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Racism in

The gap in education in this country, the unfairness of the schools, is one
of the great unfairness in this society. -Gaston Caperton
Eurocentric Ideals
Eurocentric: focusing on European culture or history to the exclusion of a wider
view of the world; implicitly regarding European culture as preeminent.

American schooling is very eurocentric and other cultures and races arent being
represented in the common core. If minority students arent represented it causes
them to be unable to relate to the lesson, which will affect their understanding and
overall education.
Eurocentric Ideals Cont.
Curriculum taught in the classroom is based around 4 things, The teacher, the
textbook, the federal government, and standards and tests. If the textbook doesnt
have the information needed to educate about other races and cultures than those
lessons arent going to happen. For example, in the U.S. History textbook used at
Copper Hills High School there are only 3 pages on Japanese Internment during
World War II but there is 13 pages on the Holocaust. Ethnic Studies is a course that is
dedicated to teaching about other races and cultures. In some states Ethnic Studies is
a required course while in others it is banned completely. It is hard to teach
curriculum when teachers dont have the tools to do so, which is a huge problem in
American Education.
Ethnic Studies Courses
Ethnic Studies is a course where the students learn about topics like

Other races and cultures

The origins of racism in America
Tactics to combat racism that have been/are being used in America.

This class is a very controversial one because some people believe that teaching
about racism will actually make it happen more. On the other hand, people see Ethnic
Studies as an essential course that needs to be taught in school. An example of this is
in Arizona ethnic studies courses are banned but in California they are pushing to
make it a required class.
Benefits of Ethnic STudies
A nation that doesnt know its history has no future. -Winston Churchill

Studies have shown that Ethnic Studies has helped improve the grades of
minority students.
Attendance of minority students was raised while they were taking and ethnic
studies course.
The credits that the students needed to graduate increase causing drop our rates
to decrease.
Ethnic Studies in Arizona
In Arizona Ethnic Studies courses have been banned. If teachers
even mention the course in the classroom they will be fired and
their teaching license will be revoked. Arizonas government
believes that included Ethnic Studies as a course (even as an
elective) is actually causing racism to become more prevalent.
They claim that ethnic studies courses separate the students
bring more attention to their skin color.
Important Statistics
The U.S. census of 2010 estimated that more than a third of our nation is made of
cultural minorities.
4 out of 10 students in the K-12 population are members of cultural minorities.
Children of color now make up the majority of school-age youth in 10 states.
According to the 2011 U.S. census, less than half of 3-year-olds in our country are
Percentages of Public School Students by Race/Ethnicity

From 1993-2003 minorities increased

as a percentage of total public school
enrollment from 34% to 41%
Urban Schools vs. Suburban Schools
Urban Schools Suburban Schools

In 2003, urban public schools had the greatest Suburban public schools have the lowest
percentages of minorities enrolled. They also percentage of minorities enrolled. They only
experienced the greatest growth in enrollment increased by 4% between 1993-2003
from 1993-2003 (Landsman). (Landsman).

Urban schooling has access to less resources

because they are located in impoverished areas. A
shortage of resources can affect the quality of Even though suburban schools have more
education. resources and money, minority students dont
have as much representation and students like
them in their schools.
Performance in School
There is a growing gap between test scores of white and minority high school
students. On average African-American and Latino seniors perform math and read at
the same level as 13 year old white students. There is also a higher percentage of
minority students in resource classes. Studies show that this is because they arent
getting the educational attention they need in elementary and middle school (Baton).
Performance in School cont.
Works Cited Page
Barton, Len, and Stephen A. Walker. Race, class and education. Vol. 162. Routledge, 2011

.Landsman, Julie, and Chance Wayne Lewis. White teachers, diverse classrooms: A guide to building inclusive

schools, promoting high expectations, and eliminating racism. Stylus Publishing, LLC., 2006.

Gillborn, David. "Ability, selection and institutional racism in schools." Culture and learning: Access and

opportunity in the classroom (2004): 279-97.

Landsman, Julie, and Chance Wayne Lewis. White teachers, diverse classrooms: A guide to building inclusive

schools, promoting high expectations, and eliminating racism. Stylus Publishing, LLC., 2006.

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