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Geoexpkx-ation - Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands



Nutionai Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad (India)

(Received July 9, 1968)


Prehminary results of some mode1 tank resistivity experiments with Wenner

and surface laterolog arrangements are reported. The latter is the surface equiva-
lent of a focused electrode system used by DOLL (1951) for bore-hofe investiga-
tions. The ore model is a sheet of finite conductivity with varying depths, dips and
conductivity ratios.
The surface laterolog has two advantages: (1) the shape of the anomaly is
simpler and consists of one trough centered over the ore body and (2) the magni-
tude of the anomaly is considerably larger. It is thus more effective for deeper
investigations. The Wenner system, however, provides a more direct measure for
the thickness and the dip of the ore sheet. In addition, the field procedure and
computations are simpler.


During the past 30 years or so, extensive work has been done for the inter-
pretation of resistivity sounding curves over horizontal discontinuities. Indeed, one
begins to wonder whether these investigations have not already overshot their
practical utility, and whether, in spite of all these investigations, the accuracy
and/or ease of interpretation of resistivity sounding curves have substantially
changed since the days of Hummel. Within the same interval of time, surprisingly
little seems to have been done towards preparations of master curves or developing
other methods of practical quantitative interpretation for resistivity profiles over
bodies of limited lateral extent (like spheres, cylinders and sheets) not exposed at
the ground surface. VAN NOSTRAND (1953) obtained the theoretical solution for
buried spheres in presence of point current electrodes on the ground surface and
made some computations for symmetrical Wenner soundings over infinitely con-
ducting spheres. PARASNIS (1964) developed the solution for cylinders of arbitrary
resistivity in presence of infinitely long line sources of current on the ground sur-
face oriented parallel to the cylinder axis, and numerically computed apparent
resistivity Schlumberger profiles for a cylinder of infinite conductivity. In this case,

Geoexploration, 7 (1969) 45-54


the energizing line electrodes were considered stationary and symmetrical with
respect to the axis of the cylinder, and the potential gradients were taken as meas-
ured along a perpendicular line. In another paper, PARASNIS(1965) gave the
detailed theoretical development for the cases of outcropping vertical contact, out-
cropping vein, etc., in presence of linear current electrodes. NAIDU (1966a,b)
solved and published master curves for profiles over buried two-dimensional dykes
of arbitrary shape and dip. His analysis, again, considered infinitely long current
electrodes and infinitely conductive or resistive dykes.
While line electrodes are useful under some conditions (PARASNIS,1965),
point electrodes are the ones that are most widely used. Also, targets in nature are
neither infinitely conductive nor infinitely resistive. Thus, there is still an urgent
need for master curves for resistivity profiling over buried ore bodies in presence
of point electrodes and having resistivity contrasts in the range usually found in
nature. For conducting ore bodies, this range is usually between p2/p, = 0.01 and
PdPl = 0.1, where pz and p1 are the resistivities of the ore body and the country
rock respectively.
The cases of buried spheres and cylinders of arbitrary resistivities in the
neighbourhood of point electrodes seem amenable to theoretical solution and com-
putation, although the formulas involved may be of formidable appearance.
~odelling, on the other hand, for these geometries seems di~cult, and the theo-
retical approach is therefore being tried for calculation of master curves. The most
commonly occurring geometry for ores is that of a vein or sheet. A theoretical
solution for such a geometry with arbitrary resistivity contrast and unexposed at
the surface seems to be difficult and lacking. Fortunately, modelling of this geo-
metry is comparatively simpler.
This note presents the preliminary results of resistivity profiling over model
veins or sheets. Two kinds of point electrode systems have been used. One is the
usual Wenner arrangement. The other is the surface equivalent of DOLLS(1951)
laterolog intended for bore-hole investigations. The latter is a focused system and
yields, as will be seen, apparent resistivity profiles which are superior in some
respects to the Wenner profiles.


Model investigations on veins have been reported from time to time, but it
seems that, in all such investigations, the material used was either of very high
(metallic sheets) or very low (ebonite, for instance) conductivity. In view of the
great deal of time and effort spent by the authors of this note in their search for
a material suitable for modelling and having resistivity contrasts in the range men-
_-... _-
The case of a sphere of &J&WY resistivity has not been shown to be amenable to theoretical
solution. The difficulty, apparently unresolved so far, concerns the orthogonality of a Legendre
polynomial multiplied by a factor of the form (cash q-cos E)*. (Editors note, D. S. P.)

Geoexploration, 7 (1969) 45-54


tioned above, the restriction by the earlier workers to very high and very low
resistivities seems understandable.
Mixtures of iron filings and cement in different proportions were first tried.
Cylinders made out of 70% iron filings and 30% cement, when fully saturated
with the model tank water with a resistivity of 16 Qm, gave p2/p1 = 0.5. It was
not possible to increase the proportion of iron filings any further, because then
the mixture would not set. The unexpected high resistivity of such a mixture was
perhaps due to rusting of the iron filings in continued contact with water. Mixtures
of brass powder and cement, brass powder and araldite, plaster of Paris and iron
filings, plaster of Paris and brass powder, plaster of Paris and graphite were tried
and found unsatisfactory, either due to the resistivity of the mixture not being low
enough and/or due to the sample being too susceptible for disintegration under
water. Difficulties were aggravated by the fact that samples taken from iron filings,
brass powder and graphite-purchased in different instalments-often showed
large differences of resistivity and with such variety under apparently identical
conditions of measurement.
The mixture that finally gave usable results and strong enough models was
that of graphite and cement. A mixture of five parts by weight of cement and six
parts of graphite, for instance, gave a resistivity value of 0.18 Qm when completely
saturated with water. This gave a resistivity ratio of 0.011, which is very close to
the lowest extreme of the desired range.


The model tank-200 cm long, 120 cm wide and 90 cm deep-was made of

seasoned wood and lined with thin polythene sheet for water-proofing. The model
veins are 105 cm long, 1 cm thick and have varying widths (depth extension). They
were suspended in the middle of the tank from a suitable frame that allows for
variation of dip and depth below the free water surface, the strike of the veins

r 18.0

s -17.0

5 . . .
F . .-.-.-..*-- -- -
a -15.0

15 0 15 30

Fig.1. Wenner resistivity of tank water without ore model. Illustrates absence of wall effecf
in the region of measurement.

Geoexploration, I (1969) 45-54


01 02

Al A2
---&-- _--_---

Fig.2. A. Surface laterolog system and the current configuration on any half-plane hinged at the
line of electrodes. B. Current configuration for conventional (Wenner) electrode system.

being parallel to the width of the model tank. The range of the variables are
p2/pI : 0.01-0.1, width of vein (depth extent): 7.5-30.0 cm, depth of top of vein
below water surface: 0.5-5.0 cm, dip = 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and spacing between
current electrodes: 3.0-l 5.0 cm.
It should be understood that modelling in this case is purely geometric.
That is, the scaling factor relates only to the linear dimensions of the veins and
electrode arrangements. The resistivity values or their ratios are not scaled-they
retain the same values in the model as in the prototype.
The number of models to be constructed has been kept to a minimum by
keeping the model thickness fixed at 1 cm and using this dimension as the unit of
distance measurements. The maximum length of the profiles, taken parallel to the
length of the tank and along the perpendicular bisector of the vein is 60 cm-about
30 cm on either side of the vein. The absence of any wall effect for such length and
position of profiles is shown in Fig. 1, which plots the values of in situ measure-
ments of the resistivity of the water in the model tank without any submerged ore
body. It will be seen that the measured resistivities are very close to 16 Qm, a
value obtained separately by a conductivity cell measurement. The scatter is evenly
distributed around the horizontal line representing 16 Qm, and the experimental
errors of individual measurements do not seem to exceed 0.1 Qm.

Geoexploration, I (1969) 45-54



The laterolog (DOLL, 1951) is a focused electrical well logging device that
gives sharper and larger response against target formations, especially thin ones.
Its surface equivalent, suitable for geophysical exploration of nearly vertical con-
ductive or resistive sheet-like bodies, is shown at the top of Fig.2A. The surface
laterolog consists of a central electrode A, and three other pairs of electrodes
M,M,, MlMz and A,A, placed symmetrically about A,. The M-pairs are poten-
tial measuring electrodes and are shorted within each pair, as shown in the figure.
Currents I,,, Z, and Z2 of the same polarity are passed through A,, A, and A,.
Ii and I, are adjusted in such a way that the potential difference between the
shorted pairs of electrodes M,M2 and M,M, is zero. The potential at M,, M,,
M, or M, with respect to a distant point, and the three currents are recorded
under conditions of zero potential difference between the two potential electrode
pairs. The potentials at 0, and 0, are:

V(0,) = pg * & +p;.;w-+p$. A+.. (1)

0 1 1 1 21

'(02)=~!?.A-& + PC&___ + p!T._&

0 2 12 2 2

If V(0) = [V(O,)+ V(O,)]/2 is the common potential at Ml, M,, M, or

M2, then the apparent resistivity measured with this device is to be computed
according to the formula:

I---- ~ 10
Pa = -__

-401 1+
1 1
[ ~0010r2

where pa is the apparent resistivity and Z = [Zi +Z2]/2. Since Z,, Zi and I2 are such
as to make a potential minimum at 0, and O,, it can be shown that:
f = (u2-b2)2
10 4ab3

where a = AoA, = A,A, and b = A,O, = Ao02. An alternative but equivalent

expression for the apparent resistivity is, therefore :

o (a2+b2)

In this system of electrodes, the current emanating from A, and going out
to infinity is prevented from radial flow. The auxiliary currents from A, and A2
cut down much of the lateral flow from A, and force a greater proportion of the
current downwards through the ore body before the current filaments flare out

Geoexploration, 7 (1969) 45-54


in depth in their journey to the sink at large distance. It is clear that the focusing
effect of the surface laterolog system cannot be as efficient as that of the bore-hole
laterolog of Doll, since, for surface exploration, circular symmetry around the line
of electrodes does not exist (unless the sheet is vertical and outcropping).


It is estimated that, in order to cover the ranges of the different variables at

reasonable intervals, a total of about 6,000 model profiles need to be measured-
2,000 each for the three arrangements of Wenner, Schlumberger and surface latero-
log. This obviously is a long-range project$hatiwilliperhaps#un into several years.
At this stage, it is only intended to present a few samples of the model
resistivity curves, that will illustrate their general nature. Fig.3 presents two sets of
model profiles for the Wenner and the surface laterolog arrangements for varying
depths to the top of a vertical model ore sheet. In both arrangements, the spacing
between the current electrodes is 9 units, the thickness of the model vein is I unit,
the resistivity ratio pZ/pl is 0.011, the dip of the ore body is 90, and the depth
to the top edge of the sheet takes on four values, namely, 0.5, 1.0,2.0, and 3.0 units.
Fig.4 is similar, except that the depth is kept constant at 1 unit, while the dip
changes. In Fig.5, the depth is 0.5 units, 8 = 90, and p2/p1 = 0.011 but the
distance between the (outside) current electrodes is varied.
These curves exhibit some interesting properties that are discussed below:
(I) The surface laterolog profiles have one clear resistivity low centered over
the ore model, while the Wenner profiles have two-one on each side of the ore
model. At the center of the profile, that is, directly over the ore body, the Wenner
apparent resistivity rises to an almost normal value, giving the appearance of the
formation of a central peak flanked by two lows. Since the width of the anomalous
zone in both cases is the same, the surface laterolog profiles can obviously be con-
sidered as simpler, and therefore, superior.
(2) The magnitude of the anomaly troughs is considerably larger for the
surface laterolog system as compared to the Wenner arrangement. What is even
more interesting is that the effect seems to be more pronounced for larger depths.
This is visible with particular clarity in Fig.3. For d = 0.5 units, the surface latero-
log trough is about 1.6 times that of the Wenner. But, for d = 3.0 units, the same
factor rises to 3.5 approximately-more than a two-fold increase. It has been
found that while the Wenner anomaly becomes indistinguishable from the experi-
mental background at depths larger than d = 3.5 or 4.0 units, the surface laterolog
anomaly remains clearly detectable even at d = 7.0 units. The latter arrangement
is thus distinctly superior for deeper prospecting. For shallower prospecting at
usual depths, the position may not be considered decisive, since the surface latero-
log does need a more elaborate system of measurement followed by calculations
with a more involved formula.

Geoexploration, 7 (1969) 45-54


i-0 -

0.9 -

0.9 -

0.6 -

---DI S

Fig.3. Wenner and surface Iaterolog model profiles for varying depths of ore sheet.
= 0.4. A. Wenner arrangement. B. Surface Iaterolog arrangement.

(3) Although the Wenner profiles are more complicated as compared to the
other, they have some distinct advantages. At least for vertical or near-vertical
sheets, the distance between the two troughs seems to be equal to twice the Wenner
spacing plus the thickness of the vein. The surface laterolog profiles do not provide
for a measure of the thickness of the vein so directly. A second advantage concerns

Geoexplorafion, 7 (1969) 45-54


A, A, =9.0
- P,Ifi= O*Oll


B ANCE----

Fig.4. Wenner and surface laterolog model profiles for varying dips of ore sheet. 0102 = 0.4.
A. Wenner arrangement. B. Surface laterolog arrangement.

Geaexploration, 7 (1969) 45-54


0.6 A,AP =9.0

A, A, =12-O /

p2 /p, = O*Oll

0.4 d =O-5

0.3 I I I



d = oe5


Fig.5. Wenner and surface laterolog model profiles for varying distances between (outside) current
electrodes. OIOz = 0.4. A. Wenner arrangement. B. Surface laterolog arrangement.

Geoexploration, 7 (1969) 45-54


the possible determination of the dip of the ore sheet. The ratio of the amplitudes
of the two troughs in the Wenner profiles constitutes a more obvious and better
resolved measure of the dip than does the asymmetry of surface laterolog profiles.
(4) The appearance of a central peak in the Wenner profiles may seem
puzzling at first. A physical understanding of this phenomenon becomes simpler
if one considers a thin infinitely conducting half-sheet (vertical) in place of the
finitely conducting sheet of finite thickness. When the power electrodes are sym-
metrically located on either side of the thin idealised sheet, the potential distribu-
tion in the ground with or without this sheet must be the same. Without the sheet,
the surface of zero potential is a vertical half-plane located mid-way between the
current electrodes. The insertion of an infinitely conducting thin sheet, that coin-
cides with part or whole of this zero-potential surface, does not disturb the poten-
tial configuration in any way. It follows that, for this position of the current elec-
trodes, the apparent resistivity with or without the sheet has to be equal to the
resistivity of the enclosing medium.
(5) The central peak in the Wenner arrangement diminishes in magnitude,
and ultimately disappears, as the spacing becomes smaller and smaller with respect
to the thickness of the target. As the spacing increases, the magnitude of the
Wenner anomaly remains more or less unaffected, while that of the surface latero-
log anomaly diminishes progressively. The latter effect is somewhat unexpected,
as, with O,O, fixed, an increase in the distance A,A, should mean better and
deeper focusing and, therefore, higher response.


We are grateful to Messrs. K. Majumdar (now with the Geological Survey

of India), R. L. Dhar, A. K. Godbole and D. M. K. Gupta for their assistance
in the laboratory.


DOLL, H. G., 1951. The laterolog: a new resistivity logging method with electrodes using an
automatic focussing system. J. Petrol. Technol., 192 : 305-3 16.
NAIDU, P. S., 1966a. Apparent resistivity over thin dipping dyke. Geoexploration, 4(l): 25-36.
NAIDU, P. S., 196613.Theoretical analysis of apparent resistivity over a dyke of arbitrary shape.
Geophys. Prospecting, 14(2): 168-183.
PARASNIS,D. S., 1964. Long, horizontal cylindrical ore body at arbitrary depth in the field of
two linear current electrodes. Geophys. Prospecting, 12(4): 457-487.
PARASNIS,D. S., 1965. Theory and practice of electric potential and resistivity prospecting using
linear current electrodes. Geoexploration, 3(l): 3-69.
VAN NOSTRAND,R. G., 1953. Limitations on resistivity methods as inferred from the buried
sphere problem. Geophysics, 18(2): 423-433.

Geoexploration, 7 (1969) 45-54

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