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Questions and Answers

All the muscles are supplies by femoral nerve except
o A. Iliacus
o B. Psoas major
o C. Pectineus
o D. Sartorius

The tennis players are more prone to the fracture of
o A. Tendo calceneus
o B. Superior peroneal retinaculum
o C. Plantaris tendon
o D. Plantar aponeurosis
A muscle known for tailor master?
o A. Iliacus
o B. Psoas major
o C. Sartorius
o D. Pectineus
The subsartorial (adductor canal) is located in?
o A. Upper third of thigh
o B. Middle third of thigh
o C. Lower third of thigh
o D. Leg
The longest muscle of the body is?
o A. Sartorius
o B. Gluteus maximus
o C. Adductor longus
o D. Plantaris
Which of the quadricep femoris muscles performs extension as well as flexion?
o A. Vastus lateralis
o B. Vastus medialis
o C. Vastus intermedias
o D. Rectus femoris
Which of the following muscles crosses two joints?
o A. Vastus lateralis
o B. Vastus medialis
o C. Vastus intermedius
o D. Rectus femoris
The deepest of muscles is?
o A. Vastus lateralis
o B. Vastus medialis
o C. Vastus intermedius
o D. Rectus femoris
It is the first gear muscle?
o A. Gastrocnemius
o B. Soleus
o C. Sartorius
o D. Gluteus medius
It contains peripheral heart
o A. Gastrocnemius
o B. Soleus
o C. Sartorius
o D. Plantaris
The skin of______ is thick
o A. Facia lata fascia lata
o B. Iliotibial tract
o C. Plantar aponeurosis
o D. None
It is the largest and longest bone of the body.
o A. Hip bone
o B. Femur
o C. Vertibra
o D. Tibia
It is the union of three bones
o A. Sternum
o B. Femur
o C. Hip bone
o D. Tibia
The largest nerve of the body is
o A. Sural nerve
o B. Sciatic nerve
o C. Femoral nerve
o D. Radial nerve
Which of the following muscles has dual supply?
o A. Sartorius
o B. Gluteus maximus
o C. Adductor longus
o D. Adductor magnus
It is a bipennate muscle
o A. Rectus femoris
o B. Quadriceps femoris
o C. Sartorius
o D. Iliacus
The sesmoid bone of the lower limb is?
o A. Pubis
o B. Patela
o C. Ilium
o D. Calcaneum
The true foot drop occurs because of?
o A. Sciatic nerve
o B. Common peroneal nerve
o C. Tibial nerve
o D. Posterior cutaneous nerve
Peripheral hearts are located in
o A. Thorax
o B. Abdomen
o C. Thigh
o D. Leg
Which of the following structure does not take part in the formation of knee joint?
o A. Condyle of tibia
o B. Head of fibula
o C. Medial femoral condyle
o D. Lateral femoral condyle
Which muscle passes through the greator sciatic foramen?
o A. Superior gemelus
o B. Obturater externus
o C. Obturater internus
o D. Piriformis
The mucsle having action at its origin
o A. Popliteus
o B. Plantaris
o C. Pectineus
o D. Lumbricals
Which of the following muscles is different from others?
o A. Rectus femoris
o B. Biceps femoris
o C. Quadratus plantae
o D. Gastrocnemius
Femoral vein recieves blood from?
A. External iliac vein
o B. Internal iliac vein
o C. Geat saphenous vein
o D. Internal thorcic vein
It performs its function in the unlocking of knee joint
o A. Plantaris
o B. Popliteus
o C. Soleus
o D. Gastrocnemius

It is situated between superior gemelus and inferior gemelus
o A. Obturater externus
o B. Obturater internus
o C. Piriformis
o D. Quadratus femoris
It is inserted to the quadrate tubercle
o A. Quadriceps femoris
o B. Quadratus plantae
o C. Quadratus femoris
o D. Rectus femoris
Iliotibial tract recieves the insertion of
o A. Gluteus max. and gluteus min.
o B. Gluteus med. and gluteus min
o C. Gluteus max. and gluteus med.
o D. Gluteus max. and tenser fascia
Greator sciatic foramen is formed by
o A. Sacrotuberous ligament & ischiotuberous ligament
o B. Sacrotuberous ligament & sacrospinous ligament
o C. Iliofemoral & pubofemoral ligaments
o D. Iliofemoral & ischiofemoral ligaments
Medial femoral circumflex artery is the branch of
o A. Femoral artery
o B. External iliac artery
o C. Internal iliac artery
o D. Profunda femoris artery
Superficial circumflex iliac vein is the tributory of?
o A. Femoral vein
o B. Profunda femoris vein
o C. Great saphenous vein
o D. Small saphenous vein
The saphenous opening is filled with a loose connective tissue called?
o A. Collagen 4
o B. Cribriform fascia
o C. Falciform margin
o D. Fascia lata
Which of the muscles is partialy paralyzed with the obturator nerve damage?
o A. Adductor longus
o B. Adductor magnus
o C. Addcutor brevis
o D. Gracilis
It is L shaped bone
o A. Ilium
o B. Pubis
o C. Ischium
o D. Rib
How many tarsal bones are there?
o A. 12
o B. 14
o C. 16
o D. 18
Most of the knee joint dislocation is possible in the state
o A. Flexed
o B. Semi flexed
o C. Extended
o D. Semi extended
37. Which two muscles have the insertion at the same place?
o A. Tibialis anterior and peroneus longus
o B. Extensor digitorium longus and extensor halucis longus
o C. Extensor digitorium longus and extensor digitorium brevis
o D. Flexor digitorium longus and flexor digitorium brevis
Soldires and joggers after the long marches are prone to the fracture of
o A. Calcaneum
o B. Navicular bone
o C. Cuneiform bones
o D. Metatarsal bones
Oblique popliteal ligament is formed by
o A. Popliteus
o B. Semitendinosus
o C. Semimembranosus
o D. Biceps femoris
The first web space in the foot is dorsaly innervated by:
o A. Tibial nerve
o B. Superficiial peroneal nerve
o C. Common peroneal nerve
o D. Deep peroneal nerve
41. Rectus femoris takes origin from?
o A. Anterior superior iliac spine
o B. Anterior inferior iliac spine
o C. Posterior superior iliac spine
o D. Posterior inferior iliac spine
Which of the following structures is not present in the popliteal fossa?
o A. Small saphenous vein
o B. Saphenous nerve
o C. Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
o D. Tibial nerve
In the extended knee joint with the foot on the groud the joint is unlocked by
o A. Medial rotation of femur
o B. Lateral rotation of femur
o C. Medial rotation of tibia
o D. Lateral rotation of tibia
44. How many lymph nodes are present in the popliteal fossa
o A. 4
o B. 6
o C. 8
o D. 10
Which nerve is sub cutaneous?
o A. Tibial nerve
o B. Common peroneal nerve
o C. Superficial pernoneal nerve
o D. Deep peroneal nerve
46. How many retinacula are present around the ankle?
o A. 2
o B. 3
o C. 4
o D. 5
47. Superficial peroneal nerve supplies
o A. Anterior compartment of leg
o B. Posterior compartment of leg
o C. Anteriomedial surface of leg
o D. Anteriolateral surface of leg
48. Which muscle is attached to the tuberosity of the navicular bone?
o A. Tibialis posterior
o B. Tibialis anterior
o C. Flexor halucis brevis
o D. Peroneus tertius
49.Nutrient artery to the fibula is a branch of?
o A. Anterior tibial artery
o B. Posterior tibial artery
o C. Peroneal artery
o D. Genicular branch of femoral artery
50. The apex of aponeurosis is attached to
o A. Tuberosity of calcaneum
o B. Nedial tubercal of calcaneum
o C. Lateral tubercal of calcaneum
o D. Medial and lateral tubercals
51. The tendons present in the fourth layer of the foot are?
o A. Peroneus longus and peroneus brevis
o B. Peroneus longus and tibialis posterior
o C. Extensor digitorium lognus and extensor hallucis longus
o D. Flexor digitorium longus and flexor hallucis longus
52.The nail beds are supplied by?
o A. Medial plantar nerve
o B. Lateral plantar nerve
o C. Both a and b
o D. Superficial peroneal nerve
53.The adductor hiatus is present in
o A. Adductor longus
o B. Adductor magnus
o C. Adductor brevis
o D. Adductor hallucis
54. The lateral condyle of tibia possesses articular facet for the head of fibula on
o A. Anterior aspect
o B. Posterior aspect
o C. Medial aspect
o D. Lateral aspect
55. Regarding tibia:
o A. Anterior border is subcutaneous
o B Lateral border is subcutaneous
o C. Medial border is subcutaneous
o D. Medial surface is subcutaneous
56. Which bone does not part in the formation of knee joint?
o A. Femur
o B. Tibia
o C. Fibula
o D. Patella
57. The tubercle separating the tendons of peroneus longus and peroneus brevis
o A. Anterior tubercle
o B. Posterior tubercle
o C. Medial tubercle
o D. Peroneal tubercle
58. Which surface of calcaneum bears tubercles
o A. Anterior
o B. Posterior
o C. Superior
o D. Inferior
59. The sesmoid bones over the first metatarsal bone develops from the tendon
o A. Extensor digitorium longus
o B. Adductor hallucis
o C. Flexor digitorium brevis
o D. Flexor hallucis brevis
60. In which quadrant the intramuscular injection is given?
o A . Upper medial
o B. Upper lateral
o C. Lower medial
o D. Lower lateral
61. The injection is given to the upper outer quadrant to save the damage to
o A. Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
o B. Inferior gluteal nerve
o C. Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
o D. Sciatic nerve
62. Symphysis pubis is?
o A. Primary cartilaginous joint
o B. Secondary cartilaginous joint
o C. Synovial joint
o D. Fibrous joint
63. The floor of the acetabulum is non articular called
o A. Acetabular fossa
o B. Acetabular margin
o C. Acetabular notch
o D. Capsule
64. Intertrochanteric line is the connection between the two trochanters
o A. Anteriorly
o B. Posteriorly
o C. Medialy
o D. Lateraly
65. Medial and lateral condyles of femur are seperated by
o A. Intertrochanteric line
o B. Intertrochaneteric crest
o C. Intercondylar notch
o D. Popliteal fossa
66. ______ bursae are usually associated with gluteus maximus
o A. 1
o B. 2
o C. 3
o D. 4
67.Which muscle is pierced by sciatic nerve
o A. Superior gemellus
o B. Inferior gemellus
o C. Piriformis
o D. Obturator externus
68. The increase in neck angle with the shaft of femur is called
o A. Coxa valga
o B. Coxa vara
o C. Coxa benda
o D. Coxa increase
69. The saphenous opening is situated 1.5 inch_____ pubic tubercle
o A. Below
o B. Below and lateral
o C. Lateral
o D. Below and medial
70. Medial boundary of femoral triangle is formed by
o A. Adductor magnus
o B. Adductor longus
o C. Sartorius
o D. Iliopsoas
71. The lateral wall of adductor canal is formed by
o A. Sartorius
o B. Vastus lateralis
o C . Vastus medialis
o D. Adductor longus
72. Regarding femoral artery
o A. Superficial epigastric artery
o B. Superior epigastric artery
o C. Deep external pudendal artery
o D. Profunda femoris artery
73. Which structure does not enter the femoral sheath
o A. Femoral nerve
o B. Femoral artery
o C. Femoral vein
o D. Lymph nodes
74. Muscular branches of posterior division of obturator nerve supply
o A. Sartorius
o B. Iliopsoas
o C. Pectineus
o D. Quadriceps
75. The posterior division of obturator nerve pierces
o A. Piriformis
o B. Obturator externus
o C. Obturator internus
o D. Superior gemellus
76. It looks like inverted Y shaped
o A. Iliofemoral ligament
o B. Pubofemoral ligament
o C. Ischiofemoral ligament
o D. Plantar aponeurosis
77. The different of the following muscles is?
o A. Semitendindinosus
o B. Semimembranosus
o C. Biceps femoris
o D. Adductor magnus (hamstring portion)
78. Circumduction is the combination of?
o A. Flexion, extension, medial rotation, lateral rotation
o B. Flexion, extensio, abduction, adduction
o C. Abduction, adduction, medial rotation, lateral rotation
o D. Extension, adduction, medial rotation, lateral rotation
79. Sustentaculum tali is located on______ of calcaneum
o A. Medial surface
o B. Lateral surface
o C. Anterior surface
o D. Superior surface
80. A metatarsal bone has the following basic parts
o A. Head, shaft, tail
o B. Head, shaft, base
o C. Head, neck, tubercle, base
o D. Head, neck, tubercle, tail
81. Upper lateral boundary of popliteal fossa is formed by:
o A. Lateral head of gastrocnemius
o B. Semitendinosus
C. Biceps femoris
o D. Popliteus
82. Popliteus muscle is supplied by:
o A. Popliteal nerve
o B. Peroneal nerve
o C. Tibial nerve
o D. Common peroneal nerve
83. Lateral cutaneus nerve is the branch of:
o A. Tibial nerve
o B. Common peroneal nerve
o C. Superficial peroneal nerve
o D. Deep peroneal nerve
84. Sural nerve is the branch of:
o A. Tibial nerve
o B. Common peroneal nerve
o C. Superficial peroneal nerve
o D. Deep peroneal nerve
85. The front of the leg is supplied by:
o A. Tibial nerve
o B. Common peroneal nerve
o C. Superficial peroneal nerve
o D. Deep peroneal nerve
86. It is an evertor:
o A. Tibialis anterior
o B. Peroneus tertius
o C. Extensor digitorium longus
o D. Extensor hallucis longus
87. The nerve root for peroneus longus and peroneus brevis is:
o A. L5,S1
o B. L4,5
o C. L5,S1,2
o D. S1,2
88. The septum dividing the posterior fascial compartment of leg into tgroups is:
o A. Plantaris tendon
o B. Fascia lata
o C. Septum transversum
o D. Deep transverse fascia
89. The largest muscle of the body is?
o A. Adductor longus
o B. Adductor magnus
o C. Sartorius
o D. Gluteus maximus
90. Long distance air travelers are prone to
o A. Paralysis of leg
o B. Deep veins thrombosis
o C. Veins vericose
o D. Nerve damage
91. Usually the automobile accidents involve the fracture of:
o A. Femur
o B. Tibia
o C. Fibula
o D. Patella
92. Femoral hernia is more common in:
o A. Men
o B. Women
o C. Children
o D. Old age
93. It is more prone to be ruptured?
o A. Medial collateral ligament
o B. Lateral collateral ligament
94. It passes upward, backward and laterally to be attached to the posterior part
of the medial surface of lateral femoral condyle
o A. Anterior cruciate ligament
o B. Posterior cruciate ligament
o C. Medial collateral ligament
o D. Lateral collateral ligament
95. Inversions and eversions take place at:
o A. Ankle joint
o B. Knee joint
o C. Tarsal joints
96. Abductor digiti minimi takes origin from?
o A. Medial tuberosity of calcaneum
o B. Medial tubercle of calcaneum
o C. Medial and lateral tubercles of calcaneum
o D. Lateral tubercle of calcaneum
97. Lumbricals are inserted at?
o A. Tendon of flexor digitorium longus
o B. Dorsal extensor expansion
o C. Base of proximal phalanx of big toe
o D. Head of proximal phalanx of big toe
98. Regarding the third layer of muscles of foot?
o A. Flexor digitorium brevis
o B. Flexor hallucis brevis
o C. Flexor digiti minimi brevis
o D. Adductor hallucis
99. The one has different nerve supply?
o A. Interossie dorsal
o B. Interossie plantar
o C. Flexor digiti minimi brevis
o D. Flexor hallucis brevis
100. Regarding the popliteal lymph nodes:
o B. Lateral surface of foot
o C. Lateral surface of thigh
o D. Lateral surface of leg

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