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Cognitive Development › combining, arranging,

behaviors and thoughts into
Jean Piaget coherent system

 Full Name - Jean William Fritz Piaget  Adaptation

 Born - 9 August 1896 › adjusting to the environment

 Died - 16 September 1980 (aged 84)  We organize schemas using 2

 Swiss psychologist
› Assimilation - Child attempts
 taught at the Grange-Aux-Belles street to put information into
school for boys. The school was run by schemas he/she has already
Alfred Binet formed.

 Based his observation on his three › Accommodation - The child

children creates a new schemas to
organize information that he or
Cognitive Theory of Development by Jean she cannot possibly assimilate
Piaget into existing schema
Mechanism: Stages of Cognitive Development

 Horizontal Decalage 1. Sensorimotor Stage

› Temporary difference in levels 2. Preoperational Stage

of performance a child shows
between various cognitive 3. Concrete Operational Stage
domains or activities
4. Formal Operational Stage
 Equilibrium
Sensorimotor Stage
› Process of restoring balance
between present  0 – 2 years of age
understanding and new
experiences  Object permanence – existence of an
object even when it disappears in sight
 Equilibrium
 Goal-directed behavior- behaviors are
› Process of restoring balance done for learning purposes
between present
understanding and new  Representational thought- concept of
experiences object imprinted on the child’s mind

 Equilibrium vs. Disequilibrium Preoperational Stage

› Children are uncomfortable  2 – 7 years of age

with disequilibrium and they
attempt to restore equilibrium  Semiotic function – ability to use
symbols, languages, pictures , signs
 Schemas / Schemes and gestures to represent actions or
object mentally
› Cognitive framework that
provide a way to understand › miming
and organize new knowledge.
Concrete Operational Stage
 Organization
 7 – 12 years old

 Ability to grasp the idea of:


› Conservation – even when  Intellectual development can be

physical appearance of objects understood in terms of historical and
change, the underlying cultural context children experience
quantity remains the same
 Development depends on the sign
› Reversibility – ability to system that individuals grow up with
perform a task and reverse it
back to its starting point  Cognitive development is strongly
linked to input from others.
› Seriation – arranging objects in
sequence according to one Key Concepts
 Internalization / self-regulation
Formal Operational
 Zone of proximal development
 11 or 12 years old - adulthood
 Scaffolding
 Hypotheco-deductive Reasoning
Internalization / Self- Regulation
› Identify factors and deduce
systematic evaluation  Ability to take in knowledge from the
social context in which it is observed
 Adult Egocentrism – everyone else
shares one’s thoughts, feelings and  Language development or the
concerns acquisition of a sign system is the key
in internalizing ideas
Implications on Teaching (Jean Piaget)
› Private speech
 Use of developmentally appropriate
teaching materials Zone of Proximal Distance (ZPD)

 Focus on the child’s thinking, not its

 Also called Zone of Potential
 Recognize the importance of self-
 Range between a child’s level of
initiated, active involvement in
independent performance and the level
of performance a child can do through
expert guidance
 Do not aim at making children think
adult-like. Testing ZPD
 Accept individual differences in  Dynamic Assessment Environment
developmental progress.
› Examiner gives the child
Lev Vygotsky
problems to solve and a graded
series of hints when he / she is
 Full Name: Lev Semionovich Vygotsky unable to solve the problem.
 born in 1896 in Orsha in Russia › Static Assessment Environment
 graduated from Moscow State › examiner gives a problem but
University in 1917 there is no or little feedback on
its result
 worked at the Institute of Psychology
(mid-1920s)and other educational, Scaffolding
research and clinical institutions in
Moscow, Leningrad, and Kharkov  Support give for learning and problem
 died in 1934 in Moscow of tuberculosis

Sociocultural Theory Proposition


 Competent assistance given through

mediation of the parent or teacher by
which cognitive, socioemotional and
behavioral development can occur.

 Direct Instruction - Teaching situations

where the teacher or parent will impart
knowledge by teaching it.

 Mediated Learning Experience - Adult

or older child helps indirectly helps a
child by explaining events in the
environment without directly teaching
some lessons

Implications on Teaching (Vygotsky’s Theory)

 Children learn by internalizing external


 Children almost never operate at the

peak of their capacity

 Language and thought are intimately

and inextricably related

 Give emphasis on cooperative learning

 Put emphasis on scaffolding as

problem solving methods

Piaget versus Vygotsky

Theory Theorist Origin of Learning

- Prepared by - Jan Camille Tongco (April 19 Cognitive Emphasis
-20,2010) Development on

Four Stages Jean Piaget Knowledge Developmen

of Cognitive comes from t of internal
Developmen action components
t that helps in

Sociocultural Lev Cognitive Interaction

Theory Vygotsky development is with others
linked from
external input

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