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Since the advent of Generas theory, we introduced the term generation X, Y, and
Z. Everything is mainly related to work is often associated with the
characteristics of these generations. It was disclosed nothing else to find a
middle ground between generations so that they can understand each other and
understand. In addition, we also learned that the generation that dominates
Which in this century.

Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964)
The generation born after World War II had many brothers, as a result of the
many couples who dare to have many descendants. Generation adaptive, easily
accept and adapt. Regarded as an old man who has life experience.

Generation X (born 1965-1980)

Years when this generation was born was the beginning of the use of a PC
(personal computer), video games, cable tv, and internet. Data storage was also
using a floppy disk or diskette. MTV and video games are very popular this time.

Generation Y (born 1981-1994)

Known as the millenial generation or millennium. The phrase generation Y into
use in the editorial of the United States in August 1993. This generation uses lots
of instant communication technologies such as email, SMS, instant messaging
and social media such as facebook and twitter. They also like to play games

Generation Z (born in 1995-2010)

Also called iGeneration, net generation or the internet generation. They have in
common with the generation Y, but they were able to apply all of the activities at
a time like tweet using the phone, browsing with a PC, and listen to music using
the headset.

At every stage of life will be different. When young will depend on teamwork. At
the time adults will turn out to be people who will be more excited when working
in groups, especially in critical moments. At the time of middle-aged they would
be very energetic, dare to take decisions and most able to become a strong
leader. At the time of their parents will be a group of parents who are able to
contribute and criticism of society.

I will describe the characteristics of each generation more detail

They are born with a mental more powerful, because they build semuannya of
zero, after the second world war they were used to build from scratch
They are someone who always longs to be with, because it is not easy to gather
complete with his family after the second world war. Togetherness be one of their
goals and they really appreciate the time getting together with family
Hard-working type - drawback always calculate the contribution that has given
the company of his work

Having an independent character and loyal (faithful)

Being able to accept change very well and is referred to as a formidable

generation - Adaptable


The characteristics of each individual is different, depending on where he grew

up, economic status, social and family

Users of social media fanatic and his life was deeply influenced by the
development of technology

Communication patterns are very open than previous generations. Due to their
open communication patterns, more open political and economic outlook, so
they look very reactive to environmental changes occurring around him


A generation of proficient and devoted digital information technology and

computer applications. Information needed for educational purposes and
personal will they access quickly and easily.

Loved and frequently communicate with all walks of life, especially through social
networks such as facebook, twitter or SMS. Through this medium they become
more free to express what is felt and thought spontaneously.
Are less likely to communicate verbally, tend to be egocentric and individualistic,
tend to want instant paced, impatient, and did not appreciate the process. -
Familiarity with various activities in the same time. Such as reading, talking,
watching, and listening to music simultaneously. This is because they want
everything fast-paced, no long-winded and convoluted.

we can see the tendency of a generation of their habits, for example, when
searching for media to be used as the main source to get news

using the TV as the main source of news,


1. G.I Generation 1901-1924 After World War I, G.I. Bill is a large subsidy
given by government to veterans returning from World War made a
generation G.I. quite pampered
Living the Silent Generation 1925-1942 childhood colored crisis like the
Great Depression and World War II, even the incidence of Pearl Harbor and
D-Day, this generation belong to a generation that 'silent'

2. Can not save money

It would be easier to save money if the Millennials generation are paid for
what they do

Tidak bisa menyimpan uang

Akan lebih mudah untuk menyimpan uang jika generasi millennials

dibayar untuk apa yang mereka kerjakan

Stay too long with parents

Again the issue of independence, it may be much easier to get out of the
house when the cost of living is cheaper or maybe getting a job does not
require five years of experience.

Tinggal terlalu lama dengan orangtua

Lagi-lagi masalah kemandirian, mungkin akan jauh lebih mudah untuk

keluar dari rumah ketika biaya hidup lebih murah atau mungkin
mendapatkan pekerjaan tidak memerlukan pengalaman selama lima

Obsessed with social media and phone

Do not judge the negative social media, think about how social media can
help strengthen campaigns or other activities, just by using a hash mark
or hashtag. The Millennials are not only using social media to phone or
send a picture of the woman being estimated.

Terobsesi dengan media sosial dan telepon

Jangan menilai negatif media sosial, pikirkan tentang bagaimana media

sosial bisa membantu memperkuat kampanye atau kegiatan lainnya,
hanya dengan menggunakan tanda pagar atau hashtag. Kaum Millennials
tidak hanya menggunakan telepon atau media sosial untuk mengirim foto
wanita yang sedang ditaksir.

3. The balance in the work (work-life-balance)

An opportunity to develop themselves
Always up-to-date with technology

Keseimbangan dalam bekerja (work-life-balace)

Adanya peluang untuk mengembangkan diri
Selalu up-to-date dengan teknologi

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