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Annotated Bibliography

"Curiosity doesn't kill the cat, it makes fascinating discoveries about Mars." Newsela | Curiosity

doesn't kill the cat, it makes fascinating discoveries about Mars. N.p., 08 Oct. 2013. Web.

10 Jan. 2017.

The Los Angeles Times gives an informative article on the discoveries made by the

Curiosity rover. The author uses small discoveries to draw conclusions of life on Mars.

One of these is water molecules were found attached to martian dust. This could have

provided life for organisms millions of years ago. The soil contains 1.5 to 3 percent water

which came from the atmosphere. Theyve also found a rock called mugearite which

usually only forms near underwater volcanoes. Some scientists believe Mars is a look

into the future of earth after life dies out. Either way, the article develops strong points of

life on Mars without going to extreme conclusions.

"Mars 2020 Mission Overview." NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Nasas official strategy provides great insight as to what we will be seeing throughout the

upcoming years. The Mars 2020 Rover is the next scheduled launch and is going to be sent up

with updated equipment which will be capable of better readings and hopefully more information

as to what the surface is like. Some of this equipment includes oxygen experiments,

spectrometers that can detect organic compound, and a super camera. The article outlines what

the four main goals of the rover will be: Determining whether life ever arose on Mars,

characterize the climate of Mars, characterize the geology of Mars, and prepare for Human

Exploration. These plans help to show what will be happening within our lifetime.
"NASA wants robots to build base on Mars; first they must go to college." Newsela | NASA


robots to build base on Mars; first they must go to college. N.p., 26 May 2016. Web. 10

Jan. 2017.

The Associated Press has written an informative article on the production of robots that

will be sent to Mars. These robots could build habitats, make emergency repairs, all

independently. Because of the delay time in communications between Earth and Mars,

the robots would have to be fairly independent in their work. A prototype is being built in

the robotics center in the University of Massachusetts- Lowell and currently has 28 joints

and nearly 200 sensors. The Associated Press displays a message of hope for the mission

to mars and its supporters.

"Spuds or duds? Movie magic may become a reality for astronauts." Newsela | Spuds or duds?

Movie magic may become a reality for astronauts. N.p., 21 Mar. 2016. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Dan Collyns from The Guardian compares The Martian to its real life counterpart.

The Martian is a movie about an astronaut who is stranded on mars. He grows and eats

potatoes from the martian soil in order to survive. Experts say that this could very well be

a possibility on the real real planet when they send humans there. Not only do potatoes

provide many nutritional benefits such as being rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin c,

zinc, and iron, but they also can grow in almost any climate. They also grow

underground, which means gravity won't have as much of an affect on the way they grow

rather than, for example, tomatoes. This article shows both the positives and negatives of

growing potatoes on Mars that could soon become a reality.

"Wanted: Small group to study space and travel to Mars. One way." Newsela | Wanted: Small

group to study space and travel to Mars. One way.N.p., 22 May 2014. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Dallas Morning News offers an interesting question that faces many young adults today:

Grow up to become a lawyer, or die a hero on the surface of Mars. There have already

been 200,000 volunteers who have signed up for the one way journey. The astronauts

would need at least 8 years of training to be able to survive in such harsh conditions. The

project is projected to cost about $6 billion for the journey. The article focuses less on the

practicality of such a journey, and more on the decision that must be made to leave Earth

forever. It follows Cole Leonard and his familys thoughts on the matter.

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