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Name: _________McKenna Nacey__________ Topic: ___________Probability and

Statistics___________ Date:__________
Standards of Learning Plan Format Virginia Teachers for

Title In the Bag

Standard(s) of 5.14 The student will make predictions and determine the probability of an outcome by
Learning constructing a sample space.

Key Vocabulary/ Data, theoretical probability, experimental probability, sample space, experiment,
Concepts outcome, prediction, chance, more/less/equally likely

Materials paper bags

In the Bag worksheet (attached)

Introduction Start by having discussion with the group about probability. Ask, What is probability?
(Hook) Lead them toward the answer the chance of an event occurring. Have the students
brainstorm terms related to probability and their meanings. Then have them brainstorm a
list of situations that involve probability and share with the class.
Instructional 1. Have the students conduct a probability experiment. Give each student a paper bag
Activities/Strate filled with 10 skittles (7 of one color and 3 of another). Explain that after the
gies experiment they will predict how many skittles are in the bag, how many colors
are in the bag, and how many of each color are in the bag. The student will take
out a skittle from the bag without looking inside the bag, record the color on the
attached worksheet and then put the skittle back in the bag. The students should do
this 10 times.
2. After the group has finished collecting data, have them go through the prediction
questions and make educated guesses. When everyone has finished making
predictions come together as a class for a discussion. Ask students, what kind of
graph? Why? How many skittles? Why? Is this reasonable? How many colors?
Why? Is this reasonable? How many of each? Why? Is this reasonable?
3. After discussing predictions, have each student go through their bags and record
their findings on the next set of questions. Discuss why the predictions may have
been different from the actual number of skittles. Ask, What was helpful in
making their predictions?
4. Have the students create a graph using the data that they have found.

Accommodation N/A
If necessary
Name: _________McKenna Nacey__________ Topic: ___________Probability and
Statistics___________ Date:__________
Standards of Learning Plan Format Virginia Teachers for

Closure Activity Have the students complete the extension questions on the bottom of the worksheet.

Follow-Up/ Have students go home and talk to their parents about different situations that involve
Homework probability.

REFLECTION The lesson went really well. I did it with half the class which meant I had to do it twice.
The kids loved the activity and were really excited about it.

Think about the following as you create the instructional activities for this

First stepObjectives. What do you want the students to know, understand, and
be able to do by the end of your lesson? What is the point of your lesson?
Learning Styles/Multiple Intelligences
Blooms Taxonomy
Group Work (Cooperative Learning)
Higher-Level Questioning
Brain-Based Research
Smooth transition between activities

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