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1. (a) 3 components of lymphatic system

- lymph, lymphatic plexus, lymph nodes, lymphoid organs, lymphatic vessels
(except at teeth, bone, bone marrow + CNS)

(b) Formation of left jugular trunk, termination

- receive lymph from deep cervical nodes of left side of head and neck
- terminates at thoracic duct

(c) Lymph nodes that drain the tongue

- Pharyngeal part jugulodigastric
- Oral part submental and submandibular deep cervical nodes
- Tip of tongue submental jugular omohyoid

2. (a) 5 muscles of soft palate

- Tensor veli palatini
- Levator veli palatini
- Palatoglossus
- Palatopharyngeus
- Musculus uvulae

(b) Innervation of nerves in muscles of SP

- Medial pterygoid neve via otic ganglion (branch of V3) -> tensor veli palatini
- Pharyngeal branch via pharyngeal plexus (vagus nerve) -> levator veli
palatini, palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus, musculus uvulae
(c) Borders of fauces
- Superior -> SP
- Inferior -> root of tongue
- lateral -> palatoglossal + palatopharyngeal arches

3. (a) Divisions of TGN

- Opthalmic, Maxillary, Mandibular

(b) Division that supplies muscles of mastication, branches of this nerve,

which are supplying meninges?
- V3 -> nerve to medial pterygoid
-> nerve to nervus spinosus supplies meninges

(c) Sensation carried by lingual nerve, from where?

- general sensation of anterior 2/3 of tongue, floor of mouth, from posterior
division of V3
- joined by chorda tympani nerve of facial nerve taste sensation for anterior
2/3 of tongue

(d) Auriculotemporal nerve closely associated with another structure

- encircles middle meningeal artery

4. (a) Classify major & minor salivary glands

Major contributes 90% of oral fluids
- parotid, submandibular, sublingual
Minor located throughout oral cavities
- small discrete aggregates of secretory tissues
- labial, buccal, palatine, lingual

(b) Largest gland, location

Parotid below level of external auditory canal, between mandible + SCM
- superficial to posterior aspect of masseter

(c) Submandibular + sublingual innervation, lymphatic, venous

Submandibular :
A Facial artery
V Internal jugular vein
L Deep cervical lymph node
N Facial, chorda tympani, lingual
Sublingual :
A- Sublingual + submental arteries
V- internal jugular
L- submental + submandibular nodes
N Same as submandibulars
5. (a) Movement of structures caused TMJ to be dislocated
- condyle moves anterior to articular eminence

(b) anatomical structures of TMJ?

- squamous portion of temporal bone
- mandibular condyles
- articular discs

(c) Ligaments
- Capsular, lateral, stylomandibular, sphenomandibular

(d) Possible effect of fixing dislocation

6. (a) Layer formed by saliva on newly erupted teeth

- Acquired enamel pellicle

(b) Components
- mucins, secretory IgA, proteins from saliva

(c) Differences??
Short :
-pioneer microbial colonisers + irreversible attachment
- adhesins receptor interactions
- coaggregation, coadhesion + microbial succession
Long :
- Mature biofilm formation
- growth rate of bacteria within plaques slow down
- detachment from surfaces

7. (a) Describe xerostomia

- Dry mouth, reduced salivary secretions

(b) conditions that cause sensations of xerostomia

- sticky, dry feeling in mouth frequent thirst
- burning, tingling sensation in mouth, especially tongue dry feeling in
- sores in mouth, split skin at corner of mouth, cracked lips dry, red, raw
- problems with speaking, tasting, chewing, swallowing, hoarseness, dry nasal
- sore throat, bad breath
- subjective sensations -> dry mouth without detectable change in saliva flow
- pharmacological side effects -> anticholinergic drugs and other affecting
autonomic system, diuretics + antidepressant
- Sjogrens Syndrome(autoimmune disorder destroying exocrine glands) ->
connective tissue disease, reduced lachrymal secretion
- age inherent effect -> degenerative changes

(c) CAMBRA risk assessment of caries. Risk of caries assessment increases

from one level to next when resting saliva flow <0.7 ml/min?

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