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Project Guide

Utilizing the individual data received (cargo name, SF stowage factor and cargo unit
dimensions), design the initial cargo plan for multipurpose ship Vectis Castle.
Loading condition: SF = 1.75m3/t, 1.62m3/t
Cargo: potatoes in crates Gram in big bags
Dimensions:1.2m*1.8m*1.15m (breadth*length*height) 0.76*0.76*1.7
For the final part of the project just add the information you got from IMD Code related to
your individual UN No.
The project should follow the next steps:
1. Cargo properties:
From Thomas Stowage:
Start with part3 Commodities, about your specific type of packaging in part2 read about Systems
and Techniques, and about your specific cargo type read part1 Safety, part4 Damage and Claims
(those applicable to your cargo) and part5 Procedures. If its necessary get the related information
from IMDG Code also.
Partea 3: fasole indiana
- Poate da umezeala
- Pastrati uscat
- Tineti departe de surse de caldura
- Poate da praf
Fasole Indiana sau naut. Folosit pentru manacare in India sau ca hrana penru
bovine. Contine un procent ridicat de acid oxalic, poate transpira, nu fermenteaza. Depozitata in
mediu rece, departe de produse umede, se poate deteriora din cauza umezelii. A se stivui bine.

Partea 2

Bags :
- Hartie- unul sau mai multe straturi- cusuti/lipiti
- Plastic- inchisi ermetic
- Polipropilena- pot avea un sac din polietena sigiat la interior
- Iuta- saci traditionali- se pot reutiliza- second hand bags
- Retea deschisa- plasa, fibre din plastic- pentru o buna ventilare

- Marfa trebuie sa fie rezistenta la presiune
- Sacii nu ofera protective contra deteriorarii din mediul exterior
- Adesea se sorteaza maraf (bulk oprerations/ mini bulk operations)
- Marfa- de obicei- ingasaminte, cereale, seminte, fructe uscate, zahar, ciment, cafea, faina,
sare, nisip, minereu, mancare (peste, seminte, copra), lapte praf


- Greutate adesea intalnita- 50 kg

- Calculul greutatilor de la bord

Partea 4:

Primul ajutor medical:

- General - Indepartati hainele contaminate
- Inhalare - Ramaneti calm si iesiti la aer curat
- Contact cu pielea - spalati bine cu sapun si apa
- Contact cu ochii spalati ochiul afectat cel putin 15 minute cu pleoapele bine deschide
- Inghitire clatiti gura si apoi beti multa apa
- Simptome - nicio reactie intalnita pe corpul uman
- Tratament decontaminare

- Stingere incendiu apa, spuma, pudra uscata
- Nu se foloseste dioxid de carbon
- Pericole- in caz de foc, gram poate elimina dioxid de carbon, monoxid de carbon, oxizi de
- Echipament de protectie apparat de respirat, costum de protective
- Informatii suplimentare mentineti containerele reci prin stropire cu apa in caz de expunere
la foc. In caz de foc ori explozie, nu inhalati fumul. Colectati separat apa contaminate din
urma stingerii incendiului. Nu permiteti sa ajunga in sistemul de canalizare sau in apele

Handling and storage:

- A se manipula si depozita corect. Asigurati ventilarea corecta a spatiului de depozitaresi a
zonei de lucru. A nu se mancara, a nu se bea apa si a nu se fuma in apropierea produsului. A
se clati bine fata si mainile.
- Protectie impotriva focului si exploziei evitati formarea de praf. Impreuna cu aerul, praful
poate produce un amestec exploziv. Preveniti incarcarea electrostaticam sursele de ardere-
mentinute curate, extinctoarele tinute la indemana.

2. Stowage planning:
Read PRE STOWAGE PLANNING.pdf about general information related to proper stowage of
cargoes and for any misunderstood terms.
From the ship Plans (General Arrangement etc. : P10046-076-
130_PrelStabLM_Vectis_Castle[GLAAS0000414780].pdf at the end) take out the cargo holds
At a proper scale draw the cargo distribution onboard ship.
3. Displacement calculation

Before doing any computations familiarize yourself with the ship stability booklet, found out in the
first three chapters.

In order to compute the position of the center of gravity of the ship and its displacement use the
template provided in 6.5. Calculation template for draft, trim and stability.
First you find out the weight and center of gravity of the cargo and dunnage from stowage plan, link
those dimensions to the positions of the bulkheads in the ships plans and compute the Total
CARGO and its center of gravity:
MomBL/ MomAP/
Position weight VCG Vmom LCG Lmom TCG MomCL/Tmom I FSM

CH1FL 208.2 3.63 755.766 101.67 21167.694 0 0

CH1FU 208.2 9.61 2000.802 101.67 21167.694 0 0
CH1AL 485.9 3.63 1763.817 89.2 43342.28 0 0
CH1AU 485.9 9.61 4669.499 89.2 43342.28 0 0
CH2L 1990.1 3.63 7224.063 52.07 103624.507 0 0
CH2U 2210 9.61 21238.1 48.82 107892.2 0 0
CARGO 5588.3 6.74 37652.05 60.94 340536.66 0 0
To the weight of the cargo, to find out the actual Displacement of the ship you should add up the
other weights onboard that vessel, starting with the lightship. The information is found in chapter
14. Consumables - Departure, and for the crew and effects and provisions information you need to
look them up in the standard loading conditions, ch.15.
lightship 3660 8.7 31842 51.15 187209 0.4 1464
TD 269.6 6.97 1879.112 63.24 17049.504 0 0
Provisions 2 12 24 12 24 0 0
Crew&Eff 10 11 110 4.2 42 0 0
HFO 241.7 4.25 1027.225 19.59 4734.903 -0.72 -174.024 55.2
MDO 193 4.64 895.52 18.34 3539.62 -0.96 -185.28 67.7
FW 69.6 5.98 416.208 5.69 396.024 0 0 87.9
LO 17.7 6.99 123.723 13.76 243.552 2.86 50.622 2.3
Misc 18.3 4.78 87.474 24.44 447.252 1.69 30.927 96.5
For the data about TD tween deck ch. 8.2 Tweendeck particulars

Displacement 10070.2 7.35 74057.31 55.04 554222.51 0.12 1186.245 321.4

Adding up all the weights we obtain the Displacement of the ship and with the moment theorem we
compute the coordinates of the center of gravity
4. Trim
Using the 6.5. Calculation template for draft, trim and stability the first correction we should think
about is the list correction. We distribute ballast onboard in such a manner that the TCG of the ship
is 0, so the shipss list is 0 (4.1 Calculation of static angle of heel). Ballast information can be
easily found in P10046-100-070-R2F TANK ARRANGEMENT.pdf.
Ballast 12 WT PS 66.5 3.29 218.785 90.09 5990.985 -7.68 -510.72 5.9
16 WT PS 87 3.36 292.32 79.39 6906.93 -7.8 -678.6 5.9

The new Displacement of the ship is:

Displacement 10223.7 7.29 74568.41 55.47 567120.43 0.00 -3.075 321.4

Using the new displacement we compute the trim of the ship, initial for t=0, and after for
interpolated values for the actual trim of the ship like in 6.5. Calculation template for draft, trim
and stability.
6.45 10877 157.77 60.65 trim -3.69
6.11 10223.7 151.03 60.92
6.5 10973 158.76 60.61
0.05 96 0.99 -0.04
-0.34 -653.3 -6.74 0.27

The trim should be in the interval -1.2-1.4m (by aft). If the condition is not fulfilled just add
more ballast:

Ballast 12 WT PS 66.5 3.29 218.785 90.09 5990.985 -7.68 -510.72 5.9

16 WT PS 87 3.36 292.32 79.39 6906.93 -7.8 -678.6 5.9
1 FP 193 5.46 1053.78 116.95 22571.35 0 0 0
2 DT PS 98.5 4.12 405.82 109.15 10751.275 -2.409 -237.287 0
3 DT SB 98.5 4.11 109.27 10763.095 2.409 237.2865 45.86875
6 wt ps 114.6 6.1 699.06 104.28 11950.488 -5.44 -623.424
7 wt sb 114.6 6.1 699.06 104.28 11950.488 5.44 623.424
4 db ps 43.9 0.67 29.413 101.1 4438.29 -3.4 -149.26
5 db sb 43.9 0.67 29.413 101.1 4438.29 3.4 149.26

Displacement 10930.7 7.09 77484.96 58.92 643983.70 0.00 -3.075 321.4

6.45 10877 157.77 60.65 trim -1.18
6.48 10930.7 158.32 60.63
6.5 10973 158.76 60.61
0.05 96 0.99 -0.04
0.03 53.7 0.55 -0.02

Finally take out from the ch.10 hydrostatic particulars the draft at midship and we compute the
drafts forward and aft:
d t LCB
6.42 -1.5 58.36
6.43 -1.18 58.86
6.44 -1 59.14
0.02 0.5 0.777032468
0.01 0.32 0.50
daft 7.02
dfore 5.84

5. Stability
For Initial stability we start the computation as per: 6.5. Calculation template for draft, trim and
stability, the KMT is obtain by interpolation from ch.10 hydrostatic particulars for the real trim of
the ship.
G'M 0.50
For the damage stability we have to compare the VCG of the ship (corrected for the influence of
the free surfaces in tanks) with the maximum allowable VCG, as per 5. Notes on the use of tables
of maximum VCG, and the actual values tabulated in 13. Tables of maximum VCG, for the No
Deck Cargo information.
If either the initial stability of the ship condition, or the damage stability one is not fulfilled, then we
should keep decreasing the VCG of the ship by adding ballast and restart the computation for trim
and drafts.
To draw the GZ curve (on milimetric paper) the information about computation method is found in
4. How to use the cross curves, and the actual values that you have to interpolate in ch. 11. Cross
0.0 0.26 0.66 1.33 1.60 2.00 2.68 3.37 4.09 4.78 5.39 6.38 6.95
00 6 7 5 3 7 7 9 2 7 8 0 3
VCG's 0.24 0.62 1.23 1.47 1.84 2.43 3.00 3.55 4.08 4.57 5.45 6.16
inthe 0 842 0388 6054 9947 2313 4551 826 9075 2803 5458 2819 4499
0.0 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.25 0.37 0.53 0.70 0.82 0.92 0.78
GZ 00 8 6 9 3 5 2 0 3 5 3 7 9
theta 0 2 5 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60

To finally verify the stability criteria as per IMO Resolution MSC.267 (85) the information is in ch.
6.1 General stability criteria:
A The area under the GZ curve up to 30 shall not be less than 0.055 metre-radians.
B The area under the GZ curve up to X shall not be less than 0.090 metre-radians.
C The area between 30 and X shall not be less than 0.03 metre-radians.
X 40 or any lesser angle at which the lower edge of any openings in the hull, superstructure or
deckhouse, which cannot be closed weathertight, immerse.
E The righting lever GZ shall be at least 0.20 m at an angle of heel equal to or greater than 30.
The maximum GZ shall occur at an angle of heel not less than 25.
F The Initial GM shall not be less than 0.15 m.
0 2 5 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60

Extra work:
6. Wind criterion
Verify as per 6.2. Wind criterion according to IMO resolution A749
7. Lashing
According to the YZJ423-900-001 CARGO SECURING MANUAL.pdf and CSC Code, compute
the lashing requirements of 10 units on cargo stowed on deck. As per ch 3.2 Evaluation of forces
acting on cargo units.a

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