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Maths Support Program Term 3, 2015

Week 2, Term 3
Number and Algebra
Number Fluency- Students to roll 2 dice and record the numbers that come
before and after the made number
Concepts- odd/even, place value to thousands, adding, renaming, forming

Differentiate between odd and even numbers, how do we know which are
odd and which are even? What do we look at? Write down 10 examples of
odd numbers under 100 and 10 examples of even numbers under 100.
Use MAB blocks to rename and form numbers, as well as verbally practice
numbers as words. Students to create place value tables on A3 sheet of
paper (thousands, hundreds, tens, units/ones). Students to create 2
thousands numbers and model with MAB blocks on A3 sheet of paper.
Students to write how they say the number underneath (e.g 4358 -> for
thousand, five hundred and fifty eight). Students to rename this number
and write underneath (e.g 4 thousands + 3 hundreds + 5 tens + 8 units,
43 hundreds + 58 ones)

Week 3, Term 3
Counting Patterns
Number Fluency- 2 tens numbers add to 30. Make a list of the different
combinations. 2 twenties numbers add to 50. Make a list of the different
Concepts- forwards and backwards counting, multiplication patterns, calculator
patterns, reading numbers up to 00s and 1000s

Students to create a counting pattern starting from 0 and going up by +

10 using calculators. Students to record in books as completing. Discuss
patterns and what they noticed happening
Students to create another + 10 counting pattern starting from non-tens
number (eg 14, 27 etc) without calculator
Students to create a + 2 and + 5 counting pattern
100s charts to be used for above if needed

Week 4, Term 3
Estimation and Rounding
Number Fluency- Muddled numbers. E.g 40 + 7000 + 500 + 2 = 7,542. Write
some of these on the board, ask the students to write the actual number as
modelled. The students need to construct 2 to share with the group
Concepts- rounding to nearest 10, hundreds numbers rounded to nearest 10,
estimating using rounding, addition and subtraction

Students roll dice to create 5 2-digit numbers and round to the nearest 10.
Record in their books
Students roll dice to create 5 3-digit numbers and round to the nearest 10.
Record in books
Students to add and subtract numbers. Students to roll dice to create 2 2-
digit numbers and round to nearest 10. Students to estimate the answer if
the numbers were added together and if numbers were subtracted
(smaller number subtracted from larger number).
Check on calculator.
Repeat this at least 3 times

Week 5, Term 3
Skip counting patterns
Number fluency- Counting patterns. Forwards and backwards counting
patterns. Give the students a starting number and a counting pattern. Give them
2 minutes to continue the pattern. Check the answers using a calculator.
Concepts: following counting patterns, forwards and backwards, by numbers
other than 1

Using a number strip from 0-20, place counters on a certain numbers in a

pattern (eg 5, 10, 15)
Using strip, count up by 5s. Strip allows students to count on from the
number selected if needed.
Repeat activity counting by 3s, or 4s.
Discuss patterns with students, how they know what they are doing/what
they are counting by.
Repeat activities counting backwards by different numbers (larger number
strips can be used)

Week 6, Term 3
Place value
Number fluency- Flipper- Students are given a deck of cards and start with 100
points. They flip over the cards and mentally subtract them from 100. They see
who is the first to get to the lowest number in 30 seconds.
Concepts: place value, bridging numbers, where commas go, identifying 1000
more, 1000 less, 100 more, 100 less, 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less

Students to create place value chart to thousands in their books

Students write 4,919 in their place value charts
Identify 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less, 200 more, 100 less, 1000 more
and 1000 less- record in books. Encourage students to look at place value
column and use commas.
Activity done as group, include bridging between 10s and 100s.
Students to create their own 4-digit numbers using 10-sided dice and
repeat previous activity on their own. Students to record number in place
value chart and write in expanded form.

Week 7, Term 3
Missing number and equal number equations
Number fluency- Whats my number? Encourage higher order questions like
Does it have a group of 10? Is it odd/even? Do you say it if you are counting
by 5s or 10s? Is the digit in the 100s column odd? Is the digit in the 10s
column even? Is it a multiple of 5/10? Is it a decimal? Is there a digit in the
hundreds column? Is the number between _ and _?
Concepts: identify strategies necessary to solve missing numbers equations
inverse operations

Write equation on board; 12 + _ = 26

Students to have thinking time and solve equation in books showing
working out. Once complete students share their working out strategy.
If inverse strategy not mentioned, write it on board and question and
discuss with students why this might have been done. Complete equation
using this strategy.
Pose another equation to students; 17 + _ = 23. Encourage students to
use a different strategy to what they previously used to solve the equation
Supply a few equations for students to solve
Revise balance/equal number equations. Write 7 + 11 = 14 + _ . Model
strategy and discuss.
Provide a couple examples for students to complete

Week 8, Term 3
Addition and subtraction- mental strategies and formal processes
Number fluency- Students to roll 2 dice. One die number is going to be the
starting point and the other is what is going to be added each time (pattern). Do
it 4 times each.
Concept: To be able to add and subtract using mental and written processes.

Teacher to pose equations to students (supplied below) and ask students

to mentally solve (no calculators, paper). Record answers, then formally
solve on paper and show working out.
Once all answered, check answers with calculator

5 + 17 = 23 7 =
23 + 20 = 33 15 =
56 + 32 = 57 41 =
90 + 73 = 82 53 =
100 + 24 = 107 68 =
120 + 57 = 179 66 =

Week 9, Term 3
Multiplication- mental strategies and formal processes
Number fluency- Students are to roll the dice 10 times. Students are to create
2 and 3 digit numbers and put them into order from smallest to biggest.
Concept: to be able to multiply using mental and written processes, using

Using dice or cards students are to create a 2-digit number and multiply
by a 1 digit number (flip one card, roll one die)
Students to break the numbers down to answer the questions,
e.g. 13 x 6
= (10 x 6) + (3 x 6)
Arrays to be modelled by teacher and students to use them to help solve

Week 10, Term 3

Division- mental strategies and formal processes
Number Fluency- Students are to roll the dice creating two 2 digit numbers.
Students are to then use the < (less than) or > (more than) symbols to compare
their numbers
Concept: to be able to divide using mental and written processes

Students to use multiplication tables to solve and complete division

Eg. 6 x 4 = 24 -> 24 4 = 6

Write up these questions on the white board and have students write them
in their workbooks
1. If there are 50 lollipops in equal bundles of 5, how many bundles are
2. How many different ways can you put 30 lollipops into equal
3. How many groups of 7 are there in 35?
4. How many 8s are there in 64?

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