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What is Depression

Guilt, worthlessness and helplessness. These are among the few symptoms of depression. Its
said that one in five people have depression according to the Royal College Of Psychiatrist.
Depression is often linked with anxiety because it sometimes triggers ir or sometimes escalates
to it. If you was to describe depression to someone else, it is likely youll describe it as feeling

Its the leading mental health problem in the western world as it rapidly growing in different age
groups but its common with young people. It gets worse. Depression has led to many young
people to cause self-mutilation leaving cuts on both of their wrist, legs and other places. Some
studies have shown that its a lot common in young females than young males.

The question is why do people self harm? Low self esteem, body image, miscarriage, sexuality,
money worries. Sometimes it could be loneliness, stress and drug problems that could cause it.
Self harm doesnt only apply to young adults; it's also common in prisoners as well as people
that live in residential care. Self harm is seen as a coping mechanism when pressure starts to
build up. Its a way of numbing the pain or keeping the feelings at bay just to get a taste of what
its like to be alive. However it can be seen as a way of self punishment for feeling ashamed and
guilt. Sadly, some people see it as way of letting fate decide their outcome.

In October 2016 the figures showed that self harm has been on a rise of recently. The amount
of young females who were taken to hospitals after positioning themselves has skyrocketed. In
2005-06 it was 9,471 and by 2016 that figure is now 13,853. Compared to the young men who
have taken poison, it barely changed from its figure in 2005-06 (2,234). Leading experts have
suggested that there is a various of factors that are causing this: children's body image, effects
of social media, divorce, sexual abuse. Depression has been linked to suicide; it is estimated
that eighty percent of the suicides suffer from depression.

The Science of Depression

Despite it being complex, there is a biological side to it as well as a psychological side. In world
of biology it is a chemical imbalance in the brain. It was believed that serotonin (which is known
as the feel good chemical ) was to blame. Serotonin a neurotransmitter but sometimes its
referred as hormone. It is responsible for mood balance. It is believed that a lack of this
chemical is the reason. There was a study that depressed people got prescribed drugs that
helped the serotonin it helped slow the symptoms down. As time progressed scientist

discovered that the brain cells and the cell connection played a role in this as well. When they
study a depressed person's brain they discover that the hippocampus is small depending on
how the long person has been depressed.This part of the brain is responsible for memory and
emotions. Other parts of the brain are physically affected. The hippocampus shrinks depending
on how long the person has been depressed. The cells and networks in this area of the brain
will deteriorate. What triggers this part of the brain is stress.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists discovered that the antidepressant work due to the to the
placebo effect. It is described is a substance that doesnt have an effect physically but
psychologically it can have an effect. The findings showed that 50%-60% of the patients get
better if they are given an antidepressant; other results show that 25%-30% who were given the
fake pill didnt get any better.

The first antidepressant was developed in the1950s. As time progressed and technology
advanced alongside medicine. There is now four categories of antidepressants. Psychiatrist
normally prescribe SSRIs which increase the levels of serotonin in the brain. SNRIs is a form of
-anti-depressant that was developed in the mid-990s. This affects the norepinephrine which is
known as a the stress hormone. This also affects the body's organs.

What causes?

As mentioned on the previous page, it is hard to determine what causes it as there can various
factors. A common trigger that can cause is the what if scenario. This when they start having
bad thoughts about an outcome.This can send the victim into a spiral. The way a person thinks
and perceive themselves can have a negative effect on themselves personally.It can be caused
by how they handle a situation they have failed. For example one person may learn from their
mistake and move on from it; however a depressed person can let it get to them, theyll view
themselves as a failure. Another point links in with the previous one. Bad experiences or an
event can trigger depression.

PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)

It is when someone experiences a life threatening situation that affects the person physically
and emotionally.It is commonly found in retired veterans, hints its earlier names shell-shock,
combat stress and battle fatigue. The first cases were filed during WW1, this is because of what
the soldiers of that time experienced in the trenches. In 1980 it wasnt labeled or recognised as
a mental disorder despite being added by the American Psychiatric Association in the Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders.

Unfortunately, children can be diagnosed with PTSD. However the symptoms are different to
those of the adults. They can vary depending on the age of the child; If the child is under the
age of six they can act out the trauma through playing, the child can get upset if the parents
arent around them. Children aged seven to eleven will have tend to have nightmares, or
become more aggressive and irritable.They can sometimes act out the trauma through playing
and drawings. Between the ages of twelve and eighteen they will start to become more of those
of the adults. Theyll start to displaying reckless behaviour, running away and develop
depression and anxiety.

Patients who suffer with this will have memories nightmares and flashbacks. One of the most
common symptom seen is the natural instinct of avoiding situations that reminds them of the

However there is treatments for this. These are mainly talk therapy (Psychotherapy) and
medication. The therapist can give the patient Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. This is considered
to be a great treatment for PTSD. Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is where the patient
learns how the trauma changed them, mentally, emotionally and physically. Prolonged Exposure
is another effective method. The patient will talk about the trauma constantly until the memories
of the event become less upsetting. This helps the patient have more control of their thoughts
and emotions about the trauma. This is done in a safe environment and theyll have to do
anything that reminds them of the trauma.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This focuses more on the sounds and hand
movements while the patient talks about their trauma and this helps them work through the
traumatic memories.

Most therapist use medicine alongside psychotherapy. Effective medications that can help are
SSIS this stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. SNRIS (serotonin-norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors) these are mainly used to treat depression but they have been proven to be
effective treatment for PTSD. Prazosin have been found to be good for dealing with nightmares
as it helps decrease them especially if there trauma related, it also stops the adrenaline from
being distributed in your body. This is because the body will release the hormone adrenaline
which causes stress and it can trigger the nightmares.

The drugs that shouldnt be given to patients are Benzodiazepines and atypical antipsychotics.
These dont help cure the main symptoms. It is has been proven ineffective because they can
worsen the symptoms. Although some have said that it can reduce insomnia, anxiety and
irritability in PTSD. There was 18 studies that were reviewed by researchers. Twelve of the
studies results show that benzodiazepines didnt improve the patient's state. In Fact it made
them worse; it rendered psychotherapy ineffective; depression, aggression didnt improve. It
also lead to substance abuse. The opposing side of the argument it works on anxiety and the
stress of the centre of the brain, this is because the centre is most hyperactive during PTSD.

Originated from the archaic language Latin, rising out of the word ang. Which carries
various of meaning. I cause Physical pain. The other means are I torment, trouble, vex, or
distress. Anxiety is simply described as a feeling of fear, panic and uneasy. It is normal to feel
anxiety, every feels it. Adults worry about mortgages. Teenagers worry about their upcoming
exams despite being stuck in a limbo of constant revision with no sleep. Presidents and prime
minsters worry if the choice theyre making is good for their countries. Team Leaders are
worried if the plan of action could not work. Athletes worry if they stumble or fall during their

After the event has happened, people while find that it goes away. However sometime it can
stay and like a demon that's possed you without your knowledge; you might not think of it at first
after the event, but eventually and slowly it will grow and start take over your life. This is when it
starts to become a problem. However if you do worry more than others it could be part of your

An Issue with anxiety is that it is a normal experience, it is hard to tell if it is becoming a

problem. One symptom is that you may find yourself worrying all the time. This can be from
everything you do on a daily basis or any thing that has slim chance of not happening.
Sometimes you be experiencing panic attacks (which will explain further on) and other effects
of anxiety.

Causes of Anxiety

According to Mind (the leading charity for depression), many of the participants they interviewed
had past and childhood experiences that may have caused anxiety, this can be distressing
situation that would have carried over to your adult life. A lot of diets can affect mood, there is
food that can trigger the symptoms of anxiety. These can be caffeine, food that contain a lot of
sugar or just a poor diet. Depression can trigger anxiety as well as other mental health
conditions. There is drugs (that are not prescribed) that can be trigger anxiety. Going through
stressful events can cause as mentioned before.

Is there any medications?

Yes, antidepressants are useful, they are used to treat patients with PTSD as anxiety is one of
the symptoms. This helps patients very well, as it does help them be calmer. It does however
have a few side effects as such as sleep problems.

Beta blockers can help with anxiety. There used to deal with the physical side affects of anxiety.
The physical side effects are shaking of the body (which is called tremor), rapid heart beats and
heart palpitations.They can be used to cure phobias.

The controversial prescription, benzodiazepines ( also known as tranquilisers) are good but they
can make the patient addictive. It is advised that they must be used a temporary measure.
Pregablin or sometimes called Lyrica is a anticonsulvant drug which is used to cure elipsey. It is
a common medication used on paitents with GAD ( generliased anxiety disorder).

Panic Attacks

These are the physical side effects of anxiety. Panic attacks are described as violent reaction to
fear and stress. It is a mixure of nuesa, rapid heart rate, ventalating, shaking limbs, sweating,
feeling faint and the feeling like your not in control of your body. Many people tend to feel like
they are going to have heart attack, faint, loose control or die.

The problem with panic attacks and general mental health disorders is that they can vary from
person to person. Panic attacks can happen at any enviroment were a certain event in a
paitents life.

Panic attacks come in three stages. The first stage is known as the Pre-Attack. At this stage
youll start to feel like there is something not normal thats not going in your body, but you cant
figure out what. Your heart will start to beat faster than normal. What makes it even worse is that
it can either go two way: It could either can be a small problem that can go away or it can start
to build up. If that is the case this will either last ten minutes or over that.

The second stage is the Attack. At this stage your anxiety would have peaked and it can lasr
about a minute to decline. Some paitent find that it can peak instantly. Generally by this stage all
the symptoms as listed earlier, such as fast heart beat and loss of breathing will start to happen.

The final stage would be decline. This can take a person thirty minutes to recover. For other this
may take as little as minutes or hours depending on the person and the attack. This wil leave
the person complitly drained. After the panic attack the paitent can feel the rapid heart beat,
experince confusion and loss of concentration. Some people can have depression due to their
panic attacks.

Due to your anxiety, your brain can be on high alert. This causes people to gave panic attacks at
night. This is because your body will think there is danger lurking. When the person wakes up
they will be delirious and addled as they cant find the danger.

The fight or flight response was described in the 1920s. This is past down gentically, during the
early stages of man. This is when the starts reacting to situation when there are in a life
threatning situations or a dangerous. The response a person feels during this situation is called
acute stress response. This is described as a strong tense of anxiety and trembling. The
symptoms are simular to panic attacks increased heart rate, rapid breathing ect It is seen with
people who suffer panic attacks.
Panic attacks generally last around five to twenty minutes. The symptoms will summit at ten
minutes. If someone has a high level of anxiety or a back to back panic attack after the initial
panic attack. This could indicate that they may have a panic attacks that can last up to an hour.

How to prohibite panic attacks?

One way is to control your breathing, by doing this your stopping your body from
hyperventilating. When the body recives too much oxygen it will breath out too much carbon
dioxoide. Resulting in what is known as the paradoxical effect. This causes the person to feel
like there not getting enough oxygen around their body; resulting in the person breathing. This
mainly the reason why it tends to get worse and it is one of the symptoms that are easy

When people are having an panic attack they will focus on there situation. The best thing is to
tell someone to tell them that there are going to have a panic attack. Ask that person to talk to
you. If that person isnt there you can call them using a phone or a mobile. By doing this the
person will be distracted and it will slow the symptomns down.

Walking can be a good way to stop the panic attack getting worse. This is because it improves
the blood flow which will restore the carbon dioxide levels. It also distracts the mind and helps
the person recover adter the attack.

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