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Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112

Assessment of biomass potential for power

production: a GIS based method
D. Voivontas, D. Assimacopoulos , E.G. Koukios
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, GR-157 80, Athens, Greece
Received 3 February 1999; received in revised form 31 July 2000; accepted 28 September 2000

A method is presented, which estimates the potential for power production from agriculture residues. A GIS decision
support system (DSS) has been developed, which implements the method and provides the tools to identify the geographic
distribution of the economically exploited biomass potential. The procedure introduces a four level analysis to determine the
theoretical, available, technological and economically exploitable potential. The DSS handles all possible restrictions and
candidate power plants are identi ed using an iterative procedure that locates bioenergy units and establishes the needed
cultivated area for biomass collection. Electricity production cost is used as a criterion in the identi cation of the sites of
economically exploited biomass potential. The island of Crete is used as an example of the decision-making analysis. A
signi cant biomass potential exists that could be economically and competitively harvested. The main parameters that a ect
the location and number of bioenergy conversion facilities are plant capacity and spatial distribution of the available biomass
potential. c 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biomass energy potential; GIS; Biomass power plants; Agriculture residues

1. Introduction widespread application but electricity production and

biofuels are currently gaining considerable interest
Biomass is the most developed renewable energy among energy policy makers [1,2].
source providing 35 and 3% of the primary energy Biomass resources can be grouped into wood
needs of developing and industrialised countries, residues, generated from wood products indus-
respectively. In spite of its exibility as an energy tries; agricultural residues, generated by crops,
resource, biomass share in regional energy balances is agro-industries and animal farms; energy crops, i.e.
rather low. Biomass can be used for direct heating in crops and trees dedicated to energy production; and
industrial or domestic applications, in the production municipal solid waste [3]. Given the numerous appli-
of steam for electricity generation or for production cations of biomass and the variety of sources it is not
of gaseous or liquid fuels. Direct heating is the most surprising that a wide array of biomass conversion
technologies are commercially available or under
Corresponding author. Tel.: +30-1-772-3218; fax:
development [4].
+30-1-772-3155. A signi cant part of recent research e orts have
E-mail address: (D. Assimacopoulos). focused on the estimation of the biomass quantities

0961-9534/01/$ - see front matter c 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 6 1 - 9 5 3 4 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 7 0 - 2
102 D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112

an biomass available for energy production from fg eciency of the biomass collection proce-
crop n (%) dure (%)
An cultivated area for crop n (ha) Hn hydrogen content of residue from crop n (%
Ar area of the region under consideration (ha) wb)
Bn biomass theoretical potential for crop n (t of HHVn higher heating value of the residue from crop
residue=year) n (kJ=dry kg)
Bav biomass available potential (kJ=ha=year) LHVn lower heating value of the residue from crop
Bth total biomass theoretical potential (t of n (kJ=kg)
residue=year) mH2 O water created (kg=kg)
Ew energy required for the evaporation of water Wn humidity of residue from crop n (% wb)
(kJ=kg) Yn residue yield for crop n (t=ha=year)

from energy crops, the evaluation of biomass produc- sequential steps for the assessment of biomass po-
tion yields as well as the determination of competitive tential as theoretical, available, technological and
prices for energy crops in order for such cultivations economically exploitable, respectively. At each level
to substitute traditional agricultural crops [5 9]. The of the analysis, the spatial distribution of biomass po-
rather dispersed geographical distribution of biomass tential is identi ed and is the basis for the evaluation
potential has raised the interest of researchers in using of the availability of biomass for energy production
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for the eval- and the economic appraisal of the new power plants.
uation of the biomass supply and characteristics, the The method, nally, aims at the evaluation of the
estimation of the transportation cost to existing power biomass potential that can be economically exploited
plants as well as the site selection for energy crop for power production through the optimisation of
developments [9 14]. Moreover, the selection and power plants distribution taking into account the
design of biomass power plants has been the focal geographic spread of the available biomass and the
point of various optimization studies in relation to the plant characteristics. The whole procedure has been
availability of biomass within a certain distance from formulated as a GIS decision support tool, which is
the plant site [15 21]. able to implement the developed method and provide
In the present work, the problem of identi cation consistent and reliable information for the potential
and estimation of economically exploited biomass contribution of biomass in the energy sector.
potential from agriculture wastes for power gener- In Section 2 the method for the estimation of
ation is tackled. Although energy crops have been biomass potential is presented; in Section 3 the devel-
extensively analysed from an economic point of view, oped decision support tool is described and in Section 4
the economical potential of agriculture residues has a case study is presented to highlight the features of
not been the focal point of similar analysis mainly the developed decision support tool and provide an
because energy crops are considered the main con- estimation of the biomass potential of Crete, which is
tributor for energy production in the near future. The the largest island in Greece.
use of GIS as a site selection tool has focused to the
identi cation of the optimal sites for energy crops de-
velopment based on the expected biomass production 2. Methodology
yields or the allocation of biomass to existing power
plants. GIS has not been used as a dynamic search The rst step of the algorithm estimates the biomass
engine for the selection of potential power plant lo- quantities generated annually in the form of agricul-
cations taking into account geographic distribution tural residues, on user-de ned level of geographical
of biomass potential and expected electricity produc- analysis, making use of available statistical data stored
tion cost. The developed method introduces a set of in a GIS database. In the subsequent steps, the method
D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112 103

Fig. 1. Overview of the algorithm for the estimation of biomass potential.

estimates the biomass available for energy produc- ner possible administrative division of the area un-
tion taking into account the alternative uses of each der consideration. Spatial aggregation and querying
biomass resource, the biomass conversion technology tools provided by the GIS are used to estimate and
and the distribution of the available biomass to the present the potential in any required spatial analysis.
identi ed power plants. Finally, the electricity produc- Candidate power plants are initially located at the cen-
tion cost of the selected power plants is compared to troids of the region objects and their technical char-
that from conventional fossil fuel sources. The model acteristics are de ned. The biomass collection area
structure for the estimation of the di erent biomass for each power plant is de ned taking into account
potential is presented in Fig. 1. the maximum allowable biomass transportation dis-
The appropriate GIS database structure has been tance and feasible power plants are identi ed. The
dictated by the needed input data and the results to be electricity production cost for each of the identi ed
obtained at each step of the method. Fig. 2 presents plants is then estimated using the road and grid net-
the geographical objects and the attributes used for work. In the following paragraphs, the calculations
the implementation of the method within the GIS en- in each step of the evaluation procedure are outlined,
vironment. National census data on cultivated areas and the geographic objects, attributes and methods are
are initially related to region objects representing the described.
104 D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112

Fig. 2. Objects and attributes analysed within GIS.

2.1. Theoretical potential agriculture residues, in a speci c region, is a function

of the cultivated area and the biomass production
The theoretical biomass potential is de ned as the yield of each crop:
total annual production of agricultural, forestry and X
Bn = An Yn ;
other residues in a region. This potential represents
the total quantity of agriculture residues generated in X (1)
a region, and can be considered as the upper bound of Bth = Bn :
the bioenergy that can be actually derived from cul- n
tivated crops in the area. The main objective, in this Data on cultivated crop areas are available usually in
step, is the formation of a GIS database of cultivated the geographical analysis of administrative boundaries
crops, which is used for the estimation and presenta- through national statistics [22]. The residue produc-
tion of the biomass potential in any given geographic tion yields for the most common cultivated crops are
analysis. The theoretical biomass potential from readily available in the literature [15 17]. Biomass
D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112 105

production yields for energy crops can be estimated is currently used as fodder or fertilizer. The percentage
using parameters such as soil characteristics, climatic of straw available for energy production, presented in
conditions and crop characteristics [5]. In the general Table 1, is derived from the residue that is currently
case, where the desired analysis does not match the not used. In the case of tree plantations, the main
geographic analysis of the available database, spatial residues are branches, which are mainly used as re-
aggregation tools provided by the GIS are used to wood for space heating. The whole residue gathered
re-estimate the cultivated areas in the desired analysis from these plantations is available for energy produc-
and perform the necessary calculations. tion apart from a small fraction that is left on the
Data for the cultivated crop areas constitute the eld as fertilizer. The biomass collection eciency
attributes of geographical objects representing the depends on parameters such as farming and harvest-
boundaries of the regions de ned by the user. Residue ing practices as well as eciency of collection ma-
production yields depend mainly on harvesting prac- chinery and varies considerably from region to region.
tices and may have a signi cant variation from re- Available data on higher heating value and water con-
gion to region. The method that implements Eq. (1) tent are used in the evaluation of the biomass energy
combines the available data, which refer to di erent content [23].
spatial analysis and presents the quantity of the avail- The database querying tools, provided by the GIS
able biomass in the de ned geographic regions. environment, are extensively used to implement the
necessary calculations. The results are presented as a
2.2. Available potential thematic map of the various ranges of available poten-
tial and constitute one of the criteria used in the next
The theoretical biomass potential is subject to re- steps for the site selection of the bioenergy conversion
strictions introduced by alternative uses of the agri- facility.
cultural residues, as well as eciency of the residue
collection procedure. The potential uses of the agricul- 2.3. Technological potential
tural wastes are speci c to the crop and residue, and
when they are taken into account they determine the The technological biomass potential for a certain
amount of residues available for energy production. biomass source and a speci c energy form is de ned
The available biomass potential is de ned as the as the energy that can be produced and is bounded by
energy content of the biomass that can be technically the characteristics of the selected energy production
and economically harvested and used for energy pur- technology. There is a wide array of technologies mak-
poses. The energy content of the available biomass ing possible the use of biomass for energy production,
potential for each crop is evaluated using Eq. (2). and the most popular are direct ring for steam pro-
The lower heating value is estimated from the higher duction, integrated gasi cation combined cycle, and
heating value for each crop after excluding the energy co- ring with fossil fuels [24]. The technology selec-
required for evaporation of water content using tion to exploit the biomass from crop residues depends
Eq. (3) [15]. on the particular energy needs and the eciency of
P the energy production process.
fg n Bn an LHVn After the selection of the technology, the capac-
Bav = ; (2)
Ar ity of the power plant, the thermal eciency and the
capacity factor are de ned. Then, the required quan-
100 Wn tities of appropriate agricultural residues that can be
LHVn = HHVn Ew (Wn + Hn mH2 O ): (3)
100 used as fuels in the plant are determined. Finally the
A database with the type of residues and their phys- area necessary for the collection of biomass is as-
ical properties has been developed for each crop and sessed taking into account the available potential of
is used for the estimation of the available biomass the neighbouring regions.
potential. Table 1 presents the characteristics of the The technological biomass potential is assessed
main crops cultivated in Greece and their residues. The through the identi cation of all potential sites for
main residue from cereals cultivation is straw, which installation of biomass power plants. The necessary
106 D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112

Table 1
Characteristics of cultivated crops and residues

Cultivation Residue Residue yield Humidity Heating value Biomass for energy
(t=ha) (%) (MJ=dry kg) (%)
Wheat soft Straw 2.97 15 17.9 15
Wheat hard Straw 2.82 15 17.9 15
Barley Straw 2.12 15 17.5 15
Oats Straw 1.26 15 17.4 15
Rye Straw 1.26 15 17.4 15
Rice Straw 4.52 25 16.8 25
Maize Straw 7.17 55 18.4 30
Orange Branches 7.41 40 17.7 90
Lemon Branches 6.22 40 17.6 90
Mandarin Branches 9.45 40 17.6 90
Apple Branches 4.77 40 17.8 90
Pear Branches 16.92 40 18.0 90
Peach Branches 5.61 40 19.4 90
Apricot Branches 6.23 40 19.3 90
Cherry Branches 5.11 40 17.6 90
Almond Branches 6.21 40 18.4 90
Olive Branches 2.82 35 18.1 90
Olive Kernels 64.0 60 15.7 50
Vines Branches 4.97 45 18.9 90

inputs for the identi cation of power plant locations The technological biomass potential is estimated as
are the available biomass potential, the technical the sum of the energy production from all power plants
characteristics of the power plant and the maximum that have been identi ed through the iterative proce-
allowable distance for biomass collection, de ned by dure described above. It is clear that the technological
the user. The potential sites are de ned as the region potential has been assessed taking into account only
objects representing the available biomass potential. technical restrictions on availability of biomass and
In order to accept or reject a speci c site, an iterative eciency of the selected technology.
procedure is used. The available biomass potential of
regions within an increasing radius is compared with 2.4. Economical potential
the required energy input for the operation of the
power plant. The site is accepted when the available The economical biomass potential is de ned as
potential is higher than the required energy input and the part of the energy that can be economically ex-
the radius does not exceed the maximum allowable ploited with respect to alternative energy sources. The
biomass collection distance. The site is rejected when feasibility of the identi ed biomass power plants is
the radius exceeds the maximum allowable distance determined using criteria such as the electricity pro-
and the available potential is lower than the required duction cost or the internal rate of return and net
energy input for the operation of the biomass power present value. The economical potential is determined
plant. All available biomass in the regions within the by the capacity of the biomass plants with electricity
speci ed radius is supplied to the power plant. The production cost lower than the cost from conventional
biomass that is still available in the area (i.e. is not power plants. Alternatively, the economical potential
used for the operation of any plant) is allocated to the can be determined by the pro tability of the proposed
next candidate plant. Taking into account that poten- investment using the net present value and internal rate
tial sites are more likely to be accepted when located of return as the main indicators to accept or reject an
into highly cultivated regions, the potential sites are investment.
initially ranked in descending order of available po- The energy production cost of the biomass- red
tential with the aim of speeding up the entire process. power plant is estimated taking into account the
D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112 107

capital cost of the equipment, the grid connection mance and cost of the energy produced. The model for
cost, the cost for the construction of new power line, the estimation of biomass potential for power produc-
the operational and maintenance cost, the cost of tion has been developed in MAPINFO Professional,
biomass purchasing, and the transportation cost. Each a GIS environment under WINDOWS 98. The pro-
identi ed biomass power plant is situated along the cedure is based on the method described above and
nearest road in order to avoid additional costs for makes use of an extensive GIS database on geographic
road construction. The biomass transportation cost is data related to all essential factors that a ect the bio-
a function of the quantity of available biomass in each mass potential. Fig. 2 presents the model structure
region and the transportation distance. All potential for the estimation and presentation of the theoreti-
paths connecting each biomass production site with cal, available, technological and economical biomass
the power plant are identi ed using the road network. potential.
The transportation distance is then identi ed as the The theoretical potential is evaluated using maps
length of the shortest route from the centre of each of administrative boundaries and statistical data. The
region to the power plant site. initial step for this estimation is the de nition by the
user of the desired geographic analysis. Each geo-
graphic object, which is de ned by the user, inherits
3. Decision support system the information contained on the initial region objects
using built-in GIS spatial aggregation functions. The
GIS environments are used to create, store, retrieve, theoretical potential, is presented as a thematic map
update and present geographical objects, attributes and of the total amount of biomass available in each re-
methods. All possible geographical entities can be gion. The information contained in such a map can be
modelled within a GIS environment as point, line, used to identify regions where extensive cultivation is
or polygon objects. Attributes are stored in the form sited and a more precise evaluation of the potential is
of database elds and are referenced to the corre- justi ed.
sponding geographical objects. Each geographic ob- For the estimation and presentation of available
ject and its attributes represent a database record. A biomass potential, it is assumed that the biomass
set of records referring to objects with the same at- residue is uniformly spread over the entire area of
tributes represents a table, which can be presented ei- the geographic objects and is expressed in terms of
ther as a map (geographic objects) or a browser (data energy per unit area. This assumption does not a ect
elds). The methods available in a GIS environment the biomass potential estimation because the culti-
provide the tools to handle geographic operations, set vated areas data stored in the GIS database are used
a minimum connectivity between di erent sets of ob- in their original geographic analysis. The geographic
jects and perform database calculations with the aim analysis used in this step is the one de ned during the
to expand the interactions of objects. The user has the estimation of theoretical biomass potential and the
exibility to create di erent sets of objects de ned available potential is presented as a thematic map of
on the basis of common characteristics and develop energy per unit area.
models for extensive calculations using the built-in The site selection of the power plants that could
framework of object behaviours. It is obvious that GIS be installed in a certain region is the rst step during
environments are not just extensions of the capabili- the estimation of the technological potential. For each
ties of conventional database systems but a dynamic potential power plant site the necessary energy input
environment able to accommodate and handle compli- and the radius de ning the biomass-collection area are
cate geographic data structures and provide compre- determined. If this radius exceeds the maximum ac-
hensive information [25,26]. ceptable level de ned by the user, the power plant is
The DSS is built in a GIS environment with the rejected, otherwise the selected region is considered
objective to exploit its powerful features in handling as the site for the speci ed power plant. When a re-
all the parameters with geographic variability that in- gion is partly within the circle de ned by the biomass
uence biomass availability, site selection of the en- collection radius the biomass from the entire region is
ergy conversion facility and estimation of the perfor- supplied to the plant.
108 D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112

Fig. 3. Theoretical biomass potential.

During the estimation of the economic potential major parts of Crete are extensively cultivated and
the distance of the plant from the nearest high-voltage agriculture is one of the main economic activities of
grid line is estimated using built-in GIS methods the island. The legislative framework concerning the
since the cost of the grid extension is bared by the exploitation of renewable energies in Greece indicates
power plant owner. The biomass transportation cost that in autonomous systems the power produced from
is estimated on the basis of the quantity of biomass renewable energy sources is paid a higher price form
and the transportation distance. The energy produc- the utility compared to that in the mainland. This re-
tion cost is estimated in terms of levelised electricity gion has been selected for the aforementioned reasons
cost (LEC) and the results are presented as a thematic as a case study to highlight the functions of the devel-
map that points out sites with low-energy production oped decision support tool.
cost. This information represents the basic criterion The data for Crete used in the present case study
for the selection and identi cation of the econom- are:
ically exploited biomass potential. Moreover, the Digital map of administrative boundaries.
GIS decision support tool allows the user to estimate Digital map of town location and other demographic
the internal rate of return and the net present value data.
in order to evaluate the pro tability of proposed Digital map of the high-voltage grid network.
investments. Digital map of roads.
Statistical data for cultivated areas and types of cul-
Data on the characteristics of the residues produced
4. Case study: biomass potential in Crete from the major crops cultivated in Crete.
Fig. 3 presents the theoretical biomass potential in
Crete is the largest Greek island with an au- Crete, which has been de ned as the total amount
tonomous energy system and relies heavily on energy of biomass that can be produced in any region and
supplies from the mainland. Crete has been identi ed provides a measure of the primary biomass resource.
as ideal region for the large-scale penetration of re- The crops and residues that have been taken into
newable energies into the energy system due to the account are those in Table 1 and represent all the
high potential of wind and solar energy. Moreover, crops that could be used for energy production and
D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112 109

Fig. 4. Available biomass potential.

Table 2
Technical and economic parameters for biomass direct combustion power plants

Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Capacity (MW) 20 10
Overall eciency (%) 25 20
Capacity factor (%) 80 80
Investment cost (ECU=kW) 1700 2000
Operational and maintenance cost
(% of investment cost) 5 5
Biomass price (ECU=t) 12
Biomass transportation cost
(ECU=t=km) 1

are cultivated in Crete. The data on cultivated areas The speci cations for the power plant and the costs
are taken from published records from the competent used for nancial analysis are user-de ned parame-
authorities [22]. ters. Table 2 presents the technical and economic pa-
Fig. 4 presents the available biomass potential in rameters of two direct combustion technologies that
Crete is estimated on the basis of the crop characteris- have been analysed [27]. Fig. 5 presents the selected
tics of Table 1 using Eq. (2). The results indicate that sites for the installation of power plants and the cor-
there are two main regions where the energy content responding areas for the collection of the necessary
of the agricultural residues presents the higher concen- biomass for the 20 MW power plant.
tration per unit area. These regions are indeed among The economical biomass potential has been evalu-
the most cultivated plains in Greece and would be the ated on the basis of the levelised electricity production
ideal location of biomass- red power plant for the ad- cost. For the estimation of the electricity production
ditional reason that the major fraction of the islands cost the discount rate has been considered 8% and
population and consequently the electricity demand is the investment life time 15 years. Fig. 6 presents the
located in the same areas. electricity production cost for the potential plants
110 D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112

Fig. 5. Selected sites for 20 MW biomass power plants and size of areas for the collection of the necessary biomass.

Fig. 6. Electricity production cost for 20 MW power plants.

identi ed using the 20 MW power plant. Taking into of the plants could be considered economically viable
account that the utilitys average electricity produc- if commissioned by private investors. The economical
tion cost is 0.074 mECU=kWh, all of those plants potential in this case is 40 MW.
could be considered viable if commissioned by the Fig. 7 presents the technological and economical
utility. The economical potential in this case is potential for 10 MW power plants. It can be seen that
60 MW. On the other hand, taking into account that in this scenario the number of possible power plants is
the electricity-selling price from individual power increased, compared to the previous case, since there
producers to the utility is 0.064 mECU=kWh only two are more areas where the required biomass is within
D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112 111

Fig. 7. Electricity production cost for 10 MW power plants and size of areas for the collection of necessary biomass for each plant.

the speci ed distance from the plant. The technolog- all potential restrictions for the optimal exploitation
ical potential in the case of 10 MW power plants is of agriculture residues for power production.
60 MW but the economical potential is reduced. Two GIS is a useful tool and provides the means for
of the identi ed power plants could be considered vi- identifying and quantifying all parameters that a ect
able if commissioned by the utility while none of these the available and technological biomass potential.
plants can be viable for private investors with the cur- In addition, it provides the exibility to enrich the
rent electricity-selling price. database, on which decisions are based, with spatial
data of additional restrictions on biomass availability,
or non-spatial data for other technology alternatives.
5. Conclusions The GIS is used as a dynamic environment for the
analysis of the spatial distribution of biomass and the
The developed method aims at the evaluation of the optimisation of power plants site selection in terms
geographical distribution of economically exploitable of biomass distribution and transportation cost. The
biomass potential. It introduces an integrated ap- use of readily available spatial and statistical data
proach, which estimates the availability of biomass makes the GIS decision support system that imple-
resource, the energy that can be extracted from it and ments the developed method applicable to di erent
nally the viability of speci c investments. The spatial locations.
distribution of agriculture residues is analysed using The nancial framework for biomass exploitation in
a GIS and constitutes the basis for the estimation and autonomous systems, the ineciency of the existing
presentation of the available biomass potential. The electricity grid and the high RES potential establish
site selection procedure optimises the power plants Crete as the ideal region for RES investments. The
distribution taking into account the capacity and per- case study in the island of Crete shows a signi cant
formance of the plants and the geographical spread economical potential that mainly depends on the type
of the available potential. The electricity production of investor. The developed model can provide valu-
cost is estimated taking into account the investment able help towards the direction of the active involve-
and operational plant costs as well as the biomass ment of energy actors in the de nition of appropriate
purchase and transportation cost. The proposed ap- implementation plans for increasing the contribution
proach provides a framework able to host and analyse of biomass to the energy system.
112 D. Voivontas et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 20 (2001) 101112

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