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Work Sampling

How to Conduct in Apparel Manufacturing

Reference Manual

Prabir Jana
Department of Fashion Technology
National Institute of Fashion Technology
New Delhi

New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Bangalore Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar

Work Sampling

Work Sampling can be defined as technique used to investigate the proportions of the total
time devoted to the various activities that constitute a job or work situation. Work sampling
was first used by L.H.C. Tippett in British textile industry and introduced to US by the name of
ratio delay study in 1940. Work sampling technique is used to investigate the proportions of
total time devoted to various activities that constitute a job or work situation. The results of
work sampling are effective for determining allowances applicable to the job, for determining
machine and personnel utilization, and for establishing standards of production. Work
sampling is a method that frequently provides the information faster and at considerably less
cost than stopwatch techniques.

The work sampling method is based upon the laws of probability. A sample is taken at
random from a large group tends to have the same pattern of distribution as the large group.
The steps of work sampling are the following:

1. Determining the sample size

2. Determining observation frequency
3. Categorization of activities
4. Recording the data

Determining Sample size (Observations needed)

In order to determine the sample size (Observations needed), an estimate p should be

calculated. Let explain with a simple example. Taking 20 observations of a machine
operation in one day at random times gave the following results:

Ob 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
sta I W I I W W I I I W I W W I I I W I I I

I= machine Idle W= machine Working

We can see from above Table that out of 20 observations, 13 times the machine was idle and
7 times it was working. This means that the probability of the machine being idle is:
p= = 0.65

We have to define the confidence level for our observations and also to decide on the margin
of error that we can allow for these observations so that we must be able to say that: We are
confident that say, for 95% of the time this particular observation is correct within 5% or
10%, or whatever other range of accuracy we may decide on.

Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 1

Lets assume,

p = percentage occurrence of the activity (working or non-working)

S = error (accuracy required) in fraction.
K = a factor, the value of which depends on the desired confidence level. For example, for
68% confidence level, K = 1.00, for 95% confidence level, K = 1.96 and for 99% confidence
level, K = 2.58
= Standard Deviation
n = number of observations required for the desired confidence level

p. S = K.

Working on 5% accuracy this means that the estimated standard deviation is:

0.65 * 0.05 = 1.96 *

= 0.01658

And after that, the number of observations is calculated by:

p (1 p ) 0.65 * (1 0.65)
n= 2
= 828 Observations
0.01658 2

Suppose after 828 observations we see machine is idle 65%, then, the inference could be
made that we are 95% confident that the machine is idle between (65 0.05 x 65)% i.e.
61.75% to 68.25%. If we want to work on 99% confidence level, we can recalculate the
number of observations as

= 0.01259
n = 1434 observations

Procedure for selecting random observations

In designing the work sampling study a time schedule should be prepared for taking
observations. Our previous conclusions are valid provided that we can make the number of
observations needed to attain the confidence level and accuracy required, and also provided
that these observations are made at random i.e. each individual moment has an equal
opportunity of being chosen, and also they must be unbiased and independent.

Number of the observation required per day can be calculated by dividing Number of
observations required by number of days to do study and number of analysts available. To
select the actual time to record the observations and to ensure that our observations are in
fact made at random, we can use a random table such as the one in Table. Various types of
random tables exist, and these can be used in different ways. In our case let us assume that
we shall carry out our observations during a day shift of eight hours, from 7.a.m. to 3 p.m. An
eight-hour day has 480 minutes; this may be divided into 48 ten-minute periods.

Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 2

Table of random numbers

49 54 43 54 82 17 37 93 23 78 87 35 20 96 43 84 26 34 91 64
57 24 55 6 88 77 4 74 47 67 21 76 33 50 25 83 92 12 6 76
16 95 55 67 19 98 10 50 71 75 12 86 73 58 7 44 39 52 38 79
78 64 56 7 82 52 42 7 44 38 15 51 0 13 42 99 66 2 79 54
9 47 27 96 54 49 17 46 9 62 90 52 84 77 27 8 2 73 43 28

44 17 16 58 9 79 83 86 19 62 6 76 50 3 10 55 23 64 5 5
84 16 7 44 99 83 11 46 32 24 20 14 85 88 45 10 93 72 88 71
82 97 77 77 81 7 45 32 14 8 32 98 94 7 72 93 85 79 10 75
50 92 26 11 97 0 56 76 31 38 80 22 2 53 53 86 60 42 4 53
83 39 50 8 30 42 34 7 96 88 54 42 6 87 98 35 85 29 48 39

40 33 20 38 26 13 89 51 3 74 17 76 37 13 4 7 74 21 19 30
96 83 50 87 75 97 12 25 93 47 70 33 24 3 54 97 77 46 44 80
88 42 95 45 72 16 64 36 16 0 4 43 18 66 79 94 77 24 21 90
33 27 14 34 9 45 59 34 68 49 12 72 7 34 45 99 27 72 95 14
50 27 89 87 19 20 15 37 0 49 52 85 66 60 44 38 68 88 11 80

55 74 30 77 40 44 22 78 84 26 4 33 46 9 52 68 7 97 6 57
59 29 97 68 60 71 91 38 67 54 13 58 18 24 76 15 54 55 95 52
48 55 90 65 72 96 57 69 36 10 96 46 92 42 45 97 60 49 4 91
66 37 32 20 30 77 84 57 3 29 10 45 65 4 26 11 4 96 67 24
68 49 69 10 82 53 75 91 93 30 34 25 20 57 27 40 48 73 51 92

83 62 64 11 12 67 19 0 71 74 60 47 21 29 68 2 2 37 3 31
6 9 19 74 66 2 94 37 34 2 76 70 90 30 86 38 45 94 30 38
33 32 51 26 38 79 78 45 4 91 16 92 53 56 16 2 75 50 95 98
42 38 97 1 50 87 75 66 81 41 40 1 74 91 62 48 51 84 8 32
96 44 33 49 13 34 86 82 53 91 0 52 43 48 85 27 55 26 89 62

64 5 71 95 86 11 5 65 9 68 76 83 20 37 90 57 16 0 11 66
75 73 88 5 90 52 27 41 14 86 22 98 12 22 8 7 52 74 95 80
33 96 2 75 19 7 60 62 93 55 59 33 82 43 90 49 37 38 44 59
97 51 40 14 2 4 2 33 31 8 39 54 16 49 36 47 95 93 13 30
15 6 15 93 20 1 90 10 75 6 40 78 78 89 62 2 67 74 17 33

22 35 85 15 33 92 3 51 59 77 59 56 78 6 83 52 91 5 70 74
9 98 42 99 64 61 71 62 99 15 6 51 29 16 93 58 5 77 9 51
54 87 66 47 54 73 32 8 11 12 44 95 92 63 16 29 56 24 29 48
58 37 78 80 70 42 10 50 67 42 32 17 55 85 74 94 44 67 16 94
87 59 36 22 41 26 78 63 6 55 13 8 27 1 50 15 29 39 39 43

71 41 61 50 72 12 41 94 96 26 44 95 27 36 99 2 96 74 30 83
23 52 23 33 12 96 93 2 18 39 7 2 18 36 7 25 99 32 70 23
31 4 49 69 96 10 47 48 45 88 13 41 43 89 20 97 17 14 49 17
31 99 73 68 68 35 81 33 3 76 24 30 12 48 60 18 99 10 72 34
94 58 28 41 36 45 37 59 3 9 90 35 57 29 12 82 62 54 65 60

Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 3

We can start by choosing any number at random from our table, for example by closing our
eyes and placing a pencil point somewhere on the table. Let us assume that in this case we
pick, by mere chance, the number 11 which is in the second block, fourth column, fourth row
(see highlighted box in the table). We now choose any number between 1 and 10. Assume
that we choose the number 2; we now go down the column picking out every second reading
and noting it down, as shown below (if we had chosen the number 3, we should pick out
every third figure, and so on).

11 38 45 87 68 20 11 26 49 05

Looking at these numbers, we find that we have to discard 87, 68 and 49 because-they are
too high (since we have only 48 ten-minutes periods, any number above 48 has to be
discarded). Similarly, the second 11 will also have to be discarded since it is a number that
has already been picked out.

We therefore have to continue with our reading to replace the four numbers we have
discarded. Using the same method, that is, choosing every second number after the last one
(05), we now have.

14 15 47 22

These four numbers are within the desired range and have not appeared before. Our final
selection may know be arranged numerically and the times of observations throughout the
eight-hour day worked out. Thus our smallest number (05) represents the fifth ten minute
period after the work began at 7 a.m. and multiply each number by ten minutes and start from
7 a.m. thus first observation will be at 7.50 a.m. and so on.

Determining the sequence of time for random observations

Usable number as selected Arranged in numeral Time of obsevation
from the random table order
11 05 7.50 a.m.
38 11 8.50 a.m.
45 14 9.20 a.m.
20 15 9.30 a.m.
26 20 10.20 a.m.
05 22 10.40 a.m.
14 26 11.20 a.m.
15 38 1.20 p.m.
47 45 2.30 p.m.
22 47 2.50 p.m.

Random number tables may also be used to determine the time of the days when
observations should be made, to indicate the order in which the workers should be observed,
to determine the specific locations in the plant where an observation should be taken, etc.

Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 4

Categorisation of activities

All the activities that are being performed in a spreading/cutting/sewing/finishing floor is to be

recorded and to be categorized. Main operation is when the needle is moving (means actual
sewing is happening), associated operation is folding, creasing, pivoting etc. activities in
between actual sewing. Main operation for other than sewing operation will change
accordingly. Work allowance, fatigue allowance etc. are explained in the enclosed table I.

It is important to define each and every activity clearly as you can see in the table II that while
someone is being marked as involved in moving we need to clearly establish why is he/she
moving? Going to toilet? Looking for work? You may require to modify the activity
descriptions and accordingly number of columns based on actual shop floor conditions you
are conducting the study. E.g. there is a column recording under work allowance.
Recording means operators writing down completion details in bundle ticket after completion
of each bundle; if the manufacturing system follows say UPS then recording is not
necessary (but may be pressing a button necessary after completing every chain), modify
table II accordingly.

Table I
Category Behaviour Description
Operation Main operation Sewing, operating an iron. Pressing Actuation of the policy, thread
take-up and needle bar Processing the materials
Associated operation Picking up, placing changing the holding position, and setting (the
material). Cutting the thread. Fitting.
Work Condition Checking the instructions, setting the work conditions, replacing the
allowance arrangement attachments, preparing the work bench, making various arrangement,
adjusting the height of the chair, arranging the thread path in order,
arranging various items on the desk, spraying silicon, adjusting the
tension of bobbin thread, checking the iron temperature, cleaning the
drain, checking the temperature of the press icon.
Product arrangement Preparing the material. Changing the setting positions of the materials,
Checking whether the materials are properly prepared. Binding and
undoing the material. Checking the quantity of materials.
Thread replacement Replacing the needle thread and bobbing thread.
Record Slips , signboards , entries into the daily report
Trouble Re-threading the machine in the case of thread breakage. Replacing a
broken needle, Changing a needle. Malfunctions of the sewing
machines, vacuum board or press.
Judgment Evaluating and maintaining the quantity of the products manufactured.
Correction Undoing a seam, re-sewing , re-sewing an iron, repressing
Workshop Preliminary Instructions , reports, education , consultation
allowance arrangements
Transport Transferring the materials, products , devises and tools
Moving Moving in the workplace
Waiting Waiting for work because certain materials, parts and secondary
materials (zippers, buttons etc) have run out.
Fatigue Fatigue Taking a rest or short break during working hours in addition to the
and predetermined periods rest periods
physiologic Physiological needs Going to the washroom, drinking water , wiping off perspiration
al needs
Others Negligence Chatting during work, looking away from ones work

Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 5

Recording the data

Recording the data was done by selecting sample operators and observing what they are
doing during. For example in table II out of 20 times Sunita was observed in a day, she was
found doing main operation only twice, doing associated operation four times, doing repair
work twice and so on. If we take reading of 20 operators in a day for 20 times then total 200
readings. Percentage of time each activities were performed may be calculated by adding
each column and dividing by 400.

Once the percentages of each and every micro activity are determined, it is easy to calculate
what and how much allowances need to be incorporated in SAM value. Also the Work
Sampling study gives an idea where to concentrate for improvement and so on. If you are still
at dark, yes there are some benchmark figure available for what percentage these different
activities constitutes, but as you know international benchmarks are varied between countries
and not to be followed in ditto, but only to be followed as benchmark. It is better to calculate
allowances for ourselves now. One benchmark figure available from Juki in table III

The results of work sampling are effective:

For determining allowances applicable to the job.

For determining machine utilization.
For determining personnel utilization.
For establishing standards of production.

Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 6

Table II recording the data
Shopfloor- Spreading/Cutting/Sewing/Finishing Researcher- Date
Operation Work Allowance Other Allowance Total
Sl. Time

Main Operation















3 Lalita













Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 7

Table III Benchmark Allowances
Benchmark Rate
Category Behavior Point to be improved Large volume Small volume
production production
The operation rate of the machines should be enhanced by
Main Operation
standardizing the work or rationalizing the of control method.
27~30 20~24
Rationalized types of machine should be introduced. Ancillary
Operation facilities should be used effectively. Attachments should be adopted.
Associated Operation Materials handling devices should be adopted. Work benches and
racks should be improved. Training in machine operations should be 46~49 53~56
developed. The material setting method should be improved.
The lot size should be incurred. Workers should be assigned to
Condition arrangement
shared work (to simplify the work allotted to each worker). Spare
1.9~2.9 1.5~2.5
sewing machines and irons should be made available. The
equipments should be installed in their predetermined locations
The processes should be well-balanced. The processing order
Product arrangement
should be standardized. The shelves for product arrangement and
4.6~6.3 4.8~6.6
the materials should be stored in predetermined positions. Racks
and assembly tables should be used.
The shelves for the threads should be well- arranged. Bobbin case
allowance Thread replacement 0.9~2.5 1.7~2.5
storage method. Thread supplying method
Record Records should be simplified and standardized 0.1~0.5 0.5~1.0
Trouble Prevention and maintenance of the correct state. The thread to be
used should be investigated. Needle thread should be used. How to 0.6~2.2 1.5~2.6
handle the sewing machine. How to depress the foot pedal.
Judgment The standard of quality should be clearly defined and indicated. 0.3~2.3 0.3~1.6
Work training. How to give work instructions. System of
Correction 1.7~2.6 2.5~2.8
Preliminary Work training. How to educate the workers. Written instructions.
2.2~2.5 2.4~3.0
arrangement Report system.
Workshop Transport and moving Process arrangements. Layout optimization. The transfer lot size
1.1~3.2 1.3~4.5
allowance should be increased.
Waiting The balance of the process should be properly adjusted The
0.2 0.1~0.3
processes should be developed inventory control system.
Eating and Health control. Working environment. Rest periods. Air conditioning
Fatigue 1.3~1.7 0.8~2.6
physiological Noise, Lighting
Physiological needs Air-conditioning. Health control 1.3~1.7 0.8~2.6
Enhancing morale. Diversion of the mind. Absenteeism of managers
Others Negligence 0~1.5 0~0.3
Neglect of duty by superiors . Lack of management responsibility
Source: Juki Corporation, Japan

Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 8

After recording data for 15 day, suppose 870 observations were taken, 58 observations
per day. Suppose we want to check status of associated operation
The results are shown in Table 3:
Table IV Results of recording data
Number of
% of Associated
day observations that
1 58 55%
2 58 53%
3 58 52%
4 58 72%
5 58 48%
6 58 47%
7 58 50%
8 58 52%
9 58 47%
10 58 50%
11 58 55%
12 58 31%
13 58 48%
14 58 52%
15 58 55%


We can see in Table IV the % of Associated Operation each day.

The average probability of the associated operation being done is 0.5113

Designing the control chart

After calculating the mean, a control chart should be designed to determine if there is
any irrelevant data occurred in any day.
This is done by first calculating the standard deviation and drawing a 3 p

p(1 p) ) 0.511(1 - 5.11)

3 = 3 =3 = 0.050841
n 870
So the upper bound is: p + 3 = 0.562336

And the lower bound: p 3 = 0.460653

Figure 1 shows the 3 p char

Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 9

The probability of the machine
being Idle
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Figure 1 the control chart

From Figure 1, its very clear that there are two out of control points on days 4, and 12
Those two days should be taken out of the calculation so the final probability of the frock
machine being idle would be:

Total no. of times associated operation done 385

= = 0.51061
Total number of observations 754
p = 0.51061

After using a sampling study technique in determining the utilization of a fork machine in
a factory, the conclusion came to be that 51.06% of the time this machine is idle.
The sampling study was done by determining the correct number of observations
needed, determining the frequency of observations, recording data in tables, then
drawing a control chart to eliminate the out of control points.


George Kanawaty Introduction to Work Study, 4th ed, ILO, 1992

Ralph M. Barnes Motion and Time Study: Design and Measurement of Work
Kalioundji, Work Sampling Technique
Juki Singapore Pvt. Ltd., How to Introduce Garment Factory

Copyright Prabir Jana 2006, All rights reserved 10

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