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1.1 Background and Rationale

Disasters effects can erode years of development gains at different levels. If
not addressed they can render organizations, communities and families
dysfunctional. With increasing magnitude and impacts of disasters due to
factors that include climate change, rapid urbanization and other human
causes, disaster risk management should be deeply embedded in
organizational culture and structures. It should not only be seen as
government responsibility or a process implemented by NGOs, UN and Red
Cross organizations, but should become part of every organizations planning
whether private or public. This course explores disaster risk management
concepts and practices using practical examples at international up to family
level. It will provide you and your organization not only with a solid
theoretical and conceptual understanding of DRM, but also takes you through
the practical application of the concept and practices in different settings.
The course was developed and will be facilitated by practitioners with more
than twenty years of cumulative practical experiences at international,
national and community level.

1.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be expected to:
(a) Discuss the Disaster recovery strategies
(b) Explain Capacity building and training for a disaster resilient society
(c) Explain Preparing for emergency response
(d) Discuss Institutional arrangements and legal frameworks for disaster
(e) Discuss Post-disaster management
(f) Discuss Decision making in managing
(g) Explain Leadership styles for emergency managers
(h) Discuss Disaster mitigation and management
(i) Explain Business impact analysis
(j) Discuss Proactive approach to disaster mitigation

1.3 Course Content

1.0 Introduction and overview of disasters

Principles of Disaster Mitigation and Management




Relief and Recovery

Disaster Management

Another School of Thought

Types of Disasters

Frequently Occurring Hazards


2.0 Proactive approach to disaster mitigation

Understanding Prevention, Preparedness, and Planning

Prediction of Disaster

Information for Hazard Assessment

Remote Sensing A Tool for Predicting and Preventing Hazards

Understanding the Risk Management Process

3.0 Capacity building and training for a disaster resilient society

Need for Training in Disaster Mitigation

Techniques for Capacity Building and Training

Exercise Development and Conduct of Drills

Roles and Responsibilities of the Emergency Exercise Review Panel

Exercise Design

4.0 Preparing for emergency response


First Approach: The Emergency Site Management System

Second Approach: The Incident Command System

Mobilization of Search and Rescue Equipment

Alternative Communication Systems

Evacuation Planning

Information and Inventory during the Warning Phase

Immediate Post-disaster Phase The Response

Communications and Control during the Immediate Post-Impact Phase

The Search and Rescue

Making Rapid Impact Assessment

Immediate Post-disaster Impact Assessment

Hazard Assessment, Damage Assessment

Social Assessment

Property Assessment

Assessment of Resources


Storage and Distribution of Relief

The Recovery Phase

Mitigation and Risk Management

The Role of Community in Emergency Preparedness & Response

Evacuation Planning, In-place sheltering

5.0 Institutional arrangements and legal frameworks for disaster

Emerging Institutional Frameworks for Disaster Reduction

International Support Systems for Disaster Mitigation and Management

United Nations System

United Nations Secretariat

The World Bank Group

The Red Cross

Successful National Practices

The US System

The Canadian System

Disaster Management in a Regional Context


The Americas

Institutional Structures in Developing World Countries

Future Challenges and Priorities

6.0 Post-disaster management

Recovery, Reconstruction

Identification of Hazardous Sites: Use of Baseline Data and Community

Involvement in Planning and Reconstruction.

Rehabilitation, Restoration

7.0 Business continuity planning

The Purpose of Business Continuity Planning

Economic Impacts

Risks and Opportunities

Business Continuity Planning

Steps of Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Recovery Strategies

Critical Resources

Supply and Distribution


Vital Records







Public Information

Cost Options

Developing the Business Continuity Plan Testing

8.0 Goal setting and decision making in managing disasters

Leadership Styles for Emergency Managers

Decision Making Model for Emergency Planning Goal Programming

Problem-Solving Techniques

Legal Issues and Opportunities & New Directions

1.4 Assessment
Continuous Assessment 20%
Research 30%
Final Examination 50%

1.5 Prescribed Textbook

1. Beach M. 2010. Disaster Preparedness and Management, DNP
ACNP-BC PNP. F.A. Davis Company; 1st edition

1.6 Recommended Textbooks

1. Coppola D. P. 2011. Introduction to International Disaster
Management, Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd edition
2. Sylves R. 2014. Disaster Policy and Politics; Emergency
Management and Homeland Security 2nd Edition by CQ Press; 2nd

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