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Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199

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Hospital efuents management: Chemical, physical, microbiological

risks and legislation in different countries
E. Carraro a, *, Si. Bonetta a, C. Bertino a, E. Lorenzi b, Sa. Bonetta a, G. Gilli a
Department of Public Health and Pediatrics, University of Torino, Piazza Polonia 94, 10126, Torino, Italy
b  Metropolitana Acque Torino S.p.A., XI Febbraio, 14, 10152, Torino, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Hospital wastewater (HWW) can contain hazardous substances, such as pharmaceutical residues,
Received 13 July 2015 chemical hazardous substances, pathogens and radioisotopes. Due to these substances, hospital waste-
Received in revised form water can represent a chemical, biological and physical risk for public and environmental health. In
26 October 2015
particular, several studies demonstrate that the main effects of these substances can't be neutralised by
Accepted 9 November 2015
Available online xxx
wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). These substances can be found in a wide range of concentrations
due to the size of a hospital, the bed density, number of inpatients and outpatients, the number and the
type of wards, the number and types of services, the country and the season. Some hazardous substances
Hospital wastewater
produced in hospital facilities have a regulatory status and are treated like waste and are disposed of
Legislation accordingly (i.e., dental amalgam and medications). Legislation is quite homogeneous for these sub-
Guidelines stances in all industrial countries. Problems that have emerged in the last decade concern substances and
Water pollution microorganisms that don't have a regulatory status, such as antibiotic residues, drugs and specic
Emerging pollutant pathogens. At a global level, guidelines exist for treatment methods for these efuents, but legislation in
all major industrial countries don't contain limitations on these parameters. Therefore, a monitoring
system is necessary for these efuents as well as for substances and pathogens, as these elements can
represent a risk to the environment and public health.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
2. Characteristics of hospital wastewaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
2.1. Chemical risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
2.2. Physical risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
2.3. Biological risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
3. Production of hospital wastewater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
4. Guidelines for the management of hospital wastewater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
5. Normative about the hospital wastewaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

1. Introduction wastewater (HWW) could be hazardous to both humans and the

environment due to the presence of pathogens, pharmaceuticals
In recent years, many researchers have realised that hospital substances, and products of laboratories and research activities.
Many of these substances are contained in the faeces and urine of
patients and are excreted as non-metabolised drugs in the sewer
system (Orias and Perrodin, 2013; Verlicchi et al., 2010a, 2012).
* Corresponding author. Several studies on HWW conned themselves to the
E-mail address: (E. Carraro).
0301-4797/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
186 E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199

investigation of a limited number of pharmaceutical compounds (in two main categories:

particular, antibiotics and anti-inammatory drugs), their fate in
the water management cycle and in the environment (Al Aukidy  Domestic discharges from kitchens, laundries and toilets of
et al., 2014; Brechet et al., 2014; Boillot et al., 2008; Hartemann normal wards;
et al., 2005; Schuster et al., 2008; Verlicchi et al., 2010a).  Specic discharges generated by care, analysis and research
Only a few countries have reference standards and specic activities. These discharges can contain disinfectants, de-
treatment methods to manage these efuents. For industrial ef- tergents, contagious faeces/excreta, biological liquids, drug
uents, however, there are specic reference standards and treat- residues, metal radioelements, and many other chemicals (acids,
ment methods imposed at regional or municipal levels by alkalis, solvents, benzene, hydrocarbons, colourants, etc.). These
competent authorities, with regard to direct discharge (in surface efuents can potentially contain some hazardous substances
waters), the reuse after suitable treatment, and discharge in a with a genotoxic or cytotoxic activity, toxic or hazardous
municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) (indirect chemicals or pharmaceutical residues, and radioactive and/or
discharge). infectious agents (WHO, 2013).
Some countries, in fact, consider hospital wastewater to be do-
mestic and therefore discharged, directly in the municipal sewer Tables 1 and 2 represent HWW data of physico-chemical in-
network without any pretreatment or imposed quality limits. dicators that concern facilities of different sizes, ow rate and
Reference standards and quality control are usually imposed only countries, compared with those of urban wastewaters (UWW)
after the treatment of the WWTP efuents. In only few countries, plants with different population equivalents. These data conrm
hospital efuents are considered to be industrial and are pretreated the evidence of the wide variability of characteristics of these ef-
before discharge in the municipal sewer network. uents due to the many variables that come into play. The COD
Parameters typically set by legislation for assessing the quality indicator that measures the total oxygen-depletion due to the
of a generic wastewater sample are the basic physico-chemical presence of water contaminant (biodegradable and non-
indicators: pH, temperature (usually <40  C), Chemical Oxygen biodegradable oxidisable pollutants) shows high values for the
Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (most commonly hospital efuents.
expressed in milligrams of oxygen consumed per litre of sample Concerning the macropollutants it has been shown that only
during 5 days of incubation at 20  C (BOD5)) and Total Suspended ammonium ions are more concentrated in HWW than in the UWW,
Solid (TSS). If the wastewater sample is considered to be industrial despite data being limited.
or a specic efuent (such as from hospitals, in some cases), mea- Data of microbiological indicators indicate that total E. coli load
surements of other specic macropollutants are required, such as is generally higher in urban than in hospital wastewater, due to the
Adsorbable Organic Halogens (AOX), total and free chlorine, de- higher dilution of wastewater in hospital, in which water con-
tergents, disinfectants, tensioactives, oil and grease, sulphates, cy- sumption per bed is high (~700 L per day) (Brechet et al., 2014). The
anides, organophosphorates, total nitrogen, heavy metals and content of faecal and total coliform are greater in UWW than in
rarely microbiological indicators (total coliform, faecal coliform or HWW.
Escherichia coli) and toxicity.
An emergent concern about hospital efuents are the chemicals 2.1. Chemical risks
without regulatory status whose impact on the environment and
human health are poorly understood. These are referred to as The main chemical substances that can be found in HWWs are
emerging pollutants, such as pharmaceutical compounds (anti- antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inammatories, psychiatric drugs,
biotics, APIs), chemical residues, radioelements, antibiotic resis- b-blockers, anaesthetics, disinfectants, chemicals from laboratory
tance strains, and pathogens that don't have a regulatory status but activities, developer and xer solutions from photographic lm
can represent a risk. In fact, the fate of these compounds in the processing and X-ray contrast media (WHO, 2013).
environment and the possibility of reduction by the WWTPs are These substances are excreted mainly in the urine (55e80%),
unknown. The introduction of these hazardous substances less so in faeces (4e30%), as unmetabolised substances, metabo-
(particularly disinfectants, non-metabolised pharmaceuticals and lites, or conjugated with inactivating substances (Alcock et al.,
radionuclides) into the aquatic ecosystem could have a heavy 1999; Al Aukidy et al., 2014; Jjemba, 2006; Verlicchi et al., 2012).
impact on aquatic organisms as well as for the human population, These substances may have different behaviours in the WWTP due
as the nal recipient of this type of pollution (Emmanuel et al., to their different solubility, volatility, molecular weight, adsorbility
2005; Le Corre et al., 2012; Suarez et al., 2009; Varela et al., 2014). and biodegradability, polarity, stability, half-life and persistency,
The aims of this overview are the following: I) to describe the and if they are not neutralised in the wastewater treatment, they
qualitative characteristics of hospital efuent, II) to analyse their are released in surface waters with treated efuents (Verlicchi et al.,
possible impact on the basis of their quantity, and III) to provide 2010a).
information about the major international legislation and guide- Most researchers concentrated their studies on pharmaceuti-
lines of this efuent. cals, due to the worldwide increase of consumption (especially
antibiotics), as well as their detection in wastewaters and surface
2. Characteristics of hospital wastewaters waters, and for their potential impact on the environment and
human health, such as endocrine disruption and sexual disturbance
There is a wide variability of the characteristics of the hospital in aquatic organisms (Al Aukidy et al., 2014; Diwan et al., 2013; Fick
efuents in relationship to the size of hospitals, the bed density, the et al., 2009; Jean et al., 2012; Kovalova et al., 2013; Le Corre et al.,
number of inpatients and outpatients, the number and the type of 2012; Orias and Perrodin, 2013; Passerat et al., 2010; Santos et al.,
wards, the number and types of services, the country and the 2013; Verlicchi et al., 2010a).
seasonality (Al Aukidy et al., 2014; Verlicchi et al., 2012). Some of these substance, (diclofenac, 17b-oestradiol, 17a-ethi-
These efuents are generated from all activities of the hospital, nylestradiol), have been included in the European priority list (EU,
including medical (operations, emergency and rst aid, labora- 2013/39, about water policy) and in the US contaminant candidate
tories, diagnosis, radiology etc.) and non-medical activities (toilets, list (erythromycin, 17a-ethinylestradiol, 17a-oestradiol, 17b-oes-
kitchens and laundry activities etc.), and these can be classied into tradiol, equilenin, equilin, oestriol, oestrone, mestranol and
E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199 187

Table 1
Mean values of physico-chemical indicators of HWW and UWW, from the reviewed studies.

References Country Beds/population Flow pH TSS (total COD BOD5 NH

4 Total P Fats and Total
equivalent rate suspended [mg/L] [mg/L] [mg/L] [mg/L] oils [mg/L] detergents
[m3/d] solid) [mg/L] [mg/L]

HWW Verlicchi et al., 2010b Italy 300 33 4 4.9

Galletti et al., 2011 Italy 300 180 227 57 480 125 240 82 42 9 6 2
Nafo 2012 Germany 560 90 21.4 6.8 0.2 97 33 709 280 325 112 8.3 1.3
Suarez et al., 2009 Spain 750 429 63 8.1 191.7 970.7 22.5
Varela et al., 2014 Portugal 1120 1000 305 622 278
Prayitno et al., 2013 Indonesia 8.1 61.1 198.5 143.7 0.63
Chagas et al., 2011 Brasil 432 7.5 379.9 100 11.1
Prado et al., 2011 Brasil 325.7 7 221.3 68 9
Sarafraz et al., 2007 Iran 43 7.42 231.25 628.1 242.25
Liang, 2007 China 6e9 170 320 150
Periasamy and India 7.5 126.6 662.9 129.3
Sundaram, 2013
Verlicchi et al., 2012 Italy 8 160 650 200 30 5 25 4.5
Tahiri et al., 2012 Marocco 8 318 76.6
UWW Galletti et al., 2011 Italy 5000 1200 41 15 180 74 70 43
inlet Galletti et al., 2011 Italy 230,000 35,000 7.6 85 109 72 26 3
Varela et al., 2014 Portugal 200,000 1,100,000 334 699 488
Muela et al., 2011 Spain 500,000 120,000 7.8 65.8 210.6 123.6 28.2
Zhou et al., 2012 China 412,500 200,000 216.7 415.2 197.5
Verlicchi et al., 2012 4e10 50e150 4e8
Mungray and Patel, India 71,500 238 803 243.5

Table 2
Microbiological characteristics of the HWW and of the UWW from the reviewed studies.

References Country Total coliforms MPN/mL Faecal coliforms MPN/mL E. coli MPN or CFU/mL

HWW Verlicchi et al., 2012 Italy 105e107a

Korzeniewska and Harnisz, 2012 Poland 3  106e1.6  107b
Prayitno et al., 2013 Indonesia 1.3  103
Chagas et al., 2011 Brasil 7.4  105 0.8  105
Liu et al., 2010 China
Periasamy and Sundaram, 2013 India 1.3  103 2.2  102
Tahiri et al., 2012 Marocco 2  104 1.5  103
Galvin et al., 2010 Ireland 5.4  106a
Brechet et al., 2014 France 3.5  105b
Kwak et al., 2015 Sweden 3.7  104b
Oberle et al., 2012 France 8.3  104b
UWW Inlet Verlicchi et al., 2012 Italy 107e108 106e107 106e107a
Korzeniewska and Harnisz, 2012 Poland 5.5  107b
McLellan et al., 2010 USA 1.1  106b
Levantesi et al., 2010 Europe 2.4  105e3.6  106b
Mungray and Patel, 2011 India 5.4  1012 1.5  1012
Brechet et al., 2014 France 7.5  105b
Kwak et al., 2015 Sweden 7.4  104b
Oberle et al., 2012 France 3.9  106b

norethindrone) that concern new substances for priority action does not reach 10%, and greater consumption is derived from the
(EPA, 2009). community (domestic and commercial facilities).
Studies that focus on comparisons between hospital and urban Many studies utilised the Risk Quotient (RQ) for evaluating the
efuents have shown that the concentration of pharmaceuticals in ecotoxicological potential of HWW in the environment. The risk
hospital efuents is greater than in UWWs for almost all com- quotient is a common method utilised for any other chemical
pounds, in particular antibiotics (Al Aukidy et al., 2014; Santos et al., hazard substances. This value is derived from the ratio of the Pre-
2013; Stalder et al., 2013; Verlicchi et al., 2012) (Table 3). Environ- dicted Effect Concentration (or measured) (PEC) of the substance
mental drug contamination, however, can be derived from other and its Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC): the concentra-
sources, such as livestock, slaughterhouses, aquacultures, and tion that has no adverse effects on the Environment.
agriculture, and in some case with a greater total concentration of In the case of HWW, the PEC value is derived from the amount of
pharmaceutical compounds (Harris et al., 2013; Lupo et al., 2012; each active ingredient consumed in the hospital, M (g), the fraction
Sim et al., 2013; Rizzo et al., 2013). The report on surveillance of of excreted unchanged active ingredients in urine and faeces, fex-
antimicrobial consumption in Europe of European Centre for Dis- creted, and the volume of the HWW in the main wing where phar-
ease Prevention and Control (ECDC) revealed that in Latvia and maceuticals are consumed, V (L) (Escher et al., 2011; Orias and
Finland, 20% of total consumption of systemic antibacterials is Perrodin, 2013).
derived from the hospital sector. In other countries, this proportion
Table 3
Concentrations of different types of pharmaceuticals in the HWW and in the UWW from the reviewed studies.

Antibiotics [ng/L] Anti-inammatories drugs [ng/L] b-blochers [ng/L] Psychiatric drugs [ng/L]
References Beds HWW

E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199

Ciprooxacin Clarithromycin Erytromycin Ooxacin Sulfamethoxazole Diclofenac Ibuprofen Salicylic acid Ketoprofene Atenolol Carbamazepine

Galletti et al., 2011 300 11,768 59 165 18,605 4240 304 1674 1320 5027 5131 733
Galletti et al., 2011 900 13,487 6589 127 20,032 1921 395 1813 1745 1289 4409 956
Varela et al., 2014 1120 880 590 890
Santos et al., 2013 350 4093 59.4 575 6543 1351 58 4964 1419 369 858 445
Passerat et al., 2010 n.d. 2200 1800
Kovalova et al., 2013 346 15,700 8000 1280 840 140 858 186 23 24 235 128
Diwan et al., 2013 350e570 1025 218 535
Gros et al., 2013 400 6411.5 543 6673 132.5
Chang et al., 2010 121.3 137 2905 623
Sim et al., 2011 1980 330 25,300 1920 nd 126,000 827
Sim et al., 2013 21,000 1120 813 299 43,000 227

Population equivalent UWW Inlet

Galletti et al., 2011 230,000 2212 308 58 1004 443 1026 498 168 2081 581
Varela et al., 2014 200,000 440 340 830
Santos et al., 2013 213,000 221 88 22.2 17.8 92.7 77.9 946 1790 912 391 69.7 89.4 1596 1715 51.8 92.6 458 112 522 132 565 74
Passerat et al., 2010 n.d. 2200 1800
Gros et al., 2013 112,575 529 408.5 343 285.5
Al Aukidy et al., 2012 120,000 154.5 192.5 94 502 22 264 182.5
Chang et al., 2010 458 78 206 47 780 132 2020 368
Sim et al., 2011 182 23 254 237 nd 176,000 1920
Sim et al., 2013 108 403 1880 928 14,600 50

Type of Factory Factory efuent

Chang et al., 2010 Swine nursery nd nd 82 nd

Chang et al., 2010 Slaughter house 11 1 nd 24 3 212 43
Sim et al., 2011 Livestock wastewater nd 139 7950 nd nd 313 167
Sim et al., 2013 Livestock wastewater 4310 109 12,800 nd nd 3320
E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199 189

that pose much less risk. The contamination by this radioisotope,

M*Fescreted derived from the excreta of treated patients, can reach levels of up
V to 90% of the radioactive dose administered, depending on the type
Several studies show that in hospital efuent, the RQs were of therapy the patient underwent. Given its radioactive half-life of 8
above 1 for the majority of analysed substances, in particular for days, there is a signicant risk of 131I radioisotope accumulation
certain compounds (Ooxacin, 17a-ethinylestradiol, erythromycin after its discharge into the sewer network (through sanitary
and sulfamethoxazole) (Al Aukidy et al., 2014; Kmmerer and wastewater) and into the environment (Rodrguez, 2012; Tavakoli,
Henninger, 2003; Le Corre et al., 2012; Brackers de Hugo et al., 2005). The method normally utilised for abating radioactivity is the
2013). natural decomposition of the isotope, decay and delay, in holding
For other potentially hazardous substances, the WHO stated that tanks (8 days for 131I), before the discharge in the foul sewer.
health care facilities contribute up to 5% of the release of mercury to
bodies of water through untreated wastewater, and in the United 2.3. Biological risks
Kingdom, more than 50% of total mercury emissions come from
mercury contained in dental amalgam and laboratory and medical The biological risk of HWWs is derived from the plausible
devices (WHO, 2013). In Europe and in other countries, the presence of infectious agents. In general, wastewater can contain a
discharge of the dental amalgam in WWTPs is prohibited because it large variety of pathogen microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa,
contains a mixture of mercury (approximately 50%) and a number helminths and viruses) that are principally derived from the faeces
of other metals, including silver, tin, copper and zinc. In fact, mer- of infected humans and primarily transmitted by the faecal-oral
cury is on List I of dangerous substances in the European Dangerous route (enteric microorganism) and secondly by bodily uid
Substances (EU, 2006/11/EC). discharge, usually in small quantities.
Other hazardous substances that can be present in HWW are In Table 4 are EPA data (EPA, 2012) of the concentration of in-
disinfectants, such as chlorine, quaternary ammonium, and metal fectious agents potentially present in raw domestic wastewater
ions, i.e., for the deactivation of Legionella bacteria in the warm compared with the pathogen concentration from the reviewed
water system or as an alternative for chlorine disinfection using literature, in both UWWs and HWWs. The bibliography about
copperesilver ionisation. Other disinfectants that are used in large detection of pathogenic bacteria and protozoa in the HWW is
quantities in health-care facilities are formaldehyde-based disin- practically non-existent, probably because a legislation is not pre-
fectants (formalin) for dialysers and disinfection of dialysis equip- sent and because the interest is focalised on other important
ment and the associated reverse osmosis units, as well as in problems, such as bacterial resistance and the detection of patho-
pathology (WHO, 2013). X-ray contrast media is the source of AOX gens in efuents of WWTPs or in surface water. On the contrary, the
compounds (in particular iodine-molecules). These compounds are enteropathogenic virus (Norovirus, Adenovirus, Rotavirus and
toxic to sh and other aquatic organisms at low concentrations. Hepatitis A Virus) concentrations in hospital efuents are 2e3-fold
Many are persistent and have a tendency to bioaccumulate. Little is greater than in UWWs (Table 4).
known about the fate and long-term effects of these substances A problem over the last decade concerns bacterial resistance to
(WHO, 2013). antibiotics. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics has become an issue
of growing concern worldwide frequently attributed to the exces-
2.2. Physical risks sive use of antibiotics, in this context wastewater treatment plants
represent a potential reservoirs of antibiotic resistant-bacteria
The main physical hazard derived from HWW is associated with (ARB). The fate of ARB in wastewater is primarily linked to release
the radioactive substances in the efuents, which are utilised in of ARB from patients (e.g. E. coli) or from both patients and hospital
nuclear medicine therapies. The main isotope utilised is the 131I equipment (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa) (Tumeo et al., 2008).
radioisotope, while other radionuclides used are typically simple Antimicrobials also rejected in wastewater exert a continuous se-
beta emitters (e.g., phosphorus-32, strontium-89, and yttrium-90) lective pressure on ARB. In acute-care hospitals, the antimicrobial

Table 4
Infectious agents present in untreated domestic wastewater (EPA, 2012), in UWW and in HWW, from the reviewed studies.

Pathogens N in domestic wastewater [per L] UWW inlet HWW

Bacteria Shigella >104

Salmonella >105 103e106 copies/100 mLg,i
Campylobacter >104
Protozoa [(oo)cysts/L] Giardia >105 103b
Cryptosporidium >104 5b
Elminths [eggs/20 L] >103 0e2d
Viruses [genomic copies/L] Enterovirus >106 104b,h
2.7  105f,i
Norovirus 1.6  102 b,h 2.4  106 a,i
Adenovirus >106 1.6  102 e,i 2.8  106a,i
Rotavirus >105 2  10 e,i 1.9  106a,i
Hepatitis A Virus 102c 104a,i
5.5  105 f,i
Prado et al., 2011.
Ottoson et al., 2006.
Villar et al., 2007.
Levantesi et al., 2010.
Hellme r et al., 2014.
Kamel et al., 2011.
Zhang et al., 2013.
RT-PCR method.
qRT-PCR method.
190 E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199

selective pressure is particularly high, for instance, 20e30% of Eu- 4. Guidelines for the management of hospital wastewater
ropean inpatients receive an antibiotic treatment (ECDC, 2013). In
the community, only 1e3% of individuals received an antibiotic The only existing guidelines concerning hospital efuents were
treatment. The selective pressure is consequently much more published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1999: Safe
important in HWW than in UWW. Antimicrobial residues may also Management of Wastes from Health-care Activities (WHO, 1999)
induce bacteria to transfer horizontally antibiotic resistance genes and updating in 2013 (WHO, 2013). This publication describes the
for other community members (Varela et al., 2014). Antimicrobial methods for the treatment and disposal of health-care wastes, in
residues would be implicated in the rearrangement of the bacterial which there is a section that concerns the collection and the
communities in surface and wastewater, supported by the disposal of wastewater from health-care activities.
demonstration of the signicant correlation among the concen- The WHO states that, A large part of the wastewater from health-
trations of antimicrobial residues, antibiotic resistant bacteria or care facilities is of a similar quality to domestic wastewater and poses
their genes and rearrangements of the communities (Brechet et al., the same risks. Just as domestic wastewater is considered to be
2014; Gros et al., 2013; Stalder et al., 2013; Huerta et al., 2013; Novo potentially infectious, wastewater from health-care facilities must also
et al., 2013; Varela et al., 2014). Regarding antibiotic classes, b- be considered in a similar manner and precautions taken but A
lactams are the most widely used group of antibiotics in inpatients, proportion of the generated wastewater from health-care facilities will
followed by uoroquinolones. However, b-lactams are rarely pose a higher risk than domestic wastewater. Depending on the service
detected in wastewater because the b-lactam ring is readily cleaved level and tasks of the health-care facility, the wastewater might
by hydrolysis (Brechet et al., 2014). By contrast, high concentrations contain chemicals, pharmaceuticals and contagious biological agents,
of uoroquinolones are found in HWW, WWTPs and downstream and might even contain radioisotopes (WHO, 2013).
from the WWTP, in rivers (Rodriguez-Mozaz et al., 2015). This is In the rst part, the guideline describes the hazardous charac-
also the case for macrolides or sulphonamides. The ARB represent a teristics of these wastewaters that agree with majority of studies
risk to humans and animals because they can reduce the thera- reviewed. The second part suggests the methods of treatment of
peutic potential against pathogens. particular hazardous efuents. These methods are summarised in
Table 5. In general, pretreatment is recommended for wastewater
streams from departments such as medical laboratories (could
include acidebase neutralisation, ltering to remove sediments, or
3. Production of hospital wastewater autoclaving samples from highly infectious patients) and from the
dental department, by installing an amalgam separator in sinks.
Regarding water consumption and the consequential produc- Moreover, the minimum requirements for the discharge of HWW
tion of wastewaters, the peak coefcients for hospital ow rates are into a municipal sewerage system are the following:
fairly analogous to those generally assumed for the inuent to a
small WWTP (<10,000 inhabitants or population equivalent, p.e.)  An efcient sewage-treatment plant with primary, secondary
(Verlicchi et al., 2010a). The total production, however, depends on and tertiary treatment of a municipal sewers that is connected
the same factors mentioned above for several characteristics to the hospital sewer;
(number of inpatients and outpatients, number of beds, number  The municipal sewers should be connected to a central treat-
and type of wards and units, facility size, number and types of ment plant that ensures at least 95% removal of bacteria;
services), as well as on the facility age and maintenance re-  The sludge resulting from sewage treatment is subjected to
quirements, cultural and geographical factors, hour of the day and anaerobic digestion, leaving no more than one helminth egg per
the season. Other contributors include steam sterilisers, autoclaves, litre in the digested sludge;
medical processes, heating ventilation and air conditioning, sani-  The waste management system of the health-care establish-
tary, X-ray equipment and other services that the hospital provides ment maintains high standards, ensuring only low quantities of
(e.g., kitchen, laundry) (Diwan et al., 2013; Galletti et al., 2011; toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, radionuclides, cytotoxic
Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt, 2000). drugs, and antibiotics in the discharged sewage.
Concerning the total efuent contribution of hospital facilities in
a city, the volume unloaded in the municipal WWTP depend also on For countries operating only with basic sewage systems or those
other factors, such as number of hospitals, industrialisation level, experiencing epidemics of enteric disease or with endemic intes-
population density and the number of beds used per day. For the tinal helminthiasis, the onsite treatment, or at least pretreatment,
calculation of this percentage in Europe, considering that there are of the wastewater before discharge into the municipal sewerage
approximately 2.6 hospitals for every 100,000 inhabitants (ranging system should be considered. If the treatment plant doesn't meet
from 1 in the Netherlands to almost 6 in Finland) (EHHF, 2011), with the requirements above or the hospital is not connected with a
on average 530 hospital beds (ranging from approximately 320 in public wastewater treatment, the facility should have an efcient
Spain and little more than 800 in Germany) and that HWW on-site wastewater treatment that includes primary treatment,
discharge is approximately 0.3e0.7 m3 per bed a day (Boillot et al., secondary biological purication, and tertiary treatment (such as
2008; Escher et al., 2011; Kovalova et al., 2013; Lienert et al., 2011; lagooning).
Suarez et al., 2009), the total efuents produced from these facil- The disinfection of wastewater is often required, particularly if
ities are approximately 265 m3/d (from an average of 0.5 m3/d for the wastewater is discharged into any body of water used for rec-
hospital bed) in a city with 100.000 inhabitants. reational activities or as a source of drinking water (including
In a city like Turin with 1,500,000 inhabitants with a total aquifers). Disinfection of the wastewater is particularly important if
wastewater production of about 7.2  105 m3/d (SMAT, Turin it is discharged into coastal waters close to shellsh habitats,
Metropolitan Water Society informative guide), the percentage of especially if the dietary habits of local people include eating raw
hospital efuents is approximately 0.6% of the total discharge shellsh. Chlorine disinfection can be utilised only with the re-
treated in a municipal WWTP. In other studies, the percentage may quirements described in Table 5.
be 0.2% (in a city with a 50 bed per 100,000 inhabitants hospital and Other factors necessary include a monitoring of wastewater
a WWTP capacity of 55,300 m3 per day) (Le Corre et al., 2012) to 2% losses between entry points (sinks, toilets, drains) and an onsite
(Galletti et al., 2011; Korzeniewska and Harnisz, 2012). treatment plant or tank or discharge point into a municipal sewage
Table 5
How special liquid wastes are treated in different countries in Europe.

WHO guideline Italy UK Spain Germany France

Disinfection of wastewater Disinfection by chlorine is only Not obligatory e Established from

recommended if it can be ensured that comunal laws but
the organic matter is below 10 mg/l. recommended for
infectious diseases
Automated analyser systems Collect waste liquids in plastic reservoir Collect waste e Collect waste
containers must not be discharged to liquids in plastic liquids in plastic
the drain but collected by specialist reservoir reservoir
waste contractors for recovery or containers must not containers must not
disposal. be discharged to be discharged to
the drain but the drain but
collected by collected by
specialist waste specialist waste
contractors for contractors for

E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199

recovery or recovery or
disposal. disposal. Liquid
body uids
residuos must be
Reagents (crystal violet, iodine and Liquid laboratory hazardous waste Disposal of these e Established from
neutralred or dilute carbol fuchsia (colourants, formalin) should be reagents is via comunal laws
etc.) collected separately. dilution with tap
water to foul sewer
is permitted
Liquid body uids Small quantities of blood can be The discharge of small quantities of The Sewerage The discharge of Bulk blood and Excretions of
discharged in the sewer without blood are permitted if they aren't Undertakersa bodily uids to foul blood products may invective enteric
pretreatment. contained in a container (Indirect permit the sewer is permitted be decanted into a patients must be
discharge, considered like a waste). discharge of bodily but is required a sewer system disinfection before
Faeces and urines are discharged in foul uids to foul sewer pre-treatment if the connection (sinks, the discharge
sewer without a pre-treatment under normal hospital is not drains, etc.) after
workingconditions connected to disinfection
treatment plant. In
some municipality
into a quantity of
100 ml is permitted
the discharge in
foul sewer
Preservatives and xatives (alcohols, Photochemicals, aldehydes e Alcohols, acetone, e Established from
acetones and others) (formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde), and xative is may comunal laws
colourants and should not be be safelydischarged
discharged into wastewater to foul sewer in
small quantities
with considerable
dilution. Petroleum
spirit (benzene,
ethylbenzene etc.)
is statutorily
Laboratory smalls Must not be discharged to foul sewer Must not be e Must not be
discharged to foul discharged to foul
sewer sewer
Pharmaceutically active medications Should not be discharged into Must not be discharged to foul sewer e
(continued on next page)

Table 5 (continued )

WHO guideline Italy UK Spain Germany France

Must not be Must not be May be required a

discharged to foul discharged to foul specic
sewer sewer authorization
Non-pharmaceutically active e May be discharged e Established from
medications (ex. glucose solution, to sink in small comunal laws
saline solution, liquid nutritional quantities (less
feeds and supplements) than 1 L)
Radioactive aqueous discharges and Radioactive wastewater from Radioactive efuents eliminated by May be discharged Excretion of Urines of patients
radio contrasting compounds radiotherapy (e.g. urine of patients patients should be collected in to foul sewer if the patients can be treated with
undergoing thyroid treatment) should protected rooms and linked to a septic radioactivity not discharged before radioelements with
be collected separately and stored in a tank for the delay and the decay. exceed limits 48 h from the short half-life time
secured place until the levels of imposed from cytotoxic treatment must be collected in
radioactivity have decreased to Sewerage protected rooms
background concentrations. After the Undertakers. Radio and linked to a
required storage time, the wastewater Contrasting septic tank for the

E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199

can be disposed of into a sewer. Compounds delay and the decay
(barium sulphate) but radioelements
not be discharged with long half-time
must be treated
from specic
Autopsy theatre e Bodily uids, blood e Must be pre-
and urine, stomach treatment before
contents, faecal the discharge
matter and water of
cleaning and
disinfection may be
discharged to foul
Operating theatre Small quantities of rinsing liquids, body e e Wastewater of
uids and the contents of suction clining may be
systems from non-infectious patients discharged to foul
from theatres, operating theatre and sewer
intensive care can be discharged in the
sewer without pretreatment. While
stool, vomit and mucus from highly
infectious patients (e.g. cholera
patients) should be collected separately
and thermally treated before disposal
(e.g. by an autoclave reserved for waste
Dental amalgam Wastewater from the dental Dental liquid wastes containing Dental liquid Wastewater from
department should be pretreated by amalgam don't be discharge into public wastes containing the dental
installing an amalgam separator in sewer lines amalgam shall be department should
sinks, particularly those next to patient discharged into be pretreated by
treatment chairs. publicsewer lines installing an
only if a discharge amalgam separator
licence has been in sinks
issued by the
German Federal
Sewer Undertaken: the water company appointed by the Secretary of State or as the sewerage undertaker for a particular area.
E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199 193

after the collection of site-specic data on pollutant loadings of

facilities and on the WWTP's capacity of removal of those pollut-
ants. The concentration of pollutant loading may not exceed the
maximum allowable headworks loading of the WWTP. If the con-
centration exceeds this, little or no pollutant loading is available for
the facilities. The maximum allowable headworks loading is the
estimated maximum loading of a pollutant that can be received at a
WWTP's headworks that should not cause a WWTP to violate a
particular treatment plant limit or environmental criterion (EPA,
The EPA permits that member states and local city pretreatment
programmes implement guidelines through the publication of
regulations and local limits that reect the specic needs and ca-
pabilities at individual WWTPs, designed for its protection, its
receiving waters, and its sludge disposal practises (Table 6).

Fig. 1. Representation of the levels where EPA efuent guidelines operate.

5. Normative about the hospital wastewaters

system. The monitoring of the wastewater system should include In Europe there is not a specic directive or guideline for the
two aspects: monitoring the sewage system and monitoring management of hospital efuents. However, the European Direc-
efuent quality. This includes the most common parameters for tive n. 91 of 21 May 1991 (91/271/CEE modied from Directive 27 of
monitoring the efuent quality (temperature, pH, BOD5, COD, ni- February 1998 n. 98/15/CE) on the treatment of UWW required a
trate, total phosphorus, total suspended solids, presence and con- pre-authorisation if the wastewater is considered to be industrial
centration of E. coli). Furthermore, if an onsite treatment plant is before discharge into UWW collection systems (as in certain
operated, the inow of wastewater and the outowing treated country is considered the hospital efuent). Moreover, the Euro-
efuent should be tested regularly to monitor how efciently the pean Directive n. 98 of 19 November 2008 (EU, 2008/98/EC) about
treatment plant reduces the concentration of contaminants. the management of hazardous waste and the list of hazardous
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) waste of the European Decision n. 532 of 3 May 2000 (EU, 2000/
has published a guideline for the release of patients after therapy 532/CEE) stated that some hospital liquid waste (pharmaceutical
with unsealed radionuclides. These patients who undergo radio- products, medicines, residues from substance for employed as
active therapy release radioactive isotopes with their excreta, solvents, soaps, no-halogenated organic substance etc.) must not be
Technetium-99m in particular, but its short half-life limits its discharged into a foul sewer but treated as a waste and collected
importance, and the main concern is iodine-131, which can be and disposed as such. For the efuents from the hospital foul sewer,
detected in the environment but has no measurable environmental there isn't a specic disposition, so member states of the European
impact. The guidelines state that storing patients' urine after Union have their own legislation, evaluation and selection criteria
therapy appears to have minimal benet and that the radionuclides for HWW quality and its management.
released into modern sewage systems are likely to result in doses to If a hospital facility is considered, by the legislation of the state,
sewer workers and the public that are well below public dose limits to be industrial or like a facility that discharges not only domestic
(ICRP, 2004). wastewater (as in Spain and France), specic characteristics of the
In the USA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enacted wastewater will be required for the permission to discharge it in
the Clean Water Act (CWA) in 1972, which establishes efuent the municipal WWTP (Table 7); usually a pretreatment is required.
guidelines for facilities that discharge directly into its waters, as Instead, in a country where the HWW is considered to be domestic
well as facilities that discharge into municipal WWTPs (see Fig. 1). or communal, neither authorisation nor specic characteristics are
In this guideline, HWW characteristics were described that should required (as in Germany).
exist for discharge in surface waters, after the application of the In other cases, if the HWW complies with the specic charac-
Best Practicable control Technology (BPT) currently available (EPA, teristics established by the WWTP authority, the wastewater may
2010). The BPT does not require the use of any specic technology, be considered to be domestic efuent and discharged in WWTPs
but the facility chooses its own approach to comply with its permit without any pretreatment. Even if the indicator parameters
limitations. Concerning discharge in the municipal WWTPs, hos- exceeded the limits imposed, the wastewater may be pretreated (as
pital facilities are considered to be a commercial facility. For these in Italy).
categories, the authority of the WWTP may develop local limits, Table 7 reports the ranges of indicator parameters for hospital
efuents only for the member states that have a specic indication.

Table 6
Guidelines about the limitations of health-care facilities wastewaters.


Guideline Source Year For hospital efuents before For the efuent from hospital WWTP Direct unloading
the discharge in municipal WWTP on surface water

Efuent guidelines EPA 2013 Local limits established from  pH 6.0e9.0 Not indicated
and standards (CFR 40) WWTP autority  BOD5 [kg/1000 occupied bed] 33.6
(with updatings)  TSS [kg/1000 occupied bed] 33.8
Safe management of WHO 2013 No limitation  No more than one helminth egg per Not indicated
wastes from healthcare litre in the digested sludge
Table 7

Limits of indicator parameters from guidelines, European Directives and the legislation of member states that have a specic indication for hospital efuents (or for categories that include hospital facilities).

Law Source Year For hospital efuents before the discharge in municipal WWTP For the efuent Direct unloading on surface water after
from hospital WWTP a pretreatment

EU, 1991. Directive EU 1998 Not indicated Not indicated Not indicated
91/271/EEC on
hazardous waste
(modied from
EU, 1998. Dir. 98/
DPR n. 227/2011 on Italy 2011 To avoid the pretreatment (Domestical wastewater): Not indicated Not indicated
simplication on  Flow rate [m3/d]  15
environmental  pH 5.5e9.5
law  T C  30
 Color not perceptible with diluition 1:40
 Material roughness absent
 TSS [mg/L]  700

E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199

 BOD5 [mg/L O2]  300
 COD [mg/L O2]  700
 COD/BOD  2.2
 P tot [mg/L]  30
 NH4 [mg/L]  50
 NO2 [mg/L]  0.6
 NO3 [mg/L]  30
 Oil and grease [mg/L]  40
 Tensioactive [mg/L]  20
 E. coli UFC/100 ml < 5000 (advised)
DLgs n.152/2006 on Italy 2006 Not indicated Not indicated  pH 5.5e9.5
environmental  T C  35
protection  Color not perceptible with diluition
 Material roughness absent
 TSS [mg/L]  80
 BOD5 [mg/L O2]  40
 COD [mg/L O2]  160
 COD/BOD  2.2
 P tot [mg/L]  10
 NH4 [mg/L]  15
 NO2 [mg/L]  0.6
 NO3 [mg/L]  20
 Oil and grease [mg/L]  20
 Tensioactives [mg/L]  2
 Total hydrocarbons [mg/L]  5
 Fenols [mg/L]  0.5
 Aldehydes [mg/L]  1
 Organic aromatic solvents [mg/
L]  0.2
 Organic nitrogen solvents [mg/
L]  0.1
 Pesticides phosphorus [mg/L]  0.1
 Total Pesticides [mg/L]  0.05
 Chlorinated solvents [mg/L]  1
 Total cyanides [mg/L]  0.5
 Sulphites [mg/L]  1
 Sulphurs [mg/L]  1
 Sulphates [mg/L]  1000
 Fluorines [mg/L]  6
 Active free clorine [mg/L]  0.2
 E. coli UFC/100 ml < 5000 (advised)
 Acute toxicity test: sample not
excepted if after 24 h the organisms
death are 50%a
Decreto n.26,042-S- Spain 1997 All categories of activities: Not indicated All categories:
MINAE on  T [C ]  40  T [C ] 15e40
management of  pH 6e9  pH 5e9
discharges and  BOD5 [mg/L]  300  Sedimental solids [mg/L]  1
reuses of  COD [mg/L]  1000  Floating material [mg/L] absent
efuents  SS [mg/L]  500  Total cyanides [mg/L]  1
 Oil and grease [mg/L]  100  Sulphites [mg/L]  1
 Cyanides [mg/L]  2  Sulphurs [mg/L]  25
 Sulfates [mg/L]  500  Fluorines [mg/L]  10
 Fluorines [mg/L]  10  Clorines [mg/L]  1
 Clorines [mg/L]  500  Organophosphorates [mg/L]  0.1
 Organophosphorates [mg/L]  0.1  Carbamates [mg/L]  0.1
 Carbamates [mg/L]  0.1  Organochlorines [mg/L]  0.05 for
 Organochlorines [mg/L]  0.05a hospital also:
 Fecal coliforms [CFU/100 ml]  1000a

E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199

Decreto 57/2005 Spain 2005 Sanitary activities: Not indicated Not indicated
(that modies  T [C ]  40
the annexes of  pH 6e10
the Law 10/1993  BOD5 [mg/L]  1000
on industrial  COD [mg/L]  1750
efuents)  SS [mg/L]  1000
 Oil and grease [mg/L]  100
 Cyanides [mg/L]  5
 Conductivity [mS/cm2]  7500
 Total cleaning [mg/L]  30
 Fluorines [mg/L]  15
 SO4 [mg/L]  1000
 H2S [mg/L]  5
 Toxicity [(1/CE50)  100]  25
 AOX [mgCl/L]  5
 P tot [mgP/L]  40
 N total [mgN/L]  125a
Urban Waste Water England and Wales 1994 Not indicated  BOD5 [mg/L O2] 25 Not indicated
Treatment  COD [mg/L O2]  125
Regulation  P tot [mg/L P]  2 (10.000e100.000
e.i.)  1 (>100.000 e.i.)
 N [mg/L N]  15 (10.000e100.000
e.i.); 10 (>100.000 e.i.)
Federal Ministry for Germany 2004 Not indicated Domestic and communal wastewater
the category (i.e. hospitals):
Environment,  BOD5 [mg/L] 15e40
Nature  COD [mg/L] 75e150
Conservation  TSS [mg/L]  35
and Nuclear  NH4 [mg/L]  10
Safety. Waste  N total [mg/L] 13e18
water ordinance  P total [mg/L] 1e2
National Standard China 1998 Industrial categories: Not indicated All categories:
of the People's  pH 6e9  pH 6e9
Republic of  SS [mg/L] 0ce400  Color [mg/L] 50e80
China. (GB8978-  BOD5 [mg/L] 0ce300  SS [mg/L] 70e200 (70e150)b
88)  COD [mg/L] 0ce500  BOD5 [mg/L] 30e60 (20e30)b
 Fluoride [mg/L]  20  COD [mg/L] 100e150
 Phosphorus [mg/L]  0.3  Ammonia nitrogen [mg/L] 15e25
 AOX (as Cl) [mg/L]  8  Fluoride [mg/L]  10
 Fecal coliform [individual/L] 1000de5000  Phosphate [mg/L] 0.5e1.0
 Total Clorine after disinfection >2 or >5d (contact time 1 h)b  Phosphorus [mg/L] 0.1e0.3

(continued on next page)
Table 7 (continued )

Law Source Year For hospital efuents before the discharge in municipal WWTP For the efuent Direct unloading on surface water after
from hospital WWTP a pretreatment

 Fecal coliform [individual/L] 500

e1000 and 100de500d
 Total Clorine after disinfection <0.5
e>3 (contact time 1 h) and >5d
e>6.5d(contact time  1.5 h)b
Ministerio do Meio Brazil 2011 Not indicated  pH 5e9 All categories:
Ambiente  T C < 40  pH 5e9
Conselho  TSS [mg/L]  1  T C < 40
Nacional do  Flow 1.5 time mean ow  TSS [ml/L]  1
Meio Ambiente.  BOD5 [mg/L]  120  Flow 1.5 time mean ow
Resolua~o n.430/  Oil and grease [mg/L]  100  BOD5-60% of untreated sewage
2011  Mineral oil [mg/L]  20
 Grease [mg/L]  50b
The Bio Medical India 1998 Industrial category (ex. Hospitals): Not indicated Hospital category:

E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199

Waste  pH 5.5e9.0  pH 6.3e9.0
Management  BOD3 (3 days at 27  C) [mg/L] < 350  BOD5 [mg/L] <30
and Handling  COD [mg/L] < 250  COD [mg/L] <250
Rules 1998  SS [mg/L] < 600  SS [mg/L] <100
S.O.630(E), [20/  Oil and grease [mg/L]  20  Bio-assay test 90% survival of sh
7/1998]  Ammonical Nitrogen (N) [mg/L]  50 after 96 h in 100% efuent.
 Radioactive materials [Curie/ml] 10-6-10-7
 Bio-assay test 90% survival of sh after 96 h in 100% efuent.
Other heavy metals.
For others parameters view the law.
For urban secondary sewage treatment plant.
From the contagious hospital.
E. Carraro et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 168 (2016) 185e199 197

As seen in the table, the indicators required are physic-chemical can reach ve-fold the UWW concentration, in particular for some
indicator, macropollutants (NH4, NOx, oil and grease, tensioac- of the following substances: Ooxacin, 17a-ethinylestradiol,
tives, phosphorous, chlorines and others) and in some rare cases, erythromycin and sulfamethoxazole (Al Aukidy et al., 2014). Their
microbiological indicators (typically E. coli). fate and behaviour in the environment and their interaction with
Table 5 reports how special liquid wastes derived from special other substances and/or microorganisms are in part unknown. In
hospital activities (care, diagnostic tests, analysis and research ac- fact, several studies demonstrate that the majority of pharmaceu-
tivities) are treated in different member states. According to the tical and personal care products are not eliminated from the liquid
source and the type of substance, the method of treatment changes. phase during wastewater treatment, especially for substances with
When the efuent isn't considered hazardous, it can be discharged low lipophilicity (Castiglioni et al., 2005; Suarez et al., 2009).
in the foul sewer, as is the case for small quantities of blood or other Releasing these substances in the environment can exceed their
bodily uids. However, discharge in foul sewers is prohibited for all PNECs (Verlicchi et al., 2012) and can present a risk to the aquatic
pharmaceutical residues. For other specic chemical substances, if organisms and public health (i.e., endocrine disruptors), and they
the chemical is included on the list of hazardous substance of the can interact with other substances, generating a synergistic effect
European Decision n. 532 (EU, 2000/532/EC) it will be treated as (Sim et al., 2013).
hazardous waste. From the point of view of biological hazards, there is an
For radioactive excreta derived from patients treated with important shortcoming in assessing pathogen concentration in
radioactive therapy, despite what is stated in the ICRP, every these efuents. Several studies demonstrate that commonly used
member state must adopt their own method of treatment, as bacterial indicators are unreliable in terms of detecting pathogen
shown in Table 5. Some countries permit discharge in the urban contamination, and often no correlation between levels of enteric
sewage system without a septic tank collection system (Spain, bacteria, enteric viruses and other pathogens has been found
Great Britain, Republic of Ireland), but in the majority of cases only (Ahmed et al., 2013; Haramoto et al., 2006; Muela et al., 2011;
if it has been demonstrated that the radioactivity does not exceed Ottoson et al., 2006). Furthermore, WWTPs are not suitable sys-
the limits imposed by a competent authority of sanitary sewers tems for the total removal of pathogens present in these efuents
(Rodrgez, 2012). For France, Germany, Northern Ireland, Lithuania, (Prado et al., 2011).
Luxemburg, and the Netherlands, efuents eliminated by patients The lack of information on the chemical and pathogen charac-
should be collected in protected rooms and linked to a septic tank teristics of these wastewaters is in part due to the absence of spe-
for delay and decay. Some of these countries require compliance cic guidelines. The major industrial countries have their own
with some reference limits before discharge into the sewer (Ger- methods of treatment for these efuents, but none have a specic
many and Luxemburg 5 Bq/l and Northern Ireland 80 KBq/l), while pharmaceutical residue and pathogen limitation before discharge
other countries impose a time limit on storage (from 30 to 60 days in WWTPs or in surface water.
for Lithuania, 210 days for Luxemburg or for up to 2 years for ra- The frequency of detection and quantication of these sub-
dionuclides with half-lives below 100 days for the Netherlands). In stances, and in particular for pathogens, could be variable according
Italy, the Legislative Decree n. 230 of 17 March 1995 (Dlgs, 1995) on to pathogen type, the different health care centres efuents are
radioactive waste does not precisely indicate a method, but the derived from, geographic regions and the epidemiological com-
excreta are usually stocked in specic septic tanks for approxi- munity prole (Prado et al., 2011). For these reasons, it would be
mately 10 h for the decay of 131I (Bagnato et al., 2003). appropriate from the perspective of public health, water and
As seen in most other countries, hospital discharges require a environment protection and for a possible reuse of the wastewater,
specic consent issued by competent authorities (WWTPs) because for every country to monitor their own pathogen circulation, con-
they are considered to be industrial (China, India) or a facility that centration of pharmaceutical residues and bacteria resistance in the
discharges only domestic sewage that required a specic licence. In hospital efuent and in WWTPs. The risk of contamination depends
Brazil, HWW is in a category of domestic and municipal wastewater on the dilution factor, which is the volume of hospital efuents in
that does not require specic limitations for discharge in WWTPs, the total UWWs, and on dilution factor of the surface water
only for discharge in surface water. (Verlicchi et al., 2012). However, from a hygienic point of view, it is
important not to underestimate the hazard for the promotion of
6. Conclusion public health.

HWW is generated from all hospital activities, both medical and References
non-medical, and can be classied into two main categories: do-
mestic wastewater (kitchens, laundries and patient of normal Ahmed, W., Yusuf, R., Hasan, I., Ashraf, W., Goonetilleke, A., Toze, S., Gardner, T.,
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provided information about the potential presence of hazardous release of pharmaceutical compounds: occurrence and environmental risk
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Italy. Sci. Total Environ. 438, 15e25.
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della Contaminazione Ambientale Legata alla Terapia Radiometabolica con 131I,
hazardous chemical compounds, the most hazardous ones are
III Congresso Nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Fisica in Medicina.
considered to be waste and are treated as such (i.e., dental Agrigento, 24e28 Ottobre.
amalgam, pharmaceutically active medications). Antibiotics and Boillot, C., Bazin, C., Tissot-Guerraz, F., Droguet, J., Perraud, M., Cetre, J.C., Trepo, D.,
other pharmaceutical residues that are discharged with the excreta Perrodin, Y., 2008. Daily physicochemical, microbiological and ecotoxicological
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Ecotoxicological risk assessment linked to the discharge by hospitals of bio- Fick, J., Soderstrom, H., Lindberg, R.H., Phan, C., Tysklind, M., Larsson, J.D.G., 2009.
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