiness, light and energy are one.
On the one hand, the reality of emptiness on the other - and it manifests from luminiferous
all the countless phenomena. It can therefore be called Absolute Great entirety.

Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Vibratory motion Shakti energy, forming an ever-changing pattern mirozda-

Nia, is inherent in the nature of consciousness, and this is all this is.
Everything that exists in the world is generated by the Great Reality, we come out from it, remains
in it, and destroyed the power of the Great Reality, going into It is.
This ultimate reality, Samaras, Parasamvit, Adiparabhayrava is Nature and OS-
new everything. Everything in the world - inanimate objects and living beings - is the nature of this
Reality, the nature of God. What is the nature of most of this reality? Her nature yav-
I wish to set up herself.
Tradition states that the truth, the true reality is indescribable. it is
beyond thoughts, words and concepts and perceived through direct mystical experience over-
To make it easier for students comprehension of the process, are used in diverse Doctrine
grained images, terms and arguments, giving some orientation novice practitioners
Ways of Bhairava. For example, Parashakti described as the Great Tree, the fruit of realization
Goal achievement compared with the mystery of the Great Star. Novice practitioners say,
The reality that God is absolute perfection - Innite Fullness, Beauty, Strength,
Knowledge, Harmony and Bliss. God is innite and eternal. Unable to articulate what
He / She is Being or carriers; Parabhayrava that includes both Being and Nothingness Li-
Bo is outside the one or the other. However, everything in the world is a spontaneous Ma-
nifestatsiey Great Bhairava. Five major forces of God constantly vibrate, creating of Great
liky Pattern of the Universe. These forces, Srishti, sthiti, samhara, tirodhana and anugraha create,
maintain and destroy the phenomena of the world, the true secret of the divine nature
living beings and reveal it to them in accordance with the principle of multi-dimensional secret.
Yes, our nature, like nature likely to have the same Divine Reality, but when we
are under the inuence tirodhany - hiding power, we do not realize ourselves as sovershenno-
of God, however, is constrained by space and time, we feel and perceive themselves as
unsatised, limited, separate from the rest of the world being deprived vsemo-
guschestva, omniscience, immortality and the Supreme uninterrupted bliss. However, The depth
Boko inside we feel that we can be something more than just a limited
body, emotions and mind, and sometimes we feel at heart a vague yearning for something higher and
Most living things do not are aware that all their activities are called
feeling of incompleteness and desire to again become perfect and complete.
Is it possible to realize their potential perfection? You can, and, according to
The teachings of Bhairava, this can be achieved not through many rebirths, not only after
death, but right here and now, in this most of our lives.
In order to better understand the world in which we live, and the path that returns to us
perfection, let us briey consider some aspects of the teachings of metaphysics.

Parasamvit ve Shakti Tattvas 36 and three degrees of Self-Realization

so that the highest reality of the universe is Parasamvit, Shivatva, Samaras.
This represents a clear consciousness. Parasamvit is the basis of all beschis-
PARTICULAR phenomena of the whole universe, and at the same time, it is superior to all creation.
Parasamvit - eternal, innite and inexhaustible. It's all over, and at the same time, this all-out



Parasamvit not seen, not heard. It's darker than dark and empty more than emptiness. And at the
However, everything that surrounds us, is nothing but a manifestation of Parasamvita, since it also
have boundless light, as well as the nature and the source of vibrations and sounds. That is why
Parasamvit is called primordial Fullness. Parasamvit have unrestricted and neither of
which does not depend, on the contrary, all without exception, it depends on it. It rests in itself or by itself
for anything other than itself, it does not rest - because nothing else and there is self-condence and his father, and Ma-
teryu and child. Parasamvit there is the Force, the mother of all forces and their unique and podlin-
naya essence. It is called complete in itself, is completely free and the Great Innite
The entire universe - the projection, the pattern of energies Parasamvita. When we talk about Para
samvit as a great power, we call it Shakti. Shakti manifests as neischerpaemo-
Sea of seemingly different energies. Tradition highlights from a single energy for the ve major
aspects of human understanding: chit sakti ananda sakti iccha sakti, jnana shakti and
kriya shakti.
Chit akti is the most decisive aspect Shakti and represents EC-
natural to the power of the Divine Consciousness, that God is aware of itself as itself.
Anand Shakti - the energy of satisfaction through which God is in full
innite harmony.
Iccha Shakti - the energy of omnipotence. With this power, God completely
free in the direction of its activity at the level of the pulse generating various pro-
processes in the universe.
Gyan Shakti - the energy through which God realizes every phenomenon of the universe
but other than himself.
Kriya Shakti - the energy, showing that God becomes all the universe, all
its phenomena and performs all processes in the universe.
We can also divide kriya shakti on its ve aspects: Srishti - force sozida-
Niya, sthiti - maintain strength and balance, samhara - power failure, tirodhanu - force
concealment of divinity and Anugraha - Power of the Divine disclosure.
When we act srsti shakti, we want to build, create, and reproducibility
dit offspring. When we act sthiti Shakti - we are inclined to peace, balance and
balancing. Under the inuence of samhara shakti we show aggression or desire cleaned
Stith themselves from various drawbacks and imperfections. When we are under the inuence
tirodhany - we are drawn into the ocean of ignorance, while some tend to use alcoholates
hola and drugs. When we act on anugraha shakti, we start in one way or another The degree
penalties feel our divine nature and look for ways to activate it.
Now a few words about the universal manifestations of Parasamvita and structure of the universe.
We can be divided Reality 36 tattvas, 36 hierarchical levels of existence
Niya, 36 principles, or 36 elements - from naibozhestvennogo and transcendent to roughly Ma-
ter. Consider these tattvas.
1. Siva tattva - the principle of supreme divine entity, the divine "I"
rst creative movement of the Ineffable and indescribable.
2. Shakti tattva - the bliss of Siva expressed by the experience, "I" in the dynamics of susche-
tweaked, which is bliss. Shiva and Shakti tattwa are integrally formed.
3. Sadashiva tattva - this experience, "I - the whole world", "I myself - all this vselen-
naya. "



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

4. Ishvara tattva - "the universe is a manifestation of my own." The difference between self-
dashiva tattva and isvara tattva that in Sadashiva tattve emphasis on "I" and in ishva-
Dr. tattve to "the whole universe."
5. Suddhavidya tattva - an experience "I am I, this universe is this universe.
I - Shiva this universe - the duality of the fetus and is not for me something real. "
Five above tattwas called pure order tattvas, since each of them
High experienced and deepest Divine Nature.
6. Maya tattva. With this level of true divine nature hidden. On this regard, and
"I" and "it" are not perceived as anything but as something concrete, separate from the other. Maya -
this is what gives rise to ambiguity. It allows you to exist in the following ve tattvas,
ve cover, enveloping experiencing.
7. Cala tattva. Under the inuence of this cover experiencer feels that he sposo-
Ben is not anything that can not be anything in the world.
8. Vidya - the restriction of knowledge, thanks to this cover experienced a feeling of, "I
I know not everything in the world, but only something concrete. "
9. Raga - This Tattva causes a feeling of incompleteness, "I feel incomplete, and from this
dissatisfaction. In order to achieve fullness and satisfaction, I must have something to do and
10. Kala - this tattva imposes temporary restrictions on existence. thanks
this cover there is a sense of "the past", "present" and "future" and appears chuvst-
in the impermanence of existence.
11. Niyati - this tattva causes a feeling of localization in space: "I am
here and not in some other place, and even more so - not at every point of the innite pro-
space. "
These ve sheets limit and enslave a living creature.
12. Purusha tattva - the very principle of the existence of a limited, individual beings
the individual subject, the individual is going through.
13. Prakriti Tattva - the principle of the existence of objective, separate perezhivae-
direct. Otherwise this tattva is called "nature" and is manifested in the form of three qualities-modes: sattva, rad-
Zhasa and Tamas. Sattva implies a living creature to goodness and wisdom, rajas - to active In-
quences for the delectation of the material, and Tamas causes dullness, inertia and ignorance.
Next come the mental apparatus tattva living beings.
14. Ahamkara - ego is the principle, but in contrast to the Purusha, this principle is more concerned
not with subjectivity and objectivity with: "I did it, did not make it, I'll have to do
something more. "
15. Buddhi - Intellect. This is so that we can analyze and make
Decision: "Yes, it is useful" or "No, it's bad, and I will not do it."
16. Manas - the mind. This is so that we can think of. For example, "mother soap frame"
"I eat an apple" and so on. D.
Then there are the tattva of sensory perception.
17. Hearing.
18. A sense touch.
19. Vision.
20. The sensation of taste.
21. The sense of smell.
Following - the ve powers of action.
22. Creation.



23. Management.
24. Movement.
25. Allocation.
26. Speech.
This is followed by ve tanmatras or principles of existence ve material element
27. Sound.
28. Touch.
29. Color.
30. Flavor.
31. The smell.
And completes the manifestation ve material elements.
32. Ether.
33. Air.
34. Fire.
35. Water.
36. Earth.
In addition to these 36 principles, there is one more - Samaras, Parasam-
vit. It is true, the highest and deepest reality. It can not be written into the systemic
Thread thirty-seventh tattva, as found in each tattva. Of Shiva and Shakti to
element of earth. This transcendent reality and nowhere is it - nothing in the world,
submitted tattvas. But, being the nature of all, it is present in each tattva, as
the true nature of the Tattvas.
This reality is manifest from Shiva and Shakti to the ground, it plays a pulsing Mi-
Riads akti forming the ever-changing pattern, pattern being. In this game there ARE NO
one sense - a transcendental, God spontaneous activity is not due to any logic or
benet. Therefore, we sometimes refer to God "great and blessed fool," "drunkard, odur-
his Shakti "Manion clarity. We, living beings - it is the same reality, playing
limited phenomenon, in ignorance of his own divinity. Through games we pe-
restorations to feel God as a result of the same gameplay once we realize
its true nature and thus obretom his divinity. This gameplay OS-
exemption on all the burdens, problems and imperfections of samsara and gaining harmony and freedom
Absolute and Innite Perfection is called "sadhana". And according to the rules of the game Feed
Tantric sadhana and the ow of human life have become one. Then the mystic
It will be successful and the main prize - undivided with the Absolute Innite Sovershenst-
tion. How does the divine Self-realization - one day at once or gradually? it
It depends on the intensity Shaktipat - Anugraha descent, awakens us strength. This
power comes from the world of the heart, which is one with our hearts.
Tradition identies three levels of Divine Realization.
1. Yogi gets real experience of his original divine Pri-
2. Yogi practice as long as it does not become a total experience and not absorbed
Titus, "devour" the entire universe. As a result of this samadhi, the whole universe will disappear for a mystic,
will only indestructible Beyond.
3. After reaching this level, the yogi returns to the world of phenomena, but now for him this
the world is no longer enslaves samsara. Realized practices going through that every
each subject and the energy of the world is nothing but like him, a yogi, a private demonstration, spontaneous



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

tannoe and free manifestation of the energy of his nature; the manifestation of divine glory and of Great
This is the highest level of implementation, Trikasamarasya; reached this level is sami-
E Bhairava and Bhairavi. It possesses not only the true knowledge of their nature and priro-
dy of the world, but also omnipotence. This fullness of themselves, the beauty and harmony, but, however,
It does not have much to do with what is called beauty, harmony and completeness regular
Different individuals choose different paths. Ignorant are trying to achieve happiness,
Completeness and Harmony through the acquisition of material prosperity. Average believe in the way reli-
gies and have a concept of God. They try to follow the religious customs and ethics
cal principles, believing that it will bring them closer to the heavenly bliss. Reasonable same postiga-
by their nature, they are trying to understand reality and nd the Way.


mong all the paths leading to the realization of oneness with God, Ananda Trikasamarasya Kaul
- Tantric Path of Bhairava and Bhairavi stands out in that it helps to achieve
Goal the shortest path, the intensity of mystical practice allows putni-
ku move with great speed, and the magic of magic methods even poisons, demons and enemies pre-
It rotates in drugs, friends and allies. This is the path of knowledge and power, but not blind faith or empty
reasoning and fantasies. The doctrine is extremely natural, based on knowledge of the natural world and
human nature at all levels. It provides the mystique of truly wonderful opportunities.
Where a normal person sees another opportunity, another door, advanced adept Holy
He sees seven trails. In a situation where an ordinary man is leading an unequal battle with numerous
problems of life, the son or daughter of Bhairava and Bhairavi simply disappear from the battleeld, podnyav-
shis over it or dive deeper into this eld, to a level where these problems and prepyatst-
Wii on the way does not exist. Adepts trails Trikasamarasya Kaula not supporters of dualist
a system of prohibitions and denials - they prefer not to divide the world into "bad" and "good"
but they use whatever they can to implement sacred purpose. And they can quite a lot.
Children Bhairava and Bhairavi kind, but their kindness is not dictated by the precepts and external
regulations, and comes from the harmony of their deep nature. Mystics sacred path
lled with love, but that love has nothing to do with sugary and syusyukanem.
They try to be as natural as possible, adequate to the universe in which HA
hodyatsya. This is one of the guarantors of their power and success.
However, this ancient trail is not only a fast and easy way. It should be noted that
for many it is by a very dangerous and difcult, threatens many serious pro-
problems in the case of an incorrect understanding of the Teachings, errors in practice and inability us therefore estimate correctly
Niva yourself and the situation.
Tantric Path of Bhairava and Bhairavi is designed for talented people whose prizva-
of the search for the truth and to take her. Mystic Trikasamarasya Kaula should possess qualities,
as a scientist and an artist, as a way to realize the nature of Kula it is both scientic
process, and art. To realize the nature of God - means to reach the greatest scientic
The leg opening and complete the great masterpiece of art.
Seeker must have a wide and integrating mind, because without it is impossible
can understand the specic Secret Doctrine fast path, the principles of action. In pro-
cession passing mystic will deal with the ambiguity of the World. What is pre-
obstacle in the beginning, is an assistant at the next stage, and vice versa. Same



thing at different times and under different circumstances, carries a different property. any phenol
Men of the world can be transformed into something else. Good and evil appear as a category
real, but relative to us. The traveler will face a lack of division of the phenomena of the world
on the spiritual and material, beautiful and ugly, demonic and the divine, holy and
sinful, but to keep strict rules to avoid some things and strive to dru-
GIM according to patterns Way. In some situations, the knowledge will act as a medicine, and nevezhe-
GUSTs - like a poison, and some - on the contrary. On one of the turns light trails will be darkness, and
darkness becomes light, but at a different site between these concepts will no longer be a deep razni-
tzu, though, both will continue to be a. Many conventional "obvious
the truth "about the world civilization movement, about the nature of man, of the top and a bottom of, in terms of
The teachings will be an illusion, a mirage and, at the same time, many of the Truth Teachings of being open
tymi an ordinary person, it will seem a nightmare and the ravings of a madman. Dragons zaprya-
zhonnye in the magic chariot teachings rush to traveler Objectives faster than the wind, but woe to him
who perched in a chariot, without being able to control the dragons!
All this is more than enough for many modern people do not even
We thought to enter this path. However, there are those for whom do not go for much Tropez Kaula
more difcult and more dangerous, than go for it, because the trail - their home. Bhairava and Bhairavi store
of travelers and help them as their children.
In order to complete the Journey and fully realize itself as a complete and abso-
Lute harmony, strength and freedom, it is necessary to comprehend the mystery of the Green Spaces and inscribing
Light, Darkness and Fire Blood Great Pattern, Star Vsesovershenstva gain.
Each pattern has its own characteristics, although its basic elements are the same for all
practitioners of this tradition. Path to his mark goes through the stone contemplation penetrate through a
stizhenie Union stars and owering branches, as well as implementation of other characters, through interaction
Vie with Bhairava and Bhairavi, manifested in different forms. Here, on these pages, I do not
I will not go in detail into all the details, I will mention only the fact that during the Great Inscription
Pattern traveler goes through many worlds, among which are mentioned: nomad camp nachi-
huge capacity, sanctied by the setting sun Country Ashes, The Great Forest, Diamond Hill, Neopi-
Sui world Parabhayrava and Trikasamarasya.
Sdhana trails BHAIRAVA includes a set of effective mystical- magic
exercises and all sorts of meditations (some of them have a very archaic nature), HA
Board for the transformation of consciousness, energy and body. Process passage ways oriented
Rowan in the spiritual community of mystics, but at the same time is a matter for the individual.
Therefore, the method and order of presentation of the Teaching, as well as varieties of complex meditations za-
hanging from the student qualities, set its advantages and disadvantages. Types of exercises and meditation in
more dependent on the level of student development. The basis of the spiritual practice of people with self-
mymi high abilities are as follows: a) methods of directly introducing an adept in the experience
his or her original nature; b) the methods to x this result forever.
Those mystics, for whom the practice of such methods too hard, practice medita-
tion, transforming the poisons of the world in medicine, the disadvantages into advantages, human pri-
family and samsara power in the divine nature and power of Liberty world. Those for whom
problematic practice and the level of the following system specic instructions and performed
nyayut special exercises that allow to nd necessary to achieve the objectives of quality.
However, life often happens that the mystical Path used in the practice of life
all three species, only some of them are major, others - the subsidiary.
Much in the way a mystic path appears to depend on the Spiritual Master
Bhayravachari, the characteristics of his style passing and learning style. Therefore, although the dock



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Trina Doctrine and the base complex meditation are common to all practitioners of this path,
in each case Doctrine manifests before each student differently. One of
the basic principles of the Doctrine of Bhairava and Bhairavi reads: "Teaching the Way should be zhiz-
New for the student, instead of being a kind of complement to life, "only happens implementation
All student abilities and precious opportunities Way. Practitioner passes through a
number of initiations and initiations directed at nding them Shaktipat - God's Grace
and the transformation of the individual in the right direction.
Some meditation ascetic practices at any time and anywhere, while others are practical
forged in special places: in the woods, in the mountains, in cemeteries and places of cremation. Some rituals and
meditation is prescribed to spend special time - at sunrise, at sunset, at the time
particular phase of the moon, during the winter and summer solstice, autumn and spring equilibrium
denstvy and t. d.
Different yoga traditions Bhairava and Bhairavi belong to different branches of the teachings and conduct
different lifestyles - some walking, leaning on the sacred trident and holding a bowl of chelove-
Cesky skull, nude, sprinkled with ashes, overgrown with long hair and beard,
others yoga behave well socially and any clothing or behavior do not differ in appearance
They are from ordinary people. Some practitioners live sedentary, others are constantly wander, transition
AH from one holy place to another. Some live in mountain caves or places of cremation
corpses, others - in comfortable cities, enjoying all the benets of civilization. some Johannes
gi eat any food, including the esh of human corpses, and drink liquor,
smoking ganja, while others - vegans and do not drink even a light beer. It all depends on
Spiritual Master, the personal pattern from the pattern Ways and Ways mystical family yoga - Bhayra-
va chakras.

Sacred Tribe - Demonstration Adikuly

swelling yoga takes place in forests, mountains, deserts and cities. Yogi integrates osozna-
of itself with Reality Teachings stream with a stream of life. Every crack in prido-
goad the stone is for this mystic letter Secret Scripture. AT
actually the creation of a masterpiece - the mark of magical pattern implementation mystic nature of God
Ceska family - Kaulachakra - is something that has always supported the practice and helps
him, giving inspiration, knowledge and power, rendering all possible assistance.
We know that the people that surround us affect our lives sometimes positively,
and sometimes - not. According to the scientists, mystics should surround people who can help him or
her move to the objectives of effectively and quickly.
The most effective in helping people to spiritual practice are the same
yogis, like himself, with the same main interest in life, related to the same tradition
(Second helping without much effort to nd common ground in the process of detection methods and
meditation experience using accepted at the school's terminology). All living susche-
ARISING live among their own kind. Even if they go it alone in distant lands, the PA-
but or later come to nest. Mystic has to live among the mystics.
The optimal form of organization of the community is a very old traditional invariant
by Indian spiritual system of tribes, clans and families - Kula inherent Kashmiris, radzhastan-
Tsam, the peoples of Himachal and Uttar Pradesh, as well as most of the other peoples of India. Such
Doctrine clans mostly traditionally passed on related lines, and this contributes to
harmonious relations between all members of the Kula. If the wizard takes in students
man hard not related to his family, then a student is accepted through spiritual



ceremony of adoption. Attempts by Western mystics practicing High

Tantra in structures organized on the principle of the parish, religious organized
tion or monastery, mostly not met with great success, as contained in its
NIJ such formations are anything but not Kullu, an environment in which all
appropriate enabling practicing sadhana secret path of transformation. All chle-
us a secret brotherhood should be spiritual relatives of each other, like this situation, HA
example, in Kashmir clans. Only this form of organization among practitioners creates soft
kuyu and thin atmosphere of love, relaxation and condence when you know that in any ob-
circumstance can rely on each family and all together. Whatever disputes and pro-
contradictions do not arise between practices that have different kinds of temperaments and different
nature of stocks, most likely all will end well - not so easy to drive on the streets of his native
brother or sister. Kula will not only help you to practice sadhana, but also take care of that
that you were not hungry, naked, homeless, that you were not offended by the state or
individuals. Of course, from tantric Clan can expel, but it is much
less than in religious organizations and monasteries.
In the tradition of Bhairava are several types of spiritual kinship.
1. Bhairava Kula (Sacred tribe, clan or family Bhairava and Bhairavi). unites
a nondual mystics trails Kaul, students have different teachers and related
to the different branches of the Tribe - Kula.
2. BHAIRAVA Sampradaya (student's line succession). Unites all
mystics related to each other as countrymen the same branches in total
Teachings of Bhairava and Bhairavi.
3. BHAIRAVA chakra (Holy Circle BHAIRAVA and Bhairavi). It combines a practical,
students have the same teachers according to a certain style and methods. All mis-
tics chakra feel his spiritual master and his wife, his spiritual father and mother
- Bhairava and Bhairavi and each other - siblings within Holy Family.
There is no strict use of these three terms, and sometimes called the Kula Chakra,
and Kullu - Sampradaya.
In each community, people have their differences and problems periodically privo-
dyaschie to clashes and conicts.
Tantric tradition of Bhairava and Bhairavi contains methods to harmonic
monichno build relationships between the brothers. This special meditation and ritua-
ly, the various initiations, as well as traditions and customs, but sometimes it happens that even this
enough for a positive result. To the situation of love, holiness,
goodwill and tolerance has been possible in the Sacred Mystic family and Taking into
Tel and students must have a high level of spiritual development, wisdom, pronitsa-
telnostyu, breadth of vision, compassion, patience and skill in the application of technical
Sgiach tools to help a harmonious family life.
This was true even in the days when people lived in a merger with nature, natural
but also to build harmonious relations between compatriots. This is even more Ak
tual in our time, when the majority of people living in overcrowded and polluted city,
where we are cut off from nature, where human relations are governed by imsy
laws, and the total energy environment makes it difcult to achieve peace of mind.
Each of us has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, we can enrich
schat each other our strengths and cover the weaknesses of each other as long as they
They are corrected. Bhairava and Bhairavi children learn from each other and the "spiritual" and "Part
ble ".



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Bhayravayty revered Kullu, brotherhood sadhakas-devotees as a manifestation of love and

God's joy, because each of yogis and Yogini is potentially one way or another tantriche-
skim deity. "If you want to know what your relationship with God, - he says
Doctrine - look at it, what are your relationships with your brothers and sisters on the mystic
tion family. " How can you think of unity with the universe, if you are not in a position supported
Vat harmony and unity among your immediate associates? This attitude
derived from the Five Fundamentals of Precious Way, expressed or not expressed form suschest-
vuyuschih in all branches of Shaiva Shakta teachings. These Precious Foundations and Higher valuable
ness is:
Siva (Bhairav) - our original divine nature.
Shakti (Bhairavi) - Strength through which it is possible to realize our po-
potentially Divinity.
Guru (Bhayravacharya) - Master and Teacher, have reached a great level and obla-
giving the ability to teach others.
Dharma (Bhayravamarga, Kaulamarga) - The path, expressed in the Doctrine and Meto-
dah, granting the Supreme Jewel.
Kula (Bhayravachakra) - Relatives and associates of the holy family, spiritual
brothers and sisters, helping each other on the mystical path.
It really is a great happiness, when those who understand the intricacies of your spiritual
life, support you in it, as well as facilitate the everyday "material" life. Such
something more important than the physical relationship of kinship.
If we call the middle man, entangled in their own problems, illusions, and Part
'an restrictions sick, then Siva (Bhairav) - a potential You are a
recuperating, Shakti (Bhairavi) - is the power of the body, overcoming illness, Teacher - is
doctor, putting diagnosis and prescriptive path to healing, Doctrine - a medicine, and
Vaeth goodsisters and brothers
conditions - it is nurses,
for recovery. Not fornurses, cooks,
nothing remen - aallmanifestation
is considered those who ensured
of a spiritual family Bo-
ha and deserves worship.
Kula task is to help each other in self-realization all that is necessary.
Some teach classes, others translate texts, others painted icons, the fourth is ensured
by material well-being, the fth write and perform spiritual music. Brotherhood mandatory
but to help their poor brethren with food, clothing, shelter and money. Needless razume-
etsya that time belonging to the spiritual clan gives such guarantees and privileges, membership in it
for a person not born in the former tradition of Bhairava, given a hard time. Candidate for vstup-
Lenie in tantric family should not only prove their ability to practice sadhana,
its usefulness for the clan, but also to establish with all members of the family friendly interrelationships
Nia. Similar associations Tantrikas are not generally large in size, or
will worsen the quality of teaching and formalized relationship between sadhakas. Each
He knows each other in the face and all engaged in one common cause.

World - a sacred text that God has given us

ak I mentioned in previous chapters, according to tradition, in ancient times, people lived
in nature, does not distinguish itself from it, but comprehending its essence. That is how God nds.
Natural laws regulate human life, watching straight
creatures of God - trees, grass, animals, minerals, elemental manifestations - da




strated wisdom. There was no need for a ctitious law, business, politics, the army, tricky
clothing and housing.
Ancient man perfected himself, not tools, from that, he was perfect
us. Improved perception of the world and themselves, observation, regeneration and immunity
the organism were found ways to develop speed, exibility and strength.
And at the peak of this has led to the realization of the nature of God and such Siddhas as telekinesis
telepathy and other abilities, perceived by us as miracles. The ancients were Ay
Hamster like gods, the body - like the beasts. They did not know the concepts of "spiritual" and "material-
Noah "," justice "and" injustice "," evil "and" good. " All owed according It is natural rhythm
Harmony-governmental and Beauty and Integrity. Even difculties beautifully and harmoniously intertwined in
Pattern, occupying the right place. Later, the man identied himself from nature, and now we live in
conditions, which are not intended nor our body, nor energy, nor consciousness. we are surrounded
itself a labyrinth of prostheses, for the ability to live in the natural world, lost and bolshinst-
during one of us does not want and can not develop them.
Therefore, the scientists say: the mystic must be as close to nature - it teaches,
corrects deciencies, cures diseases, bestows strength and wisdom develop many necessary
quality. Without contact with nature it is very difcult to achieve not only God, but even just become
harmonious, good man, kind and fair, satised and able to
further development. Why yoga go to the mountains, forests and deserts, where there is no clean and which reduces to
overpopulation mind where you stay alone with God's creation, and through the creation
comprehend the Creator? Life in nature is one of the factors for success on the Path
Bhairava and Bhairavi. In nature there are special places - "places of power" (pitha, etc...), - whether
mountain, lake or forest. These sites are different in that they descend on the sacred mystic force
Vision and Inspiration. The doctrine prescribes to live in such places, or make pilgrimage
ARISING them. Opponents may argue that human civilization with its larger and dirtier
GOVERNMENTAL cities, too, a part of nature, and an escape from civilization is not a sign of spiritual co-
vershenstva. Yes, modern large city, like dwelling worm manure, is a part of
God's nature, but this does not mean that we should live in the slurry. Also
modern civilization has created the human quality which can be called rasscheplon-
Nost, the duality between the individual, God and the world. In the city we are constantly co-
Mirror products of human duality, it is sometimes good, but we should as much as possible
often be in nature, to comprehend the Divine Unity.
This is - one of the keys to the attainment of internal unity and integrity, to implement
our natural divinity. Kaula path of yoga are not fugitives from the "world of dirt."
On the contrary, it is believed that such a worthless practices that maintain awareness bozhest-
vennogo presence in his cave on the mountain, surrounded by a ourishing forest, but instantly
lose it, when are in the market of the city. Therefore, children of Bhairava and Bhairavi
The practice of meditation on the streets, in the shops and places of cremation. they mediti-
ruyut not only icons and colors, but also in the products of decomposition and decay, in order to understand God
everywhere. However, it is not yet realized the Mystic Masters level, in most cases it is not
it is recommended to meditate only in noisy, dirty areas. On the contrary, it prescribes ue-
dinonnaya environment, peace and closeness to nature. Already attained the desired quality in a place
you can gradually do meditative forays in more pathogens and difcult places. Dos
tigshy same level Masters goes where wants to live where he wants and does what he wants.
Nature gives the wisdom, strength and beauty, it makes way quite remarkable and
powerful. It will be very sad if humanity will completely destroy the wild pri-
old - our Mother, performed precious gifts.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)





Tradition today

Asha time is interesting because in recent years the ow of mercy manifestation of Bhairava
Bhairavi and our planet has increased. God appears before us in the ancient forms
and new manifestations, are born as an ancient revelation, as well as new, dose-
les unknown. Published secret texts. Activated forces and beings, nature and
whose age we can not even imagine. Jolly jokers Bhairava and Bhairavi invariant
interesting to see how that knowledge will act and the forces in our modern world,
maze of duality, fragmentation and dissatisfaction. Possibility probuzhde-
Niya never fades in living beings, sometimes it can not be seen among the people, it is precisely
campre embers, covered with ashes. But it is necessary to blow Wind Divine Grace as the re
It ared up again with unprecedented force.

Features of the Doctrine and Practice

Nanda, Trikasamarasya, Kaula, (hereafter I'll call her just Kaul, trail
or tradition) has a number of distinctive features, both in theory and practical
tick. Traditionally, the Doctrine is mainly used philosophical and metaphysical
description of reality, taken in Kashmir Triquet. However, this does not mean that Kaula
He considers erroneous teachings of Advaita or Madhyamika. Tradition says that the real PE
alnost can not be adequately described in words and concepts limited, but may
It is comprehended in almost mystical meditative experience. All PE-description of the system
alnosti serve only to well-aimed hints to direct the consciousness to practice pe-
rezhivanie indescribable. This problem is well-performing and Advaita and Vidzhnyanavada and Madhya
Mick, but because they are the true scientists who study that is quite useful, singularity
but after studying Triki. Why is emphasis on the study of Tricky? Yes, because it is
this doctrine the most adequate solution to ensure the success of the process of Tantric
practice. Madhyamika is good because it allows you to dispute practically destroy arguments lyu-
God exercises, discovering that the truth can not be expressed in words. Advaita Vedanta
good its total theistic logic reveals that the true PE
alnost is God - the Absolute. At the same time these two systems can not adequately support
process of Tantric sadhana, since the rst of them is designed to destroy the doctrine, and the second,
working mainly with absolutist notions, almost rejects any method other than
pure jnana, not taking the active steps, the pursuit of which are incorporated in our
nature. Tantra deals with the same sadhana includes not only meditation on non-
expressible, but also meditation on the things of shape, color and considered in many exercises
elements of samsara. The teaching Trickey is adapted to maintain the tantric
practice. However, Vidzhnyanavada (Yogacara) also contributes to this, but this is not the teaching
It is appealing directly to Bhairava and Bhairavi, while not rejecting the Buddhist tantra of Bo-
In addition to philosophical and metaphysical concepts Kaul uses a large number of
powerful images and symbols, which, unfortunately, is not often described in modern kni-
gah devoted to Tradition. Many of these characters are very archaic and universal for
different cultures, different is found only in this tradition.
The task of philosophy and metaphysics in Cowley very practical. First we need to za-
menit samsaric picture of the world with a more efcient model - a mystical and magical.
Ordered through this energy of consciousness, and the mind is centered around the main idea -
achieve absolute perfection of God. In parallel, a mystic learns to orient
Rowan in the inner and outer life, to determine what is the benet for him and what is harmful


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

at a particular time, in a particular situation. Getting on the above pro-

cession tantrik facilitates the possibility of direct experience of their Divine Nature.
When such an experience to go through, Kaula tantric-not just learning how to repeat the experience, but
how to make it longer. He / she also uses it as Primal Bozhest-
vennaya reality is manifested in his / her internal and external world. Since Kaula BO
dliness is everything, the son or daughter of Bhairava and Bhairavi trying to unravel zagadku-
puzzle: how and why Divinity is manifested in the form of our personal energy unit
gies, complex strengths and weaknesses, talents and imperfections. Parallel Kaula mystic
He tries to recognize the divinity and in the "external" life events, including the terrible
phenomena such as pain and war. If the mystery unravels, tantrik able to achieve realization
tion of identity with God in a short time, because he / she sees, how and why his / her
Life happens, and he knows how to inuence it should be to nd the divinity in life.
Some scientists doctrines help to solve this problem. In contrast to the doctrines of pre-
ceding stages, they are not strictly justied by the logic, for this is no longer needed. but
Data doctrine based on deep knowledge of the mystical and physiological processes.
At the same time, it should be noted that, because we are all different from each other, the doctrine,
set out in the written and oral instructions, do not cover everything you need to know the mystic
ku. Therefore Kaula-tantrik simply must come into close contact with Bhairava and Bhairavi,
to get a new, personal instruction from them, which later can be pode-
showering with other mystics.
Kaula Tantra practice has a number of features that differentiate this system from other
teachings. Kaula Tantra - this yogic path, which is a great place is given meditativ-
nym practices. Although cleansing actively used, especially in the early stages, the
Yoga is a path not separate pure from the impure, sinful from the saint. This is primarily
Yoga transformation and awareness. In this way samsaric poisons defects and imperfections
transformed into dignity and divine healing elixirs and deication. practical
tick this tradition is aware that the so-called samsaric phenomena, including the most
horrible and disgusting, it is nothing more than a completely free and clean Ma-
nifestatsiyami Divine Reality.
In contrast to the teachings, claiming that the world is only different from God and evil
illusion, Tantra contains a doctrine that divinity and samsara, unity and
multiplicity, and void shape directly linked.
One of the principles of Kaula Tantra is that there are no restrictions
means for bogodostizheniya. Practitioners use their best for a full and nal
tion to an end. Constantly seek new doctrines and practices. It is known that
karmic attachment to samsara interfere realize their divine nature.
That is why the Kaula-tantrik closely examines the phenomena of anger, lust, stupidity, gordo-
STI, envy and greed, as well as dependence on these phenomena. These studies
must be terminated comprehension essentially enslaving phenomena and generation of vaccines,
antidotes producing impure transformation reaction into clean energy manifestations.
Working with the poison is very dangerous, so before you start it, the tantrik different needs
build a whole range of qualities without which the practice may simply result in a failure to ad-
skie measurement. It is also highly desirable to consult with spiritual masters and
teachers, as well as the study of literature. Nevertheless, many underdeveloped lyu-
dei attracted some dangerous Kaula tantric meditation, as used in these practices
enjoy sex, psychedelics and playing with their vices and passions. Silly pseudo-mysticism
subconsciously trying to not only nd an easy and pleasant way to God and liberation but



and seek the doctrine, capable of "spiritually" to justify these imperfections "travelers", and
also give them new sophisticated methods of obtaining samsaric pleasures. That's why
It said that for these people Kaula Tantra is more dangerous than the venom of a scorpion. Instead of something
to move forward on the way and reach God, immature people, on the contrary, still be tightening on
Samsara his neck collar and sink into such a hellish dimension, full of terrifying strada-
states in which nothing would not hit, just living as lay people, not practicing anything mis-
cally. Kaula Tantra - path is not for everyone. Therefore, if you want to be prepared for the non
mu, does not inspire yourself that you are great and powerful, and really get ready, developing the necessary quality.

Stages of the Path

Behold, we are different, and the spiritual journey of each of us will take place in different ways. some izbe-
Ruth smooth and gradual gentle way, while others seek to achieve the cherished goal more
and so zealous in asceticism, purication and Yogic meditation, and others are so eager
achieve divine harmony that many are willing to risk plunging into narrow research
la his passions, energies.
Someone closer to the contemplative path, decorated with philosophical and metaphysical ab-
straktsiyami, another way to close the active activity, full of archetypal images. Nekoto-
rye are more advanced and do not stay long in the initial stages, moving quickly to of Great
Coy Yoga, otherwise just need to spend years in the sadhana aimed at the development po-
Niemann path statement on it and clearing of many factors interfering. Often,
when it comes to Kaula Tantra, it is understood by a very high doctrine, which are not included
methods of cleansing and approval on the way. It is assumed that the candidate must kauliki zara-
She otpraktikovat things before entering the holy of holies.
However, as Kaul is a living Divine Power, scientist, directly intended
The values for the integration of life, I would not link it only with vysokoprodvinutym
level articially distancing it from the previous steps. Kaula Tantra there is continuity.
Moreover, in this age, I saw very, very few mystics capable of almost immediately pri-
step to successful practice higher doctrines and methods. Such people - very few.
Enough can reach God in life, but most of them should be
start tantric path from the initial stages. There is nothing wrong with this normal
but it is natural for our era. I, too, started his career from the beginning, and I would say that
from this it was not boring for me and maloprodvinutym. On the contrary, it was an interesting and
effective. Tantra - a spiritual alchemical process with its natural
stage. Ways to understand the sequence there is a very important matter. First, I will briey describe
step of the way, and then we will look at them in more detail.
Stages of the Path:
1. The stage of frustration in the world of samsara, mastering Tantric worldview ustanovle-
in jewelry of tantricheskogo Ways and output right motivation for performing
2. Start meditation sadhana. This step is designed for purication of unwholesome and accumulation
Lenie good karma, to establish a mystical relationship between a teacher and tantric deity
E. At this stage, the student is given the rst mantra with their explanation on the external value
level practiced brief visualization practice and practice meditation on used
tinami and Teachings characters.
3. Development of yogic powers. At this level the student continues to practice different
thinking, but they do not take as much time as in the previous stage. explained
internal value mantras visualization practice performed at a more advanced


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

level, the rst meditation class Aghora given for the purpose of victory over fear and samsaric
attachments. Studied subtleties Tricky doctrines. External rites are little used.
4. Mystical achievements. Since sdhaka sufciently cleaned and ready
he transferred to the practice, allowing to achieve directly experience the original nature
Total. At this stage the focus is on the nature of Shiva - vnekontseptualnoy universally
STI. Visualization practices continue at a new level. Explains the secret meaning
mantras. Execution continues aghoricheskih practices. Contemplation practiced magic
yantras and mandalas. External rites are hardly used.
5. After experiencing indescribable, empty nature of Shiva explained the practice of
the inherent nature of this creative luminosity, generating all things in the world, Shakti.
It explained the mystery of pure forms ishtadev - the main tantric deities - and their connection with
samsaric human forms. Based on non-intelligent and a real knowledge
of their nature, practices, staying in it, manifested in the form of its ishtadevy. this
stage characterized by special mantras doctrine. In addition to his native teachings, explained
teaching other Hindu and non-Hindu schools to show the different ways of describing
a reality and to make it clear that the reality is universal, but neither one of indescribable
symbolic languages.
6. At this stage, the sadhaka is practically engaged in the study of theories. He / she pro-
It continues to merge their consciousness, energy and body with consciousness, energy and body ishtadevy.
At this level, a lot of attention is paid to work with the body's energy channels and trans-
formation poisons of samsara to Amrita Perfection. Practices again includes his sadhana ritua-
ly, but now they are conceptualized and practiced quite differently.
7. Gradually, leaving all the formal elements and phased sadhana tantrik practical
forges a natural stay in their original Divine Nature Parabhayravy,
Conscious of spontaneous perfection of all internal and external phenomena are inseparable from
Divine Reality. Completing this level, the tantrik acquires state jivanmukta -
saint, liberated in life.
Now let's look in more detail step of the way and practically, for the convenience of different conditional
scourged path into eight parts.
1. It starts with the tantric path is not with sexual practices and "infernal meditation"
it begins with the arrival of the mystic to believe that samsaric pleasures are not able to
ensure harmony and happiness, and material support can not support and protect zhi-
howling creature suffering. It is therefore necessary to achieve the Awakening from sleep samsara, achieve
Perfection of Self-realization.
2. Under the inuence of the understanding on the mystique generated motivation: "To achieve at zhiz-
nor divine self-realization that, going beyond the limits, freely
to help other beings. " Here the mystic begins to look for faster ways that achieve
this cherished goal, and goes to Tantra - dangerous, but a quick way of transformation. Odna-
to this path will be fast only one who understands what the Way is and soblyuda-
is all the requirements of the laws of the Way.
At a mystic can be stored "personal painting" Self-realization. Someone wants to Dos
evolve a God to experience the bliss, the other tends to the innite Power, the third -
Immortality, the fourth - knowledge of the mysteries of the universe. To build a successful church tantrik
must build the right foundation in the right place, otherwise all efforts will be like
efforts fool raspryamlyamlyayuschego dog's tail or sow the seeds of mango pustyn-
nye salt marshes. Thus the foundation of the temple are the right motivation and the right po-


3. Mysticism is necessary to replace the old picture of the world to the new, Tantric. Why?
Because the tantric principles will not work in netantricheskom consciousness. but the world-
view should be changed not psevdotantricheskoe, cobbled together from frivolous content
booklets and brochures, and the real Tantric view of the world, whole, where all the elements
are organically connected to each other. For this we need to study the original, serious
Tantric treatises on metaphysics, philosophy, ethics, symbolism, psychological and physiological.
You need to understand thoroughly and deeply in abstruse doctrinal teachings,
remove doubts in certain doctrines, to understand how it works in practice. Not
Be sure to read so much, to become an Orientalist, but be sure to explore the many and
so that the picture of the world was the whole and every part of it earned on the release of Mystic.
Otherwise it will be nonsense. Attempts to exploit the tantric force ordinary, samsaric Mi-
rovozzreniem or ugly New Age parody end to the practice of painful
4. After a certain time, you can complement the study of meditation. At this level,
used meditation, aimed at:
a) purication of preventing serious bad karma productive practice, psychologists
cal complexes, problems and incorrect installations;
b) Adoption on the Way to life no circumstances could not interrupt the an-
daily sadhana;
c) development of internal communication with the deity and clarity of vision to prevent non-
notable for the substitution of the real mystic Way false casts with it. Is our
consciousness is capable of so cruel to make fun of us, like no other!
5. Once the sadhaka has reached the necessary stability, clarity of vision and communication with BO
sets, it becomes in force, while continuing to practice the previous types of meditation, vo
All take up the development of the qualities that are essential to the practice of tantra. Among these qualities
a) the concentration of - the ability to uninterrupted unidirectional conscious thoughts
b) discriminating vision - the ability to understand what the world of phenomena at the
time can help your sadhana, which harm and which are neutral;
c) integrating vision - the ability to understand that integrates and interconnects
various phenomena of the world as at present, and as a whole;
d) a mirror vision - the ability to contemplate the world in its entirety, as it is, without prejudging
estimates that there are good and what - bad, there is beautiful, and that - ugly;
e) deep relaxation of mind and body;
f) a clear and stable detailed visualization;
g) matching with the power manthras;
h) non-attachment to samsaric pleasures, fearlessness development.
6. After a couple of years this sadhana you have reached the required purity nesbi-
vaemosti and yogic skills and qualities, you can count on success in contemplation, continued
zhaya some previous practice of meditation.
Among the main types of dhyana can be listed as follows:
a) Shiva contemplation (Mahashuni, Great Void);
b) contemplation manifestations Shakti (Prakash-Spanda or Pure Light Vibration);
c) Nara contemplation (the ability to maintain a presence in the absence of stress attentive MO
Mente "here and now").


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Not having mastered these types of meditation, tantric can not go to the next level, and
generally succeed in this life. For example, if the emptiness is not known through contemplation,
all tantric practices will only work to the detriment of and enslavement, it is an indisputable fact.
When Shakti is not known through intuition, the practice will slow down due to lack of conscious force
Nia mysticism and progress will be very slow and sluggish.
7. After sdhaka achieved success in contemplation, it can count, "obedi-
cornelds "main types of contemplation, to survive on his own personal experience of the divine nature vse
perfect original reality.
Having lived through it, the sadhaka practicing like that again and again to experience and become resistant
8. Now you can proceed to a higher level of tantric yoga. In this meditation
tantrik visualizes himself in the body of the deity, integrating together simultaneously:
a) form deity;
b) mantra deity;
c) feeds its energy to the channels deity;
d) indescribable vnekontseptualnuyu Nature universe.
In parallel to this level practiced sexual practices (as part of the Me-
ditatsy, spiritualizing everyday physical phenomena in the free gratuitous pro-
phenomenon Shakti), animates the practice of the transformation of all measurements (including ad-
Skog) and some other extreme practices.
This level is very powerful. Integration leads to the ultimate transformation of the most
horrible poisons and delements in samsaric clean and free manifestation of God. stano- samsara
vitsya glittering palace Shivatvy. Mystic realizes Samaras - The improvement absolute
GUSTs Divine original reality. Tantric becomes Jivanmukta, osvobozhdon-
nym with life - Divine Reality, manifesting as a ishtadeva deity
in particular Tantrikas.
This is the full and complete unity of Shiva, Shakti and Nara, indestructible The anhydrous
boundary of absolute perfection.
I described the steps and the formula Tantric Way. Different schools use different termi-
nology and make a few different accents: who on contemplation, who in energy practical
tics, who on mantras, but that trick that Mahachine that Kapalikas that in Bengal
Kaul principle and phasing basically the same. Even in the Vajrayana can detect po-
It is convenient and phasing structure. I just described the naked short circuit process. And because of this
it is clear that sexual practices, meditative "dive into the hells" and "soma" - not at all, with
where to start, or even what it is necessary to continue the sadhana. As it is boring and no pre-
sore sounds, but if you were vamacharin, mishracharin or dakshinacharin, you must push
romantic fantasies about shmashanah and nding only a dive into the vagina member.
Push back in order to make room for the painstaking study of treatises and practical daily
tics such discreet and "uncool" meditation as cleansing, visualization and meditation. Not-
aghoricheskie that practice can be practiced in the early stages - to win
fear and affection, but practicing only this and nothing else, does not go far. And about seksu-
cial practices generally better to forget for years. Sadhana has to be balanced and po-
landmark. If you are more able and talented - you will pass way faster if less sposo-
bin - path will pass more slowly. But in fact, and in another case, the path will have to go. must not
Jumping over the steps - above the head can not jump. Only really prepared, should be
move on. Otherwise, do not see Objectives and avoid painful falls. This is me not
invented, is the law of the universe, this is the principle of Tantric training. There is no OCO-


tantra battle for the lazy, impatient, fool, cowards and visionaries. Oddly ask the sun
roll out of its way, it would not do it just because you do not like It is natural
governmental order of things. Not the world need to be customized to t your fancy, but customizable ade-
cotton world. I also would not mind to get all the results easily, immediately, bypassing the "unromantic
work ", but not rushed to visualize yourself in the body ishtadevy, practicing Kundalini yoga,
immersed in the worlds of hell, Trishul trample and tear beads, use psychedelics claim
sexual yoga. Why? And because, as a sober-minded man who realized that
useless to take up the practice without being ready for it - will not benet, only one injury
especially if you work with poisons samsaric evils. In my opinion, it is quite simple umozak-
for prison. Before proceeding to such meditations, I practiced for years previous
stage, developing the qualities that lead to success. In the end, I saved time by not doing
fruitless labor.
If you want somebody stand, walk, copulating on health, in moderate doses, it is
helpful. But practicing sexual practices ... Most likely we will all really
ready for them only when the head becomes completely gray, and we will no longer attract weak
dostrastie sex.
Some might say that, well, I bestalanten and therefore not suitable for a "lightning
Way ", and they - are talented and, having passed all the stages, will be engaged immediately Mahatantroy. As you wish,
You can experience such an approach "in their own skin", ignoring the experience of generations, my experience
and your own common sense. But neither in India nor in Tibet, you will not nd such schools and
such a guru, who will give you the right meditation "steep steps" before for years, you're not The relative
prior to this practice of meditation. It is easy to understand - how can you remain
in the realization of the original reality, being drunk or having sex, if you can not
even get a sober experience of sitting on the rug in front of the altar in a quiet room?
Only a charlatan, "baksheesh Baba" for a hundred dollars you will dedicate to all the practices and give all
deeksha. So, one of the Germans in Nepal, disguised as a mantra, leading to an immediate liberating
Denia, sold a spell designed to deliver a cow lung delivery.
We must be honest with yourself - this is the secret of success in Tantra without it could not be avoided
defeat. It is not necessary to call themselves bogatyrom just because it sounds good. And that in fact
withdraw to ght with the dragon, and if you're the hero only in his own mind, the dragon eats
and you digest a pile of feces.
The desire for siddhis at the beginning and middle of the road in general should be avoided. in an effort to
him, you like cheating Goddess with small lovers or want to learn Goddess HA
strong. The desire to be only one thing: to achieve union with his Divine Vozlyub-
Universe, has as if you mean it or call: Tara, Bhairavi, Cali. How would you not tempted samsara
even offering all the wonders of the world, one must answer: "I have nothing but love
Goddess and Oneness with Him! The failure of everything else in the fucking ass! ". Wanting something or of tantra
else besides Redemption, we separate ourselves from the Beloved. How can I connect to
Her on a bed of Eternity, not getting rid of the layers of their clothes? When you become one with bozhe-
stvom, it will attain all siddhis spontaneously, without effort, because God - the master of all siddhis.
It should be understood that the willingness to pay any price for the possession of the Goddess is not
It means that you are ready to pay any price that you want. This means that you are ready zapla-
tit any price, whatever she might ask. She most of you do not have to - it is
Great Completeness. So it helps us.
Neither asura or devas, or people can not be a divine consort Shakti Bhairavi.
Only a great Shiva Bhairava worthy. Therefore, we need to overcome bottlenecks
the scope of its "asurichnosti", "humanity" and become limitless Bhairava.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Bhairava in Nepal. Kalabhayrava. Katmandu




Part III. An overview of tantric practices

Frequently a tantric sadhana is meant the implementation of some mystical rituals
accompanied by a mysterious spell. In our tradition, the practice of
rituals exist, but such specic rituals are not the basis of our garden-
khans. According to the doctrine, ritual is the whole of our life, and it depends on us, it will bring ritual
life happiness or suffering.
What is the general goal of any ritual? The sacralization "ordinary samsaric"
processes and phenomena. For example, the blessing of the water turns it into a magic elixir,
bestower of divine qualities, body cleansing re is designed to help us feel
that the sacred ame of Bhairava freed us from the heavy load of pollution awareness. If
we learn to be aware of every action (either creation or destruction) and any object
(Whether it be a stone or a glass of water) as a manifestation of the transcendent God, we used obretom
muddy vision of reality. Unfortunately, some sadhakas because of certain reasons
there is no genuine transformation of the "matter" in the "spirit" through the ritual. Instead, they
life burdened with the dead and meaningless "twists" in the form of mantras and ritual
movements that accompany the most simple action. As a result, instead of releasing che
Lovek even more enslaved samsara through superstition. This negative effect can
occur in cases when:
a) the sadhaka does not understand the mechanism of action of rituals;
b) sdhaka understands deep meaning elements specic rituals;
c) the sadhaka does not really have at heart a strong desire to achieve Osvo-
d) sdhaka correctly relates to the Master and Teaching;
e) There are some other reasons for failure.
There is a widespread belief that rituals are important only in the initial stage
spiritual path, and then with the advent of understanding the essence no longer required. This opinion
It is only partly true.
In the rst stage of tantric mystic discipleship really needs the accomplishment
physical rituals. This is due to the fact that the consciousness begins sadhakas enough
subtle and well-established in the mystical life, and consequently, the power of the mystic is not easy to leak
only in the right, the right way. Because at this stage it is difcult to feel God directly
governmental, especially to feel like his own nature, rituals aimed at ob-
schenie with murtis (statue) and the icon, expressing God in particular manifested form, very
helpful. They help to focus on the search for God and activate the natural, inherent
Suitable mechanisms for cleansing of the person from the psycho-energetic contamination. It is very important to
the initial stages of the path, because:
a) due to underdevelopment of depth vision Mystic can communicate with the main God
by way of the dual dialogue with the divine manifestation
b) due to the energy imbalance in sacred path needs sdhaka
inspiring and supporting the mysteries reminiscent of Tropez and Objectives;
c) in connection with a variety of doubt mysticism is necessary for some, even symbolic,
conrmation that he / she really move towards the goal, developing the necessary
quality and disposing of disadvantages;



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

d) and, in fact, sometimes to get rid of the shortcomings and develop the dignity and Such
Lanta is much easier if you are concentrating on the symbols that express Collateral
chenie success in the mystical work.
The longer practiced sadhana, the deeper it sinks into your inner adept
peace. And the deeper he dives, the less he / she becomes dependent on external Mi-
pa. Gradually, the need in certain rituals eliminated, other rituals are considerably simplied
externally. Contemplation of images and symbols are replaced by their visualization, worship gradually
is replaced by self-deication, recitation of texts is replaced by latching on mantras.
The development of individuals stems unevenly, some mystics completely transition
DYT on the inner sadhana, the others continue to practice some "external rituals"
however, on a more profound level. For some, the most difcult is, for example, transformation
mations ignorance into wisdom, so they have to work out longer rituals, this
promote transformation. Others have a problem with, say, the transformation zhadno-
STI in generosity, and they need to continue to make the appropriate rituals.
In the process of sadhana mystic nds his eternal divinity manifested ability
lyat talents and to be free from many drawbacks. He / she understands the inner svya-
toast, transcendence, and tantrik manifested the need to show, manifest
the sanctity of the outside world, to integrating an "internal" and "external", complete the pro-
process of deication of the nal and complete nding himself God.
At this level, the tantrik returns to the "external rituals," but here they are
no longer crutches to heal the patient, and the rays of the sun shining. Tantric sees the true
hydrochloric, deep nature of the phenomena of the material world, he / she is open and new mysteries
The Divine Nature and the Divine Path. The rituals performed on this level, yavlya-
are manifestations of high art, a deep level of self-realization. After some
tantrik time any act becomes sacred, any word - the mantra of any the visible
my image is perceived as a manifestation of his own divine nature. world converted
schaetsya in the Temple, in God and life, its ow - in the mystery of original rituals, the blood ow in
Divine Being.


Whatever the case, we would not be successful, success is impossible without ustoy-
Chiva concentration of our attention on the objects associated with our business. In podgo-
Preparations for the development of concentration contemplation tantric practices given great
Attention. We need it when thinking about the essence of the secret doctrines, while repeating a mantra
when rendered, during exercise, associated with our energy Canada are
Lamy. Scattered, erratic attention robs us of our meditations and otda-
The nal day wish to set up the Finding. How to learn how to concentrate their vnima-
of? Some schools of yoga is recommended to begin to focus on something simple
and bright, for example the ame of a candle or ower. Sadhaka sits in a comfortable position with the right make it possible
night-light and begins to focus minds on a subject at a certain
removing opposite eye of the yogi. When thoughts come and distract from the concentration of the object,
practices again and again xes his attention on it. Another type is the concentration
the sound of concentration. But our tradition says that the talented mystic best con-
centered not just on a simple and bright object, but an object that has directly
particular relevance to the mystical path.




Thus the concentration of the object can be mysterious symbol, icon or mantra. This
recommendation is given for two reasons. Firstly, we should not waste time, and now that sooner or
later have to implant a tantric sonic vibrations and symbols, why not
to start this as soon as possible. Second, since God it is ideal for tantrik
excellence and the most desirable goal, contemplation of objects related to God and fast
bogodostizheniya way, it will be very pleasing to the mystique.
After reaching the required natrenirovannosti mind, the ability to x the mind on
the object can be successful in the practice of contemplation. Contemplation by its nature an act of distribution
slablenny and requires no voltage, and tenacity and attention to clarity. Those who have not reached
in a concentration of development success in the facility are a contemplation of the problem. After all, with distribution
slablennom observation untrained mind tends to get involved in thoughts and indulge in sonli-
meditation practice can be divided into:
a) contemplation special visual and audio objects;
b) the contemplation of the energy channels and centers;
c) the contemplation of psycho-energy states, such as love, happiness, fear, ogor-
d) the contemplation of our original divine nature.
Such practices contribute to maximum comprehension of various processes,
events and phenomena related to the acquisition of Self-realization.
To practice meditation is successful, it is to adhere to some quick advice
Comrade. Before starting practice, tune in to it by the altar of worship and committing sub-
Wearing deities, by pronouncing the mystical and magical formulas and practice visualization
tions. Do not do the contemplation on an empty stomach, and not good to load up an hour An immediate
venno previous contemplation. Meditation should be held in a quiet and well provet-
Rennes indoors. It is recommended to stay relaxed, but so that the spine remains
direct. The eye is best to keep the half-closed, as depicted in the icons of Shiva.
The easiest way to contemplate the objects such as images and sounds simple. Contemplation
emotional states applied for understanding the nature of the emotions, and the mastery of their
energies - it is more complicated, as strong emotions, zahlostyvaya, take us into their world and
we nd it difcult at times to keep impartial contemplation. Contemplation is our nekontseptual-
Noah nature for most people is the work even more difcult. After all, in order to
this nature to contemplate, for a start it is necessary to nd out more. And, as a rule, such detection
there is not in the initial stages of the mystical way. To acquire such postizhe-
Nia mystic must be directly introduced in some of the secret doctrine that ordinary
but only open to those who have successfully mastered the previous material. This happens ux
mu, that for the ability to understand the secret teachings and use them, the sadhaka should have op-
redelonny mystical experience and develop a set of skills and talents. In Trikasamarasya Cowley
practices contemplation is given a truly great role.

Contemplation yantras and mandalas

ozertsanie yantras and mandalas has an important place in Tantric sadhana. Unlike
Icon yantra looks abstractly. The combination of circles, triangles and squares napomi-
naet us a certain pattern or drawing.
What is Yantra? This graphic, often a color image of the principles and laws of
that there is, say, one or the other chakras of the body or the entire universe. In other cases, Jahn


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

tra expresses the principle of the existence and action of a tantric deity. Jahn
try are not only simple images principles, laws or deities. it energe-
matic pattern, the concentration at which the contemplation of which can signicantly affect the
consciousness and energy adept teachings. Since yantra tantric deity is one of the Ma-
nifestatsy this deity, the contemplation of this Yantra helps to comprehend the secret teachings.
And to overcome the difference between meditating and yantra for which he / she meditates, pri-
leads to the fact that the tantrik gains and strength of this deity. How to merge with yantra?
By her contemplation, which is preceded by reection on its symbolism.
Consider some of the characters appearing in yantras. The basis of most yantras
It is square with four T-shaped "gate". Each side of the cruciform
gure corresponds to a certain side of the world. Figure circled three lines. Rassmot-
Rome yantra our tradition. Color base yantras Kalabhayravi and Kalabhayravy - black,
because the darkness is one of their main attributes. Shape encircle the black, red and white Li-
NII. There are many interpretations of the meaning of these lines.
It is said that in order to comprehend the divine darkness, the nature of God, it is necessary to overcome
negotiated the power of the three gunas - tama-guna, rajo-guna and sattva guna. Gunas are three MO
Dusa material nature by which a living being enslaved in this world.
Tama-guna - is a mode of ignorance, stupidity and inertia, raja guna - it is a mode of passion and Ma-
ter activity, and sattva guna - it is a mode of pursuit of purity, knowledge and piety.
According parallel interpretations three lines also indicate that for the comprehension bozhe-
stvennoj secrets, we must overcome the delements as anger, passion and ignorance. else
interpretation says that the union of Shiva, Shakti and Nara acquired Samaras.
Inside the black space is located eight-lotus, woven from be-
mated lines forming petals. The space within the petals blood red. according to
Teaching darkness contains the whole world. Thus, everything in the world is made up of light, pro-
who appeared out of the darkness. Lotus and symbolizes all things. White line - is Shakti obrazovav-
Shaya world, and the red space - billions limited forms of existence. Eight
petals, also referred to the eight directions of light and eight manifestations of the great Adib-
hayravy. In addition, there are other interpretations. You can see that within the circle on the yantra
Kalabhayravy located triangle pointing upwards tip formed by three Li-
niyami. The space within this triangle - blood red. Yantra Kalabhayravi factor
cally the same, but the triangle tip down converted. These two triangles show co-
ght essence of Bhairava and Bhairavi, and here there are so many levels of extensive and thick-thin
Wrought that the full reduction of even one of them is beyond the scope of this book.
In the center of the triangle is the white dot - bindu. It is a serd-
tse universe - boundless light. It is smaller in size than the small, at the same bindus
time includes the entire universe.
On yantra Samaras, Unity and Mahakalabhayravy Mahakalabhayravi, in the center of the circle HA
hoditsya hexagonal red star in the center of which lies a black star. heart chor-
Noah star is white bindu. The hexagonal shape symbolizes the union of the two triangles
nicknames - the essence of Bhairava and Bhairavi essence. Red Star is a whole
completeness of the dynamic aspect of God, manifested in all the phenomena of the world. black also
Star shows an emptiness transcendental nature of God, which is the deep
the essence of all phenomena.
Mandala is an ordered plan for the inner and outer world of the living
beings. Mandalas are different, depending on to which the transmission line they teaching
relate to any deity are relevant and for what purposes they are showing their strength.



Generally, unlike concise yantras mainly including geometric

sometimes gures and letters, Mandala may include palaces image magic
objects and animals, as well as a multitude of deities. Mandalas are used in special meditatsi-
s. In the contemplation of the mandala adept passes through all the layers of the world and reaches its divinity
Noah Nature, then realizes that all of these layers is a manifestation of the very divinity
Nost, who was found in the center. The main purpose of the study and contemplation of yantras and mandalas
is vnekontseptualnoe, illogical apprehension of their essence, promotes the Tantric
In addition to the above, the mandala and yantra used in ritual magic to achieving
Nia various worldly purposes, but the description of such practices is far beyond the scope of this

energy exercises

nergeticheskie exercise great help tantra adept in deication. For
intelligent person knows that we exist not only as matter and consciousness, but also as a
energy. Energy channels permeate our body, making it possible
life and at the same time determining the way we live. Mind, energy and body are interconnected,
so we can say that consciousness creates the energy generating body, or
energyThe generates
energythe mindofand
system ourbody.
existence is made up of several major central
GOVERNMENTAL channels and a plurality of ne channel-branchings. This topic was covered from various angles in
many books devoted to the phenomenon of tantra, so I will not describe in detail the different
chakras and channels. Let me just say that the different teachings and mystical systems are described
somewhat differently. Most modern authors describe them, have no Ma-
Leucheni idea what actually is all this. However, it is to
the better, as this section of knowledge is dangerous enough to pass his secrets on Shih
rokuyu audience. Human energy system is shushumna center channel and mentors
ki different traditions say that if the channel the energy of the side channels into the sushumna -
from the outskirts to the center of the body - begins a magical alchemical process, the result of Ko
torogo will experience our Divine Nature. Those teachers say that if
the process goes wrong, can receive instead a positive effect and
purely negative, including the possibility of rebirth in the abominable planes of existence, sumasshest-
Wii and the paralysis of the physical body. To practice these powerful exercises, the adept must
be sufciently prepared and cleaned, so before you give such dru- practice
GIM, I wait until the students gain a foothold on the Path, they are aware of and understand many things, remove ohm
carefulness to the extent necessary. This is a very silly - think of Kundalini yoga is a mechanism
nical process, and that its essence lies in the fact that certain physical pressure
Niemi raise the energy from the coccyx to the crown or its drive away from the central side channels.
I want to say straight out that to any "enlightenment" these physical processes do not lead.
What is awakening from the dream of samsara? This awareness is the subtlest, that permeates
It is all and is of itself all. Working with energies is highly spiritual
process impossible without the presence of a strong, tenacious and pure consciousness. So, before
you start it, you need to develop awareness and understanding of how the power system exists,
how it works and how our personal channels associated with the channels of the world.
Energy human system has several levels - deep, medium and po-
supercially. Some of our energy structures really personal, neko-


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

torye we share with other living beings, others bring us to the fact that it is accepted
called "non-living matter and unreasonable." It follows that the different types of matter and creating
naniya correspond to different types of energy. If we look at the root, we see that the mind and
matter - are one (consciousness - a delicate matter, and matter - is coarsened, frozen
consciousness), but the essence of all the different types of energy is one Primal Shakti, manifests
those reected in different ways.
Tantric our tradition uses in his practice, both of these principles - as the principle of
universality and the principle of spectral differences of energies generated by The universality
hydrochloric Shakti. At a Glance layman, it seems contradictory, but it is a multi-dimensional,
paradoxical world, a world in which they live practice Trikasamarasya Kaula. Indeed, we used
Using in the everything, such as the doctrine that we have neither father nor mother, because we -
God, the unborn and the existing by itself, and the teaching that we are now also zhi-
stems beings having both - mother and father.
I will not describe in this chapter of meditation associated with the body's energy channels,
because it believes that such practices should transfer students face to face, and not to give them
to a wide audience. However, to explain very useful practice, which is performed sadhakas
nyayut daily at the beginning of meditative complex.
In our tradition, it is believed that God - not a passive Brahman and playing with Shakti
Mahesvara. By this, of course, it does not mean something like Krishna with Radha on Krish-
naloke. It is alleged that, playing Lord accomplishes "Five Great Action" ve energies
- creation (Srishti shakti), maintenance (sthiti shakti), destruction (samhara shakti), co-
covering of Truth (tirodhana shakti) and the disclosure of truth (anugraha shakti). only the last
Energy helps to know its true nature and to achieve unity with God. the rest of the
distract us, constantly forcing accomplishes samsaric actions: to give birth and to build, to abide
inactivity and inertia, to destroy and break, immersed in samsara dope. Therefore, mysticism
pray: "O Lord Shiva panchamukha (Pyatiliky), lord of the ve great energy! Perhaps-
a hundred, a neutralizing effect on me four energies and impact anugraha Shakti! ".
Since Shiva panchamukha he promised to help in this tantric sadhakas prayer
necessarily lead to success. You will be much easier to practice, all of life will contribute
update themselves sadhana. However Trikasamarasya Kaul practiced differently. It is alleged that
all the energy of the Divine, it's only what they aim. Therefore followers of our tra-
ditsii pray thus: "O Shiva panchamukha, I aspire to the Higher acquisition. Do so, something
to energy of creation created all the necessary factors for the lifetime of Self-realization.
Make it so that the maintenance of the energy made me rm on the Path Kaula. Do it in this way,
the energy of destruction has destroyed all the barriers between you and me. Make it so that
energy hiding hid from me everything that can distract from the path of Self-realization. Do It
so that the energy of awakening opened before me, My divine nature and made
possible to achieve Trikasamarasya! ". It is not necessary to freeze energy, they can rabo-
a thief in the benet of the sadhana. This is the approach Kaula - as a means to the highest fruit used
It enjoys the world and God is learned in each phenomenon.


izualizatsionnye exercises are directly related to energy. often one
meditation combines both the rst and second.
What is visualization? It is the creation of his mind clear, stable and vivid image.
As visualization aids in the mystical practice? The human brain operates not only



logical concepts but also images. Often powerful archetypal images have on the
the effect of consciousness far more than the most important logical formulas and ideas. Correctly
xing his mind on the right way, we are able to bring it (consciousness) in the right co-
standing, and through it to inuence the ow of energy, and even our physical body.
Tantra includes many areas in which the following applies visualization
a) setting practice on the Path. Often slips our minds to teachings, and ux
energy ki take us into the world of samsara. To prevent such slippage,
sadhak seeks to rebuild his body, speech and mind in accordance with the strategy
mystical success. For this purpose the implantation in a mystic in a special way.
Such practices are rendering sacred trident standing in sere-
Triangle dine, visualization "OM" sign, "Hum", "Hrim" or any
bidzhevyh other sounds, visualization of the deity. Typically, such characters visualization
lysed in the heart chakra, although in some of their meditations and visualized
ruyut in the energy centers located in the solar plexus, in
the throat and in the "third eye". Practice these visualizations spo-
Property is not only becoming stable on the Path, but also the manifestation of the sadhana
complex necessary for success in bogodostizheniya qualities and talents;
b) cleansing practices. All of the above in the preceding paragraph of meditation
also contribute to the purication of the adept of the shortcomings and negative karma. OD
Naco addition, there are specialized visualization practice,
aimed at cleansing the mind and energy channels. For example, visualization
tion of light rays emanating from a deity, and penetrating the entire body, or po-
currents elixir of wisdom and perfection, and washing the lling channels
chakra or emanating from deity ame burning to ashes all imperfections;
c) ishtadevy practice. In such practices, at an early stage on the head, and then in
heart visualized the main deity worshiped by one or the other
mystic. In addition to the effects of cleansing and consolidation on the Path this meditation make it possible
wish to set up and establish a proper relationship with the divine, the ability to
to hear the teachings of the deity. In the next stage of the mystic visualizes himself in
the body of a particular deity. In combination with a special contemplation and mantra
This leads to the deication of the adept to human transformation into a deity.
Details of this kind of meditation and exercises associated with them, I'll discuss in chapter
"Ishtadeva yoga";
d) practices that allow to develop this or that particular quality. For example,
aghoricheskie visualization develop within us courage and detachment, and non-
that practices associated with these aspects of the peace of God as Shiva-
Shankara or Lakshmi, develop in us the divine love and compassion;
e) practices aimed at the induction of changes in the "outside world." For example,
Visualization of how god blesses all living beings the light of his shakti-
pata or higher gives the doctrine of Deliverance, really helps
to good effect on living beings.
Here is an example of some imaging practices.
We put your hands in the mudra of the Cave of the Throne - the palms are turned inner storo-
Noah to each other, two thumbs bent inside the cave formed by his hands. In and-
zualiziruem inside the cave ve beautiful jewels, shining a bright light. These
stones symbolize the Five Ways Props - Shiva, Shakti, the Guru Marga and Kullu. With the mantra usta-



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

navlivaem mudra save on top, then sequentially tray it to places where lo-
kalizuyutsya chakra: forehead, to the throat, chest and solar plexus.
Each time, holding the mudra to another center, we visualize that the light emitted
of precious crystals, pervades and overshadows a particular mystical center of our
body, purifying it and setting up the passage way to God. When we nished with podnesenie
imaging centers, located in the solar plexus, we breed in the palm of your hand
side and down so that the movement of palms formed a triangle pointing tip
up. At the same time we visualize the ve jewels before dissolve into the space
stve, cleaned and set up the rest of the lower centers.
This meditation is aimed at cleansing from delements and approval on the Path.
The following meditation is called "Finding the Body Magic Dragon." she pozvolya-
1. directly feel Divine reality;
2. to make progress towards inviolable;
3. set up to promote the two most powerful forces (studies and work);
4. chakras adjust operation;
5. acquire magical body, protects against the negative effects of samsara and make it possible
-governing after death ascend in dimension and BHAIRAVA Bhairavi;
6. rehearse shivatvy achievement at the level of sympathetic magic (t. E. The magic po-
7. harmonize the operation of all chakras all organs and systems (medical aspect).
Sit down with a at spine.
At rst, we generate the correct clear space through which will pass
The rst magical idea. Concentrate on it: "There is no point in space where
there were no Shivatvy. There is not a time when there were no Shivatvy. So Shivat-
wa me here and now. " Realizing this idea, and leaving it, we go beyond any
concepts Shivatvu.
The second magical idea (creation of the spine, the core of the magic of the body). "The purpose and meaning
my life - a quick way to reach Shivatvu ". We present how this idea turns
in glowing diamond pillar, shining white light, the lower part of his coccyx, the top - in
top (goes through the spine).
The third magical idea. "The purpose and meaning of my creative abilities - be proyavlen-
GOVERNMENTAL on a fast path to Shivatve ". We present as of this magical idea grows
red, ruby shining pillar, located at the right hand of the diamond.
The fourth magical idea. "The purpose and meaning of my ability to research, postizhe-
NIJ (intellectual property) - to be manifested on a fast path to Shivatve ".
We imagine how this idea turns into a pillar of sapphire, a shining blue light on the left-
wave side of the diamond column.
Magical Dragon body has three of the spine, and we created three spine nashe-
of magical dragons body.
Matching characters:
a central passage - shushumna;
Right red - idanadi;
Left blue - pingalanadi.




Further focus on the area of the body from the coccyx to the navel. Fold your ngers in the Tri-
Shula mudra and touches to a point just below the navel, saying the following:
"Let the center responsible for the physical body, the instinct of reproduction and self-preservation,
transform, adjust and go so that I can be reached as soon as Shivatvu ".
Presenting as a three trident teeth pulled out three white lightning strike in the mystic
sky center. He begins to transform, light and nally breaks out bright and sharp
kim white light. The shape of it remains the same, but now it is made of white light.
We focus on the solar plexus. Touch it Trishul mud-
Roy with the words: "Let the center responsible for my will and spirit, transformed nastroit-
camping and go so that I can be reached as soon as Shivatvu ". Three teeth pulled out three
lightning, falling to the center. He begins to transform his nature to become bright
pure light. From this center radiate rays channels and begin to shine.
Then, focus on the heart chakra. To touch her wise and Trishul
We are talking at the same time: "Let my center responsible for emotions and direct feeling, trans-
formed, congure and go so that I can be reached as soon as Shivatvu ". Further
there is a transformation ...
Then stop at the level of the throat. We touch Trishul wise and says:
"Let my center in charge of it, internal and external, as well as the direction and
energy distribution, is transformed, congure and go so that I can be like
soon it reached Shivatvu ". There is a transformation ...
Then concentrate on the chakra of the head (eye with two lobes). To touch her
with the words: "Let my center responsible for the organs of perception, vision and certain
spheres of consciousness is transformed, congure and go, so that I as soon as possible
Shivatvu reached. " Lightning strike three, and chakra turns into a dazzling bright white
ash, ll-rays of the entire head.
In the center of the chest render little black pea that grows and converted
schaetsya in black Bhairava. Some time contemplate Bhairava in our heart.
Thus, we have created the skeleton of our magic magical body.
Capacity magical body shell. We are introducing in the middle of the sky white
star, whose name is Star Samaras. Turn to her with the prayer: "O Star, Grand Shih
vatva, help me to reach you by fast. " Imagine how the star goes down bright
white beam of light, which is converted into a white luminous owl with three sparkling eyes.
She comes down and sits on top of the diamond column and fused with him in the HA
necks crown. Her face is directed to the same place and ours.
Owl aps its wings for the rst time - the skeleton and organs overgrown black esh dragees
Kona with long neck and tail, legs and wings. Black color symbolizes absolute
Space God. If an arrow shot samsara, falls into the black esh, she Bu
children swallowed it without a trace.
Owl aps wings for the second time - from the depths of the black darkness of the esh breaks yar-
Cue the red light. He lights the eyes of the Dragon comes out of his mouth, on the skin forms the red
ny re pattern, similar to the meandering streams of magma. This re is the ame podvizhni-
-operation, love and compassion. If an arrow shot samsara, fall into the re station,
it is burned and converted into fuel supply Dragon.
Owl aps wings for the third time - the body of the Dragon acquires a glittering, silver-like
ro mirror scales. White and mirrored surfaces have a lot of symbolic knowledge
cheny. If an arrow shot samsara, gets into a mirror surface, it will be The relative
razhena her own own likeness.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

We have become a magical dragon, symbolizing the ideal of the ascetic

Fast Way.
We (Dragon) three times the ap their wings (hands) and at high speed to y
Star. The closer we come, the more it grows in front of us. Finally, we popa-
We give it in a eld of attraction, and it attracts us to itself. Now we do not need to make an effort, something
I would y to her. We y automatically. The closer we ew toward the center of the star, the strong
it permeates us her white light (from outside to inside) and the more inames bright white
White light central pillar within us, penetrating us from the inside out. (Star symbolic
ziruet Brahman, the Absolute is beyond us, post - Self, the God within us).
We ew into the Star itself deeper and deeper, dissolving in its light, nding a used
muddy the real nature - Absolute Shivatvu. We abide in this state as skol-
to can.
This meditation has many ne points, and there is a risk of harmful po-
side-effects due to incorrect implementation and its isolation from the rest of the complex copper-
Tatsiy. Therefore, this practice is not recommended without a clarication of the teacher.
Anyone who does not believe in the power of imaging techniques and does not understand the principle of their operation
(Assuming that all this is only illusory images are not able to inuence the life), he does not understand
the basic principles on which the Tantra. Consequently, such an ignoramus nor Ko
it can not be the case even come close to the fulllment of tantric meditation.

mantra yoga

Antra yoga is so popular in Tantric sadhana tantra in OC
the basic and inconceivable without it. Tibetan Tantric Vajrayana direction even
It has another name - Mantrayana. The image of the tantrik, many associated with the multi
fold repetition of mantras - japa meditation. What is the mantra? Mantra - is a sound
vibration arising in the Primordial and represents the power of the Primordial. such vibrations
tion may have a conceptual meaning, being uttered in a particular language, schitayu-
schemsya in varying traditions sacred. For example, "OM NAMA: SHIVAYA" means
"I seek refuge in Shiva (Read Siva)." However, many of the conceptual meaning of the mantra is not
have and are simply a certain combination of sounds, which can also
and be given a symbolic meaning according to the language and the teaching of a particular tradition. Many
Mantras can include both conceptual words and names of deities and neponyatiynye slo-
ghee or sounds, called Bigi.
There are mantras of different strength and a different orientation. Some of them are used for
multiplication of wealth, while others - for the treatment of diseases, and others - to eliminate enemies and,
Finally, the mantra that help the attainment of Self-realization. Following the theme of this book, I
I will talk about the mantras of the latter type.
Everything in this world created Shakti - the power of Shiva, and each represents a phenomenon of the world
aroundelement of the
them "real globalasvibration
world", it were, pattern - Shakti.
consisting of hardSupercial people vi-
objects. However tantrik Boc
It takes it all as an energy pattern of the vibrating emptiness.
Thus, everything in this world is Shiva-Shakti-Bhairava and Bhairavi, but to comprehend it in practice,
being in samsara, is not easy. If we are xated on behalf of our Deity or
sounds, representing the power of the vibrations of the Divine, - comprehension will proiste-
Cach much easier. Sadhaka receives a gift in the form of initiation of secret mantra, then nachi-
naet meditate on it. First, he / she repeats the mantra aloud, concentrating on her his



attention and trying not to be distracted. When the mind has reached stability at mantra necessary
stage, the mantra begins to repeat in a whisper, but on the next stage - to himself in his mind. repeat
ryaya, tantrik contemplates the essence and form of the mantra, merging with it. When eliminating the difference between the
meditating, and the process of mantra meditation, tantric mantra he becomes - energe-
matic vibration pattern representing his divinity. Reaching unity with bozhest-
tion - ishtadevoy - vibration in unison with the universe. Mystic attains great
mantra of the entire universe - by becoming a deity, he teams up with the Great Shakti.
Tantric mantra transferred and kept secret from the profane, and are not ready for it Boc
acceptance sadhakas. They do not recite aloud in public.
Others are powerful mantra, very different traditions Read shayva-
Shaktism are well known to all. It is believed that they have practically no dangerous side
effects and many are for their benet. These mantras are "Om HAMA: SHIVAYA", "OM
PARASHAKTAE NAMA "(Read a Supreme Power)," Bhairavi OM NAMA "(Read
Bhairava), and others. Tell us briey about the main and also the secret mantras Trikasamarasya Kau-
ly according to the accepted classication.
The doctrine of these mantras is one of the doctrines devoted heart Tantric practical
teak. They also make it possible to achieve self-actualization and its attendant Siddhi in life.
Mantras secret doctrine can be divided into basic and vetvevye. The main mandate
Tram are the root mantra, the mantra of the heart and the power of the mantra (root mantra otherwise, mandate
try stem and crown mantra, according to the classication correlates with the power of mantra
centers and channels).
Mantra consists of a main root bidzhevyh syllables of a particular deity, each syllable
It plays a role and performs a specic function. These are mantras
an energy basis ishtadev specic and are more than a very powerful and
important. They are the root of life of our realization of the nature ishtadevy. to mantra
root have begun to operate effectively, they are repeated with the correct concentration of 500
- 700 thousand times, and up to several million.
Mantras heart or trunk Mantras are deployed demonstration
root mantras. They usually include the name or the names of the main epithets of deity.
Some of these mantras may also include some of the basic attributes of the deity.
Bidzhevyh number of syllables in such mantras can be greater than the number of syllables of mantras root. mantras
hearts are unwrapped holistic pattern of the basic energies of a particular deity and non-
day in itself all that is necessary for the positive transformation of the adept towards deication.
To gain the full effect of their need to be repeated thousands of times from 500 to several mil-
Mantra of power, or the crown of the mantra is extensive deployment of mantras
hearts and represent a "country" ishtadevy, endowed with all the mystical artifacts
and magical power, populated by all manifestations of a particular deity, as well as
the merits of his / her entourage. Of course, even such long-Dharani mantras (spells), as the mandate
try the power, do not express a form of the innumerable aspects of the deity and power (they
immeasurable and inexhaustible). However, these mantras are more than able to demonstrate the power of deities in
our world, for our purposes, associated with the "objectives" of our divinity. these mandate
try form the basis of the power on the trail. With their help it is possible to remove all obstacles
on Road (this is one of the main functions of mantras), to call in its entirety forces
deity necessary to achieve self-realization in life. Mantras are the power
let us tantrik, turn to dust and all "external" obstacles, destroy enemies,
breathe vitality into the patient to rid him of the disease, and so on.. Of course, for multiplied



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

multiplication of wealth, health promotion and destroy enemies using special ri-
tuals such as Uchchatana, Maran and t. d. In these rituals applied narrow spectrum mantras
actions. However, signicant progress in the rituals is acquired only if the sadhaka
owned by the power of the mantra. Besides a serious practitioner can achieve a variety of purposes,
Drawing strength only in the power of the mantra or the mantra of the heart. However, not recom-
Xia use these mantras for secular purposes without extreme need.
To this mantra started to work, I need to practice the mantra of the root and heart of the mantra,
as well as the actual repetition of mantra with the concentration of the most power of 10 - 25 thousand
or more.
In practice, all these mantras combined with visualization and contemplation.
Besides the above, there are also manthras action mantras mantras or tree.
Most often, they are a manifestation of advanced heart mantra (a mantra
Heart then join all major power bidzhevye syllables of the mantra), or if
Watch the other hand, a short, concentrated version of the power of mantra. A similar
nye mantra used when tantrik leads an active, busy lifestyle and non-
th / she is physically not have time for a very long recitation of the mantra of the crown needed
number of times. three times read In such cases, the power of the mantra, then goes nachity-
vanie action mantra.
It must be said that this classication is rather conditional and does not cover all multilateral
manifold mantras world. Studying the mantras of different traditions, it is sometimes difcult to determine yavlyaet-
Xia whether a mantra, say, the mantra of the heart, the root mantra or the mantra of action. tan-
lockjaw - a very diverse phenomenon, interweaving patterns which hardly gives used
exhausted by the classication and systematization. Tantra is also alive and diverse, as she
a life. She, in general, is the true life of living beings, gifted Shaktipat and mud-

sexual meditation

I use repeat again: Tantra - it's not sex yoga, yoga for such it has nothing to do
It has. Just Kaula Tantra, transforming, animates all the "samsaric life," all
her hand up to the instinctive bodily items. Therefore, along with phenol
Men in ignorance, anger, self-destruction of the mystical way of dealing with sexual
side of life.
Scientists say that everything that we see outside and inside, is only for samsara
ignorant creatures. In fact, only God really exists, and all the phenomena of the world
They are pure divine manifestation. God - it is the food, the act of eating it - bozhe-
governmental. God - is the destruction and death, an act of the struggle against "the enemy" and victory is divine mis-
Teria. The desire for sexual union and reproduction - also a divine function.
However, all of this does not mean that we should believe in these ideas, take them, and more
dig deeper into lust, violence, intoxication and material greed. Such behavior
It would only be evidence of misunderstanding the essence of Kaula Tantra and example for him-that
tovogo very highest teachings on the achievement of the Divine Harmony is the worst poison,
prince of the devils of hell, leading into an abyss of suffering.
This tantrik always work only with what it can do. This is an immutable za-
con, there is no alternative. Therefore, in the rst years of practice is better not even think about any
sexual practices. They should not move when you have a pronounced positive



howling desire, and if you feel up to it ripened and ready to ght all
difculties on this dangerous road. A difculty here is quite considerable.
Sexual Tantra meditation - is something that can powerfully promote, but this is
that may unnished and incorrect practice display of the scientists immersed in animals
worlds, labyrinths reincarnations. This is what can make or chakra divine, or different
tear down the chakra itself.
If you just want to mate - go and do it wisely, of course, not in the ovary The depth
Fasting "tantric sex", which is dened sexual intercourse, unnatural and sinful
"Wrapped" in the mantras and rituals. This action is not a practice of tantra and idiotic oskver-
nenie normal, healthy sex. That's when you really want to and, most importantly,
can inspire the life and sex in particular, then we can only become aware of it and
count how is possible to implement this desire. "Drop down" the body in the sphere of deeper zhi-
votnyh, capture the spirit of the higher nature of the ordinary - this is the development of sexual techniques.
Sexual practices are fraught with danger and also because unlike other practices they
associated not only with yourself you, but also with the other person, with his karmic chain, and even
a group of persons. Disturb the harmony in the other person in the chakra - this leads to very serious po-
Consequently, this lays such karmic problems, which often becomes due
It is known only after the death of the body.
Sexuality has to do with trust, openness, going beyond the framework of the "decent and Ay
, ecclesiastical, "it has to do with love and acceptance. You must be uncomplexed, but
extremely careful not to get into trouble.
Sexual practices can be divided into the following categories:
work at the level of the Supreme;
Work on a level of love;
work at the level of the body of instinct;
work at the level of depraved lust;
work on the emotional level.
The last two levels are dangerous to a large extent, the rst - and is available posilen not kazh-
home, the second is not possible with each partner. Employment at the level of the body instinct with co-
comorbid mental training session - the safest, although it is fraught with dangers and serozny-
E issues in the case of error or weakness. It is of considerable importance, practicing you seksu-
cial practices with a loved one or just a mystic your chakras. And quite
else, if you practice with someone, a stranger of your chakra, and then all the teachings in tse-
scrap. In the rst case, there are some rules in the second - the other, well third case OCO-
by - you are a practicing, and your partner is generally just have sex with you. Of course,
best practice with her husband, who is also a mystic and your chakras.
In most cases, start to practice not to increase orgasm to a certain stage
"Cosmic bliss," and especially not to exercise a variety of bizarre postures and
Pos. First you have to learn to open up to each other all their sexual proclivities, pre-
facility to verify the partner, not being afraid of him to condemn and ridicule, without shame. It is also necessary
learn not to lose respect for their partners to these practices and to demand from the partner,
that he / she has become your property. Exception - a husband and wife; it is assumed that the used
muddy husband and wife belong to each other on many levels of existence. Be aware that not
one modern tantric chakra collapsed after unready to take up this
sexual meditation. Chakras And fall apart with very serious consequences - mutually
imnoe disrespect, jealousy, anger, hatred. Many after these "meditations" in general, developing


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

INDICATES disgust and aversion to tantra, although tantra there is just nothing to do. If the po-
Daubney sadhakas practices see that among people in the chakra there inharmonious interrelations
wearing, you must gently, politely, to stop such meditation and analyze
causes of problems. The analysis will show whether it is possible to correct the situation, or it is better for a longer
tion postpone sexual practice meditation.
The sexual practices, especially in the beginning, the mantra and certain special rituals are not
are required, in most cases not even desirable. Mandatory as is the ability to co-
Chet increased awareness of what is happening with sexual impulse. If awareness
dampens sexual impulse - this is a mistake. Also, an error is the loss of a thin deep
awareness and "falling asleep" of consciousness in the pulse sex.
During the practices we implement in our lives the principles of the Teaching. One side,
we realize that the mating and sexual desire - it is a normal, natural. While we
the owners of our sexuality - there is nothing sinful and shameful (another thing when
Sexuality becomes our hostess, and we - its slaves).
On the other hand, we learn that sexuality - is a manifestation of the higher, deep
The shortest divine process that is an expression of the will of Shakti and Shiva, mystical, The relative
indoor and vnekontseptualny sign pattern Dances Energy. This sign, symbol refers, as well as all
other "tangible" phenomena, the mysteries of Bhairava and Bhairavi.
By practicing these meditation in conjunction with other parts of our sadhana, we osoz-
hiring nirvanichnost samsara, virtually perceive that sleeping, eating, mating, vacation,
labor - a holy and pure manifestation of activity of "dirty" reality of God, which is pure and
untarnished. (Although for many these are just dirt and bondage of samsara, it does not matter, believe
they Kaula teachings or not.)
Comprehension is required to be real. You can not take imagination and troubles for
The path for success in, say, sexual or psychedelic practices. Who can uderzhat-
Xia from the temptations of sex and use poisons, destruction and stupefying as drugs?
Only someone who has the qualities of the Kaula-tantrik. And they have not in their
fantasies, and in real life.
All of these sexual practices are the only elements of the acquisition of higher kinds of inter-
mootnosheny with her beloved divine lover Bhairava or Bhairavi.
We can divide a relationship with God on several levels - from the lowest
to the very highest.
1. Atheistic relationship. Man lives by the law of God, not even knowing about
the existence of God.
2. The slave - owner. Man lives according to God's law out of fear of punishment.
3. The servant - Mr. Man lives according to God's law in order to for that God gave
4. Child - Parent. Man lives under the law of God, because he feels his kinship
with God and his laws, for the love of God. Such relationships are well suited for the mystic
cal practice. This love is like a slow majestic river.
5. Beloved - Sweet. This Tantric relationship. This kind of love
passionate, like the rough mountain river. Man does not want to wait for a meeting with God many times.
His heart burns with love, and it tends to be united with God here in this lifetime.
Therefore, he is exploring the secret doctrines and persistently practicing meditation. If this love is used
roll sadhaka not alter God prostitute varying samsaric passion that will
short-term pleasure, then sderot for services triple charge.



First sadhaka sees God in his heart. After a period of practice, he

Beloved begins to perceive in the world, in all phenomena. Tantric partner
is a manifestation of the divine in the world Beloved people. sexual practices
allow spiritualize samsara, go beyond slavery "subject object named". Also in pra-
villa practice during orgasm occurs proistechenie energy of all the channels in the principal
ny, the central channel Susumna, which leads to the experience Samaras nature.

Amrita, Soma, psychedelics

F act use in Kaul tantra psychedelic drugs causes different resonance

Nancy to different groups of people. Some shyly turning away from this fact who regard
concealing himself with people intelligent and respectable. Others, warmed by this
fact exhibit rabid interest in different types of drugs and psychedelics. Both
others are far from correct approach. Since the topic of psychedelic drugs along with the theme of sexual
Noah is so much emotion in public, which studies the Kaula-Tantrism with its renowned
"5M", I will highlight the topic in detail.
Bhairava path - a "middle path of extremes." To achieve the highest fruit
Everything here is used. However, each specic item is used only when Mystic
ready for it. Otherwise - disaster and defeat.
Various potions - powders, infusions and decoctions of roots, fruits, stems and leaves - with
ancient times were used in the mystical and magical practices. psychedelics have
property to enter into altered states of consciousness, in which there are two benets:
1. At the junction of two states - the usual and the unusual (as usual have been destroyed
psychedelic, and on extraordinary mind does not know how to respond) to effectively manage ob-
outward original reality - what is behind all the states of consciousness that yav-
wish to set up the basis of these conditions;
2. Any substance can learn something useful. For example, ganja teaches simplicity
those of humility, and the ability to enjoy small. Preparations based on ephedra, made it possible
lyayut work with clarity. Kalipsol same and LSD can help solve a number of problems.
However, at the same time I must say the following:
1. For most people an experience of original reality at the junction of the two co-
states is not available;
2. Most people can not help the matter, and hurt. The essence of each of them -
a certain spirit, a deity. Bhairava and Bhairavi - patrons of all spirits. Consequently,
one who strives for unity with Bhairava and Bhairavi, has a chance to succeed where others
fall. But beginners practice is far from the perfection of God, and they need to stay as
away from the spirits and deities of various potions. Indeed, many of these creatures can be
very dangerous. They give their prizes, but they charge for a fee, in comparison with which the
pales real value of these prizes. Perfume agents can cripple all his life, but one
fty mystics able to benet from psychedelics. However, the forbidden fruit
sweet, young and naive seekers convince themselves that they who have these rare edini-
tzu able to move with the help of potions. I've seen enough of those who said that the narco
tics - it is "their special way." Such people hallucinated and thought that it is communicating with
higher powers. Only years later, they realized that it was all a mirage, and the truth is,
that they have become addicts - slaves spirits, miserable, sick people.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

This Kaula-tantrik never will communicate with psychedelics before Bu

children really ready for it. And even after he had prepared such meditation will ves-
Ma is not frequent.
I rst found it myself ready for use powerful potions when I passed
twenty-ve. Teachers at the moment next to me was not, and if he was there, the po-
I would advise to wait a year or two. Before that age, I like the plague, the sides of these things,
considering themselves unprepared for their use and the fear of becoming a drug addict. However, after neskol-
FIR years of study and practice trails Bhairava I decided to take a chance.
One of my fellow-Saivites was experienced that came to potions. He suggested
I experience the action Kalipsola. He said it appeared that the intravenous administration of
the drug can completely go beyond the world we know and understand the magic
Game space and time. Furthermore, I was told that Kalipsol helps some
people recall past rebirth and travel in the invisible subtle body piercing
through the walls of neighboring apartments.
After the introduction of a half cube Kalipsola all samsara faded and disappeared without a trace. I
He experienced his true divine nature indescribable. However, I did not have spo-
lities and tness to stay in such a long time awareness and consciousness of co-
slid to the next level - a dimension where time and space, the energy of consciousness sple-
melting in the patterns and produce worlds. Thoughts on this level did not exist. After a
the time that it was possible to calculate the hundreds of millions of years, or one second, I snes-
lo at a rough level. There I clearly saw himself as something concrete. At this level,
conventional thought could already exist, and I asked myself: "Who am I?". I thought of the world, life,
mother and father, the body and the name of the creature, which identied itself. All this struck me as co-
consummate preposterous, do not have to present me nothing. My real body
stretched across the universe, the power of his thoughts, I could turn the whole space, say,
a giant bar of soap, a bar of soap - into space. That creature, whom I considered myself, it was
a puppet, and the whole world, the whole universe of creatures - only an illusion.
After a stay at this level of my consciousness slipped on a surface
level - the world of impressions derived from reading books and newspapers, watching movies and over-
dachas. I plunged into a phantasmagoric picture experience accumulated since childhood.
After this incident, I still took Kalipsol several times, but this stunning
effect as the rst time, was not there. For the rst time - is the ultimate freshness of perception,
awareness. Therefore, if you use a psychedelic without being willing to accept the lesson, you
risking not see the chief, besides losing the freshness of a rst experience for all. Later,
when through meditation you razovosh necessary qualities, the gates of the substance in
Shivatvu may be closed to you.
With LSD, I met twenty-eight years. I've heard and read about mistiko-
the magical properties of the drug. However, the rst use was not given more time
the expected effect me. I managed to survive the clarity of Shakti, the emptiness of phenomena,
pointlessness of all that people are doing, the absurdity and the absurdity of their entire civilization
tion. I have experienced an altered perception of our world, at the same time stay in a variety of
spatiotemporal measurements. It was possible to look into the hidden corners and forgotten soz-
naniya. However, I was not able to achieve its goal - to survive its nature in the integrity and pure
Tote awareness. At times it seemed that we should make the nal push to overcome the thinnest
barrier, and the goal is reached. But it was a mistake. Condition for success is that you do not sta-
raeshsya where a break where a break. On the contrary, you just contemplate their
It is right here and now. After these experiments I had a break for a few years. I stepped up



his meditation practice, and years later still he had his meditating with LSD and zaod-
but learned this about
Speaking about the universe and
psychedelics, ourselves,
I would singleand
is impossible to describe.
useful points in their application:
1. The destruction of delusion. Reading philosophical and mystical literature, we change
our secular world to the spiritual. However, it is also a concept, albeit
helpful. We repeat ourselves and others: "I am not this body", "The world is like a mirage," "Over the prede-
Lamy everyday perception is multidimensional world "," God exists. " However pe-
rezhiv all this from experience, we continue to feel the body-mind, living in the only
real terms. Psychedelics easily and effectively break down the barriers that very po-
useful to for mystical sadhana;
2. The basis for the repetition. It is easy to say: "Live through Divine Nature!". but
for this we must know what it is. Otherwise, we will be like an Eskimo, who had arrived in the Australian
skie jungle and Macadamia tree seeker, with no idea of how it looks. Having survived
using psychedelics True Nature, we can easily get into that state again
and again with the help of ordinary meditation, not related to potions.
Opponents may argue:
1. mole, through meditation, psychedelic without assistance, can achieve the same;
2. psychedelics, moreover, can only give non-exempt, and a new illusion;
3. mystical experience with psychedelics is not a real achievement, because depends on
external factor.
However, it can be said:
1. Yes, through ordinary meditation you can achieve the same. But how many years will it take to
this? Psychedelics - the accelerator is a mystical process.
2. Yes, other mystics psychedelics can give a new illusion, but this vo
all does not mean that they will do a similar focus on each of the practitioners.
3. Of course, the usual meditation is the main means in the path of God. However, do not follow
blowing to think that psychedelic drugs are useless, because the achievement with their help is "obrete-
result of using external methods. " That there are external and that - internal, not yl-
lyuzorna whether this difference? Is not this world a projection of our true self? Not
It should also refer to the psychedelics, as something dirty, evil. This does not tan-
an insulating approach. Everything from God. And the only question is, to whom, when and what is useful or harmful.
Bhairava and Bhairavi - a great joker and merciful Deity. Boc can be
take psychedelics as a joke of God, and can be - as one of the manifestations of the divine Mi-
Lost. By the way, I have not heard that Krishna commanded his followers like. but
I should explain that not everyone is capable of using psychedelics to achieve higher perezhi-
Bani. To my question: "What do you feel during an LSD session" People answered me: "Everything sver-
calorie and shimmered. I saw the ower with his teeth, "" I saw a UFO. " Also with Kalipsol. one che
Lovek after its adoption "seen the cartoons," the other felt "great narco
Python, which is likely to give all the buzz. " If human consciousness is not developed to the profound and subtle
levels, he did not survive to go beyond words and images. If a person's energy is directed
Lena on the attainment of God, he does not recognize the nature of everything.
There is another danger. Lazy and naive mystic may gradually, imperceptibly
to leave himself meditation and switch completely to psychedelics. This leads to the mystic
tion degradation. Psychedelics are good when one day their application is necessary
hundred days of normal meditation. The rst years of the passage of trails about psychedelics is better not
remember at all. Later, they can help, and still later become generally do not need to force
advancement adept.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

In conclusion, I must say that the use of psychedelic drugs - not necessarily at-
ribut Way Bhairava and Bhairavi.

Aghoricheskie practice
ne of the consumed epithets Bhairava is Shiva Aghora, which translates to
"Scary, the good." Good something good, but scary Bhairava not name.

ABOUT It's hard to nd a more terrifying tantric deity in the pantheon. Why did Bhay-
Rav called "scary"? Because He, being the king of fear powerless to fear OS-
of Freedom. When a mystic attains union with Bhairava, all the phenomena of life, neither be dismayed before
cease to frighten and terrify. Understanding the true nature of phenomena and the most frightening
fear, the sadhaka is profound peace and become fearless and undaunted.
To beat the fear of the terrible phenomena of the universe, such as death and violence,
also to stop disgusted with the ugly and unclean, Tantrikas
special meditation practice called aghoricheskimi. The object of such meditation
is all that is in us a negative reaction - fear, disgust, aversion, him-
dovanie, depression. Aghora tantra - an organic element of Kaula Tantra - has to deal with
deformities, dead, terrible natural disasters, dangerous animals, facts HA
Celia and injustice, feces, sewage, all kinds of products of decomposition
Niya, corruption and decay.
God has no limits and is present in all things. However, we can easily see bozhe-
governmental in pleasant and beautiful phenomena, and it is very difcult to recognize the divine origin of
all the destructive, ugly and dirty. Thus, the mind is caught in duality
Nost, and we can not enjoy ambrosia boundless Oneness. Kaula Tantra teaches us
how to get out of this bondage. Every time we do the meditation on emptiness,
Completeness, our divine nature, we contribute to the attainment of liberation and Sover-
ing its. However, we can strengthen and accelerate the process of liberation from the shackles of the dual Boc
acceptance if to bring in our sadhana meditation on what we perceive as the Ghor.
Meditating on Ghor, we gradually see that in fact it Aghora.
It would be strange and inconsistent to see the Divine Unity in decision
food and relaxation and to refuse to see that unity in sickness and hunger. It would be nonlocal
tech and dishonest to seek God through such extremes as the pleasure of sex and psihodeliche-
Sgiach changes in consciousness through the ganja and other potions, forgetting to look for God in the suffering and fear,
destruction and deformity. Many say they Kaula-Tantrikas. But if a person sees
path only spiritualization pleasures - to Kaula Tantra it has not the slightest The ratio
sheniya. All the powerful forces of the universe have to be carefully examined.
Without aghoricheskoy sadhana path Bhairava Kaula unthinkable at all. Therefore, those who do not
It has interest in such practices, who do not have the courage and fortitude for such a mystic
cal work, should leave even the shadow of ideas enter into the ow of this doctrine.
Aghoricheskie meditation do well in places of cremation, cemeteries and dumps into the left
sah, mountains and deserts, associated with the manifestation of evil forces - the destructive energy of evil
spirits and demons. It is also good practice to the edge of the abyss, on the bank of the river, near
Volcano (especially the current), as well as at the bottom of a dried-up sea or lake. If you live in
India then get to perform sadhana to Smasana - cremation - quickly and easily.
If you live in a Western country, the night forest or cemetery can also help in



Bhairava in Kashmir. Amriteshvarabhayrava



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

There are many types of meditation aghoricheskih, most important of which yav-
lyayutsya visualization ritual and contemplative practices. The visualizations we draw
in our minds a picture personifying those or other phenomena causing disgust and
Fear, as well as visualize the manifestation of Divine Power, transforming our vospri-
yatie these phenomena. In the ritualistic meditation, we use a variety of items,
ordinary and special, to calling on the forces of evil and destruction, to appease them and podchi-
thread, so they do not interfere in the self-improvement, but to help in this. For success in
this matter before we invite the tantric practice wrathful deity to reaching
unity with them, to gain power over the terrible and sinister forces.
In practice aghoricheskogo contemplation we meditate on corpses, both fresh and decomposition
who lived on refuse and excrement on the skull and the blood on the ugliness and mutilation, to acts of violence
and natural disasters. Lost in contemplation, we discover that the heart and essence
all this is still the same Divine Reality.
dyam notAfter reading many
a pleasure of the above
to contemplate the will
their ownbesides
feces, - usually
idea oflyu-
governmental roots of violence for many sounds very dangerous and spiritless. This point of view
Nia is easy to understand, but it does not follow that it should be accepted. Nothing removes the spiritual
GOVERNMENTAL illusions as good as the contemplation of "OM" sacred sign posted in the land of
faeces pieces. It's hard to nd something better shows us the frailty and
the futility of samsaric life, the fragility of samsaric supports and false samsaric values
as a regular contemplation decomposing or burning ame in corpses.
With regard to the terrible idea of divinity acts of violence, it should be claried that,
Of course, there is nothing good in war, brutality and genocide. All this - only expressions
an evil of the human will. However, the intrinsic nature of all phenomena of the world is
Bhairava, any energy there, whether good evil comes from the universal energy Parabhay-
Ravi. If "bad" events had nothing to do comprehensive, transcendent PE
alnosti, they simply would not be able to exist in the universe. The trouble is not that,
saying, "God creates not only good, but evil." The trouble is that living creatures, shrouded by dense
tion of ignorance, do not see the true origin of all energies, and of all things, so instead
Liberation and perfection are only the enslavement and suffering through it porabo-
schaya and bringing suffering to other living beings.
Death, suffering and ugliness can teach Kaula-tantrik many useful things, pri-
approximated it to bogodostizheniyu. These phenomena have great power and strength and through
This controls our lives. Avoid stupid and hate them, because they do not run away from them.
Fight with the more foolish: who wins - man or the mighty deity? Suffer from wasting
these phenomena - is also a manifestation of stupidity. Is not it better to take advantage of their power and
wisdom? Then they will help you where just ordinary people tortured.
Tantric Path of Bhairava and Bhairavi permeates his life essence of death, disintegration
and deformities. Optionally originally love it all, but be sure to understand the inner
the mystery of things, otherwise you will suffer and run all their lives, but did not nd
peace and salvation. To defeat the terrible forces, we must grasp their meaning and their Tai
us, it is available only wise and brave.
Kaula-tantrik, honoring the Divine Couple, clothed in black. He / she enjoys chot-
Kami made from human bones, drink from a bowl made of an upper part chelo-
vecheskogo skull. His / her house is full of images of horric forms of God, instead of a table or
bed cofn can be used. The adepts of the doctrine like night and sunset, learn to love these
living beings, like scorpions, wolves, snakes, bats, octopus, rays and spiders. Bhayra-



White peaceful by nature - natural beings is not peculiar hostility.

However, very often they are kept at home a variety of weapons used in sozer-
tsaniyah, hunting or self-defense. If we do not run from death and ugliness (which is useless), and de-
barking their usual attributes of our lives, we cease to fear and reject these phenomena,
nding peace in your soul. And later, in more advanced stages, we suddenly begin
see the beauty of all these phenomena, without losing a sense of the beauty of contemplation of the sun, owers and dragees
-precious crystals. We gain integrity, limitless beauty and indestructible Bozhest-
vennuyu Harmony.

Liberation from suffering by their comprehension of the true nature

through going beyond duality

hen we experience fear, pain or disgust in us there is an understandable zhe
lanie stop these feelings. You can, of course, distract yourself from the fear of a fun lm
comedy, relieve pain pill and turned away a person get rid of the unpleasant spectacle.
There is nothing wrong with this approach, except, perhaps, a misfortune. This behavior does not deliver
us from the root of disharmony and will not solve the problem once and for all. Once all these conditions
again come to visit us. Tantric-bhayravayt plays with disharmonious sensations. is he
does not drive them away from you, on the contrary, he goes to meet them. If, say, you will be attacked fear poprobuy-
they feel it with every ber of mind, body and soul, without passing judgment on how good
or bad. Look deep into the fear in his heart, his essence. What is the fear that gives him
power? You will see many interesting things! Then, with the help of will and imagination, drawing a self-
mye horrible pictures, reinforce this fear. Let it grows and extends to innity,
devouring the whole world, including your own. Here you will experience a very interesting experience -
fear devoured everything: the one who was afraid, and that scared. No one else who may be afraid
or intimidating. There is only fear. But the fear is whether, if there is no one whom he tortured? It will be co
consummate transcendental experience, spontaneous awareness of the divine origin
the energy that we had while staying in duality, perceived as fear. If
you could not achieve the desired result for the rst meditation, and try again
again. If you combine this practice with other meditations that are part of the complex Bhay-
Rav-sadhana, the effect comes quickly. To enhance the effect, you can practice in the morgue,
shmashane on cemetery at night or in the woods - as you prefer. In the same manner meditate
a feeling of disgust. As a result, knowing the true roots of fear, pain and disgust, you do not
You will suffer so much from all this, immersed in the transcendental awareness bozhe-
stvennosti energies.

practice Rakshabhutaradzhi

C spruce aghoricheskoy this meditation is to develop non-attachment to samsara, including

including the body and personality, the victory over fear, sacrice, love, and spiritual
purication, all that is necessary for readiness to Self-realization. I cite here
An exploded visualization description as practice itself. Special mantras that require
special diksha, I was not cite.
Blood in the middle of the ocean rises the land, which crowns the mountain of death, built of
bones and skulls of all kinds of living beings. At the foot of the bones have turned to dust
from time to time and from the huge pressure of the upper bone. The closer to the top, especially the bones and che



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

turnips more fresh, locally caught between the old bones and skulls fresh blotches CBS
Tei. We bare and windswept, climb up this mountain. On the top of the mountain
worth great Bhairava, Black devouring God manifest in the four hands,
octopodiformes, dvadtsatichetyrohrukoy or other forms Samhara angry and feces. we obrascha-
emsya to Lord Bhairava asking: "O Lord Bhairava! I want to achieve unity with You.
Please help me in this. Cleanse me from all that prevents from my ego, from pride, from
fear, anger, greed, jealous, envy, sloth, pride, dullness, from harmful mechanical
Body habits, bad karma and interfering from physical illnesses. " When we all this govo
Rome, we sincerely ask Bhairava it to us from all of this delivered. Lord Bhairava
laugh and blow of the sword or the nail on his little nger of one hand cuts us down. of holographic
you neck gushing blood. Bhairava cup of substitutes Kapali, lls it, and drink blood. But he
He does not want to keep our head in her hand (this is not the head of Brahma), and he throws it down to the sub-
nozhiyu mountains. Then, a sword or a sharp movement of the little nger nail cuts our chest vyry-
Vaeth heart out and eat it, and then sends your body a kick to y from the top
this mountain. Our headless body ies and hits the ground near the mountain, near the upav-
necks previously head.
Immediately on all sides begin to ock retinue of Lord Bhairava, all kinds of non-
live and evil: a huge black hairy Rakshasa, bhoots, rushing, snide Pisachas, Vetal,
In short, the demons and imps, ghouls and vampires - all the undead, who lives on the mainland Dzhambud-
WIPP, both large and small ...
They all get together and are very happy that the Lord gave them to eat. They all have in their hands
set of black
straight formand
t. n. metal objects, knives, hooks, curved blade and
First bloodsucking demons pripadaet to the veins and suck the blood in an amount
that it is not poured, and that part was left in the meat. Then they make cuts to our
the skin of the cut throat to groin (at the front) and along the arms and legs. Then, using hooks
tightening the skin of the body and stretch it so that it starts to be a big Oak
rovavlennuyu platform on which lies the carcass of our body. After that, all these creatures HA
Chin carve the body. They separate the muscle from the bone, tear off meat from his hands, and so on. N.
Reveal our abdominal cavity, the abdominal muscles are cut. And all these muscles, all the meat
put in a separate pile. Then take out of our internal organs: colon, liver, mudow
zonku, bladder (all carefully visualize). Mount bodies piled separately from
Mountains of meat. Gradually only the skeleton remains from us. To get to the light, the demonic
It is by means of special pliers break the rib bones, lungs and then removed
put in a pile of bodies. Further, it is taken for Rakshasa that harder. They break down bone
skeleton pulls the arms, legs, breaking the bone in half. The most powerful Rakshasa crunching lo-
maet our spine twice. Separately, the skin fold a pile of bones. And here are three
piles: a pile of meat, a pile of bones and a pile of viscera. Merry feast begins. entourage
Lord Bhairava with pleasure eats all the food; undead and evil spirits so much that very
soon they will eat anything that once represented our pride, beauty, our body, which
we have so long and so much care and nurturing, holili for which accomplishes so many
cases, both good and bad. And all this is eaten. These creatures of the suite cut the skin on
cracklings, pieces and eaten as seeds for dessert. And suddenly stumble upon your head, which
lying next to her sat a hairy butt is one of the Rakshasa, 'What is this? look
you are welcome...". This is - your head, with the person that you loved so much to see in the mirror. And this
It makes all laugh. They say, "Look, it's the head that rose above the body vazhno-
th lord. " Laughing contemptuously, starting to play it in football. They succumbed to her leg, pe-



rebrasyvayut the ball, from one entity to another. Small devils dancing on your face,
trying to trample in the mud. Then they begin to mock this person: bite off your nose, you are a
kalyvayut eyes, pull your tongue, lips, pull teeth, pulls out his mustache. Then they take off
head scalp, defecate and wipe your hair scalp their behinds. then scalp
eat those who like unclean food. They remove the upper part of the skull - kapala, mochat-
camping, defecate in it. They eat up the brain, and the person dipped in shit in the stool, in every way
mocking. Then they begin to strip what is left: the skin and muscles of the cheeks, forehead, etc. And..
devour it all. Break the jaw gnaw the meat even with the gums. Then the skull, which
remains, split on the stone, completely destroying all of our pride. And throw obglo-
dice data sucked the bone marrow along with the remnants from the head to the mountain of death. Mountain
a little increases. And now there's nothing left of what had once represented our
pride that we are so cherished and admired that.
Here the strength of the Lord Bhairava begins to raise our invisible subtle body and above
higher over the place, over the Rakshasa, over and above other Pisachas demonic suschest-
you. We climb higher and higher from the foot of the mountain to its summit, and hang out on the passivation level
ty Lord Bhairava, which opens up wider and absorbs us. After that we go into
an indescribable state of original reality in a state of oneness with the Lord Bhairava.
Thus ends the meditation. It is recommended to do it in a sitting position. contraindications
Nia: This meditation can not be practiced to people with the wrong motivation and purpose, as well as
nervously and mentally unhealthy.
Side effects: when the sadhak is not able to transform into this meditation anger
in love completely, it is gradually becoming more and more irritable and ag-
sively, which leads to more suffering. This is not surprising - if the inability to digest
energy unconsciously accumulated anger for all the bullying and humiliation perpetrated by non-
earlier,The elimination
before it or afterofitside effects:to
is required Start practicing
practice this sadhana
meditation is demonstration
peaceful not as often as
Shiva - Gangadzhatadhary which would liquidate the residual irritation and disharmony. The depth
Boko establish yourself in the right motivation and understanding of the teachings.

Practice instant achievement

omimo described practices exist methods to survive its the true
hydrochloric, Divine Nature directly. At rst glance, these meditation sposo-
It would seem simple, even primitive, but in practice to achieve success only
through these methods can be very few. Our restlessness and disordered energy is not
give consciousness to grasp its essence, our karma resists her experience. Nevertheless,
if we combine these techniques with other elements of the sadhana, success will come quite byst-
Ro. I will describe one of the most effective meditation, revered masters like a jewel
We sit in our meditation mat, keeping the body relaxed and the spine
- direct. Breathing even and calm, half-closed eyes. What to do? Nothing. This
is one of the secrets of success. We've learned that in order to achieve those goals need to make or
other actions, but the essence of this practice is that doing just then nothing is required. we
just sit in the above position, and nothing we do not think. In practice, it is seen that Cu
do without thinking - it is impossible. Periodically in the head, there are various thoughts. It is not necessary
to deal with them or drive them out. Just do not follow these thoughts, that's all. Found himself


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

that you about something you think, come back to objectless contemplation. Just think of
all that is not following these thoughts, not pulling or pushing the sounds, colors, smells,
feelings, thoughts. Then, abruptly, but in a low voice utter bidzhevy sound, for example supersvya-
whelping HUM or TCA (in some cases used syllables HET, PHAT and the po-
Daubney). This sound interrupts the remnants of thoughts, remnants of the attraction and repulsion of various
objects, and we remain alone with ourselves: our genuine naked "I", our
genuine nature. After a short time the thought occurs again in our mind and we postu-
a share with them as was previously described, after which recite again syllable. In this way,
we practice for some time.
To succeed in this practice, we need to know some secrets. For example, it
that there needs to be integrated Shiva, Shakti and Nara, which appear as a void conscious
Niya, clarity of mind and consciousness sadhakas presence here and now. If consciousness drowsiness,
the clarity is lacking. If consciousness is agitated and hyperactive, the emptiness of his
it will be difcult to catch. If consciousness is not sufciently thin - will be the discovery of the problem
God here and now. There are special techniques to make subtle consciousness,
methods to regulate the activity of consciousness. However, before An immediate
execution-governmental practice all the theories of Shiva, Shakti and Nara, leave. Mys-
whether and ideas here will not help.
The only thing worth to remember to practice - our true nature pre-
separately natural, simple, non-conceptual (t. e. not uhvatyvaema not comprehended thoughts), and
non-dual (ie. e. when it is, no subject experienced this or It, who could
would survive). Therefore, attempts to be in this state Shivatvy, to survive in this state
during his proistecheniya somehow understand this condition, to understand it are doomed to failure and
indicate immaturity practice.
If there is neither subject nor object, who and what will survive in this state? When
say Shivatva is our true "I", we must understand what is meant by it,
it is not personal "I", the ego is our nature, and Shivatva. However, not available in
mind that there is a certain Shivatva Universal "I" that experiences itself or does not survive. Shih
vatva means that in contrast to samsara no facilities and no subjects, and that is, the mys-
lyami not grab,tosince
nat something it nonconceptual.
understand Therefore,
and see something any attempts
someone "duringtoan
instant something,
self practiceosoz-
should be discarded, cut off all deadly obstacles sword besprichinno-
STIs-giving you true freedom. Before the beginning of sadhana instant direct
the realization of the Divine Reality have a strong desire to experience their original
The nature, have a clear intention to achieve the goal - it was good. But before we sit down
on the mat, we must reject these desires and aspirations, otherwise they just spoil us all.
Sometimes after delivering BG we achieve results, sometimes - not. It's not a problem.
The main thing - keep calm meditation.
During this practice, we can emerge a question: "Do we have experienced just that it
or not?". It must be discarded. If our nature is really upset us ho-
cha to one second - will take time and it will come to us for a long time, in all the splendor of its Cu
ly and explain everything to us. If we do not experience it at least on the second day - one day
we will survive it all the same, it is inevitable if the sadhana is going on the right way. Expectation,
concept - all of this takes away from the desired result. It is much better to achieve the ef-
Fecteau to be relaxed, calm their energy balance and breathing. We just do
HUM, TCA or other bija, or blinked, or snapping your ngers, staying in uspoko-




Hinnom and relaxed. Everything else - is not our business, as the case Shivatvy, para-
If unnoticed conceptualization again come to us and we'll catch myself on the fact that the ho-
Tim grasp, see, feel and so on, we should immediately recall - what to see or
been through? To survive? Where to go through? All this duality, subject, object, without having
relationship to a right understanding. HET! And there is neither subject nor object, and does it better
can not describe.
We are not required bliss Ocean experiences the world, the vision of all-measurements
lennoy or something else more. Enough to go beyond the conceptual least
a half-second, second. This is Shivatva. Maybe Shivatva and does not look like something "Sort of,"
great and extraordinary, but a simple, natural, and free from all suffering
stripes. This is the genuine goodness - who may have a aw here? This is complete
freedom - who may be enslaved, and in what?
Of course, it is not necessary to fall asleep or get involved in thoughts, but we must also excite CE
BOJ and deal with thoughts. Know cuts off the concept of different colors, and the rest will come by itself
by oneself. To facilitate the success - do not eat before meditating tight, but do not be hungry,
do not overdo it physically does not excite the mind active or spectacles. On-
Build with the help of mantras, visualizations, good ideas. After it to use the time to otki-
pull the rush, concepts, rovnenko sit, quietly, calm down, relax, soothe
energy, his breath. And do everything that we need for this meditation.
It should not be, as well, to x their minds on the spelled-bija, or after it
pronouncing mind locks on its shape, rather than remain open.
In short, there is a sufcient number of different secrets You are a successful
complements this meditation. Therefore it is best to obtain from a competent and advanced teacher
blessing for its implementation and explanation of the intricacies of the practice.

Some methods of getting rid of suffering

Asha doctrine carefully explores the phenomenon of suffering. Bhairava and Bhairavi da
Do a lot of explanations about the nature of suffering and how to prevent them or trans-
in liberated form. In this chapter I will mention ve methods signicantly
facilitating existence.
1. Comprehension of the nature of the deep misery
At the time of occurrence of depressive thoughts and painful emotions or body aches, distribution
slabtes physically, mentally and energetically and realize his divine nature
convenient for you - directly, using bidzhevyh mantras, click, and cotton
t. e. When you nd yourself again in samsara, the world of subject and object, again enter the nedvoyst-
vennoe state, then again and again.
You comprehend that the nature of pain and depression have the same original reality. If
you are convinced that the suffering of the problem can not be solved at the level of duality,
Instead of getting upset, worry, and lamenting, to seek out the world of samsara, you
will again and again come out into the open Shivatvy. All the problems of samsara no PE in samsara
sew, it is a fact. The solution is simple: if there is no suffering, the suffering of the process and objects CAUSED
vayuschih is suffering, there is no problem. An impregnable position.
2. Clipping thoughts and stabilization energies.
, It is necessary rst of all, making sure that from experience, to understand that at the voltage and over-
fatigue agonize over the resolution of the problem does not make sense. When we are tired and exhausted


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

physically, mentally or energetically, and if we are very excited by any

emotion, we can not fairly and purely to see the situation. Falling into yl-
lyuzornoe pessimistic vision will give us the opportunity to show all our talents and
see favorable options. Therefore, the sadhaka has to accept a rm decision and
make it the law of life - in the case of those or other troubles not agonize over nding
exit position when fatigue or excitation. You need to sit or lie down, distribution
weak body, regulate breathing, to make it smooth, deep and infrequent. If
there is a possibility - well done meditation calms the mind, or go to sleep or
relax and have fun, letting myself to proceed to the resolution of problems before than
the next day. So you stop the fruitless waste of energy and, after a rest and
equilibrated itself, can solve the problem peacefully and efciently, without unnecessary suffering.
Nobody got rid of suffering, trying without extreme need to nd a way out of the situation,
being tired or perevozbuzhdonnym except suicide. However, their "output" is temporary
and granting a living being heavy karma. If you are not a fool, and a little know in
Doctrine - relax, uravnoves breath and come to rest.
What do you do if the head is constantly climb depressive obsessive thoughts and ideas? TO-
GDS is necessary to take the right position - to drive these thoughts out of my head,
as soon as they come, without spending even two seconds in their thinking. First of all, make sure
that this position is correct. Much of the suffering is rooted in the fact that we think of nepri-
yatnostyah fantasizing on the consequences and himself into the dark trap of torment. If trouble
has passed, what good suffer, thinking about it - it is no more! If the trouble is not nastupi-
la, what's the use to worry in advance, is no reason for suffering, and maybe trouble at all
will not come! If trouble arises right now, what's the point wasting time on grief and por-
tit purity of your mind? Is not it better to turn the mind and energy on positive resolution
situation ?! Ancient wisdom says, "A fool suffers three times - in anticipation of trouble while staying at
trouble, and trouble remembering. Average upset only once - at the time of trouble. Smart not ogorcha-
etsya at all, knowing that the coming and going of suffering is a natural law of nature
samsara and it did not x in samsara. " How do you not weep, nor wail nor knock kula-
kami on the table, it's true - there is a subject, therefore, once it comes to the suffering.
Other people, seeing your calm demeanor may accuse you of levity, but it
not frivolous, and an easy way of life, given to us Bhairava and Bhairavi. wisdom Teachings
We took off the burden, and that scientists do not lie, it has been proved by the example of the huge number of
mystics. If you have the feeling that, driving the head of anxiety and depression
thoughts, you become insecure, for refusing to seek a way out of the positions sad
Nia and problems, you should know that this feeling is wrong. Nobody became BO
Leah protected from what fantasies indulged in despair and agony on how it is bad
now, or about how the future will be even worse. On the contrary, relaxing and calming down, you ber
It doesisnot
in require
your power, and
you to the rest
move is not
across the your concern,
sky the and the
stars look. concern
It will be, soofbethe
it,universe, God.- No
you are calm one
whether they could, and the rest is not your concern.
Anxiety, depressive thoughts never will not help you, do not give you good advice and
not prompt the right way. On the contrary, they will do everything possible to maximize your
pain and suffering. It is they, and not the situation, cause suffering, it is them, not the situation,
It must be eliminated rst. If you do that, you a true son or daughter of Bhairava.
If you do the opposite, that you give up Doctrine and Way, abandoning the treasures of light




Depressoidnye Obsessive thoughts are very cunning - their task is to capture your
attention even for a few seconds, and then to strengthen the mind and begin to multiply, deeper and
deeper drowning you in the abyss of suffering. They say, "Do not drive us here so soon, think over us 1
- 2 minutes, and then we leave, but maybe we'll show you the way out. " Ec
Do you trust them, then a few hours later you nd yourself staying in full Hell
Consumed by a thousand thoughts tormenting you. Sometimes, especially if you are overtired, con-
RIVSH thoughts for just one minute, you may nd yourself hanging on the other side of the bal-
Kona or reveals his wrists in the bathroom. Such is the effect of "harmless" thoughts
and exhaustion. So I say it bluntly: "In the event of serious depressoidnyh thoughts here
the same is cut off them, ings away, get rid of them, neglect them, do not let the distribution
multiply and put you in a cage of hell. Do not let the thought makes your mind work in a de-
pressoidnom direction. Thoughts are very intrusive - they are cut off, and a minute later they
you climb to the other side. Cuts off again and again - no other way. No matter how they pyta-
were you to seduce, no matter how hard they have to take fright - do not penetrate, not accidental
shayte what they tell you, is cut off! If they do not want truncated intercept them to edronoy
mother! ".
Quietly push the obsessive thought. If this works - a very good, if not -
Cut off her ax his unwillingness to follow it and to be enslaved. You do not believe it
even before it you have anything to say, and rightly so. If that does not work, Ruban
ax on her seven-story mat heartily. It usually operates is open. Then
distract yourself with positive ideas, visualize or stay outside
duality. You can go to relax and have fun. Active rest can help, if you
not exhausted, otherwise it is absolutely contraindicated. With the depletion - sta-
Wright less to move, not even to sway in his chair, eat well, keep correct
Noah breath, listen to relaxing music, and in any case does not hold responsible
deeds and not overdo it.
Thus, the cut-off depressive thoughts (or better yet, any thoughts, even
indirectly related to the problems) for relaxation and switching attention to
positive, pleasant facility gives good results. This method can really
free you from innumerable and grave suffering and save them from the gray dungeons paranoid
depression and anxiety. Be calm, relax, do not hesitate for a second, you chase all these
Naraka to Kumbha thoughts! It is faithful to the Way of Bhairava!
3. Destructive and devastating re Samaras.
If the depression is full of suffering, drove up to you in the form of emotions or thoughts - from the
Nature BHAIRAVA Bhairavi manifest re-through visualization and destroy
intrusive thoughts and depressive emotions inside and outside of you.
There are two types of this practice. In the rst re-Bhairava Bhairavi quickly destroyed
zhaet suffering. In the second - the practice of re dissolves the subject and object and fuses real
Nost together in Samaras. In order to be able to use both methods, practical
tick must make yourself able to be the abode of the Fire, and know how to save
Fire. In order to provide a suitable and durable seat of the re devouring
suffering, theremercy
a) have are eight conditions:
b) enough of pleasure and pain;
c) to clarify the mind and life through the ve-fold awareness of the importance of the truth;
d) remove doubts;
e) desire to achieve liberation;



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

f) otpraktikovat preliminaries;
g) receive a special dedication;
h) apply the methods.
What kind of truth must be awareness of the ve sides?
1. As long as there is duality - the "I" and "I" - the suffering is inevitable.
2. While there is no self-realized non-duality, there will be full of satisfaction,
Harmony, freedom, fullness.
3. There is no other way to get rid of suffering and achieve harmony Perfection
besides the practical elimination of the difference between subject and object at the expense of gaining
Primordial wisdom informed by a natural desire.
4. As long as you exist in the world as a separate being, you will not only enjoy, but
and suffer. Joy will be limited, as the suffering will come again and again.
5. If you are tired of it, if it does not satisfy you, do sadhana, not imitation
sadhana, and success will come.
What methods should be applied? It is necessary to practice yoga deities and hu-
ru yoga, you must meditate on all kinds of re - re, lightning, sun, stars, etc...
Bringing food to re different things - hard and soft, expensive and cheap, beautiful and
ugly, round and square, we should meditate on the process of their destruction, and then co-
Mirror ashes. We meditate, contemplating the re, reading Fire mantras and making offerings to him.
If we establish a good relationship with the re, it will teach us all appliances burning pro-
Bloem and empower us. Meditation on active volcanoes and magma as well as melted
metal is very useful. Meditation on Emptiness in alternation with the meditation on
Fire gives freedom, joy, lightness and Samaras gives sverhestvstvennymi sposobnostya-
E. The correct approach to this practice would open the way to great success.
4. Offering ishtadeve suffering.
This technique can be applied only by those who practice our Teaching.
It relies on certain mystical doctrines.
It is known that there are several kinds of relationship with God. Among these interactions
ignorant attitude and the universe, slave and master, servant and master, child and parent, and
as two lovers. In the rst case we are talking about God, and atheists. materialistic ate-
ist denies the existence of perfect reality and their relationship with it.
Religious relations of the "slave and master" expressed in the fact that man his endeavors
mitsya not commit bad deeds out of fear that God will punish for it. Like
people come to the temple with offerings to propitiate God. Relationships "The case of
ha, sir, "expressed in the fact that people believe that Almighty God will reward him if he
will diligently perform religious commandments. Relationship "parent and child" Ha
It characterizes the fact that a person feels his relationship with a perfect God and feels for
God love and family feeling, and therefore live by its laws not out of fear or benets. These
relationships are perfect enough to do well on the religious and mystical
way. However, success in Tantra relationship between the two lovers are more podhodya-
exclusive. Here, too, there is a sense of kinship and the desire to become one. But love in
This case is similar and passionate raging mountain stream unlike love to the child Po-
turer, whose energy can be expressed in a broad way, slowly owing river. The purpose of non
dual tantra is to achieve unity with God in life. this is facilitated by
rapid proistechenie energy when the mystic suffering from separation from God and does not want to wait for co-
ght! many reincarnations.
"- Bhairavi When
believes that wethe
hears say,call
"OhofGreat Bhairavi,
Bhairava. AfterI all,
want nounity withGod
one but theisTO-
not worthy of co-



one with the Goddess, no one except Bhairava, unable to be with her. Bhairavi very
Bhairava loves her and is willing to give him a gift of everything that she has. And I have it all that tol-
to be (and can have it all). So she throws a mystic gifts: "O my lyu-
bimy Bhairava, I give you this beautiful land, the ripe fruit, money, luck, fracture
legs, poverty, death of loved ones, sickness, and much more-a lot of things! ". It is difcult to imagine,
that some of her treats we can not digest. After Bhairava - is devouring
Mouth, he does not choke, otherwise he would not be Bhairava. Therefore, if some of us
is not able to accept many of the things that gives us Bhairavi, it is necessary to enter into a meditative co-
standing dialogue with her and explain: "Although we have realized the nature of Bhairava, but not yet
We can not always remain in this awareness. And so, on the favorite Bhairavi, could not
would you send fewer diseases and problems and more talent, health and luck. Living in this
favorable treatment, we can successfully practice and one day be able to take all
your gifts! ". Undoubtedly, Bhairavi sort out the problem and assist in the sadhana. but
We do not expect that it will transform all of us living in paradise where there is no pain, problems and stra-
Danian. Not all of us karmically can enter into such a paradise, and many of us meeting
with the suffering needed as a factor contributing to the process of gaining our co-
vershenstva. However, Bhairavi will take into account our request and help as much as
will be adequate. But we also need to give pleasure to the Goddess (if we love it) and
learn to comprehend the divine in pain and suffering. Mystics Trikasamarasya Kaula play with
Bhairavi in this game. When we feel in his heart, grief, resentment, sadness, grief or
pain caused by any factor, we visualize how these states are transformed into
our heart in black lotuses or any other owers, which with innite love
we offer Bhairavi. Then the pain, grief and all other sufferings become divine
Beyond the joy and Vsesostavlyayuschego. The purer and more sincere our love, the more effective
tive will act this practice. It is clear that when it comes to women, they obrascha-
are trays or black colors not Bhairavi and Bhairava.
5. Practice the destruction of suffering, based on the work with energy channels.
There are amazingly effective meditation, destroying suffering very by-
Straw and clean. They are based on ishtadeva yoga and working with energy channels. but
practice such things, or even be aware of these meditations are only those who are po-
svyaschon Trikasamarasya in Cowley. Therefore, we can not describe in books designed for
a wide range of readers, these secret precious equipment.

Ishtadeva yoga

riroda each of us has the original reality, Samaras, indescribable, without pre-
stavlyaemaya, but live directly. At the same time that nature is perceived as
something else - a psychosomatic physical complex with very specic
nye limiting of its characteristics, located in space and time, stradayu-
conductive, raduyuschiysya, staryaschiysya and dying. If we consider this complex tantriche-
Sgiach denitions and concepts, he is brought before us in the form of a complex assembly vzaimopere-
Wicker, divergent energies with different force. These energies have modications
tion Primal Energy Parashakti. Primal Vibration-Spanda pulsating eternal and innite
prepyatstvenno, ows through the innity of space-Reality. In other words, the Reality
It vibrates in itself a force itself. Higher Vibration - Paraspanda - and there
the nature of reality. Where the energy wave vibration gives failure, without beginning, innite
nite space of the Universal Consciousness is localized, there is formed the individual "I" and

Appendix 13 (January 2011)

his universe. Subsequent waves foray into the localized point, even more specify concretely
ziruyut it, giving new characteristics. So formed individual psihosomatiche-
sky complex and its world. When a sufcient quantity is accumulated specic characterized
tics, coarse materialization comes through reincarnation in the physical body.
Reincarnating from one body to another, the individual "I" changes its characteristics,
some faster, some slower. plexus energies pulsing and changing its cong-
guration, and at the same time it is changing the world of the living entity. Some of the creatures za-
putyvayutsya stronger and stronger in these energies - assembly becomes more complicated. other
the creatures unravel this knot, simplifying it from one incarnation to another, and so on.
Still others being periodically that unravel the tangle.
Energy, of which the assembly is quite different: building strength, balance, destruction
Niya, concealment and disclosure. They can manifest as anger, love, fear, peace, ignorance,
wisdom, solitude, fullness, sadness, joy and so on. d. All living beings in essence resemble
at each other - nature at all one. But at the same time, all living beings differ from
another character, tendencies, strengths, weaknesses, the body and the outside world. AT
someone dominated by anger, someone passion or stupidity, someone a lot of love, someone - mud-
rosti. If we untangle our personal energy hub, the original vibration again
incur to innity and freedom will be realized.
How can untangle the knot? Referring to the next Teachings element. Even when chrezvy-
tea confusion the true nature of the node it is running out of the same perfect, clean and
free. For the Absolute, Samaras has no real unit, the living creatures, for everything
is His nature. From the point of view of samsaric beings, the node is slavery, the original The improvement
naya nature of the defect found. From the standpoint of the Absolute Reality, everything is pristine Ma-
nifestatsii inner beauty and completeness of the Absolute, these units have no aws and patterns that enter
dyaschie the picture of the Divine Universal Universal ornament. This spontaneous Ma-
nifestatsii, "decoration" of reality with her own nature. Symbolically speaking, for us
something is a joy, something sad, something anger or loneliness that some love and
completeness. To top it all the Artist's only multi-colored paint that nari-
Sauvant picture. Here it is best to add that more true to say that the artist important new evidence
It is not paints and Him on himself and by himself. And the true nature of all energies have
One Primal Shakti, a genuine, deep nature of all states is be permanently
initial state, the Reality.
Let's move on to the next view. Samsaric energy play a living being, pri-
leading him to the experiences of different states, pleasant and unpleasant. The properties of these samsaric
states - call the following samsaric condition. Samsara seemed delivers udovol-
Corollary fool and torment us. Whatever you do in samsara, wherever you may go, at least you'll like OS-
Tawau in the same samsara, duality, because if there is one, it will do the rest.
If there is one, then this one is incomplete, inadequate, because there is something pomi-
mo it. So, suffering will come one day.
Can we say that reality wants to enslave and torture us? No, reality is only
painting, she expresses, manifests itself in different ways. Torturing and enslaving the sansa-
pa. However, the reality is everything, there is no samsara. At the same time, according to our experience,
samsara is. But now let's move to the further description.
Psychophysical organism has the volume, shape and duration of life. Individu-
cial living things exist in space and time, enslaved spatial
but-temporary laws. Non-duality, reality is so immense and comprehensive
conductive that it can not t in a dual world of samsara in "their universal absolute


form. " But because reality is omnipresent, it is everywhere, and is manifested in the dual world
sansara as countless spatiotemporal manifestations. All of them, deterministic
Rowan duality, are imperfect and limited, but they are real, profound nature is
Absolute, for there is nothing more.
So pure phenomena have no shackles and sparkling ornaments spontaneous, narrow
ly energies without aws, and the details of the ornament weaving: anger, fear, love, peace has
not good, the bad and enjoy the tantalizing power-state, but just different colors
Great pictures, kneaded with Primal Shakti, the nature of which is indescribable. hence,
all that is before our eyes, there is a great, perfect Shakti, who is Shiva. So all
psychosomatic organism have the same pattern Shakti. So, our nature is Shiva, and
not samsara! But who are we? If we - Shiva, why we feel like psihoziche-
sky body? Because the mind is enslaved in a cocoon and fetters messed energies.
If you know how to untangle this knot, we can liberate the mind. Private again will those
indescribable Shiva, who is not an object, and therefore not subject to the usual for us
dual sense. How can unravel the knot, the network, connect us? There are different methods.
This chapter focuses on ishtadeva yoga, this is the main theme here.
In order to have something to do with energy, it would be good to see them in all their features
forces and relationships. Then we will clearly understand what to do with them. also horo-
Shaw would like to see the nature of all these different energies, their origin and where they end. it
It coincides with the trend of the Absolute to reveal itself in all its glory here in the world of samsara. Mo-
Jette, we can "help" God to express myself here, but he will "help" us nd our true
face? It would be nice to know how to do it.
Is it possible, for a long time meditating on its nature, clarifying it with the help of special
teachings and practices, to portray what we found as a character? Of course, it is difcult nari-
stick of God as "The Great Nothing" Transcendence, but if we try to express Bozhe-
governmental (they samsaric) energy that drive us, out of our depth can
suddenly appear as a visual and sound image, available to, so it can be
speak, sing, play, put paint on paper or express in sculpture. Therefore
way, here manifested even more clearly and concretely. We will achieve more
of things. Expressing energy components of our personal unit we:
a) see clearly what we have is eating, enjoy, scary, frees and catches,
and, seeing this, you will understand better what we should do in order to achieve self-realization;
b) partially weaken their impact on us and our ability to partially increase their vla-
put and manage;
c) meditating on the image of the character, grasp its nature - is where he "oated", and then,
that is its essence;
d) by understanding the essence of ourselves, we can understand the whole essence. By understanding the nature of a formy-
sound, we can understand the nature of all shapes and sounds, as a general principle.
Such an interesting way, we help the beyond emerge as the ultimate sound
tsvetoforma and have an impact on the rest of the phenomena of the world of duality. Just now we
We can meditate on Shivatvu, indescribable, inexplicable (which is ourselves) as
to an external object, as would have been impossible as it sounds. See how cleverly. we too
We used to feel actors among objects in space and time and not
used to be outside the subject-object status Samaras. You can also say that we
entangled in the energy, because it is simply the practice of direct self-realization is given as Non-
hundred, and send samsaric needs, conceptualizing, chasing a pleasant and protected
the unpleasant, it is very easy and natural. We tend to samsara, despite the fact that they had heard


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

a thousand times explanations regarding the dangers of samsara, what can you do about it. But now we can not
ght samsara, and outwardly seem to indulge her - being a kind of "I", the subject, to study
a sound or a color object - as usual. But studied "object" is nothing
otherwise, as a symbolic manifestation of ourselves - we like the Original Universal Pri-
labor, reality and at the same time we as a unique manifestation, the manifestation of the PE
alnosti through particular, patterned sequence of energies. To such an object, be it a form or
sound, meditation is not too difcult, because the object has an attraction for us -
because it is we ourselves, because this object is expressed all the most exciting and important for us -
our ideal and antiideal, our aspirations, dreams and our fears, our dignity and our non-
prosperity. Since yoga is practiced ishtadeva not philistines and tantrik, meditative
image of the deity, yantra or mantra may carry symbols that embody dock
Trina, methods and features practiced the teachings of Self-realization. Even if the image bozhe-
CTBA is complicated and has many parts, meditate on it is simple, because the image is familiar to us, po-
Since embodies our personal "inner" and "outer" life.
Of course, not all practitioners are able to see their purpose and nature, and the specics of Ma-
nifestatsii form or in the form of sound. Therefore, those who can not see the above for
who personally manifest deity is unimportant who practice yoga guru, desiring
realize oneness with the Guru, and adheres to the meditation on the image of deities inherent religi-
pits of these practices, they practice meditation or imagery to Tantric deities, pro-
revealed with the help of other practitioners, such as teachers and the great tantric masters
different types of practices, or else on the images contained in these religious traditions
practitioners. It all depends on the situation and from the sadhaka: some see that they have a craving
to any particular tantric deity or more deities, and try
access to the teachings and practices related to the deities data. Others, on the contrary,
looking for them with necessary teaching and practice and meditate on the images of deities associated with these practical
tics. The main feature of the way the third kind - is that for such mystical meditation on uchite-
To both the deity is particularly important, and they are trying to identify with the teacher. By-
that the sadhaka meditates on the images of teachers, teachers on the deity or deities to, PE
recommended active teachers. There are many options, as well as the subtleties of different ways of living beings.
Conventionally, the deities can be divided into angry, peaceful and neutral, but in life formed
PS deities usually combine angry, peaceful and neutral quality correlates with singularity
Nost node energies. All you need to consider the above and also other very important
side. Sometimes it seems that the sadhaka elects itself a deity, but actually a deity due
Biran sadhak. Since the point of view is that all phenomena are manifestations be permanently
tially, more and more rough may be called subordinate, dependent on thinner. i-
brazhonnoe god and its expression mantra are thinner than the body, the real levels
Nost living being. At the wrong approach to the deity it is even more porabo-
tit and confuse, but with the right approach - to help free themselves and to realize their used
the exact nature. In terms of original purity and freedom, ishtadeva deity yoga -
Great designs ornaments and liberators, bestowing teachings and methods.
Spontaneously and indescribable reality is manifested in the form of energy, manifested energy
are in the form of gods and deities, throwing its shadow on the world of samsara, are praktika-
E tantra imperfect having advantages and disadvantages and the dual shrouded
Nost. Demons-oppressors and liberators have a deity, it all depends on you if you have
knowledge or not. Of course, going into the meaning of all sets out should take into account that
words - it is only energy that may confuse the reader or, conversely, help to achieve ho-
roshego sadhana level.


Consideration should be given a few more chances. There are those who believe that the deity has a non-
Kie being different from the practitioner, that practitioner knowledge transfer
out of compassion and love. Of course, there are many classes of deities. Some of them have
the personication of a method and doctrine, others are awakened alive
creatures that live in the higher spheres of the universe. But we're not just talking about those or
other tantric deities or religious, namely the ishtadevah in relation to the practical
tick. In the case where as ishtadevy accepted or that awakened living
being called god, we should talk about the yoga guru. It should also be noted that Boc
acceptance ishtadevy as deities, quite different from the sadhaka, says that practices
He does not understand the doctrine of non-duality. There are practices that believe that their god and
they are united at the level of the original nature, but are quite different from each other in the other
levels. This view suggests that these practices are poorly understood principles ish-
Yoga tadeva. If a false view is not obscured completely the vision, you can, if you look,
noted that the shape, color and attributes of the deity are relevant to our features, Ka-
honors and inclinations, sometimes symbolically nude exaggerated, so that we
You could see the energy is clean and clear, like a magnifying glass in good light.
Tantric deity - it is sufciently accurate to successfully perform sadhana,
the personication of our pattern of energy, our fears and passions, strengths and weaknesses,
features of our spiritual path, including the teachings and practices of our life trend.
Some of the elements may be ishtadevy archetypal for all living beings,
including the Titans and the gods, some - only archetypal for all people, and other elements
It may be common to the whole nation, or religion, which considers itself the sadhak. In the same time
other elements may be common only to a narrow circle of practitioners, members of the specic
hydrochloric tradition, and some - are unique to a particular practice.
Very hard to nd in the literature describing the process and explanatory principles manifesti-
tion ishtadevy in sound, shape and color, and oral instructions on this subject are very rare. BO
Lee, some spiritual traditions have and do not explain the majority of the followers of knowledge
chenie many characters that deities hold in their hands. It has become almost a sign
bad form to ask questions about the characters - it is believed that it is not so important and serious,
it is often said that the strength of character manifested mysteriously and suffer all the sadhaka
intuitive when it reaches unity with ishtadevoy. Some ignorant people say, they say, everything
Anyway, why the god of peace or angry, and so important that it holds. Neko-
torye even believe that things in the hands of ishtadevy do not make much sense, that is,
supposedly "spontaneous and pure, meaningless forms of demonstration."
All these insights and statements are true, but only partly. The fact is that in this age of OS-
talos not so many practitioners who are able to understand the tantrism and those of its properties,
as they are in the complex interrelationships. Not so much now ies in the night samsara trohgla-
Zig Owls. Of course, the main thing - it's not a mental understanding and intuitive, real oschu-
schenie energies and experiences of nature. However, what good, if the practitioner visualizes CE
os in the form of an angry god devouring someone's heart, guts belted killed Su-
societies, and it does not understand, whose heart is zhrotsya why heart, and here the blood and
gut? All he said, is the fact that this is a deity great and liberating. it obya-
necessarily help, but the wrath of the deity - not anger, but something very positive! Or that
good is it if the sadhaka third year visualizes the deity was kept in the hands of a spinning wheel, ku
juice fabric ower and container-bottle, and has no idea why he spends part of his life in the vi-
zualizatsiyu spinning wheels and bottles. With the same success could not if he would visualize the hands bozhe-
ARISING microwave oven, a frying pan and a rake?



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Of course, there is a tradition, one of the main methods which is a load of pupils
emphatically meaningless practices. Sometimes the teacher does not explain the details of their
wise considerations with a view to benet the student, sometimes the details, eclipsing anything, In-
and void is not important. Nevertheless, for many sadhakas it is useful to an understanding of
what, how and why they do. The presence of such an understanding can make practice more osoz-
Nanna, creative and even more secure, in a word, more effective. It is, however,
to say that one of the sadhak ignorance even pay for the benet of, the other even knowledge is The relative
ravlen and put into the problem. Much depends on the mercy of Parabhayravy - Samaras from uchite-
A, as well as the cleanliness and student abilities.
At times the teacher does not explain many details because it this one
He does not ask for, and sometimes a master just has no time for such an explanation, as it happens in
short retreats, during which several hundred people present in the hall.
The same thing as a creative manifestation of the deity from the depths of his heart, all
almost no one now is not described; mainly due to interaction with the sadhana
god, manifest through the ancient practice. The absence of such public described
sany has its reasons. Not every sadhaka may usefully, not to damage shall
such practices, many also generally not able to carry it - neither the benet nor
with the damage. In this category of people is more useful to meet with the already manifest bozhe-
stvom whose tradition already established itself as bringing success and benet. great choice
- Tantric pantheon ishtadev large and diverse.
Sometimes practices are not provided with the possibility of a long selection, and given that,
which, according to teachers, it is appropriate and useful. Sometimes life itself and karma da
dissolved wide choice. There are many different options - we are all different, though
the nature of one. The fact is that the opportunity samomanifestatsii to the general public do not
discussed. We are also in our practical life of sadhana should strive not to,
that someone called "the highest teaching" and "the greatest and most advanced method", and to
the fact that most harmoniously in line with our inclinations and abilities. it con-
River Law and the criteria for success.
For this sadhakas highest teachings and methods are not something theoretical
Ski fastest leads to liberation, but that is almost the most capable of helping
sadhak. Those who chases "the highest and advanced" teachings are full of selshness and
could be in big trouble, incorrectly assessing the level of their real and their abilities.
In Tantra, it is extremely important to correctly assess the situation.
When we look at the image of our ishtadevy, we understand that this is samsara - that,
that attracts and enslaves. And at the same time it is a liberator, helps us to reach
from slavery node energies and become masters of all of these energies.
To enslaving became dismissive, we must understand its nature: from
deity appeared, that is, His essence, what dissolves His image. We must also po-
to know the real, pure nature expressed through symbols energies deities, those
energies that enslave us and at the same time give the inspiration to seek beauty and freedom.
Then we clean up the vision of these energies, and entered into the correct interaction with them, it is easy
achieve liberation.
If, for example, our god is angry look, we see what is the role of anger in HA
necks of life in relation to other energies, if dominated by sexual traits - we
We grasp the percentage of energy of passion, and so on. Seeing clearly what motivates us, we clearly poni-
May we specically do. Objects in the hands of deities usually represent important za-
Kona life, certain teachings and methods, thus, our tradition and sadhana otobrazha-



They are in the image. With regard to the deity of the mantra, its parts can also carry a behavior
stvovatelny or symbolic meaning, although the main syllable or group of syllables can be
spontaneous, not having a specic meaning, but containing only force OS-
vobozhdeniya. What are specic ways to practice yoga ishtadeva?
First, we take refuge in the deities of the tradition. We do this by referring to the BO
sets in the form of our teacher, statues or icons, pronouncing the formula of refuge. Then we
We are practicing contemplation of the deity and chant deity worship. We also do
puja with offerings, bowing and prostration. This is, rstly, directs our physical
activity, its vibration on the deity and his teaching methods and, secondly, puries us from nebla-
gopriyatnoy karma and accumulate good karma, thirdly, to establish useful
the connection between us and the divine, helps clarify the mind, correct over-
construction of the energy system and the attainment of the blessings of the deity. Instead voe-
Vat from samsara, we are trying to make friends with her, placate her. Duality is our mother, and
if we want to know who our father, the mother can help us in this. Fight with samsara, causing
her to direct the ght, there is not a smart idea; It is the same as that to provoke the marmot
tiger. Samsara with its energy is a manifestation of God. The magic power that we (God) were
bound and enslaved by the same forces we can unravel the knot and become svo-
by free. Samsara has misunderstood our unwitting enemy, samsara concepts become God dru-
by God and liberator. This is one of the fundamental secrets of tantra.
In fact, if we grasp the mystery of samsara, to manifest to us in the form of
our personal individual life - we are in possession of all the forces of the universe. Our
Life - it is God who wants to explain to us the way to freedom. But if we do not understand this
and we do not have the owl's vision - our life is to confuse us even more in bondage and suffering
increase. God help us, but we also have to look for the best ways of cooperation with God.
Ishtadeva is what transforms the prison in the realm of freedom and beauty. Next we nachi-
hiring practice visualization, during which the deity cleans and frees us by giving
vision of wisdom, strength and fullness of harmony. Then we practice not only worship
external deity, but also begin to visualize the deity in his head or in serd-
tse. Thus, we can strengthen the bond between us and experience our commonality. Pa-
are parallel, we study the doctrine of the deity in the form of symbols and teachings, and his methods.
When it comes right moment, we begin to visualize yourself as a deity with medita-
tion on a special mantra.
There are several varieties of the deity yoga practice. In one of them, if you
woman, rst you visualize yourself in the form of the Goddess. After that you worship Ba
Shem divine consort, invoke and practice your complete visualization of the Union
with appropriate mantra. If you are a man, then rst you worship male
ishtadevy aspect, in the next step visualize themselves as ishtadevu and so on.
Another style suggests that you meditate on the line for the men's and women's as-
pects apart, the third style is recommended from the very beginning to practice meditation on the harmonization
Union-border feminine and masculine aspects. All these methods are good and different from
another to meet the different practitioners. It is not necessary to approach the practice of varieties
principle: I want that more abruptly. We have to practice what is most suitable to us
our specic individual situation. If we can not themselves determine what sadha-
and on what it kind of suits us more - it's not scary - our teacher will help
we understand, or choose for us what we need. Also, not everyone can, and should Ma-
nifestirovat of its unique nature deity, most practitioners meditate
on the deities already manifest by means of one or another of the great master of Tantra,



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

or spontaneous archetypal samomanifestatsii. The main thing is that the main energy bozhe-
ARISING matched energy practice, and teaching methods and the optimal approach sadhaka.
To become a gateway for new or old tantric manifestation Reality practices
must have special qualities. Not even every great master vysokorealizovanny Ma-
nifestiruet unique deity, or, to put it differently, a new divine manifestation
manifest not through each practice tantra. It is not necessary here to think that someone more due
branes or promoted, and some less. It is wise to understand that we are all different, but The depth
binnaya nature we have one, and mystical situation different sadhakas differ; It is the law
beauty and diversity of nature. Each of us has its own abilities and talents and their
limitations. What comes naturally, easily and spontaneously given one, it is very hard to implement for
the other, and vice versa.
What is the male and female aspects of divinity? In different traditions can be found
different interpretations and explanations. Some scholars argue that the male aspect - a cosmic
cal consciousness and female - cosmic energy, other scientists say that the feminine aspect
represent the highest wisdom and the male - comprehension techniques. All these explanations horo-
shek for different situations. Our tradition takes any approach and approval, as long as it
helped achieve Self-realization. Also, according to our tradition, we should pay
special attention to the union of the masculine and feminine aspects of divinity as a full nerazdel-
Nost and the unity of subject and object. When it disappears the difference between subject and object, OS-
vobozhdonnoe condition, Samaras sparkles like a thousand suns. Female practitioners have manife-
station being primarily feminine aspect; the supreme object of samsara, and the quintessential key
point of samsara for a woman is her husband tantric. Male practices primarily
is a manifestation of the masculine principle. Of course, deep, divine nature as the muzh
ranks, and women "androgynous" or that may be even more true it is said, it does not ni-
any sexual characteristics, and universal for all. But the potential has become Indeed
tion. Therefore, a man in our tradition of striving to achieve unity with God as with
its highest transcendental lover Bhairavi. To his alliance with Bhairavi
was made possible, man must rst become Bhairava, otherwise it will be unworthy vys-
necks of the couple. The woman, respectively, tends to her lover Bhairava, but
possibility Union it must rst manifest as the Bhairavi. The most crucial
nym object for the male subject is his beloved wife. practices connected
blessing the teacher, the image of the deity and the presence of a spouse in one piece; in this way
transformed and spiritualized the most powerful forces of samsara.
What about the practices of tantra, they chose their destiny path hermit monk, not
having a family? Such practices may live alone, but to unite for ritual and meditation
with free female practitioners of tantra. There are those for whom it is important, harmonious and
useful to store the physical celibacy or tantric partner can not be found. Across
Special visualization, invocation of deities and special exercises of Kundalini Yoga
they realize the fullness and unity of meditation without a partner in the physical body. Yet again,
the case of individual way. Our doctrine recognizes all kinds of yogic life if they
harmonious and truly useful for a particular practice. If any "teacher"
It states that there is only one style of practice, true for all beings, and the rest sti-
Do - wrong, that person is not a teacher, but a fool, a close associate of the demon Mara. In addition to all You are a
sheupomyanutyh sense, these two aspects also represent Prakash vimarshu, mahashunyatu
and mahapurnatvu unity of samsara and nirvana, and so on. d. When we prepared the ground by predva-
ritelnyh practices, we can begin to visualize yourself as a deity. it begins
with the fact that we are going through our non-conceptual nature, and then in a vacuum bezgranichno-



of space appears bindu having sound BG. After passing a series of developmental stages,
Bindu is transformed into a god, and Bija - mantra. The nature of the deity is the very
non-conceptual state, absolutely empty and innitely full. Colors and shapes have
only the expression of the energy of the original state of Samaras exhibited specically for us.
We see ourselves as a deity at the level of indescribable nature, and at the level of the game OS-
vobozhdayuschey energy manifestation. Uttering the mantra, we are in the Great Vibration
this deity Shakti, having the pure nature of spontaneous waves. In many practices
ishtadeva yoga god manifests its dimension in a Mandala, yantra image or OCO-
Battle mystical-magical country. What is a mandala or yantra deity? Sometimes it mappings
of the planes of existence and the forces associated with this deity, sometimes as in other practices it all-all
Retained as microcosm and macrocosm, all forces and levels, for example 36 tattwas located
concentrically, "graded" on a clean and thin near the center to tougher
closer to the edge - from the Shiva tattva to tattva Earth. After some time, the scope of the deity,
transforming dissolved in deity god passing certain stage prevrascha-
etsya in bindu, bindu is dissolved in the original state. Synchronously occur sootvetst-
vuyuschie changes and with the mantra.
In parallel with this meditation, we meditate on the characters belonging to the traditional
tion of the deity, meditating on them, and learning the secret of their nonconceptual sense. we
also visit the special places of wisdom and strength, related to our god. we try
feel the way the deity, to see a pure, spontaneous and unrestricted in the so-called
IOM unclean, causal and limited. Gradually, we are transformed in the BO
the set, and it begins to manifest itself not only in the visualization, but also in everyday zhiz-
Most can benet from the rituals that transform vexations in dignity svya-
associated with the deity yoga. In these rituals, we aim to stupidity, passion or hatred and anger
in the right direction. Symbolically transforming, for example, stupidity into wisdom, and at the same time
learning the true nature of stupidity, we master as the basis, and demonstrations.
I must say, however, that the deity yoga and all these rituals are very dangerous for those who do not
It has its non-conceptual nature of the experience, who does not respect the teacher, fellow
Chakra, who does not own doctrines, who can not transform a passion through wisdom. For example,
if the practitioner does not understand what is the true nature of the Godhead, he perceives a deity
like some mighty being, an object. When a practitioner visualizes himself in the body of the deity,
he, not being able to shape the image of the original nature, forms it around svo-
his "I" -ego and surrounding structures it. In this case, the deity to him quietly prevraschaet-
Xia into a demon, which can rapidly lead the practitioner to the terrible hell of measurement. Other
Example: the mystic tries to meditate on the true nature of passions and delements, but he did not
He established in the experience of his nature, as well as dosage meditation with these poisons exceeded
shayut transforming ability of practice. In this case, instead of istselyat-
Xia, the sadhaka becomes infected more. He becomes irritable, angry or unbridled
lustful, or else folds out of the way of the Teaching, and being in stupidity, drunkenness and drug addiction,
argues that the practice of Sadhana Kaul. This "practice" only seriously affects the karma yoga, and
It does not relieve him of karma. We must be extremely careful not to practice dolzh-
to exceed our capabilities, and then, as they say, "in tantra, the distance between the liberating
deniem and dungeons of Hell thinner camel's hair. "
Ishtadeva practicing yoga together with the other elements of the sadhana is correct, we have
good chances for a quick, harmonious and successful realization.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Svachchhandanathabhayrava. Temple in Kashmir ashram Swami Lakshmandzhu




Practice the three great elements in Trikasamarasya Kaul.

Offering of a drop of blood

of many religions, there are various spiritual exercises based on samois-
tyazanii and asceticism. Especially distinguished in this regard Christianity as katoliche-
skoe and Orthodox. Everyone knows about the practices suppression of the esh, which are expressed in
that the Orthodox and Catholic monks wear specially made uncomfortable and different
still irritating skin clothes strapped ropes or her body in fetters tyazho-
lye chain years not washed, is subjected to severe posts themselves.
Hinduism also has a similar tradition, and some ascetic monks schools
expose themselves to a variety of severe tests, sometimes in something even more severe. but
such spiritual practices inherent not everyone Hindu mystic schools. About tantra
as many had believed that in this way asceticism is not applicable at all, on the contrary,
mol, adherents tantra different hedonic behavior. This is not quite the right view.
Trikasamarasya Kaul is not ascetic school, however it uses neko-
torye practice, supercially similar to the ascetic. However, performing these exercises is not
for humility of the esh.
Many have heard of tantric ritual practice panchamakara "5M", during koto-
Roy adepts Kaula used ve components, leading ordinary people to spiritual
problems. The meaning of "5M" ritual to transform the impure vision of the ve com-
nents ritual pure, divine. Some mystics try to practice A similar
nye rituals without understanding their deep sense. This leads to negative results.
Particularly common misunderstanding "mamsa" component, which translates from Sanskrit as
"meat". Few people know that in some Tantric schools besides eating
meat and this element involves working with the anger, violence and pain, and under the meat often poni-
toils own physical body. By the practice of "5M" close to other, no less ancient practice
- Tritattva Yajna ritual three components, it - the meditation three gates, conducted with
for transformation in the wisdom and power of the major delements that cause violation of pra-
rect energy ow.
In Trikasamarasya Kaul, as in many other schools in India, and not only in India,
There is a ritual meditation, which includes three universal archetypal com-
Ponente. This intoxication, sexual intercourse and blood sacrice. Scientists say that the main
delements that prevent the achievement of self-realization, is avidya, raga and dvesa. Under
avidya understood not recognize the true nature of ourselves and the universe. under the raga
- a feeling of incompleteness and thirst for possessing something besides itself, causing attachment to
Samsara objects. Under dvesa understood inner rejection of any components Mi-
ra, unwillingness to recognize their kinship with these phenomena, in extreme form, is poured into
anger and hatred. Intoxication, inebriation, symbolizes the essence of ignorance, odurma-
nivaniya, stupidity and illusions. Sexual intercourse symbolizes lust and attachment to objects
samsara, and blood sacrice in the form of self-torture symbolizes everything that repels us and
It generates anger and fear - pain, suffering, and death.
One of the main principles of the Kaula practices is a transformation of poisons and shortcomings in
medicines and perfection through the understanding of their nature. This principle of transformation is
key in the ritual of three components. Committing ritual correctly, understands the true mystic
hydrochloric three horric nature of samsara and demons through it exempted from their corrupting and po-
raboschayuschego inuence, acquiring three of perfection. To practice was safe and led to
success tantrik is obliged to have the experience of their true divine nature before,


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

he starts to practice this ritual. Otherwise, recognition and transformation does not work,
instead adept risks severely degrade your karma and get reborn in the body of zhi-
votnogo, hungry spirit, or reborn in hell.
So mystic got shaktipat-blessing, performed the prescribed sadhana and HA
the end, the experience reached its true nature. He became convinced that it was she, emka
chilsya back and experience it again. Such Mystic ready for three gates practice, in which it
to go through an expensive nivritti - reversing the perception of energy. The energy of customary
of human owing "inside out" and is mainly present on the surface levels in
small channels. This leads to the samsaric perception of reality. task tantrik
a rotation energy uxes "outside in" of the smaller outer channels in the central
ny, in the heart and the very depths. It is necessary to recognize the true nature of HA
Shih feelings and experiences.
Take, for example, the sexual act. Usually people think that the pleasure of this
act comes from a partner, but in fact it is not. Partner is just a bit of a wrench
or catalyst. At the time the experience of sexual pleasure relaxed tantrik co-
Mirror, where it comes from. Warning practice with the penis goes to the energy
skie channels, then - on the center channel. It is paradoxical, but the fact is: udovol-
Corollary comes from our own power of the central channel, the sushumna, and not on
partner and not on the genitals! Trying to nd the source of sexual pleasure, Mystic
nds his original divine nature, light beam energy of bliss. Such
Kim, he or she realizes that all happiness is within ourselves, and nature
sex and harmony - originally divine. If we trace the source of pleasure
from eating delicious food, from swimming in the sea, from the contemplation of beautiful landscapes, we uvi-
Dim, that the nature of all these pleasures - our own divine nature.
Now we try to nd the source of our suffering. Tantric adjusted to Me-
ditativny process and then puts itself blow pricks or body with a sharp object. occurs
pain and mystic in a state of relaxation, turning their attention away from the surface
Nost body is in pain, to its true source. And then a miracle, attention again pri-
It leads us to the central channel to the heart, to the divine nature. At this deeper level
pain is not torture, and the same light energy, as well as sexual orgasm. Hold your nger
between the door and the jamb, lightly press and calmly watch the genuine nature
Feel. You will feel light, brightness. Click on the nger door a little harder - and brightness
increase. If the pressure on the nger strengthened so that a broken bone, a light will ll all Mi-
rozdanie and we may even lose consciousness of what the feeling is too intense
nym for the body. So Kaula nds that the nature of the pain and suffering is the same as that of nature
pleasure. Of course, if a person had not had the experience of his divine pri-
birth, it will not be able to recognize her in pain and pleasure, except that cripple the body but will gain
new attachment.
Now about intoxication. It is known that a drunk thinks worse than sober, and Boc
acceptance of the world more than an illusion. Drunk senseless, a person loses all ability
Nost of perception and falls asleep, falling under the table. So is the result of use
some other substances. Mystic Kaula puts your consciousness intoxication, and then HA
observes the nature of intoxication. You can use different potions and have very different
nye altered states. However, having observed their source, cause and nature, we understand,
that the original divine state is present in any of these states. so ob-
again, it is found that normal and altered state, and clarity, and the turbid mind




are of the same nature, and only the energy in them vibrates and radiates several orders of
The intoxication there is another benet - it blurs the mental barriers and framework HA
Shih ordinary perception and behavior in the world. Therefore, from the poisoned sansarina
torn out of his instincts and passions, but because light comes Kaula most indescribable nature
Many are willing to use to practice sex and intoxication, even before
they have outlived their true nature, but most of these people and think not ho-
TJT on the use of the third element - blood sacrice in the form of self-torture. Still would -
it hurts! These "fake" mysticism really want is not liberation from samsara, not Dos
tizheniya self, and just want to nd the "noble pretext" for pogryazaniya in San
saricheskih pleasures. Some poor idiots in their own way to understand the third element
kaulicheskogo ritual: they commit ritual killing of animals, and even people believing
that bring a sacrice to God and gain merit for it to Him / Her. However, using such
blood sacrice is very easy to earn karma terrible hell. If you're smart, sledu-
Eat the right path and you love your god, you are not going to bring him to sacrice other people's pain,
blood and life, and podnesosh own pain and blood. The offering is a sacrice of his own
Life is a dedication to the path of self-realization and achieving inseparability from God.
What is the blood sacrice in the right context? It is an act through which we own
Mr. comprehend the true nature of the experience of suffering, pain and death. Tantric teachings bazi-
ruyuschiesya around images of peaceful deities are unable to help us to quickly and adequately in
transformation of suffering and anger. Scientists also associated with the tradition of wrathful deities can
help us more effectively, although they are more dangerous, and in some ways more trudny-
E. How can we achieve success by practicing a ritual that includes only sex and intoxication?
Be sure to use all three components, then you can turn to ignorance
wisdom, passion - in contentment and seless love, and anger, pushing us into hell,
- in purity and divine freedom. In each of us to a greater or lesser extent have
the desire for death, destruction and somorazrusheniyu. In each there are fear and anger
hidden and open forms. This anger and fear are pushing us in the direction of hell. The situation is necessary
mo corrected using transforming comprehension. The result of good practices
the third component is the ability to not have to suffer from pain and other sensations perceived
samsaric beings as unpleasant. Step by step Kaula adept gains the ability to
experience the divine harmony and bliss of different phenomena, including everything from
more and more intense physical mental anguish. Once the sadhaka becomes invulnerable
for all kinds of suffering and hell is not for her or his place of pain and torment. Bhairava and
Bhairavi will be very pleased with his pupil and his practice. After all, the ability transformed
Vat pain into bliss - one of the most effective and amazing achievements The properties
governmental exactly the way Bhairava and Bhairavi. It should be used. Otherwise, why would the mystique
not choose any other tradition?
So, to repeat an explanation of how it all happens. First of all, it is necessary at all
not theoretically, but practically know their original nature. When practicing intok-
sikatsiyu, that due to the extreme change of consciousness, when the border po- shackles
all the day perception of the world are becoming more shaky, you can see his point. In various co-
distances caused by different kinds of intoxication, you nd all the same innite substance
again and again. When practicing sexual union, gaining an extremely pleasant state
Unity Bhairava and Bhairavi, you are again going through its essence, perceiving it as a source udo-
of discontent. When practicing self-harm and the impact you feel pain, then, vospri-



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Nimai its relaxed contemplation, you go deeper, to the source of pain and nd all the same
the essence, the truth, the reality. It is the same light, which manifests itself during intoxication and orgasm. Ko
GDA comes to this understanding, the pain ceases to be a pain, and becomes the same blissful
Parashakti pulse. The same applies to the experience of extreme cold, heat or Ay
shevnyh and mental suffering.
A few words about the technical aspects. During the ritual, it is allowed not only reasons
nenie pain himself. At the request of fellow sadhakas chakra or spiritual spouse may
assist in the performance of the third component. In any case, it is not recommended to apply yourself
or other injury, because the task is not the practice of acquiring a disability, and transformed
mation samsaric perception in the divine. This is a clear and unambiguous recommendation to
hand exercises.
Now about the presentation of your drop of blood gods. Such an offering is many orders of
Leznov effects. Deity in our hearts are happy and satised. Cargo
falls problems with shoulders, opens a new channel for the output from the heart anugrahah
outwardly and dipping the surface features of our self-perfection in depth. This
channel is called channel divine destruction or death key. Such an offering lo-
maet biological and psychological barriers and chains, takes us beyond the animal and
human levels, and in common with Ishta Deva. This offering may be made only TO-
GDSs, when there is a strong desire of its commission. It is not a regular routine practical
Coy and performed occasionally, from time to time, at the conuence of the relevant circumstances.
Practiced such sacrice is not in the early stages of the path. In the second part of this book I
I mention this, not to approve the use of such practice begins. However, on
a more advanced level, the danger is wrong to make an offering is not great, performed
nenie such offerings can provide benets.

Reections on the fruit of sadhana and obstacles to the attainment of the fruit

ost of us nd it difcult to remain in its original non-conceptual nature,
but it is easy to remain in the dual world of samsara, where enjoyment fast zakanchivayut-
camping, and suffering come again and again.
No matter how long we may study the teachings, distraction constantly take us away from our true
nature. How can overcome this tendency? To understand this it is good to rst answer
to another question.
Who can take the Path to the end?
1. One who is endowed with Shaktipat.
2. Anyone who is really necessary and important.
3. Those who deeply understand the teachings.
4. Whoever has a lot of karma and promoting small enough prepyatst-
vuyuschey karma.
5. Whoever has enough necessary qualities and talents.
The traveler should be endowed with all these ve factors.
At the beginning of the path for the Doctrine of human acts as a guiding light, illuminating
way-giving harmony and strength. But the real star is one, it can easily get lost in the sky
among other stars.
Gradually, in the course of study and practice the star light is converted to a living suschest-
wa world. Going begin to look at life through the prism of the values and concepts of teaching (The absolute
Lute reality, the law of karma, Maya, samsara, reincarnation, revelation, secret teachings and



etc.). Nevertheless, many of the values comprehended only intellectually, supercially and in
everyday life going, in any way, continues to respond to the situation surrounding
the world "as usual", as if he or she is a psycho-physical organism, a certain individual
Sometimes surprising: a man for several years studying and practicing the teachings, and many of his
The reaction continues to be such as that do not study people. Anger, fear, greed
Nost, envy, pride, ignorance ... Of course, we can say that the negative qualities nakap-
Lebanon for many rebirths, and it is impossible to demand that the starting point and the reaction
man changed completely. On the other hand, the great tantra - that such a doctrine,
that can transform a person's life faster than the way the commandments of faith and worship.
Why do some sadhakas inuenced by the teachings converted quickly, while others - slowly? Nazo-
Ascending the main reasons for this difference. If the mystic is really committed to the truth, to the HA
standing, not fake self-realization, he will reach the goal quickly and easily, if at the
actually predominating unconscious purpose other worldly, like the sadhaka or not, and get out
beyond it fails to cells, so let him to the Lord does not take offense. It does not matter if
side worldly goals, such as achieving prosperity, freedom from fear and distress,
gaining strength and getting pleasure mixed with the desire to self-realization. This
mix is normal for people Tantra is just running with it. The trouble begins
when power demand exceeds the power of worldly spiritual needs, because this
the case of all the efforts of the sadhaka will go down the drain. Of course, he will earn good karma, if up to
it does not have built up a hell of karma wrong by playing with snakes tantra. But wait Self-
realization in this life it is not necessary.
Why are we in samsara? Because we want it, but also because of something besides
we do not know of samsara. Replacing the true reality of God-kind of object called a contact
God, we blindly wander in samsara. When will we know the real God and not forget it so
often - 50 percent of the success we achieved. The following 50 per cent we earn when
We lose the desire to be a limited being and live in samsara and instead obretom desired
of to go beyond, to return to our true nature. However, three days OS- desire
tavit samsara is not produced. Even if we heard oral instruction on the teachings, pro-
chli hundred books describing the liberation of charms and abominations of samsara and practice OCO-
bye meditation - that is not enough. Even if the intelligence to understand something, and the soul felt
something like that, the beauty of, say, or strength - it is not enough. Desire for liberation
must ripen. Three small need to grow, to mature, swell and fall off from us like fruits
from the tree. Therefore, you need adequate time to study, reection and practice,
who realizes the teachings into practice. Tantric sadhana can greatly reduce the pro-
mezhutok time, but it can be practiced by every. The main condition of tness to tan-
an insulating sadhana are two factors: internal desire, the need to nd the truth and
the presence of a complex integrating and differentiating vision - the ability of consciousness
cover the phenomenon as a whole, to comprehend and understand the principle that, when and how to share or
to mix.
Suffering is also helping to establish themselves on the Path, because our mind is apt to fall into yl-
lyuzii. When we all get and everything is good, we feel that it is a merit of our individu-
alnosti, individual perfection. When troubles come and trouble, ability
individual Nosta, egos to provide themselves with happiness, and faith in the coziness of samsara break
smithereens. Then we come to understand that at the individual level from the rest of the ego
problems do not allow for good. The presence of the samsaric entity is the cause of pro-
Bloem. If there is no ass, no one and unable to kick on it - neither the king nor the athlete or the most MO



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

guchy wizard. If there is no difference, there is no subject and object - no one and nothing to bring stra-
Denmark, and besides, no one to them, and to reap. This is a perfect protection against all the countless napas-
Tay, what you can imagine, as well as all the problems, even completely unimaginable.

Mandala returns Energies

ak we may try to go to the Reality remain her thoughts, emotions and energy swings
take us away, away from our true nature. Then we say, "Here, mighty
and insidious samsara again got the better of us, we went back on the purpose, we again obmanu-
you. Ah, truly samsaric tricks and traps nets are endless! ". Tantra teaches that San
Sarah is the enemy only netantrikov for Tantrikas it is a good, loving mother. OD
Naco as understand how to do so, instead diverting and enslavement dualistic
the phenomena of the world reminds us of our nature, and we returned to it, wherever we went,
in whatever direction or the right? To begin, we need to start right vzaimootno-
tions with our Mother Shakti, manifests itself to us as Maya, the creative samsara. must
make friends with Maya and ask her help in our sadhana. Some believe that for TO-
go to make friends with Maya, it is necessary to indulge the ve senses. Vdohnovlon-
nye this idea, and the idea that all is Shiva, Brahman, like the mystics embark
in all serious, indulging in alcoholism, drug addiction, lust and laziness, forgetting about the sadhana. Of course,
such an understanding relationship with Maya wrong. Maya something like mountain-Tantrikas
amuse, but only harm themselves. The correct approach is to honoring Maya
as a manifestation of Shakti, I asked her to help the creation of our returns Mandalas.
What is The returning Mandala or Mandala returns energy? It's possible
described in different ways, but here we will focus on one embodiment.
The basis for drawing Mandala is the original reality, materials for HA
Chertanov serve energy and phenomena of samsara. The central point of the pattern will experience
its true nature.
Conventionally, the Mandala can be described as 3 - 5 layers of concentric patterns, over-
walking one in the other, or as a drawing process from concept to full brightness embodied
scheniya in life. First, however, the basis for the drawing is not perceived differently as samsara -
canvas, spotted by the chaos of countless bright, shining shimmering light of gures and formed
call - samsara phenomena.
As mentioned earlier, the traveler receives rst basic idea of: 1) its nature as
external and depth, 2) the nature of the world, both external and depth, 3) of mirozda-
Nia. Teachers explain the aspirant the main points of the doctrine of self-realization, and the man
He begins to see the world a little differently. In connection with some understanding of its nature,
the nature of suffering and pleasure, some understanding of the law of karma and the laws samoreali-
tion is changing the attitude and behavior of a living being. The concept of the artist, was drawn by
research institutes, and canvas materials becomes more regular and harmonious. This level also
It can be compared with the rst rough pencil sketches. If a living creature Indeed
tion has acquired a good understanding, it takes ve precious lives and nds
Five Landmarks, ve poles, ve Masters and ve power. This can be represented in the form
pentagon or ve radial lines converging in the center (the center is here yet
Only the idea of the Absolute Self-Realization). However, this knowledge is only a co-
dinatnoy plane, sketch and does not cover the entire life of the traveler, who, the more
he or she is studying, there are more and more questions. To get answers to these
questions the traveler deep into the study of lling the voids razmalovannogo samsara sheet Bu



mages or canvas ornament details. These details are knowledge about thirty-six tat
tvah, three Malachi ve energies, nine kinds Shaktipat, four kinds upaya, three approaches
Self-realization and so on. D. Based on the existing knowledge and its features, the traveler begins
practicing certain techniques. If the traveler follows the path of Vajrayana, he studies the element
cops Abhidharma other Buddhist teachings and practice of the sadhana. element
cops pattern in different schools are different, and even within the same school items
Pattern of different practitioners will look and be positioned slightly differently, depending on the
practicing person. But at this level, when he received all the knowledge and practice soot-
sponding methods, the traveler is not able to completely change their self- and world-
feeling and behavior. Many elements of the Teaching simply taken for granted, having
its limits, or understood intellectually, at the level of the mind. Other elements are not understood
at all. Periodically visit the practice of doubts and differences of interest in the mystical level
discipline. Reexes of the individual psychophysical organism still remain
are strong, practical vision of life still remains largely dualistic
skim. Passion and vexations, as before, dragged living thing along the paths of slavery, conne
ness and suffering. Therefore, we can compare the whole painted ornament with Ka-
randashnym pattern printed on the razmalovannuyu samsara plane pattern already formed
binder specic pattern network, but thin and weak compared to the strength razmalovannogo
Cory's space, distraction, space, yet for us
in practice samsara rather than anything else. This pencil drawing shows us the true HA
reign in a labyrinth, but it has no power to destroy the labyrinth. Paint is not used
us in our creative work, and at this level the traveler is aware of the right way and sta-
raetsya follow his bed, but the icker phenomena of samsara constantly distracting and mysticism
She leads him away.
Gradually, in addition to philosophical and metaphysical knowledge, perceived
abstractly enough in comparison with bright and vivid reality of samsara, the mystic begins to po-
Steagall symbols used in a particular tradition. symbols feature is that
it looks outwardly like the phenomena of samsara, however, illustrates the metaphysics and philosophy
Self-Realization teachings. For example, a snake, or a tree may personify the energy of Shakti. Ka-
Men represents Siva and t. d. Analyzing element by element, meaning iconographic iso-
mappings, mandalas, contemplating numerous images that illustrate the teachings of the doctrine,
Mystic ponders all this, and also receives an intuitive knowledge about themselves, the world and the laws
this world. Parallel to this, he uses the proper associated with symbols copper-
tion, and that speeds up the whole process many times. Now, before the mystic no longer just snezhin-
koobraznaya Yantra, consisting of an abstract pattern of lines, but a good, colorful and bright ri-
sunok ts a specic phenomena easily and surely perceived in San
Sarah: point, triangle, square, wood, stone, snake, re, lotus, skull, ower, sun, DR-
Well, the stars, birds and more. At this level, the Doctrine is perceived better life and pre-
obrazhaetsya powerful. Now that we see on a plane different gures phenomena nari-
Maya-consistent, some of which we have the power to include in our riding ornament.
Wandering along the paths of samsara, bumping into a stone, a tree branch, dog, moon, sun and other
distracting phenomena mystic more and more often recalls the scientist who
gradually begins to appear before his senses at the level of metaphysics, philosophers
phy, ethics, as well as on an intuitive level. Now lives in the path of tantra becomes leg-
Th and more natural, samsara, to some extent beginning to interfere less and help bol-
Shae and teach more clearly. The pattern is now bright, it attracts more attention. Figure now says
clearer, he teaches and helps more and more efcient. However, this still picture, and not life in


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

While a sheet or canvas sansara, spotted by phenomena shiny bright phospho-

restsiruyuschimi owers look real. In addition, some elements of our orna-
ment and their relationship with other elements are understood with difculty, some of the same areas of the canvas po-
still do not sketch. At this level of success is still rather modest and
force samsaric distractions still enormous. Our Mandala Liberation already painted,
we have even been able to use it for the construction of gures, taken from the world of samsara, but we
used conventional paint, while the Maya painted their world of samsara bright
phosphorescent paint. What makes the colors of life to shine? Automatic narabo-
tannyh habits and level of awareness. We have a stable vision of reality as samsara and
We have a powerful habit to act following our dual perception Indeed
Nost. We have built up our vision and the karmic habits during numerous rein-
carnation, forgetting our true nature. That is why the drawings of samsara, the light thrown into
eyes, as if alive, and pattern release though and became bright, but not particularly shines. When used
Taking the opportunity given by the drawn magic mandala mystic receives at least
brief experience of its true original nature, the situation changes.
Now the idea of the Absolute Reality, which serves as the center point of the concentric
ornament, replaces the real experience. It is still too short to from
point spread to the whole space of the canvas or paper, but this is a real drop AM
Rita, Soma, Great Shaktipat. And drop this can do wonders, transforming the entire ornament.
Yes, a great strength of our millennial karmic habits makes our world samsara,
shining light of duality. However, our initial, primary nature is Sama
rasya, Beyond, the Absolute, and therefore, on our side the most powerful force of the universe, HA
Catching up very close to us. And the light of our true nature is so bright, boundless
powerful and beautiful that fosforestsirovanie samsara fades in comparison. elements
Samsara themselves are rearranged in the Pattern Mandala Liberation and start to burn shining
Samaras force, force Bhavani, which is inseparable from its nature Absolute Bhay-
However, this is still far away. The rst experience of the true nature of our yet po-
It is convenient shining drop in the endless labyrinths of samsara, inscribed by force of Mahamaya.
This droplet is not yet able to become the ocean, but it is the magic key. Now, if
there are no contraindications, we can begin to implement Mahayogi-Kaula.
Practicing at Kaula guru yoga, yoga deities and other special practices, we quickly
comprehend the true nature of all phenomena of samsara, gain strength and support to the deities.
Now we dorisovyvat pattern not only ideas or symbols, lled with the power of the Way,
but also to paint reality itself alive sparkling light Primordial Revelation. This
The light is so deep that his black, bottomless darkness absorb everything in the world. And at the same time it
unlimited, not knowing the obstacles, the brightest glare of completeness.
While we can not just draw this "paint" it does not matter. Now we know what
do we need to strive for. So, our path straightens and becomes shorter.
How can we draw on? Earlier, when we only have caused different images on top of samsara
mark pattern, the goal of the path we have designated a central point. Then, quickly reaching study
characters we to nish this point as shining stars, which in turn later pre-
She stood before us in the form ishtadevy, but still surrounded by various divine manifesta-
tions. On ishtadevu whose image attracts us and cares meditate interesting and pleasant,
than an abstract point, is not it? If to experience the way of our nature we either
worship god as an object, or with the permission of the Master visualize yourself in the body
deity to purify and gain strength and vision, after the experiences we can practical


tikovat yoga deity well and the main method. Deity comes from Neopisuemo-
go around the splendor of phenomena: shapes, colors, and sound and vibration energy, but we
We continue to recognize the true nature of all these colors, sounds and shapes. then manifesti-
Rowan deity dissolves into indescribable in Samaras Shivatve. By understanding the nature of
tantric deities are trained in this practice by making practical understanding
stable, we can begin to comprehend the nature of everyday phenomena of samsara - the nature of
stone, re, water, plants, people, animals, spirits, nature, love, anger, peace, confusion,
fear, condence, wisdom, ignorance and so on. d. Gradually, we see that the nature of all
in the world is the same as the nature of the Godhead, and all energy is one energy. Soon we will begin to vi-
do God t. e. our common primordial nature, in all things, both internally and externally. When
our level would be appropriate, we can rightfully use the technique of the left hand,
such as panchamakara and others where applicable that in the previous stage are dangerous
GOVERNMENTAL poisons greatly hinders fulllment and effectively pushing beings
in the lower worlds of rebirth. Through these practices we comprehend the true nature
poisons of samsara and transform them into the spiritual medicine. Working with anger, lust, stupidity,
fear and laziness, we realize the nature of all these distresses and their true role in the world. So-
Also at this high level of development, we can start practicing Reverse Turn, copper-
tion, and in which we draw lines of activity of the senses with the usual mode
on the inner comprehension mode. To complete the description of the process steps Vozvra-
Mandala-rotating, for a better understanding of the panoramic look at the whole process over again.
Initially, the traveler gets to the chaos of twinkling endless labyrinths of samsara linear
marking Pattern Mandalas Returns, which is the basic conceptual ideas
cial teachings doctrines. At the traveler appears the initial basic orientation in the world, but spo-
lities of living beings to adhere to this orientation in everyday life in this eta
ne very weak - the path seems elusive, Doctrine weakly linked with life in the surrounding
present world, there are many questions.
Next, the traveler continues to explore the elements of metaphysics, philosophy and ethics teachings -
The pattern is complicated by new details are drawn. Orientation wayfarer rises
the road is seen more clearly, the world understood clearly that gives some new opportunities.
However, the ability to follow this guidance, the Teaching is too small. At this stage in the po-
everyday life, we often forget the Doctrine and Way, and when we remember about them - very chas-
it is not able to use their knowledge.
In parallel, learning the symbols illustrating the mysteries of the Doctrine and containing force,
and at the same time starting to practice sadhana, the traveler improves understanding and karma
connection with the Primordial increases. Follow the path becomes easier, but in matters of everyday
Life usually wins samsara. Even more advancing in the Way, as well as in the study of ideas
and symbols, we better understand the doctrine of the universe and, more often recall the Doctrine, and therefore,
better to see what and how we do. Gradually, our understanding of the teachings becomes thinner,
vision - clear. Produced useful skills and habits. We used to swim in
the ocean of samsara, not knowing that what we are swimming or the Teaching, it is then we have gained the knowledge and
We began to reect and observe life. Now, thanks to the meditative experience and studying
NIJ we see the world and our situation in it better and better. Even more advancing on PU
ve, we begin to perceive the phenomena of samsara as a scientist illustrations reminiscent of
Way. Seeing the brevity of pleasure and the return of suffering, we are reminded of the double
stvennosti samsara and the inability to achieve satisfaction in it. Seeing stone, we vspomi-
the hiring of an original nature - is extremely simple and unbreakable. Strolling through the night


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

park, watching the bright stars rising above the gaps in between the tree branches and leaves, we
We remember the union of Heaven and Earth, samsara and nirvana, spiritual and material, and so on. d.
The phenomena of samsara previously distracts us astray, are beginning to remind of
Ways and sometimes even teach us. Yet we often forget that the scientists say, and
act not on the basis of its recommendations, and from the samsaric installations and motives. therefore
Our progress is slow. we must also say that as long as we know that is our
the true "I" only in theory, and therefore, in the Path can be directed by only CBS
venno - through words and teachings images that can not convey the Truth. So what
would not bright colors were Teachings elements, they are less than the elements of samsara, they are lost
in countless samsaric phenomena, why we so often and so easily forget about the Teaching. Ko
GDSs, nally, we gain experience Samaras and make sure that this is it, we are now clearer
We understand what we are going and how we should go. We see the difference between words and his teachings
Fruit, realizing that the teachings images and concepts have the phenomena of samsara and at the same time OS-
vobozhdayuschie gifts of our mother-Mayi. We remembered our nature, and now sometimes spontaneous
Tanno to grasp this state in some everyday situations, as well as during the just dened
GOVERNMENTAL meditation. At this stage we are unable to experience this condition often and long, In-
Corollary powerful force pushes us back into a dual vision of samsara. At this level,
we already have the "three men" on our side, sometimes we experience the idea of teaching, sometimes ob-
Teachings of times with the meaning laid down in them, sometimes the original reality. Mindful of scientists
research institutes, we are more likely to act on the basis of it. It is true that we are going through all the rest of the time-blowing
us from realizing its true nature samsara, thus still subject to otvleche-
Niyama and consequently suffering. Now, however, on our canvas appeared bright precious
nye elements experience true nature. We are starting to use this "shining"
paint our picture, along with the continuation of work on the characters and ideas. we praktiku-
I eat with the original reality in two ways. Entering into the experience of the original nature of all CHO
Island again, we make this experience more natural and easily achievable for us. FROM
on the other hand, we are trying to nd out through experience that same primordial Pri-
old in various objects, rst in the objects associated with the Teachings, then the daily
objects of samsara, including poisons and imperfections. The rst method is compared with the application to
new plane, glowing patterns that are more vibrant and alive than with images and
conceptual ideas of the Teaching, as well as compared to other variegated chaos samsaric fe-
Nomen. The second method makes also shine brightly Fire Perfection already existing
Suitable elements Teachings sansara and inscribing them in the pattern. Gradually the situation, when Ko
Torah periods when we were distracted and forget about the Teaching, reduced to almost zero. When
we digress from the original state, we experience the ideas and teachings images. Gradually
living experience will be spread across the canvas stronger and stronger, and once Radiance
will ll an entire canvas. Everything will become one, but the pattern did not disappear, and will remain in
as an excellent pulsating Pattern spontaneous demonstrations Shivatvy. This will be
implementation of the Great Mandala Pattern returns, the implementation of which is the state dzhi-
vanmukty. The operating principle of the Mandala is to gradually negate otvleche-
of by scientists, and then negate the distraction from the experiences Samaras. Samsara itself, Ma-
hamayya will assist in this, because a huge number of biasing members is constructed from San
Sarnia materials. Thus, for the tantrik Maya acts not as an enemy but as Ma-
ter, with whom we are made in good family relations and who, loving, help us in our
case. To the mystic was able to construct a mandala, you need two things: a strong desire in the rst
turn to the truth and not to other things, and synthesizing and integrating the ability to consciously



Nia see things in them, to be able to several elements of the relationship with each other to make
idea of the whole thing, to know that, what, how and when to connect or disconnect.
So, ordinary beings Maya constantly distracts from the Doctrine and completely obscures the pe-
ed them to their true nature. Tantrik same Maya is reminiscent of the Doctrine and genuine
Nature better and more efcient every day. As stated in the Upanishads: "He who knows
both together - knowledge and ignorance - crossed the death with the help of ignorance, Dos
Tiga immortality through knowledge. " Mandala called returns, because wherever Mystic
went, samsara constantly returns it back to the center, in the original Nonconceptual
Of course, different patterns Mandala mystics differ from each other. Someone gets za-
vetnoe experience at the very beginning, someone in the middle of the road, while others only at the end; some lighter
perceive ideas, other characters and so on. d. To be successful, everyone needs to nd their own style rabo-
you and life will then take place harmoniously, we have nothing to reproach myself on the slope
years. Those who chose the path of Kaula, used to do everything that comes their way, not saying
that the idea of the manner and vice versa. Kaula practices do not confuse the sattva guna with this spiritual
Nost, using the means they do not forget about the purpose of these funds and do not begin to worship
them as an idol, eclipsing the living God. At the same time Kaula-Tantrikas revered Maya and phenol
Barter samsara as the secret source of knowledge and power, and they know what, when and how you can work,
and what - not. Honoring the great teachers - Rishi Nath and Siddha - Kaula-sadhakas pochi-
melt like teacher cat, a dog, a cigarette butt found on the road, the star, in a word, the whole world.
Because the world and helps them making their way fast and complete enjoyment.
Everything stated in this chapter, can be described as a formula occurrence of slavery network
and patterns vsesovershenstva. Where there is one (I, subject), there are two (non-self, the object), where there are two,
There are three (subject, between the object and the relationship), the three breeds in all mirozda-
NII. Thus, from an indescribable created network. The greater the number of phenomena, the less
It is a strong and free each individual unit. The network is destroyed following ob-
time: using the third (the process of cognition), the rst (I, subject) realizes the only awareness
CTBA with a second (non-self, the object). Same pattern of Divine Splendor realized when
we once again descend into the world of phenomena, forming it, but without losing the awareness of the unity of Nature
all phenomena.

Jyotirlinga. Mahakaleshvar Mandir



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Bhairava in Ujjain. Murthy Kalabhayravy. Kalabhayrav Mandir




Magma Great Abyss

This section contains the texts,
facilitating comprehension exercises and practitioner pattern
direct experience of their true nature.
I wrote them at a time when he was in meditation,
directly in the direct experience of everything,
what do these short texts.

Forest book
Rivers and mountains, and the sun,
And also all other
On a sheet of Great Tree -
With trees and EACH OTHER,
ALL IN indestructible ALONE -
Mountain rivers are full of water,
GREAT DANCE dancing,
ONE sing ancient songs.
EVERY sings in his own way
SONG this and that,

Burn, burn, re,

Light, light, trees,
Let him come PRESENT -
What is above the stars,
IT enters into me,
And I - in Him.
Flow, Flow, Water,
Theca, theca, river,
Burn, burn, re,
I - we are, we sing with the older,
BECOMING day and night,



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Night and day.

UT, will be with us -
We are one with the Earth,
I breathe in BEST, the truth,
I'm oating in a very beautiful,
HIGHER - what comes,
Invisible, invisible,
This one can not destroy,
What is done to all.


untruth ledges
will help raise
On the hill.
On which dates back CORRECT,
To become a true.
THERE see everything that down.
OH - top of the tree,
C It shows all the leaves,
At sunrise or sunset,
Immersed in water,
Seeing the stone,
Which is worth EVERYTHING
STONE, raging tide.

Trees and stars

IT and IT,
WE - IT.




FIRE - stone piers,
Stone pillars - must
What is being done.
OH AND satiety,
OH and in the winds,
And leaves.
Itself destroys
And build.
And the end of the beginning:
Everything in it.


Grass sways,
CONTAINS ALL air and re,
ALL CUSTOM connected forever,
ALL pin
And moves everything.

Who sat next to the owl,

Is not part
IT WILL NOT eaten,
He will be with an owl.
He will return in the original,
GO AS were ancestors.

LET will be with us.
When we left,
IT away from us,
And the sun and the moon
THEN go on the will of others,
Not according to our will,
WE one with all,
But when HIGHER care,



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

COMES swell,
And in water does not see the person,
AND WE stray from the rhythm of the dance.
WE one with all,
But when it goes away,
And fear
And rejects,
And suffer.
Uh, these stars,
Uh, these lights
How they live?

River abode ANCESTORS
It was true.
They always have been with this and that,
They put TON onbo.
Now everything is different.
ON THE WAY We have to go before noon -
These are the RHYTHM AND ORDER.
Those who have onbo TON,
Dance and SAT
Those who raise on the hill,
Departing from the BOM.
To devour us,
SHE eats US,
Do all she will eat?
ALL eat!
BUT White Owl
Anyone who wants to go,
Departing from prickly snakes
Raises the swell,
Went straight to her,
In the Mouth of barbed snake
Absorb it,
And in death,
And see the day.




Oh, right,
people hear
DEAR roots.
We have absorbed
We went down
In many layers,
A plurality of sheets,
LIVING mother and father,
Walking on the road to them.
We stand on OUR STONE,
We burn UNTIL ickering ames,
FIRE is connected with the waters
And become the breath,
We will come TO TOP
But other roads.
THEN we'll be back
WHAT DEEPER with nothing.


BOWL thee stored, omnipotent, eternity SON;
WHITE unclear sits on your head,
I ASK YOU - COME presence!

White owl, OWL circle,

APE, will teach us how to live,



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Jaguars rebounded from US fury

BUFFALO, heal and give fertility.


WHITE AND ITS unclear Saraswatichandra.
About OWL, knowledge, honor us, O yo-yo!
Give us the strength sparkling CONSCIOUSNESS STAR
Oh great!
White, evil is not available, CUTE OWL HEART!
You and your children will rest upon eternity!
We worship YOU, you are asked to protect!

I praise in the darkness NIGHT,
You, the Our Father, Mother, Grand,
Revered as the ruler of the world,
Supreme God of the Worlds,
BLUE WATER created,
Bright sun, light sources.
YOU send up I HYMNS!
About Possessing,
Waves lap your strength,
We worship only Lord,
ONLY HE reliable protection
From evil, from poisons of hatred.

O King, boundless forests,

CROWN Tree Light blessings
And rays of the moon and the sun warms,
All that is on Earth, now you have to appeal to LIFE!
You have given us this world
You gave us life - food and breathing.
AND HAVE YOUR Testament,
Covenant of peace, not hate!
Oh, Great Spirit, a great father, a great mother,
ANCIENT any prayer,
Come down before us, your children
From the height of thy majesty,
Raised to us, thy people,



Of the ultimate depths of being!

YOUR KINDNESS all worlds known,
Asked you, God of gods,
RAY send down His grace
Our sacred lands,
Warm light and warmth of your Love
Hearts and minds alive today,
Their children and their children's children!
Will allow us abides
Under the sky of your mercy,
Allow us to go through solid Thy law,
LET THE WATER sail thy way;
Allowed to follow to you for conductors
Sent down to you, holding on to his hand,

Great God the true essence

Ministry earnestly, brethren, to glorify,
Giver of life, presenter DEATH
Mail, as a pillar of the sacred tree.
OH, ancient spirit, focus is the entire set,
SUPREME LORD, laws of the universe,
What is real in a variety of ghostly,
WHAT ows REMAINING unshakable.
Top and bottom and the left and the right,
TO LIFE I called indestructible will.
OH, ancient spirit who's to ancestor,
He who is in the movement of its immutability,
He gave us achieve the desired trails.
Thoughts Abide We were inseparable -

Glory to the great SPIRIT - GOD OF THE WORLDS,

Lord of Life and Death,
Sparkling light and darkness,
Supports and foundations of the universe,
Gray-haired grandparents, patrons
SACRED tribe.


WATERS SUPPORT, nourish the tree,



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

OH wheel axle and the rim and spokes,

Deeper than the bottom, and higher than the sky,
THE ONE WHO IS EVERYWHERE, but the eye is invisible,
HE WHO PARENT eight directions,
Mother and father for the Earth and for the palate.
KING CTA voids and thousands of items,
Glory to our God and singing hymns in the hymn,
STRONG opened the way to understanding
The law of life, THAT THE IMMORTAL,
WAY TO generosity, love and unity,
WAY THAT leads away from misery and suffering.
LET carolers everlasting name
The hymns of the sacred, that children exalt
LET THE HIGHER carolers, mystery,

About the Light, Darkness and Fire Blood

ma creates the whole world and it contains in itself. Absolute light dazzles and grants
darkness. Light lives in the darkness, like a lion in a cave. The lights of life, cremation, knowledge and love ime-
are of the same nature. Beauty turns into ugliness and ugliness - in beauty. truth pre-
separately exposed, but not everyone sees it. Perfect Harmony and is acquired by
knowledge of their true nature. Divine goodness spontaneously descends from it. When
the subject nds it and begins to worship the object as his divine wife, he learns
throughout the world itself.
Light - is darkness, darkness - this light and blood - is the power to grasp it. Relaxed in self
glow, permeating all mentally by design and at the same time being in order,
Who created all these labyrinths realized alloys together a whole world, the world, the universe, all
darkness, shining drops of light, ashing geysers of joy and happiness and fall in
Waters grief, sadness and loneliness. But when you manage this fused isolate
this God - that can and butt someone with your head and create a whole world
its lightning - this is self-realization as a unique pure form. For how can I
realize their divine nature, if I do it all, with all imaginable and unimaginable
consequences ?!
How completely asleep, I completely sleep, but as a completely awakened - always shine
sparks of their own light.
Calm your energy, let turn a whirlwind in all its power. this tvo-
ryatsya worlds, these are destroyed. "I" is "I" and not "I" shines, and freeing the entire crushing vselen-
It is only necessary to understand how it can exist in the world of forms, realizing praise
Real power and carried away silver swirl, melt in velvet, and wakeless
darkness. This will be the release of the form, it will be the realization of the essence.



Masters Trick line. Abhinavagupta. Temple in Kashmir ashram Swami Lakshmandzhu



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

The glorication of the Great Lord Bhairava

Glory to the Great Lord Bhairava,
Original, whose nature - the Great Perfection!

Glory to the Great Lord Bhairava,

The winner of the dual existence of the Almighty!

Glory to the Great Lord Bhairava,

Mighty and perfect the Liberator,
one blow break all bonds and fetters of samsara!

Glory to the Great Lord Bhairava,

Defender destructional shredders for all ills and suffering!

Glory to the Great Lord Bhairava,

the executed otherworldly beauty and almighty power,
bestower Great Way to the attainment of the Innite Perfection!

Glory to the Great Lord Bhairava,

The source of happiness, bestows His devotees
all siddha and all the benets!

The glorication of the Great Lady Bhairavi

Glory to Thee, O Great Bhairavi,
Beautiful Parashakti,
whose magic is the ultimate gift to your children!

Glory to Thee, O True Goddess Worlds

all generating, all feeding and devouring everything,
force of all forces and all life!

Glory to Thee, O Great Darkness,

comprising a full light!

Glory to Thee, O Innite Light

a blaze of Fire of Life and Death!

Glory to Thee, O Beauty, and innite power,

ancient and ever new,
that which our ancestors worshiped!

Glory to Thee, O Great Mother,

whose bottomless bosom
It generates all the phenomena of the world!



Glory to Thee, O Flame of Self-Realization,

devouring samsaric existence,
giver of Vision, Way and Power
to achieve victory!

Glory to Thee, O Supreme Guru,

the nature and strength of the Magic Shaktipat,
risuyuschaya and transmission patterns of sacred teachings,
exhibiting the pattern of Liberation, beauty and glory!

Glory to Thee, of difcult to grasp,

the mind-consuming,
it points to the trails and the Truth
enslaving and liberating,
closes and opens the eyes of all living beings,
supportive to Your sadhakas!

Glory to Thee, O fathomless and boundless,

Throbbing, snake and shining,
recoiling Pattern Great Self-Realization
to the delight of all sadhakas
who appeals to you!

Glory to Thee, of the best in the world

giver of his devotees
sweet and heady awakening Amrita!

Glory to Thee, O Power of Nature Path and Fruit,

almighty liberator, the savior and protector
from all troubles and misfortunes of samsara,
equipping their sadhakas
all siddha and all the benets!

Appeal to Bhairahawa
O Beloved heart Bhairava!
About Perfect, released and giving highest fruit!
About Great Black devouring God!
About Enduring Strength, Great Harmony and Beauty!
I admire you and I aspire to you.
Let I reach you!
You - my goal and my path, my support and my defense.
O Lord Bhairava! You - my teacher and my God,
My family and my abode.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Oh Great! You - my treasure and my hope,

My strength and my victory.
You, of Bhairava, my death and my life, my love
and my happiness.
About Great Bhairava! You - my ideal, for you - perfect.
About Great Bhairava! You - the true God.
You worship and pray to you:
No one without Your will not reach your feet, and
Thy Heart, O Lord.
So show me the path to Thee!
Oh God - and God is the Master - Explorer. The support, protection and assistance
for devotees to You!
Pray: Bless His blessing!
Please guide me on the Path to the attainment of the Supreme Fruit!

Worship of the Great Lady Bhairavi

Bhairavi worship of the Mother of stars
Lady and the existence and nonexistence,
holding a cup of intoxicating drink
Great Darkness!

The worship of the One who creates gods and demons,

men and beasts, giants and ghosts!

Worship of the Great Black,

crowned blazing ame,
whose heart is an ocean Snake Stars
poison-giving freedom and harmony!

The worship of the Beautiful,

pouring a ghostly light in the vastness of the night,
supreme mistress of Bhutas and rushing,
Rakshasa and Pisachas,
Mother shmashanov re blazing!

The worship of the One who drinks the lives of all

generated by Her strength and Her womb,
devouring demoness, the goddess of death,
whose three eyes glow, like three of the setting sun!

Adoration of the mistress of rage and love,

grief, sorrow, joy, celebration,
fear and calm, broken dreams
Implemented and desires!



Adoration of the Decree of the Truth, and under cover of night

Training secret rituals,
who awards His devotees delicious fruits
beauty, freedom and power.

The worship of the Great Light,

Great Fire and the Great Mantra,
One that breaks out at dawn, and feast at sunset,
trudging network patterns of slavery and liberation,
dancing at every point of space and time!

Adoration-giving bliss
drinking the blood and eating away at my heart,
Bhairava wife holding a mace,
Mother ascetics Trails Secrets
The source of all siddhis and accomplishments!

invocation of Bhairava
About Brilliant Lord, the Great Star and True Brilliant!
Your smashing light dazzles the eye, and from that you seem black.
No eye could not bear Thy Light
no creature can be in Your Flame
no obstacle can not stand before thy strokes.
You - the God of my heart, of Bhairava!

About Black God, wearing a bloody ame,

decorated with a tiara and a necklace of white skulls!
You make a perfect all - pain and pleasure,
joy and suffering.
You - the God of my heart, of Bhairava!

I'm drunk Thee, my God, but that intoxication has insight and clarity!
I am attached to you because I love you, but this irresistible
attachment is liberation from all bondage!

I'm alive, about favorite, but the life of the dual world separates us.
So, I'm actually dead!
Yes, I'm dead, O Lord, of Bhairava, without you all this life,
the whole world - only a corpse!

O Thou Great Black, contain the whole world!

O Thou Whose essence is indescribable! About Bhairava, whose nature is inexpressible
words "being-nothingness," "non-eternal-eternal", "fullness-void"!
I want to die, O Lord, that the death that gives unity with You.
Once this unity is the true life!


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

O Thou Impenetrable!
About Shadow dancing in the ames on the blood, turning into ashes!
Let there be unity with You!

About Bhairava, the Lord of Death!

I offer thee in sacrice all that I have.
Take this body, speech and mind,
trample my chest, drink all the blood of my ego,
consume the esh of my illusory life!
Let there be unity with You!

O God of my heart, the true God-Reality!

You and your great Bhairavi - One.
Enjoying your stay in harmony!
Pleasure to be one with you!

Intimate meditation - contemplation of the Great Goddess

meditate on the indescribable and unspeakable, ne, beyond, which is
the mother of all things, descriptions, and names, of which knowledge is liberation and blazhen-
I meditate on the Great Winged Serpent, consubstantial, many-headed mother of the gods and demons,
ruler of the heavens and the depths of the edges and the middle of all the worlds of Eden to the nether world, resulting in
movement of the ocean of the universe.
I meditate on crowned diamond stars that lives in purity sacred forests
three-eyed owl daruyuschuyu fruit of inspiration, vision and self-realization, the Great He-
yasyt having power stars.
I meditate in the forest mother and deserts, mountains and the ocean, daruyuschuyu magical herbs well-being
Slovenia moonlight.
I meditate on the mother of terror, misery and disharmony, devouring creatures.

I meditate on the mother exuberant joy, intoxication, sexual pleasure and enjoyment
subtle beauty of knowledge and creativity.
I meditate on the mother of the secret teachings, mantras, yantras, scriptures, magical symmetry
oxen and magical trails to the Great Perfection.
I meditate on the mantra of all mantras, the force of all the forces of life and the life of her mother's death, on Bhayra-
ve, star of the Heart, Blood of the Universe, the Great Serpent, that is, Darkness and Light, which gives life to all
colors of the rainbow.

I meditate on staring at us millions of eyes sparkling with a mad light Bezd-

Well, unlimited and inexhaustible, but still manifested in his front sadhakas
Black Bhairavi great shape, at dusk and in the night feasting on shmashane
with his Bhairava.



I meditate on Bhairavi, wandering at night in the trees and grasses, living in the mountain
caves piruyuschuyu with rishis and siddhas, asuras and devas, animals and human beings, and the Rakshasas
I meditate on the y on the wings of the whirlwind and the storm, dancing on the waves of the storm,
Laughing in the explosion erupting magma.
I meditate on the ground with owers decorating the smallpox, plague and cholera, and gnaw bones
bloodsucking died violently.
I meditate on daruyuschuyu force of life, peace, harmony and prosperity to the one that ohra-
nyaet his devotees and his magical powers give them something about what they dream.
I meditate on the Black, Ognennovolosuyu, rubinovoglazuyu whose pupils shine out
darkness dazzling starlight, one look at which gives all bliss vselen-
I meditate upon the one whose hair burning ame of reality, the one whose lips like
ower petals decorated with sharp white teeth are the run-up to the gates
beauty of the world; the one whose hips and breasts irresistibly beautiful; the one whose delicate skin is like
starry space and the velvet darkness of the cave.

I do not meditate more, I lost my mind from the world of the Wild Stars and wandering the labyrinths of Su-
-existence, bliss drink nectar of love, pure, the price of which is death!
About Jalla! Decorated with snakes, precious crystals, skulls, bones, night
owers and stars, it really is a jewel of all the decorations!
Naked before the whole world, clothed only in his wonderful ligature patterns, she remained
otsya invisible to neiduschih Trail Bhairavi.

Beautiful, inseparable from his Bhairava, aming, she lives in a mountain pe-
schere my heart.
There, among its magic amulets and talismans, inscribing mandala release patterns,
according to the rhythm and the essence of the Great Beyond Creed, who is herself, prepares Bhairavi
magic concoction - release poison ragweed great realization.
Then falling into this madness, then rising to it, I repeat, glowing in the darkness
Spell words, grant me the strength and fury of my wounded, frenetic prohibited
sensible energy of the heart.
About Jalla! Great, delicious, indescribable, I admire you and enjoy Tvo-
them, I'm drowning in the light of Thy scarlet eyes pierced me shiver from one of your kind.
A beautiful, magical, magic, grant me the happiness to love you, blagoslo-
of Vienna Thy light and darkness Thy What ame, is blessed blood thy womb, all giver
Siddhi and all the fullness of power.
About Black, whose hair - re, whose breasts are like buds, whose yoni expiring elik-
sire of bliss is beautiful like a magic ower. Give me a pleasure even for a moment.
O beloved, the unity which bestows supreme bliss of death; I want sgo-
Ret in a blinding rage and awaken your love. I want to realize the full, sover-
Unity-progress with you, become no residue dissolved in the Great Darkness. indestructible
more than anything, I want to kill myself by Your power, your absolute power!
Oh Dear, please kill me deadly power of his love.
About Jalla! Devour my heart, tear, trample shackles.
About Shadowame! Even the memory of my existence will be destroyed.
About Devouring! Totally destroy, kill me.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Blood Rubies Your Eyes awaken in me happiness, but at the same time iname
wild passion.
I Bhairava, thirsty, I'm hungry, let him come to me! I want you so much!
We are in a mad ecstasy, dance of love, in a frenzy of gentle kisses and deadly
tonosnyh embrace; connecting, we destroy each other, drinking blood, we will implement full-
that, renouncing themselves, losing consciousness.
The unconscious is acquired indescribable.
Throwing open his soul to the black wind, indomitable re and ghostly light, I am taking
in darkness, in the abode of bliss, in the very depths of the heart bottomless womb, and the nature of all vspyhi-
Vaeth stellar gems of original bliss. Embrace the Great Darkness ...
Treating each other drops of blood your heart, surrendering without residues and devouring one
other, we then deeper and deeper into the ocean of silence, in the Beyond, then go outside
going beyond the limits.
Farther and farther, getting closer and closer, deeper and deeper.
We melt and burn up in sparkling black Flame of Love. Sold ecstasy kipya-
present silence, the name of which is absolutely a complete void that has no name.
This is only true bliss that is not being named, and bliss, this is
that is necessary.
We Bhairava and Bhairavi, drowning in the abyss each other and perish, without solution of the residue
each other.
Acquired ...

Seen through the eye socket of the skull -

authenticity, undeled, life and death

1. The place of cremation - the whole world. Destroyed everything and everyone dies. No matter how hard you try,
it does not look - or what you will not nd support.
2. Power, wealth, fame does not make you better in the eyes Samhara Bhairava. Walls
and protection will not save you, all kinds of pleasure, and not bestowing Fullness will melt as the Mi-
rage, perish like a dream.
3. The land will take ashes, cremation re - the re of life and the breath of all living beings
will carry the God of Wind.
4. Meditate on the heath, in the destroyed houses, broken things on the sick, on the mort-
stems body. Matching it with wisdom, Shaktipat and mentoring of teachers, you will understand the essence and
free from all that enslaves and tortures.
5. In order to comprehend the mystery of Shakti ows, forming patterns, rst established himself in the po-
Niemann inevitability of death.
6. More unborn, abiding in his mother's womb with each heart beat a child moves
to his death.
7. There is neither man nor god nor demon, capable of defeating Samhara Bhairava why
same stupid behave as if their bodies will live forever?
8. Every year, the hard work by strengthening its position in this world, not blockheads po-
Nima that samhara ows negate all their efforts.



9. Having stopped running in a circle, choose wise convenient location and indulges in meditation and
10. Life
nye corpse is good
ashes to comprehend
children the cemetery,
Bhairava easily comprehenddeath
the -law
during theSkull
of the celebration of the wedding. Usypan-
and Flower.
11. Playing wedding music. The string is heard ringing merry roar pipe burial Bo-
Death hectares.
12. Have fun swirling smoke of the hearth, these smoke and ames visible ames cemetery
cremation, devouring the body in cadaveric soot.
13. The mother gave birth to a child. From the darkness it came out in the darkness will go down. Truly Great Darkness
It is the beginning and end of all living things!
14. Glad hubbub lled with boundless energy, children playing and having fun. each
their movement through the devouring death.
15. Not by accident, because of an illness, not from disease, so with age, not from staros-
ty because of something else all these funny creatures cease to exist.
16. The young man gives his beloved owers. Truly he brings news of her priblizhayu-
scheysya death. And when the girl's head adorns her ance wreath of owers - she pomecha-
a sign of death his brow colors in the form of corpses were once alive.
17. Just as from a small seed grow large spreading tree, and then
withered, young beauty, evokes passion and desire in men, becomes wrinkled
a toothless old woman, gray-haired, wobbly from the wind hag with pendulous breasts and abby skin.
18. Lame, barely dragging their feet and panting, wanders, leaning on his crutches, bent,
bald old man, who had once been an athlete, handsome and passionate lover. easy gait
It passes by youth. He sees an old man, but does not understand that he sees himself.
19. Some are inert, others live fussing, and those and others - bombers. They all came from
Darkness, dressed in clothes dust, all of them, throwing the ashes, once returned back to
20. This is similar to poplar uff in the wind, like a circling autumn leaves, fussiness
Warping rats with swarms of worms, eas jump - that's life stupid people, crafty,
without any true meaning scurrying across the surface of existence.
21. As the spring the ice is thin support their lives. Day earlier, a day later split odnazh-
dy muddy crust, and each of these naive plunge into the bottomless water that, in the pop-po-
surface in the next life, scurried again, pointless and scurry like a louse.
22. Crazy creatures, blinded and led Tirodhanoy Ghorashakti, fait titanium
nical forces ghting for a handful of cadaveric ash washing in the ocean of tears.
23. They do not know the spirit and have a desire to know the truth. Their vision is limited zho-
stkimi framework of the energy spectrum of their small world! Tell them - they will not hear, and if INSTALLS
lyshat, that distort the meaning of what was said.
24. Attached to life, madmen transgress Dharma, drowning in disgrace, their eyes utra-
Styles ability to see beauty. In front of them, behind them, the top, bottom and sides are
only the fears and hopes.
25. Knock, knock, pounding heart, trembling with fear, then calming down. Tuk - compressed
a heart. It suited his dancing gait Tirodhana Maya. Tuk - expands the heart.
It is close, cold icy ame, Mahakala Bhairava.
26. "Forget it, forget it," - quietly and softly whispers bright Maya, resembling affectionate
southern wind. "Die, die, dissolve in Poznan" - calls the Great Black God. Him
eyes are beautiful and shine, just three of the setting sun.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)


1. At any hour may come Samhara Deva. Be ready to meet the beloved of God! Mountain
corpses connects heaven and earth, and on it a scarlet ame seen his gure.
2. Here it is - Great Kalabhayrava, Black devouring God, perfect and the eyes, and
His feet.
3. Nothing shall stand before the Lord. All this powerful, radiant colors of the world before
Bhairava only a handful of cadaver ashes in his palm. And at the same time He, the Lord, threshold
zhdaet all the beauty.
4. irresistibly beautiful, purple-ery light of His eye pleases some and amuses the soul
He plunges into hell horror hopeless souls of others.
5. Fear God makes dance accidents and insignicant in his drunken madness of people
Tryasuchev dance of death. This dance they lovingly fondly called "life" and consider it very
in itself the highest value.
6. Others are afraid not only of death, but of life itself. And they live up to his death
7. Failure to properly see and think correctly, but nevertheless calling CE
BOJ reasonable people, accidents that are bound to its limitations, clinging to his
8. A that the body? This is only a bag lled with meat, bones and slime. truly he
It is worthy of death and decay.
9. Accidents also erected on the altar of this bag of feces and worship him like
good, like God himself. Fools! Thousands of generations have lived up to that time. Where are they now?
There also will go live today and, there too shall perish and thousands of generations of those who are not yet born.
10. The time will come - will split the moon into pieces. The time will come - and go out the sun. Pri-
dot time - crumble to dust and earth. All signs, absorb Great Devouring Vre-
on me.
11. A body is that? Just a bag of bones, it will not survive forever! insanely lament
wife of the dead ashes over the bodies of their husbands under the murmur of the priests. But all their spells
rotate only in the world of life and death.
12. Crying those who are still alive, the wind carries. Loud ring the funeral bell. Mort-
stems body was no longer crying, like tears earlier in life.
13. Burn, burn, ames. God is a consuming re puries funerary ritual deadly
ty of mind and heart alive. Dead dance their last dance. Cracked and charred
skin, fat bubbles, exposed bone. All four elements are sent to their beginnings.
14. Trying not to think about it and to stie the bitterness of the terrible poison of truth, cowardly people
more and more immersed his mind and heart to the smoky evaporation drink lies. Fools, they also
receive according to what they do.
15. Death comes to everyone. Cowardly know that it's true, but sosredotochiva-
Yas on family, work and entertainment, are trying to live a mirage. However, just as a glass
vessel breaks, being thrown into a stone wall, so shattered split happiness
built on an illusion.
16. Silence in the desert cemeteries of abandoned villages. I can not hear any moans or pri-
subtracting. And substituting the empty sockets sun and wind, rocks, smiling Lord Death
whitened skull.
17. Knock-knock - clenching and unclenching, throbbing the whole universe, according to the law Volsheb-
CTBA, dancing skulls and owers.


Bhairavi. Benares



Appendix 13 (January 2011)


1. Two spear pierced the man's chest, pinning him to the dusty ground - the spear of suffering
and the spear of pleasure. Who wants to nd true freedom must seek support in Nesokru-
2. The one who came out of the emptiness of death, and will enter into the void of death, he is alive now or it
only an appearance?
Z. The one who did not exist before, and there will be no after, there really exists
between the past and the future?
4. Your body - not eternal support, often experience pain and to disturb.
Is it worth it for him to transgress Dharma Shining Bhairava, whether for him to deny
by prohibitively Beauty Kaula?
5. Prices his body only as an instrument by which is grown Divine
6. Treat your body as a pile of parts, from which you can collect the dragon chariot,
capable of delivering up to Hold God.
7. Clinging to the mind, the senses, the body, you lose the splendor of Liberty, but rejecting them as self-
motsennoe, lost in his own original true nature, that Root of All,
you will know you will understand and will attain limitless freedom and beauty.
8. Love and affection are not pave the way for Beauty. Thou shalt love the true God, God the
Reality. Comprehend the essence of the beautiful forms, opening running along the Path.
9. Love God and life and death, and standing on the other, and on this side of existence and nonexistence.
Love God Ocean Shaktipat - who gives a decent higher mystery.
10. Bring her life, all her activity Bhairava and Bhairavi, triumphant, surrounded
zhonnym retinue of gods, titans and demons.
11. Let the body completes its way into the funeral re, and the pure essence of the warrior spirit of co-
one with Pervosuschim.
12. Free yourself, surrendering Bhairava and Bhairavi, come back to yourself, open college, Sere-
dinnoe and deepest. Therefore, gain reason not covered, a hundred thousand sages.
13. God is here, God is there, God is one God - a great variety. Recognize, Remember your used
the exact nature-the essence. I understand that you are who you really are.
14. Nature is not the male Your thoughts are not expressible in words. It generates everything. She is
- wider than you suspect. This is based on that awareness, senses, breathing,
internal heat. This is what the mind rests. This is something deeper than all this.
15. This is called the all-powerful God, Innite Light, the Great Darkness, Brillian-
tovoy Void, Innite Consciousness, unlimited power. However, these denitions
It does not describe, but only hint at the essence.
16. indescribable and elusive - it really all visible phenomena of the world, for they
- generation of Reality.
17. Do not cling to phenomena - to comprehend their essence. Those who depend on the phenomena, those who
believe in their independence, will not be able to nd happiness and peace. Not able to see beauty
and understand the true nature of the world, these people are not much different from animals.
18. Those who are attached to the body of the soul, like dung worms, like jackals. refuses
vayas happiness and beauty of real life, in fear and excitement, they all the time clinging
this bag of stool.
19. Let your mind does not cling to the body, you can not cling to the mind.





1. The surface levels of consciousness, warmed by the Maya, swarming messed energiya-
E, just like the sun-heated rock swarm in the spring snakes.
2. 3aputanny assembly of these energies, like spider cocoon binds Consciousness. feeling
themselves imperfect consciousness creates the world of like a dungeon.
3. Way to Freedom, harmony and perfection - in understanding the source and nature of these
energies. In the rst stage you organize them chaotic ows, creating a pattern of energies.
At the second stage you are aware of the content and form of spontaneous Pattern energies, the so-called San
Sarah and individual karma.
4. Magic you are limited with the help of magic and you will be free. Parashakti,
manifested for Pasha as Mahamaya generating samsara, appears before both viroy
Mahabhayravi, exuding magic elixir Anugraha.
5. When you spletote She and the Great Pattern, cook Soma innite space, TO-
GDS, will be like the jaws of Bhairava, you will not have obstacles. Non-conceptual truth and
comprehension Shakti bestow freedom.
6. Similarly, the ow of colorful volcanic magma moves Vira, warrior ascetic. like distribution
red-hot red-sword, without passing through the obstacles spanned canvas, undeled,
jivanmukta consciousness sweeps through a series of sombre, insane worlds, bearing the suffering
living beings. Staying in them, going through them, has realized the nature of Bhairava remain
otsya untainted and undaunted, sowing the seeds of salvation, splashing rain of re shak-
7. On the trail there are many wonders and discoveries. By the grace of Shiva and Shakti characters The relative
kryvayut door. Intellectual knowledge - a symbol, because accomplishing a ritual, we motion
zhemsya further. Once you are aware - God is constantly with you, in fact, is that you are. You
That now. But this is beyond the "I" and "you." It's empty - no one and nothing to grasp. And at the same
time is the totality of all colors, all sounds and all forms. And what is beyond all this. All
in the world - just a game of your Shakti.
8. The non-conceptual truth and comprehension of Shakti bestow freedom, grant disclosure
the nature of Bhairava and Bhairavi.
9. likened to stay pure Reality. As a form of - you melt away like a mirage, and
that's the beauty and freedom. How are - you are the reality. Remember!

1. Wake up, come with the ow Shaktipat, O thou only uncertainty Bezgra-
-border, all-perfect, all over the incomprehensible splendor and bliss of His Splendor. ABOUT
Anugraha, strength and Siddheshvary Siddheshvari yes back to me my Shakti! I may nd I
2. Adibhayrave Glory, glory Parabhayravi thank Anand Trikasamarasya, innity
Siddha. Glory of this and that, who is the supreme magical treasure, took the form of the Black
3. Praise the Savior bestows great gifts-Bhayravachare, out of compassion and Mi-
Lost has taken the form of my spiritual master. God be with us the power of Heaven and Earth!



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Swami Ram




Spirituality without religion

legged religions are attempts to copy the true Kaul, use
reections of the great light. However, the reection of light and its source - not quite the
also. Diamond and glass imitation of it have a different value. Religion
for the masses with their attributes in the form of temples, scriptures, rituals and propovedni-
Cove are distorted pattern depicting Kaul deposited on the at minds.
Temple Kaula - that's all we see. Land covered with a patterned carpet of grasses, forests and pus-
tyn - that's his oor. Tree trunks - pillars of the temple, the mountain - its walls, and the DR-sun
on - the lamps, the ocean - the font, the vast sky - the dome of the temple and the altar is Cowley
own heart. In this case, all of the above does not prevent Kaula adept attending hra-
we are in the form structures erected by human hands.
Years ago I made an altar in your heart - the broken half-asleep soil
skull and planted ower. Beautiful ower sprouted up through the hole in the skull. Water nourishes it, re
It maintains the warmth of his life. God and Goddess come to this holy place and the teaching grant Kula.
Time passed, and now I tell my students: "Create your own altar, in his sokroyte
heart to fend for the three defenses. The cave of the heart keeps altar of destructive power sti-
hy so long until it becomes stronger than them and the ower turns into a world tree, whose vet-
ve up all things. "
What is a ritual in the temple Kaula? All this life - one big ritual in the name
your God. Rights that God or wrong, but you would be well acquainted with how to His natural
Rhoda and at the same time to look around more closely around the world - as if his head from his shoulders did not carry,
and the check to climb if the weeds out of your garden.
Where to look for this God? The fact that most pleases you and attracts. The fact that you nai-
more frightens and repels. After nding it in these great extremes, you will attain the ability to
see it where others see only a mundane everyday life.
In connection with the above, there are questions worthy.
What is the supreme divine gift, leading to Self-realization?
What is the religion of the mystic?
Who is God, who is the Guru that is a spiritual tradition that Sadhana?
What qualities and talents are needed, there is a magic Kaula and that is the fruit of
The supreme divine gift is an inner desire for ultimate Truth.
Religion present Primal Kaul is a reality. God it is She. All,
that is in the world - that is the Spiritual Master. Fast-acting and effective methods - here
spiritual traditions. All life, lled with the magic of self-realization - that's what Sadhana.
Talents and qualities necessary for success on the Path Kaula are widely
consciousness, the ability to generate and maintain distinguishes Vision, integrates Vide-
The vision set and a mirror as well as a good sense of taste, in two aspects: as vi- ability
do the divine beauty in different things and events, and the ability to determine that
world beauty meets your individual manifested form. Rituals gaining Cu
ly Shaktipat - that's the magic of Kaula. Self-realization, which can be achieved in this life,
- that precious fruit of sadhana.
Practitioner way Kaula reveres ancient and modern masters, teachers, appreciates
doctrines and methods described in the ancient folios, respects the ancient Sampradaya and
customs. What is expressed in this respect and esteem? The comprehension of the essence of the teachings coming



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

by masters in the use of the methods described in the ancient texts, and in preserving the
precious heritage of past generations.
To really honor tantra jewelry, you need to understand them,
understand their power. In order to know the power of mantras, yantras and ishtadev, it is necessary to practice the sadhana,
and to practice the sadhana, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the teachings. To understand the meaning of
exercise, it is necessary to understand the true question that goes to the surface of the mind to the heart.
Our ancestors greeted the gods and the gods greeted the ancestors. In our time, the gods do not
people love to visit. What to say to people, if they are not able to understand the true speech?
Only some of the people but from natural kaulikov hear the teachings of the gods, meeting with ni-
E under different circumstances.
Sitting by the re, looking at the river at night, looking at a blade of grass, or stars, we realize the Su-
existence and essence of Bhairava and Bhairavi. Rituals come from the heart, and therefore
in each of our inarticulate cry more power than in the complex mantra, repeated
fools according to the rules described in countless folios. It all Kaula. it dela-
is us who greeted the gods and who will greet the gods, because here you simple and rea-
ax, and your heart knows the true speech.
You - Kaula and your eyes burn transcendent light. You follow the song of freedom and svo-
baud changes you day after day, night after night. It shows your endless neopisue-
May nature, conspiracy and gave himself illumined Samaras Triad.

Direct path arrows, converts itself,

Wisdom of Darkness, light-emitting power of the rainbow

mong the sandy stretches of desert universe ticking hourglass.
Indeed, space and time - the same sand. And the life of every living being -
that these mirages. Same as fools call life and essence of beings -
only a grain of sand, carried by the wind dance of the Great Goddess.
We go from all wearing black rags of self-sufciency, to work on their beauty
life. Seated on the skin at the site of the cremation or any other, contemplate death and treachery
vaysya thinking about it. Truly, everything is fragile and demolish all forms of leave in the sphere of non-
manifested forms and all the elements will return to the sea elements.
Everything in the world will return to the rst elements, and they are to the rst elements of the atoms. Wise, becomes clearer
sculpt, and rening awareness that makes him tenacious accelerates to prednachalu,
that is the true poslekonets.
Having achieved this, he achieves what can not be achieved.
Initially staying Being-Consciousness-perfection, reaching a reasonable recognition
himself through the realization that in every moment.
Striving for the true essence of the Lord, the devotee, pointing to the target your inner re,
It refers to the mirror.
Contemplating death, yearning for the true nature of God comes to realize instantaneous
Nosta and impermanence. Contemplating impermanence, he comes to understand eternity. Postig-
UHC Eternity, all-perfect yogi realizes his unity with her.



Swami Mahtabkak



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Holy Rot
1. Anthem sung infrequently

God, you have sung many religions, but who will understand your point? You are so beautiful that
nauseated, so wise, that look like a fool, so free, the result being
vuesh in the form of billions of slaves.
You are holy to the extent that makes you a father of sin.
You are absolutely incomprehensible and mind you - it's a terric mysteries of the universe.
You abide in all the sacred books, sacred hearts, in the hearts of the prophets, in serd-
Zach great masters.
You - in the birds singing in a babbling brook. You're in the aroma of fantastic colors in the glow of the stars
night. You're in the glare of the eye sadistic maniac. You - in the dull mind of the villain-villain. You - in pain,
despair and loneliness. You - in the infamous treachery betrayal. You - all hell or-
giyah inhuman and merrymaking. You're in all the abominations of unbridled lust. Are you dumb limited
magnetizations idiot. You're in a lifeless inanimate matter. You are in the bodies of manure worms,
horseies and ies. You are in worms, centipedes and cockroaches. You - in the urine and faeces. You - in
destroyed by disease and syphilitic bodies leper. You - in the endless tireless co-
vokuplenii. You - a great killer, not carrying the burden of guilt and karma for what he did.
You give life innumerable, you kill that which is born! You comprehend -
It means to comprehend itself. Become you, become a means. Oh, that's all - God. Relax and pierced
awareness of all things, nding the treasure of the heart of reality.

2. Open a vision

ETU dirt and sin to God. Degenerate, sadistic, depressing, you idiot - that faces gos
hearth. Each pool of senseless, bloody battles, as well as in the rest of Darkness
Bhairava, Light Bhairavi. Velikaya Shakti is not limited by anything. It becomes odu-
shevlonnoy and inanimate, is transformed into a great queen of dakinis in the marketplace bitch. Not
Having this opportunity, she would not have called the One, Unlimited Shakti.

3. Right action

udry sees the unity of the whole, however, has an understanding of what to do and what not
to do on a secret path. Kaula-tantrik sees God in everything and reaches with Samaras
just guided by the Great Pattern rules. In the art of Inscription
Pattern and rooted the secret of how the hidden nature of God to do his omnipotent Bozhest-
signicant force.

Amrita and spitting bile Shaktipat

, Bhayravanada, crazy Mystic, Heretic lazy yogi having poor concentration
tration, the old scoundrel, as if composed of some problems and shortcomings
Cove, sitting here in the depths of his, sweet my heart caves and a tambourine, Snufes about Vys-




Shem, pouring himself out of the inexhaustible ow of bile divine and sacred evil ehid-
Original reality everywhere, though you will not nd it anywhere, no matter how nadry-
Being God and liberated many times mahasiddhas you eked out again
their miserable existence as a creature unawakened.
No bondage of samsara does not, but it is real, that in addition to sgibayu-
boiling us in three deaths walls of the prison in the world is difcult to nd anything.
The magic of his sadhana you free her entirely free nature by asking
with the question: "Where are those yogis that y through the air, changing the shape of the body and grow
from the void black lotuses? ".
Your nature is free and does not need to be changed with the help of your sadhana, but
very often we are not from this easier.
God does not need anything, especially assistance cockroaches and ants support. However, with the po-
Art stizheniem we understand that the help of God, and God help us.
How to grasp the meaning of this madness? Vysokorealizovannye practice - sacred teacher
- say, do not clutter as the head, and his life to the relative mental concentration
The gods of Chaos and Cosmos gods, the gods of Samsara and Nirvana gods - one and the same deity, one-
Naco tantrik does not mix itself to destruction all in one heap.
Where you have a section where it is necessary to integrate, he or she secures a release koto-
ROE can be touched by hand. God makes it all possible, irrigating tantrik bloody vodopa-
Shaktipat house.
Fables and fairy tales in some cases, take for a ride and interfere in other cases deceive holo-
Wu and help. With the help of yoga deity idiocy makes us wise men, a non-practitioner is OS-
melt in this world of ordinary idiots populating continents and islands.
Where the light and where darkness? I beg you, do not be zamorochennye imaginary reality of that the relative
in relative. One turns evil, ignorance, poison and shackles in the goodness and wisdom, medicine and tools
release; the other, on the contrary, by the wisdom of compounding their errors, otrav-
It wishes to set up the misuse of drugs, and the key to the door leading to freedom, locks
himself in prison even more thoroughly.
I admire the way the Master, even the ames of hell and bolts converted into the Ocean of Amrita in
Vajra and tridents. I'm amazed at how even the blockheads secret nondual teachings and
Precious methods converted into the walls of the prison, in the millstone around his neck, pulling in a hell of pro-
fall. Both is a miracle, and causes sincere surprise!
However, in this dimension, on this planet today to meet dunce very easy and
Find Wizards extremely difcult. This situation is the result of our collective usi-
Reality and truth, complete freedom and beauty, retain the appearance of samsara, enslaving
living creatures perfect ways.
Learn the basics, Path and Fruit, I saw good people doing out nondual scientists
Nij dualistic idolatry, and saw the rascals who are building themselves using the same
the highest teachings
The path roadthe
is called toPath,
hell. but when it comes down to it, great Reading supporters, seminars
and chatter pray eggs lust, fear crown, fences insignicance.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Some people come to listen to teachings for entertainment, others - to learn to co-
Bran with a beautiful and intelligent girl or guy. The third goal did not sub-
are understanding, even by themselves.
The "free" Chatters philosophers study and discuss everything, but unable sledo-
Vat to any particular doctrine. The zealous fanatics to follow each letter of their
"Only true religion" and hostility to all other traditions, an inch does not belong
closer to understanding one's own way.
Great Sampradaya contain and carry the re, but the idiots begin to beat his hands, and a chain
disciplic succession becomes prison chains, yoke on the neck of a donkey.
Traditions are sacred and precious, but when "truly faithful" are taken to guard their purity,
temples turned into a circus booth, and tantric meeting venues begin napomi-
nat Chamber psychiatric hospital.
The great mystics and teachers have given the clean and precious liberating teachings, but
time passes, and the structure of the exercises start to work on the acquisition of money, comfort and political
cal authorities.
This world - home insane. Some received their god mandate: "You shall not kill" in the name
this teaching killed a great number of representatives of other religions. In all of this, they
They do not believe that their actions contradict their sacred commandments!
"Philosophy and metaphysics," despise the ignorant yogis, argue among themselves about
the essence of truth, never going beyond words web. "Faithful students" not udosuzhiva-
They are to follow the example of their teachers, but zealously worshiped remaining guru tapoch-
Cams, kissing them with kisses.
"True believers" blindly believe in what they understand by teaching, not even trying
understand its meaning, and therefore constantly nd themselves before God in a silly position.
"Monks" take a vow not to touch the creatures of the opposite sex, but not
with neither physical nor spiritual to live without sex, they while away the days in gomosek-
sualizme and masturbation. Is this not a mockery of common sense and spirituality?
The organizers of the New Eydzheskih "tantric workshops and retreats" copulate with
everything that moves, enslaving both himself and his students with new and new karmiche-
Skim chains. Most people do not know the range of a "tantra", other than non
lepogo psevdoritualnogo copulation. Such "spiritual mystical practicing" in
Compared with the usual healthy sex look serious symptoms of disease, symptoms
the patient's consciousness.
"The Buddhist spiritual masters", deceived by the difference in terminology, referred induist-
ical tantric "teachings that leave beyond samsara." Wearers titles degenerates, tan-
an insulating masters and professors of philosophy and at the same time demonstrating its Neveu
the set, they become like incompetent buffoons whose at jokes can cause a non-
"Hindu spiritual teachers" say that "Buddhist yogis not rise above
vacuum level, which does not have a genuine self-realization. " Did not bother to read
Vajrayana with and understand the true essence of the Buddha's teachings, they project on it's own
fantasy. Bearing the titles of the Mahatma, acaryas and pundits, they are compared to the sentimental
the blind, stupid, wandering in the darkness of ignorance and mistaken for a member of the camel own
hydrochloric beard.
All these people in comparison with the mediocre worldly mad mad twice, but because
Remember, Bhayravananda: nibbling sunower seeds, which separates the nucleus from the husk and the Beyond comprehending articial



GUSTs Self-realization, which separates Patterns Essence of superstition and ignorance, prejudices, develop
three kinds of wisdom: Distinguished, integrates and mirror-like.


hen you practice for a long time, it is very clearly see that Ma is worthy of worship.
Adoration it oods the rest. Exploring the maze of the worlds three lines, you MO
zhesh talk to her. Therefore, allow yourself to be ready to hear that
Parashakti tell you.
We are restoring from the energy of the storm - gods and demons, enslaved themselves and their pozhina-
I eat the harvest, which the re drowns all in the same initially shining darkness. Her great worship!
Ma ... Ma ... Ma ...
You look at me, Mother Night, their starry eyes sparkling through the branches
tree. Why is it so clear to your eyes? Because you Parashakti, the Great Light.
What we perceive as darkness, there is light. What we perceive as an object, there is
ourselves. I - This Darkness, Abyss. I - it's light, ocean innite fullness. I - a single
the form. Samaras - integration, unity Three - that's what I am. I have no name and no boundary
prostrate. Every second I of generators and resurrecting himself.
And at the same time I have the pleasure to appear as a limited form. through this
shape I look at the world, wrapping yourself misty veil of ignorance, then dropping it. Me you-
Birao full of joy and creativity the way Kaula Tantra, and I nd myself looking for Bhairava, looking
Bhairava and nd myself. But that's not all. Finding Bhairava, I see Bhairavi and seeing naslazhda-
yus her beauty and strive to grasp the essence of the Goddess.
Getting to know Parashakti, I appeal to Bhairavi, the embodiment of which see in Chidananda.
Plunging into the darkness of the mind Chidananda, I nd the rainbow ocean, boundless light, formed
binder form.
Where is my favorite, Chidananda dear? It is everywhere - in the sun, the moon and the stars in the glare
sickle, sword in splendor in the glare of the knife, in the reection of the claw. She is on re and moonlight, her own
blazing stars, its force there is an underground re - magma ocean, its power icker
reies at night in the forest.
When I look at her, I see myself, and when I look at myself - I see it. And with all this
we seem to be different. Contemplating her in the world and seeing it all over, I also show love and predan-
Nost particular limited way. This is a reection of the greatness and glory of Samaras.

Conversations about the pattern on the stone foundations in the forest Kaula.

village - is the heart and blood reality. Kaula life - a pattern Vsesovershenstva.
Kaula fetus - is unrestricted freedom of completeness and harmony forever
new, inexhaustible Perfection. Bhairava and Bhairavi gave me the teaching of the co
suffering to a variety of living creatures who have lost their way to the true object of his aspirations
tions, and the re is hidden ashes ared brighter than ever.
Bhairava and Bhairavi was told that their way is not common in our days, even in India,
that caste, do not give religious and national prejudices of the teaching dispensed by pla-
HETE. They said that humanity has come to a new era. After all, religion, metaphysics, and philosophers


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

FFL lost their positions in society. People moved very far from ancient campres kamen-
Foot century and from the wind in the starry night dokamennogo century.
Therefore, Bhairava and Bhairavi gone beyond Asia, beyond Buddhism and Hinduism,
so they integrate in me an ancient forest and post-industrial society kibernetiche-
tion era.
I am happy that was their reection, the fruit of their love. Kaul - it's my blood and serd-
tse, meat and bones. Names of Bhairava have my name. Crown Samaras makes me one with of Great
likimi manifestations - Mahabhayravoy, Kalabhayravoy and Vajrabhaivara. In the body of Great
FIR saints I have attained liberation and Samaras. But I have not reached that many other TE
crystals. What - I will achieve this through the achievement of many other creatures.
If you were born far away from India, if you do not know how to get back on the path and go through it -
Bhairava and Bhairavi help and Bhayravanandy key will open the gates of their worlds. I open
Kaula truth, many will nd their means of perfect understanding, but very much on
this planet, they can lead to Hell. This is the property of the non-dual teachings and Bhairava
Bhairavi. Glory caution. I'll show you a real vision of Kula and Kaula and explain multi-
Goa from what is not written in the books, which is usually transmitted orally.
Ancient power anugrahah brought to life, the source of spiritual power burst geyser
Shaktipat. The power of ancient woke up, and the Path Woods reborn in computer labyrinths.
Kaul - a living teaching, it has always been alive. This is the magic of the Supreme as giving of Great
likie fruit immediately. Kaul - a ery blood of God, this life of any mystical path.
This divine, non-human scientists, but that it was able to
awaken you, Tantra must have the marks of your ngers. Dead line svya-
whelping texts should revive the power of your heart ame.
Kaul - a comprehension of the divinity of what is inside and outside. This is a terrible way, so
conceived as a divinity all here. Food - God, sex - the sacred mystery of the ritual.
Violence - the beauty of transcendent Absolute. In all this it is not necessary to devote not only profa-
new, but beginners and practitioners, because not everyone is willing to be honest with you till the end. energy
ology play young practitioners, restricting their strong chain. Sometimes ignorance is darkness
a more useful drug than the light of knowledge. At the same time, be aware that in some cases -
darkness is knowledge, and the light - the blind darkness of ignorance. Samsara - it is light, it is clean energy
ology Paramashiva game these energies. But that is why samsara - is darkness, for blinds and
withdraws from the realization of truth the great mass of living beings.
Samsaric existence - is the desire to merge with Bhairava Bhairavi, to merge with
It being devoured, destroyed with it. Nirvana - a similar desire Bhairavi
dissolve in Bhairahawa, return to it. Bhairavi seeks to know Bhairava - its essence.
Following a one-sided tendency to self-destruction - is not following the path of Self-
implementation. It is necessary not only to destroy itself in this, but also to carry out the desire That
be destroyed in you. Implementation of bilateral and satisfaction trends - here
the path to Self-realization. It Samaras.
Why our path is called the Path of Darkness? Because we understand through the Dark Blood and
Shine. Darkness - Bhairava is light in the darkness - the secret of our freedom and bliss. We love
Darkness, because the achievement of Darkness for us - the attainment of perfection. Bhairavi - The Eternal
Light, Power, Energy, Shakti - there is darkness. Bhairava - Shunyatishunya, nothing, emptiness, darkness,
Open - it contains in itself the whole world and is a light re. Compound Bhairavi and Bhay-
Rava in Nara has limited self-realization.
Trick - is Shiva, Shakti and Nara. Learn the secrets of nature and all three of them - this is the door to
Samaras, to Self-realization in life. Our trail is aimed at achieving po-


Similar results. On this Path is not required to be born in a family of Brahmins, not trebuet-
Xia be ethnic or religious Hindu, is not required satvichnosti or absence of sin, not
It requires freedom from violent poisons. But the level of candidates for Yoga Trikasamarasya Kaula should
be so high ...
Truth, Path, Family Circle Kula there is not for everyone. we live together
together with only those gifted with divine treasures: Shaktipat a desire
the Truth and the talent to draw great patterns of light, darkness and blood. For the rest we ni-
or that the power of evil, when in fact we are helping so many through covert and indirect ways.
For entry to the trail Kaula not agitate. Either candidate transmit the spark of the great
character by delivering Shaktipat or candidate already having it in himself, comes to Cowley
Those who are willing to acquire power, see Bhairava and Bhairavi in the ancient signs and symbols
texts in modern movies, computers and music.
Who is the Kaula, how to describe it? Kula - his esh, cover of darkness - his house, sincere light
Nosta - his spirit, snaking all the forces of the world - its veins, the veins and arteries, Swatantra Chitty -
that is the blood of not only the Way of Bhairava and Bhairavi, but also ways of Lakshmi and Vishnu and all
other ways - its essence, creating a masterpiece Pattern Trikasamarasya - his business.
Practice Trail Pattern Samaras as the practice of the Ritual of Life and Death - here Indeed
tion key to success. By naming the same without their own re of life phenomena
- that the veil of fog, Gone away from Integrity. Those who do not practice the Way, not osvobo-
zhdaetsya from his prison, no matter how many blessings from saints or received, no matter how much nastav-
tions from the masters nor hear, no matter how many spiritual books or read.
Follow the path is to seek Anugraha - Bhairavi. She holds Soma in his Kapali, she
He holds a sword that cuts all bondage. Seek his Shakti, learn their colors. The meeting will be lich-
hydrochloric and nondescript. Be faithful to the pattern of their energies, to comprehend their essence, Bhairava, whereas Bhairava
connect with Bhairavi and Nara experience happiness from the merger of both.
Do not be put into confusion the fact that you love Darkness, Fire and serebryanno-
Brilliant Light Stars. Be faithful to their colors and be open to the songs tsve- knowledge
Comrade other.
When Anugraha says to you, and it is - it's you, and you knew it, understood Anugraha - pre-
red shakti dance for you, because you - God.

The purity and transparency of the sincerity of the crystal

Xia Trikasamarasya Kaula only sings about freedom, freedom from everything. However, this song is about PE
cial freedom, not illusory, called by us the yoke and collar. We are looking for PE
cial freedom and do not be fooled, wishful thinking.
We examine and check the situation on the ground very closely, much more closely,
than those in most other mystical traditions. After Kaula - very powerful and
sophisticated weapons and requires virtuosity in handling it. Otherwise adept risks wounded
himself. Crystal honesty before God, Guru and yourself - that's the savior of errors
Kaula path. Sincerity - that's what makes it on the Path every minute, protects, and leads
It leads to the goal.
Kaula without sincerity in front of him, and God is not possible. After Kaula - it shaktipat, used
Krenn aspiration for freedom and complete, perfect harmony. Tantric manifestation


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

will hand you everything to achieve the goal of tantra. With this weapon you dobudesh Crown. Her
you married your spouse and yourself and will realize Samaras.
We are not so much on the ground, but not so little, those who raised the banner of scarlet and black stars
vsesovershenstva. Let each one will clean the temple and keeps his rst vows, adopted
along the way - the original vow of honesty with yourself. Let each one also stores and second
vow on this path - vows openness to learning from all over the world.
Tantric is not thinking of himself, "I'm great" or "I'm worthless." Of the need to avoid shortcuts
causeway at all. Tantric is who he is at the moment, and who he is indescribably
in yarlychnyh categories. He lives the way the heart, the path had been laid there, and over it Ko
Ron of skulls crystals stars and branches.
If you do not act out of the heart - you're in the wrong, harmony unattainable. If you are
taking to heart the voice of emotion and passion - you're on your way to trouble. But if you are open to go-
Losa stars, bindu, which is not only your heart, but the heart of the world - you're on
the road to success.
Sincerity and a clear view will turn into a magical sacrament all your bliss
a life. Sincerity - is Bhairava, clear, clean look - it Bhairavi.
Forget about the inferiority complex, forget about megalomania, forget about selshness. Replace
rst care, calm criticality and sincerity with God. Replace the second to
openness to the natural nature, love of Bhairava and Bhairavi, to give you the beauty and
the joy of movement in their kingdom, in the enjoyment of their unity inside and outside you, in sme-
smallness, openness, peace and creative inspiration that adorn life. Replace the third in the sub-
linnuyu reality. Uncompromisingly and easily, happily following their internal codes,
acquires samsara-nirvana, expiring sparkling zmeistyh ananda sakti, which is not
Believe in yourself, in what you are - God, and at the same time not give to corrupt themselves vile Mende-
Talnoe witchcraft delusions of grandeur - this is the secret of the implementation Jivanmukta. Remember, God - it
everything there is nobody and nobody to brag, swagger and rise. True Kaula knows it
Stand up straight, with a calm face looking at God. Be open and evaluate themselves realized
-Terrorism, scanning all your levels - from the animal to the divine. Learn how to intertwine
patterns within and without, become a three-eyed owl, looking down on all sides. Truth - PA-
role and gates in Cowley.
Be open to God, do the right thing by Kaula honor. Be truthful in matters cha-
tment. This will not prevent you from being the rst cunning, fox, cunning which achieves the goal.
Your harmony, your aspirations and fears, enemies and friends should be very carefully
investigated. Your Joy and Pain - that's the key to achieve the highest understanding of the Law, Svobo-
Realize God in extremes, in holy love and erce hatred, beauty and urodst-
vah. Realize the secret aggression, lust, loyalty to your friends.
When you know the frustration, the pain, the bitterness of defeat and loss, anger, disappointment - you
are using the wisdom and power of it all. Refracted through the prism of the teachings, all these energy
send you to the sincerity, purity, clarity and unwillingness to rely on his heart that
Whatever it was, but to the fact-It.
Understand yourself, if you need to express their energy in a code of principles and rules that
you deklariruesh himself and expresses its intention to follow this. Sincerity, Primal
Reality as a starting point - that's success. Then you will make in the lives of less po-



mortar, makes you suffer, and with the help of an imaginary limit you reach Shih
Roca freedom. You will be a calm, fearless and full of bliss Shakti.
Understand that your fears and hopes, your harmony and happiness depend on the negotiation itself
the Truth of the Universe. Learn the different philosophical systems, to see the truth in the patterns and
for patterns Triki, to Advaita, Madhyamika and Vidzhnyanavady. Think about justice, about the evil and
cruelty of their origins, causes and their own salvation and deliverance of God, and who
evil and pain. Relive all the patterns on their experiences. Meditate. If the implementation is necessary to go
night on Smasana - go. If it is necessary to ght - voyuy. If it is necessary to live in the mountains, forests and dzhung-
Lyakh - live.
Read carefully the images of Bhairava and Bhairavi, the legends about them, their descriptions, their way
life. Gradually understood the meaning of it all, you become God.

The paradoxical nature of the Natural

And naturally paradoxical

uvstvuy equality with animals - it will bring you to God. comprehend divinity
ambient and naturalness divine.
Seek clarity in intoxication, chastity sex, compassion in eating meat, as Bozhest-
vennuyu completeness - in the stomach lled with food.
When you shit - you also perform mystic ritual and perform BO
prayer tent, feeling Ananda diverse Shakti. Keep the consciousness of Shiva, and it's - what sdela-
an act of defecation gate Divine Perfection.
Anyone who thinks family life is less spiritual than the life in celibacy, and celibacy -
not suitable for the practice of Kaula, for it is not grasped its basic, basic ideas. Those who by tying
INDICATES family life, dissolving in it and enslaving themselves committing a similar mistake.
Matured spiritually, Kaula practices create family - Kullu - and go to the next level mogu-
If a husband and wife engage in Cowley - they are happy inhabitants of the Earth. As
progress on the path of sadhana, they are more and more take on each other as Bhairava and
Bhairavi and, awakening a hidden force and tacit knowledge, present each other with the Royal
Skim gifts.
Anyone who rejects sex, food, spirituality, magical substances, childbirth, your peaceful
earth, he has no awareness Kaula. However, our scriptures say correctly: if distribution
drink wine and mating would Kaula practice, then all the drunks and all the animals began to
I am awakened, unaffected by the suffering beings. Smart sees the foundation and essence
between two extreme statements and two end lines.
Sex, food, sleep and other physical pleasures - that one wing of the bird path pozna-
Nia Primordial God. Physical pain, a strong aversion and other kinds of torture - that
the second wing of this bird. Odnokrylomu not reach the goal - to practice and practice 5M agho-
ry required to be combined with each other.
Learn their baser instincts. Enjoy them while preserving care, osozna-
and of understanding. Is not limited to the world of people - descends, rises. principal
Noah in nding success - honesty with yourself, nepospeshnost in making conclusions and the pursuit of
our goal - Kulanande, Trikasamarasya. Learn His divine nature, their supernatural
natural forces, its inexhaustible source samoobreteniya. Realize its essence as a za-
Marginal and the essence of everything.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Become the same as animals, plants, rocks, stars as the empty expanse of the sky. Ozar
opening last treasures of your heart, try your luck - draw patterns of light, darkness
and Flame.
Do not forget the holy teachings: "The body become like beasts, spirit - Shakti soz-
naniem - Shiva ".

The real you - the Divine Heart

To start with the rst steps to taste the elixir of the gods follow the pattern of the way, sincerely
feeling and understanding your style, his law and following them. If you are acting in the heart used
sincerely, sensibly, with a love of harmony and beauty - wherever you are, you're going to do
right action, which open in front of you and the ocean Shaktipat Amrita.
If you are drawn to perform some action and you think that it is necessary to make,
it is a divine activity, ask yourself two questions: looking to the future and pro-
past that one determine if you do not repent after committing this action. Do you agree pri-
nyat that nesosh other, as if you were in their place?
Sometimes you feel that you should behave in such and do something. Sometimes your desires
contrary to what is accepted by society as good. But you become a natural, immersive
zis in the heart of the octopus of energy and identify with him, to examine how, why and where the tentacles stretch
octopus, as the line pattern intersect with each other.
How not to make a mistake in the conclusions that should do, and that - no? Become a God, and you
will not have to make any conclusions. On the basis of the Divine Nature, all
your actions become spontaneously faithful, sinless.
In Kaul you aspire to be a much more complete than in the samsaric life. And if
did you nd your ishtadevu - the universe will unfold its secrets to you. do not follow
ishtadevam other people do not follow ishtadevam foreign teachers. Incorrect elected ishtadeva
- it is only pain, suffering and curse, distorted teachings, the distortion of life in Cowley.
If you are sure that you love Bhairava and Bhairavi, that above all they are for you, not
any other deity, you are happy in this world. But if you do not feel something OCO-
God towards them, then your loyalty path of Tantra is searching and nding dru-
GIH, their deities.
If you linked to Bhairava and Bhairavi - do not need a religion, nor society, nor the different
personal obligations (Throw them quickly with his back). If your three hearts, connected
ring of re, the essence of one, then the bliss and love explode inside you neissyakae-
by direct fountain.
Indescribably happy and immensely rich in the poor, who are able to understand and nd shakti-
Pat Ardhanarishvara black - red beam it formed three rays emanating from it
eye. Lord will guide this traveler ery trails crystal-clear transparent
rays. And there are different manifestations of this process, and each will experience their own po-
consequences of entering into these subtle channels.
Bhairava and Bhairavi draw a card, built a magical world of children their Kula.
Those whose heart is united with the heart of Bhairava and Bhairavi, call Cowley. But I dont know how
actually call such creatures.
What will be the consequences of a collision with adherents of different patterns of exercises Trikasamarasya
Kaula? As spread out red rays of light reected from the crystal angles of Great generators
kuyu cave friends? The path we have one, scientists are given to all children, but as you progress through PU




ve each show up various possibilities, means, methods. The pattern of each beam is
vary with patterns of others, but the foundation of the ornament and the basic principle of the pattern will odni-
E Kula for children.
There are many different facets of the crystal, in the magical city of many different palaces and castles.
Each of Kula selektsioniruet your arsenal of weapons and solve your secret question. Together we
we form a precious necklace - the perfect chakra energies Kalabhayravy. A black vla-
stitel three lakes re draws blood and re your unique, indescribable road. From-
worn with God - this is your and his mystery. Ishtadeva and you - a song, music, beauty, explosion
ecstasy death. It is your belief and condence. Ishtadeva gives you treasures - hole stars The relative
kryvayuschie you peace of Shiva, it gives you a great muscle body, reveals itself as Shak-
Initially Bhairava can send you not only pleasure, but also great suffering.
Some see that he was tortured and tormented them much stronger than the other deities torment
its adherents. But all this will be very useful for nothing in the context of the Doctrine and Way. This gives the TE
It is the opportunity to understand the Doctrine and reach the goal much earlier than it will be possible to implement
followers of other paths.
At the same time, Bhairava and Bhairavi will give you endless joy and glow eksta-
for, brightness like giant stars. They will taste and experience the pleasures of the sea,
among them will be those who do not are other deities and are forbidden or
impossible in many other traditions and schools.
Bhairava - your hangman and clerk, he's your best friend and the most perfect
doctor. Do not be afraid of pain, suffering and despair. Joy and pain, like re and cold
the water will turn you into an invincible sword, zipping through all the worlds. You will become neuyaz-
Wim for pain and suffering, because you can eat them as a glutton halva.
Receive the initiation of pain and suffering, nding shaktipat our - artfully interweaving
suffering Pattern Path, you will attain the level of the invincible warrior - Ocean Neizrechonnosti.
Also takes dedication orgaisticheskogo, sacriced and animating, bezmolv-
Foot and furiously raging bliss Bhairavi. Open the jar with her magic brew and Cu
loi spell set your illusions and ghosts in the door opening Samaras.
When ishtadeva rooted in you so that you already have all the jewels -
beautiful crystals, rocks, associated with the light of your attributes - can only ekstatiche-
Skye dance energy vortices dance of self-disclosure.
As long as you have debts formed before you start your journey with Bhairava and
Bhairavi, you will suffer. Reduce these debts power of your great character, grain-force
Calne, pure and all-pervading power of light and re.
After completing necessary to submit your duty, nish this. From now on, there is nothing, even scientists,
- there is only a tunnel. And spark-producing smoke machine exercises practiced
to Kaula, remained far behind. Do not look in vain.
Do not consider anything important except Bhairavi, one with Bhairava. About Mystic, if you are mu-
chaeshsya - enough, she says! Leave all this, all the problems and fears. Leave everything but me.
Be with me throughout my nature, I will not betray and will not leave, I - it's love on the Blood and in the
It is important to nd a revelation of love to Bhairavi, drink all, without a trace, a ery, bloody
Elixir of Bhairava and give it everything you have. That in comparison with the love of her presence
the whole world? Only a lifeless and empty ruins and piles of garbage.
If there is fear of life without Bhairavi, if there is love - pure and intoxicating absolute
freedom, if you enjoy the comprehension of the divine council, signs and methods -



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

go, nding live the Path of Blood. Have a desire to nd unity with it, this is important,
suspect you are aware of it or not.
I must stand in front of Ya I see ourselves and nding. This magic was described in ancient
folios and art of its long-term administration study in a clean environment for years. Ishtade-
Islands will open your access to the treasures of palaces full of magic, about which young
mystics are not even aware.
Child Bhairava and Bhairavi has sea treasure joy. Build, you enjoy
Shakti beauty, bliss own nature. Staying in balance, becoming pronitsa-
tion attentive mind, you comprehend God here and now. Trampling "crucixion", "vad-
zhry "and" Trishul "prejudices and false ideals, you become destroyer, demons
Freedom, experiencing the pleasure of his own nature.
Draw a pattern, wielding a club, you will be so open and free, that will be even svobo-
den of freedom, spilling out of itself and in itself its shakti, manifesting in the black space
its empty nature a huge number of mantras, like pearls, drops of nectar. it
a drop of your blood - countless living beings, Nara, the power of your strength. every Su
tage has everything to try and survive like samsara, and open samsara, ie Bo-
ha, and the Great Diamond will shine in different facets.
Kaula knows about the kinship with God. From this comes happiness condence rozhdon-
Noah Abhaya Mudra and varada-wise.
For the pillars of the dark path no barriers. Draw, tear, build, break, remain inactive,
actively commits the act. All this is done on the principle of Cowley - black crown,
decorated with a crescent moon. Every time subverting idol within themselves and in an "external scientists
SRI "Hail himself as a destroyer, anger father, behave as a heretic. At the same time remain faithful
holy traditions, whether mystic that protect and honor the sacred symbols, yogi,
whose highest values are the ve magical treasures.
With enormous power of destruction, advanced adept not only limited to different
Rushen. Enjoying the fruits of true worship of Shakti, glad he zealous in sotvore-
SRI masterpiece - Grand patterns. This is the highest gift of the master, it is a prize bestowed Abyss bestowed

Chakra - the gift of ve Shakti

of all magical ritual re sacrice chakra is the greatest in
Kaul. Each donates his spark of God, ready to show how the chakra, and from these
Sparks ashes re, which burned all the sins and shortcomings, which gives
the strength and vision of Samaras.
Those who possess a spark, meeting, form a whole bunch of sparks, which turns into
Fire of Freedom, Beauty and Strength. What happens if a few lights - sons and daughters
Bhairava and Bhairavi - meet together? Born orgy Energy heart of this Mi-
rozdaniya, dragon swarm nds all the fruits of the world.
I created a chakra: God - I did it; as a person - to pass the magical sacraments,
ishtadeve called to re and darkness generated ring; like an animal - I gave chakra physical
structure. In it - a pledge of peace, love and truth. In it - the power of success on the fast track.
Chakra - is Kula, chakra - a range ishtadevy demonstrations chakra - is a beauty
brilliant, starry necklace. Chakra - a family, a house, a brotherhood.




He who rejects rejects solitude success. He who rejects the pack rejects success. whether
alone on the way - take care of yourself, do not let yourself fall into the abyss, trapped and ob-
rsti defeat that turns you into an ant samsara. Be one of the chakras, nding himself as
All Chakra and perceiving personal diamond body, speech and mind, as one of many
diamonds adorning the diadem of your Victory.
Answer for yourself - it saves you from the trouble. Answer of the chakra - that makes you a great Bo-
Do good deeds for the precious brothers and feel the dragon swarm, consisting
conductive bodies of a plurality of re.
Ideal spiritual relationships will prevail in the chakra only when each
become an independent diamond all diamonds will express the will be a single necklace
- Bhairavi, hugging the neck of Bhairava.
If everyone in the mind reaches the acquisition of the Abyss, at the level of speech - will gain yourself
mantra, woven out of the re, and on the level of the body will manifest a particular manifestation ishtade-
you - perfection shine chakra and its glow will pierce the world, opening the road to freedom non-
assessable host of living beings.
I love your brothers and sisters on the chakra at that level, which is called "God's blood." I love knowing
This energy can not manifest itself in the form of patterns of sparkling gems and
pearls of good deeds.
Whoever the whole immersed in petty disputes and quarrels with his brothers, who in the name of udov-
letvoreniya petty, short-term interests and ambitions forgets about kinship and BO
Divine nature of each and every one, never succeed because they do not live Kula and Kau-
True Kaula immersed in the pattern. He is only interested in the main - achievement
Fruit of the Path. His only concern is that it contributes to the attainment. Therefore, it is easy to
forgives his brothers insults and disagreements, for Kaula heart can not be touched by Ta
Kimi supercial things. They are not interested in it.
Foolish as pygmy playing in Cowley, always makes sure not to pull
others what they brought him in irritation. He is ready to give a blood relationship, ready to easily
forget the teachings and discard common interests, just to win the imaginary victory in petty
clashes, which they perceived as a great battle for eternal values.
We kept the feelings, though capable of frenzied violence of these energies. children Bhayra-
you mush and Bhairavi hate and can not tolerate it. Especially disgusting mush them
spiritual. Read Mahakalabhayravu and Bhairavi with all my heart free of sweetness
and all hearts are open to darkness. This is our handwriting is our signature, this is the style of our school.
His love, we express our relationship to the living beings - in the form of helping them.
Help must be given freely stemming from the heart of the ocean. Suppose you
help in the little things, but this aid will have nality and bring good fruit. vol-
rye things - all of them - the pearl in the crown of Bhairavi. Diamonds as it is a revelation
Initially, scientists and experience.
Religious mush - that's why not take bhayravaytov heart. not sugary
may take Path and sugary should forget about the formation of our trails. Mace Bhay-
Rava hits the sweetness with all his might, sword Bhairavi it dissects the two. sugary razgo-
thieves spirituality profane magical space and repressed child and Bhairava
Bhairavi without regret.
Order in the house - it Smasana Bhairava and Bhairavi. Monitor the situation in the fraternity,
Chakra. Each Kaul feels free and connected with other precious yarns



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Pattern. No one should be suppressed and oppressed. All irregularities should be corrected. A similar
but just as every morning we wash her face, as the ow of care we wash from zhiznen-
Noah dust precious ring our chakras, our brotherhood. If the chakras temple will be clean -
Anugraha Bhairavi stops happily dancing in our hearts.
Our rules require Shivatvu, magical views, relieving you and vice
Delyan real jewels. Once these rules and have our law. We do not post-
tigators fanaticism and stagnancy. Our laws, rules, and customs come from the heart, from bindu, of
mandala center.
All declared on paper or orally rules or customs of the chakras go from the depths,
becoming the triumph and the fruits of our divine free will.
Violation of one or more key rules Kaula may entail self
mye tragic consequences. However tantrik is not difcult to follow the rules. They go out of his
the heart of the nature and amount tantrik as a thinking being.
Vysokorealizovanny mystic spontaneously should ulozheniju chakras. He puts on himself and
his companion crowns decorated month, and they take on themselves as law, and he did not
need more laws are written in the scrolls.
But the practice has not yet reached this level and have a strong enough
insight, they can not easily nd the heart of the daily harmony, still knowledge
considerably subject to the passions and the false ideas that need to be written and verbal rules
and regulations, as a patient in a medication. The Code sets up the sacred customs and guides
them in truth Sacred Harmony. If the mystic is at the heart of the sincere craving for shaktipat
attainment of Samaras, the sacred laws and customs to help him achieve the goal.

Tantra, its elements and the transmission path -

superstition and debunking

and centuries of hull tantra overgrown with algae and shells prejudices
Cove and superstitions. Others have lost the ability to navigate in the world transformation path
tion. The main elements of tantra, they take over the minor and minor -
for the main. Such people believe that going by the masters, but in reality they live non-
real tantra, but its reection curve, immortalized dead plaster ignorant
If you're a real Kaula and going, like me, you are not confused by the different pieces of the mystical
leaders. From all you have to draw conclusions, not enslaves you narrow. Creatures entering the
circle emanating from the ame you begin to speak the words of God. You learn in life,
life - that is your guru. Teacher in the human body - it is localized and concentrated
naya "turning point" in this life, your self-catalyze the reaction.
Do you accept or do not accept anyone as a teacher on the basis of what it takes in
your heart, your life, important or not. This is the real relationship between inter-
do the guru and the disciple. Blindly following the same powers and authority of the ofcial - not Kaula.
Loyalty to the Master manifested in following his teachings rather than kissing his slippers, not
prayer to him, and not bowing to his image. Such superstitious, silly actions proiste-
tic without following the Teachings are just a mockery of the precepts of the master.
Around Kaula Tantra divorced many superstitions about who and how to give deeksha, who is tan-
trick, and who - no, who is a teacher, who is a rogue or a fool.




Kaula life - is freedom, not a whip "ways of God" and does not load the "pyramid of authority."
Relationships are built on living love, comprehension, sincere gratitude.
Some of the rules and customs, declared the ancient, and can not act in our
time. Are replaced by other Code and the rules.
Kaula teaches that our world - it is not a rigid structure and a complex pattern of pulsating
boiling, iridescent, changing its conguration energy ows. God bears little resemblance to
pedant with gray sidelocks and glasses or dictator who ruled his empire with the help of
immutable and uncomplicated rules. Rather, God - is an artist, an artist and a madman
sculptor, musician, ecstatic, drunk with its own Shakti elixir. It is because in
are so many paradoxes and difcult to explain things. It is not laid out everything on the shelves
Once and for all. Black then becomes white, evil - in the good times is riding downhill.
The true essence of the world - not a deterministic universe, but free chaos. cowardly BO
yatsya accept it, so they tend to blindly follow giperklassikatsii thousand INSTALLS
tanovlenii rules rigidly xed rites and rituals without understanding the true smys-
La majority of them.
Such people are quick to dene "legitimate" whether a deeksha, some degree in the spin
ritual hierarchy has a particular creature. They cite from memory the sacred pisa-
Nia and follow all external ulozheniju these writings. Such people become authorities in
mysticism, gloried teachers and have academic degrees. Unfortunately, they have not spo-
sobny nd live re and move towards Samaras.
Others, however, reject the rules and customs and do not take seriously the scriptures
and the words of the ancient masters. They behave lax and undisciplined. Following laziness,
pride and honoring God for his limitations, they believe are alive By Blood
True Kaula free from these two extremes, he does not play these games, preferring
throughout the game Divine Pattern.
We honor the teachings of the Stone Age to the heart - it is loyalty to the living and invisible Sampradaya,
Faithfulness Chakra Bhairava and Bhairavi. We enliven the teaching contemporary experience
our mystical life. It is a pledge of self-realization in life. This is her secret.
Your business - this is the re of your pattern. This pattern will nish the entire heavy and meshayu-
present. It - pattern Samaras, inscribed in the name of the Three in One, and signed it. Go
on live re. If necessary - blow up the stone ruins of the old, wise locks. If it's necessary -
cut feces that other revered as the altar of worldly achievement.
If what I have built, the problem that prevents fast ery path wipe for you
feet on my work. Build your pattern - Bhairav, Bhairavi and you live the thread of re, that's what is
really important. Create a masterpiece with your love of Great Art. give opportunity
those who come after you, nd it is your gain, to become children of Bhairava and Bhairavi. Leave them
and the great palaces of the ancient teachings. But your main thing here - to convey the re, help dru-
GIM generations rely on the pattern of your mandala, to nd her help and move on to the
whirlwind of consciousness own mandala. Become a master. Your pattern will be a light in the eyes of Bhairava
lands leaving you.
There is in this harmony and beauty - re ways rays trails gallop across multiple element
cops in the city of the past exercise. Rays, throwing bridges and connect together - it doro-
m going through craftsmanship.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

We, like re, can revive what is necessary to create an ornament, and leave tomny-
E elements other good broad mysterious path. Bouncy will bear fruit and
ornament re again forms a pattern Trick Samaras, which is gaining a mandala, soln-
CEM without good and evil.
The ruins can be a long wait. It will take decades, centuries, millennia, but force the descended
on the ground, ancient ruins will rise at the appointed hour, and the power of ornaments of ancient spells
Catching, passing his gift to the new ball of re.
Sometimes the ruins waiting for a very long time. The faithful followers of the wrong-take for the re
The teachings of Revelation ashes remaining after the ancient re sacrices. Pri-
nesonnye wind leaves perceived as originally staying at the temple of elements
you pattern. This is their life.
Fire may come from a teacher in the human body, may come from the heart. He can
break out when the pupil rubs the stone on a stone in the temple of symbols inscribed on stones and manu-
scripts. There are many situations where a re may break out. Chances are many, we must
able to use them - that's the secret and wisdom Kaula.
Some of the ways to awaken and start a re may seem blasphemous, nekoto-
rye - sacred. You just do a pattern, it's your love, it's your sincerity. It's you,
Bhairava and Bhairavi.
Not everything can only use existing treasury force of ancient knowledge
Nij and insights. And not all of these treasuries need for many mystics.
Scientists say that in our century mystics who want to reach the top, which dostiga-
Whether ancient, should be able to call and accept the new ia-devat demonstrations
be capable of energy and thought to create new doctrines and descriptions of life. God is my everything
this is explained directly, cleanly and precisely. God also made it clear that the mystics of our time need to
locate, apprehend, and to revive the ancient symbols and archetypes, weaving them into cyber-space
our lives. It was he who in his time talked and Jung, do not know what and how much he understood.
I saw these demonstrations of Bhairava, who were holding a nuclear bomb, computer-
Yyteri and music synthesizers. Other demonstrations were held in their hands such items,
who have not yet invented our humanity.
At the same time I saw him in the form of Bhairava Great Star Black Octopus, whose skin
dotted holes toothed jaws, Dragon shaped hovering over volcano crater between non-
bong and earth. I have seen God manifest in the form of a buffalo, bears and owls.
Some of these demonstrations were brand new, and sometimes not even to manifest,
other - so ancient that many medieval mystics did not already know about them. Nekoto-
rye deity manifestation honored now, but their true tantric teachings forgotten.
This applies, for example, Varua Bhairava, Bishop Chaos water-shaped black
I visited efreet living in the magma and plasma visited the Titans, visited the world of our da
lokih ancestors who lived in the vast forests, bit by bit collecting fragments of ancient ways.
Bhairava and Bhairavi said: "Be a bridge between the past, present and future, for
connection between tantric heritage and modern life - torn in many ways. postinfarction
postindustrial-industrial civilization need tantra. It should incorporate the best of
legacy of the past and create your own modern masterpieces. "
Lords trails Kaula, mother and father Kula said: "such a task is in this age before
Every tantric Kaula-seeking lifetime to self-realization and becoming maste-
Jivanmukta rum. "



Swami Lakshmandzhu



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Nekauly and Kaula

The path is Bhairava and Bhairavi is not dangerous for me - I came to the path through the desire to po-
to know the truth and I am able to tell yourself the truth, do not make hasty conclusions, do not give
assess what is happening around, unless there is a specic need.
In parallel with the desire to know the truth I drew aspect unlimited power and freedom was
dy. I also began to aspire to Beauty. Fortunately, by the grace of God, all this eventually led me
not in hell worlds, not in the realms of the Titans and the worlds of the gods, though had to go through them all about
What, however, I have no regrets. It saved me the desire to discover the reality is,
it is.
However, for many this path is deadly. Others are not able to observe yourself,
do not see the connection between the phenomena of the world, do not tell yourself the truth. Some deep moti-
vatsiya accession to the trail is not a nding of Truth or original freedom and harmony
Absolute Perfection.
Such people are not up to the trail. They are doing the same as us, but all of these actions, including
study and meditation, leading them to a completely different result. Many of these "practitioners"
very easy to get to the life, the nal of which will be hell.
Bad thing is the game in Cowley and Kullu. Such behavior is false - it
dirty and nasty, leading to suffering.
It is foolish to climb in Kullu, without being prepared for life in it. Insanely dangerous practice-try
Vat Kaul, without developing all the necessary qualities and not receiving Shaktipat.
If not Shaktipat, needs to understand the essence of the world and reach the nal and nerushi-
My Harmony, if not the right motivation and the right purpose - such a person better
stay as far away from our path.
Without the right goals, the right attitude to the phenomena of samsara, the correct understanding of the Teachings,
faithful acts Kaula impossible, and imitators are in hell or pererozhde- animals
niyah. Anyone who lives in the depths of the heart based on the "worldly", "samsaric" things classication
tsiruetsya as unsuitable for the formation of the Path Kaulasiddhanty.
He who is afraid of the spiritual communion look ignorant or stupid, and makes an important,
understands the kind where there really does not understand or doubts in delity svo-
his understanding - covered in mud chelovekosvinya. Such may be slaughtered and eaten rak-
shasom and can be poschazhon, depending on the situation. Risk look like fools, nevezhda-
E, moral monster - one of the circuit boards for the study. We do not even think about how to look
smarter to fellow chakra, if we are fully on the path.
Nekaulik not initiated into the secrets of the Teaching, a misunderstanding that can not tol-
to not let go tantric way, but may even knock a person with ordinary worldly
way and went straight to hell. Only in rare cases the teacher can open some sec-
Rhaetian people to ordinary people.
Those who do not know that they can not rely on anything other than God and God bestowed
clarity, do not go with us, no matter what they thought about it. Believe the leaves of trees, trust
sunset, believe the Voice of Bhairava and Bhairavi in the heart and your blood.
When a living creature to do will reach that nal salvation - there,
There - it's here - it is already the traveler a particular trail. This understanding full of power in
Tantra is necessarily and revitalizes itself Path as it passes. If the path runs in
heart, it really brings you closer to your goal. If you dedicate yourself and Bhairava




Bhairavi and you go with them to the end of the Way of non-dual tantra - you will reach all
that gained Siddhi and mahasiddha.
Three-eyed Owl - that mystic trails Kaulasiddheshvary. He sees in the dark, for the heart,
no emotions, it shines, and opens the way to the power of three-pronged vision: different, integrated
ruyuschego and mirror.
Many people think that Kaula-tantrik - reckless heart of oak, is not afraid to take risks and
contemptuous danger. Kaula-tantrik - really heart of oak, but it is not looking for hazards. A
when the steep trail leads him to them, Kaula does not rush headlong into the attack, but the acts of
Science, according to the strategy and tactics of the pattern.
Child Bhairava and Bhairavi not despise danger, but respect them. After all, the dangers slish-
whom many on the Path Kaula, and it must pass through.
Before giving the student something of the dangerous practices, you should, especially knowing
his energy and mental plexus, to make sure that people understand associated doctrines and
your instructions correctly and has a great chance to win, and not get into trouble.
Our path - a path of rapid attainment of God. However, trying to go rather not come
rashly into battle with too strong an opponent for you. Rather begin to ght knowledge
cheat do not rush, tear off his head, in a battle with the strongest and be thrown to no avail
ago. Go faster - which means to learn the essence, shape and strength of the enemy, their place of
relative to your other items.
Kaulik careful and attentive, careful and attentive triple compared to conventional
nym man. That's a plus-subtly perfect strategy and diverse, exible
Tactics allow it to walk condently on such lands to which adherents of other schools will be afraid
even touch mentally.
Where necessary - he Kaula, he swallows something that seems hostile obstacle where it is necessary -
he is armed with sophisticated weapons, engages in the battle and wins where necessary - is declining
hostile forces to the friendship and cooperation by spells, mutually benecial exchange, zapu-
tightening or tricks.
If the situation requires it, tantric Kaula-away from the battle, sinking deep into or
rising above measurement, where at the moment a battle should take place. Thus he izbe-
Gaeta ght, if not ready for it. Prepare a sadhaka comes back and reaches the po-
Wand transformation and Mace direct comprehension - that warrior weapon trails Bhayra-
you. Sword of the vision of wisdom he dissects samsaric mists. Ax forces intent he otse-
repents from itself subordinate to the shortcomings and clipping attachment. arrow predusmotritelno-
STI it hits an obstacle, not even approaching them. He spear-pointedness
It ies through all the worlds straight to the goal.

prohibitive ahimsa
og - it is not only the creator but also a terrible killer, destroying themselves all vozmozhny-
E ways. Where you do not roll the eyes - everywhere murder adorn the bloody world patterns.

B God, devouring a victim, devours itself. What did he enjoy it? divine,
for no one but God, can not enjoy the fruits of self-blame.
As this aspect of God is reected in practice Trails Trikasamarasya Kaula? spontaneously
transcendental. Realized adept fully complies ia-devat.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

When it is necessary to kill - hunting, in war or in the attack of a wild beast, a mystic Bhay-
Rava and Bhairavi comes and kills. Killing, he fullls his mystical mission - podno-
sheniya Bhairava and Bhairavi, the experience of the original reality, observation pattern
sakti, the components of this pattern of killing. Anyone who wishes to keep the knowledge to his students,
I must watch twice.
No one can make Kaula adept to kill or to refrain from doing so. When he chuvst-
It exists, that it is right - Kaula does not kill even vegetables. When he feels the Bhairava in
Rage light has lifted a club - a mystic gives his limited body of God -
Bhairava or Bhairavi - and goes into battle. The entire battle - its ritual.
However neiduschih the Path to unwise and dangerous for beginners this view. Ino-
GDS selsh anger protraktovat may be mistaken as a sacred will.
Advanced adept conquered his anger, and anger, and now they are its ornaments.
The heart of such a practice fraught with love and compassion for all living beings, it is natural
nye consequences of the comprehended correctly teachings correctly perform sadhana.
Violence is correct if the code you are ready to really just hurt himself as
the one against whom you ght, when you're sure to 10000 of 100 per cent, that is a real osoz-
nanie state Samhara Bhairava.
To have a "divine right" to kill, you have to be open to the fact that killing
be yourself. After all, everything is One, and we are its victims and executioners. There can not be complete without
Noah and steadfast sincerity, purity, because the slightest clouding of consciousness can produce
karma suffering. Unsure of purity of vision and perception - how to refrain from actions, so
and from the nal conclusions. This approach is correct on the Path Kaulasiddheshvary.
If violence has come to pass in the unity of mind and body of God, then there is no violence, and you have not distributed
kaivaeshsya to the crime, when the anger passes. Such a condition can not be achieved chor-
stvym, cynical and selsh living being. The path to this sinless and clean The relative
covered wisdom.
Those who do not recognize in the people of the divine nature of the murder, are wise
people, which protect the low developed by Karma inferno. Those who do not recognize the BO
the divine nature of the murder, and in my heart, are fools, did not grasp the mysteries Kau-
Know that Bhairava and Bhairavi every day and every night, killing hundreds of millions of
Living creatures. Once they absorb and the entire cosmos. Their satisfaction satiety grants
satisfaction of all living beings.
Misunderstanding of these instructions leads to hell. Remember that worldly demons
looks like a ruler, but the difference between Bhairava and the demons of more than a space
I faithfully follow this teaching and it made me even more peaceful. teaching
It helped me to become a mystic artist, whose open heart is poured an ocean of love and
compassion for living beings of the universe.

sobering drunk Magic

og - a ledge, where black becomes white and white - in black, is the essence of
chaos. This is what makes the world a paradox. God - is ecstatic madman, drunk
nectar own Shakti. This dancing shaman who dreams in the madness potus-

Toroni trance and their visions of creating innumerable innumerable phenomena




worlds. He, God, - a crazy Shakti dancing like a gypsy, giving birth to the gods,
people and monsters, feed them and devour them sooner or later.
Madness generates wisdom, and wisdom - the madness. Sobriety presses drunk slavery
ignorance and drunkenness releases, showing the illusory nature of the familiar, and gives a chance to see the
Reality. From such views appear some ancient mystical and magical practices.
The Way of Bhairava Kaulasiddheshvary includes rituals and meditation with soma and other Ma-
cal as potions, uchaschimi us the grace of the Great Witch and the Great Witch. This is what
combined with contemplation, visualization and aghoricheskimi practice teaches us to see ourselves and
the world more widely and deeply, to nd patterns of characters, sparkling silver light.
However, to resort to the magic of herbs, roots and minerals should be only when you uve-
Rehn, that you have the strength and wisdom enough to be able to disrupt the magical Plo
dy, avoiding deadly poisonous thorns tree, to seize the treasure, avoid capture ohra-
sculpt his demons.
Magic money - it is a gift of Reality, is a gift to the one who goes Trail Trikasamara-
CLR Kaula. Be able to take the vision and strength. Experiencing appreciation and respect for bozhest-
you and the spirits of magical tools. Then these funds will bring you a favor and promoted by an amount
Coy Tropez.
BHAIRAVA Bhairavi and carry a bag. It stores amulets, talismans and various
nye magical means of ancient forests and foothills. Warlock Bhairava out of the woods, cau-
goad creeps to our re and throws into the pot potion cooked Bhairavi. Peace
magic reveals its secrets. Still wondering, "What is it, how it can be and how it poni-
mother ?! "Bhairava laughs and walks away into the fog. And now, a ash of red lightning, carried away upwards.
Pathetic slave magical tools - the antithesis of titanium trails and adept Kaula Tantra. Fate
such a being sad and leads him farther and farther away from the precious Samaras.
Finds success in the use of magical tools such as covert and overt, using
advice and recommendations to the teachers, with the help of their maturity and with the help of craftsmanship. Do not enter
themselves in the risk unnecessarily, rst become the god of the sun, and then go ride a ery Ko
lesnitse. So say researchers, so instruct the Maharaja Trail.

Tactics sadhana: practical advice

do all my life practice. It achieves this through awareness. Learn doctrine,
but remember that without meditation practice will not lead you to your goal.
Some mystics see the Path of Bhairava and Bhairavi as a sacrice; because
they believe that the animal or human sacrice would lead them to God. Such
Practice staying in the fog, their mind and eyes are covered by a veil of illusion, leading to a hellish Mi-
More advanced mystics believe that if you really love ia-devat, then
are not going to bring to the sacred altar of someone else's blood, and will donate their blood. By-
that they reveal their veins.
Even more advanced mystics understand that bring blood or knowledge life in sacrice
cheat to know the divinity of his nature, and to devote his life to God and the Path. such tan-
tricks practiced meditation, japa, visualization, yoga, energy channels and rituals.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Bhairavi sword can cut off hand and can cut the illusion enslaved minds.
About young practice, if in the name of the Goddess you cut your hand - it will take them and can
maybe even give you your answer. However it is better to make this sword rassok all barriers that separate
sadhak from Bhairavi. What are the hands, disability and other nonsense?
Remember, the point is not to do something to get from point A to point B.
Point B - it's just a point B. And the same is the realization Samaras? The bottom line is that the pri-
carry sacriced Himself, God himself, Naru. Then Shakti converts Naru in pure and Jivanmukta
Three become one.
Daily do kovrikovuyu meditation before the altar, and in all the remaining time sta-
raysya practice integration with the surrounding life with the results you kovrikovoy sadha-
Practice, if it turns out at the same time - you will be easier to sit down and successfully You are a
look fat sadhana. Not to disturb myself with bright impressions before practice, do not do it on the pe-
repolnenny or on an empty stomach.
If you discover that today it is difcult to sit for contemplation and execute it INSTALLS
ice pick, to focus on something else, let's say on japa or visualization. If today
you have a problem with visualization - start practice with, what you feel most po-
tentsiyu, for example by studying the texts.
Do not let the long, multi-day breaks in his sadhana. At the same time not perena-
pryagaysya and practice of daily sadhana for more than you can carry it without pereutom-
Lenia and irritation.
If you nd that you now really do not want to practice, sit or lie down, distribution
Weak and calmly Analyze why you do not want to practice. If conscious extinguished
the idea of the futility and suffering samsaric life and the chance to meet a rarity in their voplosche-
niyah tantric teachings, refresh the memory of the ideas and thoughts are about what lead
a break in practice. If samsaric diversity introduced into confusion your mind, think of blazhen-
stve achieve a higher purpose. If your energy is frozen everyday life today, by-
Straw visualize themselves in the body ishtadevy. If you understand that you can not digest results
his sadhana denok rest, set aside to practice tomorrow. Against any possible problems
nd the antidote.
Practice every moment as you can. Do not talk about your practice and the results of its right
and to the left. Otherwise, the energy stored sadhana rastechotsya hole through your mouth. Only God,
Guru and brothers chakra can know your practice and its results.


I wrote these practical instruction in Cowley Bhairava and Bhairavi. From this wisdom
It breathes freedom of chaos and beauty in horror. In her love, is beyond life and death,
although it permeates them both through. This Way mercy Abyss open the non-
many who are willing to step on it. They are good and he is devoted. God be with us the power of the Black



Black Flower of an offering

My existence sings about the ower.
Black, ghostly ickering light,
about Black ower growing in a ery clearing
watered with blood of my existence.
I think about it, I feel it.
I meditate on growing in the heart of the ower,
whose stellar core burns rips the fabric of life
Brightest, dazzling all-pervading light.
This core glows with bright light exactly brilliant,
generating sparks of all colors, lling the universe.
And I behold the shining, lling my heart
the joy, the horror, the absolute fullness,
endless, the oldest, is also and always new,
in itself and outside itself.
I recline horror and joy and, having become permeable,
I listen and contemplate the great song-mantra.
At this point, I surrender all, and burn in the Black Flame,
leaving fears, hardships, hopes and desires,
becoming completely free from all
Even the notion of freedom.
And once again appearing on the surface,
I offer you a ower, a star, a Bhairavi!
I offer you pain and pleasure,
grief and joy, pain and pleasure.
About shimmering unearthly ecstasy fatal Black Flower,
Star of absolute completeness, prohibitive, inexhaustible, bottomless,
whose essence - Great Darkness,
I strive to realize unity with thy womb,
Bhairavi, whether favorable!
On ringing the absolute fullness of pure emptiness,
sacricing all that one can donate, I aspire to the full
Non-discrimination, unity with You,
I give You all the ames of your heart.

White Bhairava. Palace Square. Katmandu


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Bhairava. Palace Square. Katmandu



Cracks in Basalt
This section is devoted to the review of the various phenomena,
related to the theory, practice and worldly views
Trikasamarasya tantric Kaula.

The paradox of the universe and the magic of tantra,

coming to the rescue

Parts Required to ask yourself: "If I know that the way to get rid of the restrictions, non-
completeness and suffering is in the exit of the duality of samsara and Stay
Samaras, why I so often do not want to dwell Samaras - outside
thoughts, time and space? Why am I, on the contrary, so often want to kontseptualiziro-
Vat and focus on spatial and material objects, tending to the transient,
causing attachment pleasure? ". After analyzing, we can detect inter-
esting things. For example, the fact that we continue to identify themselves with a certain "I", ie. E. With psycho
the physical body, and, therefore, more resistant is the desire to comfort and nasla-
REPRESENTATIONS not something else, namely himself, psychophysiological organism. Moreover, we
even we are trying to carry a dual world of psycho-physiological organism - samsara -
in the area of non-dual, Samaras. We imagine: When the "I" reach Shivatvy, "I" will
free, all-powerful, and happy! It is forgotten that Shivatva means that there is no "I" or
free and all-powerful nor weak and powerless - in Shivatve can not be, it can only be
It is the Shivatvoy, but it is not the existence of something specic to something else. When the texts go-
voryat that Shivatva, Samaras - is our true "I", we must remember that the word "I" upot-
reblyaetsya only symbolically. If you do not understand this, there will be an illusion that is our sub-
linnoe "I", which has its place, and the existence and thereby is experiencing non-
that, and are not subject to something else. But such an understanding sansarichno because operi-
ruet representation of a variety of phenomena which are in relationship to each On the other
by God!
So we can nd that adhere to the outside of the Teaching, and in quiet and inde-
markedly from themselves identify with the mind, emotions and body and act in life used
On this basis of self-identication. We continue to hope that the psychophysical organism
nd some great thing that gives eternal pleasure, and that this thing will make us (ie. e.
psychophysical organism) immune to suffering. But all this is samsara, not the scientists. Hundred-
IT Is upset and offended by a teacher or doctrine, because they did not help us to get rid
from suffering, if we assume in life not because of the doctrine? On the contrary, sometimes it turns out that
Shivatvu not we try to bring in samsara, but in samsara drag Shivatvu!
Not because we can not for a long time and often do meditation on the immediate implementation
our original nature? Do we embrace boredom and laziness because? And should not we because
so interesting to think, feel, act in samsara, despite the fact that intellectually
We know that all this will soon cease to be a pleasure, and lead us to a new sta-
While there is identication with the body, senses and mind, we will want to satisfy
rit "self", ie. e. the body, senses and mind. And to satisfy the "self" we will try by che
of something else, other than us. And hope for the spiritual liberation is based on the idea,



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

that some "we" is something we will do and as a result one "reach" of "something" that gives non
Kim "us" something good, save those of "us" from all the misery and suffering. Of course, this
approach, we will never achieve self-realization, Samaras, because if there is "someone", "I" - is
already samsara, everything else after that does not matter, the battle has already been lost. Never mind,
that will make it the "I" and that it will reach, because everything is in samsara samsara according za-
stake samsara. Yield one - if you understand error false identication - Repair
doubt what is true and what is false. When by observing you really will cease to
nesh doubt that you are not a psycho-physical organism, and Samaras, and that is impossible
you can achieve happiness, trying to draw a pleasant and escape from misery, escaping from nepri-
yatnogo while practicing instantaneous realization you will be much easier. Boredom, laziness, false
nye hope not lead you astray from the right way of life. More specically, when observed through
Denia cease doubt what is true and what is false, when there is no deep oto-
zhdestvleniya psychophysical organism and cease hopes of nding happiness po-
means of attracting and freedom from suffering through repulsive innite wisdom
prepyatstvenno show strength and power, making the self-realization of rapid and easy.
How can nally win false identication? Of course, by pro-
yasneniya truth by clipping all the concepts and ideas, they only deceive us.
Practice Samaras again and again, and if it comes to the practice of boredom and interest in samsaric
activities, remember who you are and what you really do not. Assume
a clear understanding of the vision. If there is an idea "I", instantly aware of - is samsara,
and back to reality, not allowing to develop the idea of "I have something" or "I'm doing it." If
the time lost, and similar ideas have arisen, contemplate the nature of these ideas. First you convince
dites that this samsara, through a thorough period of practice, you will realize that samsara - it
Samaras pattern, but if integration is just not possible, then to display integrating vide-
Nia is necessary to practice discriminating vision. This is the way to success.
It is necessary to realize and understand the following:
1. psychophysical organism is not able to reach Shivatvy, advayam, because its very prin-
tzil existence - duality. Psychophysical organism is not enslaved sansa-
Roy, he is samsara itself. Imagine that you are asleep and dreaming. One of the characters sleep
I came to you and said that he understood that around is not a reality, but only a dream, and that he would like to
wake up just as soon as you wake up and you. However, when you wake up, you will not see next
with the person from sleep. A character can not go beyond the dream as a dream - his
nature. Psychophysical organism is not able to attain liberation from samsara, as
samsara - its nature.
2. For God, there is no need to achieve liberation, as Samaras is always free and ni-
when it was not enslaved. To talk about the release of Samaras meaningless.
3. At the same time, we feel we are in samsara, although our nature is Samaras,
so if there was a way of Shivatvy in samsara, there is also the possibility of "return" back and rea-
ripple Samaras. Especially as our psychophysical organism, and everything else - Ma-
nifestatsii Samaras, and we have to realize it, transforming mind, energy and body.
4. At the same time, who are we? If we Samaras, God, were never in bondage sansa-
ry; if we psychophysiological organism, conscious life, we do not have the slightest
chance for a way out of samsara, for the duality of space and time - the nature psihoziolo-
cal body. If we really do not have any of us, no 'I', then there is no one and to suffer or
enjoy, there is no one to go along the way and something to achieve. If the target path is ourselves, our
authentic self, and we ourselves do not, then nothing is impossible to achieve and to be more precise - Dos
Tiga nothing.



5. meditate on it all, relax and mantras through bidzhevyh TCA, PHAT,

HET, HUM, cotton or clicks, not trying anything to grasp, to understand, to nd, to push, za-
be, cut conceptually. If you feel: "Here it is, my indescribable nature", -
it is not your nature, reality, for it can not be the object of the subject. It also does not
there is a particular subject, for the division of subject and object in Samaras absent. When
Samaras has, no one suffers pain and pleasure are not entertained. This fullness, koto-
Paradise is not enslaved by the fullness, because it is completely empty. Mahashunya have Mahashakti and
Mahashakti have Mahashunya. And now, after reading all this, it is clear that all this is described
Samaras is not as real Samaras not describe the language of duality. Samaras po-
znaotsya very simple: HUM!
Read again these 4 points and then, without reading the fth, cutting off all dualistic (and
the other does not happen) umopostroeniya. Do it again and again.
If you reach sustainable success by practicing meditation described above, and now
can stably maintain this level of practice, there is no reason to read this book long-range
Shae. If, however, achieve small or you do not achieved the desired result, continue
voltage studying this book can be very useful.
The overwhelming number of practitioners are not able to for a long time and often simply
be Samaras and not "come out" in a state of Samaras at the right time and at the request of
remain in this state, a lot of time. Such sadhaka must fulll the above
sadhana described by other methods, transforming and directing energy. These
techniques I describe in other chapters.
After months of practice, described in this chapter, most of it is clear that
wont take themselves a certain unity, a psychophysical organism is very resistant and
it negates the many attempts in the sadhana. It becomes quite obvious necessary
Bridges consistently practice a full range of tantric sadhana including Me-
ditatsiyu Clipping worlds of samsara and aghoricheskie meditation, eliminating clinging to the body
and awareness by clarifying the essence of things. Implementation of these techniques will greatly facilitate Dos
tizhenie result.
However, this may not be enough for a complete success and we need to use macro-
maximum DUTY power of tantra. How to do it? First you need to understand some important
the principles of tantric sadhana and understand the way in which many of the most important method acting
dy. Then we can consciously go to the sadhana and see for yourself what we lack and what not
missing. So what is our problem? The habit of our nature to identify with certain conne
ness manifestations of our nature - a certain sense of "I", the mind, body, etc. All this..
is a manifestation of the Primordial, but initially not limited to these Ma-
nifestatsiyami, it is free and unlimited.
Our mind is defeated in an attempt to go beyond its own limits as suffering po-
Character expressions of our sleep, striving to wake up with us and be in the world bodr-
tweaked. Material mind can not be in the non-dual state, because the principle of
his existence in the world - a duality. Therefore, thinking about Samaras, of non-duality,
non-dual state of mind gives the dual characteristics - the existence (in the
Unlike nonexistence), freedom (as opposed to non-freedom), Bliss (in contrast on the relative
absence of bliss) and so on. d. Stay sadhak its original nature kratkovremen-
but rather stay in samsara - the world of subjects and objects - is stable and durable.
Of course, it is necessary to continue the practice of direct implementation, but most practitioners
This is not enough. Therefore, there turn to the doctrine that in fact Samsara -
it Parabhayrava, Samaras, Nirvana. Different words they say that the essence of duality



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

there are non-duality, that the division into objects and subjects actually reasonably never-
nym vision, no "inner" or "outer" worlds, the difference is illusory. Colors, sounds and
sensations of samsara actually have a spontaneous vibration-free Reality
the nature of which there is a possibility of innite manifestation.
Tantric doctrine of the unity of samsara and nirvana says that if you do not manage the free
nym desire to be in unity with its real nature - it does not matter. All phenomena
samsara actually have clean and free manifestation of the Primordial, Samaras, para-
Bhairava, Mahashakti. Investigating phenomena can discover what their origin, their
the nature and location of their disappearance have Samaras. Also it says that the way to achieve Ca
actualization is not through actions, because by the action can only come from one
Samsara point to another such point. However, we are used to operate and unable izba-
rid of this habit, and identication with the activity of the Way. Tantra teaching says that
Any activity is also in the nature of the Primordial vibration. Vibration - pri-
kind of Primordial and primary - the nature of any vibration. However, despite all these
statements true in fact, have to understand that samsara, the world of duality, characterized
etsya succession of pains and pleasures, and it is impossible to achieve the desired each suschest-
tion complete freedom, harmony and contentment. (It should be remembered that for the living
creatures can not be achieved, and this "beyond samsara," since no living outside
beings and the conditions that they may be experiencing. Therefore, we do not forget that in svo-
s basis, we are not only limited beings, but also unlimited divinity.)
How could use the doctrine of samsara, of its nature, as well as our own experience
Success in Sadhana for self-realization? Before some difculty arises because of the inconsistencies
three points of view:
1. If we have the psycho-physical body, we can not go beyond samsara,
bestowing the pleasure, the pain.
2. And if we do - it's Samaras, then there is no samsara for us.
3. At the same time we feel something specic and periodically test
suffering, and if we have Samaras, God, why we suffer, why can not we realize
its true, the absolute nature of the power of our desires?
It's easy to get lost in all of this, take the wrong conclusions for the right and on
Based on this mistaken for true sadhana that no liberating sadhana is not
is an. Truly, the practitioner should be like three-eyed owl, seeing in the dark, or
to have a teacher like three-eyed owl. Otherwise, a triangular area map that makes it easy
achievement of the fetus will be a triangular net for him, enslaving consciousness even stronger and
Of course, true to the conclusion that all these views are false, as false any
idea, based on the words, terms and concepts. Truth - outside ideas and doctrines and
It achieved only by direct experience. Hum! But if you are not able to vysokorezulta-
tively and harmonious practice direct access beyond samsara, experiencing its Properly speaking,
-governmental nature, it is necessary, for the purpose of self-realization, use what you have in front of HO-
catsh, namely, samsara with all its phenomena and illusions. How is it possible? By-
Daubney magic, sorcery begins with the teaching that the nature of samsara is Iznachal-
naya reality and all phenomena of samsara actually have a free and spontaneous bespri-
decorous manifestation of this reality.
Further possible practice at different levels (according to the practitioner) in
different styles (according to the practice of personal qualities) using different methods.



BHAIRAVA Varanasi (Benares). Kalabhayrava



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

The doctrine of Trikasamarasya

as Divine Self-Realization

rikasamarasya Kaula teaches that true Self-realization - is the integration of the three
the great aspects of the universe - Shiva, Shakti and Nara. What it is, it has been repeatedly
described by different scholars and practitioners, both ancient and modern. However, I
I want to give special treatment to these concepts, one of those adopted in our allowance for branch
We can decipher the concept of "Shiva" as the Transcendent, the One, the emptiness great
that, Darkness, Peace, Universal Consciousness. Accordingly, "Shakti" is immanent, innite
nite set, Great Weight, Light, Universal Energy.
Under the "Nara" refers to particular restrictions, separate phenomenon, specic
The form. Some schools are under the highest understand the lot of one or two of these three principle
Brokers, however Trikasamarasya Kaul believes such an approach and the extreme narrowness of understanding. we
do not hold the view that God - is only something transcendent, transcendental,
not perceived by the senses. we also do not believe that God - is the universe, and all that
there are in the world. We do not believe in that God - is a kind of separate from the rest of the creature, and
also we do not believe that any God, superreality, no, but the most that live
being can be achieved - it is only the fact that they allow the body frame, personal energy and
How do we explain our position, our beliefs? If God - this is only the Unity, Za-
Ultimately, Darkness and Peace, the universe in which we live (whether it is real or yl-
lyuzorna) exists apart from God. And if God has no relation to it, He / She / It is not
embracing and, therefore, is limited and imperfect. If God - this is just the whole universe,
all the countless phenomena of the world, Light, completeness and vechnodvizhuschayasya energy, He is limited
chen these properties, because fragmented and manifest in what is perceived as a matter
and energy. In this case, it appears that beyond the world of phenomena, there is no other reality, no
nothing transcendent, other than having the specic properties of the universe, and therefore,
God can not be true of the Great Void, Darkness, absolute rest and nerazdrob-
lennym Unity. Therefore, God is not all-embracing and too imperfect, and therefore,
It is not the true God.
Some schools (and in this we agree with them) combine aspects of Shiva and Shakti
It said that the presence of one aspect is not an obstacle to the existence of the second. Like,
misunderstand that Shakti - this is only a plurality. All the multitude of phenomena
It has a single nature and, therefore, Shiva and Shakti united. Consciousness does not exist separately
from his awareness of energy. Extremely bright light appears as darkness, and thick darkness threshold
zhdaet all the light of the universe. God is absolute perfection, and therefore, remaining trans-
transcendence and staying forever in unbroken rest, he has the magic power to manifest
as inexhaustible eternal activity, creative, supportive and destructive beschis-
lennye phenomena of the world. Remaining unblemished and transcendent God at the same time manife-
stirovalsya as the universe and the entire universe - the essence of his body.
It would seem that such a view of some schools is free of incompleteness, but far
Not all of these exercises are taking as an essential aspect of the Nara The improvement of the divine
Properties. According to these teachings, the state has Nara samsaric existence, characterized
It is operated limitations, occasionally calling in living creature suffering. That is,
Nara is an imperfect state, and if the living entity wants to get rid of strada-



Nij and achieve absolute harmony and perfection, it must do all that will cease to
Vat exist as Nara and obtain the means to exist as God. At the same time implied
It is found that, since God, Nirvana - it is clean and Nara - samsaric existence - it
restrictions and pollution, achieving divinity means the cessation of feelings HA
ry, because it is nothing. However Trikasamarasya Kaul disagrees with this approach and thus poni-
Manius absolute perfection. If God - this is only Omnipotence, Innity, Purity,
Knowledge, unlimited freedom, if God - this is just indescribable reality, representing
schaya a transcendental Unity having magical power manifest in the form of
all the boundless universe, it means that God is not available limited experience
Nost, ignorance and weakness. And if he is anything available, it means that in fact
God is not omnipotent, not complete and not all-embracing, and therefore, it is not no God.
Look, this is not good - to be Nara, enslaved its limitations, but ho-
Rosho there be a God, enslaved by its great freedom, it is impossible to go "behind."
Yavlyaetcya whether such omnipotence and freedom real omnipotence and freedom? Of course,
no. What are you, God, if something can not and does not include! This Self-realization
- it is an indivisible unity, the integration of the three great aspects - Shiva, Shakti and Nara. AT
our tradition yogi does not try to escape from a certain kind of samsara in nirvana, not seeking
stop being Nara. Kaula adept Trikasamarasya performs the sadhana that dobavlya-
is to experience myself Nara experience myself Siva and experience myself Shakti. at Dos
tizhenii this samsaric consciousness Nara is transformed into pure consciousness Nara. Consequently
fact, in the minds and in the world of Nara everything remains the same as it was: and the pain and pleasure, and fatigue
and courage, but it is perceived somewhat differently. Although more correct to say that
as a result of the integration of the three great aspects clearly manifests the true Absolute Co-
vershenstvo not having any problems and limitations, not having even conne the problem
straints of the lack of restrictions problems.
It sounds very strange, but for us the existence of imperfections and lack of freedom yavlya-
etsya problem. For God, which is so much like to talk, the problem is just the
the presence of only perfection and great freedom. From this point of view, people are not only smaller,
insignicant creatures, but at the same time is very great, because as God - that consciousness
all help him to have the experience of imperfect beings, and thus get rid of za-
Turning to the dungeon of his pure freedom. Consciousness of living beings there are seekers of God in the Ko
toryh he is hiding from the stupid kind of slavery. Without this divine existence amrta
Bani would Mahavishey, poison curse, and the curse of the prison of pure freedom. And Such
something naiduratskoe slavery has no relation to the true Divine Reality, his real
of the perfection. The true God is free from all, even from the fact that their freedom is not something that
from slavery.
There are schools that use formal logic such as, "If this is black, then
not white. " They are adept not accept our conclusions. There are other schools that are generally not used
polzujut arguments similar to ours, such as Madhyamika convinced that the true PE
alnost through reasoning comprehend, because: "How can you prove the truth of something, if
the truth of each concept used in this or that proof has not been conrmed
and it needs additional conrmation! ".
We agree with the Madhyamika that no logic is not perfect and there is no
description of the system is not able to determine reality. However, taking this Trikasamara-
CLR Kaul believes that often certain arguments about the nature of Reality helps the mind
to go beyond the conceptual limitations. This is somewhat similar to the work zen CoA



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

By studying magic symbols, meditating on them, that is present in them, and behind them,
we realize that surpasses all sorts of characters. In conjunction with the meditation practice
similar work with vikalpa produces a remarkable effect.

Drinking path of Self-realization

a) The purpose of this tantra have only one - to achieve self-realization through a fast.
It is for this and not for something else sadhaka must learn and practice tantra.
If you want something different - Tantra is not the best way to achieve these tse-
lei. If you want to become rich - do not waste time on rituals, but rather be engaged in sized corporate networks
Som. If you want to repel the enemy - do not spend years learning black magic, and buy
automatic rie. Do not use tantra for other purposes. The relative teaching is not
Riza use everyday and the healing magic of tantra applied, but stresses
These aspects are not the focus of this practice.
b) Sadhana should be no addition to the tantrik life, and life itself tantrik. If not
integrate the teachings and practices of life - to achieve serious success in extra-terrestrial
Art will be impossible. The sadhana is necessary to weave all the most important thing for a man in
this particular embodiment it on this light. Personal meditation practice
should take into account all the features of the adept, his addiction and phobias, talents and shortcomings
ki. Blind copying of manner of the ancient masters is meaningless. They
They had their personal qualities that are different from ours, and blindly imitate them - it's like that
buy clothes and shoes are not your size and style, and the size and style of its neighbor, MO
tiviruya is the fact that the neighbor the clothes look good. Having studied the experience of ancient avtorite-
Comrade, it is important to understand how their actions and their teachings and sadhana to determine how
should look own tantric path - doctrines, symbols, laws, medita-
tive technology. Help knowledgeable teachers in this process can be extremely po-
Leznov. Sadhana simply must be interesting and hurting soul - one umstven-
Mr. understanding and sense of duty to achieve Self-realization is impossible.
c) The game of Tantra is one of the most stupid and fruitless affairs on earth. We should not go-
vorit about teaching, but to be a scientist. We love the holy masters not for what they are
beautiful, intelligent and cute, and for what they have achieved Self-realization and left us nastav-
Lenia about how you can achieve the same. To love and respect the Master - does not mean the worshipers
nyatsya his / her photograph and kiss inherited from the Guru slippers, so
live and live according to the teachings of the example master. If you do not want or MO
zhesh do it - then you are not his / her student. In a word, the true tantrik should
tantric worship authority, but loving them achieve what they have achieved.

The importance of proper motivation Tantra

chenie quite clearly tells us that on what is the motivation to practice,
Results depend sadhana. Two twins with identical abilities and qualitative
va character performing the same sadhana with different motivations, reached
different results.
If a person is studying and practicing tantra out of curiosity, fashion, love the exotic, following
for a respected friend, from a desire to nd a way to satisfy sexual needs
- he / she reaches in tantra any positive results.



If a person is studying and practicing tantra in order to acquire supernormal

or to achieve personal liberation - such a person is able to achieve some success in
tantra. But, being enslaved by the concept of its separate existence of such
practices are not able to realize the highest goal of tantra - level Parabhayravy.
If a person is studying and practicing tantra out of love for high art, allowing
Adept attain Self-realization, to help others - a sadhak able to achieve
Samaras level, and even to the same and fast way.

Qualities necessary for the practice of Tantra Kaula

different spiritual paths preference is given to the different qualities needed for Ca
actualization. In Christianity, especially importance of faith in the ascetic Yoga - the power of vo
Is. What qualities must have a mystic to be able to practice
Kaula Tantra? Scientists say this very clearly. First of all, the living entity must
have a desire to know the absolute truth, to understand the nature of almost all. This desire
to be dominant among all other desires. Just sadhaka should have Shih
rokim consciousness, the ability to generate and maintain the three types of vision: Vivekavidyu, Ca
marasyavidyu and Pratibimbavidyu. The rst type - is to distinguish between vision, the ability to
to understand which of the phenomena of the world on this particular point can help your sadha-
not what hurt and what are neutral. The second type - this is Integrating Vide-
of the ability to understand that integrates and interconnects various phenomena of the world, as
Currently, and as a whole. The third type - a mirror vision, ability nenaprya-
zhonno perceive the world as a whole, as it is, without dividing into good and bad, not pulling or
pushing different phenomena. The question arises: "How to combine these three visions, because they You are a
look opposite to each other? ". In it lies the art of Kaula - understand
when some type of vision should be applied. Kaula Tantrism - it's not reckless jumps
It is dangerous area, but the art of equilibrium and balance. Besides all this, the sadhaka should
have a good sense of artistic taste in its two aspects: the ability to see Bo-
dly beauty in all things and phenomena of the world, and the ability to determine which of the
countless phenomena of the world correspond to the beauty of it is your personality. secondary
Roy aspect helps a lot to do sadhana pleasant, make fewer mistakes on the way and quickly
come to an understanding of the universal beauty of God. Of course, in the Way of Kaula and other needs
quality and talent, but the ability of those listed above, are fundamental in Cowley.

Views on the source of the Teaching

raditsiya says that all developed profound spiritual teachings, bringing followers
real benets come from Parabhayravy and represent ows Anugraha - Mi-
Lost God. Higher tantric teachings are divine sources The relative
Kroviniu and instruction Guru, though-Kaula tantric learns from the whole universe. Instruction and candidly
veniya may be prepared in the following ways:
1) From the heart of God through:
a) as a gift of very advanced mysticism;
b) how to help ordinary mysticism, having no other way to get scientists
set and sincerely praying the revelation;
c) According to the plan of the unknown people of God.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

2) From the living being:

a) from tantricheskogo Flame;
b) from an advanced practice tantra;
c) any living creature, including drunk, cat and the like. g., selected from God
intended to give knowledge of mysticism;
3) Through various objects: owers, trees, stars, books, machines, cigarette butts, mirrors and so on.
e., if, of course, the practitioner has the ability to understand all these signs.
In an age when religion no longer has such an impact on society, as in the previous
era, Anugraha trying to break through the other channels: cinema, art Li-
teraturu, computer technology and so on. d. However, in this age of the main sources of
Teachings are the voice of God in the heart of the practice, teachings of Guru and scriptures.

Looks at attempts
commercial use of Tantra
a) According to the views of classical Tantra, the tantric teachings, leading to Samoreali-
tion, so holy, that they have no price. Due to the fact that their value does not give
measurement, these exercises can not be buy or sell. Individuals who sell for
Money instruction mantra deeksha and are not only far from the Masters level and
Teachers, but also from the primary basic understanding of the essence of tantra as such. teacher MO
Jet take daksina or donation, but should not require baksheesh as INSTALLS
tanovlenii his / her tariff for services. However, if the master does not have its
room for training or if you live far away, he / she has the full right
expected from the students to assume the costs associated with transportation, meals
and placement.
b) Tantric mysticism is very different from the church, religious The activities
Nost the fact that he does not sell to the population of religious services in the form of puja,
rituals purications, funerals etc. g. Sure, Tantrika may be parallel and zhre-
Tzom for money providing these services. However, these two kinds of activities not
mix and call them one expression - "Tantra liberation".

Views on celibacy and family

chenie believes that the tantrik more convenient to live in celibacy, than with his wife / husband, not

In sticking to the tantric teachings and not a follower of at least

the same religion. In such a divided family can not be any communication on the deep
com spiritual level, no proper upbringing of children. At the same time, the tradition says that
family life with her husband, also a practitioner kaulicheskuyu sadhana, in a sense,
higher than the life in celibacy, for "How do you hope to achieve unity with God and WHO-gain
possibility of spontaneous control over the whole world, if you can not even achieve unity
with his wife and perform the natural biological functions, without prejudice to the spiritual developing
ment? ".
Trikasamarasya Kaula practices openly laugh at common views on
that the life in celibacy sadhakas higher and more spiritual than life sadhakas having family HA
zyvaya similar reasoning ction profane and monastic gay. It is worth remembering raz-




yasneniya Sri Abhinavagupta who speaks in tantraloka that yogi, living in celibacy,
in certain cases, can still practice Cowley, but teach the Way Kaula can not.
Of course, in the early stages of mystical development, when the sadhana and daily life more
poorly integrated with each other, celibacy is preferable, ie. a. family concerns can
take away time and energy from the sadhana. However, after the necessary integration, according to the scientists
Kaula, the sadhaka should inspire all his life through the comprehension of the divine nature
all phenomena. With each passing day more and more and more manifest as the Bhairava Yogi and
Yogini - like Bhairavi. The tradition of great respect for living a celibate swami, bhikkhus and sadhus.
Just assume that each moves their tantric path based on their own Ka-
honors, and "nothing regarding God above or below the other."

Drinking vegetarian meat-eating and

and the question of which diet is better for tantrik, vegetarian or included
aspirants meat products, I usually explain that, not being a nutritionist and cook with
rum, but the tantric practice, do not do the discussion of food. scientists
It provides each of the sadhaka to decide their own dietary issues based OCO-
singularity of his / her body. The only exception is a situation where one or other copper-
ting requires compliance specically set diet. Then, of course, should be adopted
vatsya specic requirements.

Naturalness, simplicity and spontaneity

chenie Kaula says that the non-dual nature of the world. The fact that a limited
consciousness is perceived as samsara, nirvana is boundless consciousness. Not-
that spiritual traditions tend to separate the spirit from the physical body, ashamed 'living
and aesthetic appeal of low-lying "manifestations of this body. These scientists say that our world - is offended
Tel sorrow and salvation is in the abandonment of the material universe, and emigration to the light-
ly the peace of God, a paradise where there is no evil or suffering. Bhairava and Bhairavi also say that the world
sorrow exists only for wallowing in limiting the duality of living beings. For
awakened the same world and is the kingdom of God. The fact that limited beings
seems to food intake, sex, the act of defecation, sleep and ght really is
a free and spontaneous play of energies original reality.
The point is not to follow a spiritual path, move to a better place, and to
see God in every point in space, including here. Kaula-tantrik is committed to
that is detected by the transcendence of mystical practices everyday. He she
He is trying to catch the rhythm of universal harmony and set themselves in unison with the rhythm. Neobho-
Dimo explore its profound nature, consciousness, energy and body to meet neob-
We go to each of these phenomena. Then there will be attained at the harmony. This does do not follow
it follows that it is necessary to indulge their passions and become their slave. It is understood that for all
plans of our being, from the most subtle to the grossest, the universe prescribed optimal
nye conditions of existence. Violation of these provisions is the disharmony. must
listen to ourselves, to understand ourselves and each of our plan to ensure optimal conditions
existence. For example, our true nature is innite and divine. While we do not
realized it, our whole life would periodically visit a feeling of dissatisfaction and longing
for something higher, perfect. Therefore, to ensure harmony is necessary to know



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

that their nature, using mystical techniques. The body is living on animal laws
Foot of the world, it must send the needs of this world, or the satisfaction will not be ob-
reteno and karma, we again incarnate in this world in order to catch up and nd
what we want at the level of instincts. Most natural habitat for live
beings are such conditions, in which the creature emerged. Initially, we were
created to live in the wild, so that even now, when we live in postindust-
industrial society, we experience the call of blood and tried in the new environment to live in the old way.
Tantric is not ashamed of his physical body, his animal nature. He / she is understanding
is that this body - a manifestation of the innite possibilities of God. And if bodies are animal
on, the beautiful and holy will ensure its animal life, and not the exception body
of such a life. Those who are ashamed of animal origin do not see Universal and mnogoobraz-
Noah harmony of God.
It's the same with our energies. If we, for example, feel the emotional and
energy harmony with the red, black and white owers and wildlife - we It should
blowing live in this style, otherwise not achieve harmony. If we say, we feel HA
Chez accord blue, silver and purple tones and wonderful world of celestial palaces and
temples - we need to organize your life in just such a power scheme, in which
style. The nature of all universal, but each has its own unique characteristics and this uni-
nonlocality also divine, natural, and must get his satisfaction. Thus formed
Zoom setting the harmony of the three worlds - the upper, middle and lower - we gain Bozhest-
vennuyu Harmony. All this means: examine yourself and to recreate the natural environment of our offended
Since Kaula tantric-animates the crudest manifestations of life, he / she has
the ability to see God in the simplest things. The highest perfection is the greatest
simplicity. Stone is one of the ideal objects of meditation, the most powerful manifestation
God. Stone is simple, durable and very unconscious. If God will be seen in it - God Bu
children seen in everything else. Bhayravayty adhere to a simple life style, po-
How many scientists explains that he is holy. They are not ashamed to get satisfaction from obyden-
GOVERNMENTAL things such as food, tea, sleeping, but, on the contrary, cultivate the ability to pre-
separately keen delight in such things. In this case, the main thing is not to become attached to
external acts and things, but to understand that pleasure comes from our common bozhest-
inner-governmental nature.
In the case of self-realization one of the important factors for success is the understanding of the nature
God, who is absolute freedom. Although God is the great gure, it does not mean that
force in the universe is valid because it is not satised with the status quo and ho-
Thu change anything, achieve anything. God's activity is spontaneous, free, similar to the SG
rovoy children activity. It is not caused by poverty and inexhaustible strength, immensity
opportunities and intoxicating bliss of perfection. The more we are deied in the pro-
cession following Kaula Dharma, the more our activity begins to resemble God.
Trees, grass, mountains - everything exists as and arose - spontaneously. In existence
Nia owers and rocks do not have any goals, however, they are very beautiful. Although we see that
naturally there are certain laws of physics, they are a reection of the deep
activity of God. All natural phenomena are manifestations of the original reality, Parashak-
ty. Being in nature, we merge with the general pace of life and learn to spontaneous harmonization
In the town everything is created with the limited minds of some specic purpose. At home
created in order to live in their ofces - to work in them, the road - to them



travel, telephone booths - to communicate. Even trees and grass planted along
streets with a purpose - to beautify the city. A person born and living in the world,
where there is no spontaneity dominated, but something else, to a large extent enslaves the world
ideas and loses the sense of the original reality and its spontaneous forces. Course, and
dualistic world of ideas in depth is the product of the same reality, but that over-
to live is to experience, we must begin with the practical realization of God. Nature is very horo-
Shaw and clearly teaches this.

Totality of God and the phenomenon of murder

ovolno often ignorant people associate Tantric Path of Bhairava and Bhay-
Ravi various cults of blood, murder and human zhertvoprinoshe-
niyami though our Teaching has nothing to do with all these outrages. But
why is this peaceful Doctrine looks terrible for the ignorant? First of all it You are a
Rank images of Bhairava and Bhairavi, combining the divine and demonic symmetry
oxen. In addition, the transmission essentially doctrines and practices Tradition uses images It turns
vayuschie on student impact. Among these characters darkness, absolute destruction,
ame cremation, blood, human heart, which lies in a cup made from the top of che
lovecheskogo skull cannibal feast, where Bhairava and Bhairavi having fun with both deities,
and with the terrible demons that symbolize the different tendencies of the human mind and
various energy ows.
Such images are generally distributed in the nondual Tantric teachings,
including and tantra over peaceful Buddhist. Use these task
images along with sex - the involvement in the process of liberation, even the most horrible
our qualities, such as anger, hatred, aggression, and use in bogodostizheniya da
same conditions such as panic. That's the secret of the effectiveness of tantric PU
ty that we are trying to engage in God-realization process of literally everything in the world, and especially,
which is the most attractive and most repulsive for a thinking being.
Our path is not abusing arguments about ahimsa, but it does not mean that foreign to ahimsa
let us. Just different traditions use different symbols to describe the same
things and use different approaches to achieve the same conditions.
Kaula doctrine Trikasamarasya rejects violence, and even more bloody zhertvopri-
Wearing, both humans and animals. However, if scientists adept on any accounts pre-
Seca someone's life, such as a war or protect his family from an attack of criminals,
or eeing from hunger by hunting and shing, it is better to be able to perform such an act as a
meditation and inner sacrice of the Divine Nature, rather than as a forced
adoption of sin on his soul.
Generally, in the esoteric teachings not accepted openly discuss such phenomena as HA
violence up and murder, and their relationship with nature and the will of God. That's why I'm going to say
a few words on this subject.
All that we see, including the most horric manifestations of the universe - is God. God - in
love, wisdom, honor, God - in hatred, stupidity and dishonesty. Beauty and ugliness, evil and
good have a different pattern, different shapes, but the nature of them - one. It is appalling cowardly,
it enslaves the villains, it gives hope, strength and salvation tantrik.
God - to gods in mahasiddhas in the saints, in the sage. God - in demons, animals, malignant
deyah and maniacs. It is difcult to understand and even harder to accept. However, if we wish to know prav-



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

do and live in harmony with reality, we have no choice. This does not mean that we should allow
currently degrade and do evil. This means that we must be comprehended the nature of all
phenomena. We also need to know how divine energy manifested in the world, and then,
what to do to us personally. Due to wrath, lust, ignorance, envy, jealousy, stupidity, trusli-
ness and greed, as well as love, renunciation, knowledge, magnanimity, generosity, courage and
modesty, tantrik studying something in common and something different, there are all of these energies to
understand how all these qualities t in the Holy Universe. Without this understanding is not obres-
ti liberation while living.
Non-dual tantra is dangerous because undeveloped or not having a teacher being
examining the doctrine concludes that all is one, and if so - it's like meditation or drink
vodka, do good deeds, or to mock the living beings, to save or to kill. making
such conclusions, would-be mystic loses path and throws to the winds, indulging any of its desirable
NIJ, any energy. However, such a "tantrik" can not remain in the divine
consciousness for which there is no karma. Therefore, having lost all ethical and moral constraints,
a person is able to make so much evil, how many would not do if it were not corrupted
your brain misunderstood nondual teachings. Thus, a result can be
to be in the most horrible hellish measurement areas, full of pain and suffering.
Know the unity of theory - it does not mean to implement it practically, so to
As long as we have not reached the state of a saint, freed in life, we should be ltered
Rowan its desires and thoughts, analyze them and meet not every impulse or
idea. On the other hand, should not forever dwell on differentiation. Way is
through sadhana to vary the direction of divine and thereby acquire Unity Bo-
ha. Not to recognize God in the phenomena perceived as dark and evil, then og-
restricts the in your mind the divine greatness and believe that there is something that comes from prede-
Lamy divine will. Refusing to bring to the mouth piece of meat, you refuse recognition
Vat Bhairava hand in hand killed the animal. On the other hand, as I mentioned, which is determined
ravdyvat his and other people's wickedness nondual theories is also a large errors
Coy. Truth in "the middle way", ie. E. In wisdom.
You have the right to kill only when ready (real and not illusory fanta-
ziyah) die. You only have the right to cut the throat of another knife when relaxing
in its true essence, you are prepared for the fact that now you would cut his throat. After all, you -
is God, and God - that's all. Thus, cutting the throat to another, you cut his throat ourselves. it
It should be fully aware of, perhaps, when you have lost the desire to do it. Neho-
Rosho fun like over others and over himself. Therefore, the true Tantrikas the free
us, but that does not make them aggressive. They do good because they feel internal
nyuyu harmony. And legends not describe tantra master villains. On the contrary,
they say that the masters of love and compassion for all living beings to do good po-
mortar, though it did not because of moral considerations or the requirements of the legislation.
But what about the tantrik, at whose house was attacked by enemy soldiers or bandits, who You are a
I need to kill in order to save ourselves and other living beings? And what about those who are forced to ubiquinones
Vat beings to feed themselves and save themselves from hunger his family? Become more
dead than the sacrices which you are going to kill. Then the energy will ow freely without
bad karmic consequences. What does it mean "to be more dead than sacrice"? Bhairava
It is the source of all life, but at the same time, his nature is Mahashunya - Great Void,
Mahakalaratri - Great Darkness, Night as Bhairava have Sadashiva Mahashava - Great Po-
koynik, deader than dead. When you reach the level of awareness through sadhana Black
Bhairava in the aspect of the Great Dead Man - you are nothing and you even more "nothing" than empty


space. For you do not stick acts of good and evil, good and bad karma because
stick to it and not to whom there is nothing.
See the real emptiness through the eye socket of the skull. She, the Great Death, Mahaparashunya-
tishunya, it frees you from everything. Let the ery hieroglyph your energy, ushing,
illuminating a dark, dissolved in space Primordial darkness. After not a trace remains,
It will not be reincarnation. Energy, trapped in his own trap liberated. true
freedom attained at. No moral and holy commandments, except one: you have the right to take out of this
the world as much as the power to give him. And this measure can not be measured with the mind or
anything else. Only a divine being accurately and without sin. Therefore, tantric,
Determined to seek the truth and harmony, is moving to the realization of oneness with God.
Some spiritual traditions strongly against killing living beings, even tse-
pour the protection of his family. This is contrary to the Way of Bhairava, although the path of Bhairava did not contest
the fact that people of different storage other ways, too, leads to God. There are also traditional teacher
tion of Bhairava, who took a vegan lifestyle and bequeathed it to the majority of its
students, for example holy Lakshman Joo. It is a spiritual level as Swami Laksh-
Man Joo, internally and externally are free to do or not do whatever they want. AT
the same time, the teacher Lakshman Joo - Swami Ram eating meat and sh. He was also a saint. let us say
so: nevegetarianstvo and sex life are more common in the tradition of Bhairava than of Great
getarianstvo and celibacy, but it does not mean that it is limited in the holy life and teachings.
At the end of this chapter, podstrahovyvayas from a misunderstanding of the people, not enough developing
Fifth, prejudiced and negative mood, I want to say that as the Doctrine as a whole, and I
Not only personally do not approve of murder and violence, but condemn these phenomena. Upon detection
seeming contradiction the phrase with other statements made in this chapter are recommended
blow to try to understand the topic more deeply.

Flimsy rules and natural harmony

hayravayty have a heightened sense of justice and a high desire to know
the truth about the world, and match the harmony of this truth. In front of them since childhood stands
puzzle: how to integrate the love, beauty and justice of God with the pain stradaniya-
E and meanness, which is teeming with the world. God - is holiness, justice and goodness, not
expressed theories and morals? Different religions and teachings give different answers to these vopro-
sy. Some say that God is not to blame for the evil that evil - a consequence of free will thinking
beings and animals in the world of violence - a consequence of the biological program of wild animals.
Others say that God is to blame for all evils, and some say that since evil exists in
world, this indicates that there is no God at all. Children Bhairava and Bhairavi not
met these theories that say about anything. Bhayravayty looking for answers not
books and not on the lips of the wise men, and in my heart. Of course, the word tantra teachers and books
give hints of the answer, but foolish is he who takes hints for the full truth and prav-
I do. Those who believe that the answer to the question of God, evil, suffering and justice is in
books or on the lips of the spiritual leaders, and those who are not at all interested in this matter, not to co
standing bhayravaytami be, they can not go and Trail Kalabhayravy Kalabhayravi.
We must avoid the moral hypocrisy and immoral cynicism approach to solving
this puzzle. Also, we should avoid hypocrisy and cynicism in other matters related to the
our lives. Touch on the issues of polygamy, polyandry and cannibalism. In the western co-


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

temporary society, all these phenomena are considered evil in most countries banned laws
nom. And why, in this evil?
It is known that different men and women have different sexual needs. one hvata-
is one of the spouses, others are sorely lacking, and others generally prefer not The creation
Vat family and live on their own. It's not only in desires and temperament, but also in the spiritual
GOVERNMENTAL and human biological needs, it is a scientic fact. However, most gosu-
darstva the world do not want to admit it. Western states allow people to have only
one spouse. Muslim countries allow polygamy, but prohibit polyandry. But
who has the right imsy external laws restrict what people tend to
according to their nature? Is there any harm in polygamy and polyandry? To this brings
harm? Anyone. But family harmony such stupid laws (let them be swept away from the face zem-
Do) destroyed. How many men and women in Western countries in secret from spouses have lyu-
bovnikov? Many of them love their wife / husband and did not want to destroy the family AND CREATE
Vat new but powerful instincts are pulling them in search of new partners. often these
people are forced to divorce, to create a new family, but even there they do not reach the harmony and
satisfaction. I know of a mystic. He is extremely spiritual, talented and intelligentsia
gentny people. He has a wife and several children, whom he loves. However, its psycho
hike and physiology of the man - a typical polygon. That's how his mind, emotions, so
work his hormones. All his life he fought and resisted to this feature,
because such propensity ofcially condemned in society. However, the struggle was in vain.
Gay is not an effort of will to stop being gay, and polygons - polygamy. It is the nature chelove-
ka, and not moral depravity. The upshot was that my friend began to secretly encountered
chatsya with different women. A few years later this became known to the surrounding, including
his wife. Oh, and he went through a difcult time after that! The family actually broke up. And that
this good? Nothing. The state and society have to climb into bed private citizens
with the aim to settle their sex life. This is silly, ridiculous and absurd.
Now consider another phenomenon - non-violent cannibalism. In our society,
This phenomenon categorically condemned. And when you ask people, why you condemn
cannibalism, they do not even know what to say. So obvious it seems evil kanniba-
ism that people can not even explain what exactly it is evil. Understandably,
wrong to kill people to eat their meat. With that, I will not argue. However suschestvu-
are other cases, such as non-violent ritualistic cannibalism. Some tribes,
living in the rain forests of South America believe that if you respect and love rodst-
Vanik, after he / she dies, you must hold a special ritual and eat the body,
to wisdom, knowledge and the magical power of the people did not leave. So they eat dead
the whole tribe. Western man it may seem disgusting, but do not meddle
with its charter in another monastery. From the point of view of the above me tribes unichtozhe-
of tropical forests of western civilization it is a matter of not less than disgusting.
Japanese samurai ate the liver killed the enemy and did not understand why it is not done
other nations. After all, according to their mystical and magical lore, the enemy of the liver contains essen-
tion and courage by eating the liver, the warrior takes courage. Some people had the custom
impose on the temple altars heart vanquished enemies. They considered savagery, barbarism
and unspiritual do otherwise. According to their logic, the life of a man gives God. Do not we have it soz-
given, not to us it belongs. But the war is necessary to kill the invaders to save your
people. Therefore the minimum that we can bring back harmony - the return of the heart who regard
melting the personication of life, God or gods who created this life. Those who do not



He pulls out the heart of slain enemies and criminals, not puts them on the altar, according to the logic of
peoples are soulless, violent and selsh people.
A take, for example, survival. It so happens that the only food people poter-
who sang a catastrophe in the highlands, winter tundra or desert, are the bodies of their dead
satellites. No need to look far for an example. Many watched the lm Alive, shot on OS-
Nove real events. The plane, which was ying the Uruguayan sports team, suffered
accident, and the passengers were in the high mountains, in the snow. They had no warm clothing,
no food reserves. Those who refused to eat the bodies of their fallen comrades, could not You are a
live and died of hunger and cold. Most of those who do the opposite, and survived
Take, for example, a different situation. The inhabitants of the distant northern village sick
deadly disease. Doctor, accompanied by an assistant went skiing che
Res tundra and mountains to save people. Due to the bad weather, they have gone astray and lost
food supplies. Assistant fell off a cliff and died. If the doctor is going to eat meat Assistant
and will take his reserve, he shall be saved, and will carry curative vaccine to villagers. If The relative
it seems to do so, then he will die, and die the whole village.
I am against forcible cannibalism and not campaigning for a non-violent. neither
I am advocating debauchery. I theoretically support polygamy and polyandry is not mesha-
I live a very monogamous. The essence of what I want to explain is the fact that many
attitudes, taboos and customs are not absolute and perfect t
for all. Therefore Kaula-Tantrikas bhayravayty in general and in particular distinguish natural
the harmony of life of articial ridiculous contrived laws and customs. maintaining per-
howling, they do not need the second. Kaula-Tantrikas not interested in the struggle for monogamy and
support non-violent condemnation of cannibalism, as they are not interested in the whole
a number of other nonsense. They live according to the rhythm of the universe, trying to become like the spirit
God and the body - the beast. It is the beauty and harmony. Bhayravayty appreciate friendship, love, used
krennost, compassion, courage and boldness, willingness to help those in need. But they otka-
binding in their hearts to support the social stupidity, and externally, in addition, avoid
a pseudo sweetness. Some people do not realize this and call bhayravaytov
cannibals, devourers of corpses, wild libertine. The thing is that people hear
what they want to hear. One day I was giving a lecture in a city in southern Russia. We are talking about
customs, laws and natural harmony. I have given an example of listeners who mentioned
above, with the doctor and the village with infected people. A week later, some listeners sta-
to distribute the town gossip about what I supposedly said during a lecture: "If you are lost
winter in the tundra and lost the food supply, satellite kill and eat his body. Then you can not po-
die and go on about their business. " It was not what I wanted to say, and not
what I actually said. However, when you say the word "polyandry" or "kanniba-
ism ", many people immediately will automatically lose all capacity for understanding and reasoning
Denia, overowing with indignation and ready to devour you alive and eat as well as any
cannibal of New Guinea, which is so loudly condemned.
Many will condemn me for what I dare talk about these things in a book.
But someone has to start the conversation, to remove the veil from the eyes and minds of seekers.
However, according to the Kaula Tantrism Truth is one, but the path to it a lot. Let each one goes to
her as his natural, most importantly, not to bring harm other living beings. I sta-
rayus follow my inner truth, sounding in my heart, truth and trails Bhairava



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Freedom stay in the non-dual world

Unlike many other traditions trail Bhairava Kaula quite severe and sometimes
easy. We work with these things, even the thought of which plunges representatives
other schools in horror. Mystic our tradition collides with hellish dimensions with randomly
catsh, hatred, pain, death, mental, emotional and physical suffering. We,
born for this path, we can not avoid it and are forced, skipping through itself
the pain of the world, to transform it into the Beyond Bliss.
Grace Bhairava and Bhairavi, seless effort sadhakas turn kro- drops
vie owing out of our wounded heart lives in Amrita drops divine nekta-
pa. Passing this school path, we nd such abilities and Siddhi, which are not available pre-
tives of other traditions.
One of the rewards of our journey is going beyond the confrontation between good and evil. it
It means that from one year to the sadhaka gets rid of the lth of evil and mundane worldly prejudices
good, gaining a higher understanding and guided in their actions transcendent divinity
hydrochloric harmony. It is quick and fast, much faster than in other traditions
We know that the human mind does not think only logically, but also guratively. Skill
decipher the images coming from the sub and super, highly valued by ancient magicians, tan-
Trick and shamans. On the basis of this created the discipline of divination, and predictions of the future
palm, stars, runes, cracks in the stone or ram's shoulder, animal entrails.
Being able to capture and correctly interpret the symbols coming from the depths of consciousness, as well as symmetry
oxen, we meet in our daily life, we can understand their talents, shortcomings
ki, its purpose, especially their relationship with God. You can dene that brings us
defeat, failure and suffering, and that - happiness, victory and success. Each tantric school
It pays great attention to the ability to understand symbols. Our tradition is not excluded
cheniya, although it should be noted, that it does not divide the characters in the "bad" and "good", but
It uses all the phenomena of the world to reach the fruit. Bhayravayt, really praktikuyu-
conductive Teaching goes out under the auspices of the "good" and the oppression of the "evil" forces. He / she pri-
Nima totality of the universe and the Way of Kaula, thereby leaving the game, which involves
the vast number of sansarinov and a very large number of mystics. For good bhayravayta
is what contributes to the achievement of unity with the divine lover and evil - all that
that prevents it. Even the demon that helps in attaining higher fruit for bhayravayta
It manifests itself as a force for good, or even an angel, becoming in the Way, blocking the road, perceived
etsya as unfriendly force must be neutralized. Son or daughter, and Bhairava
Bhairavi - master external compromise, but inside they are immutable, like Mount Meru, and not
bought any sugary promises "light forces" or the terrible threat of "dark forces". Bhayravayty
for themselves and the light and the darkness. They are open and manifest divine love to all of creation,
including creatures that in other exercises made hate and at the same time, do not hesitate,
neutralize the disturbing force union with God, even if the other exercises these powers The adoption
then mechanically like. Throne room of Bhairava and Bhairavi is the time of sunset.
Although they enjoy and clear during the day and dark at night, being a kingdom and that, and another, on the
throne they sit precisely in the hour of sunset, in the intermediate time between dvoystvenno-
Stu seen the true essence of the universe. Therefore, children of Bhairava and Bhairavi not subject Cu
Lamas night and day. They enjoy and that, and another, carrying the world shaktipat gaining limitless




If, for example, road bhayravaytu runs across a black cat or a woman passes
empty bucket, unlike some others, it is not for him / her the news of unpleasant
Nost. On the contrary, a black cat is one of the patrons of the teachings, and the sight of the empty buckets pri-
ravayta isleads to the spontaneous
not unhappy. experience
On the contrary, of innerofemptiness
the number power andofaeverything. Number 13 bhay-
powerful transformation. demo
us coming in dreams, are not at all heralds of misfortune and snyaschiesya angels does not necessarily
tion are symbols of happiness. Therefore, those and other forces respect the children and Bhairava
Bhairavi, although some are afraid and to understand that the propaganda did not lure of free mystic
Cove rise under their banners always opposing to each other armies. We have our own lives, their po-
nyatiya and his army. And the army is invincible, because it is in charge of what is hardest to

Bhayravananda Avadhut



Appendix 13 (January 2011)


s read the book, setting out the views Trikasamarasya Kaula on God, the world, priro-
do man and his life, spirituality and mysticism.
Of course, all the multi-faceted aspects of the doctrine on the pages of a book does not t,
however, set out for them can form a denite idea of the Way, the essence
which is the unity of Mahakalabhayravy, Mahakalbhayravi and mysticism, following their
One reader this book will help Therefore, gain clarity of vision and the essence of the Way, other more
more will withdraw from the correct understanding, others do not experience any noticeable vozdey-
Corollary. That is the way the universe. The world is not good and not evil, it is safe and everything in it fused vo
one, let me put it that way.
For centuries, many of the doctrines and teachings of meditation techniques were kept secret from profa-
new for the common good - not to damage any profane or by seeing. periodic
Ski occurred moments when different doctrines and teachings of the wraps and imposed on
intimacy of surface depth temples. So that was demanded by the situation for the good of all
living beings, manifested as universal harmony. Now I am one of those moments.
Our time is very active for Tantra Bhairava and Bhairavi. open
ancient secrets and given new teachings. I am very grateful and Mahakalabhayrave Mahakalab-
hayravi because they manifest as a Kaulasiddheshvara and Kaulasiddheshvari and behavior
We gave people the asuras, gods, demons, and other types of living beings inner teachings of the Tri-
kasamarase and effective ways to achieve it.
Shaktipat descends upon us, and the power of his is like Niagara Falls and the eruption of vul-
Kan Krakatoa. However, every stick has two ends, so one would like to say to readers:
"Rejoice, we have one foot in the magical dimension of Bhairava and Bhairavi!" And other ho-
chetsya warned: "Beware, many doors were opened especially hellish worlds
We should all bear in mind that this is not some separate us from God rewards some and
punishes torment others. We are self-reward or punish, and therefore should poza-
botitsya about how to provide themselves with a clear vision and a true understanding of the universe,
to the action of the various options you select the most harmonious and benecial.
This treatise is not a tutorial on the mystical disciplines. wishing
to start tantric practice, the author strongly recommends that you seek the assistance of
masters of various Tantric schools, as a way alone, without an experienced coach
although it is possible, but progress on it can be a very long and dangerous.
The author is not responsible for the actions of readers due to NON-committed
rect understanding of the essence and details of the doctrines expounded and meditation. Everyone is responsible for themselves
himself, and only himself. Therefore, speaking in symbolic language inherent Trikasamarasya Kaul, I want
readers wish to manifest in the forests of mysticism three-eyed owl.



Bhairavi. Kalabhayravi



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Advaita - 1) non-duality, the identity of God and the universe, and the spirit of the world
events; 2) Advaita Vedanta - the name of the non-dualistic Vedantic shko-
ly. This school is often simply referred to as Advaita, and its followers - advaytista-
E. The reader should bear in mind that Trick or Kashmir Shaivism, too
advayticheskim is a doctrine in the sense that it stands on the positions nedvoyst-
vennosti. However, the very Trick is not called Advaita, and followers Tricky ad-
vaytistami to avoid confusion, as Trika Shasa and Advaita Vedanta -
it's still two different schools, different describe the non-dual (non-
triple) reality and the methods to achieve it.
Agama - came from the knowledge of God, a collection of writings, the texts of which truth
It sets out the mouth of God or Goddess.
Aghora - "neuzhasayuschaya" personication of the destructive, consuming Cu
Aghoru - yogis,ofknown
God, which
for hisalso enlightens
meditations onand elevates
objects, the mystic, making him fearless.
fear and loathing, committed to free and have the vision of sub-
became truly the essence of all things. Aghoru sometimes called not only those who enter the
commonly now known school based Dattatreya, but other yogis,
practicing similar techniques.
Adiparabhayrava - Primal (adi) Higher (Pair) God (Bhairava).
Adikula - see. Bhayravakula .
Amrita ( "immortal", "bessmetriya nectar") - 1) spiritual condition in koto-
rum opportunity to get lost in the material world disappears; 2) a magic elixir
grants immortality.
Amriteshvarabhayrava - Bhairava as the lord of the nectar of immortality.
Anand Shakti - the energy of satisfaction by which God prebyva-
is in full harmony limitless.
Anugraha - the power of the divine disclosure, see kriya shakti..
Asura - 1) The ancient gods of chaos era, the older brothers of the devas; 2) jealous, rev-
nivye and warlike giants who live in the world of samsara.
Ashram - spiritual abode or center, home and practiced mysticism.
Beeja - 1) seed, embryo, root; 2) seed mantra, mystical sound, constituting
essential-governing part of the mantra of the deity; often at the beginning of the deity of the mantra goes
one or more bijas, ie such mystic sounds; 3) an active light naivys-
necks Shakti, which is the root cause of the universe.
Bindu (or Mace ) - 1) dot metaphysical point; 2) inseparable Light soz-
naniya; 3) The compact mass akti collected having no differences point goto-
Wai to create; 4) steam pramata, I'm the highest consciousness; 5) anusvara or nasal sound
in "s" indicates the point of the letter "a", hinting at the fact that Shiva, non-
Despite the manifestation of the universe, it is indivisible; 6) Specic Valley, or
light, appearing in the center between the eyebrows, the power of meditation; 7) drop seed.
Brahman - the Absolute Reality of God; the concept of Brahman occurs in two aspects
max: 1. Nirguna Brahman - "God without qualities", formless absolute real




Nost, 2. Saguna Brahman - "God with qualities", omnipresent, omniscient, vsena-

God is satised.
BHAIRAVA (Parabhayrava) - 1) Param Shiva top reality; 2) it co
Stavne word "bha" means bharana, peacekeeping, "ra" - Ravana, or removed
Lenie world, and "wa" - Vamana, or projection of the world.
Bhairavi - Bhairava Shakti.
Bhairava Kula - Sacred tribe, clan or family Bhairava and Bhairavi. Ob-
unifying a nondual mystics trails Kaul.
Bhairava Sampradaya - line of disciplic succession. It combines CE
Be all mystics related to each other as compatriots of the same
branches within the general teachings BHAIRAVA and Bhairavi.
Bhairava Chakra - Sacred Circle of Bhairava and Bhairavi. It unites in itself
practitioners enrolled at the same according to a specic Master sti-
Liu and methods. All mystical chakras believe his spiritual master and his spiritual
hydrochloric wife, his father and mother - Bhairava and Bhairavi, and each other -
siblings within Holy Family.
Vajrabhairava - one of the manifestations Adibhayravy.
Vivekavidya - discriminating vision (see Three visions.)
Vidzhnyanavada (Yogacara) - one of the philosophical schools of Buddhism.
Visualization - creating in the mind of a clear, bright image
Windu - see. Bindu .
Ganja - cannabis (hemp, marijuana, marijuana).
Gong (literally "quality".) - a component of the principle of the primacy of nature. Suschestvu-
a three modes: 1) sattwa - purity rest quality, transparency, light Pure Soz-
naniya; 2) rajas - passion, internal energy, movement, action, emotion; 3)
Tamas - the darkness, inertia, density, compressive strength, resistance.
Guru (Bhayravacharya) - Master and Teacher, have reached a great level and obla-
giving the ability to teach others.
Japa - recitation of mantras.
Jivanmukta - liberated person during his lifetime has attained Self-
implementation, freed from the bondage of karma and rebirth.
Jivanmukta - liberation in life, ie, achievement of Shiva-consciousness when
still ongoing physical, biological and psychic life.
Jnana Shakti - the energy through which God is aware of any phenomenon mirozda-
Nia but other than himself.
Digambara (literally "dressed in parts of the world", "naked.") - one of the names of Shiva.
Diksha - 1) the gift of Divine Knowledge; 2) initiation ceremony, otnosyaschaya-
Xia to the pupil, which is passed through and cleaned spiritual spoken residual
exact traces of his evil deeds.
Dharma - 1) path, expressed in the teachings and methods, granting the Supreme Drago-
value; 2) the divine law; 3) path righteousness; 3) a sacred duty.
Dhyana - contemplation, meditation.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Dev (or Dev ) - 1) God; 2) bozhestvov Iccha Shakti - the energy of omnipotence,
possessing which, God is completely free in the direction of its activity
level pulse generating various processes in the universe.
Ishtadeva - favorite deity, a favorite form of God, through which the most
harmoniously acquired unity.
Yamala - a couple, the couple; Black Yamala - divine couple, Bhairava and Bhairavi.
Yoga - "union", "connection", the philosophy and process discipline and practice, the purpose of Ko
torogo - nding unity with the divine consciousness.
Karma - 1) any action at all; 2) Principle of cause and effect; 3) the last
Corollary or fruit of action; 4) the amount of energy vectors of the individual consciousness.
Caste - class social group; according to Indian notions exist
four main castes: the Brahmins - the priests, the Kshatriyas - warriors, administrators, Wai-
shi - merchants Sudras - servants, farmers and workers.
Kaulachakra - mystical family of devotees of Bhairava trails.
Kriya Shakti - the energy, showing that God becomes all creation,
all its phenomena and performs all processes in the universe. Exist
ve aspects of Kriya shakti: Srishti - the power of creation, sthiti - maintaining strength
Nia and balance samhara - the power of destruction, tirodhana - the power of concealment bozhe-
stvennosti and anugraha - the power of the divine disclosure.
Krsnaloka - Krishna's world.
Lila (literally "game entertainment.") - a joyful, creative activity of God. Lakshmi
- Divine energy in the aspect of protection of luck, wealth and spiritual
Madhyamika - one of the schools of Buddhism.
Maya - "the illusory nature of the material world," deception, magic energy Bhayra-
you, by means of which a false impression that the place
phenomena exist by themselves, independently of the experiencing subject. Mayan
It manifests itself in the form of its ve covers that are deceptive
the impression that events occur in sequence one after the other that
One event may be a cause of the other, that the events take place in some
space that the actions of the experiencing subject is limited, that some soby-
ment are welcome, others - the reluctance and knowledge has its limits. complex
these false impression and has the effect of these covers Maya.
Mala (literally "dirt".) - to restrict pollution, which limits the soul and
He gives it to know its true divine nature. There are three small. anava
small - the original constraint, which reduces universal
consciousness will to the jivas (empirical experiencing). Maija small - limited
chenie corresponding to the Maya, which gives the shower its subtle and gross body and which cause
Vaeth sense of difference. Karma small - limiting due to karma (see.
Mandala - drawing pie chart, used in meditation to enter the
depicted sphere.
Mantra - 1) or formula sacred word; 2) shaktopaye (see upaya): sacred
Noah word or formula by which nature is understood as the Supreme
identical with Y. It is called a mantra, because it directs Manana,



or reection, and provides for High Country of, or protection from circulation
resettled life; 3) the same as the mantra pramata - experiencer, koto-
ing implemented Suddhavidya tattva.
Madhyamika - one of the schools of Buddhism.
Mahavidya - Great knowledge epithet of Shakti-Bhairavi.
Mahakala - Great Black, the Lord of Time.
Mahakalaratri - Night of the Great Darkness.
Mahamaya - Great Enchantress, great deceiver, the epithet of Shakti-Bhairavi
Mahasiddha (literally "perfect".) - Yogi, mystic attained great spiritual
conducted by their true divine nature.
Mahashunya - Great Void, the epithet of Shiva-Bhairava.
Mahesvara - "Great God," the name of Shiva as a primary soul, personality
Meditation - work with consciousness, which includes a focus
on anything.
mlecchas - those who are below the Sudra caste (see caste.).
Mudra (the letters from "Mood" (joy), "ra" (to give).) - 1) it is called wise because
it seals (mudranat) being in Turiya - consciousness; 2) yogic concentration
Troll certain agencies as an aid to concentration.
Mukti - liberation from dependency to achieve Shiva-consciousness.
Murthy - anthropomorphic sculptural image of the Divine.
Nath - "protector, defender, lord," the representative of Saivite yogi-
Cesky mysticism, sometimes called siddha yogi.
Nara - limited individuality.
Naraka - 7 infernal plans lower consciousness.
Divine Nature;- ve precious:
2) Shakti 1) Siva (Bhairav)
(Bhairavi) - our original
- Strength through feasible in
We can realize our potential divinity; 3) Flame (Bhayravacha-
Darya) - Master and Teacher, have reached a great level and has sposobno-
Stu teach others; 4) Dharma (Bhayravamarga, Kaulamarga) - The path pronounced
ny in the teachings and methods, granting the highest jewel self-realization; 5)
Kula (Bhayravachakra) - Relatives and associates of the holy family, spiritual
brothers and sisters, helping each other on the mystical path.
Parabhayrava - see. Bhairava .
Parasamvit (Parabhayrava, Shivatva, Samaras) - Highest Reality
the universe. Is a pure consciousness is the basis of all beschis-
PARTICULAR phenomena of the whole universe, and at the same time it surpasses all mirozda-
Prakriti - the primary matter, nature.
Pratibimbavidya - vision mirror (see Three visions.)
Purusha tattva - the very principle of the existence of a limited, separate susche-
CTBA, a separate entity, separate experiencer
Rakshabhutaradzha - king (raja) demon (Rakshasa) and spirits (bhuta).



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Rakshasa (Pisachas, Bhutas, ready) - demons, graveyard spirits entourage

Reincarnation - the cycle of rebirth in new bodies, forms.
relaxation - conscious relaxation of the body, mind
Rishi - teacher, sage, prophet, an enlightened being, endowed with sverhchuv-
governmental perception, vision and wisdom. Depending on razlicha- caste
were Brahmarishi rajarsi and above them were divine Rishis - Devarsi.
Rudra - "Howler", "red, shining", name of Shiva, as the dissolution of God Vselen-
Skye absorption force.
Sadhana (literally "effort, an effective means of achieving".) - religious,
spiritual disciplines that help in spiritual development.
Samadhi - 1) mental concentration, in which stops its instability; 2)
mental absorption, complete fusion or identication with the object of medita-
tion, contemplative union with the Absolute, 3) concentration and peace of mind,
Samaras - 1) the unity of Shiva and Shakti, the identity of consciousness, the same
a state in which all differentiation disappears; 2) the union of Shiva and Shakti; 3)
the unity of Shiva, Shakti and Nara; 4) the absolute perfection of God's Due
initial Reality.
Samarasyavidya - integrating vision (see Three visions.)
Sampradaya - "The traditional teaching of" living tradition of the stream supported
oral training, initiation.
Samhara - see. Kriya shakti .
Samsara - the world of apparent phenomena of birth and death cycle, cycle pereselenche-
Skogen existence.
Siddha - "Perfect", the yogi who has attained perfection.
Siddhi - mystical superpowers and strength gains as a result of upor-
hydrochloric sadhana.
Soma - the name of a sacred intoxicating drink.
Spanda - Divine
the creative activity, the dynamic aspect of Shiva, the original
Srishti - see. Kriya shakti .
Sthiti - see. Kriya shakti .
Sushumna - median or central pranic nadi or channel.
Tantra - 1) esoteric tradition in Hinduism, aimed at merging with Bo-
by God, pay more attention to the dynamic aspect of God, the manifestation of it in
diversity of the world and engage much more diverse range of
the phenomena of life to achieve self-realization, rather than classical yoga,
Vedic and many other traditions and schools. The main method of tantra yavlyaet-
Xia transformation "unclean" samsaric existence into pure, divine;
2) the sacred text of the tantric tradition.
Tattva - the primary principles, elements of the universe, or the categories of being. AT
Sankhya system, of which there are 25 in Kashmir Shaivism of 36.
Tirodhana - see. Kriya shakti .




Trishul - the trident, the weapon of Lord Shiva, symbolizing the three energy Bo-
ha: willpower, strength, action, power of knowledge; control of the upper, middle and
the lower worlds, the power over the forces of creation, destruction, and balance.
Trikasamarasya - the unity of Shiva, Shakti and Nara, the Great Perfection,
Ultimate Goal.
Three visions - Vivekavidya, Samarasyavidya and Pratibimbavidya. The rst type -
it distinguishes between vision, the ability to understand what the world of phenomena in the
this particular point can help your sadhana, any harm and any
They are neutral. The second type - a Integrative vision, the ability to
understand that integrates and interconnects different phenomena of the world, as at present
time, and as a whole. The third type - a mirror vision, ability nena-
pryazhonno perceive the world as a whole, as it is, without dividing into good and bad, not
attracting and repelling different phenomena.
upaya - methods of achieving self-realization: 1) Anoop - method for
I achieve spontaneous realization without any effort; 2) Anavopaya - method
comprising means whereby anu or empirical Indie
vidual, uses its own karanas, or tools, ie feelings,
Prana and Manas for understanding-realization of the essence. Anavopaya includes
practicing on prana regulation, rituals, Japa, concentration and
etc .; 3) Shaktopaya - method, comprising means approaching Bozhest-
vennomu through Shakti, the constant repetition of thought of myself as being a by
essentially Shiva, or the higher self-consciousness; 4) Shambhavopaya - method OS-
new which is a sudden manifestation of Shiva-consciousness without any multiplied
stvennoj design (vikalpa) thanks to a simple hint that our essential
I am Shiva, also known as shambhavi yoga Ichchhopaya Iccha or yoga.
Black Yamala - couple Kalabhayravy and Kalabhayravi.
Chit akti - most dening aspect akti representing EC-
natural to the power of the Divine Consciousness, that God is aware of itself without posred-
CTBA of any kind was conceptual thought.
Shakti - 1) great supreme Goddess 2) the power of manifestation of Shiva, maintenance
demonstrations and taking it back; 2) cpanda or creative pulsation Shiva left-
zhaschaya the basis of consciousness. Manifested in the ve major aspects; 3) one or the other
Shaktipat - the ow of Divine Mercy, descending to the living beings and
Shiva them to nd harmony
(lit. "Supportive, andperfect.")
mercifully, happiness.- the name of the Supreme
Lord in the Saiva tradition.
Sivalinga - 1) rounded elliptical object mounted on a round
based, 2) the simplest and most ancient symbol of Shiva, the God on the other side forms
and qualities.
Smasana - a place of corpses burning.
Shunya - emptiness, a state in which no object is not experienced.
Yantra - 1) graphic, often a color image of the principles and laws,
for which there is, or that the body chakra or the whole universe; 2) Principle
the existence and action of a tantric deity.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)





Mahakalagni Kula Tantra

Preface-introduction to Tantra Mahakalagni Kula

this age, as in many other times, more fools than wise men. therefore
it is not surprising that my sanctuary, my spiritual path and my work cause a urry zlob-
Foot howling, yapping and grunting from the fools, materialists, hypocrites and other
Pisachas. As my spiritual brother, the tantric master Somanandanatha Saraswati:
"There is a category -" pleksnost thinking ", which includes three levels: simplex, complex
and a multiplex. Simplex - linear logic (if so, so-and-so, and if that way, it's so-and
That's it). The complex - the presence of the full-scale vision is on the map, including the perspective and retrospective.
Multiplex - volumetric, systemic vision, integral, if you want.
The problem of our society - the denitive dominance simplex, though not pleksnost
It depends on either the intelligence or erudition or of education, or on the level of competence The relative
ttings areas. Terribly what simplex, among other things, incapable of critical self-assessment and pri-
yatiyu opinions contrary to his basic patterns. Even more scary is that these people - the good,
often these people occupy key positions in all hierarchies of modern civilization, they are predictable,
manageable, and are ideally suited to all kinds of "nomenclature" places.
The mysticism of these people are doomed to play dumb alien patterns, ie, by denition,
anadhikari. At the same time, by virtue of their organizational and performing qualities are wonderful vpisyva-
It is in the structure of long-established religious communities, gradually displacing the mystics. As a result,
that every mystic fraternity strives to eventually become a "church" with all the attendant
consequences. It so happens that the true mystics are doomed always resist such perso-
nazham. Open conicts or lead to nowhere: the more dirt and mutual attacks, the com-
Fortney feel simplices all for them transparently and "specically" ".
I am aware that by publishing this text, rendered themselves another urry of anger and ottorzhe-
Niya by those whom my brother calls the "simplex". They, no doubt, consider that
This text is evil. That the motives of this writing, there are wicked motives, I ere-
teak, ignorant, upstart, a false teacher, a scoundrel and a fool. Convince Dunces impossible Cu
lu their nature. So I do not intend in any way to prove that this has made the work of the
in good faith, and not because of greed, pride or any more negative motives and Ka-
honors. Gifted and wise mystics easily see my motives from the text and from shakti-
pata contained in it.
I am aware also that after the expiry of a fair time my work Bu
FLS appreciated, many of the "simplex" will take me more authority
- good and wise. In this case, not because of the time of "simplex" will be smarter,
than they are now, and will understand the meaning of this doctrine, but merely because over time
me of certain sections of society will be strengthened and to establish a good reputation such pat-
thorns and stamps behavior, according to which the scold me will be undignied and solid - respected
Therefore, I do not give a shit and a piece of opinion minded: neither of them negative or positive for
nye judgment. My work is for mystics - deeply and open-minded, odaron-
GOVERNMENTAL, with a subtle sense of harmony, and it is prone to this kind of spiritual paths.
All the practice and all doctrines mentioned in this text, designed and manifested used
exclusively for bhayravaytov. Mantra, scientists and others in this way is extremely destructive



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

tion and dangerous. Bhairava and Bhairavi - terrifying deities, distinguished by their destructive
tive power of the whole host of gods, titans and demons. Many mystics would be happy to pri-
resort to their monstrous power in the name of rapid progress in the sadhana, but they are aware of non-
opisuemy-great danger of this. If even a small error in the practice of sadhana
Black Yamaly sadhaka can not simply suffer, but also to spoil, to ruin his whole life,
and after death go to hell for many rebirths.
Such a big risk for many negates all the benets of the teachings, symbols and methods
this spiritual path. And for some reasonable approach - stay away from Bhayrava-
Bhairavi sadhana. You can not without injury and damage to itself to borrow important and powerful element
Mahakalamargi cops while being adept other way. The only way Boc
to use all the power of this teaching and are not being subjected to monstrous risk - it
become a son or daughter of the Black Yamaly, enter their Kalagni Kullu. Only for life, po-
Native to the world of the mystic Kula weakens the risk and increases the likelihood of success in
self-fulllment and the acquisition of power perfection. But in this case, the trail becomes
for sadhakas denitely safe. In this way all the time will be important not only large
courage, but also care, caution, prudence, thoughtfulness, responsibility,
self-checking and cross-scan situations virtuoso sadhana grinding technique and
the right reexes.
However, for those who are born for this path, do not go on it will be much more dangerous, non-
Gelis go for it. If you're born to trail Mahakalagni - you will attain her happiness and the PA
Dost, will attain a desired goal.

Marga and Kula

Elika God, Abyss, of supreme love appeared as Shiva and Shakti. Mercy vys-
Shay Love Shiva and Shakti have come to the living beings with Shaktipat and teachings. Of
great mercy and love of Shiva and Shakti took the form of Bhairava and Bhairavi.
To cut and destroy the densest fog samsara, plunges into the ocean creatures
terrible suffering and give hope to the output and a better life.
In the Hall of the octagonal, whose walls are decorated with black patterns of re and symbols of light,
Great Lord Mahakalabhayrava Kaulasiddheshvara and great mistress Mahakalabhayravi
Kaulasiddheshvari ecstatic perfection of love wrought wonderful masterpieces, destroying what
It must go.
After they sat down on his throne-bed in the middle of the temple palace. "Oh my love, -
they asked each other - who among us will tell other secrets Trikasamarasya Kaula? Will be
Do Bhairavi explain Bhairava Bhairava or Bhairavi will explain the benet podvizhni-
Cove pattern path Black Yamaly Kula and her? ".
"Let's create Bhayravanandu - decided lords and Agam Nigam. We will give the teaching
him, and he will give it to those who unite in the chakras. The doctrine will move them to the next generations
leniyam, as it was of old. "
And the lord created being and, leading him labyrinth of the universe, he opened his
nature and taught path for perfection in the embodiment of the embodiment. They opened the merits
his own nature, his real name is a secret - a long sound of "A".
When the creature reached the required level, the deity-manifestation of the One open
It was to him.



When the creature reached the next level, they gave him the name of the adept - Bhayrava-
Bhayravananda has accomplished his plan to Pisachas Mochanov Kapal Mochanov and other great
places. When he was through it and another has found a welcome and reached the desired level of comprehension
skill, and he gained the third name - Adinath Bhairava.
He came into the magical world of the mandala, and entered into an octagonal chamber. With gleeful
heart, ecstatic joy and transcendent bliss, bowed Bhayravananda parents and
said. "How good home"
I met him with love and joy, and Mahakalabhayrava Mahakalabhayravi, Bishop scientists
Nia trinity Kaula said, "Oh, son, it's time to give you a teaching. Go, nding it, and
educate others relatives. "
"About love and delight the heart, why should I be the one who is given the doctrine, and those who
it should pass on? "- asked Bhayravananda.
"Because we transmit the teachings Trikasamarasya, non-dual, netroystvennoe and Ma-
terinskoe and father. Shiva, Shakti and Nara must work together to create magical patterns of
Tantra ", - said Kaulasiddheshvara and Kaulasiddheshvari.
Bhayravananda bowed to his mother and father, God, Black Yamale what motivates their
relatives to awakening and self-realization, telling about the triumph of perfection, pre-
gates to the great banner of the unity of consciousness, energy and shape.
Bhayravananda said: "In this era, in this world of the gods of the gods, beings lost
connection to the Tantric tradition of Bhairava and Bhairavi, weak mind and memory, and even higher
classes of society have ceased to be versed in philosophy, metaphysics and mysticism. Pravi-
Teli and nancial elite no longer supports tantric teaching practice, political
skim inuence and money. In this age of the connection between the living legacy of the past and current po-
knees broken. Tantric teachings are not updated properly. Instead, they
distorted profane understood the doctrine of the practice of "5M" in the West and the dominance abhichari-
new, practicing black magic in the East. Oh great, Tell tantra having Cu
loi help the creatures of time. "
Bhairava said, "In this age of the living creatures is difcult to understand Siddhayogeshvarimata tantra,
Malinividzhayottara tantra, tantra Svachchhandabhayrava, Kularnava tantra and other great
writings. Even the few who understood the doctrines and practices contained in these tantras
it is very difcult to practice sadhana, as set out in them. Indeed, at this time many living
beings is easier to y around the world for three days, to comprehend the fact that less than a speck of dust, to erect a tower
the height of a mountain, to destroy the continent to touch the hand of the moon, down to the ocean oor, istse-
pour a hundred diseases than used in sadhana wealth contained in Kaulavalinirnae.
Teachings of higher ways of transforming magic withered like an old dick idiot, dried,
whiskey alcoholic spray in the throat, like a lake of pure water, which is cast in the desert sand.
In addition, these exercises have acquired lth dull stagnation, customs, superstitions, predisposition
cruets, even by shit political trash and selsh cheating.
Donkeys, called profane, "pillars of wisdom tantra" confessing mixture iskromot-
hydrochloric live tantra shit mixture idiotism and limited expose tantrizm, in Kaul
mutilated form. This perversion is poured out into the world with poison, disgures creatures coming
Tantric paths. Some of these training, forcing his audience squalid cells,
for reasons of security and safety, while others - from the political and economic
iCal interests and other proceeds from the idiotic stupidity, faithful to the values differ
aspirants from these.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

They are "irrefutable and omniscient authorities", whether representation have that their
views are limited, imperfect? Their outlook, are supposedly the result of non-
measurable wisdom, are actually articial and fragile samsaric
I Bhairava, inexhaustible and unlimited, and therefore I am free. I have power - WHO-my
Loves Bhairavi - make the top bottom, bottom top, left right, left right, square
Noe round, square and round. I have a full opportunity to improve the situation and
help living beings gain a solid way to divine fulllment. I have bent
eyes on your ass the measurement of idiots and idiots, nerds, nerds, freaks and perverts. Yes
erased their name in the memory of the world, and they shall be cursed cleansing and deied
curse. "
Bhairavi said: "In this age of the living beings moved away from thinking of making The use
mations knowledge about the signs of Devanagari and what is behind them, a natural, easy and the results
tive. Only a few individual units are capable of it. In the future, there will a revival
understanding of phonemes Devanagari and revival of knowledge similar to this, but expressed with po-
the power of other alphabets and sign systems.
Now the understanding and practice of full exercise Matrikas Malini and difcult, and many
unaffordable. Because they are given in the tantra in a strong simplication and supported by pre-
complements for the sake of gain sadhana current adherents.
Therefore spiritual savages should be told of tantra, which facilitates that it is difcult, yn
grove that difcult, clarifying that it is not clear that reduces that long, approximate
zhayuschaya that far makes up for what is missing, to discover what is hidden. By-
to let it be told Mahakalagni Kula Tantra. Added to the ranks of the scriptures, this
Tantra is open to the world of living creatures these writings, his wisdom, virtue and holiness.
In the heart of God there are many teachings, doctrines, and divine ways
demonstrations. All this is intended to different worlds, different eras, and no one but God, not
He knows them all.
Of great Bhairava radiated Great Bhairavi, who created all the way. God pro-
He showed mercy anugrahah creating Margot and Amna, showing his Bhairavi-sakti through speech
their faces: the speech of each face individually, different combinations of different speech svo-
their faces and, nally, the speech of all the faces together. Way manifests itself in different worlds in different epo-
hee. They are manifested through Kamakhya, Ardhatriambaku, Triambaku and his family, Kaulasiddheshva-
When Mahakala Bhairava, Bhairava Svachchhanda, Siddhilakshmi, Chinnamasta, Durvasa and other
guru relating to the devas, siddhas, Asuras and human beings. Now one-by
Nogo, two, three and so revive the chakras and manifest amnaya having the strength of the ancient paths. "
Bhairava said: "Verily Durvasa, the forefather of the way - a manifestation of Bhairava, vla-
dyki destruction and anger. He gave knowledge of three sons and one daughter, and he taught others
in many ways, including even curses. Who believe that Durvasa Rishi, strong
curses, and Durvasa, who founded the branch of the glorious teachings coming from ancient times - different faces,
he does not understand. Huge crowds boobs curse, causing problems and stra-
Denmark, seem obvious evil and the spiritual path. However, it is not, because on the way Trikasamara-
CLR Kaula even rage, anger and curses can be used for good. Durvasa cursed the gods and
He supported asuras datev and Dan to the conict through the Asuras and the gods and their helplessness po-
prove the greatness of Shiva and the path of Shiva and Shakti. "
Bhairavi said: "Mahakala Bhairava, caused by the asura to help in the war on hell
demons and founded together with me, Mahakali Bhairavi, sacred Kullu, also taught TO-
mu, rage, anger, pride, murder and destruction in the presence of true teachings and practices



can be used for spiritual growth as well as the serene tranquility,

love, altruism, healing and creativity.
The most horrible things if you intend to attain mukti and jivanmukti, using Anugra-
hi - Aghoru, using knowledge, profound wisdom and powerful techniques can be The use
The Call for the good and self-deication. At the same time the most beautiful, the good, spiritual
things with intent to do evil in the name of samsaric achievements using tirodhany,
stupid or evil mind can be used for the acquisition of suffering and commit evil
cases, cause harm. "
Bhayravananda asked: "O father and mother, we know that there are trails in the world Bhairava
tantras with their origins and trails kaulicheskih Amn with their origins. What is the path our
Bhairavi said, "In this age of ignorance and lack of spirituality have become so strong that
living things of this world can not only manage the forces of the past anugrahah ows. Flow
this path is formed by the conuence of the sacred and holy Amna Kaula Tantras Bhairava, mergers
Niemi Agam Nigam and to the power of the stream was able to defeat the ignorance and
lack of spirituality in this era. Bhairava Tantra Kaula and Amn in this way - a single unit. Bhayra-
Islands have Bhairavi, Mahakala has Mahakali Mahakali have Siddhilakshmi and Chinnamasta. Do not Dos
mately achieved the success of those who try to follow this path, separating in this way by the way Kaul bhay-
ravaytov or belief that the various manifestations of the Great Goddess is not in fact one.
Indeed, Bhairava and Bhairavi gave beings Kaula teachings Aghoru and tricks.
Trikasamarasya Kaula - perfect doctrine, free from defects and dakshinachary vama-
enchantments. The trick is not opposed to it Kaul and Kaula - tights. In it Shakti Marga, Bhairava
Marga Marga and Yamala one, since the doctrine is at a deeper level, where these trails
- not three, but one. This is the perfection of the way, and not limitation doctrines and does not have
the lack of what is available in other exercises.
All the names of the world - my name, but at the same time, I have no name.
Trikasamarasya Kaula has a non-dual, netroystvennoe teaching his name by Chor-
Noah Yamaly Kula and her with all her chakras Akhara, and molecules are Samaj. The path has many
Synonym names, each of which emphasizes a particular aspect of it.
We will tell this tantra. Together with the already told us earlier Tantra Sutras and dru-
gimi writings it constitutes a means of achieving liberation, deication, samoreali-
tion, jivanmukti designed for today's creatures and beings of the future. "
Bhayravananda asked: "O father and mother, tell me what is our Kalagni kula, Ko
GDSs and how it originated? "
Bhairavi said: "O my son, hear the story of the emergence of the great Kula that both
Mahakalagni re incinerates samsara.
Once asura fought with the demons of hell. The Great War did not stop thousands of cycles.
Tremendous power hungry energy frenetic fury of hell beings, tearing the world
to pieces and turning it into a hell, faced with a grim titanic force immeasurably
the wide world of the asuras, gods, war lords, with deadly, monstrous, crystal
inexible, vseispepelyayuschey fury of their will to win.
Huge, raging sea wild element of madness, anger and suffering, turning into
untold legions of horric monsters, born to kill and subtly
torture, the mighty evil element that does not wish to stop at nothing - one storo-
us; on the other hand - shaking the universe with their titanic deities developed for you-
syachi eras strategy and tactics, military technology and fantastic cyclopean
power. The two forces balance each other. Nobody was going to concede.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Asura realized that in this war no one to win. Both worlds are uniformly Historians
schali each other. The best minds of the asuras came together to nd a way out of the situation. It was
decided to call for help a third force - an unexpected factor for the infernal demons. It was
computed formula spells. magic rituals were performed. Consciousness-energy magicians
World asuras came into contact with the consciousness-energy tysyacheglazoy, neohvatnoy thought Abyss.
There were calls, requests, offering victims come to pass.
And opened the Abyss. Heart asuras rattled by vibrating them messages.
Adibhayrava - Mahesvara promised to help in the war. But for this asuras we were pri-
nyat its rules of the game: proistecheniya provide adequate channels in the worlds Anugraha shakti -
one of the ve Shiva energy Mahesvara responsible for awakening beings from San sleep
sary and the acquisition of the divine nature. World asuras tried-ryadil discussing heard.
Finally Asuras decided and accepted the conditions.
Abyss opened up, and the world appeared Mahakalabhayrava - Great Black Vsepozhi-
rayuschy Shredder full force of Mahakali. One stroke he turned armada of hell
peace in the stufng. Standing with one foot in the rmament razmozzhonnogo, trampled hell, and the other foot -
in the rmament of the asuras transforms the world in one fell swoop Mahakalabhayrava tossed bloody
weight, remainder of hellish creatures, his mouth and swallowed it. Thus he freed Mi-
riads creatures from hellish rebirth, giving them rebirth in the worlds best.
Thereafter Mahakalabhayrava and Mahakali gave the asuras teaching methods and techniques, po-
allows one limited beings to realize the immensity, omnipotence and indescribable
the harmony of God - the universal Mahesvara. Thus was formed the nucleus Kalagni Kula. Odaronney-
Chiyah of Asuras found jivanmukti - divinity in life. They were covered with scrolls, by-
whether based schools and orders, erected the temple palaces, sculpted statues and yantra vygravi-
Rowan mystical symbols.
Subsequently were created worlds - solid bridgehead for successful practice
Sadhana special Asuric, titanic, the magic of yoga in its various versions.
Precious ornaments these worlds graced the universe, opening the way for many creatures osvo-
bozhdeniya suffering from limitations and acquiring divinity.
Some asuras are not very successful in the case of mystical self - not
much they wanted it, fascinated by the mundane magic abilities. Because the asuras are divided into
those who entered into the spirit world, or there is a mystical path, and those who are not seriously and wondered
hard for such a purpose.
Over time Kalagni Marga ran through different worlds and branched out into different lines
in order to help sentient beings of different types and classes. It is connected with other
ows anugrahah who came through other god manifestation, through teachers otnosya-
schihsya to the Devas, Siddhas, human and other creatures.
We praise Mahakalabhayravu and those from the world of the Titans, gods, Siddha, and other people who,
Using all that is best in his world, overcame the narrowness of its scope and attained liberation and
divine perfection. We praise those who gave way to living beings. we praise
everyone who enters the Kalagni kula ".
Bhairava said: "We praise you, Bhairavi, precious Mahakali great Siddhalak-
Shmi, because you have unsurpassed Anuttara, Ananda, Aghora, Anugraha and Aishwarya. Without you
Anugraha Marga impossible. Shakti, your strength animates pattern Kula charted colors of
my awakening nature. You - the essence of the pattern and nature of the spiritual, the mystical life, otvo-
the range of this door and to the deication of the goal. Yes you will be gloried forever! "
Bhayravananda asked: "O parents, you were married and how Kali became Bhairavi?"




Bhairava said: "Verily, Bhairava Mahakala and Mahakali Bhairavi - are one, two
face of one, we can not be separated from each other. However, in the divine dance games on surfaces
STI, we show how different yamaly and disappears to appear again. Shiva and Uma and dru-
Gia yamaly - we have our existence in the world. "
Bhairavi said: "I, Kali became Bhairavi marrying Bhairava. Indeed, once
Bhairava went to visit my father, God Himavati and father took Bhairava with great goste-
priimstvom, love, respect and devotion. Bhairava was touched by this reception and from
love and respect for my father prepodnos him the gift of ve treasures. I saw Bhairava, triggering of
Dhu remembered that the last incarnation was Uma, and he - Shiva. I remember this, and
Bhairava to see me. We, blazing love for each other, have told about it to my father. Himavati
was so moved by all this, he offered to take me in Bhairahawa wives. Since then I have, Kali, am called
Bhairavi ".
Bhayravananda praised his father and mother, their love, power and wisdom, praised all Kalagni

Manifestations of God and the laws of manifestation of a pattern

Bhayravananda said: "On the magical, please tell us about the great manifestations Bo-
ha in our Marga, about their properties and functions, for their help in the deication of himself samaras-
Bhairava said: "Listen, O son, for it is important knowledge for followers of the path. I have
eight widely celebrated forms.
Asitanga Bhairava - the wrathful form of Vishnu.
Ruru Bhairava - the wrathful form of Brahma.
Chanda Bhairava - the wrathful form of Surya.
Krodha Bhairava - the wrathful form of Rudra.
Unmatta Bhairava - the wrathful form of Indra.
Kapali Bhairava - the wrathful form of Soma.
Bhishana Bhairava - the wrathful form of Yama.
Samhara Bhairava - angry Kalabhayravy form.
The unity of all nine Bhairav is the great Mahakala Bhairava God.
All Bhairava are indivisible from their Bhairavi. Me and my Bhairavi - demonstration Mahaka-
la Bhairava and Bhairavi Mahakali, Ananda is Anugraha pours, Aghoru
Reported that Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Indra, Soma, Surya, Yama and can only destroy
Mahakalbhayravy through the power and release from suffering serious quickest routes -
only because it is, my great shakti.
Great Asitanga Bhairava, elegant dark Bhutaradzha - lord of darkness and black
magic, Malec, necromancer, who are the demons, evil spirits, spirits of the dead, werewolves, zara-
zhayuschie death rodents and poisonous snakes. Great God, who in the upper sky as Saturn, on average
its world - like indigo, and in the lower world - like a black snake. God is great strength of his shakti.
Bhairavi worship.
Great Ruru Bhairava - the lord of nature and its forces, savage, is such as it is, such a
deer, divine, even when manifested as a wild animal, clean, even when
It appears as a stray dog, tree, giving fruits, nude, primordial ancestor,
keeps teaching. God is great strength of his shakti. Bhairavi worship.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Great Chanda Bhairava - terrible, cruel, ferocious, the god of war, a great general,
strategist and warrior, ll the earth with blood and covering her bodies, nor any ravenous beast, crushing
enemies, consuming the property, devouring a victim, furious in the battle, hot and strast-
ny, angry at the head of the angry brigade, hard as the ground support and ruthless enemies. God
great power of his shakti. Bhairavi worship.
Great Krodha Bhairav - God-demon, drinking tears granting suffering raska-
lonny, destroying fury blackened with anger and rage, mad from hate, pro-
klinayuschy tearing, passion blazing, commanding the demons of hell, fury used
Pepeliaev. God is great strength of his shakti. Bhairavi worship.
Great Unmatta Bhairava - the lord of chaos, crazy, intoxicated, one-piece, a different, non-
predictable, higher wisdom mad, frenetic, crazy, wild, single,
in whom all the different holistically, in whom are united thin and rough. He is like a plant dope, crazy svo-
dyaschy and madness of supreme wisdom worthy of granting. God is great strength of his shakti.
Bhairavi worship.
Great Kapali Bhairava - decapitated creator god Brahma, mighty, pobedonos-
ny, a monster, a criminal, troublemaker, terrible, free, chieftain of the criminal fraternity
criminals, free outside the law and society, nonconformist, not supported
vayuschy common misconceptions, falling down the framework of rules, taboos, orthodox ways and
prejudices, ascetic, loving Goddess and her favorite. God is great strength of his shakti. Bhairavi
Great Bhishana Bhairava - terrible, whose name horror of someone running to escape and convince
rechsya. This God, in awe Throws, sinister, frightening, creepy monster, inspiring
in the heart of terror, frightening, one who arouses anxiety and creates an intense fear. God, the one-
him his appearance is a shock, despair and maddening, dreadful, unstoppable, Chu
dovischny killing horror. God is great strength of his shakti. Bhairavi worship.
Great Samhara Bhairav - God-collapse, God-killer, the destroyer, the great devouring
shredder, digesting, dissolving itself in itself same. This collapse of the father's death, and
destruction, ghter, absorbs everything into itself, iznichtozhaete everything that exists in all-
Universe, has both living and inanimate, the power, before which will not stand anyone or anything, he is the end
gods and demons, the end of the universe, all the completion of an end. God is great strength of his shakti.
Bhairavi worship.
Great Kala Bhairava - Senior Bhairava - indescribable, black, in whom everything disappears,
aming re Mahapralaya great, invincible, devouring, and totally killing
Destroy everything, even the great destroyers of Destroyer, a killer even the great killers, used
consumer of all - gods, demons, giants, all beings and all worlds. Black, boundless,
consuming. His teeth pierced and grind everything. His mouth is huge and it pozhira-
a whole world, its belly of digesting all the universes, all that is in them. And everything disappears. is he
is the culmination of all completed, the end of the day, just death. God is great strength of his shak-
ty. Bhairavi Kali worship.
Great Mahakala Bhairava - the great gaping, black, boundless, vseodolevayuschaya
abyss, whose boundless darkness produces and contains all of the light radiates and devours it. weak
veins Mahakala Bhairava, his ame power exceeds one hundred thousand res Kalagni. He is Kala
Bhairava, istorgshy from the crown of his demonstrations, and his shakti - Mahakali Bhairavi,
her worship. Great God of boundless, bottomless, boundless thought with the power
All Bhairav and surpassing these forces, all-powerful, invincible, all-devouring death
for time and space. He is the completion of all completions, death even death, Ko
Heff all over. He is the beginning of all beginnings, and it is Adibhayrava.



Adibhayrava great, united with his Adibhayravi, and greatness is far. it's The absolute
Feb, Perfection and Samaras, wonderful, paradoksalnny, free and inexhaustible,
faultless, not weakened, unied foundation and strength of all the beyond, but also everywhere
present. Descriptions and explanations can only roughly hint at the essence, as this
The subject, not an object of observation and description. Adibhayrava - perfect, because it is the essence of
Parabhayrava and his shakti has Parabhayravi - Anuttara. This is Adiguru, Mahaguru, Sadguru
- the great, the Divine Teacher.
Adibhayrava-Adibhayravi appearing as Bhairava Mahakala and Mahakali Bhairavi. Of
love and compassion Bhairava Mahakala and Mahakali Bhairavi showed mercy, to show
how Kaulasiddheshvara and Kaulasiddheshvari, which contains the essence and power of the Goddesses tricks.
Mahakala Bhairava Kaulasiddheshvara - father Kalagni Kula, Akhara, chakras and the way Trika-
Samarai Kaula - Mahakalagni Marga, whose essence - ananda. Mahakali who have Bhairavi, Kulesh-
boil, and Chinnamasta Siddhilakshmi - there is a great mother Kula ".
Bhayravananda said, "Oh Kaulasiddheshvara father, the great, the perfect teacher, dayu-
conductive joy generously, which gave the most precious teachings comprising shak-
tipat, doctrines, symbols, practices and regulations. You are the protector and friend. You are great force of his
shakti Kaulasiddheshvari who is Ananda, Aghora, Anugraha, inspirational, inspire,
child feeding, which gives strength to open the source of divinity, that in the depths of us samorea-
ripple through deication. Bhairavi is gloried forever. Glory to you, beloved mother Ma-
I'll explain your other children that their father and mother love us, teach, care and help.
A decent, good children help their parents support and develop the pattern yantry-
mandala based on Anuttara and drafted Anugraha chitra mandala, transforming
the impact of all other energies. This is - for the benet of sentient beings, out of love for him, vse
Lena Kul. Explain how should refer to the followers of the great demonstrations Marga.
Bhairavi said: "There is a huge amount of our demonstrations. there Kamak-
hya, Cali, Tripura, Tara, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Chinnamasta, Bagalamukhi, Lalita, Matangi, Dhu-
mavati. There Ananda Bhairava who gives bliss, there Martanda Bhairava shining soln-
CEM is surrounded by 64-Yogini, there Vatuka Bhairava, nice Kapalin there Svachchhanda Bhayra-
Islands, an independent. There is a terrible roaring Rudra Bhairava, Bhairava has Kamaraj, Bishop
passion. There Vidyaradzha Bhairava, the lord of wisdom and knowledge. There Uchchhushma Bhairava, compressive
gayuschy there Kapala Bhairava - manifestation Bhishana Bhairava. They are many and each has
Bhairavi own. Gods and goddesses - a lot. None of the aspects of God and to facilitate sadhana God
It is in the form of tantric deities, each of which has many aspects. Deity yav-
Perfect-governing demonstrations, in turn, have their own demonstrations.
Running trail Kalayamaly need to comprehend aspects of Bhairava and Bhairavi, getting
through it from the imperfections and nding different perfection.
Upasaka wishing a happy life and a better afterlife can simply worship and
comprehend them at an affordable level. Sadhaka should try to comprehend the basic aspekty-
demonstrations. Every aspect of helping to get rid of certain imperfections, transform
Call of them in perfection. They must strive to be like the father and mother in their manifestations
Be formidable and wise witches, using the benet of even sinister as Asi-
tanga and Bhairavi. Be natural and natural, like the Ruhr and Bhairavi. be pobe-
donosnymi warriors as Chanda and Bhairavi. Incinerating all negativity, transforming them into
perfection as Krodha and Bhairavi. Being possessed of divine intoxication
inner essence as Unmatta and Bhairavi. Be heterodoxy, not following the laws



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

profane as Kapalin and Bhairavi. Be fearless, suggestive fear in the enemies as

Bhishana and Bhairavi. To be able to break down any barriers and misconceptions as
Samhara and Bhairavi. Be superior worlds and that they have as Kala and his Bhayra-
in and. Be fully developed and perfected as the all-conquering Mahakala and his Bhay-
Ravi. Be perfect masters in the ways Kalagni Kula, as I and my Bhairavi. And then
adepts will nd themselves quickly and Adibhayravoy Adibhayravi, sell fruit Trikasamarasya.
If any sadhaka sadhika or do not care to learn from demonstrations and
to realize their dignity, then they will, no doubt, not on the right track. externally, the following
Marge, they do not really follow it.
Can I bhayravaytu be a coward, and not those who are afraid of? Is it possible to be defeated
the victim, not the victorious warrior-predator? Is it possible to be a sheep, following the path of
sheep under the shepherd's whip rather than freestyle robber? Is it possible to be a toy forces of hell, and not
lord of demons, suffering and anger? Is it possible to be a drunkard whose mind is chained to the miserable San
Sarnia shackles, not intoxicated mystic god? Can we not take the laws of nature and
perverted, unnatural following views and way of life?
Can I be running away from death and destruction instead of become this co-
yuznikom? Can we afford to be just phenomenal, not particularly trying
to go beyond the bounds of the worlds? Can we afford to be one-sided and did not go on the way vsestoron-
his perfection? Can we afford not to try to please his mother and father, not to follow
the noble principles of children Kalagni Kula, shame it does not care about the order in the family
Abode and entrusted you land? Is it possible to not have to worry about whether you pass them, and transferred
DUT Whether your fellow scientists of other generations or not, will survive and will increase if kula or weaken
beet and die?
By bhayravaytu whether the person in whom the holy imperial blood ows Mahakala and Mahakali, weight-
ty itself not as a princess and a prince? No, not a person. Truly, our trail - arya marga raja
pantha and it can go a very noble and worthy of being. not important
but any caste or race is external, it is important to really, really, you were
our blood, the blood of the Black Yamaly. And then the way for you, it will not be difcult and dangerous,
it will not be difcult and fruitless.
Whoever drops the honor Kalagni Kula, the one who loses his face in front of the universe, overshadowing
Kula noble reputation, if he repented and took correct ourselves for the better, he
says goodbye. Both father and mother, and the whole Kula will support the road-going improvement and kraso-
you. Those who misconduct and awed practice of sadhana drops honor
Kula, loses the person who insults his father, mother, relatives and all damages and business Kul pomo-
soup beings. Such upasaka sadhaka clearly turned away from the target and come down from the path of Anugraha,
Aghora shakti stream, which leads to Ananda. The result of this behavior will be more strongly
Noah bogged down in a web Tirodhany, hit by the impact of Ghor and unholy Ghoratari
shakti that end much suffering in the most horrible and disgusting prisons Mi-
Profane fear the Black Yamalu afraid of our demonstrations, fear vidyadharas, Dharma
res, guardians of the directions of our world, all of us except dangerous and disgusting sinister Mont
Strum. And, referring to us so that they nd what they see, because the outside world surrounding the indie
type - is a reection of his mind and way of seeing.
Therefore, whoever deles, dishonours our dharma, distorts the doctrine weakens Kullu
spreading the poisonous miasma of infamy, trying to devour and destroy dharma and peace yantry-
mandala, he will be deled, dishonored, he is bent, loose, infected, devoured and destroyed
powerful world Mahakala Bhairava and Bhairavi Mahakali.



In this way the yogi must be God. In this way the yogi must be a prince in
whose veins glows divine blood. In this way the yogi must be a sage. On this
the way the yogi must be mad, deies the highest wisdom. In this way the yogi
It should be the guardian of doctrine. In this way the yogi should be blasting the world revolutionary
's shareholders. In this way the yogi must be a scientist and an engineer. In this way the yogi must
to be an artist and entertainer.
In this way the yogi must be a heretic and Malec outwardly deles everything
priests considered sacred, but to actually do the divine pure and impure.
In this way the yogi must be naturally occurring wild barbarian, existing in
pristine nature, seamless and simple. In this way the yogi should master all nuzhny-
E sophisticated tools of modern civilization. In this way the yogi must be pre-
given the sacred dharma, supporting the sacred code of laws. In this way the yogi must
be urkaganom, robber, not burdened binding, bony framework laws
samsaric life.
In this way the yogi must be a maverick, who takes care of their successes and
responsible for themselves. In this way the yogi must be part of the whole - the sacred Kula, one of the
Kula, love chakra Akhara, Kullu, to help all the brothers and relatives of her. In this way Johannes
hin should be peaceful deied practitioner, compassionate and kind. On this
the way the yogi must be a warrior, sacred, an iron and awful. In this way the yogi must
demonoobraznym be, is not divided into clean and dirty, Malec. In this way the yogi
must be holy, divine, godly, pure and wise and have a good sense
humor. In this way the yogi must know the places, times and circumstances, to know when you can
strike ercely, like a dragon, and when quietly and secretly to creep to the goal snake doing business Kula.
Whoever honors the sacred brotherhood rm in generosity, courage and sacrice of life
divine and noble. It makes such expiration forces from the center of the divine heart,
the gravitational force of the divine truth, perfection, harmony. These followers, whose heart
akin to the characters the way they are successful, their fate is - fun, joy and happiness. Before
the proposed initiation of the entrance of the Kullu and chakra is necessary to familiarize with the requirements of the adept
E to the qualities of an adept to know the mystic who can enter and who is - no. "

The mystery Yamaly pattern

Ancient and new demonstrations

hayravananda addressed to parents: "It's priceless instructions clarifying the essence,
safeguard against mistakes and suffering, explaining the secrets of the demonstrations. Oh, father and
mother told the secret of the Great yamaly our way - the pattern of its liberating tse-
Lebna characters. "
Bhairava said, "You and all other innate sadhakas this way, children and Bhairava
Bhairavi, enjoy the open happiness. Let spiritual pilgrims of various related ways
They will also receive their share of benets, and have used this proportion to increase their sadhana. Those who
foreign to this doctrine and its ways, refrain from insults and distortions in relation to the TO-
mu, which is sacred to Bhairava and Bhairavi children, remain intact, nevredimy-
E and uncursed Kalagni pled.
Practice ishtadevayogi can be full only when the adept knows osoz-
naot force and meaning of the characteristics of his deity or deities. In fullling this ob- conditions
PETA key to success.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

I put away the veil and reveals the meaning and essence of the amazing, beautiful patterns ishtadevay-
OGI way Trikasamarasya Kaul pattern Bhairava Mahakala and Mahakali Kaulasiddheshvary
Bhairavi Kaulasiddheshvari. For the benet of sentient beings. Here rastolkovka pattern Black Yamaly.




Black soil symbolizes the initially-divine basis from which iskho-

dit everything which is around the support. The original one piece and does not in itself restricting
conductive concrete form. The human mind and sense organs do not capture the rmament-the abyss
it is like darkness, containing in itself the full potential of light.

gures of deities

The darkness of the original support manifests itself vortex which takes anthropomorphic
morphic form. From the abundance of compassion and love, indescribable, deep, support, manifested
etsya for Tantrikas as the Great Black and Great Black - Bhairava and Bhairavi, Mother and
Father. They teach us and help us to do sadhana and self-realization. If the icon
represents only a black box - it would be much more difcult to learn and transformed
Rova. Not everyone need only to have his high sadhana
divine nature. Many mystics needs contact with tantric deities -
its ishtadevoy. Such contact facilitates the task and makes the sacred path MO
guschestvennym. Bhairava and Bhairavi - are one, just split it in the name of obozhestvle-
Nia in our life of the subject, object and process of interaction between them.

Paul and maithuna deities

Female yogini identify themselves with the subject-Bhairavi, and the object - with Bhairava.
Male yogis identied the contrary. Through a genuine act of knowledge acquired posti-
voltage unity of subject and object, which gives bliss whole divinity. it bla-
zhenstvo is the result, both the process and its fruit. And also - the result of its own
Noah bases, which is the original secret unity of the subject, object and process their obe-
of the connections.

Nudity deities and the black color of their bodies

Ultimate truth, goodness, divinity, naked, undisguised and all

in sight. This is symbolized by the nakedness of deities. However, not many people can see it by virtue of pro-
Bloem perception. This is symbolized by the black color body. The black color also symbolizes
the same as the original black color basics: emptiness, freedom, innite wisdom,
vsesoderzhanie. The black body space contains all of the light of stars.

anthropomorphic deity

It expresses the fact that living beings have a "creaturely" imperfect, vulnerable, coarse-
buoy limited anthropomorphic shape, divine inside. And this potential BO
Divinity can make an active reality. At the same time comprehended that "creaturely"
form is one of the expressions of the original perfection. Anthropomorphic forms of deities
also symbolizes the possibility of gaining jivanmukti.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Fire hair Aura, mustache, beard

It symbolizes the heat anugraha shakti ishtadev, its dynamism, rage and immense power.
This anugraha manifests as a ame of divine love:
a) warming bliss, to enjoy the beauty;
b) the re of wisdom, knowledge, illuminating the world, sizzling veils of ignorance;
c) energy Siddha, designed to give an opportunity for self-realization;
g) aura that protects against all pollutions, diseases and obscurations, making clean and neuyaz-
vimym, victorious.

Crimson background-atmosphere

a) radiation re gods forming the habitat to practitioners Mahakal marga;

b) the ames of sunset and sunrise samsara death reviving the greatness of perfection bozhe-
stvennoj self-realization;
c) the sunset is a sacred moment between day and night, has the force and of the day and the night, and
This is independent of them. A break between the two extremes, between inhalation and exhalation,
between the blinking eyelashes.

The wild image of deities

Deity nestrizheny and naked, unshaven Bhairava, view yamaly - Nature. This is The symbol
lyse that divine nature inherent in us spontaneously. To implement it - does not mean
to achieve something greater than yourself; It does not mean to stop being themselves and become somebody dru-
SHM; not to improve themselves. To implement it - means to open it, to release from the deep
bin to the outside world, to show, to release and allow it to manifest divine.

Simultaneous eroticism and monstrosity

a) freedom from, and for freedom;
b) and everything that attracts us most and enjoy, and all that we have and the most repellent
afraid - are manifestations of the same divine nature An integral of
c) all the treasures of the world enjoy the wizard. All weapons in the world makes the master victors

Mouth with fangs

The ability to eat everything, including itself. No such thing in the world to God,
jivanmukta could not "digest". The adoption of the harmony of all that exists in the world. ironclad
state of perfection, free from samsara.


God is the true king - the all-powerful and All-Possessing. And realized mystic,
even being naked, a king, a king of kings rather than secular.



Skulls on the crown

The fact that the other has a comprehensive problem - to God, jivanmukta - only ukra-
sheniya crown:
a) ve vanquished delements;
b) ve-controlled forces;
c) freedom from enslaved ve material elements.


Power over time and timeless. Time is subject to all, however, for Bo-
n time - a decoration, one of the signs of divine glory and greatness.

Garland, a necklace of severed heads and skulls

a) necklace - bondage chain of incarnations for sansarina. For God jivanmukta who is
samsara - a decoration, a sign of divine power and control over the "San forces
Sarah. " At this level of rebirth - a toy, the giver of joy. And the player vo
Flax does not play the game;
b) a head - the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet.

Cobra around his neck

Presence in you even in the apparent absence of external:

a) Shakti;
b) the foundations of the divine;
c) the beloved object.

Snake over his shoulder at the Bhairava

a) represents the authentic sacred thread - skills in Kaula tantra, kundalini

b) is not the twice-born Brahmin, who was born in the Brahmin caste and received brah-
Manske dedication, but one who can control his energy.

Abhaya Mudra

guarantee of protection. Doubting God in that way protected ishtadevami sadhaka.

varada wise

Warranty empowerment and talent. Doubting God that ishtadevy grant sadhaka in PU
ti everything you need for a successful and harmonious self-realization.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)


a) direct introduction methods and direct entry into the initial state;
b) the way the lightning;
c) pratyabhidzhna.


a) Kaul tantrizm;
b) skillful means liberating energies of juggling. The magic of tantra.

Eastern sword form

It is in the East very well developed and preserved teachings.

Staff, topped skull with a snake crawling up

a) the rod of the master of the way;

b) the process of Kundalini Yoga;
c) the way, the process of passage of the way, the traveler and the fruit of the path - one. Black-red-white
snake symbolizes the sadhak of the way. Staff symbolizes the way. At the top of poso-
ha, on the assumptions must be the fruit of the way, its completion, the goal simvolizirue-
May jewel or a lotus. However, at the end of the staff - just an empty, mort-
vy skull. Coming to what should be the goal of the path, the result of not being found
nowhere else in the world, the sadhaka does not detect anything. What he nds in
It ends at the conclusion of the way - it turns out it was always, at every moment of the passage
Niya this way. Holy target is everywhere and at all times, not just in the place and time
complete way. Just before the sadhaka could not nd it anywhere, anytime inherent
present him to the treasure.

silver bell

The voice of the divine intuition, inner wisdom, coming from the depths of our spiritual
of heart. When all around us this night that the eyes can not see the right path, then we
go right way, focusing on the deep voice of the heart.
Flaming meteor star
Star in the sky - a symbol of God, the purpose of the way. Meteor - a spark of the stars, came to us.
This re Shaktipat, wisdom and mercy of God, contained in Mahakalamarge.

Owl with three eyes

a) is the mother of Bhairavi, who came in zoomorphic form of mystics ways to help;
b) it is a perfect mystic, a master teacher - a winged, powerful, seeing in the dark,
having three vision, hearing in two ranges.



A spear

Pointedness of mind, energy, body on the passage of the way and the goal. Goal-
Nosta and power sadhakas, piercing all the obstacles, all the elements of which life posvyasche-
us one problem.

Kapalicheskaya bowl with poisonous soma

a) The magic bowl Kaula Tantra teachings, getting into that poison becomes even lekarst-
b) intoxicants sansarina administered in an even greater madness, weakness and illusion.
However Kaula-tantrik can even use their power for sobering up, wake
and empowerment.

Rosary and a goad to control the elephant

Without daily sadhana, for all its low-key, and everyday life, can not be successful on
way. All of the most powerful exercises will be powerless in the hands of the one who neglects the daily
Sadhana. Want it or not - you simply have no other choice but to subdue their
passion, sloth, interference, carelessness, and practice their sadhana.

Stringed musical instrument

This path - is the path of art, beauty, freshness, creativity. Go this route Mach
kalabhayravy and Mahakalibhayravi - catching everywhere, always and everywhere the beauty of the divine
perfection. Way pleasant sadhak, it is beautiful, mesmerizing and enjoy. sadhaka consciously
He weaves melodies themselves, their way into the general music and the rhythm of the universe, vibrating mantra
God's perfection.

Bow and arrow

a) the strength and the advantages of this way: in order to defeat the enemy, the obstacle is not always necessary
join with him in direct contact, ght, take the time and get dirty. There are meto-
wild, using which you eliminated the enemy, the obstacle without touching it,
It is from it on the temporal or spatial distance;
b) onion arc - base string - method, boom - the attention of consciousness, shooting - obrete-
of the result.

a) the victory over the spiritual materialism. There are individuals, which devalues the spiritual scientists
Nia and methods by diluting their effect, the distortion of their meaning, giving them a
orientation. Some churchmen do it out of stupidity, others - out of fear. Neko-
torye of clerical thereby acquire material benet. As a result of
spiritual teachings and the path remains only one shell. The true mystic adept zhivo-
of the way, does not allow himself to deaden the teachings, symbols and methods. It also exposes



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

spiritual materialism comes his way clerics, thereby saving them

themselves and their ock;
b) the alchemical ability to digest its own poison.

Scroll with pattern

The theory of teaching is inseparable from practice. You can not disregard the comprehension of the doctrines meta-
physics of symbols and teachings, calling them "the thoughts of the intellect", "dry philosophy", "conditional
Noah metaphysics "," dead icons and images ", and hope while only yoga
exercise and the experience gained by using them. In the true path of the Black Yamaly not susche-
exists a kind of detached from the practice of theory and some practice, in addition to the existing dock
trine teachings. To implement jivanmukti, nding transcendental knowledge continuity
Nia, you must rst master the phenomenal mystical and magical knowledge. We need to know now
Sadhana world, its universe, the way laws. We need to know how and when to use meditation
technicians, and that is a sign of success in them or errors in them.
The pattern on the scroll symbolizes that the teaching and implementation of methods according to cognition
teaching takes place on a particular pattern, such a beautiful, harmonious pattern, risue-
Momo artist. Patterns of different ways of mystics one school to something similar, but somewhat different
differ. To realize itself - it means to draw a beautiful and unique design, vpisyvayu-
schiysya on the triune level in harmony pulsating and sparkling pattern of the universe.

ghting chakra

a) Bhairava Shiva and Vishnu - in fact one of the form manifestations - in something different
b) the nature of reality, conventionally described as perpetual motion global forces at
eternal immutability of the global framework that gives rise to this movement forces.

Skull with sprouted through a hole in it ower

Understanding the relationship of law and the alternation of life and death, and the ability to use it
by following the path of sadhana. All the beauty and goodness of life - are transitory and uhodyaschi. death of Great
dot to a new life. Death and dying are beautiful, just need to be able to see it. for a fully-edged
Noah and successful Kaula practices necessary to use all the life-afrming and everything smertonos-
Noah and the owering and decay.

Simple black raw stone-shivalingam

a) God is simple, robust and coherent;

b) God is everywhere, even in the most ordinary and rough objects. We need to develop the ability to
see it;
c) God and his doctrine of opposites come together and penetrate all three Mi-
pa, as the axis of the whole.




a) pratyabhidzhna. Achieve the goal of the mystical way - then see for yourself, in yourself,
and see who you really are;
b) to overcome the shortcomings and develop dignity, we must know its characteristics;
c) in order to achieve success in life, it is necessary to know the world, its nature and laws. And to know
it is necessary to know yourself. Microcosm is the macrocosm.


a) ve-pointed shape symbolizes jewel Pancharatnam teachings, and that on

Indeed, a deeper comprehension of ve treasures are only ve
faces one-piece jewelry;
b) God-reality is like crystal-diamond: ssion and indestructible, but multifaceted. pure
Teich. Colorless transparent, but shines brightest of all colors of the rainbow -
like nothing, but the nature and basis of everything in the world as a whole and individually.

The Banner Trikasamarasya Kaula and Kalagni Kula

Silver pole - net energy produced tantra.

The pommel - Saiva trident, which includes all of the triad, the Buddhist vajra
Shakta triangle obscheinduistskaya and Bon swastika sintegrirovannye together.
All this means that all kinds of tantra came from a single source - original real
Nost, and generated net Anugraha shakti special power.
Cloth ag triune - symbolizes Trikasamarasya, its glory and perfection.
The black part of the cloth:
a) Shiva, the consciousness of the space;
b) transformation of Tamas in perfect property.
The red part of the cloth:
a) nara, Jiva, perfect being;
b) transformation of the Rajas in perfect property.
White 16 tiluchevaya star:
a) Shakti connecting Nara, jiva Shiva;
b) the perfection and bliss of unity of Shiva and Shakti; Shiva, Shakti and Nara;
c) transformation of sattva in perfect property;
d) the way the star targets its fruit, perfection;
d) Bhairav eight, eight Bhairavi as a manifestation of the central yamaly.
e) 16 feces.
Is diagonal black and red sectors:
a) coexistence of, vzaimopronizyvanie;
b) is above, so below; on the left, then right.
The central star location - perfect harmony, perfection is - Trikasamara-
CLR: the unity of Bhairava, Bhairavi and bhayravayta.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Kapalicheskaya bowl with blood and heart

This - the basis of the teachings. Shiva - is our nature, the essence, the heart. Shakti - is our strength,
life, consciousness, blood. Comprehend the unity of Shiva, Shakti and Nara - partake of kapaliche-
tion bowl Trikasamarasya Kaula heart and blood, that is, your own as a real (not
confused with phenomenal) heart and blood, and the heart and the blood of the whole universe.

severed head

a) sadhakas victory over their creaturely limited nature and formation Ishtadevoy,
b) the victory over the mind conceptualizes, generating realms of samsara;
c) win over the internal and external enemy.

The pipe of the tibia

Even the "unclean" can serve as a transmitter of the teachings and assistant in the practice of sadhana.
In the ordinary human bone Hinduism is considered unclean substance, touch
it - so deled. Pure bone is considered seashell in her pipes during
religious ceremonies. However Bhairava Tantras teachings Kaula tantras Yama of tantra - moni-
-socialist, non-dual. They teach that everything in the world has a divine nature - is
including the dead body. Our practices Marga is not deled by touching the bones, but
perfects itself. Therefore the ceremonial pipe of the tibia person - great
megaphone proclamation of sacred vibration nondual teachings.

Kapalicheskaya bowl, and in it - a nose, eyes, ears, tongue and skin

Five organs of perception involve the ordinary man in the world of objects, samsara, limited
chivaya it. However Kaula Tantra has methods that allow you to direct the work of organic
new feelings back, to its source. This helps to gain a clear vision, perception.


The drum consists of two halves and symbolizes the duality. duality -
mother of samsara, full of limitations and suffering, the enemy for spiritual travelers. However, our way
can even be used for the very duality of nding unity! When you play on the Damara
- Cords with knots hit on both membranes of Damara, and formed a unied sound, rhythm, vvodya-
conductive in trans.

Cloth Blindfolds

a) a) the power of the darkness. Bright light, shapes, colors - distract our minds, pulling vnima-
of themselves. But if you plunge into the darkness, the external objects will not distract us.
Then it will be easier to focus on the inner world and its phenomena, and later
- to discover its true nature, to understand its properties;



b) b) represents the power of blindness, ignorance is bad for spiritual travelers.

However, our teaching and allows this phenomenon used to improve and sadhana
its effectiveness.
It is known that too early transferred to a teaching or meditation, magical equipment
can cause great harm to living beings. It is known also that the adept must explain
exercise at the appropriate level to him or her. Because the explanation too high
level fell on unprepared soil, can severely injure the consciousness of the adept and
thus ruin his sadhana, and his whole life. So sometimes any undiscovered
things is far more good than opening them. Our teaching can even force
of ignorance, which breeds samsara, to use for the good of the spiritual progress of the adepts.

Three dead, trampled yamaloy

Victory and superiority over many triads, in particular:

a) God and Master exceed three worlds - the upper (deity), the median (the person) and
lower (raksasa);
b) God and Master of superior intelligence capabilities (deity), feelings, emotions (chelo-
Century), the physical body and tools (Rakshasa);
c) the victory over the raga, dvesa and avidya.

Mountains in the background

Symbolize wildlife and solitude. Stay in seclusion and the wild pri-
way contributes to improving the practice of sadhana process.

Druze of crystals

a) sacred doctrine comes from the depths of our bases, from the depths of the original. it is po-
It is convenient Druze precious crystals that are in the mountain interior.
b) it is contained even in rough ground, like the divinity;
c) knowledge of the divinity of even the grossest of mahabhuta marks the perfection of po-
Niemann, improves the effectiveness of sadhana quick way;
g) some potions help to mystical path;
d) some teachers have this Marga inorganic nature.

Fire and burn the corpses in it

Smasana symbolize, in the fullness of its aspects in bhayravizme ".

Bhairava said: "I told the manifestation of the secret pattern as much as dolzh-
but it is now to be explained. Other symbols of interpretation will be given when this will
When practicing ishtadevayogu adept at the primary level, he contemplates the icon or visualization
lyse yamalu before him, knowing all the above aspects, getting to know them. Through this we pro-
We move towards success.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

When practicing adept ishtadevayogu average, he visualizes yamalu in serd-

tse and attached to all these aspects come into contact with them in the depth of the sacral level.
This improves the efciency sadhana.
When adept ishtadevayogu practice at an advanced level, he visualizes himself ya-
small. In this way he expresses divinity and makes those aspects of themselves, and myself - all these
Truly, it is required not comprehend the doctrine and practice, not to master the teachings and practice, and
become doctrine and practice. Then on the tantra path is possible self-realization and jivanmukti -
nding himself God.
Each symbol contains a set of doctrines and practices, awareness and effort. Usvo-
and it fully digest all this great mountain of precious dishes can only be for a lot of lives.
A assimilate and digest readily calculable number of characters in each of which skontsen-
Update and concisely provides a number of different awareness and effort, it is possible in this one
our lives.
This spiritual law shortens the way to achieve self-deifying. AND
This is the power of tantric ishtadevayogi ".
Bhayravananda Bhairava and Bhairavi thanked for their kindness and addressed them with PE
whose "O mother and father, your demonstrations were primarily manifested sadhakas living in their
days of tantric principle: according to place, time and circumstances. In this age of
Memory sentient beings has become much worse memory of our ancient predecessors. Our
the rhythm of everyday life greatly quickened compared with measured and unhurried starin-
Noah lives. Many contemporary mystics do not have much free time for sadhana,
as were our predecessors. Many elements of Marga was designed for people,
living in the eastern cultural environment, and nowadays there are many Western
people hungry adequate to fully practice the tantric path. About his mother and father, pro-
shu you Spread the word tantra its modern form, designed to strengthen
Sadhana practiced today. The ability to give life an ardent ocean creatures
Anugraha ".
Bhairavi said: "Many mystical symbols Tantrism retained their meaning and Chi-
The regular, but they are far from modern life, and because current creatures touch
not as sensitive as touched their distant predecessors. Because they are in this age
a much smaller force than they had in the modern age. For all these reasons, many tantriche-
skie teachings and practices at this time are far less liberating force than they
We had in other ancient times. Therefore, we are endowed with a mission to help Bhayravanandu zhi-
There is a modern vym convey to them a gift, designed specically for this era.
Here's what you need to know about our ancient manifestations and demonstrations in the context of the new
coexistence of them. The modern manifestation is a manifestation of the Black Yamaly drev-
It yamaly in the modern era. Her mystical and magical aspects is almost the same as the aspects
you ancient yamaly. However, they expressed universal and for the West and for the present-East
mennymi symbols, touch the current adopters sensitive than much of antik-
best samples tantric symbolism. Because of this, they will be easier and faster to enter the sup
and yogini. This, in turn, will help them to deify their inner and outer worlds go-
Section lighter and more. Besides these symbols is less than the quantity, but on the semantic load
Each of the characters - great. This is due to the fact that many modern sadhakas in con-
Chiyo of their noble predecessors, not much free time to a single
life master visualization technique 32 yamaly hand, but still have time after this otprak-
tikovat ishtadevayogu with the aim of gaining self-realization before the death of the physical


body. In addition, many modern tantric, highly developed abstract thinking, intel-
Lect. Due to this it will be enough simply to recognize a lot of different aspects of
symbol. Mantra, yantra and mantra yamaly ancient, modern yamaly yantra - the same.
You will see that God loves his children and took into account all the features of their lives, especially
they are arranged in this age. We Bhairava and Bhairavi - not the gods of the ancient East, but
universal gods actual tantric self-realization. So, this is how we manifest in
this era of sadhana ... "
And Yamala manifest as modern Yama ercely radiant, pitch gaping
and dancing on the corpses. Mahakali Kaulasiddheshvari and Mahakala took Kaulasiddheshvara
shape modern yamaly. Bhayravananda spread out in dandavat.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Bhairavi said, "to clarify the signs of modern Yamaly. Everything that I did not mention, understanding
etsya just as is the case with ancient Yamaloy.
The missile with nuclear warheads - the modern equivalent of the ancient maces.
Automatic weapon with a bayonet - the modern equivalent of the sword, spear, bow, and his endeavors
Computer text and rosary - the equivalent of a scroll with a goad and beads. new additional
tion value - the unity of the doctrines and practices.
Music and videolny synthesizer - the equivalent of a stringed instrument and Damara. black
and white keys expressed the same idea as the two halves of the Damara.
A piece of black rock with samples of her precious crystal - equivalent
strips of black stone-Shivalinga and pentagonal-crystal treasures.
A ask with a poisonous soma kapalicheskoy bowl - equivalent scorpion kaulicheskoy
Kapali bowls, underlining that modern chemistry Kaul stands in the service of tantri-
cal alchemy.
A bag of money and precious beads - this is a new element that is not manifest in
ancient yamale. It symbolizes the fullness of God, the divine perfection. Says that
all the riches of the world belong to God. Financially supported yogis and their sadhana.
The corpses of the Western "businessman-scientist-technocrat", "Eastern terrorist-religious
fanatic "and" Far East materialist-communist "- analogues deity corpses chelove-
SC Rakshasa and trampled dancing yamaloy. Have a similar meaning.
Silhouette of the metropolis in the background - emphasizes that Yamala manifest in
this form to accelerate and enhance the modern followers of Tantric sadhana.
Now that in modern yamale replaces the missing characters old ya-
small, keeping the old sense, plus acquiring new meaning.
Flaming meteor star replaced Fiery Wrath of the deities.
Silver Bell replaced hooting owl.
Ancient stringed musical instrument and drum-Damara replaced Transfer the
Calne synthesizer.
Mace is replaced by nuclear weapons.
Sword, spear, bow and arrow are replaced by an automatic weapon with a bayonet.
Scroll to the teachings of the computer is replaced.
The pipe of the tibia is replaced by rosary of Kapali and mouth deities.
Scorpio replaced provocative manner gods and partially - Kapaly-bulb.
Blindfold is replaced with black bodies deities.
Simple black raw stone-shivalingam and gem-crystal
It is replaced by a black piece of rock with samples from her crystal.
Kaulicheskaya bowl with the ve senses is replaced by the senses deities.
Severed head is replaced with a skull impaled on a stick.
Elephant goad replaced rosary.
Fighting chakra partially replaced with black-white-red properties gods. Aspect
Unity-Bhairava Shiva and Vishnu - is replaced with nothing. This aspect is not so relevant
for modern practitioners Mahakalagni Marga ".
Bhairavi said: "In this way, modern yogis-bhayravaytam will be enough
only to study aspects of ancient manifestation yamaly, trace analogs of these aspects in the
yamaly modern manifestation, and then just practice the mastery of technique vi-
zualizatsii ishtadev. After mastering visualization technique can begin ishtadev
to the great phase ishtadevayogi practices, and through it to achieve self-realization.



Due to the reasons described above me, a meditation on the contemporary manifestation
Bhairava Mahakala and Mahakali Kaulasiddheshvary Bhairavi Kaulasiddheshvari be under transit
dit easier and it will bear fruit soon and plentiful. There are those who will have to combine medita-
tion in the form of ancient and modern. There are those who will only need modern
subject to a preliminary examination of symbols of ancient Yamaly and worship her.
And now I will describe and to explain the quintessence of modern forms Yamaly - our lacquers
-border demonstration. It helps in cases where the practices related to the total for-
My modern Yamaly, will be difcult to implement. "
And at that moment Mahakalabhayrava Mahakali and manifest in their present-laconic
mennoy form:



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Bhairavi said: "In this demonstration we have fewer hands and visible
attributes. However, in this form contains all the attributes of deployed yamaly. Part of them
invisibly present in the visible attributes. Here's how it works:
Bowl with soma is present in the bowl of blood and heart.
Mirror, bag and necklace with riches present in the crystal.
Staff is present in the ag, turtles, dance.
Owl present in gods themselves.
Vajra and swastika ag agpole is present in the ag pole.
Triple green swastika is present in the star is explicitly or implicitly.
Music and Instruments videolnye replaced by singing and dancing rhythm deities.
Abhaya mudra Varadi and are present in the very nature of the deities in their activity and in their at-
ribut ".
Bhayravananda bowed parents and joy said: "Loving God and miloser-
den. God appeared open to the pleas and requests mystical travelers for help in speeding up,
facilitate and strengthen their sadhana secret deifying transformation. Mahakala Bhay-
Rabbi Kaulasiddheshvara and Mahakali Bhairavi Kaulasiddheshvari heeded my pleas and ritua-
llamas and have revealed the miracle requested me they have the benet of living beings on our planet. they Ma-
nifestirovali itself in a form suitable for the most effective promotion of
rapid way Trikasamarasya Kaula Marga, the path of gradual and made happy and
lucky children Bhairava and Bhairavi, living in the modern era. It is they for us
manifested in a form that can help strengthen the effectiveness of our sadhana better non-
Gelis it can provide demonstrations, which appeared in the Middle Ages and in antiquity. "

Doctrine and sadhana Samharakrodha Bhairava

hayravananda said, "Oh, Mother and Father, I ask you: Tell illustrious shmashana-
sadhana and meditation Tell your ritual black magic that destroys and sub-
repairing internal and external enemies. "
Bhairavi said: "Before you hear what you said, you have to be more aware
teaching-related aspects krodha and samhara, learn important doctrine. To do this, God accepted
Samharakrodha Bhairava form and in this form he will tell you the essence, without which it is impossible to
Smasana successful practice of sadhana and ritual in which Asitanga perfect. "
There the Holy Land Openness Primordial God. It leads to the road on which
It is based on a danda impaled on her skull. Upturned on the gallows and impaled
on stakes endless rows of corpses adorn the left and right of the road that goes to eternity.
Ranks beheaded keep her quiet, and quartered pieces of bodies is its roadside cam-
nor restless spirits of fallen warriors circling in the sky like the invisible clouds and travel along the
the land between the stunted blades of grass like an invisible fog.
When he came to the West, the sadhaka Bhayravananda sat on the cemetery hill, I wanted to co-
Mirror heart and discover the truth. Sincerely glad Mahakalabhayrava in the image Samharak-
Rodham Bhairava came out of the black forest, smiling and stroking, scratching his belly. "Oh, Bhay-
Rabbi! "- rejoicing, cried sadhaka -" Reveal to us your truth, reveal the secret horror, death
and suffering! "
Bhairava - cannibal killer existing, walked over to his son and sang cheerfully: "I -
Mahakala. At the heart of my dead life of living death. This is my measurement Samharakrodha
Bhairava. I watch as the meat rots, oblazit on cadavers and cleaned bones. In this land




so many graves and fresh, and abandoned, and dug. They are corpses, and some
already empty, lost consciousness and force dead body rose in the form of the army. Between the thick-graves
pyatsya legions of zombies. About my family cherepochki my favorite graves! You especially grave
groomed, pleases the heart of their way of holiness! On the hills, hills, mountains corpse ashes
whitened with the remnants of unburned bones! You are so happy and cheerful heart and necrophiliac
Yogi Mahakalagni Marga ".
Bhairava sat down with Bhayravanandoy continue to sing: "It's fun, pearls
tears born of laughter howling generates. Bhairavi in a gift I offer owers and rubies kro- drops
vavyh and tears rock crystal and diamonds. She decorates the abode of my gures and faces,
wrinkling their old age, forming patterns of chaos rash and sores of various diseases. "
With cool cemetery hill Samharakrodha and his son went to shma-
shan. What could be so sweet heart how to sit on the warm ashes with the same as you
bhayravaytami contemplating the re, discussing the issues of teaching and meditation practice? And it is difcult
but to nd a more pleasant thing than dealing with ishtadevoy, to comprehend the original, as well as sec-
Rhaetian people sadhana.
Bhayravananda asked: "What is the most effective response to pain, suffering, de-
press, anger, anger, hysteria and fatigue? How best to use it all to gain
the fetus? "
Bhairava said: "If you is beyond duality - nothing else
required, and the problem is solved. If continuous stay quite severely hampered -
Use other methods. Remember about ishtadevy image and explain the reasons for his image itself, po-
what he looks like. Remember the real nature of all things, and that causes the Jiva Boc
accept suffering, and that prevents perceive the real nature of it. The road to success in
any practice Samhara and Krodha cycle in the relaxed contemplation of the deep nature and is
as this are evident. Then you'll understand why and what are its energy and manifest as
suffering acquiring stability in instability, hysteria, rest - after a rage ho-
lodnoe nevovlechonnosti balance and impartiality - in malice, pure clarity - in yaro-
STI, uplift and bliss - in a depression, and orgasm - in pain.
If you have faith in the way ishtadevy and have a desire to understand the secrets of hell and winds its energies,
has all the other main qualities Kaula-tantrik, the case will lead to the success of the sadhak.
Have pride sadhakas-bhayravayta and ishtadevy. Respect yourself, respect ishtadevu. nd
inner harmony and Exalt her as the highest treasure, do not change it to psevdogarmoniyu
samsara. This will lead to disobey the fear and deepen the perceived nature and elevate above the sleep-
IOM animals, some of which have the appearance of a person.
Know that the suffering of body and soul - is the gateway for self-realization, it is a chance, and this is the way
methods is the light coming from the ocean, boundless and neohvatnogo thought. Also you pozna-
osh God's pleasure: the mental, emotional and physical, you need to know
God in suffering: mental, emotional and physical. Fullling this covenant faithful
ishtadeve and the way doeth not - the pervert, the servant of sin, unclean and polluting the world and
the Black path Kula with his presence.
Use gates and the power of fear, suffering and passion when they embrace you. Sometimes
do the meditative ritual, causing them articially, when you are ready for a successful operation.
By understanding their essence, force and form in itself, you realize and comprehend the essence of it all in the so-called
ted to the outside world. "
Bhayravananda said, "Oh, Father, explain why you are leaving unanswered zhi- aspirations
O creatures, not vnemlesh the request of many people, so begging for mercy? "



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Father anger and death, said: "In response to the prayers and desires of many people I explain the essence
this world, and the sea creatures gets chance to know and the exit of the maze, the more fools
deeper into the pits of hell. In response to pleas for mercy I ask lucky, imeyusche-
of such awareness and intelligence to nd the question: "What can you protivoposta-
build me and my world? What is your life more beautiful for my death? Why should I spare you?
Do you want to soar, to ascend to the stars? Go - I'm giving you a chance. But if you again SKA
tishsya in its insignicance, then woe to you - you are again impersonal popadoshsya me wearing the different
nye mask. You want to be in samsara - it is your right. Go voyuy for his place in the stinking kuryat-
nickname, but remember that once you meet an enemy who is not impressed by his mysh-
Tsami, claws, fangs, weapons, crowds of supporters, and your days are numbered now. samsara
generates and consumes generated. Your enemies - it's stupidity, old age, disease, nepriyatno-
STI. They will eat you, and you, as a servant you give them their strength, being complete by shit and nichtozhest-
tion, ugly boils, pimples on the body of the universe. If you're a unky in your soul - your
nature toady, sycophant, and slave will keep you in samsara reliable than chain, walls and castles
held prisoner in captivity. Get the full program, about, you, loving samsara and rabo-
lepstvuyuschy in front of her, because death, pain and suffering - an integral part of it.
About bhayravayt, my beloved child, you do not adore samsara, but it deies soznani-
it, the nature of which is divine, because I love you so much. You say sansarinu aloud: "I
I am doing sadhana. This gives me the right, which you never dreamed of, because I am not a slave, but a great dvorya-
ning, free mind, a great spirit. I am not an animal, but the sadhak. " Inside yourself you're talking about:
"I - ishtadeva, I'm indestructible, I am your life and death, I do not dwell in prison of samsara. This mandala
is my house. "
Bhayravananda said, "Oh, Father, that is, black anger and spite, rage and sore
Bhairava said, "Black rage and anger is a manifestation of the primordial black bezdon-
Foot space Mahashuni. Rage is a manifestation of brightness ocean, lling
this space. Sore irritation is a reection of perfection in the form of preby-
vayuschih in harmony with each other and with the world. Correctly knowing anger, malice, rage and anger, you
see their true nature and perfect come out of the enslaving inuence sansari-
cal karma waiting for stray hinges of hell trails.
Also contemplate relaxed closely and continuously turbid vortex extreme fatigue
mind and body. Give yourself to this contemplation, you will see the bright perfection of its original
the divine nature. Washing the bloody rain, good for the soul in spontaneous relaxation,
to follow their natural environment. Following vortices patterns of world harmony, mistik-
bhayravayt nds righteousness, harmony, truth. Kaul, exploding with rage predelno-
of the lament of consciousness produced by the power of the mantra, gives executing meditative ritual,
liberation and the immensity of transcendental state.
Oh, bhayravayt, child Mother and Father, explore the true nature of suffering and violent
anger, acquiring diksu and fulll Samharakrodha sadhana through ritual comprising co-
zertsanie, mantra and work with energy channels.
As a result, proper sadhana is acquired, the fetus produces two, external and internal
Nij. External - it tears. Internal - a catsh, Amrita. These two elixir is acquired
as spontaneously as a result of appearing in the life of ecstasy hysteria, grief, resentment and regret.
Crystal clear tears which wash the heart, stimulates and increases the ocean of Amrit, store
nyaschiysya in it. Drops amrta protrude on the surface of the heart and spacing Dakini
energy vortexes, ll the body and mind with ecstasy.




Shedding tears properly, you ensure concentration in the heart of harmonious hearts
Noah proistechenie energy, you release the locked in prison cave effect, allowing its po-
currents develop indenitely. This will allow to acquire transcendental ecstasy bestowed
tears of grief right and proper hysteria. Cry and know realize that all killings
wars and other factors, all diseases and accidents - is offering you
yourself. Tears of mourning - a component of an elixir tattva ritual aspect Samharak-
Rodham. Blood stem from the body - it is Amrita and her part in the ritual of self-liberation
Thou, O bhayravayt, is the truth, and darkening your brow decorated with three ery eyes
and ery white crescent. You possess all the power sizzling, Exterminating
outside. It comes from your mind body, forming an invincible aura. Do you have the quality,
It belongs to you by right, take, activate them. This is the perfection and beauty of following
instincts, without losing the freedom of innity, and nobility, stepping outside the invariant
stinkta, reveals the door to spiritual freedom blade suicide and spiritual battle.
The terrible pain and suffering torn heart, guts, hell irritation Insanitarium,
anger extinguishes the world heats incandescent rage, tearing apart disharmony. Relax and immerse yourself in
the hidden nature of this condition. She seemed to be dead and empty. She - the essence of the world. It's God.
Having come to know her, you will attain the peace, and the power of his divinity you turn your suffering
Despair, hopelessness, neutolyaemy hunger, the world forms of slavery, lack of slavery
energy, energy shortage - blow up themselves and the explosion will drop you all this and more deeply
thereby rise up as a great God. The next level of development does not belong to you
dotsya blow themselves up - the nest essence-nature bhayravayta is like darkness, it will penetrate all
around - inside and outside. "
Bhayravananda said, "Oh, Father, devouring the meat is part of your ancient sadhana. Me-
waiting time, many now can live and vegetarians. Others believe that vegetarianism has
more noble and spiritual lifestyle. They say: "If there is an extreme need to kill
for food - is not it better to abandon the "Others say:" Eating meat - the right way? ".
What is your answer?"
Bhairava said: "It is time - special. In it has the ability to grow the embryo and meat
eat it without killing creatures. However, the grain has not yet yielded results. At this time there is no single
prescriptions for various adherents. Everyone - his own karma your way. Today, however, the meat
It should be used by all who practice special, important meditative rituals Mach
kalaagni Marga. At least occasionally, in cases where not do without meat in the sadhana. all dictates
expediency. Bhayravayt not deprive of life without the need for expedient. Pozhira-
bhayravaytom of meat - is both work and passion, and anger. In conjunction with
meditation, psychedelics, pain and sex, everything comes together in Kullu practice. devouring corpses
sh, birds, animals, humans, reptiles, unites you life and death. Meditate on edinst-
tion of death, life and the fact that outside. The bottom line of all natural, and void. "
Bhayravananda said, "Oh, Father, what is your Samharakrodha shaktipat? What is it You are a
rage, and his force must grow? "
Great Bhairava, the death of the father said: "The essence of my Shaktipat beyond words and barely
It can be experienced by someone whose mind is not sufciently thin, and can hardly be understood
by someone whose perception does not elaborate as the perception of the master. However, it is expressed clearly in the fact
that the creature wants to go to the liberation and harmony of my quick way. Once it zhe
lanie lead the sadhak to the place where I will give him Diksha Pattern relics. "
Bhayravananda asked: "O Great Father, that there diksha Pattern relics?"



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Bhairava said: "This is the second stage of diksha Samharakrodha Shaktipat. I say garden-
hack openly - be free mind, the spirit, the will, the energy body. Time to start
awareness of the true nature and Krodha samhara. Sadhaka to hear liberating word is set
order to understand the nature of sin, misery and suffering, their connection with the divine, for I am with all my heart
I awaken interest in this. The spirit of generosity bhayravayta seen in the desire to solve
this task, in openness to the wisdom of my knowledge. It is the courage and bravery, boldness, muzhest-
in the purity and spirituality - to see God, the lord of the Center, and in pain, and that nevezhestvenny-
E is perceived as pain. "
Bhayravananda said, "Oh, Father, someone must feel Kula children practicing
the second step: spiritual warriors, renouncer Avadhut, shamans, mages, podvizhni-
Kami, noble lords, or just you? "
Bhairava said: "My children feel that they are spiritual warriors, renouncer avadhuta-
E, shamans mages ascetics noble masters and by ishtadevoy ".
Bhayravananda said, "Oh, Father, how all of this should be reected in the aspect
Samharakrodha Bhairava and his beloved wife? "
"Oh, my son - posted Bhairava - to know my secrets realize that we - total-
nye tyrants and autocrats of the universe. We control the world. We control the so-called
mye impure forces. All under our control. Body, energy and mind obey our will,
that an iron hand squeezes the scepter of all the forces of the universe. We dictate their will to the universe.
The world is under our unbroken fth. We have enslaved all the forces of samsara. We tortured and
They executed them on the path of sadhana, beaten and tortured until he reforged them into zombies darkness light in force
holy triune jewelry. Our army is sowing fear, we put the world under the ax krova-
Vg terror of self-transformation, help living beings. Our strength, will, consciousness cher-
her darkness. Our God - the great winner of samsara. Sting Bhairava not stop no bro-
nya, an avalanche of his armies irresistible. All worldly demons and predators must be our vassa-
Lamy, claws, beaks, claws and stingers Great Black Yamaly. We say to them: "Serve
or you will be ripped to shreds, killed most terrible poison and trampled in the dust. "
I Bhairava - the divine and the demonic demon god. I can not be killed, because I mert-
BEE death. Bhairavi not win. She - the one who is the strength and the weakness of life, who
is the power of death for everyone. Together we form yamalu, and generate the entire Kullu.
So tuning, going beyond mental constructions and foreseeable one, which is able
manifest itself as a different. If the sadhaka understands the meaning and value of the formed
call, which I told, the case will be successful out - easy. "
Bhayravananda said, "Oh, Father, tell me about you mentioned the terrible poisons, ubiquinones
vayuschih enemies. "
Bhairava said: "There is practice forming in the body a terrible poison, harmless for
Practice and deadly to his enemies. He - the basis of other powerful poisons. This poison kills everything
fetter factors dissolve vexations eats suffering. Generating the poison
is obliged to rely on the whole kaulicheskuyu life, then it will be a success. Repetition pyatislogovoy mandate
try - the key actions of this sadhana.
Sitting in a comfortable position, let the sadhaka will feel the heart and bindu in it. bindu should
manifest mantra poison.
From mantra applies black poison. This is the power and essence, the essence Samharakrodha
Bhairava in his aspect of the liberator and giver of Anugraha Shaktipat. sadhaka otozhdestvlyaet-
camping with Samharakrodha Bhairava and Bhairavi Samharakrodha, feeling his full unity with the HA
E, in the heart of repeating the mantra allocated poison.




To connect and gain should be accumulated other poison, pumping needed

uids through the lower part of the body. Tantric saves it in the gall bladder, from which carries
sublimation in the abdominal cavity, where it is by following the distillation again reinforces the poison and otkla-
dyval his heart in an oval void. Poison mixed with cardiac bottom depths and poison venom
consciousness, owing down from the top. The resulting elixir causes Bliss in bhayravayte. When
poison accumulates under pressure tantrik pouring it all over yourself, for consciousness, energy and body,
maintaining a hefty margin in all three cavities. This gives the adept "skin of Darkness", which makes
invulnerable body and quickly regenerating, deadly for harmful microorganisms
and withering evil spirits. This poison kills delusion, pain, obstacles and constraints,
it is also possible to destroy and other opponents and enemies.
Let this practice sdhaka stores in the heart, a secret from the uninitiated. Practicing its po-
standing, in solitude and crowded places, it produces and keeps the poison becomes dangerous
scorpion, poisonous cobras and sh living in the waters of warm seas. "
Bhayravananda asked, "What is the basis for nesversheniya errors, leading to hell strada-
Nij? What is the basis for the lack of development of neurosis when dealing with fear? "
Samharakrodha Bhairava said: "The basis for nesversheniya errors have mercy well-being
slovleniya God, manifested in the form of gifts, qualities Kaula-tantrik and a proper posti-
zheniya teachings. If the readiness is there in recognizing Mahashuni if not ready to exchange basic
commitment to the temptation of samsara, if there is love and generosity, intelligence, sense of proportion - you do not
You nd yourself in hell and not to spoil the neurosis.
Comprehending Samharakrodha Bhairava and his mantras, mudras and strength, not to dwell only on the
this. Comprehend certain aspects, opposing these aspects Samharakrodha Bhairava. By-
Stig western sector of the mandala, to comprehend the blessed paradise of the eastern sector, and all other
sectors. This is necessary in order to attain the oceanic state. Do not focus only on the
terrible things, opens the joy, love and goodness, pleasure and easily understood
beauty, meditate on these things. Then you are on the right track Trikasamarasya Kaula Marga that sosto-
IT from all ve sectors of the mandala. "
Bhayravananda said, "Oh, Father, stupid people can not accept you, God, in your Sam-
harakrodha form and aspect. They ask: "How can God, who is love and sovershenst-
to be the nature of violence, torture, murder and abuse? How can God to torment the living Su-
societies restrictions, troubles, sickness, old age and death? "How will you answer them
through me? "
Bhairava said: "I, Mahakala, in the heart of my dead life of living death. from rip
I take out of the womb colon hands-necrophilia killers. Some hands I kill others hands dru-
GIH I kill rst. Will there be enough strength in the beings of the world, kill, die, prokli-
huge capacity, and praying for salvation, to drown my woe? If you take all the cries, screams with
the entire universe: "Save me, help me, I feel bad, it hurts!", they can shout this mad
heart-rending cry of hell and suffering howling divinity Bhairava?
Hardly the liquid discordant chorus can ll a my abode Samharakrod-
ha Bhairava, but for many living beings, he unbearably dense remains for them
the abyss of the ocean torment and suffering, forming hell, destroying the universe. At the same time, in
actually I do not kill anyone. And no one is killed. No one is killed or tortured,
except me. Nobody dies and does not suffer, except for me.
I tortured and killed himself. I cut myself, and this is part of the pleasure of my spontaneous
tannoy and joyful games. Three-edged tip I ripped open the belly of himself. destroying mirozda-
of the three-edged tip, I Bhairava, ripped open the belly of himself. Kill themselves, endlessly mort-
Vg, it is my joy, my fun.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Not only did I enjoy music and sex, food, and potions, but I enjoy making fun
at himself, and no one on whom to a depth of not making fun. I drink my tears, blood and
pain, and it's disgusting level beings act intimately purely at the level of net
akti Mahashuni and depth. It is not necessary to copy living beings as those who suschest-
rather restricted form, should not accomplishes what is being accomplished unlimited form.
It is necessary to realize and feel the tantrik Kaula, because it is part of their sadhana.
Incomparably fearless awareness should be sadhakas my way, because these nastav-
Lenia - horror of living beings. The horror and fear, it is natural for the living, and not have it
be ashamed. We only need to be ashamed of total enslavement by fear, shame denial osozna-
Vat secrets of fear and suffering. Beautiful sadhakas my trail, they are nice, they are heroes, they mud-
retsy. You kill, explode, and you cut zhrosh. You kill, blow, cut and guzzle. Odna-
to deep - happiness support, invincibility, beauty, harmony and perfection, because nothing this-
th is not performed at the depth. "
Bhairava said, "Let the Sadhaka or sadhika present itself Bhairava or Bhairavi in
wrathful form, where the Deity one hand stabs himself with a dagger heart, and other hands
pierces the human heart with a dagger, animal, demon and divinity. Imagine just as Bo-
one set of hands with a knife cut his throat itself, and the other cuts the throat caught chelo-
vecheskomu essentially daemon, an animal and a god. Meditate to cavitated shape that
no one really dies and does not suffer in the depths. Hearing all this, do not poison the basis zakrepo-
scheniem, remember that non-conceptual truth, open, boundless, and is contained in a maze
assembly and instruction. It is the death of all the problems, it is the power of Mahakala and Mahakali, Strength
Samharakrodha Bhairava.
Experiencing fear, you must become fear itself concentrated, it is also initia-
tion. Turn to Bhairava, "Let me feel fear as you feel it, oh, Bhayra-
va. "
Now the practice of energy ow, thus eliminating the suffering.
It is necessary to visualize and understand themselves as the heart, your energy channels, as roads Bhay-
Rava and Bhairavi, organs, their entourage and demonstrations. It is necessary to undermine it through the roots
awareness and identifying themselves with a weak creature. It just is not possible through
dharana experiences empty nature of Shiva and Shakti luminous nature, for this HA
to work with energies with channels visualize them as the metallic type cables, labor-
It would, which is heading from the center of liquid re, showing the world as the world of Bhairava. Until then,
the contents of the channel should be sent to the sushumna, in the center, in the heart. So you become a more
than the human mind, body and speech as well as to identify with everything - trees, rocks, zhivy-
E beings. This is one of the facets of meditation.
Bhairavi sends top of the ow of energy that lls you. The world becomes a different,
however it is necessary to practice the meditative ritual, it all takes time, concentration, clarity
vision, sober approach and lack of laziness.
On the roads of the channels constantly walk Bhairava and Bhairavi, in its various manifesta-
tions. In this vision, everything is perceived differently: the liver - iron demon heart - demon
light and so on.
Stay BHAIRAVA Bhairavi channels and harmonizes energy.
Suffering and fear are transformed into roads world.
It is necessary to present itself as the heart and as a pattern of Bhairava and Bhairavi roads. generally transferred
become to identify themselves with the fact that you feel human. The ban on the identication of oneself
man - Deeksha opening Shaktipat in the way of victory over fear. This law winning ways
over fear, Tell Bhishanoy. If scared, take the shape of the heart and the channels through koto-



ring walk, travel Bhairava and Bhairavi. They travel there in their hardness and scha-
ste. Wink inner eye where it hurts, where scary, it looks, what and with whom Bhayra-
Bhairavi Island and do in this place, and thus you solution of this problem.
Here Unfolded meditation.
Render the empty luminous sushumna, the center of which are in unity
Bhairava and Bhairavi. From sushumna depart main channels -manifestatsii God. From each of
main channels depart smaller, and from them - even smaller.
Each channel their forests, elds, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, trails, where various walking Ma-
nifestatsii Bhairava and Bhairavi, Kalabhayrava, Vatukabhayrava and others. they commit
different things and have adventures, like those described in the sacred legends, rest,
dance, ght, communicate with animals and monsters, meditate, conduct rituals.
With this visualization is not good to lose the feeling of emptiness, performed her daily
nenie does wonders.
If one day suddenly will attack fear or discouragement to you, then do this visualization
tion, then nd in his body, guided by feelings, a place of disharmonious
state. Finding, look shamanic view of what looks like this area, either
other place of your physical, energetic, astral, of whatever body.
Look at the look of this place, which makes it the Deity. Once you see
in psychoenergetical jam manifestation of the divine games and identied with bozhest-
tion, the energy ow is automatically harmonized, and discomfort and state tot-
hour wasted.
Here is a brief sadhana.
Again visualized sushumna, there is the heart, the sushumna, hollow and luminous.
Imagine how the rst meditation, pattern channels diverging in different directions. not visualized
building awareness of the details area, just imagine Bhairava and Bhairavi in the heart, and that Ma-
Lenka deity ll all channels.
Now another way.
Everything, as in previous cases, just the channels visualized as labor-wriggling
It is made, as it were from a special magical metal, which from the center, sushumna ows
liquid re deity energy. Finding the localization of pain, fear, etc. Lead
energy of all channels, in particular the affected channel - inversely in Susumna. when perezhiva-
etsya higher energy powerful mountain streams harmoniously rastechotsya the channels.
In addition to granting the perfection of energy, this practice will begin to change vospri-
yatie outside world. When you see a microcosm of the whole as a measurement Bhayravaloki whole
the outside world is also suddenly begin to be perceived as Bhayravaloka and its phenomena - as the difference
personal manifestation of deity.
Here is another great method.
Come into the void. Then imagine yamalu in the heart - or one surrounded by eight
Yama. During exhalation of the deities comes out sizzling white ame, cleansing all Canada are
ly and turns suffering into nothing. During inhalation, the ame again is absorbed in the body of deities.
If it is difcult to present a detailed diagram of the channels - imagine that from the horizon of the heart
experimentally differ eight more channels and another channel goes up and the other down. pre-
Put these great channels branch out into smaller ones, and those - on the capillaries that permeate
your body.
The following method is as follows.
Imagine in the heart yamalu. From it comes a wave that permeates your body and pre-
rotate it in the body of the deity. During exhalation yamaly ame penetrates the body and purifying it



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

from suffering becomes your aura re spreading from you through the entire universe.
This ame burns everything in the universe and in your body. During inhalation aura ame is drawn into
your body in yamaly body. During a pause after inhalation contemplate the emptiness of the body and the world. in vre-
on me pause after exhalation contemplate that the body and the universe is lled with a pure white ame
Shakti united in whom the ve basic shakti - ananda, kriya and others.
All these practices relieve suffering depression and disharmony.
Marga our practices should be able to keep hitting samsara and be harmonious in the Condi-
ditions of depression and unhappiness. It is best to accept the suffering of samsara as owers, Cadou
you your beloved Bhairavi. Understand how the gift Bhairavi and penetrate into the heart of the suffering,
devour them like Bhairava. For women more naturally do the following: pain,
perceived as something you Bhairava gives a gift of such a level that honors as a goddess.
Tasty gift, it is beautiful, it seems that this pain and suffering, you rasprobuet him better, HA
build. And you are giving in response to the color of their sensations, experiencing all this. You are both satised.
Meditate on the heart of fear, repeated aming style, BG: "I - Bhairava", "I -
Bhairava "," I - Bhairava "," I - Bhairava. " Develop the right energy channels, distribute
right energy to do useful Sadhana related to energy spread from the center
and contraction of the center. If you reach, you will acquire power over millions of Rakshasa and
We must refuse to visualize yourself as a limited human, and visualize CE
os as a god having an outer shape and internal structure. The form of the deity of the body due
Vestn, explain structure. We must visualize yourself as the heart, sushumna and roads, energy
channels. organs of the body are the same suite of Bhairava and Bhairavi and demonstrations. like
visualization and contemplation necessary to undermine the roots of awareness itself weak suschest-
Proper practice of the adept save from suffering not only to the ordinary world, but even hell,
and wrong can lead to hell, if these things are not true practice.
Who sincerely seek, who are concerned about their own development, they correctly fulll all this.
Guarantee that you will not be sick of it all, and you will not get the hellish dimensions - your
sincerity and samozabota about how to develop properly.
Take care of these teachings and techniques from unsuitable to them, and then you will not nd yourself constrained
interfering karma. Experiencing fear, anger, pain, go into non-dual state. used
pytyvaya fear, anger, pain, relax, understand the essence of them. Experiencing fear, anger, strada-
Niya, right mindset energy ows within and around. Experiencing fear, anger, suffering, pom-
nor the teaching and aware of these phenomena through its prism. Use visualization and mantras
Be aware of the meeting with Bhairava and Bhairavi, aimed at, to set you free and The relative
cover your perfection. Increasingly manifesting itself as a deity of the way, more and more will be ob-
PETA Samaras. Once you realized pyatiedinuyu mantra become dzhivanamuktoy ".
"Oh, thank you, Father, for your practice of teaching, and all that you have given me and others!" - objections
Dov Bhayravananda. Walking along the path, emitted its essence, he realized desired.

Great ritual of victory and subordination

After returning Bhayravanandy in the central chamber, Bhairavi said, "Oh, son,
once you know the hidden world Samharakrodha Bhairava, listen sadhana

P the great ritual of victory through the destruction, subjugation and deication, in which
We, Mother and Father, and his Samharakrodha Bhairava Shakti - one.




In the heart of a perfect space, that space does not, contemplate Amrita bid-
Ms. Amrta bja manifests itself vija of A which becomes Jaya BJ. Jaya
Bija Mantra emits action supplemented mantra anger. That turns into a world-mandala.
Blood in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by a ring of sharp diamond blade, which is surrounded
GOVERNMENTAL poison ring, surrounded by a ring of re, rises the mainland.
This world is like a desert - the mother of all deserts, like a eld of battle -praroditelyu
Battlegrounds is like shmashanu - the rst progenitor shmashanov. In it the darkness reigns, illuminated
only lights cremation. On the desert plains strewn with ashes and the ashes of burnt labor-
Peninsula, in caves and gorges barren and sinister rocks, along the banks of rivers of blood owing into the
ocean, live terrible creatures: Rakshasa, Vetal, bhoots, rushing, Pisachas and other demons and spirits.
In the middle of this land is a black stone mountain. On its at top is worth
octagonal palace sacred samhara. The Palace is made of raw, rotting and high
hshih skulls, has eight walls and eight doors. Here and there, the oor covered with puddles of blood on the po-
lu scattered human brains. The columns of the palace are made from the spinal column of the Titans,
entwined with poisonous snakes. Beamed ceilings are skeletons of dragons. entrance arch and
the upper portions of the columns are decorated with skulls of those killed demons. Draping curtains made of ki-
shock and knuckles phalanges. On top of the space between the columns and rafters decorated
torn garlands and other human eyes, tongue, cut off ears, noses, and nite
Dome of the temple-palace is the skull of Brahma. His crowning black trident vozvy-
Collapsing in the center of Tricon, is threaded through the heart and decorated with randomly at the fork Star
sa. Green poisonous smoke oozing from the holes in the walls of the temple, the walls and the dome zmeyatsya
lightning. Snake-like pale lightning crawl out of the door on the stones cliff in all storo-
In the middle of the palace ablaze with re round glade-roaster, which grows svernuvshiy-
Smiling black magic eight-lotus. Lotus blossoms. In the middle is
crystal jewelry vefold. The crystals were dissolved, becoming jaya bija.
Jaya bija grows, becoming Sakala Samaras. Central Lower head Sama
rasi double pipe of the tibia bone of the human, and is distributed dreary and horrible roar,
full of doom. Head of Bhairava says pranava of his heart and the entire universe co-
Drogan. Bhairavi head says tearing soul bija heart root, re go-
shing publishes a terrible scream crazy "A", the owl's head emits a sinister hooting, foreshadowing
the death of the world.
Trident and Tricon star are bloody re, around the spire run be-
lye and green ashes of lightning. From the right wave comes crimson sun, blazing re
universal sunset and rises into the sky. From the left tooth appears tilted thin Me-
syats shimmering pale, ghastly light. From the middle of the tooth comes out star shining
sinister, alien, otherworldly glow and rises to the very zenith. World lit.
All heads Samaras roar. Samaras hits the ground with his staff, mace, making
halberd swing and divided into Mahayamalu - Mahakala Bhairava Kaulasiddheshvaru and Mach
potassium Bhairavi Kaulasiddheshvari who is - and Bhairava Samharakrodha Samharakrodha Bhay-
Rawi, the father and mother of anger. They are in sexual union. Their eyes are burning glare
Deity uttered mantra of perfection, then - devyatislogovuyu mantra power
(actions). Bhairavi body produces, exhibits eight Yama, which are arranged in a circle
on the petals of a lotus.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

These are: Bhishana Bhairava and his Shakti in the north, Samhara Bhairava and his Shakti in the north
east Asitanga Bhairava and his Shakti in the east, Ruru Bhairava and his Shakti in the southeast,
Chanda Bhairava and his Shakti in the south, Krodha Bhairava and his Shakti in the south-west, Unmatta
Bhairava and his Shakti in the west, Kapali Bhairava and his Shakti in the northwest.
Deity uttered mantra of anger, then devyatislogovuyu mantra, then pyatislogovuyu
Bhairavi from manifests itself in the form androgina Rhu dragon-Ketu soars in
sky. It also shows a disk in the form of a mandala androgyne Varuna, united with his
Shakti is manifested in the form of a giant black octopus with a thousand tentacles, whose skin is coated
is the ve-pointed eyes and mouths. And the upper and lower androgynous - and there Bhairava
All beings vibrate the mantra of generating forces. Of the bodies of eight goddesses force mandate
try to generate and manifest around the Palace of black sorcerers-mahasiddha, then of Great
Kie demons and demon, Dharmapala and Dakini. The bodies of these creatures produce and exhibit Me-
her powerful horrible creatures are - even smaller. The whole world is lled around the palace
nyaetsya army of terrifying forces.
Central Bhairava and Bhairavi separated. Following them are separated and the rest
eight pairs. For the central mother and father appear on the black throne made in
as dragons and decorated with bloody rubies and black skulls. Mother Flame aura and
Father swells. Tridents power and Vajra breaking power in their hands darken, pouring
deadly power, dooming the world to destruction. "
Bhairavi said: "Find out how committed the invocation and effect as celebrated victory
and how it is transforming the world and opens a great victory. It is possible, as Bhairava and
Bhairavi lled with limitless power, majesty and glory. They sit on thrones and pipes in
their bone pipe. World pierces a terrible sound. Lords hit batons, Trishul
the ground, his eyes black skulls red light from the rods heat goes on Vajra vspy-
shaken white sparks. Lords gave the order to lower vibrating that carry on the pro-
Sojourn voice:
"Hey, Akhara Kalagni Kula - Kula, expand banners, that were defeated by those who do not
power to embark on the path of nding the blood and heart, following the study, preaching, and the voice of the heart
common sense.
Take care of those who are bitter enemy of liberation and self-deication Kula, who is an enemy MAC
Teramo and their disciples. Destroy harm forces, the forces that are presumed to interfere with encumbrances
teniyu Trikasamarasya - fruit jivanmukta! HO!
Oh, you, black holders sacred foundations, damn its terrible curse, Great
duschim enemies of liberation forces trying to destabilize the mandala and the ow osvobo-
REPRESENTATIONS, and self-realization. Doomed to defeat the enemy, the whole curse their fate, paying
a curse for the release! HO!
You the sacred black wizards - create problems for corroding wall of the Sinister
and fools, that, not wanting to listen to the teachings, hostile invading mandala. Let the magic of your
witchcraft create enemies for the problems that prevent harm to come across them on the path
release and convert! HO!
You, the holy demon and demons tormenting and seductive, insatiable desire
excite, causing terrible itching, enchant, subdue, enslave the forces hostile
nye liberating mandala. Tie them, harnessed to his chariot and driving them to the
long as they are not prepared to act on the Great Path! HO!



You the sacred black Rakshasas, the children of darkness and night, blackened with anger, and you holy
ery spirits of hatred and war, strife and quarrels, you aming rage - peressorte, za-
derite, rip apart, kill, devour enemies liberating mandala, so much so that they,
reborn, you could stand in the holy path and helped to practice the teachings of the holy! HO!
You, the holy vampires pale, bloodthirsty - suck the energy that tries to HA
ruin the harmony of liberating mandala, that energy has been transformed, and accumulates
lated as the radiant power of the mandala. Let your efforts enemies will lose the opportunity to vre-
dit, will be subject to their doom and wisdom teachings, and will return to the attainment of OS-
vobozhdeniya! HO!
You Pisachas sacred, and you are sacred spirits and ghosts - translated into terrible con-
indiscrete action sacred magic of wizards, creating troubles and problems, to intimidate rotating
gov mandala release, so that they can not harm and bent before the force Marga, vsta-
Whether on the road! HO!
You sacred demons of pain: stabbing, chewing, mozzhaschie and run up, aching
and boring, sawing and breaking - attack the enemies. Pain of hellish torture in order to
its re, they lost their lth, and it saw the glow of divine light, and embarked on the path of
teaching! HO!
You sacred scoundrels and rascals, rogues and swindlers Quack - cheat,
move, dissolve the mandala hostile forces, so much so that they could not harm the liberating
which gives the movement and to repeated failures prompted them to follow the holy scientists
You, holy night robbers, bandits, robbers and thieves, from property izbavlyayu-
Suitable - rob and rob those who are hurting and struggling against the freeing of the mandala. Let
multiply their wealth our treasury and robbed and plundered aware of the frailty of San
saricheskih values and come to the holy doctrine! HO! "
The ten yamala delivers great mantra of destruction magic, its deity removed
ryayut agpole ground.
Pronounced angry mantra actuation.
All sacred demon forces troops form a ring. Their hordes and legions beschis-
fewer in number, they get irresistible circular wall. Bellow pipe of the tibia, rattle bub-
us, Damara, drums, leather-covered enemies and timpani. The magical power of Bhairava and Bhayra-
vi forms bridges and slung through a blood ring blade venom and re. Central Yamala
uplifts the banner up and the legions of darkness, re and blood ghost light go on the attack. Su-
hoputnoe army passes over bridges, ying through the air y. The army surrounded in leaves
zhayuschy world and start a great battle with the enemy. It is necessary to visualize it in all its details and
gruesome details.
And all enemies' forces are weakened, discord, unfortunate plight, death podverga-
are, conquered in a black abyss are plunged. Some of hostile phenomena ische-
zayut and dissolve, others turn into corpses, piles of meat and bones, and others transformed
ruyutsya and become zombies true life and freedom, whose consciousness ickers the brightest ble-
skom great liberation. Mandala of the world puried, free and reduced to a great life.
Force Mahakuly ock to the world of mandalas death. Bone bellow tubes, drums and rattle
Damara and victory cries, lifted up to the sky banners. Masters in blow pipes and rattle damara-
E. They perform on instruments pentagonal mantra, then ip batons
the ground, and turning to the army: "O children of our faithful, we won. Yes, we note the great prazd-
nickname accomplishment magic ritual tattvas. Let us rejoice, freeing himself, opening, nding
treasure of happiness, bliss raktasahadzhi.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Central yamaloy pronounced mnogoslogovaya mantra bliss.

The air is lled with dishes with meat of dead enemies, as well as with various other
dishes. Dishes fall to the army. From the land of musical instruments appear and due
giving the music and the rhythm, take to the skies.
It begins a wild feast. Deity and host partake of meat, eat the organs, bones to gnaw,
sucking the marrow out of them. Food washed down with blood and intoxicating, intoksitsiruyuschimi drinks,
such as Amrita, catsh, wine, and other bhanga. Joy comes satiety. Bowl with soma in a stream and
kah at the central yamaly multiplies, and ies to each of the revelers. each napiva-
etsya catsh. Intoxication becomes so strong that it becomes the highest wisdom.
There comes a time maithuna. All deities black lotus connected in pairs in sexual
ny alliance, all the others, too, indulge Maithuna. They copulate in various poses
in pairs and in different proportions. Each of the creatures make it their own way, some ekstatiche-
ski and lush, others more quietly. Deity - as a peculiar deities, demons - both
peculiar demons Pisachas - as intrinsically Pisachas. Dance shakes the earth and the air
permeate screams, shouts, groans and howl love. Complete madness going on. Unmatta exults.
The mantra heard in the hearts of all stronger and stronger. Music and Instruments videolnye
ying in the air, the music plays, all the angry creatures indulge in boisterous rowdy sex, and
ananda their unity is activated, amplied. From then, the bodies of female deities emanate syllables
bijas and mantras and sacred weapons and other sacred objects. From the birth of their vaginas
given good strength and awakened beings. Sacred objects are distributed to all
side, lling and decorating a universe.
The ritual is heated tattwas holiness and bliss, and reaches its climax. Body nachi- deities
nayut light of different colors, beautiful, clean and bright. Other beings, too
transformed into a deity, and also begin to glow. From their bodies in all directions spreads
multi-colored light. Under the inuence of this force the soil, rocks, skulls, rock, palace - all HA
It begins to glow from within different color, clean and bright as the rays of light and precious
nye stones.
Great Smasana terrible world and the whole universe turns into a liberated, full
ny blissful world of pure Shakti manifestations Parashakti, woven of light vibration
tions bijas and mantras. Bija sounds jaya, for everything she is. The rst order is cleared.
Gradually the world that is vibration jaya BG becomes more crystal,
crystal clear. Bija generates root mother's heart, she - Oh, and nally, all distribution
creating in A, which is absorbed by Amrita BJ that goes, ending with aster BJ,
immersed in an indescribable emptiness original consciousness where everything and came. "
Bhairava said: "This sadhana will help defeat all internal and external enemies -
one by the transformation in the friends, the other - by the destruction. When this practice zadey-
update themselves is not one or two ways to achieve victory, but a complete chakra variety of methods.
Oh, son, if you do not have time to take turns to win victories over all enemies, pribe-
Guy to individual practices and rituals in relation to each of them - this will help sadhana
to solve the existing problems at once. "
Bhairavi said: "This sadhana can be done differently - can manifest on
lotus petals open eight Yama stars chaos, widely known, or eight secret
Yama inner star. We reject them for the benet and in the name of winning adherents bhayravaytov, in
the name of strengthening and prosperity Kalagni Kula.
We will tell about the emanations of the benet of the chakras, Akhara, Kula, Kaul, all of our children, dru-
bonds, all living beings.



Here is a description of eight secret Yama. All 16 deities are black and they are - special manifestations
Nia Bhairava Mahakala and Mahakali Kaulasiddheshvary Bhairavi Kaulasiddheshvari.


1. He who overcomes, and controlling everything and everyone;
2. The essence of lighting;
3. Full-condence, vsepozhravshy, devouring.
Etc. hand - a trident in. left - the star, n. left - stomach ulcers.

1. dissected and won a victory;
2. We are our opening;
3. Higher power and the nature of the universe and explains this power-giving.
Etc. at. hand - sword-sword, etc. n.. - a bowl-dripped in. left - the mirror.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)


1. Shear and guide, on a limited existence liberating;
2. The true nature of the opening, transmitting knowledge and proclaims;
3. Samsara being corrosive.
Etc. Hand - Spear penetrating the corpse in. left - round vessel with corrosive oxygen
one district. left - a pipe of the tibia.

1. Wisdom distance cutoff;
2. The perception 5 transforming bodies;
3. The power of the mind of the giver, and the guide on the path of yoga.
Etc. at. hand - multipronged chakra, black, curved counterclockwise
teeth pr. n. - a bowl-dripped with 5 bodies in. left - goad.




1. At a stroke, splitting, mozzhaschy;
2. Approves the reigns and prosperity of tantra;
3. Emptiness explaining salvation from death, from the illusion sobering.
Etc. hand - mace in. left - the threefold banner on a pole of unity Tantric foundations,
n. left - Munda (skull).

1. destroyed;
2.Mudrost boundless vision Trikasamarasya giving;
3. Harmony live Pattern opening.
Etc. at. hand - halberd, etc. n.. - in the stringed instrument. left - three-eyed owl.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

1.Razrubayuschy-chop off;
2. Heart-essence of explaining;
3. The release, the magical transformation of the illusion of riding.
Etc. hand - battle-ax-ax in. left - the cup-dripped from the heart and blood, n. left -

1. Sizzling - striking;
2. The true vision of the material world and the power of giving over him;
3. The essence of beauty and harmony explains.
Etc. at. hand - crossed lightning, etc. n.. - Beads of 5 types of alternating drago-
precious stones,. left - the skull from which the ower grows.




1. Cleave - shut-off;
2. The release and limiting ego-killing;
3. Naturally, the rest, the opening resistance and toughness.
Etc. hand - sword-bark, in. left - black stone-linga, n. left - be cut off humanity
Skye's head.

1. At a distance of punching and penetrating;
2. An inner voice reects the divine nature;
3. Doctrine and practice explaining doctrine.
Etc. at. hand - bell, etc. n.. - dart to take off from the top of its agpole y
mouse in. left - a scroll with a pattern and a rosary.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

1. Trample;
2. Burning;
3. Courage is awarded to.
Etc. hand - stamping-klovets in. left - re n. left - the liver.

1. a) enslave, suffocating,
b) makes;
2. Blinding and wisdom of darkness giving;
3. a) entice,
b) award.
Etc. at. hand - lasso, etc. n.. - dressing in. left - the fruit.




1. punching, breaking;
2. Explaining the way that a deeper life and death and giving him support;
3. The inviolability, integrity, purity and strength giving.
Etc. hand - bludgeon in. left - crystal, n. left - a staff topped with a skull voro-
Mr sitting on it.

1. At a distance affects;
2. The wisdom of insanity and intoxication giving.
Etc. at. hand - onions, etc. n.. - a bowl of magic potion in. left - arrow.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

1. breach, crushing;
2. Protects;
3. Manas subordinates and higher consciousness discovering and giving.
Etc. Hand - Hammer with 9-toothed crushing surface a. left - brain, n. left-
Vai - round shield.

1. to urge that forces plaguing;
2. Duality and unity of the mystery of explaining;
3. a) and consciousness and energy poisoning,
b) Sansara killing, transforming blood into indestructible poison that kills S.
Sarno being.
Etc. at. hand - trohhvostaya whip, etc. n.. - drum-Damara in. left - the snake.
If the couple is in sexual union, the hands folded in the mudra in separate
position couples hugging husband.




Smasana sadhana

hayrava said, "Now tell about Smasana sadhana. Smasana neighborhood and around
Smasana are manifestations of the world Mahakalayamaly and its measurement in Kula
crude forms. It bhayravaytov house, a place where they are always in the family and
feel the warmth and love of a mother and father. This is the place where death and decay energy feed force
life and death of children Kula. When the bodies are burned, gray scales of decay are absorbed skin
adherents, and children Kali and Bhairava are lled with force.
Others feel gravity, pressure and stringency condition as it approaches the shma-
Shana. This does not apply to bhayravaytam that as we approach the shmashanu feel
all the more feed force and love, radiation Yamaly. Cozy, home furnishings obreta-
shmashane are on and around it. Wherever I came wanderer-bhayravayt, wherever he bro-
dil before coming to Smasana he nds repose at home and homeland. Even if brodyaga-
Wanderer never feels at home in this world, but feel the whole world their home, in places
cremation bhayravayt - especially at home.
Grace Yamaly strong on shmashanah and even if the rest of Bhairava and Bhairavi
there are invisible and imperceptible - adept feels their presence is consciousness, heart and skin. Pois-
ooze good bhayravayt there may perceive, feel, see and hear the mother and father
thoroughly and get them warm, caring, love, dedication, practice, advice and strength.
No Brahmana without the Vedas, there is a lotus without water, there is also no bhayravayta without shmashanov. Without
shmashanov whole sadhana marga will go much worse because bhayravayt required to attend
Smasana, participate in all mysteries and doing sadhana there. Even if an adept lives on another
a continent where no shmashanov, but there's only cemetery, he should come to where there
Smasana, and to succeed in sadhana - repeatedly. As for the Vaishnava Vrindavan for buddi-
ists Bodhgaya to Mecca Muslims for adepts Marga Smasana are palom- places
-operation, included in this yatra. Ancient Kaula stressed that PA-internal
lomnichestvo external important. This is so, however, for the western modern adepts, torn
from the Hindu culture, the commission and external pilgrimages is a very important thing. All
Smasana - bhayravayta abode, but the main Smasana adept of the way - Harishchandra
Smasana in Varanasi.
Correct bhayravayt feels joy, comfort, warmth and happiness of communicating with parents
on shmashane. Even if the adept ascended to the level where he feels like Bhairava or
Bhairavi, and in this case, the shmashane he nds the joy of communication: Bhairava - with vozlyub-
Universe, has Bhairavi - with her lover. The real Kaula feels and child of Yamaly and
one of Yamaly and all Yamaloy.
All respect to bhayravayta shmashane - gods, spirits, demons, sadhu, Casting and gravediggers
dog - because Kalayamala kaulika, Aghori nice spirituality and asceticism, and
also strikes fear in those who are not pure conscience, the mind is weak and despicable act.
The energy of death, decay and corruption is harmful for the majority, but it nourishes children Kula,
animating force Kalagni, for they are alive with blood, whose name Jaya.
Those who are really adept Kula, kinsman of Bhairava and Bhairavi - gain pleasure
on shmashane. Even novice sadhakas in whom not yet have a hardness, and who are still struggling with
Fear and Loathing - practicing sadhana attain happiness, jubilation and joy The winning
of Tell. On shmashane bhayravayt - in its place. Adepts inhale smoke from cadaveric soot,
osypaemost snow ash from the burning of bonres, warming themselves by the re at night, meditate, let on
kapala circle with alcohol and smoking chilum, eat the esh mahapashu, always happy to steal



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Smasana ashes, remains, scraps of shrouds for divine rituals bestowing success mis-
titsizme and magic.
Indeed, among all the creatures to praise Bhairava Mahakala and Mahakali Bhairavi, mar-
Gu and his behavior should kula adherents. In this age of the traditions associated with shmashanom not
It burns as brightly as in past centuries, and because followers are doing everything for the revival and glory and Kula
Marga. They take care to exercise appropriate behavior on shmashane or drop dignity
GUSTs and honor his Kula.
Bhayravayty keep order on shmashanah and support him.
Adepts respected the gods and demons, they fear enemies, because bhayravayt has the power
and that power - a terrifying force of his parents and Kula. Bhayravayt similar to their parents, It should
Blowing their image and behavior and introducing himself in a divine state.
Marga mantra practiced at shmashane, gain more power. Indeed, if the adept
He wants to charge the power of mantras, to make them more effective - he must go on and Smasana
practice them enough time there.
Sitting quietly in a secluded location on shmashane in meditation comfortable position, rasslab-
Leno, with a at back and balanced breathing, congure and start practice.
It is best to carry out the practice at sunset or at night, which coincides with the natural rhythms
natural extinction of life.
Meditate on shmashane evening, night meditate, meditate in the morning and meditate day.
The best time to Smasana sadhana - at sunset and at night when the sun burns out or already
Fired. Sit down in a comfortable place, where there is no interference, relaxed, with a straight back, uravnoves
breath. Behold the body and the re, it devours. Worry deadness emptiness of all this-
of the world. Experiencing the emptiness of the meditator, meditation and its object. Behold pustot-
Nost corpses, re, ashes. Contemplate the emptiness of space Smasana, emptiness burns
and turning into ashes of corpses, empty logs, inner emptiness priest and relatives
stvennikov died, the emptiness of their states and emotions, empty sky and nature, emptiness pro-
space and sound. Contemplate the void, which illuminates the holy light and devouring
purifying re of transformation, re always live Smasana. It is important to be aware of and
save all the experience of emptiness.
Hold is stable awareness, and possible staying in recognizing be permanently
tially nature, it is necessary to introduce a suitable form of Bhairava, if the practitioner muzh
Skogen sex, or Kali, if the practice of female deities seated or standing
on oneAfter
of thegreeting
pyre. Kaula can see
the deity, yamalu. a bright, clear and detailed visualization, let
Adept recites the rosary on the bones of the great mantra, the appropriate given form bozhest-
va. The energy of love, happiness and reverence to the deity is brought up with the mantra.
By practicing in this way, to realize that burning a dead corpse - it is only the lifeless,
empty matter and that everything in this life - anxiety and excitement, ght and desire, affection
and rejection, attitudes and care - all in vain and temporary. Everything goes into oblivion
and will only gray ash becomes empty, nothing. All forms will die.
First, imagine that this corpse - yours, he burns in the re deity, who is your suschno-
TSNA nature. Along with the corpse leave all limitations, weakness and misery. Then imagine that
corpse, burning in the ames, it is samsara itself, cleanses, destroys re bozhe-
CTBA, winner of samsara. Contemplate as an eternal ame burns deity lifeless corpse
samsara obezzhiznenoy that deity drank her blood and prana and killed her.
After contemplating Worship, near the re and the wood, almost a corpse and ask bozhest-
to grant essentially the corpse which we used for the sadhana, the best embodiment in Ko



torus Jiva can practice and achieve spiritual fulllment. After dedicate merits
the practice of god, goddess, guru, holy masters, Margot, chakra, Akhara and Kul.
Having mastered this meditation, otpraktikovav it a sufcient number of cycles, can transition
dit to the next step. At this stage contemplate t god seated or
standing in the ame halo on the corpse. In this case, repeat the mantra proper form, Ko
toruyu you took.
Come to the original, basic state of mind, then the manifestation of bindu, which
BJ becomes the root of the deity, then the horizontal root yantra deity, then
basic attribute of the deity, standing in the center of the yantra. From it to manifest the Divine on the burning
corpse, which lies on the yantra. You're ringing her mantra that sounds inside. An experienced more
ny yogin may manifest shape deity and mantra once, instead of steps described.
It appears that the burning corpse - the corpse of your creaturely form, your samsaric body
trodden down iznichtozhaete you divine. Burn all small and kanchuki, bad burns
and good karma. At the same time we must remain in divine body through the understanding and visualization
tion of, holy emit ames to be one with mantra and with all this experience remain
emptiness. This will give you the bliss of awareness original nature and Siddhi.
It is important to maintain awareness of the emptiness of all that is happening and detail visualization
tion. It is better to practice in a form that most of you realized.
Having mastered the contemplation of the deity on one pyre to be mastered contemplation
stay deity at all the stake at once - in the rst phase of contemplating on the side and on the second
- contemplating and realizing that you are the manifestation of all these deities once. It should be
be clear visualization and inseparable from chant.
At an advanced stage, otpraktikovav contemplation itself a deity of your gender, you can
proceed to the contemplation of the deity himself of the opposite sex. And even more by advanced
the stage can contemplate yourself full yamaloy on the corpse.
All these practices should be practiced with the blessing of the Guru, preferably under it the PV
Mandership, with explanations and correction of what you're doing internally worshiping mercy
guru-ji before and after the meditation ends. This makes the sadhaka protected from
error, evil spirits and from possession by spirits of the dead.
Now about the mantra, destroying all the obstacles, all the hostile powers and all enemies. ohm
Kala Bhairava Mahakala dripping hum phat. To make the mantra duration of display of force
it sounds like this: th Kala Bhairava Mahakala dripping hum phat matchmaker. To make the mantra appalling
conductive power to destroy a particularly large obstacles Pranava Veda replaced Amrita bid-
ments or Bhairavi BJ - depending on the features of the sadhana.
Now about Smasana shakti sadhana. Call for shmashane ve goddesses who are in TE
Le Six - Mahakali Kaulasiddheshvari. Before that executive shadangu pentagon dakshi-
mantra andhave
must offeramong
preparatory rituals.
their belongings ashes of the dead as relics and magic
funds. This is the power of bhayravayta.
Now how is needed for drinking rituals.
Obtained on shmashane charred bones human corpse should be grind and give
Black Yamaly force presence, through a ritual that includes a stay in a state of
God's sanctifying power radiation mantras and mudras. The powder should be mixed with the ashes and
red wine or other alcohol. The resulting composition has traditionally taken sanctied
in bhayravaytov way. He becomes soma-amrita, and you can drink openly and secretly,
sharing with her and strangers.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

If the composition is mixed with the menstrual blood or elixir, the results obtained in
Tate maithuna practice - he used secretly for further practicing sadhana.
Practice maithuna on shmashane practice many tattvas, tattvas ve and three tattvas - grants
especially great fruit. Veer becomes Bhairava, a yogini - Bhairavi, with the strength and consciousness
and magical properties. If such practices is not possible to practice directly on shmashane
due to the presence of extraneous - it can be done indoors near shmasha-
Now the use of tattva mahapashu. This tattva is dedicated to God by proposals
Nia God through meditation and by Thanksgiving to God for tattva and received through meditativ-
ny ritual of great achievements.
Belly mahapashu adept eats itself, eliminating the difference between the subject, object
and the process of perception and comprehension, in the divine consciousness digesting their esh soz-
nanie, shackles, dignity, all 36 tattvas.
Sadhana practiced adept in the body and essence of Bhairava or Bhairavi - god, alive
his divine energy, activated mantra of the deity. devouring vsepogloschayu-
conductive mouth, devouring consciousness digesting all 36 tattvas - we are very fast and powerful
transformed in God.
In this way we demolish imsy restrictions winning disgust and horror, obreta-
it magical powers ishtadevy, assign dignity and strength mahapashu, as in the case with the use
mations substance enemy - and even celebrate the victory on the battleeld.
This sadhana can be practiced as one of the ve Tattvas Tattvas or three or two tattvas,
either on their own in a separate ritual.
Now about sadhana Bhutapayi. Entering the state of Bhairava, the drinker of spirits, with the mantra and
visualization, it is necessary to approach the blazing pyres, or burn out, and
light a cigarette from him, breath sucking in the spirit of the deceased. So you can do one or the re
With several. Spirit or spirits, if they are unhappy or strong, will try to win over
sadhaka up and forced to do his will. However, in a state Bhutapayi garden-
hack unbreakable. The more spirits manifest energy to win the Adept, the more they OS-
labevayut and adept increases. This is only possible if the adept knows Bhutapayi technique and pri-
He led their body structure into conformity. Then he has the ability to vysa-
ik- strength spirits and use their malicious activity as it magnies the average
Properties. Such an adept will have the strength of the set of spirits, and this will give him a great magic
forces. An ordinary person who does not have a sadhana Bhutapayi be mixed by mad or pogub-
ax spirits of the dead.
Now about sadhana Lat Bhairava. This practice is a club of Bhairava, smashing restrictions
Nia and shackles. With Pranava amritabidzhey omit or breath in mooladhara, placing it in Susumna.
Raise the exhalation through the sushumna with the mantra Lat to sikha Gate, shouted sharply bija xA as
I am breaking the upper part of the skull. Correct implementation gives the consciousness of Bhairava and live
implementation Amrita BG.
If the adept wants to open the third eye, or there is an obstacle to the successful implementation of
Bija options practices, then exhale
father razmozzhonnyh skulls -with the mantra
khroM. It splitsLat brought
apart to the
the scope ofAjna chakra
the head and,where
with proiz-
phoneme xA, head shards ying in all directions.
If both options are not recommended to meditate upon the destruction of the head,
and visualize it. It is recommended to simply use the sounds and meditate rst on
process, and in the end - at his suddenly open the divine nature.



A special form of dancing Bhairava



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

ritual objects

EPER about objects that are used when blessing. For the blessing of the disciples,
adherents and others - Trishul is used wisely, and it is more powerful metal Trishul.
By touching the top of the head or by drawing a symbol on his forehead granted bla-
For the blessing ritual object is not used a bunch of grass to eat, and hand
dead man, for both internal and external to bless. Bless their chot-
Kami only applies to relatives of the Sack - or fellow students.
In all cases, the blessing becomes effective when the blessing
It is in a proper state of consciousness, and emanates through the gesture of the desired effect, with the mantra
or without it.
Now about the rosary from the great bones of 109 units, with a large bead-chip. No
full Vira Sadhana without such beads. Stone, rudraksha, all the holy rosary are no substitute
Vire and Yogini in the way of Bhairava and Bhairavi Kaulasiddheshvary Kaulasiddheshvari dripping mala.
Not having such a small - does not practice Mahakalamargi sadhana.
Adept rudraksha may have little, small black stone and rock crystal crystals
but their name does not replace dripping mala. Preferred same consists of small black stone, rock
crystal and great bones plus the stones that make up the Measure.
Now in the Garden of Kapali. This is a great bowl, and it connects to the enjoyment of the Adept
teachings, sadhana, and with great success in it. Without such bowls sadhana does not go fully.
Only the owner may be considered Kapali wealthy owner and a rich man. Not having a bowl
- deprived of it poor, even if he has a house and a mountain of gold and precious stones. bowl can
possess those who previously practiced diligently sadhana, applying prescribed dripping little, not
less than 12 months.
Now about vosmiklinnoy black hat and a black turban. Vosmiklinnaya cap creates
Temple Yama, who blesses the power and wisdom. In it resides sikha, showing a
altar. Turban expresses reverence the temple, the temple is a virtue in action, assists and obe-
forewarns. The turban is a sign of spirituality and dignity of adherents Kalagni Kula.
Now on black clothes. Such clothing facilitates the perception of himself or his Kalabhayravoy
Shakti. It reminds us of the innite darkness of space, making the adept conscious of their bozhe-
stvennost, reminding that the body of God - this is the whole universe. Black clothes showing Oak
Rouge spiritual adept, the divinity of the way and is an aid,
Bridge to start preaching or teaching.
Black clothing includes a shirt with long and short sleeves, wide, Su-
zhayuschiesya pants downwardly sleeveless conferring value shoulders lungi, loin povyaz-
ku, a gown, robe, cloak, veil. Clothing items can be red,
purple, white and green colors or combination of colors. Adept should avoid clothes, strength-
Rushen extraneous characters or meaningless ornamentation. all mentioned
clothes can be worn together or separately.
There is no mandatory requirement to always walk in ritual clothing, although the use of Ta
kovoy welcome, especially during sadhana, ceremonies, meetings and celebrations.
Adept can wear secular clothes typical of his country and the era of the canonical
color, with the canonical characters, combined with religious clothes, and without it.
In general, the adept can go to anything.



Now about the hairstyle. There are three main types of hairstyles - long, short, long and Ko
Rothko. Long - the most ancient, regal and honorable. It expresses the naturalness be permanently
tially reality, Margo, a holy life, and Kula. She likens the gods and ancestors. Hair
They accumulate the strength and length of the magic that helps. Short-long and short pri-
choska emphasizes the aspect of the temple of the warrior. Short-length - short in front and on the sides,
long at the top and at the rear - it is a way to combine the advantages of a certain degree
long and short hairstyles.
Now, about the mustaches and beard. Mustache show that sadhaka male older beardless, and
beard and mustache - that adept older one who has only a mustache. God gave men a mustache and beard, and
women do not. Wearing a beard and mustache - hence contribute to the disclosure of a perfection,
capable of being manifested in the male body. Wearing a beard and mustache - it means recognize bozhe-
stvennost natural path natural and divine way. Beard accumulates in itself
magical power.
Now about the earrings. One earring in the form of a ring, and the second in the form of a skull or bindus - this symmetry
oxen bindu-linga and yoni, harmony, balance, like Amrita unity of Shiva and Shakti.
Two earrings in the form of snakes are attached to Bhairava and Bhairavi. Only one hoop earring into the left
vom ear, symbolizing the yoni, is also able to improve with proper grace of Shakti
with respect to the sadhana.
Now, about the hairpins designed to sikha. If it is from a human rib,
it symbolizes the month at the head of the deity, the power of death, fearlessness. If it is from dru-
goy human bones, the symbol is the same, except for the month. These pins should have
Only clerics.
Now about the rosary. A novice can have rudrakshevye rosary. Began to move
spirituality can get a rosary of Rudraksha and crystal. Those who became viroy or yogi-
nor shall have the beads of a human skull bones where a large bead is made of crystal
la. Anyone who will soon become viroy or yogini, with the permission of the teacher may have the beads, and
not otherwise. Advancing more can add to kapalicheskim rosary beads of crystal and
black stone. Special practice dedicated to Shakti, may require a rosary of crystal and
dedicated Kalabhayrave - black stone. Special rosary - black stone, coral and
a transparent crystal to measure composed of crystal, black stone, coral, green
stone and pearls - can wear avadhuta. The main rosary beads considered beads of 109
- circle in the 108 beads and Meru. There are beads of different materials for different purposes and different
Practitioners categories. Top beads - those in which the circle is made up of black stone, The curves
Stull and bones Kapali. Thus, for this describes the basic divine marga beads.
Now about Kawachi and amulets. Kawachi white metal and silver or of alloys must ll
vibhuti are from different pith, Tirtha, temples and shmashanov. Particularly powerful is kavaca with pe-
Plomo many sacred places and holy ashes cremated.
Neck amulets may be different, including in the form of mystical and religious
characters. Particularly powerful amulets are a symbol of Margot and symbol Samaras and verovcha-
Tide, consecrated in the temples of Bhairava and Bhairavi, with tied in knots mantras, red and
black in color. Amulets and mystic symbols in the form of rings may contain mantra svya-
whelping characters, such as the skull, owl head, a wolf or a tiger's head, emblem Margot and Kula,
stones such as black, red and transparent.
Now, about the Rods. Wand is the subject of power and gives power. simple iron
Trishul, rough and unadorned, but t for combat, much more sacred than zateyli-
in decorated, but dull and soft metal. Trishul in the form of a spear impaled him Po-
gatym skull beast also is sacred to a large extent.


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

A simple wooden staff adorned with black or unpainted - is sacred. Same

staff with him impaled on a human skull - very holy. Black-red-white with zelo-
nym staff with impaled on his skull - the rod of the Patriarchs.
Mace - that sacred baton of great strength. Mace with spiked clubs better without Shih
Peninsula, although club is also suitable. Mace may be metal or wood, with Me-
the metallic spikes or studs and teeth of the claws predators. Mace may be telescopic
scopic - for concealed carry. A good rod is the synthesis of mace and staff.
Long rods are better than short, but short is more convenient when going to open
long staff is inadequate.
Now, about the ritual knives. Blades are curved and straight. Straight knives can be
with one blade, two, three and four blades.
Now about tattoos. Tattoos must be meaningful, meet the vocation rank
and status. Inadmissible tattooing is not appropriate rank, status, vocation,
clan, religion. Application inadmissible on the body of men meaningless tattoo. This will
deling wrong before God and Margo, and it will be a great insult
all Kula and each of its members.
Now about the Damara, bells, trumpet and belt. Best Damara Damara is of two Ka-
fell, average - Damara red, black and white colors. The best bell will be due
giving a nice ringing and decorated with mystical symbols Marga. The pipe should be strength-
rashena mystical symbols, except the pipe from human femur bone yavlyayu-
scheysya best of pipes. On the tube from the bone can be applied to three or nine red, white and chor-
GOVERNMENTAL rings, but this is not mandatory. The best belt is the belt-Ruma canonical colors.
Now about the bracelets. Bracelets from hemp ropes are of great strength. The symbol they
lysed vairagya, Samaya and Ananda. Valuable bracelets of silver with mantras as with stones,
and without. Valuable bracelets from any material with a traditional red-and-black-and-white ornamentation
Tom. Best bracelet tattoo is the mantra around the wrist. Secret Mantra is to be
written in secret symbols, a clear - open in Devanagari or signs Kula. Oh, my
son, you tell about the ritual of victory, internal manifestations stars Smasana sadhana ri-
tual things. What else do you wish to know? "

The veneration of Shakti

hayravananda thanked parents for teaching and explanation, and said to them:
"Oh, Mother and Father, tell me about Shakti. I want to know what you need to know and po-
Nima this on your way. I want to adequately understand the mother and know how best to ob-
to please her and yourself by adequate relationships. I want to know how to read and how Shakti
resort to force sweetheart Mahakali Bhairavi ".
Bhairava said, "Oh, son, you asked a great question without an answer to which no yogi Dos
tignet this great trail fetus. success is not possible without Kaulasiddheshvari and its assistance
Aghora Kaula path. Without it, he can not be the path of his existence. All Bhairava and Bhairavi,
including Martanda Bhairava and Ananda Bhairava - the essence and manifestation Adibhayravy Adib-
hayravi who have Parabhayrava - Parabhayravi. Eight Bhairav their Bhairavi - different as-
pects Bhairava Mahakala and Mahakali. Kaulasiddheshvara and Kaulasiddheshvari - especially milo-
Steve, our manifestations. We have Ananda Bhairava and Ananda Bhairavi, manifested in
intensive form and help sadhakas even in the most terrible worlds.



As a man goes before the woman, protecting her breasts and paving the way and Bhay-
Rav goes ahead Bhairavi in the Marga. Therefore, profane, seeing in our world of terrifying
image of Bhairava, no longer able to clearly see him Bhairavi.
For adherents also clear that Shakti - the main thing in a way, as to the Lord Shiva can only lead
she is. All mantras designed to promote bhayravaytov, to whom they may be addressed
externally, primarily addressed to Shakti. Because jiva itself is not something odushev-
lonnoe and Shiva - Shakti transcends and without it can not help to come to him.
It is true that Shiva and Shakti, Bhairava and Bhairavi are one and only appear in the described
saniyah they are two principles. Thus, God - is one. Shiva is indivisible, although it may be
It is described in different ways. Shakti is divided into a myriad of streams of force from that releases
lyayut core - the essential and fundamental for the followers and a great cause.
Mahakali Bhairavi Kaulasiddheshvari - There are a couple, parapara and Apara, Aghori Ghorata-
When and Ghor, manifested for the benet of the adherents of Marga, in the name of the prompt and blissfully notation
zhestvlyayuschey fulllment. For adherents Kaulasiddheshvari - it is also Kali, Bhairavi,
Kamakhya, Mahasaraswati Lalita Tripurasundari, Chinnamasta and Siddhilakshmi.
Ananda, Anugraha, Aghori Samhara-Kriya - its dominant manifestation. Pochitayu-
Suitable Mahakali Bhairavi Kaulasiddheshvari, read all the great goddesses pokrovitelst-
vuyuschih different traditions and teachings. It is Lakshmi, Lalita and Kali together. It is the da
ruyuschaya success. Therefore, I suggest, a son, to turn to her and get answers to important vopro-
sy ".
Properly Bhayravananda Bhairavi approached and respectfully asked, "Oh,
Mulasiddheshvari that got you where you can nd living creatures? What is the difference between the TO-
Bhairava and ght? "
Kaulasiddheshvari, rst mother Trikasamarasya Kaul said: "Everything that exists in the Mi-
D, have I, the Great Parashakti. And there is nothing more in the universe, and what looks groovy part
nym from me, looks through me also. For all that you want to get away from me in my
modications, in the name of success and gaining the fruit, it is necessary to contact me. I Bhayrava-
Parashiva inseparable with each other and at the root - one. When I want us to be perceived
were as if separately, I do it. Parabhayravy property, the original reality, yavlyaet-
Xia to have condence and the opportunity. Shiva by comprehending a great Trikasamarasya
Marga, you come to me. Perceiving me, come to my nature - Shiva. I quickly
by Shiva to bring the one who wants to bring. Truly he is my nature, and I yav-
lyayus his natural strength, which is him. "
Bhayravananda asked, "What is the condition of understanding you? What is the condition of gaining
Bhairava himself? "
Bhairavi said: "Without the recognition of Bhairava you can not comprehend me. without awareness
me, my secrets, you can not obtain a continuous one with Bhairava. "
Bhayravananda asked: "What is meditation in our century is the most grand?"
Bhairavi said, "Sadhana there remembering neohvatnoy triune nature, the essence of this
world, including a lot of worlds. Hollow core nature of the world and the Lightbringer. Light, sound, vibratory
radio - so called everything that creates, maintains, destroys, conceals, reveals everything
forms this world and all its phenomena. It is that form - a single, although like and divided into
streams. It is called Shakti. That of which it forms - whole, having no esh - Shiva.
What forms of Shakti - objects - have nara.
Parabhayrava piece, one, all-pervasive, not divide into parts. Parabhayravi one,
however, it is divided into many different ows of shakti - and they are all in this world is manifested
They were grown form, retain and destroy demolish, sokryvayut and opened. Everything, that



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

we see around us in the world - is a manifestation of Shakti and Shiva of the nature. All that intra
When you - all thought processes, states, feelings, emotions, sensations, parts of the body - has
a manifestation of Shakti and Shiva of the nature. Do not forget it, realize relaxing in priro-
de, the essence of what is perceived - and there is a great sadhana. Who since contemplates all anywhere, anytime
- certainly on the right path and reaches Samaras. Practice instant entry under natural
governmental nature will be effective and powerful. Sadhana is the greatest
spontaneous stay described condition.
In this way the adept makes clean cleansed, cleansing and purifying, by The relative
brasyvaniya concepts and subtlest states. Relaxation and mindfulness are amplied
camping, when there is an interest and pleasure from the process of deication. Trikasamarasya and
jivanmukti are gained when Anugraha Shakti causes a strong kick out of it
Here ancillary practices that contribute to the implementation of the above sadhana.
Let sdhaka present and feel its central channel, hollow on the inside and a thickness
with reed. It contains the energy of the universe. During exhalation, it lls all the pro-
space universe. Let contemplated after exhalation during natural pauses pustot-
Nost sushumna, clarity and completeness of the energy of the universe to ll the world. During inhalation, the energy
ogy enters back into Susumna. After inhalation during natural pauses contemplated clarity,
fullness of energy in the sushumna and the emptiness of the universe.
Let sdhaka imagine and feel the center channel. In it at the level of the heart chakra
Yamala contemplated. It is necessary to present, as you exhale from yamaly comes a bright light lled
sculpt universe. It moves in all directions in its innity, moves away,
that is the center - the heart yamaly, Union Bhairava and Bhairavi. That is, when the re,
ame goes to innity, we must realize that this distance and heart - the same thing. During
exhalation re comes back to contemplate the emptiness of the universe.
Let the Sadhaka sits in a pose that is convenient for contemplation and relaxation Direct vertebrate
nickname. Let him relax as energy and consciousness. Now it is necessary to form the desired vikal-
poo and think that everything - a divine totality. Nature adept - this bozhest-
vennaya totality. No phenomena do not have a nature different from the nature of God. Let
yogi feels that the nature of all of voidness and Lightbringer, feel it in my heart rasslablen-
Foot mind. Let seen everything that happens inside and outside - sounds, images, colors,
odors, body sensations, emotions, thoughts - as a manifestation of the divine totality, vsyo
consisting reality. Everything is a manifestation of Parashakti, divine energy, whose pus-
-frequency-shaped substance is Siva.
Let Yogi sit in a pose that is convenient for contemplation, relaxed Direct pozvonochni-
com. Let him relax as energy and consciousness and perceive reality in its The improvement
Mr original aspect, spontaneously discovering any phenomena. Let it belongs to him
through smooth nevovlechonnoe observation as free energy reality displays,
which has its own nature.
Let sadhaka will direct the energy of all channels Sushumna and feel great condition. Behind-
so let it direct to the center of the perception of the senses, to destroy the world and nding wholeness,
fullness and power. "
Bhairavi said: "Let me honors adept in ritual yoni tattva, three tattvas ve
tattvas, tattvas nine, many tattvas, Bhairavi Chakra Kaula and other rituals. Truly - a
the key to success in sadhana and in rapid attainment of self-realization and jivanmukti.
Bhayravananda in joy and thanked the Goddess turned to her: "Oh, Mother, narrate of Great
likie rituals tattvas, explaining the yoni tattva and secrets melapa sadhana. "



Bhairavi said, "Oh, son, but will be explained the great truths. Love - the best
method because it is the most powerful and pleasant eliminates the difference between pramatoy, Pramann
and Prameya leads the adept to Samaras. When it dissolved in Vira yogini, and it dissolves
in it - that's death, which bestows divine life. In various writings we used open
mud that through intercourse acquired unity of the three. The whole world is connected in bliss bozhest-
love-governmental. When unity is acquired - acquired divinity and freedom. It -
unity Couple, Apara and parapara it - Trikasamarasya, refers to the sacred samsara
ashes and discover the world of God.
The whole world - a pastime, enjoying the races. Trikasamarasya gives all pleasure. On a way
Trikasamarasya Kaula and pleasure and it becomes the opposite of yoga, the nature of which has
totality. In the way of gaining jivanmukti samsara becomes Swatantra.
Stay two people in sexual games on bed - and gives the limits sansarinov
burden, exorbitant charges for removing the eeting pleasure. However Transformed pattern
Kaula Marga - the two are released in higher enjoyment. Bhakti directed towards their used
muddy "I" is expressed in the bhakti to partner melapa sadhana.
At ve tattvas no Kaula Tantra, and there is no complete sadhana practices without prior ve
tattvas. Only a few can practice once successfully complete sadhana. Before practical
forging these kinds of meditations, Vira and Yogini must clean themselves and deied in adequate
extent these practices.
Let the Adept enters the unconditioned, like emptiness original state, and from there
BJ manifested deity of your gender. Let adept unfold mantra that Ma-
nifestiruet horizontally extending there yantra deity. From the central bindu should be
BJ occur again, then mantra which contact the body deity. adept appears
as the deity of your gender, standing on his yantra, which is located in the heart of his mule Bija.
It is necessary to stay in it and recite the mantra of the deity, maintaining awareness of voidness.
Mantra radiates divinity, and, permeating all space, cleans, deies pro-
space. Practicing every day this great ishtadeva yoga adept converted into ishtadevu.
Tantric deity of implementing the subject, let the adept moves to implementation
divinity of the object through the favorites beloved deity of the opposite sex. how
in the previous sadhana, taking the form of the deity of your sex, let manifests in his
heart horizontally disposed yantra deity of the opposite sex. From bindu in
center there mule Bija this deity, which will be the mantra, and that will manifest itself as a body
deity. Now we must lovingly meditate on the mantra of the divine spouse, the presence
The operator occurring in the heart. It is a sacrice to the divine entity who, being in
heart, no longer completely different from the adept. Now you can start sadhana vklyuchayu-
a conductive maithuna physical partner. To do this, turn the appropriate nastav-
Lenia and take appropriate samaya.
Having achieved success in sadhana, it is necessary to do everything the same, but the body of the deity in the heart dolzh-
but rise and completely soaked, pierce the body of the adept. In this yantra deity Omitting
repents from the heart, connecting with reference yantra and two yantra yantra Samaras form. Now
Adept and his beloved deity staying one. It is necessary to meditate, po-
luchaya bliss successfully implemented sadhana. It - divya maithuna. Should do this
Sadhana again and again, it gives bliss and androgyne Siddhi. At the same time, you can
continue to practice rituals that include maithuna physical partner.
For those who just started practicing Sadhana Kaul - need cleaned and adjusted
through meditative magic rituals and cleaning tattva and a place to call divine
strength and inspire them in itself and items stick much time to practice. But those who



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

already established in sadhana, do not need to be cleansed and complex rituals and are not required to priderzhi-
vatsya specic periods of time. Their nature has been transformed so that no stol-
FIR conditions will not lead Viru and yogini to fall.
Otpraktikovav pattern of characters and disciplines adept realizes pattern spontaneity bozhest-
Truth-governmental. Our nature - original reality - is inherent in us by nature. Ananda
Svatantriya - natural expression of it.
Always, before you start sadhana adept should meditate on the Guru and to pray to him.
This eliminates the obstacles in the sadhana and gives grace divine help. authoritarian
tte Guru in the practice of Yoni Puja, Bhairavi Chakra stri puja - is indisputable.
Should read yamalu, offering her the meat of various creatures including great meat.
Veneration of Bhairava and Bhairavi without reverence yoni and linga - turns medication into poison.
Without reverence viroy yoni and Yogini - Ling Kaula sadhana would be a sin.
Oh, my son, if I - in the heart of the sadhaka - the whole world becomes Kula. Read Bhairavi
should be through the worship of the yoni. Indeed, it is impossible to be bhayravaytom, a devotee of Shakti
Mahakali Bhairavi Kaulasiddheshvari not read her yoni, not hold her esh, blood, CE
Name and intoxication.
Only complete reverence Yoni is a worthy offering to me. It consists of
seven actions: through the veneration of thoughts and images, through the contemplation and perception through ri-
tuals with mantras and worship, through touch, through kissing, through entering into it, penetrate through a
stizhenie her divine nature. Family activities Yogini should check out the lingam.
Almost Mahayoni, you must honor the yoni women. Praising the yoni, massaging, licking,
kissing and going at it - Veera meets Mahashakti, providing themselves with Shakti and Anugraha
siddha, giving Anugraha and Siddhi his yogini. Let Vira touches chest yogini, her shoulders,
hips and yoni, let contemplates her in various poses, and enjoys views of Bhairavi. Let Johannes
Gini caresses Viru, his body and the Lingam, not remaining indifferent and immovable.
While fondling and intercourse let Vira yogini and silently repeat the mantra. allowing svo-
his body rejoice, rejoice in their instincts, their senses to enjoy, its
emotions rejoice, rejoice in your mind - Adept must keep a clear observation
rejoicing his divine nature. Should follow their own desires,
aspirations and instincts, and happily neobremenonno.
Let vira and a yogini stay conscious in the center channel, and grasp the inner
nyuyu nature of bliss. "
Bhairavi said, "Let there be offered to all yamale intoksitsiruyuschie tattva and upot-
rebleny in order meditative ritual, respectively, of the varieties of ritual. Let
rituals practiced three tattvas ve tattvas and many tattvas. Kaula should avoid upotreble-
Nia intoxicants, great meat and maithuna is sadhana. Avoid extremes of both
the mundane rituals of desacralization tattvas, and excessive complexity; rituals. The one who
It uses intoxicants not sadhana and not for medicine, a great sinner. Whoever loses
control the application of wine and similar tattwas is not suitable for Kaul sadhana.
This practice must, prepare and try to practice again with the permission of the Guru. Ec
Do even after tests involving training, there is no clarity of awareness and
loss of control - Guru must qualify the sadhaka or sadhiku like Pasha.
In order to achieve jivanmukti all social taboos on maithuna and not intoxication
act. Verily the killing of the mother and father - that is a great sin in human society. Truly
- shame, disgust with Maithuna, the yoni, secretion, and Ling, shyness in practice, included
aspirants maithuna - that's a great sin to Kaul, pulling in samsara. You can never scoff
over those with whom Kaula practicing sadhana.



Ashamed of having an aversion to maithuna, referring to genital secretion, zhi-

votnym manifestations during maithuna to the human manifestations, ignoring observed
denie for divine manifestations - can not practice full sadhana tattva. Pyta-
Yas her practice without prior cleaning practices, they do evil itself, and Guru
chakra, offend God and Goddess, destroy his way, and the other followers. Anyone who even after
Three-time practice with the same partner feels shame from mayt- process
hoon, an aversion to menstrual blood, secretions and does not allow himself and partner rasslable-
but openly and spontaneously act qualies as a pasha.
Adept, which introduces into the chakra evil jealousy, as well as the one who thinks that participation in tattva puja
discredits himself or another adept, depriving the former respect for him - kvali-
tsiruetsya how mahapapa - a great sinner. From such turn away Mother and Father (and Bhairava
Bhairavi), his cursing and Dakini Dharmapala and adept goes straight road in the Avici hells and
Raurava period of Calpe.
Those who present strong faith in Guru, method and teachings - when practice tattwas obreta-
Siddhi is quickly approaching jivanmukti. He gains a stronghold in the blissful dimension
patterned mandala Mother and Father. Those who do not have a rm faith in the Guru, the method, doctrine, but who
It continues the practice - is losing the previous spiritual merit and quickly goes to Naraku.
Let adherents practice sadhana tattva on shmashanah, cemeteries, ruined zdani-
s, caves, mountains, forests and deserts, on the crossroads of the night roads, temples and dwellings. Let
they have to be careful, and if necessary, especially when using Mace and Bhairava
Sword Bhairavi - put the protection and have places to hide. Let practiced Sadhana Kaul
morning, afternoon, evening and night, the full moon and new moon, in the time of the solstices and equilibrium
denstvy. Let the adept use of Amrita Anand Rakta for the consecration of himself and partner, dealing
on the sacred symbols of the body. A mixture of Amrita, Rakta and seed - that's great elixir.
For lack Yoginis Veera can practice with a woman Pasha and even cause it to
Chakra Puja with the consent of the Guru, under the conditions that it is of good character, not quarrelsome, and not jealous, not
can cause harm through disclosure of sadhana, and consecrated in activization of her divinely
go through the ritual and mantras. "

Sadhana great Tattvas

hayravananda thanked Lady Kula and all its Siddha and said to her: "Oh,
Mother, tell me about intoksitsiruyuschih tattva used in sadhana, along with the wine. "
Bhairavi said: "In this age of ancient tantric wisdom largely forgotten and no
so many more great masters, how many there were in the previous era. Many texts uterya-
us, and the key to understanding many of the doctrines and practices of lost modern beings. So
It was due to bad karma. However, because of our love, mercy and compassion given to them
us some compensation. Earlier in the sadhana it was Vijaya, catsh and wine, as well as datura. Vpo-
catsh investigation has been hidden for many.
Now we have given new creatures tattva daruyuschie Siddhi Unmatty and Vidya. rst
tattva is called "Mace Bhairava." It kills samsara, it kills the entire cutting off of all-worlds
Universe, has and shows the true nature and how this world is created. It is also sometimes called
my name. The second tattva is called "Sword Bhairavi" and it is well to disclose the nature of
and manifestations of Shakti. This catsh. It has two main types and produced in different ways. This tat
Twa successful shows their nature, are not totally as "Mace", but deployed and in detail,
no cutting of the universe, but the opening of all unity. It is an ancient tattva, one forgotten and



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Others hide. It was used secretly Kaula. The third tattva is called "White Flame". she Ak
tiviziruet central channel energy, gives strength clarity, penetration and xation, and
and the joy of it. Apart from this there are other tattvas, such as "white radiation", intensify
ruyuschee secondary channels and develop sensitivity.
Using these Tattvas Tattvas in the ritual, vira and a yogini can achieve great success.
Truly they are all - to sup, and yogini, not to plow. The applied Pasha "Mace Bhairava" and
"Sword Bhairavi" only steal their gates to deify understanding. "White Flame" carried away by
Sit Pasha grave, destroying them and making cripples. Because these tattva should be carefully protected
from those who are not worthy of one who is not developed and is not intended to have beneted from them.
In one tattwas ritual use phase, as previously, wine and Vijaya. In the second phase used
favor of a "White Flame". The third - "Sword Bhairavi" and "Mace Bhairava" is used The relative
separately, or may be used occasionally in a ritual many tattvas. In this age of the wine, meat and ry-
ba used universally, and therefore their use is not destroys the chains as much as it is
previously. Many secrets are no longer available Kaula beings and therefore they should upot-
reblyat new tattva that we gave them. In this age there is no full path without Kaula
application. "
Bhairavi said: "The way Kaula teaches use to quickly self-realization in all
world. New tattva very powerful gift - Anugraha manifestation of Shakti. Those who are negative
is their use in the sadhana are not Kaula-tantrik, as they push arm
Shiva and Shakti, and do not want to drink the juice Amrita our heart blood and bask in the warmth of our due
radiation. Indeed, the ancient masters have condemned those who, not being an ethnic Hindu tries
Kaula practice sadhana without these precious as the elixir of stars tattvas.
Kaul even animal excrement may be used in the sadhana. The stools and urine
cows are used as elements of ancient rituals, what read as agama. The ancient adepts even
We took them in small quantities inside. If Kaula yogi can eat in sadhana even
urine and feces, it can be consumed in the new sadhana tattva, because they are more powerful
cow shit, no matter how holy it nor considered orthodox. Pasha like parrots and
monkeys - they copy Kaul, Kaul externally performing sadhana, but they do not understand it
principles and meaning. They condemn the use of new tattvas, arguing that these are not tattva
They were prescribed by ancient sacred texts.
Thus, boobs appear on the orthodoxy of the position, it is not taking into
Given that he kaulichesky ritual ve tattvas was antiortodoksalnym as crushed
prejudices about impurity and unspiritual wine, meat, sh, maithuna between red owers,
other things and prejudices of the sinfulness of their application. I truly manifested in the form of "Pa-
Litsa Bhairava ", as a" Sword Bhairavi ". I manifested in the form of toxic "White Fire" and "Due
radiation "to Trikasamarasya Kaula yogis could transform them into left-healing
karstva. Who pushes all these tattvas - pushes me, Anugraha Shakti, which is the Mi-
lostivymi Bhairavi, Lakshmi, Kali and Saraswati. Those who are motivated by disuse tattwas
the fact that it is extremely dangerous, are not virami, but simply cowardly Pasha. Truly
wine and the rest under the inuence of Ghor Shakti immersed plow to the bottom swamp of samsara. But
the same tattva, skillfully and wisely used virami exposed Aghora Shakti quickly OS-
vobozhdayut and confer divinity. "
Bhairavi said: "Fools may deny the divinity of our new manifestation,
justifying it by the fact that nowhere in the text does not mention that the deities are kept in the hands of nuclear and
automatic weapons. They deify swords, goads to control elephants, spears and Ay
Binky, like unto the idolaters who have antipodes-Kaula tantric. They will say,
that the deity can not be shown for the benet of living beings with a machine, a computer and a rocket



in hand. They will continue to think that tantra can be told only in verse
form on ancient languages. Idiots who think they are adepts, will not be able to understand their ku
rinymi brains that God can do anything, and for God and his shakti Anugraha there is nothing
impossible. Dunces will ridicule and condemn this tantra, thinking that they know everything
the possibility of God and the laws of all its manifestations. But even great rishis and the gods can not know
all the wealth and all the ways of Shiva and Shakti, what can I say about fools. "
Bhayravananda said, "Oh, Mother, whom I shall not transmit all the secrets, Tell
you during my apprenticeship with you? "
Bhairavi said: "My special secrets to give you, do not go to those who
not consecrated Sat Dikshit, Namarupa Dikshit Dikshit and Mudra. However, many of my secrets to you
You can transmit wide. I bless it in the name of the means of living beings and rescue
their ignorance, in any way they are in this age. "
Bhayravananda asked: "What is Deeksha Sat, Namarupa Diksha Diksha and wiser?"
Bhairavi said: "Sat Diksha has shaktipat anugrahah having the effect that the Su-
exist awakened a strong desire to nd harmony, wisdom and power of God. Namarupa
Diksha has shaktipat that produces the seeker to walk the path of Black Yamaly. mudra Diksha
It has conducted a spiritual teacher Mahakalamargi ritual consecration of a living being and pri-
knowledge sadhakas ready for the attainment of special secrets. "
Guru yoga

hayravananda thanked the Mother and the Father and respectfully addressed them: "Oh, Father and
Mother, tell us about the yoga guru, the dedication Samaras using the mandala, methods
ishtadeva deication through yoga. Tell us about about Samaya formulas and self-tuning
sacrices and preparations to japa beads. "
Bhairavi said, "Oh, son, I'll tell you these great and powerful knowledge delayu-
Suitable sadhana victorious. First, the yoga guru. Adept must always remember that the Guru - a
Bhairava and Bhairavi, effusive in the world there is a stream and take the form of Anugraha kaula-
vadhuty, bhayravachari glowing force Aghoru. Wiry and Yogini gain union with God,
nding oneness with the Guru, his teaching and his sadhana. This is the fastest way of tantra. Because the
teacher of slow paths are not as a direct manifestation of God, and are just a mud-
retsami and advanced yogis, these paths lead to the goal is very slow. It is true that,
that to learn from the advanced people or simply to learn from God out of his kaulicheskih manifesta-
tions - the slow way. Even Pratyabhidzhna marga declares especially manifested BO
dliness Guru.
Visualize Guru ahead, visualize Guru sitting on your head in the lotus
your higher chakras. Visualize Guru in the heart. Visualize Guru in a beautiful canonical
skom shape, holding sacred objects in their hands. Guru comes from the radiance of Anugraha, re
Aghoru, relieving the student of suffering and limitations, giving strength and divine Ka-
-operation. Trays Guru, no matter where he was, and is not visualized, their love and predan-
Nost, their respect and diligence in his service. It is expressed in the form of understanding the teachings and user-
Diya in sadhana. In this ritual expresses a repetition of the Guru mantra, mentally and physically sub-
wearing beautiful and useful gifts. Eradicates even a shadow of negative thoughts about tvo-
om teacher. Remember that it is impossible to consider himself adept adequate pupil of his Guru,
if not adept follows his teachings adequately. Determining the adequacy or ade-
vatnost follow adept teaching, adequacy or inadequacy of his practice and sadhana



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

the adequacy or inadequacy of its relationship to the teacher - his teacher competence.
Adept can not be considered in these matters their point of view is correct, if the Guru has another
point of view on this issue. "Help Guru in everything and nothing to feel sorry for him" - that taught all
to a sacred tantric scriptures, and none of them teaches the opposite sub-
go. In the service of the teacher, whether acharya in the male or female body, expressed love for
Bhairava and Bhairavi, love for Marge, Chakra, Akhara and Kul.

Mandala diksha

EPER about mandala diksha. For adoption in the chakra Kaul this path adept must obtain po-
sacred mandalas. diksa Mandala consists of several phases and parts. Here is a description
portion is an inner conducting this ritual. Sadhakas this level
must demonstrate a developed, mature consciousness, clear, clear and adequate memory
visualization technique. Also, they must cross this boundary manifestation of the ability to self-
analysis independently responsible sadhana.
Behold in my heart, red-black-and-white style Amrita BG and say it. Syllable
generates Great jewel shining vibration Pentagonal great mantra. pro-
iznesi her, watching Jewel. Then he said deployed mantra. Of Jewelry on
turn emanate re, darkness and light and transform the universe of worlds in a clean, blessed
Say the mantra of Power and Magnicence. Thus invited mandala with ishta-
Devas and their demonstrations around with siddha and Mahasiddhas, Rishi, deities and dakinya-
E. Jewel becomes the mandala, and the mandala appears from your heart pure pro-
space in front of you. Behold mandala.
Be aware, observe and contemplate belted a void space, re, sharp al-
daub crystals, wind, ocean drive Holy Mainland. At its center, in the middle
biryuzovato-green ocean space is yantrovy island. At the center of his at
top of the mountain, lies Grand Yantra. Black Temple, the Abode Mahakalabhayravy Kaulasidd-
heshvary and Mahakalabhayravi Kaulasiddheshvari and sixteen of the Great Manifestation
Towering over it.
North continent covered mountains, forests, Savanna, grasslands and deserts, decorated pattern
rivers and lakes. In the middle of the country is mountainous abode Pashupati Bhairava and his Bhayra-
vie, and this land is inhabited by totems, rishis, siddhas, mahasiddha, Dakini and different creatures organized
cal nature.
East of the continent is covered by wonderful meadows, hills and groves full of amazing
owers, rocks made of precious stones. In many places are precious sver-
tic temples. In the middle of the country, over the hill diamond is shining the radiation gets
Sarnen monastery Shvetaprakasha Amriteshvary Bhairava and Bhairavi, manifested in the for-
ME Diamond Masters. This land is inhabited by deities, rishis, siddhas, mahasiddha and Dakini.
South mainland coated active and semi-active volcanoes, rivers and lakes and magmas
molten metals, lava elds. Druze of crystals grown in the land, The population
trolled ery geniuses and other creatures whose nature is re, energy or inorganic
Cesky matter, dakinis, siddha and Mahasiddhas. In the center of the continent is a mountain
ery abode Agnidzhyoti Bhairava and Bhairavi.
mainland West represents how edge bare plain coated with ash, wild
barren rocks, dead forests were dying marshes. Across this land scattered multi-




numerical Smasana and cemeteries. It is a country of demons, evil spirits and other creatures, and rage
darkness. Here live krodhadakini, Vetal, Rakshasa, Pisachas, bhoots, rushing, black magicians,
Siddhi and mahasiddha. In the middle of the land on the cliff rises the abode of darkness - Palace in
burial Samharakrodha Bhairava and Bhairavi.
All this - the dimension, created and supported by reliable magical power of Great
Lords Mahakalabhayravy and Mahakali, Mandala Kalayamaly, Trikasamarasya Kaula, your house and
Says: "The great deity all-suite, master mahasiddha and Siddhi, the great Rishis,
teachers and the guardians though you, as a pure, awakened and self-sufcient, not nuzh-
gives my offerings, take them arose in my heart as the gifts of respect, love
and reverence. "
Now pronounce the formula of worship: "Worship Unity Three, ishtadevam, yav-
those reected my true essence, their entourage: the deities, rishis, Dakin, mahasiddhas and Siddhi
guardians and defenders of the great Holy Land Yantra mandala my Mother and Father - Mach
kalabhayravy Kaulasiddheshvary and Mahakalabhayravi Kaulasiddheshvari and Great Mani-
festatsy. Let it be my absolute adoration and bringing the fruit of love. "
Manifest from the heart of the white carpet, red carpet and then smaller, then black Ko
vor even lower, placing carpets on one another. Manifest from the heart of things, By arranging
lagaya them in the rmament: a pile of black fabric with red ornaments and embroidered with silver and
emerald jewelry, a silver pitcher of water for washing, silver light
with a red ame, a silver stand with the spices, three trays - one with precious
stones, the second - with owers, and the third - with musical instruments. Take the three of hearts
silver Kapali on tripods, under which a ame burns: one materializes various HA
bev- erages, another - a variety of vegetarian dishes and sweets, third - and various meat
sh specialties. Manifest from the heart to eat the dish, cup for drinking and fan on a silver
Say: "The great god's mother and father and his entourage, the master of the devas, mahasiddha, and asuras
Siddhi, the great Rishis, teachers and custodians, though you, as a pure, awakened and self-
sufcient, without need of my offerings, take them arose in my heart as
gifts of respect, love and honor. "
Water from a jug jet rises to the sky and falling rain transparent, washes mandates
lu with deities. Over the mandala appears iridescent glow. Fan ies in the air and porozh-
gives a pleasant breeze blew across the space with the mandala. Tissue from bales shoots up and,
whirling ows in the wind lls the space, if the black leaf and lowered near
the inhabitants of the mandala, forming scarves, veils, scarves, tablecloths, rugs. These things change
its pattern and color depending on who they got.
The three silver Kapali there are various dishes and drinks. they rise
up and distributed in an innite number of cups and the dishes arising from initial
GOVERNMENTAL cup and dish, soar into the sky and lls the entire space. mandala radiates
bright light. Eating and drinking under the inuence of these rays breaking out and turning into bright light,
dissolving, are drawn into the rays emanating from the mandala.
Incense ash and smoke of their Patterned winds and ovivaet mandala. Flowers rise in
and an air lled space. Fire lamp begins to sparkle, and ogonki-
spark lls the entire space. Gems also raised and, ashing,
ll an entire space. Music and Instruments videolnye rise into the sky and,
lling a space that emit beautiful music.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Say formula triple sacrice "the great unity, Mahakala Bhay-

Rave and Mahakali Bhairavi - parents, liberators, defenders and teachers - triple
sacrices were made: its essence-consciousness I present and dedicate his speech-energy
I present and dedicate your body-shape I present and dedicate. "
Now, Therefore, gain cleansing and blessing abhiseka mandala. "Ishtadev, siddhas, deities,
all the inhabitants of the mandala ask to bless and cleanse my mind, speech and body from harmful ten-
Dentsu and qualities. " Mandala comes from meeting a bright clean colorful light. All ishta-
devas, deities, dakinis, mahasiddha give their dedication blessing. light shed
on your holy water and magic, passing through you, and you, and bless ochischa-
a. Mandala, vibrating and shimmering bright light, replied: "Oh, the daughter (son) Kula magic,
your mind, speech and body cleansed of karmic lth, of all bad qualities and tendencies. "
Now ask for the consecration. "Ishtadev, siddhas, deities, all the inhabitants of the mandala ask
dedicate me to the heart of the great sadhana Trikasamarasya by giving strength to perform, osvobodit-
camping, manifest and become nal, neohvatny fruit. "
By gods and all the other inhabitants of the mandala emanate rays of light, creating a luminous Ko
nous and gathering in front of a single point in the center of the mandala. They generate Samaras.



Samaras comes down to you and committed. Samaras sends you kapala with blood and serd-
CEM and says, "Oh, sadhaka (sadhika), son (daughter) sacred Kula, endow you with knowledge and svya-
gap of the practical realization of the secret of the heart and blood forces of the universe. Know that the heart and
the blood of the universe - it's you. Drink inexhaustible blood and took a bite from the heart. " Samaras
Jaya biju says, and you will attain cognition, bestowing Siddhi.
"Oh, Vira (yogini), son (daughter) sacred Kula, I endow your body of darkness that is the basis of
purity and boundless freedom. Jaya Bija ". Your body becomes a clot of darkness.
"Empowers you to the harmony of unity of Shiva, Shakti and Nara. Jaya Bija ". Your body of
shapeless black darkness becomes the body of a multi-armed androgyne.
"I Empower you blissful self-satisfaction of completeness. Jaya Bija. ". And in the body
thine ashing bright stars and the owl's head ashes a white light.
"Empowers you to omniscience. Jaya Bija. ". And on your face ashing eyes.
"Empowers you Kaula crown - the crown of awareness of the triune nature of all crown
authority over all pentads. Jaya Bija ". And your forehead is crowned with a crown Kaula.
"Empowers you pure perception and the ve material elements inherent in this ob-
Retenu these energies control. Jaya Bija ". And around your neck poyavlya-
etsya necklace of colored stones.
"Empowers you to the free energy of self-discovery and awakening the energy of love, knowledge
Nia and liberating purication. Jaya Bija. ". And around you breaks ery aura py-
bark hair, comb, wings. One of the heads ashes red. In one of the palms
It appears glowing red ames white star.
"Empowers you to an eternity of continuity. Jaya Bija ". And your brow crowned mesya-
"I Empower you omnipotence Perfection. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand there
Star of Chaos.
"Empowers you to the power of death and destruction, making the path unobstructed and short
kim. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand there is a great Staff, Mace.
"I Empower you banner Trikasamarasya, Kalagni Kula, the highest divine harmony,
united, that is the basis of all monistic tantric teachings. Jaya Bija ". And your the PV
ke appears sacred banner.
"Empowers you to perfect the methods of ownership of Kaula, guides, pronzayuschi-
E, dissecting, cuts, and saves Fills. Jaya Bija ". And in your
hand appears kaulicheskaya Halberd of Darkness.
"Empowers you to self-knowledge, the fruit of which is the way out of the dungeons of samsara.
Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand there is a mirror.
"I empower your intuition, overcoming uncertainty of all worlds. Jaya Bija ". And in your
hand there is a silver bell.
"I empower you to maintain strength, resting on the mystery of movement and stillness, da
ruyuschey stability and quiet. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand there is the rotating chakra.
"Empowers you to force hiding, concentration and helps to guide po-
stizhenie divine nature. Jaya Bija ". And dressing comes in your hand.
"I Empower you will indestructible, able to carry out any action." And your the PV
ke appears goad.
"I endow you the ability to divine perception. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand
there is dripping from the ve senses.



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

"I Empower you siddha comprehension of light and emptiness. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand
there is a stone, half-black, half-transparent and shining rays of light.
"I endow you the ability to transform the spontaneous transforming poisons lekar-
OPERATION AND dispel misconceptions. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand there is a scorpion.
"I Empower you comprehension of the mystery of duality-giving exemption and a huge
force. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand there is Damara.
"Empowers your abilities and techniques transform their intoxication in the sobering
state. Jaya Bija ". In your hand there dripping with Soma.
"I Empower you talent kaulicheskoy harmony, allowing to move very successful
but also to transform the life of sadhana-in pleasure. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand there is strun-
ny musical instrument.
"I Empower you knowledge of the basics and ways, foresight and careful zorko-
Stu relieving sadhak many obstacles and suffering. Jaya Bija ". And in your hands
It appears bow and arrow.
"Empowers you by force of creation confers treasure teachings and methods effectively
sadhakas help in their holy cause of self-realization. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand poyavlya-
It is a scroll inscribed with a pattern and a rosary.
"Empowers you to the doctrine of the illusory nature of the dual perception of totality used
Use the phenomena of the world and the power of the inspired teachings of transmission Aghora Kaula. Jaya
Bija ". And in thy hand there is a pipe from a human tibia.
"Empowers you to prosperity in all elds, supporting the sacred life Kaula-
Tantrikas. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand there is the golden fruit of Plenty.
"Empowers you hold the power of the unity of life and death, emptiness and liberating
Enjoy pure phenomena and completeness. Jaya Bija ". And in thy hand there
skull sprouted through cracks in it ower.
"I empower you complete freedom from the bondage of rebirth circuit, power and authority over
vibrations of the mantras. Jaya Bija ". And around your neck there is a necklace of skulls and
Folded his hands in Abhaya and varada wisely. In the other two your hands appear otorvan-
naya head - a victory over the limitations, and the bowl with the heart and blood.
Samaras said: "Now you - perfection, truth, completeness, harmony and freedom!
Jaya Bija ".
Thus, it becomes adept Samaras.
Samaras shoots up and, approaching the center of the mandala dissolves into Yamale. Proizne-
B Amrita bija, ananda bijuu and bijuu jaya. Mandala is drawn into your heart, you and she -
one. Then he said, a great mantra. Divided into Mahakalabhayravu and Mahakalabhayravi,
experiencing the joy of sexual union of love. Behold unity with the mandala, mogu-
nicant luminous and empty nature itself, offerings, mandalas, deities,
the whole universe, behold the unity of consciousness, space, energy, light and chastnosti-
form. Stay in the natural contemplation of divinity. All solution in the Original
Sadhana is necessary to make this ritual without aws and skips three times. Respectively
we need to continue to do it until then, until the ritual is will be carried out three times a sovershenst-
ve and internal content. "



Murthy Kalabhayravy



Appendix 13 (January 2011)


hayravi said: "Now I will tell about the formula of sacrice, without this impossible
but to succeed in sadhana. Not applying it from the beginning - it is impossible prodvi-
nutsya to the next stages of sadhana. Here is a great formula: "Great Yamale, WHO-
I Love Bhairava and Bhairavi, parents, liberators, defenders and teachers of three sub-
I wear I present: my love and dedicate Yamale Kul life of the body and dedicate Yamale Ku
le, my way in the universe and dedicate Yamale Kul. With joy giving root of samsaric
existence of countless rebirths surrender, nding fullness. Resorting to Yamale and Kule
- great perfection Yamaly Kula and I gain. "
Now the sacrice through the mantra. This is a great way to japa and is the basis for
success on the road. To move forward and reach the fetus it should be practiced rst. Let
sdhaka introduce ourselves Yamalu, standing in front of him, and if the sadhaka inexperienced -
let contemplates an image or murti.
Let him read the mantra of worship, deploying mala so that the beads do not move to the garden-
hack, and the deity. First round - with each mantra is brought up all kinds of beautiful well-being
uhayuschie owers that originate in the heart and with the mantra take off from the heart to the feet of Yama-
ly. This visualization should be lled with the knowledge that these owers - an expression of love and
Bhairava devotion. This is the rst round of offerings.
During the second round of japa the sadhaka mentally brings his own blood with
prana - the life of the body. Blood saturated with prana comes from the heart with each repetition mandate
try. We sacrice the body Yamale. When we pour out the blood at the feet Yamaly, it is partly the absorptive
Pipeline in gods body and partially vaporized by their ames and fumes is included in them. Such
kim way Yama takes sacrice, pumps us out of samsara and claims to divinity
During the third round of japa is brought sadhakas limitations, the principle of individual
of the existence of God, anava small - it is because of what being reborn again and again.
Sadhak refuses it, transforming into divinity and anava active state is small,
transformed, returning to God, making the adept free.
By implementing this step, let the Adept makes the offering Yamale, not in front of it,
while standing on his head. With each offering to deities mantras emit Anugraha akti
penetrating sadhak.
Realized and this step should be ready to step into the heart of contemplation Yamaly.
Let the Sadhaka sits in a comfortable position with your back straight, relax and submit to the heart
Yamalu, the size of a thumb. Yamala emits penetrating through everything, HA
suppl harmony divine energy. It must be good in all details represent
form. If it spreads, the focus is rst on the face, head, and then gradually
cover image of the attention more and more. It is necessary to feel the slightest gut
detail, at the same time to feel all the details. Sadhaka should reach relaxed skill
without straining to keep that image in your heart and contemplate God there. If you realize this of Great
elated sadhana Yamaly presence will be felt all the time, every time. yamala will
from the heart to teach, to give strength and toughness, to lead on the way, give advice, to spiritualize life. "



Ishtadeva yoga

hayrava said: "The basis of nding deity of the body - the ability to stay in the consciousness of pus-
Toty, combining this with a clear and vivid visualization, mantra, complex animation pattern
faces perfection using nyasa and with the correct energy direction for Canada are
That was a success contemplation itself in the body ishtadevy, you must have implementation suschno-
stnoy voids plus bhakti. Otherwise, the adept is wrong and is reex poni-
mother under ishtadevoy some powerful personality, a great being - and this will lead to restrictions
NIJ and fall. There is no awareness of emptiness and parabhakti - no success in yoga ishtadeva. Without it
achievements, awareness will develop only selshness and petty magical abilities. AND
if ia-devat is angry form - this practice can result in demonic pre-
the formation of the sadhaka, his obsession and the fall in the hellish worlds.

the transguration vision

hayrava said: "Now the transguration vision and facilitating the perception Mahashuni.
Behold the space inside the vessel, and then take away the empty vessel and contemplate the space
GUSTs in the place where previously it had been entered into the vessel.
Contemplating the cloudless sky, lying down, or contemplating the empty space, sitting at the edge of pro-
mouth or on the mountain, manages to feel the emptiness and thoughts dissolve.
Let sdhaka contemplates his body empty, consisting of the nest light shell,
like nature of the rainbow or the beam.
Then he let himself contemplate unsupported, to believe that there is nothing under him, and he shall
what is not supported.
Sat relaxed with a straight back, let the Sadhaka sits and takes nevovlechonno
sounds, thoughts, body sensations - all that is perceived. Then aster BJ let it explode
Creature - this he will feel its indescribable nature, like a vacuum.
Now, about the methods, transforming impure into pure, without which it is difcult to implement
Bhairava and Bhairavi herself.
Let adept visualizes in the heart of Bhairava or Kali, or unity. Then, concen-
tochivshis on the big toe, though it is to imagine how under the inuence of the invisible Ka-
Lagny him slazit skin, boned meat rotting, exposed bone. This process spread
stranyaetsya further, gradually devouring the entire body. Slazit skin and esh and organs fall off.
The skeleton falls to the ground.
Now let sdhaka present before a person close to him and that his body Ta
Kim also decomposes. Then it is necessary to introduce other familiar and unfamiliar creatures, their
body decomposed. Lower - burst, pop, turn to dust, but the mountain continues to grow,
capturing the entire space. Then Vira, feeling and imagining himself a deity, strikes trezub-
CEM ground, and the mountain is covered Mahakalagni ame, which devours all the skeletons and obrascha-
them in a dust. Deity is blowing and the dust ying around the empty space. This sadhana ut
Verdi's true nature and weaken the attachment to illusion and mundane.
Let sadhaka, having heart Yamalu, imagine yourself in the world of rot and decay, coated
thuja mountains of corpses of people Titans, gods, Rakshasa, animals, and other creatures. The corpses of Historians
chayut stench and swarming with maggots and worms, are worn in the air clouds of ies, on the basis of cadaveric
rivers ow pus and exudate. Feet fail to rotting meat. Let sdhaka present that


Appendix 13 (January 2011)

his body is infected and covered with festering sores. In it are teeming with worms. The body falls and dies,
he is set upon vultures and other scavengers and eat it. Deity, which is in
heart is realized adept as he is. Deity grows and becomes larger. it hits
trident ground, and his body is radiated from ames. Impaling the whole world, it cleans, transformation
zuet it. Everything disgusting becomes empty, clean and luminous. The world fell transformation
zhaetsya in the world of beauty.
Now about sadhana Varuna Bhairava - the Lord of the undifferentiated ocean of chaos.
Say pentagonal mantra or bija samhara and the formula: "Let my manifest
capacity for boundless fullness, yes, I devour the strength of his immense consciousness any
manifestations, realizing my own nature in them. " Deep darkness suddenly turns into
indescribably giant black octopus with innumerable tentacles, his whole body
dotted mouths with ve sharp teeth. When everything breaks pattern is very bright, brillianto-
Vg Rainbow Light, this light mouth devour all without the rest, there is complete darkness and vspy-
Khiva, explodes boundless, sparkling light space. Say jaya bija.
Now about sadhana Great Dragon who is Bhairava and Bhairavi.
Say Amrita bija mantra or a pentagon and the formula: "Let us nd the power of his
integrated nature of the inseparable integrity is perceived as not free and og-
boundedness in awareness as a duality and opposites. " The space that the pulsations of
pensates Light and Darkness, is divided into two boundless eld - the top part becomes innite
limit and bottomless ocean of light, and the lower - boundless and bottomless ocean
Darkness. Darkness ashes pulsing light, and light - pulsating darkness. In the middle, on the border
Two Oceans appears dimensionless, colorless bindu, it will increase and transformed into
Winged Dragon androgynous. Dragon, increasing innitely, lls two okea-
on, and found all the indescribable and not subject to the thoughts and images of reality. pro-
iznesi jaya bija.
Now about sadhana deication through Yamaly dominance.
Going into the original, like a void consciousness manifests itself adept netroystvennoy
BJ such as amrta bja or Jaya bja. It becomes a mantra Yamaly and mantra
Yamaly manifested deities standing on their yantra and joy in unity. AT
their hearts, that the essence of one heart, the deities are united with the bliss of it. Of the bodies Yamaly
emanate thousands, millions of tiny Yama, the same as the parent, or other
forms. They ll the whole world, spreading in her boundless, and deify everything with
what touches their aura. Thus, Samaras achieved.
Before this sadhana should practice contemplation Yamaly in the heart, generating
an immeasurable amount of other Yama, penetrating the whole body of the adept, cleaning and notation
zhestvlyayuschih its energy channels and the whole body.

preparation of beads

EPER on the preparations for japa.
Abide in the original state. Manifests vibration "A", then pyatislogovoy
mantra. Then - The ten mantra. Then - Samaras. Holding a rosary, hold
them to her chest, setting Kailas vertically. Say the mantra. Under the inuence of this mantra
It opens trinity of original nature, and a large bead is shown as the head sama
rasi. The remaining beads are shown as the skull and the bloody heads. Climb beads
once, reciting the basic mantra japa, and hang on the neck.



formula bootstrapping

EPER about bootstrapping formulas.
Let sadhaka and sadhika every morning utter the word tuning The formula for success
"I, Veera (yogini), son (daughter) Bhairava Mahakala and Mahakali Bhairavi dressed (dressed) in the wind
re and ashes, standing (standing) peacefully in the plain of the universe.
I have no name, the name of ishtadevy - here's my secret name that is stored in the heart.
I have no body, Tantric chariot drawn by dragons, and have my body.
I have no home, the magical world of the Black Yamaly - that's my house.
I do not have classes, following the path of the greatest art - that's my job.
I have no purpose, then, what do not conceive ideas, fruit Trikasamarasya way - that's my
I have no responsibilities, following the path arises spontaneously and consciously, and that It should
dovanie harmony pattern and the way - that's my responsibility.
I have no attachment, only the attachment that we need to succeed in business - there
my affections.
I have no fear - I am the one (the one) who are afraid.
I have no life, re of true understanding and transformation - this is my life.
I have no pain, this joy-burning orgasm, nds mahasiddhas, not pain.
I have no death - I'm already dead dead for samsara.
I am the one (that), whose body is darker than darkness.
I am the one (that), whose forehead is decorated with a crown of light.
I am the one (that), whose three eyes are glowing like three suns.
I am the one (that), whose aura is a blaze vseispepelyayuschey cremation.
I am the one (that), whose devouring jaws of the universe, whose claws and fangs nobody reect.
I am the one (that), who holds the Mace (Sword), and other sacred attributes.
I am the one (the one) who is inseparable from its (their) Bhairavi (Bhairava).
Upon completion of the formula should feel divine.
Now the formula of self-adjustment of the morning on the next stage of self-realization.
Let Vira says: "I - Bhairava" and Yogini: "I - Bhairavi" and feel yourself exactly BO
"My thoughts, feelings, instincts, and all manifestations - pure magic manifestation of my
My form - pure manifestation of divinity.
My actions - divine.
My mantra and meditation on it - divine, and a distraction from my mantra - also BO
My house - palace yamaly and my country - yantra and mandala.
My relatives and friends - the various manifestations of Shiva and Shakti.
External rough world - a manifestation of the mandala. All processes in the body - pure elements
divine, but human beings - is a manifestation of the divine powers.
It - Trikasamarasya pattern.
I have shown (revealed) to help living beings. "


Appendix 13 (January 2011)


EPER about Samaya.
Each day of practice repetition Pledge formula: "In the morning there, at noon there, in the evening,
Whether at night - I seated in deep inner relaxation, following the precepts of maste-
moat and faithful to the path. Always, as I can save mindfulness walking on path yamaly following
masters of the covenant and faithful to the path. "
Let Vira holidays repeats the words of the oath this: "I, bhayravayt, yama- child
ly, an immortal warrior Akhara Kalagni Kula on to rip the belly of samsara, on the corpses pobezhdon-
GOVERNMENTAL barriers, by himself, talking to himself, took the oath in front of himself.
By decapitated slavery limitations, by torn eyes and tongue,
gnawed-off noses, ears cut off and ayed human dimension, as well as
Measurement of hell, hungry ghosts, beasts, titans and gods, by the blood released illustrate
zy, by their symbols Kula: be true triune banner native, soothing
love and freedom of darkness, sizzling power ery blood and rips,
piercing clarity confers bliss great completeness ghostly light. Klya-
Nus be true to yourself. I promise to follow nature - Black Yamale, Mahaka-
Lagny Kul, Trikasamarasya and implement Jagadananda pattern. " After that, let Vira repeat
great mula mantra. This oath Himself - the depths of God, the heavens and the middle of the world.
Since the nature of the Adept is God, and God - this is the true nature of vira and around ostalno-
of oath given by himself.
Yogini may or may not use this formula oath - by her choice.
Compliance can be used "knight" instead of "warrior" or "lord". yavlya- warrior
etsya Vira. Knight is vira giving instructions. Lord is a master Avadhut.
Finding success on the track like a military victory. Adept path called "viroy" ge-
swarm ghting not with sword and rie, and the strength of his understanding, knowledge of methods, masterst-
Islands, skills. Viru Kalayamala Marga called "black magician holy trails," "sacred voi-
nom-Malec "whose combat magic destroys samsaric perception. Vira armed svya-
fth knowledge and magic. He, like yogini appropriate level, has different forces
and abilities. Master - Bishop owns 16 ways eradication; it probu-
zhdayuschaya, breaking and subordinating the magic shake.
Oh, our beloved son, our children are the ones who follow this path Mahakalagni Kula, it
teachings, deep as the abyss of chaos and pattern techniques, such magical ery hurricane,
quickly get rid of the limitations and the suffering of samsara. The jubilation and happiness reach
they consummate joy fruit of a great victory, whose name is Aishwarya, Samaras and dzha-
gadananda ".
Bhayravananda praised and thanked the parents for their invaluable assistance to live susche-
properties. Being in communion with the truth was revealed, he rejoiced in the heart of the divinely
STI, saving from all the adversity and empower all perfections and benets.




this book, the reader presents fragments of doctrines and ways of sadhana Mach
kalamargi - Trikasamarasya Kaula. Some important parts of the text are not included in kni-
gu. For example - part detailing Kaul rituals comprising
maithuna. This does not include members of the kula Mahakalagni tantra sadhana practice of honoring
A pair of goddesses, and Apara parapara, and are not part of the published detailing pri-
Menen deifying Nyasa, based on the code relies on Devanagari. Some
part has already been published in my rst book without warning that they are
parts of this tantra, as if it was the wrong time for such notication. Nekoto-
rye referred to in this text mantras are not published here, some other mantra zashif-
Rowan completely or partially. A description of some mantras intentionally wrong. when napisa-
SRI manthras, names and terms intentionally reected neness and features Sanskrit
The aim of the publication of these materials is not to provide some enthusiasts uni-
versal set of "DIY", using which they can successfully move in the notation
zhestvlyayuschey fulllment. And even more texts have not been published to someone
taken out of context a few techniques and doctrines and recklessly used them for their peaceful
Sgiach purposes not related to the purpose of the journey. (An attempt to apply these materials
both cases, the end of the risk is not successful, and trouble).
The aim of the publication of these texts is to provide spiritual seekers of choice.
Some, having familiarized with them, even more convinced that this way - not for them, and not sta-
chickpeas more wasting precious time of their lives to the study and irting with Mahakalamargi
her. Others had read my two previous books plus this, make sure that it is their relatives
Noah spiritual path and will do everything possible to meet me lich-
but as long as my physical body is still alive, and intermarry with Black Yamaloy, enter Kalagni
Kulu, get access to the full doctrine and practice, with explanations of what and how
this way we must understand that to whom and how to practice. Meet me for someone can
It is difcult, difcult. However, much more difcult and unpromising Bu
children try to become part of the Kula and practice the way without implementation of such a meeting.
I wish all who seek to nd a spiritual path of the soul, all sadhakas - succeed in
his sadhana, and Black children Yamaly - nally nd their way into the home of Kula and obres-
tee happiness, bliss and a great victory.

Bhayravananda in meditation on the nature and form of Ishtadevy



Appendix 13 (January 2011)

Laconic yantra Mahakalabhayravy Kaulasiddheshvary Laconic yantra Mahakalabhayravi Kaulasiddheshvari

Unfolded yantra Mahakalabhayravy Kaulasiddheshvary Unfolded yantra Mahakalabhayravi Kaulasiddheshvari

Laconic Samaras-yantra Unfolded Samaras-yantra


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