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Book 1

1. Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)

2. As data model consists of database design, an app model is meant for
application design.
3. Based on the programming language, the system calls apps code to start
running. This function or method of Windows Store Apps is called Entry
4. XAML, HTML5, and DirectX are the three distinct technologies used to
create Windows Store Apps.
5. Required assets for Windows Store Apps are four images, named
Logo.png, SmallLogo.png, SplashScreen.png, and StoreLogo.png.
6. Asynchronous programming helps apps to stay responsive when work
takes time to load an extra amount of time. (await/async keywords)
7. To develop a well-formed XML file, a XAML file must have only one base
8. The look and feel of the app can be defined by the app models
presentation technology.
9. Using simple interface, settings can be changed in the app manifest file
10. Properties of an Object itself are an attributes of the Object element.
11. Each unit of grid system is equals to 20 20 pixels.
12. Hierarchical system of navigation pattern makes Windows Store apps
quick and rapid.
13. Hub pages provide an entry point to the app.
14. The Grid control can be used to arrange controls in multiple row and
column layouts.
15. Grid controls the RowDefinitions and ColumnDefinitions properties can be
16. Layout is the process which is used to position visual objects by sizing
and positioning objects in UI.
17. In an absolute layout, controls are located using x and y coordinates and
the positioning will not consider the size of the screen.
18. The XAML framework set a Canvas control for absolute positioning.
19. The Grid control can be used to arrange controls in multiple row and
column layouts.
20. The content can be separated into distinct, using a hierarchical
navigation pattern.
21. Hub pages Provides an entry point to the app.
22. App bars are used to show navigation, tools, and commands to
hide whenever they are not required and it is hidden by default.
23. Menu helps to present more options in less space and it
provides interactive controls.
24. The Navigate method is used in the click event handler or each
25. button where the address of the page to be navigated is the
first argument and the second argument is the address of the
current object that holds the button,

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26. The StandardStyles.xaml file present in the common folder
contains styles and resources that give a look and feel of a Windows
Store app. This includes 192 styles to use with app bar buttons.
27. The AppBarButtonStyle uses a hieroglyph from the Segoe UI
Symbol font.
28. By default in StandardStyles.xaml the app bar button styles
are commented and these are divided into 10 groups.
29. Before using a style, it must be uncommented and the order in
which they are divided is shown here.
30. App bars provide the user easy access to commands by
showing the commands or options that are particular to the users
different situations.
31. When there are too many commands then, try to use menus
and flyouts.
32. Always create commands which are simple, related, and less
33. Always design the app bar for snap and portrait view.
34. Always use the default styles for flyouts, menus, and
35. Always use the navigation bar for navigation and the bottom
app bar for commands.
36. Control positioning and sizing child elements, positioning can
be done by Canvas.Top and Canvas.Left attached properties.
37. Apps can be shown or make it hidden when the user presses
Windows+Z, right-clicks or swipes from the edge (top or bottom) of
the screen.
38. Data binding based on C#, Visual Ba sic, or C++ is a method
for Windows Store apps to display data and interact with data.
39. The way data displays is different from the way data is
40. A binding or a connection between the UI and a data object
enables exchange of data.
41. Data binding includes a target and a source. A target can be a
property of a control, and a source is the property of a data object.
42. XAML is used for the binding and uses the syntax {Binding}.
43. By using the ToString method of an item, the user can display
the items as a list.
44. DataTemplate enables the user to decide how the list items will
display in a control.
45. Remember, a combo box is an ItemsControl.
46. A converter is a class derived from the IValueConverter
interface. This interface has two methods: ConvertBack and Convert.
47. The Mode property in every binding controls the data flow.
48. There are typically three types of bindings: OneTime, OneWay,
49. OneWay bindings: This is a default mode.

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50. To show the collections of collections, the user can also bind to
the class instances called CollectionViewSource.
51. Apps frequently manage or interact with two kinds of data and
they are as follows: App Data, User Data.
52. To get both the files and the folders in a particular location,
alternatively use the GetItemsAsync method.
53. Every Windows Store app has following three folders: 1. Local
folder, 2. Roaming folder and 3. Temp folder.
54. In Local folder, assets and application specific folder can be
stored locally.
55. Temp is a throw-away location and every time the application is
launched that will be cleaned, potentially.
56. Using ms-appdata:///temp/ protocol, the files can be accessed
in the temporary app data store.
57. App data is created and managed by the app itself whereas in
user data the user makes and manages while using an app.
58. Desktop apps use the Program Files folder and registry to store
the settings.
59. Technology for storage: Indexed Sequential Access Method
(ISAM) is a file management system that allows records to be
accessed sequentially or randomly. It facilitates faster data retrieval.
60. If the user wants to transfer any files when the app is not in
use, they have to use Windows Runtime backgroundTransfer.
61. 4000 size limit for each cookie.
62. The temporary app data storage is same as the cache memory,
which is a temporary storage.
63. Registry stores the app data store settings. For the user that
uses the API for the app data, the access to the registry is
64. Settings on the app while the device is in roaming mode are
synchronized with the local store data.
65. The application is available as a package for download, to the
user, in the Windows store and this package has the extension
.appx. The package has the manifest and application files to build
the application.
66. The manifest file is an XML document that contains information
about the system requirements to deploy, display, or update the
corresponding application. Each package will contain one package
67. Windows 8 programming interface provides an enum,
ApplicationExecutionState, and its states are explained in detail in
the App Execution State.
68. 1. Suspend - It is done when the App is idle. 2. Visibility - The
UI involved in the App. 3. Resume - It happens when the user returns
to the App. 4. Crash - A software crash related to the App. 5. Close -
User closes the App.
69. The manifest file is used for removing the application.
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70. Windows Store apps are installed into a users profile.
71. ApplicationExecutionState doc gives more information about
each state transition that is occurred in response to what an App
should perform.
72. Whenever an app is activated by the user it is launched.
However, the process will be in the Not Running state because it was
just deployed, or suspended, or crashed, but cannot be stored in
73. A contract is nothing but an agreement between apps to
participate in certain Windows interactions.
74. An extension is nothing but an agreement between the app and
Windows. It helps to extend or customize a Windows feature for
using our own app.
75. PreviousExecutionState might have a value of Suspended or
Running, but in this case you need not care about restoring data as
the app was not previously terminated.
76. App could be suspended when Windows enters a low power
state or when the user switches away from it.
77. Suspended apps are stored in Windows memory and it keeps
suspended apps in memory as much as possible.
78. If you want to do anything in our app as soon as the apps
visibility changes you need to use the
VisibilityChanged/msvisibilitychange event handler.
79. When the app is suspended it calls the event handler for the
Suspending/suspending event which is registered and can be used to
save relevant application and constantly store user data.
80. For the ApplicationExecutionState enumeration refer to
ClosedByUser and Terminated states in the docs.
81. During app crash the system simply returns back to the Start
82. Once the app is activated and when it crashes, the activation
event handler receives an ApplicationExecutionState value of

Book 2
1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 offers the XAML Designer that a user
can use to design the Windows Store Apps.
2. A layout is a way of positioning and arranging the various elements
of a UI.
3. List animation is used to show the inserting or deleting an item in a
collection of identical items and named for their simplest use.
4. A Grid panel is the default top-level layout container in a page
5. The styles and properties set for a particular element are stored in a
reusable entity called resources. A resource helps to reuse the saved
styles and properties of an element across multiple elements for a
consistent appearance.
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6. To create a new project Press Ctrl+Shift+N, To open a solution or
project Press Ctrl+Shift+O, To add a new item Press Ctrl+Shift+A, To
build a project Press the key F6.
7. The user can use the built-in visual UI in XAML Designer to design
Windows Store Apps by using XAML, WPF, and Silverlight.
8. A value converter helps the user modify data. They can create value
converters using the IValueConverter interface.
9. A panel is made of StackPanel, Canvas, and a Grid. The user can use
these child elements as layout containers and position and re-
arrange the elements.
10. Edge UI - This animation can be used with smaller edge-based
UI which is intended to animate a custom control. This is similar in
behavior to AppBar or CommandBar.
11. 2. Pane UI - This animation can be used with larger edge-based
UI which covers most of the app window. For example, soft keyboard.
12. By default, the splash screen color is a light gray.
13. 620 x 300 pixel image size should be used by the enlarged
splash screen page.
14. For markup (ExtendedSplash.xaml), For code
15. The ProgressRing control is added to ExtendedSplash.xaml.
Width is set to 20 pixels of the ProgressRing and also manually width
can be set to a value.
16. Shape and Geometry are the two sets of classes which defines
a region of space in XAML UI. Shape has a brush associated with it
whereas Geometry simply defines a region of space. The Shape class
includes Line, Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon, Polyline, and Path. The
Geometry class define the parts of a Path.
17. In Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), create a
CaptureElement which is used to display the video.
18. Managing the captured video is contained by the MediaCapture
19. Animating repositions in default Windows Runtime control
behavior are progress bar which uses RepositionThemeAnimation in
a VisualTransition to its Determinate state.
20. A tile is nothing but a rectangle or square icon representing the
App on the Start screen of Windows 8.
21. The tiles that are showing dynamic data are known as live
22. Badges are displayed on tiles to indicate an Apps status or
state. The user can set the badge to show a small image (glyph) or a
number, based on the data the user want to convey.
23. Toast notifications are app specific pop-up messages send to
the user. It is displayed when the user is using another application or
on the desktop.
24. In the Application UI, scroll down to Tile and click Logo. Browse
to select images for default tile (image size being 150x150). Click
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Wide Logo. Browse to select wide logo image for default tile (image
size being 310*150).
25. Push notification enables third-party developers to send tile,
badge, toast, and raw updates from their own cloud service.
26. The SearchBox control is made available in the
Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls namespace for XAML developers.
27. JavaScript Object Notification (JSON) is a lightweight data-
interchange format on the Web.
28. JSON data format is an alternate to XML and primarily used to
transfer data between a Web application and server.
29. JSON is based on following two data structures: Key/value pairs:
In programming languages, this is recognized as object, record, hash
table, struct, or associative array. Ordered list: In programming
languages, this is recognized as array, list, sequence, or vector.
30. The users can quickly exchange data to other apps by staying
in the current app by using the Share Charm feature of Windows 8.
31. In C#, the Share Charm can be invoked programmatically by
using the showShareUI method.
32. Tap and send is a sharing feature made available through the
Devices charm.
33. NFC (Near Field Communication) is nothing but a high
frequency wireless communication technology that allows exchange
of data between two NFC compatible devices within a short range i.e
less than 2 cm.
34. In the Windows.Security.Cryptography.DataProtection
namespace, the DataProtectionProvider class provides a simple way
to encrypt and decrypt data.
35. The user can use a connected app, also called a network-aware
36. Cryptographic protocols such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are developed to authenticate
and encrypt any communication over a network.
37. To connect their app to a Web service, a user can use the class
Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient. The class is a WindowsRuntime class
and is available for all supported languages.
38. The user must use the class Windows::Web::Http::HttpClient if
they want to connect to Bing Maps. They must use this class if they
are using the C++ language within an app. They must create an
account in the Bing Maps Location API.
39. The classes called Windows.Web.Syndication help define web
40. The user can use a connected app, also called a network-aware
41. Windows Store Apps provided few options for user
authentication. The very highly secured authentication using trusted
certificates or smart card authentication is provided by it. It also
provides persisted user credentials or Single Sign-On (SSO).
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42. Following are the Windows Store Apps options available for
authentication: Credential Locker, Web Authentication Broker.
43. The UserConsentVerifier class present in the Windows.
Security.Credentials.UI namespace manages this fingerprint
44. The method
CheckAvailabilityAsync() checks for the availability of fingerprint
authentication device.
45. Certificate authentication is used for high level authentication
of user. It provides secured authentication beyond a user name and
password combination.
46. The system sends the Activated event when an app is
activated. ActivationKind enumeration can be referred for any kind
of activation types. To handle the various activation types, the
Windows.UI.Xaml. Application class defines methods which can
47. Before app get certified and listing in the Windows Store,
validate and test it on your system. You will learn to install and run
the Windows App Certification Kit.
48. While localizing a field, set its value to ms-resource:
TokenName. TokenName identifies a resource in a file thats located
in a language-appropriate folder.

Book 3
1. Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)
2. Live tiles are used to show the live updates from the Internet.
3. A hub control helps you to create multiple sections. It is displayed in
the apps main content. It is also called Hub View or Hub Page.
4. It uses a hierarchical navigation pattern.
5. When you move the mouse on the right side of the screen, you can
see the Search, Share, Start, Device, and Settings options, these are
called charms. These charms can also be displayed by tapping
Win+C keys. It is a universal toolbar for Windows 8.
6. Search command is used to search any files from Windows Explorer,
SkyDrive, or from the Bing Search Engine. Press the Win+S keys and
enter the file name or text to be searched.
7. By default, it shows the contents from the PC and SkyDrive at the
beginning and then, it lists the contents from the Web.
8. There are mainly two types of layouts in XAML: Absolute layout,
Dynamic layout.
9. Absolute layout controls are used to position your objects inside the
panel or Canvas.
10. In Dynamic layout, the user can fix their own size in the user interface
based on the screen resolution. Absolute layout is independent of the
screen resolution. Dynamic layout on the other hand, does not specify the
exact positioning of the child elements.
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11. Controls such as Grid, StackPanel, and VariableSizedWrapGrid are used to
define and create Dynamic layout.
12. In XAML, the default container is Canvas. It is a type of absolute
layout. We can set its Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top properties to its
exact position in the parent container.
13. Canvas has a property called Canvas.ZIndex, which can be set
on each of the child elements.
14. The StackPanel container is applied to align the child elements
either horizontally or vertically.
15. The Grid panel is utilized to set the controls in array dimensions
similar to multi-row and multi-column layouts. The user can specify a
Grids row and column definitions by using the RowDefinitions and
ColumnDefinitions properties within the Grid element. The user can
specify the Grid.Column and Grid.Row properties, and set the
number of rows and columns that should be there in the current
16. VariableSizedWrapGrid is used to style the grid layout panel for
each tile or cell, which change their sizes based on contents in it.
17. Child elements can use VariableSizedWrapGrid.ColumnSpan
and VariableSizedWrapGrid.RowSpan (values as cell counts) to adjust
inside the screen. WrapGrid and VirtualizingStackPanel are panels
that can only be used to display items in an ItemsControl.
18. When the user needs to access more than one task at a time,
he/she can snap the screen. The default width of a snap screen is
320px wide. To create a snap screen, the user has to navigate the
mouse pointer to the upper-left part of the screen and drag the
thumbnail to the right. This will have a large screen width of 1024px,
whereas if the user drags the thumbnail to the left, the screen will be
small with the size of 320px width.
19. Windows 8 allows snapping feature when the screen resolution
is more than 1366 x 768; In Windows 8.1, the minimum resolution is
not required. It works with all resolution types.
20. The resource files can be accessed through the
Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceLoader namespace.
21. The binding source is a property of the Style class.
22. Key frame animations are specified with the animation timeline
and it is declared by using different sub classes for each animation.
If the user targets Double data type values for animation, then
he/she must have animation types such as Linear, Easing, Discrete,
or Spline.
23. FillBehavior: This does not have any effect. It controls what
should be done when it reaches the last key frame.
24. Localization is the concept of translating the content to a
specific language by means of multi-lingual support. Visual Studio
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is built-in such a way
that it can be used to develop applications for various countries with
their local language support.
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25. In Windows Store apps, Visual Studio has introduced a new
localization technique called Hub and Spoke.
26. A Hub control helps you create multiple sections or multiple
types of data all under one core. XAML and C# include support for
the Hub control.
27. A Spoke is a set of connections arranged similar to a wheel
through which traffic moves along spokes connected to the hub at
the center. Whenever a user wishes to check for information, he/she
can click the spoke.
28. For packing and deployment, the .NET Framework uses the Hub
and Spoke model.
29. For each app, implementing localization creates a new
assembly namely, Hub, which has the local language specifications.
30. If the app is required to localize the text in the app, the text
must be placed inside the associated resource files. These resource
files should be created in the directory named as strings and
identified through an extension .resw.
31. To localize the images of the apps, the images must be placed
inside the resources folder.
32. Through the DateTime type, Windows Store apps can be made
33. While using Visual Studio 2013 template, a default image is
generated for a splash screen. By default, the background color will
be grey. This can be changed using the properties of the
Package.appxmanifest file.
34. Extended Splash Screen is a feature that allows you to enhance
the UI with a short animation on the splash screen.
35. The loading time for the splash screen is more, hence, it is
called as extended splash screen.
36. The app must be designed in such a way that it can be resized
to any resolution, or change the orientation. Layout is used for this
37. The Windows.Storage namespace is used to store and retrieve
data to and from Windows Store apps.
38. IndexedDB is available with HTML5 and stores local data in a
structured format. IndexedDB can be used in browsers and also
inside store apps. IndexedDB can store large data from apps or
browsers in a database as Binary Large Objects (BLOBs). Blob format
is mainly used in apps to store media files which are large in file size.
39. IndexedDB is an object database and hence they do not require
any SQL queries. Thus, the user must develop the app as object
40. The user must use the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse
classes to get the data from a service.
41. Windows store SDK supports a NuGet library named
Q42.WinRT to cache the data much easily.

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42. Microsoft provide the Microsoft.Live namespace to get data
from SkyDrive through APIs.
43. When users want to use their own file extensions, the extension
must be registered inside the appxManifest file.
44. In C#, the developer can re-use controls in two ways, that is, by
using inheritance and static methods.
45. The multiple values stored inside a resource file are called the
resource dictionaries. These dictionaries will have the templates,
styles, or any variables. These values are related to some controls or
objects on the current pages in an app.
46. The user can create their own controls using the User Control
47. A custom control is a light-weight control. It is created by
subclassing an existing control and overriding all or some of the
properties or functions of the existing control.
48. A controls default style is defined in a custom Generic.xaml file
that the platform loads automatically.
49. Controls become more useful and reusable when you add
configurable options. To add this option, you add a Dependency
Property (DP) to the control. There is a built-in Visual Studio snippet
that helps to add DPs in a fast and easier manner.
50. These charms can also be called by tapping Win + C or Win + Q
keys. These charm options are called contracts.
51. The Play To contract is used to stream line any audio, video,
and picture files to Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) enabled
devices. DLNA is a non-profit collaborative trade organization
initiated by Sony with the aim of sharing digital contents.
52. The PDF files can be opened only through an API.
Windows.Data.Pdf is a new namespace which is available in Windows
8 runtime API. Any PDF files can be opened by using a static method
called LoadFileFromAsync.
53. Speech synthesis allows reading the text from the app. By
using speech synthesis, it is possible to read out the contents to the
54. By default, there are no pre-installed components to view any
PDF files.
55. MediaElement class is used to read the text and give the output
in the form of a voice.
56. The default expiry date of badge notifications is three days.
57. In Windows 8, Microsoft has released Windows Push Notification
Service (WNS). Windows Store app can use this facility to send
notifications to and from cloud server.
58. Push notifications are of three types as follows: tile, toast, raw
59. An HTTP request is sent to WNS to authenticate the cloud
service and retrieve an access token in return. The request is issued

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to the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) by using Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL).
60. WNS authenticates the cloud service and if successful,
responds with a 200 OK, including the access token. Otherwise,
WNS responds with an appropriate HTTP error code as described in
the OAuth 2.0 protocol draft.
61. The Channel URI class is read-only. In order to make it to be
updatable the user has to make use of the URIBuilder class.
URIBuilder is used to update URI Channel.
62. To play audio or video inside the app, the user has to use
MediaElement class. To control media playback these MediaElement
provides various methods, properties, and events. The user has to
set AreTransportControlsEnabled to be true in order to use the
MediaElement. Media elements can set the Source property for any
audio or video files. There is an AutoPlay property which can make
the media to play in a loop.
63. If the user wants to capture any photo, audio or video, the best
way to do it is by calling the WinRT API.
64. MediaCapture and MediaElement classes can be used to add
effects to video recordings. AddEffectAsync and ClearEffectAsync
methods can be used for MediaElement effects.
65. Using BitmapDecoder and BitmapEncoder, transcoding can be
done. Windows Media APIs allows transcoding of audio and video
files. Transcoding is used for conversion of any digital media files to
any format.

Book 4
1. A background task is a class that implements an interface called
IBackgroundTask which is available in the namespace called
2. The IBackgroundTask includes a single method called Run. This
method returns an object called IBackgroundTaskInstance and it
allows the task to interact with the current running process.
3. Threading allows running multiple tasks within a single process. The
main thread can be forked into multiple sub threads called tasks.
4. The thread pool is same as the asynchronous programming, which is
available under Windows Runtime.
5. The developer can use CreatePeriodicTimer to run the thread
6. The user can create a class based on interface IBackgroundTask and
implements its method called Run().
7. When an app is registered to run in the background at a periodic
interval, it is necessary to assign such an app to a single trigger that
will decide when and how often this app should be executed in the
background. There are five types of triggers that can be assigned to
the current task. These triggers will automatically start execution of
the background task.
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8. If the user wants to run the task repeatedly after some interval, then
the task can be called using a timer. A class called TimeTrigger is
available for this purpose.
9. MaintenanceTrigger will execute only when the device plugged into
AC power
10. Windows.Devices.Enumeration and
Windows.Devices.Enumeration.Pnp are the two namespaces to
enumerate the devices connected or disconnected. This
Windows.Devices.Enumeration class provides two methods, namely
FindAllAsync and CreateWatcher to enumerate the devices.
11. FindAllAsync - This will search the device only once as the
device is connected. This will not update whenever the user adds or
delete the devices.
12. CreateWatcher This will always enumerate devices by raising
notification as the user adds or deletes the devices.
13. Plug and Play (PnP)
14. The DeviceWatcher class is in charge for device enumeration;
floating exact events each time the devices are added, removed, or
altered after the initial enumeration is finished.
15. Windows.Devices.Sensors namespace is used to capture
motion, device orientation, or light
sensors.Windows.Devices.Geolocation is the namespace for finding
the location of the device through GPS or Location Provider.
16. The SimpleOrientationSensor is used to sense the device
17. The LightSensor is used to increase or decrease the brightness
of the device.
18. Inclinometer: This sensor provides the rotation values by
showing the pitch, roll, and yaw values.
19. Global Position System (GPS)
20. If there is no network available, the Location Provider
automatically captures IP Address of the device with an accuracy of
50 kilometers.
21. The namespace Windows.Devices.Geolocation will provide the
necessary classes and providers needed to access the location
22. Geofencing provides an API to track the device and generate a
trigger when the user enters or leaves a particular location or area.
23. As soon as the Geofencing is triggered, the ReadReports()
method is called to return the Geofencing list, which is modified.
24. The user can get all the app license information using the
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel. Store.CurrentApp static
25. The user can use AdControl to display ads in the application.
26. Microsoft introduced universal Windows apps for PCs, phones,
and tablets with Visual Studio 2013 Update. This Update for Windows

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Phone 8.1 is named as Cortana and they have targeted mainly for
27. Geolocations is upgraded by adding a new class called
28. Windows.Storage API is associated to stream-based files.
29. Windows Phone 8.1 supports roaming data. Roaming data
feature is available when the lock is enabled and the device is
active. For any app, the size of the roaming data is restricted upto
100 Kb only.
30. Microsoft has released Windows Phone 8.1 in the month of April
2014 which is named as Cortana. This is enabled and available in
Visual Studio 2013 with Update 2.
31. Windows Runtime app package will be created with an
extension as .appx, which is ready-to-install app in the devices.
32. Authentication is the process of determining the identity of a
user based on the user credentials. Once the authentication is done,
then, the authorization process starts. Authorization means deciding
which resources can be used by the current user and accordingly
allowing access rights to the currently logged in user. Sometimes,
impersonation is also used. Impersonation means the current user
gets access to the resources by using credentials of another user.
33. Windows Azure Active Directory (WAAD)
34. CredentialLocker is one of the best options available for the
user authentication in Windows 8. CredentialLocker can be used to
store the credentials of a user over the cloud.
35. The CredentialLocker provides a way to store user credentials in
a secure way for your app. It is available in
Windows.Security.Credentials namespace.
36. CredentialLocker can be access using WinRT PasswordVault
class. This class allows adding, retrieving, and removing credentials
from the locker. LiveAuthClient class is also used to retrieve the
session data from Microsoft Account. In order to use the
CredentialLocker, PasswordVault, or LiveAuthClient, it is necessary to
download and install Live SDK.
37. A CredentialLocker can be used easily in two steps to access
the authentication information. First, use the PasswordVault class
and second, use PasswordCredential class.
38. The security features offered to the developers by Windows
Store are as follows:
39. App sandbox - Provides a secure runtime engine that executes
the app with a potential container. This sandbox avoids direct
communications between Store apps and the system. The sandbox
is a secured environment, which allows your app specific rights and
allows it execute the code. Here, the attacker cannot take
advantages of any security holes in the security policies of current

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40. App capabilities - All the apps have their own device
capabilities, for example, Documents Library or Webcam.
41. Digital signature - All apps are signed. The apps are signed
spontaneously through certificate that is associated with the
developer account, or manually using their own certificate.
42. This Windows.Security.Cryptography has a class that is used to
encode or decode, hashing random numbering, byte arrays, and
buffer conversion. Cryptography is used for: Authentication,
Confidentiality, Data integrity, Nonrepudiation.
43. Encrypting File System (EFS) is a feature of Windows that can
be used to store data on hard disk in an encrypted format. It is the
strongest protection used to secured data in Windows.
44. BitLocker Disk Encryption (BDE) is an encryption algorithm that
was introduced by Microsoft with Windows Vista and Windows 7. It is
used to encrypt entire disk drive.
45. However, sometimes the user wants to go back to the previous
page with the data retained after navigating from another page. In
this case, the user is unable to see the information that was in the
previous page. To solve this problem, the user must cache the page
contents, so that it will never lose its values during navigation
among pages in an app.
46. An app can cache the page data by calling
NavigationCacheMode property of the page, and enable it.
47. Encryption is a process of converting the data into Cipher text
that will not be able to understand easily except the app owner. The
conversion of Cipher text to plaintext process is called a Decryption.
Encryption /Decryption is the best and oldest way to communicate
inside and outside the app. This Cipher text will have a random
alphanumeric character or some special characters that will not be
in a readable format. Encryption is the process of converting plain
text to byte using Cryptographic Algorithm.
48. There are two main profiling techniques: Sampling,
49. .NET memory profiling: This profiling method collects detailed
information about memory allocation and garbage collection.
50. Tier Interaction Profiling (TIP): This profiling method collects
information about ADO.NET function that calls to a SQL Server
database. This profiling option does not exist for Windows Store apps
because an app does not have access to the System.Data.*
namespaces and has to rely on remote services (or the local
storage) to consume data.
51. Visual Studio Ultimate provides CodeLense that allows the user
to view the information about code without leaving the editor.
References, unit tests, and other linking information can be viewed
without leaving the editor.
52. IntelliTrace allows the user to monitor an app for any exceptions
and performance events.
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