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U. S.

Department of Justice

Drug Enforcement Administration

Washington D.C. 20537

AR/SPRO So Paulo, 13 de abril de 2015

Ilmo. Sr. Dr.

Cezar Luiz Busto de Souza
Delegado de Polcia Federal
Coordenador Geral CGPRE/DCOR
Ministrio da Justia


Prezado Dr. Cezar de Souza,

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Agents in Sao Paulo, Brazil, have received
information regarding a Colombian drug trafficker named Jose Esteyman Poveda Cano,
born on November 12, 1970, in Guamal/Meta, Colombia. Poveda utilizes Blackberry
PIN 2be62fe3 to coordinate his drug trafficking activities. DEA information indicates
that Poveda is responsible for coordinating large shipments of cocaine from Colombia to
locations within the State of Sao Paulo in Brazil. DEA intelligence indicates that on
February 11, 2015, Poveda traveled from Bogota, Colombia, to Sao Paulo, Brazil, to
negotiate new shipments of cocaine from Colombia to Brazil. Poveda was scheduled to
return to Colombia on February 17, 2015, but actually returned February 12, 2015, the
day after arriving in Sao Paulo.

DEA intelligence indicates that Poveda coordinates his drug trafficking activities with
the following PINs/Phone Numbers:
2b93fdaf Fata Al Adgal
2a89f2ff Soya
531c5a0d Lorena Barrera
533f914a Ins
266389c5 Boy
2b95bd7f Patrick
28d7887e Pedro Canedo
24d4456b Agrominera
2be495a4 Pirlo
U. S. Department of Justice

Drug Enforcement Administration


According to DEA information, the users of these numbers are responsible for the
receipt of the cocaine in Brazil as well as sending the cocaine to drug traffickers in
Europe. These individuals attempt to conceal the cocaine in containers that are then
loaded onto ships departing the Port of Santos. DEA intelligence indicates this group
recently sent approximately 800 kilograms of cocaine in containers onboard a ship that
departed out of the Port of Santos. The primary destinations for these shipments of
cocaine are Belgium and Holland.

The DEA Sao Paulo Resident Office requests that the Brazilian Federal Police exploit
all telephone numbers, blackberry PIN numbers, and other communication devices in
contact with Poveda, a high level Colombian drug trafficker. It is the belief of DEA that
further investigation into the drug trafficking associates of Poveda will result in the
identification of new, currently unknown, drug trafficking associates, as well as seizures
of significant amounts of cocaine and assets belonging to this drug trafficking


Kelly W. Krieghbaum Adido

Drug Enforcement Administration
Embaixada dos Estados Unidos
Braslia, D.F. - Brasil

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