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Topic 1.

5 the Origin of Cells

READ FOR UNDERSTANDING: Read Pages 45 to 50 in your textbook.
Define all the vocabulary words.
Address all the understandings by provide examples/ diagrams/ explanations for
each bullet point
Address the nature of science and essential ideas using your new
Address the Skills by answering the Data-Based Questions NONE

Define the vocabulary words below:

endosymbiotic theory Prokaryotes circular DNA

Pasteurs experiment Eukaryotes chromosomes
Miller and Ureys Symbiosis nucleus
Experiment Mutualistic relationship aerobic respiration
Polymers 70s ribosomes anaerobic respiration
Inheritance mitochondria linear chromosomes
Endocytosis chloroplasts

Essential idea:

There is an unbroken chain of life from the first cells on Earth to all cells in organisms alive

Nature of science:

Testing the general principles that underlie the natural worldthe principle that cells only
come from pre-existing cells needs to be verified. (1.9)


Cells can only be formed by division of pre-existing cells.

The first cells must have arisen from non-living material.
The origin of eukaryotic cells can be explained by the endosymbiotic theory.
Applications and skills:

Evidence from Pasteurs experiments that spontaneous generation of cells and organisms
does not now occur on Earth.

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