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Jesu uyagcuma zintlungu apha, inyama ibuhlungu kodwa khange nikele ngalento

ibuhlungu, ngoba uyazi ukuba uThixo akhonzwa ngenyama, unikela ngalento

icontrola inyama. Inyama ayikwazi kuva ntlungu engekho umoya, unikela ngesiqu
sesithathu emntwini, esi sikhonza Thixo.

Jesu elilizwi ulithethe in perfection, number 7 and he speak a perfection of a

human being, the spirit which is God part in a human. This means life in Salvation
only enjoyable when we commit. Jesus has already a body sacrifice, Hebrews 10:5
says You have made ready a body for Me.

Lets get this order, Jesus has given his flesh ukuthi ibethwe, now he gave his spirit
unto God, what happened to his soul? Ephesians 4:9 and 1 Peter 3:9, the soul went
to Hell to preach. As we commit to God, our souls must bring glory to God.

When we commit our spirits in these days, it does not mean we have to die, as
Jesus died after these words, simple means we acknowledge defeat by God, then we
need him to intervene, That why He gives us the name of Jesus, When we call that
name, it is no longer us who are in control of the situations but Jeus takes over. That
name can only be used only by committing to God.

His last words are saying, Father, intervene when I died, That why God raised him
from the dead, because God can not intervene unless we give him permission to
intervene. 1 Peter 4:19, uyibeka icace lendaba yo committer. Uthi abo
bahlukunyezawayo, bengcatshwa ngenxa yentado kaThixo mabenze okulungiley
ngokunikela ngo moya wabo kulowo wabadalayo and akasose abaphoxe. Ndibona
uJesu quoter lencwadi kodwa lencwadi ingekabhalwa phantsi, kodwa kwamoya
yayisele ibhaliwe, ngoba zonke izinto zavela ngaye, nelizwi eli lingaye and nezibhale
ngaye. Jesus is doing Act s 20:32.

John 3:35 says the Father loves the Son, And the Father has committed everything
into the sons hand. The father deposited all into Jesus spirit, not into his flesh.
Thats why kwakhuna abantu abamgilayo enyameni, bengaphili kodwa abathe
bamchukumisa emoyeni ngokholo, abuze ngubani ondithintileyo? Ezinto zazingeko
kwinyama yakhe. Zasemoyeni wakhe.

Now Jesus says in this word I actual gives back, what you have given me so that I
can have more. We know the principle of God, Give what you have to get what you
dont have. He got Glory after he have, He got the highest name above everything,
He got the church also.
Awukwazi ukuphila after you have comit to God, That why Jesus died so that he
might live with new life style. Old covenant has to go, so that new covenant can
come under the commitment of the spirit to the Father.

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