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School Name : SMA 6 Samarinda

Subject : English
Grade : XI
Semester :1
Time allocation : 2x45 minutes

Standard Competence
Comprehendig short functional text meaning and monologue in form of narative,
explation, and discussion in everyday life context.

Basic Competence
To response the meaning in monologue text by using manner [of] oral language
in accurate figure, fluent and accept in everyday life context in text form of:
narrative, explanation, and discussion.

Students are able to use simple present in giving explanation
Students are able to do monolog in narrative.

Learning Material
1. Narrative text
Significant language features :
Focus on specific and individualized participants.
Use of material processes(and behavioural and verbal process).
Use of temporal conjunctions and circumstances.
Use of past tense with the possibility of using present tense and future
tense for various parts of the story.

2. Explanation text
Significant languague features :
Focus on generic ,non human participants.
Use mainly of material and rational processes.
Use mainly of temporal and causal circumstances,and conjunctions.
Use of simple present tense.
Some use of passive voice to get theme right.

3. Discussion text
Significant language features :
Focus on generic human and non human participants.
Use of material processes(e.g.has produced,has developed,to
feed),relational processes(e.g.could have,cause,is,are)and mental
Use of comparative,contrastive and consequential conjunction.
Reasoning expressed as verbal and noun(abstraction).
Communicative approach with elected method;Discussion, role play
Steps in learning and teaching process:
Greeting and giving motivation.
Doing apperception then lead the students to the topic
Doing brain storming by giving them a question

Main activity
Read kinds of text give.
Discuss in group about the kind of the text.
Identify the character based on the text read.

Post activity
Review the lesson
Ask the students questions.

Group discussion
Retelll the narrative,explanation and discussion text shortly.
Students are instructed to make a monologue in narrative text.

Ganeca English text book XII,Oxford English Dictionary,English Indonesia by
Jhon.M.Echols/Hassan Sadily,English cassette,student work sheet, classroom

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