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Review Article

Overview of blood components and their preparation

Address for correspondence: Debdatta Basu, Rajendra Kulkarni1

Dr.Debdatta Basu, Departments of Pathology and 1Transfusion Medicine, JIPMER, Pondicherry, India
Department of Pathology, JIPMER,
Pondicherry605006, India. ABSTRACT

The whole blood which is a mixture of cells, colloids and crystalloids can be separated into different
blood components namely packed red blood cell(PRBC) concentrate, platelet concentrate, fresh
frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate. Each blood component is used for a different indication; thus
the component separation has maximized the utility of one whole blood unit. Different components
need different storage conditions and temperature requirements for therapeutic efficacy. Avariety
of equipments to maintain suitable ambient conditions during storage and transportation are in
vogue. The blood components being foreign to a patient may produce adverse effects that may
range from mild allergic manifestations to fatal reactions. Such reactions are usually caused by
plasma proteins, leucocytes, red cell antigens, plasma and other pathogens. To avoid and reduce
Access this article online such complications, blood products are modified as leukoreduced products, irradiated products,
Website: volume reduced products, saline washed products and pathogen inactivated products. The
DOI: 10.4103/0019-5049.144647
maintenance of blood inventory forms a major concern of blood banking particularly of rare blood
groups routinely and common blood groups during disasters. PRBCs can be stored for years
Quick response code
using cryopreservation techniques. New researches in red cell cultures and blood substitutes
herald new era in blood banking.

Key words: Blood, blood component transfusion, blood components, erythrocyte transfusion,
fresh frozen plasma, leukocyte transfusion, lymphocyte transfusion, platelet concentrate, platelet
transfusion, red cell concentrate

INTRODUCTION Selection of blood donors

Voluntary fit donor for either whole blood or Apheresis
Bloodis a lifesaving liquid organ. Whole blood is a collection is selected as per the criteria laid down
mixture of cellular elements, colloids and crystalloids. by drug controlling authorities and National AIDS
As different blood components have different relative Control Organisation.[2]
density, sediment rate and size they can be separated
when centrifugal force is applied.[1] WHOLE BLOOD TO COMPONENTS
Inincreasing order, the specific gravity of blood Blood component preparation was developed in 1960
components is plasma, platelets, leucocytes(Buffy to separate blood products from one unit whole blood
Coat[BC]) and packed red blood cells(PRBCs).
by a specialised equipment called as refrigerated
Functional efficiency of each component is dependent
centrifuge.[3] Preparing only PRBC and fresh frozen
on appropriate processing and proper storage. To
plasma(FFP) is by singlestep heavy spin centrifugation;
utilise one blood unit appropriately and rationally,
however preparing platelet concentrates(PLTCs), PRBC
component therapy is to be adapted universally.[1]
concentrates and FFP is by two step centrifugation.
The components are prepared by centrifugation of The two main procedures of preparing PLTC are either
one unit of whole blood. Single component required by plateletrich plasma(PRP) method or BC method.
can also be collected by apheresis procedure in blood The algorithm for the separation by the two methods is
donors. given as Algorithm no.1 and 2. PRP method is simple,

How to cite this article: Basu D, Kulkarni R. Overview of blood components and their preparation. Indian J Anaesth 2014;58:529-37.

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Vol. 58 | Issue 5 | Sep-Oct 2014 529


Basu and Kulkarni: Blood components: Overview


/,*+763,1  +($9<63,1

3$&.('5%& 3/$7(/(732253/$60$

+($9<63,1#& 5$3,')5((=,1*#&:,7+,1+5 6725(#




Algorithm No: 1


:+2/(%/22' 48$'583/(




3/$7(/(7&21&(175$7( %8))<&2$7',6&$5'('
Algorithm No: 2

easily done manually and comparatively cheaper, but but complicated if done manually and hence needs
platelet and plasma yield is less. BC is a better method automation.

530 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Vol. 58 | Issue 5 | Sep-Oct 2014


Basu and Kulkarni: Blood components: Overview

The main components are PRBC, PLTC or random of bowl to separate components, collection of required
donor platelet(RDP), FFP, cryoprecipitate, cryo poor component(platelets) in collection bag and finally
plasma(CPP) and Plasma fractionation products. return other constituents like red cells, leucocytes and
The last are produced only at the pharmaceutical plasma to donor. This cycle is repeated till therapeutic
industries end. dose is attained.

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF COMPONENT In continuous working equipment, two simultaneous

PREPARATION phlebotomies are done: One for the collection and
other for the return. The collection, centrifugation,
The Whole blood is collected as 350ml or 450ml component collection and return occur continuously
in double/triple/quadruple or penta bags with and simultaneously. Each type has its own advantage
CPDA1 or additive solution. After blood collection, and limitation.
components should be separated within 5 - 8 hours.
Component room should be a separate sanitised The ultimate goal of the procedure is not to overshoot
room. All precautions to avoid red cell contamination ECV collection more than 15% of total blood
have to be taken such as tapping the segment ends, volume(TBV). To avoid hypovolemia at any point ECV
proper balancing of opposite bags, following standard should not reduce beyond 20% of TBV and the final
programs and protocols described in the manual of product should not exceed 15% ECV of TBV.
refrigerated centrifuge manufacturer. The programme
is run with mainly two spins-heavy spin(e.g., 5000 The various components that can be collected are-double
G for 10-15min) and light spin(e.g., 1500 G for unit red cell collection (red cells), single donor platelet
5-7min). The heavy and light spin configuration (SDP) harvesting platelets, leucapheresis (harvesting
varies with manufacturer and model. Here G is granulocytes, peripheral blood haematopoietic stem
relative centrifugal force calculated using revolutions cell), plasmapheresis(collecting normal plasma) and
per minute and rotor length. Use of totally automated therapeutic plasma exchange(for exchanging with
component separator instrument will allow for the normal plasma after collecting and discarding patients
preparation of low volume BCs with a recovery of 90% plasma).
of whole blood platelets.[4]
General guidelines
COMPONENT COLLECTION BY APHERESIS Apart from being fit as per the whole blood donation
PROCEDURE criteria, additional criteria to be met for apheresis donors
include prominent accessible vein for withstanding
Apheresis is a procedure where required single or apheresis procedure and weight more than 55kg.
more than one component is collected, and the rest of
blood components are returned back to the donor. Inspite of strict guidelines for donors of apheresis
procedures,advanced equipments like continuous
The working principle of apheresis equipment is apheresis equipment have allowedcomplicated
either by centrifugation(different specific gravity) procedures (like therapeutic erythrocytapheresis
or by filtration(different size). The most commonly and leucapheresis of small children for thalassemia
used equipments use the centrifugation principle and and leukaemia respectively) to be performed safely
also give leucodepleted products. In this method, in children weighing 11-25 kg without increased
fixed quantity of blood is collected in a bolus called morbidity[5]
as Extracorporeal volume(ECV) and the required
component (e.g.Platelets) is separated and collected in The donor should be asked to sign a consent form
the collection bag and the other components( in the language which he understands after being
blood cells, leucocytes and plasma) are returned back explained the procedure and the risks involved.[2]
to the donor. Centrifugation apheresis equipments are
classified as intermittent and continuous working. Certain investigations should be done and all parameters
should be within the acceptable range prior to subjecting
The Intermittent equipment uses single vein access for the donor for apheresis procedure such as complete
both collection and return. One cycle consists ofone blood count, total proteins including albumin, globulin,
ECV whole blood collection in kit bowl, centrifugation same ABO grouping. (if necessary same Rh typing

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Basu and Kulkarni: Blood components: Overview

and negative atypical antibody status), transfusion The maximum plasma that can be collected per
transmitted disease screening(mandatory and to be procedure is 500ml in a donor weighing more
non reactive). minor cross match(to be compatible, If than 55kg
necessary major should be compatible in case of red Any fit donor can undergo a maximum of two
cell contaminated product). procedures per week and 24 procedures in
For double unit red cell collection
Donors should have the haemoglobin level of 13.5 g/dl or
Multicomponent blood collection by apheresis
more, weigh more than 65 kg. and the interval between
Apheresis procedure allows the collection of different
the two procedures should be 6months.
blood components from the same donor during a single
For plateletpheresis session. RBC units can be concurrently collected with
Donors platelet count should be 150,000/mm3 or plasma and/or SDP units.[7]
more and total white cell count, and differential
count should be within normal limits[2] Donors should be observed closely during apheresis
Donors who have ingested aspirin or similar for adverse events such as citrate toxicity manifested as
antiplatelet drugs in the last 72h and clopidogrel perioral paresthesia, tingling, twitches and headache,
or ticlopidine, the plateletpheresis should be fainting attacks, tachycardia, dyspnoea etc., The donors
deferred for 3 and 14 full medicationfree days, should be tested appropriately to detect impending
respectively. Plateletpheresis should not be done cytopenia. Red blood cell loss incidental to the
on donors with personal and family history of procedure should be no more than 25ml per week.[2]
bleeding tendency
In a donor who undergoes plateletpheresis, The various Blood components that can be prepared
the procedure can be repeated after 48h. This from component preparation or apheresis procedures
is restricted to a maximum of two procedures are as follows:
per month and 24 procedures in 1year. PRBCs, double unit red cell(apheresis)
PLTC or RDP, SDP(apheresis)
Leucapheresis Granulocyte concentrates (now very uncommon),
Granulocyte concentrate is collected mainly by autologousor allogeneic peripheral blood
apheresis and indications are rare; One such hematopoietic stem cell collectionPBHSCT
indication is to support patients with abnormal
neutrophil function and persistent infection[6]
FFP, cryoprecipitate, CPP.
Peripheral blood stem cells(PBSC) are harvested
using continuous or intermittent cell separator.
Minimum yield should be 2 106 CD34 cells or Plasma Fractionation Products are produced
2108 MNCS/kg body weight of the recipient[2] in the pharmaceuticalindustry from FFP. At
Donors for leucapheresis, both autologous and present, plasma fractionation is driven by demand
allogeneic PBSC harvest may receive drugs like for two protein concentratesalbumin and
growth factors(GCSF), hydroxyl ethyl starch, immunoglobulin.[8] (Refer Table1 for composition and
dexamethasone etc., to facilitate this harvesting. indications of use of various plasma products.[9])
Some donors may have adverse reactions to
such drugs. Adequate precautions to manage Other human plasma derivatives[10]
such situation have to be taken or donors may These include FEIBA(factor VIII bypassing activity)
have to be rejected in some cases. concentrate, Antithrombin, Fibrinogen, Fibrin
sealant(FS), Protein C, C1 esterase inhibitor,
Any donor who has undergone plasmapheresis can Blood products can be modified to make blood
undergo serial Plasmapheresis provided, before each transfusion safer and accessible to avoid adverse
procedure: transfusion reactions in patients susceptible for them.
The haemoglobin level is not below 12 g/dl or The products can also be modified for better therapeutic
haematocrit 36% and total serum protein not outcomes by leucodepletion, volume depletion,
below 6g/dl irradiation, cryopreservation, rejuvenation, etc.

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Basu and Kulkarni: Blood components: Overview

Table1: Various plasma products and their indications Pre storage: Immediate filtration within 48 h
Product Composition Indication from collection before or after component
Albumin 5% or 25% Volume expansion; fluid separation.
Factor VIII Factor VIII Haemophilia A; von
Willebrands disease Advantages of pre storage are:
(selected products only) Complete quality assurance
Concentrates Some fibrinogen and Process is done when leucocytes have
Recombinant von Willebrand factor
not dissociated or broken or cytokine
Human factor VIII
Factor IX Factor II, VII, IX, Hereditary factor II. IX,
released. Hence expected benefits are
complex, X minimal amounts of or X deficiency, factor almost 100%
Factor IX other proteins VIII inhibitor No storage lesions and shelf life is
lmmunoglobulins IgG antibodies, for Treatment of
IV or IM use hypoglobulinaemia or
agammaglobinemia, Disadvantages are:
Leucodepletion irrespective of demands
thrombocytopenia (IV
preparation only) adds to cost and time
Rh immune IgG antiD Prevention of HDN due Need welltrained dedicated technical
globulin preparation to D antigen staff.
HDNHaemolytic disease of the newbom; IMIntramuscular; IVIntravenous

Packed red blood cell or platelet concentrate with buffy On demand also called as Lab sideThis is
coat removed done only on demand. Bags with built in filters
By adding additive solutions(ADSOL) or saline, ensure a closed system when used with sterile
adenine, glucose and mannitol solution(SAGM) PRBC connecting device(SCD) and are also easy to
can be stored for 42days. Since BC contains most operate
leucocytes, during the preparation of components Pre transfusion also called as bedside: This is
by BC method, if entire BC is discarded then each done by spiking blood component bag with a
PRBC and PLTC unit will have leucocytes<12109. specialized transfusion set having leucocyte
Such products are called leucocyte reduced but not filter with continuous leucoreduction during
leucocyte depleted. Leucocyte depletion is achieved transfusion. Here the effect of cytokines cannot
only by filtration. be avoided.

The main advantages of BC removal are micro Recommended indications for leukoreduction
aggregate formation during storage is greatly (groups/principles)
reduced and febrile nonhaemolytictransfusion Patients needing transfusion and had at least
reactions (FNHTR) are reduced without any extra effort. two episodes FNHTR in previous transfusion
In haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients
In terms of safety and costeffectiveness, the most requiring transfusions
rational approach seems to be to recommend the To avoid post transfusion CMV infection in
use of buffycoatdepleted RBC to prevent FNHTR in immunocompromised patients
lowrisk patients, while leucoreduction by filtration All neonatal and paediatric transfusions for
should be restricted to patients with the wellknown children less than a year.[12]
Possible indications(groups/principles)
Leucodepletion of blood components To avoid human leucocyte antigen(HLA)
Definition alloimmunisation in patients requiring
Each leucocyte depleted blood product vizPRBC or multiple transfusions who may develop platelet
single dose platelet or adult therapeutic dose platelet refractoriness
should contain leucocytes<5106 per unit to prevent To avoid immunomodulation in recipients and
alloimmunisation to leucocyte antigens in patients prospective recipients of solid organ(kidney),
where transfusions are likely to be ongoing.[12] This is haematopoietic stem cell transplant and patients
achieved by three methods: with malignancies.

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Packed red cell concentrate/fresh frozen plasma/single Rejuvenation of packed red blood cell
donor platelet aliquots To rejuvenatethe loss of intracellular levels of
The PRBC dose for neonates and infants is 2,3DPG and ATP due to storage, rejuvenation
15ml/kg. The total blood requirement for a solutions can be used particularly in paediatric
child may be as low as 25-100ml and the patients and in massive transfusions like exchange
child may also require multiple transfusions. transfusions. Rejuvenation solutions are mainly
This can be achieved by aliquoting one PRBC available in USA and are FDA approved.[14]
unit(About 200ml) into Pedipacks. This will
Platelet gel
avoid multiple donor exposures to the patient
The termplatelet gel(PG) is applied to products with the
and also helps to maintain an inventory
consistency of gelatinlike material, which is generated
PRBC aliquots or volume reduced components
when thrombin and calcium are added to PRP.[15] PG
may be required in patients with fluid
is used in reconstructive and orthopedic procedures.
overload and in candidates susceptible Similar bloodderived biomaterials include FS(also
for transfusionassociated circulatory called fibrin glue), PG, platelet fibrin glue.
Irradiated blood products
Platelet and cryoprecipitate pooling The common blood products that are irradiated
6-10 units of groupspecific platelets or nongroup are: PRBC, platelets and granulocyte concentrates.
specific cryoprecipitate can be pooled using SCD Irradiation is necessary and mandatory in following
to make one unit of a therapeutic dose. The pooled conditions:
platelets can be volume reduced to prevent TACO. Gamma radiation of cellular blood components
is to prevent transfusion associated graft vs host
Single donor blood components have long been disease[16]
regarded as the gold standard in transfusion  E.g.Immunosuppressed or compromised
medicine because they are associated with lower patients but not in patients with AIDS, all
risks for transmission of viral or bacterial infections neonate exchange transfusions, intrauterine
to transfusion recipients than pooled blood transfusions, all donations from first or
components.[13] seconddegree relatives and all HLAselected
Cryopreservation For aplastic anaemia patients receiving
Frozen red cell concentrate, or cryopreserved immunosuppressivetherapywith antithymocyte
PRBC: globulin. Platelets can be irradiated at any stage
 Red cells can be frozen after treating with while storage and shelf life remains same
cryoprotective solutions and can be stored for All granulocyte components should be
10years, if storage temperature is maintained irradiated before issue and transfused with
minimum delay.[17] The minimum dose
below 65C. The final product before
achieved in the irradiated unit should be
transfusion should be free of cryoprotective
25Gy, with no part of the unit receiving more
agent, with minimal signs of haemolysis and
than 50Gy.[16]
yield at least 80% of the originally frozen
Packed red blood cell or platelet concentrate, saline
Platelet cryopreservation: washed
Cryopreservation of platelets is mainly used Saline washed red cells are a specialised component
for autologous transfusions for a few selected prepared only on demand for patients with antibodies
patients who are refractory to allogeneic to plasma protein(e.g., antiIgA) and those who have
platelets. severe allergic reactions when transfused with blood
Peripheral blood haematopoietic stem cells are products.[11] This a cheaper method than both Leuco
also cryopreserved for autologous or allogeneic and Plasma depletion. The same can be prepared
transplants if required to be stored beyond from PRBC after Leuco reduction or BC removal. The
3days. saline washing is done thrice or four times either by

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Basu and Kulkarni: Blood components: Overview

manual or automated methods. The final product a small molecule designed for pathogen inactivation is
should be PRBC suspended in saline with<0.5g being successfully tried.[20]
protein per unit. The same principle of washing PLTC
holds good for the treatment of neonatal alloimmune Table2: Storage and expiration requirements of
thrombocytopenia.[11] RBCcomponents
Component Storage Expiration
Photopheresis PRBCcomponent, 42C CPDA1: 35days
apheresis and
Photopheresisis another variation of apheresis leucodepleted
in which the white cell component is exposed to AS: 42days
ultraviolet radiation ex vivo. In this technique, a Open system: 24 h
photoactive dye such as psoralen(8methoxypsoralen RBCs irradiated Original expiration or
28days from date of
or 8 MOP) is taken by mouth. Several hours later, irradiation, whichever
the apheresis procedure is performed. Ex vivo, earlier
the separated white cell component is exposed to To avoid hyperkalemia
in neonates24 h
ultraviolet radiation causing drug activation. The Saline washed 24 h
only clearly accepted indication for photopheresis Frozen RBCs 40% 65C if 40% 10years
is in the treatment of cutaneous Tcell lymphoma glycerol or 20% glycerol; 120C
glycerol if 20% glycerol
where dramatic remissions in skin lesions are often
Deglycerolized RBCs 42C Open system: 24 h
observed.[18] Closed system: 14days
Rejuvenated RBCs CPDA1: 24 h
Pathogen inactivation AS1: freeze after
Reduction of pathogens is usually done for plasma rejuvenation at 42days
and plasma fractionation products. The Ethanol used Washed rejuvenated 24 h
RBCs and
in cold alcohol fractionation is by itself an effective deglycerolized
virucidal and antimicrobial agent. rejuvenated RBCs
Frozen rejuvenated 65C 10years
AS1: 3years
ASAdditive solution; RBCRed blood cell; PRBCPacked red blood cell
HeatPasteurisation, dry heat in the final concentrate; CPDACitrate phosphate dextrose adenine
container, steam treatment of dry product in the
presence of steam under pressure Table3: Storage and expiration requirements of
ChemicalTreatment of FFP with methylene plateletcomponents
blue(MBFFP) or solvent detergent(SDFFP) Component Storage Expiration
Platelets 20-24C with 24 h to 5days depending on
Low pH5(lowpH) treatment(pH4.0) with or continuous collection system
without pepsin 6 is used in the viral inactivation Platelets irradiated gentle
of immunoglobulin solutions Platelets agitation Open system: 4 h
Beta propiolactone treatment followed by UV leucocytes Closed system: No change in
reduced expiration date
Pooled platelets Open system: 4 h
(open or closed Closed system: Expiration date
Filtrationusingfilters of appropriate pore system) should be earliest expiration
date in pool
size(nanofiltration) removes viruses with a protein
Pooled platelets Open system: 4 h
membrane but not those with a lipid envelope. Aseptic leucocytes Closed system: 4 h after pooling
membrane filtration(0.22nm) is used to remove reduced or 5days following collection
microorganisms and sterilise bulk products prior to using an approved FDA system
Apheresis 24 h to 5days depending on
filling ampoules/final product containers.[1,19] platelets collection system
Apheresis No change from original
The other agents used for pathogen inactivation for platelets irradiated expiration date
platelets and plasma are Psoralen or Riboflavin with Apheresis Open system: 4 h
platelets Closed system: 5days or
ultraviolet light treatment. Pathogen inactivation of leucocytes 7days if in an approved
components containing red blood cells presents a reduced FDAmonitored program
challenging dilemma. In such situations, S303(Helinx), FDAFood and drug administration

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Basu and Kulkarni: Blood components: Overview

Blood substitutes The storage and transport equipments used are:

Large number of drugs are being used as blood Refrigerators(+42C): For storage of whole blood and
substitutes like haemoglobin preparations, haemostatic PRBC and for storage of thawed FFP and other plasma
agents and plasma expanders. Recently, progress in products, Platelet incubatoragitators(+222C) with
culture techniques and proof of principle studies in agitation speed at 60cycles per minuteFor storage of
animal models have allowed proposing red blood cells all type of platelet products, Deep freezers (80C):
generated in culture(cRBCs) as a potential novel blood For freezing FFP or frozen blood constituents. Rapid
substitutes.[21] freezing can be achieved by Mechanical blast freezers
and storage of frozen PRBC or Platelets below65C
STORAGE AND EXPIRATION or even colder, Freezers(40C): Storage of all plasma
products below30C or even colder and Transport
Whole blood is collected currently in containers boxes: Transport boxes are used for transportation
manufactured from polyolefin or polyvinyl of blood or blood components for a short duration
chloride(PVC) that is thinner or plasticised between two storage sites. Even blood mobiles have
with different compounds such as triethyl hexyl built in cold chain storage devices with backup power.
trimellitate and butyryltrihexyl citrate. These bags The details of the storage requirements are enlisted
provide nearly twice the oxygen permeability of in Tables25.[24] The decision to transfuse should
firstgenerationDi ethyl hexyl phthalate plasticized be preceded by careful evaluation of the clinical
PVC containers and also maintain pH more than 6 for condition of each individual patient and not be
better platelet survival and function.[22] The need for based exclusively on laboratory results. Transfusion
proper component storage is to preserve the biological medicine in a hospital setting is mainly focused
function of the constituents, decrease their metabolic to ensure that the right blood is given to the right
activities, and reduce bacterial growth of the blood patient in the right time and at the right place.[25]
As per standard guidelines[22] the storage temperature
for red cells is between +2C and +6C, for Platelets Haemovigilance (making blood transfusiona safe
and leucocytesbetween +20C and +24C and for practice) is the safe transfusion of blood and blood
plasma products, below 18C. components and is achieved by ensuring quality
assurance at every stage, welltrained technical
All components are to be stored in three compartments personnel, proper collection, proper storage, use of
or equipments, the Untested components, the Tested
and safe to be issued components and the Tested
Table4: Storage and expiration requirements of
unsafe or quarantined components for discarding.[23] granulocyte components
Component Storage Expiration
In addition separate equipment is required for Apheresis granulocytes 20-24C without 24 h
keeping safe crossmatched units if available. Apheresis granulocytes irradiated agitation
During the transport, the components can be
stored for a maximum of 24h if maintained at
Table5: Storage and expiration requirements of
suggested temperatures. PRBC must be maintained plasmacomponents
between+2C to+10C. All components are Component Storage Expiration
routinely stored between+20C and+24C and also FFP 18C 12 months
shipped at same temperatures.All frozen components Plasma frozen within
24h after phlebotomy
should be transported in a manner to maintain their Apheresis FFP
frozen state. Cryoprecipitated AHF
Liquid plasma 42C 5days after expiration of RBCs
The temperature changes can be monitored and Thawed 20-24 C Open system or pooled: 4 h
documented either through indicators fixed on cryoprecipitated AHF Single unit: 6 h
units or checking each component manually for Cryoprecipitate reduced 42C 5days
plasma(after thawing)
any deterioration. The cold chain maintenance for
FFP(after thawing) 42C For coagulation 6 h or
all blood components should extend to the point of others24 h
transfusion.[24] FFPFresh frozen plasma; AHFAntihemophilic factor

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Basu and Kulkarni: Blood components: Overview

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12. Guidelines on the clinical use of leucocytedepleted


Dr. TN Jha and Dr. KP Chansoriya Travel Grant

For the year 2014 the Dr. TN Jha and Dr. KP Chansoriya travel grant will be awarded to the participants from 15 states.
All the states can select their candidate during their annual conference and send them with the recommendation of the
Secretary. Only one candidate is allowed from each state. In case if two states have a combined annual meet but separate
as per the records, have to select one candidate from each state. If more than 15 states recommend the candidates for
the award, selection will be made on first come first served basis.
Dr. M V Bhimeshwar
Secretary - ISA
Email: Phone: 040 2717 8858 Mobile: +91 98480 40868

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Vol. 58 | Issue 5 | Sep-Oct 2014 537

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