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ETB: The Book of Ephesians

Walk A W ord S tudy


Mark A. Rathel Pauls Letter to the Ephesians

Paul wrote Ephesians from prison (4:1), most like-

n first-century Israel, people did not ly his Roman imprisonment during the early 60s.
walk to improve their health. Walking served as Paul addressed the Ephesian letter primarily to young
the most common means of travel. Jesus walked. Gentile Christians in Ephesus and perhaps to those
Indeed, Jesus was the most persistent pedestrian in throughout the Roman province of Asia.3 Pauls doc-
the Bible.1 The Bible contains extensive references to trinal concern focused on the subjection of all things to
the physical act of walking. Beyond the physical act of the lordship of Christ (1:10). In light of Christs lordship,
walking, the Old and New Testaments use the concept Paul instructed and encouraged his readers to adopt a
of walk as a metaphor for ethical behavior or conduct. distinctive Christian lifestyle, and in doing so, the apos-
In English Bibles, walk translates from the Greek tle used the metaphor walk. Positively, Paul exhorted
word peripateo, which is actually a compound verb. these Christians to walk worthy of their calling (4:1) by
The Greek preposition peri means about or around. The walking in love (5:2), light (v. 8), and wisdom (v. 15).
main verb pateo means to tread or to walk. The resultant Negatively, he exhorted them to refuse to walk in the
meaning of the compound verb, then, means to walk manner of their former pagan lifestyle (2:2; 4:17).
about or to walk around.2 The verb peripateo occurs 95
times in the Greek New Testament; in slightly over Background of Pauls Usage
50 percent of the occurrences walk is a metaphor for Writers of classical Greek literature did not use walk
behavior, or conduct. to speak figuratively of behavior.4 For the
In Pauls Letter to the Ephesians, walk occurs readers of Pauls Letter to the Ephesians,
eight times (2:2,10; 4:1,17 [twice]; 5:2,8,15). All the Greek Old Testament provides the
eight occurrences are metaphorical. Walk background for understanding walk with
functions as a key theme of Ephesians. a metaphorical usage. The word trans-
In the second half of the Book lated walk in Ephesians occurs 33
of Ephesians, walk serves as times in the Septuagint, almost
significant marker for ethical exclusively for the Hebrew
exhortations in Pauls appeal. term halak. In the Hebrew Old
Testament, halak occurs with a lit-
Above: A monk Right: Remarkably
walking along preserved, pair of eral usage and a figurative usage as conduct or
roadway toward basketry-woven behavior.5 A related Hebrew term, halakhah,
Saint Catherines sandals dating refers to the wide spectrum of written and
Monastery at from Egypts New
Mount Sinai. Kingdom, about oral ancient Jewish laws. To keep the hal-
15701070 B.C. akhah was to walk uprightly or to walk in the
Roman bronze
South street at steelyard, 1st2nd
Ephesus. Chariot centuries A.D. The
ruts are visible in weight, in the
the pavement. shape of the head
of Athena, was
moved along the
arm until it bal-
anced the pan.
The weight could
then be read
from the arm,
marked with the
graduations. To
walk worthily
carries the idea
of balancing the

right way. In his Letter to the Ephesians, Paul of walk and clothing (4:17-24,). First, Paul exhorted
outlined a Christian halakhah, that is, principles, these new Christians to no longer walk as Gentiles,
not laws, for a distinctive Christian walk. or people outside of Christ. He described the walk of
unbelievers: vanity, darkness, alienation, ignorance,
A Walk Through Ephesians hardness, loss of feeling, lasciviousness, uncleanness,
Goal (Eph. 2:2,10)On a walk, one leaves a starting greediness.8 Second, Paul used the analogy of chang-
point and moves toward a goal. Ephesians 2 details ing clothestake off and put on. Decisively,
that which a believer leaves behind as well the goal. believers strip off or take off the old man (Adam) like
Before experiencing Gods abundant mercy, the a filthy garment and put on the new man (Christ) as a
readers walked according to a principle and a power. new set of walking clothes.
The Ephesian believers formerly walked according Sphere (Eph. 5:2)Paul commanded believers
to the norm or standards of this worldly age to walk in love, i.e., the sphere or environment
(v. 2, HCSB)with a focus on temporal values of love (5:2). Walking in love involves forgive-
and attitudes and with the worlds perspective. ness (4:32) and sacrificial self-giving (v. 28).

Further, they walked under the control of an Surely, the believers in Ephesus clearly under-
authoritative ruler, Satan. Forsaking these, stood Pauls metaphor. His challenge to those
the believers now walked for the purpose of first-century believers echoes still today, com-
producing good works (v. 10). pelling each Christian to examine his or her
Manner (Eph. 4:1; 5:8,15)Paul chal- walk with Christ and with others. i
lenged believers to walk in a worthy
1. Walk, Walking in Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, gen. ed. Leland
manner (4:1). A good translation of Ryken, James C. Wilhoit, and Tremper Longman III (Downers Grove, IL:
this challenge reads, live a life that cor- InterVarsity Press, 1998), 922.

responds to the standard (God) set when he called you.6 2. peripatevw [peripateo; go about, walk around] in Walter Bauer, A Greek-English
Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature, 3rd ed., rev. and ed.
A worthy walk involves balanceboth in looking back to Frederick William Danker (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 803.
3. Some New Testament scholars affirm that Paul sent Ephesians to Christians in
the beginning of the Christian life and in accepting human the province of Asia, a geographical area that included Ephesus itself. Andreas J.

responsibility for conduct in light of the divine initiative in Kostenberger, L. Scott Kellum, and Charles L. Quarles, The Cradle, The Cross, and the
Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2009), 586.
salvation. In fact, the adverb worthy connotes a balanc- 4. Gunther Ebel, peripatevw [peripateo; go about, walk] in The New International

ing of the scales. The Christians walk or conduct is in Dictionary of New Testament Theology, gen. ed. Colin Brown (Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
1986), 943.
balance with or equal to ones call to salvation.7 Our 5. For examples of walk used metaphorically, see 2 Kings 20:3 and Ecclesiastes 11:9.
6. Johannes P. Louw and Eugene A. Nida, eds., Greek-English Lexicon of the New
walk has individual and corporate implications. A believer Testament Based on Semantic Domains, 2nd ed. (New York: United Bible Societies, 1989),
walks gracefully with humility, gentleness, patience, and 1:628.
7. Harold W. Hoehner, Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary (Grand Rapids: Baker
love in order not to injure the unity of the body. Academic, 2002), 504.
Additionally, Paul instructed Christians to walk as 8. Curtis Vaughan, Ephesians: A Study Guide Commentary (Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
1977), 99-100.
light and as wise. Light produces goodness, righ-
teousness, and truth as fruit (5:8-9, HCSB). Walking
as wise entails being Spirit-filled (v. 18). Mark A. Rathel is associate professor of theology at
Clothing (Eph. 4:17)Paul brought together the ideas The Baptist College of Florida, Graceville, Florida.

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