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Rezumat : Anatol Codru face parte din categoria poeilor care au avut un mod personal de a se manifesta

n poezie. Fiind dotat cu o rar capacitate a gndirii, cu o deosebit for de elocven, cu o fin
inteligen i cu un extraordinar sim al limbii materne, poetul metaforizeaz pn la grotesc realitatea
denotativ, inverseaz culorile eterne ale spectrului imaginativ, crend aspecte absolut imprevizibile i
recurgnd la un veritabil salt moral n felul de a percepe realitatea, de a sesiza i de a o dezvlui n toat
complexitatea ei.

Cuvinte-cheie: metafor, simbol, metafora pietrei, nunta de tain

Summary: Anatol Codru is part of the category of poets who had a personal way of exhibition
in poetry. He is endowed with a rare capacity of thinking, with a great force of eloquence, with a
fine intelligence and with an extraordinary sense of the native language; the poet gives
metaphorical valences for the denotative reality up to the grotesque, inverts the eternal colors of
the imaginative spectrum, creating absolutely unpredictable aspects and apply to a genuine moral
leap of perceiving the reality, of apprehending and of revealing it in all its complexity.

Key-words: metaphor, symbol, the stone metaphor, the wedding of mystery

Rezumat: Una dintre cele mai mari dificulti gramaticale n morfologia numelui o constituie cazul. n
structura intern a limbii romne exist o multitudine de factori care contribuie la numeroase confuzii
ntre cazuri. Aa particulariti precum: omonimia formelor cazuale, dubla posibilitate de exprimare a
cazurilor ( sintetic i analitic), precum i posibilitatea unor prepoziii de a exprima un regim cazual
multiplu duc la anumite discuii n privina recunoaterii corecte a cazului, a funciilor acestuia. De aceea,
pentru a stabili o funcie sau alta a unui caz este necesar s utilizm corect att ntrebrile specifice
fiecrui caz gramatical, ct i a mijloacelor suprasegmentale.

Cuvinte-cheie: caz gramatical, sincretism cazual, sintagmatic, regim cazual multiplu

Summary: One of the biggest grammatical difficulties in the noun morphology is case. In the
intern structure of the Romanian Language is a multitude of factors what contribute to numerous
confusions between cases. Such peculiarities as: homonymy of casual forms, the dual possibility
of expressing the cases (synthetic and analytical), as well as the possibility of some sentences to
express a multiple case leads to some debates about the acknowledgment of the case and of its
functions. Therefore to establish a function of the case or another is necessary to use rightly both
the specific questions for each grammatical case and the suprasegmental means.

Key-words: grammatical case, syncretism of case, the syntagmatic, the multiple mode of the

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