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Emerald Pickard

Lisa Orta

English 123

22 May 2017

Ms. Calhoun: The Sad Life of the Unintended Martyr

The term archetype has origin from the Greek. It means original or old. In this instance it means concept that have

been copied, modeled, or emulated. In the category of the Ego types of the arc types, there's an Arc Type known as The

Saint, Altruist, Helper or The Parent. It is also known as the Caregiver. Despite Ms. Calhouns own personal problems and

struggles, she selfishly cares for Felicia. Although she is able to help and care for her, she herself fails to resolve her own


From the novel written by Brando Skyhorse, The Madonnas of Echo Park, I decided to write about the

character named Ms. Calhoun. I choose her arch type as the Caregiver. I choose her because despite what shes going

through, shes helping Felicia with English and housework. Shes kind, and though sad, sees Felicia as a friend more

than a worker. For example in the scene where Felicia looks through her purse, she finds a note: "When I grabbed my

purse, to pick up my bus pass I found a slip of note paper inside. Written in large letters, the words were easy for me

to understand: would you have lunch with me?" (Skyhorse 37) This was in contrast to her initial note communication

with Mrs. Calhoun to Felicia that was a little off-setting:"I don't need to know that you're here. Just start working."

(Skyhorse 36)

Her greatest fear, the selfishness and ingratitude, is in her husband who would rather hang out with boys than

her at a pool party, let alone anywhere in the house. An example of this preference is shown in this line: "Listen I

want to ask you. I'm getting into the club business and I need men who want to work. Where I can I find some

young, strong Mexican men?" (Skyhorse 44) Her strengths as shown as the caregiver as Mrs. Calhoun gives Felicia a

little something and the day off the day she kills herself in the pool. Though one great fear is avoided by killing

herself, she steps into another that goes right along with this type. Shes becomes a bit of a Martyr when she kills

herself in the pool because Felicia finds her, though I think the initial discovery was intended for herself/gay

She also has trouble living up to her motto as it is: Love thy neighbor as you love yourself. Though one might see

that she lives right to it when you compare it to the neighbor being her husband who has no interest or love for her at all. It is

like he wants her gone by the way he acts towards her, or rather doesnt act, so she loves him as he did her by ending their

ties to one another by ending her life. But she didnt love herself as she loved and was loved, by Maria, as those two were

friends, but not to the extent that Ms. Calhoun would stay on this Earth for her.

Though she is not a saint, shes someone of great value to Maria. Shes friends with Mrs. Calhoun because she is a

kind and generous person that shows general interest in her and her daughter Aurora. She also taught her some point to

important English, like ordering a pizza, and in that sense Ms. Calhoun was not only her friend but her teacher. ( It's okay.

My English should be better it's America, your country. - Skyhorse 31).

Last thing to point out about Ms. Calhoun. She did do things for others. She friend-ed and taught Felicia English. In a

weird but unknown and silent way, she killed herself for her husband - doing something for him by leaving him to his devices

and in a odd way, doing something for herself by leaving this life that gave her no love, grief, and heartache. Felicia felt her

grief for her friend in this line: "Miss Calhoun's bathrobe with heavy and her body rigid. My head bobbed for air as I struggle

to stay afloat. I was drowning." (Skyhorse 53)

In conclusion, this is how Ms. Calhoun fits the Caregiver type. As her friendship with Felicia develops, Ms. Calhoun

becomes the Caregiver, but is eternally flawed because it her inability to live up to the tasks and standards as a Caregiver


book-chapter-or-part-of-book - In print

Skyhorse, B. The Madonnas of Echo Park :The Blossoms of Los Feliz (25-53)

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