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Is a country located in South Asia.

With more than 1240 million inhabitants, it is

the second most populous country in the world and the most popular
democracy in the world
Its religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Yainism and Sikhism, and it is home to
important spiritual gurus and various spiritualist organizations
Taj Mahal
Is a complex of buildings constructed between 1631 and 1653 in the city of
Agra, on the banks of the river Yamuna, by the Muslim emperor Shah Jahan of
the mogul dynasty
The bull nandi for the Indians is sacred because it mounts shiva, shiva in india
is a god that represents the destruction of the world, that is why nandi consider
it sacred
It is on the west coast are tropical beaches, it is full of jungles and animals.
Culturally it is also very interesting since here you will find Hindu temples,
churches, mosques and even synagogues in a state that has them of
Is the smallest state of India and the most tourist is the ideal place for parties
and beaches. Goa is famous for its hippie markets and it is natural to sleep in
cabins on top of a palm tree
Templo de brihadisvara
Was declared by UNESCO as Patrimony of Humanity in the year 1987. is a
Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva and an artistic work realized by the Chola
corresponding to the Tamil architecture

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