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JUNIO 19 2008

Informal learning and mobile learning are terms that are becoming more and more popular among
Informal learning and mobile learning are terms that are becoming more and more
popular among instructors.

Let’s understand these terms by establishing a definition of each of them. To fully

understand informal learning it is useful to define the terms “formal and informal”;
formal learning happens when knowledge is captured and shared by people other
than the original expert or owner of that knowledge and it can be in different format-
written, video, audio, etc- as long as it can be accessed anytime and anywhere
independent from the person who originally had it. Formal learning often requires
prerequisites, pre and post assessment, tests and grades and it results in
certifications. It is presented by an instructor and attendance and outcomes are
tracked. Informal learning is what happens when knowledge has not been
externalized or captured and exists only inside someone’s head. To get to the
knowledge, you must locate and talk to that person. Examples of such informal
knowledge is when watching a movie when chatting, or using internet, cell phone
messages, etc.; some people think that informal learning means learning outside
school, outside formal structures; it is more social, more students driven an not
Mobile learning is integrating with the informal learning space, because mobile
teacher-driven, it is life; and life is informal learning.
means that the context is around you. You are not saying things in a classroom out of
real context, you are not sitting in a formal course within an organization but you are
actually there, where you need to be; you need to apply the context to the context
itself, mobile learning enables us to use the context in a better way.

Mobile learning an informal learning are taking place

in the near future. If we take conferences for instance,
we can find that people usually go to them because of
other people and not because of the content. The
content is just the share object for people to meet, the
emphasis is the social interaction that takes place in
such situations when people meet and in that way
mobile technologies become useful. It’s kind of
connecting the virtual and the physical spaces.
Informal learning and mobile learning do not mean
that teachers are not there, teachers are important in
the process because they help students learn more
quickly than they could without them. They are guides
with a lamp showing the right path to follow. The role
Technology is the key in mobile learning because knowledge con reside in non-human appliances so you
can distribute knowledge in different systems, so computers, becomes a node in your learning network.
Talking about the future of learning, we should be more proactive in the learning process than reactive
about learning and knowledge.

Learning is a process, not an event. A Learnscape is where thatprocess plays out.

Mi Comentario.

Escuchar a Teemu Arina fue interesante, ya que su propuesta del aprendizaje informal y móvil es muy
interesante y en realidad estoy de acuerdo con su definición de estos conceptos pues como él menciona el
aprendizaje informal se da en cada momento en nuestra vida diaria. De hecho nuestro primer encuentro
con el conocimiento se dá de manera informal en casa antes de iniciar nuestra vida escolar donde el
aprendizaje se vuelve formal y organizado.

Considero que estos términos deben de ser cada vez más importantes en la vida actual, pues utilizar la
tecnología que muchas veces nuestros estudiantes conocen más que nosotros como profesores, en pro del
aprendizaje de un idioma.
Por otro lado considero que es de vital importancia despertar en nuestros estudiantes la motivación y
responsabilidad de su autoaprendizaje para coordinarlo y proveer las herramientas que ellos necesitan para
lograr equipos de trabajo colaborativo y cooperativo en el desarrollo de habilidades, desempeño y
competencia lingüística de LE.
Profesora Irene Montes Bravo

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