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1.1 Many forms of corrosion will be dis-

Fundamentals of Corrosion cussed in detail in various chapters of this
volume. The most basic form of corrosion
Gerald S. Frankel is uniform corrosion during which a metallic
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio object is more or less uniformly consumed
Dieter Landolt and converted to ionic species. Much of our
Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne fundamental understanding of corrosion,
Lausanne, Switzerland such as thermodynamics and kinetics, is
based on uniform corrosion, and the first
1.1.1 few chapters of this volume will assume
Introduction that corrosion is uniform in nature. Cor-
rosion is often not uniform in nature, and
Corrosion can be defined as an irreversible various aspects of nonuniform, or local-
reaction of a material with the environ- ized corrosion will be addressed later in
ment, which usually (but not always) re- this volume. Passivity is the state of a metal
sults in a degradation of the material or its that is protected by a thin surface oxide
properties. So there are several aspects of film called passive film. This subject will
corrosion: the material, the environment, be the focus of Sect. 3.2 in this volume.
and the material properties. Considerable Pitting is a form of localized corrosion that
information is available in textbooks [1–5] occurs when the thin passive film that pro-
and other reference sources [6–9]. tects most corrosion-resistant engineering
This general definition of corrosion in- alloys is compromised. The rate of attack
cludes reactions of widely varying material at pits can be extremely high so pitting can
classes, such as the degradation of poly- lead to perforation of a structure or initi-
mers by ultraviolet radiation, and the attack ation of a crack. Localized corrosion often
of refractory bricks during steelmaking. initiates at an occluded region where the
However, the focus of much of the field of environment has limited access. This form
corrosion is on the degradation of metals, of corrosion, called crevice corrosion, is ex-
which will be the focus of this volume. The tremely important in fastened structures,
corrosion of metals can take many forms, which often contain many crevices. Local-
which are important to understand since ized corrosion is sometimes observed at
the best methods of corrosion prevention grain boundaries when the composition of
depend upon the form of corrosion. the grain boundary or region near the grain
4 1 Fundamentals

boundary is different than that in the metal degradation is also similar to the shorting
grain. This type of corrosion, called inter- of the two terminals of a battery. The en-
granular corrosion is a severe problem with ergy stored in the battery, or in the metal,
stainless steels and aluminum alloys. Cor- is simply lost. This loss of energy results
rosive attack can be localized at one com- in a financial loss. The cost of corrosion
ponent of a structure made from different has been calculated by various means. A
metals that are electrically connected as a study completed in 2002 found that the
result of galvanic corrosion. The corrosion total annual direct cost of corrosion in the
of metal alloys often results in preferential United States is $279 billion or 3.1% of
reaction of one or more of the alloying the gross domestic product [10]. The cost
elements, called dealloying. A common is borne, for instance, by the rebuilding
by-product of the corrosion process is hy- of roads and bridges by funds that might
drogen. Hydrogen can interact with metals be spent for new schools and hospitals.
in various ways to result in degradation of Companies suffer the costs of corrosion
properties, primarily mechanical proper- of processing equipment by expensive and
ties. A generic name for such degradation nonproductive downtime in addition to the
is hydrogen damage. The mechanical prop- replacement cost.
erties of metals can be severely degraded Beyond the costs of corrosion are the
by the combined effects of the environ- safety concerns. Human lives depend
ment and an applied stress. Stress corrosion upon the safe operation of a range of
cracking is the premature failure of metal metallic structures that are prone to the
structures as a result of these effects. Corro- ravages of corrosion. Obvious examples
sion fatigue occurs when the applied stress are airplanes made from high-strength
is fluctuating rather than constant. aluminum alloys and pressure vessels that
Metals are generally produced by reduc- could endanger many lives if ruptured.
tion of ores that are found in nature. Corrosion considerations are critical in
Primary metal processing is costly and many applications. For instance, the chem-
energy-intensive. Considerable effort and ical industry uses very aggressive environ-
expense is put into fabricating metal alloys, ments for synthesis, and purity is usually
such as steel, aluminum alloys, brasses, extremely important. Therefore, the reac-
and so on, with the proper combination tors and vessels must be essentially inert
of properties such as shape, strength, con- and resist the aggressive attack of the
ductivity, and so on. Subsequent exposure process environment. Corrosion resistant
of these metal alloys to aggressive environ- alloys have wide usage in this industry.
ments results in degradative changes in Microelectronics is another area in which
these properties. In general, the product corrosion is important even though the en-
of corrosion, rust for example, tends to be vironment is typically not very aggressive.
similar in nature to the ores from which In this case, the size of the structures is
the metal was originally derived. such that the smallest amount of corrosion
This reversion of metal back to the could cause a failure, for example, a short
state whence it came during the corro- in a submicron-sized conductor line. Other
sion process can be considered extractive corrosive environments and industries in
metallurgy in reverse. However, the en- which corrosion is critical include oil
ergy expended during the metal-refining and gas recovery and processing, marine
process is lost during corrosion. This and seawater applications, underground
1.1 Fundamentals of Corrosion 5

pipelines, power plants, and Al alloys in higher oxidation state and the liberation of
aerospace applications. As a final example, electrons. For a generic metal M:
the corrosion of reinforcing steel bars in
concrete structures results in the degra- M −−−→ Mz+ + ze− (1)
dation and expensive repair of structures
Examples of real metals:
such as bridges and parking decks.
The rate of corrosion will depend on a Fe −−−→ Fe2+ + 2e− (2)
number of factors, including thermody-
namic, kinetic, and mass-transport-related Zn −−−→ Zn2+ + 2e− (3)
aspects. The first few sections of this vol- 3+ −
Al −−−→ Al + 3e (4)
ume will describe these influences on
corrosion. These are called half-cell reactions because
the electrons liberated by the oxidation
reaction must be consumed by a reduction
Fundamentals of Corrosion
reaction occurring on the same electrode.
A reduction reaction that is common in
Corrosion is an electrochemical process. acids is hydrogen evolution:
Therefore, some understanding of the 2H+ + 2e− −−−→ H2 (5)
fundamentals of electrochemistry is neces-
sary [11–13]. Electrochemistry is the study The complete corrosion reaction for Zn in
of reactions that occur at the interface of an an acid would be the sum of the oxidation
electrode, which is a metallic or semicon- and reduction reactions:
ducting solid or liquid, and an electrolyte,
which is a liquid or solid ionic conductor. Zn + 2H+ −−−→ Zn2+ + H2 (6)
These reactions typically involve the trans-
fer of charge across the interface. There are The sites for the oxidation reactions
two types of charge transfer reactions. Ion are called anodes, and the sites for the
transfer reactions involve the transfer of reduction reactions are called cathodes.
ions from the electrode to the electrolyte, Anodes and cathodes can be spatially
or vice versa. Electron transfer reactions in- separated at fixed locations associated
volve the transfer of charge between ions with heterogeneities on the electrode
in the electrolyte (or adsorbed on the sur- surface. Alternatively, the locations of
face), and typically occur heterogeneously the anodic and cathodic reactions can
at an electrode surface. Redox reactions fluctuate randomly across the sample
are pure electron transfer reactions that surface. The former case results in a
occur at inert electrode surfaces. A more localized form of corrosion, such as pitting,
detailed discussion of electrochemical con- crevice corrosion, intergranular corrosion,
cepts can be found in the other volumes or galvanic corrosion, and the latter case
of this encyclopedia. A simplified view of results in nominally uniform corrosion.
certain aspects relevant to corrosion will
be presented in this section. Electrolytes
The corrosion of metals usually occurs in Corrosion Reactions an environment that can be considered to
Corrosion often involves oxidation of be an electrolyte. Electrolytes encountered
metal atoms to form ionic species with in corrosion are usually liquids containing
6 1 Fundamentals

dissolved ionic species. The most common by ion transport. Faraday’s law relates
solvent in nature is water, a polar molecule current density at the electrode to flux of
that facilitates dissolution of ions. the reacting species:
Electrolytes must have sufficient con-
ductivity to allow the passage of corrosion i = nF J (7)
currents from the anodes to the cath- where i is current density (A cm−2 ), n
odes, which occurs as a result of ion is the charge number (dimensionless),
transport. Electrolytes contain both posi- F is Faraday’s constant (96 487 C mol−1 ),
tively charged ions, cations, and negatively and J is the flux of the reacting species
charged ions, anions. The sum of the (mol cm−2 s−1 ). Transport processes will
positive charge must equal the sum of be discussed in more detail in Sect. 1.4 in
the negative charge since the electrolyte this volume.
itself is electrically neutral. Electrolytes
can also contain dissolved neutral species Electrode Potential and Structure
such as organic molecules and gases. of the Interface
Dissolved gases, oxygen in particular, At equilibrium, the charges in an elec-
can play a critical role in the corrosion trolyte are randomly oriented. However,
process, as described in the following corrosion occurs at the interface of a metal
section. and an electrolyte. The introduction of
The structure of the solvent water the discontinuity associated with an elec-
changes when ions are introduced. Be- trode changes the situation (much like the
cause of the charge dipole of the water introduction of an ion), leading to a re-
molecules, a sheath of oriented water distribution of charges at the interface.
forms around ions. The negatively charged The interface as a whole remains electri-
sides of the water dipoles, where the oxy- cally neutral, but there is a local loss of
gen atoms reside, are attracted to cations, electroneutrality. At the electrode surface
whereas the positively charged sides of the there is an excess of charge of one sign
water dipoles, where the hydrogen atoms and in the solution there is an excess of
reside, are attracted to anions. The water charge of the opposite sign. As a conse-
sheaths around cations are more stable quence, a potential drop develops at the
than those around anions because of steric metal–solution interface.
effects; water molecules can pack more Consider a Cu electrode in CuSO4 at
easily in a radial fashion when the oxygen equilibrium. There is no potential gradient
atom is pointed inward. or concentration gradient in the solution.
As described above, corrosion involves However, there is charge separation at the
at least one anodic oxidation reaction interface resulting in a potential drop.
that liberates electrons, and at least one At equilibrium, this potential drop is
cathodic reduction reaction that consumes representative of the reversible potential.
the electrons. The anodic and cathodic Note that it is impossible to measure
sites must be electrically connected, and the absolute value of a single electrode
an electronic current flows between these potential; only the potential difference
sites through the metal. The circuit is between two electrodes can be measured.
completed by a current that flows in To characterize electrode potentials in
the electrolyte between the anodic and practice one uses a reference electrode,
cathodic sites. Current flows in electrolytes which is an electrode that has a fixed
1.1 Fundamentals of Corrosion 7

potential drop. Electrode potentials are Gouy and Chapman later suggested that
always reported versus a specific reference the thermal energy of the ions would re-
electrode, such as the standard hydrogen sult in a diffuse layer on the solution side
electrode (SHE) or the saturated calomel of the interface with the concentration of
electrode (SCE). excess charges at a maximum close to the
The separation of charge at an elec- electrode surface and gradually decreas-
trode–electrolyte interface may be viewed ing with distance into the electrolyte (on
as a capacitor, as first suggested by the order of nanometers). However, the
Helmholtz. One plate of the capacitor is Gouy–Chapman diffuse layer model also
thought to be the excess (or depletion of) does not match well with all experimen-
electrons at the metal surface and the other tal data.
is a plane of excess positively (or nega- Stern then synthesized the Helmholtz
tively) charged ions in solution adjacent and Gouy–Chapman models into a con-
to the surface. The distance between the cept in which two regions of charge
two planes is on the order of only one- separation exist: a region corresponding
or two-tenths of a nanometer. The elec- to the Helmholtz layer where the potential
tric field between the planes is extremely varies linearly, and a region correspond-
large, on the order of 107 V cm−1 . This is ing to the Gouy–Chapman layer where
the reason why charged species can easily the potential varies exponentially with dis-
cross the interface during electrochemical tance from the interface. In concentrated
reactions. solutions, most of the charge is in the
There are two possible structures for Helmholtz double layer, and the diffuse
the Helmholtz double layer, which are re- region can be neglected. Conversely, in di-
lated to the waters of solvation associated lute solutions (having ionic concentration
with ions in solution. Because anions of- less than about 10−3 mol L−1 ), the diffuse
ten do not carry a solvent sheath, they region dominates.
adsorb directly on the surface. The liter- The electrochemical interface can also be
ature sometimes distinguishes the outer viewed using a different framework [11,
Helmholtz plane, corresponding to the 13–18]. The electrical potential of the
distance of closest approach of hydrated interior of an electrode with respect to
cations, from the inner Helmholtz plane a point at infinity in a charge-free vacuum
corresponding to the distance of closest is referred to as ϕ, the Galvani or inner
approach of nonhydrated species. Ions potential. An energy of eϕ is required to
situated in the inner Helmholtz plane transport an electron from infinity to the
are referred to as specifically adsorbed or interior of the electrode. This potential
contact adsorbed ions. Note that cations can be considered to be composed of
are attracted to surfaces with negative the sum two other potentials, ϕ = ψ + χ,
charge and anions to surfaces with positive where ψ is the outer potential and χ is
charge. Adsorbed solvent dipoles tend to the surface potential. The outer potential
be oriented similar to those in an ion sol- arises from excess charge on the surface,
vation sheath. The simplified Helmholtz and eψ is the energy required to bring
double layer model is very useful for un- a charge close enough to the surface to
derstanding charge transfer reactions but avoid image charges in the electrode. The
it is unable to explain all experimental surface potential results from adsorbed
observations. ions or oriented dipoles on the surface.
8 1 Fundamentals

The difference in the inner potentials 7. J. R. Davis, (Ed.), Corrosion in Metals Hand-
of the two phases at an electrochemical book, 9th ed., ASM International, Metals
Park, Ohio, 1987, 1–1415, Vol. 13.
interface, the inner potential difference
8. H. H. Uhlig, Corrosion Handbook, John Wi-
or Galvani potential difference, cannot be ley & Sons, New York, 1940.
measured directly. The difference between 9. M. Pourbaix, Atlas of Electrochemical Equilib-
the outer potentials of the two phases is ria in Aqueous Solutions, NACE International,
called the Volta potential difference, and is Houston, Tex., 1984.
10. Corrosion Costs and Preventive Strategies in
measured by the Kelvin Probe technique,
the United States, Tech Brief FHWA-RD-01-
as described in Sect. 7.8 in this volume. 157, US Dept. of Transportation.
11. J. O’M. Bockris, A. K. N. Reddy, Modern Elec-
References trochemistry, Plenum Press, New York,
12. A. Bard, L. Faulkner, Electrochemical Meth-
1. M. Fontana, N. Greene, Corrosion Engineer-
ods, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980.
ing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978.
13. K. J. Vetter, Electrochemical Kinetics, Aca-
2. H. H. Uhlig, Corrosion and Corrosion Control,
demic Press, New York, 1967.
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1971.
14. S. Trasatti, Electrochim. Acta 1983, 24, 1083.
3. H. Kaesche, Metallic Corrosion, NACE Inter-
15. M. Stratmann, H. Streckel, Corros. Sci. 1990,
national, Houston, Tex., 1985.
30, 681.
4. D. A. Jones, Principles and Prevention of
16. F. T. Wagner in Structure of Electrified Inter-
Corrosion, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood
faces (Eds.: J. Lipkowski, P. N. Ross), VCH
Cliffs, N. J., 1996.
Publishers, New York, 1993.
5. D. Landolt, Corrosion et chimie de surfaces des
17. S. Trasatti, Electrochim. Acta 1987, 32, 843.
métaux, Presses polytechniques et universi-
18. S. Trasatti, Electrochim. Acta 1991, 36, 1659.
taires romandes, Lausanne, 1993.
6. L. L. Shreir, R. A. Jarman, G. T. Burstein,
(Eds.), Corrosion, Butterworth-Heinemann,
Oxford, 1994.
1.2 Thermodynamics of Electrolytic Corrosion 9

1.2 balances. The free energy change, G, is a

Thermodynamics of Electrolytic Corrosion measure of driving force for the reaction to
proceed. The free energy change is given
Gerald S. Frankel by the difference of the free energy of the
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio products and reactants:
Dieter Landolt
G = Gprod − Greac
Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne
Lausanne, Switzerland = (cGC + dGD ) − (aGA + bGB )

1.2.1 = (cG0C + cRT ln aC + dG0D

Introduction + dRT ln aD ) − (aG0A + aRT ln aA

Thermodynamic calculations are extre- + bG0B + bRT ln aB ) = G0

mely important in the field of corrosion  
aCc aD
because they can be used to predict the + RT ln (3)
tendency for a metal to corrode in a given aAa aBb
environment. Details of thermodynamic
where G0 = (cG0C + dG0D ) − (aG0A +
principles can be found in a number
of textbooks [1–3]. The Atlas of Electro- bG0B ).
chemical Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions In generalized form:
by Marcel Pourbaix provides a compre-  
(a )j
hensive summary of the application of G = G0 + RT ln (4)
thermodynamics to corrosion as well as (areac )k
a compendium of stability diagrams for all
If G < 0 for a given reaction, it will tend
elements in water [4].
to proceed spontaneously in the direction
written because the free energy of the
1.2.2 products on the right-hand side of the
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics equation is less than that of the reactants
on the left-hand side. At equilibrium,
The free energy for any species, G, is G = 0.
related to the standard free energy, G0 ,
which is the free energy for the species in 1.2.3
its standard state, and the activity of the Thermodynamics of Electrochemical
species, a: Reactions

G = G0 + RT ln a (1) Many chemical oxidation–reduction reac-

tions can be performed in an electrochem-
where R is the gas constant and T is
ical cell in which electrons liberated by
the temperature. Consider the generic
oxidation of a species at one electrode (an-
chemical reaction:
ode) flow through an external conductor to
aA + bB = cC + dD (2) a second electrode (cathode) where they are
consumed by a reduction reaction. A corre-
where the capital letters represent species sponding ionic current flows through the
and the small letters represent stoichio- electrolyte that separates the electrodes in
metric numbers for which the reaction the electrochemical cell. In such a device,
10 1 Fundamentals

the chemical energy change resulting from On the basis of this convention, the
the Gibbs free energy change, G, can be reversible potential of any electrode re-
harvested as electric energy according to action can be computed from thermody-
namic data using Eq. (5). For example, the
G = −nF E rev (5) reversible potentials of the half-cell reac-
tions (6) and (7) can be computed from
In this expression, n is the charge number the free energy changes of the following
(dimensionless), F is the Faraday constant overall reactions:
(96 485 C mol−1 ) and E rev is the reversible aA + nH+ = cC + H2 (9)
potential of the cell reaction. 2
An electrochemical cell reaction (overall bB + H2 = dD + nH+ (10)
reaction) includes at least two half-cell 2
reactions or electrode reactions that either for conditions in which aH+ = 1 and
liberate or consume electrons. For the PH2 = 1 bar. If all species appearing in
overall reaction (2), for example, the half- the stoichiometric equations of a half-cell
cell reactions might be expressed as: reaction (in the above example the species
A, B, C, and D) are in their standard
aA = cC + ne− state with free energy G0 , the calculated
(anodic half-cell reaction) (6) potential is the standard potential of the
half-cell reaction:
bB + ne− = dD
(cathodic half-cell reaction) (7) E0 = (11)

A potential can be assigned to each of Equation (5) or (11) can be applied directly
to half-cell reactions such as (6) and (7)
these half-cell reactions provided a suitable
and the resulting potentials obtained will
reference is chosen, since it may be
be identical to those obtained from the
recalled that only the potential between
overall reactions (9) and (10) because of
two electrodes can be measured. It is
the definition of the SHE as the universal
customary to use the standard hydrogen
standard. A selection of standard potentials
electrode (SHE) as a universal reference
of half-cell reactions is shown in Table 1
when listing the potential of a half-cell. The
[5]. By international convention, electrode
SHE corresponds to the half-cell reaction:
reactions in thermodynamic tables are
always written as reduction reactions, so
2H+ + 2e− = H2 (8) the more noble metals have a positive
standard potential. Lists such as that in
under conditions in which the activity of Table 1 are also called electromotive force
the protons is unity, aH+ = 1, and the series or tables of standard reduction
partial pressure of hydrogen gas is one potentials.
bar, PH2 = 1 bar (1 bar = 0.987 atm). The Compilations of thermodynamic data
potential of the SHE is arbitrarily set at and standard potentials in electrochem-
zero, ESHE ≡ 0. Correspondingly, the free istry references, such as the Pourbaix
energy of protons in solution at unit activity atlas [4], often use a convention that as-
is arbitrarily set to 0 as a reference. signs zero to the free energy or chemical
1.2 Thermodynamics of Electrolytic Corrosion 11

Tab. 1 Electromotive force series [5] the standard free energy of formation of
a compound is the free energy change for
Electrode reaction Standard potential the formation of the compound from its
(V) elements in their stable states at 1 atm
Au3+ + 3e− −−−→ Au 1.50
Another way of looking at the energetics
Pd2+ + 2e− −−−→ Pd 0.987 of electrode reactions is to say that the
Hg2+ + 2e− −−−→ Hg 0.854 charge transfer at the interface involves
Ag+ + e− −−−→ Ag 0.800 both a change in the chemical state of
Cu+ + e− −−−→ Cu 0.521 the reacting species and work to move the
Cu2+ + 2e− −−−→ Cu 0.337 charged species across the potential drop
2H+ + 2e− −−−→ H2 0.00 at the interface. Thus, one can define an
Pb2+ + 2e− −−−→ Pb −0.126 electrochemical free energy change for a
Sn2+ + 2e− −−−→ Sn −0.136 half-cell reaction as:
Ni2+ + 2e− −−−→ Ni −0.250
Co2+ + 2e− −−−→ Co −0.277 G = G + nF (12)
In3+ + 3e− −−−→ In −0.342
Cd2+ + 2e− −−−→ Cd −0.403 where  is the potential drop across the
Fe2+ + 2e− −−−→ Fe −0.440 interface. The electrochemical free energy
Ga3+ + 3e− −−−→ Ga −0.530
change is the sum of a chemical and an
electrical component. For the following
Cr3+ + 3e− −−−→ Cr −0.740
discussion, it is convenient to refer the po-
Zn2+ + 2e− −−−→ Zn −0.763
tential drop at the interface (its absolute
Mn2+ + 2e− −−−→ Mn −1.18
value cannot be measured) to the SHE, by
Zr4+ + 4e− −−−→ Zr −1.53
setting  = E. When an electrochemi-
Al3+ + 3e− −−−→ Al −1.66 cal half-cell reaction is at equilibrium, it is
Mg2+ + 2e− −−−→ Mg −2.37 reversible (it proceeds equally fast in both
Na2+ + 2e− −−−→ Na −2.71 directions) and G = 0. Furthermore, at
Ca2+ + 2e− −−−→ Ca −2.87 equilibrium, E = E rev . Therefore, Eq. (12)
K2+ + 2e− −−−→ K −2.93 simplifies to Eq. (5). This equation indi-
Li2+ + 2e− −−−→ Li −3.05 cates that there is a reversible potential that
balances the chemical free energy change
of any electrochemical half reaction to keep
potential of a pure element at 298 K in the reaction at equilibrium, regardless of
its stable state. This convention is differ- the concentrations of the species.
ent than the classical physiochemical scale As mentioned above, the reaction is in
derived from the third law of thermody- equilibrium at the reversible potential,
namics in which S = 0 for all solids at 0 K and will proceed in both directions at
(assuming they are well ordered, homo- the same rate. At a potential above
geneous, and in internal equilibrium) and the reversible potential, the reaction will
H = 0 for all elements in their stable states proceed predominantly in the oxidizing
at 298 K. The electrochemical thermody- direction and the reaction will proceed
namic data are perhaps better viewed as predominantly in the reducing direction
standard free energies of formation, since below the reversible potential.
12 1 Fundamentals Example 1 Note that G0Fe = 0 is a statement of the

The standard potential for a reaction can be convention described above (the use of
calculated from the standard free energy standard energies of formation), G0H+ = 0
change using Eq. (11). Consider the half is a result of using the SHE reference
reaction representing the rusting of iron: scale, and G0e− = 0 is a statement of the
assumption that electrons in the metal are
3Fe + 4H2 O = Fe3 O4 + 8H+ + 8e−
in their standard state.
In order to get the standard reduction
potential, the half reaction should be Example 2
written as a reduction reaction: Thermodynamics can be used to predict
the spontaneous direction of an electro-
Fe3 O4 + 8H+ + 8e− = 3Fe + 4H2 O chemical reaction (tendency for reaction
(14) to occur), but not the rate of reaction.
The standard reduction potential can thus Consider the electrochemical cell in Fig. 1,
be calculated: which shows a two-compartment cell sepa-
−(3G0Fe + 4G0H2 O − G0Fe3 O4 rated by a semipermeable membrane. One
side contains a Zn electrode in a solution
−8G0H+ − 8G0e− )
E0 = (15) containing Zn2+ ions at a concentration of
nF 1 M, and the other side contains a Cu elec-
The values for the various standard free trode in a solution containing Cu2+ ions at
energies can be found in references, such a concentration of 1 M. Every species is in
as the Pourbaix atlas [4]: its standard state. The cell is represented
−[3(0) + 4(−56 690) − (−242 400) by the following cell reaction:
−8(0) − 8(0)]cal C−1 Zn + Cu2+ = Zn2+ + Cu
E0 = (17)
[8(96 487)]
This cell reaction consists of two half-cell
= −0.020 cal C−1 (4.19 J cal−1 )
reactions, each of which has an accom-
= −0.085 V (16) panying standard potential. Subtraction of

[Cu2+] = 1 M [Zn2+] = 1 M

Cu Zn

Semi-permeable barrier
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of a corrosion cell consisting of Cu and Zn electrodes
in solutions of unit cation activity.
1.2 Thermodynamics of Electrolytic Corrosion 13

one half-cell reaction from the other yields to dissolve. As a result, the direction of
the cell reaction, Eq. (17). Subtraction of a cell reaction with all species in their
the standard potentials yields the standard standard states can be determined by
cell potential. inspection.

Cu2+ + 2e− = Cu E(Cu

= 0.337 V Example 3
  The electrochemical cell in Fig. 2 shows a
Zn2+ + 2e− = Zn two-compartment cell with a Pb electrode
− 0
= −0.763 V in a Pb2+ solution on one side and a
Zn + Cu2+ = Zn2+ + Cu E0cell = 1.10 V Pt electrode cell on the other side in
a pH 0 acid saturated with H2 gas at
(18) 1 bar. This approximates the case of a
Since Ecell0 > 0, G0 = −nF E 0 < 0,
cell cell lead electrode in an acid solution. The Pt
and the reaction will proceed as written. electrode acts as a catalyst for the hydrogen
0 < 0 will proceed in the
Reactions with Ecell reaction:
reverse direction. This calculation assumes
Pb2+ + 2e− = Pb
that all species are in their standard states.
E 0 2+ = −0.126 V
If this is not the case, the Nernst equation  (Pb /Pb) 
must be used, as described below. − 2H+ + 2e− = H2 E(H
+ /H ) = 0.0 V
The half-cell reaction with the more
active (negative) half-cell potential will Pb2+ + H2 = Pb + 2H+ Ecell 0 = −0.126 V

proceed as an oxidation reaction, and the (19)

one with the more noble (positive) half- 0 < 0, the reaction proceeds
Since Ecell
cell potential will proceed as a reduction in the reverse direction. Pb tends to
reaction. In other words, noble metals spontaneously corrode in pH 0 acid, not
tend to plate out, and active metals tend plate out. However, the rate of corrosion is

[Pb2+] = 1 M
[H+] = 1 M
Pb Pt


Semi-permeable barrier
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of a corrosion cell consisting of a Pb electrode in a unit
activity solution of lead ion and a Pt electrode in a solution of unit H+ ion and hydrogen gas
partial pressure of 1 atm. This is representative of Pb dissolution in an acidic solution, but
allowing for separation of the anodic and cathodic reactions.
14 1 Fundamentals

extremely slow because of kinetic factors, commonly in electrochemistry for gases

as will be described in more detail in and solvents. Thus, for the general half
chapter 1.3. reaction:

1.2.4 aA + bB + ne− = cC + dD (22)

Nernst Equation
the Nernst equation is:
Reactants and products are not typically in

RT [A]a [B]b
their standard states. The Nernst equation E rev = E 0 + ln
accounts for the effects of activity on nF [C]c [D]d
reversible potential. Equation (4) presents
a b

0.059 [A] [B]

the free energy change for a generalized = E0 + log
n [C]c [D]d
reaction in which the reactants and
products are not in their standard states. at room temperature (23)
If the reaction is a reduction reaction (the
reactants and products are the oxidized and Example 3
reduced form of a species, respectively), Consider the electrochemical cell shown
we can consider that G = −nF E rev in Fig. 3, which has Co in a solution with
and G0 = −nF E 0 . Substituting into [Co2+ ] = 10−6 M and Fe in a solution with
Eq. (4): [Fe2+ ] = 1 M. The cell reaction is:
rev 0 RT (aox )j Co + Fe2+ = Co2+ + Fe (24)
E =E + ln (20)
nF (ared )k
First consider the situation for this cell at
This equation, called the Nernst equation, standard state:
describes the reversible potential of an
electrochemical half reaction in which Fe2+ + 2e− = Fe E(Fe
= −0.44 V
the oxidized and reduced species are not  
necessarily in their standard states. For Co2+ + 2e− = Co
dilute solutions, the activity coefficient is −
E 0 2+ = −0.277
approximately equal to one so: (Co /Co)

2+ 2+
Co + Fe = Co + Fe
aA = γA cA ≈ cA = [A] (21)
Ecell = −0.163 V < 0
where γA is the activity coefficient of (25)
species A, and cA and [A] represent the con- 0 < 0, the reaction proceeds in
Since Ecell
centration of species A in moles per liter. the reverse direction if all reactants and
It should be noted that equating activity to products are in their standard states.
concentration for dilute concentrations is However, for the concentrations given, the
a statement of Henry’s Law, which utilizes Nernst equation must be used:
a hypothetical standard state of 1 mol L−1 .
The Henrian activity is different than that E(Co 2+
obtained from Raoult’s Law, which states

0.059 1
that activity equals mole fraction (activity − 0.277 − log
coefficient equals one) when mole fraction 2 10−6
is close to unity. Raoultian activity is used = −0.454 V
1.2 Thermodynamics of Electrolytic Corrosion 15

[Co2+] = 10−6 M [Fe2+] = 1 M

Co Fe

Fig. 3 Schematic representation of a corrosion cell consisting of Co and Fe

electrodes, but where the Co ion solution is not unit activity.

E rev 2+ = E 0 = −0.44 V The Nernst equation for the HER given in

Fe /Fe Fe2+ /Fe
Eq. (27) is:
Ecell = E rev 2+ − E rev 2+ rev
Fe /Fe Co /Co E(H + /H )

= 0.014 V > 0 (26) 0.059

= E(H+ /H ) + log[H+ ]2
2 2
rev > 0, the reaction proceeds
Since Ecell
= 0.059 log[H+ ] = −0.059 pH (29)
in the forward direction when [Co2+ ] =
10−6 M, which is opposite of the tendency It can be easily shown that the Nernst
when [Co2+ ] = 1 M. The low cobalt ion equation for the base form of the HER
concentration reverses the tendency of the given in reaction (28) is also E rev =
reaction by promoting Co dissolution. −0.059 pH.
When dissolved oxygen gas is present in
1.2.5 the aqueous solution, the following oxygen
Cathodic Reactions in Corrosion reduction reactions are possible:

In most environments of interest to cor- O2 + 4H+ + 4e− −−−→ 2H2 O acids

rosion, there is not a large concentration (30)
of metal ions acting as cathodic reactants. − −
O2 + 2H2 O + 4e −−−→ 4OH bases
The important cathodic reactions in cor-
rosion mechanisms involve water. There (31)
are two primary cathodic reactions, each The Nernst equation for the acid form of
the oxygen reduction reaction is:
of which takes a different form in acids or
bases. The first is the hydrogen evolution rev
E(O 2 /H2 O)
reaction (HER), in which hydrogen gas is

evolved. 0
= E(O 2 /H2 O)
− log[H+ ]−4
2H+ + 2e− −−−→ H2 (g) acids (27) = 1.229 − 0.059 pH (32)
− −
2H2 O + 2e −−−→ H2 (g) + 2OH bases As for the case of the hydrogen evolution
(28) reaction, the Nernst equation for the base
16 1 Fundamentals

form of the oxygen reduction reaction space. This line is parallel to the hydrogen
is the same as that for the acid form. line, but is offset by 1.23 V. Above the
The base form of either the hydrogen oxygen line, O2 is the stable phase, and
evolution reaction or the oxygen reduction water (or OH− ) is oxidized. Below the
reaction is obtained from the acid form by oxygen line, water is stable, and O2 is
adding a multiple of the water dissociation reduced.
reaction: By plotting both the oxygen and hydro-
gen lines together on one plot, Fig. 4, the
H2 O −−−→ H+ + OH− (33) region for water stability is determined.
Water is stable between the oxygen and
1.2.6 hydrogen lines; it is oxidized to O2 above
Pourbaix Diagrams
the oxygen line and reduced to H2 be-
low the hydrogen line. A voltage of at
It is possible to use the Nernst equation,
least 1.23 V needs to be applied between
which relates reversible potential to pH
two electrodes to hydrolyze or decompose
and cation concentration, to generate
phase stability plots in potential/pH space.
Such diagrams are called Pourbaix dia-
grams, after Marcel Pourbaix who pio- Pourbaix Diagram for Metals
neered their development. Pourbaix dia- Pourbaix diagrams for metals in aqueous
grams are visual representations of the solutions can be generated in order to
equilibrium conditions in potential/pH visualize the stability regions for the
space. They are based on thermodynam- metal and its various corrosion products.
ics, and indicate the stable phase for In order to construct a metal Pourbaix
given conditions, but say nothing about diagram, the possible reaction products
rates of reactions from one phase to an- in an aqueous solution must be known.
other. In general, a metal will oxidize to form
a soluble cation, a soluble anion, or a
metal oxide or hydroxide. For a generic Pourbaix Diagram for Water
metallic element M, the electrochemical
The Nernst equation for the HER was
half reactions that form these various
+ /H ) = −0.059
given in Eq. (29) as E(H rev
2 products are:
pH. This is a line in E/pH space
that intersects (0,0) and has a slope of
M −−−→ Mn+ + ne− (34)
−0.059 V pH−1 . The HER is in equilib-
rium along this line. At potentials above M + nH2 O −−−→ MOm−
n + 2nH
this line in E/pH space, the reactions
+ (2n − m)e− (35)
proceed in the oxidizing direction; water
(H+ ) is the stable phase and any dissolved M + nH2 O −−−→ MOn + 2nH+ + 2ne−
H2 gas that might be present in solu- (36)
tion is oxidized. Below this line, H2 gas
is the stable phase, and water (or H+ ) is M + nH2 O −−−→ M(OH)n + nH+ + ne−
reduced. (37)
The Nernst equation for the oxygen Pourbaix diagrams must also consider
reduction reactions, E(Orev
2 /H2 O)
= 1.229 − chemical reactions in which a species
0.059 pH, can also be plotted in E/pH containing a metallic element at a given
1.2 Thermodynamics of Electrolytic Corrosion 17

Oxygen O2
1.2 O2 + 2
H2 O + 4e −
4OH −
H+ (b)
Potential E

H+ + e− OH−

−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Fig. 4 Pourbaix diagram for water.

oxidation state changes into another example of a reaction involving a change

species containing the metallic element in oxidation state is the oxidation of a dis-
in the same oxidation state. For ex- solved cation to a higher oxidation state
ample, a soluble cation or oxy-anion reaction (43) and an example of a chemi-
can precipitate to form an oxide or cal reaction between two dissolved species
hydroxide: with the same oxidation state is the equi-
librium between a cation and an oxy-anion
mM(2n/m)+ + nH2 O = Mm On + 2nH+ reaction (44).
Mn+ −−−→ Mn+1 + e− (43)
mM (n/m)+
+ nH2 O = Mm (OH)n + nH
Mn+ + nH2 O = HMOn n−1 + (2n − 1)H+
+ 2H+ = Mm On + H2 O
(40) Example: Pourbaix Diagram for Fe
(n−2)− + In order to illustrate how the Nernst equa-
MOn−1 + H2 O + (n − 2)H
tions for the various reactions involving
= M(OH)n (41) a metal in an aqueous solution can be
− + combined to create a Pourbaix diagram
HMO2 + H = MO + H2 O (42)
for that metal, it is instructive to create a
Depending on the metal system being real diagram. A portion of the Pourbaix
studied, it might also be necessary to diagram for Fe will be developed in this
consider reactions involving two dissolved section.
species that occur homogeneously in solu- Fe can dissolve to form a ferrous cation,
tion. The two dissolved species might have Fe2+ :
the same or different oxidation states. An Fe −−−→ Fe2+ + 2e− (45)
18 1 Fundamentals

The Nernst equation for reaction (36) is: Consider now the reaction of Fe to form
ferrous hydroxide:
E rev

Fe + 2H2 O −−−→ Fe(OH)2 + 2H+ + 2e−
= E 0 + log([Fe2+ ]) (47)
Fe/Fe2+ 2

E rev = E 0 + log([H+ ]2 )
= −0.44 + 0.0295 log[Fe2+ ] (46) 2
This line is dependent on the Fe2+ activity = −0.047 − 0.059 pH (48)
or concentration, and independent of pH.
This line is parallel to the hydrogen
It can be represented by a family of hori-
and oxygen reaction lines with a slope
zontal lines in E/pH space, depending on
of −0.059 V pH−1 . Along the line, reac-
the value of [Fe2+ ]. For the case in which
tion (47) is in equilibrium, below the line
metal is dissolving into a solution that
Fe is stable, and above the line Fe(OH)2 is
nominally does not contain any of the ionic
species (the typical case in corrosion), an
Fe2+ reacts to form Fe(OH)2 by a
interesting situation exists. The reversible
chemical reaction (a precipitation reaction
potential for dissolution of a metal into a
with no charge transfer):
solution that has a metal ion concentration
of 0 is log(0) = −∞. However, a very small Fe2+ + 2H2 O = Fe(OH)2 + 2H+ (49)
amount of dissolution will result in a finite
ion concentration in solution. For metal The equilibrium constant for this reaction
corrosion in a solution that contains no describes the combinations of Fe2+ con-
metallic ions, a concentration of 10−6 M centration and pH for which this reaction
is usually assumed for determination of is at equilibrium:
reversible potential. This is a reasonable
[H+ ]2
value for the influence of corrosion in a K= = 10−13.29 (50)
typical situation. At Fe2+ activities of 1 and [Fe2+ ]
10−6 , the reversible potential is −0.44 and 1
pH = 6.645 − 2 log[Fe2+ ]
−0.617 V, respectively. These lines, which
are plotted in Fig. 5, represent equilibrium This relationship is independent of po-
for reaction (45). Above these lines the re- tential, and is displayed in the Pourbaix
action will proceed as oxidation, and Fe2+ diagram as a vertical line at a given
is the stable species; below these lines Fe pH that depends on [Fe2+ ], and sepa-
is stable. rates the Fe2+ and Fe(OH)2 phases. For

−0.2 Fe2+

−0.4 [Fe2+] = 1 M

[Fe2+] = 10−6 M

Fe Fig. 5 Partial Pourbaix diagram
−0.8 for Fe showing the lines for the
Nernst equation for the
−2 0 2 4 6 equilibrium between Fe and
pH Fe2+ .
1.2 Thermodynamics of Electrolytic Corrosion 19

[Fe2+ ] = 10−6 and 1, the line is pH = 9.65 is plotted in Fig. 7 for [HFeO2 − ] = 10−6 .
and 6.65, respectively. These lines con- When [HFeO2 − ] = 1, the equilibrium is at
nect to with the lines separating the pH values higher than 16.
Fe/Fe2+ and Fe/Fe(OH)2 phases to form Fe(OH)2 dissolves chemically to form
a clear separation of the three phases, HFeO2 − according to:
Fig. 6.
Fe can react to form an oxy-anion, Fe(OH)2 = HFeO2 − + H+ (53)
dihypoferrite, or HFeO2 − , according to: +
K = [H ][HFeO2 ] = 10 − −18.3
− + −
Fe + 2H2 O −−−→ HFeO2 + 3H + 2e pH = 18.3 + log[HFeO2 − ]
E rev = E 0 For [HFeO2 − ] = 10−6 , the equilibrium
line is pH = 12.3, Fig. 7. When
+ log([H+ ]3 [HFeO2 − ]) [HFeO2 − ] = 1, the equilibrium line is off
(52) of the diagram. To finish the Pourbaix
diagram for Fe, it is necessary to consider
= E0 + log[HFeO2 − ] other substances, including Fe(OH)3 , and
2 Fe3+ . The reactions must be written,

3 and the Nernst equations or solubility

− (0.059) pH
2 equations must be developed and plotted.
= 0.493 + 0.0295 log[HFeO2 − ] The full Fe Pourbaix diagram is given in
Fig. 8.
− 0.0886 pH
This line depends on both pH and ion on Pourbaix Diagrams
concentration. So it has a finite slope in Pourbaix diagrams are very useful tools
E/pH space and varies with [HFeO2 − ]. It for predicting corrosion behavior. The
[Fe2+] = 10−6 M

[Fe2+] = 1 M


−0.2 Fe(OH)2

[Fe2+] = 1 M

[Fe2+] = 10−6 M


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Fig. 6 Partial Pourbaix diagram for Fe showing the lines
separating the Fe, Fe2+ , and Fe(OH)2 phase fields.
20 1 Fundamentals


[HFeO2−] = 10−6 M
[Fe2+] = 10−6 M

[Fe2+] = 1 M


[Fe2+] = 1 M



[Fe2+] = 10−6 M


−1.0 −]
[HFeO2 = 10−6 M

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Fig. 7 Partial Pourbaix diagram for Fe showing the lines separating the Fe, Fe2+ ,
and Fe(OH)2 and HFeO2 − phase fields.

diagrams for many elements are complied as a result of a stable ionic phase at high
in the Pourbaix atlas [4]. However, it is potentials even in the mid-pH range. Some
critical to understand both the limitations metals, such as Sn, will form a gaseous
of Pourbaix diagrams, and their proper metal hydride phase at low potentials. This
interpretations. In general, there are three phase is also a region where the metal will
types of phase fields in Pourbaix diagrams: react, and should be considered a region of
immunity, corrosion, and passivity. The corrosion. Phase fields in which the stable
region where the metal M is the stable substance is a solid oxide or hydroxide are
phase, which is typically at low potentials, considered to be regions of passivity. The
is considered to be a region of immunity. assumption is that the oxide or hydroxide
In this region, corrosion is thermodynam- will form on the metal surface and de-
ically unfavored; the tendency would be crease the rate of corrosion to a very low
for any metal ions in solution to plate out. value. Most metals (W is a notable excep-
Phase fields in which a dissolved cation tion) have a passivity field in the mid-pH
or oxy-anion is stable are considered to be range.
regions of corrosion where the tendency All Pourbaix diagrams for metal–water
would be for corrosion to occur. For most systems include the lines for the cathodic
metals, the corrosion regions are at the reactions in water (the oxygen and
acid and base ends of the diagram. Some hydrogen reactions). The relative position
metals, such as Cr, dissolve transpassively of these lines to the stable phases indicates
1.2 Thermodynamics of Electrolytic Corrosion 21

1.6 Fe+++



(a) Fe(OH)3
0 Fe++



−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Fig. 8 Full Pourbaix diagram for Fe showing the lines for ion
concentrations of 1 and 10−6 .

the availability of the cathodic reactions for It is possible that different oxides or hy-
corrosion. In order for either the oxygen droxides may form, each of which has a
reduction or hydrogen evolution reaction different free energy. As a result, the Pour-
to act as a cathodic reaction for a corro- baix diagram will change, depending upon
sion process, the E/pH conditions must the exact phases that are considered. For
be below the respective lines where the instance, the Pourbaix diagram consider-
tendency for the reactions would be to- ing Fe3 O4 and Fe2 O3 will be different than
wards reduction. In order for a corrosion that shown in Fig. 8.
reaction to proceed, the potential must Passivity and alloy dissolution are cov-
be above E(M/Mrev
+ ) . So the phase space ered in detail in other chapters of this
between E(M/M+ ) and the oxygen or hy- volume. However, Pourbaix diagrams can
drogen line is where corrosion is possible. be used to suggest the influence of alloy-
For noble metals such as Cu, E rev is above ing on passivation or oxide film formation.
the hydrogen line. This means that open It is possible for one element in an al-
circuit corrosion of Cu will not occur in loy to enrich in a surface oxide layer
association with hydrogen evolution; Cu is if the oxide of that metal is stable in
immune in a deaerated environment (ig- an E/pH region where the other ele-
noring other effects such as complexation). ments are not stable. This results in an
Cu will corrode in an aerated solution (one effective extension of the passivity re-
containing dissolved oxygen gas) because gion for the base metal of the alloy. An
E rev 2+ is well below the oxygen line. example of this is stainless steel. The
(Cu/Cu )
22 1 Fundamentals

Pourbaix diagram for Fe shows that the to increase with time as the alkalinity gen-
corrosion region extends into mid-pH val- erated by the cathodic reactions will only
ues at moderate potentials. The phase balance the acidity produced by hydrol-
field for Cr2 O3 overlays much of this ysis if the hydrolysis reactions proceed
territory, allowing for an enhancement in completely to uncharged hydroxides. Us-
the passivity of Fe alloys by the addition ing appropriate consideration of the local
of Cr. pH, Pourbaix diagrams can still be used
The primary limitation for Pourbaix di- to predict the reactions for these corrosion
agrams is that they are constructed purely situations that experience changes in pH
from thermodynamic data. They are sim- with time.
ply visual representations of the thermo- Finally, the Pourbaix diagrams given in
dynamic data. As such, they provide no the Pourbaix atlas are only for simple
information about corrosion rates. It is binary systems M−H2 O. However, it is
possible for substances that are thermody- possible to extend the Pourbaix diagram
namically unstable to be metastable, and concept to more complicated systems if the
exert a strong influence on the corrosion ki- free energies of every species are known.
netics. For instance, Ni is quite resistant to For instance, the system Cu−Cl−H2 O
acids, even though thermodynamics pre-
has been studied [6]. The addition of
dicts that Ni2+ should be the stable phase
chloride to the system necessitates con-
at potentials above the Ni/Ni2+ reversible
sideration of a number of new solid sub-
potential because of the metastability of
stances (CuCl, CuCl2 , 3Cu(OH)2 · CuCl2 )
NiO. On the other hand, some thermo-
and new dissolved species (Cl− , CuCl2 − ,
dynamically stable phases provide little
CuCl2 2− , CuCl+ , CuCl3 − , and CuCl4 2− ).
The copper-chloro complexes that can
Metal ion concentration has a strong in-
form in an aqueous chloride environ-
fluence on the equilibria; as mentioned
rev + ment are less noble than the cupric
above, E(M/M + ) = −∞ if [M ] = 0. The
ion. In fact, there is a range of stabil-
exact composition of an environment is
often not known, especially given the pos- ity for CuCl2 − below the hydrogen line
sibility for local variations. The boundaries in solutions containing sufficient chlo-
for ion concentrations of 10−6 are only ride. This means that copper will spon-
guidelines. taneously corrode in deaerated chloride
Both oxidation and reduction reactions solutions because of the complexation by
that occur as corrosion proceeds can re- chloride.
sult in pH changes. The O2 reduction There is a need to develop the con-
and hydrogen evolution reactions both cept of stability diagrams to complex
either consume protons or produce hy- systems such as real alloys in con-
droxyls. Therefore, under conditions in centrated acids or organic solvents. In
which there is a spatial separation of ca- such systems, it is critical to accurately
thodic and anodic reactions, the pH at represent the standard state properties
the cathodic sites will increase. Hydrolysis as well as the activity coefficients. Re-
of metal cations will result in a decrease cently, approaches have been developed
in pH at anodic sites. Even for uniform and applied to a range of problems
corrosion, with distributed and changing such as the formation of iron sulfide
anodic and cathodic sites, the pH will tend scales [7].
1.2 Thermodynamics of Electrolytic Corrosion 23

1.2.7 ratios can be determined for a given

Thermodynamics of High Temperature temperature.
Corrosion In order to determine the equilibrium
temperature for a given reaction and
High temperature corrosion and oxida- oxygen partial pressure, a line is drawn
tion will be covered in a separate chapter. starting from the point at the very top
However, some basics of the thermody- of the free energy scale to the left of the
namics will be addressed here. Consider a plot. This point is G0 = 0 and T = 0 K.
metal M reacting at high temperature with The line is extended from that point to
O2 : the appropriate point on the pO2 scale

2x 2 on the bottom and to the right of the

M + O2 −−−→ Mx Oy (55) figure. The value of temperature at the
y y
point of intersection of that line and the
The free energy change differs from the G0 − T line for the given reaction is
standard free energy change G0 if the the equilibrium temperature. The reaction
reactants and products are not in their will tend to go in the oxidizing direction
standard states: at temperatures below this equilibrium
 
 a 2/y  temperature, and in the reducing direction
G = G0 + RT ln
x y
at higher temperature. The CO/CO2 ratio
 (a 2x/y )(aO )  and H2 /H2 O ratio scales are used with the
M 2

points marked H and C, respectively, on
= G0 + RT ln (56) the line to the left.
pO 2 The Ellingham diagram assumes 1 bar
At equilibrium, G = 0: total pressure (pref = 1), pure metal re-

acting (am = 1), and pure metal oxide
1 forming (aox = 1). All equations are writ-
G0 = −RT ln
pO2 /MO ten for 1 mole O2 . The slopes of the lines
= RT ln(pO2 /MO ) (57) are a result of the entropy change for the
where pO2 /MO is the O2 pressure at 
which the system is in equilibrium. ∂G 
= −S (58)
According to Eq. (57) equilibrium at a ∂T P
given temperature is possible at only one
O2 pressure. For most of the reactions, 1 mole of gas
The thermodynamic data describing is consumed to make a solid product,
equilibrium can be plotted in an Elling- resulting in a decrease in entropy and
ham diagram, Fig. 9 [1]. This diagram a positive slope. The slope changes at
is a compilation of lines for standard temperatures above the boiling point
free energy for oxidation of different of the metal. The line for the oxida-
elements. It can be used to deter- tion of C to CO has a negative slope
mine the equilibrium temperature for a because 1 mole of gas is reacting to
given reaction and given value of oxy- create 2 moles of product, which in-
gen partial pressure, CO/CO2 ratio, or volves an increase in entropy. Similarly,
H2 /H2 O ratio. Conversely, the equilib- the line for oxidation of C to CO2
rium values for the gas pressures or is horizontal.
24 1 Fundamentals

10−8 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3
pCO /pCO2 10−3
10−14 10−12 10−1010−9 10−8 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 1 10 −2
4Ag + O 2
= 2Ag 2 10−1 10−2
10−2 10−1
−100 10−3
M Fe 3O
=2 1
M O2
−200 2Cu 2
4Cu +
O2 = O M 10−6
2Co 2CO 2
iO + O2 = O2 = O 10
= 2N 2Co + = 2H 2
+ O2 2CO 2H 2 +
−300 10−8
M 10
= 2Fe 102
2Fe +
C + O2 = CO2
−400 M 102
O4 O
Fe 3 =2
= 1/3

H −500 103
M 10−14
C O2 = 2M M
O+ M 104
−600 r 2O 3
2Mn M 105
O2 =
2/3C 10−16
∆G 0 = RT In p O2 kJ

106 105
−700 10−18
= SiO
Si +
= TiO
10−20 107 106
−800 Ti +

10−22 108 107

M B B 10−24
Al 2O 3 109
= 2/3
l + O2 108
−1000 M 10−26
gO M Melting point of metal 109
= 2M M
−1100 2Mg
O + O2
= 2C B Boiling point of metal 10−28
2Ca M Melting point of oxide 1011
10−30 1010
Temperature, °C
−1200 1012
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
pO2 (atm) 10−100 10−80 10−60 10−50 10 −42 10−38 10−34
pCO /pCO2
1014 1012
0K pH2/pH2O 1013

Fig. 9 Ellingham diagram [1].

References 4. M. Pourbaix, Atlas of Electrochemical Equilib-

ria in Aqueous Solutions, NACE International,
1. D. R. Gaskell, Introduction to Metallurgical Houston, Tex., 1974.
Thermodynamics, 3rd ed., Taylor & Francis, 5. J. R. Davis, (Ed.), Corrosion in Metals Hand-
Washington, DC, 1995. book, 9th ed., ASM International, Metals
2. R. T. DeHoff, Thermodynamics in Mate- Park, Ohio, 1987, 1–1415, Vol. 13.
rials Science, McGraw-Hill, New York, 6. M. Pourbaix, Lectures on Electrochemical Cor-
1993. rosion, 3rd ed., NACE International, Hous-
3. C. H. P. Lupis, Chemical Thermodynamics ton, Tex., 1995.
of Materials, North Holland, New York, 7. A. Anderko, S. J. Sanders, R. D. Young, Cor-
1983. rosion 1997, 53, 43–53.
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 25

1.3 determine a corrosion rate is by immersing

Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions a sample into a corrosive environment for
a period of time and measuring the weight
Gerald S. Frankel loss during that time. The weight loss
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio must be normalized by the sample area
Dieter Landolt in order to determine a corrosion rate,
Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne so one set of proper units for corrosion
Lausanne, Switzerland rate is weight loss per unit area per unit
time; for instance, mg cm−2 s−1 . It is
1.3.1 very common to divide this measure of
Introduction weight loss corrosion rate by the density of
the corroding material to get a corrosion
The information about the tendency for rate in units of thickness lost per unit
corrosion to occur that can be obtained time; for instance, mils per year (mpy,
from thermodynamic calculations is im- which is thousandths of an inch per year)
portant and useful. However, most of the or mm yr−1 .
science and engineering aspects in the Electrochemical techniques for determi-
field of corrosion focus on knowing and nation of corrosion rate generate a value in
reducing the rate of corrosion. The rate units of A cm−2 , which is current density.
of corrosion is not addressed by ther- The rate of material loss, r (mm yr−1 ), is
modynamics; it falls instead within the related to the corrosion current density,
purview of kinetics. So the kinetics of icorr (A cm−2 ), by:
electrochemical reactions in general, and
corrosion reactions specifically, are at the CMicorr
r= (1)
heart of the subject of corrosion. This chap- ρnF
ter will introduce electrochemical kinetics
where M is the molecular weight of the
at a simple level, with sufficient detail to
corroding metal (g mol−1 ), ρ is the density
develop the concept of mixed potential the-
of metal (g cm−2 ), and C is a constant to
ory. The interested reader is referred to
alter units of thickness and time.
other volumes of this encyclopedia and to
textbooks in corrosion [1–9] for a more
detailed description. The kinetic under- Exchange Current Density; Kinetics at
pinnings of some of the electrochemical Equilibrium
techniques for determination of corrosion
rate will also be presented. The influence Consider an electrochemical half-reaction
of transport on the rates of electrochemi- at equilibrium:
cal reactions will be discussed in the next
chapter (see Chapter 1.4). Mz+ + ze− ←−→ M (2)

1.3.2 The fact that a reaction is at equilibrium

Measures of Corrosion Rate does not mean that the system is at
rest and inactive. Rather, for a system
Corrosion rates can be given in a number at equilibrium, the rate of the reaction
of different units using different measures in the forward direction is equal to the
of material loss. The easiest way to rate in the reverse direction. Indeed, it is
26 1 Fundamentals

possible that the rate of the reaction in both there is a reversible potential associated
directions is extremely rapid. This equal with the equilibrium of any electrode
rate of the forward and reverse reactions reaction. Therefore, it is possible to
at equilibrium is defined as the exchange represent the situation of equilibrium for
current density, i0 . an electrochemical reaction as a point in
The hydrogen reaction in acid solutions potential versus log current density space,
was presented in the last chapter (Chap- (E rev , i0 ), Fig. 1. The reason for plotting
ter 1.2): the current density on a logarithmic axis
will become clear shortly.
2H+ + 2e− ←−→ H2 (g) (3)
Exchange current density is dependent
The exchange current density for the on the concentrations of reactants and
hydrogen reaction is strongly dependent products:
on the catalytic properties of the metal i0 ∝ cRδ cP (4)
surface on which the reaction occurs. For
instance, it varies from 10−12 A cm−2 for where cR and cP are the surface concen-
Pb to 10−3 A cm−2 for Pd at 25 ◦ C in trations of the reactants and products,
1 M H2 SO4 [7]. Since hydrogen evolution respectively, and δ and γ are typically
is the primary cathodic reaction when a fractional and positive. This expression,
metal corrodes in an acid environment, which will be derived in the next chap-
this variability can have large implications ter, shows that i0 tends to increase with
on the corrosion rate. In fact, the rate concentration. Note that E rev is also af-
of the corrosion reaction can be limited fected by concentration through the Nernst
by the rate of the cathodic reaction, equation. So the location of the point rep-
which is strongly dependent on the resenting equilibrium in Fig. 1 will vary
exchange current density of the reaction. with solution concentration. These issues
An example is corrosion of lead in acid. will also be addressed in further detail in
The thermodynamic tendency is for Pb the next chapter.
to corrode with simultaneous hydrogen
evolution. However, the exchange current 1.3.4
density for the hydrogen reaction on Overvoltage
Pb is extremely small. As a result,
the rate of Pb dissolution in acids is The point representing equilibrium on
negligible and Pb can, for example, be Fig. 1 indicates a finite exchange current
used to contain sulfuric acid. Recall that density. Since this current density is the
log i


E rev
Fig. 1 Representation of
E equilibrium in E –log i space.
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 27

rate in both the forward and reverse infinitely fast. Note that the concentration
directions, the net current density is zero. at the electrode surface equals the bulk
However, at a potential different than concentration when the rate of mass
E rev , the half-cell reaction will proceed transport is fast compared to the rate
preferentially in one direction and a net of charge transfer. This aspect will be
current will be measured. discussed in more detail in Chapter 1.4.
Overvoltage, η = E − E rev , is defined as For a system in which the rate of reaction
a change in potential from the reversible is limited by activation overvoltage, the
potential of a given electrode reaction. As- relationship between the rate of reaction,
sociated with this potential change is a or current density i, and the driving force
change in the net reaction rate so that for the reaction, or potential E, is given by
the reaction proceeds predominantly in the Butler–Volmer equation:
one direction. The current is anodic (oxi-  
dizing, positive) for anodic polarization (a αnF (E − Erev )
i = i0 exp
potential change to a value higher than the RT
reversible potential), and cathodic (reduc-  
−(1 − α)nF (E − Erev )
ing, negative) for cathodic polarization (a − i0 exp
potential change to a value lower than the  
reversible potential), Fig. 2. αnF η
i = i0 exp
In electrochemistry, potential and cur- RT
rent are interdependent. It is possible to −(1 − α)nF η
control either one and measure the other. − i0 exp (5)

1.3.5 where α is the charge transfer coefficient.

Activation Overvoltage The value of α is usually close to 0.5,
but must be between 0 and 1. The
If the concentrations of the reactants Butler–Volmer equation will be derived
and products at the electrode surface in the next section.
are the same as in the bulk solution,
the overvoltage resulting from a potential 1.3.6
change is called activation overvoltage or Development of Butler–Volmer Equation
charge transfer overvoltage. It stems from
the fact that the rate of charge transfer at The very large field that exists across an
the electrode–electrolyte interface is not electrode/electrolyte interface precludes

h<0 h>0


log i



Fig. 2 Schematic

representation of the
relationship between current
and potential for a simple
E rev
electrochemical reaction under
activation control. E
28 1 Fundamentals

the use of Ohm’s law to describe the free enthalpy of the oxidized state is lower
relationship between the potential drop than that of the reduced state.
and the current that passes. Instead, it For an electrochemical half-cell reaction,
is necessary to use activated state theory, such as the generic one given in Eq. (2),
which considers that a system must sur- the activation energies for the anodic and
mount an activation energy barrier before cathodic reactions are given by:
proceeding along a reaction coordinate.
Figure 3 shows the free enthalpy as a G∗a = G∗a,ch − αnF (6)
function of reaction coordinate going from G∗c = G∗c,ch + (1 − α)nF (7)
a position in the metal to a position in
the solution. The free enthalpy in solution The factor α is the charge transfer coeffi-
is assumed to be lower than that in the cient described above. The charge transfer
metal, so the tendency for the reaction coefficient characterizes the symmetry of
is to proceed in the oxidizing direction. the activation energy barrier and therefore
Between those two locations, however, is is also sometimes called symmetry coeffi-
a peak in the free energy curve. In order cient. This is made clear in Fig. 3, where
for the reaction to proceed to the right, α is seen to be the fractional length along
the system must overcome an activation the reaction coordinate from the metal-
energy barrier equal to G∗a . The activation lic state at which the activated state is
energy for the reverse direction (cathodic located. The value of α is typically close
or reducing direction), G∗c , is higher than to 0.5; when α = 0.5, the activated state
that in the forward direction because the is exactly midway between the two end

Activated Ion in solution

Metal M
state M+

Free energy

∆G *a,ch
∆G *c,ch
∆G *a
∆G *c

∆G nF∆Φ


b 1−b

Reaction coordinate or distance from electrode

Fig. 3 Variation of free energy and potential with reaction
coordinate, which relates to distance from an electrode across an
electrode–electrolyte interface.
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 29

states, and the free energy curve is sym- first-order reduction reaction of a species
metrical. The activation energy is seen in B, Kc = kb cB , where cA and cB are the re-
Eqs. (6 and 7) to be composed of two spective concentrations and ka and kb are
parts, a chemical and an electrical com- constants. For a metal dissolution reac-
ponent. The chemical portion, G∗a,ch or tion, the concentration of reacting species
(G∗c,ch ) ignores the contribution of the is constant.
potential drop across the interface, which Equations (6 and 7) can be substituted
is shown schematically in the lower half of into Eqs. (9 and 10). The absolute value
Fig. 3. The potential drop along the reac- of the potential drop across the interface,
tion coordinate is assumed to be linear, , is not measurable, but it is related to
as is the assumption for the potential the electrode potential measured against a
drop across the Helmholtz double layer. reference electrode, E, according to:
The work associated with moving a mol
of charged species through that potential E =  + C (11)
drop is nF. This work must be added
to the chemical portion of the free enthalpy where C is a constant. Furthermore, the
change. The free enthalpy change in going rate of reaction can be expressed as current
from the reduced to the oxidized state is density using Faraday’s law.
equal to the chemical free enthalpy change
ρnF r
of the two states plus the work associated i= (12)
with the electric potential difference:
Combining the equations, one gets for the
G = (Gion,ch − Gmetal,ch ) + nF anodic and cathodic reaction rates:
= Gch + nF (8)  
 αnF E
ia = Ka exp (13)
However, only a portion of the work as- RT
sociated with moving the charged species −(1 − α)nF E
through the electric field is added to the ic = Kc exp (14)
activation energy. That is the source of the
α and (1–α) factors in Eqs. (6 and 7). This where the terms in the pre-exponentials
addition is shown graphically in Fig. 3. are combined into Ka and Kc . At equilib-
According to the Arrhenius law, the rate rium, E = E rev , and ia = ic ≡ i0 :
of a reaction is exponentially dependent  
αnF E rev
on the negative of the activation energy. i0 = ia = ic = Ka exp
So the rates of the forward (anodic) and RT
reverse (cathodic) reactions are: −(1 − a)nF E rev
= Kc exp (15)
ra = Ka exp (9)
RT At some potential E greater than E rev , a
−G∗c net anodic current will flow:
rc = Kc exp (10)  
RT αnF E
inet = ia − ic = Ka exp
where Ka and Kc are the reaction rate RT
constants. For a first-order oxidation reac- −(1 − α)nF E
− Kc exp (16)
tion of a species A, Ka = ka cA , and for a RT
30 1 Fundamentals

From the definition of overvoltage pre- The Butler–Volmer equation is plotted

sented above, E = E rev + η. For anodic in Fig. 4. The symmetry of the curve will
polarization, where E > E rev , η = ηa > 0. depend on the symmetry factor, α. When
Substituting: α = 0.5, the curve is symmetrical, as is
  shown in Fig. 4(a). For α  = 0.5, the curve is
 αnF (E rev + η) asymmetrical, as in Fig. 4(b). When plotted
inet = Ka exp
RT on i versus E axes, the curve crosses the
  x-axis at the reversible potential.
−(1 − α)nF (E rev + η)
− Kc exp These equations are straight lines in a
(17) plot of E versus log i, such as that in Fig. 2.
but Ka and Kc can be related to i0 This plot of E versus log i is called an Evans
and E rev via Eq. (15). Substituting back diagram. Actually, the Butler–Volmer
into Eq. (17), one gets the Butler–Volmer equation is described better by the curve
equation: in Fig. 5. The net current at the reversible
potential is zero because the forward and
αnF ηa reverse current, each equal to the exchange
inet = i0 exp current density, balance each other. The
  log of the current density approaches
−(1 − α)nF ηa
− i0 exp (18) negative infinity at the reversible potential
RT at which the net current density goes to
zero, and the polarization curve points
In Eq. (18), the first term represents the
down at the reversible potential when
anodic partial current density ia (taken
plotted on semilogarithmic axes.
as positive) and the second term is the
cathodic partial current density ic (taken as
negative). The net current is the sum of the 1.3.7
Tafel Equation
two terms. It is positive when the electrode
is polarized anodically and negative when
For a sufficiently large value of anodic
the electrode is polarized cathodically.
polarization from the reversible poten-
inet = ia + ic tial (overpotential ηa > ∼50 mV), the first
  term on the right side of Eq. (18) domi-
αnF ηa
ia = i0 exp nates the second term. Therefore, at large
RT overpotentials, the Butler–Volmer equa-
−(1 − α)nF ηa tion simplifies to:
ic = −i0 exp (19)
αnF ηa
inet = i0 exp (20)
The Butler–Volmer equation describes RT
the kinetics for electrochemical reactions
Rearranging, one gets the Tafel equation:
that are controlled by the transfer of charge
across the interface. It has been derived  
here in a simplified way. For a more ηa = ba log (21)
complete discussion of charge transfer
reactions and of electron tunneling, the where ba = 2.3RT /βnF is the anodic Tafel
reader is referred to the volume of this slope. For α = 0.5 and n = 1, ba = 0.12 V
series dealing with electrode kinetics. (or V decade−1 ). A similar equation is
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 31

M n+


E rev E


M n+


n+ +n


E rev E

M n+

Fig. 4 Electrode kinetics as expressed by the Butler–Volmer
equation: (a) symmetrical curve when α = 0.5 and (b) symmetrical
curve when α = 0.5.
32 1 Fundamentals

+ n



log i



E rev
Fig. 5 Electrode kinetics as expressed by the Butler–Volmer equation,
plotted in semilogarithmic space.

found for cathodic activation polarization Near the reversible potential, the current
  density is seen to be linearly dependent on
|i| overpotential with a slope that scales with
ηc = −bc log (22)
i0 exchange current density. This linearity of
current to potential is similar to Ohm’s
Corrosion conditions typically are far law, and the proportionality is called
removed from the reversible potentials polarization resistance, i = η/Rp , where
for any of the reactions. Therefore, Tafel Rp = RT /i0 nF .
kinetics is usually an accurate description Note that, in contrast to the low-
of corrosion kinetics in which mass field approximation, the Tafel equation is
transfer is not important. sometimes referred to as the high-field
approximation since it is only valid for
1.3.8 large values of overpotential.
Low-field Approximation
For low values of overpotential, η, the Multistep Reactions
Butler–Volmer equation can be linearized.
For values of x < 1, exp x ≈ 1 + x. So The Butler–Volmer equation given in
Eq. (18) can be simplified to: Eq. (18) is only strictly valid for single
    step reactions. Reactions involving more
αnF ηa −(1 − α)nF ηa than one electron transfer often proceed
inet = i0 − i0
RT RT in several consecutive steps. Multistep
i0 nF η reactions typically have one significantly
= (23) slower step that may be considered to be
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 33

rate-determining, while the others would Reaction (28) is actually a two-step reac-
be fast and in equilibrium. Under these tion that can occur in a number of ways,
conditions, the electrochemical kinetics depending upon the metal electrode and
can conveniently be described by another the environment. Electrochemical reduc-
form of the Butler–Volmer equation: tion of a proton yields adsorbed atomic
←  →  hydrogen:
α F ηa α F ηa
inet = i0 exp − i0 exp
RT RT H+ + e− = Had (Volmer reaction) (29)
← → This reaction can be followed by either
where α and α are the overall transfer
coefficients for the anodic and cathodic chemical desorption and recombination of
← two adsorbed hydrogen atoms:
reactions, respectively. The values of α

and α do not necessarily sum to unity as
2Had = H2 (Tafel reaction) (30)
in the case of α and (1–α), but they are
related by: or electrochemical desorption, which in-
← → n volves the simultaneous reduction of a
α+α = (25) proton:
where n is the total number of electrons H+ + Had + e− = H2
in the overall reaction and υ is the
stoichiometric number, or the number of (Heyrovsky reaction)
times that the rate-determining step (RDS) (31)
must occur for the overall reaction to occur Either the discharge or one of the desorp-
once. The overall transfer coefficient is tion reactions can be the RDS. The other
an experimental parameter related to the reactions in the process are then consid-
measured Tafel slope since at large anodic ered to be fast and in equilibrium. An
overpotential, ηa , Eq. (25) is simplified to: example is slow discharge followed by fast
←  chemical desorption:
α F ηa
ia = i0 exp (26) H+ + e− −−−→ Had RDS (32)
The Tafel slope can then be defined as: 2Had ←−→ H2

2.3RT For this mechanism, υ = 2 since the RDS

ba = ← (27) must happen twice for the full reaction to
proceed once. Fast discharge followed by
1.3.10 slow chemical desorption is given by:
The Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
H+ + e− ←−→ Had (33)
The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) 2Had −−−→ H2 RDS
is an interesting multistep reaction to
discuss because it is relatively simple For this mechanism, υ = 1. From elec-
and very important in corrosion. In trochemical measurements, it is possible
acids, the electrode reaction for hydrogen to determine the probable mechanism for
evolution is: the HER. More about the HER can be
found in the volume on kinetics and in a
2H+ + 2e− = H2 (28) Chapter 2.2.
34 1 Fundamentals

1.3.11 potential, or rest potential. The corrosion

Mixed Potential Theory potential is a mixed potential indicating
that its value depends on the rate of the
Under conditions of importance in corro- anodic as well as the cathodic reactions.
sion, the predominant cathodic reaction The situation can best be visualized
is typically one of the hydrogen or oxy- using an Evans diagram, Fig. 6. In this
gen reactions described above. Further- figure, the Tafel lines for the anodic and
more, the electrode potential is usually cathodic branches of the hydrogen reac-
far from the reversible potentials for the tion are shown together with the Tafel
any of the reactions occurring on the lines for the dissolution and plating of
surface. a metal with reversible potential below
The principle of charge conservation that for the hydrogen reaction. These are
dictates that, to avoid the accumulation the possible electrochemical reactions for
of charge on a freely immersed electrode, an active metal in acid containing little
the sum of all of the oxidation currents dissolved metal ion, where the primary
must equal the sum of all of the reduction cathodic reaction is hydrogen evolution.
currents. Any electrode immersed in In this figure, EM/Mrev rev
+ and EH/H+ repre-
an environment will naturally have a sent the reversible potentials for the metal
potential, called the corrosion potential, dissolution and hydrogen evolution reac-
which fulfills this requirement. Therefore, tions, respectively; i0,M/M+ and i0,H2 /H+
at the corrosion potential: represent the exchange current densities

Ia +
Ic = 0 (34) for metal dissolution and hydrogen evo-
lution on M, respectively. The principle
Note that reduction currents (Ic ) are of charge conservation, Eq. (34) can be
negative. The corrosion potential is also applied. Since the reactions are all occur-
called the open-circuit potential, free ring on a single electrode of given area,


M n
log i












i0, M/M+

i0, H2 /H+

E rev
M/M+ Ecorr E rev
H2 /H+

Fig. 6 Schematic Evans diagram for corroding active metal in an acid.
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 35

Eq. (34) can be written in terms of current and water or other oxidants are being
density, i = I /A: reduced.
The corrosion potential and current den-

ia +
ic = 0 (35) sity are influenced by both thermodynam-
ics, through the reversible potentials of the
The total oxidation and reduction current
various reactions, and kinetics, through
densities will be equal at the point at which
the exchange current densities and the
the anodic line for the metal dissolution
Tafel slopes of the reactions.
reaction intersects the cathodic line for
The concept of the corrosion potential
hydrogen evolution. The potential at which
these lines intersect is the corrosion can also be illustrated in a linear i –E plot.
potential. The rate of the anodic reaction at Figure 7 shows two curves representing
the corrosion potential is the corrosion rate the Butler–Volmer equation for the metal
(corrosion current density). The corrosion and hydrogen reactions. The point at which
potential always takes a value between the the rate of metal dissolution equals the
reversible potentials for the two partial rate of hydrogen evolution is the potential
reactions. at which the metal curve is as high above
The corrosion potential and current the potential axis as the hydrogen curve
density can shift with time if the surface is below the axis. That distance is the
or solution changes and the Tafel lines corrosion rate.
representing the reactions change. Note Polarization curves of metals in solution
that the electrode is not in equilibrium at can be determined by potentiodynamic po-
the corrosion potential since net changes larization, as will be described in detail
are occurring: metal is being oxidized in a Chapter 7.3.1. Using a potentiostat,

+ e−
M n+

→ H+


E rev

E rev

+ ne −

M n+

+ e−

Fig. 7 Kinetics of a corroding active metal in an acid, plotted on

linear axes.
36 1 Fundamentals

a counterelectrode (CE), and a reference to the Butler–Volmer equation can be

electrode (RE), the potential of a sample derived to describe the curve in Fig. 8.
is scanned or stepped over a range from One form of the Tafel equation is:
about 250 mV below the corrosion poten- η
tial to well above the corrosion potential. i = i0 exp (36)
The current density is determined as a b
function of the potential and plotted on a where η = E − Erev and b = b/2.3. Con-
semilog plot such as that shown in Fig. 5. sider the case of metal M dissolving in
The net measured current for the case of acid. The Tafel equations for the anodic
a metal corroding at a mixed potential in dissolution of M and hydrogen evolution
a solution containing an oxidizing agent on are given by:
will look like the curve presented in Fig. 5.
However, the current will go to zero at  
E − Earev
the corrosion potential, and extrapolation ia = i0,a exp (37)
to the corrosion potential of the linear re-  rev 
gions of the semilogarithmic plot, or Tafel Ec − E
|ic | = i0,c exp (38)
regions, gives the corrosion rate, Fig. 8. |bc |
The curve in Fig. 8, which is the net
current as a function of potential for a The net current is then given by:
metal corroding in an acid accompanied  
E − Earev
by hydrogen evolution, looks like the one inet = ia − |ic | = i0,a exp
in Fig. 5, which represents the forward  rev 
and reverse directions of a single reaction. Ec − E
− i0,c exp (39)
Similarly, an equation similar in form |bc |
log i

M −


+ e
ne +

+ +

e− n+ H


→ M

M → 2


i0, M/M+ i0, H2 /H+

E rev
M/M+ Ecorr E rev
H2 /H+

Fig. 8 Relationship of measured polarization curve to the Evans diagram for a
corroding active metal in an acid.
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 37

But, at E = Ecorr , ia = |ic | = icorr : power than the hydrogen ion. Many envi-
  ronments such as natural waters, or the
Ecorr − Earev
icorr = i0,a exp thin adsorbed water layers that exist in
 rev  atmospheric conditions, are enriched in
Ec − Ecorr dissolved molecular oxygen. As described
= i0,c exp (40)
|bc | in Chapter 1.2, the standard potential for
Solving for i0,a and i0,c , and substituting the oxygen reduction reaction is 1.23 V
into Eq. (39): higher than that for the hydrogen evolu-
   tion reaction. The rate of oxygen reduction
E − Ecorr
i = icorr exp is often diffusion limited. The kinetics
ba of such reactions will be discussed in
E − Ecorr the next chapter. In aerated neutral so-
− exp −
|bc | lutions, the oxygen reduction reaction
   usually dominates the HER because the
2.3(E − Ecorr )
= icorr exp rate of the latter is low. In acids, how-
  ever, the reverse is true. The dominant
2.3(E − Ecorr ) reaction is the one that has the highest
− exp − (41)
|bc | current density at a given potential, as is
Equation (41) is identical in form to Eqs. discussed below.
(18 and 24). The curve is centered around Besides oxygen, solutions can contain
Ecorr rather than E rev , and the current other oxidizing species, such as peroxide,
density at zero ‘‘overpotential’’ is icorr in- persulfate, nitrate, and ferric ions. The
stead of i0 . This expression, along with the reversible potential associated with the
theory for mixed potentials, was derived reduction of these species will depend on
by Wagner and Traud, and therefore will their concentration.
be referred to as the Wagner–Traud equa- An Evans diagram can also be used
tion. As described in the Chapter to understand the situation when metal
on experimental techniques, the Wag- corrodes in a solution containing more
ner–Traud equation is used in software than one oxidizing agent, or reducible
analysis packages that accompany modern species. Figure 9 shows the case for metal
computer-controlled potentiostats. A non- dissolving in an acid solution containing
linear least squares fit of this equation to ferric ions, which can reduce to ferrous
the experimental data provides values of ions. Equation (34) still holds; charge
Ecorr , icorr , ba , and bc with the assump- neutrality must be observed. In order to
tion that perfect Tafel behavior is observed determine the corrosion potential in this
for both the anodic and cathodic reactions, case, it is necessary to determine the
and that the extrapolations of the Tafel curves representing the total oxidation
portions of the curves both intersect at the and reduction rates. The rates of all
corrosion potential. reactions at any given potential must be
1.3.12 Starting from high potentials, there
Effect of Multiple Oxidizing Agents would be no available reduction reaction
until the potential decreased below the
Environments can contain a range of reversible potential for the Fe3+ /Fe2+ reac-
oxidizing agents with stronger oxidizing tion. The ferric/ferrous reaction is the only
38 1 Fundamentals










i Fe3+/Fe2+

log i





i H+/H2


i0, H+/H2

i0, M/M+
i0, Fe3+/Fe2+

E rev
M/M+ E rev
H2 /H+ E rev
Fig. 9 Schematic Evans diagram for corroding active metal in an acid containing ferric
ions, which act as an added oxidizing agent.

reduction reaction possible until the poten- increases above the reversible poten-
tial decreases below the H+ /H2 reversible tial for the hydrogen reaction. Above
potential. So between the two reversible that potential, any dissolved hydrogen
potentials, the curve for total reduction is gas would be oxidized to H+ . Above
identical to the curve for the ferric/ferrous the reversible potential for the fer-
reduction. Below the reversible potential ric/ferrous reaction, ferrous ions can be
for the hydrogen reaction, the total re- oxidized.
duction rate is determined by adding the The intersection of the curves repre-
rates of the two reactions, and is shown senting the total oxidation and reduction
schematically by the dashed line in Fig. 9. currents, respectively, is the corrosion po-
The current density is plotted on a log scale tential. This potential is higher than the
so the separation of the dashed line from value one would measure if only the hy-
the ferric/ferrous line is exaggerated in the drogen reaction was present. The addition
figure. of ferric ions not only increases the corro-
The total rate of oxidation is deter- sion potential but also the corrosion rate.
mined similarly. Below the reversible The rate of the ferric reduction and hydro-
potential for metal dissolution, no ox- gen evolution reactions can be determined
idation reactions are possible. Above by the rate of each reaction at the corrosion
that potential, metal oxidation is the potential. These rates are marked on Fig. 9
only anodic reaction until the potential as iFe3+ /Fe2+ and iH+ /H2 .
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 39

1.3.13 cause galvanic corrosion. However, metals

Galvanic Corrosion and alloys used in corrosive environments
are usually not at their reversible potential,
Many engineering structures are fabri- but at their corrosion potential. As we
cated from a variety of materials that have seen above, the corrosion potential
are each selected because of a range of is determined by kinetic as well as
properties, such as cost, strength, weight, thermodynamic factors. Therefore, its
electronic, magnetic, optical, and so on. value for a given metal depends on
The latest magnetic recording heads used the environment. It is this potential
in high-density disk drives are an example that is the driving force for galvanic
of a structure composed of many different corrosion. The galvanic series is a listing
materials. These devices have numerous of metals and alloys according to the
thin films stacked on top of each other value of their corrosion potential in a
and a cross-section of the thin film stack given environment. Like the electromotive
is exposed by lapping. Such a structure series, a material that is lower in the
has severe galvanic corrosion susceptibility galvanic series is relatively active and will
where the corrosion of one of the compo- corrode preferentially when galvanically
nents is greatly accelerated. coupled to a material that is higher in
In order for galvanic corrosion to occur, the series. The more noble metal supports
the following conditions are necessary: the cathodic reaction, and corrodes to a
(1) dissimilar metals must be (2) in elec- lesser extent.
trical contact, and (3) in ionic contact The galvanic series for seawater is
(exposed to the same electrolyte). Dissim- widely reported and widely used for
ilar metals immersed in an electrolyte but relative comparison of the galvanic nature
isolated from each other will not suffer of materials. However, it is necessary
from galvanic corrosion. They will each to develop a galvanic series for every
corrode, but they will not interact gal- environment of interest as the order of
vanically. Similarly, two shorted metals nobility can change from one environment
immersed in isolated electrolytes will not to another.
galvanically corrode. If the two electrodes Evans diagrams can be used to un-
are in a single solution, but the solution re- derstand the rate of galvanic corrosion.
sistance between them is extremely high, Figure 10 shows the case of two corroding
they will act as if they were in different elec- metals in galvanic contact. The Evans di-
trolytes, and will not interact galvanically. agrams for metals M and N are overlaid
The role of solution resistance in deter- in the figure. Metal N is more noble than
mining the extent of galvanic interaction metal M, with a higher reversible poten-
will be discussed below. tial. Both corrode with the evolution of
In Chapter 1.2 on thermodynamics, the hydrogen gas. The exchange current den-
electromotive series was shown to be a sity for hydrogen evolution is assumed to
ranking of the reactivity of various pure be different for the two different surfaces.
metals under the specific conditions of The intersections of the respective anodic
standard state of all species. Furthermore, dissolution curves and hydrogen evolution
the Nernst equation was used to show that curves give the corrosion potentials and
dissimilar metals generate a cell potential. corrosion rates of M and N, icorr,M , and
Differences in reversible potential can thus icorr,N , in the uncoupled condition.
40 1 Fundamentals


icorr, N iH2 /H+ on N
log i

iH2 /H+ on M
− icorr, M
ne H
+ iM −N +
n+ e
N −





n+ i0, H2 /H+ on N

i0, N/N+




i0, M/M+ i0, H2 /H+ on M

E rev
N/N+ E rev
M/M+ Ecouple E rev
H2 /H+
E rev
M/M+ E

Fig. 10 Evans diagram describing the galvanic coupling of two corroding metals.

As for the mixed potential on a single the two corrosion potentials in the same
electrode surface, the principle of charge solution. The galvanic coupling increases
conservation is upheld in galvanic corro- the potential of the more active metal N
sion. To determine the situation that exists and decreases the potential of the more
upon electrical shorting of the metals M noble metal M. The rate of any reaction
and N in Fig. 10, it is necessary to con- can be determined from the intersection
sider the total oxidation and reduction of the couple potential coordinate and the
rates (note that the position of the total given Tafel line. It is seen that iN−M , the
rate lines are schematic in the figure). corrosion rate of the more active metal N
Charge conservation requires that the to- when contacted to the more noble metal
tal oxidation and reduction currents, not M, is higher than the corrosion rate of N
current densities, must be equal. How- in the uncoupled state, icorr,N . Conversely,
ever, assuming for now that equal areas the corrosion rate of M is lower when cou-
of the two metals are in contact allows the pled to N (iM−N ) than in the uncoupled
plots to be in terms of current density. state. The rate of the cathodic reaction,
Ignoring the influence of ohmic poten- hydrogen evolution, increases on M (from
tial drop between the two electrodes, they icorr,M to iH2 /H+ on M ) and decreases on N
will both have the same potential that cor- (from icorr,N to iH2 /H+ on N ) when coupled,
responds to the intersection of the total compared to the uncoupled state, which
oxidation and reduction lines. This poten- follows from the respective changes in po-
tial that we shall call couple potential, is tential from the corrosion potentials to the
‘mixed’ in the sense that it falls between couple potential.
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 41

In galvanic corrosion, the areas of the will depend upon the ratio of the cathodic
coupled electrodes are typically unequal. area to the anodic area. The galvanic in-
In that case, the Evans diagram must be teraction of a metal-coated metal structure
drawn in terms of I (current) instead of i that is scratched down to the substrate
(current density). The principle of charge metal will depend upon the relative nobil-
conservation states that the anodic current ity of the two metals. For the case of a steel
must equal the cathodic current: structure plated with a layer of Ni, which is
more noble than the steel, the cathode-to-
Ia + Ic = 0 (42) anode ratio would be large and corrosion
of the steel in the scratch would be greatly
ia Aa + ic Ac = 0 (43)
accelerated. In the case of galvanized steel
For reactions taking place uniformly on a sheet, the Zn coating is anodic so that the
single electrode, Aa = Ac , so that ia = ic . cathode-to-anode ratio is small. The corro-
However, for galvanic corrosion where sion rate of the Zn is not greatly affected
Aa  = Ac , by the galvanic coupling to the steel in a
scratch. On the other hand, the corrosion
Ac rate of the steel would be greatly reduced.
ia = −ic (44) Figure 11 shows the influence of Pt area
on the galvanic corrosion of metal M.
Corrosion rate is given by current density, The galvanic coupling of an equal area
not current. Therefore, the corrosion rate of Pt with M results in an increase in
of the anodic metal in a galvanic couple the potential of M and an increase in the

log I

IM − Pt, 10A
IM − Pt, A
Icorr, M I0, H2 /H+ on Pt, 10A



+ I0, H2 /H+ on Pt, A






I0, M/M+, A I0, H2 /H+ on M, A

E rev
M/M+ E rev
H2 /H+

Fig. 11 Influence of area ratio on galvanic corrosion for an active
metal/noble metal couple.
42 1 Fundamentals

corrosion rate (from Icorr,M to IM−Pt, A ). predict the extent of galvanic coupling
This is a result of increased surface area when they are connected. Figure 12 shows
available for the cathodic reaction and polarization curves for two metals, N
the higher exchange current density for and M. Ignoring the contributions from
hydrogen evolution on Pt relative to M. the other reactions and the effects of
Consider the case of a sample of M ohmic potential drops and assuming
connected to an area of Pt that is 10 equal areas of M and N, the couple
times larger. The exchange current (not potential can be assumed to be at the
current density) for the hydrogen evolution intersection of the hydrogen evolution
reaction on Pt increases by a factor of curve on M with the N dissolution curve.
10 because of the larger area. This is This point also provides the dissolution
represented in Fig. 11 by the subscripts rate of N when coupled to M, iN−M .
A and 10A. The new couple potential and The dissolution rate of M in the coupled
dissolution current of M therefore increase state, iM−N , is determined by extrapolation
relative to the couple of equal areas, from of the linear Tafel part of the anodic
IM−Pt, A to IM−Pt, 2A . Since the area of polarization curve for M to the couple
M did not change in this example, the potential.
increase in dissolution current means an The effect of area ratio is handled with ex-
increase in corrosion current density and perimental polarization curves in a similar
corrosion rate. fashion to that shown for schematic Evans
It is possible to use experimental diagrams in Fig. 11. Figure 13 shows ex-
polarization curves for two metals to perimental polarization curves for metals




+ ne

n+ +



→ M




log i

icorr, M
iM − N
icorr, N

Ecorr, N Ecouple Ecorr, M

Fig. 12 Prediction of galvanic corrosion interaction from measured polarization
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 43






→ −



IN − M
log I


Ecorr, N Ecorr, M
Fig. 13 Prediction of influence of area ratio on galvanic corrosion using measured
polarization curves.

M and N drawn in terms of current. The 1.3.14

curve for M is offset along the current Ohmic Potential Drops
axis showing the situation for M elec-
trodes with three different areas. As the The passage of current through an ionic
area of M increases, the couple potential electrolyte of finite resistivity results in an
(ignoring effects of ohmic potential drops) ohmic potential drop along the current
approaches the uncoupled corrosion po- path according to Ohm’s law. There
tential for M in the given solution, which is are two aspects of corrosion that are
the highest possible couple potential. Sim- influenced by ohmic potential drops:
ilarly, the lowest possible couple potential, measured polarization curves and any
found when the N : M area ratio is very form of corrosion in which the anodic and
low, is the uncoupled corrosion potential cathodic reactions are separated spatially,
for N in the environment. The corro- such as in galvanic corrosion.
sion current is given by the intersection In an electrochemical experiment in-
of the two potential-current polarization volving current flow from an anode to a
curves, and the current densities are de- cathode, the potential sensed by the refer-
termined by dividing the current by the ence electrode will have an ohmic potential
electrode areas. drop component, since the RE is usually
44 1 Fundamentals

immersed in the potential field associated the experiment. It is also possible to con-
with the current flow between the working tinuously determine the ohmic potential
electrode (WE) and the counter electrode drop using a current interrupt method.
(CE). This can lead to an error in the The applied potential and thus current are
measured potential equal to the ohmic periodically interrupted for a very short
potential drop between WE and RE. period (on the order of 10 µs). When the
The use of a Luggin capillary allows current is interrupted, the ohmic potential
an RE to intersect the potential field drop immediately vanishes, while the ac-
generated between a WE and a CE at a tivation and concentration overpotentials
position close to the WE so as to avoid take some time to decay. Extrapolation of
much of the ohmic potential drop. The the potential transient back to the time
Luggin capillary should not be closer to of interruption provides a real-time mea-
the surface than a distance about equal to sure of the ohmic potential drop. The
its diameter in order to prevent shielding instrument or controlling computer can
of the surface. Therefore, there will always compensate for this ohmic potential drop
be some amount of ohmic potential drop during the next period when the potential
in a controlled potential measurement. is reapplied with the assumption that the
Generally, the ohmic potential drop will resistance does not change.
be smaller, the lower the current density Ohmic potential drops also play a role
and the better the conductivity of the in galvanic corrosion and other forms of
electrolyte. localized corrosion, in which the anodes
The existence of an ohmic potential drop and cathodes are spatially separated. Ionic
during a potential measurement can alter current must then flow some distance
the shape of the measured polarization through the electrolyte. Two galvanically
curve. The current measured at a given coupled electrodes will not reach the exact
potential is less than expected because the same potential as a result of the ohmic
potential at the interface is less than what potential drop that will occur along the
is intended. On a semilog plot, the ohmic current path through the electrolyte.
potential drop causes the polarization Consider first the case of two metals that
curve to bend away from the linear Tafel are different in nobility, for instance Fe
region toward lower currents. and Pt. Figure 14 shows the situation for
A number of techniques exist to com- uncoupled Fe and Pt electrodes immersed
pensate for the ohmic potential drop. It in some electrolyte. Since they are not con-
is possible to measure the solution re- nected, there is no current flowing through
sistance between the RE and WE either the electrolyte, and no potential drop in
before or after the experiment, and then the electrolyte. However, there is a po-
perform a postmeasurement calculation of tential drop at each electrode–electrolyte
the ohmic potential drop for the current interface. A potential drop exists also at
measured at every potential. This value the interface between the reference elec-
can be subtracted from the expected poten- trode and the electrolyte. It is indicated
tial in order to compensate for the ohmic in the figure by the vertical arrow. The
drop. Modern potentiostats allow for real- corrosion potential of each metal is given
time feedback and control. The feedback by the distance (and direction) from the
can be performed assuming a constant re- metal potential to the point at the back
sistance, which can be measured before of the arrow for the reference electrode.
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 45

Fe Pt
Ecorr, Pt
Ecorr, Fe vs

Fig. 14 Potential distribution between uncoupled Fe and Pt electrodes.

This is because the corrosion potential is the position of the reference electrode,
measured by a voltmeter connected to the but will not depend on whether the
back of the metal electrode and the back other voltmeter lead is connected to the
of the reference electrode. The corrosion Fe or Pt electrode because the metals
potential of the Pt is higher than that of potentials are identical. Again considering
the Fe, but the measured potentials do not that the measured potential is given by the
depend on the position of the reference difference between the metal potential and
electrode within the solution because the the potential at the back of the reference
solution potential is constant. electrode, it is clear that the potential
Figure 15 shows the situation when the measured when the reference electrode
Fe and Pt electrodes are shorted so that is close to the Fe electrode will be lower
the metal are equal for the two electrodes. than that measured when the reference
The potential drops across the interfaces electrode is close to the Pt electrode.
change and electrons flow through the Figure 16 shows schematically how the
wire connecting them and an ionic current potentials measured at two galvanically
flows through the electrolyte. As a result of connected electrodes will not meet at the
the ionic current, there is a potential drop intersection of the polarization curves if
in the solution. The couple potential of the there is significant ohmic potential drop,
Fe and Pt measured by a voltmeter using a but be separated by an amount equal to the
reference electrode will now depend on ohmic potential drop, I × R. The current

Solution potential


Fe Pt

Measured potential gradient vs SCE


Fig. 15 Potential distribution between coupled Fe and Pt electrodes.

46 1 Fundamentals

Ecouple when R = 0




log I



EN − M EM − N





−0.4 0 0.4

Fig. 16 Influence of ohmic potential drop on galvanic couple.

at the coupled potentials is the galvanic determines the galvanic current, ohmic
current, and is less than for the case in potential drops, and the potentials of the
which R = 0. The existence of an ohmic electrodes.
potential drop in the solution decreases the The situation is more complicated for the
effect of galvanic corrosion. In the limiting case in which the Tafel slopes are unequal,
case, when the ohmic resistance becomes Fig. 17(b). The I × R curves must intersect
sufficiently high, the system behaves as if the two Tafel plots at the same current
the electrodes were not coupled at all. since the galvanic current flowing through
Figure 17 shows how the system deter- the electrodes must be the same. In order
mines what the galvanic current, ohmic for this to occur, the I × R curves must
potential drop, and electrode potentials will be centered along a line that bisects the
be. In Fig. 17(a), the anodic Tafel line for two Tafel lines. This is reasonable since
an active metal N and the hydrogen evolu- there is no reference of the ohmic potential
tion Tafel line on metal M are given with drop to a RE scale. It is just a potential
the assumption that the Tafel slopes are consumed in the solution as a result of the
equal. Also shown are curves representing current flow.
I × R for three different values of R, the It should be noted that a resistance
solution resistance between the electrodes. in the external connection of the metals
The line I × R has the shape of an expo- can result in an ohmic potential drop in
nential curve in the semilogarithmic space. that path. Such an ohmic potential drop
The position at which the I × R curve for will have a similar effect on the electrode
a given resistance intersects the Tafel lines potentials.
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 47


−2 R = 10 Ω


log I

R = 103 Ω






R = 105 Ω
−0.4 0 0.4


R = 10 Ω


R = 103 Ω
log I


½H 2




R = 105 Ω

−0.4 0 0.4
Fig. 17 Schematic representation of how the IR drop affects galvanic couple
potentials: (a) equal anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes and (b) unequal anodic and
cathodic Tafel slopes.
48 1 Fundamentals

1.3.15 the corrosion potential, unlike Tafel ex-

Polarization Resistance and Linear trapolation, which requires large potential
Polarization changes from the corrosion potential. The
Tafel slopes ba and bc must be known
It was shown above that the corrosion to get icorr from RP . In order to get
rate can be determined experimentally the Tafel slopes, it is necessary to ap-
from the extrapolation of the linear ply large potential changes from Ecorr ,
portions of the polarization curves plotted which defeats the purpose of the linear
in semilogarithmic space back to the polarization technique. However, it is pos-
corrosion potential. In order to perform sible to make assumptions about the Tafel
Tafel extrapolation, it is necessary to slopes with little error. Assuming that
polarize the electrode to large potentials bM = bH = 0.1 V,
on either side of the corrosion potential.
It is also possible to determine corrosion 0.022
icorr ≈ (49)
rate experimentally using much smaller RP
polarization from the corrosion potential,
as is shown in this section. This expression will provide corrosion rate
Equation (41) represents the measured values that are typically not more than a
or net current as a function of applied factor of 2 from those determined using
potential. For small E − Ecorr = dE: the real Tafel slopes.
  The Stern–Geary equation is valid for
E − Ecorr ∼ dE finite values of ba and bc . For neutral
exp =1+  (45)
b b aerated solutions, the cathodic reaction is
often oxygen reduction, and it is typically
For small differences in potential from diffusion limited so that bc → ∞. In that
Ecorr , dE, the measured net currents will case, the Stern–Geary equation reduces to:
be small, di. Substituting into Eq. (41):
1 1 icorr = (50)
di = icorr dE +  (46) 2.3RP
ba bc
Just as the Butler–Volmer equation was
Polarization resistance, RP , can be defined
shown to be linear near E rev with a
as the slope of the linear polarization curve
slope inversely proportional to i0 (low-field
at the corrosion potential:
approximation, Sect. 1.3.8), the net current

dE  in a mixed potential system, represented
RP ≡ (47)
di E=Ecorr by Eq. (41), is linear near Ecorr , with a slope
inversely proportional to icorr .
Note that the units of RP are cm−2 . Re- Since polarization resistance measure-
arranging Eq. (46), and knowing that b = ments are made near the corrosion po-
2.3b : tential, the net currents are often low.
ba bc Therefore, errors associated with ohmic
icorr = (48) potential drop are usually small. However,
(ba + bc )2.3RP
there are cases for which ohmic potential
This is the Stern–Geary equation, which drop creates significant error in the RP
shows that the corrosion rate can be de- measurement. The measured RPm is the
termined by a small polarization from sum of the true polarization resistance,
1.3 Kinetics of Electrolytic Corrosion Reactions 49

RP0 , and the ohmic resistance, R : 2. M. Fontana, N. Greene, Corrosion Engineer-

ing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978.
3. H. H. Uhlig, Corrosion and Corrosion Con-
RPm = RP0 + R (51)
trol, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
The relative experimental error, ε, is: 4. H. Kaesche, Metallic Corrosion, NACE Inter-
national, Houston, Tex., 1985.
Rpm − RP0 R 5. A. Bard, L. Faulkner, Electrochemical Meth-
ε= = (52)
RP0 RP0 ods, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
Even if R is low, the error can be 6. D. A. Jones, Principles and Prevention of Cor-
large if RP0 is also low, as is the case rosion, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, N.J., 1996.
for systems with high corrosion rates. 7. J. O’M. Bockris, A. K. N. Reddy, Modern Elec-
Similarly, large errors can occur in low trochemistry, Plenum Press, New York,
conductivity media in which R is high. 1970.
The ohmic resistance can be estimated 8. L. L. Shreir, R. A. Jarman, G. T. Burstein,
using the methods described above. (Eds.), Corrosion, Butterworth-Heinemann,
Oxford, 1994.
9. Corrosion, in Metals Handbook, 9th ed.,
References ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio, 1987,
1–1415, Vol. 13.
1. D. Landolt, Corrosion et chimie de surfaces des
métaux, Presses polytechniques et universi-
taires romandes, Lausanne, 1993.
50 1 Fundamentals

1.4 (mol cm−2 s−1 ), is given by Fick’s first law:

Transport Phenomena in Electrolytic  
Corrosion ∂ci
Jdiff ,i = −Di (2)
Dieter Landolt
Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne The diffusion coefficient of dissolved ions
Lausanne, Switzerland or neutral species such as oxygen in
aqueous solution is on the order of
Gerald S. Frankel 1 × 10−5 cm2 s−1 . Under nonsteady state
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio conditions diffusion is described by Fick’s
1.4.1 second law, which states that the change
Introduction of concentration with time is equal to the
difference of the diffusive fluxes in and out
The kinetics of electrochemical reactions of a given volume element.
described in the last chapter are only  2 
∂ci ∂ ci
strictly applicable to the situation in which = Di (3)
the surface concentrations of all species are ∂t ∂x 2
identical to the bulk solution concentra- Sometimes a dissolved species may react
tions. Mass transport considerations often chemically, for example, a metal ion pro-
play an important role in both cathodic and duced by anodic dissolution may undergo
anodic corrosion reactions. More details in hydrolysis. In that case, the above equation
the area of mass transport can be found in must be modified by including a term that
several textbooks[1–3]. takes into account the chemical reaction.
For example, for a species being consumed
1.4.2 by an irreversible first-order chemical re-
Ion Transport in Electrolytes action having a rate constant kch , one gets
Current flow in electrolytes results from ∂ci ∂ ci
= Di − kch ci (4)
the movement of ions. There are three ∂t ∂x 2
mechanisms of ion transport in elec-
trolytes: convection, diffusion, and migra- Migration is the preferential drift of ions in
tion. a potential gradient toward the electrode of
Convection is hydrodynamic flow result- the opposite sign. Ions will move in a field
ing from a pressure, density, or temper- with a net drift velocity, vd (cm s−1 ), that
ature gradient. The flux of a species i is proportional to the potential gradient,
resulting from hydrodynamic flow, Jconv,i ∂/∂x (V cm−1 ):
(mol cm−2 s−1 ), is the product of the con-  
centration of that species, ci , and solution vd = −ue (5)
velocity, vsol : ∂x

Jconv,i = ci vsol (1) The quantity ue (cm2 V−1 s−1 ) is the

electric mobility and indicates the velocity
Diffusion is the net flux of matter resulting the ion would acquire in an electric field
from the random motion of a species in of 1 V cm−1 . When discussing transport
a concentration gradient. The flux of a processes in solution, it is more convenient
dissolved species i due to diffusion, Jdiff ,i to define a mobility ui (mol cm2 J−1 s−1 ),
1.4 Transport Phenomena in Electrolytic Corrosion 51

which is the velocity that one mole of ionic of dissolved species. The electroneutrality
species i would acquire under the effect of condition thus gives
a force of 1 N, independent of the nature 
of that force. The flux due to migration zi ci = 0 (10)
is then
  With the convective flux Eq. (1), this yields
Jmigr,i = zi F ui ci (mol cm−2 s−1 ) i= zi F Jconv,i = zi F ci vsol
It can be shown that the mobility defined = F vsol zi ci = 0 (11)
in this way is related to the diffusion
coefficient by showing that the contribution of convec-
tion to current flow is indeed zero. The
Di = ui RT (7) current density in the electrolyte therefore
is the sum of the contributions of diffusion
where R is the universal gas constant and migration:
(J mol−1 K−1 ) and T the absolute tem- 
perature. This equation is known as i= (Jdiff ,i + Jmigr,i )
Nernst–Einstein relation.   
The total flux of a given species, Ji (mol = −F zi Di
cm−2 s−1 ), is the sum of the contributions ∂x
of diffusion, migration, and convection. d
− F2 zi2 ui ci (12)
Ji = Jdiff ,i + Jmigr,i + Jconv,i (8)
In the absence of concentration gradients
The movement of charged ionic species in the electrolyte, the ionic current obeys
results in an ionic current flow in the Ohm’s law,
solution. The charge per mole of any given  
ionic species is zi F (C mol−1 ). Taking the i = −κ (13)
sum over all cationic and anionic species dx
present in the electrolyte yields for the where κ is the electrolyte conductivity (−1
current density: cm−1 ). This equation can be compared to
 the more general Eq. (12). In the absence
i= zi F Ji (9) of concentration gradients (∂ci /∂x) = 0,
and the first term of Eq. (12) is therefore
In this equation zi > 0 for cations and zero. Under these conditions, the current
zi < 0 for anions. In reality, only diffusion density is given by the second term
and migration contribute directly to the and comparison with Eq. (13) yields an
current flow because convection moves expression for the conductivity:
anions and cations in the same way and its

contribution to the net current is zero. This κ = F2 zi2 ui ci (14)
can be shown mathematically as follows.
Remember that electrolytes outside the The equation indicates that conductivity
double layer are electrically neutral, which is proportional to the concentration of
means that the sum of the positive charges the ionic species present and on their
is equal to the sum of the negative charges mobility. For example, for a NaCl solution
52 1 Fundamentals

zNa+ = 1, zCl− = −1, cNa+ = cCl− = cNaCl , Using the equation for current density (12)
we obtain in the absence of concentration gradients,
it can be easily shown that the transport
κ = F 2 (uNa+ + uCl− )cNaCl (15) number for a given ionic species depends
on its relative concentration in the solution
The conductivity of NaCl solution is simply and on its mobility:
proportional to its concentration. In reality,
there will be a slight deviation from the z 2 u i ci
ti = i (17)
predicted linear relationship, especially at zi2 ui ci
higher concentrations. The reason is that
the transport theory exposed here strictly Suppose that a 0.5 M sulfuric acid elec-
applies only to dilute solutions in which trolyte contains a small concentration,
ion–ion interactions can be neglected. say 10−3 mol L−1 , of copper sulfate. In
The deviation from linearity is even this multicomponent solution, different
more pronounced for so-called weak elec- cationic and anionic species are present
trolytes, which are acids and bases (often such as cupric ions, protons, bisulfate,
organic) that are not completely dissoci- and sulfate ions. Equation (17) indicates
ated into ions. Aqueous solutions of acetic that, because of its small concentration,
acid are a classical example. The degree the transport number of cupric ion will be
of dissociation of acetic acid depends on extremely small, somewhere around 0.001.
concentration; the higher the concentra- So, only a very small fraction of the current
in the solution will be carried by cupric
tion, the larger is the proportion of neutral
ion. Consider now the electrodeposition
molecules. The conductivity of acetic acid
of copper on a cathode from such a solu-
solutions, therefore, increases much less
tion. Assuming copper deposits with 100%
with concentration than that of so-called
current efficiency, the cathodic current
strong electrolytes like potassium chlo-
passing the interface (faradaic current) will
ride, which are completely dissociated in
be entirely due to cupric ion discharge:
water. Another way of expressing this be-
havior is to say that the molar conductivity Cu2+ + 2e− −−−→ Cu (18)
(conductivity divided by concentration) of
weak electrolytes decreases strongly with In other words, at the interface the charge
increasing concentration. For dilute acetic transfer reaction of cupric ion accounts
acid solutions, it varies approximately with for the entire current flow, but outside
the inverse of the square root of concen- the double layer the cupric ions contribute
tration. in a negligible manner to current flow.
For certain discussions, it is convenient This immediately raises the question of
to define a new transport property, the how copper ion will get to the electrode
transport number ti . The transport num- surface in sufficient quantity to account for
ber of an ionic species i, also called the faradic current. Obviously, additional
transference number, indicates the frac- transport mechanisms are needed for this,
tion of current transported by that ion in namely, diffusion and convection. From
solutions without concentration gradient. hydrodynamic theory, it is known that the
fluid velocity is zero at a solid surface. The
ii convective flux therefore is zero also at the
ti = (16) surface and diffusion alone must account
1.4 Transport Phenomena in Electrolytic Corrosion 53

for the flux of cupric ion in the immediate 1.4.3

vicinity of the electrode surface: Generalized Butler–Volmer Equation
dci In this section, the effect of concentration
Ji = −Di (19)
dx x=0 variations at the electrode surface on over-
voltage is explored. For this purpose, we
In our example, the subscript i stands shall first reconsider the Butler–Volmer
for Cu2+ . The current density for copper equation that was introduced in Chap-
deposition is then ter 1.3.6.
  Consider an electrochemical reaction in
i = nF Ji = −nF Di (20) equilibrium:
dx x=0
O + ne− = R (22)
where the charge number n is equal to the
valence of the discharging cupric ion, n = where O and R are the oxidized and
zi = 2. The described situation is special in reduced species, respectively, for example,
that we could neglect migration due to the Fe3+ and Fe2+ .
small concentration of cupric ions. A more At equilibrium, the Nernst equation
general expression can be derived taking applies:
into account the contribution of migration:    
RT cR,b
   E rev = E 0 − ln (23)
nF Di dci nF cO,b
i = nF Ji = −
(1 − ti ) dx x=0 where cO,b and cR,b are the bulk concen-
(21) trations of O and R. Assuming first-order
Equation (21) relates the faradic current kinetics, the rate of the forward (reduc-
density due to the electrochemical reaction tion or cathodic) reaction for Eq. (22), vc , is
of a species i in a multicomponent solution given by the product of the rate constant,
to the concentration gradient at the kc , and the concentration of the oxidized
surface. For small values of the transport species at the surface where x = 0, cO,s :
number, Eq. (21) reduces to Eq. (20). In
the example given above, sulfuric acid −ic
vc = kc cO,s = (24)
plays the role of a supporting electrolyte. A nF
supporting electrolyte does not participate where ic is cathodic current density.
directly in the electrode reaction, but its Similarly, for the backwards or anodic
presence reduces the electric field in the reaction:
electrolyte by increasing the conductivity. ia
Supporting electrolytes are extensively va = ka cR,s = (25)
used in laboratory experiments because
they reduce errors in measured potentials The net current is the difference of the
resulting from ohmic drops between anodic and cathodic currents:
reference and working electrodes (see inet = ia + ic = nF (ka cR,s − kc cO,s ) (26)
Chapter 1.3.14) and in their presence,
mass transport at electrodes can be treated An expression can be given for the reaction
in terms of simple diffusion theory, rate constants based on activated complex
neglecting migration. This concept will be theory, and assuming that the potential
used extensively in the next section. drop at the interface adds to the activation
54 1 Fundamentals
energy linearly with reaction coordinate. αnF
ka0 cR,b exp E rev
This was discussed in detail in Chap- RT
ter 1.3.6. The reaction rate constants are:  
(1 − α)nF
  = kc0 cO,b exp − E rev (32)
(1 − α)nF RT
kc = kc0 exp − E (27)
RT Rearranging:
0 αnF     0
ka = ka exp E (28) nF cO,b kc
RT exp E rev = (33)
RT cR,b ka0
Insertion of these into Eq. (26): which is just the Nernst equation, where
  (RT /2.3nF ) log(kc0 /ka0 ) = E 0 . Substitut-
inet = nF ka0 cR,s exp E ing Eq. (33) into Eq. (30):
   0 α
0 (1 − α)nF i0 = nF ka0 c0
k (1−α) α
− nF kc cO,s exp − E ka
cR,b cO,b (34)
(29) The exchange current increases as the con-
At equilibrium, ia = −ic = i0 , cs = cb , and centration of either oxidized or reduced
E = E rev . Substituting into Eqs. (24) and species increases, as mentioned in Chap-
(25): ter 1.3.3.
  A simplified plot of the kinetics near
0 αnF rev
i0 = nF ka cR,b exp E (30) E rev is given in Fig. 1. Equation (30) can
RT be rearranged to give:
(1 − α)nF
i0 = nF kc0 cO,b exp − E rev log i0 = log(nF ka0 ) + log cR,b
(31) αnF
+ E rev (35)
Setting Eqs. (30) and (31) equal: 2.3RT


log i





E rev
Fig. 1 Evans diagram showing kinetics near the reversible potential.
1.4 Transport Phenomena in Electrolytic Corrosion 55

So a plot of log i0 versus E rev for constant cathodic Tafel line, Fig. 2. So, changing
cR,b (but varying cO,b ) would be a straight the concentration of the oxidized species
line of slope αnF /2.3RT . In other words, affects the cathodic kinetics, but not the
the point (i0 , E rev ) follows along the anodic anodic kinetics. Similarly, the anodic Tafel
Tafel line because of an offset of the line is offset for constant cO,b and varying




log i


c O,b

E rev
Fig. 2 Influence of the bulk solution concentration of the oxidized species
on electrode kinetics.





log i


c R,b

E rev
Fig. 3 Influence of the bulk solution concentration of the reduced species
on electrode kinetics.
56 1 Fundamentals

cR,b , and changing the concentration of the The discussion so far shows that the rate of
reduced species affects the anodic kinetics, the charge transfer reaction at the interface
but not the cathodic kinetics, Fig. 3. depends not only on the applied potential
Substituting Eqs. (30) and (31) into but also on the concentration of reacting
Eq. (29), one gets the generalized But- species prevailing at the electrode surface.
ler–Volmer equation: Or, this concentration can deviate from the
     bulk concentration.
cR,s αnF
i = i0 exp (E − E rev )
cR,b RT 1.4.4
cO,s (1 − α)nF Concentration Overvoltage
− i0 exp −
cO,b RT
 Consider now a metal sample being cor-
× (E − E rev ) (36) roded by an oxidizing agent, B, which is
being transported from the bulk and con-
Mass transport limitations, as expressed sumed at the surface. For neutral species
by the preexponential factors, cause the such as oxygen, or charged species present
current to level off at high overvoltage, in small amounts in the presence of a sup-
Fig. 4. This equation reduces to the porting electrolyte, the contribution of mi-
Butler–Volmer equation for cs = cb . gration to transport is small (Sect. 1.4.2).
For E < E rev , the cathodic term domi- The flux at the electrode–electrolyte in-
nates: terface is then given by Eq. (19). For the
  subsequent discussion, we shall assume
i = −i0 that near the electrode surface there is a
cO,b stagnant layer of electrolyte of thickness δ,
(1 − α)nF rev which is called the Nernst diffusion layer
× exp − (E − E )
RT or, somewhat loosely, the diffusion layer,
(37) Fig. 5. The assumption of a stagnant layer

i i lim

−i lim

Fig. 4 Schematic representation of the influence of mass transport

limitations on electrode kinetics.
1.4 Transport Phenomena in Electrolytic Corrosion 57

c B,b


c B,s
Distance from electrode
Fig. 5 Schematic representation of concentration in diffusion layer.

of liquid of finite thickness near the elec- systems with different geometry and flow
trode is a gross simplification of the real rates, using analytical computation or
situation. In fact, the solution velocity vsol experimental determination [3]. A par-
decreases gradually as one approaches the ticularly well-characterized system is the
electrode surface and it vanishes only at rotating disk electrode frequently used for
zero distance. However, the concept of a controlling mass transport in laboratory ex-
stagnant diffusion layer is extremely use- periments. The flux of the reacting species
ful for treating convective mass transport at at a rotating disk is proportional to the
electrodes. It allows one to easily separate square root of rotation rate.
the respective contributions of convection Assume that a species B is reduced
and diffusion. Within the stagnant diffu- cathodically. Integration of Eq. (19) over
sion layer, only diffusion contributes to the Nernst diffusion layer yields for the
the flux of the reacting species; outside the current density:
diffusion layer, no concentration gradients
exist and convection is the only transport −nF DB (cB,b − cB,s )
i= (38)
mechanism for the reacting species. The δ
role convection plays for the rate of the Solving this equation for surface concen-
electrode reaction can be understood by tration of B gives
considering that convection determines
the thickness of the stagnant diffusion iδ
cB,s = cB,b + (39)
layer; the higher the prevailing convec- nF DB
tion rate, the smaller the thickness of
Note that in this expression i is a negative
the Nernst diffusion layer and the higher,
quantity. In absolute values, one would
therefore, the flux of the reacting species at
the electrode surface. Convective transport |i|δ
rates have been evaluated for many flow cB,s = cB,b − (40)
58 1 Fundamentals

The surface concentration of the reacting If ilim > i0 exp{[−(1 − α)nF /RT ] (E −
species decreases with increasing current E rev )}, then the denominator of Eq. (45)
density. For a given current density, it goes to 1 and this equation becomes
is lower the larger the thickness of the the Tafel equation. However, if ilim <
diffusion layer, or in other words, the lower i0 exp{[−(1 − α)nF /RT ](E − E rev )}, this
the convection rate. equation becomes i = ilim and the reaction
Suppose now that one increases the rate is independent of potential.
cathodic current density ever more and Another way to look at the situation of
the surface concentration of the reacting combined influences of charge transfer
species, cB,s , decreases correspondingly. overvoltage and mass transport is to
Eventually, one reaches a value of cB,s = 0 rearrange Eq. (44):
and this is the maximum possible rate
since the surface concentration cannot RT i
become negative. The current density E − E rev = η = − ln
(1 − α)nF i0
corresponding to this condition is the  
RT i
limiting current density ilim . − ln 1 −
(1 − α)nF ilim
−nF DB cB,b (46)
ilim = (41)
δ The total overvoltage is seen to be a sum
Dividing Eq. (38) by Eq. (41) yields Eq. (42) of the charge transfer overvoltage (first
term on the right-hand side) and the
i cB,s
= 1− (42) concentration overvoltage (second term on
ilim cB,b the left-hand side).
which can be rearranged to give Eq. (43). The concentration overvoltage goes to
negative infinity as the current approaches
cB,s i
=1− (43) the limiting current, Fig. 6. The limiting
cB,b ilim current increases with increasing solution
Substituting into Eq. (37): velocity, temperature, and bulk concentra-
  tion of reacting species, which affect the
i parameters in Eq. (45). The charge transfer
i = i0 1 −
ilim (activation) and concentration overvoltages
−(1 − α)nF combine as shown in Fig. 7. This is the
× exp (E − E rev ) typical polarization behavior observed for
(44) a system under mixed charge transfer and
This can be rearranged to yield Eq. (45), transport control.
which describes the current–potential re-
lationship for a cathodic reaction con- 1.4.5
trolled by charge transfer kinetics and Effect of Mass Transport on Corrosion
mass transport. Reactions
−(1 − α)nF Mass transport is of primary importance
i0 exp (E − E rev )
RT for the rate of corrosion in environments
i0 −(1 − α)nF with limited cathodic reactant, for ex-
1− exp (E − E rev )
ilim RT ample, in a neutral solution containing
(45) dissolved oxygen as reacting species. The
1.4 Transport Phenomena in Electrolytic Corrosion 59

Increasing velocity, temperature, or concentration

i lim
log i


Fig. 6 Effect of various parameters on concentration overpotential.


i lim
log i


Fig. 7 Combination of activation and concentration overpotential.

maximum corrosion rate in such a situa- An example is corrosion of steel in an

tion is given by the limiting current density aerated neutral solution in which the rate
of the cathodic reactant to the surface, of oxygen reduction reaction is largely
controlled by mass transport. An Evans
icorr = ilim (47) diagram for this situation is given in Fig. 8.
60 1 Fundamentals

i corr O2 + 2H2O + 4e− → 4OH−

log i

M n+


E corr
Fig. 8 Evans diagram representing the corrosion of a metal at a rate
controlled by oxygen diffusion to the surface.

Similarly, the rate of corrosion of iron in where this time i is a positive quantity
dilute hydrochloric acid is limited by the (anodic current density). With increasing
rate of the mass transport of the proton to dissolution rate, the surface concentration
the iron surface. of the dissolving species increases. How-
Corrosion of metals usually leads to ever, contrary to the case of reactant mass
formation of dissolved metal ions at transport, the change in surface concentra-
the corroding surface. These ions will tion of a reaction product does not affect
diffuse towards the bulk solution and as the overvoltage provided the reaction pro-
a consequence a concentration gradient ceeds far from equilibrium so that the
exists in the diffusion layer adjacent to reverse reaction can be neglected. This is
the electrode. Similarly, as we have seen usually the case in corrosion. Eventually, as
before for the case of transport of reactants the surface concentration increases further
in presence of an excess of supporting at higher current densities, it may reach
electrolyte the dissolution current can be the saturation concentration resulting in
expressed as the precipitation of a salt formed between
the metal cation and an electrolyte anion.
nF DM (cM,s − cM,b ) This precipitation occurs at the electrode
i= (48)
δ surface and results in the formation of a
solid film through which ions must mi-
where we used the subscript M to desig- grate before dissolving into the solution.
nate the dissolving metal ion. Rearranging Under steady state conditions, the thick-
yields ness of the salt film does not change and
cM,b + iδ its rate of formation by metal oxidation
cM,s = (49) at the film-metal interface equals its rate
1.4 Transport Phenomena in Electrolytic Corrosion 61

c M+,sat


c M+,b

Distance from electrode
Fig. 9 Concentration profile near an electrode covered by a salt
film and dissolving under mass transport control.

of dissolution at the film-solution inter- dissolution processes play an important

face. Since dissolution is mass transport role in several phenomena, including pit-
controlled, a limiting current is observed ting corrosion and electropolishing of
given by metals.
nF DM (cM,sat − cM,b )
ilim = (50) References
where cM,sat is the saturation concentra- 1. D. Landolt, Corrosion et chimie de surfaces des
tion of the transport limiting metal cation. métaux, Presses polytechniques et universi-
taires romandes, Lausanne, 1993.
Usually, in corroding systems the metal 2. A. Bard, L. Faulkner, Electrochemical Meth-
ion concentration in the bulk solution ods, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980.
is zero, cM,b = 0. The described situa- 3. J. Newman, Electrochemical Systems, 2nd ed.,
tion is schematically presented in Fig. 9. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1991.
Salt films and mass transport controlled

2.1 microscope can reveal inhomogeneities

Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, not visible to the naked eye.
Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes For polycrystalline metals, the dissolu-
tion rate of the various crystallographic
Ralf Feser orientations is different. Grain boundaries
University of Applied Sciences, Iserlohn,
or precipitations will also show a differ-
ent corrosion rate. There is no accepted
2.1.1 definition for what constitutes uniform
Fundamental Aspects of Uniform Corrosion corrosion. A possible definition could be
that the variation of thickness loss all Introduction to Uniform Corrosion over the surface should not be greater
It is of importance to predict the life- than ±5%.
time of a metallic component in a specific
corrosive system. For uniform corrosion Homogenous Mixed Electrode
(also called homogeneous corrosion), the During homogenous corrosion, several
lifetime can be calculated if the kinet- nonreversible reactions take place at one
ics of the reactions are known and if electrode at the same time, which leads
no localized attack or corrosion cracks to a uniform reduction of the component
could appear. In this chapter, the ki- thickness. Homogenous corrosion is often
netic aspects of the homogenous cor- found in solutions in which no corrosion
rosion process will be considered. Only products could be formed at the metal
electrochemical corrosion mechanisms surface. Corrosion is composed of at least
are regarded, not chemical and physi- two partial reactions (see Fig. 1):
cal ones.
Uniform corrosion is defined as a cor- (a) Dissolution of the metal:
rosion process with a uniform metal M −−−→ Mz+ + ze− (1)
dissolution rate over the entire metal sur-
face exposed to the corrosive environment. (b) Reduction of the oxidizing agent:
The result is a uniform loss of the metal, Ox + ze− −−−→ Red (2)
which leads to a smooth reduction of
thickness. However, the uniformity of the From a thermodynamic point of view, it is
corrosion attack depends on the observa- necessary that the equilibrium potential of
tion technique. For instance, an electron the oxidizing agent is more positive than
68 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Mz +

z e−


Fig. 1 Corrosion process at the metal–electrolyte interface.

the one of the metal in the same solution. pointing toward the metal surface repre-
For the charge transport in the solution, sent reduction of the oxidizing agent. For
the electrolyte has to have a certain conduc- homogenous corrosion, the rate of the dis-
tivity, this means ions have to be present solution reaction, or the anodic current
in the solution. If not, the corrosion rate density should be equal at all places on the
will be negligibly small, as is often the case surface. This results in a uniform loss of
in nonaerated, distilled, or deionized wa- metal. The distance between the two half
ter. Electrons can easily be transported in reactions will be infinitesimally small, and
metals owing to their conductivity. There- the locations of the reactions will continu-
fore, the electrical circuit is closed in a ously shift across the surface in a random
conductive electrolyte and corrosion reac- fashion [1].
tions can take place at the metal electrode The sum or net current is is given by the
surface. kinetics of four single reactions:
The dissolution and reduction reactions
are evenly distributed during uniform cor- is = iM + + iM − + iOx + + iOx − (3)
rosion as demonstrated in Fig. 2. The
arrows symbolize the reaction rate. Arrows where iM + represents metal dissolution,
pointing away from the surface repre- iM − the redeposition of the metal, iOx +
sent metal dissolution, whereas arrows the oxidation of the reduced species


Metal Oxidizer
dissolution reduction


Fig. 2 Uniform corrosion of metals.

2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 69
of the oxidizing agent, and iOx − its 2.3(E − Ecorr )
= icorr exp
reduction. Since the redeposition of the ba
metal ions and the oxidation of the  
2.3(E − Ecorr )
reduced species of the oxidizing agent − exp − (5)
|bc |
are usually slow, they can be neglected.
In Fig. 3, a schematic polarization curve
The polarization π is the deviation from
is shown, representing the oxidation of
the free corrosion potential:
the metal and the reduction of the
oxidizing agent. π = E − Ecorr (6)
The free corrosion potential, Ecorr , lies
in between the standard potentials of the The corrosion rate can be estimated from
two electrochemical systems. a semilogarithmic plot of the polarization
EM < Ecorr < EOx (4) If more than one oxidizing agent is
present in the solution, both could be
The corrosion potential has, ideally, the reduced. The currents are added and the
same value over the entire metal surface. corrosion rate is higher compared to the
The current potential dependence can be presence of only one of the oxidizing
described by the modified Butler–Volmer agents. For example, in slightly acidic,
equation for the corrosion reaction: oxygen-containing solutions, the reduction
   of both O2 and H+ is possible.
E − Ecorr
i = icorr exp  The corrosion current can be influenced
  by the formation of a layer of corrosion
E − Ecorr products at the surface and change with
− exp − 
|bc | time. In most cases, the corrosion rate

i i M+ i Ox+


E Corr E

i M− i Ox−

Fig. 3 Schematic polarization curve of a corroding metal.

70 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes


Current density
[mA cm−2]

x x

0 50 100 150 200
Fig. 4 Change of corrosion rate, determined by polarization
measurements, of electrodes made from Siemens Martin steel in
O2 -saturated artificial seawater ( A) and analytically
determined mean corrosion rate (- - - - B) (after Engell) [2].

decreases until a steady state is reached, conditions under which the metal should
see Fig. 4. be used.
If corrosion products are formed at
the metal surface, the corrosion process Determination of the Homogenous
can easily become nonuniform and shal- Corrosion Rate
low pit formation can take place, for If the corrosion current is determined
example. from polarization curves, the metal loss
It should be pointed out that corrosion can be calculated from Faraday’s law,
is a system property. Small changes of according to
the electrolyte, for example, pH, temper-
ature, content of the oxidizing agent, or m
Q= nF = Icorr t (7)
the addition of halide ions or metal ions M
of higher valence can change corrosion
behavior drastically. Further factors influ- where m is the mass loss, M is the
encing the rate of uniform corrosion are atomic weight, n is the charge number, F is
the Faraday constant, Icorr is the corrosion
• welding, heat treatment, and mechani- current, and t is the time. The corrosion
cal surface treatment; rate w can be expressed as
• distribution of any alloying elements;
• rate of flow of the electrolyte. d I M 1
w= = (8)
t A ρ nF
It is therefore often necessary to test
the corrosion behavior of metals by where d is the depth of corrosion, A is
experiments, to be sure whether the the exposed area, and ρ is the density of
corrosion rate is low enough for the the metal.
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 71

The corrosion current density icorr can be of homogenous corrosion, thickening of

expressed as icorr = Icorr /A and therefore, the wall will increase the lifetime of a
   component. However, this is not true for
M 1 all systems. For example, in electronic
w = icorr (9)
ρ nF devices, low corrosion rates could lead to
a loss of function and therefore to failure.
It should be pointed out that the sum
Another example is the pharmaceutical
current, which can be measured in elec-
industry, in which corrosion rates must
trochemical experiments as the current
often be much below 0.1 mm yr−1 to
between the counter and the working elec-
prevent contamination.
trode, is not the corrosion current. The
For the determination of weight loss, the
corrosion current Icorr cannot be measured
corrosion products have to be removed.
directly, and has to be determined by ex-
Inhibited acids are normally used for
trapolation from semilogarithmic plots of
this purpose, but it is important to be
the polarization curve or from the slope of
sure that such acids remove only the
the polarization curve at Ecorr using the
corrosion products and do not attack the
Stern–Geary equation.
base metal. For example, the following
The most common method for the
acids could be used: inhibited hydrochloric
determination of the corrosion rate of ho-
acid for iron, sulfuric acid for copper,
mogeneous corrosion is the measurement
and chromium trioxide solutions for zinc.
of weight loss. The mass change is mea-
The chemical cleaning procedures for the
sured after exposure of the metal to the
removal of corrosion products are further
corrosive media for a defined time and
described in ISO 8407 [3]. The removal
conditions. The material consumption rate
of corrosion products is also necessary
v is calculated by the weight loss m per
to confirm homogenous corrosion and
time t and area A exclude possible local corrosion attack.
m If the corrosion rate is very low, the
v= (10)
At determination of the dissolved metal ions
by chemical techniques, for example,
The unit is usually g m−2 h−1 . atomic absorbance spectroscopy (AAS) is
The corrosion rate, w, can be calculated recommended. The amount of corrosion
if the density is known: products has to be considered for the
v calculation of the corrosion rate.
w= (11)
ρ Cathodic Corrosion Reactions in
The unit is usually mm yr−1
(The unit of Acids
mils per year or thousandths of an inch After Brønstedt, an acid is defined as a
per year is commonly used in the US). proton donor.
In most cases, it is convenient to define The equilibrium for an acid, HA, in
a metal as a corrosion resistant material water can be written as
if the corrosion rate is <0.1 mm yr−1 .
HA + H2 O ←−→ H3 O+ + A− (12)
A limited resistance is given for values
between 0.1 and 1.0 mm yr−1 . Above or simply as
1.0 mm yr−1 , the corrosion rate is too
high for most applications. In the case HA ←−→ H(aq) + + A(aq) − (13)
72 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

For the corrosion process it is of interest corrosion rate, as described in detail in a

whether an acid dissociates totally or not. previous Chapter. If the rate-determining
The strength of an acid is indicated by step of the reaction is the transport of
the equilibrium constant Ks , which can be the oxidizing agent, for example, H+
expressed as a pKs value. ions, to the metal surface, the cathodic
  reaction kinetics cannot be described by
pKs = pH + log (14) the Butler–Volmer equation.
cA − The current density for the transport of
Strong acids, like HCl and H2 SO4 , are H+ ions to the metal surface iH could
practically completely dissociated in water. be described by the following transport
A weak acid, such as acetic acid, with the equation:
same pH is more corrosive than a strong
F DH+ [(cH+ )∗ − (cH+ )O ]
acid at the same pH value because of its iH = (18)
buffering capacity. In weak acids, the H+ δ
ions consumed by the reduction reaction where DH+ is the diffusion coefficient,
accompanying dissolution will be replaced (cH+ )∗ is the concentration of H+ ions at
by H+ ions, produced from the previously the surface, (cH+ )O is the concentration of
undissociated acid molecules. Therefore, H+ ions in the electrolyte, and δ is the
the total amount of H+ ions, which could thickness of the diffusion layer. Under the
be reduced, is higher in comparison to assumption that all H+ ions reaching the
strong acids at the same pH. In principle, metal surface are instantaneously reduced,
the corrosion reactions in acids are given (cH+ )∗ tends to zero and therefore, the
by the following equation: limiting current density iH,diff is given by
M + zH+ −−−→ Mz+ + H2 (15) (cH+ )O
2 iH,diff = −F DH+ (19)
This reaction consists of the two partial
reactions: This equation shows the dependence
of the diffusion-limited current density
anodic oxidation: on the diffusion layer thickness. Typical
M −−−→ Mz+ + ze− (16) values are 10−4 cm2 s−1 for DH+ and
5 × 10−3 cm for δ. The current increases
cathodic reduction: with decreasing diffusion layer thickness,
zH+ + ze− −−−→ H2 (17) for example, by raising the flow rate of the
2 electrolyte, as long as the flow is laminar.
Simultaneous reduction of oxygen and Figure 5 shows the cathodic polarization
hydrogen is of interest in slightly acidic curve for iron in solutions with different
solutions. pH values. The diffusion current, indicated
by the horizontal lines of the curve, of Cathodic Reactions and increases with decreasing pH value.
Influence of Transport Processes The corrosion rate cannot exceed the
diffusion-limited cathodic current. This Transport-controlled Hydrogen fact can be used for an estimation of
Reduction Transport processes to and the probable maximum value of the
from the metal surface influence the corrosion rate.
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 73


pH = 5.26


Current density 4.11

[A cm−2] −10−5



1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3
Potential E
Fig. 5 Cathodic polarization curve of iron (below shaded line
identical to the polarization curve of cathodic hydrogen evolution) in
HCl/NaCl solution, O2 -free, of various pH values [2]. Oxygen Reduction Oxygen re- Indirect reduction in neutral and alkaline
duction often plays a major role in corro- solutions:
sion, in particular in neutral and alkaline
O2 + H2 O + 2e− −−−→ HO2 − + OH−
electrolytes. The oxygen-reduction mech-
anism is called either direct or indirect,
depending on the details of the reac- HO2 − + H2 O + 2e− −−−→ 3OH− (25)
tion. The indirect reduction mechanism
includes the formation of intermediate Oxygen reduction is kinetically hindered
products [4]. and large overpotentials are necessary for
higher current densities.
Direct reduction in acidic solutions: Oxygen in the gas phase, usually from
air, is in equilibrium with the aqueous
O2 + 4H+ + 4e− −−−→ 2H2 O (20)
electrolyte. The amount of oxygen that is
Indirect reduction in acidic solutions: dissolved in the electrolyte depends on the
partial pressure of oxygen in the gas phase.
O2 + 2H+ + 2e− −−−→ H2 O2 (21)
The oxygen concentration decreases with
H2 O2 + 2H+ + 2e− −−−→ 2H2 O (22) increasing salt concentration of the elec-
trolyte, and increasing temperature. The
Direct reduction in neutral and alkaline
concentration of dissolved oxygen also de-
pends on the nature of the electrolyte,
O2 + 2H2 O + 4e− −−−→ 4OH− (23) which is demonstrated in Fig. 6.
74 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

50 30

[cm3(O2) kg−1(solution)]
[cm3(O2) kg−1(H2O)]

Concentration O2

Concentration O2
20 r, K
30 Na Br
p(O2) = 1 atm Cl,
2 SO
20 4, M
10 gC
0.2 atm

0 20 40 60 80 0 5 10 15
Temperature Concentration of salt
(a) [°C] (b) [weight%]
Fig. 6 Solubility of oxygen: (a) in water at an oxygen pressure of 1 and 0.2 atm; (b) in
salt solutions at 25 ◦ C and 1 atm oxygen pressure [2].

The rate-determining step of the oxygen and heat exchangers. Mineral acids are
reduction during corrosion of most metals normally strong acids. Some acids form
is the transport of dissolved oxygen to the passive, metal oxide layers by corrosion.
metal surface. Therefore, the diffusion- In concentrated nitric acid, passive lay-
limited current can be calculated with the ers can be formed on steels; chromate
transport equations in the case of a fully layers are formed in chromic acids on a
transport-controlled reaction. great variety of materials, for example, zinc
The current density for the oxygen and aluminum; in phosphoric acid, phos-
diffusion-limited iO2 ,diff current is given phate layers can be formed, for instance,
by the following equation: on steels. These conversion and passive
(cO2 )O layers reduce the uniform corrosion rate.
iO2 ,diff = −4F DO2
(26) Mineral acids could be subdivided into
reducing or oxidizing acids. The primary
The oxygen diffusion-limited current is
cathodic reaction is reduction of H+ ions
characterized by the horizontal parts of
the polarization curves in Fig. 7. Typical in reducing acids and reduction of the
values of the parameters for a neutral acid anions in oxidizing acids. In the case
salt solution open to air are 10−5 cm2 s−1 of nitric acid, the following reactions can
for DO2 , 2 × 10−7 mol cm−3 for cO2 , and take place:
5 × 10−3 cm for δ. −−
HNO3 −−−
−H + NO3

NO3 − + H2 O + 2e−  −−−−

−NO2 + 2OH
 − Corrosion in Mineral Acids
Corrosion in mineral acids is usually uni-
Oxidizing acids can be defined by whether
form if no inhomogenities in the metal are
present. A practical use for uniform corro- the redox potential is more positive than
sion is cleaning of metals by pickling, for the potential of the hydrogen electrode at
example, in HCl or H2 SO4 . Combustion of the same pH.
sulfur-containing fossil fuels can produce
sulfuric acid; chlorine-containing plastics Corrosion in Organic Solutions
can produce hydrochloric acid on burning. It was found that the corrosion rate in a
These compounds attack engines, boilers, mixture of alcohol and sulfuric acid was
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 75


Current density

[mA cm−2] −0.6


−1.2 −1.0 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0
Potential E'
Fig. 7 Polarization curve of cathodic oxygen reduction with
superimposed cathodic water dissociation at 18-8-CrNi steel in
air-saturated, stirred NaOH/0.5 M NaCl solution, pH 11, 25 ◦ C (•)
as well as in practically O2 -free solution (◦); potential E referred to
saturated calomel electrode [2].

higher than that in water and sulfuric of all species involved in the corrosion
acid, whereas in a mixture of acetone process [5].
and sulfuric acid, the corrosion rate
was low [5]. The character of the solvent Single or Multicomponent Media
influences greatly the corrosion process, It is possible to subdivide corrosive media
which is demonstrated in Fig. 8. One could into pure solutions and mixed solutions.
subdivide solvents into The latter could consist of one or more
• protic solvents (alcohol, carboxylic phases and one or more components. A
acids, amines, water, etc.); medium must contain an oxidizing agent
• dipolar aprotic (dimethyl, formamide, and be conducting in order to be corro-
propylene carbonate, acetonitrile, ke- sive. Corrosive, one-component systems
tones, aldehydes, esters, asymmetric have an oxidizing group in their molec-
halogenated hydrocarbons, etc.); ular structure, which is responsible for
• nonpolar aprotic (aromatic and aliphatic the metal attack. The corrosion-inducing
hydrocarbons, symmetric halogenated groups are mostly hydroxyl or carboxyl
hydrocarbons, etc.). groups from carboxylic acids, which can
donate hydrogen atoms. In multicompo-
The protic or aprotic character of a solvent nent systems, the oxidizing species are
is determined by the ability of the solvent dissolved. In these systems, species that
to provide protons. Protic media contain are familiar from aqueous solutions are
some quantity of acidic hydrogen atoms often responsible for corrosion, such as
and aprotic media do not. The nature oxygen, solvated protons, or metal ions of
of the solvent influences the solubility higher valence.
76 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Ethanol Acetone Acetic acid Water

40 °C
600 78.5 °C
21 °C
500 21 °C no
Weight loss

400 100 °C
[g m−2]

118 °C
40 °C
40 °C
21 °C
100 21 °C
40 °C 40 °C
56.5° 21° 118 °C

0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40
Fig. 8 Corrosion of nickel in different solvents with 0.05 wt% H2 SO4 at
various temperatures [5].

The corrosion reaction is, in principle, the corrosion rate decreases. This can be
comparable to aqueous corrosion. explained by the increase of the viscosity,
The anodic partial reaction is which leads to a decrease of the diffusion
coefficient [6].
M −−−→ Mz+ + ze− (29)
In organic solvents, the solubility of
or oxygen is in many cases higher by a factor
5–8 than that in water [7].
M + zX− −−−→ MXz + ze− (30)
The addition of water influences the
(X = halogen ion, organic acid anion, etc.) corrosion rate in various ways. Figure 10
shows the influence of water on the corro-
whereby the metal dissolves as a charged sion rate of iron in various acids. In formic
or uncharged complex or reacts to a solid
acid, only a slight dependence of the cor-
rosion rate with increasing water content
The cathodic partial reaction can be
was observed. The other acids show an
represented as the reduction of a solvated
increase of the corrosion rate with the wa-
proton to hydrogen:
ter content. The effect of water on the
Hsolv + + e− −−−→ 12 H2 (31) anodic reaction is explained either by acti-
vation of the metal dissolution by H2 O and
or as the reduction of acidic hydrogen of a OH− [8–10] or by an increase of the solu-
proton donor. bility of anodic products connected with a
decrease of the passivity of the metal.
AH + e− −−−→ 12 H2 + A− (32)
In acidified organic solvents, a decrease
The transport processes influence the of the corrosion rate with increasing
corrosion reaction too. In Fig. 9, the water content can be found, which is
corrosion rate of zinc, iron, and nickel demonstrated in Fig. 11. Stainless steels
in different alcohols is shown. With and nickel-base alloys show a large re-
increasing chain length of the solvent, duction of the corrosion rate if the water
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 77


[mA cm−2]

i corr.


0.5 x
x x x
x x x
H 2O C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Fig. 9 Corrosion rate (mA cm−2 ) of zinc, iron, and nickel in primary
alcohols of different chain length with added 0.01 N HCl + 1 N LiCl at 25 ◦ C
(hydrogen bubbling) [5].

Fe in monocarboxylic acids + 1n Li-carboxylate

25 °C; N2-saturated

0.15 HCOOH
[mA cm−2]

~ Acetic acid
i corr.


Propionic acid

Butyric acid

0.1 0.5 1.0 m H2O

Fig. 10 Corrosion rate (mA cm−2 ) of iron in different monocarboxylic

acids with addition of 1 N lithium carboxylate and water content (up to
1 M) at 25 ◦ C [5].
78 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes


2000 C-Steel




Corrosion rate
[mils yr −1]


Steel AISI-304 S/S


200 x
Incoloy 800

100 Monel 400

x x
x x Inconel 600
0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 20 90 97 98 99 100
Water content
[%wt H2O]
Fig. 11 Corrosion rate of different alloys in dimethyl formamide +0.5 wt%
HCl with varying water content at 242–100 ◦ C [5].

content exceeds about 1 wt%. The reason stable at low potentials. Dissolution of iron
for this behavior is the formation of a takes place to Fe2+ ions and, at higher
passive layer. potentials, to Fe3+ ions. Two type of oxides
can be formed, Fe3 O4 and Fe2 O3 . At high
2.1.2 pH values (>14) dissolution to HFeO2 −
Corrosion of Various Metals ions is possible. The oxides, usually called
rust, can appear in several forms. In water
In the following section, examples for
systems, the formation of FeOOH instead
homogenous corrosion are given. It is
of Fe2 O3 can be assumed, which can
impossible to discuss all possible corrosion
appear as α-, β-, γ - or δ-FeOOH.
systems, but the main principles of the
corrosion process in acids or neutral and
alkaline solutions will be demonstrated. of Iron in Acids The
corrosion of iron in various electrolytes Iron was investigated in detail by Heusler [12],
Lorenz and Heusler [13], and Bockris and Potential–pH Diagram of Iron coworkers [14]. They especially studied the
A potential–pH diagram is shown in Fig. reaction mechanism of the dissolution
12 showing that iron is thermodynamically process.
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 79

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2.2 2.2
2.0 2.0
1.8 1.8
1.6 0 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

a Fe++
0.0 0.0
−0.2 −0.2
−0.4 −0.4
−0.6 −6 Fe3O4 −0.6
−0.8 −6 −0.8
−1.0 HFeO2− −1.0
−1.2 −1.2
−1.4 −1.4
−1.6 −1.6
−1.8 −1.8
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Fig. 12 Potential–pH diagram of iron [11].

Iron dissolution is catalyzed by OH− The FeOHad complex catalyzes the charge-
ions. At the surface of the iron electrode, transfer reaction:
even in acidic solutions, OH− ions could
be present according to the following Fe + OHad − + FeOHad
equation: −−−→ Fe(OH)+ + Fe(OH)ad + 2e−
H2 O −−−→ (OH− )ad + H+ (33) In acid solution, the Fe(OH)+ ion is
Iron dissolves according to the following
reaction steps: Fe(OH)+ + H+ −−−→ Fe2+ + H2 O
Iron reacts with OH− ions and forms a (36)
FeOHad complex Assuming that Reaction (34) is at equi-
librium and Reaction (35) is the rate-
Fe + OHad − −−−→ FeOHad + e− (34) determining step, a Tafel slope of 29 mV
80 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

can be calculated, which fits experimental The corrosion rate of iron in acids is
results. quite high and decreases with time, as a
Other experimental results show Tafel result of the formation of layers of product
slopes of 40 mV. Bockris explains these at the surface. These layers are not well
results with an alternative reaction mech- defined and they consist of impurities from
anism. It is assumed that FeOH is an the steel, such as copper.
intermediate product, but not a catalyst. In sulfuric acid, iron could be passivated
by anodic polarization, which leads to low
Fe + OH− −−−→ FeOH + e− (37) metal dissolution rates; without the po-
+ − larization, active iron corrosion appears.
FeOH −−−→ FeOH + e (38)
Alloying elements influence the corrosion
FeOH+ −−−→ Fe2+ + OH− (39) rate. Copper has a positive effect and nor-
mally reduces the corrosion rate, whereas
The Tafel slope for this reaction can be
sulfur and phosphorus increase the corro-
calculated as 40 mV if Reaction (38) is
sion rate. In low-sulfur-containing iron,
assumed to be the rate-determining step.
copper can also increase the corrosion
The addition of silicon to cast iron has
rate [16].
a positive effect. SiO2 layers are formed
at the surface and protect the iron from
further attack. With increasing Si content, Corrosion of Iron in Neutral and
the corrosion resistance in sulfuric acid Alkaline Solutions Noticeable oxidation
increases. With >14.5% Si, the corrosion and dissolution of iron in neutral elec-
rate is very low [15]. trolytes only occur if an oxidizing agent
A negative influence on corrosion re- is present. The cathodic partial reaction
sistance in sulfuric acid is observed with in neutral salt solutions is usually the
increasing carbon content. The corrosion reduction of dissolved oxygen. The dif-
rate of iron in sulfuric acid is too high fusion of the oxidizing agent, O2 , toward
for the successful application of unalloyed the surface governs the reaction rate. A
steels [15]. proportionality, therefore, exists between

10 6

5 x
Corrosion rate

Corrosion rate
[mg (48 h)−1]

[gm−2 d−1]

6 x
4 x

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Oxygen concentration [ml L−1]
Fig. 13 Influence of oxygen concentration on the corrosion rate of unalloyed steel in salt
solution at 25 ◦ C (free convection): (a) 1.5 × 10−3 M CaCl2 ; (b) solution with KCl (•),
Na2 SO4 (◦), NaCl (×) [17].
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 81

the corrosion rate of iron and the oxygen −−

Hads + Hads −−−
−H2 (44)
concentration. Figure 13 shows the in-
crease of the corrosion rate with increasing The corrosion rate increases with the tem-
oxygen content [17]. In neutral solutions, perature of NaOH and with concentration,
for example, Na2 SO4 and NaCl at room which is demonstrated in Figs. 14 and 15.
temperature without complexing agents,
the corrosion rate in equilibrium with air Stainless Steel
is roughly 0.1–1 mm yr−1 [18, 19].
The addition of Cu to steel increases the Corrosion of Stainless Steels in
corrosion resistance against atmospheric Acids Stainless steels are iron-based al-
corrosion due to the reduced oxygen loys with chromium as the main alloying
reduction inside the rust layers that are element. The most interesting alloys for
formed on these alloys [20]. technical applications are ferritic stain-
In strong alkaline solutions, the dis- less steels, austentic stainless steels, and
solution of iron is accompanied by the duplex stainless steels. The distinction
formation of HFeO2 − ions. The following between the stainless steels comes from
reaction mechanism is assumed [21, 22]: their different crystallographic structures.
Ferritic–martensitic stainless steels and
Anodic reaction: martensitic stainless steels have less nickel
Fe + OH− −− − and a higher carbon content and can be
−FeOHads + e
(40) hardened by heat treatment. The corrosion
behavior of these steels is mainly influ-
FeOHads + OH− 
−Fe(OH)2ads + e

enced by the formation of carbides, which
(41) generally increase the corrosion rate.
− −−− − For the formation of passive layers, at
Fe(OH)2ads + OH −−−HFeO2 + H2 O least 10.5% Cr is necessary. The activation
(42) potential of iron–chromium alloys in
Cathodic reaction:
sulfuric acid changes, depending on the
H2 O + e− 
−Hads + OH (43) chromium content. Alloys with chromium


Corrosion current

[µA cm−2]




20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Fig. 14 Corrosion current of steel in 10 N NaOH at various temperatures [22].

82 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes


Corrosion current

[µA cm−2]




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
[Mol L−1]
Fig. 15 Corrosion rate of steel in NaOH solutions of various concentrations [22].

contents below 10% behave comparably than 13% Cr. The influence of alloying
with iron, whereas alloys above 15% Cr elements on the electrochemical behavior
show a behavior similar to chromium. in solution, in which the alloy is able
This is demonstrated in Fig. 16. Most to passivate, is schematically shown in
technical alloys, therefore, contain more Fig. 17 [23].

E act

0.5 ∂E act /∂ pH
Activation potential E act

Derivative ∂E act/∂ pH


0.3 0.10

0.2 0.08




0 5 10 15 20 25 100
Content of chromium
Fig. 16 The activation potential and its derivative ∂Eact /∂ pH for
Cr–Fe alloys in H2 SO4 solution [2].
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 83

S Positive influence
Negative influence
Cr, Ti
i pas Ni, Mo, Cu
Current density i

Active Passive trans-
Mo +
[H ]
Cu Mo Ni

ip Si < 2%
Cr Mo Si > 2%
Cr, Ni, W, Ti V
ER E pas E act Ed
Potential E
Fig. 17 Characteristic values of polarization curves of steels and alloys that
can be passivated. Influence of alloying elements: ( ) positive influence;
(→) negative influence; ipas , passivating current density; ip , passive current
density; ER , rest potential; Epas , passivating potential; Eact , activation
potential; and Ed , breakthrough potential [23].

Austenitic stainless steels are suscepti- reducing and oxidizing capabilities of

ble to pitting corrosion. In concentrated the sulfuric acid itself. H2 SO4 changes
hydrochloric acid, the pits are very close to from a reducing agent at concentrations
one another; therefore it can be defined as of roughly 0–65% for all temperatures
uniform corrosion. The corrosion rate in and up to 85% at low temperatures, to
HCl for stainless steels with 18% Cr and oxidizing at higher concentrations. Iso-
10% Ni is too high to be acceptable for use. corrosion charts in Fig. 18 show corrosion
In very diluted solution, in which the ho- rates below 0.1 mm yr−1 at very low and
mogeneous corrosion rate is low enough, very high concentrations. The influence of
they could be used, but stress–corrosion typical alloying elements is also demon-
cracking could appear. The resistance strated.
against pitting corrosion, and therefore Stainless steel with 18% Cr and 8%
the field of use for the steels, increases Ni is not very resistant to sulfuric acid.
with the content of chromium, molyb- Addition of alloying elements can lead
denum, and nitrogen in the steel. The to a limited increase of the corrosion
corrosion resistance can be expressed by resistance. Increase of the nickel content
the pitting corrosion resistance equivalent. has a beneficial effect and leads to an
The solubility of molybdenum increases expansion of the corrosion resistance of
with the nickel content, as nickel stabilizes the steel as can be seen in Fig. 18.
the austenitic structure. The transition Small amounts of noble metals such
from stainless steel to nickel-base alloys as Pt, Pd, and Cu increase the corrosion
is continuous [24–26]. resistance of 18-8 CrNi steels in sulfuric
The corrosion behavior of stainless steels acid, which is demonstrated in Fig. 19. It
in sulfuric acid depends mainly on the is assumed that the noble metals become
84 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

353 353
18 Cr 20 Cr
343 343
8 Ni 8 Ni

333 333 2 Si

323 323
313 313
303 303
293 293
0 20 40 60 80 95 0 20 40 60 80 95
353 353
18 Cr 18 Cr
343 343
10 Ni 11 Ni

333 1 Si 333 2 Mo

323 323
313 313
303 303
293 293
0 20 40 60 80 95 0 20 40 60 80 95
353 353
18 Cr 18 Cr
343 343
8 Ni 18 Ni

333 2 Mo 333 2 Mo
2 Cu 2 Cu

323 323
313 313
303 303
293 293
0 20 40 60 80 95 0 20 40 60 80 95
H2SO4 concentration H2SO4 concentration
[%] [%]
Fig. 18 Influence of various alloying elements to corrosion behavior of Cr–Ni alloys in sulfuric
acid. Shaded area ( ): corrosion rate <0.1 mm yr−1 [15].

enriched at the surface by selective cor- low concentration. In comparison to this

rosion. The overpotential of the cathodic behavior, austenitic stainless steels do
reaction is reduced and therefore the passi- show a high corrosion resistance over
vation is facilitated. For practical purposes, the full concentration range up to 65 ◦ C
the addition of Cu is of high interest be- and in boiling H3 PO4 solutions, up to
cause of the low costs of this alloying 40% [27].
element compared to Pt and Pd. In highly High chromium contents increase the
corrosion resistant stainless steels, for ex- corrosion resistance of ferritic stainless
ample, 1.4529 (main components: ∼20% steels in highly concentrated sulfuric acid.
Cr, ∼6.5% Mo, ∼2.5% Ni, ∼1% Cu), cop- For example, the ferritic steel 1.4575 (main
per is used as an alloying element. components: ∼28% Cr, ∼4% Ni, ∼2% Mo)
In phosphoric acid, common ferritic Cr is successfully used for applications in this
steels have very limited resistance and field. At temperatures above 120 ◦ C, the al-
only show acceptable corrosion rates at loy can be used at concentrations between
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 85





Weight loss
[g m−2 h−1]


Cu d
2% P

1. .1%
+ Pt
2 0 .1%
x x x x x 0.9% Pd
0 + + + +
17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44
H2SO4 concentration
Fig. 19 Influence of small amounts of Cu, Pd, and Pt on the
corrosion rate of 18-8 CrNi steel in H2 SO4 at 20 ◦ C as a function of
acid concentration [2].

95 and 100% H2 SO4 with corrosion rates In alkaline solutions, the resistance of
<0.1 mm r−1 . stainless steels is, in general, quite high. In
Manufacturing and welding of ferritic NaOH solutions of all concentrations up
stainless steels has to be done carefully to temperatures of 65 ◦ C, stainless steels
to avoid the precipitation of carbides and are not attacked. Type 304 (∼18% Cr,
other phases, which increase the suscepti- ∼10% Ni) and 316 alloys (∼17% Cr, ∼11%
bility to localized forms of corrosion. Ni, ∼2% Mo) resist boiling NaOH up to
concentrations of nearly 20%.
Stainless steels are also used in drinking Stainless Steels in Neutral and water systems, as their corrosion rate is
Alkaline Solutions In neutral solutions, negligible in drinking water. The amount
stainless steels are generally very resistant of dissolved metal ions in drinking water
against corrosion, except when they are is regulated. A study of stainless steel
exposed to solutions containing halide tubes (18% Cr, 10% Ni) that were in
ions, such as chloride, iodide, bromide, service for 10 years showed that the
and fluoride. In these solutions, pitting material consumption rate was below
corrosion could appear because of the 10−5 mm yr−1 . In new tubes, the rate
localized destruction of the passive layer. could be slightly higher [28].
86 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes Nickel is very stable in alkaline solutions (see

below). The corrosion rate in acidic solu- Potential–pH Diagram of Nickel tions is also low, which can be attributed
The potential–pH diagram of nickel to the high overpotential of hydrogen
is shown in Fig. 20. In acidic so- evolution.
lutions, dissolution to Ni2+ can ap-
pear at potentials above the equilib-
rium potential. In alkaline solutions, Corrosion of Nickel in Acids
HNiO2 − ions can be formed. Various Nickel and nickel-based alloys play a ma-
oxides and hydroxides can be formed jor role in the chemical process industry
on nickel, for example, Ni(OH)2 , Ni3 O4 , because of their excellent corrosion resis-
Ni2 O3 , and NiO2 . In contradiction to tance and their low susceptibility to stress
the thermodynamic expectations, nickel corrosion cracking.

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2.2 2.2
2.0 2.0
NiO4− −?
1.8 −6 1.8
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 NiO2 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 Ni3O4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
−0.2 0 −0.2
−6 HNiO2− −
−0.4 −0.4
−0.6 −0.6
−0.8 −0.8
−1.0 −1.0
−1.2 −1.2
−1.4 −1.4
−1.6 −1.6
−1.8 −1.8
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Fig. 20 Potential–pH diagram of nickel [11].
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 87

In electrochemical experiments of nickel Nonaerated organic acids do not nor-

in sulfuric acid, passive behavior can be mally attack nickel. In boiling organic acids
seen, but the passive range is relatively or those with a high degree of aeration,
small and transpassive dissolution is high corrosion rates could appear. In fatty
found at high potentials (Fig. 21). The acids, nickel is stable up to 210 ◦ C [30].
passive behavior is the result of a NiO Nickel alloys can be subdivided into the
or Ni(OH)2 film. At higher temperatures, following groups:
active dissolution of nickel appears [29].
• nickel–copper alloys;
Oxidizing acids, such as nitric acid or
• nickel–molybdenum alloys;
chromic acid attack pure nickel severely,
• nickel–chrome–iron alloys;
as do solutions containing oxidizing salts,
• nickel–chrome–molybdenum alloys;
such as iron, copper, or mercury sulfates
• nickel–chrome–iron–molybdenum–
or chlorides. In these solutions, nickel
copper alloys.
is obviously already in the transpassive
region. Nickel–copper alloys show good corro-
In reducing acids, like HCl, the corro- sion resistance in nonaerated hydrofluoric
sion resistance of nickel is low, so its use is acid over the entire concentration range.
limited to low concentrations and temper- The highest corrosion rates can be ob-
atures in the absence of oxygen. If these served between 35 and 75% with values
acids contain oxygen, the corrosion rate of <0.5 mm yr−1 . In aerated solutions,
increases. nickel alloy 400 (composition ∼30% Cu,


Current density
[A dm−2]



Active Passive Transpassive Evolut
−0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Fig. 21 Polarization curve of pure nickel in deaerated 1 N H2 SO4 at
25 ◦ C [29].
88 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

∼1.5% Fe, Ni ≥ 63%) could be used in passivation current density. With increas-
boiling hydrofluoric acid up to 20%. Stress ing copper content, passivation disappears
corrosion cracking has been observed at and corrosion rate increases, which can
nickel copper alloys in hydrofluoric acid be seen in Fig. 23. Alloy 400 (∼30% Cu)
when the samples are in contact with the is compared with nickel 200 (99.2% Ni).
vapor phase. Aeration increases the corrosion rate.
Figure 22 shows the influence of aera- Chromium improves the corrosion be-
tion and temperature of nickel alloy 400 havior of nickel in oxidizing acids by
in flowing sulfuric acid. In nonaerated facilitating the formation of a passive layer.
solutions, the alloy could be used up to It reduces the critical passivating current
concentrations of 85% H2 SO4 at 30 and and increases the passive range.
60 ◦ C. In aerated solutions, the corrosion Alloys with ∼30% molybdenum can
rate is higher. be used under reducing conditions, for
In hydrochloric acid, nickel–copper al- example, in nonaerated hydrochloric acid.
loys show insufficient corrosion resistance. The iso-corrosion diagram is shown in
Copper shifts the passivation potential Fig. 24 and reflects the good corrosion
of nickel in hydrochloric acid to more resistance over the whole temperature and
positive values and increases the critical concentration range of the acid.


3.5 Air saturated

3.0 N2-saturated

Corrosion rate
[mm yr −1]


60 °C


30 °C
60 °C 30 °C

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
H2SO4 in mass
Fig. 22 Corrosion of NiCu30Fe (alloy 400) in H2 SO4 at 30 and 60 ◦ C; flow velocity,
5.2 m min−1 [29].
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 89

Alloy 400,
air saturated

Corrosion rate
[mm yr −1] 5

Nickel 200,
3 air saturated Alloy 400, airfree
2 x x x x
x x
1 Nickel 200, airfree
0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 23 Corrosion of nickel 200 (99.2% Ni) and NiCu30Fe
(alloy 400) in HCl of various concentrations at 30 ◦ C [29].


steam pressure

100 0-0.125 mm yr −1

0.125 mm yr −1

0.125 - 0.50 mm yr −1

50 0.125 mm yr −1
0-0.125 mm yr −1

0 10 20 30 40

Fig. 24 Iso-corrosion diagram of alloy B-2 in HCl [29].

90 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Nickel–chromium–iron alloys are the grain boundaries, this leads to sen-

mainly used for high-temperature sitization of the metal and intergranular
applications in gases. corrosion.
Nickel–chrome–molybdenum alloys
combine the good resistance of Aluminum
nickel–molybdenum alloys under reduc-
ing conditions with the performance of Potential–pH Diagram of Alu-
nickel–chrome alloys under oxidizing con- minum Aluminum is an amphoteric
ditions. Nickel–chrome–iron–molybde- metal; it can be used in the presence
num–copper alloys also show good cor- of water only because of its ability to
rosion resistance under oxidizing and form a protective layer of aluminum ox-
reducing conditions. Both types of al- ides. The potential–pH diagram in Fig. 25
loys also show good performance even shows that aluminum is stable only at
when oxidizing salts, such as Fe3+ , are low potentials. For Al3+ concentration of
present [31]. 10−6 mol L−1 , the stability region of the
aluminum oxide ranges between pH 4 and Corrosion of Nickel in Neutral 8.5. In this range, aluminum can be suc-
and Alkaline Solutions Nickel is corro- cessfully used for technical applications.
sion resistant with corrosion rates below When using potential–pH diagrams, it
0.13 mm yr−1 in neutral or alkaline salt is important to bear in mind that metal
ion concentrations rarely reach more than
solutions, for example, chlorides, alkali
10−6 mol L−1 .
carbonates, bicarbonates, silicates, phos-
phates, sulfates, and nitrates. High cor-
rosion rates can appear in acidic and Corrosion of Aluminum in Acids
oxidizing waters with high content of The passive layer can consist of different
Fe(III) or copper salts. modifications of the oxide Al2 O3 , hydrox-
In seawater, nickel shows a corrosion ide Al(OH)3 , or the oxyhydroxide AlOOH
rate below 0.13 mm yr−1 and could be (→ passivity).
classified as corrosion resistant. In stag- The pH limits for the successful use
nant seawater, formation of a biofilm on of aluminum depend on various factors,
the surface is possible and this could lead for example, temperature, the specific
to microbiological-induced corrosion. In oxide modification at the surface, and
order to prevent this, nickel–copper alloys whether substances are present, which
with ∼30% Cu are used, because copper could form complexes, or insoluble salts
with aluminum.
has an antibacterial effect.
In acids, aluminum dissolves to Al3+
Nickel is one of the most resistant metal-
ions according to the following reaction:
lic materials in sodium and potassium
alkaline hydroxide solutions. Nickel can Al −−−→ Al3+ + 3e− (45)
also be used for temperatures above the
boiling point. If the temperatures exceed The oxide layer dissolves and Al3+ ions are
300 ◦ C, LC-nickel (low carbon), with a re- formed.
duced carbon content, should be used.
Al(OH)3(aq.) + 3H+ −−−→ Al(aq.) 3+
In the temperature region between 315
and 650 ◦ C, graphite could precipitate at + 3H2 O (46)
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 91

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1.4 1.4
b 0 −6 −6 0
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 Al+++ 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
a Al2O3 × 3 H2O
0.0 0.0
−0.2 −0.2
−0.4 −0.4

−0.6 −0.6

−0.8 Al+? −0.8

−1.0 −1.0
−1.2 −1.2
−1.4 −1.4
−1.6 0 −1.6
−1.8 −6 −1.8
−2.0 −2.0
−2.2 −2.2
−2.4 0 −2.4
−2.6 −2.6
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Fig. 25 Potential–pH diagram of aluminum.

The use of aluminum in acids is very lim- and temperatures in the region of 0–30 ◦ C
ited. Pure aluminum shows the highest is shown. The corrosion rate increases with
corrosion resistance and could be used at decreasing acid concentration. Increasing
room temperature in up to 25% sulfu- flow velocity of the medium increases the
ric acid, in which the dissolution rate is corrosion rate, especially if it is two-phase
between 0.18 and 0.3 mm yr−1 . With in- flow [32].
creasing content of alloying components, In sulfuric acid, chromic acid, or mix-
the corrosion resistance decreases as can tures of the two, the thickness of the
be seen in Fig. 26. oxide layer can be increased by anodic
Nearly all acids attack aluminum, but polarization. Homogeneous dissolution of
concentrated nitric acid does not. In aluminum is promoted and oxides are
Fig. 27, the corrosion rate of aluminum formed at the surface. The rate of dis-
in nitric acid of different concentrations solution of the oxides is lower than
92 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

b e

Corrosion rate

[mm yr −1]



f a

1 10 25 62.5 78 95
H2SO4 concentration
Fig. 26 Corrosion of aluminum and aluminum alloys in sulfuric acid at
293 K [15]: (a) Al99.98 R; (b) Al 99.5; (c) AlMn alloy; (d) AlMg 3;
(e) AlMg 7; and (f) AlSi 12.

the formation of fresh oxide, the layers hindered (→ passivity). The best corrosion
that are formed are very homogenous. resistance is shown by aluminum of high
This anodizing process produces protec- purity (Al 99.98). In Cl− -containing solu-
tive layers, which increase the corrosion tions, pitting corrosion could appear (→
resistance. A further improvement of the pitting corrosion).
corrosion resistance against atmospheric The corrosion resistance of anodized alu-
corrosion could be realized by water vapor minum is more or less comparable with
oxidation. the untreated aluminum in an acidic and
alkaline environment. The formation of Corrosion of Aluminum in Neutral pits is decreased under atmospheric corro-
and Alkaline Solutions In neutral non- sion conditions (→ pitting corrosion).
complexing solutions, aluminum is resis- In alkaline solutions, the dissolution of
tant against corrosion. In Na2 SO4 – solu- aluminum proceeds as
tions, the dissolution current is very low
and in the order of 0.1 µA cm−2 . The re- Al + 4OH− −−−→ Al(OH)4 − + 3e−
sistance is attributed to the formation of (47)
the thin passive layer, which has a low con- and the oxide layer dissolves as
ductivity (see above) [33, 34], therefore the
cathodic partial reaction of the corrosion is Al(OH)3 + OH− −−−→ Al(OH)4 − (48)
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 93

* HNO3 + 2.5%N2O4

40% HNO3
50% HNO3
Corrosion rate

60% HNO3
* 67% HNO3
[mm yr −1]

* *
* 80% HNO3
10−2 *
* * 90% HNO

* 96.7% HNO3
10−3 99.8% HNO3

30 20 10 °C 0
3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 × 10−3
[°C; 1/K]

Fig. 27 Corrosion of Al 99.5 in static nitric acid; Arrhenius diagram [32].

Cathodic protection needs careful potential reacts very easily with water with forma-
control to avoid cathodic corrosion. With tion of H2 . In alkaline solution, magne-
increasing cathodic polarization, the rate sium forms Mg(OH)2 , which passivates
of aluminum dissolution increases, as is the metal. Mg(OH)2 is thermodynamically
shown in Fig. 28. This effect is called more stable in water than MgO.
cathodic corrosion of aluminum and is
attributed to the formation of OH− ions at Corrosion of Magnesium in Acids
the metal surface during the reduction of Magnesium and its alloys are heavily
oxygen or water. attacked in all acids, except hydrofluoric
acid (HF) and chromic acid (H2 CrO4 ). Magnesium In HF, an insoluble layer of MgF2 is
formed, which protects the magnesium Potential–pH Diagram of Mag- from further attack. In dilute solutions of
nesium Magnesium is a metal with a very HF (concentration 6–60%), the corrosion
negative standard potential of −2.37 V. rate at 20 ◦ C is around 1 mm yr−1 .
The potential pH–diagram of magne- In pure H2 CrO4 , the magnesium is
sium is shown in Fig. 29. The region of attacked at a very low rate. Boiling 20%
stability of magnesium is below the stabil- H2 CrO4 solution can be used to remove
ity line of water (a). Therefore, magnesium corrosion products from magnesium.
94 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes


Dissolved aluminium

[g cm−3]



0 50 100 150 200 250

Fig. 28 Cathodic corrosion of aluminum: mass loss for
cathodic, potentiostatic polarization in 1 M Na2 SO4 /NaOH
solution, pH 11, 25 ◦ C, in the regions of hydrogen evolution for
various potentials [2]. Corrosion of Magnesium in Neu- reduction of water and therefore, the cor-
tral and Alkaline Solutions Magnesium is rosion rate of magnesium is increased.
highly susceptible to galvanic corrosion. The corrosion reaction of magnesium
Small amounts of impurities in the al- in aqueous environments can be formu-
loy can have a tremendous influence on lated as
the corrosion susceptibility. In Fig. 30, the
Mg −−−→ Mg2+ + 2e−
influence of various elements is demon-
strated. Small additions of copper, iron,
2H2 O + 2e− −−−→ H2 + 2OH−
nickel, and cobalt have an extremely neg-
ative effect on the corrosion resistance.
Mg2+ + 2OH− −−−→ Mg(OH)2 (51)
The tolerance limit for iron is 0.015%, for
nickel 0.0005%, and for copper 0.1% [35]. Hydrogen evolution at the electrode is a
Because of the low solid solubility of these consequence of the reduction of water.
elements, they precipitate as inclusions. Oxygen reduction does not play a major
These act as active cathodic sites for the role in the corrosion process.
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 95

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 MgO2? 0.6
0.4 0 −6 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 a 0.0
−0.2 −0.2
−0.4 −0.4
−0.6 −0.6
−0.8 −0.8

−1.0 −1.0

−1.2 −1.2
−1.4 −1.4
−1.6 −1.6
−1.8 Mg(OH)2 −1.8
−2.0 −2.0
−2.2 Mg+? −2.2
−2.4 −2.4
−2.6 −2.6
−2.8 −2.8
−3.0 −3.0
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Fig. 29 Potential–pH diagram for magnesium.

The corrosion resistance of magnesium • magnesium with the addition of rare

in the atmosphere is attributed to the earth, zinc, thorium, silver, and so forth.
formation of a surface film of Mg(OH)2 ,
which keeps the surface pH at about 11 or Zinc
higher. This keeps the magnesium in its
region of passivity. Potential–pH Diagram of Zinc
Pure magnesium is seldom used for
The stability of zinc is shown in Fig. 31
technical applications. In industry, the
for the system zinc–water for two different
following magnesium alloy groups are
applied: concentrations of dissolved species (10−1
and 10−6 mol L−1 ). As can be seen from
• magnesium with the addition of alu- the diagram, zinc is an amphoteric metal,
minum, zinc, and manganese; which dissolves to Zn2+ ions in the acidic
96 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes


30 1200
Corrosion rate

Corrosion rate
Iron, nickel, cobalt

[mils yr−1]
[mm yr −1]

20 800
Sodium, silicon, Silver
lead, tin,
manganese, Calcium
10 aluminum 400
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 30 Effect of alloying and contaminant metals on the
corrosion rate of magnesium, determined by alternate
immersion in 3% NaCl solution [35].

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2.2 2.2
2.0 2.0
1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6
1.4 ZnO2 1.4
b 0
1.2 1.2
1.0 −6 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 Zn++ Zn(OH)2 0.0
−0.2 −0.2
−0.4 −0.4
−0.6 ZnO2− − −0.6
−0.8 −0.8
−1.0 −1.0
−1.2 −1.2
−1.4 −1.4
−1.6 −6 −1.6
−1.8 −1.8
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Fig. 31 Potential–pH diagram for zinc.

2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 97

pH region and to HZnO2 – ions in alkaline charge-transfer process with the formation
solutions. In between these two areas, of adsorbed single charged species [37].
Zn(OH)2 is stable. The concentration of
dissolved species influences the stability Zn −−−→ Znad + + e− (52)
regions. At negative potentials, zinc is Zn+
ad −−−→ Znad 2+
+e −
stable. As for all amphoteric metals,
strong cathodic polarization leads to the Zinc corrodes significantly in oxygen-
formation of OH− ions at the electrode free – distilled water, as shown in Table 1.
surface, which raises the pH value until With increasing oxygen content, carbon
the metal is not stable. dioxide concentration, and temperature,
the corrosion rate increases and reaches a Corrosion of Zinc in Acids Zinc maximum at around 65 ◦ C.
is heavily attacked in acids with H2 gas The cathodic reaction in distilled water
formation. In solutions with pH values is determined by the reduction of water.
below 3, the corrosion rate is in the region
of ∼40 mm yr−1 . 2H2 O + 2e− −−−→ H2 + 2OH− (54)
In sulfuric acid, the dissolved zinc
In oxygen-containing solutions, the ca-
hinders the kinetics of the hydrogen
thodic reaction is oxygen reduction.
reduction [28], which can be seen in
Fig. 32.
O2 + 2H2 O + 4e− −−−→ 4OH− (55) Corrosion of Zinc in Neutral and In distilled water, local corrosion attack
Alkaline Solutions The dissolution of zinc often occurs. With increasing carbon
in neutral and noncomplexing solutions dioxide concentration, uniform corrosion
is a consecutive process of two steps of a attack becomes more likely.

[Zn2+], gL−1
100 1. 0
2. 1
1 3. 5
4. 20
2 5. 60
Current density

3 6. 100
[mA cm−2]


−1.1 −1.0 −0.9 −0.8
Potential (V SCE)
Fig. 32 Effect of Zn2+ concentration on voltammograms in 200 g L−1
H2 SO4 solutions. After Wang and coworkers [36].
98 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Tab. 1 Corrosion rate of zinc in distilled water at various temperatures with and
without oxygen bubbling [38]

Test condition Temperature ( ◦ C) Corrosion rate (mm yr−1 )

Boiled distilled water; Room 25.4

specimens immersed in 40 48.3
sealed flasks 65 83.8
Oxygen bubbled slowly Room 218.4
through the water 40 348.0
65 315.0

The corrosion rate is influenced by Cl− or SO4 2− anions, which enhance the
the hardness of the water. At high corrosion rate. Anions such as carbonates
temperatures, in hard water, the corrosion and phosphates increase the formation of
rate is low. For example, in 75 ◦ C, carbon solid-salts and have an inhibitive effect.
dioxide–free water, the corrosion rate is The reaction of chromate with the zinc sur-
below 1 µm yr−1 (see Fig. 33) [38]. face produces passive layers, which reduce
Zinc alloys with addition of >0.03%
the corrosion rate strongly.
aluminum are susceptible to intergranular
corrosion attack [2, 39].
The corrosion rate of zinc in neutral salt Copper
solution varies with the type of anions. Fac-
tors influencing the solubility of zinc in the Potential–pH Diagram of Copper
solution affect the corrosion rate. The solu- The potential–pH diagram of copper
bility of zinc in the solution is increased by is shown in Fig. 34. Copper is stable

5.6 ppm CO2
10.2 ppm CO2
4 20.2 ppm CO2
35 ppm CO2
Zinc dissolved

62 ppm CO2
[mg cm−2]

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Duration of test
Fig. 33 Effect of free carbon dioxide on the dissolution of zinc in hot
hard supply water. After Kenworthy and Smith [38].
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 99

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2.2 2.2
0 −6 −6 0
2.0 2.0
1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 CuO 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 − 0.4
0 HCuO2


0.2 CuO2− − 0.2

0.0 Cu+ Cu2O 0.0
−0.2 −0.2
−0.4 −0.4
−0.6 −0.6
−0.8 −0.8
−1.0 −1.0
−1.2 −1.2
−1.4 −1.4
−1.6 −1.6
−1.8 −1.8
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Fig. 34 Potential–pH diagram of copper [11].

in a wide pH and potential range. At small, therefore copper could be used

high and low pH values, dissolution to in, for example, CH3 COOH, H2 SO4 ,
Cu2+ and HCuO2 − can take place. Two and HCl. The oxygen content of the
types of copper oxides can be formed, acid has a large influence on the cor-
copper(I)oxide, Cu2 O and copper (II)oxide, rosivity of the medium. With increasing
CuO. In case of atmospheric corrosion, the oxygen content, the corrosion rate in-
formation of carbonates and sulfates has creases. This behavior is demonstrated in
to be considered. Fig. 35.
The dissolution of copper is described
Corrosion of Copper in Acids by the following reaction:
The homogenous corrosion rate of cop-
per in nonoxidizing deaerated acids is Cu −−−→ Cu+ + e− (56)
100 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

2.0 80
Average corrosion rate

Average corrosion rate

1.5 60
[mm yr −1]

[mils yr −1]
1.0 40

0.5 20

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Concentration of oxygen in air above acid
Fig. 35 Effect of oxygen on corrosion rates of copper in 1.2 N
solutions of nonoxidizing acids. Specimens are immersed for 24 h at
24 ◦ C. Oxygen content of the solutions varied from test to test,
depending on the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere above
the solution [40].

Cu+ is further oxidized: the corrosion rate significantly [40], see

Fig. 37.
Cu+ −−−→ Cu2+ + e− (57)
It has been found that copper–alumi-
Dissolution of copper to ions takes Cu2+ num–iron alloys and copper–nickel al-
place over Cu+ intermediates. If oxygen is loys show quite good corrosion behavior
present, nonelectrochemical oxidation of in H3 PO4 .
Cu+ to Cu2+ is possible. In aerated hydrochloric acid, copper
2Cu+ + O2 + H+ −−−→ 2Cu2+ + H2 O is heavily attacked, especially at higher
(58) temperatures and concentrations, which
This means that reaction of Cu to Cu+ is demonstrated in Fig. 38.
becomes the rate-determining step. As this Copper alloys, especially alloy C71500
is faster than (copper 70%, nickel 30%), could be used
for applications in hydrofluoric acid, be-
Cu+ −−−→ Cu2+ + e− (59)
cause the corrosion rate at 16–27 ◦ C is low
the corrosion rate increases [2]. This re- (180 µm yr−1 ) [40].
action mechanism explains the varying Oxidizing acids, like HNO3 , do attack
corrosion behavior, depending on the oxy- copper severely.
gen concentration.
Silicon increases the corrosion resis- Corrosion of Copper in Neutral
tance of copper in sulfuric acid. Silicon
bronze (C65500, Si ∼3%) could be suc- and Alkaline Solutions Copper and its al-
cessfully used in H2 SO4 in a wide range loys are widely used in water transportation
of concentrations, which is demonstrated systems. The corrosion rate is mainly de-
in Fig. 36. termined by the formation of oxide layers
The addition of oxidizing salts of iron at the surface [41]. First, copper dissolves
or copper to the sulfuric acid increases to Cu+ ions:
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 101

200 8

Corrosion rate
Corrosion rate
150 6

[mils yr −1]
[µm yr −1]
100 4
70 °C
50 2
25 °C
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Concentration of H2SO4
Fig. 36 Corrosion of C65500 in H2 SO4 solutions. Specimens were
immersed for 48 h at the indicated temperatures. The solution was
not agitated or intentionally aerated [40].


Corrosion rate

[µm yr −1]




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Ion concentration
[mg L−1]
Fig. 37 Corrosion of copper in boiling 30% H2 SO4 , containing copper and iron
salts [40].

Cu −−−→ Cu+ + e− (60) Cu2+ + H2 O −−−→ CuO + 2H+

The formation of the red brown cuprite,
In drinking water with dissolved car-
Cu2 O, results from the reaction with water.
bonic acid, the formation of malachite
2Cu+ + H2 O −−−→ Cu2 O + 2H+ (61) CuCO3 ·Cu(OH)2 with a blue to green color
is often observed [41].
Cuprite can be further oxidized to Cu (II), The corrosion rate of copper in water
which can precipitate as tenorite, CuO, is very low. In drinking water systems,
with a black color. the copper release to the water has to
1 1 be controlled for hygienic and health
2 Cu2 O + 2 H2 O −−−→ CuO
reasons. The use of copper in drinking
+ OH− + e− (62) water systems is specified in DIN 50930,
102 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

10 000
75 °C
Corrosion rate

[µm yr −1]

25 °C


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
HCl concentration
Fig. 38 Corrosion of C65800 totally submerged in HCl, nonaerated, 48 h test
duration [40].

Copper concentration

[mg L−1]

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Conditions: Water at the desired pH was allowed to flow
through 60 ft (18.5 m) of new 0.75 inch (1.9 cm) copper
tubing at a rate of 0.5 gpm (2L min−1) for 1 hour and then
stopped for 16 hours to simulate overnight conditions.

Fig. 39 Effect of pH on the release of copper into solution [41].

wherein the water parameters are defined. of copper, especially pitting corrosion,
In Fig. 39, the copper release in a sys- chlorides are much less aggressive. Bicar-
tem, in which the water consumption of bonates seem to increase copper solubility
households was simulated, is shown. and copper release in stagnant water. Phos-
Copper dissolution is mainly deter- phates inhibit the solubility of copper.
mined by the anions in the water, for In salt solutions, as long as they are
example, SO4 2− , Cl− , HCO3 − , and PO3 2− . nearly neutral, the corrosion rate of copper
Sulfates strongly catalyze the corrosion is normally low [42]. The corrosion rate
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 103

increases in NaCN solutions, because of low, at room temperature ∼2.5 µm yr−1 .

the formation of soluble copper–cyanide Brass is susceptible to stress corrosion
complexes. Salts that hydrolyze in water cracking in solutions containing ammonia
and produce an acidic pH, attack copper ions [42].
and copper alloys.
Copper and its alloys are resistant to al-
kali solutions at room temperature, except Titanium
those containing NH4 OH or compounds
that hydrolyze to NH4 OH, or cyanides. Potential–pH Diagram of Titan-
Both anions NH4 + and CN− form com- ium The potential–pH diagram of tita-
plexes with high solubility. Increasing the nium is shown in Fig. 40. Titanium is not a
temperature increases the corrosion rate. noble metal. The thermodynamic stability
In anhydrous NH3 , the corrosion rates are of titanium is much below the stability line

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2.2 2.2
2.0 ? HTiO4? 2.0
1.8 ?
TiO3 . 2H2O TiO4− − ? 1.8
1.6 ? 1.6
1.4 1.4
b ?
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 TiO2 0.2


0.0 0.0
−0.2 −0.2
−0.4 −0.4
−0.6 −0.6
−0.8 −0.8
−1.0 −1.0
−1.2 Ti+ + −1.2
−1.4 −1.4
−1.6 −1.6
−6 TiO
−1.8 −1.8
−2.0 −2.0
−2.2 −2.2
−2.4 −2.4
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Fig. 40 Potential–pH diagram of titanium.

104 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

of water (a). But, because of the formation overpotential of H2 formation and there-
of oxides and hydroxides (not shown in fore passivation of the alloy is facilitated [2].
this diagram) especially TiO2 , titanium is The addition of molybdenum and vana-
resistant in a wide pH and potential re- dium increases the corrosion resistance of
gion. Only in acidic solutions can Ti2+ titanium in acids. The good corrosion re-
and Ti3+ ions be formed. The complexing sistance of titanium in acids results from
acid HF is especially effective at corroding the high stability of the oxide film, which
titanium. is attacked only by hot concentrated HCl,
H2 SO4 , and HF. Corrosion of Titanium in Acids In oxidizing media and acids, titanium
Titanium shows an excellent corrosion alloys are, in general, corrosion resistant,
resistance in acids, due to the formation for example, in chromic, nitric, perchloric,
of the protective TiO2 passive layers. and hypochlorus acids and their salts.
The presence of oxygen or water is In nitric acid, titanium is corrosion
necessary, for the formation of TiO2 oxide resistant over the entire concentration
layer, even small amounts of water and range, as long as the temperature is below
oxygen are sufficient. TiO2 is an n-type 80 ◦ C. At higher temperatures, corrosion
semiconductor, which can heal itself if it becomes significant. In boiling HNO3
is damaged. In the absence of a source of in the middle concentration range, the
oxygen, titanium will corrode because no highest corrosion rates could be found,
oxide film will be established. which is shown in Fig. 41. The addition
The addition of Pd has a particularly of certain metal ions, for example, Si4+ ,
beneficial effect on the corrosion resis- Cr6+ , Fe3+ , and Ti4+ to boiling nitric acid
tance. The addition of Pd reduces the reduces the corrosion rate very effectively,

1.02 40
Grade 12
Grade 2
Grade 7
0.81 32
Corrosion rate

Corrosion rate
[mils yr −1]
[mm yr −1]

0.61 24

0.41 16

0.20 8

0.00 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Concentration of HNO3
Fig. 41 Corrosion of titanium alloys in boiling, uninhibited HNO3 solutions. Acid
solutions were refreshed every 24 h [43].
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 105

0.5 20


0.1 4

0.05 2
Corrosion rate

Corrosion rate
[mils yr −1]
[mm yr −1]

0.02 Ti3+

0.01 0.4

0.005 Ti4+ 0.2


0.001 0.04
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Concentration of Ti3+ or Ti4+
Fig. 42 Inhibitive effect of dissolved Ti3+ and Ti4+ ions on the
corrosion of titanium after 65 h in boiling 6 N HNO3 solutions [43].

as depicted in Fig. 42. Titanium alloys, nonaerated strong acids at high concen-
which form α- β- or β-phases, show trations and temperatures, the corrosion
reduced corrosion resistance in nitric rate is significant. In most cases, alloyed
acid [40]. titanium (grades 7 and 12) shows a better
Solutions of hydrofluoric acid lead to corrosion resistance than unalloyed tita-
high corrosion rates over the entire con- nium [42].
centration and temperature ranges, be-
cause fluoride ions form stable and soluble Corrosion of Titanium in Neutral
complexes with titanium. and Alkaline Solutions In water, steam,
Sulfurous acid, aqueous hydrogen sul- and seawater, titanium is resistant even
fide solutions, boric, and/or carbonic acid at high temperatures [44]. In water with
do not attack titanium even if the temper- high chloride levels, crevice corrosion
ature is above the boiling point. could appear if tight crevices are present.
Titanium alloys are normally very Titanium shows very low corrosion rates
resistant to aerated organic acids. In even in seawater [43].
106 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

In peroxide solutions, corrosion of tita- 5. E. Heitz in Advances in Corrosion Science and

nium occurs. The protective oxide film can Technology (Eds.: M. G. Fontana, R. W. Sta-
ehle), Plenum Press, New York, 1974, Vol. 4,
be destroyed, depending on concentration,
pp. 149–243.
temperature, and pH. 6. E. Heitz, M. Kukovic, K. H. Maier, Werkst.
Under alkaline conditions, soluble tita- Korros. 1970, 21, 457–462.
nium peroxyl complexes can be formed; 7. E. Heitz, Werkst. Korros. 1979, 21, 360–367.
which increase the corrosion rate [45, 46]. 8. K. E. Heusler, Z. Elektrochem. 1962, 66,
In high concentrated H2 O2 , significant 9. W. J. Lorenz, Corros. Sci. 1965, 5, 121–131.
corrosive attack can occur. 10. A. Bukowiecki, Werkst. Korros. 1959, 10,
Titanium alloys are resistant to alkaline 91–105.
media [43]. In most cases, the corrosion 11. M. Pourbaix, Atlas of Electrochemical Equilib-
rate is low even in boiling solutions, ex- ria in Aqueous Solutions, Pergamon Press,
Oxford, 1966.
cept in boiling potassium hydroxide. In 12. K. E. Heusler, Iron in Encyclopedia of Elec-
concentrated NaOH and KOH solutions, trochemistry of the Elements (Ed.: A. J. Bard),
the corrosion rate increases at tempera- Part A, Marcel Dekker, New York, Basel,
tures above the boiling point. 1982, Vol. IX, pp. 229–387.
Hot, concentrated NaOH attacks the 13. W. J. Lorenz, K. E. Heusler, Anodic disso-
lution of iron group elements in Corro-
oxide film. At temperatures of 80 ◦ C sion Mechanisms (Ed.: F. Mansfeld), Marcel
NaOH (pH > 12) hydrogen embrittlement Dekker, New York, Basel, 1987.
can occur. Brittle TiH precipitations are 14. J. O’M. Bockris, D. Drazic, A. R. Despic, Elec-
formed in the alloy. trochim. Acta 1961, 4, 325.
15. Dechema Werkstofftabelle ‘‘Schwefelsäure’’,
Titanium is resistant to most organic
Burkholt, H., Dechema Frankfurt (1971).
liquids, for example, alcohols, ketones, 16. I. Albrecht, H.-E. Bühler, S. Baumgartl, Arch.
ethers, aldehydes, and hydrocarbons. Nor- Eisenhüttenwesen 1974, 45, 561.
mally, these liquids contain traces of water, 17. A. Rahmel, W. Schwenk, Korrosion und Ko-
which are sufficient for the formation and rrosionsschutz von Stählen, Verlag Chemie,
Weinheim, 1977, p. 91.
rehealing of the passive layer. In anhy-
18. Dechema Werkstofftabelle ‘‘Natriumsulfat’’,
drous liquids, passive film formation is J. Küpper-Feser, Dechema Frankfurt (1997).
hindered, and this leads to stress corrosion 19. Dechema Werkstofftabelle, ‘‘Natriumchlo-
cracking in methanol. rid’’, E. Rabald, H. Bretschneider, Dechema
In chlorinated hydrocarbons, hydrolysis Frankfurt (1962).
20. M. Stratmann, J. Müller, Corros. Sci. 1994,
is possible, whereby HCl could be formed. 36, 327.
The corrosion rate will then depend on the 21. M. Pourbaix, Atlas of Electrochemical Equilib-
specific conditions such as temperature ria in Aqueous Solutions, Pergamon Press,
and HCl concentration. Oxford, 1966, p. 310.
22. J.-Y. Zou, D.-T. Chin, J. Electrochem. Acta
1987, 32(12), 1751–1756.
References 23. E. Wendler-Kalsch, Korrosionskunde, Sprin-
ger-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1998.
1. C. Wagner, W. Traud, Z. Elektrochem. 1938, 24. U. Heubner, Nickelwerkstoffe und hochle-
44, 391. gierte Sonderedelstähle, Expert Verlag,
2. H. Kaesche, Die Korrosion der Metalle, Ehningen, 1993, p. 24.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1990. 25. W. Betteridge, Nickel and its Alloys, MacDon-
3. International Standard, ISO 8407, 1989. ald and Evans, Estover, Plymouth, 1977.
4. C. H. Hamann, W. Vielstich, Elektrochemie, 26. O. Kubaschewski, Iron – Binary Phase Dia-
3. Aufl., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, grams, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany,
1997. 1982.
2.1 Uniform Corrosion of Metals in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Electrolytes 107

27. Dechema Werkstofftabelle, ‘‘Phosphors- 37. L. Gaiser, K. E. Heusler, Electrochim. Acta

äure’’, L. Hasenberg, Dechema Frank- 1970, 15, 161.
furt (1992). 38. X. G. Zhang, Corrosion and Electrochemistry
28. W. Schwenk, G. W. F. Wasser, Abwasser of Zinc, Plenum Press, New York, 1996.
1992, 133(6), 281–286. 39. L. P. Devillers, P. Niessen, Corros. Sci 1976,
29. U. Brill, Korrosion von Nickel, Cobalt und 16, 243–252.
Nickel- und Cobalt-Basislegierungen, Krupp 40. ASM Handbook, Corrosion, ASM Interna-
VDM GmbH, Werdohl, 1992. tional USA, 1992, p. 628, Vol. 13.
30. W. Z. Friend, Corrosion of Nickel and Nickel- 41. J. F. Gerguson, Ov. Franqué, Internal Corro-
Base Alloys, John Wiley & Sons, New York, sion of Water Distribution Systems, American
1980, pp. 32–94. Water Works Associations, Denver, Colo.,
31. U. Heubner, Nickelwerkstoffe und hochle- 1996, pp. 231–268.
gierte Sonderedelstähle, Expert Verlag, 42. ASM Handbook, Corrosion, ASM Interna-
Ehningen, 1993, p. 42. tional, USA, 1992, p. 630, Vol. 13.
32. E.-M. Horn, Werkst. Korros. 1996, 47, 43. ASM Handbook, Corrosion, ASM Interna-
323–332. tional, USA, 1992, p. 669, Vol. 13.
33. H. Kaesche, Z. Phys. Chem. N. F. 1962, 34, 44. P. C. Hughes, I. R. Lamborn, J. Inst. Met.
87. 1960–1961, 89, 165.
34. H. Kaesche, Werkst. Korros. 1963, 14, 557. 45. T. M. Sigulovskaya et al., UDC 620.193.01,
35. G. L. Makar, J. Kruger, Int. Mater. Rev. 1993, Zashch. Met. 1976, 12(4), 363–367.
38(3), 138–153. 46. L. Clerbois, L. Plumet, U.S. Patent 4,372,813,
36. Y. Wang, T. J. O’Kneefe, W. J. James, J. Elec- 1983.
trochem. Soc. 1980, 127, 2589–2593.
108 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

2.2 and pits (typically with a pH of 1–3.5 [1, 2]),

Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion even when the bulk solution has a high pH.
Two basic mechanisms have been iden-
Bruce Pound tified for the HER, each one consisting of
Exponent, Menlo Park, California two steps. The first step in both cases is the
2.2.1 discharge of H+ (or more strictly, H3 O+ )
Introduction or H2 O to form an adsorbed hydrogen
atom (Hads ) on the metal surface [3, 4]. In
The behavior of hydrogen in metals has an acidic solution, for example,
attracted considerable interest in various H3 O+ + e− −−−→ Hads + H2 O (3)
areas, particularly corrosion. Hydrogen
has long been known to have an adverse The subsequent desorption step depends
effect on the mechanical properties of on the metal and the cathodic current
steels and other alloys. Concern about density. It can occur by either chemical
its effect has prompted numerous studies desorption, which is also referred to as
of hydrogen in metals and alloys aimed recombination,
at understanding the processes that lead
to hydrogen degradation. A range of Hads + Hads −−−→ H2 (4)
processes are involved: interfacial charge
or electrochemical desorption
transfer, adsorption, absorption, transport,
trapping, and finally degradation itself. Hads + H3 O+ + e− −−−→ H2 + H2 O
These processes are discussed in this (5)
chapter, primarily from the viewpoint of More discussions of the HER are provided
aqueous corrosion. in an earlier chapter.

2.2.2 Reaction Kinetics
Hydrogen Evolution
The kinetics of the HER (Reactions 1
and 2) in different environments are General Mechanisms
generally characterized in terms of the
Hydrogen can be evolved during the cor-
exchange current density (io ) and other
rosion of metals in aqueous solutions.
parameters such as the transfer coefficient.
The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER)
The values of io for the HER can differ
involves the cathodic reduction of hydro-
by orders of magnitude between metals.
gen ions in acid solutions (Reaction 1) or
Table 1 lists values for various metals in
of water in alkaline or neutral solutions
sulfuric acid [5]. The noble metals such
(Reaction 2):
as palladium and platinum exhibit high
values, whereas metals such as cadmium,
2H3 O+ + 2e− −−−→ H2 + 2H2 O (1)
lead, and mercury are distinguished by
2H2 O + 2e− −−−→ H2 + 2OH− (2) very low values.
Theoretical values of the transfer co-
Reaction (1) as well as Reaction (2) can efficient have been determined from
occur in natural environments, because a current–potential relationships for the
corroding metal can develop quite acidic two HER mechanisms (Reactions 3–5) [6].
solutions within actively growing cracks The form of the relationship depends on
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 109

Tab. 1 Exchange current are the rate constants for the forward and
densities for hydrogen reverse reactions, respectively. In the case
evolution in ∼1 M H2 SO4
of a mechanism involving, for example,
slow discharge followed by fast recombi-
Metal io (A cm−2 ) nation, the reverse reaction is assumed to
be negligible and Reaction (4) is assumed
Pd 1 × 10−3
Pt 7.9 × 10−4
to be in equilibrium. For this mechanism
Rh 2.5 × 10−4 with Langmuir adsorption, the rate can
Ir 2.0 × 10−4 be expressed in two forms, depending on
Ni 6.3 × 10−6 whether the surface coverage is assumed
Au 4.0 × 10−6 to approach 0 or 1:
W 1.3 × 10−6
Nb 1.6 × 10−7 i = 2F k1 aH3 O+ e−βηF /RT
Ti 6.3 × 10−9
Cd 1.6 × 10−11 (θ −−−→ 0) (7)
Mn 1.3 × 10−11
Tl 1.0 × 10−11  k2
Pb 1.0 × 10−12 i= 2F k1 aH3 O k 1/2 1/2 e−βηF /RT

Hg 5 × 10−13 k−2 pH2

(θ −−−→ 1) (8)

the mechanism, the rate-determining step, where k2 and k−2 are the forward and
and the adsorption isotherm assumed for reverse rate constants for recombination,
Hads . The coverage of adsorbed hydrogen k  is a constant associated with the
has been considered in terms of Langmuir coverage, and pH2 is the partial pressure
adsorption and Temkin adsorption. The of hydrogen. In both cases, the transfer
Langmuir isotherm is applicable to non- coefficient is equal to the symmetry
interacting species and can be assumed factor, which is generally taken as 0.5.
for low coverages of Hads . It predicts that Table 2 shows the transfer coefficients
the coverage will increase as the poten- obtained for the HER mechanisms under
tial becomes more negative. The Temkin conditions of Langmuir adsorption and
isotherm should be used when the cover- Temkin adsorption.
age of hydrogen is high enough that the Comparison of theoretical values of the
interaction between the adsorbed atoms transfer coefficients with measured values
becomes appreciable. may allow the HER mechanism to be
The rate of Reaction (3) is given in terms identified. The dependence of coverage on
of the current density (i) by the overpotential can also be useful for
 this purpose. Table 3 shows the values of
i = 2F k1 aH3 O+ (1 − θ)e−βηF /RT ∂ ln θ/∂η for several mechanisms, in which
 the coverage was assumed to be much less
−k−1 θe(1−β)ηF /RT (6) than one [5].
The probable mechanism for hydrogen
where aH3 O+ is the activity of hydrogen evolution has been determined for rela-
ions, θ is the coverage, β is the symmetry tively few metals and, even then, mainly
factor, η is the overpotential, F is the Fara- in acid solutions (Table 4) [5]. For met-
day constant, R is the gas constant, T is als such as mercury with low exchange
the absolute temperature, and k1 and k−1 current densities, proton discharge is the
110 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Tab. 2 Transfer coefficients for HER mechanismsa

Mechanism Langmuir Temkin

Nonactivated Activated

Slow discharge–fast chemical 0.5 0.5 0.5

Slow discharge–fast electrochemical 0.5 1.0 1.0
Fast discharge–slow chemical 2.0 2.0 1.0
Fast discharge–slow electrochemical 1.5 1.5 1.0
Coupled discharge–chemical 0.5 0.4 0.3
Coupled discharge–electrochemical 0.5 0.5 0.5

a The symmetry factor (β) is assumed to have a value of 0.5.

Tab. 3 Dependence of hydrogen coverage on step is still rate determining but occurs
overpotential for HER mechanismsa by chemical recombination. In the case
of iron, hydrogen evolution proceeds by
Mechanism ∂ ln θ/∂η a coupled discharge-chemical desorption
mechanism in sulfuric acid [7]. The type
Slow discharge–fast chemical −F/4RT
of desorption on iron depends strongly
Fast discharge–slow chemical −F/RT
Slow discharge–fast 0 on the solution composition and cathodic
electrochemical current density, such that electrochemi-
Fast discharge–slow −F/RT cal desorption can predominate in alkaline
electrochemical solutions [8].
When surface films are present on the
a The coverage is assumed to be 1. metal, the discharge kinetics are likely
to be quite different from those for
Tab. 4 Probable mechanisms for the HER on
the bare metal. If protons are involved
various metals in acid solutions
in the hydrogen evolution mechanism,
they may in principle be reduced either
Mechanism Metals
at the film–electrolyte interface or the
Slow discharge–fast Hg, Pb, Cd metal–film interface, depending on the
electrochemical discharge kinetics and whether the film is
Fast discharge–slow Ni, W, Au electronically conducting [9]. In general,
electrochemical hydrogen reduction at the electrolyte
Fast discharge–slow chemical Pt, Rh
interface will be favored for oxides that
are electronically conducting or have a low
rate-determining step and is followed solubility for hydrogen.
by electrochemical desorption. The rate-
determining step switches to electro- 2.2.3
chemical desorption for metals such as Hydrogen Absorption
nickel that exhibit higher exchange cur-
rent densities. For metals such as plat-
inum and rhodium with even higher The cathodic reduction of H3 O+ or
exchange current densities, the desorption H2 O on a metal surface can lead to
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 111

the absorption of atomic hydrogen by calculate the transfer coefficient, exchange

the metal. Two mechanisms have been current density, and surface coverage as
proposed for hydrogen absorption. In the well as the rate constants for hydrogen
first mechanism, the adsorbed hydrogen discharge, recombination, adsorption, and
atom, instead of desorbing from the metal absorption.
surface, enters the metal [7]: Another approach, which has been
applied to iron and steel, is to ob-
Hads −−−→ Habs (9) tain the steady state coverage by means
of a galvanostatic pulse technique (see
The absorbed hydrogen atom, Habs , oc-
Sect. and then to use this value
cupies interstitial sites within the lattice
in conjunction with permeation measure-
of transition metals and loses its elec- ments to determine the rate constant for
tron to the electronic bands of the metal, hydrogen entry [16]. In the case of iron,
thus existing as a screened proton [10]. the coverage ranged from 0.05 to 0.12 in
In the adsorption–absorption mechanism, alkaline solutions [16] and from 0.01 to 0.1
hydrogen entering the metal goes through in acidic solutions [17] for overpotentials
the same adsorbed intermediate as that from −0.3 to −0.4 V.
leading to hydrogen evolution. An alterna-
tive mechanism involves entry of hydrogen
in the same step as that in which it is Promoters of Hydrogen Entry
discharged [11]: The entry of hydrogen into metals is pro-
moted by various compounds, especially
H3 O+ + e− −−−→ Habs + H2 O (10) those involving elements from Groups VB
(P, As, and Sb) and VIB (S, Se, and Te)
In this case, the intermediate states for of the periodic table. Some anions such
hydrogen entry and hydrogen evolution as CN− , CNS− , and I− and certain car-
are different. In other words, hydrogen bon compounds such as CS2 , CO, and
evolution and hydrogen absorption are CSN2 H4 also promote hydrogen entry.
treated as independent of each other. This The effectiveness of promoters can differ
mechanism has not been demonstrated considerably, even within specific groups.
experimentally, and it is generally accepted However, the order of effectiveness varies
on the basis of permeation data that the between different studies [18]. The experi-
adsorbed intermediate, Hads , is involved mental evidence indicates that the hydride
in hydrogen absorption [6, 12]. of the promoter is the species that pri-
The effect of hydrogen entry on the ki- marily affects hydrogen entry and that the
netics of the HER have been taken into amount of hydrogen adsorbed is related to
account in a mechanistic model developed the bond strength of the hydride [18, 19].
for steady state conditions [13–15]. It was The effect of promoters has been
assumed that (1) the only reactions are attributed to poisoning of the hydrogen
hydrogen discharge, recombination, and atom recombination, which is thought to
absorption, (2) the reverse discharge reac- increase the coverage of Hads [20] or to
tion (hydrogen oxidation) can be neglected, decrease the M–Hads bond energy [18].
and (3) the adsorption–absorption step is Because the volatile hydrides of elements
in local equilibrium. Data from hydrogen from Groups VB and VIB are strongly
permeation experiments (see Sect. chemisorbed by clean metal surfaces, their
can be analyzed using this model to action has also been linked to dissociative
112 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

chemisorption of their molecules [12, 21]. contrast, is favored only in acidic solutions,
Poisoning of the recombination step so the capacity of these hydrides to act as
by H2 S in acidic solutions has been promoters is limited to these solutions.
demonstrated by a sharp decrease in The effect of a promoter varies with
the recombination rate constant with its concentration. Figure 1 shows the rate
small additions of H2 S [15]. This decrease of hydrogen permeation through a steel
is accompanied by an increase in the membrane under cathodic polarization in
hydrogen coverage at a given overpotential. the presence of Group VB and VIB ele-
The results for H2 S in acidic solutions ments [12]. In most cases, the promoters
have been explained on the basis of a achieve their maximum effect at relatively
mechanism in which H2 S provides a low concentrations. Because of hydroly-
bridge for hydrogen discharge, resulting sis and other secondary reactions, higher
in the formation of an intermediate concentrations often lead to the deposi-
(H. . .H2 S) that acts as the poisoning tion of insoluble products that can inhibit
species [15, 22]. hydrogen entry.
The effect of chemisorbed sulfur on the
HER has been studied using a sulfur Inhibitors of Hydrogen Entry
radiotracer method in combination with The entry of hydrogen into metals can
polarization measurements [23]. In the be impeded by some species, particularly
case of single-crystal (110) platinum in polar organic compounds containing ni-
acid, the chemisorbed sulfur causes a large trogen, sulfur, or oxygen. One of the
decrease in the HER rate, apparently due most effective inhibitors of hydrogen entry
to a blocking effect of sulfur on the sites of is dibenzyl sulfoxide [24]. Several sulfox-
adsorption of the weakly bonded hydrogen. ides, hydroxlamine acids, and silanes have
The HER, however, is not completely been found to inhibit hydrogen absorp-
poisoned by sulfur, even at the sulfur- tion by steel in dilute sulfuric acid during
saturation coverage (θ = 0.8). corrosion or cathodic polarization [25]. Hy-
Both the potential and the pH at drogen entry into steel is also inhibited by
the electrolyte–cathode interface are key various nitrile and triazole compounds.
factors in promoting hydrogen entry. Corrosion inhibitors have been used
A marked increase in hydrogen entry to decrease hydrogen absorption [26–28].
occurs when the hydrides of reducible Diamines with long carbon chains are
compounds of P, As, Sb, S, Se, or particularly effective in reducing the cor-
Te are produced at sufficiently negative rosion rate and hydrogen absorption in
potentials. An increase is also obtained hydrogen sulfide environments [29]. Some
by the addition of phosphine, hydrogen compounds inhibit metal dissolution but
sulfide, or arsine directly to the solution. increase the proportion of hydrogen en-
The promoters from Groups VB and VIB tering the metal. This problem is caused
are effective only in the range of pH in by decomposition of the corrosion in-
which the molecular hydrides are stable. A hibitor to form a promoting hydride.
feature of the Group VB elements is that An example of such an inhibitor is
their hydrides are relatively stable in acidic thiourea, which is thought to react with
and alkaline solutions and can therefore adsorbed hydrogen to release hydrogen
function in both solutions. The molecular sulfide [30]. Higher thiourea derivatives
form of the Group VIB hydrides, in and many other sulfur-containing organic
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 113

4 As2O3
Permeation rate

[A m−2]




10−8 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2
Promoter concentration
[g-atom l−1]
Fig. 1 Effect of promoter concentration on hydrogen permeation through
steel cathodically charged at 22.5 A m−2 in a Na2 SO4 /H2 SO4 solution
(pH 2.6) [12]. (Reprinted with permission of William Andrew
Publishing/Noyes Publications.)

compounds such as the sulfoxides inhibit Surface films such as oxides can also
hydrogen entry as well as corrosion. How- inhibit hydrogen absorption by a metal,
ever, the inhibition of metal dissolution since hydrogen must first enter the
does not correlate directly with inhibition film and then move through it before
of hydrogen absorption. entering the actual metal. Either of these
Hydrogen absorption can also be re- steps may severely limit the rate of
duced by the deposition of certain metals. hydrogen absorption. The effect of oxides
In cases such as tin and cadmium, the on hydrogen absorption is discussed
metal layer acts as a barrier to hydro- further in Sect.
gen ingress because diffusion is very slow
through these metals [31]. In other cases
such as zinc, lead, and bismuth, hydrogen Solubility of Hydrogen
absorption is decreased by inhibiting the The steady state concentration of hydro-
hydrogen discharge reaction or reducing gen dissolved in the subsurface layer
the rate of hydrogen entry such that most (that is, below the first atomic plane) of
of the hydrogen atoms adsorbed on the a metal can be related to the fugacity
surface form molecular hydrogen. Mono- (fH2 ) of gaseous hydrogen with which
layers of lead and zinc produced by under- the subsurface layer of hydrogen would
potential deposition have been found to be in equilibrium [36]. This fugacity is
inhibit both the HER and the absorption considered to be the effective fugacity of
of hydrogen into steels [32, 33]. Similar the hydrogen-producing phase. If the ad-
effects have been reported for multiple lay- sorbed hydrogen and dissolved hydrogen
ers of zinc on iron [34] and of bismuth on are assumed to be in equilibrium with
AISI 4340 steel and alloy 718 [35]. gaseous hydrogen, fH2 can be expressed
114 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

as a function of coverage through their Cs = 1.57 × 1020 P 1/2

respective chemical potentials [37]. In the  
electrochemical situation, the coverage at 28 600 ± 2800 J mol−1
× exp −
the reversible potential for the HER (θr ) RT
is equivalent to the equilibrium coverage (13)
at 1 atm of H2 . Accordingly, fH2 can be where Cs is in atom H cm−3 and P is
expressed by the pressure of hydrogen gas in atm.
The intrinsic lattice solubility for ferritic
θ 1 − θr
fH2 = (11) iron and steels is in fact very small,
1 − θ θr and the total hydrogen concentration at
The ratio, θ/(1 − θ), and hence the fugacity ambient temperature greatly exceeds the
of H2 can be calculated as a function of the lattice concentration. Nearly all of the
potential of the HER. The fugacity depends dissolved hydrogen results from attractive
on the mechanism of the HER. In the case interactions with microstructural features
of a fast discharge–slow recombination in the iron and steel.
mechanism, the fugacity is given by The solubility of hydrogen in iron al-
  loys varies with composition (see also
−2ηF Sects. and Electrochemi-
fH2 = exp (12)
RT cal data for Fe-Cr alloys containing up
to 30 at% Cr show that the solubility in-
Because the overpotential is negative for creases sharply with chromium content
hydrogen evolution, increases in η can up to about 10 at% but then exhibits rel-
markedly increase the effective fugacity atively little change (Fig. 2) [41]. Data for
and hence the concentration of dissolved Fe-Ni alloys at 70 ◦ C show similar behavior,
hydrogen. Fugacities of the order of with little change occurring after 40 wt%
106 atm can be achieved with cathodic Ni [42].
charging [36]. For some mechanisms (e.g. The partial molal volume (VH ) of dis-
slow discharge–fast electrochemical des- solved hydrogen is about 0.30 nm3 atom−1
orption), however, fH2 will be less than for all metals in which it has been
1 atm when an overpotential is applied. measured [43]. A number of measure-
Most of the data for the solubility of ments have been made on α-iron, and
hydrogen in metals are based on equi- the overall results indicate a value of
librium with hydrogen gas. At moderate 0.33 nm3 atom−1 , or 2.0 cm3 mol−1 [38,
pressures, the lattice concentration of dis- 44, 45].
solved hydrogen obeys Sievert’s law; that The solubility of hydrogen in the lattice
is, the hydrogen concentration is propor- increases with tensile stress but decreases
tional to the square root of the pressure. with compressive stress. In the presence
For iron and other low solubility elements, of a uniform stress (σ ), the chemical po-
the concentration increases exponentially tential of dissolved hydrogen is lowered by
with temperature. The heat of solution is an amount σ VH . At constant chemical po-
positive for endothermic absorbers, with a tential, the solubility (Cσ ) in the presence
value of 27.2 to 28.6 kJ mol−1 in the case of stress is given by [46]
of iron [38–40]. For iron, the lattice solu-
bility, Cs , of hydrogen in equilibrium with −σ VH
Cσ = Cσ =0 exp (14)
hydrogen gas can be expressed as [39] RT
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 115

27 °C
75 °C
60 °C
45 °C
[mol cm−3]


0 10 20 30
Cr content
Fig. 2 Dependence of hydrogen solubility on chromium
content in Fe-Cr alloys. The solubility was obtained from
electrochemical permeation measurements on an Fe-Cr
membrane (thickness of 0.13 mm) with a cathodic charging
current of 20 mA cm−2 [41]. (Reprinted from Electrochim. Acta,
Copyright 1970, with permission from Elsevier Science.)

The validity of this equation has been transport can also contribute to the
demonstrated experimentally for exter- movement of hydrogen.
nally applied uniaxial tensile and compres-
sive stresses [47]. Diffusion Kinetics
Hydrogen absorbed in the subsurface layer
2.2.4 of a metal subsequently diffuses into the
Hydrogen Diffusion bulk metal and attains a concentration,
C(x, t), at a distance x after time t.
Hydrogen transport in a metal can oc- In the absence of any interaction with
cur by lattice diffusion, dislocation mo- microstructural heterogeneities, the lattice
tion, or short-circuit diffusion along grain diffusion of hydrogen can be represented
boundaries. Hydrogen can diffuse rapidly by the classical form of Fick’s second law:
through the lattice in many metals, partic-  2 
∂C(x, t) ∂ C(x, t)
ularly those with a body-centered cubic =D (15)
(bcc) structure such as α-iron, ferritic ∂t ∂x 2
steels, and β-titanium alloys. However, The diffusivity (D) of hydrogen in the
grain boundary diffusion and dislocation metal lattice is usually assumed to be
116 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

independent of concentration in analyses remarkably consistent data over a broad

of hydrogen diffusion, although this as- range of temperatures. The data for nickel
sumption is not strictly correct. The are as consistent as those for palladium
diffusivity can exhibit a concentration de- at temperatures above 100 ◦ C but show
pendence for several reasons such as greater scatter at lower temperatures. In
hydrogen-induced changes in the lattice contrast, the data for iron show a large
constant or electronic density, or trap- amount of scatter, ranging up to four
ping of hydrogen on crystal imperfections orders of magnitude around ambient tem-
and formation of immobile dimers and perature. This scatter is attributed to
clusters [48]. Blocking of interstitial sites surface effects and hydrogen trapping (see
can also cause the diffusivity to become Sect.
concentration-dependent. At high concen- Table 5 compares values of the preexpo-
trations, the limited number of empty sites nential factor (Do ) and activation energy
(those not filled with foreign atoms) avail- (Ea ) from the dependence of diffusivity
able for the diffusing hydrogen can lead to on temperature for α-iron [48]. The data
a considerable decrease in the diffusivity. were compiled for specimens on which
A large quantity of experimental data surface effects were reduced by use of a
has been obtained for the diffusivity of palladium coating on one side. At higher
hydrogen in various metals, particularly temperatures, the activation energy falls in
palladium, iron, and nickel [49]. The de- a narrow range from 6.7 to 7.1 kJ mol−1 ,
pendence of diffusivity on temperature but at temperatures of 70 ◦ C and lower,
generally follows an Arrhenius relation- the activation energy varies between 4.2
ship over a wide temperature range, al- and 7.1 kJ mol−1 . This range is consis-
though marked breaks occur for some tent with other values of 6.9 kJ mol−1 [38]
metals. Palladium is characterized by and 8.0 kJ mol−1 [50]. The diffusivity for

Tab. 5 Activation energies and preexponential factors for the diffusion of hydrogen in α-iron

Iron purity Technique T range (K) Ea (kJ mol−1 ) Do (m2 s−1 )

Four pass zone High vacuum 322–779 7.08 1.6 × 10−7

Ferrovac E
Three pass zone High vacuum 300–870 6.7 2.3 × 10−7
>99.9% High vacuum 342–619 6.7 1.01 × 10−7
Zone refined Gas-phase charge, 283–333 7.05 1.23 × 10−7
>99.996% electrochemical
High-purity Electrochemical 223–323 5.6a 7.6 × 10−8
Single crystals Electrochemical 230–300 6.7 1.10 × 10−7
Armco Electrochemical 283–340 5.57 6.0 × 10−8
Single crystals Electrochemical 283–343 4.86 6.20 × 10−8
>99.99% Electrochemical 223–323 4.2 4.90 × 10−8

a At room temperature. The Arrhenius plot exhibited curvature at lower temperatures.

2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 117

iron at ambient temperature is 6.0 to overall evidence indicates that dislocation

8.3 × 10−9 m2 s−1 [48], which compares transport does occur but is observable only
with typical values of 1.9 to 4.5 × under certain conditions.
10−9 m2 s−1 for palladium [51–53] and 4
to 9 × 10−14 m2 s−1 for nickel [54, 55]. Hydrogen Trapping
The diffusivity of hydrogen decreases Hydrogen diffusing through a metal may
with increasing mass of its isotope. The
be delayed or trapped at microstructural
classical isotope effect reflects the square
features such as dislocations, grain bound-
root of the mass ratio; that is, DH /DD
aries, and internal interfaces [64, 65].
would be expected to have a value of
These traps can be regarded as sites in the
1.41. However, hydrogen and deuterium
metal with potential energy wells that are
exhibit nonclassical isotope effects in iron.
greater than those associated with normal
The isotope effect in iron is a function
interstitial sites in the lattice. A trap is char-
of temperature, with DH /DD decreasing
acterized in terms of its depth or binding
from 1.8 at room temperature to 1.1 to 1.2
energy, which is the difference between
at temperatures around 700 ◦ C [39, 48].
the minimum of the trap energy well and
The effect of deformation on hydrogen
the minimum of the lattice energy well [40,
transport has been the subject of numer-
50, 66]. The strength of a trap can also be
ous studies. The underlying premise was
that transport could be enhanced as a re- represented by the trapping or interaction
sult of hydrogen entrainment by mobile energy, which is composed of the binding
dislocations [56, 57]. Experimental support energy, the activation energy for diffusion,
for this premise was provided by studies and an additional energy to escape from
showing that plastic deformation acceler- the trap [65, 67, 68]. The additional en-
ated the release of tritium from a range of ergy component is usually assumed to be
metals [58] and increased the depth of tri- negligible [50, 68].
tium penetration into type 304L stainless The hydrogen atoms are partitioned be-
steel [59]. Of particular note was the fact tween the traps and normal lattice sites
that the release rate of tritium for type 304L depending on the binding energy of the
stainless steel could be correlated with the hydrogen atom to the trapping site, and
mobile dislocation density. Some electro- it is usual to classify traps as reversible or
chemical permeation studies appeared to irreversible. A trap is considered reversible
provide further evidence of enhanced hy- if it releases hydrogen at a significant
drogen transport by dislocations, but the rate. Often, the rate constants for trap-
data were found to have been affected by ping and release by a reversible trap are
Joule heating [60, 61]. In contrast to these large enough to permit equilibrium be-
studies, a subsequent permeation study tween the trapped and lattice hydrogen. An
involving iron, nickel, and an austenitic irreversible trap site is characterized by a
stainless steel showed no evidence of en- sufficiently deep potential energy well that
hanced transport [62]. Other permeation the hydrogen does not have enough ther-
measurements likewise did not show any mal energy to overcome the energy barrier.
indication of dislocation transport in poly- Traps can also be classified as an
crystalline nickel, but they did do so in attractive type or a physical type [65]. In the
the case of single-crystal nickel at suf- case of attractive traps, the forces acting
ficiently high strain rates [63]. Thus, the on hydrogen in the metal lattice can be
118 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

electronic or be due to stress fields or hydrogen, the classical diffusion equation

temperature gradients: (Fick’s second law) is no longer valid and
is generally modified so that the effect of
• Attractive electronic forces are associ- trapping on the diffusion rate can be taken
ated with solute elements that lie to into account.
the left of the metal in the periodic If the number of trap sites is not
table [69]. Titanium, for example, lies fixed, as at a void, the trap is referred
to the left of iron and has been shown to as unsaturable from the viewpoint
to trap hydrogen reversibly in an iron that the trapped hydrogen concentration
lattice [68]. can increase without limit as the lattice
• Stress fields result in a distortion concentration increases [40]. For many
of the lattice. In a tensile stressed traps such as dislocations and grain
region, hydrogen migrates toward and boundaries, the number of trap sites is
is trapped by centers of dilation. The fixed, so the capacity of the trap for
stress field around a crack, for example, hydrogen is finite, and the trap is described
creates a high triaxial stress that dilates as saturable.
the metal lattice, with the result that The total hydrogen concentration in a
hydrogen is attracted towards the crack. metal is the sum of the concentration of
Traps associated with stress fields also hydrogen at normal lattice sites and the
tend to have a physical character. concentration of hydrogen at irreversible
• The solubility of hydrogen increases and reversible trap sites. The concentration
with temperature. As a result, hydrogen of hydrogen at trap sites, at which near
is attracted to hotter regions of the saturation occurs at low temperatures,
metal. is expressed in terms of Fermi–Dirac
Physical traps are generally associated statistics [38]. For a single trap site X, the
with discontinuities in the lattice, such trapping can be represented by H + X =
as voids, particle–matrix interfaces, and HX , with a corresponding equilibrium
grain boundaries. A hydrogen atom near distribution given by
a purely physical trap is not specifically  
Cx c HB
attracted but, once trapped, has difficulty = exp (16)
(1 − Cx ) (1 − c) kT
escaping. Most traps can probably be con-
sidered to have both attractive and physical where Cx is the concentration of trapped
characteristics. An edge dislocation is a hydrogen, c is the atom fraction of
good example of a mixed trap with both hydrogen in equilibrium with hydrogen
sets of characteristics; the tensile stress gas, HB is the binding enthalpy for the
field provides some attractive character, trap, and k is Boltzmann’s constant. For
while the core region provides some phys- iron, c is small, so the (1 − c) term can be
ical character. neglected.
The decreased rate of hydrogen transport The occurrence of trapping is well estab-
caused by trapping results from the finite lished for iron and steels [65, 70], but there
probability that the hydrogen atoms will is a considerable amount of evidence that it
jump into trap sites coupled with the also occurs in other metals and alloys [54,
longer residence time at a trap site 66, 71–73]. Table 6 shows reversible and ir-
compared with that at a lattice site. Because reversible hydrogen traps in steels [64, 65,
the traps act as sinks or sources of 67, 74]. The boundary between reversible
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 119

Tab. 6 Classification of hydrogen traps in steels diffusivity. These elements are considered
to act as traps in iron, whereas the role
Type Trap ET (kJ mol−1 )a of nickel is uncertain [65]. Nickel has a
relatively small effect at levels up to 5 wt%,
Atomic Ni (8.0) but when its level is increased from 5
Mn (8.7)
Cr (9.6)
to 40 wt%, the diffusivity is decreased by
V (15.4) almost six orders of magnitude at ambient
Ce (15.4) temperature [42]. This decrease, however,
Nb (15.4) is associated with a phase transformation
Ti 26.1
(α to γ ) rather than with trapping by
O (68.5)
Ta (94.6) solute atoms. In contrast to the diffusivity,
La (94.6) the solubility of hydrogen is increased by
Nd (129.3) the addition of traps [65], as shown for
Linear Dislocation 24–30 elements such as chromium, manganese,
Planar or two- AlN interface 65
dimensional TiC interface 77.2–94.6 titanium, and vanadium in iron [76, 77].
Fe3 C interface 83.9 The relative importance of traps can
MnS interface 77.2 differ greatly between metals, as seen
Grain boundary 26; 53–59 by comparing the activation energies for
(high angle)
Internal free 70–95
diffusion with the binding energies of
surface potential traps. This comparison depends
Volume Microvoid 52 on the type of crystal structure. In
Void 29 a face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice, the
energy for binding hydrogen to defects
a Trappingor interaction energy. Values in such as vacancies or edge dislocations is
parentheses are calculated.
considerably smaller than the activation
energy for diffusion [78]. For example, the
and irreversible trapping is considered to binding energy for an edge dislocation
be 60 kJ mol−1 for the trapping or interac- in nickel is 7.5 to 13.4 kJ mol−1 [66, 79],
tion energy [67]. In general, solute atoms, whereas the activation energy for diffusion
dislocations, and low-angle grain bound- is about 40 kJ mol−1 [66, 80]. In the case of
aries tend to be reversible traps, whereas copper, dislocations have almost no effect
interfaces between the matrix and parti- as traps [81]. Austenitic stainless steels also
cles such as TiC are usually irreversible exhibit activation energies for diffusion
traps. The interaction of hydrogen with (typically about 53 to 54 kJ mol−1 [82,
grain boundaries is actually very weak in 83]) that are significantly higher than
pure iron but is increased when carbon or the binding energies for defects such
carbides are present at these locations [75]. as vacancies (29 kJ mol−1 [84]). Therefore,
The hydrogen diffusivity measured in these defects cause little hindrance to
the presence of traps is lower than that hydrogen diffusion in fcc metals. However,
for the trap-free metal (see Sect. in the case of iron with its bcc lattice,
The effect of solutes on the diffusivity the activation energy for diffusion is
for ferrite is shown in Fig. 3 [68]. Even low enough (4.2 to 7.1 kJ mol−1 , see
small amounts of chromium and titanium Sect. so that such defects can cause
produce a significant decrease in the a sizable decrease in the diffusivity.
120 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes



[cm2 s−1]



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

Solute content
Fig. 3 Effect of solutes on the diffusivity of hydrogen in ferrite [68].
(Reprinted with permission from The Minerals, Metals & Materials
Society.) Hydrogen Antitrapping local stress field. In general, antitraps have

Antitraps can also be present in metals. both a repeller and an obstacle character.
They fall into two groups – repellers and Moreover, some defects such as edge
obstacles [65]. A repeller has one or more dislocations may have both a trapping and
of the following characteristics: it is a antitrapping character.
solute atom that lies to the right of the When diffusing hydrogen encounters
matrix metal in the periodic table [69]; an antitrap, the hydrogen is forced to
it produces a compressive stress field in go around it and the diffusion path
the lattice; or it causes a reduction in is therefore lengthened. Consequently,
the local hydrogen solubility. An obstacle the presence of antitraps, as with traps,
is a physical discontinuity of the lattice lowers the apparent diffusivity [65]. The
through which hydrogen does not have addition of a repeller element has been
significant mobility. An example would shown, in the case of cobalt, to decrease
be an incoherent precipitate that does not the diffusivity of hydrogen in iron [85]
dissolve hydrogen and does not induce a and, in the case of palladium, to reduce
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 121

the susceptibility of AISI 4130 steel metal is exposed to a photographic emul-

to hydrogen-assisted cracking [86]. Unlike sion to provide an image of the tritium
traps, antitraps decrease the solubility of retained at strong traps. Correlation of
hydrogen [65], as observed when elements the image with microstructural features
such as copper, cobalt, tin, aluminum, and observed using scanning or transmission
carbon are added to liquid iron [76]. electron microscopy provides information
about the location of hydrogen. Autora- Methods to Study Trapping diography has been applied to different
A range of methods including elec- metals including iron, maraging steel, and
trochemical techniques, autoradiography, nickel [75, 91–93], and it has provided di-
and thermal desorption have been used rect evidence that hydrogen can be trapped
to study hydrogen trapping. Mechani- at dislocations, grain boundaries, and car-
cal relaxation methods have also found bide and carbonitride interfaces.
wide use and are described in several re- Thermal desorption involves monitoring
views [87, 88]. the evolution, or outgassing, of hydrogen
Electrochemical techniques allow the from a metal as the temperature is
binding energies and densities of traps increased at a given rate [94]. Peaks are
to be determined (see Sect. 2.2.5). For ex- observed in the evolution rate at various
ample, the binding energy and density of temperatures, and they correspond to
traps in iron with different amounts of traps with different binding energies.
cold work have been evaluated using elec- The area under a peak is equivalent to
trochemical measurements in conjunction the amount of hydrogen in traps with
with gas-phase charging [89]. The trap den- the same binding energy. The results
sity was shown to increase from about can be used to estimate the activation
1021 m−3 in the annealed condition to energies for detrapping, from which the
1023 m−3 in the heavily (80%) cold-worked binding energies can be obtained. Thermal
condition. The binding energy, however, desorption has been used to investigate
was independent of the amount of cold trapping at, for example, dislocations and
work, suggesting that a single type of trap MnS interfaces in AISI 4340 steel [94],
was operative. More complex cases of trap- TiC interfaces in steel [95], and grain
ping involving iron-titanium-carbon alloys boundaries in nickel [66].
have also been examined using electro-
chemical techniques [68]. Rate constants 2.2.5
were determined for trapping and release Electrochemical Techniques
at reversible traps and for trapping at
irreversible traps in these alloys. Electro- Electrochemical techniques provide a
chemical data have likewise been obtained highly sensitive, convenient approach for
for a martensitic stainless steel to deter- investigating hydrogen ingress in metals.
mine the rate constants for trapping and The application and analyses for the dif-
release as well as the trap densities and ferent techniques have been described in
binding energy [90]. several reviews [96, 97].
In autoradiography, the metal is typ-
ically charged with tritium-enriched hy- Techniques
drogen [91, 92]. The diffusible hydrogen The permeation technique has been widely
is then removed by outgasing, and the used in studies of hydrogen ingress to
122 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

determine the hydrogen diffusivity and eventually reaches a steady state value
subsurface hydrogen concentration. It is (i∞ ) as the concentration gradient in the
based on the cell originally described membrane becomes linear, with i∞ being
by Devanathan and Stachurski [98]. The a direct measure of the resulting flux, J∞ ,
metal of interest is formed into a mem- given by
brane that separates the cell into two
sections (Fig. 4). One side of the metal- D(C∞ − CL )
J∞ = (17)
lic membrane is made cathodic either L
potentiostatically or galvanostatically, so
that hydrogen is formed on the surface. where C∞ = C(0, t) at steady state. The
Some fraction of the adsorbed hydro- concentration at the output surface (CL ) is
gen enters the metal and diffuses to the assumed to be approximately zero when a
other side, where it exits and is anodi- sufficiently high anodic potential is applied
cally oxidized, usually under potentiostatic to that side. Measurement of the steady
conditions. state flux for a given membrane thickness
The concentration gradient and there- therefore allows C∞ to be determined if D
fore the hydrogen flux, J (x, t), vary is known.
through the membrane with time and The permeation techniques have some
distance. The anodic current transient disadvantages [96]. A principal one is
represents the variation in the flux at that long charging times (of the order
the output side, i = F J (L, t), where L of days) may be required for hydrogen
is the thickness of the membrane and to diffuse through many metals, espe-
F is the Faraday constant. The current cially those with a fcc lattice. Aside from

or W W Potentiostat
galvanostat R R


Counter electrode

Sintered glass frit

Fig. 4 A typical permeation cell to study the diffusion of hydrogen through a metal
membrane [96, 98]. Although not shown, provision is usually made for deaerating
the electrolyte. (Reprinted with permission from Kluwer Academic/Plenum
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 123

practicality, longer charging times in- For pure diffusion control, the current can
crease the likelihood of changes in the be expressed in the form
surface condition, due to, for example,
deposition of impurities on the cathode i 2
= 1/2
surface. i∞ (πτ )
Gas-phase charging has also been used 
to study hydrogen permeation through (2n + 1)2
× exp − (19)
metals. The surface coverage and the 4τ
rate of hydrogen entry in gas-phase
charging depend on the fugacity of H2 . where τ = Dt/L2 . The concentration
The relationship between coverage and profile and a typical anodic current tran-
fugacity is discussed in Sect. If sient are shown schematically in Fig. 5.
equilibrium is assumed at the input The transients are typically characterized
surface of the membrane, the subsurface by four parameters: half-rise time (t1/2 ),
concentration of hydrogen can be obtained time lag (tL ), inflection-point time (ti ), and
using Sievert’s law (see Sect. breakthrough time (tb ). The diffusivity can
be obtained from any of these time char-
acteristics, as shown in Table 7. Under Potentiostatic Charging The diffusion-controlled conditions, these time
original mathematical treatments for the characteristics should be proportional to
electrochemical methods were developed the square of the thickness. This depen-
for potentiostatic charging and did not con- dence provides a straightforward test to
sider trapping. The kinetics of hydrogen verify that the permeation rate is controlled
permeation were first analyzed for the case by diffusion rather than surface kinetics.
of diffusion control without any rate limi- Multiple values of the diffusivity can be
tation at the input surface [98, 99]. When obtained from successive transients at dif-
the rate of hydrogen entry is not limited, ferent charging currents to determine also
cathodic charging produces a step function whether the diffusivity is independent of
in the subsurface concentration of hydro- hydrogen concentration.
gen, and hydrogen ingress is controlled When charging is stopped, the flux at the
solely by diffusion in the bulk metal. The output side decays according to conditions
kinetics of hydrogen entry are assumed to at the input side [99, 100]. Two limiting
be fast enough to maintain equilibrium at cases have been considered. In the first
the input surface, thereby resulting in a case, the input side becomes impermeable
constant subsurface concentration. A fur- to hydrogen at the end of charging, and so
ther assumption is that hydrogen arriving hydrogen is removed from the membrane
at the exit surface is immediately oxidized, at the slowest possible rate. The second
such that the subsurface concentration on case assumes that hydrogen egress occurs
this side is maintained at zero. very rapidly at the input side, allowing
Since the flux is related to the concen- hydrogen to be removed at the fastest
tration through Fick’s first law, the anodic possible rate.
current is given by When the rate of hydrogen entry is
  restricted at the input surface, the perme-
∂C ation rate is still assumed to be controlled
i = −F D (18)
∂x x=L
by diffusion, but the finite surface kinetics
124 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes



ti − 1

0 L
(a) x


0.6299 i∞

tb tL
(b) t
Fig. 5 Variation in (a) concentration gradient and (b) anodic current
with time for a membrane with a constant concentration at the input
side [97]. (Reprinted from J. Less-Common Met., Copyright 1976, with
permission from Elsevier Science.)

Tab. 7 Time characteristics from anodic permeation transients

Characteristic Corresponding Potentiostatica Galvanostatic


t1/2 0.5i∞ 0.14L2 /D;

0.38L2 /D (finite entry)
tL 0.63i∞ L2 /6D L2 /2D
ti Inflection point 0.924L2 /π 2 D 1.65L2 /π 2 D
tb Tangent at inflection point 0.5L2 /π 2 D 0.76L2 /π 2 D
extrapolated to initial level

a For pure diffusion control, except where indicated.

2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 125

result in a step function in flux rather than The concentration profile and a typical an-
concentration [53, 101]. The subsurface odic transient are shown in Fig. 6. As can
concentration at the entry side increases be seen in Table 7, the functional depen-
with time until it reaches a steady state. In dence of t1/2 on L is the same whether
this case, the ratio of i/i∞ is given by or not the entry kinetics are restricted, but
∞ the proportionality constant differs.
i 4  (−1)n
= 1−
i∞ π 2n + 1
n=0 Galvanostatic Charging Galva-

π 2 (2n + 1)2 Dt nostatic charging tends to be used more
× exp − (20)
4L2 often than potentiostatic charging in



ti − 1

0 L
(a) x


tb tL
(b) t
Fig. 6 Variation in (a) concentration gradient and (b) anodic
current with time for a membrane with a constant flux at the input
side [97]. The anodic current in this case typically increases at a
slower rate than that for a constant concentration. (Reprinted from
J. Less-Common Met., Copyright 1976, with permission from
Elsevier Science.)
126 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

membrane permeation studies. The entry relationship is identical to that derived for
side condition in many galvanostatic potentiostatic charging with rate-limited
studies is implicitly assumed to be a hydrogen entry. As with potentiostatic
constant concentration, but mathematical charging, multiple values of the diffusivity
treatments have been derived on the basis can be determined from successive tran-
of the assumption that a constant cathodic sients. Diffusion control of the permeation
current creates a constant-flux boundary rate can be verified also for galvanostatic
condition at the entry surface [51, 97], as in charging by using the time characteristics,
the entry-limited case under potentiostatic since they should be proportional to the
conditions. square of the thickness in this case too
The permeation of hydrogen through (Table 7).
a metal membrane under galvanostatic
charging has been treated using a Time-dependent Entry Kinetics
one-dimensional model for diffusion Neither the constant-flux nor the constant
without trapping. If the flux is independent concentration models are strictly correct
of time, as assumed for a constant because the inward and outward fluxes at
charging current, the anodic current–time the input surface have finite rate constants.

1.0 C

J(L, ∞) − J(L, 0)
J(L, t) − J(L, 0)

DF; L = 0.01, 0.1, 1 cm

0.5 1.0 1.5
t (Dt/L2)
Fig. 7 Theoretical permeation transients showing the increase
in flux, J(L, t) − J(L, 0), as a fraction of the overall increase,
J(L, ∞) − J(L, 0), with τ [102]. Input conditions assumed for the
transients: (C) constant concentration; (F) constant flux; and
(DF) flux decreasing with time. (Reprinted from Scr. Metall.,
Copyright 1980, with permission from Elsevier Science.)
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 127

If the new surface coverage is achieved overall entry flux decreases as the con-
instantaneously when charging begins, the centration increases differ in a manner
overall flux of hydrogen into the metal more complicated than just a shift in
should in fact decrease with time as timescale [102].
the surface concentration rises from the
initial value to C∞ [102]. The permeation Effect of Trapping Multiple
curves approach those for constant flux charging/discharging is often used in
and constant concentration at the extremes permeation studies, and the first transient
of membrane thickness, as shown in is normally slower than subsequent
Fig. 7. The constant concentration curve, ones, as shown in Fig. 8. The generally
for example, is a good approximation to accepted interpretation is that, during
that for decreasing flux only for L ≥ 1 cm, the first transient, irreversible traps are
which is significantly higher than the effective but gradually become filled as
0.03 to 0.2 cm range commonly used in the hydrogen flux rises to a steady state.
permeation experiments. Successive transients are considered to
In the early potentiostatic experi- involve only reversible traps.
ments by Devanathan and Stachurski [98], The effect of trapping on the diffusion
the time required for the subsurface of hydrogen is treated mathematically by
concentration to become constant, as modifying Fick’s second law. The usual
assumed, was treated simply as a approach is to include trapping terms in
shift in the timescale at the beginning which the rate of trapping is assumed
of a permeation curve. However, the to be proportional to the concentration
permeation behavior for the constant con- of diffusing hydrogen. However, most,
centration case and that in which the if not all, diffusion/trapping models for

1.0 Lattice


0.0 −2
10 10−1 100 101 102 103
t (Dt/L2)
Fig. 8 Permeation transients for a type 410 stainless steel membrane (thickness
of 0.5 mm) in acidified NaCl at 23 ◦ C [90]. The steel was discharged after each
transient, which is numbered according to its position in the sequence.
Theory; ----- Range of uncertainty in fit to experimental data, which are shown
as points. (Reprinted from Acta Metall., Copyright 1989, with permission from
Elsevier Science.)
128 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

the permeation techniques use a constant and Foster showed that, for low hydrogen
concentration on the input side. concentrations, the differential equation
A general model for hydrogen diffusion for diffusion simplifies to the classi-
with reversible trapping was formulated cal expression except that the apparent
by McNabb and Foster [103]. The general diffusivity (Da ) measured in the pres-
diffusion equation can be written as ence of trapping is a factor of 1/(1 + α)
  lower than that for the trap-free metal;
∂C ∂nr
+ Nr = D∇ 2 C (21) that is,
∂t ∂t D
Da = (23)
where ∂nr /∂t = kr C(1 − nr ) − pnr , kr is 1 + Nr kr /p
the rate constant for reversible trapping, p Thus, the standard solutions of the dif-
is the rate constant for hydrogen release fusion equations can be used for the
from the trap, nr is the fraction of
analysis of experimental results. Clearly,
traps occupied, and Nr is the number
in the absence of traps (Nr = 0) or with
of traps per unit volume. McNabb and
negligible trapping (kr ≈ 0), Nr kr /p 
Foster analyzed several cases involving
1 and D ≈ Da . When the traps near
diffusion through a membrane with a
saturation (nr → 1), the apparent diffu-
constant hydrogen concentration (C0 ) on
sivity increases with lattice concentra-
the input side. As nr increases, the rate of
tion and approaches the lattice diffusiv-
trapping (∂nr /∂t) decreases and eventually
ity at high concentrations according to
has no effect on diffusion, provided that
Eq. (24) [50, 89]:
no damage is induced in the metal.
At steady state, the flux of hydrogen D
should be independent of trapping and Da = (24)
1 + 3Nr /C0
therefore be given by C0 D/L. However,
this independence is strictly true only The effect of both irreversible and re-
for dilute trap concentrations, since the versible traps can be represented by [104]
diffusion cross-sectional area becomes  2   
limited if a large number of traps are ∂C ∂ C ∂nr
=D − N r
present [48]. ∂t ∂x 2 ∂t
The time lag for membrane permeation  
with reversible trapping is given by − Ni (25)

L2 3α 6α
tL = 1+ + 2 where ∂ni /∂t = ki C(1 − ni ), and ki , ni ,
6D ω ω and Ni are as defined for reversible

6α traps but i refers to irreversible. For
− 3 (1 + ω) ln(1 + ω) (22)
ω low fractional occupancies (n  1), the
diffusivity can again be obtained from the
where α = Nr kr /p and ω = C0 kr /p. In time lag:
the case of thick specimens in which
D/L2  p and C0 kr , local changes in L2 Nr kr
the lattice concentration are considered tL = 1+ f (κ) (26)
6D p
to occur so slowly that the trapped and
lattice hydrogen have time to reach equi- where f (κ) is a function of κ, which itself is
librium. Using this condition, McNabb given by Ni ki L2 /D. Hence, the influence
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 129

of reversible and irreversible traps on the Pulse Techniques

apparent diffusivity is multiplicative: Potentiostatic Pulse Most ap-
  −1 plications of the potentiostatic pulse tech-
Nr kr
Da = D 1+ f (κ) (27) nique have involved just one surface of
p a metal specimen. The technique is there-
fore suitable for bulk specimens since only
The combined effects of reversible and a single surface need be exposed to the elec-
irreversible trapping have been analyzed trolyte. The principle of the technique is
in detail, although solutions were ob- shown schematically in Fig. 9. The metal
tained only for low fractional occupancy is charged with hydrogen at a constant po-
of reversible traps [105]. A generalized tential Ec for a time tc , after which the
model was later developed for hydrogen potential is stepped anodically to a value
transport that incorporates the combined Ea . The anodic step results in a current
effects of reversible and irreversible traps transient due to hydrogen diffusing back
with varying degrees of occupancy [90]. to the entry surface and being reoxidized.
Analytical solutions are not possible The analytical model originally devel-
for the generalized case, so the equa- oped for the potentiostatic pulse technique
tions must be solved using numerical applied only to pure diffusion control and
analysis. did not take trapping into account [41].

Ea Ea



Fig. 9 Potential profile and current response for the potentiostatic
pulse technique [106]. (Reprinted from Acta Metall., Copyright 1987,
with permission from Elsevier Science.)
130 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Under these conditions, the anodic current the case of diffusion control with a limited
is given by rate of entry, an analytical expression can
be obtained only for the anodic charge, but
i = F D 1/2 C0 π −1/2 [t −1/2 − (t + tc )−1/2 ] it allows both the ingress flux and ka to be
(28) evaluated.
A more general model was later developed The irreversible trapping constant, k, can
to allow for the effect of trapping on dif- be expressed by ka D/Da and can therefore
fusion without or with surface constraints; be calculated from ka by using diffusivity
that is, for cases involving either constant data to correct for the effect of reversible
concentration or constant flux at the in- traps. The magnitude of k depends on the
put surface [106, 107]. For pure diffusion density of particles or defects providing
control, the anodic current or the anodic irreversible traps, the radius of the trap
charge can be analyzed as a function of defects, the diameter of the metal atom,
1/2 and D [108].
charging time to determine C0 Da and
an apparent trapping constant (ka ), which
is a rate constant for irreversible trapping Galvanostatic Pulse The gal-
measured in the presence of reversible vanostatic pulse technique has been
traps. ka is given by k/(1 + α), where used in combination with conventional
k = ki Ni . As ka increases, progressively permeation measurements to measure the
more hydrogen is trapped and the total steady state coverage of adsorbed hydrogen
outflow is reduced, as shown in Fig. 10. In and the rate constant for hydrogen entry,

1.6 0.1
ka = 0

Q∞ tc1/2




0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 10 Variation in the nondimensional anodic charge (Q∞ ) with
charging time (tc ) for the case of pure diffusion control under
potentiostatic pulse conditions [106]. (Reprinted from Acta Metall.,
Copyright 1987, with permission from Elsevier Science.)
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 131

since these two parameters determine the inflection-point time and breakthrough
entry flux of hydrogen [16]. A constant ca- time are related to the diffusivity through
thodic current is used to maintain a steady the same equations as those for galvanos-
state coverage of hydrogen, which is then tatic charging.
rapidly oxidized by applying an anodic The pulse method involves subjecting
current pulse. Potential transients are ob- the membrane to a short cathodic current
tained with and without hydrogen present pulse. The concentration gradient created
on the surface, allowing the coverage to be at the input side during this pulse
determined. Steady state permeation data decreases as hydrogen diffuses to the
are then used together with the coverage other side. As with the step method, the
to evaluate the entry rate constant. change in concentration at the detection
side is monitored through the potential. Triangular Pulse With the tri- The diffusivity can be calculated from the
angular pulse method, each side of a breakthrough time by the same equation as
membrane is initially held at a constant that for potentiostatic charging with pure
potential so that permeation occurs in diffusion control.
a normal manner [109]. After a steady In the sinusoidal method, the concen-
state is achieved, an anodic or cathodic tration of hydrogen at the input side of a
triangular pulse is applied to the entry membrane is varied periodically. After a
side and the change in the oxidation cur- few periods, the concentration at the de-
rent is measured at the output side. The tection side begins to oscillate also, but
duration of the pulse is typically 0.01 to the amplitude is damped and the phase
0.03 s. Analytical solutions for the current is shifted with respect to the oscillation at
have been obtained for pure diffusion con- the entry side. Comparison of the concen-
trol and for entry-limited diffusion control. tration waves at the two sides allows the
An anodic current peak is obtained in re- diffusivity to be calculated from either the
sponse to the triangular pulse, and the time phase shift or the ratio of the amplitudes.
corresponding to the half-peak width is
characteristic of the type of kinetic control. Alternating Current Technique
The alternating current technique is es- Potentiometric Techniques sentially a variant of the permeation
This group of methods relies on poten- method [48]. The current measured at the
tiometric measurement at the detection output side varies sinusoidally in response
side to determine the hydrogen concen- to the alternating cathodic current. The dif-
tration. Three basic variations of this fusivity can be determined from both the
approach have been described: the step, phase difference of the alternating current
pulse, and sinusoidal methods [97]. In the between the two sides and the amplitude of
step method, the hydrogen concentration the alternating current at the output side.
is initially homogeneous throughout the
membrane. The concentration is then in- Surface Effects of the Metal and
creased at the input side and kept constant Films
under potentiostatic control. The change The anodic current at the output surface
in concentration at the detection side is of a metal specimen is analyzed on the
followed by monitoring the potential. The basis that it results from the oxidation
132 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

of hydrogen alone, with no contribution move independently, with oxidation oc-

from the metal itself. In practice, any curring at or near the film–electrolyte
contribution from metal oxidation can be interface [55, 115].
avoided by using a palladium coating on
the output surface. This procedure is nor- Diffusion Control
mally adopted in permeation experiments The membrane in permeation experi-
and could also be applied in the case of ments is frequently coated with palladium
pulse methods. However, use of a coating on both sides to minimize kinetic limita-
means that potential information concern- tions on the transfer of hydrogen between
ing the entry flux for the metal of interest the adsorbed and absorbed states. The coat-
would not be available. An alternative ap- ing on the output side, as noted above, also
proach is to correct the measured anodic prevents oxidation of the metal. Although
current for other contributions. the coatings are intended to facilitate sur-
Any film present on the input surface face reactions, the membrane itself must
must be stable, regardless of the charg- be thick enough to ensure that the rate
ing method used. In the simplest case, of permeation is controlled by diffusion.
reduction of the film causes a time delay The diffusivity should therefore be deter-
such that the measured diffusivity differs mined for membranes of varying thickness
from the true diffusivity for the metal [110]. to verify that diffusion is rate-controlling
At sufficiently high current densities, this (Sect.
difference becomes small. Hydrogen will When permeation is controlled solely
permeate through stable surface oxides on by the rate of diffusion through the
metals [111, 112], but it can be slowed membrane, the subsurface and adsorbed
enough that the breakthrough time and hydrogen on the entry side are considered
lag time measured in permeation exper- to be in equilibrium (see Sect.,
iments will yield incorrect values of the characterized by a constant (K), and the
diffusivity [97]. steady state flux of hydrogen is given
The diffusion of hydrogen into a metal by [6, 7]
covered by a film has been examined for DKθ
the case of a semi-infinite solid [110, 113]. J∞ = (29)
In other work, hydrogen transport through
a metal with a surface oxide has been provided that the surface coverage and
analyzed in terms of diffusion through the fraction of subsurface interstitial sites
laminated layers [114]. A model was later occupied are low. The steady state flux can
proposed for coupled transport involving be related to the cathodic charging current
diffusion through a metal membrane fol- through the coverage, with the form of the
lowed by an activated jump across the relationship depending on the mechanism
passive film on the output surface [55]. of hydrogen evolution. In the case of iron
Oxidation of the permeating hydrogen with its coupled discharge-recombination
was assumed to occur at the interface mechanism, the cathodic current is given
between the metal and the passive film, by [6]
so that the hydrogen moved through the
film as an ion. An alternative model in- ic = k1 aH3 O+ (1 − θ)
volves entry of hydrogen into the passive −βηF
× exp = k2 θ 2 (30)
film as a proton and electron that each RT
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 133

The steady state flux can therefore be values from 2 to 10 [18, 119]. However, sul-
written as furic acid (typically pH 1.2) or sodium hy-
  droxide (typically pH 13) is generally used
DK ic 1/2
J∞ = (31) as the charging solution in permeation ex-
L k2 periments. Sodium hydroxide (pH 13) is
Hence, the steady state flux through an normally used also on the oxidation side,
iron membrane under pure diffusion con- where the output surface of the permeation
trol should be proportional to the square membrane is protected by a palladium
root of the cathodic current density. Devi- coating in most cases. The coating itself is
ations from the square root dependence usually electroplated, but electroless depo-
have been observed [116, 117], particu- sition has occasionally been used.
larly at extreme current densities, but Preelectrolysis of the solutions can be
this relationship seems to hold gener- important if charging times are long
ally [7, 118]. The relationship between enough so that significant amounts of im-
J∞ and η can also be derived, and val- purities could be deposited on the cathode
ues of ∂η/∂ ln J∞ for coupled discharge- surface. However, such precautions will
recombination and other mechanisms are not prevent changes at the surface if impu-
shown in Table 8 [6]. rities are introduced at a later stage. In per-
meation experiments with nickel and some Experimental Issues of its alloys, silicate dissolution from the
Regardless of the technique used, the cell glassware has been found to result in
metal surface and its immediate environ- the deposition of silicon-based compounds
ment should remain unchanged during during tests lasting several days [120].
hydrogen ingress. Hence, the use of Another consideration is the magnitude
buffered electrolytes may be desirable to of the charging current or potential.
minimize pH changes near the surface. Charging under highly cathodic conditions
Various buffers have been used to provide by any technique can cause undesirable
charging and oxidation solutions with pH effects in the metal under study. As

Tab. 8 Relationships between the kinetics of hydrogen evolution and hydrogen permeation

Mechanism −∂η/∂ ln J∞ J = f (ic )

Langmuir Temkina Langmuir Temkina

Slow discharge–fast chemical 0 0 – –

Slow discharge–fast RT/F RT/F i−2
c ic
Fast discharge–slow chemical RT/F RT/F ic ic
2/3 2/3
Fast discharge–slow RT/F RT/F ic ic
Coupled discharge–chemical 4RT/F 5RT/2F ic ic
Coupled 0 0 – –

a Nonactivated adsorption.
134 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

the charging current or potential is Hydrogen evolution on palladium in-

increased, the subsurface concentration of volves fast discharge followed by slow re-
hydrogen can increase and may eventually combination [6], so J∞ can be proportional
exceed a critical value, above which to ic or ic , depending on whether
changes occur in the microstructure. Such adsorption occurs under Langmuir or
changes are thought to be the reason Temkin conditions (Table 8). Experimen-
for the anomalous behavior observed in tal data for palladium in fact show a linear
permeation transients for iron at high dependence on ic at low charging currents
current densities [121]. (Fig. 12) [51, 122] and an approximately
square root dependence at high charging Selected Metals currents [123]. The linear dependence,
however, is also consistent with a constant- Palladium The high solubility flux model [51]. After the linear region, J∞
of hydrogen coupled with rapid kinetics becomes virtually independent of charg-
for hydrogen entry have made palladium ing current but then varies with ic at
the focus of numerous studies. It has higher charging currents as the surface
widely been assumed in these studies that coverage and therefore recombination rate
the subsurface concentration in palladium of adsorbed hydrogen increase.
and palladium coatings instantaneously
increases to a constant value at the start of Iron and Steel Hydrogen per-
charging. However, the more appropriate meation through iron and steel mem-
input condition for potentiostatic charging branes has been investigated extensively.
appears to be a step function in flux, as The assumption has usually been made
shown in Fig. 11 [53]. that, as with palladium, a constant




Eq. (20): J step


Eq. (19): C step


0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
Fig. 11 Fractional attainment of steady state current as a function of
time normalized about t1/2 [53]. Points indicate experimental data for
palladium. (Reproduced by permission of The Electrochemical Society,
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 135


[A m−2] 20


0 10 20 30 40 50
[A m−2]
Fig. 12 Dependence of steady state anodic current density on charging
current density for a palladium membrane [122]. Data for all curves are
coincident for ic < 8 A m−2 . Membrane thickness (mm): • 0.15;  0.25;
◦ 0.50. (Reprinted with permission from The Minerals, Metals & Materials

subsurface concentration is instantly palladium. Hence, various studies have

achieved at the input surface, whether po- been directed towards the transport of hy-
tentiostatic or galvanostatic charging was drogen in nickel, despite the difficulty in
used. Theoretical curves for permeation in accurately determining the low diffusiv-
the absence of trapping have been fitted to ity at ambient temperature [41, 54, 80]. As
experimental data for iron and mild steel with palladium and iron, it has been gener-
in H2 SO4 and NaOH with and without ally assumed that a constant concentration
promoters present [102]. For both poten- is immediately achieved upon charging,
tiostatic and galvanostatic charging, the irrespective of the method used.
experimental data appear to be fitted better Although the binding energy for dis-
by the constant concentration curve than locations in nickel is much lower than
by the constant-flux curve, as shown in the activation energy for diffusion (see
Fig. 13. However, the data still differ sig- Sect., some studies suggest that
nificantly from the constant concentration dislocations can cause a small decrease
curve and differ even more from a de- in the diffusivity for heavily cold-worked
creasing flux curve. These deviations were nickel [54, 93]; it was found, for example,
attributed to trapping, which has been the- that 80% cold work reduces the diffusiv-
oretically shown to affect the shape of the ity for Ni 270 (99.97% Ni) by a factor
permeation curve [124]. of about two, which is reflected by a
shift in the hydrogen permeation curve Nickel Nickel is representa- (Fig. 14). Grain boundaries, on the other
tive of the fcc group of metals, with hand, provide paths for short-circuit dif-
their markedly different hydrogen ingress fusion in nickel [93, 125], although there
characteristics than those for iron and is evidence from thermal analysis data
136 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes


J step
J(L, ∞) − J(L, 0)
J(L, t) − J(L, 0)

C step


0 40 80
(a) [s]

J(L, ∞) − J(L, 0)
J(L, t) − J(L, 0)

J step
C step


0 200 400
(b) [s]
Fig. 13 Comparison of experimental (solid curve) and theoretical
permeation transients for Armco iron [102]. Experimental data:
(a) potentiostatic charging in 0.5 M H2 SO4 ; (b) galvanostatic charging at
2 mA cm−2 in 0.1 M NaOH. (Reprinted from Scr. Metall., Copyright 1980,
with permission from Elsevier Science.)

that trapping can also occur at these lo- into nine different categories: hydrogen-
cations [66]. environment embrittlement (HEE), hydro-
gen stress cracking (HSC), loss in ten-
2.2.6 sile ductility, hydrogen attack, blistering,
Hydrogen Degradation shatter cracks/flakes/fisheyes, microperfo-
ration, degradation in flow properties, and Classification metal hydride formation [126]. The first
The ingress of hydrogen can lead to three of these categories are related and are
degradation of the metal. The degra- collectively referred to as hydrogen embrit-
dation can take various forms, which tlement (Table 9). HEE is distinguished
have been classified phenomenologically from HSC by the mode of hydrogen entry,
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 137

2.0 Solution annealed at 1000 °C

[µA cm−2] 1.5 80% cold reduction




5 10 15 20 25
Fig. 14 Effect of cold work on hydrogen permeation through Ni 270 charged
at 2 mA cm−2 in 0.05 M H2 SO4 containing 3 mg l−1 NaAsO2 [54].
(Reprinted with permission from the copyright holder, NACE International.)

Tab. 9 Forms of degradation classified under hydrogen embrittlement

Hydrogen-environment Hydrogen stress Loss in tensile

embrittlement (HEE) cracking (HSC) ductility

Typical materials Steels, Ni-base alloys, Carbon and low-alloy steels Steels, Ni-base
metastable stainless alloys, Be-Cu
steel, titanium alloys bronze
Usual source of Gaseous H2 Thermal processing, Gaseous H2 ,
hydrogen (not electrolysis, corrosion internal hydrogen
exclusive) from
Typical 10−6 to 108 Pa gas 0.1 to 10 ppm total 0.1 to 10 ppm total
conditions pressure hydrogen content hydrogen
content, range of
gas pressure
Observed −100 to 700 ◦ C. Observed −100 to 100 ◦ C. Observed −100 to
Most severe near 20 ◦ C Most severe near 20 ◦ C 700 ◦ C
Strain rate important; Strain rate important; Occurs in absence
embrittlement more embrittlement more of effect on yield
severe at low strain severe at low strain stress; strain rate
rates; generally more rates; always more important
severe in notched or severe in notched or
precracked specimens precracked specimens
138 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

while HSC is distinguished from loss in become high enough to cause localized
tensile ductility by the mechanical prop- plastic deformation of the alloy. Blister-
erty (tensile strength vs. ductility) that is ing generally occurs in more ductile steels
degraded. under conditions in which hydrogen em-
HSC involves the brittle fracture of a brittlement does not occur.
nominally ductile alloy under a sustained The pressure caused by the accumu-
load at tensile stresses below the yield lation of molecular hydrogen can result
strength. For HSC to occur, hydrogen in not only blisters near the surface of
must be absorbed into the alloy and then the steel but also internal cracks that
transported through it, along either a may propagate in a straight or stepwise
concentration gradient or a stress gradient. manner (Fig. 15) [127, 128]. This type of
Some time is therefore required for cracks damage is referred to as hydrogen-induced
to nucleate. HSC is normally associated cracking (HIC) and is generally asso-
with steels but has been observed to a ciated with low-strength steels (typically
limited extent in other materials when <550 MPa) in aqueous hydrogen sulfide
hydrogen is concentrated near the surface. environments. It is considered to include
HEE is the degradation observed in blister cracks near the surface as well as
mechanical properties during the plastic internal cracks [127–129]. The cracks can
deformation of alloys exposed to, usually, develop in the absence of an applied or
gaseous hydrogen. Similar behavior some- residual tensile stress and are oriented
times occurs when the hydrogen is pro- parallel to the rolling direction of the steel.
vided by a gas such as H2 S, by electrolytic A special form of HIC that occurs
charging, or by corrosion. HEE has been in low-strength steels in the presence
exhibited by ferritic steels, nickel-base al- of a stress is stress-oriented hydrogen-
loys, and metastable austenitic steels. induced cracking (SOHIC) [127, 130, 131].
Loss in tensile ductility is characterized It is characterized by the formation of a
by a decrease in elongation and reduction stacked array of hydrogen-induced cracks,
in area in an ordinary tensile test. It has as shown in Figs. 16 and 17. These small
been observed in steels (ferritic, marten- cracks are oriented parallel to the rolling di-
sitic, and austenitic), nickel-base alloys, rection, but the stack itself is perpendicular
aluminum alloys, and titanium alloys. The to the stress. The cracks become linked by
percentage loss in ductility depends on the transgranular cracks to produce an overall
hydrogen content of the alloy. crack perpendicular to the stress.
Two other types of hydrogen degrada- HIC differs from sulfide stress crack-
tion can result from corrosion: hydride ing (SSC), which also results from the
formation and blistering. The degradation absorption of hydrogen during corrosion
in tantalum, niobium, vanadium, tita- in aqueous H2 S environments [127, 128].
nium, zirconium, and their alloys results Whereas HIC does not require an applied
from the precipitation of metal hydride stress and occurs in low-strength steels,
phases, which are relatively brittle (see SSC does require an external tensile stress
Sect. Blistering occurs when hy- and occurs in high-strength steels or in
drogen diffuses to nonmetallic inclusions hard areas associated with the heat-affected
or other internal defects, where molecu- zones adjacent to welds. However, SSC
lar hydrogen is formed by recombination. cracks in the heat-affected zone can lead to
The pressure of molecular hydrogen can SOHIC in the adjacent base metal.
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 139

400 µm
Fig. 15 Stepwise cracking in type A516-70 pressure vessel steel
exposed to NACE TM0284-96 Solution A for 96 h at 25 ◦ C [128].
(Reprinted with permission from the copyright holder, NACE

400 µm

Fig. 16 Stacking of SOHIC cracks at the root of a notch in type

A516-70 pressure vessel steel tested at 60% yield strength in
NACE TM0284-96 Solution A for 168 h at 25 ◦ C [128]. The arrow
indicates linking of stacked cracks. (Reprinted with permission
from the copyright holder, NACE International.) Hydrogen Trapping or detrimental, depending on the nature

Hydrogen traps can have a marked effect of the trap [67]. Fine, homogeneously
on the susceptibility of an alloy to hydrogen distributed traps (reversible or irreversible)
embrittlement. The effect can be beneficial are considered beneficial. Examples of
140 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Fig. 17 SOHIC produced across the thickness of a steel sample

at 50% yield strength in a NACE TM0177-86 test [127]. (Reprinted
with permission from the copyright holder, NACE International.)

such traps in α-iron are solute atoms, must reach some critical value at a po-
low-angle grain boundaries, or small tential crack site for cracking to occur.
( 1 µm) particles. The irreversible traps The critical concentration is determined
can delay the onset of cracking but are by many factors, such as the type of trap,
not expected to affect its extent, whereas its shape and location in the lattice, and
reversible traps can both delay the onset of the state of stress at the site. Whether or
cracking and decrease its extent. Reversible not a crack will be initiated depends not
traps, however, can release their hydrogen only on the magnitude of the critical con-
under certain conditions and accelerate centration but also on the capacity of the
crack initiation [67, 132, 133]. Unlike trap and on the quantity of hydrogen that
fine, homogeneously distributed traps, reaches the trap during the time of expo-
irreversible traps that are heterogeneously sure. The quantity of hydrogen reaching
distributed and have a high saturability are the trap itself depends on various factors
considered detrimental, because they can such as the entry kinetics, exposure time,
increase the extent of cracking. These traps and diffusion characteristics.
promote hydrogen concentration centers, The trap theory is supported by experi-
making the alloy more susceptible to mental results for iron-titanium alloys in
hydrogen-induced damage. Such traps in which the density of reversible and irre-
α-iron include large (>1 µm) particles and versible traps was varied [67]. Increasing
high-angle grain boundaries. the density of reversible traps, for example,
The role of microstructure has been was found to decrease the susceptibility
treated in terms of the trap theory of hydro- to intergranular cracking, as described
gen embrittlement [65, 133]. The theory above. Reversible traps in the form of
assumes that, regardless of the mecha- PdAl precipitates likewise appear to play
nism of embrittlement (see Sect., an important role in suppressing inter-
the concentration of trapped hydrogen granular cracking of a palladium-modified
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 141

martensitic stainless steel [134]. Traps can the diffusion of hydrogen through the lat-
also have a beneficial effect in other alloys. tice. Trapping studies of 18Ni maraging
For example, the absence of intergranular steel have indicated that strong trapping,
fracture in dispersion-strengthened alloys especially at prior austenite grain bound-
such as Ni-2ThO2 and Ni-20Cr-2ThO2 has aries, plays a role in its susceptibility to
been attributed to trapping at the inter- hydrogen embrittlement [91, 138, 139]. In
face between the matrix and the fine oxide the case of a martensitic stainless steel,
particles (see Sect. [135]. the predominant factor determining the
Changes in the type of traps have relative time-to-failure appears to be the
been shown to affect the crack path fractional occupancy of the reversible trap
in precharged 4340 steel [74]. At low sites [140].
strengths, the steel contains a relatively A model has been developed to quan-
high density of reversible traps but too titatively account for the role of hydro-
few large irreversible traps to promote gen–microstructure interactions in the
much interfacially aligned cracking. The growth of cracks [141]. The model indi-
high-strength steel, on the other hand, cates that the rate of crack growth is
contains a relatively high density of essentially determined by two basic fac-
irreversible interfacial traps and tends to tors: the rate of hydrogen supply to the
exhibit primary and secondary crack paths fracture process zone, which is controlled
along these traps. It has been shown in by one of the processes (e.g. diffusion) for
fact from trapping measurements that hydrogen supply, and the partitioning of
the irreversible trapping constant, k (see hydrogen among the different microstruc-
Sect., for 4340 steel increases tural features or traps, which is controlled
with yield strength over the range 1000 by the hydrogen–trap interactions and de-
to 1400 MPa [136]. termines the contribution by each trap to
Trapping can also play an important the overall crack growth rate.
role in the hydrogen embrittlement of
more complex alloys. In the precipitation- Theories
strengthened, Fe-based superalloy, 903, Various theories have been proposed
microvoid formation and subsequent slip to account for the degradation caused
band fracture result from the trapping of by hydrogen. None of them, however,
hydrogen at slip band intersections and provides a general model for the different
dislocations within the slip bands [137]. forms of hydrogen degradation.
Atomistic simulations for nickel have
shown that, of the two trap sites, trap- Internal Pressure This theory
ping at slip band intersections is the considers hydrogen embrittlement to be
controlling step in the fracture process, caused by the formation of molecu-
with binding energies within the intersec- lar hydrogen and the resulting buildup
tion being close to 39 kJ mol−1 compared of pressure at internal voids or other
with 12 kJ mol−1 for individual dislocation internal surfaces [142, 143]. It provides an
cores. Fracture is thought to occur when explanation for blistering in low-strength
hydrogen reaches a critical concentration steels but does not adequately account
at the slip band intersections, with the for other forms of degradation such
rate of crack growth being controlled by as HSC.
142 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes Surface Energy The adsorption of brittle metal hydrides [150–152]. These
of hydrogen atoms was postulated to de- metals typically form stable hydrides in
crease the surface energy of the free the absence of stress, and the hydrides are
surfaces resulting from crack propaga- thermodynamically more stable under the
tion [144, 145]. This decrease reduces the stress field and hydrogen concentration
work of fracture and hence promotes crack- at the crack tip. In some cases, hydrides
ing. There are several arguments against that are unstable in the absence of stress
the surface energy theory [38]. It consider- can be stabilized by the stress field. Local
ably underestimates the work of fracture stress fields and dislocations are gener-
and does not account for discontinuous ated when hydrides are formed, and they
cracking. Moreover, it is not specific for can contribute to failure, which occurs
hydrogen and does not explain why oxy- by cleavage of the brittle hydride phase.
gen, which adsorbs more strongly than Hydrogen degradation by stress-induced
hydrogen, does not promote cracking but hydride precipitation occurs under con-
rather inhibits the effect of hydrogen. ditions in which the hydrides can form
fast enough to preclude other forms of Decohesion The fundamental failure.
concept of this theory is that atomic Metals such as Nb, Ta, V, Ti, Zr, and their
hydrogen at high local concentrations alloys are capable of forming hydrides,
reduces the maximum cohesive force but other metals can form pseudohydrides
against separation of the metal atoms [36, under high fugacity conditions, such as
146–148]. The hydrogen can be in the cathodic charging [152]. These pseudo-
lattice, grain boundaries, or interphase hydrides are actually high-concentration
boundaries. Fracture occurs when the solid solutions formed in the presence of
local tensile stress exceeds the hydrogen- a miscibility gap. Pseudohydride formers
decreased maximum cohesive force. The include Ni, Pd, and their alloys.
theory does not attempt to explain why the Another case of hydrogen-related sec-
cohesive force is lowered by hydrogen. ond-phase embrittlement has been pos-
tulated to occur in metastable austenitic Slip Softening The basis of a stainless steels, such as types 304 and
cracking theory proposed by Beachem was 316 [152–154]. The premise is that hy-
that the role of hydrogen is to increase drogen enhances transformation of the
dislocation motion [149]. Enhancement of austenitic phase to martensitic phases.
dislocation motion and dislocation injec- Although there is evidence that marten-
tion at surfaces, with localized softening, sites are present at the fracture surfaces
has been reported. However, hardening ef- of hydrogen embrittled metastable stain-
fects have also been observed. In addition, less steels, it has not been shown whether
the point has been made that enhanced these phases are required for fracture or
dislocation motion is a factor in hydrogen whether they result from the enhanced
degradation but is not a model in itself [38]. deformation caused by hydrogen. Hydrogen-related Phase Changes Alloys

Hydrogen degradation of some metals is Hydrogen embrittlement can involve dif-
attributed to stress-induced precipitation ferent fracture modes, depending on the
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 143

alloy and its strength. It is usually associ- in Table 10 [155]. Chromium, particularly
ated with brittle fracture in the form of in- at low concentrations, and manganese
tergranular cracking or cleavage, but many increase the susceptibility to embrittle-
alloys exhibit ductile fracture with losses ment, whereas silicon produces a decrease,
in ductility. These alloys are generally less especially in higher-strength steels. Tita-
subject to mechanical degradation than nium promotes hydrogen embrittlement
those that have a propensity to cracking. in maraging steels but is usually very
The hydrogen embrittlement susceptibil- beneficial in ferritic and other marten-
ity of alloys that undergo cracking is often sitic steels.
characterized in terms of a threshold stress Microstructure can have a considerable
intensity required for crack growth. effect on the susceptibility of steels
to hydrogen embrittlement [155]. Untem- Steels In general, the suscepti- pered martensite promotes environmental
bility of steels to hydrogen embrittlement embrittlement, apparently due in large
increases with their strength. Tests on part to the brittle nature of the marten-
steels of varying strength, however, have site plates [156, 157]. Grain refinement
shown that the susceptibility is much generally increases the resistance to crack-
more sensitive to the specific nature of ing under a wide range of polarization
the microstructure than to the strength; and environmental conditions [158, 159].
in other words, the susceptibility is more This effect has been observed for iron and
directly an effect of microstructure than of various iron alloys, including 4340 steel,
strength [65, 155]. maraging steel, and Fe-Ti alloys [155].
The effect of a particular alloying el- Hydrogen degradation of low-strength
ement on the susceptibility to hydrogen steels (yield strength below 700 MPa)
embrittlement depends on the microstruc- occurs principally in the form of reduced
ture and strength. The concentration of ductility or blistering. Hydrogen tends to
the element is also a factor. The effects degrade the properties without changing
of solutes on the hydrogen embrittlement the microstructural mode of fracture [149,
susceptibility of steel are summarized 160]. It has been reported to enhance

Tab. 10 Effect of solutes on susceptibility of steel to hydrogen embrittlement

Element General susceptibility KaIenv Crack

growth rate

Manganese Increases Reduces Not known

Sulfur and phosphorus Appears to increase Little effect Should increase
Carbon (in carbon martensites) Appears to increase Reduces Not known
Chromium Increases Little effect Should increase
Titanium (in general) Reduces Not known Not known
Titanium (in maraging steels) Increases Not known Not known
Silicon Reduces Reduces Reduces
Molybdenum No consistent behavior Little effect Not known
Nickel Not known Little effect Not known

a Threshold stress intensity for crack growth in environmental tests.

144 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

void nucleation, void growth, and void hydrogen-environment threshold values,

coalescence [155]. The hydrogen effects which are commonly denoted by KISCC in
become more pronounced with increasing the case of aqueous environments, gen-
hydrogen content or charging rate and with erally undergo a marked decrease with
increasing strength [36, 161]. increasing yield strength.
Fracture of high-strength steels in hy- Ultrahigh-strength steels (yield strength
drogen environments occurs by intergran- above 1400 MPa) are highly susceptible
ular cracking or quasi-cleavage [162–164]. to cracking in hydrogen environments.
Figure 18 shows intergranular cracking These steels have been found to exhibit low
in a high-purity 4340-type steel ex- values of KISCC in aqueous solutions con-
posed to hydrogen. Intergranular crack- taining NaCl (Fig. 20) [169], and although
ing is promoted by the presence of chlorides are the principal cause of stress
impurity elements at grain boundaries. corrosion cracking (SCC) in many alloys,
Phosphorus and sulfur, in particular, there is little doubt that hydrogen plays
enhance cracking [156, 162, 165, 166]. the dominant role in most SCC failures of
Manganese and silicon are also detri- martensitic steels [136, 155]. Under appro-
mental when segregated to grain bound- priate conditions, the rate of crack growth
aries, whereas titanium and aluminum in martensitic steels is determined by dif-
have a beneficial effect, as do fine fusion of hydrogen to the embrittlement
grains and fine carbides [38, 155, 167]. sites ahead of the crack tip [141].
The threshold stress intensities for crack
growth in high-strength steels exposed Stainless Steels Ferritic stain-
to hydrogen-containing environments are less steels exhibit high ductility and
considerably lower than those measured low strength, and consequently, they
in air, as shown in Fig. 19 [168]. The have little susceptibility to hydrogen

20 µ
Fig. 18 Intergranular cracking in a high-purity 4340-type steel
exposed to hydrogen [162]. (Reprinted with permission from The
Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.)
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 145








800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Yield strength
Fig. 19 Fracture toughness indices (KIx and KIδ ) and KISCC for AISI 4340 steel
as a function of yield strength [168]. KIx was measured in air and KISCC was
measured in flowing seawater. KIδ was calculated from measurements of the
fracture surface after SCC. (Reprinted with permission from the copyright
holder, NACE International.)

embrittlement. However, cold work may formation of martensite in metastable

render these steels susceptible to crack- stainless steels. In the case of stable
ing in hydrogen environments. The ef- austenitic stainless steels with high yield
fect of hydrogen on the fracture mode strengths, the susceptibility is gener-
of a ferritic (type 430) stainless steel ally considered to be governed by yield
is shown in Fig. 21 [170]. Whereas an strength. The base composition of the
uncharged specimen exhibits ductile stainless steels influences their resis-
fracture involving microvoid coalescence, tance to hydrogen embrittlement, with
specimens charged with hydrogen un- nickel having a beneficial effect, as does
dergo brittle fracture, mainly in the form chromium at levels higher or lower than
of transgranular cracking but with a small 18% [171, 172].
fraction of intergranular cracking. Metastable austenitic stainless steels
Austenitic stainless steels, as with their that are cathodically charged with hy-
ferritic counterparts, are relatively re- drogen can exhibit cleavage-like trans-
sistant to hydrogen embrittlement but granular fractures, which resemble those
can be made more susceptible by observed in SCC. However, hydrogen em-
cold work. This increased susceptibility brittlement is unlikely to be the cause
is ascribed to the deformation-induced of SCC in austenitic stainless steels
146 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes







20 2000 1930 2000

AerMet 100 18Ni (250) 300M 4340 H11
Fig. 20 Comparison of fracture toughness (KIC ) and KISCC for
ultrahigh-strength steels [169]. KISCC was measured in 3.5% NaCl. The
numbers by the bars are the tensile strengths (MPa) of the steels as tested.
(Reprinted with permission from ASM International.)

for several reasons [173]. One reason martensitic stainless steels, which are es-
is that stable austenitic steels undergo pecially prone to hydrogen-assisted crack-
SCC but show only superficial cleavage- ing [175].
like cracking under cathodic polariza- Intergranular hydrogen cracking in a
tion. Another reason is that the effects precipitation-hardening martensitic stain-
of alloy composition and temperature less steel has been suppressed by the
on SCC are inconsistent with a hydro- addition of palladium. Heat treatment of
gen model. the alloy produces submicrometer-sized
The martensitic and precipitation-hard- PdAl precipitates that act as reversible
ening stainless steels are more suscep- traps and are thought to reduce the amount
tible to hydrogen embrittlement than of hydrogen at prior austenite grain bound-
are the austenitic alloys. The suscepti- aries [134].
bility of these stainless steels is sensi-
tive to microstructure and strength level. Nickel Alloys Nickel and its al-
Figure 22 shows the resistance to crack- loys can undergo hydrogen degradation
ing for a martensitic (type 410) stainless in aqueous environments but are gen-
steel and some precipitation-hardening erally less susceptible than ferritic and
stainless steels in an H2 S-saturated so- martensitic steels. Degradation can occur
lution [174]. The low resistance of type by intergranular, transgranular, or quasi-
410 stainless steel is typical for most cleavage cracking. Hydrogen segregates at
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 147

Fig. 21 Fracture surfaces of type 430

stainless steel tensile tested at a strain
rate of 1.4 × 10−6 s−1 : (a) in air;
(b) with hydrogen charging at 50 A m−2 ;
and (c) with hydrogen charging at
500 A m−2 [170]. (Reproduced by
permission of The Electrochemical
Society, Inc.)

grain boundaries in nickel, and as the level

of segregation increases, the amount of
intergranular fracture increases until the
fracture becomes completely intergranular
at a critical concentration of grain bound-
ary hydrogen [152]. Synergistic effects of
sulfur and hydrogen segregation at grain
boundaries have been observed under
cathodic charging conditions [176]. The
segregation of sulfur greatly decreases the
amount of hydrogen required to achieve
the critical grain boundary concentration
for intergranular fracture [177].
Alloying chromium with nickel in-
creases the resistance to oxidation and
general corrosion, particularly for about
20% Cr. However, Ni-20Cr undergoes
a transition from ductile rupture to in-
tergranular fracture in the presence of
hydrogen [178], and it loses a consider-
able degree of ductility [178, 179]. Binary
Ni-Fe alloys show a decreasing suscepti-
bility to hydrogen-induced loss in ductility
as the Fe content is increased, particularly
between 20 and 50% Fe [179, 180].
Dispersion-strengthened alloys such as
Ni-2ThO2 and Ni-20Cr-2ThO2 , when
charged with hydrogen, undergo only The susceptibility of Ni-Cr-Fe alloys
moderate losses in ductility, rather than (intermediate- and high-Ni) to hydrogen
brittle intergranular fracture as occurs degradation depends on the type of
in nickel [135]. Hydrogen is thought to thermomechanical treatment [155]. Cold-
be trapped at the oxide particle–matrix worked alloys are generally rendered
interface and therefore unable to build more susceptible to HSC if they are
up at grain boundaries. These traps, aged. The age-hardening alloys tend to
however, could be expected to satu- be most susceptible in their peak-aged
rate eventually, if enough hydrogen were condition. Cathodic charging of aged
present [181]. nickel-base alloys such as 718 produces
148 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes


500 1150 M (36%)

1150 (30%)
100 1400
1150 M (19%) PH 13-8 Mo

1150 M NACE (14%)

1100 (20%)

17-4 PH
20 NACE 1150 (8%)
NACE 1100 (3%) 900 (1%)
1300 15-5 PH 1050
10 (1%) 950
1200 1150
(1%) 900
5 1100 1050 1050 (7%)
400 & 600 950
Type 410 800
900 1000 (1%) 1000 (4%)
1000 950 (3%)
1 900

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

0.2% yield strength
Fig. 22 Cracking resistance (represented by time-to-failure) of various stainless steels as a
function of yield strength [174]. The tests were performed under an applied stress of 345 MPa
and in a 5% NaCl−0.5% acetic acid solution saturated with H2 S. The numbers in parentheses
indicate approximate amounts of austenite. (Reprinted with permission from the copyright
holder, NACE International.)

little loss in ductility [182] but does result that the strain-to-failure of cathodically
in cracking [183]. charged specimens decreases with increas-
The nickel-base alloys, C-4, C-276, ing nickel content and that this decrease
and 625, are resistant to HSC in the corresponds to an increase in the hydrogen
heavily cold-worked condition (48% and diffusivity [186].
higher) [184]. Aging these alloys, how- Nickel-copper alloys are susceptible to
ever, markedly decreases their resistance hydrogen embrittlement. The presence of
to HSC. The decrease in some cases copper at a level of 30% or higher has little
may be related to grain boundary seg- effect on the loss in ductility and the in-
regation of phosphorus [185]. Tests on tergranular fracture induced by hydrogen
two nickel-base alloys (600 and 690) to- in nickel [180]. Thus, 70Ni-30Cu alloys
gether with two iron-base alloys (321 also undergo intergranular fracture. The
and 800) that contain nickel have shown precipitation-hardening 70Ni-30Cu alloy,
2.2 Hydrogen Ingress during Corrosion 149

K-500, exhibits considerable degradation precipitation [190]. Even when aged to

under cathodic charging [187, 188]. The cause α precipitation, alloys such as Beta-
extent of embrittlement depends on the 21S and Beta-C show no evidence of bulk
heat treatment and microstructure, and hydrides in the α phase, except on the
it may be related to the grain bound- surface in some cases [191–193].
ary segregation of sulfur [155]. Some heat There is strong electrochemical evidence
treatments of Ni-Co alloys can also cause that hydrogen is at least partly responsible
a grain boundary segregation of sulfur, for SCC of α and near-α titanium alloys
thereby enhancing hydrogen embrittle- in aqueous solutions [194–196]. Figure 23
ment [189]. shows the resistance of a near-α titanium
alloy to SCC in 3.5% NaCl with and without Titanium Alloys Hydrogen deg- arsenic present [196]. As to be expected
radation of titanium and its α and for a hydrogen-dependent process, the
α − β alloys results principally from the presence of the hydrogen entry promoter
precipitation of titanium hydride in the has a marked effect on the SCC resistance
α phase. The susceptibility to hydride- of the alloy under the appropriate type of
induced embrittlement typically decreases mechanical loading (Mode I).
with increasing temperature as a result Pure α titanium suffers little dam-
of an increase in hydrogen solubility. β age by hydrogen at low concentrations
titanium alloys have a high solubility for (<200 ppm), but impurities can greatly in-
hydrogen, so embrittlement of these alloys crease its sensitivity to hydrogen. Thus,
is generally not associated with hydride commercially pure titanium exhibits a

Fracture toughness ratio, KIi/KIx or KIIIi/KIIIx


Torsional loading
3.5% NaCl and 3.5% NaCl
10 ppm As


3.5% NaCl Cantilever beam


3.5% NaCl and

10 ppm As
1 10 100
Fig. 23 Resistance to SCC of Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V in 3.5% NaCl solution with
and without arsenic present and at a potential of −500 mV (SCE) [196].
(Reprinted with permission from the copyright holder, The Minerals,
Metals & Materials Society.)
150 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

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156 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

2.3 are best suited to perform fundamental

Corrosion of Alloys studies concerning the role of solid-state
diffusion processes in dealloying at am-
Hermann Kaiser and Gerald A. Eckstein bient temperature. Dealloying of certain
.. ..
Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen low-melting alloys is also of technical rel-
evance. For higher-melting engineering
2.3.1 materials and binary noble metal alloys of
Introduction predominant scientific interest, the simul-
taneous and selective dissolution modes
Metallic engineering materials are usu- are discussed in greater detail. Particular
ally alloys that were designed to meet attention is paid to the formation of me-
high demands with respect to mechan- chanically weak, porous microstructures
ical strength, corrosion resistance, and that result from the dealloying of these
other properties. Unfortunately, however, materials and appear to be associated
the corrosion of alloys is more complex with the phenomenon of stress corrosion
and far less understood than that of pure cracking (see Chapter 4.4). In addition to
metals. Apart from the occurrence of mi- this, a survey of various proposals with
crogalvanic elements in multiphase alloys respect to the dealloying mechanism is
this results from differences in the disso- given. In the end, recent experimental
lution rates of the alloy components that attempts to clarify this mechanism by high-
induce compositional and structural mod- resolution microscopic methods such as
ifications in the alloy surface. The present scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) are
section concentrates on the fundamen- presented.
tal problem of the anodic dissolution of
single-phase, binary alloys in the active 2.3.2
state. This process proceeds either in a Basic Thermodynamics
simultaneous or in a selective mode. In
the former, a steady state is established For a single-phase binary alloy A–B,
in which the components dissolve at a the two anodic partial reactions of metal
rate proportional to their concentration dissolution are
in the alloy. In the latter, preferential
dissolution of the less noble component Aalloy −−−→ AnA+ + nA e− (1a)
(dealloying) persists. Rate control of the Balloy −−−→ BnB+ + nB e− (1b)
electrodissolution of individual alloy com-
ponents may originate from reaction steps Complete equilibrium of the alloy elec-
that are absent or irrelevant for the an- trode will only be established if the equilib-
odic dissolution of pure metals, and the rium potentials of both reactions, as given
debate about the correct ‘‘mechanism’’ by the Nernst equations (see Chapter 1.2)
of alloy dissolution continues. Following
some basic thermodynamic considera- RT a nA+
EA = EA0 + ln A (2a)
tions, the discussion of alloy dissolution nA F fA XA
therefore starts with the academic, but
straightforward behavior of liquid alloys and
in aqueous solutions. Low melting point RT a nB+
EB = EB0 + ln B (2b)
solid alloys are considered next since they nB F fB XB
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 157

are equal, that is, EA = EB . Rewriting this the less noble component, is virtually equal
condition, where EA,B 0 are the standard to the equilibrium potential of A. As an ex-
electrode potentials of the alloy compo- ample, the equilibrium potential, E, of a
nents, aAnA+ and aBnB+ are the activities dilute liquid zinc amalgam electrode in a
of the ions in the solution, XA,B and fA,B solution containing Zn ions is given by
denote their atom fraction and activity co-
RT aZn2+
efficient in the alloy phase, respectively, E∼ 0
= EZn/Zn2+ + ln (4)
and all other quantities have their usual 2F aZn(in Hg)
meaning, the equilibrium condition may [3]. There is evidence that the open circuit
be expressed in the form potential (OCP) of solid alloy electrodes
  with large E 0 in deaerated solutions
(aAnA+ )1/nA 0 0 F
= exp (EB − EA ) may also be determined by the less noble
(aBnB+ )1/nB RT component, A. However, since there is
(fA XA )1/nA no equilibration between the surface and
× (3) the bulk, such OCP reflect the surface
(fB XB )1/nB
activity of the less noble component rather
From this equation, it becomes obvious than that of the bulk [4]. A more detailed
that the ratio of the equilibrium ion ac- discussion of the thermodynamics of alloy
tivities in the solution is linked with the electrodes with due consideration of the
alloy composition as expressed by the bulk Gibbs energy of mixing of the alloy phase
atom fractions of the components, XA and has been given by Heusler [5].
XB = 1 − XA . In general, therefore, the
establishment of complete equilibrium for 2.3.3
an alloy electrode requires a change of Anodic Dissolution of Liquid Alloy
composition both of the alloy phase and Electrodes
of the electrolyte solution [1]. For solid
alloys at ambient temperature, composi- Some basic aspects of alloy dissolution are
tional changes (due to the preferential best illustrated by the behavior of a liq-
dissolution of one alloy component) will be uid binary alloy A–B. This is due (1) to
restricted to the uppermost atomic layers. the absence of crystallization overvoltage
Further equilibration between the surface and dissolution induced structural sur-
and the bulk of the alloy is prevented by face modifications [6] as well as (2) to the
solid-state diffusion limitations. Complete high diffusivity in the alloy phase that
thermodynamic equilibrium for both com- provides for the reactant supply at the
ponents is therefore expected to evolve alloy/electrolyte interface if one alloy com-
only with liquid alloys in which the diffu- ponent dissolves preferentially (at a higher
sivity at ambient temperature is extremely rate than the other) [7]. Provided that the
high (for dilute Zn-amalgams, e.g., inter- standard electrode potential difference of
diffusion coefficients D̃Zn of the order of the components, E 0 = EB0 − EA0 , is large
10−5 cm2 s−1 have been reported under (E 0 > RT /F ) and their charge transfer
these conditions [2]). reactions are fast, one expects a schematic
In the case of a large difference of the polarization curve as shown by Fig. 1(a).
standard potentials of the components, For EA < E < EB , only the less noble
E 0 = EB0 − EA0 , the equilibrium poten- component, A, dissolves (‘‘selective disso-
tial of the alloy electrode, EAB , with A being lution’’ or ‘‘dealloying’’), the partial anodic
158 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Fig. 1 (a) Schematic polarization curve

of a liquid alloy A–B (total current jAB )
iAB and partial polarization curves of the
alloy components (partial currents jA
iA and jB ) at constant atom fraction, XA .

The electrolyte solution is considered to

contain ions of both components that
0 are cathodically deposited at E < EA and
EB E E < EB , respectively. Transport
limitations for the cathodic deposition
as well as for the anodic dissolution of A
are indicated. (b) Variation of XA with
time in dependence on the electrode
potential. Note that dXA /dt > 0 results

0 from cathodic deposition of A; whereas,

E dXA /dt < 0 indicates preferential
dissolution of that component. (From
Ref. [1].)

polarization curve of A being character- indicated by negative values of dXA /dt.

ized by a region of kinetic control at low, For E > EB , however, dXA /dt gradually
and by an anodic limiting current due approaches zero. This corresponds to a
to mass transfer (diffusion) in the alloy transition from selective dissolution to a
phase at high overpotentials, respectively. stationary state of simultaneous (nonpref-
At E > EB , there is increasing codisso- erential) dissolution of the components.
lution of the more noble component, B, From Eq. (6), it may be derived that simul-
and throughout the total current of metal taneous dissolution only occurs if
dissolution, jAB , is thought to be given
by the superposition of the partial anodic jA nB XB
ZA ≡ =1 (7)
currents of the alloy components, that is, jB nA XA

jAB = jA + jB (5) where ZA is called the selectivity coefficient

of A. Therefore, selective dissolution of A
Because of the high diffusivity of liquid requires that ZA > 1. This criterion is also
alloys, the selective dissolution of compo- applicable to solid electrodes.
nent A results in a continuous variation A more complicated situation will arise,
of the average alloy composition, dXA /dt, however, if E 0 = EB0 − EA0 is small.
which is given by In this case, the kinetics of the charge
transfer reactions of both components
dXA 1
=− may dominate and selective dissolution
dt mA + mB
  becomes generally less important [1].
jA jB
× (1 − XA ) − XA
nA F nB F 2.3.4
(6) Anodic Dissolution of Low-Melting Solid
where mA and mB are the numbers of Alloys
moles of the alloy components [1]. As
schematically illustrated by Fig. 1(b), se-  of solid
The interdiffusion coefficient D
lective dissolution of A at E > EA is electrodes at ambient temperature is by
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 159

many orders of magnitude lower than electropositive component, Sn, is stable, is

the diffusivity in liquid electrodes. How- therefore expected to induce a depletion of
ever, alloy systems in which the ambient the electrode surface with In. Disregard-
temperature corresponds to a large frac- ing the concentration gradient of the ions
tion of the melting temperature, TM , still simultaneously set up in solution [7] and
exhibit a relatively high diffusivity under the problem of a moving alloy/solution
these conditions. This is due to the propor- interface, the resulting concentration pro-
tionality between the activation energy of file in the alloy phase may be calculated
diffusion and TM [8]. Moreover, the lability by the well-known solution of the diffu-
of surface atoms is increased in compari- sion equation for a semi-infinite medium
son to higher-melting alloys. This makes with the initial (bulk) concentration, cIn b ,

low-melting alloys particularly interesting s

and fixed surface concentration, cIn , as
for fundamental research in the field of al- follows
loy dissolution in aqueous electrolytes [9].  
Also, their behavior may be considered to s b s x
cIn (x, t) = cIn + (cIn − cIn )erf 
model the corrosion behavior of higher- 
2 Dt
melting alloys at elevated temperatures as (8)
encountered, for example, in molten-salt Here, x is the distance from the (original)
corrosion [10, 11]. alloy/electrolyte interface, D is the inter-
diffusion coefficient in the alloy, t is the Sn−In Alloys polarization time, and cIns may be thought

Various investigations in the field of to represent a value of local equilibrium

dealloying of low-melting alloys have con- that may be derived from the Nernst
s ≈ 0 for overvoltages
equation (that is, cIn
centrated on the selective dissolution of
In from Sn0.95 In0.05 alloys (that is, from η  RT /F ). As shown by Fig. 2, such pro-
the tin-rich terminal solid solution of In files have been measured by electron beam
in Sn with β-Sn structure and incipient microanalysis and the experimental values
melting point, TM ≈ 220 ◦ C). The kinetics can be fitted by using Eq. (8) and a value of
of this process was shown to be largely  = 5 × 10−12 cm2 s−1 at T = 298 K [13].
governed by the solid-state diffusion of The current density of In dissolution, iIn ,
the electronegative component, In, in the can then be obtained by differentiating
alloy phase [12]. Potentiostatic anodic po- Eq. (8) with respect to x at x = 0 and in-
larization under conditions in which the serting into Fick’s first law, which yields

Solution Alloy
In concentration

Fig. 2 Concentration profile of In in the c bIn
near surface region of a Sn95 In5 4

electrode due to the selective anodic

dissolution of In in 3 N NaCl + 0, 01 N 2
HCl at 25 ◦ C and EH = −0.47 V. Open 0
circles from microprobe measurements, −20 0 20 40 60 80 100
solid line calculated from Eq. (8) for
cIn = 0 and D = 5 × 10−12 cm2 s−1 . Distance from electrode surface
(From Ref. [13].) [µm]
160 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

an expression of the form the interdiffusion coefficient estimated by

 the extrapolation of high-temperature dif-

D fusivity data of the Sn–In system [16, 17]
iIn (t) = zF cIn (9) by orders of magnitude. A possible expla-
nation for this discrepancy is given by the
which is, in general electrochemistry, re- volume diffusion mechanism of the se-
ferred to as Cottrell equation (see, for lective dissolution of higher-melting alloys
example, Ref. [14]). In the present case, (see below).
the validity of Eq. (9) was confirmed by Similar to the dealloying behavior
chronoamperometry, yielding values of the of other intermediate phases such as
 that vary be-
interdiffusion coefficient, D, ε-Ag−Cd [18], the selective dissolution of
tween ≈ 10 −11 and about 10−12 cm2 s−1 , In from a γ -Sn–In electrode with com-
depending on both electrode potential position Sn80 In20 was shown to result
and temperature [12, 13, 15]. Refer- in a phase transformation with the Sn-
ence is also made to constant current rich terminal solid solution (β-Sn) as a
chronopotentiometry measurements. As- product phase. Because of the close struc-
suming that the electrode potential of tural relationship of the parent and product
Sn0.95 In0.05 is defined by the reversible phases this γ -Sn–In → β-Sn phase trans-

reaction In(Sn – In) − In3+ + 3e− , its vari- formation is expected to produce negligi-
ation with time, as given by the Nernst ble volume constraints [19]. Therefore, it
equation should fulfill Wagner’s criteria of diffusion
RT driven phase transformations [20, 21], that
EIn(Sn – In)/In3+ (t) = EIn/In3+ + is, (1) a plane (stable) interface between the
s product and parent phase develops, (2) the
a 3+ (t)
× ln Ins (10) interface advances into the parent phase
aIn (t) with a parabolic rate law, and (3) the com-
position of both phases at this interface is
reflects an increase of the ion activity at
s given by the equilibrium phase diagram
the alloy/electrolyte interface, aIn 3+ , and a
(see Fig. 3). These expectations have been
decrease of the In activity in the alloy sur-
s , due to the selective dissolution confirmed both by metallography and by
face, aIn
electron beam microanalysis [13].
of In. However, upon reaching a charac-
teristic transition time, τ , at which aIn s

drops to zero, a change in the potential Zn−Cu Alloys

variation is observed, and by inserting τ According to X-ray diffraction and light
into the Sand equation (see, for example, optical investigations, the anodic dissolu-
Ref. [14]) D may be determined. Making tion of ε-brass results in a ε → γ → α
additional allowance for the steady state phase transformation with porous prod-
diffusion of In3+ ions in the electrolyte, uct phases [22, 23]. As revealed by a more
this method yields values of D  that agree detailed investigation of the corrosion mor-
well with those from chronoamperome- phology, the extent of this transformation
try and other methods [15]. It should be depends on the overpotential of the zinc
noted, however, that all the values of D  that dissolution reaction [24]. At a low overpo-
have been determined with anodically po- tential of EH = −0.75 V, the only product
larized Sn–In electrodes appear to exceed phase is γ . Similar to the scheme of
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 161

Fig. 3 Composition profile for the

growth of a single-phase α layer from c bB

the B-rich β phase of a simple eutectic
system A–B due to the diffusion limited

dissolution of B. ξ denotes the
instantaneous position of the moving

[% B]
α/β interface, the compositions at both jB
sides of the interface represent the
equilibrium values as given by the phase a
diagram at the temperature under

consideration, T1 (schematic). T1 x(t)

Temperature Distance

diffusion driven phase transformations de- of the γ - or β  -phases [26]. In accordance

picted in Fig. 3, the γ -Zn−Cu phase grows with this, the product phase formed under
with stable ε → γ interface and parabolic these conditions was shown to consist of
rate law. In contrast to the Sn–In case, pure, or nearly pure, porous Cu that grows
however, the ε-brass → γ -brass transfor- with a fissured micromorphology [24].
mation is accompanied by a significant
volume change due to a higher density δ-Zn−Fe and γ -Zn−Ni Alloys
of γ [25]. Since the product phase, γ , re-
Frequent constituents of protective zinc
mains coherent with the parent phase of
coatings on steel, Zn−Fe intermetallics
lower density, ε, the phase transformation such as the ζ -, δ-, 1 - and -phases, repre-
induces tensile stresses and cracks within sent alloys of relatively low melting point,
the brittle γ layer. Thus, electrolyte may high E 0 , and considerable technical im-
penetrate by these cracks and form new portance. A detailed electrochemical study
centers of attack plus secondary cracks be- has been performed, so far, only with the
neath the γ layer. In total, there is a rapid δ phase of this alloy system. Even though
deterioration of ε-brass by this combina- the selective dissolution of Zn prevails at
tion of chemical attack and mechanical low overpotentials of the Zn dissolution
destruction (see Fig. 4). At high overpo- reaction (e.g. at EH = −0.70 V), a forma-
tentials such as EH = −0.25 V, the surface tion of intermediate product phases (such
concentration of Zn, cZn s , may be expected
as the more Fe-rich 1 - and - phases) was
to drop to values below the stability limits not observed. However, dezincification of

Fig. 4 Growth of a coherent γ -brass

product layer by the diffusion limited
dezincification of ε-brass. 42 h anodic
polarization in acidified 1 N Na2 SO4 at g-brass
room temperature and EH = −0.75 V.
Dezincification of ε-brass is locally
enhanced by the formation of cracks in
the brittle product layer (see arrows).
Light optical micrograph of
metallographic cross section. e-brass 20 µm
(Reprinted from Ref. [24], with
permission from Elsevier Science.)
162 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Fig. 5 Formation of cracks in the

surface of brittle δ-Zn−Fe (Zn93 Fe7 )
due to the selective anodic dissolution
of Zn (dezincification); 236 h anodic
polarization in 1 N Na2 SO4 /0.01 N
H2 SO4 at room temperature and
EH = −0.7 V. Large pores at the bottom
of the image result from the
metallurgical preparation of the alloy.
25 µm Light optical micrograph of
metallographic cross section. (From
Ref. [27].)

the δ phase per se induces a lattice contrac- polarization of a binary alloy A–B, the
tion next to the alloy/electrolyte interface enrichment of a more noble component,
that produces tensile stresses and cracks in B, will therefore be restricted to the
the surface of the corroding electrode [27]. uppermost atomic layers of the electrode
These cracks provide quick access of the surface, and the selective dissolution of
electrolyte solution, and by the creation less noble components may be expected
of secondary cracks, this leads to a rapid to become very slow as long as there is
deterioration of the alloy (see Fig. 5). no restructuring of the B atoms in the
Similar cracking phenomena have been form of a B-rich porous reacted layer (see
reported to be associated with the corro- below). In accordance with the general
sion of electro-deposited γ -phase Zn−Ni principles that have been described for the
coatings that are of considerable interest dissolution of liquid alloys, the dissolution
as corrosion protective coatings for au- mode of higher-melting alloys may be
tomotive applications [28–30]. However, simultaneous or selective.
the cause of this cracking may be more
complex than in the case of δ-Zn−Fe Simultaneous Dissolution
since the γ -Zn−Ni phase is quoted rather In the case of simultaneous dissolution
ductile. Nevertheless, cracking is clearly of a binary alloy A–B with E 0  RT /F
linked with dealloying and appears to and E ≥ EB , the overpotential of the dis-
be important for the lifetime of the solution of the less noble (fast dissolving)
deposit. component, A, clearly exceeds that of the
more noble (slow dissolving) component,
2.3.5 B. Thus, the condition for simultaneous
Corrosion of Higher-Melting Alloys dissolution, Eq. (7), will only be satisfied
if the dissolution rate of A is suppressed
For most engineering alloys, the ambient by an enrichment of B in the electrode
temperature only corresponds to a small surface. It appears, therefore, that the
fraction of the melting temperature, TM . simultaneous (steady state) dissolution
As outlined above, this implies a very mode is always preceded by a transient
low solid-state diffusivity under these period of selective dissolution. This transi-
conditions that impedes the establishment tion from the selective to the simultaneous
of complete equilibrium of the alloy dissolution mode was illustrated, for ex-
electrode according to Eq. (3). At anodic ample, by a γ -spectroscopic analysis of
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 163

Fig. 6 (1) Transients of the partial 3

currents of Zn dissolution; (2) Cu 27
dissolution; and (3) of the ~
~ ~~
dezincification coefficient, ZZn during 16 ~ ~~ 3
galvanostatic anodic polarization of α ~
brass (Cu70 Zn30 ) in 1 N NaCl + 0, 01 N
HCl at i = 1 × 10−5 A cm−2 . (Reprinted 2

Current density

[µA cm−2]
from Ref. [32], Copyright 1981, with
permission from Elsevier Science.)


4 1

2 2

0 5 10 15

the time dependence of the dissolution of iAB , becomes

α-brass (Cu0.7 Zn0.3 ) in 0.01 N HCl at a
constant current density of 10−5 A cm−2 : iAB = iA∗ · XAs + iB∗ · XBs (11)
As shown by Fig. 6, the partial dissolu- Eq. (7) then reads [33]
tion rate of Zn decreases, whereas that
of Cu dissolution increases until a steady nB iA∗ XAs Xb
state is achieved after some 6 min. Simul- ∗ s = Ab (12)
taneously, the dezincification coefficient,
ZZn , drops from rather high values to where Xjb is the bulk mole fraction of
1 [31, 32]. component j . From Eq. (12), it becomes
The enrichment of the slow dissolving obvious that XAs and XBs will be different
component, B, in an alloy surface under from the bulk mole fractions, XAb and
simultaneous dissolution conditions may XBb , as long as the current densities of
be rationalized by a model of alloy dis- the pure metals are not equal. A more
solution that is based on the simplifying detailed ‘‘phenomenological theory’’ of
assumptions (1) that a homogeneous solid the simultaneous (steady state) dissolution
solution may be described as a heteroge- of alloys, based on the introduction of
neous dispersion of atomic dimensions formal rate constants has been given by
with area fraction (surface mole fraction) Seo and Sato [34] and, more recently,
Xjs for component j , and (2) that the alloy by Heusler [35]. Accordingly, the surface
components dissolve independently. The mole fraction XBs of the slow-dissolving
partial current density ij of an alloy com- component B of a binary alloy A–B is
ponent j will then be given by ij = ij∗ ·Xjs , given by
where ij∗ is the current density of the pure
metal, j , and for a binary alloy A–B, the XBb
XBs = (13)
total current density of alloy dissolution, XBb + α(1 − XBb )
164 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

where α is the ratio of the phenomeno- in the bulk alloy (see Fig. 8) and to be
logical dissolution rate constants kB /kA of confined to a few, typically 4–8 atomic
components A and B, which are assumed layers [38, 39].
to be independent on the alloy composi- Other research in the field of simul-
tion. Figure 7 shows XBs as a function of taneous dissolution has focused on the
the bulk mole fraction, XBb , at different active dissolution of Fe−Cr alloys, which
values of α as calculated from Eq. (13). Ex- was shown to proceed in the simultaneous
perimental evidence of the excess of the mode at quasi–steady state conditions [40].
slow-dissolving alloy component in the Applying γ -spectroscopic methods, Kolo-
electrode surface was obtained from the tyrkin [41] measured the partial anodic
soft X-ray spectroscopy of the surface of polarization curves of the components Fe
α-brass electrodes that were polarized to and Cr and was able to show that the
the potential region of steady state, si- dissolution rate of Cr from the alloy is
multaneous dissolution in acidic sulfate more decreased than would have been
solution. Here, the thickness of the result- expected on the basis of its bulk mole
ing excess Cu in the electrode surface was fraction (that is, Cr becomes the slow-
shown to be of the order of 10 nm [36]. dissolving component), and the contrary
In addition to this, differential reflectome- is true for the dissolution of Fe. This
try may be a promising method for the implies an enrichment of the Cr in the
in situ detection of dissolution-induced corroding alloy surface that may promote
surface composition changes [37]. Ram- its subsequent passivation [34]. Also, with
bert and Landolt determined the surface increasing Cr concentration of the alloy,
excess of Pd for the simultaneous dissolu- the Tafel slope of the partial polarization
tion of Ag−Pd and other noble metal alloys curves of the components was shown to
in 12 M LiCl solutions by Auger electron change from values that are typical for
spectroscopy (AES) and in situ coulome- pure Fe to values that are typical for pure
try. For Ag−Pd alloys, they found by both Cr [40, 41]. It appears, therefore, that for
methods the surface enrichment in Pd to Fe−Cr alloys, the dissolution of the alloy
decrease with increasing Pd concentration components occurs in an interdependent

a = 0.05

Fig. 7 Relation between the surface
atomic fraction, XBs , of a slow-dissolving
component, B, and the bulk atomic
a = kB/kA fraction of B, XBb , as calculated from
Eq. (13) for the steady state
(simultaneous) dissolution of a binary
0 0.5 1.0 alloy A–B at different values of α. (From
X Bb Ref. [34], Copyright 1987, American
Chemical Society, with permission.)
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 165

Fig. 8 Experimental surface atomic 1.0

s , derived from Auger
fraction of Pd, XPd Codissolution
data, as a function of the bulk atomic of Pd
b , for Ag−Pd alloys dissolved
fraction, XPd 0.8
anodically in 12 M LiCl solutions at 10−4
A cm−2 (10 mC cm−2 ). The
simultaneous dissolution mode is only

achieved for XPd > ca. 0.1. (Reprinted
from Ref. [38], Copyright 1986, with 0.4
permission from Elsevier Science.)


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

way rather than independently. On the ba- kinks depending on the alloy composi-
sis of electrode impedance spectroscopy tion [35].
(EIS) investigations of the dissolution of
Fe−Cr alloys, the coupling of the partial Selective Dissolution (Dealloying)
anodic currents was associated with the For dealloying to occur, it appears to be
interaction of adsorbed surface species of a necessary prerequisite that the bulk
the components [42, 43]. concentration of the fast-dissolving com-
A regime of simultaneous dissolution ponent exceeds a sharp limit (‘‘parting
has also been found for Cu−Ni al- limit’’). As originally introduced by Tam-
loys in acidic chloride solutions. Rotat- mann [46], the parting limits depended on
ing ring-disk electrode studies revealed the nature of the environment (that is,
an apparent Tafel region of the alloy on its redox-potential), and their physi-
and component polarization curves with cal significance was therefore questioned
mixed mass transfer and kinetic rate by Gerischer [1]. However, it was shown
control [44, 45]. For a Cu90 Ni10 alloy, by Sieradzki and coworkers that, even
the kinetic parameters again indicate a when the electrode potential is as high
coupling of the copper and nickel par- as the equilibrium potential of the more
tial currents under steady state condi- noble component, Cu, rapid dealloying of
tions [44]. Cu−Zn and Cu−Al alloys only occurs if
Analyzing the dissolution kinetics of a critical concentration of the less noble
alloys in a more general way, Heusler components Zn and Al is exceeded [47].
attributed deviations from the ‘‘ideal This observation led to the concept of
behavior’’ in simultaneous alloy disso- an ‘‘absolute’’ parting limit that is de-
lution (that is, a composition depen- fined as a critical concentration of the
dence of the phenomenological rate con- fast-dissolving component that is required
stants of individual alloy components) to allow dealloying at an arbitrarily high
to a dissolution mechanism that pro- anodic potential. This absolute dealloying
ceeds from kinks in the steps of low- threshold is of great interest for the design
index planes, the concentration of these of alloys that do not suffer from dealloying.
166 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Moreover, it represents an important issue microscopy [51–55], electrode capacity

with respect to the theory of selective alloy measurements [56], electrochemical and
dissolution (see in following text). quartz crystal impedance spectroscopy [57,
58], gas adsorption [59], X-ray line of Dealloying broadening [60, 61] and small-angle-X-ray
According to the overall reaction scattering [60, 62] as well as in situ small-
angle neutron scattering [63, 64]. From
AB(cryst) −−−→ An+ + ne− + B∗(cryst) these measurements it was concluded that,
(14) depending on the alloy/electrolyte system,
gross dealloying of a higher-melting alloy, the pore and ligament size are typically
A–B, is associated with the formation of of the order of ≈ 5–50 nm at ambient
a crystalline product phase, B∗(cryst) . The temperature (see Fig. 10). It should be
latter is typically a sponge structure, com- noted, however, that upon aging, the
posed of a system of interconnected pores pores of the dealloyed layer coarsen [59,
or tunnels that allow electrolyte ingress,
64] and this coarsening was shown to
and a skeleton of the pure, or almost pure
depend on the electrode potential [57,
noble component, B. As depicted schemat-
64]. In any case, dealloying produces
ically in Fig. 9, dealloying often occurs
structures of very high surface area
uniformly, that is, with a plane reaction
(≈ 20 m2 g−1 [59]). This is exploited, for
front. Little is known about the propaga-
tion kinetics of this front, but in the case example, to prepare catalysts by caustic
of caustic leaching of Al−Cu−Zn alloys, a leaching of alloys such as Ni−Al and
parabolic rate law has been reported [48]. Al−Cu− Zn.
In other cases, dealloying was promoted Moreover, it is evident that the in-
by grain boundaries, slip lines and marten- trinsic mechanical strength and fracture
site phases due to the presence of lattice toughness of such nanoporous structures
defects such as dislocations and stacking is low [55, 65]. Insofar, gross dealloy-
faults [49, 50]. ing represents a serious form of cor-
More detailed information with respect rosive deterioration. In addition to this,
to the nature of B∗(cryst) has been there is little doubt with respect to
elaborated from various ex situ and in an association between dealloying and
situ techniques such as transmission the stress corrosion cracking of certain
and high-resolution scanning electron alloys.

A n+
Electrolyte solution


Reaction Fig. 9 Formation of a uniform,

front porous reacted layer, B∗(cryst) , for
the selective dissolution of a
Alloy A−B less noble component, A, from
a higher-melting alloy A–B
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 167

Fig. 10 Transmission electron

micrograph of the microstructure
resulting from selective anodic
dissolution of Cu from a Cu3 Au
electrode (50 s anodic polarization at
i = 1 mA cm−2 in 1 M H2 SO4 ). Black
network is Au-rich Au∗(cryst) , white spots
are pores. (From Ref. [52], with

200 nm Dealloying of Engineering β + β1 brasses of similar composition

Materials (Cu−38 wt.% Zn and Cu−41 wt.% Zn,
respectively), it has been concluded that
α and α –β brass Even though dezincifi- this is not simply due to an increased
cation of brass is a rare problem nowadays, Zn concentration in the β phase, but
it remains a potential cause of the failure is likely to reflect the structural differ-
of components such as condenser tubes ences of both phases [67]. Other factors
or fittings for water services. For α-brass, that stimulate the dezincification of both
dezincification may occur either uniformly α- and α –β brasses are the presence of
(‘‘layer-type’’ dezincification, see Fig. 11) chlorides, high concentrations of CuCl2 −
or localized (‘‘plug-type’’ dezincification). ions, stagnant environments, differential
Layer-type dezincification appears to be aeration cells and elevated temperatures.
favored by an acid environment and a In chloride solutions, such conditions are
high zinc content of the alloy, whereas typically encountered at a later stage of
the plug type has been reported to pre- corrosion when mass transport restric-
vail in virtually neutral solutions and with tions by a deposit, corrosion product, or
alloys of relatively low zinc content [66]. crevice have been established and create
The β phase constituent in duplex α –β a local environment, in which the copper
brass is more rapidly dezincified than the in the brass is nearly in equilibrium with
α phase. From a comparison of the corro- Cu2 O, CuCl, and accumulated CuCl2 − an-
sion behavior of α and partially ordered ions [68, 69]. Experimentally, the necessity

Fig. 11 Uniform dezincification of α (a)

brass (Cu−30 wt.% Zn) resulting from
96-h anodic polarization in acidified
0.5 M NaCl at 65 ◦ C and EH = 0 mV. (a)
Porous dezincified zone and (b)
unattacked alloy. (Reprinted from (b)
Ref. [71], by courtesy of Marcel Dekker, 200 µm
168 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

of Cu-ion accumulation in the electrolyte exhibit a single-phase face centered cubic

in order to induce dezincification was (fcc) structure if cooled under equilibrium
demonstrated by measurements of the conditions, and do not appear to suffer
dezincification coefficient, ZZn : Following from selective dissolution (dealuminiza-
an intermediate period of simultaneous tion). Under nonequilibrium situations,
dissolution of Cu and Zn (see Fig. 6), there however, a second phase may appear for
is a reincrease of ZZn , which may be de- Al contents exceeding ∼ 8.4 wt.% [81]. De-
layed or accelerated by a renewal of the pending on Al contents and heat treatment
electrolyte or by the addition of CuCl2 , (cooling rate), this second phase will con-
respectively. This effect has been called sist of hypo- and hypereutectoid marten-
‘‘pseudopreferential dissolution’’ [32, 70]. sites or eutectoid γ2 phase. In 1 N sulfuric
The stimulating effect of the above fac- acid solutions, all these second phases
tors on dezincification is largely reflected may dealuminize [82], whereas in neu-
by test procedures such as ISO 6509, tral chloride solutions this has only been
that rely on an exposure of brass to observed for the hypereutectoid marten-
CuCl2 -solutions at a temperature of about sites and γ2 [83]. In any case, however, the
75 ◦ C [72]. On the other hand, dezincifi- γ2 phase proves most detrimental for the
cation of α brass is prevented by small corrosion resistance. Nickel additions, on
alloying additions of Sn, Al and, more ef- the other hand, are beneficial in this re-
fectively, by ∼ 0.02–0.04% As. In domestic spect since they suppress the formation
waters, there is, in addition, a beneficial of a continuous network of γ2 and in-
role of bicarbonate that competes with the stead favor the formation the κ phase that
detrimental role of chlorides [73]. The in- has been reported to passivate in chloride
hibition of dezincification by As fails, how- solutions [83].
ever, if α-brass contains traces of elements
such as Mg [74]. Upper limits of the mag-
nesium content are therefore standard- Other Cu-based alloys Dealloying phe-
ized. Moreover, there is no inhibition by nomena have also been discussed for
As of the dezincification of the β phase in Cu alloys from the Cu−Ni, Cu−Mn, and
duplex brass. This problem may be largely Cu−Sn systems [45, 84, 85]. In the case
overcome by a heat treatment in the α field of long-term corrosion of Sn-bronze (α-
of the Cu−Zn phase diagram to produce a Cu−Sn) in natural environments, which
virtually β-free structure. The mechanisms is obscured by complex patina formation,
that have been proposed to explain the it has been shown that the relevant dealloy-
effectiveness of As in inhibiting the dez- ing process is decuprification rather than
incification of α brass [75–80] are closely destannification (as formerly assumed).
associated with the mechanism of dezinci-
fication per se (see in the following text). Noble metal alloys Alloys based on the
pseudoternary phase diagram (Au, Pt,
Al-bronzes Commercial Al-bronzes Pd)−Ag−Cu are used in jewelry, for
(Cu−Al alloys containing up to ∼13.5 wt.% electric contacts, and for dental restora-
Al) combine high strength and high cor- tions. They must meet very high de-
rosion resistance, for example, in saline mands with respect to tarnish resis-
waters including impingement attack. Bi- tance and to a release of ions that may
nary alloys with up to ∼9.4 wt.% Al affect biocompatibility. In the case of
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 169

dental alloys, these requirements are usu- austenitic stainless steel has also been
ally fulfilled with high nobility, predomi- found by an electron spectroscopy for
nantly single-phase alloys containing Au chemical analysis study of its active dis-
plus Pt-group metals at concentrations of solution in hydrochloric acid [93].
at least 75 wt.% [86, 87]. Because of the
high gold price, however, low nobility al- Electrochemical Aspects of
loys have received increasing attention. For Dealloying
such alloys, it has become obvious that the
occurrence of second or multiple phases, Quasi–steady state polarization curves
in addition to alloy composition, exerts a Partial anodic polarization curves of
great influence on tarnish and corrosion fast-dissolving alloy components under
resistance [88, 89]. quasi–steady state conditions are of con-
siderable interest for both practical and
Austenitic stainless steels In the vicinity theoretical reasons. Experimental methods
of stress corrosion cracks of austenitic for their evaluation have been reviewed in
stainless steels (that is, under condi- the literature [71]. The most thoroughly in-
tions of localized active dissolution in vestigated alloy/electrolyte system appears
hot, acid chloride solutions), the for- to be the anodic dissolution of Cu from
mation of a corrosion sponge enriched binary Cu−Au alloys in acidic solutions.
both in chromium and oxygen has been This is due to (1) a large difference of
detected [90, 91]. Simulating the electro- the standard potentials of the alloy compo-
chemical conditions within such cracks nents, (2) a complete miscibility of the alloy
by immersing austenitic stainless steels components at T > 410 ◦ C, and (3) the
in hot, acidified 15 M LiCl solutions, and availability of iCu from ammeter readings
subsequently analyzing the resulting sur- in a potentiostatic circuit using deaer-
face layers by AES depth profiling, revealed ated solutions [94, 95]. Typical examples of
evidence that the sponge results from deal- quasi-stationary partial anodic polarization
loying and is a nickel-enriched metallic curves of copper dissolution from vari-
layer with chromium oxide precipitated ous Cu-Au alloys in 1 N Na2 SO4 + 0.01 N
within its pores [92]. An accumulation of H2 SO4 are shown in Fig. 12. Similar
Ni (and Mo) in the surface of a commercial polarization curves have been reported for


Fig. 12 Quasi-stationary anodic 10−3 8 Au

Current density

polarization curves and critical

[A cm−2]

potentials, EC , for the dissolution of Cu 13 Au

from Cu−Au alloys with increasing Au 18 Au
concentration (in atomic%) in deaerated EC
0.1 N Na2 SO4 + 0.01 N H2 SO4 at room 10−6 EC 25 Au
temperature, open symbols from
chemical analysis, closed symbols from 10−7
ammeter readings. (Data for Cu−13 Au EC
and Cu−18 Au from Ref. [94], 10−8
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1
reproduced by permission of The
Electrochemical Society, Inc., data for Electrode potential EH
Cu−8 Au and Cu−25 Au from Ref. [95].) [V]
170 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

the Cu−Pd [96, 97], Ag−Au [98], and other • Mechanical strain and/or martensitic
alloy systems. Accordingly, these curves transformations. (The critical potential
consist of two potential regions that are of Cu87 Au13 alloys is slightly decreased
separated by a critical potential, EC . At by cold work [94], that of Co80 Ni10 Pd10
subcritical potentials (E < EC ), the cur- alloys decreases as a result of a strain-
rent density of copper dissolution is very induced martensitic γ → ε transfor-
low (comparable to the dissolution rates of mation [106]).
passive alloys), decreasing with increasing
Au content of the alloy and virtually inde-
Chronoamperograms and chronopotenti-
pendent of the electrode potential. Gross
ograms More information with respect
dealloying, terminating the protective ef-
to the processes that are responsible for
fect of the noble component, Au, is only
the low-current potential regime of the
observed at E > EC . As also indicated by
Fig. 12, EC is shifted into the anodic direc- partial anodic polarization curves may be
tion by increasing the Au concentration of derived from current-time transients. As
the alloy. Other variables that affect EC are shown by Fig. 13, there is a continuous
decay of the dissolution rate of Cu from
• The nature of the electrolyte solution. a Cu−20 at.% Pd alloy in acidified 1 N
(For Ag−Au alloys, EC depends on the Na2 SO4 (EC ≈ 0.72 V) as long as E < EC .
concentration of Ag+ ions in the solu- Similar transients have been reported in
tion [99], for Cu3 Au alloys, EC decreases the literature for other alloy/electrolyte
with increasing chloride concentration, systems. Usually, they follow a power
but increases upon derivatization with law of the form i(t) ∝ t −m where m
an alky-thiol [100–103]). varies from ≈ 0.5 to ≈ 1, depending on
• The state of order of the alloy phase. the alloy/electrolyte system, the electrode
(The critical potential of ordered Cu3 Au potential, the time regime, and on other pa-
alloys in acid sulphate solutions is about rameters [97, 99, 102, 103, 107–109]. It is
250 mV more noble than that of the generally accepted that the above decay of
same alloy in the disordered state [104, the dissolution current of a fast-dissolving
105]). component is due to the accumulation of


10−3 0.74 V
Current density

0.73 V
[A cm−2]

0.72 V
10−6 0.5 V

10−7 0.6 V
Fig. 13 Current transients for
the dissolution of Cu from
100 101 102 103 104 105 Cu0.8 Pd0.2 in acidified 1 N
Na2 SO4 (pH 2) at various
Time electrode potentials. (From
[s] Ref. [97].)
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 171

the slow-dissolving component in a pro- view, the modified composition surface

tective overlayer. This indicates that the layer represents a nonequilibrium state
low-current region of the quasi-stationary that tends to reorganize upon termina-
polarization curve at E < EC reflects com- tion of the anodic polarization [111]. This
positional and microstructural changes in follows, in particular, from the observation
the electrode surface rather than a bulk that the charge that is consumed to dissolve
property of the alloy. For a Cu87 Au13 elec- Ag from various Ag-Au alloys in nitrate so-
trode, the extent of the accumulation of lutions during three subsequent potential
Au was estimated from the charge that is pulses of duration τ0 , q = q1 + q2 + q3 ,
consumed to dissolve Cu during 1 h and exceeds the charge q4 of a single pulse of
was found to vary between ≈ 10 and ≈ 100 the same height but with duration τ = 3τ0
atom layers at low and at high electrode po- (see Fig. 15) [112].
tential, respectively [94]. As illustrated by Similar conclusions with respect to the
Fig. 14, this result was confirmed by the nature of the protective overlayer have
application of AES to various Cu−Pd and been drawn from chronopotentiometric
Cu−(Ag)−Au electrodes after anodic po- experiments with Ag−Au and disordered
larization in different solutions [96, 102, Cu3 Au electrodes in solutions containing
110]. From a thermodynamic point of the ions of the less noble components.

c s(EH = 0.54 V)
Pd concentration

Fig. 14 Composition–depth profile and
surface concentrations of Pd, cs , for a c s(EH = 0.44 V)

Cu0.85 Pd0.15 electrode after anodic

polarization in 0.5 M 20
Na2 SO4 + 0.005 M H2 SO4 at different
electrode potentials E < EC . The 10
electrode was removed from the
solution when the net current had 0
0 10 20 30
decreased to zero. (From Ref. [96],
reproduced by permission of The Depth
Electrochemical Society, Inc.) [nm]

Fig. 15 Confirmation of the

reorganization of the protective Au
overlayer on Ag−Au electrodes upon t0

interruption of the anodic polarization.
The sum of the charges q1 , q2 , and q3 ,
transferred during three identical anodic t
impulses exceeds the charge q4
associated with of a single impulse of
equal height but triple duration
(schematic). Dashed lines represent

q2 q3
current transients in the absence of q1
reorganization. (Reprinted from q4
Ref. [112]. Copyright 1991, with
permission from Elsevier Science.) t
172 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

Both alloy electrodes were reported to current density maxima at E < EC rather
be quasi-reversible with respect to the than potential-independent low-current
dissolution of the surface atoms of the less regions (see, e.g. Fig. 16). By analogy with
noble components, that is, they establish the theory of linear sweep voltammetry
partial equilibrium between the solution of simple redox reactions [113], these
and the surface atoms (rather than with maxima may be considered to result
the bulk atoms) of the less noble com- from an intersection of the three-
ponents, Cu and Ag, respectively. Thus, dimensional (3D) current–time–potential
by application of the Nernst equation, surface of the alloy electrode with a
the normalized surface activities of these plane generated by the function E =
components that result from galvanostatic Ei + ν·t, where Ei and ν are the initial
anodic pulses could be determined from electrode potential and the linear potential
the chronopotentiograms and were shown sweep rate, respectively. By consequence,
to be lower than the initial activities prior to their height is expected to increase with
anodic current flow. In addition to this, it increasing values of ν. This effect has
could be shown that upon an interruption been intuitively exploited to evaluate the
of the applied current the initial potential, dealloying resistance of noble metal dental
and hence the initial activity of the less alloys [114], since quasi-stationary current
noble alloy component, is reestablished, densities of such materials, by virtue of
in the course of time, due to relaxation their high noble metal content, are typically
processes that induce a reorganization of at a level of the order of noise [115]. In
the atoms in the electrode surface [4, 112]. detail, it has been suggested to rely on
t E
the charge q = t12 i dt ∝ E12 i dE that is
Potentiodynamic anodic polarization curves consumed within a relevant interval of the
Potentiodynamic anodic polarization electrode potential, E = E2 − E1 , as a
curves of binary noble metal alloys exhibit criterion for the corrosion resistance of


Current density

[A cm−2]

10−6 Cu80Pd20

10−7 Fig. 16 Potentiodynamic

anodic polarization curves of Cu
dissolution from binary Cu−Pd
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 alloys in 0.1 N Na2 SO4 acidified
with H2 SO4 to pH 2 at a
Electrode potential EH polarization rate ν = 3 mV
[V] min−1 . (From Ref. [97].)
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 173

a dental alloy [116, 117]. The advantage of Ionization–redeposition mechanism Deal-

this electrochemical method over chemical loying of a binary alloy A–B with a
analysis of the solution lies in its capability less noble component A via the ioniza-
to detect the formation of insoluble tion–redeposition mechanism would be
corrosion products such as AgCl or Ag2 S. described by the anodic reactions

−− −
A(A – B)  −
− A(aq) + ne (15a)
Scratching techniques Dealloying rates
−− −
at the earliest stages of preferential B(A – B)  −
− B(aq) + ne (15b)
dissolution (t ≈ 1 ms) may be determined
from freshly generated surfaces, using the and the consecutive cathodic reaction
potentiostatically controlled scratched ro- − −−− ∗
tating disk electrode. Early measurements Bn+
(aq) + ne −−− B(cryst) (16)
of this kind were undertaken to check
Assuming that reactions (15a), (15b), and
an electrochemically controlled stress cor-
(16) are independent of each other, and
rosion cracking mechanism of α-brass,
considering that the activity of component
yielding initial current densities of pref-
B in the alloy is less than unity, the equi-
erential zinc dissolution >5 A cm−2 [118].
librium potential of reaction (15b) will be
A more recent study of the earliest stages
more noble than the equilibrium electrode
of brass dezincification demonstrated the
potential of reaction (16). Hence, from the
usefulness of this technique by reveal-
viewpoint of equilibrium thermodynam-
ing two consecutive kinetic regimes, the
ics, the ionization–redeposition mecha-
first of which involving a coupling of
nism is impossible. However, if in accor-
preferential zinc dissolution with the for-
dance with the principles of irreversible
mation of an adsorbed monolayer of
thermodynamics coupling between the
CuOH [119].
anodic reactions (15a) and (15b) occurs,
reaction (15b) may take place at potentials Theoretical Aspects Every mod- less noble than the equilibrium potential of
el of selective alloy dissolution must in- reaction (16). The redeposition of interme-
volve a transport mechanism by virtue of diate ions Bn+
(aq) at the same electrode po-
which the atoms of the less noble compo- tential becomes then possible [120]. Using
nent reach the alloy/electrolyte interface a rotating ring-disk electrode that might
and the atoms of the more noble com- detect intermediate Au3+ ions (see Chap-
ponent aggregate. For a binary alloy, the ter 2.4 in Volume 3), no indication for the
basic transport mechanisms are as follows: ionization–redeposition mechanism was
(1) both metals ionize but the more noble found for the anodic polarization of a
component is subsequently redeposited, Cu90 Au10 alloy [120]. For brass, however,
(2) only the less noble component ionizes the situation is more complex. Electromo-
while residual atoms of the more noble tive force (EMF) measurements in the cell
component aggregate via surface migra- Zn−Cu|Cu+ |Cu yield surface activities of
tion and thus expose fresh alloy to the Cu for the alloy electrode that signifi-
electrolyte solution, and (3) only the less cantly exceed unity. This has been taken
noble component dissolves and both met- as evidence for a coupling of the anodic
als are mobile in the solid via volume reactions [111, 121]. Also, the delayed rein-
diffusion [120]. crease of the dezincification coefficient
174 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

of α-brass (ZZn > 1) that results from the of the kinetics of this ‘‘surface disorder-
accumulation of Cu ions in the solution as ing–reordering model’’ yielded criteria for
described above, must be associated with the transformation of pits to stable tunnels
the redeposition of the more noble compo- and the above power law for the current
nent, Cu [32, 70]. Moreover, there is direct transient of the less noble component, that
metallographic evidence for the redeposi- is, i(t) ∝ t −m , with m depending on the
tion of Cu in the form of twinned crystals alloy composition [125].
during the dezincification of brass in solu-
tions such as contaminated tap water [122].
Nucleation and growth concepts Ger-
ischer’s model of alloy dissolution, in
Surface-diffusion mechanism In the field addition, associated the critical potential,
of dealloying, surface-diffusion processes EC , with nucleation constraints for (1) the
have been discussed by various authors. formation of the product phase B∗cryst or (2)
Assuming (1) a blocking of the dissolution the formation of dissolution nuclei (that
from kinks by ad-atoms of the more is, the coalescence of dissolution-induced
noble component at E < EC and (2) the surface vacancies in the terraces). Applying
formation of surface vacancies by the classical nucleation theory, the overvoltage
alternate dissolution of the slow-dissolving η for the formation of critical 3D dissolu-
component from terrace sites at E ≥ EC , tion nuclei with radius rc in the terraces of
Gerischer first associated EC with the a pure metal will be given by
depassivating effect of a ‘‘recrystallization’’
of more noble ad-atoms (that is, with the 2γ Vm
η= (17)
formation of the porous product phase nF rc
B∗cryst ) under the assistance of the surface
where γ is the liquid/solid interfacial free
diffusion of both ad-vacancies and ad-
energy and Vm is the molar volume, and
atoms [1, 123].
a similar expression may be derived for
These ideas were later substantiated by
the formation of critical 2D nuclei [6,
transmission electron micrographs of cor-
126]. In the latter case, the steady state
roded Ag−Au foils, showing an island and
current density, iN , resulting, for example,
channel structure similar to the micromor-
phology observed in vapor deposition and from a multinuclear multilayer dissolution
electrodeposition on crystalline substrates, process, is given by an expression of
that is, similar to cases with definite contri- the form

bution of the surface diffusion of ad-atoms. nF C

Discarding a significant role of surface va- iN = A exp B η exp − (18)
RT η
cancies, it was concluded therefore, that
during the selective dissolution of Ag from where A, B, and C are constants that fol-
Ag−Au alloys, the depassivating surface low from the literature [6, 127]. Since the
recrystallization of Au (that is, the reorder- second exponential term in Eq. (18), which
ing of the surface by the nucleation and reflects the 2D nucleation rate, with in-
growth of Au-rich islands) proceeds via the creasing η varies between the limits of
surface diffusion of Au ad-atoms [124]. As 0 and 1, iN increases abruptly when a
a secondary effect, the formation of pits critical potential threshold is exceeded.
by the growth and coalescence of the gold This threshold has been associated with
islands was observed. A detailed analysis the critical potential, EC , of selective alloy
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 175

dissolution [106, 128]. However, a quanti- where XCu b is the bulk mole fraction
tative treatment of this concept is missing. of Cu, F is Faraday’s constant, and
Other aspects of nucleation theory were Vm is the molar volume. Considering
considered in the context with the surface further that in pure Cu the diffusivity
disorder that develops during the initial of divacancies, DCu , is much higher than
stages of selective dissolution [129] and that of monovacancies, and assuming a
within the framework of percolation con- surface mole fraction of divacancies of
cepts (see in the following text). s = 10−2 , it was shown by Pickering
and Wagner that for XCu b = 0.9 and

Volume diffusion mechanism On the ba- t = 1000 s the effective thickness of the
sis of diffusivities extrapolated from high- interdiffusion zone is of the order of
temperature data, volume diffusion is 10 nm, and the current density, iCu , as
considered inoperable in higher-melting calculated from Eq. 20, is reasonably high
alloys at room temperature. However, if (iCu ≈ 2 × 10−4 A cm−2 ) [120]. Moreover,
the formation of excess surface vacan- enhanced diffusion in alloy electrodes may
cies (monovacancies or vacancy aggregates be promoted by the highly defective nature
such as divacancies) by the dissolution of the noble metal rich layer that is formed
of less noble atoms from terrace sites is in the surface of an alloy electrode at
taken into account, a new situation arises: E < EC [109]. As an extreme case, the
Provided that the annihilation of these va- formation of high-diffusivity paths due to
cancies at sinks is outperformed by their local amorphization caused by an excess
production, the excess surface vacancies of nonequilibrium vacancies has been
may diffuse into the interior of the al- discussed in the literature [130].
loy. The interdiffusion coefficient of the Attempts to verify the above volume
alloy components in the vicinity of the diffusion mechanism experimentally in-
surface, D, may then approximately be cluded X-ray and electron diffraction exper-
iments with electrodes that were corroded
expressed as
at E > EC , as well as investigations by
 ≈ DV X s
D (19) positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS).
In the former case, the occurrence of
where DV is the diffusivity of the vacan- broadened diffraction lines at Bragg an-
cies and XVs their surface mole fraction. gles between those of the bulk alloy and
Since XVs will be much higher than the the pure, noble component was taken as
eq a confirmation of the volume diffusion
equilibrium value, XV , the diffusivity in
mechanism [54, 120, 131]. More direct
the vicinity of the electrode surface will be
 is inde- evidence was obtained from the PAS ex-
enhanced [120]. Assuming that D
periments with dezincified brass, where
pendent on composition and on location,
experimental positron lifetimes correlated
the current density of Cu dissolution from
well with calculated values in vacancies or
Cu−Au alloys, for example, under pure
vacancy aggregates [78–80]. On the other
rate control by solid-state diffusion will be
hand, it has been objected that Eq. (20)
given by
predicts a t −1/2 dependence of the current
1/2 density, which is in contradiction to many

b 2F D experimental results. It has been shown,
iCu = XCu b )t
Vm 2(1 − XCu however, that this particular problem may
176 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

be overcome by due consideration of the power. Moreover, a decisive role of surface

role of vacancy sinks within the interdiffu- diffusion was postulated.
sion zone [132]. More recently, percolation theory and
Refinements of the above volume dif- computer simulation of the dissolution
fusion concept have been made by a process was applied. This latter approach
model that includes a contribution of resulted in 2D and 3D percolation thresh-
surface-diffusion processes to the dissolu- olds (that is, composition thresholds at
tion reaction of the more active component which infinite connected paths of the fast
at subcritical potentials. By adjustment of dissolving component were formed) as
different parameters, this model allows well as in images of the atomic scale
for the calculation of current-time tran- disorder induced by dealloying. 3D site
sients and concentration–depth profiles percolation thresholds (≈ 20 at.% in a fcc
of the alloy components [102]. In addition lattice), leading to an infinite connected
to this, mixed control of the dissolution cluster of nearest neighbors of less no-
rate of the more active component by both ble atoms, were considered to correlate
charge transfer and volume diffusion has with the absolute parting limits of al-
been discussed. This case is particularly loys with high E 0 = EB0 − EA0 such as
interesting for short polarization times. α-brass. This implies that the overpoten-
The analysis yields, for example, the con- tial will be high enough to dissolve the
centration–depth profile and the surface less noble component from highly co-
concentration of the more noble compo- ordinated terrace sites. Higher absolute
nent, s
 cB , in dependency on the product parting limits were associated with alloys
 where k is a kinetic factor, t is
k (t/D), of low E 0 , which were considered to
the polarization time, and D  is the inter- dissolve only from sites with lower coor-
diffusion coefficient. Moreover, it predicts dination such as kink sites (that is, via
the occurrence of different time domains a surface-diffusion modified layer-by-layer
in the dissolution current transients [109]. process). Correspondingly, higher parting
limits were correlated with 2D percola-
Percolation concepts Percolation con- tion thresholds [68, 133]. In the case of
cepts of dealloying are based on the fcc Ag−Au alloys, it has been alterna-
association of sharp parting limits with tively argued that the selective dissolution
the abrupt occurrence of connected paths of Ag at alloy compositions between the
of the fast-dissolving component, when site percolation threshold (≈20 at.% Ag)
in a random solid solution the concentra- and the experimental dealloying thresh-
tion of that component is being increased. old (≈ 60 at.% Ag) is suppressed by
Early approaches of this idea made use of the simultaneous formation of Au-oxide
probability calculus to determine the frac- or Au-hydroxide within the dissolution
tion of chains of the less noble component channels [134].
in dependence on the alloy composition. In addition to this, the critical poten-
For infinite chain lengths, the results were tial, EC , and the current transients have
sharp composition thresholds that varied been addressed within the framework of
with the chain multiplicity and were as- percolation theory. EC has been associ-
sociated with Tammann’s parting limits ated in essence with (1) the overvoltage
for environments with different oxidative required to create a curved perturbation
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 177

in a flat surface at multiple, highest- density and all other quantities have their
density percolation clusters of A (that is, to usual meaning. As shown by Fig. 17, there
create dissolution nuclei at preexisting nu- is good match between the experimental
cleation centers) and (2) the competition EC values of Ag−Au alloys in HClO4 so-
between the roughening effect of selective lutions containing various concentrations
dissolution and the smoothing action of of Ag+ ions and values calculated from a
surface diffusion. Referring EC to the re- variant of Eq. (21) while making reason-
versible potential of pure, fast-dissolving able assumptions with respect to γ and
component, the following expression for DS J0−1 [134].
EC has been derived [99, 135]
 2 Nanoscopic Investigations of
γ Vm 2RT −1 2π NS DS 1 Dealloyed Surfaces From the background
EC = + sinh
nF ξ nF J0 ξ2 of competitive models of selective alloy
(21) dissolution as described above, a closer
In this equation, γ is the free energy of the microscopic examination of this process
solid/electrolyte interface, Vm is the molar with the ultimate objective of atomic
volume and ξ = 1 + XA /1–XA is the aver- resolution and chemical information on
age size of the percolating A cluster in units an atomic scale appears mandatory. Ex situ
of the nearest neighbor spacing for an al- transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
loy A–B with a mole fraction, XA , of the of thin, corroded alloy films provides
fast-dissolving component, A. Associating lateral resolution at the nanometer scale,
ξ with the radius of a critical nucleus, the but suffers from poor depth resolution
first term on the right side of Eq. (21) may and from structural relaxation processes
be considered a nucleation overvoltage that that may occur after termination of the
increases with decreasing XA (see Eq. 17). anodic polarization and transferring the
The second term accounts for the smooth- samples into high vacuum. Classical TEM
ing effect of surface diffusion. Here, NS investigations in this field were performed
is the surface density of ad-atoms, DS under open circuit conditions in oxidizing
is the surface diffusivity, J0 is the mass environments (that is, at E ≥ EC ) [51,
flux corresponding to the exchange current 53, 124], more recent potentiostatic


Fig. 17 Experimental and calculated

values (open circles and solid lines, 0.6
respectively) of the critical potential, EC ,
EC vs. Ag/Ag+

of Ag−Au alloys in 0.1 M

HClO4 + AgClO4 solutions as a

function of the atomic fraction of Au.
Curves in ascending order correspond
to Ag+ concentrations of the solution of
10−1 , 10−2 , 10−3 , and 10−4 M. EC is
measured with respect to the Ag/Ag+
electrode in the same solution. See
original reference for the fitting 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
parameters. (From Ref. [134], with
Atomic fraction XAu
178 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

polarization experiments also permitted difficult to derive from STM and there is
high-resolution TEM studies of the limited access of this method to the investi-
corrosion micromorphology at E < EC . In gation of 3D porous structures as observed
a study of Cu dissolution from Cu90 Pd10 at E > EC [139]. Moreover, the quality of
and Cu85 Pd15 alloys, for example, bright the surface preparation turns out to be a
field TEM micrographs revealed the crucial point for STM studies of dealloying.
formation of isolated pits and pit clusters With mechanically polished β-brass,
that grow into the interior of the Alkeperov and coworkers investigated the
electrode in the form of tunnels. Chemical initial (selective) stage of open circuit dis-
information was provided by a dark field solution in acidified 1 N NaCl by ex situ
technique, which showed that virtually STM and observed considerable faceting of
pure Pd accumulates on the surface in the the surface as well as the formation of 3D
form of islands and, in particular, near the Cu nuclei. These morphological changes
pits and at the pits walls. For E > EC , were attributed to both surface and vol-
the formation rate of these pits was ume diffusion processes. Pseudopreferen-
considerably increased [97, 136]. This latter tial dissolution at a later stage of corrosion
observation was considered to support the was assumed to proceed via the redeposi-
nucleation and growth model of selective tion of Cu ions on the previously formed
alloy dissolution. Similar pits and pit Cu nuclei [140]. In neutral chloride so-
clusters with noble metal accumulation in lutions, Morales and coworkers observed
the vicinity of the pit were observed by with the development of a characteristic ‘‘is-
Cu82 Au18 alloys after anodic polarization land’’ and void structure, the ‘‘islands’’
in 1 N Na2 S4 + 0.01 N H2 SO4 solutions at consisting of faceted plateaus. Increas-
E < EC , and with Cu95 Au5 alloys, that do ing the electrode potential enhanced the
not show a discernible critical potential. faceting, but smoothened the individual
Here, the formation of the pits was terraces on a fine scale. This observation
associated with a local breakdown of the was associated with enhanced Cu ad-atom
protective overlayer that may be assisted mobility caused by an increased cover-
by the surface stress that results from the age with Cl− ions, and from a detailed
lattice mismatch between the Cu-rich bulk topographic analysis of the corroded sur-
alloy and the Au (or Au-rich) overlayer and faces, it was concluded that the kinetics of
is evident from Moiré patterns [54, 137]. β-brass dealloying is controlled by surface-
By STM, most limitations of the TEM diffusion processes rather than by volume
method may be overcome. This holds, in diffusion of Zn [141]. Moffat and cowork-
particular, for the electrochemical STM ers [103] examined mechanically polished,
(EC-STM) technique that allows a real-time polycrystalline Cu3 Au surfaces in 0.01 M
in situ study of electrodissolution pro- H2 SO4 + 0.99 M Na2 SO4 by EC-STM and
cesses at a lateral resolution at the nanome- were able to differentiate three distinctive
ter scale or better, with the substrate and regimes of dealloying. At low overpoten-
the tip controlled potentiostatically or gal- tials, the growth and dissipation of hill-like
vanostatically during imaging (see Chapter clusters (ca. 1 nm in height) was observed
3.1 in Volume 3). Moreover, atomic height and was associated with the surface diffu-
steps and topographic changes in the sub- sion of Au ad-atoms. At higher potentials
nanometer range can be resolved [138]. On within the passive domain (E < EC ), lo-
the other hand, chemical information is calized regions of greater roughness were
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 179

detected. By analogy with the TEM results conditions, the authors demonstrated the
of Kabius and coworkers [136], these fea- dissolution of Ag atoms from terrace sites
tures were correlated with gold clusters by the occurrence of surface roughening
that are formed in the vicinity of dis- that evolved in the formation of mono-
solution nuclei. At E > EC , the surface layer deep pits or vacancy clusters on the
coverage with hill-like Au clusters was in- terraces (see Fig. 18). When the accessible
creased, and upon reversal of the potential Ag atoms were exhausted, the roughened
to E < EC , these clusters dissipated as a surface rearranged by vacancy cluster anni-
result of the high surface mobility of Au. hilation at the steps. By increasing the Ag
EC was therefore explained as a rough- concentration of the bulk alloy to value
ening transition that occurs by nucleation of 15 at.%, the terraces broke up into
and growth and depends on the exposure smaller ones. This result was associated
of fresh sites by the migration of passivat- with 2D percolation effects [143]. With a
ing Au atoms on the surface. Taking into low-Ag content alloy of similar composi-
account that the surface migration of Au tion, Corcoran detected an interconnected
is increased by the adsorption of Cl− [142], island and channel structure that develops
this view explains the depression of EC in over several atomic planes. The average
chloride solutions. size scale of this structure was decreased
Significant progress in the STM inves- by adding Ag+ ions to the 0.1 M HClO4
tigation of dealloying was achieved by solution [146].
sample preparation via vapor deposition In addition to this, Wagner and col-
[143–145] or magnetron sputtering [99, laborators reported on EC-STM results
134, 146] of the alloy components. This with Ag0.8 −Au0.2 alloy thin films in 1 M
technique does not require mechanical HClO4 + 10−3 M AgClO4 electrolyte (that
polishing and results in polycrystalline ma- is, with an alloy composition above the
terial with a sharp {111} texture and low parting limit). At a subcritical potential
defect, atomically smooth surfaces con- of EAg/Ag+ = 80 mV, the STM images re-
sisting of large terraces separated by steps. vealed the growth and coalescence of 1–3
Alternatively, high-quality surfaces may be monolayer deep vacancy clusters at step
prepared from melt-grown single crystals edges and on the terraces, as well as the
by combined sputtering and annealing in formation of faceted Au-island structures.
ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) at elevated tem- As EAg/Ag+ was increased to 120 mV, the
perature [147–149]. Following one of these coverage of the surface by the Au-islands
preparations, various ex situ and in situ was significantly increased. These surface
STM observations were made with cor- morphology alterations were taken as a
roded Ag−Au and Cu−Au surfaces. basis of modeling the transient electro-
chemical behavior at E < EC within the
Au−Ag alloys Oppenheim and cowork- framework of the percolation concept and
ers monitored corrosion of Ag−Au {111} under particular consideration of vacancy
surfaces in 0.1 M HClO4 by EC-STM with cluster motion [99].
monolayer depth resolution. By choosing
low-Ag content alloys with compositions Cu−Au alloys Chen and coworkers stud-
well below the parting limit, the prefer- ied Cu dissolution from gold-rich, disor-
ential dissolution of Ag was confined to dered Au3 Cu films with {111} surfaces in
the first few atomic layers. Under these 0.6 M NaCl + 0.01 M HCl by EC-STM. In
180 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

5 µA/cm

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


50 nm
50 nm

(a) (b)

50 nm 50 nm

(c) (d)
Fig. 18 In situ STM images of a Au0.93 Ag0.07 alloy surface in 0.1 M HClO4 (a) immediately;
(b) 10 min; (c) 51 min; and (d) 86 min after scanning the electrode potential from the open
circuit value to 0.6 V with respect to a Ag/1 mM Ag+ reference electrode (vertical scale is
extended ×10; the inset shows the current density during the potential scan). The initial
roughening of the terraces (a) and (b) evolves in monolayer deep pits (c). Pits near the steps
fused with them and left the steps highly curved (d). (Reprinted with permission from
Ref. [143]. Copyright 1991, American Association for the Advancement of Science.)

the subcritical potential region of Au3 Cu, E > EC , 2D layer-by-layer dissolution was
the dissolution of Cu also initiated the for- replaced by the 3D growth of voids and
mation of monolayer deep pits (‘‘voids’’) it was hypothesized that this is related to
in the terraces and near the steps. By the formation of highly mobile Au(Cl− )n
the growth and coalescence of these pits, complexes [144, 145].
areas of the second atomic layer were Eckstein revealed a dependence of the
exposed. However, the second layer re- dealloying behavior of Au3 Cu on the ori-
mained smooth until the whole first layer entation of the crystal surface [149]. Prior
of atoms disappears. This result was con- to electrochemical experiments, deviations
sidered to be due to Au atoms of the from the bulk structure and composi-
first layer filling the holes in the second tion in the topmost layers of low-index
layer via surface diffusion, and indicates surfaces were detected by UHV struc-
a 2D layer-by-layer dissolution process. At tural characterization methods such as
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 181

low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), former case, dissolution required the for-
surface X-ray diffraction (SXRD) and STM. mation and coalescence of monolayer deep
The Au3 Cu(111) surface was found com- vacancy clusters on the terraces of the
pletely terminated by Au, whereas the topmost Au layer. Contrary to this, dis-
(001) and (110) surfaces were only en- solution from Au3 Cu(001) was facilitated
riched in that component. The Au3 Cu(001) by the embedded clusters of Cu atoms
surface, in particular, contained small clus- that serve as preexisting nucleation centers
ters of Cu atoms in the topmost 2 atomic for 1–2 atom deep vacancy clusters that
layers [148, 149]. These peculiarities of evolve in an island and channel structure.
the low-index surfaces were reflected by In 0.1 M H2 SO4 + 0.1 mM HCl solutions,
their anodic dissolution behavior as mon- similar observation were made at signif-
itored by EC-STM at increasing potential. icantly lower potentials, emphasizing the
In 0.1 M H2 SO4, anodic dissolution from distinctive role of Cl− adsorption on the
Au3 Cu(111) was observed to begin at dissolution process.
EH ≈ 900 mV, whereas Au3 Cu(001) is al- Dealloying of copper-rich, ordered
ready attacked at EH ≈ 330 mV. In the Cu3 Au at subcritical potentials was

0 nm 0.5 nm 0 nm 0.9 nm
(a) (b)

0 nm 1.2 nm 0 nm 2.0 nm
(c) (d)
Fig. 19 In situ STM images of ordered Cu3 Au(001) in 0.1 M
H2 SO4 . (a) 44 min after scanning the electrode potential from
an initial value of EH = 0.1 V to EH = 0.25 V; (b) 95 min after
extending scan (a) to EH = 0.31 V; (c) 240 min after extending
scans (a + b) to EH = 0.35 V; and (d) 254 min after extending
scans (a − c) to EH = 0.49 V. Image size is 200 nm × 200 nm
(a − c) and 350 nm × 350 nm (d). (See text; from Ref. [149].)
182 2 Homogeneous Corrosion of Metallic Materials in Electrolytes

investigated in a similar way. Prior to on the terraces, whereas dissolution at

anodic dissolution the uppermost layers steps was largely inhibited at this stage
of (111) surfaces were of stoichiometric (Fig. 19a). In the course of additional
composition, whereas the Au atom anodic polarization up to EH = 0.31 V,
fractions of the first and second layers dissipation of the Au-rich islands was
of both Cu3 Au(001) and Cu3 Au(110) were observed (Fig. 19b). This indicates an
≈0.5 and ≈0 in accordance with the layer intermixing of Au atoms from the islands
composition of the ordered bulk alloy [147, and Cu atoms from the Cu3 Au substrate
150]. EC-STM investigations of these (surface alloying) that may be assisted by
low-index Cu3 Au surfaces at increasing, the relief of surface stress that results
subcritical potentials permitted deeper from the misfit between an Au (or Au-
insight in the dealloying mechanism rich) lattice and Cu3 Au. Simultaneously,
of this alloy: Dissolution of Cu from crystallographically oriented vacancy
Cu3 Au(001) in 0.1 M H2 SO4 , in particular, clusters were nucleated on the atomic
was initialized by a periodic layer-by-layer plane beneath and at steps, thus initiating
process. At electrode potentials up to the next period of the layer-by-layer
EH = 0.25 V, vacancy clusters (evolving in process that is visible at EH = 0.35 V
channels) and Au-rich islands were formed (Fig. 19c). Further increasing the electrode

(a) 0 nm 1.8 nm (b) 0 nm 1.8 nm

(c) 0 nm 1.8 nm (d) 0 nm 1.8 nm

Fig. 20 In situ STM images of tunnel growth on faceted, Cu3 Au(001) subsequent to
the anodic polarization procedure of Fig. 19. (a) Nucleation of a 2D tunnel at a step
(256 min at EH = 0.55 V); (b) and (c) anisotropic growth of the 2D tunnel (261 min at
EH = 0.57 V and 274 min at EH = 0.59 V, respectively); and (d) additional formation
of 3D tunnels (287 min at EH = 0.63 V). Image size is 150 nm × 200 nm throughout.
(From Ref. [149].)
2.3 Corrosion of Alloys 183

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3.1 and physical processes in an interfacial

Atmospheric Corrosion regime that extends from the atmosphere
(the gas phase) over a thin water layer
Christofer Leygraf (the liquid phase) to the corroding metal
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, (the solid phase), see Fig. 1. The wa-
ter layer is of crucial importance with a
thickness that ranges from nanometers
to millimeters, depending on humidity,
precipitation, and sheltering conditions.
Dry atmospheric corrosion, or dry oxida-
tion, occurs virtually without any water
Atmospheric corrosion involves various
layer present. A common example is the
forms of corrosion effects at ambient tem-
tarnishing of silver or copper, which can
perature in which the Earth’s atmosphere proceed through reaction with reduced
is the corrosive environment. Atmospheric sulfur compounds at low relative humid-
corrosion has been recognized for sev- ity (<50%). Damp atmospheric corrosion
eral thousand years and the atmosphere is is triggered by elevated relative humid-
the most abundant environment to which ity and traces of atmospheric pollutants
solid materials are exposed. Hence, its im- and results in a thin, mostly invisible
plications in our society are enormous water layer. Wet atmospheric corrosion,
and range from bridges, elevated high- finally, occurs in rain or other forms
ways, railway and subway systems, aircraft, of bulk water and results in a relatively
automobiles, and buildings, to industrial thick water layer, often clearly visible to
processes, electronic components and sys- the eye.
tems, to artistic or historic objects, such Although atmospheric corrosion de-
as statues and monuments. In the United grades most materials, such as calcareous
States, for example, the total costs for all stones, glasses, polymers, or metals, our
forms of corrosion have been estimated to understanding originates mostly from in-
be around 1000 US$ per capita per year. A vestigations of metallic objects. Hence,
substantial part of that amount is due to in order to illustrate the most impor-
consequences of atmospheric corrosion. tant processes and concepts involved in
Atmospheric corrosion is very complex atmospheric corrosion, this chapter is
and involves chemical, electrochemical, primarily based on our knowledge of
192 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

Fig. 1 The interfacial regime

that extends from the
atmosphere (the gas phase)
Atmosphere over a thin water layer (the liquid
phase) to the oxide-covered
metal (the solid phase).

Thin water

Metal with thin

oxide film

oxide-covered metals [1]. The description Adsorption and Absorption of

ranges from the very first stages of at- Water With surface hydroxyl groups
mospheric corrosion (occurring within present, the substrate is less conducive to
far less than a second of exposure), rapid combination with water, which from
to intermediate stages, to the final now on bonds in molecular form. The
stages (occurring after years of expo- first layer of adsorbed water molecules
sure). has a very high degree of ordering rel-
ative to the substrate. Subsequent ad-
3.1.2 sorbed or absorbed layers contain wa-
The Different Stages of Atmospheric ter molecules that are less influenced
Corrosion by the substrate and possess a higher
degree of random orientation. Aqueous Initial Stages films exhibit properties close to bulk wa-
ter when their average thickness exceeds Surface Hydroxylation When two or three equivalent monolayers [2].
the metal is exposed to the atmosphere, This term refers to the amount of wa-
there is an instant reaction of water va- ter when uniformly distributed on the
por with the metal oxide surface. In surface. The water molecules commonly
most cases, the water molecule dissociates bond to the substrate as clusters or small
upon reaction and forms metal–oxygen or droplets during early stages of interac-
metal–hydroxyl bonds. The probability for tion. One main reason is the similarity
the water molecule to dissociate, rather in bond strength between neighboring
than to bond to the substrate in molec- hydrogen-bonded water molecules on one
ular form, increases with the number of hand and the bond strength between
lattice defects in the metal oxide. As a re- water molecules and the hydroxylated
sult, surface hydroxyl groups are formed, substrate on the other hand [3]. Another
which act as adsorption sites for other wa- main reason is substrate heterogeneity
ter molecules. Surface hydroxylation is a caused by lattice defects such as grain
rapid process that occurs on a timescale boundaries, steps, kinks, and terraces. In-
far shorter than a second. teraction between water molecules and
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 193

the substrate may proceed – reversible or which causes water to physisorb. The
irreversible. In the former case, water is opposite situation occurs during daytime.
said to physisorb, whereas it chemisorbs Hence, each 24-h cycle results in a typical
in the latter case and forms a surface dry-wet-dry cycle. The monotonous mass
species. increase, on the other hand, is due to ir-
Most real surfaces that are exposed to reversible processes, such as deposition
outdoor or indoor environments are far of aerosol particles, and chemisorption of
from clean and contain adsorbed particles water or other reactants to form reaction
with properties that are more or less hy- products. The amount of reversibly ad-
groscopic and attract water. Porosity and sorbed water is a measure of the mass
roughness are other surface properties of the aqueous adlayer. It depends on
that may have a substantial influence on many factors, including the mass of hygro-
water adsorption characteristics. Figure 2 scopic particles, and reaches values typi-
illustrates how humidity typically interacts cally in the range from 10−2 to 10−1 g m−2
with a metal surface during an outdoor (100 − 101 µg cm−2 ). The corresponding
exposure that lasts over several days or masses of water on metal surfaces covered
weeks [4]. The figure displays how the by dew or rain is 101 g m−2 and 102 g m−2
mass of gold changes during exposure to (103 − 104 µg cm−2 ), respectively.
the outdoor environment. The mass re-
sponse consists of periodic mass variation Electrochemical Reactions The
that is superimposed on a monotonous aqueous adlayer is a crucial prerequi-
mass increase. The periodic variation co- site for atmospheric corrosion. It acts
incides with variation in relative humidity, as medium for electrochemical reactions
characteristic of any 24-h cycle. During and as solvent for atmospheric pollutants
nighttime, the relative humidity increases, that deposit and dissolve in the aqueous




[ng cm−2]





0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 2 Mass changes of gold as a function of time during an outdoor
exposure. The data are based on experimental in situ data obtained by the
quartz crystal microbalance. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [4].)
194 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

phase. The electrochemical reactions occur When the aqueous layer is thin enough
at the interface between the metal and (less than 10 µm or so, see below) to
the aqueous layer. Surface heterogene- permit ample access of oxygen to the metal
ity results in surface sites conducive to surface, the anode reaction rather than the
predominantly anode reactions (see Chap- cathode reaction is rate limiting. This is the
ter 1, Volume 4) and other surface sites most common situation in atmospheric
conducive to predominantly cathode re- corrosion [5]. However, the surface and
actions (see Chapter 1, Volume 4). The exposure conditions alter over a dry-wet-
dominant anode reaction in atmospheric dry cycle or with extended exposure time
corrosion is the metal dissolution pro- and may eventually reach a situation in
cess (see Chapter 1, Volume 4), normally which the cathode reaction becomes the
written as rate-limiting part (Sect.
To illustrate the dependence of oxygen-
reduction rate on liquid layer thickness,
Me −−−→ Men+ + ne− (1)
Fig. 3 displays a plot of the limiting current
density for oxygen reduction (ilim ) as a
Because of the ready access of atmospheric function of inverse thickness of the liquid
oxygen to a metal surface exposed to a layer (Xf ) [6]. In the thickness range above
thin liquid layer, the most common cath- a few tenths of µm, the limiting current
ode reaction (see Chapter 1, Volume 4) for density is proportional to the inverse of the
metals exposed to a thin aqueous phase liquid layer thickness, which implies that
is the oxygen-reduction process (see Chap- oxygen diffusion through the liquid layer to
ter 1, Volume 4): the cathode reaction site is the rate-limiting
step. In the thickness range below a few
2 O2 + H+ + 2e− −−−→ OH− (2) tenths of µm, the oxygen-reduction rate is



[mA cm−2]




0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
Reciprocal of electrolyte layer thickness, Xf−1
Fig. 3 Plot of the limiting current density for oxygen reduction (ilim )
as a function of the inverse of the liquid layer thickness (Xf ). The data
were obtained for platinum in a phosphate-buffered solution.
(Reproduced with permission from Ref. [6].)
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 195

independent of the liquid layer thickness in equilibrium. In most atmospheric cor-

and, hence oxygen diffusion is no longer a rosion applications, however, the equilib-
rate-limiting step. In this thickness range, rium conditions are violated as a result of
the solvation of oxygen is believed to variations in atmospheric conditions and
be the rate-determining step for oxygen as a result of kinetic constraints. A major
reduction. A thickness of a few tenths of constraint is the relatively slow deposition
µm is equivalent to a liquid layer mass of a rate of most atmospheric constituents, that
few mg cm−2 . This relatively large amount is, the rate at which a gas or a particle in
of water is likely to be observed during the atmosphere is transferred from the
dew or rain, but less likely during drier atmosphere into the aqueous phase. The
exposure conditions, see Sect. deposition rate is controlled by aerody-
namic factors, such as wind speed and type Intermediate Stages of wind flow, and surface specific factors,
such as chemical makeup and thickness Gas Deposition When the aqu- of the liquid layer. The deposition rate
eous phase has formed, atmospheric outdoors for important gaseous corrosion
constituents can deposit and dissolve into stimulators is typically in the range from
the liquid layer. Important atmospheric 10−3 to 10−2 ng cm−2 s−1 [7]. Indoors, the
constituents known to influence atmo- corresponding deposition rates are one or
spheric corrosion rates include gases, such two orders of magnitude lower.
as sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), carbon dioxide
(CO2 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ), ozone (O3 ) Change in Liquid Layer Chemistry
or hydrogen sulfide (H2 S), and aerosol When dissolved into the aqueous phase,
particles, such as sodium chloride (NaCl) the atmospheric constituents alter the
and ammonium sulfates ((NH4 )2 SO4 , chemistry of the aqueous layer through
(NH4 )HSO4 ). The transfer of these species various chemical or electrochemical re-
from the atmosphere to the aqueous phase actions. One important chemical pro-
may occur through dry deposition as a cess is the deposition of sulfur dioxide
consequence of diffusion or gravitational into the aqueous layer to form bisulfite
settling, in which case there are no con- (HSO3 − ) ions:
densed water particles involved, or through
wet deposition, in which case the transfer SO2 (aq) −−−→ H+ + HSO3 − (4)
of species occurs through condensed water
particles from rain, dew, fog, or snow. Reaction (4) is of vital importance since
According to Henry’s law, the chemical the ions produced may enhance the metal
activity, [X], of any dissolved gaseous con- dissolution process (Sect. When
stituent, X, in the liquid phase is directly oxidants, such as nitrogen dioxide or
proportional to the partial pressure, p(X), ozone, dissolve into the aqueous phase, the
of the same constituent in the gas phase: bisulfite ion oxidizes to bisulfate (HSO4 − ),
for example,
[X] = H (X) × p(X) (3)
HSO3 − + O3 −−−→ HSO4 − + O2 (5)
H (X) is Henry’s law constant for species X.
For Henry’s law to be valid, the aque- Reaction (5) results in a more acid
ous layer and the atmosphere need to be aqueous layer that triggers the metal
196 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

dissolution process further. Besides sul- in the initial stages. In particular, protons
fur dioxide, many other atmospheric play a vital role during that process.
constituents may acidify the aqueous They are mobile and readily form bonds
layer. They include carbon dioxide, ni- between adjacent surface metal sites. If
trogen dioxide, and carbonyl compounds two or more proton-bonded neighbors
(HCHO and CH3 CHO) when forming surround a surface metal center, the bonds
their associated acids (H2 CO3 , HNO3 , of the metal oxide lattice may weaken
HCOOH, and CH3 COOH). When the through bond polarization and the surface
corroding surface undergoes dry-wet-dry metal detaches from the lattice. When
cycles, changes in activity of chemi- entering into the liquid layer, the metal
cal constituents may occur over several ion forms a hydrated aquo-metal ion or
orders of magnitude. The pH of the anion-complex. The broken bond at the
aqueous layer also changes as a result surface of the metal oxide is spontaneously
of cycling humidity conditions. Hence, hydroxylated. New protons are released
during wetting of the surface (for exam- that can participate in the detachment of
ple, at nighttime when the temperature another surface metal atom. The result
decreases), the aqueous phase dilutes is a dissolution process of the metal
and the activity of chemical constituents oxide that is highly acid-dependent with
decreases. The reverse holds true dur- a dissolution rate, Rdiss which can be
ing the drying of the surface, which
written as
may result in highly acidified conditions
and enhanced momentary metal dissolu-
Rdiss = C[aH+ ]n (6)
tion rates.
where n and C are constants and [aH+ ] Proton- and Ligand-induced is the activity of protons. The process
Metal Dissolution As described in is schematically depicted in Fig. 4 for
Sect., surface hydroxyl groups ligand-induced metal dissolution during
spontaneously form on the metal initial stages of SO2 -induced atmospheric
oxide surface in contact with the corrosion.
aqueous phase. These groups possess ion
exchange properties and may easily be
replaced by protons (H+ ) and ligands Ion Pairing Upon dissolution,
such as bisulfite (HSO3 − ) or bisulfate the metal ion can coordinate with a variety
(HSO4 − ) from the aqueous phase. of counterions in the aqueous layer. This
Detailed studies of minerals in aquatic ion-pairing process can be rationalized by
systems have provided insight into their means of the Lewis acid-base concept.
dissolution mechanisms [8]. When the When the metal ion (the Lewis acid, that
ligand exchange takes place, it weakens is, a species that accepts an electron pair)
the bond between the surface metal and the counterion (the Lewis base, that
center and its neighbor atoms, whereby is, a species that donates an electron
the dissolution of the metal atom is pair) interact, the electrons involved form
promoted. An analogous mechanism may a covalent bond. Lewis acids and bases
operate during atmospheric corrosion, are more likely to coordinate if their
with proton- or ligand-induced metal electrons possess similar properties. So-
dissolution as an important step, at least called soft acids or bases have valence
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 197

Fig. 4 Important steps during initial O

stages of SO2 -induced atmospheric M M OH
corrosion: formation of protons and O
bisulfite ions in the aqueous layer
(a), ligand exchange between a surface O H+, HSO3−
hydroxyl group and a bisulfite ion and
subsequent weakening of adjacent
bonds through proton-bonded O
neighbors (b), detachment of metal M M OH
surface center that enters the aqueous O
phase as a hydrated metal
anion-complex (c). (Reproduced with steps
permission from Ref. [7].)
electrons that can more easily be removed O
or polarized. Hard acids or bases, on the OH
other hand, have valence electrons that M M SO3
are more tightly held and are not so
easily polarized. Hard acids preferentially O
coordinate with hard bases and soft acids O
with soft bases.
A selection of important metal ions and steps
counterions, all of importance in atmo- O
spheric corrosion, have elsewhere been M M OH
classified into hard, intermediate, and soft O
Lewis acids and bases [9]. The Lewis acid- OH Vacancy
base concept explains why hard acids, such M +Mm+(SO3)n(H2O)k
as Al3+ and Ti4+ commonly form oxides
or sulfates as corrosion products, whereas O
soft acids, such as Cu+ and Ag+ , com- O
monly form sulfides. The concept also (c)

explains why intermediate acids, such as

Zn2+ , Cu2+ , and Ni2+ , possess the ability example is the exposure of copper to
to form corrosion products with a broader H2 S gas. In simulated sunlight, the cor-
range of counterions [7]. rosion rate was accelerated by a factor
of between 1.5 and 2 [10]. Another ex- Photosensitivity Many corros- ample is the atmospheric corrosion of
ion products possess semiconducting iron, which also is enhanced by solar
properties. When interacting with photons photons. Iron forms hydroxide complexes,
(see Chapter 1, Volume 6) of higher energy which are sensitive to solar photons.
than the band gap of the semiconductor, Upon absorption, the [Fe(OH)] complex
electron-hole pairs are generated, which undergoes charge transfer to the metal
change the conditions for chemical re- ion, OH radicals are liberated and a com-
actions in different ways. Yet, there is plex series of aqueous chemical reactions
not ample evidence of photosensitivity are triggered, including the sequential
in atmospheric corrosion processes. One corrosion of iron.
198 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals Nucleation of Corrosion Products atmospheric environment. The corrosion

With prolonged exposure, the concentra- products increase in thickness until they
tion of ion pairs in the aqueous phase become visible to the eye (the rust layer
gradually increases. If supersaturation is on steel and the patina layer on copper are
reached, the ion pairs precipitate into a common examples) or remain invisible
solid phase. This transformation is com- (the passive film on stainless steel being
plex and the ion pairs may pass through the the most important example).
colloidal state before they reach the solid Further growth of the corrosion prod-
state. Nucleation of precipitated species is uct layer requires that reactants from the
facilitated by the heterogeneous nature of aqueous phase, such as protons, chloride,
the substrate surface and the overall for- or sulfate ions, must be transported
mation rate of the precipitate seems more inwards through the layer. Alternatively,
often to be limited by its growth rate rather metal ions must be transported outwards,
than by its nucleation rate. Evidence of this or both inwards and outwards transport
lies in the frequent observation of many processes occur simultaneously. Hence,
small precipitated nuclei rather than a few transport processes of anions or cations
larger ones, see Fig. 5 [11]. through the corrosion products are im-
portant parameters that may govern the Final Stages atmospheric corrosion rate. Transport of
electrons through the corrosion products Coalescence of Corrosion Pro- may also be important. Electron transport
ducts The number of precipitated nuclei, is crucial so that electrons released in the
and also their size, increases with exposure anodic reaction can be transported to and
to the atmosphere. The nuclei will soon co- consumed in the cathodic reaction. When
alesce and will completely cover the metal the corrosion products possess poor elec-
surface. These precipitates are frequently tron conduction properties, the electron
referred to as corrosion products and play transport may become rate limiting. This
a crucial role for the metal in any given situation cannot be fully comprehended

Fig. 5 AFM-images of a diamond polished copper surface

before exposure (left) and after 24-h exposure to humidified air at
80% relative humidity (right). The formation of many small and
equally sized islands (of cuprous oxide) form evidence that the
growth rate, rather than the nucleation rate, in this case is the
limiting step in the formation process of reaction products.
(Reproduced with permission from Ref [11].)
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 199

without considering the availability of oxy- less soluble and, hence, more corrosion
gen for the cathodic reaction. Oxygen resistant.
enters from the atmosphere through the The altering exposure conditions also
aqueous phase to the cathodic site. Hence, causes other changes in properties of the
as long as the aqueous phase is thin corrosion products, such as the kinetics of
enough (less than a few tenths of µm, the anodic and cathodic reactions involved.
Sect., the access to oxygen is nor- This has been clearly demonstrated on
mally not rate limiting. iron and steel, where redox-reactions (see
In all, the question of which process Volume 2) are coupled with electron-
is rate limiting in atmospheric corro- transfer reactions (see Volume 2) [12].
sion depends on many factors, including The changes that occur during dry-
metal ion and cation transport properties wet-dry cycling can be demonstrated
through the corrosion products, and the ac- by assuming a rust layer consisting of
cess of oxygen through the aqueous phase. lepidocrocite (γ -FeOOH) with a neutral
aqueous phase, in which the anodic and
cathodic reactions are Dry-wet-dry Cycling A key fea-
ture during atmospheric corrosion is the Fe −−−→ Fe2+ + 2e− (7)
cyclic exposure condition during which at- 1 + − −
2 O2 + H + 2e −−−→ OH (8)
mospheric corrosion normally proceeds,
at least outdoors. As demonstrated in When going from dry-to-wet conditions,
previous sections, this results in an aque- the rust layer is partly changed in that
ous phase with altering thickness and, some of the Fe3+ ions are reduced to Fe2+
consequently, also in a strongly varying through an additional cathodic reaction in
chemistry. The result is a gradual evolution the rust layer:
of corrosion products characterized by a se-
quential growth that is triggered by cyclic Fe3+ + e− −−−→ Fe2+ (9)
environmental conditions. The sequential When the concentration of Fe2+ ions in
growth is common for all metals and the rust layer increases, the electronic
proceeds through a sequence of consec- properties of the layer change, which
utive steps, each one involving dissolution facilitates charge-transfer reactions, such
of species from the corrosion products as oxygen reduction. Further reduction of
followed by ion pairing, and subsequent the lepidocrocite layer partly transforms
reprecipitation. The dissolution process is it into magnetite (Fe3 O4 ). Magnetite has
accelerated by protons or other ions, in- electron conductivity properties close to
cluding sulfate and chloride, during the those of metals, whereby the electron-
wet part of the cycle. Once dissolved, the transfer rate of electrons from the anodic
metal ions coordinate with counterions to to the cathodic site is increased. Overall,
form ion pairs according to their classi- the change from dry-to-wet conditions
fication as hard or soft Lewis acids and results in reduction of the rust layer and
bases. When approaching dry conditions, enhanced rates of oxygen reduction. In
the ion pairs reach supersaturation and the beginning of this change, the anodic
precipitate into a solid phase. Repeated reaction (metal dissolution) is balanced
dry-wet-dry cycles results in a sequential by the rate of reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ .
growth of corrosion products that become During later stages, the metal dissolution
200 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

rate is balanced by the oxygen-reduction causes the layer of corrosion products

rate. Thus, the corrosion rate increases to age by changing its chemical compo-
during this part of the cycle. When sition, structure, crystallinity, thickness,
the rust layer is covered by a thick electron conductivity, anodic and cathodic
aqueous phase, the diffusion of oxygen reaction rates, and corrosion rates. The
from the gas phase through the aqueous evolution of corrosion products starts with
phase and pores in the rust layer to the the nucleation of an initial phase, contin-
cathodic reaction site now becomes rate ues by renewed dissolution of part or all
determining. of the initial phase. This is followed by
When going from wet-to-dry conditions, ion pairing of metal ions and counteri-
the thickness of the liquid layer decreases, ons of the aqueous layer, reprecipitation
which increases the oxygen-transfer rate and rearrangement of new compounds in
to the cathodic sites. Hence, during the which the previous compounds act as seed
first part of the drying cycle the corrosion crystals, renewed dissolution, ion pairing,
rate increases further. But the drying also and so forth. From this follows a gradual
results in a reoxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ , evolution of compounds in the corrosion
which reduces the electronic conductivity products resulting in a continuously less
of the rust layer. Consequently, the soluble corrosion product layer. Evidence
oxygen-reduction rate is reduced, as is of this lies in the sequence of the for-
the corrosion rate. The results on iron mation of compounds found in corrosion
demonstrate that considerable changes products on copper, nickel, and zinc, see
occur in the rust layer during dry- Fig. 6 [1]. The compounds may either un-
wet-dry cycles [12]. Changes in corrosion dergo changes from an initial amorphous
product properties are anticipated to be structure to a crystalline structure, or
of importance during cyclic exposure from one crystalline structure to another,
conditions of other metals as well. structurally related, structure. The former
situation is commonly seen on nickel and Aging and Thickening of Cor- the latter on copper and zinc.
rosion Products As demonstrated in After long enough exposure time, the
the previous section, repeated events formation of corrosion products acquires
of dissolution-coordination – precipitation stationary conditions characterized by
during dry-wet-dry cycling continuously nearly constant thickness and corrosion

Hours – Days – Weeks – Months – Years

Cu2O Cu4SO4(OH)6⋅H2O Cu4SO4(OH)6
copper sulfate

ZnO/Zn(OH)2 Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6 Zn4SO4(OH)6⋅nH2O

Amorphous nickel Crystalline nickel

NiO/Ni(OH)2 NiSO4⋅6H2O
hydroxysulfate hydroxysulfate

Fig. 6 Sequence of formation of compounds found in corrosion products formed on

copper, zinc, and nickel in outdoor rain-sheltered exposure conditions a function of
exposure time. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [1].)
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 201

rate. During this final evolution stage, the atmospheric gases or atmospheric parti-
runoff rate of metal from the corrosion cles and will be briefly discussed below. A
products equals the corrosion rate. The more comprehensive description of atmo-
time required to reach stationary atmo- spheric corrodents is given elsewhere [1].
spheric corrosion conditions is usually
from several years to several decades. The Gases
gradual transformation to more resistant
corrosion products supports the com- Ozone Most chemical species
mon observation that corrosion products in the atmosphere are oxidized, a process
formed after very long atmospheric expo- that is triggered mostly by the hydroxyl
sure resemble, or are identical to, minerals radical (OH·) and the ozone molecule
formed as the result of natural processes (O3 ). Both oxidants are produced by at-
in soil and rock. mospheric photochemistry, with the dom-
inant source reaction being the photolysis
3.1.3 of nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ), followed by
Atmospheric Corrodents combination with molecular oxygen: Introduction NO2 + hν −−−→ NO + O (10)

The atmospheric region closest to Earth,
O + O2 −−−→ O3 (11)
the troposphere, comprises more than
two thousand chemical species – either The hydroxyl radical is produced when O3
as gases or as parts of atmospheric is photodissociated by ultraviolet radiation,
particles. More than 99.99% by weight generating an energetic oxygen atom that
of all gases consist of N2 , O2 and rare combines with a water molecule.
gases (Ne, Kr, He, and Xe). Among
these, only O2 is of importance in Nitrogen Dioxide Nitrogen di-
atmospheric corrosion because of its
oxide (NO2 ) is produced by rapid oxidation
role as an electron acceptor in cathodic
of nitric oxide (NO), which is formed
reactions and its involvement in chemical during high-temperature combustion pro-
transformations of the atmosphere. Other cesses in vehicles, power plants, and so
constituents of importance in atmospheric forth. NO2 is also formed further away
corrosion, but of lower concentration, from the emission source through oxida-
include H2 O and CO2 . The important tion of NO by ambient O3 :
role of H2 O is evident from previous
sections. Its concentration varies from NO + O3 −−−→ NO2 + O2 (12)
around 100 ppmv (parts per million per
volume) to around 10 000 ppmv. CO2 is Nitrogen dioxide is quite insoluble in
soluble in water and contributes to the water, but may form nitric acid (HNO3 ),
acidification of the aqueous phase by which is most soluble, through reaction of
forming the carbonate ion (CO3 2− ). NO2 in the gas phase with the hydroxyl
Atmospheric corrodents, that is, con- radical:
stituents capable of corroding a metal NO2 + OH· −−−→ HNO3 (13)
when exposed to the atmosphere, have
a total concentration of less than 10 ppmv. This reaction requires a third body that
These corrodents originate either from carries away excess energy.
202 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals Ammonia Ammonia (NH3 ) is Hydrogen Chloride Most gase-

produced both in natural ecosystems and ous hydrogen chloride (HCl) enters the
by anthropogenic sources, such as agricul- atmosphere mainly through dechlorina-
tural industries, synthetic fertilizers, and tion of airborne sea salt particles, which
burning of biomass. It is the only common occurs when strong acids, such as nitric
atmospheric gas that is a base and is highly or sulfuric acid, deposit on them. HCl
soluble in water. is highly soluble in water and dissociates
readily to form the chloride ion (Cl− ), a Hydrogen Sulfide Hydrogen highly corrosive species:
sulfide (H2 S) is produced mainly
through anaerobic (see Chapter 6.6, HCl(g) −−−→ HCl(aq) −−−→ H+ + Cl−
Volume 4) degradation of organic sulfur (17)
compounds, largely a natural process.
Most atmospheric corrosion induced by Organic Acids Formic acid
H2 S occurs near pulp mills or in oil
(HCOOH) and acetic acid (CH3 COOH)
fields. H2 S is slightly soluble in water and
are the most common of the organic
dissociates according to
acids known to be corrosive. They are
emitted in many industrial processes
H2 S(g) −−−→ H2 S(aq) −−−→ H+ + HS−
and also through incomplete combustion
of wood or other vegetation. It is one
where the HS− ion acts as the corrosive
of the corrosive gases that can reach
higher concentrations indoors rather than
outdoors, mainly caused by the use of Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur dioxide organic adhesives and plastics, tobacco
(SO2 ) has many anthropogenic sources smoke, and freshly cut wood. The organic
including the combustion of coal and oil acids are highly soluble in water.
containing sulfur. It is also emitted during
metal-smelting processes, petrochemical,
pulp, and paper industries. Summary Table 1 summarizes
In the gas phase, SO2 can react with the typical concentration ranges of the gaseous
hydroxyl radical (OH·) to produce sulfuric corrosion stimulators described above.
acid (H2 SO4 ) as an end product: Data are given for both outdoor and indoor
atmospheric environments. A comparison
SO2 (g) + OH· −−−→ HSO3 · −−−→ reveals, in general, lower levels indoors
rather than outdoors. The reason is the
several steps −−−→ H2 SO4 (15) enhanced indoor absorption of gases on
walls, ceilings, and through ventilating
Sulfuric acid dissolves rapidly in any systems and air filtration. Solubilities of
available water and dissociates. SO2 is the gases are given through Henry’s
moderately soluble in water, where it is law constant, which gives the relation
oxidized into the sulfate ion according to
between the activity of a species in the
aqueous phase and the partial pressure
SO2 (g) −−−→ SO2 (aq) −−−→
of the same species in the atmosphere
several steps −−−→ SO4 2− (16) (Sect.
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 203

Tab. 1 Outdoor and indoor concentration ranges (in ppbv, parts per
billion per volume) of selected gaseous air constituents of importance
in atmospheric corrosion together with their solubilities in aqueous
systems, expressed as Henry’s law constant (H, M atm−1 )

Species Outdoor (ppbv) Indoor (ppbv) H (M atm−1 )

O3 4–40 3–30 0,012

NO2 10–80 1–30 0,007
NH3 5–15 10–250 58
H2 S 0,5–25 0,1–0,7 0,1
SO2 1–70 0,3–15 1,2
HCl 0,2–3 0,05–0,2 1,1 Particles of air movement. During wet deposition,

In addition to gases, aerosol particles the particles are captured by raindrops
turn out to be of utmost importance before reaching the surface on which they
in atmospheric corrosion. Aerosols (that deposit.
is, an ensemble of small liquid and/or Aerosol particles are chemical mixtures
solid particles suspended in the air) are of a number of ionic species, including
generated with two characteristic size ammonium, sulfate, chloride, nitrate, and
distributions. Smaller particles (termed the hydrogen. The actual chemical mixture of
accumulation mode), with a diameter of less each particle reflects the chemical condi-
than around 1 µm, are formed through tions in which the particle was formed.
condensation of low-volatility gases. A Once adsorbed on a metal surface, the
common and important aerosol particle water-soluble part of each particle ac-
is ammonium sulfate ((NH4 )2 SO4 ), which quires water from the atmosphere and
forms when ammonia is absorbed in, deliquesces, whereby it transforms into a
for example, cloud droplets and there concentrated aqueous solution. The ionic
combines with oxidized sulfur dioxide constituents that are liberated into the
(Sect. Larger particles (termed aqueous film may have a significant in-
the coarse mode), with diameter of more fluence on the atmospheric corrosion pro-
than around 1 µm, are produced through cesses. Moreover, many particles possess
different mechanical processes that result hygroscopic properties and retain water.
in windblown soil dust, sea spray, volcanic Hence, a typical particle may triple its vol-
dust, and plant particles. The aerosol ume when the relative humidity increases
particles are deposited and dissolved into from dry to 90%.
the aqueous layer on metal surfaces with
deposition rates that vary with particle size. Corrodent-metal Susceptibilities
In dry deposition, smaller particles behave Experience has shown that each metal
like gases and diffuse towards surfaces. behaves in a unique way with respect to at-
Larger particles, on the other hand, follow mospheric corrosion behavior. A particular
motions of the air to the surface, while corrodent does not necessarily corrode all
still larger particles have more momentum metals and a particular metal is not neces-
and impact on the surfaces independent sarily susceptible to all corrodents. Table 2
204 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

Tab. 2 Metal sensitivities to atmospheric corrodents. H = high sensitivity, M = moderate

sensitivity, L = low sensitivity, N = no sensitivity. Unfilled location implies that experimental
data are missing

Ag Al Cu Fe Ni Pb Sn Zn

CO2 /CO3 2·· L M L M M

NH3 /NH4 + M L M L L L L L
NO2 /NO3 − N L M M M M L M
H2 S H L H L L L L L
SO2 /SO4 2− L M H H H M L H
HCl/Cl− M H M H M M M M
O3 M N M M M M L M

is a summary of selected corrodent- general design considerations and de-

metal susceptibilities and includes eight scribes important laboratory tests and how
corrodents or corrodent pairs and eight well they are able to mimic the atmospheric
metals [1]. Data from the literature are not corrosion in ambient environments.
always conclusive and therefore pairs of
corrodents have been included in certain Design Considerations
cases, indicating that the gaseous form or
A laboratory test must be designed and
the ionic form or both may be the most
performed so that the most important pa-
active corrodent. It should be emphasized
rameters from an atmospheric corrosion
that the data in the table are not quan-
perspective are controlled. Reproducibility
titative, meaning that identical sensitivity
and the ability to mimic the atmospheric
designations for different metals do not
corrosion in different ambient environ-
imply identical corrosion rates.
ments are other important criteria of a
laboratory test. Parameters to consider in
accelerated tests are sample preparations
Laboratory Tests
prior to exposure, relative humidity, tem- Introduction perature, exposure time, corrodents, and
From previous sections, it is evident that corrodent delivery rate [1].
many parameters can influence the atmo-
spheric corrosion of a given metal. In order Exposure Chamber Laboratory
to perform more systematic studies of their tests are commonly performed in an
influence, laboratory tests are frequently exposure chamber, see Fig. 7, in which
used in which only a few selected parame- the freshly prepared sample is exposed
ters are varied. By applying laboratory tests, to a flowing atmosphere of filtered air to
individual parameters can be studied and which corrodents are added. The volume
varied under controlled conditions. Com- should be of several dm3 (litres) and the
parisons can also be made of the corrosion sample area of a few cm2 . All internal
resistance in a given atmospheric envi- walls in contact with the atmosphere
ronment of different metals under well- should be made of an inert material, for
defined conditions. This section discusses example, glass or polytetrafluoroethylene.
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 205

Pho out
ton Exposure chamber t ons
s in Pho

Gas A

Humidifier s

In s ysi analyzer

itu anal


Sample air out
Gas Gas B
generators analyzer

Fig. 7 Schematic diagram of an exposure chamber for controlled laboratory tests.

(Reproduced with permission from Ref. [1].)

Condensation should be avoided. The air the air should never pass through water
is filtered and purified from particles and during the humidification step, but only
gases by, for example, oil traps, particle above the water surface.
filters, and activated charcoal, before it is The temperature is usually kept constant
humidified and corrodents added. in the range from 20 to 30 ◦ C and
within ±1 ◦ C of the desired value. Within Sample Preparation For repro- this range, the temperature dependence
ducibility reasons, it is important to on the atmospheric corrosion rate is
consider a proper sample preparation, not so emphasized and the selected
otherwise the resulting corrosion effect temperature value not so critical. If
may be different from one exposure to performing laboratory tests that are based
the next. The test sample, usually a flat- on cyclic variations of relative humidity
shaped pure metal, is commonly prepared and temperature, it should be remembered
before exposure through some mechanical that cyclic tests are difficult to reproduce
or chemical treatment, such as abrasion between different experimental setups.
with SiC paper, diamond polishing, or im- The exposure time depends on the aim
mersion in a mild acid, followed by rinsing of the test, test severity, and the corrosion
with demineralized water and alcohol. Im- resistance of the actual metal. It is usually
mediately after surface preparation, the selected in the range of a few days to a few
metal forms an oxide or oxyhydroxide upon weeks. Data on corrosion effects can be
exposure to the ambient environment that interpolated or extrapolated by applying an
usually possesses some corrosion protec- empirical relationship between corrosion
tive properties. The properties of the oxide effect (M) as a function of time (t):
or oxyhydroxide film may age with time,
which may alter its corrosion protective M = At n (18)
ability. Hence, it is important also to con-
sider the storage time prior to exposure. with n usually in the range between 0.5 and
1.0 and A a constant of proportionality. Relative Humidity, Temperature,
and Exposure Time The air is typically Corrodents and Their Delivery
humidified at a constant relative humidity The choice of corrodents, their concentra-
within the range from 50 to 95% and the tions, and delivery rates are other impor-
variation in relative humidity should be tant parameters to consider in laboratory
kept within ±3% of the desired value. In tests. Despite the importance of aerosol
order to avoid water droplets or aerosols, particles, most tests so far reported have
206 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

been based on gases. Comparison with ex- surface and the local air velocity. The
posures in natural atmospheres suggest most common and realistic flow condition
that gas concentrations in the range of a is turbulent flow, in which convection
few tens to a few hundreds of ppbv (volume is the dominant delivery mechanism of
parts per billion) give reasonable agree- corrodents to the surface. In laminar
ment with field data. Higher levels may flow, diffusion is the dominant transport
introduce physical or chemical processes mechanism, especially at low air speeds.
during atmospheric corrosion that are not Because of reactions between the metal
representative of field exposures, whereas surface and the airborne corrodent, there
lower levels may increase the exposure is a boundary region in the gaseous regime
time too much. next to the surface, characterized by a
Table 3 is a summary of commonly used depletion in corrodent characterization,
corrodents in laboratory exposures [1].
see Fig. 8 [1].
Methods to generate and monitor the
The atmospheric corrosion rate is usu-
corrodents are also displayed in the table.
ally said to be under mixed control, with
For several important constituents, no
the rate determined both by the delivery
suitable continuous monitoring technique
rate of corrodents to the surface and by the
is available. Gaseous chlorine is often used
as a substitute for hydrogen chloride, for reaction rate of reactants with the surface.
which there is no simple way of generation. Two extreme situations can be identified.
However, the use of gaseous chlorine is Under highly turbulent and well-stirred
debated because of its absence in many airflow conditions, there is no limitation
important atmospheric environments. It in transport rate and the corrosion rate is
may introduce a corrosion chemistry into only determined by surface reaction rates.
the experiments regarded as unrealistic. On the other hand, when the corroding
An often overlooked but important surface acts as an ideal absorber for cor-
parameter in laboratory tests is the delivery rodents, there is no limitation in surface
rate of corrodents through the gas phase reaction rate and the corrosion rate will
to the corroding surface. This rate is be limited by transport processes to the
determined by flow conditions near the surface.

Tab. 3 Commonly studied air constituents in laboratory tests, and techniques for their generation
and continuous analysis

Air constituent Generating technique Analytical technique

SO2 Permeation tube Fluorescence

NO2 Permeation tube Chemiluminescence
NH3 Permeation tube Chemiluminescence
O3 UV radiation UV photometry
H2 S Permeation tube Lead acetate densitometry or conversion to SO2 and
fluorescence measurements
Cl2 Permeation tube No suitable technique for continuous measurements
(NH4 )2 SO4 Solution atomizer, No suitable technique for continuous measurements
NaCl Spraying No suitable technique for continuous measurements
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 207

Fig. 8 Boundary region in the

gas phase next to the surface, Boundary layer
characterized by a depletion in

corrodent concentration.

Distance Simulation Considerations under field and laboratory conditions,

One primary aim of laboratory tests is respectively.
to mimic specific field exposures under Each metal behaves in a unique way with
accelerated conditions. This requires that respect to atmospheric corrosion proper-
the exposure conditions of the laboratory ties, and the conclusions drawn from the
test trigger the same corrosion processes nickel study cannot necessarily be drawn
as the actual field exposure does. In view of for other metals. However, if the same or
the multitude of different air constituents similar corrosion products are formed on
and climatic factors that may influence the a given metal when exposed to a laboratory
corrosion behavior during exposure in any and a natural atmospheric environment,
natural environment, one may ask whether respectively, the results suggest that the
the laboratory test really can be repre- same corrosion processes are operating in
sented by only a few parameters present. both exposures. Table 4 displays examples
To explore this question, a comprehen- of reported laboratory tests that have gen-
sive study has been performed in which erated corrosion products similar to those
the corrosion effects of nickel have been seen in natural field exposures [13–18]. It
compared in the field and laboratory, re- appears that certain combinations of two
spectively [13]. or three corrodents at concentrations be-
The natural exposure situation of a low 1 ppmv, together with a proper choice
large number of sheltered test sites
of relative humidity and airflow rate, can
was analyzed with respect to relative
generate the corrosion products that are
humidity and airflow rate. By using a
formed in natural field environments.
set of representative and constant values
of relative humidity, temperature, and
airflow rate, and with sulfur dioxide and Standardized Accelerated Tests
nitrogen dioxide as the only gaseous Standardized laboratory exposures for ac-
corrodents, it turned out that the laboratory celerated corrosion tests have been de-
test generated not only similar corrosion veloped for various industrial products
rates but also a similar composition of and applications. Previous tests usually
corrosion products in the laboratory and used only one gaseous corrodent, mainly
field investigations, respectively. Hence, sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide, at very
by applying these exposure parameters, high concentrations (>10 000 ppbv). More
the same processes appear to be operating recently developed laboratory tests for
during the atmospheric corrosion of nickel evaluating, for example, electronic devices
208 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

Tab. 4 Characteristics of laboratory tests with corrosion products similar to those in certain field

Corrodent Metal Main phase (s) Type of simulated Ref.

field environment

SO2 , NO2 Nickel NiSO4 ·6H2 O Rural, urban 13

SO2 , NO2 Copper Cu2 O, Urban 14
Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ,
Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ·H2 O
(NH4 )2 SO4 Copper Cu2 O, Rural 15
Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 , Office
Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ·H2 O
NaCl, SO2 Zinc Zn5 (OH)8 Cl2 ·H2 O Marine 16
Cl2 , NO2 , H2 S Copper Cu2 O, Cu2 Cl(OH)3 Indoor industry 17
Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ·H2 O (pulp and paper)
SO2 , NO2 Nickel Ni(II)-sulfates Traffic 18
Copper and hydroxysulfates Telephone exchange

consist of flowing gas and multicorro- versatility, scientific understanding and

dent mixtures of mainly sulfur dioxide, ability to extract in situ information during
hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide, or chlo- ongoing atmospheric corrosion. Advanced
rine gas at much lower concentrations laboratory tests allow exposures of met-
(<1000 ppbv). These accelerated tests all als in the presence of several gaseous
operate at constant temperature and rel- corrodents at very low concentrations
ative humidity. Frequently used tests are (<100 ppbv), in situ analysis of the deposi-
those adopted by the International Elec- tion rate of each investigated corrodent and
trotechnical Commission (IEC) [19] and in situ analysis of the chemical composi-
by the Battelle Institute in USA [20], re- tion of initially formed corrosion products,
spectively. Their aim is to mimic indoor both as a function of exposure time.
exposure situations. The schematics of an exposure cham-
An accelerated corrosion that aims ber is illustrated in Fig. 7. The deposition
to mimic outdoor exposures has been rate is obtained by comparing the con-
adopted by the International Organization centration of gaseous corrodents at the
for Standardization (ISO). It is based on inlet and outlet of gas to the exposure
cyclic deposition of sodium chloride (NaCl) chamber from which the consumption
aerosols, and to cyclic changes in dry and of gas in the chemical reactions can be
wet conditions [21]. deduced. The continuous growth of cor-
rosion products on the metal surface can Important Laboratory Test be obtained from several techniques that
Whereas the standardized accelerated tests can provide in situ information during
emphasize robustness and reproducibility exposure of the metal surface to the atmo-
in performance, a number of impor- sphere. Such techniques include infrared
tant accelerated tests have been developed reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS,
for scientific purposes that emphasize identification of chemical species), quartz
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 209

crystal microbalance (QCM, changes in chamber, the particle-induced corrosion

mass, see Chapter 7, Volume 4), atomic process could be followed by a multitude
force microscopy (AFM, changes in sur- of analytical techniques, including infrared
face topography, see Chapter 7, Volume 4) spectroscopy and the Kelvin probe. As an
and the Kelvin probe (variation in corro- example, Fig. 9 displays the variation of
sion potential along the corroding surface, corrosion potential in the vicinity of a de-
see Chapter 7, Volume 4). The use of posited particle, as obtained by the Kelvin
such techniques have generated a better probe. Such results help in interpreting the
molecular insight into the corrosion mech- corrosion behavior observed during indoor
anisms that govern the role of gaseous or or outdoor exposures, which largely is in-
particulate corrodents. fluenced by deposited aerosol particles.
One excellent example of a multiana-
lytical laboratory study is the influence 3.1.5
of submicron sized particles of ammo- Field Tests
nium sulfate ((NH4 )2 SO4 ) on the atmo-
spheric corrosion of selected metals [22]. Introduction
These particles were aerosolized and de- Corrosion in natural outdoor or indoor
posited under dry conditions on the metal environments is complex because of the in-
surface, whereby the deposited amounts fluence of many different parameters. Yet,
corresponded to up to 10 years of ex- it is possible to grasp, at least qualitatively,
posure in indoor locations of USA. By the behavior of atmospheric corrosion
introducing humidity into the exposure through consideration of concepts and

Fig. 9 The variation in corrosion potential (vertical axis) over a

surface area sized 2000 × 2000 µm 18 hours after depositing an
(NH4 )2 SO4 particle. The results were obtained by a Kelvin probe
during exposure at 300 K and 93% relative humidity. (Ref. [22].)
210 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

parameters, as they were described in commonly defined as the time during

Sect. 3.1.2. The most crucial parameter which, simultaneously, the temperature is
is surface water, deposited under condi- >0 ◦ C and the relative humidity ≥ 80%.
tions of high relative humidity or rainfall However, actual conditions that determine
and given up by evaporation under less if a surface is wet are far more complicated
humid conditions. Triggered by cyclic or to define than through this relatively
strongly varying humidity conditions, at- simple definition. In fact, detailed surface
mospheric corrosion normally proceeds studies have shown that the time during
through a sequence of consecutive steps, which the surface is wet enough for
each one corresponding to a dry-wet-dry cy- atmospheric corrosion to occur commonly
cle and consisting of dissolution of species, exceeds the time-of-wetness as defined
followed by ion pairing and subsequent above (see Fig. 10). One main reason
reprecipitation. The dissolution process are all deposited aerosol particles that
is accelerated by protons or other ions, retain surface water even when the relative
including sulfate and chloride. Once dis- humidity is significantly below 80%.
solved in the aqueous adlayer, the metal Another reason is the freezing point for
ions tend to coordinate with counterions. the aqueous adlayer, that often is found to
The composition of counterions is highly be in the range between −5 and −10 ◦ C.
dependent on the chemical and flow con- From this follows that the actual time
ditions of the atmospheric environment. for the surface to be ‘‘wet’’ is extended
When the ion pairs reach supersaturation, as compared to the definition of time-of-
they will precipitate into a solid phase. wetness from above [4].
With this conceptual framework in mind, Atmospheric corrosion rates are com-
it is easier to understand some specific monly related to a ‘‘critical relative hu-
differences between outdoor and indoor midity’’, above which the corrosion rate
atmospheric corrosion. increases significantly and below which
the rate is insignificant for many practical Outdoor Exposures purposes. Depending on metal and expo-
sure conditions, critical relative humidities Time-of-wetness From what have been reported in the range from 50
has been said previously, it is evident to 90%. The critical relative humidity is
that important atmospheric parameters to associated with the point of deliquescence
influence outdoor atmospheric corrosion of deposited aerosol particles, above which
are relative humidity, temperature, the aerosols rapidly absorb water un-
concentration of aerosol and gaseous til a saturated solution is obtained. For
corrodents, flow conditions, and degree of a single-phase aerosol, there is a well-
sheltering. The combined action of relative defined critical relative humidity, whereas
humidity, temperature, and deposited for a mixture of phases (the common
aerosol particles (which may retain the situation in natural outdoor environments)
aqueous adlayer on the surface) largely the critical relative humidity is lower than
determines the degree of surface wetting. those of the single phases.
An important concept for characterizing
a wetted surface, and established from ISO Classification System
an atmospheric corrosion perspective, On the basis of a worldwide atmo-
is the so-called time-of-wetness. It is spheric exposure program, known as
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 211



Relative water content





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Relative humidity
Fig. 10 The relative mass of water, defined as the total mass of water
divided by the total mass of deposited particles, retained on a gold surface
and plotted as a function of relative humidity during a large number of
consecutive 24-h cycles. Each cycle is represented by one increase (during
nighttime) and one decrease (during daytime) in relative mass of water
and relative humidity, respectively. The figure clearly shows that significant
amounts of water are present at a relative humidity far below 80%. The
data have been obtained through outdoor use of the quartz crystal
microbalance. (Adapted with permission from Ref [4].)

ISO CORRAG [23], the International Or- is assigned for each metal. The second
ganization for Standardization (ISO) has approach is based on the measurement
implemented a classification system for of the deposition rate of sulfur dioxide,
evaluating atmospheric corrosivity and on deposition rate of chloride ions, and time-
the basis of variables that are fairly easy to of-wetness at the site, the combination of
obtain [24, 25]. This ISO classification has which results in an estimated corrosivity
found several applications, for example, to class. On the basis of the measured or the
predict the long-term corrosion behavior estimated corrosivity class, a prediction of
in different environments and to evaluate the extent of long-term corrosion damage
the effect of protective coatings. It contains of steel, copper, zinc, and aluminum can
two principally different approaches of be made.
assessing the corrosivity of any outdoor at-
mospheric environment. The first is based Corrosion Rates The most pre-
on exposure of standard specimens of cise way of defining the corrosion effect
steel, copper, zinc, and aluminum for one is through the measurement of the differ-
year whereby the corrosion effect is mea- ence in mass of the metal before exposure
sured through mass loss measurements. and after exposure and subsequent disso-
One of five measured corrosivity classes lution of corrosion products. Hence, the
212 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

corrosion effect upon atmospheric expo- increase the corrosion rate by wetting
sure is commonly determined as a mass the surface and depositing atmospheric
loss of metal. constituents. On the other hand, it may
In Sect., an empirical relation- decrease the corrosion rate by washing
ship between corrosion effect (M) and off deposited corrodents from the metal
exposure time (t) was introduced: surface.

M = At n (18) Acid Deposition Sulfur dioxide
It turns out to be a fairly good approxima- and nitrogen dioxide are two important
tion in most outdoor exposures – provided acidifying pollutants that contribute to acid
the exposure period is long enough – and deposition effects of materials. Sulfur diox-
for a variety of metals and alloys, includ- ide concentrations increase in countries
ing carbon and low alloy steels, galvanized characterized by rapid industrialization
steel, and zinc, copper, and copper alloys. with a lack of emission controls and de-
The A factor in the relationship gives crease in countries with emission controls
the initial corrosion rate and the expo- combined with the use of coal and oil
nent n is a measure of the protective with low sulfur content. The concentration
ability of the corrosion products formed. of nitrogen dioxide in the same environ-
In benign environments, the generated ments are characterized by more constant
corrosion product films possess protective values or increasing trends. Hence, the
properties, resulting in n-values of 0.6 or molar ratio between nitrogen dioxide and
lower. In highly aggressive environments, sulfur dioxide has increased with time,
on the other hand, n-values close to 1 are thus changing the mechanism for the ox-
often observed. This corresponds to a situ- idation of S(IV) to S(VI) (Sect.
ation in which the corrosion product films While accelerated corrosion tests with dif-
possess little protective properties, if any. ferent concentrations of sulfur dioxide
The corrosion rate in this case is mainly and nitrogen dioxide have unambiguously
governed by the supply. proven that nitrogen dioxide increases
the atmospheric corrosion rates of sev- Effect of Rain Sheltering Rain- eral metals, the corresponding effect of
sheltered outdoor exposures differ from nitrogen dioxide in field exposures has so
unsheltered exposures in several ways. far been unsuccessful. This experimental
During sheltering, the surface is shielded contradiction is most likely related to the
from direct precipitation and solar radia- inherent difference between accelerated
tion. Sheltering may also prevent coarse tests performed in the laboratory, in which
aerosol particles, such as windblown sea each gaseous constituent can be controlled
salt or soil dust, from reaching the separately, and field exposures, charac-
exposed metal surface. On the other terized by an uncontrolled multipollutant
hand, it does not hinder smaller aerosol exposure situation. Since nitrogen dioxide
particles and gases from reaching the and ozone are intertwined (Sect.,
surface and interacting. There is no the oxidizing role of nitrogen seen in
easy way of predicting if rain sheltering laboratory exposures is hidden in field ex-
has an accelerating or retarding effect. posures because of the presence of ozone
Direct precipitation, for instance, may and other oxidants.
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 213 Indoor Exposures an exception, which exhibits similar indoor

Although the same fundamental corrosion and outdoor corrosion rates (Fig. 12) [26].
related processes and concepts operate The difference between indoors and
in both indoor and outdoor atmospheric outdoors also results in differences in
corrosion, corrosion rates indoors are gen- chemical composition of the corrosion
erally found to be lower than outdoors. The products. They contain metal-carboxylates
main reasons are the variations in relative as important constituents indoors, but not
humidity, that are far less dramatic indoors outdoors [27].
than out, and the deposition rates and con-
centrations of gas or particle corrodents, Standardized Field Tests
generally also lower indoors than out. The Considering the large number of envi-
same physicochemical processes operate, ronmental parameters that can influence
however, including the adsorption of wa- the exposure of a metal in a natural
ter, deposition of gases and particles into environment, there is a need to standardize
the liquid layer, proton and ligand-induced the exposure situation so that comparisons
dissolution, ion pairing, and precipitation can be made between the corrosion results
and growth of corrosion products. Dry-wet- from different outdoor exposures [28]. The
dry cycles are less common indoors and outdoor exposure site should represent
only expected in locations with relatively a general macroclimate, that is, uniform
high outdoor-indoor exchange rates. As a conditions of a specific rural, urban, ma-
result, mean indoor corrosion rate values rine, or industrial environment, and the
of most metals, including iron, copper, site location should be selected accord-
nickel, cobalt, and zinc are typically be- ingly. The test site should be located so that
tween two and three orders of magnitude point sources of emission can be avoided
lower than outdoors (Fig. 11) [26]. Silver is and samples be exposed facing south in

100 100
Indoor data
Indoor log normal
Outdoor corrosion rate
[(µg cm−2 hr−1) × 104]

[µg cm−2 hr−1]

Corrosion rate

10 10

Outdoor data
Outdoor log normal

1 1
0.01 1 10 99.99
Cumulative percentage of measurements
Fig. 11 Mean indoor and outdoor corrosion rates of iron as a function of the
cumulative percentage of measurements. (Reproduced with permission from
Ref [26].)
214 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

[(µg cm−2 hr−1) × 104]
Corrosion rate


0.01 1 10 99.99
Cumulative percentage of measurements
Fig. 12 Mean indoor and outdoor corrosion rates of silver as a
function of the cumulative percentage of measurements. Filled and
unfilled circles are indoor corrosion data, whereas crosses are
outdoor corrosion data. (Reproduced with permission from
Ref [26].)

the northern hemisphere and north in effects have important implications in a

the southern hemisphere. It should fur- large variety of applications. It is be-
thermore be located at or near ongoing yond the scope of this chapter to de-
measurements of gaseous and/or parti- scribe these applications in detail and
cle measurements. Recommended instru- the reader is referred to more compre-
mentation includes a thermograph and hensive chapters on, for example, ar-
hygrograph for ambient temperature and chitectural and structural applications,
relative humidity monitoring, equipment cultural artifacts, and electronic de-
for measuring wind velocity and wind di- vices [1].
rection, frequency, duration, and amount
of precipitation (rain gauges), time-of- References
wetness (either through relative humidity
and temperature data or through so-called 1. C. Leygraf, T. Graedel, Atmospheric Corro-
time of wetness-sensors), chloride ion depo- sion, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
sition (through the wet candle method), 2000.
2. E. Mc Cafferty, V. Pravdic, A. C. Zettlemo-
and determination of sulfur dioxide con-
yer, Trans. Faraday. Soc. 1970, 66, 1720–1731.
centration (through sulfation plates or the 3. P. A. Thiel, T. M. Madey, Surf. Sci. Rep. 1987,
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4. M. Forslund, C. Leygraf, J. Electrochem. Soc.
3.1.6 1997, 144, 105–113.
5. K. Barton, Protection Against Atmospheric
Important Applications
Corrosion, John Wiley & Sons, London, 1976,
p. 29.
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outdoor and indoor atmospheric corrosion Electrochem. Soc. 1997, 144, 1244–1252.
3.1 Atmospheric Corrosion 215

7. C. Leygraf in Corrosion Mechanisms in Theory 19. IEC 68-2-60 (Second edition), Environmental
and Practice (Eds.: P. Marcus, J. Oudar), Mar- testing-part 2: Tests-Ke: flowing mixed gas
cel Dekker, New York, 1995, pp. 421–455. corrosion tests, Draft International Standard,
8. W. Stumm, G. Furrer, Aquatic Surface Chem- International Electrotechnical Commission,
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10. T. E. Graedel, J. P. Franey, G. W. Kammlott, rosion testing involving cyclic exposure to
Science 1984, 224, 599–601. salt mist, ‘‘dry’’ and ‘‘wet’’ conditions, Draft
11. T. Aastrup, M. Wadsak, M. Schreiner et al., International Standard, International Organi-
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23. D. Knotkova, L. Vrobel, Proc. 11th Int. Corros.
13. S. Zakipour, J. Tidblad, C. Leygraf, J. Elec-
Congress, Florence, Italy, 1990, p. 5.581.
trochem. Soc. 1997, 144, 3513–3517.
24. ISO 9223, Corrosion of Metals and Alloys,
14. J. Tidblad, C. Leygraf, J. Electrochem. Soc.
Classification of Corrosivity Atmospheres, Inter-
1995, 142, 749–756. national Organization for Standardization,
15. R. E. Lobnig, D. J. Siconolfi, R. P. Franken- Geneva, Switzerland, 1991.
thal et al., Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Corrosion and 25. ISO 9224, Corrosion of Metals and Alloys,
Reliability of Electronic Materials and Devices Guiding Values for the Corrosivity Categories of
(Eds.: R. B. Commizzoli, R. P. Frankenthal, Atmospheres, International Organization for
J. D. Sinclair), The Electrochemical Society, Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1991.
Pennington, N.J., 1994, pp. 63–78. 26. D. W. Rice, R. J. Cappell, W. Kinsolving et al.,
16. T. Falk, J.-E. Svensson, L.-G. Johansson, J. J. Electrochem. Soc. 1980, 127, 891–901.
Electrochem. Soc. 1998, 145, 2993–2999. 27. D. Persson, C. Leygraf, J. Electrochem. Soc.
17. M. Lenglet, J. Lopitaux, C. Leygraf et al., J. 1995, 142, 1468–1477.
Electrochem. Soc. 1995, 142, 3690–3696. 28. H. H. Lawson, Atmospheric Corrosion Test
18. S. Zakipour, C. Leygraf, J. Electrochem. Soc. Methods, NACE International, Houston, Tex.,
1986, 133, 21–30. 1995.
216 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

3.2 Metals documented highlights of the sci-

Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and entific progress. For references, see [1].
Semiconductors Moreover, the classical books by Young [5]
and Kaesche [6], and a number of re-
Joachim Walter Schultze views [7–16] and fundamental articles
AGEFeV-Institut an der Heinrich-Heine-
.. .. .. should be mentioned.
Universitat Dusseldorf, Universitatsstr. 1,
.. At first, the term passivity was ex-
D-40225 Dusseldorf/Germany
tended to other metal/electrolyte systems
Achim Walter Hassel of the type M/ox/electrolyte. Later, it was
.. .. found that passivity is a general phe-
Max-Planck-Institut fur Eisenforschung, Dus-
.. nomenon, which can be also observed
seldorf Max-Planck-Str. 1, D-40237 Dussel-
dorf/Germany for other systems. In 1983, the aforemen-
tioned symposium series was renamed to
3.2.1 include semiconductors: 5th International
Introduction Symposium on Passivity of Metals and Semi-
conductors [12]. Similarly, passivation in Definition of Passivity nonaqueous electrolytes can be included
Unstable metals dissolve by active corro- too, for example, molten salts in which
sion in many solutions: passivating films of nitrides or other com-
pounds are formed.
M −−−→ Mz+ (aq) + ze− (1)
Thus, we can apply a general definition:
They become ‘‘passive’’ if they substan-
A passive system consists of a thermodynamically
tially resist corrosion under conditions in unstable material, which is covered by a passive
which the bare metal would react sig- film separating the material from a corroding
nificantly. This behavior is due to the liquid (or gaseous) phase. This film prohibits
inhibition of active dissolution by the more the active attack of the bare metal. It is formed
from the metal itself and components of the
or less spontaneous formation of a dense
environment (oxygen, water or other liquids).
passive film of limited ionic conductivity, Formation is typically an electroless process in
which is formed by an anodic reaction of water or in air, or is an anodic process in water.
the type The anodic current density may be supplied from
an exterior circuit or compensated by cathodic
M + H2 O −−−→ MOz/2 + zH+ + ze− currents, for example, hydrogen evolution or
2 oxygen reduction at open circuit conditions.
Figure 1 gives a schematic diagram for This definition excludes inhibitor films or
a metal electrode. Various ion-transfer other corrosion-protecting layers such as
reactions (ITRs) and electron-transfer re- paint and so on, which have the same
actions (ETRs) can occur, which stabilize function as passive films but a different
or dissolve the passive film [1, 2]. They will origin. Such films are formed from
be explained in Sect. components in the electrolyte (inhibitors)
The phenomenon of passivity was dis- or are deposited in a technical process (e.g.
covered by Schönbein for Fe [3]. In the cathodic deposition of paint).
following 200 years, passivity research has In electronics and other fields ‘‘passiva-
been widely extended to many systems. tion’’ includes all protective films against
For a historical review, see Ref. [4]. The corrosion, even if they are deposited by any
International Symposia on Passivity of other technique rather than anodization,
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 217

M MOz/2 Electrolyte

ie ETR

Mz+ O2−
H2O iox


Mz+ icorr
Mz+ (pass)

− OH2

1/2 O2 + 2H+

− H+
MOz/2Hx hn CBR
2e− (ITR
− + OH2
− + ETR)

1/2 O2 + 2H+ iph


− + iph,
− + MOz/2 Mz+ + O2

H 2O
i = 0, chem R

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of passivated Ti. For explanation of
possible ion-transfer reactions, ITRs, electron-transfer reactions, ETRs,
and reactions with break or formation of chemical bonds, CBR, see
Sect. [1].

for example, Physical vapor deposition a wide range. To characterize the systems,
(PVD), or oxidation by oxygen or steam. we can distinguish them by properties of
In this chapter, however, we will focus on the following:
anodic films formed in liquid electrolytes. Survey of Systems 1. The film:

Because of the variety of chemical systems, – thickness of the film: monomolecular
passive films and passive systems vary over or thick films,
218 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

– homogeneity (on pure metals, one strongly. Table 1 gives representative data
oxide), or heterogeneity (vertical, for many systems: thermodynamic data
e.g. sandwich oxides, lateral, e.g. at (Uox ), ionic data (growth constants) and
grain boundaries, porous films), electronic data (Eg , etc.). The data will be
– electronic properties of the film: metal- explained in the following sections. In the
lic conduction, semiconductors, in- conclusions, a short summary is given for
sulators, Fe, Pt, Al and Si.
– redox processes (lower or higher
oxides of the metal) Thermodynamics and Bond
– origin: natural, (air, water), technical Polarity
(anodic, modified), fresh/aged In the middle of the last century, thermody-
– crystallinity: epitaxial, amorphous namic arguments for oxide film formation
morphology. were favored by Pourbaix [17]. In many
2. The substrate: systems, the oxidation state of oxides in-
– chemistry of the substrate: type of creases with increasing potential. Pourbaix
metal or semiconductor, purity, al- diagrams show the stability of the metal
loys. Figure 2 gives a survey of and special oxides as a function of pH and
passivating elements with a simple potential. One diagram refers to one or
characterization of passivating, cor- more special oxides. For hydroxides other
roding, and redox processes. This values have to be taken, but the difference
characterization, of course, is quali- between oxides and hydroxides is often
tative only because of various com- very small. In Sect., an example is
peting influences. given for Al. For other examples, namely,
– metallurgy of the substrate: single Ti, see Refs. [1, 2].
crystals with defined orientation, In Table 1, Uox refers to the potential
thin films, polycrystalline materials, for the given oxide formed by Eq. (2). It
surface properties (roughness), and decreases with decreasing electronegativ-
modified substrates. ity of the metal, that is, with increasing
3. The electrolyte: ionicity of the bond. Correspondingly, the
– chemistry (film forming or aggres- band gap energy Eg increases [18–20].
sive ions), concentration, tempera- The review of thermodynamic data
ture, flow rates, and so on have to gives, of course, only a first insight into
be considered, since they influence the range of stability of passive films.
the stability or destruction of the On the other hand, fundamental kinetic
passive film. phenomena, for example, growth, the
formation of duplex films with different
3.2.2 oxidation state or the stability of passive
General Principles of Passivity metals in acid solution cannot be explained
by thermodynamics, but require kinetic
In this chapter, the general principles, arguments [16].
experiments and values for passive films Electronic properties, such as the flat-
are discussed. In Sect., details for Al band potential UFB and the positions of
are given as a simple example for the high the conduction and valence band, UCB
field growth of oxide films. Many systems and UVB , can be included. Figure 1 in
behave similarly, but some others differ Ref. [1] shows an advanced diagram for
Element No passivation
Fe Passive under unusual conditions
Some passivation but susceptible to corrosion
H Corrodes in aggressive environments He
Differential oxidation of oxides No corrosion
Li Be B C N O F Ne

Na Ma Al Si P S Cl Ar

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te J Xe

Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn

Fr Ra

Fig. 2 Periodic system with elements qualitatively marked for passivation or corrosion in aqueous solution. Differential oxidation of oxides indicates
possible application, for example, in batteries.
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors
Tab. 1 Typical data for passive films taken from Ref. [1], density ρ, dielectric permittivity ε, band gap energy Eg , flat band potential UFB , equilibrium
potential of oxide electrode Uox (Reaction 2 [16]), donor concentration N, difference of electronegativity χ, transference number of cations t+ ,
formation factor dd/dU, and initial oxide thickness d0 . Because of the strong dependence of properties on the preparation technique, the microstructure
and the sensitivity of thin films, the reliability of these data is less than for bulk, crystalline solids

Metal Oxide ρ ε Eg UFB Uox N χ t+ dd/dU d0

[g cm−3 ] [eV] [V] [V] [cm−3 ] [nm V−1 ] [nm]

Al Al2 O3 3–3.4 7.5–15 7–9.5 −1.35 1.5 0.4–0.5 0.75–2 2–4.3

Au Au2 O3 /Au(OH)3 12.7 16–120 1.3 1.45 2.4 0.7–1
Be BeO 3 6.8 −1.76 1.5 0.75 0.76 0.65
3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

Bi Bi2 O3 7–9 18–40 2.7 0.38 1.9 25

Cr Cr2 O3 3.5 −0.6 1.6
Cu Cu2 O 7–12 1.8 −0.28 0.42 1.9
CuO 6 18 0.6–1.7 0 2
Fe Fe2 O3 /Fe3 O4 5.2 1.9 0.4 −0.08 1020 1.9 0.6
Hf HfO2 10 14–34 5.1 0 −1.57 1018 1.3 0 1.8–2.4 4.1–5.1
Ir IrO2 0.93 2.2
Mo MoO3 4.5 −0.04 3.5 3.1
Nb Nb2 O5 4.4–5 41–46 3.4–5.3 −0.08 −0.65 1018 –1019 1.6 0.33 2.1–3.7 1.5–3.6
Ni NiO/NiOOH 3.5 0.08 1.8
Pb PbO2 1.8
Pt PtO 1.3 0.9 0.98 2.2 0.6
Sb Sb2 O5 5.2 20 3 −0.22 0.15 1017 1.9
Si SiO2 2.1 3.8 9 −0.86 1.8 0 0.4–0.7
Sn SnO2 6.7 3.5 0.5 −0.11 1019 –1020 1.8 1
Ta Ta2 O5 8–8.7 12–27 4–4.6 −0.8 −0.81 1.5 0.3–0.5 1.3–2.4 1–2
Te TeO2 5 2.1
Ti TiO2 3.4–4.2 7–114 3.2–3.8 0–0.3 −0.86 1020 1.6 0.4 1.3–3.3 1.3–5.4
V V2 O5 3.4–4.3 −1.02 1.6 0.28 6.5 5
W WO3 6.5 23–57 2.7–3.1 0.6 1017 –1018 1.7 0.37 1.8 1.5
Zn ZnO 3.2 −0.42 1.6
Zr ZrO2 5.5–5.8 12–31 4.6–8 −0.82 −1.43 1.4 0 1.7–3 1.7–5.3
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 221

Ti, which combines thermodynamic data – Measurements of topography from op-

of Pourbaix with electronic properties of tical microscopy, scanning electron mi-
TiO2 . For the application of such electronic croscopy (SEM), scanning tunnelling
data for redox processes, see Sect. microscopy (STM), atomic force mi-
croscopy (AFM), Laser profilometry, Experimental Techniques for Kelvin- and electrochemical probes.
Characterization of Passive Films – Spatially resolved electrochemistry by
A large number of experimental tech- scanning probes or microcells, for
niques were used to prove the existence example, Kelvin probe, Electrochemi-
of films and to find out their properties. cal Microscope, investigation of single
We have to distinguish various groups grains of polycrystalline materials.
of methods: – Chemical analysis, for example, locally
– nondestructive in situ methods (e.g. resolved concentration.
ellipsometry, EIS) – Spectroscopic measurements (inten-
– destructive in situ measurements (e.g. sity, phase of incident, and emit-
cathodic reduction) ted photons), which yield chemical,
– ex situ measurements that involve the electronic, structural, and thickness
problems of redox reactions, aging, information, for example, by pho-
recrystallization, etc. (e.g. X-ray pho- ton/photon effects (e.g. ellipsometry)
toelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra or photon absorption (e.g. reflectome-
as nondestructive, sputter profiles as try) or structural information (e.g. from
destructive analysis). Extended X-ray absorption fine struc-
ture (EXAFS) or Electron Back Scatter
According to the applied method, the Diffraction EBSD).
following investigations can be grouped: – Various combined measurements, of-
– Electrochemical DC-investigations yi- ten combinations of spectroscopy and
eld potentials U , current densities i, electrochemistry, yield information on
and charge densities q. They analyze special processes, for example, in pho-
the films by destructive dissolution or toelectrochemistry or electrolumines-
controlled formation and take kinetic cence.
data from i, or stoichiometric informa- The evaluation of film properties from
tion from coulometry. such techniques depends on the validity of
– Electrochemical small signal AC-analy- many assumptions and of applied models.
sis that yields capacities C, resistances Therefore, various different methods have
R or conductivities, detection of space to be simultaneously applied to get a
charges, and other electronic proper- reliable picture of the system.
ties. Large signal analysis by DC pulses
yields kinetic information under insta- Thickness and Stoichiometry of
tionary conditions. Passive Films
– Mechanical investigations, for exam- The thickness d of passive films ranges
ple, gravimetric measurements with from monomolecular films in case of Pt
the electrochemical quartz microbal- and Au to thick films in the micrometer
ance. Measurements of elasticity and range in case of Al. The initial or native
deformation, for example, by indenta- oxide thickness d0 is often in the nm range
tion or by the film deflection method. (Table 1). It decreases with increasing Uox .
222 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

Depending on the experimental condi- qM

d= (3)
tions, however, thick films may be formed zrFρ
on many metals. Chemical, electrochem-
ical and spectroscopic techniques allow a where M = molecular weight, r = rough-
determination of the thickness of homo- ness factor, and ρ = density of a presumed
geneous films. On the basis of Eq. (2), homogeneous oxide. The assumption of
the interpretation of coulometric data, that a constant thickness, stoichiometry, and
is, the charge density q, according to density of a crystalline film is a first,
Faraday’s law gives an approximation of rough approximation only. Figure 3 shows
film thickness: a schematic survey in a logd/logU plot.

Spark Al
anodization (Anof)


m=1 p-Si
log d

2 FeOOH xH2O

n-Si (dark)
1 Au

elect. cond.
−1 0 1 2 3
log (U − Uox)
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of oxide thickness versus formation
potential in a double logarithmic plot: Al [21] and p-Si are taken
as examples of oxides growing according to the high field law
till 100 V. Thicker Al2 O3 -films by sparking (‘‘Anof’’ [22]). n-Si as
example of influence of a potential drop in the semiconductor.
Pt: high field growth limited by the onset of oxygen evolution.
Au: initial high field growth, then formation of a porous
hydrated oxide film during oxygen evolution. FeOOH:
deposition of a conducting layer from solution [23].
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 223

Many insulating (Al, Si) or semicon- oxygen evolution at above 2 V [23] or in

ducting (Fe, Pt) films grow according to case of passive iron due to transpassive
the high field model. Then, the formation dissolution [24].
potential Uf mainly determines the film Electronically conducting films de-
thickness d: posited from solution can grow continu-
ously with time. Sometimes, they appear
d = d0 + k(Uf − Uox ) (4)
together with real passive films and can-
with d0 = initial (air) passivity, k = not be distinguished (see passive iron as
dd/dU = film-formation constant given in example). The thickness is homogeneous
Table 1. k = 2 nm V−1 is a typical value. all over the surface only in case of films
It corresponds to a field strength of formed by the high field model [25]. With
5 × 106 V cm−1 . Equation (4) corresponds many real films, lateral (y-direction) gra-
to a straight line in Fig. 3, with a slope = 1. dients of thickness dd/dy from 10−6 to
The smaller influence of polarization time 103 have to be taken into account [26]. For
t is given on a logarithmic scale [1]. Typ- advanced techniques in Electrochemical
ically, the extension of t by one order of Micro- and Nano Technology [27], the role
magnitude yields a thickness increase of of thickness gradients and concentration
10% only. For details, see Sect. gradients is important.
Electronic conduction or increasing pas- The density of amorphous passive films
sive corrosion limit the film thickness in usually is less than that of crystalline
some cases, for example, for Pt due to modifications and is not exactly known.

M MOz/2 H 2O
Amorphous CB


(b) Crystalline CB


(c) M OH
Fig. 4 Schematic representation of
D: Mi2−, Oi2− CB
crystal structure (left side) and band
z+, 2− D
structure of passive films. (a) A: VM VO
amorphous film, (b) crystalline oxide, (c) M
doped oxide. CB and VB = conduction OH A
and valence band, Eg = band gap VB
energy, D,A = donor and acceptor
states, SS = surface states [1]. D(E)
224 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

Moreover, gradients of stoichiometry limit on the other hand, can be carried out
the accuracy of thickness determinations in situ, but they require smooth sur-
that often only refer to parts of the passive faces, complex equipment and are very
film. Many oxide films show an increase time-consuming. Therefore, they are only
of oxidation state from metal to the elec- available for a few systems, and the rele-
trolyte, for example, on Cu [13]. In case vance for technical materials is limited.
of passive iron, many traditional tech- Many passive films are amorphous or
niques only evaluate the thickness of the nanocrystalline [33, 34], with broad dis-
outer Fe2 O3 -film, but not that of the inner tribution functions of distances and co-
Fe3 O4 -layer. While Vetter [28] described ordination numbers instead of sharp,
the film by a duplex model, Wagner [14] well-defined values of crystals [35]. Spec-
presented a model with continuous change troscopic evidence can be obtained in situ
of stoichiometry. or ex situ for special crystal forms, for ex-
ample, by Raman and IR [36] or Anisotropy Chemistry, Crystal Structure and Microellipsometry AME [37]. This allows
Aging the observation of the crystallization pro-
cesses, but it does not exclude the existence Chemistry and Crystal Structure of surrounding different phases.
Passive films of some nanometer thick- For an example of a careful analysis
ness are too thin for traditional chem- of crystal growth of TiO2 , see Ref. [38].
ical analysis. Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) Another type of microstructure refers to
surface-sensitive analysis like Auger and films the structure of which depends on
XPS, however, give film compositions the orientation of the metal grains, for
with an accuracy of about 10%. Uncer- example, in case of Ti [37, 38], Zr [39, 40],
tainties arise from undefined contact with Ta [40] and Al [41]. Amorphous films do
air, surface contamination without sput- not have a structure and are nonepitaxial.
tering, and from preferential sputtering In case of Zr, epitaxial growth of oxide was
after cleaning the surface. In case of pure observed by AME [39].
metals and films without concentration
gradients, the crystal structure of the oxide Aging So-called ‘‘aging’’ of pas-
gives evidence for stoichiometry. sive films is not well defined. It involves
Various sophisticated methods were ap- various transformations such as stoichio-
plied to determine the crystal structure metric changes, swelling or dehydration,
of passive films. A long discussion was recrystallization, further growth, corro-
devoted to the role of ex situ measure- sion, or depletion of defects. Many film
ments that were carried out first. After properties such as ionic and electronic con-
removal from the electrolyte, crystalliza- ductivity and potential distribution change
tion, oxidation by air and oxide growth may with time. As a consequence of aging, film
take place. For example, it is well known stability or corrosion resistance will usu-
that the amorphous passive films crystal- ally be improved, at least changed during
lize under irradiation with electrons [29]. long-term application of the material. Ag-
Therefore, electron diffraction measure- ing often hinders a straightforward model
ments yield crystalline Al2 O3 -, Ta2 O5 -, or interpretation. A typical example is given
Fe2 O3 -films, which differ from the in situ by potentiostatic pulse measurements over
structure. EXAFS measurements [30–32], 6 to 10 orders of magnitude, from µs to
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 225

ks. At first an amorphous film is formed, and ionic conductivity, of the thickness
which slowly transforms into a crystalline d, and of the pH value. Because of the
one. The crystal structure, band structure, excess charges q at the interfaces or
and electronic conductivity develop slowly. space charges ρ within the oxide, ϕ (x)
A simple calculation may explain that. changes resulting in a field strength ES =
Within the first µs, the current density is dϕ/dx. As shown by Güntherschulze and
about 1 A cm−2 , which means an average Betz [44–46], Verwey [47], or Mott [48] this
lifetime of 10−3 s for an ion on a lattice- is important for the migration of charge
like position. This short time will be much carriers, ions, and electrons as well. An
less than the expected relaxation time of a exact evaluation of the total potential drop
crystal lattice of 102 s or more. Therefore, has been given by Vetter [28]
during fast formation, amorphous oxides
ϕ = ϕm − ϕe = ϕm/ox + ϕox + ϕH
will be preferred, which can slowly (or
never?) crystallize.
with the consequences for ion-transfer
An example will be shown below
reactions. ϕox equals the band bending
(Fig. 23) with oxygen evolution at a grow-
(see Sect. It determines the rate of
ing TiO2 -film. In contrast to the expected
ionic migration in the oxide, while ϕH
decrease of oxygen evolution, this in-
determines that of ITR at the oxide surface.
creases after a lifetime of 100 s because Figure 5 shows a schematic diagram.
of an improvement of electronic con- In equilibrium, the proton-transfer re-
ductivity. For this and other reasons, action (14) (H2 O → OH− (ox) + H+ (aq)
film aging is of great practical relevance determines ϕH at the interface:
and is an important object of future re-
search. Another example was observed 0 RT
ϕH = ϕH − 2.3 pH (8)
with the passive film of Cu. Within the F
first ms, a homogeneous, nonstoichio- Since this potential drop is very impor-
metric film Cu(OH)x is formed, which tant for oxides, its pH-dependence is often
separates slowly into the Cu2 O/CuO- eliminated using U (hess), the potential of
sandwich [42]. For monomolecular films the hydrogen electrode in the same solu-
on Au, aging was observed with pulse tion, as reference. For some oxides, ϕH
measurements [43]. can depend on U (Fig. 5b). Above the va-
lence band potential, UVB , ϕH increases, Potential Distribution at the if electronic equilibrium is maintained
Interface (e.g. for Fe). Then, the equilibrium of
The rate and equilibria of reactions are Eq. (8) will be left, and oxygen evolution
given by the local electrochemical potential starts. On the other hand, ϕH remains
µ∗ of an ion and the energetic position of constant, for example, for Ta2 O5 or Al2 O3 ,
electrons in the bands. since electron exchange with the metal is
impossible. Ti represents an intermediate
µ∗i = µi,0 + RT ln ai + zi F ϕ(x) (5) case, as can be seen from a time-dependent
EC = EC (bulk) − F ϕ(x) (6) oxygen evolution (see Fig. 23).
The potential distribution given by
They depend on the local Galvani potential Eq. (7) is reflected in the equivalent
ϕ (x), the chemical activity (concentration), circuit diagram shown in Fig. 6. The
which is a function of the electronic resistances of the Helmholtz layer and
226 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

M MOz/2 H2O

∆jm jm − je



∆jH ∆jH

(a) Distance x (b) [V]
Fig. 5 Schematic shape (a) of the potential drop across an n-type
semiconducting oxide film and (b) its changes with potential. In (b) the drop
m/ox is neglected. Near UVB the influence of the VB may become important
and H increases, if electronic equilibrium between metal and the VB is
maintained [2].

Re RCT, e

Ri RCT, i

Cox CH


Fig. 6 Equivalent circuit diagram for an oxide film with ionic

and electronic conductivity. Re = electronic resistance,
Ri = ionic resistance, RSS = resistance of surface states. (For
detailed discussion, see Sect.

the oxide are in series with parallel If CH  Cox and Cm  Cox , the approxi-
capacitances. Since ITR and ETR have to mation
be distinguished, a detailed analysis will 1 1 d
≈ = (10)
be given after discussion of these reactions C Cox εε0
in Sect. Corresponding to Eq. (7)
(Cox = oxide capacity, d = film thickness,
for the potential differences, we obtain an
ε = relative permittivity number of the
equation for the reciprocal capacities:
oxide, ε = permittivity of vacuum) can be
1 1 1 1 1 1 used, for example, for insulating oxide
= + + ≈ + films with negligible space charge. For
C Cox CH Cm Cox CH
(9) thick semiconducting films with thin space
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 227

charge layers, dSC the Schottky–Mott used for evaluation of space charge profiles
analysis has to be applied [49], which starts within the oxide [49].
from the Poisson Eq. (11) A survey of typical relationships between
  C and d is given in the double logarithmic
d2 ϕ ρ(x) plot log C versus log d in Fig. 7. If Eq. (10)
=− (11)
dx 2 εε0 is valid, straight lines with a slope of −1
εε0 should be obtained. Such a behavior is
dSC = (12)
CSC observed for Al in a wide range, since
the formed oxide is a true insulator. A
and similar behavior is observed for passive
(U − UFB − kT /e) iron at constant potential, for example, at
CSC = (13) 0.7 V in a limited range of thickness. At
(εε0 zeN )
higher potentials the slope is also near
At high potentials, the calculated dSC > d, to −1, but the lines are shifted to larger
then C is given by given by Eq. (10) thickness values. This is connected with
again which gives a lower value for C. A the extension of the space charge layer.
frequency-dependence of a Schottky–Mott For gold oxide, the decrease of C with
diagram indicates a mobility of donors. A increasing d is observed for thin films only,
nonlinearity, on the other hand, can be at d > 3 nm, C becomes independent as a

0.3 1 3 10 30

2.0 100

1.5 AuOx (2.1 V) 30

[µF cm−2]

[µF cm−2]

Fe (1.0 V)
log C

1.0 10
Fe (1.5 V)
Fe (0.7 V)

0.5 3

0.0 1

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

log d
Fig. 7 Double logarithmic plot of film capacity C versus film thickness d. Al
as example of an insulating, homogeneous film [21]. Fe as example of a
semiconducting film with capacities depending on d and U (Schottky–Mott).
Au as example of an insulating thin film with a porous hydrated film outside.
NiOOH on Au as example of a conducting deposition film [23].
228 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

result of the ionic conductivity of the outer – steady state reactions at constant film
layer. Finally, in case of deposition layers thickness, and
of NiOOH on Au, the capacity increases, – instationary processes with film
since NiOOH is a good conductor at high growth, corrosion, reduction or modi-
potentials with a high adsorption capacity fication. For example, the anodic ion-
at the surface. transfer reaction (18) Electrochemical and Chemical Mz+ (ox) −−−→ Mz+ (aq) (18)
Reactions in Passive Systems
is part of an anodic corrosion reaction or Reactions Equation (2) is a sim- a chemical dissolution. In the presence
plified description of the passivation reac- of complexing ions Y − , the kinetics
tion. In fact, however, the phenomenon may change, if a different complex is
of passivity depends on various reactions transferred:
of the substrate, the oxide film and side
Mz+ (ox) + yY − −−−→ [MYy ]z−y (aq)
reactions. Oxide growth, corrosion, redox
processes of the oxide, and redox reactions
If only Reactions (15, 16 and 18) take place
of species in the electrolyte have to be
at constant thickness (i14 = 0), the net
reaction corresponds to the active corro-
The reactions will be explained for a
sion (1). But because of the intermediate
pure metal in water forming a passive film.
stage of ions within the passive film with
Figure 1 gives a schematic diagram. The
an anodic current at constant film thick-
active corrosion (1) and the passivation
ness, it is called ‘‘passive corrosion’’. On
reaction (2) have been described already.
the other hand, redox or hydration pro-
The overall Reaction (2) consists of the
cesses of the oxide film, for example,
partial ITR (14 and 15)
(z − y)
H2 O −−−→ OH− (ox) + H+ (14) MOy/2 + H2 O
At the oxide/electrolyte interface and the −−−→ MOz/2 + (z − y)H+ + (z − y)e−
Reaction (15) at the inner metal/oxide (20)
interface. z
MOz/2 + H2 O −−−→ M(OH)z (21)
M −−−→ Mz+ (ox) + ze− (15) 2
belong to the group of instationary pro-
The migration of cations and/or anions cesses. Reaction (20) requires a simultane-
from plane xi to plane xi+1 within the ous electron-transfer reaction (ETR) from
oxide follows (see Fig. 18): the oxide to the metal
Mz+ (xi ) −−−→ Mz+ (xi+1 ) (16) e− (ox) −−−→ e− (m) (22)
and Besides the electrochemical reduction to
(xj ) −−−→ O 2−
(xj−1 ) (17) the metal, (i.e. the inverse of Reaction (2)),
For reactions given above and in the MOz/2 + zH+ + ze− −−−→ M + H2 O
following, it is important to distinguish (23)
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 229

the cathodic reduction to a soluble product, current densities i is given by the follow-
may take place. ing equation:

MOz/2 + zH+ + (z − y)e−

ii = vi zF = ki cv zF (28)
−−−→ My+ + H2 O (24)
2 with k = kmax exp(Ea /RT ) = rate con-
This reaction occurs, for example, with stant and v = electrochemical reaction
passive iron. The inverse reaction is also order [16]. Under electrochemical condi-
well known as an additional mechanism tions, only a total current density i can
of passivation of iron in solutions con- be measured, which consists of the partial
taining Fe2+ -ions [50]. If the solubility anodic or cathodic current densities of all
product is not reached, chemical disso- processes of oxide formation (ITR), corro-
lution takes place sion (ITR), ETR and capacitive charging:
MOz/2 + zH+ −−−→ Mz+ + H2 O (25) i = iox + iredox + icorr + iC (29)
In Reactions (2, 14 to 25), only water Any discussion of the processes presumes
molecules and protons are considered, but the evaluation of all partial reactions. Un-
in alkaline solutions equivalent reactions der instationary conditions, the capacitive
with OH− may be valid. current iC has to be taken into account.
ITR may be joined by simultaneous Table 2 gives a summary of processes and
ETR, without direct participation of the their partial current densities.
substrate and the oxide. For example,
the anodic current density of Reaction (2) Ionic Properties, Migration and
may be supplied from an outer circuit,
Ion-Transfer Reactions
but alternatively it may be compensated
For the formation and stability of passive
by cathodic currents such as hydrogen
films, bulk and surface reactions are
evolution or oxygen reduction at open-
important. Ionic reactions in the bulk are
circuit conditions:
called migration, while reactions at the
2H+ + 2e− −−−→ H2 (26) surface are called ion-transfer reactions
(ITRs). Both are driven by an electric field
or dϕ/dx, while chemical diffusion plays a
role if gradients of the chemical potential
O2 + 4H+ + 4e− −−−→ 2H2 O (27)
exist. The general transport equation is
On the other hand, oxygen evolution 
(inverse of Reaction (27)) may take place at 1 dµ∗
fc v = −K = −
high potentials. Other redox reactions may NA dx
be discussed too. For detailed discussions,  
1 dµ dϕ
outer-sphere and inner-sphere reactions =− + ze− (30)
NA dx dx
have to be distinguished [51, 52], see
Sect. with fc = friction constant, v = velocity,
NA = Avogadro’s number. The so-called Current Densities i The relation constant fc , however, will exponentially
between reaction rates v [mol cm−2 ] and decrease with increasing electric field.

Tab. 2 Data for net reactions (spaces) and partial reactions (lines) described in the text. ne− = number of involved electrons; mH+ = number of
involved protons. The total cathodic reduction is described for an island mechanism differing from anodic formation. Partial current densities give the
local current dependent on the coordinate x. Transference numbers t have to be considered within the oxide, for example, in case of oxide formation
i = i15 = i16 + i17 = (t+ + t− )i = i14 . In case of partial oxidation/reduction of an oxide by a combined ITR/ETR the local current densities of O2− and e−
have to be added: i(x) = i15 = i17 (x) + i22 (x) = (te (x) + t− (x))i = i14 . Cathodic intercalation of protons takes place by a process analogue to anodic
partial oxidation, differing only by the sign of I and the migration of protons instead of O2− -ions
3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

Eq. of Type part. Ions Rate det. ϕ Descript. of Anodic Cathodic Diff. an. oxid./diff. Passive corr. Chem.
partial react. involv. next oxide total cath. reduction (stead. state) diss.
react. spaces→ format. reduction

Net reaction 2 Inv. 2 = 23 20 inv. 20 1 24

itotal i>0 i<0 i > 0/i < 0 i>0 i=0
dd/dt >0, Eq. (2) <0 >0 0 <0
ne− /mH+ - ze/zH+ ze/zH+ (z–y)e− /zH+ ze− /OH+ 0e− /zH+
14 ITR H+ /OH− ϕH i = i14 > 0 i = i14 < 0 i = i14 0 i14 = −i18 < 0
15 ITR Mz+ ϕm i = i15 i = i15 < 0 0 i = i15 > 0 0
16 ITR Mz+ ϕox t+ i = i16 0(island reduct.) 0 i = i16 > 0 0
17 ITR O2− ϕox t− i = i17 0 t− (x)i = i17 > 0/ 0 0
t− (x)i = i17 < 0
18 ITR Mz+ ϕH 0 i = i18 < 0 i = i18 > 0 i18 = −i14 > 0
22 ETR e− only ϕox 0 0 te (x)i = i22 > 0 0 0
Wt te (x)i = i22 < 0
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 231

The rate of migration is given by ionic there is no definite value but a range
conductivities κion of the compound, trans- of ionic conductivity for electrochemi-
ference numbers t of migrating ions cal conditions.
(Mz+ and O2− ), and defect concentrations In Fig. 8, the ionic and the electronic
(intrinsic or impurities and grain bound- conductivities are given in a double
aries). Ideal, stable insulators, and semi- logarithmic plot. We discuss the vertical
conductors are characterized by κion = 0. axis of Fig. 8 at first. The ranges of stable
The migration rate of passive films, how- systems (log κion < −15) layer formation
ever, increases with increasing field cor- (log κion < −7) and breakdown (log κion >
responding to the friction constant fc . In −6) are separated by orders of magnitude.
case of a high field, the back reaction can Real oxide films usually are nonstoichio-
be neglected, and the current density is metric because of an excess of metal ions
given by or a deficiency of oxygen ions. Moreover,
  foreign ions like protons or impurities can
αox azFϕox
iox ≈ i0,ox exp (31) contribute to the donors, acceptors or traps
RT d
in the band gap. Defect concentrations N
with a = jump distance, αox = transfer of passive films are very high, usually in the
coefficient, and i0,ox = exchange current range from 1019 to 1021 cm−3 (Table 1).
density of ion migration. It follows that The value of N obtained from capacity

Metal Semiconductor Insulator

Stable passive films Stable
Increasing field
[Ω−1 cm−1]

Ionic breakdown
TiO2 Layer formation
log kion

Degenerated 2
−5 bands Breakdown

Approaching UFB

k io
0 =
k el Increasing electronic

5 0 −5 −10 −15
log kel
[Ω−1 cm−1]
Fig. 8 Double logarithmic plot of ionic and electronic conductivity, κion and κel , of oxide
films. Dotted line: ionic conductivity equals the electronic one. Arrows indicate changes
due to increasing field, approaching UFB and increasing electronic equilibrium. Passive Ti
as example: 1: stable passive film of TiO2 near the flat band potential; 2: insulating film of
TiO2 on anisotropic metal plane (xxx0); 3: as 2, but for the isotropic, close packed metal
plane (0001).
232 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

measurements, however, gives informa- With ηH = ϕH − ϕH 0 , ϕ 0 given by

tion on electronic defects, which may differ Eq. (8), α = transfer coefficient. Concen-
from intrinsic or extrinsic ionic defects. trations of reacting ions are included in the
That was shown for ion implanted TiO2 as exchange current density i0 . Near the equi-
example [35]. librium potential, the transfer resistance of
Qualitative information on ion mobility a surface reaction is given by
is obtained from oxide growth or current
densities, since the transport of ions in ox- RT
RD = (34)
ide films takes place by migration and/or zF i0
diffusion of defects (grain boundaries, lin- with the i0 for the correspondent ITR.
ear dislocations, vacancies or interstitials At high anodic overpotentials, RT /
and channels in the amorphous structure). αzF < ηH , the modified Tafel-Equation is
The concentration of interstitials and ion obtained with ηH instead of η:
vacancies varies with the distance from
the substrate and the field strength. Ad- i ηH
log =  (35)
vanced models take that into account [14, i0 αzF
25]. For artificial concentration gradients, 2.3RT
see Sect. Marker experiments yield
transference numbers t given in Table 1. Note that ηH will be in the range of mV,
They show a mobility of anions and cations while the total overpotential η ≈ U can
as well. This corresponds to a heteropolar reach 100 V and more. Figure 9 gives a
crystal. Most oxides are in fact heteropo- very good example of various ITR at the
lar compounds and consist of metal and oxide surface of passive Fe. Here, the
oxygen ions in a first approximation. In experimental parameter U (hess) is cho-
fact, however, the covalent character of sen to eliminate the pH-dependence [24].
the oxide becomes important with decreas- These experimental results were used to
ing difference of electronegativity χ. For explain the difference between ηH and
heteropolar oxides, χ > 2. Gold oxide, U [16, 28]. For example, the independence
on the other hand, is a mostly covalent of the passive corrosion (15, 16, 18) = (1)
compound (χ = 1.1). of U means that ηH = 0 or ϕH = const.
ITR take place at the oxide/electrolyte The transpassive corrosion, on the other
interface. They can be described by hand, indicates an increase of ϕH and
the Butler–Volmer equation using the ηH > 0 [24]. Note that the anodic dissolu-
potential drop at the interface ϕH or the tion of Fe2+ decreases with increasing U
overvoltage ηH near UFB , which is due to the enrichment
   of electrons or Fe2+ respectively at the ox-
αzFϕH ide surface. The pH-dependence can be
iH ≈ i0 exp
RT explained by Eq. (8) [16, 24].
(1 − α)zFϕH
− exp − (32)
RT Electronic Behavior and ETR
αzF ηH
= i0 exp Band Structure of Oxide Films
RT Independent of ionic conductivity, we have
(1 − α)zF ηH to discuss the electronic conductivity κel of
− exp − (33)
RT passive films, which is considered along
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 233


Fe3+ ox Fe2+ aq
pH 8.4 H2O/O2
−3 pH 0.3
Fe2+ ox Fe2+ aq 2
pH 0.3 8.4
[A cm−2] −4
log i

Fe3+ ox Fe3+ aq Transpassive

pH 0.3

−6 Fe2+ aq Fe3+ ox
pH 8.4

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
U (hess)
Fig. 9 Tafel plots of reactions on passive iron: ETR, H2 O/O2 at pH 0.3,
pH 2, pH 8.4; ITR, passive corrosion; ETR + ITR, Fe2+ ox → Fe2+ aq at pH
0.3, layer reduction at pH 8.4, formation of deposition layer.

the horizontal axis of Fig. 8. κel of passive 1. C(U ) (potential dependent capacity)
films ranges from those of insulators yields donor concentration N, UFB , and
(e.g. Si, Al) to those of semiconductors surface states [37].
(Fe, Ti, Ni) and conductors (Ir, Pb). The 2. The photocurrent iph (hν, U ) yields
conductivity depends on the band gap UFB , and Eg , and position of
energy Eg and the position of the Fermi bands [51, 52].
level EF within the conduction band or in 3. iox (U ) yields information on UFB and
the band gap, which changes, with U . the band bending ϕox .
In general, the valence band VB origi- 4. ETR-measurements yield information
nates from the 2p orbitals of oxygen, while on tunnel probabilities, position of
the outer orbitals of the metal ions form bands EC and EV and resonance states
the conduction band CB. Because of the (e.g. donors).
electronic contact with the metal, most
Table 1 gives typical values for macro-
passive films are n-type semiconductors.
scopically averaged films. Exact data may
p-type oxides are formed on Cu and Ni.
vary because of different preparation and
Figure 10 shows band structure data for
microstructure [37–39]. In Refs. [1, 2] the
passive films of various metals relative to
band structure data of Ti are included into
the solid-state energy scale E (Evac = 0)
an advanced Pourbaix diagram for esti-
and versus the potential of the hydrogen
mations of electronic processes. Figure 11
electrode. Data are taken from Refs. [1, shows the band positions at the flat band
53, 54]. potential. At different potentials, a positive
The detailed band structure can be or negative band bending
derived from electrochemical measure-
ments: U − UFB = ϕox (36)
234 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

0 SiO2


NiO (p)

ZrO2 (p)
Ta2O5 (p)


Sb2O3 (p)
Nb2O5 (p)



Au2O3 (p)

PtO (p)
9.0 [eV]








−10 VB p-semi 6
Insulator n-semiconductor Metal conductor
Fig. 10 Data and position of conduction and valence band for oxide films. (Data taken from Refs. [1,
53, 54].)

occurs. For n-type oxide films, we have 4. an approximation of the condensor

5 different cases (see Fe Refs. [24] or formula for dSC  d and absence of
Ta [55, 56] and Refs. [38, 39] for fur- electronic equilibrium
ther examples): 5. and a limited potential drop in
the oxide UVB − UFB = ϕox in case
1. an enrichment layer at U − UFB < 0 of electronic equilibrium at U >
2. the flat band situation at U − UFB = 0 UVB .
3. the formation of a space charge layer
at dSC < d and for U − UFB < UVB − An example is shown in Fig. 11 for
UFB passive iron [24]. For the insulating Ta,

(a) (b) (c) (d)

0 E C0 E e∆jox e∆jox
Eg Ef
−1 Ef e∆jox

E V0 Ef
−2 +

−3 VB

Fe Fe3O4 g-Fe O
2 3
U = 0.5 V U = 0.8 V U = 1.3 V U = 2.0 V
(Flatband-case) (Schottky–Mott) (Insulator) (VB-participation)

Distance x
Fig. 11 Band structure model for the passive film on Fe at four characteristic potentials.
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 235

a quantitative calculation of the band oxide films, the first one is most appro-
bending is described in Refs. [55, 56]. priate [52]. ETR are considered as elastic
(iso energetic) exchange of electrons be- Electron-Transfer Reactions ETR
tween occupied and empty energy states in
the oxide and electrolyte, respectively. The
at Oxide Films For the rate of ETR, elec-
probability of electron exchange is given
tron conduction within the oxide is nec-
by the tunnel probability W for elastic
essary. The term ‘‘electronic conduction’’
exchange processes, in the first approxi-
must be specified. Faraday [57] interpreted
mation according to the Gamov-formula.
his elegant experiment on Fe with elec-
For the distribution functions in the elec-
tronic conductivity. Vetter [58] formulated
trolyte the Marcus model is used, while the
it more precisely: redox equilibria should
electron states in the oxide are described
be established. But it was shown later
by the band model.
that the electronic exchange between the 
electrolyte and Fe takes place by elec-
i+ = e− W Dvac (ox)Dred (El) dE (37)
tron tunnelling, but not by conduction
within the bands [24, 59]. In case of Ti
with Dvac (ox) = empty states in the oxide,
and other valve metals, the electronic
and Dred (El) = occupied states in the
equilibrium between the metal and the
valence band at the oxide surface is hin-
In contrast to metals, the relevant ETR
dered (Ti) or blocked (Al, Ta). Hence, ETR
do not take place at the Fermi level,
are impossible at valve metals even at but at higher or lower energy states.
U > UVB . Figure 12 gives a schematic diagram of
ETR are important for the formation different possibilities for the case of
(indirect), reduction, and modification of anodic polarization. An ETR can take
oxide films (see Sect. They can be place [52]
treated on the basis of various theoretical
models like the Marcus–Gerischer the- 1. via the conduction band CB:
ory [51, 52, 60] or the perturbation theory (a) at the oxide surface via the edge
of Dogonadze [51]. For semiconducting of the conduction band, usually


U ox
− − − −
UH2/H+ U diff

U diff

H2-evolution on Reduction before Oxidation before

stable oxide hydrogen evolution oxygen evolution
(TiO2, Nb2O5) (PtO, Bi2O3) (Cu2O)

Fig. 12 Schematic diagram of different mechanisms of electron

exchange between the redox system, the oxide and the metal [1].
236 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

an adiabatic ETR, it is observed for which CB- and VB-mechanisms were

for n-type oxides at low potentials, observed. The lower part gives the obtained
especially at U < UFB . transfer coefficients. αcath → 1 indicates a
(b) via direct [61] or resonance [37, 51, CB-mechanism, while αanod → 1 indicates
62] tunnel processes (nonadiabatic) a VB-mechanism. In the following, we will
to the conduction band of the oxide. give some general rules
It takes place at n-type semicon- Using these considerations, the ex-
ductors at intermediate potentials change current density of ETR was ex-
U > UFB . Then, log i can be cor- plained in a first approximation by the
related with the space charge layer energetic difference between the redox
dSC or its capacity CSC [37, 61]. potential Uredox and the next band edge
(c) the same process to the lower band UB = EB /e. Figure 14 shows the data for
edge in the bulk [61]. Resonance three different redox systems referred to
tunnelling increases with donor the exchange current density on Pt. The
concentration. For examples, see expected relation from the model [52]
Refs. [37, 51]
2. between electrolyte and the metal i0,sc
(d) by resonance tunnelling [63] d log
(e) by direct tunnelling. This process = −1/120 mV (38)
dEB /e
happens at thin films of noble met-
als, for example, Pt or Au. [63, 64] is indicated by the straight line. In spite of
3. via the valence band VB [24] various reasons for deviations, the general
(f) at the oxide surface via the edge of tendency is quite well pronounced.
the VB, usually an adiabatic ETR),
– via the VB at the surface
Combined reactions (CBR) The descrip-
with following tunnel process
to the metal [54]. This process tion given above is correct for outer-sphere
is favored by n-type oxides at ETR, where the hydration shell is not
high potentials or at p-type ox- changed, but only compressed or ex-
ides [24, 51, 52]. Oxygen evolu- panded. For inner sphere ETR, where
tion takes place via the VB and hydration molecules are exchanged or ETR
can be correlated with the VB- coupled with ITR or reactions with forma-
position [52] tion or breaking of chemical bonds CBR,
– via hole diffusion in the VB. the theory is more difficult [51, 52]. In gen-
this could be observed at p- eral, CBR are complex reactions involving
type oxides. electrons, surface states, and ions in solu-
tion as well. The oxygen evolution is a good
The dominating process depends on the example. i can depend on various values,
band structure of the oxide, the film i = f (cSS , ND , ϕox , ϕH , pH . . .).
thickness, and the electrode potential. In special cases, inelastic processes
Cathodic reactions usually take place via contribute too, for example, by the
the CB, while anodic processes at high Poole–Frenkel effect [61]. In photoelec-
potentials (e.g. oxygen evolution) obey the trochemistry, finally, the photocurrent is
VB-mechanism. Figure 13 shows some initiated by vertical electron/hole pair gen-
Tafel diagrams for ETR at passive iron eration with following charge separation.
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 237

1 Fe2+/3+
pH 1.3

[A cm mol−1]
log i
pH 14
−1 Fe(CN)6 4−/3−
pH 8.4

−3 pH 0.3

Mechanism Mechanism






0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Fig. 13 Upper part: Tafel curves for ETR on passive iron [24]. The
i-values of different authors were normalized taking the ratio i/c.
Lower part: transfer coefficients taken from the Tafel plot in
dependence on the band bending U − UFB . Mixed Ionic/Electronic are distributed around the diagonal for

Conductivity which κel = κion . Moreover, they have to
Combining the results of Sects. and be represented not by a point but by a, it becomes clear that ions and region in Fig. 8.
electrons move in passive films dependent In the eighties, there was a long discus-
on the electrode potential and electric field sion about an appropriate description of
strength respectively, and the history of passive films by the properties of a semi-
the film. Therefore, neither the vertical nor conductor or chemiconductor [65]. This
the horizontal axis of Fig. 8 can describe problem is, in fact, a problem of defini-
the conductivity of all oxides. Many oxides tion, the appropriate timescale and the
238 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

Ni Ni W M/MOx /[Fe(CN)6]
Ni Fe
M/MOx /Fe
Sn (2.5 nm) W M/MOx /Ce3+/4+
−5 Fe (2.7 nm)
Nb (16 nm) Nb
log (i0/i0,Pt)


d lg i0/i0, Pt 1
− =
d EB/e 0.12 V


0 1 2 3
1e EB − U0 
Fig. 14 Next-band approach of various outer-sphere ITR at passive
metals [52].

aim of the description. By definition, a frequency dependence of C indicates the

semiconductor is not changed by a flux of beginning of ion migration.
current, that is, the transference numbers
of all ions are zero by definition, that is, Equivalent Circuit Diagrams
κion = 0. As was shown in the Sect., At steady state and for small signal AC-
however, ions can move at high fields. polarization, semiconductors and oxide
Therefore, oxide films with movable ions films can be represented by a resistance
are by definition not ideal semiconduc- and a capacitor in parallel, and the
tors. The timescale of electronic processes, electrolyte resistance in series. This is
however, is shorter by orders of magni- experimentally correct, but it does not
tude. Their electronic behavior can easily help understand the system and different
be understood with the model of semi- experiments. For a general description of
conductors, which may be applicable for oxide films, however, we must introduce
at least short periods as long as the con- four corrections:
centrations of donors and acceptors can
be approximated as constant [49]. For ex- 1. The resistances are usually not ohmic,
ample, the Schottky–Mott analysis and a but exponential resistances dependent
derived band structure can be used and are on the electrode potential.
valid as long as no major changes occur. 2. According to Fig. 8 and the discus-
It is well known, on the other hand, that sion given above, electronic and ionic
by intercalation of ions at low potentials resistances have to be separated and
or by exhaustion of donors at high field specified for the special reaction.
strengths the properties and therefore also 3. Oxide films behave as diodes. In special
the band model change continuously. A cases, a diode must be added to simulate
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 239

the U/i-behavior, as it was shown for 1. Valve metals form homogeneous in-
passive Cu as example [66]. sulating oxide films by the high field
4. Surface states must be added as shown law. This will be explained with Al as
in Fig. 6 example. In Fig. 3, the slope is m = 1.
2. Under corroding conditions, the same
3.2.3 metal can form porous films, which is
Growth of Oxide Films and Ionic Migration well known for Al (see Sect.
3. Semiconducting oxides grow at first ac- Survey on the Growth of Oxide
cording to the high field mechanism,
but at higher potentials, oxygen evolu-
Because of different chemical, ionic and
tion and corrosion limit the growth (Pt,
electronic properties, the oxide growth on
Au, Fe).
metals, alloys and semiconductors follows
4. If oxides with different metal valency
different mechanisms and different laws.
The most important contribution comes exist, duplex films may be formed (e.g.
from the migration of ions in electric fields Cu, Fe, Au, see Sect.
exceeding 5 × 106 V cm−1 . 5. If metal ions are in the electrolyte,
The nature of the mobile ionic species anodic or electroless deposition can take
was questionable for a long period of time. place (e.g. FeOOH, see Sect.
For passive Al, Verwey [47] assumed in 6. On alloys, the metal ions may have
1935 that exclusive transport of Al-cations different transference numbers and
occurs in a fixed oxygen matrix. The idea corrosion rates. In dependence on
of mobile cations dominated the oxide for- potential, concentration gradients will
mation theories for the next 30 years. It be generated in the passive film (see
seemed to be reasonable, as the volumes of Sect.
cations are much smaller than O2− -anions 7. Within semiconductors, large potential
(e.g. by a factor of 20 for Al3+ ), even if the drops can exist. Then, oxide formation
experimental results indicated a combined is hindered (e.g. n-Si). For compound
transport. Marker experiments in the six- semiconductors, the same problems
ties proved cation-transference numbers arise as for alloys (e.g. InP, see
in the range from 0.3 to 0.7 for many sys- Sect.
tems (Al, Be, Nb, Ta, Ti, V, W) coming
closer to 0.5 with increasing current den- Insulating Passive Films on
sity, that is, cations and anions move in fact Metals: Growth, and Corrosion of Al as
simultaneously (Table 1). This indicates Example
that effects of charge distribution be- Oxide growth and passivity are discussed
come more important than individual ion in this chapter for aluminum as a clear,
properties like size or polarizability [25]. simple example of high field growth and
Exceptions are the crystalline oxides on Hf corrosion for the following reasons:
and Zr, which are pure oxygen conductors.
In addition to migration, diffusion in the 1. Aluminum forms an insulating, homo-
oxide or precipitation from the electrolyte geneous oxide of the barrier type in
can contribute. Following an inspection of acetate solution.
Fig. 3 and other data, we can distinguish 2. The space charge within the oxide
seven groups is negligible.
240 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

3. To neglect passive corrosion, a solution the most stable form, beside the metallic
of acetate is chosen. aluminum itself.
4. ETR do not occur under usual condi- Only the aluminic ion Al3+ and the
tions. aluminate ion are taken into consid-
5. There is no influence of the grain eration that is, neglecting the cations
structure of the substrate. Al(OH)2+ and Al(OH)2 + related to chlo-
6. Detailed investigations by potentiody- ride complexes.
namic and potentiostatic conditions The reactions of main interest are the
were carried out in a wide range of oxide formation (39) and the corrosion re-
U and T. actions in acidic and alkaline solutions (41)
7. A porous oxide can be formed depend- and (43), respectively:
ing on the formation conditions. 2Al + 3H2 O ←−→ Al2 O3 + 6H+ + 6e−
(39) Thermodynamic Aspects The
common way to describe the thermody- E = −1.550 − 0.0591pH (40)
namic equilibrium of a metal in contact Al ←−→ Al3+ + 3e− (41)
with water is the so-called Pourbaix di- 3+
agram [17]. This potential-pH diagram E0 = 1.663 + 0.0197 log(Al )
is shown in Fig. 15 for the system (42)
aluminum/hydrargillite/water at 25 ◦ C. Al + 2H2 O ←−→ AlO2 + 4H + 3e− − +

Among all solid modifications of hy- (43)

drated Al2 O3 that is, hydrargillite, bayerite,
E0 = 1.262 − 0.0788pH
böhmite, corundum, aluminum hydrox-
ide only hydrargillite was considered as + 0.0197 log(AlO2 − ) (44)

0 −3 −6 0 −3 −6
1.2 1.2
0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4
Al2O3 · 3H2O
0.0 Hydrargillite 0.0

−0.4 AlO2− −0.4




−0.8 −0.8

−1.2 −1.2

−1.6 −1.6

−2.0 0 −3 −6 −2.0
−2.4 −2.4
0 −3 −6
−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Fig. 15 Potential-pH diagram, the so-called Pourbaix diagram of aluminum in
water at 25 ◦ C for hydrargillite as the most stable form of hydrated
aluminum oxides.
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 241

From the thermodynamic data, the relative A Survey on Oxide Forma-
stability of Al3+ and AlO2 − with respect to tion from CVs Potentiodynamic measure-
ments of oxide formation are useful to get
Al3+ + 2H2 O ←−→ AlO2 − + 4H+ (45) a survey on the influence of potential U on
iox , irreversibility of oxide formation, elec-
is trode or oxide capacity C, and thickness d
from the oxide formation charge qox .
AlO2 −
log ←−→ −20.30 + 4pH (46) In the lower part of Fig. 16, the poten-
Al3+ tiodynamic oxide formation according to
This yields a limit of the domains of Eq. (39) is shown on a pure aluminum
relative predominance of Al3+ and AlO2 − (99.99%) sample in an acetate buffer
of pH = 5.07. of pH = 6.0. The sweep rate in these
For the solubility of aluminum and its experiments was dU/dt = 100 mV s−1 . Si-
oxide, the following 4 equations are used multaneously the electrode capacity C
was recorded with a lock-in amplifier
2Al3+ + 3H2 O ←−→ Al2 O3 + 6H+ (47) at 1013 Hz and is shown in the upper
part of the figure. The U (t) diagram
log(Al3+ ) = 5.70 − 3pH (48) used is shown as an insertion. The ini-
− + tial film thickness d0 in this experiment
Al2 O3 + H2 O ←−→ 2AlO2 + 2H (49)
was 1.0 nm.
log(AlO2 − ) = −14.6 + pH (50) In the first and following scans, i
increases rapidly to a maximum value and
For plotting the potential-pH diagram,
than reaches a plateau value
characteristic limits of the domains are
calculated from eqns. 39, 41, 43, 47, 49.  
(kzF rρ) dU
For this purpose, concentrations of 100 , i = iox = (51)
M dt
10−3 and 10−6 mol l−1 are taken into
consideration. Additionally, the stability (k = film formation factor) After reaching
domain of water is plotted in the same the upper oxide formation potential Uf ,
diagram by dotted lines. Aluminum is i rapidly decreases down to zero during
seen to be a very base metal as it has the cathodic cycle. In a subsequent anodic
no domain of stability in common with sweep, i remains negligibly small until
water. Consequently it dissolves under the former Uf is reached. Usually, the
hydrogen evolution (26) in all solutions. half wave potential (the potential where
In acids, the trivalent aluminum cation the current reaches 50% of the plateau
is formed, whereas aluminate ions are current) is seen as the beginning of new
formed in alkaline solutions. In neutral oxide formation.
solutions, however, the solubility of the The lower part of the figure can be
oxide film formed is small enough to summarized as follows:
passivate the metal.
It must be emphasized that Fig. 15 1. The oxide formation is irreversible
does not prove a thermodynamic stability 2. The current density i = iox is the same
of Al but a metastable state due to a for each cycle (except for the first
kinetic hindrance caused by the passivity one) and reaches values of (316 ±
of aluminum. 6) µ A cm−2 at the highest potential.
242 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

5 Fig. 16 Successive
cyclovoltammograms of oxide formation
3 U (hess) 4 on aluminum in an acetate buffer
2 [V] (pH = 6.0) dU/dt = 100 mVs−1 ; the

[µF cm−2]
1 3 upper part shows the capacity that was
recorded simultaneously. The potential

−1 50 90 t 2 time program that was used is given as
[s] an insert.

[µA cm−2]




0 2 4 6 8 10
U (hess)

This corresponds to k = 1.6 nm V−1 2. the absence of any space charge, that is,
(with ρ = 3.5 g cm−3 ) the film behaves as an ideal insulator
3. A sharp current overshoot is observed and Eq. (9, 10) can be applied.
for the first cycles, which broadens 3. results are shown in Fig. 7.
more and more from cycle to cycle
4. The distance between falling current in In the subsequent anodic cycle, the capac-
the cathodic cycle and rising current of ity remains constant until the former oxide
the subsequent anodic cycle increases formation is exceeded. Simultaneously
more and more. This potential differ- with the increasing current C decreases
ence corresponds directly to a delay further. This behavior is discussed in more
of oxide formation indicating a kinetic detail in Sect.
hindrance, in spite of the constant po-
tential sweep rate. The Film Formation Factor k
The simultaneously recorded capacity (up- A central point in the investigation of
per part of Fig. 16) starts at a value of nearly passive films and their formation kinetics
5 µ F cm−2 and decreases with increasing is the determination of film thickness
potential in the anodic sweep. But in the d and film formation factor k given by
cathodic run, that is, with decreasing U , C Eq. (51) (see Table 1). Usually, only i, q
remains constant demonstrating and C are accessible from electrochemical
experiments. The variation of the physical
1. the irreversible oxide formation, properties of the oxide like ρ, D, U0 show a
and large spread in the literature [25]. The error
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 243

in the determination of d is accordingly The absorption bands belong to the crys-

large (up to 30%) in spite of its importance. talline oxide, which requires a separation
From electrochemical measurements, of water content, degree of crystallinity
we obtain coulometric data, if i = iox can and film thickness. Nevertheless, infrared
be presumed. spectroscopy can be useful to determine
Then we obtain the degree of crystallinity or the number
 t of surface states [69].
q = qOx = iox dt (52) Ellipsometry is a useful method if a
t=0 consistent set of optical parameters (k, n)
can be determined. Then a measurement
Under potentiostatic conditions i(t) has to
of the complex refraction index allows the
be integrated:
determination of d and k.
−1 UHV analysis can also be applied. Angle

in+1 + in
q= (tn+1 − tn ) (53) resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
2 (ARXPS) also allows the determination of
the film thickness. The method uses the
For details, see Ref. [53]. fact that the ratio between the aluminum
These equations, however, give only oxide peak and the peak of the metallic alu-
values of d. The total film thickness minum changes with angle of incidence
d = d + d0 can be determined only if since the length of path in the oxide in-
the initial film thickness d0 is known. The creases for a grazing incidence [70, 71].
slope of a d vs. U plot yields the film The film thickness can be also deter-
formation factor k. A value of 1,6 nm V−1 mined from sputter profiles [72]. Typical
is found for Al in acetate or borate buffers methods are ToF-Secondary Ion Mass
by different authors. Spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS), Ar-ion sputter-
The film thickness can be determined by ing in combination with Auger or XPS,
Transmission-Electron-Microscopy (TEM) SNMS (secondary neutral mass spec-
of thin slides that had been prepared by troscopy), GDOES (glow discharge optical
ultramicrotomy [67]. Takahashi et al. [68] emmission spectroscopy). The thickness
applied this technique to Al formed gal- range that can be investigated ranges from
vanostatically at i = 1 mA cm−2 in bo- a few nanometers to tenths of microme-
rate or acetate buffer. In both cases ter. The difficulty with all sputter methods
k = 1,6 nm V−1 was obtained. Combin- is the same: a calibration with a stan-
ing with coulometric data a density dard is necessary to convert sputter time
of ρox (Al2 O3 ) = 3.5 g cm−3 and a mo- into thickness.
lar mass of M (Al2 O3 ) = 102 g mol−1 In summary, we assume k = 1.6 ±
are determined. 0.2 nm V−1 (at 100 mV s−1 ) for Al.
The determination of d by optical meth-
ods is also possible but causes some prob- Electrochemical Impedance Spec-
lems. Because of the high transparency of tra EIS and Equivalent Circuit Diagram A
the aluminum oxide, methods based on simple but meaningful characterization
UV-VIS spectra are useless. For infrared method is given by the determination of
light, aluminum oxide shows some ab- C with a lock-in amplifier. A small ac volt-
sorption lines, which are very sensitive to age perturbation of, for example, 10 mV
the amount of water included or adsorbed. is superimposed to U and the resulting
244 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

AC-current is measured. A reasonable fre- the electronic elements (Re and RCT,e )
quency is 1 kHz. This measurement was and surface states (RSS and CSS ) can
already shown in Fig. 16. In Fig. 7, log C be neglected.
is plotted as a function of the log d. The To determine numerical values for the
straight line that is obtained proves the different elements of the equivalent circuit
validity of Eq. (6) over the whole range of they have to be separated, for example, by
thickness and independent of U . The rela- electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
tive permittivity of the oxide has a value of (EIS). Similar to the above-described lock-
12 (pH = 6.0 acetate or borate) [53]. in measurement a small ac signal of a
In fact, the behavior of an aluminum few mV is superimposed to the electrode
electrode in aqueous solution is more potential. The resulting current and its
complex and thus the equivalent circuit phase shift are then measured as a func-
shown in Fig. 6 is used to describe it. tion of the frequency. Typical impedance
It consists of an RC combination where spectra of thin oxide films on aluminum
C = Cox is the above discussed capacitance are shown in Fig. 17. At high frequen-
of the oxide and R = Rox results from cies (105 − 106 Hz) the capacitors act as
the remaining ionic conductivity of the shorts and only the electrolyte resistor de-
oxide. The oxide/electrolyte interface is termines the impedance, which is typically
represented by an RC combination in 10 Ohm for concentrated electrolytes and
series to the first one where C = CH is independent of the electrode. At the low-
the capacitance of the Helmholtz layer and est frequencies, for example, 10−2 Hz or
R = RCT is the charge-transfer resistance below, current flow through the capac-
of the interface. Finally a serial resistance itors is impossible and the impedance
REL for the (uncompensated) electrolyte of the system is given by the sum of
resistance is introduced. In case of Al, the 3 resistors in the current path. The

8 0

7 −10

Z −30

log Z 


2.8 nm −60
2 4.5 nm

1 −80

0 −90
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
log f
Fig. 17 Electrochemical impedance spectra of aluminum in an acetate buffer of pH 6.0.
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 245

resistance is mainly determined by Rox The exchange current density io,ox of

since it is much larger than RCT and REL . ion migration in the oxide and the
For intermediate frequencies, for example, experimental field constant β summarize
1 kHz, the impedance is determined by the several constants:
capacitance for insulating oxide films like  
those formed on aluminum. For a precise i0 = νρa exp (55)
analysis, the impedance data must be de- RT
termined in a nonlinear least square fit αazRF
β= (56)
(NLLS-fit) [73]. RT

with ν = jump frequency of the ions, Kinetics of Film Growth The
ρ = charge carrier concentration, EA =
film of Al2 O3 protects the metal from
activation energy for the ion jump. α
an environmental attack. Film growth re-
transmission factor, a = jump distance,
quires a transport of anions or cations or
z = valence of the respective ion.
both through the existing film. The condi-
In contrast, Mott [75, 76] and Cabr-
tions are shown in Fig. 18 schematically.
era [15, 48] considered the ITR of metal
Since there is no major activity gradient,
ions at the interface M/ox, that is, Reac-
the driving force for an ionic migration in
tion (15) as rate determining step. Since
the passive layer is given by the electrical
both models yield the same Eq. (31), a
field strength [25, 74].
decision is still open.
A good insight into the anodic oxide for-
dϕ ϕox (U − UFB )
Es = = = (54) mation is gained from potentiostatic pulse
dx d d
measurements. Figure 19 shows current
In a first approximation, the Reaction (14) transients i(t) of anodic oxide formation
H2 O/OH− at the interface oxide elec- on aluminum at pH = 6.0. Various poten-
trolyte was considered to be fast. Ver- tial steps from 0 V (hess) were chosen to an
wey [47] proposed a model that explains the oxide formation potential between 3.3 and
experimental results of Güntherschulze 5.9 V [77]. This corresponds to an increase
and Betz [46] by a rate determining mi- in field strength from 6.6 to 10.1 MVcm−1 .
gration within the oxide given by Eq. (31): The initial film thickness of 7.4 nm is given
by a prepolarization to 3 V (hess). Each
αox azFϕox experiment must be performed on a differ-
iox ≈ io,ox exp (31)
RT d ent sample with respect to the irreversible

1 nm

Fig. 18 Schematic of the

conditions during oxide growth.
The proportions are true to scale Metal Oxide Electrolyte
with respect to the Goldschmidt
radii. Ions need several jumps Al0 O2− Al3+ H2O
to cross the entire film [53]. r = 143 pm r = 140 pm r = 51 pm
246 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

[MV cm−1]
1 10.1
Es = 10.1 MV cm−1 9.9
0 9.6
−1 9.1
Es = 8.0 MV cm−1
[A cm−2]

−2 8.5
log i

Es = 6.6 MV cm−1 8.2

−3 8.0
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2
log t
Fig. 19 Current transients of potentiostatic pulse experiments on aluminum
at pH = 6.0 covered by an initial film thickness of 7.4 nm. The influence of the
applied field strength on the time to current maximum is clearly seen. The field
strengths ranges from 10.1 MVcm−1 down to 6.6 MVcm−1 . The current
density in the overshoot decreases monotonically with decreasing
field strength.

oxide formation. A double logarithmic pre- migrate through the oxide as shown in
sentation is chosen with respect to the Fig. 18 [53].
extreme dynamics in current and time. The injection of ions into the oxide
The resulting transients can be separated forms a space charge that lowers the
in several domains in which different pro- local field strength and thus inhibits fur-
cesses dominate. Immediately after the ther injection. As a result, the transport
potential step the capacity of the oxide numbers come closer to 0.5 at high field
layer and the double layer capacity are strengths. Ions move through the oxide by
charged. In a well conducting electrolyte, a field-assisted thermally activated jump
this so-called Debye charging dominates mechanism [47] at field strengths of sev-
for only a few µs: i ≈ iC  iox . Later a eral MVcm−1 over defects in the oxide [25].
further decrease of the current is observed The current reaches its maximum when
that was explained by the so-called dielec- the space charges reach the opposite inter-
tric relaxation [78–82]. The same current face. The time difference tmax and current
distribution is however also observed for
density are described with respect to the
a depletion of defects within the oxide by
high field law by [25]:
electronic tunnelling [21].
A further oxide growth requires a mi-

gration of ions. In the case of aluminum, tmax = (57)
both anions and cations are emitted from i0 exp(βE)
the interfaces [25] into the oxide and imax = i0 exp(βE) (58)
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 247

with tmax = time to current maximum, in microelectronics. The corrosion de-

imax = current density of the maximum pends on aggressive ions in solution,
(Overshoot). Ions that have passed through impurities in the metal, and local de-
the film combine with their counterions to fects. Homogeneous (Sect. 3.2.4) and lo-
form new oxide. As a result, dϕ/dx as calized corrosion (Sect. 3.2.5) have to be
driving force decreases. Thus, i decreases distinguished.
as well Eq. (58). Finally a stationary In neutral solutions, icorr is in the
situation is reached, when i = icorr , that range of a few µA cm−2 on Al. Stationary
is, when passive corrosion is reached conditions will be reached when the
(see Sect. As a result, the current oxide formation is commensurate with the
stabilizes on that level [16, 53]. For other corrosion. d remains constant while the
corrosion phenomena, see Sect. metal underneath the passive film slowly
The high field law predicts an infinite dissolves [87]. This can be studied in the
growth of d. In an approximation, it can steady state. The ITR (15) called ‘‘passive
be described by the reciprocal law corrosion’’ takes place as long as the
solubility product is not yet reached [16].
Because of the increase of solubility in
1 1 1
= − A log(t − to ) ≈ + A log t acid and alkaline solutions, corrosion is
d do do
(59) enhanced in acid and alkaline solutions.
In reality, however, this growth is limited This will be explained by Eq. (60) in
by the dissolution of the oxide at the Sect.
oxide electrolyte interface. For details, see Dielectric breakdown is important for
condensor production. This is based on
Sects. and
localized ionic and electronic collisions
Because of Eq. (31) film thickness dif-
and will be explained in Sect.
ferences will be immediately equalized.
The resulting film thickness differences
in noncorrosive electrolytes are extremely Porous Aluminum Oxide So far
small. (1 nm) [83]. the aluminum oxide films discussed
Experimental results depend very much were of the barrier type. A different
on the thickness, temperature, and poten- type of oxide is formed in solutions
tial. For example, measurements of Ea that dissolve aluminum oxide. These
gave only reasonable results using high are for example acidic solutions like
field oxide growth experiments in the tem- sulfuric or phosphoric acid or solutions
perature range between 210 and 353 K. with complexing agents like oxalic acid.
Phosphorus acid is simultaneously acidic
An activation energy of 1.8 eV was ob-
and complexing [88].
tained [82] which is similar to the values of
In a first step, a thin film of oxide
other authors [84–86].
from the barrier type may be formed.
This will be partly dissolved at some and Breakdown Cor- locations. These thinner flaws are more
rosion of Al and its alloys is a topic reactive than their surrounding and new
of high technological relevance due to oxide is formed. The bottom of the flaw
the widespread application of Al as dissolves faster while new oxide is formed
cheap and light material, in surface on the whole surface underneath the
technologies, optics, as condensors, and existing layer. As a result, small pores are
248 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

formed which are regularly distributed on breakdown. This behavior can be systemat-
the surface. Since oxide formation rate, ically used for the preparation of a different
dissolution rate and the migration at the type of aluminum oxide, the so-called
bottom of the pores depend on the type ANOF oxides [94]. At high anodizing volt-
and concentration of the electrolyte the ages, an oxidation in plasmalike conditions
diameter of the pores and the thickness is achieved where parts of the aluminum
of the walls can be influenced in a surface will melt and react with the elec-
wide range, for example, rpore = 10 − trolyte to form a very stable, corrosion and
100 nm [89]. The depth of the pores can wear resistant passive film.
reach several tens of micrometers [90]. The This surface melting and oxide heat-
impressive aspect ratio of A > 100 [91] ing takes place especially in the direct
yields a promising base material in the vicinity of the spark. As a result, new
upcoming nanotechnology [92]. oxide is formed locally leading to a lo-
With respect to their appearance these cal reinforcement of the surface. The
patterns are called honeycomb structures. next spark will occur in a neighboring
These films are widely used in industry region, which finally leads to several mi-
in the so-called ELOXAL procedure (elec- crometer thick films that can be either
trolytic oxidized aluminum). The final step homogeneous [94] or systematically struc-
of this film formation is a sealing of the tured [90]. This structure is the reason that
pores that can be performed anodically these films were soon of interest as a
in a nondissolving electrolyte or more human bone substitute [95] or as a base
commonly in boiling water [93]. These material for deposition of catalysts [22].
films show a significant corrosion resis- It is also possible to form a film ex situ
tance, a sufficient mechanical stability and by either
can be easily colored or coated. A lot of
effort has been spent on the investiga- 1. Gas phase oxidation = GPO (reaction
tion of the mechanisms, on mathematical of Al with oxygen) [96]
modelling and especially on EIS charac- 2. Physical vapor deposition = PVD (elec-
terization of various porous oxide films. tron beam assisted evaporation of alu-
If small impacts are introduced prior to minum oxide onto a metal) [96]
the anodizing, absolutely regular films are 3. Chemical vapor deposition CVD [97]
formed. Released from the base metal, GPO films are dense and homogeneous
these membranes show Knudsen perm but a variation of the film thickness is
selectivity and hence, are of interest, for almost impossible. PVD on the other hand
example, as ultrafilters even for the sep- allows a variation of the film thickness but
aration of isotopes of the same gas H2 , the films are porous and inhomogeneous
HD, D2 . in thickness [96].
Once a passive film is formed, it can Other Types of Passive Aluminum be modified. A chemical etching tech-
Oxide Films, Anof, Modified Aluminum, nique [98] forms polishing films in the
Alloys If aluminum is polarized to higher outermost region, which are of different
potentials, breakdown of the film can composition and reactivity. A significant
occur. Optical observation shows small amount of Cl, Cr, or W can be incorpo-
sparks on the surface indicating local rated and allows the oxygen evolution, a
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 249

reaction that usually does not take place oxides. But the grain orientation has
on aluminum. a small (Nb, Ta) or large (Zr, Hf) in-
Aluminum oxide films can be modi- fluence, as can be seen from grain
fied by dependent interference colors [107]. Hf
and Zr form crystalline or amorphous
1. implantation with ions [99–102] films. The transport number of cations
2. irradiation [103]
is near to 1 due to grain bound-
3. local ablation [104]
ary migration.
4. heat treatment [105] and
3. Oxide formation on Si follows the high
5. sealing [93].
field law, but because of the influence
From the viewpoint of corrosion resis- of the potential drop in the substrate it
tance, chromate conversion coatings still will be discussed in Sect.
play an important role [106] even though
a replacement of the toxic chromate is de- Semiconducting and Metallic Ox-
sirable. Rare earth metals are promising ide Films on Metals In case of Al, ETRs
superseders for the chromium. They can could be neglected because of the large
be incorporated in the layers and enhance band gap of Al2 O3 and the lack of a
the corrosion resistance. space charge. For some other metals, the
band structure of the oxide, an appreciable
space charge, the occurrence of redox reac- Other Systems
tions, and intercalation of protons change
the picture. The band structure models Other Metals Forming Insulating
of passive iron are shown in Fig. 11 and
Oxide Films In Sect., Al was se-
the schematic representation of ETR in
lected as example because of the simplicity
Fig. 12.
of the oxide growth: a homogeneous film
is formed, there is no influence of grain • Ti, Fe, Pt and Au obey the high field
structure, and there are no side reactions, law, but side reactions, for example,
but only field dependent ITR. The absence O2 –evolution cause limitations of the
of side reactions such as evolution of hy- accessible potential region (Au, Pt,
drogen or oxygen is due to the large band Fe) to U < 2 V. In case of Ti a
gap of 8.3 eV. There are a number of polarization up to 100 V is possible,
other metal oxides with a similar large but oxygen evolution starts at U >
band gap. The corresponding metals show 3 V and causes a limitation of anodic
the same phenomenon of field dependent coulometry. Moreover, d and N depend
oxide growth and passivity. However, sim- on the orientation of Ti-grains [37].
ilarities and differences have to be taken • Fe, Cu, Au and others form duplex
into account: layers, that is, layers with different
1. Ta and Nb are very similar. Like Al, valency (Fe, Cu) or different hydration
they can be used in the production of (Au) (see Sect.
electrolyte condensors for voltages up • Fe3 O4 and PbO2 are metallic conducting
to 150 V. This is due to the absence of oxides. Therefore, no potential drop can
side reactions and corrosion. exist within the oxide. Fe3 O4 is fast
2. Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb, Bi, W, follow the high dissolving and not passivating, but PbO2
field mechanism and form insulating is stable in various electrolytes.
250 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

• Pt, Au, Cu and Fe form oxide layers that of composition. We can distinguish duplex
can be reduced to the metal (Pt, Au, Cu) oxides with a sharp step of metal valency
or to a soluble ion (Fe) (see Sect. (Cu), stepwise or continuous change
• Ni and Pb form oxides that can reversibly of valency (Fe), change of hydration
be oxidized and reduced. Therefore, they (Au) and foreign oxides on an oxide
are used in batteries. of the substrate (Au/Au2 O3 /FeOOH or
• alloys form oxides according to the Cu/CuOx/FeOOH, see Sect.
high field law, but because of different
mobilities and corrosion resistances of 1. Cu gives the clearest example [13, 42].
cations, sandwich oxides can be formed During the reduction of the passive
with potential dependent composition film, two peaks are observed which
(see Sect. can be attributed to the reduction
of CuO to Cu2 O and that of Cu2 O Duplex Films Various passive to Cu. Figure 20 shows results of
films are not homogeneous, but show a potentiodynamic measurements after
duplex structure or a continuous gradient potentiostatic polarization at U = 1.5 V

Ef = 1.5 V

[mC cm−2]


2 Qox, t O
z H2

1 CuO


−6 −4 −2 0 2
log t
Fig. 20 Oxide formation on Cu and corrosion during a
potentiostatic transient in dependence of log t. U = 1.5 V,
pH 9. The total anodic charge q+ is obtained by integration of
i over t. Coulometric measurements of oxide reduction after
the formation at tf yield the charges q of different oxides. The
corrosion charge qcorr is obtained from q+ by subtraction of
qox [13].
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 251

as a function of the polarization time Cohen [50] showed that Fe2+ -ions dis-
t. After t = 1 sec, the oxide peaks solved in the electrolyte can be deposited
clearly separate. The physical reason as FeOOH on top of the usual passive
is given by the band structure. At film. Another example is given by Ti in
U (hess) > 0.7 V, the valence band of alkaline solution of H2 O2 . Ti-ions corrode
Cu2 O reaches the Fermi level. Holes very fast and become redeposited as a sub-
accumulate and cause the formation of stoichiometric TiO2−x . The oxide film is
CuO. At U (hess) > 1.2 V, a third peak conducting and thicker than a usual TiO2 -
indicates the formation of another (or passive film. Such substrates are used
higher) oxide. In the equivalent circuit, in microtechnology, for example, in the
diodes can simulate the potential de- LiGA-process for Ni-deposition which is
pendence [66]. much faster than on a usual passive film.
2. The oxide film on iron consists of The observations can be generalized.
an inner Fe3 O4 layer with a metallic Besides the homogeneous oxide growth
conductivity and an outer Fe2 O3 -film by Reaction (2), a dissolution/precipitation
(see Fig. 11). Vetter used a stepwise mechanism may contribute to the passiva-
model [16], while Wagner [14] devel- tion. If it takes place by corrosion of an
oped a continuous model based on an ion with lower valency (e.g. Fe2+ ), the fol-
increasing number of vacancies. The lowing reaction (inverse of Reaction 17)
controversy is not yet finally solved, includes oxidation and the necessary ETR
since reduction measurements deter- (15). Then, the supporting passive film
mine the outer film only without a clear has to be electronically conducting. On
result for the boundary. Electron diffrac- the other hand, if it consists of pas-
tion yields an outer γ -Fe2 O3 -layer, but sive corrosion (11) and following chem-
this result suffers from a possible re- ical precipitation (inverse of 18) without
crystallization in vacuum. a redox process, electronic conduction is
3. At gold oxide, an insulating oxide is not necessary.
formed up to U = 2.0 V. Then, the Duplex films of different metals are
valence band reaches the Fermi level, formed, if the substrate is passivated by
and oxygen evolution and corrosion its own ions, and foreign ions deposit
starts. A conducting hydrous layer is from the electrolyte. For example, FeOOH
formed at a constant rate [108]. The layers are deposited on other metals, for
electrode capacity remains constant, example, Cu or Au. The FeOOH-layer on
since the potential drop across the Cu improves the corrosion stability of Cu.
inner oxide is electronically limited,
and the outer hydrous layer is ionically Semiconductors
conducting. ETR can take place at the
inner Au2 O3 /Au(OH)3 -interface. Passivity of elemental semiconductors Si
forms an insulating oxide obeying the Passivation with Participation of high field law [109, 110], but during ox-
the Electrolyte The high field model of ide formation, oxygen evolution is possible
oxide growth excludes a contribution from by electron tunnelling [54]. The reaction
metal ions in the electrolyte. In some cases, requires holes from the valence band.
however, a precipitation of oxide from the Therefore, p-Si behaves as a metal due
electrolyte can contribute to passivation. to the formation of an enrichment layer
252 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

of the valence band. From a formal point InP, a homogeneous mixture of In2 O3 and
of view, p-Si behaves as a valve metal. POx is formed under UV-ozone oxidation
n-Si, on the other hand, blocks on the an- conditions [111]. The thickness increases
odic side. Holes are not available. At an logarithmically with exposure time [112].
increasing potential drop within Si, the va- Because of the different oxidation states
lence band can approach or even exceed of As, the conditions are more complex in
the Fermi level. Because of large tunnel the case of GaAs oxidation. A mixture of
distances and a lack of thermal generation As2 O3 , As2 O5 and Ga2 O3 is formed on a
of holes, there is no electronic equilibrium (100) surface. ARXPS and TEM measure-
in the space charge layer. A large potential ments confirm that a layered structure of
drop up to 100 V can be generated in n-Si, (100)GaAs//As2 O3 ,Ga2 O3 //As2 O5 ,Ga2 O3
and oxide formation is almost impossible. is formed. The kinetics are more difficult
This simple fact explains the difference be- in this case, a linear growth is observed
tween the oxide formation lines in Fig. 3 for the Ga2 O3 and the As2 O5 while As2 O5
for n- and p-Si. shows a logarithmic growth [111].
Under illumination, holes will be gener- The disadvantage of the passive films
ated. Then, the oxide formation proceeds formed by UV-ozone or thermal oxidation
fast, and n-Si behaves as p-Si [54]. is due to the comparatively high conduc-
tivity that prevents use as a gate insulator.
Passivity of compound semiconductors Oxide films can also formed anodically
Although Si is by far the most important in aqueous solutions of tungstates [113],
semiconductor, it has some disadvan- phosphates [114], in alcohol-water mix-
tages, for example, an indirect band gap. tures and in alcoholic solutions [115]. The
Compound semiconductors are more ex- resistivity of the anodic films is usually
pensive, more difficult in production and higher and also the photo-transfer can be
processing. But they have lot of advantages blocked at the oxidized InP. Surface analyt-
for special applications like optoelectron- ical investigations revealed that a two-layer
ics, high-speed transistors, for example, in structure is formed. It consists of an in-
the Terahertz range or for water-splitting dium rich outer layer of In2 O3 and an
photoelectrodes. II–VI semiconductors, inner layer with complex composition con-
for example, CdSe or ZnO, are rarely used sisting of In2 O3 , P2 O5 , InPO4 , In(PO3 )3 ,
compared with the III–V semiconductors and In(POy )3 with y = 3 − 5 [112] [116].
like GaAs and InP. Their advantages are Similar to the formation of porous alu-
direct band gap and a high-charge carrier minum oxide a passivation – dissolution
mobility for quick charge separation. Their mechanism can be used to form nanopo-
passivity plays an important technical role, rous structures on InP. If (001)n-InP is
for example, during production of large, polarized anodically under illumination
very large, ultralarge scale-integration (LSI, in HCl solutions, nanoscaled pores are
VLSI, ULSI) devices. Here, a thin passive formed [117]. For potentials up to 1.2 V vs.
film should be used for insulation of dif- SCE the main reaction is uniform anodic
ferent transistors but thermal oxides are dissolution. Above this potential porous
usually to conductive. InP with a surface oxide is formed. The
During oxidation of GaAs and InP, overpotential and anodizing time influ-
both components of the composition ence pore diameter (110–250 nm), wall
semiconductor will be oxidized. On (100) thickness (16–50 nm) and pore length
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 253

(17–80 µm). These materials show photo- The percolation model was reactivated
luminescence with strong red shift, which by Sieradzki and Newman [121] who pro-
is assigned to the formation of surface posed a bridging of Cr atoms by O to form
states on the anodized wall surfaces. a network of −Cr−O−Cr. The critical con-
centration of Cr is thus calculated where Passivation of Alloys the number of connections falls below the
Passivity of alloys is a complex topic and value necessary for forming a connected
the exact behavior of an alloy is hard to chromium oxide surface. The enrichment
predict. Some mechanisms, however, are of chromium at the surface was demon-
known and the principle function of some strated by many authors [122–125]. One
alloying elements is understood. In a first example is the work of Oblonsky et al. [126]
approach, they can be divided into ‘‘oxide who used in situ XANES (X-ray absorp-
former,’’ for example, Cr, and ‘‘dissolution tion near edge spectroscopy) to deter-
moderator,’’ for example, Mo. mine how various atomic concentrations
Mechanistic studies are often performed of chromium in the alloy influence the
on binary alloys. Hf-Zr-binary alloys are ex- chromium content in the oxide film. Very
cellent examples [118]. Because of the lan- roughly enrichment by a factor of 2 is ob-
thanoid contraction, both elements show served. Virtanen et al. used the same tech-
an extraordinary chemical similarity. The nique and studied stability and reaction
atom radii are identical and hence both mechanisms in the systems Fe, Fe−Cr and
can substitute for each other easily. Both Cr [127]. A direct proof of the enrichment
elements form stable passive films and of chromium on Fe-Cr alloys is possible
so do all their alloys. The physical pa- from combining electrochemical methods
rameters of the oxides such as density, with inductively coupled plasma optical
permittivity, and crystallinity show a con- emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) [128]. In
tinuous changeover with variation of the this experiment, the total current following
atomic ratio. a potential step is recorded while the elec-
Things become more difficult if the trolyte from the surface is continuously
passivation behavior of both components exchanged and analyzed by an ICP-OES.
significantly differs. One element may dis- Thus, it is possible to distinguish the dif-
solve while the second remains is enriched ferent contributions of the elements to
in the surface and finally determines the the current. The difference between to-
passivation behavior of the alloy. Among tal current and dissolution current gives
all alloys, steel is the most important and an idea of the passivation current. Hamm
hence numerous investigations have been et al. [129] demonstrated the benefit of this
performed on Fe-Cr alloys. For decades, method. Polarization in the active region
it has been known that a critical value dissolves both elements in their bulk ra-
of chromium in iron-chromium binary al- tio. At the beginning of the transpassive
loys exists that changes the passivation region, however the preferential dissolu-
behavior dramatically [119]. An electron tion of Fe is observed. These results are in
configuration theory explaining this ef- agreement with the experiments of Boji-
fect by a filling of the vacant d-orbitals nov et al. [130] on 12% and 25% Cr alloys.
with donor electrons from metallic iron as The same effect of preferential dissolu-
well as from adsorbed oxygen lacks from tion of iron and subsequent passivation
neglecting the passive film [120]. of the alloy mainly from the alloying
254 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

element is found for intermetallics of the ionic migration within the film. For
iron and aluminum [131]. The formation the stability of passive films a steady
of stoichiometric phases such as β-FeAl state, however, reactions at the interface
or Fe3Al causes an inhomogeneous be- oxide/electrolyte have to be discussed. Ac-
havior if grains of different composition cording to the experimental observations,
are adjacent on the surface [124]. Duplex we will treat 4 different processes:
films are formed under these conditions.
The strong enrichment of aluminum re- 1. passive corrosion (steady state),
flects in the formation of an aluminum 2. instationary corrosion during oxide
rich inner layer, which is responsible for growth,
the passivity. In addition, an outer precipi- 3. oxide reduction and oxidation, and
tated mixed aluminum -iron oxy hydroxide 4. oxide modification by intercalation.
is formed [132].
On the basis of the results of prefer- From a molecular point, on the other hand,
ential dissolution and starting from the we have to distinguish 5 types of pure ITR
percolation model, McCafferty [133, 134] and CBR (see Fig. 1 and Table 2):
developed a graph theory for the forma-
1. the anodic ITR of OH− -ions necessary
tion of oxide networks on binary alloys
for film formation
that is in agreement with the experimen-
2. the anodic ITR of cations, the pas-
tal findings on alloys such Fe-Cr, Co-Cr,
sive corrosion
Al-Cr, Ni-Cr, Fe-Si and Cu-Ni.
3. the cathodic ITR of OH− -ions necessary
A second important group of alloying
for film reduction
elements beside the passivity promoters
4. the cathodic ITR or migration of cations
are the dissolution moderators or blockers.
necessary for film reduction which can
These elements slow down the anodic dis-
be a reductive dissolution or a reduction
solution rate. A prominent example is Mo
to the metal,
in iron. Molybdenum does not form stable
5. ITR of other ions, for example, protons,
passive films but increases the stability of
during intercalation or modification
alloys significantly. Indirect conclusions
6. combined ETR necessary for film
that Mo hinders the surface mobility of
oxidation or reduction
Fe were confirmed during the last years
with scanning probe techniques. Marcus Passive Corrosion in the Steady
and also Strehblow [135, 136] confirmed in State
their surface science approach that the mo- In the steady state, a passive substrate
bility of Fe is slowed down significantly. can corrode at constant film thickness. For
This increases the activation energy for this case, the following ITR at the interface
the ion-transfer into the electrolyte and oxide/electrolyte are considered:
thus stabilizes the alloy.
H2 O −−−→ OH− (ox) + H+ (14)
ITR at the Homogeneous Oxide/Electrolyte and
Interface: Corrosion and Modification Mz+ (ox) −−−→ Mz+ (aq) (18)

Until now, passivation has been described Reaction (14) is in equilibrium, that is,
under the aspects of film formation and φH = φH,0 . Then, ηH = 0 and i14 = 0.
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 255

This is not the case, however, for the 3. In acid solution, at constant pH, the
ITR of metal ions. Equation (18) is not corrosion depends on the nature of
in equilibrium, and the current density the anion.
i = iM z+ is that of Reaction (18). 4. In the transpassive region, icorr in-
The pH-dependence of icorr of Al is a creases exponentially with potential.
good example. φH is given by pH accord- 5. At low potentials, near UFB , the disso-
ing to Eq. (5). In acidic solutions, we can lution of Fe2+ increases with decreas-
expect a decrease of i with increasing pH. ing U .
But in alkaline solution Al can dissolve
as aluminate, the reaction of which is cat- In extension of the treatment given by
alyzed by OH− . (Eq. 43). Then, icorr should Ref. [139], Eq. (25)) must be specified:
increase again. Careful experiments have  
verified these expectations [87, 137]. Re- i = i0 f (cx )g(ay ) exp (60)
sults are shown in Fig. 21. The expected
minimum occurs in the neutral region. with f (cx ) = any function of a complexing
In case of passive iron, the situation agent, and g(ay ) = any function of the
is more complex. As Fig. 9 shows, five activity of the transferred ion in the oxide
observations have to be explained: surface. Together with φH we have three
parameters determining the rate of the
1. In the passive region at constant pH, the reaction. The equilibrium (14) and the
dissolution of Fe3+ -ions icorr = const. dependence of φH on pH Eq. (8) explain
2. At constant U , icorr decreases with the observation (1) and (2). The influence
increasing pH. of U on φH (see Fig. 5) explains (4).


[mg dm−2h−1]

[A cm−2]
log V

log i






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 21 pH-dependence of the corrosion on aluminum: the left axis shows
the logarithm of mass loss and the right axis the corresponding corrosion
current density (data in acidic and alkaline regions are taken from Ref. [138]
neutral region is taken from Ref. [87]).
256 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

The influence of anions (3) is due to the it is formed with the same rate, that is,
adsorption of SO4 2− -ions (cx ) that catalyze the layer formation current il = 0. For ex-
a different reaction, that is, the transfer ample, in 1N H2 SO4 , a passive corrosion
of FeSO4 + -ion. The function g(ay ) finally i = icorr is observed in the steady state with
represents an electronic function, that about 6 µA cm−2 , but il = 0. The exchange
is, the increasing activity of Fe2+ in current density of layer formation by Reac-
the surface. tion (14) is about 0.3 µA cm −2 . Switching
to a higher current density i > icorr , the po- Corrosion during Oxide Growth tential increases, icorr increases fast, but il
Instationary passive corrosion occurs for increases, too. At a lower, still positive cur-
example at changing pH or changing po- rent density, the potential decreases, and
tential. Here we refer to the work of Vetter the passive film dissolves slowly. Under
and Gorn [139]. Figure 22 shows their clas- these conditions, il < 0, while icorr > 0,
sical diagram for passivation of Fe. It was that is, it is still positive. The funda-
obtained from slow, instationary measure- mental result is given by the difference
ments of U (i) with analytical detection between the equilibrium potentials of Re-
of icorr . In pure acid solution, the solu- actions (14) and (18), as long as the solubil-
bility product of Fe2 O3 is not reached. ity product of the oxide is not maintained.
Hence, the oxide dissolves slowly, but in Potentiostatic pulse experiments yield
the steady state, due to anodic polarization, a different, good example. Starting from

Corrosion current density log ic

[µA cm−2]
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

0.5 pH = 2.90
Layer formation density log il

0.01N H2SO4
0.5M Na2SO4 il+
pH = 0.35
[µA cm−2]

1N H2SO4
∆log il+ = 1.72

al+ al−
= 1.70 = 0.68
ac+ 0.20 ac+
ac+= 0.84 Correction ac+= 0.84
al+ = 1 + al = 1.43 of il+ al− = 1 − al = 0.57
−120 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60
Overvoltage h2, 3 (pH = 0.35)
Fig. 22 A classical diagram for the competition between layer formation (il )
and corrosion (icorr = iC ). The upper scale gives the overpotential at the
oxide/electrolyte interface ηH . Measurements were carried out at various pH
values at constant sulfate concentration [139].
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 257

a bare surface, oxide is formed which of the film and the formation of a band
requires an anodic current i14 > 0. In structure, that is, electronic effects. This is
contrast to the conditions of steady state, not considered here. (See Sect. 3.2.2–3.2.4
Reaction (14) is not in equilibrium, that is, for aging effects).
φH > φH,0 , and η > 0. The increasing The quantitative evaluation follows the
overpotential of the Helmholtz layer, analysis given in Ref. [139]. Both iox and
however, causes an increasing corrosion icorr follow the experimental Eq. (62).
of metal ions, too.
Experiments were carried out with elec- log i = k − log t (62)
tropolished Ti in sulfuric acid solution [2].
The field strength ϕox /d as well as ϕH
The current transients yield the overall cur-
and ηH decrease with t. Then, the ratio
rent density i and the total charge flux at the
icorr /iox is given by Eqs. (63 and 64),
electrode interface. Analytic determination
respectively [139]:
of the corroded Ti by atomic absorbance
spectroscopy (AAS) measurements yielded icorr
log = f (ϕH , ϕox ) (63)
icorr . As long as iO2 can be neglected, iox
iox = i − icorr (61)  +
icorr αcorr
can be evaluated exactly. Results are shown iox = iox,0
in Fig. 23. Both current densities iox and
icorr decrease continuously with time. The  −

oxygen evolution iO2 shows an opposite icorr αcorr
− (64)
behavior that is correlated to the aging icorr,0


Ti/0.5 M H2SO4/10 VSHE


[A cm−2]

log i



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
log t
Fig. 23 Potentiostatic current density transients i(t) for Ti/0.5 M H2 SO4 .
icorr was determined by analytical measurements (AAS). iox = i − icorr was
obtained by subtraction. The rate of O2 -evolution (CBR with involved ETR)
depends on the formation of a band structure and becomes dominant
after 100 s.
258 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

This equation was verified by correspon- total current is cathodic, but it corresponds
dent experiments for other oxide films on to 1 e per Fe3+ -ion only.
copper [13]. Reduction to a lower oxide takes place if
the ETR (15) through the oxide is possible, Oxide Reduction and Oxidation and if the reduction potential of the oxide
Passive films of most valve metals are exceeds the potential of the hydrogen
formed by a single stoichiometric oxide evolution. A typical example is given by
only, for example, in case of Al, Ta, and Hf. the reduction of CuO to Cu2 O [13, 42], or
For other oxides, especially those marked of NiOOH to NiO [23]:
in Fig. 2, redox reactions may take place.
2CuO + H2 O + 2e−
At first, we discuss oxide reduction.
This can take place by various processes −−−→ Cu2 O + 2OH− (66)
according to the reverse Reaction (2) = (24),
that is, reduction to the metal, (24), that is, This reaction consists of a cathodic ITR
reductive dissolution, or (20) differential of OH− at the interface, and an equal
reduction to a lower oxide. electron transport through the interfaces
The back Reaction (2) is a field- Cu/Cu2 O and Cu2 O/CuO. Thus, in case
dependent ITR. The transport through the of Reactions (65 and 66), ETR in the
film would be possible under extreme con- bulk oxide and ITR at the oxide surface
ditions at very negative potentials only. are involved.
At dislocations and at the edge of oxide Now we can generalize the conclusions.
islands, the local field strength is much For the oxidation or reduction of an oxide,
higher than within the homogeneous film. some of the following conditions must
Hence, the reverse Reaction (2) takes pref- be fulfilled:
erentially place via the so-called ‘‘island
1. The reaction should be possible because
mechanism of oxide reduction’’. This was
of thermodynamics (e.g. U > Uox for
verified for Pt, Au, and Cu.
anodic processes)
Reductive dissolution is well known 2. Redox reactions should not limit the
from Cohen’s work on passive iron [50]. potential (e.g. U < Uredox for an an-
Fe2 O3 is reduced to Fe3 O4 that dissolves odic process)
fast. The overall process is 3. If the process involves ETR, the
electron-transfer via the CB or VB
Fe2 O3 + 6H+ + 2e− −−−→ 2Fe2+ + 3H2 O should be possible.
This is to explain by Eq. (60). The oxide Figure 24 shows some examples in an
is too thick for a cathodic ion migration, energetic diagram. It shows the case in
and an island reduction is impossible, which an oxide can be oxidized before
since there is no free metal surface. But anodic oxygen evolution (Cu2 O to CuO),
because of the electronic conductivity, the since the conditions (1) and (3) are full
activity of Fe2+ in the surface increases, filled. In case of Ni(OH)2 , Uox > UO2 , but
and an anodic ITR of Fe2+ takes place. It the oxygen evolution is strongly hindered,
is combined, however, with the threefold while the oxidation is fast. Hence, the oxide
cathodic reaction of OH− -ions, which oxidation takes place in spite of the fact that
must dissolve simultaneously. Thus, the rule (2) is not fulfilled.
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 259

Fig. 24 Energetic diagram for E

competition between different redox [eV]
processes of the oxide and other redox
reactions, for example, evolution of Metal Oxide ox/red
hydrogen or oxygen.
On the other hand, the reduction of PtO
requires only condition (1) and (2), but not CB
(3), since it is a pure ITR. In contrast e∆jox 2

to that, oxides of valve metals are stable
− 3
even at low potentials because hydrogen −
Ebc 4 4
evolution proceeds faster than the oxide
5 6
reduction. They can be only dissolved, for Ef
Eg +
example, in case of Al, by a local pH shift 6a
due to hydrogen evolution. 6b
Redox reactions of the oxide film depend
on the band position. The p-type oxides of VB
Cu and Ni can be oxidized and reduced
via the valence band. The reduction of
Fe2 O3 , on the other hand, requires an foreign ions have to be adsorbed and
ETR by tunnelling from the conduction incorporated into the oxide surface. Then,
band to the surface with the consequence they can migrate or diffuse into the film.
of dissolution of Fe2+ . The valve metals Intended and nonintended modifications
could be reduced by electrons from have to be distinguished.
the conduction band at very negative The induction of pitting corrosion by
potentials, but then hydrogen evolution penetration of Cl− -ions into the oxide is a
takes place first. well-known example of nonintended pro-
Figure 25 shows relevant data for various cesses (see Sect. The anions can
oxides. Squares refer to the total oxidation migrate at positive potentials, that is, at
process, while the open circles give data positive band bending, towards the metal
for the differential process. On the left surface and dissolve the oxide. Another
side of the line for hydrogen evolution, example is given by passive Ti. At low
the latter one is preferred, while on the potentials, near UFB , a small amount of
right side of the line for O2 -evolution, protons penetrates into the oxide causing
this reaction should take place. In both an increase of donor concentrations en-
cases, however, slow kinetics can change hancing ETR. The process depends on
the thermodynamic preference. diffusion and migration conditions. It
starts already at low anodic band bending. Modification of Oxide Films by Then, diffusion must overcompensate the
ITR of Other Ions In the preceding opposite migration. At large band bend-
section, more or less stoichiometric redox ing, however, migration wins, and protons
processes were discussed. Foreign ions leave the film again [49].
may change the electronic and other Various possibilities of intended modifi-
oxide properties by intercalation of small cation of oxide films were reported in the
amounts. The theoretical description can literature [140]. The term modification is
be started from Eq. (60) for ITR. At first, used in different connections:
260 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

Ni/NiO Ni(OH)2/NiOOH
1.0 Cu2O/CuO
Bi/Bi2O3 Pt/PtO
UFB (hess)

Ti2O3/TiO2 UFB = U diff


0.0 Zn/ZnO NbO2/NbO5

−0.5 H2 O2
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
U diff
0 (hess)
Fig. 25 Flat band potential UFB , versus potentials of different
(squares) or total (circles) oxidation.

1. passive films modified after or dur- the formation of passive films has to be
ing formation, avoided. Instead, mixed TiO2 /RuO2 or
2. modification during technical usage, IrO2 is deposited by a thermal process.
for example, by inhibitors, The formation of an insulating TiO2 -
3. by usage of a special substrate, for film during technical usage passivates
example, an alloy, the electrode that must be renewed.
4. Chemical and/or topographic modifica- Examples are schematically shown in
tion. Fig. 26 [141]. Three types of modification
are represented:
Chemical modification causes concen-
tration gradients [26]. This causes changes 1. a homogeneous, molecular or atomic
of local electronic properties. It can be doping, for example, by ion implanta-
obtained by macroscopic deposition or tion,
mixing or by molecular processes like 2. a heterogeneous microscopic modifica-
intercalation, diffusion or ion implanta- tion, for example, by Pd incorporated
tion [141]. into TiO2 ,
For the application of valve metals in 3. a surface modification, for example,
electrocatalysis, the strategy is changed. by cathodic deposition of Pd on a
In that case, a high reactivity of the passive film.
surface and a good electronic conductivity
must be established. The application of Modification can occur during the tech-
Ti-0.2Pd improves the stability of the nical usage, for example, in solutions of
passive film at negative potentials. For real inhibitors. At first, they are enriched at
electrocatalysis, for example, with DSA, the oxide surface, but sometimes they are
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 261

Fig. 26 Schematic diagram of structure E

M MOz/2 H2O
and electronic states of modified [eV]
passive films. (a)
X −
diffusing into the film or corroding metal
ions form together with the inhibitor more +

stable, mixed films, usually with a vertical VB

concentration gradient [142]. (b)
Besides this chemical modification, to- CB
pographic modifications are applied, for
example, with porosification of Al2 O3 with Ef
following sealing (Sect. or by lo-
cal laser irradiation (Sect.

3.2.5 (c)
Corrosion at Inhomogeneous Films: CB
Breakdown, Pitting and Localized Attack
Homogeneous corrosion or corrosion at VB
homogeneous surfaces is a minor problem
that can be solved, for example, by X = Pd, … D(E)
anodization. Larger problems arise with
inhomogeneous films or localized attack. 2. Chemical inhomogeneities originating
Here again we have to distinguish between from local inclusions of foreign sub-
microscopic and molecular reasons on the stances [143, 144].
one hand, and macroscopic phenomena 3. Mechanical effects [145], for example,
such as dielectric breakdown, pitting stress in the oxide film causing local
corrosion, localized corrosion induced by cracks of the film
focused signals, filiform corrosion etc., 4. Changes of local conductivity, for exam-
on the other hand. Both aspects are ple, by avalanches
connected, but in different ways. At first, 5. Local enrichment of charge carriers,
we will mention the microscopic and for example, by focused signals like a
molecular reasons. Then the macroscopic localized field or localized radiation [2].
effects will be interpreted. Dielectric Breakdown Microscopic and Molecular The passive films on valve metals are
Reasons for Local Corrosion almost perfect insulators. Those dielec-
The following reasons have to be distin- tric films are used in condensors [146],
guished: in tunnel junctions [147] and for insula-
tion of semiconductors [148]. The basic
1. Inhomogeneous passivation of pure requirement is the ability to withstand
metals due to local differences of an electric field of 0.1–1 GVm−1 with-
substrate structure, for example, grains out electric breakdown. The breakdown of
and twins [2, 38]. passive films means a spontaneous local
262 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

increase of conductivity, usually by many • type and composition of the adjoin-

decades. It may be indicated by different ing phase
effects [149, 150]: • the composition and concentration of
• irregular current peaks
• visible sparks There are a lot of investigations of the
• potential fluctuations, increasing noise breakdown of anodic valve metal oxide
• audible noise (cracking). films in the electrolyte or in a metal-oxide-
metal contact. Because of the enormous
Experimentally the process of local break- differences in all of these parameters,
down ranges from an inconspicuous repas- there is no general model that can explain
sivation to an explosion-like dissolution or all the experimental findings. In fact,
vaporization of large parts of the sample.
each model has only a limited range of
This depends on the electrical and chemi-
validity and should not be stressed beyond
cal energy stored in the system. The passive
this range.
film represents the dielectric medium of
a capacitor, which is short-circuited by the
local breakdown. The electric energy stored Collision ionization model The com-
on the capacitor heats the breakdown chan- mon collision ionization model of the
nel, eventually up to temperatures where electric breakdown as summarized by
metal vaporization or plasma formation O’Dwyer [156] requires a sufficiently high
occurs. At these increased temperatures a probability for the ionization process.
very fast reaction of the less noble metals Later this model was extended by
with water or the adjoining metal leads to Ikonopisov [150]. If the ionization cross
a destruction of the sample. section, film thickness and energy dissipa-
Because of the enormous industrial tion are large enough, an ionic avalanching
importance there is a tremendous number will finally destroy the passive film.
of investigations dealing with the break
down of these films. A number of
Tunnel model for thin films In some cases,
reviews by Agarwal [151], Solomon [152],
the validity of the collision ionization
Klein [153], DiStefano and Schatzkes [154],
model is limited. For ultrathin films with
Ikonopisov [149] and Parkhutik, Albella
d < 10 nm the number of ions is too small
and Martinez–Duart [155] lead to an
for an establishment of the avalanche
overview over this wide field. The stability
and a different model was proposed.
of the film and the mechanism of the
In Fig. 27, the breakdown voltage UBD
breakdown process can depend on
was determined as a function of d or
• type of base metal the film formation potential UForm . A
• purity, crystallographic structure and straight line with a slope of EBD =
roughness of the base material 6, 25 MV cm−1 is obtained. This value is
• process of oxide formation just the reciprocal of the film formation
• anodizing conditions and oxide thick- factor k (Chapter This identity of
ness EForm and EBD in Fig. 28 demonstrates the
• electric field strength common origin of the responsible process
• the oxide band gap for Al, Hf, Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr [157] and probably
• temperature other metals.
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 263

Fig. 27 Breakdown potential UBD at UForm (hess)

T = 298 K for the anodic polarization of [V]
anodic metal-insulator-metal (MIM)
systems (Al/AlOx/Ag) as a function of 0 2 4 6 8 10
the film thickness d. The formation
potential for anodically formed oxides is Anodic
given in the upper abscissa for 8
comparison [21].


0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 28 Breakdown fieldstrength EBD at k

T = 298 K for different valve metals as a [nmV−1]
function of the respective formation 2.8 2.4 1.8
fieldstrength EForm . The corresponding 0.8
film formation factor is given in the
2.6 2.2 1.6
upper abscissa for comparison. The full 0.7
line shows where breakdown
fieldstrength and formation 0.6 Al

fieldstrength are equal [21]. Ta


0.4 Zr

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

If ES in a MIM contact with anodic they derived significant increases of the

oxide film exceeds EForm , some defects tunnel current itunnel due to the barrier
with the critical activation energy become deformation caused by ionic defects. Fi-
mobile. The movement of these defects nally local conducting paths will be formed
will then initiate the breakdown by means initiating the breakdown. Recently, a quan-
of enhanced electronic tunnelling. A dis- titative calculation was demonstrated by
tortion of tunnel barriers due to ionic means of thin valve metal oxide films [157].
defects in the insulator was discussed by For these very thin oxide films (d <
Schmidlin et al. [158]. In their calculations, 10 nm), single electron tunnel processes
264 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

are significantly more probable than a compressive stress that can exceed the
interaction processes such as collision breakdown stress of the oxide. It explains
ionization. A defect that is only slightly the differences in breakdown stability of
shifted within the oxide can modify the thinner and thicker oxide films. The sur-
tunnel path of the electrons and serve as a face tension decreases with d and stabilizes
centre for resonance tunnelling. Because oxide. The lowering of breakdown stabil-
of the shortening of the effective tunnel ity after anion adsorption is assigned to a
length, i will increase significantly. This lowering of the surface tension.
i may locally heat the sample adjacent The detailed mechanisms for different
to the tunnelling path. This heating at systems have been discussed at all passivity
a given ES on the other hand will acti- meetings (see Ref. [1]) and cannot be
vate further defects. An additional barrier discussed here in detail.
deformation will result, which cause a fur-
ther increase of itunnel . Within this positive Cathodic Breakdown
feedback loop various processes like sam- At potentials U (hess) < 0 V hydrogen evo-
ple heating, increasing current flow, and lution becomes thermodynamically possi-
mobilization of ionic defects contribute to
ble (see Fig. 25). On base metals, however,
the final breakdown. In fact, this activation
oxide films are stable under these con-
of defects is more complex. The process
ditions. At the surface of homogeneous
does not only depend on U but also on
films, hydrogen evolution is kinetically
T and the time for which the sample is
hindered by the large electronic resistance
polarized. Current transients of potentio-
of the film. Moreover, hydrogen evolution
static pulse steps with voltages above UBD
requires the adsorption of H-atoms, for
show a significant transient behavior. The
example, on Pt. But most oxides are not
destructive processes occur after a mini-
catalytically active.
mum time. For short times (t < 1 ms), a
Two exceptions of this general statement
sample can survive above EBD .
are known [159–161]. Pitting Corrosion 1. Protons can be discharged at the

Oxide films may be destroyed by ag- interface oxide/electrolyte by tunnelling
gressive ions. Different mechanisms have of electrons (thin films of few nm) or by
been discussed: an enlarged conductivity at weak spots
The penetration/dissolution mecha- of inhomogeneous films. Then, solved
nism: Cl− migrates or diffuses into the ox- hydrogen weakens the oxide structure,
ide, destabilizes it and finally causes active reduces it to the metal, changes it
dissolution. partially to a hydride, or diffuses to
The breakdown/adsorption mechanism: the electrolyte. With increasing local
At first, the oxide film breaks down owing current density the pH value close
to mechanical stress. Then, Cl− is ad- to the oxide surface increases and,
sorbed at the bare metal and enhances hence, corrosion starts. This process
active dissolution. The Sato model [11] is autocatalytic, the cathodic current
focuses on pitting and transpassive dis- density increases up to values of
solution. It assigns the breakdown to the hydrogen evolution at the bare metal.
electrostriction pressure resulting from 2. Protons enter the film and diffuse to
the high field strength ES . ES produces the metal surface and are discharged
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 265

there. Tiny bubbles are formed and inner metal/oxide interface. It results in
oxide locally flakes off, and crevices are a mechanical ejection of the passive film
formed. The increasing current density and cavitation in the electrolyte [104]. This
locally increases the pH value. This is effect can be used for measurement of
also an autocatalytic process. In case pit growth.
of Ti, protons migrate into the oxide In the opposite case, hν > Eg , photons
that is partially reduced. The electronic produce electron-hole pairs. Accumulation
conductivity increases, and the lower of holes at the oxide surface increases
oxide dissolves slowly. This is observed the local potential drop which may cause
in reducing electrolytes. To protect the a fast photocorrosion. Ion migration is
passive film, Ti 0.2Pd is used. Pd enhanced in the thin film, corrosion is en-
accumulates at the oxide surface, allows hanced, and altogether a fast dissolution
hydrogen evolution at a more positive of metal takes place by a photoelectro-
potential and, thus, stabilizes the oxide chemical process in the passive film. An
film of Ti. example is given for Ti [160]. This tech-
nique can be used for microstructuring of
For Al, these models correspond to the
Ti- or Al surfaces [104]. On the other hand,
experimental findings that the films are
anodic metal ion dissolution competes
metastable for some time until a cathodic
with the opposite anodic film forming ITR
breakdown occurs, ms to s for thin Al2 O3 -
of oxygen ions. Therefore, in dependence
films or some 10 s for thicker ones. In
on the special conditions, laser induced
a first step about 0,5 % of the surface are
oxide growth may overcome pit forma-
thinned. Depending on the potential either
tion [160].
lateral growth of the pores is observed a
flaking off of the oxide [161].
Applications Laser Induced Breakdown or Oxide
Traditionally, passive films are applied for
The interaction of photons with oxide films
corrosion protection. This requires a stable
depends mainly on three parameters:
film with negligible ionic conductivity (see
the wavelength of the incident light Fig. 8) and without mechanical stress.
(hν > or < Eg ), The transfer resistance R should be
the electrode potential and the corre- high. Therefore, most investigations refer
spondent band bending, to mechanisms for hindrance of ionic
the thickness of the passive film or that processes, for example, by modification
of the space charge layer, respectively. by inhibitors, ion implantation etc.
Passivation techniques have to compete
With respect to localized corrosion, various with other techniques of surface protec-
experiments with focused laser light were tion, like phosphating, electrodeposition of
carried out. They show that the passive paint and others. In high-tech systems, es-
film may be destroyed by a laser pulse. The pecially in micro and nanotechnology [27],
mechanism of destruction depends on the passivation has to compete with other
band gap of the oxide and the photon microstructuring techniques, like PVD,
energy. In case of hν < Eg , photons CVD or PACVD (plasma assisted chemical
generate a thermoelastic effect at the vapour deposition). Here, the advantages
266 3 Corrosion of Oxide Covered Metals

and disadvantages of electrochemical tech- example, photoresist or protective ion im-

niques become obvious: passivation can be plantation. For example, microstructures
carried out in micro and nanostructures, of titanium dioxide can be realized protect-
for example, in porous silicon [162, 163]. ing the surrounding surface by nitrogen
While PVD techniques are confined to implantation [167]. The application of lo-
smooth surfaces, the electric double layer calized breakdown is another technique.
follows all topographical changes even in Laser induced breakdown can be used to
systems with high aspect ratio as long dissolve the passive film and to corrode
as the electrolyte gets in contact with the the underlying metal. The process is sim-
surface of the substrate. ilar to electrochemical machining, but it
Application of passivation in nanotech- differs by the higher resolution without
nology causes some problems. The ad- application of masks.
vantage of passivation consists in the Two applications of oxide films will be
formation of a homogeneous film in solu- mentioned but not discussed in detail,
tions of good conductivity. This is due to
since corrosion protection is not the aim of
the poor conductivity of passive films: the
them. For electrolyte condensors, the sta-
film spreads over the whole surface even
bilization of oxide films is very important.
in case of a localized counterelectrode.
Their applicability is limited by dielectric
This property is a strong disadvantage for
or cathodic breakdown. Therefore, the sta-
nanotechnology. The localization of the
bilization follows similar procedures as for
electric signal is difficult. By analogy to the
Wagner-number, the problem was ratio- passive films.
nalized by the EMT-number, given by the In electrocatalysis, on the other hand, a
ratio [163] high reactivity of Ti electrodes is required.
This is realized by the deposition of con-
Rpol ductive oxides that are not typical passive
[EMT] = (67)
REL films [166]. Their lifetime, however, will be
limited by passivation of the inner surface
A 3D structuration can be achieved, if
[EMT]  1, that is, at high REL . If the Ti/catalytic layer. Therefore, the passiva-
structure resistance Rpol > REL , the field tion is avoided as far as possible.
delocalizes, and 2D-structures are obtained
only. Highest REL -values can be realized 3.2.7
in monomolecular condensation films. For Conclusions
example, localized passivation of silicon or
Ti may be important in nanotechnology. 1. Starting from experimental application
This can be done applying Scanning X of passivity, simple metals were inves-
Microscopy (SXM) techniques in moist tigated at first. Improved techniques
gas atmosphere [164, 165]. This allows the yielded a better understanding of ionic
production of oxide patterns of some nm and electronic properties at the inter-
height and width of 20 to 100 nm. face, at first for single crystals. Now an
Other techniques may be applied. Future even better understanding is achieved
high-tech applications can use the advan- using microscopic techniques of elec-
tages of localized passivation and localized trochemistry, which reveal the mi-
breakdown. Electrochemical passivation crostructure of passive films. Advanced
can be localized by mask techniques, for techniques of surface preparation allow
3.2 Passivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors 267

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4.1 appreciation of crevice corrosion becomes

Crevice Corrosion important.
A generic geometry for crevice corrosion
Robert G. Kelly can be seen in Fig. 1 in cross section. The
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia substrate is the metallic material of interest.
4.1.1 It is separated from the crevice former by
Definition of Crevice Corrosion a gap, g, which, for an ideal crevice, is
constant over the length of the crevice, Characteristics l. The fully exposed surface is that area of
Crevice corrosion occurs when a wetted the substrate outside the crevice former,
metallic surface is in close proximity to which is fully immersed in the electrolyte.
another surface as shown schematically Its properties can strongly influence the
in Fig. 1. Typically, the average separation rate of crevice corrosion [2, 3].
(called the gap, g) between the two sur-
faces is between 0.1 and 100 µm. For some Relation to Other Forms of
material/environment combinations, this Localized Corrosion
geometric arrangement can lead to acceler- Crevice corrosion shares many charac-
ated attack of the metal surface as shown in teristics and phenomenology with other
Fig. 2. There are numerous practical cases forms of localized corrosion such as pit-
of geometries that lead to crevice corrosion; ting (Chapter 4.2), intergranular attack
in almost any engineered structure there (Chapter 4.3), environment-assisted crack-
are many instances in which two or more ing (Chapter 4.4), and dealloying (Chap-
materials are, by design, in close proxim- ter 2.3). In all of these cases, the electro-
ity. From overlapping fuselage skins on chemical and chemical conditions within
aircraft to flanges on pipes to multiple an occluded region become altered with
layers in integrated circuit interconnects, respect to the conditions on fully exposed
crevices are ubiquitous. If electrolytes can surfaces. These variations can lead to rates
be rigorously excluded from these regions, of attack within the occluded region that
crevice corrosion is not possible, as one are many orders of magnitude higher than
of the requirements for corrosion has those observed on the fully exposed sur-
been removed. Unfortunately, achieving faces. Generally, a material/environment
and maintaining such complete exclusion combination that leads to pitting can also
of electrolytes is often impossible, so an lead to crevice corrosion. Because of the
276 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Crevice former

Metallic material Crevice

Fig. 1 Crevice corrosion occurs when a wetted metallic surface is in close
proximity to another surface as shown schematically here.

Fig. 2 Crevice corrosion under seal in Type SS316 sieve from steam
condenser cooling water system exposed to flowing seawater for 2 years at
less than 40 ◦ C [1].
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 277

many commonalities among the various The electrochemical reactions include both
types of localized corrosion, understand- dissolution and reduction reactions. The
ing crevice corrosion allows insights to be spatial variation of the rates of these reac-
gained into the factors that influence the tions determines the development of the
other forms of localized corrosion. attack topography. The important types of
homogeneous chemical reactions include Examples hydrolysis, precipitation reactions, and ho-
Several examples of the results of crevice mogeneous oxidation/reduction reactions
corrosion are shown in Figs. 3 to 6. The of dissolved species. These reactions can
similarities in topography amongst the ex- have substantial effects on the corrosivity
amples include the accelerated attack of of the occluded environment, in partic-
the substrate under the crevice former ular with regard to the local pH. Mass
and the virtual absence of attack on the transport by diffusion and convection tend
fully exposed surface. The accelerated at- to minimize differences between the oc-
tack within the crevice usually appears cluded region conditions and those on
as uniform corrosion or pitting. In some the fully exposed surface. However, the
cases, it is thought that the attack starts as tight geometry inherent in crevices leads to
metastable pits that coalesce into a more severe restriction of mass transport, allow-
uniform attack. ing large differences in concentration and
The remainder of this chapter will de- electrochemical potential to develop and
scribe the mechanisms that control such be maintained between the fully exposed
behavior, approaches to mitigating it, as surface and the occluded crevice region.
well as some illustrative examples in which
it is of critical importance to safe operation Electrochemical Reactions
of engineered structures. As with all corrosion, crevice corrosion in-
volves concomitant anodic and cathodic re-
4.1.2 actions. The location and intensity of these
Fundamental Phenomena of Crevice reactions determines the development of
Corrosion the morphology both inside and outside
the crevice that characterize crevice corro-
Crevice corrosion relies primarily on sion. In general, crevice corrosion occurs
three fundamental types of processes: with a large-scale (0.1–10 mm) separation
electrochemical reactions, homogeneous of the anodic and cathodic reactions. The
chemical reactions, and mass transport. scale of the separation of anodic and

Deep into crevice

Attacked area
Fig. 3 Crevice corrosion of
Type 304 SS after polarization at
+0.05 V (SCE) in 0.017 M NaCl.
The mouth of the crevice is Near mouth 1 mm
indicated by the solid white line.
278 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Fig. 4 Example of the results of crevice

corrosion. Type 304 SS exposed to 6
wt.% ferric chloride for 48 h at room
temperature with castellated crevice
washer applied around center hole.
Pitting also occurred at several sites
outside the crevice. The draining of the
occluded solution from the crevice sites
(and pits) led to the river pattern of
attack outside the initial localized
corrosion sites.

cathodic reactions for crevice corrosion crevice corrosion are often on the order
contrasts with that of uniform corrosion of 0.1 to 50 mA cm−2 , or approximately
in which the separation of the anodic and 40 to 20 000 mpy. As crevice corrosion oc-
cathodic reactions is thought to be submi- curs primarily on materials selected for
cron, with the locations of the reactions their corrosion resistance, such penetra-
varying with time producing a uniform tion rates are unanticipated. The fact that
dissolution of surface. the attack is hidden makes it difficult to
In crevice corrosion, a net cathodic reac- detect, increasing the danger associated
tion occurs on surfaces outside the crevice, with it.
whereas a net anodic reaction occurs on the In general, one finds that the material
surfaces inside the crevice. The metal pro- outside the occluded region is virtually
vides the electron path and the electrolyte unattacked. Most often, the fully exposed
within the occluded region and in the bulk material dissolves under passive condi-
provides the ionic path to complete the tions, with penetration rates of less than
circuit. The types of electrochemical reac- 1 µA cm−2 (ca. 0.5 mpy). In some cases,
tions are no different from those that occur evidence of cathodic protection of the fully
in other forms of corrosion. exposed surface can be observed (e.g. for-
mation of calcareous deposits). Just inside Dissolution Reactions The spa- the occluded region, there is also usually
tial distribution of the metal dissolu- minimal attack. The amount of attack in-
tion within an occluded region defines creases as one moves deeper into the
crevice corrosion. The metal dissolution crevice, with a maximum in the attack
reactions are those described in Chap- depth often occurring between 0.1 and
ter 1.3. The intensity of these reactions 3 mm from the mouth. At points further
varies, but propagation rates for active into the crevice, the amount of attack is
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 279


2000 200

0 100
y 1000 2000
[µm] 1500
500 µm
500 1000 x
(a) 500 [µm]
0 0




0 1500
500 y
1000 [µm]
1500 500
(b) 500 µm x 2000
[µm] 2500 0

Fig. 5 Confocal laser scanning micrographs of two-dimensional reflected light intensity images
air aged (a) 625 and (b) C22 after cyclic and three-dimensional representations are
potentiodynamic polarization (CPP) testing at shown. The accumulated anodic charge for each
95 ◦ C in pH 7.75 (100 : 1) electrolyte. Both alloy was approximately 2.5 C [4].

minimal. This intermediate attack is a char- corrosion. Conversely, alloying elements,

acteristic of crevice corrosion, although surface engineering, or thermomechanical
exceptions can be observed in which the treatments that inhibit the dissolution rate
extent of attack increases with increasing of a material in aggressive solutions lead
depth. Examples of crevice corrosion attack to better resistance to crevice corrosion.
are shown in Figs. 3 to 6. Finally, passivity of the material in the
One of the most important characteris- bulk solution is a requirement for crevice
tics defining the susceptibility of a material corrosion, as with pitting.
to crevice corrosion is the dependence of
its dissolution behavior (e.g. passive cur- Cathodic Reactions For materi-
rent density, active–passive transition) on als at their open circuit potential (OCP),
pH and aggressive ion concentration. Ma- the overall rate of the cathodic reaction(s)
terials that depassivate more easily (i.e. must balance the anodic dissolution re-
at a higher pH or lower chloride concen- actions. In crevice corrosion, the cathodic
tration) are more susceptible to crevice reactions occur predominantly outside the
280 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Fig. 6 Crevice corrosion of AA2024-T3 faying surfaces after 3-month exposure to simulated
lap joint solution. Exterior surfaces were painted [5].

crevice. A cathodic reaction can serve the primary reaction outside the crevice.
several functions in the initiation and sta- More on the oxygen reduction reaction can
bilization of crevice corrosion: be found elsewhere in the Encyclopedia
(Chapter 1.3). For the present discussion,
1. Raise the potential above some critical its importance lies in its high reversible
potential (e.g. to generate metastable potential, its sluggish kinetics, and its
pits within the crevice). production of hydroxide ions. The high re-
2. Maintain the crevice actively corroding versible potential provides the possibility
by consuming the electrons generated of very large polarizations of passive met-
from the dissolution reactions inside als and alloys; materials can obtain high
the crevice. OCP in oxygen-bearing solutions. These
3. Protect the fully exposed surface from high potentials increase the likelihood that
other forms of localized corrosion the interface exceeds some critical poten-
such as pitting, which would tend to tial for localized corrosion (Chapter 4.2). In
destabilize the crevice by acting as the case of crevice corrosion, this critical
drains for cathodic reactions. potential may be due to the formation of
metastable pits within the crevice that pro-
In most cases of corrosion in aqueous so- duce a critical crevice solution (CCS) (see
lution, the oxygen reduction reaction is Sect.
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 281

Once initiated, the active crevice can be of a crevice with varying degrees of sep-
maintained if and only if the external ca- aration of anodic and cathodic reactions.
thodic reaction can consume the electrons Case 1 represents an early stage of crevice
generated by the dissolution rate within corrosion in which there is no discernible
the occluded region at a rate that allows difference between inside and outside the
the maintenance of the CCS. If the ca- occluded regions. The electrons generated
thodic reaction kinetics is too sluggish, by the dissolution reaction are consumed
the mass transport of aggressive solu- by cathodic reactions locally. Case 2 rep-
tion from within the crevice will exceed resents the propagation stage of crevice
the ability of the dissolution reactions corrosion in which the separation of anode
within the crevice to maintain it, and the and cathode has occurred. This separation
crevice would repassivate. Somewhat slug- can occur because of the depletion of a
gish cathodic kinetics prevent the rapid cathodic reactant (e.g. dissolved oxygen)
penetration of structures by crevice cor- within the occluded region. Under such a
rosion that is characteristic of pitting, in circumstance, the interior of the occluded
which transient rates on the order of 10 region becomes a net anode, whereas
to 100 A cm−2 are observed (Chapter 4.2). the fully exposed surface becomes a net
Stable crevice corrosion rates tend to be cathode.
Note that some reduction reaction can
several orders of magnitude slower than
occur within the occluded region and some
initial pitting rates (although crevice corro-
dissolution occurs on the fully exposed sur-
sion can occur under more mild conditions
face. It has been estimated that as much as
of chloride concentration, temperature,
15–20% of the electrons can be consumed
and potential). Finally, the production of
by cathodic reactions within occluded re-
hydroxide ions on the fully exposed sur-
gions on some materials [6–8]. On the
face tends to increase the surface pH,
fully exposed surface, passive dissolution
decreasing its susceptibility to other forms continues to occur. The electrons liberated
of localized corrosion (such as pitting). during the passive dissolution are con-
This phenomenon allows virtually all of sumed by cathodic reactions locally. The
the cathodic reaction on the fully exposed majority of the cathodic reaction is used
surface to be used to consume electrons to consume electrons generated by disso-
freed by dissolution reactions within the lution in the occluded region once crevice
crevice (except for the small passive cur- corrosion has initiated.
rent of the external surface). Area Effects As could be sur- Separation of Anodic and Ca- mised from mixed potential theory (Chap-
thodic Reactions In the absence of a ter 1.3), the amount of fully exposed sur-
physical separation of anodic and cathodic face that can interact with the material
reactions, classical crevice corrosion does in the occluded region will have a strong
not occur. The separation of anodic and effect on crevice corrosion rates. Because
cathodic reactions allows the formation of the strong coupling between these two
and maintenance of a pH differential cell regions on the metal surface, increasing
and a potential gradient between the fully the area of the cathodic reaction (the fully
exposed surface and the material in the oc- exposed surface) relative to the area of the
cluded region. Figure 7 shows a schematic anodic reaction (the occluded region) will
282 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

M+ O2 OH− M+ O2 OH−


M+ O2 OH− M+

e− e−
Fig. 7 Schematic of a crevice showing extremes of separation of
anodic and cathodic reactions. (a) Case 1: electrons generated by
the dissolution reaction are consumed by cathodic reaction locally
both inside and outside the crevice. (b) Case 2: complete
separation of anode and cathode. Interior of the occluded region
becomes a net anode, whereas the fully exposed surface becomes
a net cathode.

increase the dissolution rate of the crevice, the area of fully exposed surface that
just as in galvanic corrosion (Chapter 1.3). participates can become very large, such
This effect is shown in Fig. 8. as in an internal tank surface on which
In general, the area of crevice attack a crevice forms due to sludge deposition
is the more fixed quantity, whereas on the bottom of the tank. As discussed


Fig. 8 Effect of the area of the cathodic reaction (the fully exposed surface)
relative to the area of the anodic reaction (the occluded region). An increase
in the dissolution rate of the crevice will occur (just as in galvanic corrosion)
owing to need to satisfy the summation of the anodic reaction rates equaling
the sum of the cathodic reaction rates.
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 283

in Sect. 4.2, next to alloying, the most concentrations [15]:

successful inhibition strategies for crevice
corrosion involve reducing the rate of the pH = − log(γH+ [H+ ]) (1)
cathodic reaction outside the crevice. This increase in the acidity of the crevice
environment generally increases the dis- Homogeneous Chemical Reactions solution rate of the alloy. During the early
Chemical reactions that occur within the stages of crevice corrosion development,
crevice are extremely important to the initi- the falling pH leads to depassivation of
ation and stabilization of crevice corrosion, the material in the crevice via dissolu-
as well as in the determination of its tion of the passive oxide. This increase
penetration rate. The three major types in dissolution rate leads to the production
of chemical reactions that influence the of more metal cations, leading to more
chemical environment within an occluded hydrolysis, and subsequently to a further
region are hydrolysis, precipitation, and drop in pH. As discussed below, this drop
chemical dissolution. in pH is accompanied by an increase in
the concentration of anions from the bulk
environment. In chloride-containing so- Hydrolysis The chemical reac-
lutions, this further stabilizes the active
tions of metal cations with water (hydroly-
crevice by making reformation of the pas-
sis) produce oxides and hydroxides that can sive oxide more difficult. The autocatalytic
change the local pH by overwhelming any nature of crevice corrosion (i.e. dissolution
buffering capacity of the solution. Metal leading to a decrease in pH, leading to
hydroxides have equilibrium pH values increased dissolution, etc.) does not con-
that are generally far from neutral pH. tinue without end; the chemical conditions
Equilibrium pH values for metal hydrol- inside the crevice region eventually reach
ysis reactions are shown in Table 1 for a steady state determined in large part by
the primary metal ions emanating from the chemical equilibria of the occluded
stainless steels [9]. solution.
Measurements of pH inside active Note that the values of pH in Table 1
occluded regions have been in general were determined for the equilibrium of
agreement with the values shown in metal salts dissolved in water. They can be
Table 1 [10–12]. Even more acidic values expected to occur within occluded regions
have been measured in some cases [13, as long as all of the cathodic reaction occurs
14]. This effect is thought to be due to outside the occluded region. To the extent
the increase in the activity coefficient for that the cathodic reaction occurs within the
hydrogen ion as a result of high chloride occluded region, the pH will move towards

Tab. 1 Equilibria of some hydrolysis reactions [9]

Reaction Equilibrium pH of reaction

Fe2+ + H2 O −−−→ FeOH+ + H+ pH = 4.75 − 1/21/2 log[Fe2+ ]

Ni2+ + 2H2 O −−−→ Ni(OH)2 + 2H+ pH = 6.09 − 1/21/2 log[Ni2+ ]
Cr3+ + 3H2 O −−−→ Cr(OH)3 + 3H+ pH = 1.6 − 1/3 log[Cr3+ ]
284 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

the equilibrium pH of the alloy. The and the bulk electrolyte. In some cases,
equilibrium pH of an alloy is the pH that these precipitates will additionally isolate
would be expected to be obtained when, the occluded solution.
for example, an alloy dissolves under open
circuit conditions in a small volume of Chemical Dissolution of Alloy
solution. Such alloy equilibrium pH values Constituents Certain alloy constituents
are generally higher than those of the can be dissolved chemically and thereby
metal salts because the production of metal make important changes in the local envi-
ions by oxidation must be accompanied ronment either directly (e.g. by adsorption
by cathodic reactions, which in aqueous of the product species) or indirectly (e.g.
solutions, tend to produce hydroxyl ions. by catalyzing electrochemical reactions or
For example, the equilibrium pH of Type via hydrolysis effects). One primary exam-
304 SS is 10.6 [16]. The low pH values ple of this phenomenon is the dissolution
observed in crevice corrosion of many of MnS inclusions in austenitic stain-
materials are due to the fact that in practice less steels, which produces sulfur species
the majority of the cathodic reaction occurs such as bisulfide (HS− ), which accelerates
outside the crevice. For crevices polarized in the dissolution of the material in acidic
laboratory experiments, the vast majority solutions [18].
of the cathodic current is supported at the Many theories have proposed changes in
counter electrode. the occluded chemistry and are key owing
Other homogeneous reactions that may to effects of the dissolution products of the
occur within occluded regions include MnS inclusions. Because most dissolved
redox reactions and other chemical re- sulfur species have been observed to
actions. For example, it has been pro- enhance metal dissolution, many sulfur
posed [17] that nitrate acts as an inhibitor species have been predicted to result
within occluded regions such as pits or from MnS inclusion dissolution in the
crevices via the reduction of nitrate to am- occluded region [19–27]. Virtually all of
monium: the oxidation states of sulfur have been
implicated, from a valence of −2 (HS− ) to
NO3 − + 4H+ + 3e− −−−→ NH4 + (2) +6 (SO4 2− ).
Recently, Brossia and Kelly [28] studied
This reaction would tend to limit the
the influence of alloy sulfur on the crevice
pH of the local solution and thereby
solution chemistry and nature of the sur-
slow dissolution. Conversely, thiosulfate
face in the crevice at initiation. Through
has been proposed to disproportionate
the use of occluded solution analysis,
to sulfur and sulfite within the crevice,
high-resolution transmission electron mi-
leading to accelerated dissolution in the croscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy
crevice. (TEM/EDS), small-spot X-ray photoelec-
tron spectroscopy (XPS), and electrochem- Precipitation Precipitation of ical measurements, the dominance of the
corrosion products occurs when the aqueous sulfide species on the occluded so-
solubility of the least soluble species is lution chemistry evolution the initiation of
reached. These precipitates tend to occur crevice corrosion was shown. MnS inclu-
within the crevice between the area of sions were shown to dissolve chemically
lowest pH within the occluded region to form sulfide. No other sulfur species
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 285

were produced as shown in Fig. 9. Thus, Mass Transport of Species

results from the use of a MnS powder elec- Taken together, the processes described
trode to simulate these inclusions need to above tend to lead to a concentrated, acidic
be interpreted carefully, in that the pow- solution of metal salts within the crevice.
der electrode, in addition to having MnS Metallic materials tend to dissolve rapidly
present, also had Mn2 O3 and more im- upon polarization in these solutions. Thus,
portantly S0 , which are not present in the maintenance of the occluded solution com-
inclusions in the alloys. The elemental sul- position is critical to stability of crevice
fur was shown to catalyze the formation of corrosion. As mentioned above, diffusion
thiosulfate upon polarization of the MnS acts to destabilize crevices by dispersing
powder, a process that does not occur for the concentrated solution, whereas migra-
inclusions in the alloy. tion effects tend to concentrate aggressive
The production of aqueous sulfide via anionic species into the crevice.
the chemical dissolution of MnS inclu- This section describes the balance of
sions was shown to increase the ag- these opposing mass transport forces for
gressiveness of the low pH, high [Cl− ] the geometry of crevice corrosion. Mass
occluded solution as shown in Fig. 10 transport of species in aqueous solution
such that crevice corrosion can occur at can occur by three processes: migration,
rates on the order of 30 to 50 mA cm−2 . diffusion, or convection. In most cases
As the alloy sulfur content decreases, of crevice corrosion, convection can be
the difficulty in obtaining the aqueous ignored owing to the restricted geometry
sulfide content increases, lengthening involved.
the initiation time. Nonetheless, even at
the lowest alloy sulfur contents stud- Migration Migration is the
ied (17 ppmw), crevice corrosion initiation movement of ions in the presence of
due to aqueous sulfide accumulation still an electric field. The electric field can
occurred. be externally applied (such as via a

Propagating 3
Fig. 9 Occluded solution analyses
showing dissolved sulfur species in 2
(a) solution taken from a crevice during Crevice at
steady state propagation; (b) solution
taken from a crevice at initiation; and 2 1 = Thiosulfate
(c) a 5 ppm standard 2 = Sulfide
solution (1 = S2 O3 2− , 2 = HS− , 1 3 3 = Sulfite
3 = SO3 2− ). At initiation, the only 5 ppm STD
dissolved sulfur species observed was
sulfide. In no crevice was thiosulfate
observed. Note the vertical scales for 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
each electropherogram are different so
that they could all be shown on the Migration time
same plot. [min]
286 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

25 70 Fig. 10 (a) Influence of alloy sulfur

content on the initiation time, τ , and the
60 crevice solution at τ as characterized by
20 the [Cl− ] : [HS− ] (R). Note that although

the crevice solution composition is

[Cl−]:[HS−]crevice/10 independent of the alloy sulfur level
(R = 141 ± 11), the time to develop the


t critical chemistry needed to initiation
10 attack is strongly dependent upon the
30 sulfur levels. (b) Polarization behavior of
Type 304 SS in deaerated pH 2.75
20 solution of differing [Cl− ] (M):
[H2 S] (mM). Note that the addition of
0 10 thiosulfate (5,35∗ ) did not substantially
0.001 0.01 0.1 influence the polarization behavior [28].
Alloy sulfur content
(a) [wt.%]

0.05 Applied - Crevice Test
0.00 5,0 5,35*
−0.05 1,0


−0.15 10,70
−0.20 1,7
−0.35 iLocal - Crevice
−0.40 (A)
10−8 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100
Current density
(b) [A cm−2]


Anions migrate in
Cations migrate out

Fig. 11 The potential gradient that develops in crevice

corrosion is such that cations are driven out of the crevice
whereas anions are driven into the crevice.
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 287

potentiostat) or occur naturally such Tab. 2 Equivalent conductance for

as the development of distinct anodes several common ions at infinite
dilution and 25 ◦ C. Equivalent
and cathodes during localized corrosion.
conductance is defined as
Mobility differences among ions have λoi = |zi |F 2 ui where ui is the mobility
important effects on the establishment of and |zi | is the charge [29]
aggressive conditions within a crevice. The
potential gradient that develops in crevice Ion Equivalent conductance
corrosion is such that cations are driven (mho cm2 equiv−1 )
out of the crevice whereas anions are
driven into the crevice as shown in Fig. 11. Cl− 76.34
The extent of accumulation or depletion of HSO4 − 50
HCO3 − 41.5
ions within the crevice depends on their
Cu2+ 54
relative ionic mobility.
Chloride has a very high mobility relative
to most other commonly encountered ions
(Table 2). As it is also often present at of the current in crevice corrosion. As
a high concentration relative to other shown in Fig. 12, it is by this mechanism
ions, chloride often carries the majority that chloride accumulates in the crevice

Cnonreacting cation

Migration force

Diffusion force


Creacting cation

Migration force

Diffusion force

Fig. 12 (a) In the case of nonreacting
cations (i.e. those not produced or
consumed in the crevice, such as Na+ ), Canion
the migration and the diffusion effects
act in opposite directions. (b) In the
case of reacting cations (e.g. cations
from metal dissolution), both the Diffusion force
migration and the diffusion effects act to Migration force
lower the concentration within the
occluded region. (c) In the case of
anions, the migration and the diffusion
effects act in opposite directions. (c)
288 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

as corrosion occurs. Simultaneously, the At steady state, the production rate of

nonreacting cations in solution are driven metal ions by dissolution is equal to
out of the crevice. For the counterions to the combined migration and diffusion
the chloride and other anions (such as removing metal ions from the crevice. Of
Na+ in NaCl solutions), these effects lead course, there is no source of anions such
to a severe depletion of their concentration as chloride within the occluded region, so
within the crevice. This depletion occurs that at steady state, the removal of chloride
because there is no source for these ions by diffusion is equally balanced by
ions within the crevice. The dissolution its ingress due to migration as shown
products of the alloy (which tend to in Fig. 12.
be metallic cations) are also driven out
of the crevice by the potential field. In Convection As mentioned
contrast to the electrolyte counterions,
above, convection is usually not considered
the dissolution of the metal within the
crevice acts as a source for cations. To the important in crevice corrosion because of
extent that metal dissolution can meet the the restricted geometry. There are some
mass transport forces driving cations out, cases in which this assumption is not
the metal cation concentration within the valid. Alkire [19] has investigated the ef-
crevice will remain constant or increase. fects of flow past the mouths of localized
corrosion sites (pits). They found that a re-
circulation motion could develop within a Diffusion Diffusion is the
localized corrosion site. Although this flow
movement of species in the presence of
can mix the occluded solution, there was
a chemical potential gradient. The process
little mixing between the occluded region
tends to eliminate concentration gradients.
solution and the bulk solution. Flow-
As mentioned above, the dissolution of
through crevices can inhibit the initiation
metal within occluded regions combined
of crevice corrosion by making the devel-
with the restricted mass transport inherent
opment of the aggressive environment in
in crevices leads to a concentrated metal
the occluded region more difficult. There
salt solution within the crevice. As most
bulk solutions have low concentrations are a variety of ‘‘flow-through’’ crevices, in-
of metal ions, there exists a very strong cluding support plates in heat exchangers
driving force for diffusion in the form in nuclear reactors [20].
of a concentration gradient on the order
of several mol L−1 mm−1 . Such gradients Range of Rates and Limitations by
exist for not only the primary metal Each Process
ion (e.g. Fe2+ for stainless steels), but The propagation of crevice corrosion,
also for the primary anion species (e.g. cannot be sustained at rates on the order
chloride in seawater). As mentioned above, of A cm−2 for long periods of time.
the chloride ion concentration within the Like all corrosion, the anodic reaction,
occluded region is increased as a result of cathodic reaction, or solution properties
migration effects that are initially stronger can control the rate. For example, if
than the diffusive effects. In the case the dissolution kinetics in the occluded
of the metal ions, both the migration solution are sluggish, the polarization
and the diffusion effects act to lower the by the cathodic reaction has a more
concentration within the occluded region. limited effect. On the other hand, diffusion
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 289

limitations (or sluggish kinetics) at the oxidation and subsequent hydrolysis of the
cathode will limit the degree to which it metal cations leads to acidification of the
can support high rate anodic reactions in crevice, with strongly hydrolyzed cations
the crevice. Finally, dilute bulk solutions such as chromium leading to occluded cell
lead to large ohmic drop between the pH values of zero or even less [9–14]. The
external cathode and the internal anode. presence of such a solution can depas-
The voltage lost in this ohmic drop is not sivate even corrosion-resistant materials,
available to drive the interfacial reactions, leading to accelerated attack inside the
again limiting the rate. In practice, all of crevice. The initiation and propagation of
these processes occur. crevice corrosion is determined by the
ability of the metal inside the crevice to Proposed Mechanisms produce sufficient cations (and their sub-
sequent hydrolysis) to create and maintain Critical Crevice Solution The an aggressive occluded solution against the
CCS framework has its origins in the destabilizing force of diffusion.
qualitative description of the initiation of Success of the CCS model has been
stainless steel crevice corrosion proposed demonstrated by a large number of ex-
by Fontana and Greene [22]. The general perimental measurements of low crevice
description of the evolution of aggressive pH values in a variety of alloys [9–14],
occluded environments has its basis in including a rationalization of the effects
the acid-hydrolysis theory of Hoar [23]. of alloying elements in stainless steels by
It has served the corrosion community Oldfield and Sutton via the effect of these
for several decades. It has provided the alloying elements on the pH needed to
foundation for the education of genera- achieve a critical current density for passi-
tions of students in localized corrosion. vation of 10 µA cm−2 [39].
Its extension to cracks, coating disbond-
ment, and other occluded regions has Ohmic Drop The IR∗ frame-
allowed many important insights to be work proposed by Pickering [26] focuses
gained. In essence, it uses the concept attention on the role of ohmic drop in oc-
of an occluded cell to describe the pro- cluded regions in providing the stabilizing
cess by which extremely concentrated and force for crevice corrosion to occur in ma-
aggressive solutions can develop inside oc- terials that are spontaneously active, but
cluded regions. exhibit an active–passive transition. Polar-
After deoxygenation of the solution ization of the material outside the crevice
within the crevice [deoxygenation is a rapid to its passive region leads to accelerated
process due to the low equilibrium concen- corrosion within the crevice. This seeming
tration of dissolved oxygen gas (0.25 mM paradox can be understood by analysis of
at room temperature in pure water) and the the potential drop that occurs in solution
restricted mass transport. Reduction of dis- and the effect of the restricted geometry of
solved oxygen gas effectively deoxygenates the crevice.
the crevice on the time scale of minutes As shown in Fig. 13, although the poten-
to less than an hour], the material inside tial of the fully exposed surface will be at
the crevice becomes the net anode, and the the applied potential (assuming minimal
boldly exposed material outside the crevice IR drop between the reference electrode
becomes the net cathode. The accelerated and the fully exposed surface), and thus
290 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Fig. 13 Although the potential of the

jM fully exposed surface will be at the
applied potential (assuming minimal IR
drop between the reference electrode
and the fully exposed surface), and thus
passive, the current that passes down
the crevice will lead to potential drop
because of the finite resistivity of the
solution and restricted geometry of the

passive, the current that passes down the of an active-passive transition in the elec-
crevice will lead to potential drop because trochemical behavior of the material in
of the finite resistivity of the solution and the crevice environment. Although some
restricted geometry of the crevice. If the crevice corrosion systems do show such
combination of crevice length, gap, and behavior, there are many that do not.
solution resistivity is sufficient to lead to However, extensive studies of such be-
a potential drop of at least IR∗ (using the havior are lacking, in large part due to
terminology of Pickering [31]), then there uncertainties in the composition of such
will be a location in the crevice (xcrit ) at environments.
which the potential falls into the active
region of the polarization curve. At this Combining Effects The Evans
site, rapid dissolution of the metal will diagram in Fig. 14 shows schematically the
occur. electrochemistry of active crevice corrosion
Ignored by most implementations of under open circuit conditions. The fully ex-
the CCS framework, ohmic drop can posed surface provides the vast majority of
not only lead to passive-to-active transi- the cathodic current. Its relatively large
tions, but also can, in the context of surface area is a key in this regard. The oc-
environmental cracking, make hydrogen cluded region, although made of the same
evolution, and therefore embrittlement, material, exhibits substantially different
more viable at the crack tip. The IR∗ frame- electrochemical kinetics due to the aggres-
work has been successfully demonstrated sive solution at its interface. Two cases are
in several model metal/environment sys- shown; in the first, the material corrodes
tems [34, 35], and has been invoked to actively, whereas in the second the material
rationalize the practically important case undergoes an active–passive transition.
of the crevice corrosion of Alloy 625 in The first represents the expected behav-
chlorinated seawater [32, 33]. ior according to the CCS theory, whereas
The success of the IR∗ framework in- the second case describes the stabiliza-
cludes its ability to predict the presence tion of crevice corrosion described by the
of the intermediate attack often observed IR∗ theory.
in crevice corrosion; that is, the most One of the limitations in much of the
severe attack takes place not at the deep- computational modeling of crevice corro-
est portion of the crevice, but at some sion has been the absence of approaches
point between it and the crevice mouth. that consider both migration and diffu-
Although it is successful in such predic- sion processes within the occluded region.
tions, it inherently assumes the existence Modeling using CCS theory relies strictly
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 291


log I

Fully exposed

within crevice

(a) E


Fully exposed
log I


Material within crevice

(b) E
Fig. 14 Electrochemistry of propagating crevice corrosion. Two cases
are shown: (a) the material in the crevice corrodes actively and (b) the
material in the crevice undergoes an active–passive transition.

on diffusion, whereas IR∗ modeling con- corrosion for austenitic stainless steels in
siders only ohmic drop effects. chloride solutions, as shown previously in
Recently, Kelly and Stewart [30] and Fig. 3.
Stewart [16] have developed a computa- The sample shown in Fig. 3 was held
tional framework that allows such con- several hundred millivolts below its pit-
siderations. The initial application of ting potential [28]. After an incubation
the framework was to understand the period, crevice corrosion initiated. The
existence of intermediate attack in crevice area immediately inside the crevice was
292 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

unattacked (as was that portion of the the material undergoes an active–passive
sample that was boldly exposed outside transition, the basic description remains
the crevice). Deeper into the crevice the intact. In many systems, the occluded so-
attack became increasingly severe for ap- lution leads to active behavior only or
proximately a millimeter before decreasing unstable passivation [36, 37]. For these sys-
in severity with further depth. This in- tems, ohmic drop still occurs due to the
termediate attack (IA) is often observed current emanating from the crevice, but
in crevice corrosion of many alloys. Any it acts to destabilize, not stabilize crevice
complete description of crevice corrosion corrosion. For example, Type 304 stain-
must therefore be able to rationalize such less steel is spontaneously passive in the
behavior. dilute bulk solution, but does not pas-
Pickering and coworkers [31, 34, 35] sivate in stimulants of occluded crevice
have demonstrated both experimentally solutions [28].
and computationally that for systems that The CCS theory of crevice corrosion can-
meet the criteria of the IR∗ theory, IA not predict IA. The CCS theory bases its
is predicted. The amount of potential predictions on the predominance of oc-
drop increases as one moves into the cluded chemistry changes in determining
crevice because of the current leaving crevice corrosion susceptibility. As shown
the crevice. If the geometry, solution by Watson and Postelwaite [38], the CCS
conductivity, and passive current density of theory predicts that the most severe at-
the material in the environment conspire tack will occur at the deepest part of the
to create sufficient ohmic drop, then crevice, that is, the most occluded portion.
the potential of some portion of the At this most occluded point, the chemistry
material within the crevice falls to the will be the most altered, and thus the at-
primary passive potential. Under these tack will be expected to be most severe
circumstances, the passive film is not there.
stable and active dissolution occurs. The A paradox thus exists in crevice corro-
potential difference between the applied sion. The theory that can explain one of
potential and the primary passivation the most commonly observed phenomena
potential is referred to as IR∗ . Deeper still (IA) is of restricted applicability, whereas
into the crevice the ohmic drop leads to the theory that cannot rationalize IA is
decreased dissolution as the overpotential thought to occur more widely. Kelly and
for the anodic reaction decreases. Thus, Stewart sought to resolve this paradox by
ohmic drop is responsible for the initiation considering both ohmic drop and chemical
and stabilization of crevice corrosion changes. A set of boundary conditions was
according to this model. selected for which neither the CCS model
Note that the IR∗ model applies strictly nor the IR∗ model alone would predict IA.
only to materials that undergo an ac- The electrochemical boundary conditions
tive–passive transition in the crevice so- were based upon measurements for stain-
lution, which is maintained at the same less steel in solutions simulating occluded
composition as the bulk solution. In sys- conditions.
tems in which the occluded solution has Details of the work can be found
been shown to differ from the bulk, the elsewhere [30]. Briefly, the geometry used
theory must be modified to quantitatively was that of a one-dimensional crevice (i.e.
predict the position of the IA, but as long as a slot) with a constant 4-µm gap and a 1-cm
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 293

depth (L : g = 2500). The initial solution in Figure 16 shows the evolution of the pH
the crevice was neutral 0.3 M NaCl. The profile within the crevice. Owing to the
polarization behavior of the material was lack of buffering, within 2 s of the start of
allowed to vary with the local pH as has the simulation, the pH has dropped to 6
been shown to be the case for stainless throughout the crevice. As the simulation
steel [28]. This dependence was modeled continues, the pH continues to fall owing
by use of the electrochemical behavior to the Cr3+ hydrolysis. The decrease in
shown in Fig. 15. pH is more marked at positions just in

pH 7
pH 1




10−10 10−9 10−8 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1
Current density
[A cm−2]
Fig. 15 Assumed polarization behavior for the material within
the crevice as a function of pH. The cathodic reactions are
assumed to produce charge, but no pH-altering species [30].

6 t=2s
5 t=4s

4 t = 18 s
t = 82 s
3 t = 332 s
t = 662 s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth into crevice
Fig. 16 pH as a function of depth inside the crevice and time.
Although the pH falls throughout the crevice, it does so
essentially uniformly for the boundary conditions selected [30].
294 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

from the mouth. The position of minimum of metal dissolved could be calculated.
pH continues to move deeper into the The peak in the dissolution current
crevice with time, but the differences in density at an intermediate point within
pH between the mouth, the minimum the crevice can be clearly observed. This
point and the base of the crevice are small intermediate attack develops very quickly
(<0.5 pH units). (<8 s). The point of maximum attack
Figure 17 shows the evolution of the po- moves slowly deeper into the crevice until
tential profile within the crevice. Initially, it stabilizes at 0.07 cm for these boundary
the profile is flat. All points within the conditions.
crevice are polarized to the value at the The IR∗ model requires that the material
mouth. Within a short time, the currents of interest exhibit active–passive behavior
increase due to the pH changes and larger in the occluded solution. Many engineer-
ohmic drop occurs. After 82 s, the poten- ing materials do not meet this requirement
tial at the base of the crevice is more than of the model [28, 36, 37]. In such cases,
300 mV below that at the mouth. Over the ohmic drop would act to limit the
the next 480 s the potential profile flattens extent of crevice corrosion according to
somewhat, and the maximum potential mixed potential theory by reducing the
difference is slightly more than 250 mV. overpotential for the dissolution reaction.
In addition to this decrease in potential Thus, although the IR∗ model can pre-
drop, an inflection point can be observed dict IA in some systems, its applicability
in the profile at a distance of approximately is somewhat limited. It should be noted
0.15 cm from the mouth. that owing to the general lack of informa-
Figure 18 shows the evolution of the tion concerning occluded chemistries, the
current density distribution within the relative proportions of systems exhibiting
crevice. If these curves were integrated active–passive versus active behavior has
with respect to time, then the amount not been determined.

0.05 t=2s

0.00 t=4s
E vs SCE

−0.25 t = 662 s
t = 42 s
−0.30 t = 82 s
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth inside the crevice
Fig. 17 Potential of the material as a function of depth into the
crevice and time. Note the increase in the potential (decrease in the
ohmic drop) between 82 and 662 s that results from increased
solution conductivity within the crevice [30].
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 295

Fig. 18 Anodic dissolution current as a 1.6

function of depth into crevice and time.
Note the development of a peak in the 1.4 t = 662 s
profile indicating the position of 1.2
maximum attack [30].

[mA cm−2]

0.8 162 s

42 s
0.4 8s
0.2 2s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth into crevice

In engineering systems, it is likely that of that portion overwhelms the production

CCS and IR interact to focus attack at of Cr3+ . The attack is also mitigated at
intermediate positions within the crevice. positions very close to the mouth because
The modeling work shown above demon- of the ability of mass transport to prevent
strates the close interaction between the the change in the chemistry. The result of
two aspects of crevice corrosion. Neither these two opposing forces is IA.
can predict IA alone with the boundary
conditions selected. The IR∗ model would Scaling Relations in Crevice
predict a maximum of attack at the mouth, Corrosion
and the attack would be minimal due to A scaling factor (sometimes called a scal-
the absence of any change in chemistry. ing ‘‘law’’) describes the effect of crevice
The CCS model would predict maximum geometry on the corrosion behavior (con-
attack at the base of the crevice where the centration, potential, and attack gradients)
solution is most occluded [39, 40]. The ap- of an occluded region. For corrosion condi-
proach presented here demonstrates that tions to remain constant as crevice geome-
for reasonable boundary conditions (sim- try is changed, the potential and chemical
ilar to those measured for Type 304 SS distributions must remain constant on a
in solutions based on occluded solution normalized length scale. A scaling law is
analyses) IA can be predicted if and only a factor of two geometric measures of a
if both chemical changes and ohmic po- crevice that must be maintained as the
tential drop are considered. These two scale of a crevice is altered. The two most
phenomena are closely linked. The chem- common scaling factors are L/G and L2 /G
ical changes lead to increased currents in where L = either the length of the crevice
some areas that lead to increased potential or the distance between the crevice mouth
drop. The increased potential drop mit- and the site of greatest attack (xcrit ), and
igates the attack deeper in the crevice. G = the crevice gap as shown in Fig. 1.
This mitigation of the attack deep in the A detailed review of scaling factors can
crevice leads to a slightly less aggressive be found in Ref. [41]. One practical appli-
environment because mass transport out cation of a quantitative understanding of
296 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

crevice corrosion is the use of a scaling As with the work by Xu and Pickering, only
factor to determine under what conditions initial potential distributions were con-
crevice corrosion can occur. sidered, and no chemistry changes were
A major barrier to the quantitative un- allowed within the crevice. Six electro-
derstanding of crevice corrosion has been chemical boundary conditions described
the difficulty in producing crevices exper- mathematically, were examined by DeJong
imentally that can be modeled computa- as to their effect on the position of the
tionally. Pickering and coworkers [42–44] active region on the crevice wall. All six
have overcome this barrier at the mil- of the boundary conditions had the same
limeter scale in their studies of Ni in peak current of 10 mA cm−2 . However,
sulfuric acid. the basic shape, potential at which the
For crevices in which there are negligible peak current was reached, Ecrit , and the
currents generated at the tip, and one or passive current density were varied. Using
both of the crevice flanks have a constant each of the six boundary conditions, one-
active current density over the entire dimensional models were performed for a
surface area, the scaling factor L2c /G, crevice length of 0.7 cm with crevice gaps
where Lc is the crevice length and G is the ranging from 10 to 150 µm.
crevice gap, has been shown to apply by From the resulting potential distribu-
Turnbull [45] and Psaila-Dombrowski [46]. tions, the value of xcrit was determined
Modeling by Gartland [47] and Watson on the basis of the value of Ecrit of the
and Postlethwaite [38] showed that the boundary condition used. Both xcrit 2 /G and

scaling factor Xp2 /G also held when the xcrit /G were plotted. It was concluded that
crevice wall was passive until the distance 2 /G was the correct
the scaling factor xcrit
into the crevice Xp was reached where one based on the linearity exhibited at gaps
active corrosion took over. This finding <100 µm on the quadratic axes, which is
was important because no longer was the the scale on which practical crevices exist,
entire crevice length considered, but only whereas the xcrit /G plots exhibited no such
the region that remained passive. linearity. DeJong suggested that the reason
In work performed by Xu and Pick- 2 /G plots at
for loss of linearity of the xcrit
ering [43], Xp2 /G was also shown to be larger gaps was due to the active region
the correct scaling factor for IR-controlled nearing the crevice tip, which altered the
crevice corrosion. However, their work also current produced by the crevice, thereby
suggested that if the passive current is changing the value of xcrit .
negligible when compared to the current Lee and coworkers [49] explored crevice
in the active region, the scaling factor is gaps on the size scale of practical crevices
reduced to Xp /G. Their experimental re- (<100 µm) both experimentally and com-
sults (at gaps of 0.3 mm or greater for Ni putationally. In that work, microfabrica-
in sulfuric acid) were consistent with this tion methods were used to produce crevice
scaling factor. formers of rigorously controlled dimen-
In more recent modeling by DeJong [41, sions. These formers were then utilized in
44], it was shown that the correct scaling crevice corrosion experiments on Ni200
factor for active corrosion controlled by the in 0.5 M H2 SO4 in order to study the
IR∗ mechanism was xcrit 2 /G. The system of effect of crevice gap on the position of
interest was nickel in 0.5 M H2 SO4 , a sys- the critical distance for crevice corrosion
tem that exhibits active–passive behavior. (known as xcrit or xpass ). These results were
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 297

then compared to results of computational This work also allowed experimental

modeling to better understand the geo- confirmation of the conclusions of DeJong
metric scaling factors that apply to crevice regarding the applicability of quadratic
corrosion. Details can be found in Ref. [49]. scaling factors for IR-controlled crevice
Crevice corrosion initiated immediately corrosion at small gaps (<100 µm for
upon application of +0.4 V (SCE), as ex- the Ni/H2 SO4 system studied here). The
pected for IR∗ -controlled crevice corrosion. interpretation of Xu and Pickering of a
An example of the attack observed after- linear scaling factor for this system is
wards is shown in Fig. 19 for a gap of understandable in light of the flatness
93 µm. Three regions of attack were ob- of the xcrit versus G plots, especially at
served; passive dissolution was observed larger gaps.
from the mouth to some distance in-
side the crevice (termed xcrit ), a region 4.1.3
of accelerated attack was then observed at Prevention
intermediate distances, and finally a re-
gion of variable attack was observed at the By Geometry
greatest distances from the mouth. The primary means of the prevention of
The potential and current distribution crevice corrosion is via careful design.
results from the computational modeling To the extent possible, passive mate-
are shown in Fig. 20. The calculated xcrit rials should not be placed in crevice
values (determined by locating the position arrangements. Unfortunately, in most en-
at which the potential falls into the active gineering structures complete avoidance
region) are also shown. A comparison of crevices is not practical; pipe sections
of the data from the crevice corrosion must be connected via flanges, vessels are
experiments and those predicted by the not made from a single sheet of mate-
model is shown in Fig. 21. Figure 22 plots rials, and so on. In these cases, careful
the same data, but with the ordinate axis is design would dictate maximizing the gap
2 .
now in terms of xcrit and minimizing the length (depth) of any

Crevice tip



Fig. 19 Photomicrograph of crevice

attack of Ni after 1 min with the mouth Passive
held at −0.4 V (SCE) in 0.5 M H2 SO4 region
showing the three regions of attack Crevice mouth
observed. Area is 4 mm × 7 mm [49].
298 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena


0.6 395 µm


0.4 Ecrit = 0.244 V

Potential vs SCE


153 µm
93 µm
0 35 µm

14 µm

0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007
Crevice depth
(a) [m]


8.E−03 14 µm 35 µm 93 µm 153 µm


Current density
[A cm−2]



395 µm


0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007
Crevice depth
(b) [m]
Fig. 20 (a) Potential distributions from onset. (b) Corresponding current distributions
computational work for gaps ranging from 14 to for each gap size; notice that the 395-µm gap
395 µm. The potential of the metal in the 395-µm exhibits very low current indicating passive
gap never reaches Ecrit and is passivated at the corrosion only [49].
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 299


3.5 Data




1.0 g = const.


0 50 100 150 200
Fig. 21 Comparison of experimental (red circles) and computational (black
squares) data of xcrit for Ni200 in 0.5 M H2 SO4 as a function of gap plotted on
linear scales for both xcrit and gap [49].


Best Fit



= const.

0 50 100 150 200
Fig. 22 Comparison of experimental (red circles) and computational (black squares)
data of xcrit for Ni200 in 0.5 M H2 SO4 as a function of gap plotted on a quadratic scale
for xcrit and a linear scale for gap [49].
300 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

crevices created. By making the geometry crevice is under ohmic control due to the
less restricted, the development of an ag- restricted geometry.
gressive chemistry is more difficult, and
the potential drop within the crevice will By Material Selection
also be smaller. Material selection for crevice corrosion re-
Making a crevice so tight as to preclude sistance normally follows that used for
electrolyte uptake is usually not practical
resistance of pitting resistance (Chap-
in the long term. Extremely tight crevices
ter 4.2). Ratings based on composition
that are not watertight exhibit tremendous
have been published for ferrous materi-
capillary action, drawing in solution over
als, using the critical crevice temperature
long distances just as a large tree draws
(CCT) as the figure of merit. There is a
moisture from the soil to the top of its
strong correlation between the CCT and
canopy. The extremely restricted geometry
the pitting resistance equivalence number
is perfect for the development of severe
(PREN, see Chapter 4.2) for stainless steels
crevice corrosion. Even crevices that are
as might be expected. In both cases, the
initially ‘‘too tight for water uptake’’ will
more Cr, Mo, and N in the alloy, the higher
probably loosen with time, leading to
the resistance. In all cases, the CCT is
electrolyte ingress.
lower than the critical pitting temperature
(CPT). By Flow In general, the lower the passive current
Alkire and his coworkers [50] have demon- density of the material, the smaller its
strated the effects of flow on the inhibition active–passive transition, and the more
of pitting. Similar ideas can be applied to stable its oxide, the more resistant it is to
crevice corrosion. In both instances, flow crevice corrosion. Of particular importance
would act to inhibit initiation of attack to is the dependence of these parameters on
the extent that the flow lines enter the the pH and chloride content.
occluded region. For pit initiation, as de-
scribed in Chapter 4.2, flow at the surface
is very successful at delaying or prevent- By Inhibition
ing aggressive solution development. In a In addition to alloying, solution phase in-
crevice, the large length-to-gap ratio makes hibition has been shown to reduce the
initiation control much less effective than occurrence of crevice corrosion. Again,
for pits. similarities to inhibitors for pitting (see
Ironically, once a crevice has initiated, also Chapter 4.2) have been observed, as
the flow of solution across the fully exposed expected. Inhibitors tend to be less effec-
surface generally acts to increase the tive for crevice corrosion than pitting be-
propagation rate. This effect results from cause of the much longer transport lengths
the effect of increased flow on cathodic required for the inhibitor to move close to
reactions on the fully exposed surface that the active region. In order to arrive there
are mass transport controlled, such as in sufficient concentration to be effective,
oxygen reduction. As the cathodic reaction the bulk concentration generally needs to
rate increases, the polarization of the exceed the bulk chloride concentration by
internal, crevice anode increases as well, a factor of five or more (on a molar basis).
leading to increased dissolution rates. This Many nonaggressive anions have
effect is mitigated to the extent that the been investigated as localized corrosion
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 301

inhibitors in Cl− solutions, including stages of localized corrosion initiation, un-

SO4 2− , ClO4 − , and NO3 − [51]. Anions der which passivation can occur via inward
that are not electroactive (e.g. SO4 2− and water diffusion. In the case of NO3 − , an
ClO4 − ) have been suggested to function as electroactive anion, Newman and cowork-
inhibitors via a supporting electrolyte ef- ers [55, 56] proposed that inhibition occurs
fect [52–54]. A supporting electrolyte effect via one of three possible mechanisms:
occurs when a species, for example, sul- (1) electroreduction of NO3 − to NH4 + ,
fate, competitively migrates and adsorbs which consumes H+ and produces water;
on the metal surface with Cl− , thereby (2) electroreduction of NO3 − to elemen-
slowing or preventing the increase in the tal nitrogen, which in turn blocks some
Cl− concentration in the occluded region. proportion of the active kink sites on the
Thus, the relative concentration and mo- surface at which dissolution occurs; or (3)
bility of the other anion compared to Cl− formation of a redox couple between Fe2+
is critically important. The presence of and NO3 − that consumes H+ at low pH
SO4 2− would delay the accumulation of and assists in the formation of an Fe–OH
Cl− in the occluded site, but the same barrier film at high pH.
occluded site chemistry would be neces- Brossia and Kelly [26] studied the effect
sary for initiation to occur. Newman and of bulk solution composition on crevice
Ajjawi [55], proposed that some inhibiting corrosion initiation and the occluded
anions form a salt film during the early solution composition. As shown in Fig. 23,

45 120
[Cl−]:[SO42−]crevice, [Cl−]:[HS-]crevice/10

Crevice doped 100
30 with SO42−

25 90

20 80

0 50
Bulk [Cl−]:[SO42−], (molar basis)

Fig. 23 Effect of bulk [Cl− ] : [SO4 2− ] on the initiation time and

the crevice solution at τ as characterized by the [Cl− ] : [SO4 2− ]
and [Cl− ] : [HS− ] (R) in the crevice. In cases in which initiation
occurred (filled symbols), the crevice solution was independent
(R = 154 ± 23) of the initial bulk [Cl− ] : [SO4 2− ], and was within
the experimental error of that observed in Cl− only solutions
(R = 141 ± 11). In the solutions containing only 17 mM NaCl,
the initiation time was 32 min [26].
302 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

the initiation time decreased as the bulk bulk solution was 17 mM NaCl and the
[Cl− ] : [SO4 2− ] ratio increased. For sam- initial crevice solution contained 17 mM
ples that suffered crevice corrosion, the NaCl + 1.7 mM Na2 SO4 , indicating that
crevice solution composition, as charac- changing the initial crevice solution is
terized by the [Cl− ] : [SO4 2− ] ratio in the similar to changing the bulk solution
crevice (23.3 ± 0.5) and [Cl− ] : [HS− ] ra- composition.
tio ‘‘R’’ = 154 ± 23 in the crevice, was The results of crevice tests performed in
independent of the bulk electrolyte com- which different amounts of nitrate were
position. The [Cl− ] : [HS− ] ratio was the added to the bulk solution of 17 mM NaCl
same, within experimental error, as that are shown in Fig. 24. In all experiments,
observed in the absence of sulfate for the [Cl− ] in the bulk was the same while
those samples that initiated crevice corro- the nitrate concentration was varied to give
sion. At higher bulk sulfate concentrations different ratios of [Cl− ] : [NO3 − ]. With in-
tested (i.e. 6 mM, which corresponds to creases in the bulk [Cl− ] : [NO3 − ] ratio, the
a [Cl− ] : [SO4 2− ] ratio of 2.8), samples initiation time decreased, with additions
did not initiate crevice corrosion within to the bulk solution of as little as 1.7 µM
180 min. Also shown is the initiation NO3 − resulting in a delay in initiation
time observed for a test in which the (46 min in 17 mM NaCl + 1.7 µM NaNO3

25 130

[Cl−]:[NO3−]crevice/10, [Cl−]:[HS−]creivce


15 t



[Cl−]:[HS−]crevice 50

0 40
101 102 103 104
Bulk [Cl−]:[NO3−], (molar basis)
Fig. 24 Effect of bulk [Cl− ] : [NO3 − ] on the initiation time and the crevice
solution at τ as characterized by the [Cl− ] : [NO3 − ] and [Cl− ] : [HS− ] (R) in the
crevice. In cases in which initiation occurred (filled symbols), the crevice
solution was independent (R = 3.2 ± 0.4) of the initial bulk [Cl− ] : [NO3 − ]. In
solutions containing only 17 mM NaCl, the initiation time was 32 min [26].
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 303

compared to 32 min in 17 mM NaCl). For delayed. Initially doping the crevice with
samples that suffered crevice corrosion, a 17 mM NaCl + 1.7 mM Na2 SO4 solu-
the crevice solution, as characterized by tion led to an initiation time in line with
the [Cl− ] : [NO3 − ] ratio (65.3 ± 1.5) and the experiments in which SO4 2− was added
[Cl− ] : [HS− ] ratio ‘‘R’’ = 3.2 ± 0.4, was to the bulk, indicating that changing the
independent of initial bulk solution com- initial crevice chemistry has the same ef-
position. The relative concentrations of fect as changing the initial bulk solution
Cl− , NO3 − and HS− in the crevice were chemistry.
substantially different than the relative The addition of nitrate to the bulk
concentrations observed in experiments in solution led to more significant delays
which the bulk solution contained sulfate in initiation of crevice corrosion (Fig. 7)
rather than nitrate. At higher bulk nitrate of 304 SS compared to sulfate. For ex-
concentrations tested (i.e. 1.7 mM, which ample, to produce an initiation time of
corresponds to a [Cl− ] : [NO3 − ] ratio of 10), 75 min required 1.5 mM SO4 2− , but only
the sample did not initiate crevice attack 23 µM NO3 − . At low bulk [Cl− ] : [NO3 − ]
in 180 min. ratios ([NO3 − ] = 1.7 mM), no initiation
The lack of any effect of sulfate on R indi- of crevice corrosion was observed within
cates that the mechanism by which sulfate 180 min, whereas in solutions in which
is inhibiting crevice corrosion is through crevice corrosion did occur the composi-
a supporting electrolyte effect [51–54]. tion of the crevice solution was essentially
Thus, the increases in initiation time are independent of the initial concentration of
due to the competitive migration of SO4 2− nitrate in the bulk solution. However, the
and Cl− , with accumulation of the crit- relative concentration of Cl− compared to
ical concentration of Cl− needed being NO3 − in the crevice was nearly three times


Alloy 825
1000 ppm Cl−, 95 °C
Repassivation potential

Back scan: 5mV/sec

: Pitting
: Crevice corrosion


0 Crevice


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Maximum penetration depth
Fig. 25 The repassivation potential as a function of prior crevice corrosion and
pit depth showing a bounding value independent of penetration depth [58].

0.70 0.10

4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

0.40 0.00




E (T) vs Ag/AgCl (25 °C)

E (T) vs Ag/AgCl (25 °C)
0.00 pH 2.75 pH 2.75
pH 7.75 pH 7.75
−0.10 −0.15
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Temperature Temperature
(a) [°C] (b) [°C]
Fig. 26 Effect of temperature and bulk pH on the repassivation potential, (Er,crev ), for crevice corrosion for Alloy 22 in: (a) 10 : 1 and (b) 100 : 1
electrolytes. All electrolytes contained 5 M LiCl and then, either 0.24 M NaNO3 + 0.26 M Na2 SO4 (for the 10 : 1), or 0.024 M NaNO3 + 0.026 M Na2 SO4
(for the 100 : 1) [59].
4.1 Crevice Corrosion 305

greater than the relative concentration potential of an interface can be controlled

of Cl− compared to SO4 2− . One might by either an external device (e.g. a power
expect this difference to arise from dif- supply) or a sacrificial anode attached to
ferences in the mobility of these ions, the structure.
however their mobilities are quite similar Maintaining the potential of the al-
(76.3, 80.0, and 71.4 mho cm2 /equiv−1 for loy–solution interface at sufficiently low
Cl− , SO4 2− and NO3 − , respectively) [29]. potential has been shown to prevent
Furthermore, the [Cl− ] : [HS− ] ratios in crevice corrosion stabilization [58]. As
these experiments (3.2 ± 0.4) were much shown in Fig. 25, the repassivation po-
lower than those observed in experiments tential for crevice corrosion becomes inde-
conducted in the baseline 17 mM NaCl pendent of the amount of charge passed.
solutions (141 ± 11). Thus, nitrate must Kehler and coworkers [59] have demon-
have inhibiting effects in addition to any strated the same for Alloy 625 and Alloy
supporting electrolyte effect. 22, including the deleterious effects of
In the case of crevice corrosion, Ives [57] increased temperature and concentration
has shown that cerium treatments of ratio of [Cl− ] : [other anions]. Data for Alloy
fully exposed surface can inhibit crevice 22 are shown in Fig. 26.
corrosion of stainless steels. This effect Cathodic protection can be used to com-
is presumably a poisoning of the rate bat crevice corrosion [60, 61], in some
of oxygen reduction (cerium oxides are cases, with sufficiently low potentials pre-
poor oxygen reduction surfaces), which venting it altogether. It should be noted
leads to an inability of the external surface
that anodic protection is generally not ef-
to support the dissolution rate of the
fective in preventing crevice corrosion.
occluded region to the extent necessary
In fact, anodic polarization generally in-
to produce and maintain an aggressive
creases the rate of the crevice attack. The
occluded solution. Insulating coatings
only situation for which anodic polariza-
(e.g. paints) on the fully exposed surface
tion would be useful in preventing crevice
can also mitigate crevice corrosion in a
corrosion is for systems that can be com-
similar manner by reducing the ability
pletely described by the ohmic drop model
of that surface to consume the electrons
and for which no changes occur in either
generated by the anodic dissolution within
the crevice. This decrease in cathode area the occluded solution composition or the
limits the rates of anodic dissolution electrochemical behavior of the material in
possible within the crevice and thereby the occluded region.
can limit crevice corrosion. It should be
noted that many corrosion-resistant alloys References
are notoriously difficult to paint owing to
poor adherence between the passive film 1. E. D. D. During, Corrosion Atlas, Elsevier,
New York, 1988.
and the organic coating. Loss of adhesion 2. G. Salamat, G. A. Juhl, R. G. Kelly, Corrosion
can lead to additional crevice sites. 1995, 51, 826–836.
3. J. R. Kearns, M. J. Johnson, J. F. Grubb, Cor-
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tional, Houston, Tex., 1986.
Potential control can be effective in sup- 4. B. A. Kehler, G. O. Ilevbare, J. R. Scully, Lo-
pressing the initiation and propagation calized corrosion in Proceedings of Corro-
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tional, Houston, Tex., 2001, pp. 30–64. chemical Society, Pennington, N. J., 1996,
5. L. B. Simon, G. Skennerton, J. L. Elster et al., p. 210.
Aging Aircraft 2000, NASA, St. Louis, Mo., 26. C. S. Brossia, R. G. Kelly, Corrosion 1998, 54,
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7. G. S. Frankel, Corros. Sci. 1990, 30, 1203. rosion 1982, 38, 261.
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Electrochem. Soc. 1969, 116, 218. rosion 1994, 50, 251.
12. J. Mankowski, S. Smialowska, Corros. Sci. 33. B. A. Shaw, P. J. Moran, P. O. Gartland, Cor-
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15. Y. Hisamatsu in Passivity and Its Break-
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down on Iron and Iron-Based Alloys (Eds.:
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37. T. Hakkarainen in Corrosion Chemistry With-
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of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., 1999. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London,
17. K. Osozawa, N. Okato in Passivity and Its 1984, p. 17.
Breakdown on Iron and Iron-Based Alloys 38. M. Watson, J. Postelwaite, Corrosion 1990,
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23. T. P. Hoar, Faraday Soc. Discuss. 1947, 1, 299. 44. M. Wang, H. W. Pickering, Y. Xu, J. Elec-
24. Z. Szklarska-Smialowska in Sulfide Inclusions trochem. Soc. 1995, 142, 2986.
in Steel (Eds.: J. J. deBarbadillo, E. Snape), 45. A. Turnbull, J. G. N. Thomas, J. Electrochem.
American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Soc. 1982, 129, 1412.
Ohio, 1975, p. 380. 46. M. J. Psaila-Dombrowski, Ph.D. Disserta-
25. C. S. Brossia, R. G. Kelly in Critical Factors in tion, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Localized Corrosion II (Eds.: P. M. Natishan, Boston, Mass., 1990.
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47. P. O. Gartland, Corrosion 96, Paper 311, 54. H. P. Leckie, H. H. Uhlig, J. Electrochem. Soc.
National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1966, 113, 1261.
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48. L. A. DeJong, R. G. Kelly in Critical Factors 1986, 26, 1057.
in Localized Corrosion III (Eds.: R. G. Kelly, 56. R. C. Newman, T. Shahrabi, Corros. Sci.
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49. J. S. Lee, M. L. Reed, R. G. Kelly in Corrosion 58. N. Sridhar, D. S. Dunn, C. S. Brossia et al.
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trochem. Soc. 1984, 131, 2795. rosion 2001, 57, 1042.
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Metallov. 1969, 5, 371.
308 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

4.2 metals and alloys have been studied with

Pitting Corrosion a variety of methods. Many papers have
been published, and there exists a large
Hans-Henning Strehblow literature on this technologically impor-
Institut Fur Physikalische Chemie, Heinrich-
.. .. tant subject. The following reviews are
Heine-Universitat, D-40225 Dusseldorf,
recommended for further reading [1–4].
Nevertheless, the discussion about the
4.2.1 leading mechanisms of pitting corrosion
Introduction still remain rather controversial, which is
in part a consequence of the complexity of
Localized corrosion of metals is closely re- the systems. This chapter intends to sort
lated to the passivation of their surface. out the leading factors that determine the
The presence of passivating layers protects mechanism of break down of passivity and
reactive metals against their rapid envi- the growth of corrosion pits.
ronmental degradation, as does oxidation
and dissolution in electrolytes. However, 4.2.2
the presence of aggressive anions leads Phenomenological Aspects of Pitting
to local break down of passivity and the
formation of corrosion pits by so-called Critical Potentials and Polarization
pitting corrosion or pitting. All halides Curves
act as aggressive anions although other Pitting corrosion causes a decisive change
anions, such as the pseudohalide thio- of the polarization curve of metals.
cyanate (SCN− ), sulfates, and perchlorate Figure 1 depicts the characteristic features
may cause pitting in special conditions. of a metal with the potential range of ac-
Fluoride is extremely aggressive causing tive dissolution, passivity, and transpassive
localized corrosion in alkaline and weakly behavior. If the metal forms electroni-
acidic electrolytes but general breakdown cally insulating passivating oxide films,
of passivity and general dissolution of the the passive range will extend to very pos-
surface of iron, nickel, steel, and stainless itive potentials of more than 100 V, as in
steel in strongly acidic solutions. Chloride the case of the valve metals – aluminum,
is the most important anion because of its tantalum, and others. The presence of
presence in most technical environments aggressive anions like chloride causes pit-
such as seawater or salt on the roads in ting and results in an increase of the
winter. Thus, the allover presence of chlo- current density for a potential above a
ride leads to the localized corrosion of critical value, Ep,n , well within the pas-
cars, ships, buildings, road constructions, sive range that goes along with pitting
and also of metal tools and housewares, (Fig. 1). Pit growth will stop if the poten-
down to small-size metal components of tial is decreased below the repassivation
integrated electronic circuits. Almost all potential Ep,r . Usually Ep,r is more nega-
metals and alloys are susceptible to pitting tive than the nucleation potential Ep,n . The
with only very few exceptions, for example, experimental results require a distinction
pure chromium. between these two values for the pitting
The technical importance of this kind potential Ep because of the following rea-
of corrosion has attracted many research sons. Nucleation of corrosion pits takes
groups for many decades, and various time and a potentiodynamic polarization
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 309

Active Passive Transpassive

1 Pitting (a) Cr, Ni

(b) Fe

[A cm−2]
log i
(c) Valve metals
Al, Ta, Zr, Hf
(b) (c)

EP,r EP,n EI
Fig. 1 Schematic current density potential curve of metals with
active, passive, and transpassive potential range and the critical
potentials EP and EI restricting the pitting range. Valve metals with
insulating passive layers showing neither transpassive metal
dissolution nor oxygen evolution.

curve may easily overrun Ep before pits been found for stainless steel in chloride
are detected by a current increase. The ac- solutions with nitrate as an inhibitor [8]
cumulation of corrosion products within and for Fe and Ni in mixtures of halides
the pit electrolyte leads to an increase of with nitrate or perchlorate [6, 7]. If the
the concentration of aggressive anions. Be- potential is shifted above EI , pits will stop
cause of the concentration dependence of growing, whereas new pits are formed
Ep , this will cause a negative shift of Ep,r when E becomes negative to EI (Fig. 1).
relative to Ep,n . Besides these two reasons These inhibition potentials EI change
for the hysteresis of Ep , metastable pitting with the concentration of both ions again
is observed at low potentials with current in a semilogarithmic relation. Figure 2
oscillations caused by the birth and death gives an example for the dependence of
of corrosion pits. A continuous growth is the critical potentials Ep and EI on the
obtained at sufficiently positive potentials concentration [A] and the concentration
only. The hysteresis of pit nucleation and ratio [A]/[I]. The strong dependence of the
repassivation may, however, disappear in inhibition potential on this ratio leads to
many systems. Usually the pitting poten- a decrease of the potential range in which
tial depends on the concentration of the pitting may occur, that is, the potential
aggressive anions, A, in a semilogarithmic gap between the two lines of Fig. 2. For
relation according to Eq. (1) [5–7]. sufficiently small ratios, pitting may be
suppressed completely.
EP = a + b log[A] (1) It seems reasonable that these critical
[A] potentials may be explained on a thermo-
EI = a + b log (2) dynamical basis. EP has been interpreted
by electrosorption of the aggressive anions
There also exists, however, an upper at the bare metal surface of a pit to a min-
potential limit EI for pit growth in the imum surface concentration, in order to
presence of inhibiting anions, I. This has inhibit its repassivation [3, 7, 9]. Similarly,
310 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Concentration ratio
0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0

No inhibition
1.4 −
eI = 1.78 + 0.76 lg [Cl ] −
[NO3 ]
1.2 Ni
phthalate buffer
1.0 pH = 5
Potential eh

eL = 0.36 − 0.13 lg [Cl−]



0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0
Chloride concentration
[mole l−1]
Fig. 2 Pitting potential EP solid symbols and inhibition potential EI open
symbols as a function of the concentration of aggressive anions A (Cl− ) and its
ratio to the inhibiting anion I (NO3 − ) [7].

the inhibition potential may be explained Others are the reduction of Fe3+ and
by competitive adsorption of the aggressive [Fe(CN)6 ]3− in solution. These systems are
and inhibiting anions. This interpretation often used for chemical corrosion tests.
may also explain the relatively large prel- Pitted metals expose a small area of a
ogarithmic factors that have been found few intensively dissolving corrosion pits
experimentally. that are not protected by a passive layer
and a large cathode of the passive metal Pitting and Cathodic surface. Because of the large size of the
Counterreactions cathode, a much smaller cathodic current
Corrosion is an electrochemical process density is required for the compensating
that consists of at least two reactions that reduction of the redox system in compar-
compensate each other electronically in ison to the active metal dissolution within
open circuit conditions. The anodic metal the pits. However, electronic conduction
dissolution is counterbalanced by the ca- is still required across the passive layer.
thodic reduction of a redox system within Figure 3 depicts the existing sections of
the electrolyte. Various processes may a pitted metal surface with the related
serve as cathodic counterreactions. The electrode reactions, the very small metal
most common are oxygen reduction and dissolution ipass , and the redox reaction
hydrogen evolution in acidic electrolytes. ica,pass via the protecting oxide film and
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 311

Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of a Metal Oxide Electrolyte

passivated metal showing the corrosion
current densities of metal dissolution Me
and redox reactions at the surface of the Mez + Mez + i c,pass << i c,p
passive layer, a pit, and an electron Ze−
conducting inclusion.
Ze− Ze− i ca,pass

Mez + i c,p
Ze− i ca,p

Ze− Ze− i ca,incl
inclusion Red

the related reactions at the pit surface ic,p equation

and ica,p , respectively. These passivating
oxide or hydroxide films on many met- i = 0 = ipass + ic,p + ica,pass
als, such as copper, iron, nickel, steels, + ica,p + ica,incl (3)
and alloys of various compositions have
semiconducting properties. There are oth- Whether the total corrosion process is
ers with insulating oxide films such as determined by the kinetics of anodic
Al, Ta, and so on, which cannot mediate metal dissolution or the cathodic pro-
the electron transfer. In these cases, in- cess depends on the size of the cathode
clusions play an important role by acting and the kinetics of the partial electrode
as local electronically conducting cathodes processes. The slowest reaction is the
with a contribution ica,incl to the total ca- rate-determining step, as is usual in kinet-
thodic current density. Cu-inclusions in ics. In the case of a well-passivated valve
commercial aluminum alloys are an ex- metal, this is most probably the cathodic
ample. Last but not least, the actively reaction, whereas for metals with semicon-
dissolving pit surface itself permits a bal- ducting oxides, the rate-determining step
ancing cathodic process ica,p . Even on a will be anodic metal dissolution. In or-
perfectly passivated valve metal surface, a der to study the partial reactions of pitting
nucleated pit may grow, however, with a corrosion separately, potentiostatic experi-
reduced current density. All partial cur- ments are preferred. The cathodic process
rent densities compensate each other for is replaced by the electronic circuit of the
open circuit conditions according to the potentiostat to investigate the anodic metal
312 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

dissolution separately. Similarly, the kinet- very close to each other. A stepwise ap-
ics of redox processes on passivated metal proach of nucleation and repassivation
surfaces have been examined separately. conditions with decreasing difference of
the applied potentials yields the critical Test Procedures and Ranking of value. Some authors facilitate the nucle-
Metals ation of pits by mechanical scratching of
Various test procedures have been pro- the passivated metal surface or reduction
posed to predict the lifetime of alloys of preexisting oxide films at negative po-
in aggressive environments. This also tentials [6]. Similarly, very nonstationary
includes a ranking of alloys to aid in ma- conditions of the passive layer caused by
terials selection. Most tests refer to the rapid potential changes increases the nu-
critical potentials of nucleation and a sta- cleation rate [6]. In conclusion, the critical
ble growth of corrosion pits, Enp , or their potentials are a reasonable measure for the
repassivation, Erp . Some tests are elec- resistance of a metal to pitting for given
trochemical and thus use potentiostats or environmental conditions and they might
galvanostats, whereas others are chemi- be used for a ranking. Many authors ac-
cept Erp as the more important value. For
cal and use oxidizing agents as FeCl3
a sufficiently long time, a pit will nucleate
or the Fe(CN)6 3− /Fe(CN)6 4− redox couple
finally and it is a matter of the experimen-
besides the presence of aggressive anions
tal conditions, that is, of E > Enp whether
such as Cl− . A review of test procedures is
it will grow and cause damage or not. Un-
presented in Ref. [10].
fortunately, for many metals, the critical
Potentiodynamic polarization determi-
values are accurate to several 10 mV only
nes Enp for positive scans, whereas nega-
so that a ranking of metals with similar
tive scans yield Erp . If they are different,
composition may cause problems. Only in
the polarization curve shows a hystere-
some very special cases the critical poten-
sis. In many cases, this difference gets tial may be determined with an accuracy
smaller with decreasing scan rates, in- of a few mV only (Fe in ClO4 − ) [6, 12].
dicating that the critical potentials are Galvanostatic tests apply a constant
influenced by the composition of the pit current to the specimen. The related
electrolyte as well as kinetic factors like electrode potential increases because of
pit nucleation and pit growth. The ASTM the progress in passive film formation to
standard G61 applies 10 mV min−1 [11]. a maximum that will be close to Enp .
Potentiostatic tests depend less on the ex- Because of the formation and growth
perimental conditions and thus are more of corrosion pits, E decreases finally to
reliable but time consuming. Usually a po- a constant value that is close to Erp .
tential is applied and the current density is Potential oscillation during the approach
followed for some time. If the current de- of stationary conditions is related to
creases continuously, E < Enp will hold, the repassivation of some of the still-
whereas it increases when E exceeds Enp . growing pits, which decreases the total
If pits are formed at E > Enp and then area of growing pits and thus leads to
the potential is stepped to less positive an intermediate potential increase. The
values, the current density will drop con- current density must be large enough to
tinuously when E < Erp is reached. For overcome the maximum of the anodic
some systems, both critical potentials are current density of the polarization curve
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 313

so that the electrode may be passivated, a metals in their technical environment.

necessary condition for localized corrosion Despite its relatively positive standard
versus the general active metal dissolution. potential of E 0 = 1.23 V, dissolved oxygen
Galvanokinetic experiments have been leads to a negative rest potential due to
proposed for the determination of critical the large overpotential required for its
potentials. In these cases, the current is reduction.
changed continuously or stepwise [10].
Localized corrosion in aggressive en- Potentiostatic Current–time
vironments requires a cathodic counter- Curves
reaction to compensate electronically the Potentiostatic pitting experiments have a
anodic metal dissolution. To get close to characteristic current–time curve. During
the conditions of actual corroding systems, the early stage of pit growth, the nominal
chemical corrosion tests are applied. The current density increases with the second
ASTM standard G48 [13] exposes a metal or third order of time [8, 14, 15], whereas
specimen to a 6% FeCl3 solution for one or in later stages a square root time law
more days, others use a 10% solution [10]. may be observed. These time laws are
The weight loss of the specimen is taken a direct consequence of a local pit
as a measure of the extent of localized cor- current density ipit that is constant or
rosion because of the high solubility of the decreases with time and a constant
corrosion products in the acidic solution. number of corrosion pits or a constant
Some laboratories use the temperature as nucleation rate. A constant ipit corresponds
an additional variable with ASTM G 150 to a linear growth of the pit radius
as a test. The critical pitting temperature is
dr/dt. The surface of a hemispherical pit
the value that causes pitting. The chemical
increases with r 2 . If all pits start at the
FeCl3 test has a serious problem if Enp
beginning of a potentiostatic experiment,
is below E = 0.90 V, the redox potential
one obtains a second-order law, i = a t 2 .
of the 10% test solution, which conse-
A constant nucleation rate (dN /dt = k)
quently causes pitting for all these metals.
with the pit number growing linearly with
Addition of Fe2+ lowers the electrode po-
time yields a third-order law, i = a k t 3 .
tential of the FeCl3 solution, which thus
permits a modification to get a ranking for The constant a contains stoichiometric
metals with lower critical potentials. Mix- factors and ic,p , which often are potential
tures of Fe(CN)6 3− /Fe(CN)6 4− can also dependent. As a consequence of ohmic
be used to influence the redox potential drops and a limitation of diffusion of
that is independent of the chloride content corrosion products out of the pits, ic,p
and pH. may decrease in later stages of pit growth
The complexity of chemical tests causes with t −1/2 . A detailed discussion yields a
less reliable results. Therefore, the critical t 1/2 -dependence of the nominal current
potentials determined by potentiostatic density, that is, i = const t 1/2 , if the
measurements are usually accepted as the number of pits remains constant [2, 3]
most reliable results, which may be used as and an appropriately higher exponent for
a criterion for the ranking of the corrosion a still nonvanishingly small nucleation
properties of metals. Inhibition potentials rate. As a consequence, a i = const t 1/2
are usually of less importance due to the to i = const t behavior is often found for
relatively negative rest potentials of the long-time pitting tests.
314 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Log i/log t plots have been used to deter- of the experiment only and a constant pit
mine the order of t and the nucleation rate number during its further course. If, how-
in early stages of pit growth. As an exam- ever, the electrode has been passivated for
ple, Fig. 4 depicts the current increase of 1 h at 1.18 V and if the potential has been
1 h prepassivated iron electrodes in 0.1 M decreased to 0.78 V immediately before the
phthalate buffer pH 5.0 with 0.01 M KCl addition of chloride, the current increases
and 0.01 M K2 SO4 [6]. Passivation for 1 h much faster with a constant nucleation
at 0.78 V and subsequent addition of chlo- rate of pits and a slope of 3. An increased
ride yields a slope of 2, which indicates a pit pit nucleation is also detected by visual in-
nucleation immediately at the beginning spection of the electrode surface. Longer


2.2 b = 1.9
b = 3.0

0.5 min
Current density

∆t 2 5 15 b = 2.2
[µA cm−2]

0.78 V
60 (stat.)

0.01 m Cl−
b = 3.3 1.9 0.1 m SO42−
3.0 eh = +0.78 V
60 min prep.

pH = 4.9

0.1 0.3 1.0 3.0 10
Fig. 4 Current increase with time during pitting of iron in 0.05 M phthalate
buffer pH 4.9 + 0.1 M K2 SO4 . Addition of 0.1 M KCl after 1 h
prepassivation at E = 1.18 V and potential drop to E = 0.78 V.
t = waiting time at 0.78 V till chloride addition [6].
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 315

waiting times at 0.78 V decrease the pit large values. Very high ic,p values may
nucleation again with a slower current in- be observed only for short times because
crease and a change of the slope from of the accumulation of corrosion prod-
3 to 2 at decreasing times of exposure ucts and their limited transport from the
to chloride. Apparently, the nonstationary pit electrolyte to the bulk solution. Dur-
situation of the passive layer due to poten- ing intense metal dissolution, one obtains
tial changes increases the nucleation rate. finally a saturation of the pit electrolyte
This is interesting in so far as a passiva- and the precipitation of a salt film. This
tion at more positive potentials leads to a salt layer reduces the metal dissolution to
larger thickness of the passive layer and much smaller values, which now becomes
a subsequent potential decrease a smaller transport-controlled. Visually, this devel-
electrical field strength within the layer. opment goes along with the change from
Oxide thinning requires time, which then a polygonal to a hemispherical shape of
causes an increase of the field strength the pit. The precipitation of a salt film and
again. Apparently the nucleation is not re- the electropolishing starts at the bottom
lated to the thickness of the oxide and its of the pit and metal dissolution continues
electrical field strength, but to the nonsta- independently of the crystallographic ori-
tionary situation of the passive layer. These entation of the crystallite [6, 17]. The local
findings support the idea that the film- current density has been determined by di-
breaking is enhanced by potential changes rect microscopic observation of the growth
that might induce stresses to the film be- of individual pits. This involves potentio-
cause of the electrostriction and chemical static transients including high potentials
changes, which have been examined in de- with extremely high local current densities
tail with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thus very short experiments in the mil-
(XPS) for iron [16]. lisecond range. For this purpose, a special
electrochemical cell was attached to a mi-
4.2.3 croscope and the pit growth was registered
Pit Growth with a movie camera [9, 18]. Furthermore,
potentiostatic pulse experiments in the Local Current Densities millisecond range provide a large num-
The local current density within corrosion ber of corrosion pits in an early stage of
pits may be extremely large. If the pre- their development with a size distribution.
cipitation of corrosion products does not Short passivation times below the critical
occur, the metal dissolution is controlled potential in the chloride-containing elec-
by charge transfer and ohmic effects, and trolyte of only a few seconds lead to a poor
hence the corrosion process is poten- performance of the passive layer with a
tial dependent. This situation requires a related large nucleation rate [19]. A poten-
sufficiently acidic solution to avoid the pre- tial step below the critical potential stops
cipitation of insoluble oxides or a still not the growth of corrosion pits immediately.
saturated or supersaturated pit electrolyte Figure 5 gives an example for a potentio-
with no formation of a salt layer. Pitting static transient for Ni in phthalate buffer
at potentials close to the critical value Ep pH 5.0 with 0.1 M KCl and a passivation
occurs usually with moderately small lo- at 0.5 V for only 1 s [19]. The high cur-
cal current densities ic,p that, however, rent density for E = 1.30 V and its decay
may increase with potential to extremely within 1 ms refers to the thickening of the
316 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena




[s 103]

1 ms

0 1s 2.5 ms

0 1 2 3 4
[s 103]
Fig. 5 Potentiostatic transients for pit nucleation at E = 1.30 V on Ni
(A = 0.02 cm2 ) in phthalate buffer pH 5.0 + 0.1 M Cl− after 1 s
prepassivation at E = 0.5 V [19].

oxide layer; the increase for t >1 ms is a to maintain a homogeneous potential

consequence of the formation of a large across the specimen surface and to avoid
number of pits with a fast growth and a large ohmic drops in front of the electrodes
related high local current density. With with a large density of small growing pits.
the assumption that the largest pits have The experiments of Fig. 6 refer to pits with
been formed at the beginning of the tran- µm dimensions. For these conditions, the
sient and have grown during the whole potential drop within the pit electrolyte is
time of the experiment, one obtains the still negligible, if ic,p does not exceed about
local current density for a hemispherical 10 A cm−2 . As a consequence, a constant
corrosion pit from its radius by applying growth of the pit radius with time was
Faraday’s law. found, which will slow down however for
Figure 6 depicts the current density of Fe later stages. Pit current densities of several
and Ni specimens that have been submit- 10 A cm−2 are effected by an ohmic drop
ted to this type of potentiostatic transients that cannot be avoided in principle. The
in chloride solutions [9]. The diameter of ic,p /E-curves directly match the measured
the electrodes was less than 1 mm in order polarization curves of small metal surfaces
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 317

Fig. 6 (a) Local pit current density ic,p 20 120

as a function of the potential in
phthalate buffer pH 5.0. Ni: ◦ 0.1 M KCl;
 0.1 M KCl + 0.1 M K2 SO4 ; Fe: • 100
0.01 M KCl,  0.01 M KCl + 0.1 M 15
K2 SO4 [18]. (b) Local pit current density 80

ic,p (nickel)
ic,p of Ni as a function of the deviation

i c,p (iron)
[A cm−2]

[A cm−2]
of the potential E from the critical value
10 60
EP in phthalate buffer pH 5.0 with
various additions of chloride [9].

0 0
0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25
(a) [V]
Phthalate buffer
pH = 5
0.1 M Cl
0.01 M Cl
0.05 M Cl
0.03 M Cl
0.3 M Cl
Pit current density i c,p

1 M Cl
[A cm−2 ]


0.1 0.3 0.6 0.9
Deviation of the pitting potential E − Ep
(b) [V]

in solutions of high chloride content has nucleated, its local current density
when passivation is avoided completely refers to the applied electrode potential.
as will be discussed in Sect. and For very positive potentials, well within
Fig. 7. For those microelectrodes, the cur- the passive range, extremely high dissolu-
rent–density–potential–curves have been tion current densities of several 10 A cm−2
corrected for the ohmic drop. Once a pit up to more than 100 A cm−2 have been
4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena


nm 20
15 30
nm 20

(a) (b)



Fig. 7 Sequence of in situ topographic STM images of pits grown on an Ni (111)-oriented single crystal in 0.2 M NaCl pH 5.6 within 5 ms after 10 s
prepassivation and stop of growth at E = −0.5 V [27].
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 319

deduced [17, 18, 20]. Extrapolating the dis- vapor-deposited Ni-20% Fe and Al-films
solution kinetics of free metal corrosion to on a glass substrate [23–25]. In any case,
potentials in the passive range of the polar- these extremely high current densities are
ization curve leads to extremely high local effective only up to the time when precipi-
current densities of 103 to 106 A cm−2 [21]. tation of a salt film slows down ic,p . These
These large current densities would cause diffusion-limited current densities are still
precipitation of a salt film within 10−4 high in the range of about 1 A cm−2 . At
to 10−8 s. Current densities of more than potentials just above the critical value Ep ,
103 A cm−2 are possible in principle ac- ic,p is smaller in any case, although it is
cording to the oscillation frequency of the charge transfer controlled on a pit surface
metal atoms at the surface if no activa- free of any precipitates. For these condi-
tion energy slows down the ion transfer. tions, the growth of pits may be unstable
However, current densities up to only and their shape becomes irregular.
120 A cm−2 have been observed for a free
corroding Ni-surface (Fig. 6a) [17, 18] and Pit Size and Pit Shape
1000 A cm−2 for a few µs on Al-surfaces The size and form of corrosion pits depend
freshly formed within the electrolyte by a on the experimental or environmental con-
breaking technique [22]. ditions. Relatively uncontrolled pit growth
The local pit current density ic,p in- in open-circuit conditions with a possi-
creases with the chloride concentration, ble precipitation of oxides and hydroxides
whereas the critical pitting potential Ep in alkaline and neutral electrolytes causes
decreases with increasing chloride con- irregular localized corrosion structures,
centration. If, however, ic,p is presented whereas very regular pits are usually
relative to Ep , the data fit one single formed during short time potentiostatic
curve (Fig. 6b). Apparently the effects of experiments in acidic electrolytes. In or-
chloride concentration and potential com- der to understand the mechanisms of
pensate each other [9]. The addition of localized corrosion, experiments with well-
nonaggressive anions such as sulfate or controlled potentiostatic conditions are
nitrate shift the exponential current in- preferred. Any complicating factors related
crease to positive potentials with a large to the corrosion conditions in practice may
plateau at low potentials [9]. These plateau be studied separately on the basis of the
values are in the range of some few understanding of the processes under well-
A cm−2 , that is, 5 A cm−2 for Ni in controlled electrochemical conditions. The
0.1 M KCl + 0.1 M K2 SO4 and 2 A cm−2 visual investigation of corrosion pits has
for Fe in 0.01 M KCl + 0.1 M KSO4 made progress with the availability of ap-
(Fig. 6a) [18]. Apparently the potential- propriate analytical methods. Microscopic
independent plateau values of ic,p are re- in situ and ex situ investigations of pit-
lated to the formation of a salt layer, which ting on metal electrodes had their limits
provides electropolishing conditions at the at a level of the resolution of the light
pit surface. If, however, the current gets microscope of 1 µm. This improved about
still smaller, that is, for Ni below 1.0 V, 35 years ago with the invention of the Sec-
the growth of the pit gets instable and ir- ondary Electron Microscope (SEM) and
regular pit shapes are observed. Similarly, more recently with the Scanning Tunnel-
high current densities have been found by ing Microscope (STM) and the Scanning
so-called two-dimensional pitting on thin Force Microscope (SFM). The last two
320 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

methods permit even in situ investigations for the distinction of possible mechanistic
of metal surfaces. Besides the general tech- steps. Furthermore, the nucleation of pits
nical information, there exists a strong at inclusions, which are of decisive impor-
interest in the mechanism of local break tance for alloys for technical application,
down of passivity and pit nucleation as well should be mentioned.
as the growth of corrosion pits in the var- Two main lines have been followed for
ious stages of their development. For this the investigation of early stages of pitting.
reason, well-characterized potentiostatic Maurice, Inard, and Marcus used STM
pitting experiments are preferred. The to investigate the nucleation of corrosion
main mechanisms of pit nucleation postu- pits on Ni (111) surfaces prepassivated for
late a penetration of aggressive anions, the 30 min in 0.1 M sulfate solutions pH 3.0
localized dissolution of the passive film at 0.85 V with a subsequent addition of
or a film breaking corresponding to the 0.05 M NaCl (Pitting potential 0.75 V) [26].
penetration, adsorption, or film-breaking Numerous triangular pits 20 nm wide and
mechanism respectively (see Sect. 4.2.4). 2 nm deep are found oriented parallel to
As will be discussed in the section on the steps of the terraces. Ca 20% grow
the mechanisms, film breaking is favored further to ca 70 nm still keeping their form
for the nonstationary situation of the pas- and orientation and only 0.1% reach a size
sive layer and the adsorption mechanism of some 100 nm with a longish irregular
for its stationary state. In any case, it is shape. These pits should be seen as repas-
of interest to learn about the shape of a sivated metastable pits, as they grow only
pit at its very early state of development to a small size within more than 30 min.
and how it changes as it grows further. A completely different procedure was fol-
These observations will provide arguments lowed by Kunze and Strehblow [27]. They
formed pits on Ni (111) by potentiostatic
transients as described in Fig. 5. The poor
prepassivation of the surface at 0.39 V for
some seconds after preactivation at −0.1 V
and a step to potentials in the range of 1.0 to
1.5 V in 0.2 M NaCl solution pH 5.6 causes
the nucleation of an immense number of
corrosion pits for this nonstationary situa-
tion of the passivating film. Their growth
was stopped after some ms only with a final
step to E = −0.1 V below the pitting po-
tential. With these conditions, the growth
of pits has been frozen in the initial stage
of their development. Figure 7 depicts a
representative sequence of in situ STM
images that demonstrate the development

Fig. 8 SEM image of polygonal pits

grown on iron in phthalate pH
5.0 + 0.01 M Cl− at E = 1.18 V within
5µ 3 s showing densely packed (110) crystal
planes on a (111)-oriented surface [6].
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 321

of a small longish crack in the passive of a salt layer due to the intense dissolution
layer to a triangular pit that supports the within the pit. This situation changes the
film-breaking mechanism for these condi- pit from a polygon to a hemisphere with
tions [27]. Larger triangular pits are found electropolishing of its surface. These pits
at later stages. If the pits are grown on grow without any relation to the crystal-
differently oriented Ni crystallites, other lographic orientation of the metal and
shapes of polygonal pits are found, like cross the interface of crystallites. This is
octahedrons with square openings on a found especially in the presence of sulfate
100 surface. The pit surface is apparently within the electrolyte additionally to chlo-
formed by the most densely packed (111) ride (Fig. 9) [6]. Very irregular closed pits
surface. The form of the orifice is a con- are found in the vicinity of the critical
sequence of the special orientation of the potential. They grow underneath a remain-
crystal surface. On bcc Fe, a combination ing metal layer with several breakthroughs
of (110) and (100) surfaces is found, which (Fig. 10) [9]. Apparently the partially closed
leads to hexagons for the pit orifice for the pit stabilizes the accumulation of corro-
(111) surface of crystallites [6] (Fig. 8). The sion pits that otherwise would repassivate
accumulation of corrosion products causes much easier for the localized corrosion in
their final precipitation and the formation the vicinity of the critical potential.

Fig. 9 Hemispherical pits

grown on iron in phthalate
buffer pH 5.0 + 0.01 M
Cl− + 0.1 M SO4 2− at 40 µ
E = 1.18 V within 30 s [6].

Fig. 10 Metal covered irregular

pit on nickel grown in phthalate
buffer pH 5.0 + 0.1 M
KCl + 0.1 M K2 SO4 at
E = 0.90 V within 10 s [9].
322 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

i = 46 A cm−2

i = 23 A cm−2

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04

Time t
Fig. 11 Galvanostatic transient of a nickel microelectrode in 4 M HCl with
i = 23 and 46 A cm−2 [20]. Pit Models, Microelectrodes, and increase. The experimental data follow
Calculations Sand’s equation (Eq. 4) with the diffusion
The very high local dissolution current constant D of the metal ions, their charge
densities within pits may also be measured zM , and their concentrations at the metal
directly when the whole metal surface is surface cM and within the bulk cM,b [20].
acting as a pit. This may be achieved for √
small electrodes in solutions with a high i t = 12 zM F [(πD)(cM − cM,b )]1/2 (4)
content of aggressive anions (≥1 M), a con- In the absence of the supporting elec-
dition that avoids passivation. The small trolyte, that is, a solution containing the
size ensures a homogeneous potential dis- salt of the dissolving metal only, one
tribution all over the metal surface and has to use the effective diffusion constant
a sufficiently small ohmic drop in front Deff = D (1 + zM /zA )/tA with the transfer
despite the high current densities. This sit- number tA and the charge zM and zA for
uation is well known for the conditions of the metal ion and the aggressive anions,
electrochemical machining. There again, a respectively. At t = τ , the concentration
high chloride concentration avoids passi- cM gets to its saturation value and a pre-
vation although the potential is well within cipitation of a salt film occurs. This film
the passive range. These electrodes have blocks the metal dissolution and causes a
been studied with galvanostatic transients. potential step with a subsequent further
Figure 11 depicts an example for the re- increase due to the thickening of the salt

lated change of the potential with time for layer. i τ is independent of the applied
Ni in 4 M HCl solution with i = 23 and current density, decreases linearly with the
46 A cm−2 [20]. The same shape has been bulk concentration of the metal ions, and is
observed for smaller chloride concentra- described quantitatively by Eq. (4). The su-
tions and for Fe specimens. The potential perposition of the galvanostatic transient
is constant up to a transition time τ with a by short additional transients permits the
following step and a subsequent slower determination of the ohmic drop in front
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 323

of the electrode [20]. These investigations it is a consequence of the experimental

lead to the model of a bilayer structure of conditions and the pit geometry whether
the salt film with an inner thin poreless the precipitation of a salt film occurs or
part that takes over most of the increase of major ohmic drops cause a stable metal
the electrode potential up to several volts corrosion [2, 3]. Similar ideas have been
and an outer porous part that takes over published more recently by N. J. Laycock
up to 1 V as an ohmic drop within the and R. C. Newman [28].
electrolyte of the pores [20]. An interesting alternative is pitting on
A completely different behavior is ob- thin vapor-deposited metal films such as
served for Fe and Ni specimens in so- Al or Ni-20 Fe [23–25]. In this case, pit-
lutions without aggressive anions like ting leads to a rapid perforation of the film
sulfuric-, nitric-, and perchloric acid. For and a further circular growth. These two-
similar galvanostatic transients, a rapid dimensional pits lead to simpler relations
passivation is observed with a fast poten- for the accumulation of corrosion prod-
tial increase and much smaller and current
√ ucts in comparison to the hemispherical

dependent values for i τ [3, 9]. In the ab- situation. i τ is radius independent and
sence of aggressive anions, there is no proportional to ic,p instead of to ic,p r. Also
dissolution and precipitation of corrosion in these cases, local current densities of up
products, but the formation of a passive to ic,p = 100 A cm−2 have been measured.
layer occurs at the metal surface with a final
oxygen evolution. Similarly, potentiostatic Precipitation of Salt Films Within
transients have been examined in the pres-
ence of high chloride concentrations that
In the case of a hemispherical pit, the
show a drop of the current density when
accumulation of corrosion products at
a salt film is formed. On iron, these con-
ditions cause a regular roughness of the the pit surface relative to the bulk c =
surface. In comparison to Ni, its salt layer cM − cM,b follows Eq. (6), which is similar
apparently has less electropolishing prop- to the linear transport described by Eq. (4).
erties [9]. An interruption of the current The same symbols are used as for Eq. (4).
for t < 1 s is sufficient to dissolve the salt VM is the molar volume of the metal.
layer and to recover the state of the metal The geometric factor a is introduced as
surface with good reproducibility for a sub- a modification to Fick’s diffusion law in
sequent transient. These results lead to the combination with Faraday’s law, if the
conclusion that no passivating film has hemispherical electrode does not have a
formed during potentiostatic transients in convex (a = 1) but a concave geometry
solutions of high chloride content, which (a = 3) (Eq. 5). This factor has been
would require a much longer time for its estimated [6, 29] and later confirmed by
dissolution. computer simulation [30, 31].
Similar results have been obtained by
other groups on metal specimens with c
ic,p = zM F Deff (5)
different geometry. Pitting has also been ar

studied using the so-called lead-in-pencil
√ cDeff
geometry, which may be treated as a one- ic,p t = zM F (6)
VM a
dimensional pit because of their small
width and larger depth. In these cases, c = cM − cM,b
324 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

An equivalent relation has been deduced compared to the value obtained with the
for nonstationary transport conditions bulk conductivity. Evidence for potential
with corrections that are negligible for control of pit growth is given for studies

values i t < 12 A cm−2 s1/2 [29]. If satu- on Al by Hunkeler and Böhni [32]. They
ration is achieved at the pit surface for found a linear dependence of the product
t = τ with cM = cM,s , the precipitation of a ic,p r on the voltage drop U as given by
salt film will occur. The related calculation Eq. (7). There exists a large literature on the
has been confirmed by direct observa- measurements of potential drops in corro-
tion of the pits that change their shape sion pits and their influence on their stable
from a polygon to a hemisphere when growth during many years. Herbsleb [33]
the salt film precipitates [17]. Similarly the and Pickering and Frankenthal [34] mea-
growth of the pit radius r slows down for sured the potential drop within actively
t > τ [9]. corroding pits in chloride-containing sul-
furic acid. These studies refer to pits in Ohmic Drops the mm range and thus show appropriate
The potential drop within the electrolyte ohmic drops that shift the applied poten-
for an open hemispherical pit can be tial in the active range of the polarization
estimated by the simple equation curve, which is in agreement with the
above-mentioned estimate. Hydrogen evo-
aic,p r lution in an acidified pit electrolyte may
U = (7)
κ lead at these negative potentials even to
with specific conductivity κ, local current gas bubbles that cause a crevicelike sit-
density ic,p , radius r, and geometric factor uation with a further stabilization of the
a = 3 [6]. It depends on the specific sit- potential shift. In a recent experimental
uation whether U is large enough to study, the close relation between pitting
shift the potential below the Flade po- and crevice corrosion was pointed out [35].
tential, that is, in the active range of the In deep and narrow artificial crevices, a
polarization curve (Fig. 1), which is often potential drop of up to U = −0.6 V was
used to explain the stable pit growth. For measured. It should be pointed out that
0.5 M H2 SO4 with κ = 0.22 cm−1 −1 these large shifts refer to pits and crevices
and ic,p = 0.3 A cm−2 , which is a reason- with mm dimensions especially for nar-
able value for moderately high pit current row openings and not to initial stages of
densities for Fe, one obtains U > 1 V pitting with open pits in the µm-range.
for a pit radius r > 2.4 mm, but only Usually a pit starts with a small size
U = 0.41 mV for r = 1 µm. This short and thus needs other factors stabilizing
calculation demonstrates that it is abso- its growth. Ohmic drops may also play
lutely necessary to define well which state a major role for covered pits as shown
of the growth of a pit is discussed. Poten- in Fig. 11.
tial drops may stabilize localized corrosion
for large pits but never for small ones, that Composition of the Pit Electrolyte
is, at the initial stages. The conductivity of The accumulation of electrochemically
the electrolyte is of course another factor nonactive electrolyte components is closely
that has to be taken into account. The ac- related to the concentration polariza-
cumulation of ions within a corroding pit tion U within the electrolyte, simi-
may increase κ and thereby reduce U lar to a Boltzmann dependence of the
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 325

concentration cj of these species on the The concentration of the metal cations cM

electrical energy UzF [6, 29]. Together may be also calculated from Eq. (5). For
with the electroneutrality equation, one vanishingly small bulk concentration of
obtains a dependence of the concentration the cations, c equals the surface concen-
of the corroding metal ions cM at the metal tration cM . The accumulation of cations is
surface on U with c = cM − cM,b = proportional to the local pit current density
cM , for vanishingly small bulk concentra- and the pit radius (Eq. 5). One may there-
tions cM,b [6, 29]. cj,b and cM,b are the fore take ic,p r as a measure of the cation
corresponding bulk values. concentration at the pit surface, which de-
  pends on the age of the pit. Therefore this
−U zj F
cj = cj,b exp (8) scale is included in Fig. 12.
  aic,p r
1 c = cM = (5a)
c = cM − cM,b = cM = − zM F Deff
   The concentrations cj at the pit surface
−U zj F
× cj,b zj exp (9) of species that are not involved in the
electrode process and the metal ion con-
Equation (8) requires that only one elec- centration have been calculated according
trochemical process occurs with no subse- to Eq. (8) for some bulk electrolytes fre-
quent reactions within the bulk electrolyte. quently used for pitting studies (Fig. 12).

10 100

Phthalate buffer pH = 5.0

+ 0.01 M KCl

1.0 10
Concentration c

[A µm cm−2]
[mole l−1]


0.1 1.0



0.01 0.1
0 20 40 60
Ohmic drop ∆UΩ
Fig. 12 Concentration of cations and anions at a dissolving pit surface as a function
of the potential drop U within the electrolyte and the related product ic,p r [26].
326 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Metal ion concentrations cM go up to thermodynamic equilibria and Pourbaix

saturation of a few moles per liter when diagrams. In these cases, passivity is a
the potential drop increases to several tens kinetic phenomenon. This detail will be
of millivolts, which is usually the case for discussed again together with the mecha-
a pit radius of several micrometers. Equa- nism of a stable pit growth.
tion (9) was applied for the calculation of
the concentrations cM at the pit surface. Minimum Chloride Concentration
pH shifts have often served to explain the for Pitting
stability of a corroding pit. Equation (8) An attempt has been made to explain
permits the calculation for buffered so- the requirement for a minimum concen-
lutions when the pH is not affected by tration of aggressive anions to maintain
hydrolysis of the corrosion products [29]. stable pit growth [29]. With the assump-
Buffer ions change in concentration in tion that a salt film of thickness δ has to
agreement with the pH shift as given for be maintained at the growing pit surface,
the phthalate buffer in Fig. 12. An accu- one obtains
mulation of dissolving metal ions leads to
a depletion of the other cations and conse- cmin = aVm ic,p = 0.5ic,p δ (13)
quently to a positive pH shift according to DF Vs
Eq. (10). With this assumption the experimentally
U found value of cmin = 3 × 104 M has been
pH − pHb = (10) confirmed with a local current density
ic,p = 1 A cm−2 , a salt layer thickness
In nonbuffered solutions, the usual hydrol- δ = 5 nm, geometric factor a = 3, mo-
ysis equilibrium of the metal ions leads to lar volume Vm = 3.55 cm3 val−1 for the
acidification according to equivalent volume for Fe metal and Vs =
21.25 cm3 val−1 for FeCl2 , and diffusion
Mez+ + H2 O ←−→ MeOH(z−1)+ + H+
constant D = 10−5 cm2 s−1 for Cl ions.
With [MeOH(z−1)+ ] = [H+ ] for nonbuff- Accumulation of Aggressive
ered electrolytes, one obtains
 The accumulation of aggressive anions has
[H+ ] = Kh [Mz+ ] (12)
been found at the surface of even small
With hydrolysis constants of Kh = 10−10 polygonal pits of a few µm diameters when
and 10−7 , one obtains for the saturation they had not yet changed to a hemisphere
concentrations 4.8 and 4.2 M, pH values of by the precipitation of a salt film. A spe-
4.3 and 2.4 for saturated NiCl2 and FeCl2 cial preparation technique of pulling the
solutions, respectively. These calculations electrode with actively corroding pits into
show that the precipitation of hydroxide a benzene layer above the electrolyte pre-
within a corrosion pit may be prevented for served the special situation at the corroding
these metals by acidification. However, as pit surface even after rinsing with acetone
discussed before, passivation should nev- and dry storage in air [36]. These pits re-
ertheless be possible for many technically mained active and continued their growth
important metals. For Fe, Ni, and other immediately when reintroduced into the
metals, especially in acidic media, passiv- electrolyte at the same potential. How-
ity cannot be explained on the basis of ever, they became inactive when rinsed
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 327

with water or on stepping the potential rinsing with water or repassivation [36].
to below the critical value. With electron These studies show clearly that the forma-
microprobe analysis, a chloride could be tion of a thin layer of aggressive anions,
found (Fig. 13) that corresponds to a layer even in pits of a few µm, is responsible for
of ca 5 nm FeCl2 when the pit remained a stable pit growth. The later precipitation
active but which was lost completely by of much thicker salt films in larger pits of



FeCl2 - layer thickness

40 200


13 µm

0 10 5 0 5 10
Pit radius
(a) [µm]

FeSO4 · 7H2O - layer thickness

Cl(Kα), S(Kα)-x-ray


FeCl2 [Å]


40 0.2
8µ 0
8 4 0 4 8 12
Radius ri
(b) [µm]
Fig. 13 (a) Electron microprobe cross section of a 13-µm wide
hexagonal pit on iron formed on phthalate buffer pH 5.0 + 0.01 M Cl−
at E = 1.11 V within 5 s showing the accumulation of chloride within
the pit [6]. (b) As Fig. 13(a), hemispherical electropolished pit, 8-µm
wide grown in phthalate buffer pH 5.0 + 0.01 M Cl− + 0.1 M SO4 2− at
E = 1.14 V within 10 s showing Cl− and SO4 2− accumulation within
the pit [6].
328 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

several 10 µm provide further stabilization tr increases with the square of the lifetime
but they are not a necessary condition for tp of a pit. The constants ki have been
the stability of localized corrosion. The estimated from D = 5 ∗ 10−6 cm2 s−1 ,
presence of nonaggressive anions in the zF /Vm = 2.72 ∗ 104 A s cm−3 for Fe and
bulk electrolyte also caused their accumu- 2.93 ∗ 104 A s cm−3 for Ni to kFe = 1.35 ∗
lation but did not suppress the additional 10−4 ic,p
2 and k = 1.16 ∗ 10−4 i 2 for Fe
Ni c,p
presence of aggressive anions that are ab- 2 and
and Ni, respectively. To check the ic,p
solutely necessary for a stable pit growth. 2
tp dependence of tr , potentiostatic pulse
The electropolishing conditions in sulfate- measurements have been performed [19]
containing solutions cause large amounts (Fig. 14). The potential was pulsed for
of these anions to correspond to several about 10 ms up to 1 s, to values above
100 nm of FeSO4 within the hemispher- the pitting potential Ep and back to
ical pits but did not avoid the additional
E < Ep for increasing time tr . When
and necessary accumulation of ca 5 nm
the potential was finally pulsed back to
FeCl2 [36].
the potential within the pitting range,
the current density started to increase to Repassivation of Corrosion Pits the same level that had been reached at
The accumulation of corrosion products the end of the previous pitting period,
within the pits suggest that a high if tr was short enough. When tr
concentration of chloride is a necessary was too long, at least some of the
condition for a stable growth in their early pits repassivated and the subsequent
stage of development. As a consequence, pitting period had to start again with
the kinetics of repassivation of small the nucleation of new pits at a smaller
pits may be related to the transport of value of the average current density of
accumulated aggressive anions from the the electrode. The interval t of a first
pit to the bulk electrolyte [19, 29]. If this deviation from a continuous increase of
transport is the rate-determining step, one the current density for a set of pulse
expects the repassivation time to increase experiments is taken as the repassivation
with the depth of a corrosion pit and thus time tr . A double logarithmic plot of tr
to the distance the chloride has to travel by and tp shows a slope of approximately 2
diffusion. If we simply apply the relation of
as required by Eq. (16). tr also changes
Einstein–Smoluchowski for the transport 2 . The estimated
proportionally with ic,p
time tr out of a pit of radius r (Eq. 14),
values agree sufficiently well with the
and if the radius r is given by the local
experimental data.
current density ic,p and the lifetime tp of
One may therefore conclude that the
the pit by Eq. (15), we obtain Eq. (16) for
rate-determining step for the repassiva-
the repassivation time tr .
tion is the transport of accumulated ag-
r2 gressive anions out of small pits. This
tr = (14) result coincides well with the explana-
ic,p tp Vm tion that localized corrosion is stabilized
r= (15) at its initial stage by the accumulation of
zm F
aggressive anions, which prevent the for-
2 t 2V 2
ic,p p m mation of a passive layer at the active pit
tr = = ktp2 (16)
2 F2
2Dzm surface.
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 329



[s 103]

25 ms 10 ms t1 = 100 µs
0.15 t2 = 500 µs

50 ms
t t3 = 1000 µs

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
[s 103]
Fig. 14 Repassivation of small corrosion pits on an iron electrode
(A = 0.13 cm2 ) during potentiostatic steps to E < EP for t >0.1 s after pit
growth at 0.5 V for 25 ms seen by the decrease of the anodic current and
following increase due to new nucleation of pits in phthalate buffer pH
5.0 + 0.03 M Cl− [19]. Alloying Metals and Inclusions a percolation mechanism with sufficiently

Alloying metals are very important factors large iron clusters, to start a pit that will
to stabilize an alloy against general and lo- propagate under a passive layer only if
calized corrosion. Among these, Cr plays there is a sufficiently continuously con-
a very important role for iron and nickel nected amount of iron [39].
base metals. It accumulates in the passive The effect of Cr is beneficial not only
layer because of its extremely small dis- for stainless steels but also for Ni base al-
solution currents even in strongly acidic loys like Alloy 22 and Hastelloy C4 with
electrolytes [37, 38]. Pure Cr is not attacked ca. 20% Cr. These alloys are resistant to
by any halides. The critical pitting potential general corrosion and pitting, even in
is increasing with the Cr content of the al- highly chloride-containing solutions like
loy. Iron-chromium thin film alloys show Q brine (>8 M Cl− ). Pitting is obtained at
a critical concentration of 16% Cr, above elevated temperatures at sufficiently pos-
which pitting is suppressed at any poten- itive potentials only [40]. This is again a
tial. This behavior has been explained by consequence of the presence of Cr, which
330 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

forms an almost pure Cr2 O3 -containing effective repassivation of a metal surface

passive layer due to preferential Ni disso- and of defects in the passive layer, thus
lution [41]. The addition of high amounts preventing the development and growth of
of silicon to iron (>20%) apparently protect pits [46].
against pitting [42]. For these alloys or sili- Besides the major alloying elements,
cides, an almost pure SiO2 -film is formed nonmetallic precipitates and inclusions
in acidic electrolytes [43]. SiO2 is resistant are preferential sites for pitting. A major
to the attack of chlorides and thus protects role is found for MnS inclusions that are
against general dissolution and pitting in common in steels. It is interesting that the
the presence of chlorides. attack occurs at the inclusion–metal phase
A different influence is observed by ad- boundary. The formation of a pit does not
ditions of molybdenum to technical alloys. require the complete dissolution of the
Similar to the influence of Cr, Mo shifts inclusion. It has been proposed that the
the pitting potential to more positive val- special chemistry within the pit electrolyte
ues. It apparently stops pitting as a result of with the formation of sulfur-containing
the formation of insoluble compounds. All compounds such as sulfides, sulfur, sul-
halides MoX2 and MoX3 are insoluble in fites, and even sulfates has a strong
water [44]. Accumulations of halides may influence on localized corrosion [47]. This
therefore be bound to insoluble corrosion is supported by a pronounced increase of
products, thus preventing pit growth in a the pitting potential by 100 mV of steel in
very early stage of development. Although the presence of MnS inclusions when the
still under discussion, many authors do pH is increased from 4 to 5. Most of these
not find Mo enrichment within the pas- explanations do not include the special
sive layer in that it presumably does not role of chloride although a strong decrease
prevent pitting by stabilization of the pas- of the pitting potential by almost 200 mV
sivating oxide. Pure Mo does not passivate with the increase of its concentration from
in sulfuric acid and thus should dissolve 0.02 M to 0.5 M is reported [47]. MnS in-
preferentially. Thus Mo is thought even clusions provoke pitting of steels at more
to destabilize passive layers on Ni base negative potentials in comparison to their
alloys [45]. In conclusion, the mechanistic absence. Ti2 S inclusions may also initiate
details of the influence of Mo to pitting are pitting, however, they are less effective and
still unsolved and under discussion. thus less harmful. The presence of Ti may
The addition of nitrogen to steel also even reduce the influence of MnS owing
has a beneficial effect on the resistance to its competition for sulfur. Addition of Ti
to pitting. In this case, negatively charged to steels shift the pitting potential by more
nitrogen accumulates at the metal–oxide than 100 mV to more positive values [47].
interface besides some dissolution of NH3 . Not all MnS-inclusions are the site of pit
The formation of Cr- and Mo-nitrides nucleation. There exist different MnS pre-
at the surface of stainless steel could cipitates. Some form at oxide inclusions
be excluded by XPS investigations. It like Al2 O3 or Cr2 O3 particles and at Nb-
has been proposed that the presence of carbonitrides or simply at no nucleation
N3− at the metals surface repels the site. MnS precipitates at hard oxide in-
aggressive Cl− anions, thus avoiding the clusions are dangerous because they form
nucleation of pits and their growth [46]. microcrevices during cold rolling of steels.
By this mechanism, nitrogen facilitates an The decohesion of MnS at these oxide
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 331

particles thus causes preferential sites for oxide–metal interface under the influence
localized corrosion. The close relation of of the high electrical field strength of most
pitting and crevice corrosion has been passivating films. The film-breaking mech-
mentioned already in Sect. It is the anism starts with cracks in the passive
task of steel making to avoid the formation layer, exposing small areas of bare metal
of oxide inclusions and other nucleation surface to the electrolyte and the related
sites for MnS to reduce pitting at these very intense metal dissolution that leads
precipitates. An interesting method to to the formation of a pit. The adsorption
study the influence of inclusions is the mechanism refers to the increase in the
application of microelectrochemical tech- transfer of cations from the passive film
niques [48]. The decrease of the area of the to the electrolyte due to the complexing
investigated steel surface by the use of a properties of the aggressive anions. This
capillary of the microelectrochemical cell process causes a thinning of the passive
shows that MnS inclusions are dissolved layer and a final removal, thus exposing
with and without the presence of chloride, the bare metal surface to the electrolyte.
whereas chloride is needed to grow a pit at
these sites. Active and nonactive inclusions Penetration Mechanism
may be distinguished and the measured The penetration mechanism requires the
pitting potential may be increased remark- transfer of the aggressive anions from
ably by a decrease in the size of the MnS the electrolyte to the metal–oxide inter-
inclusions below 1 µm. Furthermore, the face. The application of surface analytical
measured current noise increases with the methods such as X-Ray Photoelectron
size of the surface area, which is closely Spectroscopy (XPS), Auger Electron Spec-
related to the number of inclusions that troscopy (AES), and Secondary Ion Mass
are accepted for these measurements by Spectroscopy (SIMS) do not clearly support
the size of the capillary. this mechanism. Careful measurements
Another danger is the formation of Cr- begin with a specimen prepassivated in
carbides at grain boundaries. They cause a solution without any aggressive anions
the depletion of the adjacent metal in Cr and with their being added later to avoid
and thus reduce locally the protection of incorporation during film growth to study
the alloy. As a consequence, pits may their penetration. For these conditions,
form at these sites at more negative Cl has been found in the outer parts of
potentials. They may merge together and a film only. Usually, passive films have
cause intergranular corrosion. at least a bilayer structure. Usually the
outer part is a hydroxide film. This hy-
4.2.4 droxide part on passive Ni incorporates
Breakdown of Passivity and Pit Nucleation chloride. Chloride has been found in the
inner layer only when the passive layer
Three main mechanisms are being dis- has been formed in a solution containing
cussed for the processes leading to the chloride. Similar results were obtained for
breakdown of passivity and the nucle- prepassivated FeCr alloys [49, 50]. Another
ation of corrosion pits [19] (Fig. 15). The possibility is its incorporation after long
penetration mechanism involves the mi- waiting periods in chloride-containing so-
gration of aggressive anions from the lutions with continuous breakdown and
electrolyte through the passive layer to the repair events of the passive layer, which
332 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

correspond to an incorporation into a par- only a few ms as presented for the poten-
tially growing new film. Passive layers tiostatic transient of Fig. 5. Even for well-
often act as ion exchangers, at least in prepassivated specimens, pit nucleation
their less densely packed outer part. The takes less than 1 s [19] if the conditions are
inner barrier type oxide is not penetrated in favor for breakdown of passivity with a
by aggressive anions. high electrode potential and high chloride
Other serious objections to the pene- concentration. A penetration of halides is
tration mechanism refer to the kinetics expected with a similar transfer rate as
of pit formation. A poorly prepassivated the outward migration for cations during
specimen is submitted to pitting within corrosion in the passive state, which occurs

Metal 1 Oxide 2 Electrolyte 3

Me2+ Me2+ Me2+aq (corrosion) (1)

2H+aq (Film
O2− H2O formation) (2)

Ox (3)
e− e− e− Red
Cl− Cl− aq
SO42− SO42−aq Penetration (4)
ClO4− ClO4−aq


106 to 107 Volts cm−1

f (V)



0 d Distance

Metal Passive film Electrolyte

(a) (2−10 nm)
Fig. 15 Schematic diagram demonstrating the three mechanisms leading to the
breakdown of passivity and pit nucleation [19], (a) penetration mechanism with
migration of aggressive anions in the high electrical field of the passive layer;
(b) film-breaking mechanism with the competing processes at defects; and
(c) adsorption mechanism with complexing and enhanced transfer of cations to the
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 333

Passive film Electrolyte

Metal (2−10 nm)

Electrolyte with
aggressive ions
passive film chloride film
Pit growth (aggressive anions)

dd Vm
= ( i − ic )
dt zF

Me Ox EI Me Ox EI Me Ox EI

i >> i c,p

( by ads.
aggr. ions) i c,p >> i c,pass

i c,pass

i c,pass


i ( = i c,pass ) < i << i ( = i c,p )


Fig. 15 (Continued)

in the range of µA cm−2 . This, however, reason, film breaking has been postulated
contradicts a nucleation time of <1 s or as the effective mechanism for pit nucle-
even in the ms range. Similarly, the re- ation for a nonstationary state of the layer.
sults of Fig. 4 in Sect. contradict the The point defect model of passivity and
penetration as the leading mechanism. A its breakdown is a variant of the pene-
sudden decrease of the potential reduces tration mechanism [51]. The transport of
the electrical field strength within the layer, cations from the metal surface to the ox-
which increases again during its thinning ide–electrolyte interface corresponds to
with time. The electrical field, however, an inward movement of cation vacan-
is the driving force for the migration of cies VM+ . This inward transport of VM+
anions into and through the layer. For this is supported by their high concentration at
334 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

the oxide surface. This in turn is favored fast nucleation of many pits is observed
by a small concentration of anion vacan- for sufficiently positive potentials and high
cies VO2− at the oxide surface because both chloride contents. The sequence of STM
vacancy concentrations are inverse to each images of Fig. 8 demonstrates clearly that
other corresponding to the equilibrium of pits for nonstationary passive layers start
a Schottky pair formation. The concen- with small cracks in the nm range, that
tration of anion vacancies decreases by is, of the thickness of the passive film,
incorporation of Cl− from the electrolyte. which develop to a polygonal shape during
If the transfer of cation vacancies into their further growth. These observations
the metal is slower than their transport support the film-breaking mechanism.
to the oxide–metal interface so that they If these defects in the film are cracks
accumulate at the metal surface, the re- that occur during potential changes, they
lated voids may lead to a local breakdown should be detected by their intense metal
of the passive layer. This situation has dissolution even in the absence of ag-
been discussed quantitatively; and with
gressive anions. The defects should be
a sufficiently large number of parame-
numerous and the local current density
ters, one can describe the dependence
should be large so that dissolving cations
of the critical potentials on the concen-
may be detected with a Rotating Ring Disc
tration of aggressive anions. There are,
Electrode (RRDE). Iron is a suitable metal
however, criticisms on the details of the
point defect model in literature. In many for these studies as it dissolves as Fe2+
cases, the growth of passive layers follows within the pits, whereas Fe3+ is formed at
the high-field mechanism with exponen- the surface of the passive layer. Therefore,
tial and not linear transport equations as these cations may be detected at a Pt-ring
assumed in the original paper because by their oxidation to Fe3+ . A step to neg-
of the very high field strength of sev- ative potentials clearly shows a transient
eral 106 V cm−1 . of Fe2+ formation as shown for a tran-
Several observations discussed in the sient of an Fe-disc in 0.5 M H2 SO4 from
following sections support either the film E = 1.30 to 0.70 V [52]. This is a conse-
breaking or the adsorption mechanism for quence of the formation of many defects
the nonstationary or stationary conditions within the passive layer and the related
of the passive film. Fe-dissolution at their surface. The ab-
sence of aggressive anions leads to a rapid Film-breaking Mechanism repassivation. Therefore, only an interme-
As mentioned already for the discussion of diate dissolution could be found. In the
the penetration mechanism, pit nucleation presence of halides, these defects would
is an extremely fast process of a few ms develop to visible pits. These studies give
only for nonstationary conditions of the further proof that potential changes cause
passive layer. Stepping of the potential multiple cracking of the passive layer. The
in either direction, positive or negative, related defects are the sites of pit nucle-
causes excessive formation of corrosion ation. Electrostriction or chemical changes
pits, especially for potentials well above within the passive layer may serve as a rea-
the critical value and in the presence sonable explanation for the development
of a high concentration of aggressive of stress within the film, which initiates
anions. Even for stationary conditions, a the observed defects.
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 335

Measurement of the electrochemical within the passive layer. This is a reason

current noise is aimed at correlating for its protecting properties, which will be
the observed current fluctuations with discussed in detail later.
breakdown and repair events that might Similar mechanisms are effective in the
lead to the formation of stable growing presence of halides. These details have
pits [53, 54]. In view of this mechanistic been studied for the passivity and its
interpretation, the application of statistical breakdown of iron in solutions containing
methods to the occurrence of current chloride and fluoride [59–62] and of nickel
spikes and the observed probability of in the presence of fluoride [61–63]. Fluo-
pit formation lead to a stochastic model ride is a well-suited model system because
for pit nucleation. The evaluation of it has a very strong effect on the enhanced
current spikes in the time and frequency dissolution of the passive layer and its
domain yields parameters such as the final general breakdown in acidic elec-
intensity of the stochastic process λ and trolytes. Breakdown of passivity of iron by
the repassivation rate τ [53]. They depend fluoride has been followed with the RRD-
on parameters such as the potential, state electrode and XPS-studies (Fig. 16) [59]. In
of the passive layer, and concentration of acidic electrolytes, the steps of passivity
aggressive anions. breakdown are well separated and affect
the total surface. The addition of fluoride Adsorption Mechanism increases the dissolution rate to an inter-
Several experimental results support the mediate value, which changes with the first
adsorption mechanism for stationary con- order of the HF concentration. After one
ditions of the passive layer. Even the to two hours, Fe shows current oscillations
stationary passive current density depends that finally lead to a complete break-
on the composition of the electrolyte. For down of passivity. These oscillations are
iron in 0.5 M H2 SO4 , the passive current closely related to Fe2+ -formation, which
density is 7 µA cm−2 , whereas less than is detected at the analytical half ring R1 .
1 µA cm−2 is detected in 1 M HClO4 . Similarly, the complete breakdown results
From these observations, a catalysis for in intense Fe2+ -production. The inter-
the transfer of Fe3+ from the passive layer mediate increase of the passive current
to the electrolyte by SO4 2− ions was con- density refers to Fe3+ -formation, which
cluded [55, 56]. Similarly, the dissolution unfortunately cannot be detected at the
Ni2+ from passive nickel and nickel base analytical half ring R2 . The strong com-
alloys is accelerated by organic acids like plex [FeF5 H2 O]2− in solution cannot be
formic acid and leads to a removal of NiO reduced at reasonable ring potentials. A
from the passive layer [57]. Additions of similar dependence is found for the in-
citrate to the electrolyte cause the thin- crease of the passive current density on
ning of passive layers on stainless steel Ni in HF solution [63] and the locally in-
and increase its Cr content [58]. Appar- creased dissolution in the passive state
ently Fe and Ni ions are complexed at the of Fe in chloride solution [60]. The en-
surface of the passive film, which causes hancement of the passive current density
an enhancement of their dissolution into suggests a thinning of the passive layer
the electrolyte. It should be mentioned according to the adsorption mechanism.
that the dissolution of Cr3+ apparently is This has been found for Fe and Ni in
not catalyzed by these anions and remains fluoride-containing solutions [63, 64], but
336 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

180 9 Fe

160 8 1 M HClO4
+ 0.1 M F−
140 7 AD = 0.112 cm2
f = 1000 rpm
120 6
eD = 1.00 VH
100 5 eR1 = 1.69 VH


80 4 eR2 = 0.14 VH

60 3 ID
40 2

20 1 I R1
0 0 I R2

−20 −1 + F−

0 5 10 15 85 90 95 100 105 150 155 160

Fig. 16 The stages of breakdown of passivity of 2 h prepassivation of Fe-disc at E = 0.1 V in 1 M
iron in 1 M HClO4 after addition of 0.1 M HF at HClO4 , Fe2+ detection at ring 1 (IR1 ) parallel to
t = 0 min examined with a RRD electrode with a current transients and final increase of ID at the
Pt split-ring and an Fe-disc of A = 0.112 cm2 , Fe disc [59].

also for Fe in solutions of the other halides its transfer into the electrolyte according to
such as Br− , Cl− , and I− with XPS [64]. the rate-determining step of Eq. (18), it is
These findings suggest that the strong further complexed in a solution according
complexing properties of the halides cause to the fast reaction of Eq. (19).
the formation of strong surface complexes
with the cations at the oxide surface. Fe3+ (ox) + HF(aq) ←−→
The transfer of these complexes is appar- FeF2+ (ad) + H+ (aq) (17)
ently very much enhanced, which causes 2+ 2+
FeF (ad) −−−→ FeF (aq) (18)
a thinning of the passive layer and the
establishment of a new stationary situa- 4HF + H2 O + FeF2+ (aq) −−−→
tion with a higher electrical field strength
FeF5 2− H2 O(aq) + 4H+ (aq) (19)
within the film and an increased dissolu-
tion rate. Fluctuations of this dissolution The analysis of this mechanism leads
process lead to a temporary and finally to to a first-order reaction with respect to
a complete breakdown of passivity. The the halides. The general breakdown of
mentioned electrochemical reaction order passivity by fluoride in comparison to
of one suggests the fast formation of a the local effect by the other halides
surface complex with one halide, which is should be seen by their strong complexing
described for the case of Fe in HF solu- properties. The intermediate enhanced
tion by the equilibrium of Eq. (17). After dissolution in the passive state with a
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 337

higher dissolution rate and a thinner negatively charged O2− ions at the oxide
passive layer will be followed by statistical surface to the electrolyte. The stability
breakdown and repair events with a final constants for fluorides are very large,
and permanent breakdown. These stages especially in the case of Fe3+ , which
can be followed in detail for Fe in acidic causes an attack all over the passive
fluoride solution due to the general attack layer. The smaller constants for the other
of the passive layer but should be similar anions yield a preferential attack at special
for the other halides. Once the passive film surface sites, which are more prone
has been removed completely or locally, to complexing than others. In alkaline
the intense dissolution of the unprotected
solutions, there exists a competition of
metal surface is a consequence. This high
halides and OH− for surface cations with
local or general corrosion rate will stabilize
smaller nucleation rates and a transition of
the situation as is discussed for a stable
general breakdown to localized corrosion
pit growth.
in the case of fluoride.
The influence of anions can also be
Discussions on the mechanism of pit-
seen more quantitatively by the stability
constants K of their complexes with the ting should include the special role of
cations of the passive layer as presented chromium. Pure Cr is not susceptible to
in Table 1. They refer to the reaction pitting and resists the attack of all halides.
described by Eq. (20). The constants K* Similarly, it stabilizes the surface of Fe–Cr
refer to the equilibrium with HF that is alloys and stainless steel. The pitting po-
the species in acidic electrolytes owing to tential increases with the Cr content of
the weakness of this acid. the metal. For most halides, the stability
constants for Cr3+ -complexes are relatively
Mez+ + X − ←−→ MeX (z−1)+ small with the exception of fluoride. Fur-
[MeX (z−1)+ ] thermore, the situation of Cr3+ is very
K1 = (20) special because of the very slow exchange
[Mez+ ][X − ]
rate of its ligands in the first coordination
The electrochemical reaction order of one shell. This is a consequence of the large lig-
leads to the formation of the cation and field stabilization of Cr3+ complexes
complex with one anion. This complex with octahedral coordination with 3 elec-
has less positive charge and thus requires trons in the lower t2g and none in the
less activation energy for its transfer from higher eg level. This situation causes an
its potential well within the matrix of extremely slow exchange rate to form a

Tab. 1 pK-values of stability constants of metal ion complexes

with halides for the reaction: Mez+ + X − −−−→ MeX (z−1)+
including constants referring to HF (*) in acidic solutions [65]

Anion Fe3+ Ni2+ Cr3+

F− /HF (*) 5.17/2.26 (*) 0.66 4.36/1.42 (*)

Cl− 0.62 −0.25 −0.65
Br− −0.21 −0.12 −2.65
I− 1.30 – −5.0
338 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

surface complex CrCl2+ and the dissolu- not solved. The situation is better defined
tion via surface complexes gets negligibly at more positive potentials well above the
small. Cr2 O3 and CrCl3 are described as pitting potential in which, however, the
insoluble in cold water. It is however a special role of inclusions is no longer sep-
slow dissolution rate rather than the in- arated from an intense influence of the
solubility of these compounds, as they other mechanisms of pit nucleation as dis-
dissolve readily when heated in water. As cussed in Sects. to In any
a consequence, Cr has an extremely small case, the accumulation of aggressive an-
dissolution current density in the passive ions seems to be essential for the stage
state and is resistant to localized corrosion of metastable pitting and especially the
by halides. For these reasons, Cr is a well- further growth of a pit. Inside the pit, a
protecting alloying element in stainless sufficient concentration of aggressive an-
steel and other Cr-containing alloys. ions is required to prevent repassivation so
that the pit may grow and finally will enter Current Noise and Metastable the stage of stable growth.
Pitting An interesting discussion of current
Many authors try to analyze current oscil- measurements on microdimensional elec-
lations that are closely related to pitting trodes of stainless steel wires is given by
events. These current transients in the Mattin and Burstein [67]. Their analysis of
range of 10 nA to some µA decrease with current transients at a very low level in
the prepassivation time of a specimen, the chloride-containing 0.075 M HClO4 leads
potential, and the chloride concentration. to the distinction of metastable and sta-
Their shape with a parabolic increase in ble pits. According to their discussion, the
time and an abrupt decrease or the reverse remaining passive layer protects the pit
behavior has also been related to the pres- analyte from being diluted from the bulk
ence or absence of MnS, respectively. It solution. Only when the film breaks off too
is proposed that these current oscillations will small pits repassivate, whereas a few
are related to breakdown and repassivation larger ones are deep enough to keep their
events at inclusions or at the passivated local environment undiluted so that they
metal surface [47]. Related studies have survive. A similar discussion by Newman’s
been performed close to the pitting po- group, for pitting close to the critical po-
tential in which the nucleation and growth tential of stainless steel, assumes covered
of pits is probabilistic [66]. Some pits en- pits for an early stage, which keep the accu-
ter the stage of stable growth after some mulated corrosion products inside the pit
time with a related continuous but shaky with even a precipitation of a salt film as
increase of the current density. However, discussed previously in Refs. [68, 69]. The
the birth and the initial growth of a pit is a more effective transport at the pit edge
complex interaction of several factors like causes a preferential passivation at the ori-
the potential, the composition of the elec- fice and an undercutting during continued
trolyte, like its chloride concentration and dissolution with a remaining passivated
pH, the composition of the metal surface metal layer forming a cap. This layer is
including the role of inclusions, and the perforated from inside leading to a com-
composition and structure of the passive plicated structure as shown in Fig. 10. All
layer. Therefore related questions on the these discussions are in agreement to the
mechanism are still under discussion and concept of the accumulation of aggressive
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 339

anions as a necessary condition to avoid prove the thinning of the passive layer by
the formation of a passive layer and to complexing anions.
maintain pit growth. If the local dissolu- In the vicinity of the pitting potential
tion current density ic,p close to the pitting and for open-circuit conditions, inclusions
potential is small, a covered pit is required play a decisive role for the nucleation of pits
to maintain the corrosive environment. including the occurrence of microcrevices
At more positive potentials, ic,p is large and the stabilization of the pit electrolyte
enough to stabilize the pit electrolyte for an at these sites.
open pit. This simpler geometry permits In any case, the presence of aggres-
a better quantitative description as given sive anions seems to play a decisive role.
in Sect. by Eqs. 5a, 8, and 9. How- The adsorption mechanism and the influ-
ever the main mechanisms for pit growth ence of complexing properties of halides
with prevented repassivation due to accu- include the chemical aspects for the mech-
mulated aggressive anions are the same. anism, which is ignored in most papers.
Besides, for the nucleation of pits, halides Mechanistic Consequences for are also important for their further growth,
Breakdown of Passivity which will be discussed in the next section.
In the light of these experimental re-
sults and arguments, pit nucleation can Factors Stabilizing Pit Growth
be explained by the film-breaking or the
The stabilization of the growth of corrosion
adsorption mechanism. For nonstationary
pits may be influenced by several com-
conditions of the passive layer, the ob-
plicating factors depending on the state
servation of Fe2+ dissolution transients
are a good argument for frequent break- of their development. However, the pres-
down and repair events even in absence of ence of halides within the electrolyte is a
halides. In their presence, repair of defects necessary condition. Pit growth will stop
will not occur with the related formation of when halide-containing electrolytes are re-
pits. Pit nucleation is very much increased placed by halide-free solutions [70]. One
after potentiostatic potential pulses caused needs a bulk concentration of at least
by more frequent film breakdown. Pits 0.0003 M to cause stable pit growth [6,
may form in much less than one second 14, 29]. Furthermore, the repassivation ki-
and many more pits are observed even netics of pits are closely related to the
when the potential of a prepassivated spec- transport of locally accumulated halides to
imen is pulsed to more negative values the bulk electrolyte [19, 29]. These details
before the addition of chloride to the so- are explained best by the complexing prop-
lution. This contradicts the penetration erties of the halides. The accumulation
mechanism caused by the reduced elec- of corrosion products and consequently
trical field strength within the film. of halides prevents film repair and the
For stationary conditions, the passive repassivation of corrosion pits. Any oxide
layer is more effectively attacked via the formation will stop immediately because of
adsorption mechanism. Strong support the large local concentration of complexing
is provided by the increased dissolution halides.
in the passive state and the observed Potential drops are frequently used
breakdown of passivity of iron by fluoride to explain a shift of the local poten-
running through three stages. XPS studies tial from its potentiostatically fixed value
340 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

i Fig. 17 (a) Polarization curve of a

metal with active and passive potential
[A cm−2]
range and passivation potential Epa ,
Active Passive (b) passivated metal with actively
corroding pit, potential drop
E = E − Ea shifting the local potential
from the potentiostatically fixed value E
to Ea below Epa in the active range of the
∆E polarization curve for large or covered
pits and narrow deep crevices only.

(a) Ea EPa E

Passive Pit Passive


to the range of active metal dissolu- least for a further stabilization of pitting.
tion [34, 35, 71] (Fig. 17). Although a shift However, even in these cases, one cannot
of about 1 V is reasonable for deep crevices, ignore that the presence of halides is re-
large pits, and especially covered pits, this quired. Their chemistry seems to be the
explanation will not be sufficient for open main basis for the nucleation of corrosion
pits with µm dimensions, a stage through pits and the stabilization of pit growth on
which all pits have to pass. Large poten- most metals and alloys.
tial shifts have been measured within pits In later stages, the precipitation of a salt
of mm dimensions [33–35] especially in film is a secondary stabilizing factor. This
solutions of low conductivity but they can- salt layer may serve as a reservoir for locally
not occur within pits of µm and sub µm high halide concentrations and a barrier to
size. Similar problems are encountered take over a large portion of the potential
with pH shifts. Even though local acidifi- drop stabilizing pitting at lower levels of
cation may lead easily to a pH of 4 to 3, the local current density. This precipitation

this is not a sufficient condition to pre- is ruled by the product i t of Sand’s
√ √
vent repassivation. Passivity is found for equation (Eqs. 4 and 6). For i t < i τ ,
metals like Fe, Ni, and stainless steel even open pits are stabilized by accumulated
√ √
in strongly acidic electrolytes. The usual halides, whereas for i t > i τ , a salt layer
−60 mV/pH shift cannot change the po- stabilizes additionally.
tentiostatically fixed potential locally to the
active range of the polarization curve even 4.2.5
for large acidifications. There is a differ- Conclusion
ence for metals like Cu, Al, and others,
which follow the Poubaix diagram and, The aim of this chapter is to describe some
which cannot be passivated in strongly basic experimental results and calculations
acidic electrolytes. Local acidification due that support the leading mechanisms
to hydrolysis of corrosion products may be of localized corrosion. There are two
essential for these metals and may serve at main mechanisms that cause breakdown
4.2 Pitting Corrosion 341

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is more effective for its stationary state. The pp. 52–61.
special complexing properties of halides 5. Ya. Kolotyrkin, V. A. Gilman, G. M. Floriano-
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6. K. J. Vetter, H.-H. Strehblow, Ber. Bunsen-
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344 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

4.3 is driven by microstructural factors at the

Intergranular Corrosion nanometer or micrometer scale, a specific
environment, and electrochemical driving
John R. Scully forces. Many electrochemical frameworks
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, exist that do not involve a role for stress.
Department of Materials Science and Engi- However, in practice, mechanical driving
neering, University of Virginia, Charlottes Ville,
forces are often not entirely absent. There-
VA, 22904
fore, IGC differs from intergranular stress
4.3.1 corrosion cracking (IGSCC) (see Chap-
Introductory Comments and Definition of ter 4.4 in Volume 4) because of lack of,
Intergranular Corrosion or low levels of external applied stress
or residual stress. Despite these differ- Conceptual Descriptions of ences in driving forces, many alloys that
Intergranular Corrosion exhibit IGC are also found to be suscepti-
Intergranular corrosion (IGC) in poly- ble to IGSCC. However, this is not always
crystalline materials involves preferential the case.
corrosion at or in regions adjacent to
grain boundaries [1]. The surfaces created Preexisting Active Dissolution
in this manner expose individual grain Paths Based on Compositional and/or Struc-
facets on either side of the original bound- tural Heterogeneity A grain boundary it-
ary. Figure 1 illustrates a cross-sectional self or an adjacent region may corrode at
slice through a polycrystalline material that a higher rate than the grain interior as
has undergone intergranular attack (IGA). a result of an enhanced thermodynamic
(IGC is referred to as preferential corro- and/or kinetic tendency for corrosion rela-
sion at or adjacent to grain boundaries tive to the grain matrix. IGC could occur in
of a metal or alloy. Intercrystalline corro- a material with a grain boundary composi-
sion has the same meaning. IGA is often tion or structure that produces differences
used to describes damage at grain bound- in the thermodynamic and/or kinetic prop-
aries caused by IGC.) Figure 2 illustrates a erties governing corrosion (see Chapter 1.2
plan view of an intergranular surface. This in Volume 4). In the preexisting active path
mode of corrosion occurs when either the IGC mechanism, the exposed grain bound-
kinetic rate and/or thermodynamic driving ary or adjacent material actively dissolves
force for corrosion is greater at, or adjacent in the electrolyte while grain interiors are
to grain boundaries compared to the grain passive. The most prevalent and techno-
interiors. The exposure of specific crys- logically significant forms of IGC occur
talline materials to certain environments when either a segregant is enriched at
can promote IGC. The requirements are the grain boundary, an actively corroding
a susceptible metallurgical condition (dis- precipitate phase forms at the boundary,
cussed below in the context of physical or a beneficial element normally in solid
metallurgy concepts) and a specific chemi- solution is depleted from the boundary re-
cal environment and set of electrochemical gion. The vast majority of IGC examples
conditions that, in conjunction, promote involve one of these cases. Thus compo-
the differences in corrosion dissolution sitional, structural, or compositional and
behavior required to obtain such local- structural heterogeneity can promote IGC.
ized corrosive attack. Theoretically, IGC The electrochemical frameworks for IGC
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 345

Fig. 1 Cross-sectional view of intergranular corrosion in a ‘‘sensitized’’ austenitic

stainless steel alloy exposed to boiling H2 SO4 + FeCl3 . Note that corrosion preferentially
occurs along the grain boundaries. (From Corrosion of Stainless Steels A. John Sedriks,
copyright  John Wiley & Sons. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

Fig. 2 Plan view of intergranular corrosion in a peak-aged Al-5.4% Cu-0.5%

Mg-0.5% Ag (wt. %) alloy. Note that corrosion has occurred preferentially
along the grain boundaries. (Micrograph provided by D. A. Little, University
of Virginia.)

based on these situations are depicted in zone dissolves at a higher rate, some
Figs. 3 and 4. In the scenario depicted IGA would be observed arising from the
by Fig. 3, the grain boundary and the grain difference in dissolution rate. A variation
interiors both dissolve at a sufficiently high of this electrochemical framework involves
potential; but since the grain boundary the case in which the cathodic half-cell
346 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

GB zone

ba Grain matrix
log i



Eocp Eocp Eapp

Fig. 3 Electrochemical framework for intergranular corrosion
described by an Evans diagram depicting the anodic half-cell
reaction kinetics for the grain boundary zone and the grain
matrix. In this case, enhanced active dissolution occurs in both
the grain boundary region and in the matrix. At a fixed potential,
given by Eapp , the anodic dissolution rate is accelerated along the
grain boundary compared to the matrix.

reaction is also enhanced at the grain and solution pH (see Chapter 3.2 in Vol-
boundary either intrinsically or due to ume 4) [2, 5]. Greater than 10 to 13% Cr
segregated impurities. In this case, open is typically required to lower the Flade
circuit corrosion can be enhanced along or primary passive potential sufficiently
the grain boundary even if the anodic half- and reduce the critical current density
cell reaction rates on the grain boundary for passivity such that spontaneous pas-
material are identical to those of the ma- sivity is observed in practice (although,
trix. The situations described by Fig. 4(a, the classic austenitic stainless steel pop-
b) are given below. ular for over 70 years is based upon the
classic composition 18% Cr-8% Ni). (The Dissolution Path Defined by Dif- exact Cr content in solid solution required
ferences in Depassivation/Repassivation for passivity depends on the specific envi-
Properties of Metals with Protective Oxide ronment.) Therefore, chemically induced
Another form of IGC occurs when a mate- depassivation and subsequent corrosion
rial containing a passivating surface oxide may occur preferentially at grain bound-
film is depassivated (i.e. reactivated) or aries depleted in the average solid solution
has a difficult time repassivating locally Cr content when exposed to certain oxidiz-
at grain boundaries such as when ex- ing or reducing acids. Sometimes, IGA can
posed in either oxidizing or reducing acids. occur in a reducing acid such as H2 SO4
Examples of solid solution alloys exhibit- containing an oxidizing species that acts
ing this type of behavior include Fe-Cr as a ‘‘chemical potentiostat.’’ The oxidiz-
and Fe-Cr-Ni alloys with grain bound- ing agent accelerates the cathodic reaction
ary Cr depletion [2–4]. Both the primary rate and raises the global open circuit po-
passive and Flade potential of Fe-Cr al- tential of the stainless steel. In these cases,
loys are a strong function of Cr content the grain matrix containing a high Cr level
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 347

Action of IGC
dissolution Passivity

Fe-Cr-X alloys

log i
Grain matrix



Epp Epp
(a) [V]

of IGC

Passivity Zone of
matrix pitting
log i

GB zone


Ecrit Ecrit
(b) [V]
Fig. 4 Electrochemical frameworks for the intergranular
corrosion of alloys that exhibit uniform passivity prior to
sensitization in the environment given. Case (a) different
primary passive potentials and active dissolution regions for
the grain boundary and grain matrix such as is observed for
Fe-Cr and Fe-Ni-Cr alloys. IGC occurs over the potential range
at which the matrix is passive while the grain boundary is
active. Case (b) different critical potential for grain boundary
and matrix. The critical potentials have been shown to be
associated with pitting, repassivation, and/or transpassive

may remain passive while the Cr-depleted between the high potential associated with
grain boundary reactivates and corrodes the passivation of the Fe-rich gb and the
in the reducing acid. Hence, the poten- lower passivation potential of the Fe-Cr
tial range at which IGC is possible resides alloy matrix. The Fe-rich grain boundary
348 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

corrodes under active dissolution while the different crystallographic orientation but
grain interior is passive. The electrochem- possessing the same crystal structure and
ical framework describing this type of IGC composition. Homophase interfaces can
is shown in Fig. 4(a). Clearly, absence of have lower surface energies than other
a Cr compositional gradient at the bound- surfaces, as well as different local nanos-
ary eliminates a zone that is susceptible tructure and nanochemistry, compared to
to IGC. Such phenomena may occur in grain interiors. Such differences can estab-
sensitized stainless steels when exposed lish a preferred IGC path. IGC is usually
in reducing acids possibly containing an attributed to the following causes related
oxidizer or in environments in which an to such homophase interfaces [7]:
occluded cell enables formation of a reduc-
ing acid at a local site as discussed below. 1. Solute enrichment due to equilibrium
Moreover, mechanically induced depassi- segregation.
vation in less aggressive solutions, even 2. Solute enrichment or depletion due to
high purity water, can lead to IGC and nonequilibrium segregation effects.
IGSCC along Cr-depleted grain bound- 3. Solute depletion due to slow volume dif-
aries. In this case, the region along the fusion coupled with fast grain boundary
boundary that is depleted in Cr exhibits diffusion and heterogeneous precipita-
higher bare surface dissolution rates and tion of phases.
slower repassivation rates compared to Fe- 4. Preferential precipitation of detrimen-
Ni-Cr alloys containing a greater amount tal phases at homophase interfaces by
of Cr in solid solution [6]. Note, however, heterogeneous nucleation.
that this scenario is not always the case.
Extremely oxidizing environments such as Note that the strain energy alone associ-
concentrated nitric acid and oxalic acid ated with homophase interfaces (i.e., grain
tests at 1 A cm−2 detect carbide, sigma, boundaries) in high-purity metals does not
and nitride phases instead of Cr depletion. appear to contribute greatly to the corro-
This issue will be discussed below. sion susceptibility of boundaries beyond
The last electrochemical framework some grain boundary grooving [8]. Hence,
for IGC also involves passive materials. the most technologically significant causes
IGC can occur when grain boundaries of IGC are listed above. However, other
develop lower critical potentials associated mechanisms can exist. Single-phase alloys
with pitting or transpassivity. Pitting consisting of substitutional solid solutions
or transpassive dissolution then occurs may experience enhanced IGC susceptibil-
preferentially along grain boundaries in ity in certain environments, usually associ-
solutions in which oxidizing conditions ated with dealloying of one of the elements
exist. This situation is shown in Fig. 4(b). in solid solution. Strain energy associated
with substitutional solid solutions may ex-
plain this form of susceptibility.
Critical Factors in Intergranular Corrosion Role of Grain Boundary Struc- Metallurgical Factors ture and Interface Energy at Homophase
Grain boundaries in single-phase ma- and Heterophase Interfaces Differences
terials, defined as homophase inter- in structure and energy result from
faces, are regions separating grains of the creation of a solid-state interface
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 349

even in high-purity metals. Homophase each grain were coincident with a certain
interface energy was first described by fraction of atom positions in the adjacent
nearest-neighbor broken bond models [9], grain [24]. For instance, in Fig. 5, 1/5 of the
later by dislocations [10], and recently by atoms in grain A are coincident with grain
atomic simulation [11]. Given the five B. The boundary illustrated is a tilt bound-
macroscopic and three microscopic de- ary in a simple cubic type Bravais lattice
grees of freedom of homophase bound- with a 36.9◦ rotation of crystal A with
aries, their structure and energy can vary respect to crystal B about a 100 type di-
greatly [9]. The variation of grain bound- rection. A coincident site lattice is defined as
ary misorientation, interface energy, and the reciprocal of the density of coincident
structure have long been known to be sites that would be common to both lattices
significant factors affecting grain bound- after the rotation. For example,  = 5 in
ary segregation [12], fracture [13], bound- Fig. 5. One explanation for reduced IGC
ary creep-cavitation [14] and sliding [15], of certain boundaries is that dissolution
liquid metal embrittlement [16], intergran- of atoms shared by both lattices on either
ular corrosion [17–19], and stress cor- side of the boundary is more difficult than
rosion [20]. Several studies indicate that those atoms ‘‘dangling’’ with fewer nearest
coincident site lattice (CSL) boundaries neighbors that can participate in bonding.
are extremely resistant to these phenom- One proposal for IGC is related to crys-
ena [19, 20] and that a material could tallographic etch pit formation at grain
be rendered more resistant by creat- boundaries. According to this theory,
ing a network of these special resistant grain boundary susceptibility is related to
boundaries [21–23]. Kronberg and Wilson the crystallographic facet exposed on the
demonstrated that certain grain bound- boundary and the different rates of disso-
aries could be formed in which atoms in lution of such facets. Bicrystal studies as

y' y

36.9° Boundary



Fig. 5 A coincident site boundary based on a 36.9 tilt about 100 in a simple cubic lattice.
One of every five lattice sites is coincident to both boundaries,  −1 = 1/5 or  = 5. (Ref. [25],
from Physical Metallurgy Principles, 3rd edition by Reed-Hill/Abbaschian,  1992. Reprinted
with permission of Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning:,
Fax 800 730-2215.)
350 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

a function of tilt and twist angle of cross- IGC through a mechanism related to
boundary misorientation consistently in- the grain boundary structure. In the
dicate a strong relationship between IGC case of homogeneous solid solutions
as well as IGSCC susceptibility and mis- that are not aged, a fundamental
orientation angle with deep minima in weakening of grain boundaries can occur
susceptibility at certain ‘‘special’’ angles through alloying to form substitutional
that have a high degree of coincidence solid solutions. Systems such as Cu-
including very low tilt angles below 15 Au, Ni-Pd, and Ag-Au are homogeneous
to 20 degrees [17, 19, 20] as shown in solid solutions that exhibit IGC in
Fig. 6. Some studies find a correlation certain solutions [26–29]. Here, the Au
between grain boundary energy, intergran- or Pd solute are thermodynamically
ular corrosion [19], as well as IGSCC [20] stable against oxidation in the aggressive
properties. However, such relationships oxidizing solutions (e.g. FeCl3 ). The
are not always observed and, consequently, alloyed Cu or Ni actively dissolves
variation in grain boundary energy with a preferentially (i.e. by dealloying) (see
misorientation angle cannot be used alone Chapter 2.3 in Volume 4). This type of
to forecast all the grain boundary proper- IGC can be interpreted to occur by
ties necessary to predict IGC or IGSCC. dealloying that occurs at higher rates
Unfortunately, there is currently no quan- along grain boundaries. One theory is that
titative model that can predict precisely incorporation of a substitutional alloying
how segregation, IGC or IGSCC, varies element of different atomic size than
with boundary structure. the solvent element introduces strain
Certain homogeneous single-phase, energy. This strain energy is more easily
solid solution alloys are found to undergo accommodated along boundaries by the
Relative values of depth, width, and energy

0 Fig. 6 Relationship between

intergranular corrosion depth (•), width
(◦), and grain boundary energy
( – – – ) and misorientation angle for
symmetric [110] tilt boundary in a Cu-9
0 60 120 180 at. % Al alloy. Deep minima are
observed at specific angles such as
Misorientation q 38.9◦  = 9 (221) associated with
[degrees] certain CSL relations [19].
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 351

incorporation of dislocations. Elastic strain Recall that grain boundaries are sinks
energy associated with dislocations or in which impurities or solute might be-
preferential dissolution of grain facets come concentrated. The thermodynamic
with certain crystallographic orientations description of equilibrium segregation in-
drives preferential corrosion at grain volves redistribution of alloyed solute such
boundaries. Moreover, alloying additions that the total free energy of the system is
can have a secondary role of altering minimized. For a two-component system
stacking fault energy (A lower stacking such as a binary alloy, if one considers a
fault energy can create larger regions dilute solution of component B dissolved
between partial dislocations that have the as solute in solvent A, the surface excess
effect of hindering cross slip. In turn, of B at surfaces per unit area, B , is given
coplanar slip prevails because dislocations by [7, 9]
cannot cross slip.) to enhance coplanar  
1 ∂γ
slip, which enlarges slip step size at B = − (1)
boundaries. Consequently, dissolution can RT ∂ ln XB
be enhanced at grain boundaries despite Where γ is the boundary energy per unit
a substitutional solid solution alloy that is area, XB is the mole fraction of the so-
globally homogeneous in composition. lute component B, R is the universal gas
constant, and T is temperature. (The for- Role of Local Composition Chan- mal definition of the Gibbs Adsorption
ges and Impurity Segregation The chem- Isotherm is dγ = −i i dµi , where µi is
ical character of IGC-susceptible grain the chemical potential of the component, i,
boundaries often differs as a result of in the solid solution. The expression listed
segregation of detrimental impurities to in Eq. (2) is a simplification for a dilute, 2
boundaries or depletion of beneficial ele- component, ideal solid solution at constant
ments during precipitation and growth of a temperature and pressure.) The signifi-
second phase. Such segregation often fur- cance of this equation is that segregation
ther lowers the energy of the interface [9]. of B occurs on boundaries in A when
Alternatively, segregation of foreign im- such solute accumulation decreases the
purity atoms may change the corrosion surface energy of the boundary. Stated an-
properties of grain boundaries (e.g. sulfur, other way, when surface energy decreases
phosphorus, etc.). Detrimental impurities with increasing XB , then the boundary
atoms (e.g. S, P in Fe, Pb, Sn in Fe, Bi in excess, B , is positive. Conversely B is
Cu, S in Ni, Mg in Al, etc.) are often dis- negative when surface energy increases
solved in dilute solid solution within many with increasing solute enrichment. Conse-
engineering alloys [30]. The impurity atom quently, grain boundary segregation would
may become enriched at grain boundaries not be expected in the latter case. A num-
(i.e. segregated and/or ‘‘trapped’’) with en- ber of different surface energy isotherms
richment factors >10 000, subject to the have been measured experimentally. It has
equilibrium or nonequilibrium thermody- been suggested that if ∂γ /(∂ ln XB ) is plot-
namic processes governing the concentra- ted as a function of the logarithm of the
tion of solute at such an interface [30]. solid solubility limit of the solute for differ-
It is instructive at this point to review the ent binary alloys, a view of whether solute
equilibrium or nonequilibrium thermody- B promotes equilibrium surface and/or
namics governing interface segregation. boundary segregation can be obtained as
352 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

dFe O
Cu S
Log surface activity

5 Cu Bi
[mJ m−2 × −1]

Ni B Fe B
4 Cu Sb
dFe P
dFe N gFe P
3 Ag O
gFe Mn
gFe Cr
2 dFe Si gFe Si
gFe Ni
1 Cu Au

2 1 0 −1 −2 −3
Log atomic solid solubility
Fig. 7 Variation in surface activity for binary alloys versus log of atomic solubility.
The solvent element is bold and italicized for each alloy. (Ref. [31], reprinted with
permission from TMS The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.)

shown in Fig. 7 [31]. This plot indicates of the solvent and solute because this
that a characteristic of high surface ac- parameter provides a rough estimation
tivity is low solid solubility regardless of of the difference in surface energies.
the exact alloy [9]. However, knowledge of Segregation is favored if enrichment of
∂γ /(∂ ln XB ) is often not available. the solute lowers the surface energy, that
For dilute binary alloys involving a is, if the solute has a lower molar surface
dilute solid solution of solute B in solvent energy than the solvent. Another aspect of
A, surface segregation XS is given in these estimations is related to the relief
terms of XB and the free energy of of elastic strain energy brought about
segregation per mole of solute, GS in a by segregation. The source of the strain
Langmuir–McClean type expression [32]. originates from the atomic size difference
  between solute and solvent. In summary,
= exp (2) solute with large positive lattice misfits that
1 − XS 1 − XB RT
do not prefer to mix with the solvent (e.g.,
Surface enrichment occurs when GS is high heat of mixing) and that have weak
less than zero. This expression indicates bond strengths segregate more readily
that XS increases as GS becomes to surfaces.
increasingly negative, increases with XB , The equilibrium segregation tendencies
and decreases as temperature is increased. of grain boundaries, expressed in terms
It is common to report enrichment ratios of Xgb , are very similar and contain the
expressed as βS = XS /XB . same basic features discussed above. A
Seah [33] and Miedema [34] have both similar equation predicts segregation in
reported means to estimate GS . A terms of the bulk solid solubility of solute
major factor determining GS in the component B and a term representing the
case of a dilute solid solution is the free energy difference between a solute in
difference in the heats of sublimation solution versus solute that is segregated to
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 353

a boundary [32, 35]. concentrations that are 1000 to 10 000

  times XB . Hence, small overall concen-
Xgb XB −G trations of impurities that promote IGC
= exp (3)
1 − Xgb XBsat RT may be considerably enriched at bound-
aries. The relation between enrichment
Here XBsat is the maximum solubility ratio, βb = Xgb /XB , and solid solubility,
of solute B. It is interesting to note XBsat , is depicted in Fig. 8.
that as the equilibrium solubility of B True equilibrium segregation would not
decreases, grain boundary enrichment be expected to extend beyond the effective
often increases leading to grain boundary thickness of the grain boundary itself. In



Xb 1
bb = ×
X c X c0

Grain boundary enrichment ratio, b b




Ni-B 12 Cr
2¼ Cr steel-P
AISI 3340-Sb
103 Cu-Sb

aFe-Sn gFe-P

2 dFe-Sn
10 gFe-Cr
C-Mn steel-Sb


gFe-Ni dFe-Si
Cu-Au aFe-Si

1 0.1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5
Atomic solid solubility, Xc0

Fig. 8 Correlation between measured grain boundary enrichment ratio,

βb = Xgb /XBsat , with maximum solute solubility, XBsat , of solute B. The first
element listed is the solvent in each alloy. (Ref. [30], reprinted with
permission from The American Society for Metals – ASM International.)
354 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

fact, the original thermodynamic deriva- In the former case, the steady state solute
tion of the Gibbs Adsorption Isotherm gradient is related to the steady state
involves a boundary phase of zero vol- vacancy gradient modified by a term that is
ume. However, segregation often ex- based on the differences in volume diffu-
ists over a longer distance from the sivities of solute B, DB , and solvent A, DA .
grain boundary. Nonequilibrium segrega-  
∂ ln CB ∂ ln CV DB − DA
tion results from flow of excess vacancies = (4)
∂x ∂x DB
to or from boundaries. Such bound-
aries serve as vacancy sinks that can Here, CB is the solute concentration, CV
accommodate nonequilibrium vacancy is the vacancy concentration, and x is a
concentrations [36]. This flow, resulting perpendicular distance to a boundary. The
from nonequilibrium concentrations of vacancy concentration gradient at the grain
vacancies, can produce either solute en- boundary, as shown in Fig. 9, will depend
richment or depletion at boundaries [7]. upon both the solutionizing temperature
Such segregation or depletion could oc- responsible for high-vacancy concentra-
cur during cooling, heating, mechanical tions and the severity of quench, which
deformation, irradiation, and so on [7]. acts to freeze in the nonequilibrium va-
The basis for such segregation is va- cancy concentration. As the quench rate
cancy–solute coupled transport by two decreases, the vacancy concentration gra-
means [37, 38]: dient will decrease as well, as shown in
Fig. 9. Note that when DB > DA , the gradi-
1. Reverse atom flow in response to va- ent in solute B will be in the same direction
cancy flow (for substitutional impuri- as the vacancy gradient. However, when
ties). DA > DB segregation of B will occur at the
2. The dragging of solute atoms by vacancy sink such as a grain boundary [7].
vacancies (applicable for interstitial or The second type of nonequilibrium seg-
substitutional impurities). regation occurs when solute is bound to

High Vacancy

Fig. 9 Schematic view of high, medium, and low excess vacancy concentrations
as a function of distance from a grain boundary serving as a vacancy sink. The
equilibrium vacancy concentration at the given temperature is given by the dotted
line. (Ref. [25], from Physical Metallurgy Principles, 3rd edition by
Reed-Hill/Abbaschian,  1992. Reprinted with permission of Brooks/Cole, a
division of Thomson Learning:, Fax 800 730-2215.)
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 355

vacancies with a binding energy greater coverage [39]. High levels of sulfur and
than kT and excess vacancies exist. Dif- other elements at the grain boundaries of
fusion and annihilation of vacancies at nickel will have a significant effect on grain
boundaries will result in drag transport of boundary dissolution since sulfur poisons
the solute to the same vacancy sink [38]. In surface sites, reduces metal–metal bond
dilute solid solutions in which the concen- strengths such that the activation energy
trations of solute and vacancies are equal, barrier for cation release is reduced, and
the two types of gradients are equal. prevents oxygen adsorption, limiting pas-
sivity [39]. The result is that grain interiors
∇CB = ∇CV (5) remain passive while the grain bound-
Both of these segregation phenomena can ary can exhibit active–passive behavior
contribute to solute segregation that occurs on E-log i diagrams. Consequently, in-
over a longer distance from the boundary tergranular dissolution can occur when
than expected from pure equilibrium con- sulfur is segregated to nickel boundaries.
siderations. Indeed, many measured seg- The extent of dissolution is related to
regation solute profiles near boundaries the S coverage (anodic segregation dur-
extend into grains at a greater distance ing corrosion is another means by which
than expected from equilibrium vacancy sulfur may be concentrated at metal sur-
consideration. If such segregation affects faces); a longer segregating heat treatment
corrosion tendencies, then IGC can occur. will produce more grain boundaries that
Segregation tendencies also depend in corrode. Since adsorbed sulfur is highly
a complex manner on boundary struc- stable, it remains adsorbed during disso-
ture and energy. Since segregation is lution and a fraction of a monolayer of
site-specific, it follows that segregation sulfur can contribute to considerable dis-
will depend on orientation, although ex- solution occurring over micrometers [40].
pressions are lacking [9]. The impact of Other corrosion processes have been pro-
interfacial segregation on materials prop- posed for P, S, and C segregation in Fe,
erties is significant; it influences grain as well as for Mg segregation on grain
boundary diffusion, grain growth, creep by boundaries in Al. These are discussed in
interface cavitation, and precipitate ripen- the following text.
ing kinetics as well as IGC and cracking.
In the case of IGA by electrochemical Role(s) of Boundary Precipitate
dissolution, the segregant may depassivate Formation and Solute Depletion Many ex-
the grain boundary region by disrupting amples of depletion of beneficial elements
the formation of protective oxide films. from the matrix adjacent to grain bound-
Two critical aspects of the IGC phe- aries exist as well. Here, the large, rapidly
nomena are (1) the monolayer coverage grown precipitate formed at grain bound-
of the segregant at the planar bound- aries depletes the region adjacent to the
ary in question, and (2) the degree to grain boundary of alloying elements that
which a given segregant monolayer cov- can be beneficial to corrosion. Numer-
erage alters resistance to corrosion (i.e. ous phenomena result from elemental
its potency). For instance, sulfur locally depletion near grain boundaries including
depassivates nickel (i.e. disrupts the pro- precipitate free zone (PFZ) development,
tective oxide film) and raises the active IGC, and IGSCC. Precipitation of a grain
dissolution rate in acids depending on its boundary phase that is prone to corrosion
356 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

is another process that can render a grain depletion next to a growing precipitate
boundary prone to IGC. in the case of one-dimensional transport.
Let us review the metallurgical processes The metallurgical basis for solute deple-
controlling this phenomenon. Common tion around a precipitate phase can be
features include heterogeneous precip- described as follows [25, 41]. Consider a
itation at grain boundaries and redis- binary alloy of overall composition, CBo ,
tribution of the solute participating in with a terminal solid solution representing
the precipitation reaction. Two important finite solubility of component B in the A-
factors are the alloying concentration of rich α phase as indicated by the solvus
the solute forming the detrimental pre- composition, Cs . Consider that this room-
cipitate, and the conditions that promote temperature two-phase alloy can exist as
heterogeneous nucleation on boundaries. an α solid solution at high temperature
A simple example that conveys the notion but forms β phase precipitates in an α ma-
of such a phenomenon involves solute trix as temperature is lowered. Figure 10(a)


region a
Te Te

a+b b
Cs two phase CB
region ass a+b

a o
(a) %B (b) log t

Precipitate b

o ∞

0 x 0 x
(c) Distance (d) Distance
Fig. 10 Thermodynamic and kinetic basis for CBo .(c) Schematic of precipitate location relative
solute depletion in the case of a binary alloy to concentration profile. (d) Concentration
consisting of solvent A and solute B. (a) Binary profile for solute B in the α matrix in the case of
equilibrium phase diagram with complete diffusion-controlled growth of the β phase
miscibility in the liquid state, partial miscibility in precipitate. The situation shown is observed
the solid state given by existence of a terminal when local equilibrium is attained in the matrix
solid solution. Cs is the composition along the at the surface of the β precipitate. CB∞ is the
solvus line. CBo is the overall composition of the nonequilibrium α phase composition far from
alloy. (b) Time–temperature-transformation the precipitate. It is equal to the overall
diagram for precipitation of β in an α matrix for composition CBo . CBα is the alloy composition in
the alloy shown in (a) with overall composition, equilibrium with the β phase precipitate.
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 357

illustrates the applicable region of the grain boundaries as depicted in Fig. 10(d).
binary equilibrium phase diagram that This situation requires heterogeneous nu-
describes this situation. Figure 10(b) illus- cleation of the β phase on α grain bound-
trates the applicable time–temperature- aries. Preferred locations of heterogeneous
transformation (TTT) diagram. Suppose precipitation include grain boundaries,
that a solution heat-treated alloy of over- impurity particles, and dislocations [25].
all composition CBo is rapidly cooled below The standard metallurgical factors that
Te to T1 . The concentration of B in the normally promote heterogeneous precip-
newly formed β phase precipitates is CB , itation (e.g. high heat-treatment tempera-
which is assumed to be higher than that tures, slow continuous cooling, lack of nu-
in the matrix. If the time for B atoms cleation promoters or other heterogeneous
to cross the interface from the α to the nucleation sites besides the boundaries
β phase is short compared to the time themselves) will promote grain boundary
required for B atoms to diffuse to the in- precipitation. If the surface energy and lat-
terface, then the concentration of B in the tice strain between the precipitated phase
α matrix will be lowered until it equals and the heterogeneous nucleation site are
the equilibrium concentration defined by lower than between the new phase and
the phase diagram, CBα , in the α phase the homogeneous matrix of the parent
adjacent to the β phase precipitate [41]. phase, then the critical free energy of
However, moving away from the bound- heterogeneous nucleation and the critical
ary, the concentration of B in the α matrix nucleus will be small in comparison to
equals CBo or CB∞ , especially for finite heat- that for homogeneous nucleation. Stated
treatment times. This is assumed to be another way, at temperatures just below
the matrix concentration before precipita- the solvus associated with precipitation of
tion in the case in which the alloy was the second phase, the rate of homoge-
just solution heat-treated. Hence, forma- neous nucleation is very small because
tion of the β phase precipitate produces the critical free energy of homogeneous
a local depletion of alloying element B nucleation is very large. Not only is the
from the α solid solution near the β phase critical free energy of heterogeneous nu-
precipitate as shown in Fig. 10(c, d). The cleation smaller at such high temperatures
concentration profile shown in Fig. 10(d) but also the rate of the heterogeneous
will exist under circumstances in which precipitation process is greater because dif-
the β phase is precipitated from α under fusion of solute B to form the precipitate
diffusion control and final equilibrium is is faster at high temperature. Consider
not attained. Solutionizing above Te , heat precipitation of the β phase from a α
treatment for a short time at T1 followed solid solution that exists above a certain
by rapid cooling to room temperature ef- equilibrium temperature, Te . The TTT dia-
fectively freezes in the concentration CB∞ gram for such a heterogeneous nucleation
far from precipitates (i.e., the equilibrium process will differ from that for homo-
concentration CBα is not attained uniformly geneous nucleation depicted in Fig. 10(b).
across the matrix). Figure 11 illustrates the important TTT
IGC susceptibility is created when such aspects of this process in case of homoge-
solute depletion adjacent to a β phase, neous versus heterogeneous nucleation.
formed along α grain boundaries, occurs Figure 12 depicts resulting microstruc-
more or less continuously adjacent to α tures during various cooling sequences.
358 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Stable a Fig. 11 Schematic of

Solid solution diagram for alloy indicated in Fig. 10
indicating regions of both
heterogeneous and homogeneous
Heterogeneous a + bgb precipitation of the β phase in a
α matrix.

Homogeneous a + bmatrix

log t

b precipitate Fig. 12 Schematic microstructures in

the case of (a) completely
a Very slow heterogeneous nucleation; (b) mixed
a cooling, few
a sites nucleation with a precipitate free zone
a (PFZ); and (c) homogeneous
a nucleation. β phase precipitates in α
a matrix are indicated.
drop in temperature below the equilib-
(a) b precipitate rium temperature achieved with a rapid
cooling rate or quench. Heterogeneous
Homogeneous nucleation and growth of precipitates
during fast at boundaries normally occur at higher
cooling rates, lead to larger precipitates, and thus,
greater solute-depleted zones adjacent to
boundaries for slow diffusing elements
(Fig. 12b). Therefore, heterogeneous nu-
cleation and growth of grain boundary
precipitates must be avoided if IGA by
grain boundary precipitation and solute
depletion is to be minimized. Ideal ho-
mogeneous precipitation is shown in
Fig. 12(c).
The TTT behavior governing precip-
(c) itation of the second phase precipi-
tate in the supersaturated solid solu-
Heterogeneous nucleation is promoted by tion is an approximate indicator of
small undercoolings below Te , known as the time–temperature-corrosion diagram.
the solvus temperature in the case of a α Such a diagram is illustrated by Fig. 13
solid solution decomposing to α and β pre- for an Al-Cu-Mg alloy [42], Plastic defor-
cipitates. Figure 12(a) depicts completely mation prior to precipitation, low aging
heterogeneous nucleation. Heterogeneous temperatures, and nucleation promoters
nucleation can be suppressed by a large that promote nucleation but retard growth
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 359



Predominantly intergranular


2024-T4 corrosion 300
500 pitting

400 200

10−1 1 101 102 103
Critical time
Fig. 13 Time–temperature-sensitization curve for Al-3.8 to 4.9% Cu-1.2 to 1.8% Mg
alloy (AA 2024-T3) illustrating regions of pitting and IGC corrosion in terms of
isothermal heat-treatment time and temperature. (Ref. [43], reprinted with permission
from ASM International.)

are all measures that can be taken to at grain boundaries and considers grain
minimize heterogeneous nucleation on boundary transport as well as bulk dif-
grain boundaries. fusion [44]. Once again solute in the
A more sophisticated and appropri- matrix diffuses to the solute rich pre-
ate description of the depletion of a cipitate. The key advancement over the
beneficial alloying element when precip- solute-depletion mechanism described by
itates are formed on grain boundaries is Zener is the recognition that solute trans-
described by the ‘‘collector-plate’’ mecha- port is faster along the grain boundary
nism and other more advanced treatments. than in the grain matrix. If precipitate
This mechanism describes heterogeneous formation is diffusion controlled and pre-
precipitation of a second-phase precipitate cipitates are heterogeneously nucleated on


b boundary

Fig. 14 Grain boundary precipitate growth showing solute

transport path during precipitate growth according to the
collector-plate mechanism. Solute B is transported to the α –α
grain boundary and then along the boundary to form the β
precipitate. Diffusion-controlled precipitate growth results in
solute depletion from the α phase along the homophase
boundary due to fast boundary transport [44].
360 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

boundaries as shown in Fig. 14, then the by ξ :

solute concentration along the boundary ξ = 1 − exp(kτ ) (7)
can rapidly drop from the overall composi-
tion CBo to CBα along the boundary even for Quench factor analysis has successfully
widely spaced β precipitates. predicted the IGC characteristics of AA
During many commercial procedures, 2024-T4 [43].
a concern exists for heterogeneous An example of elemental depletion that
nucleation and precipitation during promotes IGC and stress corrosion is
continuous cooling. Quench factor grain boundary Cu depletion in Al-Cu,
analysis has been developed to use Al-Cu-Mg, and Al-Cu-Li alloys (see below).
the entire time–temperature-sensitization Beneficial Cu is depleted from the Al-rich
curve [43]. The quench factor, τ , is given by matrix near the grain boundaries and
 collected at θ-Al2 Cu, S-Al2 CuMg, and T1 -
τ = (6) Al2 CuLi precipitate phases, respectively.
Ct This is discussed further below under the
where t is time and Ct is the critical sections referring to Al-base alloys.
time as a function of temperature Another example involves grain bound-
(Fig. 15). When τ equals 1, the ary Cr depletion (commonly referred to as
fraction transformed during continuous sensitization) in Fe-Ni-Cr alloys contain-
cooling equals the fraction transformed ing interstitially dissolved carbon [45, 46].
given by the loci of critical times Here, Cr depletion occurs upon the for-
on the time–temperature-transformation mation of Cr23 C6 and other carbides [47].
or time–temperature-sensitization curve. Carbide formation occurs profusely on
The fraction transformed or the boundaries as a result of C segregation,
corresponding extent of IGC is indicated heterogeneous carbide nucleation, and fast

Quench curve C -curve

T1 (T 1 + T 2 ) / 2
(T 2 + T 3 ) / 2


(TF−1 + TF ) / 2
TF ∆t 1
∆t 2 ∆t F−1
t1 t2 t3 t F−1 t F C2 C 1 C F−1
Elapsed time Critical time
∆t 1 ∆t 2 ∆t F−1
τ= + +...+
C1 C2 C F−1

Fig. 15 Graphical illustration of method for determination of τ in quench factor analysis. Cn is

the critical time to achieve a fraction transformed at a certain temperature indicated by the
time–temperature-transformation curve. (Ref. [43], reprinted with permission from ASM
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 361

transport of carbon along boundaries to formation. Depletion of excess solute can

support carbide growth. A common fea- also occur in the zone near a grain
ture in all of these systems is the depletion boundary. Solute depletion occurs near
of an alloying element that is beneficial a boundary as a result of heterogeneous
for corrosion resistance when retained in nucleation of a new phase incorporating
solid solution (e.g. Cr in Fe-base alloys, or the solute on boundaries and associated
Cu in Al-base alloys). solute depletion. When the solute concen-
A third example of grain boundary tration drops substantially in this zone,
precipitation that may trigger IGC involves homogeneous precipitation becomes im-
formation of a grain boundary precipitate possible as indicated in Figure 16. PFZs
phase, which itself corrodes more readily are an important factor affecting the
than the solid solution matrix. Some IGC susceptibility of homophase inter-
carbides are preferentially attacked in faces because the resultant changes in
sensitized stainless steels. Al-Mg alloys alloy composition and precipitate density
serve as an excellent example of this type of within the PFZ can affect microgalvanic
intergranular corrosion-prone alloy. Here coupling, local anode-cathode ratios, and
precipitation of the Al8 Mg5 phase along thus the corrosion behavior of these re-
grain boundaries can render the alloy gions. Concomitant solute redistribution,
prone to IGC. A final example is T1 - precipitate identity, density, and the rel-
Al2 CuLi precipitate phases precipitation ative distribution of solute atoms in the
along subgrain boundaries in Al-Li-Cu PFZ can change corrosion properties. A
alloys. The most severe IGC is observed more complicated effect may be related to
when a continuous connected path of differences between the character of the
these precipitates is formed along a large plastic deformation in the PFZ compared
number of grain boundaries. to grain interiors. Role(s) of Precipitate Free Zones Environmental Factors

PFZs may form adjacent to grain bound-
aries in many materials. PFZs are caused Bulk Chemistry and Solution
by the role of grain boundaries as a Composition The bulk chemical com-
sink for annihilation of supersaturated position, oxidizing power, reducing acid
concentrations of vacancies (Fig. 9), or by strength as well as temperature of the
segregation or precipitation of the super- test solution are important factors that de-
saturated solute that depletes the zone termine whether IGC occurs. Aggressive
near the grain boundary of solute [48]. test environments have been devised so
Vacancy-depletion profiles can exist even that a metallurgical condition that leads
if the solute concentration profile remains to IGC susceptibility can be elucidated
constant. Vacancy-depletion profiles oc- by direct evidence of boundary attack in
cur in the region adjacent to boundaries a short-term lab test. These environments
as supersaturated vacancies migrate to promote differences in the electrochemical
grain boundaries where such excess vacan- behavior of the boundary region com-
cies are annihilated. Depletion of excess pared to the grain interiors as shown
vacancies affects the transport of sub- in the electrochemical frameworks de-
stitutional solute atoms that participate picted in Figs. 3 and 4. In the case of
in precipitation and can lead to PFZ stainless steels, a range of industry IGC
362 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Solute concentration



Distance from
grain boundary
Fig. 16 Solute-depletion profile across a grain boundary indicating the
solute-depletion mechanism of PFZ formation. Solute concentrations below the
dotted line associated with the critical supersaturation needed for precipitation
prohibit precipitate formation. (Ref. [41], from Physical Metallurgy Principles, 3rd
edition by Reed-Hill/Abbaschian,  1992. Reprinted with permission of
Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning:,
Fax 800 730-2215.)

test environments have been developed involves an overetch at 1 A cm−2 for

(see Table 1) and methods to detect IGC 1.5 min. The test specimen develops an
susceptibility have been standardized [49, anodic potential near 1.7 VSCE , which at-
50]. Streicher has extensively reviewed tacks carbides to produce a ditch or dual
IGC test environments and techniques structure. Grain-to-grain variations in the
for stainless steels [51]. These can detect etch rate resulting from the variation of
metallurgical conditions leading to IGC crystallographic orientation can produce
susceptibility by etch classification (oxalic a step structure without grain bound-
acid), mass loss (nitric acid, ferric and ary susceptibility. Caution is warranted
copper sulfate with sulfuric acid), and in the interpretation of such data since
by observation of fissures in bends (cop- grain boundary carbides may still exist
per sulfate in sulfuric acid with metallic in the presence of ‘‘healed’’ grain bound-
Cu) [51]. Some of these test environments aries at which Cr-depletion profiles have
promote IGC when Cr depletion exists, been eliminated.
while others are so oxidizing (e.g., in the In the case of other alloys, such as Al-
nitric acid test, the stainless steel speci- base precipitation age-hardened materials,
men is polarized to +1 VSCE by oxidizing a range of environments have also been
nitric acid; in the ferric sulfate-sulfuric proposed (see Table 2) and test methods
acid test, the specimen is polarized to standardized [52, 53]. The NaCl-H2 O2 en-
0.6 VSCE through the oxidizing power of vironment probably induces widespread
the ferric ions) that they attack grain pitting. In this case, the local chemistry
boundary Cr carbides, nitrides, or other and electrochemical conditions that de-
intermetallic phases such as sigma. In velop in the pit environment then induce
fact, the 10% oxalic acid test, often used IGC of exposed grain boundaries within
as a rapid initial screening test for IGA, the pit.
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 363

Tab. 1 Standard intergranular corrosion tests for austenitic stainless steels (after Ref. [50, 51])

ASTM standard Environment Exposure time Evaluation Phase or

[ISO standard] region
(common name) attacked

A 393/A763 ISO 15.7% H2 SO4 5.7% Several 72-h Appearance after Cr-depleted areas
3651 (Strauss) CuSO4 boiling periods with bending at carbides
fresh solution for
A 262 practice A 10% H2 SO4 , One 1.5-min period Type of attack Cr-depleted areas
(oxalic acid) anodic at at carbides
1 A cm−2 ,
ambient temp.
A 262 practice B 50% H2 SO4 + One 120-h period Wt. loss per unit Cr-depleted areas
2.5% Fe2 (SO4 )3 area at carbides and
sigma phase
A 262 practice C 65% HNO3 boiling Five 48-h periods Average wt. loss Cr-depleted areas
(Huey) with fresh per unit area at carbides and
solution for each sigma phase
A 262 practice D 10% HNO3 + 3% Two 2-h periods Wt. loss per unit Cr-depleted areas
HF, 70 ◦ C with fresh area at carbides and
solution for each in Mo-bearings
A 262 practice E 15.7% H2 SO4 5.7% One 24-h period Appearance after Cr-depleted areas
(copper CuSO4 boiling, bending at carbides
accelerated specimen not in
Strauss) contact with Cu
A 262 practice 50% H2 SO4 + One 120-h period Wt. loss per unit Cr-depleted areas
E/A 763 CuSO4 boiling, area at carbides
(Streicher) solid Cu in
specimen not in
contact with Cu

Note: ISO standard 3651 covers other variations on the tests listed above. Local Chemistry and Solution many Al-Cu-X alloys, corrosion from a
Composition In certain cases, pitting in- planar electrode surface commences at
duces IGC. IGC susceptibility occurs be- constituent particles that induce micro-
cause of the creation of specific local galvanic coupling. Galvanic corrosion can
environments and associated electrochem- take the form of cathodic trenching due
ical conditions within and near pit sites as to enhanced cathodic activity or halide-
well as the need for a specific metallur- induced acid pitting adjacent to Cu-rich
gical condition that causes susceptibility. particles. Note that this initial corro-
Figure 17(a) illustrates inter-subgranular sion process occurs regardless of temper
corrosion inside a pit formed on an and IGC susceptibility because constituent
Al-Li-Cu-Ag alloy [54]. In the case of particles are not altered by artificial aging.
364 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

Tab. 2 Summary of the laboratory test method for detecting IGC susceptibility in a variety of alloys

Test Standard Materials Type of susceptibility


Strauss ASTM A262, Austenitic stainless Intergranular attack associated

Practice E steels with Cr carbides or nitrides
ASTM A763, Ferritic stainless steels Intergranular attack associated
Practice Z with Cr carbides or nitrides
Huey ASTM A262, Austenitic stainless Intergranular attack
Practice C steels associated with Cr carbides
and σ -phase
Streicher ASTM A262, Austenitic stainless Intergranular attack
Practice B steels associated with Cr carbides
ASTM A763, Ferritic stainless steels Intergranular attack associated
Practice X with Cr carbides, Cr nitrides,
and intermetallic phases
such as σ -phase
Copper–copper ASTM A262, Mo-containing cast Intergranular attack associated
sulfate-sulfuric Practice F austenitic stainless with Cr carbides or nitrides
acid steels
ASTM A763, Ferritic stainless steels Intergranular attack associated
Practice Y with Cr carbides or nitrides
Oxalic acid etch ASTM A262, Austenitic stainless Intergranular attack
Practice A steels associated with Cr carbides
ASTM A763, Ferritic stainless steels Intergranular attack
Practice W associated with Cr carbides
Hydrochloric acid None Austenitic stainless Preferential weld metal
steels corrosion due to δ-ferrite
Electrochemical ASTM G108 304 and 304L austenitic Intergranular attack
potentiokinetic stainless steels associated with Cr carbides
Galvanostatic None Carbon steels Preferential corrosion of weld
metal and of HAZ
Exfoliation ASTM G34 2XXX (Al-Cu-X) and Exfoliation corrosion
7XXX (Al-Zn-X)
series Al alloys
ASTM G66 5XXX (Al-Mg-X) series Exfoliation corrosion
Al alloys
NaCl + hydrogen ASTM G110 Intergranular corrosion of
peroxide heat-treatable Al alloys
immersion test

Note: HAZ: Heat-affected zone.

However, such corrosion transitions to occurs in specific tempers susceptible to

IGC and IsubGC when the corrosion IGC. Corrosion sites also serve to expose
damage reaches a critical depth is presum- many grain and/or subgrain boundaries,
ably associated with formation of a solution but this role is purely secondary since
chemistry that promotes IGA (Fig. 17b, any two-dimensional slice through a 3-D
17c) [55]. However, such a transition only volume of polycrystalline material will
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 365

already expose many grain boundaries. A compared to grain boundary regions.

third role of pits is to produce a geometry (Presumably, IGC rates must exceed ca-
that promotes stress concentration. How- thodic corrosion rates or pit growth rates
ever, this is more important in the context in order for IGA to develop.) In the chem-
of IGSCC. Therefore, the primary role of istry change model of localized corrosion
initial pitting or cathodic trenching in the (see Chapters 4.1 and 4.2 in Volume 4),
context of IGA is to produce the local envi- dissolution produces cations that in turn
ronment necessary to develop differences hydrolyze in aqueous solutions to pro-
in the corrosion behavior of grain interiors duce protons. Anions, including halides


Fig. 17 Example of IGC at the base of a pit in an underaged Al-2.8%
Cu-1.7% Li-0.5% Mg-0.5% Zr-0.36% Ag (wt. %) alloy. (a) plan view inside
pit. (b) cross-sectional view. Note absence of IGC from the machined
surface at left side in the cross-sectional view in (b). IGC is observed inside
the pit. (Ref. [54] reprinted with permission from NACE International.)
(c) Focused ion beam cross section through a pit reveals IGC inside the
pit. (Ref. [55] reprinted with permission from NACE International.)
366 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena


Fig. 17 (Continued)

such as Cl− , migrate into pits in order to removal of stress but is more extensive
maintain electroneutrality. Hence, the pit and exhibits a faster growth rate when
environment is often acidified and high in stress is applied. Often regions of sig-
anion concentration. Moreover, chemical nificant compressive and tensile residual
concentration, pH and potential gradients stress exist in a welded component. The
often exist within such pit sites. At certain total resolved stress state remains zero
locations along such gradients, IGC sus- when there is no externally applied stress.
ceptibility may be promoted in a material IGC is accelerated and IGSCC is rendered
possessing a susceptible metallurgical con- possible when fabrication that involves ma-
dition. Hence, local solution compositions chining exposes regions containing high
and electrochemical conditions within pits tensile residual stresses. Exact quantifica-
can induce IGC and IGSCC. tion of the stress levels necessary for IGC
and IGSCC can be difficult because of Mechanical Factors the presence of unaccounted-for residual
stresses in many material product forms Role(s) of Residual and Applied as well as additional stressing induced
Stress IGC and IGSCC are closely re- by welding and corrosion product wedg-
lated phenomena. It is often observed that ing. Therefore, precise determination of
rates of IGC are accelerated by tensile the effects of tensile stress on IGC can
stress at the surface of the material [56]. be thwarted in laboratory coupon testing.
In some cases, tensile stress is required The propensity for IGC and IGSCC in
in order for IGC to even be seen. In solution treated and quenched, as well
other cases, IGC is not eliminated by the as welded materials is often minimized
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 367

by stress-relieving practices, but this does unrecrystallized rolled or extruded plate

not eliminate metallurgical susceptibility. or sheet product [58]. Thus, the corrosion
Quench stresses are often relieved by me- product serves to wedge open and load
chanical prestretching conducted prior to the longitudinal IGA such that the inter-
artificial aging. Drawing stresses are often granular attack proceeds as if under the
relieved by thermal treatment. short-transverse – longitudinal (SL) crack
growth configuration [59]. As mentioned
above, IGC is enhanced by stress. Role of Corrosion Product Wed-
ging Corrosion product wedging can in-
crease applied stress during corrosion.
Example Alloy-environment Systems
The corrosion products often occupy a
greater volume than the original mate- Intergranular Corrosion in Fe-Ni-Cr
rial itself. It was proposed that oxides and Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo Alloys
formed in cracks in 18% Cr to 8% Ni stain- The Cr-depletion theory has been accepted
less steel caused stress corrosion cracking as the mechanism by which a sensitized
(SCC) and such stresses have been mea- stainless steel becomes susceptible to
sured [57]. The effect is particularly impor- intergranular corrosion [60]. Recall that
tant during exfoliation type IGC in which a minimum of 10 to 13 wt. % Cr in
corrosion occurs preferentially along the solid solution is required to form pro-
boundaries of elongated grains typical of tective passive films on Fe-Ni-Cr alloys






300 100 0 100 300

Distance from grain boundary
Fig. 18 Cr-depletion profile across a grain boundary in a sensitized stainless
steel. (Ref. [61], from Corrosion of Stainless Steels A. John Sedriks, copyright
 John Wiley & Sons. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
368 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

in corrosive solutions. The matrix of the of grain interiors can remain at 18%
stainless steel remains passive while the while the grain boundary zone is de-
Cr-depleted grain boundary (Fig. 18) ex- pleted to the equilibrium levels cited
hibits an active-passive transition on an above as illustrated by Fig. 18. Sensiti-
E-log(i) diagram (Fig. 4a). Hence, deple- zation also depends critically on carbon
tion of Cr at grain boundaries in austenitic content as shown in Fig. 19. Cr diffu-
stainless steels by formation of insolu- sion is slow in austenitic Fe-base alloys,
ble carbides (Fe,Cr)23 C6 between 425 and carbide precipitation initially does not de-
about 815 ◦ C creates zones along grain plete carbon contents in the alloy, and
boundaries that are iron-rich and highly Cr-depletion profiles in Fe-base alloys can
susceptible to active corrosion in specific persist after long times in the tempera-
environments [61, 62]. At equilibrium, the ture range from 425 and 815 ◦ C. Above
following solid-state reaction applies and this temperature range, thermally acti-
the Cr content in equilibrium with the vated Cr diffusion is faster, which can
carbides can be defined. lead to leveling of Cr concentration in
depleted zones [62]. Other metallurgical
23Cr + 6C = Cr23 C6 (8) factors controlling IGC susceptibility in
stainless steels include molybdenum and
The equilibrium level of Cr adjacent chromium depletion caused by the for-
to a carbide particle depends critically mation of other intermetallic precipitates
on carbon activity, alloying content, and such as chi and sigma phases [61].
temperature. Equilibrium grain bound- There are important differences between
ary Cr concentrations as low as 6.6, the thermal conditions that produce IGC
8.4, and 10.8 wt. % have been measured susceptibility in ferritic, austenitic, and du-
adjacent to carbides in AISI 316LN stain- plex stainless steels [61, 62]. Cr diffusion is
less steel (containing 18 wt. % Cr) after slow in austenitic stainless steels and this
sensitization at 600, 650, and 700 ◦ C, minimizes the risk of sensitization below
respectively [63]. Hence, the Cr content about 425 ◦ C for short heating periods.



304 (0.05% C)
304L (0.03% C)
0.1 1.0 10 100 300
Holding time
Fig. 19 Time–temperature-sensitization curves for AISI 304 (0.05 wt. %)
and 304L (0.03 wt. %) stainless steel obtained using the Strauss test.
(Ref. [61], from Corrosion of Stainless Steels A. John Sedriks, copyright 
John Wiley & Sons. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 369

In ferritic stainless steels, Cr diffusion is important differences between austenitic

faster leading to more rapid sensitization and ferritic stainless steels. Chromium
over a lower temperature range as shown nitride precipitation can promote IGC
in Fig. 20. This is because of rapid car- in ferritic materials owing to the lower
bide and nitride formation [64]. At higher solubility of nitrogen in ferritic (b.c.c)
temperatures, Cr diffusion occurring in compared to austenitic (f.c.c.) stainless
body-centered cubic ferrous-based materi- steels. Sensitization in duplex stainless
als is considerably more rapid than in face steels is complex and has been attributed
center cubic (f.c.c.) materials. This tends to several mechanisms [61].
to level concentration profiles and miti- Sensitization diagrams (Figs. 19 and 20)
gate IGC susceptibility even for diffusion- for austenitic and ferritic stainless steels of
controlled precipitation. However, sensi- varying carbon contents roughly follow the
tization can occur even in rapidly cooled TTT behavior of carbide precipitation [65].
ferritic material due to more rapid car- Increasing carbon content facilitates more
bide formation kinetics. There are other extensive carbide precipitation at shorter

Austenitic stainless steel


Ferritic stainless steel






10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104

Fig. 20 Time–temperature-sensitization behavior diagrams for
austenitic and ferritic stainless steels illustrating different
time–temperature regimes for sensitization. (Ref. [61], from Corrosion of
Stainless Steels A. John Sedriks, copyright  John Wiley & Sons.
Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
370 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

times as TTT diagrams indicate. Thus, the Essentially, NbC and TiC formed during
use of low carbon austenite alloys con- annealing are redissolved when a narrow
taining less than 0.03% C (e.g. AISI 304L, portion of the weld HAZ just next to the
316L) can help minimize carbide forma- weld metal (i.e. the knife line) exceeds
tion and associated Cr depletion. However, a temperature of about 1150 ◦ C. Rapid
the exact Ni and Cr content of the stainless cooling during such an initial weld pass
steel govern the critical carbon content prevents subsequent Cr-carbide precipita-
required to avoid IGA by sensitization [66]. tion. However, the knife line then lacks
Thus, the critical carbon content depends beneficial niobium or titanium carbides
on the exact alloy composition. Bound- and allows formation of (Fe,Cr)23 C6 if
ary Cr depletion usually occur during slow cooling through the range of 480
processing (e.g. slow quenching of thick to 760 ◦ C occurs during a subsequent weld
sections, isothermal age hardening) or pass or reheating. Cr-depletion regions are,
subsequent fabrication practices (e.g. weld thereby, created in the knife-line region
heat-affected zones). Sensitization in heat- that are susceptible to IGC. This form of
affected zones (HAZs) of welded stainless attack differs from normal HAZ sensitiza-
steels leads to IGC susceptibility [67]. The tion occurring in nonstabilized austenitic
HAZ is the region of metal exposed to the stainless steels. Here, the TTT details of
temperature range associated with rapid (Fe,Cr)23 C6 formation can produce a zone
carbide precipitation for sufficient time of material (heat-affected zone) that can be
to achieve sensitization. Since the tem- sensitized upon welding in a single heat
perature range for carbide formation in excursion as discussed above.
austenitic stainless steels differs from that Sensitization may also occur in annealed
for carbide precipitation (and Cr depletion) austenitic stainless steels by nonequi-
in ferritics, the exact position of IGC in the librium segregation of phosphorus and
HAZ differs in the case of ferritic versus silicon to grain boundaries [62]. Such seg-
austenitic stainless steels. regation can be produced thermally and by
The phenomenon of knife-line attack irradiation in nuclear reactions. The sensi-
within weld HAZs describes susceptibility tized material is then rendered susceptible
to IGC and IGSCC in stabilized grades to IGC in highly oxidizing environments
of austenitic stainless steels [61, 68]. Stabi- such as nitric acid containing high-valence
lization is a term used to describe depletion metal ions [69]. Regarding electrochemi-
of solid solution carbon due to niobium cal mechanisms, this type of IGC is often
and titanium alloying. These elements pro- observed at high oxidizing potentials near
duce carbides in the temperature range those associated with transpassive dissolu-
from 870 to 1150 ◦ C in austenitic stainless tion. Hence, the transpassive dissolution
steels such as AISI 347 [61]. Little carbon rate is faster in the grain boundary region.
remains in solid solution to be precipitated
as (Fe,Cr)23 C6 . Normally, the initial get- Sensitization and Intergranular
tering of carbon above 870 ◦ C eliminates Corrosion in Ni-Cr-Fe and Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo
sensitization by Cr-carbide formation that Alloys
normally occurs over the range from 425 The metallurgical conditions promoting
to 815 ◦ C in austenitic stainless steels. IGC in Ni-Cr-Fe and Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo al-
Unfortunately this process can be loys containing considerable nickel dif-
thwarted in the case of knife-line attack. fers from stainless steels [62]. Carbon
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 371

solubility decreases as nickel content rises the segregation of elements that disrupt
in austenite [70]. Secondly, Cr diffusion passivity to elements that replate preferen-
is faster in Ni-base austenitic alloys com- tially along boundaries and then enhance
pared to austenitic Fe-base alloys [61]. local cathodic reactions.
These metallurgical factors dictate that IGC is observed in heat-treatable, precip-
the TTT behavior associated with car- itation age-hardened Al alloys, particularly
bide formation and, hence, sensitization is after slow cooling of thick sections or after
shifted to higher temperatures compared certain isothermal heat treatments. In fact,
to austenitic stainless steels. In addition, quench rate over the temperature range
other types of carbides are formed in from 400 to 315 ◦ C is a very strong factor
addition to, or instead of M23 C6 , (e.g. determining both IGC and IGSCC suscep-
M3 C7 , M6 C) [70]. Moreover, faster Cr tibility in Al-Cu and Al-Cu-Mg alloys that
diffusion and more rapid carbide pre- are, subsequently, naturally aged [75].
cipitation kinetics in these alloys lead The metallurgical cause for susceptibil-
to leveling of Cr concentrations in the ity to IGC varies with alloy composition
bulk and Cr-depletion profiles are not and microstructure. Exfoliation refers to a
observed. Thus, IGC is not as unam- highly directional form of IGC in rolled
biguously associated with Cr depletion or wrought product with unrecrystallized
as in the case of stainless steels. Signif- grains elongated in one direction, typically
icant heat-to-heat variations in the levels parallel to the rolling or extrusion direc-
of Cr depletion are observed in alloy 600. tion. Cross-sectional metallography may
Semicontinuous carbides have even been reveal flaking or peeling back of elongated
observed to be beneficial towards IGSCC grains due the force exerted by corrosion
and not detrimental to IGC. Alloy 690 (60% product wedging. This produces a layered,
Ni-30% Cr-10% Ni) containing 0.02% C flaked appearance in the direction paral-
is not readily sensitized and will not ex- lel to the rolling or extrusion direction.
hibit IGA in the severe Huey test [71]. IGC refers to intergranular corrosion in
Other phases have been postulated to equaixed grains typical of recrystallized
cause IGC in this class of alloys such microstructures. In general, IGC results
as Sigma and Laves phases. Several re- from the segregation of a corrosion stimu-
views discuss the IGC behavior of high Ni lating element, the depletion of a beneficial
alloys [72, 73]. alloying element in a zone adjacent to the
boundary during precipitation of a second Intergranular Corrosion in Al-base phase, and the formation of precipitates
Alloys that are detrimental to corrosion resis-
Severe IGC is not observed in high pu- tance. All of these can render a zone along
rity Al, or Alclad products that do not the grain boundary susceptible to corro-
form second-phase precipitates at grain sion while grain interiors remain passive.
boundaries [74]. It is also not observed However, the electrochemical framework
in alloys that form coarse constituents describing susceptibility differs from stain-
possessing similar electrochemical prop- less steels in which the susceptible grain
erties as the matrix. However, small levels boundary zone exhibits an active-passive
of impurities can induce mild IGC. The transition in E-log(i) behavior as shown
mechanisms responsible for IGC is high- in Fig. 4(a). In the case of Al-base alloys,
purity alloys are complex. They range from the grain boundary region is proposed
372 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

to either have a more negative open Intergranular Corrosion in Al-Cu,

circuit potential resulting in microgal- Al-Cu-Mg, and Al-Cu-Li Alloys A promi-
vanic coupling between the boundary and nent factor in the IGC susceptibility
matrix and/or is more susceptible to pit- of Al-Cu, Al-Cu-Mg, and Al-Cu-Li al-
ting [76]. The Cu-depleted grain boundary loys is grain boundary Cu depletion as
zone exhibits a more negative critical pit- a result of heterogeneous nucleation of
ting potential compared to grain interiors Cu-containing grain boundary phases. Ac-
when the composition of the grain bound- cording to the electrochemical framework
ary zone is reproduced in large surface discussed above, this leads to differences in
area test coupons and evaluated for pit- localized corrosion susceptibility between
ting susceptibility [77]. This is consistent grain boundaries and interiors. This is the
with the notion that the critical pitting often cited mechanism proposed to explain
potentials of Al-Cu solid solution alloys IGC and IGSCC susceptibility in these
are a strong function of Cu content [78]. alloys after slow cooling or isothermal age-
Hence, the proposed criterion for selective hardening heat treatment over the 400 to
grain boundary pitting is Ecrit-gb < Eapp < 150 ◦ C range at which such grain boundary
Ecrit-grain . Thus, a line of pits along the phases may develop [75–79]. Figures 21
grain boundary is proposed to cause IGC and 22 show the predicted windows of
at certain potentials in which the grain IGC susceptibility in terms of critical po-
interior remains below their pitting po- tentials for localized corrosion [80, 81].
tentials as shown in the electrochemical Figure 22(a) shows a schematic of the
framework of Fig. 4(b). This is consistent microstructure that could produce such
with some experimental observations that behavior according to the Cu-depletion
support this electrochemical framework mechanism. Figure 23 shows the result-
for IGC [77]. However, such theories are ing corresponding region of IGC/IGSCC
complicated by many factors including ev- susceptibility in terms of aging time. Note
idence of a transition to IGC within large the agreement with Fig. 22(b). Prolonged
pits formed across many grains in some Al isothermal heat treatment can lead to
alloys. Although this observation is consis- Cu depletion from the grain interiors of
tent with the notion of a specific chemistry these alloys such that an electrochemical
for IGC susceptibility in addition to a framework that bases IGC susceptibility
specific metallurgical condition, it is in- on differences in critical potentials be-
consistent with the notion that IGC occurs tween the grain boundary depleted zone
over a potential range at which grain in- and grain interiors is eliminated. IGSCC
teriors do not pit in comparison to the resistance is thus restored at long aging
grain boundary regions. Other complica- times as shown in Fig. 23. Other mecha-
tions with the preferential pitting theory nisms have been proposed on the basis of
exist as well such as the problem that the presence of anodic precipitate phases
pitting potentials are often dependent on at grain boundaries. The Al2 Cu phase is
specimen surface area, scan rate, oxide cathodic to the Al-Cuss as well as re-
properties, and so on. Thus, further re- gions adjacent to grain boundaries and,
finements in these theories are probably therefore, cannot account for an anodic
required. It suffices to say that the electro- electrochemical path that enables IGC in
chemical properties of grain boundaries Al-Cu alloys [77]. In contrast with more
differ from those of grain interiors. noble Al2 Cu, the Al2 CuMg and Al2 CuLi
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 373


Pitting + IGC


Epit (matrix)
−0.65 Epit (GB)


−0.75 Passivity

0.01 0.1 1 10
Aging time
Fig. 21 Pitting potentials as a function of heat-treatment time for grain matrix and
solute-depleted zone associated with grain boundary in Al-4 wt. % Cu alloy. The
region of IGC (and also IGSCC) susceptibility is indicated. (After Ref. [80].)

phases are known to actively dissolve in experiments, little effect of stress was seen
most solutions [80–82]. Therefore, these 80% [86]. This method has been used more
phases could account for IGC when such recently to study AA 2024-T3 [87]. A t 1/2
anodic precipitates form along boundaries. penetration dependency was observed. IG
However, it has been rationalized and sug- growth kinetics were affected by stress and
gested from the potential dependency of specimen orientation. Faster penetration
IGC and IGSCC in Al-Cu, Al-Cu-Mg, and was observed in the rolling direction.
Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloys that Cu depletion at Applied stress had a tendency to increase
grain boundaries is a main factor promot- the value of K and slightly decrease n.
ing IGC susceptibility [81, 83, 84]. Similar
arguments have been made in the case of Intergranular Corrosion in Al-Mg
Al-Cu-Li alloys [85]. IG growth kinetics are Alloys These alloys are not heat-treatable
often observed to follow a t n penetration and derive strength from solid solution,
law with respect to time such as strain hardening, and dispersion strength-
D = Kt n (9) ening [88]. Nevertheless, thermal exposure
may occur in service. The main factor pro-
Where D is the depth of penetration, K moting the IGC susceptibility of Al-Mg al-
is a constant, and n is a faction often loys is thought to be the Mg2 Al3 phase that
found to be between 0 and 1. Experiments is anodic to Al-Mg solid solution in grain
conducted on IGA of Al-4% Cu using the interiors. A limit of 3 wt. % Mg is often
foil penetration technique have indicated proposed to minimize IGC of wrought Al-
such a penetration law [86]. In these Mg alloys on the basis of the premise that
374 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena



∞ o
(a) CB = CB


−0.55 Pitting Pitting + IGC



IGC Epit (matrix)

−0.65 Epit (GB)



0.01 0.1 1 10
Aging time
(b) [days]
Fig. 22 (a) Schematic of heterogeneous grain boundary precipitates formed along a
grain boundary. The white zone indicated a solute-depleted zone. The matrix is
supersaturated in solute B above the equilibrium concentration. CB∞ is the
supersaturated matrix composition far from the precipitate taken to equal the overall
composition CBo . CBα is the alloy composition in equilibrium with the β phase
precipitate. (b) Pitting potentials as a function of heat-treatment time for grain matrix
and solute-depleted zone associated with grain boundary in Al-4% Cu-1.47% Mg alloy
(wt. %). The region of IGC (and also IGSCC) susceptibility is indicated. (After Ref. [81].)

the decreased rate of Mg2 Al3 phase precip- evidence suggests that Mg segregation
itation and lack of a continuous network may play a role in IGC susceptibility [89]
of this phase on grain boundaries would and that such segregation may precede
impart IGC resistance. However, some precipitation of Mg2 Al3 . Moreover, the
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 375


2024 aged at 170 °C

1M - NaCl + 1wt. % H2O2
Applied stress = 0.1% PS
Stress corrosion life



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Aging time
Fig. 23 Time-to-failure as a function of isothermal aging time for Al-Cu-Mg alloy. The
region of rapid time-to-failure coincides with the electrochemical framework illustrating
the expected region for IGC susceptibility based on critical potentials. (After Ref. [81].)

exact Mg compositional limit depends susceptibility by creating these conditions.

critically on strain hardening, grain struc- The electrochemical framework advanced
ture, and time–temperature history as for all of these cases involves differences
well as on Mg content [88]. Certain Al-Mg in critical pitting potentials between Cu-
alloys and tempers are very suscepti- depleted grain boundary regions, active
ble to exfoliation corrosion. In general, grain boundary phases, and the solid
heat treatments that promote more ho- solution in grain interiors. Al-Zn-Mg-
mogeneous precipitation improve IGC (Cu) alloy plate and sheet can be very
resistance. susceptible to exfoliation especially in
peak-aged tempers when galvanically cou- Intergranular Corrosion in Al-Zn- pled to other metals such as steel rivets.
Mg and Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys IGC in the T73 and T76 tempers reduce such sus-
Al-Zn-Mg class of heat-treatable alloys ceptibility but the exact mechanism by
has been attributed to Mg and Zn seg- which improvement is imparted remains
regation, as well as formation of Mg- uncertain [74].
or Zn-containing grain boundary phases
such as the MgZn2 phase [90]. In Al-Zn- Intergranular Corrosion in Al-Mg-
Mg-Cu alloys, Cu depletion is also cited Si Alloys This class of heat-treatable alloys
as a metallurgical condition leading to can be made resistant to IGC when an
IGC [74, 91]. Slow quenching and certain ideal combination of magnesium and sil-
isothermal heat treatments can lead to icon are alloyed to result in an Mg2 Si
376 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena

constituent phase. However, an excess solutions. Iron corrodes intergranularly at

of Si can lead to IGC, which is at- +800 mV versus SCE in nitrate solutions
tributed to the cathodic nature of the with 10 ppm carbon [96]. Grain boundary
insoluble silicon. IGC is more preva- impurity segregants including phospho-
lent in the peak strength tempers when rus, silicon, sulfur, and nitrogen have been
exposed to a harsh environment. Ca- reported for austenitic stainless steels [97].
thodic additions or impurities can increase Phosphorus is proposed to induce IGC in
susceptibility [92]. highly oxidizing solutions. Phosphorus is
the primary segregant cited in the case of Grain Boundary Segregation and alloy 600 [98]. However, IGC and IGSCC
Intergranular Corrosion in Ferrous and have not been unambiguously linked to
Nickel-base Alloys phosphorus content in this alloy. Phospho-
Grain boundary enrichment of impuri- rus has also been shown to cause IGSCC
ties can contribute to IGC and IGSCC in nickel at oxidizing potentials in sulfuric
susceptibility in ferrous and nickel-base al- acid [99]. Sulfur is an effective promoter of
loys. Enrichment of impurities is another IGC in these materials at both oxidizing
mechanism by which these alloys can be potentials and those associated with active
rendered susceptible to IGC and IGSCC dissolution [99]. However, stress was still
besides Cr depletion upon carbide forma- required to produce IGC even though an
tion. Susceptibility depends on electrolyte active grain boundary dissolution mecha-
composition, temperature, and level of im- nism could be traced to grain boundary
purity segregation. Enrichment ratios, βb , susceptibility [99].
as high as 105 are possible [93]. There-
fore, a minor impurity with a low overall 4.3.4
concentration can be enriched at grain Modern Concepts
boundaries to concentrations greater than
10 to 20 at. %. Hence, the electrochem- Understanding Dissolution Path
ical properties of the boundary can be Connectivity Using Bond Percolation Theory
altered from grain interiors. Electrochem- A critical question is whether a continuous
ical frameworks for susceptibility in these IGC path made up of a connected cluster
materials are based on the existence of an of highly susceptible boundaries can grow
active-passive region in E-log(i) behavior in a polycrystalline material and whether
(Fig. 4a) over a potential range at which the there exists a critical threshold percentage
grain matrix is passive [62]. Alternatively, of active boundaries (i.e. active bonds) that
transpassive dissolution occurs more read- enables intergranular cracking. Theories
ily than in grain interiors when exposure on fracture in disordered media have long
to oxidizing solutions occurs. considered the idea of a critical connected
Ferritic stainless steels exhibit IGSCC cluster of defects and statistical distribu-
in hot nitrate, caustic, carbonate, and tions of clustered defects [100]. In bond
other environments. The phenomenon is percolation theory, the probability of form-
potential dependent as discussed above. ing an infinite cluster of connected bonds
Susceptibility has been attributed to car- rapidly approaches one at a critical per-
bon and phosphorus segregation [94, 95]. centage of active bonds [101]. This critical
Levels as low as 2 to 3 at. % can al- percentage is called the percolation thresh-
ter the passivity of iron in hot nitrate old [102]. In two dimensions, uniformly
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 377

Fig. 24 Bond percolation Triangular Hexagonal

thresholds predicted for
two-dimensional arrays of
space-filling boundaries 100
consisting of various
geometries [101]. 80




28 36 44 52 60 68 76 84
Active bonds

sized grains can be modeled by arrays of percentage of active grain boundary facets
hexagons at which each of the six sides required to form a large cluster of con-
forming the boundaries is a bond. The nected grain boundary facets, each touch-
bond percolation threshold for a hexago- ing one another along a common edge
nal array of bonds is 0.65, that is, 65% of the Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron, was
of the bonds are defective [101] as seen in found to be 23% as shown in Fig. 25. The
Fig. 24. A three-dimensional array of grain meaning of such a percolation threshold,
boundaries can be represented as a collec- once exceeded, is that a high probabil-
tion of two-dimensional planar interfaces, ity exists of obtaining an infinite cluster of
each representing a grain boundary facet connected, active grain facets. Another per-
(called bonds) that represents the interface colation threshold at 89% active bonds was
between two grains [103]. An array of such found for a two-dimensional array of con-
grain boundaries has been represented
nected active grain facets that form a ‘‘rum-
by a Kelvin tetrakaidecahedron consisting
pled’’ sheet within the three-dimensional
of eight hexagonal facets and six square
array of grains [104]. In the context of
facets [104]. In a binary approach in which
environment-assisted intergranular corro-
bonds are described as either active or inac-
sion or cracking, the resulting premise is
tive, each of the grain boundaries (bonds)
can be active (e.g. sensitized, in the case of that a material possessing greater that 23,
IGSCC of stainless steel) or inactive (e.g. 65, or 89% of easily embrittled or easily
not sensitized). Monte Carlo computer corroded active grain boundaries will un-
simulations have revealed the fraction of dergo corrosion with a significant degree
active bonds required for percolation in of IGA. Moreover, any material with a
this three-dimensional structure [104]. The percentage of active grain boundaries less
simulations were performed on arrays of than 23% will not exhibit widespread IGC
5,4,000 tetrakaidecahedral-shaped grains, since a large continuous connected path of
and 10 simulations were performed at active grain boundaries cannot exist. The
each percentage of active bonds to produce 23% threshold has unambiguously been
statistically valid results [104]. The critical associated with an abrupt increase in IGC
378 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena


Percolation threshold
[% of all active bonds]
Size of largest cluster

0 10 20 30 40
Active bonds
Fig. 25 Size of largest connected grain boundary cluster expressed as a percentage of all
boundaries versus % active grain boundaries for an array of space-filling,
tetrakaidecahedral-shaped grains. The connected cluster size increases abruptly at the
23% percolation threshold. (After Ref. [104].)

and IGSCC susceptibility in sensitized such as 2024-T3 require quench rates

stainless steels [104, 105]. faster than 500 ◦ C sec−1 . [75] For Al-Zn-
Mg and Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys, the situation
4.3.5 regarding quench rate is a little less
Mitigation of Intergranular Corrosion by clear [107]. For such alloys, the required
Metallurgical Alteration quench rate is believed to depend upon
the Cu content of the alloy. Slow quench Quench Rate Sensitivity rates are considered to be better for Cu-
The effects of quench rate on IGC for Al- lean alloys. The benefits of slow quench
Cu, Al-Cu-Mg, and Al-Cu-Mg-Mn alloys rates are believed to be associated with
as well as for austenitic stainless steels promotion of the formation of incoher-
is considered to be well-understood [43, ent precipitates that favor homogeneous
74, 75, 106]. Integration of the effects of plastic deformation. Fast quench rates
precipitation and solute depletion at each are required for Cu-bearing alloys with
temperature during a quench (i.e., quench greater than 1% Cu. This requirement can
factor analysis) can be compared to isother- be interpreted within the context of the
mal time–temperature-sensitization dia- Cu-depletion mechanism as one that min-
grams in order to predict the quench imizes grain boundary precipitation and
rate required to avoid IGC [43, 74]. Alloys formation of Cu-depletion profiles.
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 379 Alloy Additions to Retrogression and Re-age of Al

Countersensitization and IGC in Stainless Precipitation Age-hardened Alloys
Steels: Stabilized Grades Heat-treatable Al-base alloys are often over-
Several measures can be taken to im- aged using a duplex heat treatment to
prove the IGC resistance of austenitic improve IGC, IGSCC, and/or exfoliation
stainless steels. One approach is to min- resistance. However, the loss in peak
imize carbon content. Another is to strength makes this practice undesirable.
add alloying elements that form car- In contrast, retrogression (e.g. reversion)
bides that are more stable than those and re-age (RRA) of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys
of Cr. Lowering the carbon content be- make it possible to optimize resistance to
low 0.03% will prevent sensitization and IGSCC and IGC by rendering it equivalent
IGC during most welding and thermal to the resistant overaged condition [107].
treatments [70]. Stabilized grade austenitic Peak-aged strength levels are obtained as
stainless steels contain Ti and Nb. These well. The concept of RRA of Al-Zn-Mg-(Cu)
elements form stable carbides that re- alloys involves the reheating of peak-aged
move carbon from solid solution, thereby material in the temperature range from
minimizing chromium carbide formation 180 to 280 ◦ C followed by re-aging at lower
and associated Cr depletion. The % Ti re- temperatures to achieve peak strength. The
quired is often estimated as five times RRA practice is thought to alter either the
the sum of the carbon and nitrogen con- grain boundary precipitates, grain bound-
tents (C + N %) [70]. Nitrogen must be ary segregation or grain boundary solute
considered because TiN is very stable distributions but current understanding is
and could form preferentially, leaving car- uncertain. Alteration of any of these metal-
bon available for sensitization. The Nb lurgical factors could conceivably alter IGC
content required to suppress IGC sus- and IGSCC susceptibility.
ceptibility is often estimated to be eight Preaged Al-Li, Al-Li-Cu, and Al-Li-Cu-
times the % C [70]. Stabilized stainless Mg alloys have been heat-treated in a way
steels are often heated at 900 ◦ C to form such that δ’ precipitates in the matrix can
stabilizing carbides. be redissolved (e.g. reverted and re-aged)
The clearest approach to avoiding sen- while grain boundary phases such as δ in
sitization in ferritic stainless steels is to Al-Li binary alloys and T1 (Al2 CuLi) and T2
minimize the interstitial C and N con- (Al6 Li3 Cu) formed during preage in Al-Li-
tents. However, the exact levels allowed Cu alloys remain undissolved [109–111].
depend on exact alloy composition. The This heat treatment was mainly applied
greater the Cr and Mo contents are in to address poor short transverse direction
the alloy, the more resistant the alloy fracture toughness properties of these al-
will remain for higher interstitial lev- loys [112]. The double age has been found
els [70]. For 18Cr-2Mo steels, the C + N to affect both fracture toughness [109–112]
level must be as low as 60 to 80 ppm. Ti and IGSCC behavior [113]. Changes in
and/or Nb can also be added to ferritic fracture toughness have been attributed
steels. For 26Cr-1Mo steels, the mini- to desegregation, solute redistribution in
mum stabilizer content required is given PFZs, changes in deformation mode, and
by [108]: precipitation of other phases. Currently,
complete understandings of the effect of
Ti + Nb = 0.2 + 4(C + N) (10) the double age on IGC are lacking.
380 4 Localised Corrosion Phenomena Healing and Leveling of altered during early stages of the carbide
Solute-depletion Profiles formation reaction since one carbon atom
Leveling of solute-depletion profiles such consumes almost four Cr atoms to form
that the concentration of beneficial solute the carbide: 23Cr + 6C = Cr23 C6 . This is
in the matrix is equal to the equilib- in contrast to the situation regarding
rium concentration at all positions is one Cr content. At high temperatures (e.g.
way of eliminating a zone of preferen- >825 ◦ C in austenitic stainless steels),
tial corrosion attack along grain bound- fast Cr diffusion minimizes Cr depletion
aries. Schematically, this is illustrated by and sensitization is minimized. However,
Fig. 26. Figure 26(a) illustrates overlap of at lower temperatures, Cr diffuses more
solute-depletion profiles between adjacent slowly and cannot be assumed to be at
precipitates. Figure 26(b) illustrates solute equilibrium except at the carbide interface
consumption to the extent that solute- when precipitation and growth is diffusion
depletion profiles are eliminated. In the controlled. However, prolonged sensitiz-
case of Al-Cu alloys, leveling of the cop- ing heat treatment and extensive carbide
per concentration in substitutional solid formation can eventually deplete carbon
solution eliminates the potential differ- from the alloy matrix such that its con-
ence between grain boundary and matrix centration falls below the initial content.
as shown in Figures 21 and 22(b). When this happens, the Cr content in
A slightly more complicated situation equilibrium with the carbides formed be-
can exist during sensitization of austenitic gins to increase. This can be rationalized
stainless steels discussed above. Here, car- using the equilibrium solid-state reaction
bon activity is assumed to be at equilibrium shown in Eq. (8). Under equilibrium con-
because of fast diffusion of interstitial ditions, assuming unity carbide activity
carbon at all relevant temperatures. More- and a fixed equilibrium constant, a de-
over, the bulk carbon content is negligibly crease in equilibrium interstitial carbon


Fig. 26 Schematic of overlapping
Ce solute-depletion profiles illustrating
(a) solute depletion between nearby
precipitates, (b) attainment of
equilibrium solute concentration
Cb uniformly across the grain between
precipitates. Co is overall alloy
composition, Ce is the concentration in
equilibrium with the β phase. (Ref. [25],
from Physical Metallurgy Principles, 3rd
Co edition by Reed-Hill/Abbaschian, 
1992. Reprinted with permission of
Ce Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson
(b) Distance Fax 800 730-2215.)
4.3 Intergranular Corrosion 381

activity results in a corresponding increase have been employed to produce a network

in equilibrium Cr activity. This is the Cr of unsusceptible, low angle or CSL bound-
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5.1 metals and alloys by maintaining their

Anodic and Cathodic Protection electrode potential in the passive region
using a potentiostat [1]. Anodic protection,
U. Kamachi Mudali, H. S. Khatak, and one of the recently developed corrosion
Baldev Raj control methods, was first used in the field
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, in the late 1950s. Anodic protection did not
Kalpakkam, India
become commercially successful until the
5.1.1 early 1970s, and it is currently used on a
Introduction to Anodic and Cathodic smaller scale than other corrosion control
Protection techniques.

Both cathodic and anodic protection meth- Electrochemical Fundamentals

ods involve modification of a metal’s Anodic protection was developed using the
potential. In these methods, the poten- principles of electrode kinetics and is dif-
tial of the metal to be protected is shifted, ficult to understand without introducing
either by the application of a direct cur- advanced concepts of electrochemical the-
rent from a power supply or by galvanic ory. Briefly, anodic protection is controlled
action from the connection of dissimilar by the formation of protective passive film
metals. The potential can be decreased on metals and alloys using an externally ap-
or shifted into a region of passivity for plied potential. Anodic protection is used
the metal. Shifting the potential of the to a lesser degree because of the limita-
metal to a lower value is referred to as tions on metal-environment systems for
cathodic protection (CP). Shifting the metal which anodic protection is viable. In addi-
tion, it is possible to accelerate corrosion
to more oxidizing conditions or more pos-
if proper controls are not implemented
itive potentials within a region of passivity
during anodic protection.
is referred to as anodic protection.
The concept of anodic protection can
be understood through a potential-pH dia- Anodic Protection gram and the electrochemical polarization
curve for an active–passive metal (Fig. 1a, Definition Anodic protection b). In the potential-pH diagram, the start-
(AP) is a method by which corrosion ing condition for the steel/electrolyte com-
protection is achieved for active–passive bination is indicated by the X in the active
394 Corrosion Protection

(+) Fig. 1 The concept of anodic

protection related to: (a) a potential-pH
diagram and (b) electrochemical
polarization curves [1].
Anodic protection is effective only
for metal/environment combinations in
which passivity is achievable and main-

Active tainable. If, for any reason, the passive

film is damaged and breaks down, the ap-
plication of anodic protection can result in
greater damage than would be observed
with no protection at all. This situation is
Immune shown schematically in Fig. 2 for a metal
exhibiting active–passive behavior. The
(a) pH
application of anodic protection is good if
(+) the passive film is developed, and a low cur-
rent is achieved. If a sustained breakdown
of the passive film occurs, however, then
no decrease in the current is observed, and
the corrosion current follows the dashed
path indicated on the diagram. In this latter

case, the increase of potential for oxidiz-

ing values will accelerate the corrosion as
indicated by the X marked ‘‘bad’’. Cathodic Protection

(b) log i Definition Cathodic protection

(CP) is defined as the reduction or
region. Through the application of AP, the elimination of corrosion by making the
potential of steel is raised from the active metal a cathode using an impressed
region into the passive region as shown by current or attachment to a sacrificial
the arrow in the diagram. The corrosion (galvanic) anode. It is a process that
rate of the steel is significantly reduced reduces the anodic corrosion reaction by
through the onset of passivity. Anodic pro- creating an electric field at the surface of
tection with respect to the electrochemical the metal so that the net flow of current is
polarization curve is shown in Fig. 1(b). into the metal.
The potential is increased to more oxi-
dizing conditions and maintained in the Electrochemical Fundamentals
region designated by the crosshatched area For simplicity, in a buried pipe under
in the figure. Within this potential range, freely corroding conditions, an area on
the corrosion rate of the steel is quite low, the steel surface can be considered as
as indicated by the passive current within an anode while another area becomes a
this range. cathode (Fig. 3). The potential difference
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 395

Fig. 2 Danger of anodic (+)

polarization when a protective
(passive) film is not realized.

log i

Fig. 3 Schematic of a
corrosion cell operating on a Corrosion Ionic Soil
steel pipe buried in the soil. at anode current
Anode Cathode

between the anode and the cathode gives and electrochemical polarization curves as
rise to a corrosion current flowing from the shown in Fig. 4(a, b). Under freely corrod-
anode into the soil. The corrosion current ing conditions, the metal in the electrolyte
enters the steel structure from the soil at has a potential and pH combination in the
the cathode, and the circuit is completed by active region as indicated by the X in the
current flow through the steel by electronic diagram. In this region, soluble corrosion
conductivity from the cathode to the anode. products are the stable species, and the
The result of this operating corrosion cell is prediction of the potential-pH diagram is
metal loss at the anodic area [2]. However, that the metal will corrode [1]. The concept
for general corrosion to occur at the free of CP is to shift the potential from the
corrosion potential, separate anode and active region to more reducing (negative)
cathode areas are not mandatory as both values, and this is very effective when the
anodic and cathodic reactions are polarized potential is shifted to the immune region.
to their respective equilibrium potentials Corrosion is thus prevented or reduced de-
at a single mixed potential. Thus, under pending on the extent of shift of potential
homogeneous conditions there are no to the more reducing (negative) values. An
separate anodic and cathodic regions electrochemical polarization curve for an
where respective oxidation and reduction active/passive metal is shown in Fig. 4(b).
reactions occur. The freely corroding metal is at a poten-
The concept of CP can be understood tial in the active range, and corrosion is
through potential-pH (Pourbaix) diagrams observed. The application of CP shifts the
396 Corrosion Protection

(+) Fig. 4 The concept of cathodic

protection related to (a) a potential-pH
diagram and (b) electrochemical
polarization curves [1].
However, if electrons are supplied to the
metal from an external power source, the
electron consumption (cathodic) reaction

Active will speed up and the electron release

(anodic) reaction will slow down. Conse-
quently, the rate of cathodic reaction will
increase, the rate of metal dissolution will
slow down, and the electrode potential will
Immune fall. Thus, by supplying electrons to the
metal from an external source, we can slow
(a) pH down its dissolution. This is the principle
(+) of cathodic protection.
Figure 5 [3] shows the kinetics of the
anodic and cathodic reactions as a function
of electrode potential, assuming that the
cathodic reaction is hydrogen evolution,
in the case of a steel vessel used for
storing acid. Since these reactions either

release or produce electrons, the rates may

be expressed conveniently as an electrical
current density (i). As a convention,
electron release is shown as a positive
current and electron consumption as a
negative current. At the reversible potential
EH , the net rate of the hydrogen evolution
(b) log i reaction is shown in the diagram as
being vanishingly small; in fact the net
rate is zero. The value of EH depends
potential below the original corrosion po- on the pH of the environment and can
tential into the region designated by the be calculated using the Nernst Equation.
crosshatched area. This indicates the mag- Above EH the hydrogen evolution reaction
nitude of CP current required for main- cannot occur. Similarly, at the reversible
taining the metal at the desired protection potential for the iron dissolution reaction
potential. The location of the immune re- EFe , the net rate of the anodic reaction
gion on the potential-pH diagram and the is zero. The value of EFe depends on
shape and magnitude of currents on the the ferrous ion concentration and can
polarization curve are a function of the also be calculated. Below EFe the anodic
metal/electrolyte combination. dissolution of iron cannot occur. EFe
Under corrosion at open circuit, all the therefore represents the threshold for
electrons released in the anodic reaction iron dissolution. At Ecorr the anodic
are consumed by the cathodic reaction. and cathodic reaction rates are equal in
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 397

Kinetics at
EH Fe → Fe2+ + 2e

ip iq


Kinetics at
EFe iw ix 2H+ + 2e → H2

log (i)
Fig. 5 Anodic and cathodic kinetics for Fe/HCl redrawn to
demonstrate the location of Ecorr .

magnitude and opposite in sign, that is, considered, something approximating to

all the electrons released in the anodic this relationship for the anodic reaction
reaction are consumed in the cathodic kinetics will usually prevail. If the cathodic
reaction. If the potential is raised from reaction is hydrogen evolution, then the
Ecorr to A, the rate of dissolution of iron cathodic kinetics will also approximate to
is increased (from icorr to ip ). Conversely, this behavior. In Fig. 5, the logarithm of
if the potential is lowered to C, the rate the rate of iron dissolution is plotted as
of iron dissolution is lowered (from icorr a function of electrode potential. At EFe
to iw ) and the rate of hydrogen evolution the dissolution rate is zero, and further
is increased (from icorr to ix ). However, lowering of the potential has no beneficial
neither potential A nor potential C can effect. The amount of the cathodic cur-
be reached spontaneously, because in the rent that must be supplied to the iron to
former case there is an excess of electron achieve a particular potential is the dif-
release (given by iq –ip ) and in the latter ference between the cathodic and anodic
case an excess of electrons consumption current at any fixed potential. At Ecorr the
(given by ix − iw ). To raise the potential current to be supplied is zero because
that potential is reached spontaneously.
above Ecorr , electrons must be withdrawn
Apart from the first few millivolts, at more
from the metal and, to lower the potential
negative potentials the current increases
below Ecorr , electrons must be supplied
in a logarithmic fashion. The following
to it.
is found:
In Fig. 5, the relationship between po-
tential and current is shown as semilog- 1. Iron can be protected fully by shifting
arithmic over a wide range of elec- its potential to EFe and that this requires
trode potential. When the CP of steel is a cathodic current equal to iprot ;
398 Corrosion Protection

2. A lower level of protection can be The high resistance of this layer also helps
achieved by shifting the potential to to extend the cathodic protection to areas
a value between Ecorr and EFe and this further from the current source, lengthens
can be achieved with the application of the life of the sacrificial anodes, and
a lower current; reduces the current density requirements
3. Shifting the potential to a value more of the impressed current systems. It
negative than EFe provides no further should also be borne in mind that the
benefit as far as preventing corrosion is increase in pH also shifts the equilibrium
concerned, but a greater expenditure potential in the negative direction and
of current than iprot is required to makes it difficult to get into the immunity
do it; region. In the case of a buried pipe line, the
4. The first increment of potential fall is chemistry of the soil, the diffusion of ionic
more effective in preventing dissolution species like chlorides, and the stability
than the next increment as there of salts like carbonates/bicarbonates and
is logarithmic relationship between so on also affects the environmental
dissolution rate and potential. Further, polarization. The increase in pH of the
each successive increment of potential surface of buried pipelines could also be
fall requires an order of magnitude due to the interaction of carbon dioxide
increase in current. present in the soil. In this case, the
In short, it is possible to protect partially, steel undergoes high-pH stress corrosion
to protect fully, or to overprotect (i.e. to cracking (SCC). The other parameters
waste current without additional benefit) affecting the high-pH SCC are a narrow
through cathodic protection. Further, the CP potential between −600 to −750 mV
application of more current follows the (Cu/CuSO4 ); a narrow pH range of about
law of diminishing returns as far as 9; and, high temperatures. It mainly
corrosion control is concerned. If oxygen occurs on pipelines that have coal tar or
reduction is the cathodic process, the asphalt coating, and the failure occurs at
cathodic reaction rate does not continue locations where there is disbondment or
to increase in a logarithmic manner as the cracking.
potential is lowered but tends initially to a The scope of application of CP is
limiting value. The specific conclusions enormous and continuously increasing.
drawn above will not then apply, but It is possible to protect vessels and
the general conclusions are quite correct. ships, docks, berths, pipelines, deep wells,
In the case of oxygen reduction, the tanks, chemical apparatus, underground
hydroxyl ions generated near the cathodic and underwater municipal and indus-
surface can produce high-pH conditions. trial infrastructure, reinforced concrete
This causes the precipitation of calcium structures exposed to the atmosphere,
and magnesium carbonates as well as as well as underground parts, tunnels,
that of magnesium hydroxide as their and other metal equipments using ca-
solubilities decrease with increasing pH. thodic protection. Apart from reduction
The calcareous layer can be beneficial of general corrosion, cathodic protection
as it acts as a barrier to oxygen, and reduces SCC, pitting corrosion, corrosion
helps to retard any corrosion reaction if fatigue, and erosion–corrosion of metallic
the protection system becomes ineffective. materials.
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 399 Comparison between Cathodic and sulfate were added to the solution, pro-
and Anodic Protection [1, 3] tection was not adversely affected [5]. The
technique has also been used with success
in ammonia-ammonium nitrate and nitro-
Cathodic Anodic gen fertilizer solutions, among others [6].
protection protection Anodic protection of heat exchangers also
permits better heat transfer by allowing
Applicability All metals and Active–passive greater velocities and reduces initial costs
alloys metals and by making it possible to use smaller ex-
alloys only
changers and related components. Anodic
Solution Weak to mode- Moderate to protection can also be used in hot and cold
corrosivity rate for prac- aggressive
tical systems alkaline solutions [7–9], such as caustics,
for protection against hydroxylamine sul-
cost fate [10], nitrate, and chloride solutions,
Installation Lower High and as a standby to protect titanium-
Maintenance Lower High palladium heat-exchanger tubes exposed
Operation Higher Very low
to residues from zinc reduction [11]. This
Throwing Low Very low
power latter application is particularly impor-
Rectifiers Constant current Controlled tant because process upsets could cause
or controlled potential catastrophic failure of equipment without
potential standby protection. Anodic potentials pro-
Applied Higher depends Very low often tect titanium from chlorides up to 170 ◦ C,
current on the catho- a direct but not from bromides or iodides [12].
dic reduction measure of
Other experimental evidence indicates that
current. Is not corrosion
an exact mea- rate during Nichrome and Inconel 600 [13] can be pro-
sure of corro- protection tected against corrosion attack by molten
sion rate but sodium sulfate. Tanks containing hy-
increases with droxylamine solutions contaminated with
corrosion rate
sulfate and sulfur dioxide have been pro-
Operation Usually, deter- Can be accu-
conditions mined by rately deter-
tected. Protection has also been provided
empirical mined by against attack by chloride solutions con-
testing or electroche- taining nitrates.
exercise mical mea-
surements. Anodic Protection – Methods and
5.1.2 A typical anodic protection system for a
Anodic Protection vessel used for storing sulfuric acid is
shown in Fig. 6. The main parts of the sys-
Anodic protection has been effectively tem include a cathode, reference electrode,
used to control corrosion by sulfuric acid potential controller and a power supply.
for many years [4]. It has been used effec- The cathode is connected to the negative
tively to protect carbon steel against 10 to pole of the power supply, and the vessel
45% solutions of sodium hydroxide at 25 wall is connected with the positive pole
to 60 ◦ C. When sodium chlorate, chloride, as an anode, while the reference electrode
400 Corrosion Protection

Potential Potential Direct current Fig. 6 Schematic of an anodic

sensing controller power source protection system.


completes the circuit. The potential be- Tab. 1 Various cathode materials employed for
tween the reference electrode and the tank anodic protection
wall is adjusted using the potential con-
troller such that the potential of the system Cathode Environment
remains in the predetermined point in the
passive region. Several such vessels can be
1. Pt-clad brass H2 SO4 -miscellaneous
protected with a single potential controller concentrations
and power supply by using switching 2. Cr-Ni steel H2 SO4
modes. The optimum potential for anodic 3. Si-cast iron H2 SO4
protection is selected in the passive region 4. Steel pipe Kraft pulping liquor
of the polarization curve that is established 5. Steel cable Kraft pulping liquor
6. 1Kh18N10T Nitrogen fertilizer solution,
in the laboratory experiments. It is often ammonium hydroxide
the potential at which the current is less 7. Hastelloy C H2 SO4 , fertilizer solution
in the passive region. These current values 8. Air electrode H2 SO4
are highly time-dependent and in general, 9. AISI 304 SS H2 SO4
are lower in the actual field installations 10. Ni-plated Electroless nickel plating
than those values established in the lab-
oratory. Also, the current values required
for passivation steadily decrease with time for showing electrochemical stability for
for systems showing low corrosion rates. changing time and temperature during
The cathodes should be chemically inert to service. Several reference electrodes based
the environment and should not undergo on Hg/HgCl2 , Ag/AgCl, Hg/HgSO4 and
any change in their dimension during Pt/PtO are used for field applications in
service by the reactions occurring at the anodic protection systems.
surface due to the impressed current. The
various cathode materials employed for Anodic Protection for Materials
anodic protection of different systems are
shown in Table 1. Care should be taken Steels and Stainless Steels The
while selecting the reference electrodes reactive tendency for passivation is strongly
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 401

dependent on the interaction between a matrix until they reach a discontinuity,

metal and its environment. Among the where they combine to form molecular
various series of stainless steels, 300 se- hydrogen gas.
ries alloys are widely used in acid storage Many attempts to control corrosion in
applications rather than 400 series, even sulfuric acid vessels are made to preserve
though their cost is more. product purity. As an example, electrolytic-
Carbon steels and stainless steels are the grade sulfuric acid must not have over
most common construction materials for 50 ppm of iron. It is almost impossible
equipment used in the manufacture, stor- to store acid for any reasonable time
age, and transportation of sulfuric acid. in a bare or unprotected steel tank and
Anodic protection was successfully used to maintain this level. Iron pick-up in a
control the corrosion of the various equip- storage vessel containing 94% sulfuric acid
ments made of these materials in this acid increased from 110 to 280 ppm during
over a wide range of temperatures. While 28 days storage [16]. It can be said that
the corrosion rates of carbon steels in the iron content may increase at rates of
sulfuric acid are mainly functions of tem- 5 to 20 ppm day−1 of unprotected storage
perature, velocity, and acid concentration tanks. In order to maintain a low iron
and purity, particularly the iron content, content in acid, it is necessary to use some
these rates are greatly affected by minor sort of corrosion control in storage vessels.
alloying elements in steel, particularly cop- The most common use of anodic
per. The corrosion rates of steel in 77 to protection has been to control corrosion
100% concentrations are in the range of of sulfuric acid storage tanks made of
20 to 40-mils per year (mpy) at 24 ◦ C [14]. carbon steel, with a particular emphasis
Austenitic stainless steels show low to reduce iron pick-up. Table 2 shows
corrosion rates in sulfuric acid. In many that anodic protection drastically decreased
cases, rates of less than 1 mpy have been the amount of iron pick-up, as compared
listed for AISI 300 series steels. However, to that in the unprotected tank [17]. In
if the steels are in the active state, the addition to the iron content, the corrosion
rate can be as high as 100 mpy. Stainless rate of anodically protected steel in 94%
steels that are not resistant to 50% H2 SO4 acid with a mean temperature of 10 ◦ C was
can be protected anodically and thereby the 10.5 times lower than that of unprotected
corrosion rate can be reduced to a thousand steel. These data (Table 3) [17] indicate that
fold. However, a catastrophic rupture of a anodic protection is an efficient means of
3000 ton tank containing 93% sulfuric acid controlling the corrosion of steel storage
resulted in the failure due to wall thinning
of an inlet nozzle from which acid splashed Tab. 2 Average iron contents during anodic
during filling [15]. Blistering is also a protection of storage tanks, 100% sulfuric
acid [5]
common problem in sulfuric acid storage
vessels. As is well known, these blisters are
Location Iron content, ppm
caused by the accumulation of hydrogen
in laminations, inclusions, or minute voids Before After
within a metal plate. The accumulation of
Discharge 145 35
hydrogen is often the result of diffusion of
Feed 31 26
atomic hydrogen generated by corrosion. Iron pick-up 114 9
The hydrogen atoms penetrate the metal
402 Corrosion Protection

Tab. 3 Results of test on anodically protected and unprotected

coupons exposed for 50 days in 100% sulfuric acid storage tanks [6]

Distance of coupon Corrosion rate

from tank bottom
Unprotected Protected

Feet Cm mpy µm yr−1 mpy µm yr−1

0 0.00 35.3 896.6 3.6 91.44

1.0 30.48 34.1 866.1 3.4 86.36
2.0 60.96 31.2 729.5 3.1 78.74
3.0 91.44 2.0 50.8 3.2 81.26
4.0 121.92 29.9 759.5 3.5 88.90
5.0 152.40 22.1 561.3 5.8 147.3
6.0 182.88 4.3 109.2 5.4 137.2
7.0 213.36 6.3 160.0 5.3 134.6
8.0 243.84 3.8 96.5 4.1 104.11
9.0 274.32 2.2 55.9 1.4 35.66
10.0 304.80 0.8 20.3 0.9 22.88
11.0 335.28 0.8 20.3 0.8 20.33

tanks in sulfuric acid service. This has been welded titanium tank heated up to 60 ◦ C
confirmed by the successful use of anodic was connected to two titanium tubes each
protection for as long as 25 years on many 2.5 m long and to a centrifugal pump
vessels in the sulfuric acid industry. made of titanium. A tantalum cathode
was used and the anodic protection was Valve Metals Titanium is ex- maintained using a storage battery. There
tensively used in the chemical process was no need for accurate maintenance
industry owing to its excellent corrosion of the potential as titanium showed ex-
resistance. However, anodic protection of tended passivity up to 30 V. The current
titanium is required for certain environ- applied was 25 mA and the total power
ments. For example, anodic protection has required was 0.03 W m−2 . The corrosion
been recommended widely for application rate after a period of six weeks was found
of titanium in sulfuric acid applications. to be 0.005 mm yr−1 . Examination of the
Experiments indicated that anodic protec- equipment did not show any pitting or
tion considerably increased the corrosion crevice corrosion and a blue or purple col-
resistance of titanium. In sulfuric acid ored film was found developed throughout
up to 65% concentration at 65 ◦ C, the the surface. Even when the power was
corrosion rate of anodically protected ti- disconnected or a scratch was made on
tanium was found to be 0.025 mm yr−1 . the surface nine hours after the current
Even at a higher temperature of 90 ◦ C, disconnection, there was no significant
for sulfuric acid concentration of 57%, the change in the corrosion potential. Only
corrosion rate under anodic protection was after 30 h, the film dissolved and the equip-
found to be only 0.13 mm yr−1 [18, 19]. A ment corroded rapidly, but the corrosion
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 403

could be completely stopped within 7 s by • Relatively low operating cost due to the
applying a current of 55 mA. This indi- application of low currents maintaining
cated the superiority of anodic protection the passive state.
in improving the corrosion resistance of
equipments made of titanium in sulfuric The disadvantages and limitation of AP are
acid. Anodic protection was also success- as follows:
fully applied for protecting equipment
 can only be used in metal-electrolyte
made of titanium in hydrochloric acid, and
systems that exhibit an active–passive
phosphoric acid.
transition, high initial installation cost,
 difficulties with failure-free operation Application and Limitations of of control regulation systems,
Anodic Protection
 high initial polarizing current, and
The primary advantage of anodic pro-
 design difficulties.
tection is its applicability for extremely
corrosive environments. It is most exten- Among the advantages of anodic protec-
sively applied to protect equipment used to tion, notable is its ability to protect surfaces
produce, store, and handle sulfuric acid. It at a distance from the cathode includ-
is also used in chemical and nuclear indus- ing surfaces inside crevices that cannot
tries, during the production of fertilizers, be protected by other techniques. An ex-
and for the protection of heat exchangers tremely narrow crevice (0.023 cm) in a
and tankers with hot concentrated acids; chromium-nickel casting steel (CF-8 or
sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric, ammonium UNS 92600) cannot be protected in sulfu-
nitrate, and so on, involving components
ric acid at 25 ◦ C, whereas a crevice present
usually made of carbon steels, alloy steels,
in AISI 304 stainless steel can be pro-
stainless steels, titanium, nickel and its
tected. The reason for this difference is
alloys, and so on.
that the current required to passivate CF-
Other advantages of AP are as follows:
8 is several orders of magnitude greater
• Significant extension of the life of metal than that required for AISI 304 stainless
structures made of expensive materials steel. Thus, the successful application of
(e.g. high alloy steels, titanium), anodic protection requires a precise match
• The possibility of replacement of expen- among environment, materials, and pro-
sive materials with less expensive ones tective currents. The requirement of high
(e.g. alloy steels with carbon steels), anodic initial current required for estab-
• Retardation of some types of local cor- lishing the passivation process is another
rosion (intergranular, selective, stress), difficulty. The potential control must be
• High throwing power due to which designed such that sufficient current for
protection of apparatus of complicated the initial passivation process is available
shapes is possible (pumps, coolers), which then can be automatically reduced
• A decrease of the impurity content to maintain the equipment in the stable
(corrosion products) in chemical me- passive state. The difficulty in anodically
dia, which is of great importance in protecting long pipelines could be over-
the production of artificial fibers, and come by the use of wire cathodes inside
in the pharmaceutical and food indus- the pipe such that the entire length of the
tries, and pipe length can be protected. The materials
404 Corrosion Protection

undergoing localized corrosion due to in- materials, whether or not such persis-
stability of the passive films would be very tence can be expected and if so, for what
difficult to be protected anodically because interval.
of dangers in exceeding the breakdown
potential. 5.1.3
Equipment to be anodically protected Cathodic Protection
should be designed with a minimum of
irregularities because incomplete passiva- The first application of cathodic protec-
tion can have catastrophic consequences. tion and statement of the principles of the
In some environments, specifically in re- technique were made by Sir Humphrey
Davy in 1824 [20–22]. Using small but-
ducing environments, titanium may be
tons of zinc, or iron nails, attached to
alloyed with 0.1% palladium, which ef-
the protective copper sheathing installed
fectively protects crevices. While the TiPd
on the hulls of wooden warships, Davy
alloy is effective in preventing crevice at-
was able to arrest ‘‘the rapid decay of the
tack, it will dissolve at a rate four times
copper’’. Unfortunately, the suppression
faster than commercial grade titanium
of toxic, biocide, and copper ions allowed
when both are anodically protected. In the growth of marine organisms, which
contrast to cathodic protection, in which impaired the sailing speed. Since the latter
historically a substantial amount of trial was regarded as more undesirable than the
and error is involved, the limitations of corrosion, cathodic protection was discon-
anodic protection can be determined in tinued. Cathodic protection was first used
laboratory tests in advance of the actual extensively in the 1920s for buried steel
installation. Results of these tests usually pipelines transporting petroleum products
establish the exact conditions that must be in the Gulf coastal oil fields belonging
maintained for effective protection. Sim- to the United States. Cathodic protection
ilarly, laboratory tests can be used to of steel-hulled ships became prevalent in
determine in advance what effects process the 1950s to supplement corrosion- and
variables will have on protection. Expert fouling-resistant coatings. Cathodic pro-
surveillance is desirable in many cases tection finds its greatest use for coated
because minor changes in system param- carbon steels in many applications of
eters that are not anticipated in design can intermediate corrosion rate. Thus, it ex-
result in a shift of potentials into an ac- tends the service life of thousands of
tive region with a resulting acceleration miles of buried steel pipelines, oil and
of attack. Furthermore, it is obvious that gas well casings, offshore oil-drilling struc-
there should be an uninterrupted supply tures, seagoing ship hulls, marine pilings,
of electricity to the system. Interruption water tanks, and some chemical equip-
of the protective current does not invari- ment [23].
ably result in immediate corrosive attack,
however, because in some systems, pas- Criteria for Cathodic Protection
sivation may persist for extended times. The minimum potential values for CP
Loss of passivity may require application of metal and alloys obtained in typical
of massive currents to reestablish it. Lab- corrosion environments are given in
oratory tests can determine, with respect Table 4. In the case of steel structures
to given combination of corrosives and with cathodic protection, the maximum
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 405

Tab. 4 Recommended criteria for cathodic protection [24]

Criterion Notes

1. A negative (cathodic) potential of a least 850 mV Consideration is understood to mean the

with the cathodic protection applied. This application of sound engineering practice
potential is measured with respect to a saturated in determining the significance of voltage
copper/copper sulfate reference electrode drops by methods such as
contacting the electrolyte. Voltage drops other • measuring or calculating the voltage
than those across the structure-to-electrolyte drop(s),
boundary must be considered for valid • reviewing past performance of the
interpretation of this voltage measurement. cathodic protection system
2. A negative polarized potential of at least 850 mV • evaluating the physical and electrical
relative to a saturated copper/copper sulfate characteristics of the pipe and its
reference electrode. environment, and
3. Special conditions: • determining whether or not there is
physical evidence of corrosion
1. On bare or ineffectively coated pipelines
where long-line corrosion activity is of
primary concern, the measurement of a net
protective current at predetermined current
discharge points from the electrolyte to the
pipe surface, as measured by an earth
current technique, may be sufficient.
2. In some conditions, such as the presence of
sulfides, bacteria, elevated temperatures,
acid environments, and dissimilar metals,
the above criteria may not be sufficient.
3. When a pipeline is encased in concrete or
buried in dry or aerated high – resistivity soil,
values less negative than the criteria listed
above may be sufficient.

potential should not be more than −1.1 V An important aspect of cathodic pro-
versus CSE (copper sulfate electrode). tection is the means to monitor the ef-
Exceeding this value requires appropriate fectiveness and the criteria for protection.
investigations and justification. Criteria recommended by NACE (RP0169-
A critical paper on these potential crite- 96) for the CP of steel and cast iron piping
ria was published by Gummow [25], who are given in Table 4 [24]. Although several
described the effect of placement of a ref- criteria are described for CP of steel struc-
erence electrode during measurement on tures, the most commonly used criterion
the IR ohmic voltage drop, the importance is that the steel structure to be protected
of the resistivity of the soil, the presence of should be maintained at a potential more
bacteria, and the temperature. He has also negative than −0.85 V versus Cu/CuSO4
warned against overprotection of the struc- reference electrode. The primary disadvan-
ture and recommended maintaining the tages of this criterion are no connection of
CP potential of steel in the range −0.85 V the potential of the steel to the corrosion
to −1.1 V versus SCE. rate, and a large difference in protective
406 Corrosion Protection

potential values depending on the environ- recommended by NACE. However, the ef-
mental conditions. For metals other than fect of environmental polarization needs
steel, the general criterion for protection to be considered in reality at the field.
is based on a minimum level of potential It would be preferable to implement CP
shift in the negative direction from the criteria based on the actual corrosion rate
freely corroding potential. In addition, test of the protected metal – that is, by lowering
coupons can be connected to the structure the corrosion rate using the anodic Tafel
to be protected and removed periodically constant to some value that is adequate.
to determine the level of protection and However, this may be impractical because,
effectiveness of the CP system. in practice, the actual corrosion rate of the
The criteria for cathodic protection are structure may not be available. A workable
not free from criticism. It is believed that alternative would be to specify the potential
all the listed criteria are deficient to some change necessary to reduce corrosion by
extent and therefore qualitative in practical a given percentage. The anodic Tafel
application. However, one should be opti- constant provides a reasonable guide
mistic that any level of cathodic polariza- or criterion for cathodic protection and
tion is beneficial, and a broad range of ca- enables a better understanding of how and
thodically applied potentials will yield ade- why the cathodic protection is effective.
quate protection. As a result, the use of any However, determination of an accurate
criterion listed in Table 4 [24] will produce anodic Tafel constant for the protected
adequate cathodic protection if applied structure is not an easy task.
judiciously. The amount of cathodic pro-
tection should be sufficient to reduce the Types of Cathodic Protection
corrosion rate to an acceptable range. Cau- There are two types of CP systems.
tion should be exercised to avoid overpro- Sacrificial CP uses galvanic action through
tection. Overprotection results in the pre- a corroding anode to provide the current to
mature consumption of sacrificial anodes the structure to be protected. An impressed
or excessive amounts of impressed cur- current CP system uses a power supply
rent demands. Moreover, the application to provide the current to the structure to
of too much cathodic protection can result be protected using a dimensionally stable
in damage to the structure to be protected anode (Fig. 7). Design and installation of
as a result of hydrogen embrittlement. both types of systems should be conducted
by companies that specialize in cathodic Electrochemical Basis for Ca- corrosion control. Sacrificial (galvanic)
thodic Protection Criteria The corrosion protection is often used in preference to
rate of a steel structure tends to zero impressed current techniques when the
when it is polarized to the equilibrium current requirements are low and the
potential because the rate of forward and electrolyte has relatively low resistivity (less
reverse reactions becomes equal at this than about 10 000 Clearly, it has
potential. For a neutral electrolyte, the an advantage when there is no source of
calculated potential for the reaction of electrical power and when a completely
Fe is −0.59 V (versus saturated hydro- unmanned system is desired, such as for
gen electrode, SHE), which corresponds an underground or undersea installation.
to −0.90 V (versus Cu-saturated CuSO4 Capital investment will generally be lower,
electrode), not much varied from −0.85 V particularly for smaller installations, and it
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 407

Power source
2e − +

Soil surface
cable 2e
Pipeline Consumable
(cathode) M2+ M

Fig. 7 Cathodic protection for underground pipe-impressed

current anode [1].

is often the most economical method for structures, and can be automatically con-
short-life protection. Routine replacement trolled. Automatic control reduces mainte-
of anodes must also be considered in nance and operating costs.
this case.
The most common source of electricity Impressed Current Techniques
for impressed current systems is a local In this technique, the electrical current
power utility. Power normally involves the is delivered to the structure to be pro-
DC rectifier arrangement. Remote loca- tected from a direct current (dc) power
tions can use solar cells, thermoelectric source through an auxiliary electrode. The
current sources, special fuel-driven electric structure acts as a cathode and the auxil-
generators, or even windmills. Impressed iary electrode becomes the anode in the
current systems are preferred when cur- cell [26, 27]. Figure 8 shows an impressed
rent requirements and electrolyte resistiv- current system used to protect a pipeline.
ity are high. These systems require an inex- Both the buried anode(s) and the pipeline
pensive source of electrical power, are well are connected to an electrical rectifier,
suited to long-time operation and large which supplies direct current to the buried

Power supply
− +
Ground level

Anode Steel Anode


Insulated connection Steel pipe

Fig. 8 Circuit and typical reactions for impressed current
protection for steel pipeline buried in soil.
408 Corrosion Protection

electrodes (anodes and protected cathode) will be

of the system.
The use of consumable electrodes, for ex- 2H2 O −−−→ O2 + 4H+ + 4e−
ample scrap iron, is cheap but consumable or in brine it will possibly be
electrodes must be replaced at regular in-
tervals [28]. Furthermore, these electrodes 2Cl− −−−→ Cl2 + 2e−
cannot sustain high current densities and
must therefore be rather bulky. Moreover, In either case, the electrode will not be
the dissolution products from these elec- normally consumed.
trodes tend to contaminate the environ- The magnitude of the driving voltage
ment. These disadvantages can be avoided required from the DC source depends on
with the use of nonconsumable electrodes a number of factors including
such as, silicon-iron [29], lead-antimony- 1. the electrolytic conductivity of the
silver [30], platinum-titanium [31, 32] or environment,
platinum-tantalum [33, 34]. However, they 2. the area of structure to be protected,
are expensive. 3. the nature of the electrode reaction at
Impressed current anodes need not be the auxiliary electrode, and
naturally anodic to steel and, in fact, most 4. the resistance of the auxiliary electrode.
impressed current anodes are made from
nonconsumable electrode materials that In most cases the electrolytic conductivity
are naturally cathodic to steel. These elec- is the controlling factor, and the electrode
trodes would cause accelerated corrosion reaction is of least importance. Clearly, if
of the structure if they were directly con- the environment does not have reasonable
nected to the structure. The dc source electrolytic conductivity, large IR (or volt-
reverses the natural polarity and allows age) drops will occur within it creating the
the materials to act as anodes. need for a high driving voltage.
In anaerobic aqueous environment, The most common power source for
the hydrogen evolution reaction will be impressed current protection is the trans-
dominant reaction at the cathode, or former rectifier. This unit, commonly
protected electrode. If the solution is called simply a rectifier, reduces incom-
aerated, the reduction of oxygen becomes ing ac voltage and rectifies it to dc. There
possible and may occur in place of, or are also solid-state switch mode rectifiers
together with, the hydrogen evolution that perform similar functions without
reaction depending on the potential to the use of transformers. Rectifiers can be
which the structure is depressed. If the provided with constant voltage, constant
auxiliary electrode is a base metal, then the current or structure-to-electrolyte potential
anodic reaction will be control. In areas where electrical power is
not readily available, solar power and wind
M −−−→ Mz+ + ze− driven generators coupled with storage bat-
teries are used. There is also some use of
and the electrode will be steadily con- thermoelectric cells, in-line turbine gener-
sumed. By contrast, if the electrode is a ators (in gas or oil pipelines), and internal
noble metal and electrochemically inert, combustion engine driven generators.
oxidation of the environment will occur A variety of materials is used for im-
in preference. Thus, in water the reaction pressed current anodes. Among the oldest
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 409

are high silicon, chromium bearing cast in the same environment can lead to
iron, graphite and junk steel. Magnetite accelerated corrosion of the more active
and lead-silver anodes are also used, with metal and protection of the less active
lead-silver being confined to use in seawa- (nobler) one. In a galvanic couple between
ter. Among newer materials are ‘‘dimen- dissimilar metals, the galvanic current
sionally stable anodes’’, so-called because cathodically protects the more noble metal
the anode itself consists of a deposit on and preferentially dissolves the more active
an inert substrate. Included in this cate- metal. Although galvanic corrosion is
gory are platinized niobium or titanium generally considered a nuisance, it can
and mixed metal–metal oxide/titanium be used here constructively as a corrosion
anodes. control method. Electrons flow from the
active sacrificial anode to the noble cathode Sacrificial Anodes In contrast to
structure. The anodic reaction at the
the impressed current technique, the use cathode structure, for example,
of sacrificial anodes does not depend on Fe −−−→ Fe2+ + 2e−
the creation of driven electrochemical cell.
Rather, a galvanic cell is formed between can be reduced by the surplus of electrons
the structure and the sacrificial anode in provided by the sacrificial anode. At the
which electrons pass spontaneously from same time, the reduction of dissolved
the latter to the former (Fig. 9). Thus, the oxygen or the evolution of hydrogen
source of the electrons (the sacrificial an- is accelerated. The cathode structure
ode) must have a more negative electrode is cathodically protected, and the same
potential than the structure. It was for this electrochemical reactions are present at
reason that Humphrey Davy chose zinc the cathode as when polarization is
or iron to protect copper, and it also ex- provided by impressed current.
plains why magnesium, aluminum and It should be noted that in contrast to
zinc alloys are used to protect steel today. the impressed current system in which a
The sacrificial CP technique involves the driving voltage of up to 100 V may be made
use of a more active metal than that used available, in the sacrificial anode system
in the structure to be protected to supply the maximum driving voltage is controlled
the current needed to control corrosion. by the open circuit potential difference
The more active metal is called a sacrificial between the anode and the structure with
anode [35]. Coupling two dissimilar metals the result that it cannot exceed about 1.0 V.

Insulated copper wire

Soil Active
Pipeline anode


Fig. 9 Cathodic protection for

underground pipe – sacrificial
or galvanic anode. Backfill
410 Corrosion Protection

Capital investment for sacrificial (gal- • it is difficult to overprotect, and moder-

vanic) protection will generally be lower, ately easy to obtain a uniform electrode
particularly for smaller installations, and it potential across the structure.
is often the most economical method for
short-life protection, although this is not The advantages of the impressed current
its only application. Routine replacement CP technique include
of anodes must also be considered. There-
• protection of large and even compli-
fore, maximum anode life requires only
cated structures in high-resistivity en-
minimum current for adequate protection.
vironments can be achieved since it is
Only zinc, aluminum, and magnesium
possible to apply a large driving voltage;
alloys have been consistently applied as
• performance of the system can be
sacrificial anodes [36]. Magnesium and
increased by proper tuning of the
zinc are the most common galvanic an-
voltage; and,
odes for underground use. In salt water,
• the requirement for anodes is rela-
zinc anodes and aluminum alloy anodes
tively lower.
are commonly used. In freshwater, magne-
sium is frequently used. For underground The most severe limitation of the sacrificial
use, magnesium and zinc anodes are anode CP technique is the small driving
packaged in a backfill consisting of 75% force, which restricts its use to conductive
gypsum, 20% bentonite, and 5% sodium environments, short current throws and,
sulfate. The purpose of the backfill is to ab- marine use apart from, well-coated struc-
sorb products of corrosion and to absorb tures. The need for a reliable dc power
water from the soil to keep the anodes ac- supply, the danger of overprotection, the
tive. Magnesium and zinc are also available difficulty of achieving a satisfactory poten-
in ribbons and extruded rods. tial profile over a complex shape and the
possibility of improper connection causing Comparison of Sacrificial Anodes corrosion of the structure intended to be
and Impressed Current Techniques It is protected are the major disadvantages of
evident from the above that both im- the impressed current CP technique.
pressed current CP technique and sacri-
ficial anode CP technique have their own Reference Electrodes for Cathodic
merits and demerits. Protection
The advantages of using sacrificial anode The criterion for the cathodic protection of
CP technique include most metals is expressed as a potential of
the metal relative to a reference device. A
• easy operation without an independent constant potential device is required which
supply of electrical power; should possess the following properties:
• easy installation and provision for
introducing additional anodes even 1. Its potential should be constant irre-
after commissioning; spective of the electrolyte in which it is
• the possibility of improper electrical used and it should not vary greatly with
connection to the structure is elimi- changes in electrolyte temperature or
nated; other parameters;
• there is no control function to be 2. Any changes should be predictable and
exercised; and should have no hysteresis effect;
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 411

3. The device should not polarize at small structure with CP,

cathodic or anodic currents, and it
should have a low internal resistance. ECP = ECORR + E + I R (1)

All these properties should be constant where E is the true polarization and
with time or the device should have a IR is the ohmic potential drop. The IR
definable life. For use in most electrolytes, drop can be eliminated by measuring the
the device should not be bulky so as to have instant-off potential. The IR drop vanishes
an effect upon the current paths in the immediately upon interruption of the cur-
electrolyte and the point of measurements rent, whereas the true polarization takes
should be small so that precise positional time to decay owing to the capacitance of
determinations of potential can be made. the component and the time required for
The half-cell generally used for cathodic any changes in the environment to de-
cay. However, instant-off measurements
protection in the field is the copper sulfate
require synchronized interruption of all
electrode. This consists of an electrode of
of the current sources, which can be
electrolytic copper in a saturated solution
difficult to achieve in the field. The current-
of copper sulfate. The electrode can easily
off (instant-off) measurements indicate
be made to have a large current capacity
whether the −0.85 V criterion has been
and will carry current better when it is
met or the starting point for the polar-
acting as an anode than as a cathode.
ization decay measurement of −100 mV
In the field, the cell is easily recharged
period. If the −0.85 V current-off crite-
and commercially pure copper sulfate
rion is not met, then voltage readings
solutions give potentials consistent to
of the polarization decay should also be
within 5 mV.
conducted and recorded, unless native po-
The most universal cells are of the silver
tential readings are available. SCC is a
chloride type. These consist of silver wire potential dependant phenomenon, and so
coated with silver chloride so that both the a potential more negative than 1.1 volts
silver and silver chloride are in contact with would be detrimental for SCC to occur. A
a chloride ion electrolyte. The potential of highly negative potential can also produce
the half-cell will depend upon chloride ion hydrogen-induced cracking under some
concentration or more exactly upon the soil conditions. This high negative poten-
logarithm of chloride ion activity. tial would also increase the possibility of
cathodic delamination damage to the pro- Elimination of IR Drops during tective coatings.
Potential Measurements The application of new insulation ma-
Potential measurements of protected terials and technologies has led to a
structure, especially in soil, are comprised decrease in the required protective cur-
with an error resulting from the voltage rents. The unit insulation resistance is a
drop between the structure and the ref- significant parameter determining the use-
erence electrode. This error depends on fulness of structural insulation in cathodic
the resistance of layers of corrosion prod- protection. It characterizes the CP cur-
ucts and insulation, and the resistance of rent transfer resistance from the ground
the electrolytic environment. Equation (1) to the pipeline. The interaction range of
shows the amount of ohmic potential drop cathodic protection and the protective cur-
in the measurement of the potential of a rent density change depend on its value.
412 Corrosion Protection

The value of unit insulation resistance Ri Magnesium anodes are the only sacrificial
is determined from the formula anodes that are routinely specified for
use in buried soil applications. Most
Ri = magnesium anodes are supplied with a
j prepackaged bentonite clay backfill in a
where Ri is the unit insulation resistance permeable cloth sack. This backfill ensures
(.cm2 ), EON the pipeline potential mea- that the anode will have a conductive
sure when the CP current is on (V ), EOFF environment and will corrode reliably.
the pipeline potential measured when CP Some magnesium anodes have been used
current is off (V ) and J , the mean cathodic offshore in recent years in an attempt
protection current density (A.m−2 ). to polarize the structures to a protected
The detrimental value of the unit insula- potential faster than would occur if zinc
tion resistance in real conditions depends or aluminum alloy anodes were used.
not only on the resistance parameter of Magnesium tends to corrode quite readily
the insulation material, but also on the in salt water, and most designers avoid the
resistance of the environment and the use of magnesium for permanent long-
electrolyte resistance in insulation de- term marine CP applications.
fects. Mostly, the unit insulation resistance Zinc is used for cathodic protection
changes exponentially as a function of the in freshwater and marine water. Zinc
operating time. The process of insulation is especially well suited for cathodic
ageing can thus be observed and forecast protection on ships that move between
on the basis of unit insulation resistance salt water and harbors in brackish rivers
measurements. or estuaries. Zinc anodes also are used
to protect ballast tanks, heat exchanger, Development of Sacrificial Anodes and many mechanical components on
for Cathodic Protection ships, coastal power plants, and similar
Different requirements for sacrificial an- structures.
odes lead to the use of widely different Aluminum and aluminum-zinc alloy
materials for these applications. The fol- anodes have become the preferred sacri-
lowing are requirements for the selection ficial anodes for the cathodic protection
of sacrificial anodes: of offshore platforms. This preference is
because aluminum anodes demonstrate
• The anode must be a metal that is more reliable long-term performance when com-
active than the metal to be protected. pared with magnesium, which might be
Commercial sacrificial anodes for the consumed before the platform has served
protection of steel include magnesium, its useful life. Aluminum also has better
zinc, and aluminum. current/weight characteristics than zinc.
• The potential difference between the Weight can be a major consideration
freely corroding potential of the struc- for large offshore platforms. The major
ture to be protected and the sacrificial disadvantage of aluminum for some ap-
anode must be large enough to provide plications, for example, the protection of
the necessary CP current. painted ship hulls, is that aluminum is too
• The sacrificial anodes must be of suffi- corrosion resistant in many environments.
cient size and have sufficient efficiency Aluminum alloys will not corrode reliably
to provide the necessary useable life. onshore or in freshwater [37]. In marine
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 413

environments, the chloride content of Platinized anodes are used in marine

seawater depassivates some aluminum al- work on ships, hulls, and for applications
loys and allows them to perform reliably as involving the interior parts of structures
anode materials. Unfortunately, it is nec- such as condenser water boxes, internal
essary to add mercury, antimony, indium, parts of pumps, certain pipeline interiors.
tin, or similar metals to the aluminum Lead alloy anodes, containing 2% silver,
alloy to ensure that this depassivation oc- or 1% silver and 5% antimony, are used for
curs. Heavy metal pollution concerns have CP systems in seawater. Lead alloy anode
led to bans on the use of mercury alloys in should not be buried in the sea bottom or
some locations. used in freshwater applications.
Oxide-metal composite anodes consist of Development of Impressed a mixed ruthenium dioxide and titanium
Current Anodes for Cathodic Protection oxide coating sintered onto a commercially
Impressed current anodes must be cor- pure titanium substrate. These expanded-
rosion resistant and otherwise durable in mesh anodes also are used for protecting
the environment in which they are used. reinforcing steel in concrete [37].
They must have low consumption rates
when connected to a CP source. All ma- Problems with Cathodic Protection
terials used for impressed current anodes Cathodic protection has many problems
are cathodic (more noble) than steel. High and limitations apart from huge capital
silicon cast iron (Fe-0.95C-0.75Mn-14.5Si- investment and maintenance costs. One
4.5Cr) is used for onshore CP applications of the more serious problems associated
and in other locations where abrasion re- with cathodic protection is the possible
sistance and other mechanical damage effects of stray currents on the corrosion
considerations are important [1]. Graphite of adjacent metal structures. For example,
anodes are extensively used for onshore a CP system that is efficiently protecting
pipeline CP applications in which they pipeline ‘‘A’’ might increase the corrosion
can be buried in multiple-anode ground of neighboring pipeline ‘‘B’’ (Fig. 10a).
beds. However, graphite must be stored This increase can lead to unexpected
and handled carefully because of its brittle corrosion problems/failure, as well as
nature. undesirable legal ramifications. Although
Polymeric anodes are used to mitigate it is possible to eliminate stray current
the corrosion of reinforcing steel in corrosion (Fig. 10b) with the help of
salt-contaminated concrete. The system proper design features, the solution is
consists of a mesh type of anodes with a not simple. The best solution to stray
conductive polymer film coating on copper current problems is electrical bonding of
conductors. nearby structures, as shown in Fig. 11.
Precious metals are used for impressed Installation of additional anodes and
current anodes because they are highly possibly additional rectifier results in
efficient electrodes and can handle much protection of both structures [38].
higher currents than anodes fabricated The use of deeply buried anodes can
from other materials. Precious metal solve the problem when stray currents af-
anodes are actually platinized titanium or fect structures just below ground level.
niobium anodes; the platinum is either The problems due to stray current corro-
clad or electroplated on the substrate. sion warrant a survey of all other metal
414 Corrosion Protection

dc source Fig. 10 Stray current effects in

underground pipelines: (a) stray
− +
currents cause corrosion in neighboring
pipelines (b) redesign minimize stray
Soil current effects [39].
protected Anode protected structure because it is the cath-
Current ode in the circuit. It is considered to be
a major drawback when the cathodic reac-
tion is hydrogen evolution. Figure 5 makes
Induced Cathode
evident that the greater the protection re-
(a) Corrosion at induced anode quired, the greater the external current that
must be delivered and faster the rate of hy-
dc source drogen evolution. Hydrogen generated at
steel surfaces is undesirable because of the
− + danger of hydrogen entry into the metal
causing embrittlement. This is a partic-
ular cause for concern in the protection
of high strength steels. The cathodic re-
Anode action can also create problems because
Current Current
of the resultant buildup of hydroxyl ions
(increased alkalinity). This increased alka-
linity can be harmful to an amphoteric
metal such as aluminum. The alkaline en-
(b) Insulated connection vironment breaks down the protective film
on aluminum and can result in severe
structures in the area, which is essential corrosion.
before installing cathodic protection. Such Although coatings and cathodic protec-
inspection also might reveal a source of tion are mutually supportive of each other,
protection from a neighboring system. it is important to recognize the poten-
Other problems associated with cathodic tial dangers when they are used together.
protection are related to the chemical re- When the structure is acting as a cathode
actions occurring at the surface of the in aqueous solutions, it will sustain either

High-resistance voltmeter
(−) (+)

Portable Approximately
reference electrode (typ.) 25 FT. Grade

Pipeline Direction of stray

current flow

Fig. 11 Prevention of stray current corrosion by proper design [39].

5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 415

hydrogen evolution or oxygen reduction. Tab. 5 Full protection ranges of potential and
Both reactions consume hydrogen ions or the current required to protect steel and other
release hydroxyl ions, thus causing an in-
crease in pH adjacent to the structure.
Metals to be protected E vs Cu/CuSO4
Hence it is important that the coatings
applied to the structure must possess
the ability to resist the chemical attack Iron and steel
by the hydroxyl ions. Oil-based and oleo- (a) aerobic environment −0.85
resinous paints are softened and tend to (b) anaerobic environment −0.95
blister with alkali and are therefore un- Lead −0.6
suitable for use with cathodic protection. Copper-based alloys −0.5 to −0.65
Bituminous paints, epoxy resins, chlori- Aluminum
nated rubbers, and especially coal tar epoxy Positive E limit −0.95
paints are resistant and suitable for alkali Negative E limit −1.2
environments. Another problem with the Environment Current density
combined use of coatings and cathodic Am−2
protection is the disbonding of coatings Steel
due to the generation of hydrogen at the H2 SO4 (Hot, Static) 350–500
Soils 0.01–0.5
metal-coating interface where there is ex- Fast-flowing seawater 0.3 decaying
cessive protection current. If the amount to 0.15
of current applied is excessive, hydrogen Air-saturated hot water 0.1–0.15
can be generated on the surface of the Flowing freshwater 0.05–0.1
structure being protected, which can cause
disbondment and premature failure of the
coatings used. Figure 12 shows the relationship between
Many other issues are involved in the the electrode potential of the steel and
application of cathodic protection. For the assurance of protection offered in the
example, consider the case of cathodic potential ranges. Table 5 shows the full
protection of underground structures in protection ranges of potential and the cur-
which the corrosivity of soil is likely to rent densities required to protect steel and
play a major role, as does the degree other metals in various environments.
of aeration and the resistivity. Bacterial
effects also can change the corrosion 5.1.4
potential. All these factors influence the Advanced Aspects of Cathodic Protection
corrosion process so that along a pipeline
there can be varying cathodic control Stray Current Effects in Cathodic
requirements that have to be estimated Protection
from potential measurements, experience, The causes and common means of detect-
and so forth. ing and mitigating stray current interfer-
Achieving full protection through ca- ence effects that result from direct cur-
thodic means depends on the potential rent sources are reviewed in this Sect. [1,
maintained during the period. The only 40–44]. Alternating current, while creating
proper indication of the protection is a potential safety hazard, may contribute to
the electrode potential of the different corrosion of ferrous structure [42]. Exten-
parts of the structure being protected. sive research is in progress in this regard.
416 Corrosion Protection

Potential vs Cu/CuSo4 vs SHE vs Zn in sea water

−0.5 −0.18 +0.6

Intense corrosion
−0.6 −0.28 +0.5

Freely corroding
−0.7 −0.38 +0.4

Some protection
−0.8 −0.48 +0.3

Zone of cathodic protection

−0.9 −0.58 +0.2

Some overprotection
−1.0 −0.68 +0.1

Increased overprotection
−1.1 −0.78 0.0

Increasingly severe
−1.2 −0.88 −0.1
Producing blistering of paints
and spalling
−1.3 Increasing danger of −0.98 −0.2

−1.4 −1.08 −0.3

Fig. 12 The relationship between potential and the possibility of
corrosion and cathodic protection of steel [3].

Stray currents are defined as electrical are those that are continually varying
currents flowing through electrical paths in amplitude and/or continually chang-
other than the intended path [43]. Stray ing their electrolytic paths. These currents
currents, or interference currents, can can be manmade (e.g. dc welding equip-
be classified as being either static or ment, dc railway systems [44], chloride
dynamic. plants, and aluminum plants or caused
Static interference currents are those by natural phenomena. Natural sources
that maintain constant amplitude and con- of dynamic stray currents, called tellurics,
stant paths. Example of typical sources are are caused by disturbances in the earth’s
railroad signal batteries, high voltage di- magnetic field resulting from sun spot ac-
rect current (HVDC), ground electrodes, tivity. Telluric effects may contribute to
and CP system rectifiers. Dynamic in- corrosion [45] and in, addition, can cre-
terference currents on the other hand, ate measurement difficulties and interfere
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 417

with the ability to assess CP system become conductors of stray currents in the
performance. earth movement.
The effects of stray currents are more
severe when the resistivity of the soil is
very low. If there is a current flowing Detection of Stray Currents Sta-
in the earth and a potential difference tic stray currents of a pipeline can be
exists between points where a metallic detected by analyzing pipe-to-soil poten-
conductor, such as pipeline or cable, is tials. The graph in Fig. 13 shows a pipeline
located, then the conductor will readily with no interference. Figure 14 shows a po-
acquire a part of the current that is flowing. tential plot for a coated pipeline with stray
Thus, metallic pipelines and cables can current interference. Interference may be

Pipe-to-soil potential


−0.85 V

Fig. 13 Potential versus distance plot.

−1.1 Current pickup
Pipe to soil potential

from interfering
−1.0 groundbed

−0.7 Current
−0.6 discharge to
interfering line
+ −

Interfering line +


Interfered line

Fig. 14 Potential plot with interference; coated pipeline [39].

418 Corrosion Protection

suspected if the voltage curve profile shows system, mines, or industrial plants, such
abnormal variation from previous survey as aluminum and chlorine, the current
graphs. High negative values are noted flow should be traced along the interfered
remote from any CP system on the sur- structure to its source. One method is to
veyed line. observe the current flow at intervals along
Dynamic stray currents are more easily the structure using millivolt drop test sta-
detected than static ones. Dynamic stray tion lead wires to determine the direction
currents are present if the structure-to-soil of current flow.
potential is continually fluctuating, while Assume that a situation exists in which a
the reference electrode is kept in a station- single source is causing interference prob-
ary position in contact with the soil. These lems. A voltmeter connection, to be used
potential changes result from current for pipe-to-soil potential measurements,
changes at the source of the interference. is made between the pipeline (interfered
structure) and a reference electrode within
earth current pattern of the source and Locating the Source of Static
its load. Observing the fluctuation of po-
Interference The path of current flow in
tential readings at this point alone would
the earth can be tracked to its source
not enable one to determine if the read-
by measuring the currents in the earth,
ings are being taken at a point where the
using two identical portable reference
pipeline is picking up or discharging cur-
electrodes and a high-resistance voltmeter.
rent. If measurements were being taken at
By measuring the potential difference
a point of current pick-up, a negative po-
between the two electrodes spaced about
tential swing would be indicated. A positive
8 m (25 ft) apart, the direction of current
swing would indicate a decrease of current
flow can be determined and its path traced.
flow and a condition of the pipe return-
If there are test facilities for measuring
ing to its steady state condition. Readings
current flow along the pipeline, a line
observed at a discharge point swinging in
current survey can be conducted to
the positive direction would indicate an
determine the areas of current pick-up
increase in current leaving the line and a
and discharge. This information can also
negative swing would indicate a decrease
be used to track stray currents toward
in current discharge.
their source.
Test location can be identified as pick-
To confirm the cause of abnormal pipe-
up or discharge points by correlating
to-soil potential readings, the effect of
the pipe circuit voltage between the
interrupting the suspected current source
interfered pipeline and the stay current
on potential survey along the protected source, and the pipe-to-soil potential of
pipeline or structure should be assessed. If the pipeline. A plot of these data is
there is no effect on the potential readings called a beta plot. Figure 15 illustrates
of the interfered structure, the search for the typical experimental setup to obtain
the current source must continue until the a beta plot. Typical beta plots for a
actual interfering current source is located. current pick-up area and for a current
discharge area are presented in Fig. 16(a, Locating the Source of Dynamic b), respectively.
Interference After identifying possible As the connection shown in Fig. 15
sources, such as dc electrical railway indicates, a positive value of E1 occurs
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 419

Current interrupter
connected to rectifier
Portable voltmeter positive terminal
Portable rectifier
V or dc source
(−) (+) Jumper cable (typ.)
Portable CuSO4 (+) I (+) (+)
reference electrode (−)


to structure Ground rods or stainless
steel soil resistivity Negative terminal
test pins driven into soil of rectifier
Pipeline/structure connected to

Fig. 15 Typical setup used to locate point of maximum exposure [39].

when current flows from the stray current sources, not directly associated with the
source to the pipeline. Conversely, a CP system. Stray currents tend to enter
negative value of E1 indicates a current the buried structure at one place and leave
flow from the pipeline to the stray it in another. It is where the current leaves
current source. The slope of straight line the structure that severe corrosion can
through the data points is the value of be expected.
beta = E1 /Vg . This type of testing Stray current problems and the general
requires that pipe-to-soil potential, Vg , be appraisal of a CP system often require
measured at two or more locations. Many knowledge of the potential variations in
readings should be taken at these locations the electrolyte. To do this, either the
simultaneously and the meters used must potential between the two half-cells placed
be identical, or comparison of the sets of in the electrolyte is measured or the
readings will be difficult. In most cases, a potential of the structure is measured
dual channel recorder, such as X-Y plotter, relative to the same half-cell placed in
or multichannel data logging is used. the electrolyte. When measurements are
If the points plotted form a vertical line, made between half-cells, the meter must
a neutral curve, there is no influence on have a high resistance. Alternatively, a
Vg by the output fluctuation of the current bridge system can be used, particularly
source. The point of maximum exposure in liquid electrolytes, in which the half-cell
to stray current can be determined from is placed in contact with two different areas
a plot of slopes of beta curves versus of structure.
distance along the pipeline. The location
of minimum discharge area slope is the Mitigation of Stray Current
location of maximum exposure. Corrosion Potential Measurements in the Controlling Stray Currents at the

Presence of Stray currents Stray currents Source Groundbed site selection can
flow in the electrolyte from external be used to eliminate or greatly reduce
420 Corrosion Protection





−1.4 −1.2 −1.0 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4
(a) [V]





−0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 +0.2
(b) [V]
Fig. 16 (a) Typical beta curve- pick-up area, (b) typical beta curve – discharge
area [39].

stray currents and the potential gradients roadbeds or on insulated ties or padding.
that accompany them. Ideally, groundbed Similarly, when dealing with equipment,
should be installed as far as possible from if isolated positive and negative circuits
any foreign structure in the area, in order can be employed, stray current problems
to minimize the effects of the electric field will be minimized because of the high
from the groundbed. resistance to earth [40, 41]. During weld-
In transit systems and any of the ing, care should be taken to ensure that
other systems involving rail returns, the the ground connection and the welding
rails should be installed on well-ballasted electrode are relatively close together and
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 421

that the electrical path between them is of following equation:

negligible resistance.
E0 E
Rb = + − RI
Ib ISC Static Stray Currents Mitiga-
tion bonds are used to mitigate the effects Where, Rb = Resistance of the mitiga-
of stray current corrosion on a structure. tion bond
The purpose of the mitigation bond is RI = Resistance between the
to eliminate current flow from a metal- structures
lic structure into the earth by providing E0 = Open circuit potential
metallic return path for the current. This without the stray current
drainage bond allows the stray current source operating
flowing from a groundbed to the interfered E = Change in open circuit
structure to flow through the structure and potential caused by stray
back to the protected structure through the current source
bond. The typical current flows form the ISC = Current flow from stray
metal surface into the earth. current source
In order to size the mitigation bond, the Ib = Current in the mitigation
point of maximum current flow between bond
the two affected structures must be located.
Typically, this point is situated near the Dynamic Stray Currents Once
point of pipeline crossing, where the the location of maximum exposure is
circuit resistances are the lowest, but determined and its slope or beta curve
it can be situated some distance away, plotted, the size of the resistance bond can
particularly with well-coated pipelines at be determined. The required size of the
areas of coating failure or damage. resistance bond is such that its installation
A ‘‘trial-and-error’’ method can be used will cause the beta curve at the point of
to determine the correct bond resistance maximum exposure to assume a neutral
and current for a solution to static stray or pick-up slope. Figure 17 shows a beta
current problem. A reference cell is curve at a point of maximum exposure as
placed at the point of maximum stray well as the required mitigation curve.
current exchange to monitor the potential- In sizing the mitigation bond, a trial-and-
to-soil of the interfered structure. With error solution may be possible in relatively
the current source operating, a series simple cases in which a single source of
of bonds are placed between the two stray current is involved. The size of the
pipelines. When the potential-to-soil with resistance bond can be determined by in-
the current source operating and the stalling temporary variable resistances and
bond installed equals the potential-to-soil by determining when stray current corro-
with the current source deactivated (with sion has been mitigated. The procedure is
the bond disconnected), the correct bond similar to that described for static stray cur-
resistance is determined. The current flow rents, except that a mitigation curve, such
through the bond and the resistance of the as is shown in Fig. 17 must be obtained.
bond can be measured. Where a more complex interference
The required bond resistance can also problem exists, which precludes the use of
be calculated mathematically, using the the trial-and-error method, a mathematical
422 Corrosion Protection

Mitigation curve




−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 +0.2 +0.4
Fig. 17 Beta curve – discharge area (mitigation current) [39].

method can be used. In this method, the anodes weighing anywhere from 135 kg
following equation is used to obtain the to 635 kg. Common places to use gal-
required resistance of the mitigation bond vanic anode protection include well-coated,
Vg /Ib electrically isolated structures, offshore
Rb = − RI structures, ship hulls, hot spot pipeline
protection, heat-exchanger water boxes,
where, Rb = Resistance of the mitiga- and in environments of resistivity below
tion bond ∼10 000  cm, although they can be used
RI = Resistance between the in much higher resistivities, especially if
structures isolation conditions are favorable.
β = Beta slope
Vg = change in pipe-to-soil po- Design Parameters The elec-
tential resulting from ap- trolyte resistivity, the protective current
plication of the bond cur- requirement, the desired life of the anodes,
rent, Ib .
whether or not the structure is electrically
isolated, whether or not there are any stray Design Aspects of Sacrificial current concerns, and the physical configu-
Cathodic Protection System
ration design for the anodes are important
Galvanic anode systems are typically used
design parameters.
where protective current requirements are
relatively low, usually in the range of sev-
eral hundred milliamperes to perhaps 4 or Current Requirements There
5 A. Offshore structures, having current re- are two ways of establishing current
quirements of many hundreds of amperes requirements. In this procedure, a test
can also be protected by large galvanic current is applied to the structure and the
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 423

resultant change in structure-to-electrolyte Tab. 6 Typical current requirements for

potential is measured. From, the data, cathodic protection for bare steel
the current-requirement can be calculated.
Details on current requirement testing are Environment [mA cm−2 ]
given by Peabody in Refs. [46] and [47].
In new construction, the current require- Neutral soil 4.5–156.0
Well-aerated neutral soil 21.5–32.0
ment is often calculated from estimates Highly acid soil 32.0–160.0
such as those in Table 6. The amount of Soil supporting surface 65.0–450.0
bare steel depends on the assumed qual- reducing bacteria
ity of the coating, both to begin with and Heated soil 32.0–270.0
after several years of operation. A coat- Stationery freshwater 11.0–65.0
Moving, oxygenated 54.0–160.0
ing efficiency, for example, of 95% equals freshwater
5% bare metal. The current requirement Seawater 32.0–110.0
is then the total area of the pipe, times
the percent bare (as a decimal) times the
current per square meter, or
for groundwater use. There are also two
Ireq = A × % bare × mA m−2 grades of aluminum alloy anodes for salt
water use.
where Ireq is the total current requirement If zinc anodes are chosen, it is impor-
in milliamperes (mA) and A is the total tant that they meet the purity required by
area of the structure is square meters (m2 ). ASTM B-418, Type I (Mil Spec A-18001)
for seawater use and ASTM B-418 Type II Anode Selection Table 7 lists for underground use. Lower purity anodes
the characteristics of several types of gal- will not function properly. Zinc anodes are
vanic anodes. There are two types of generally limited to environments of re-
magnesium anode alloys, standard (H-1) sistivity below 1500  cm because of their
alloy and high-potential alloy. Generally, low driving voltage. Zinc anodes are used
speaking high-potential anodes are desir- successfully in higher resistivity soils, how-
able if the electrolyte resistivity exceeds ever, on some very well coated, electrically
8000  cm. There are two grades of zinc isolated facilities such as underground
anodes, one for seawater use and one storage tanks.

Tab. 7 Galvanic anode characteristics

Material Theoretical Actual Efficiency Consumption

output [A-h output [A-h
kg−1 ] k−1 ] Rate [Kg Potential to
A-yr−1 ] CSE

Zinc type I 860 781 90% 11 1.06

Type II magnesium 816 739 90% 12 1.10
H-1 alloy 2205 551–1279 25–58% 6.8–16 1.40–1.60
Magnesium high potential 2205 992–1191 45–54% 7.3–8.6 1.70–1.80
Al/Zn/Hg 2977 2822 95% 3.1 1.06
Al/Zn/In 2977 2591 87% 3.3 1.11
424 Corrosion Protection Cathodic Protection Circuit Resis- Anode Life Anode life can be
tance The resistance of a vertical anode calculated from [49]
to ground can be calculated from the fol-
lowing equation based on the dimensions T h × W × E × UF
of the anode package [48] h×I
ρ 8L where L is life in years, T h is the theoretical
RV = ln −1
2πL d A-h kg−1 output (Table 7), W is the anode
weight in kilograms, E is the current
Where RV is the resistance to earth in efficiency (Table 7), U F is the utilization
ohms (), ρ is the soil resistivity in ohm factor, h is the hour per year (8766), and
centimeters ( cm), L is the anode length I is the anode output in amperes. The
in centimeters (cm), and d is the anode utilization factor is usually chosen as 0.85
diameter in centimeters. (85%); this means that once the anode
is 85% consumes, its resistance to earth Anode Output The anode out- begins to increase to the point that its
put depends on the anode circuit resistance output is reduced significantly.
and the potential difference between the If the calculated life is insufficient,
anode and the structure (the driving po- then the designer needs to choose a
tential). The potential difference between heavier anode or perhaps use more anodes
the anode and the structure, Vg (V ) is than the design calculation require. Total
the difference between the open circuit required anode weight for a given life
potential of the anode, or could be solved from the above equation.
The total weight can then be divided by
Vg = Vga − Vgs the individual anode weight to obtain the
the current output, I in milliamperes, is required number of anodes.
then calculated from Ohm’s Law Design of Impressed Current
Vg Cathodic Protection System
I= × 1000
Rt Impressed current cathodic protection has
wide application. It is especially applicable Number of Anodes Required when current requirements are large, in
The number of anodes required is calcu- some cases as high as 500A or more. Then
lated from the current requirement divided too, a small impressed current system,
by the individual anode output, putting out less than an ampere might be
current requirement used to replace a dissipated galvanic anode
anodes required = system. Common uses of impressed cur-
anode output
rent include long transmission pipelines,
Anodes are usually spaced evenly along complex underground structures, piling,
or around the structure. It is also good marine structures and ship hulls, replace-
practice to place anodes near isolating ments for dissipated galvanic systems,
fittings, building walls, or other locations large condenser water boxes, reinforcing
where an inadvertent, although likely high steel in concrete, bare or poorly coated
resistance, contact to another structure structures, unisolated structures, and wa-
might occur. ter storage tank interiors.
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 425 Design Process The following the total weight required divided by the
steps describe the design process based individual anode weight.
on an underground pipeline [47]: estab-
lish the electrolyte resistivity, the protective Cable and Total Circuit Resistance
current required, the desired life of the Figure 18 shows a typical surface point
groundbed (anodes), whether or not the groundbed layout. There are three types
structure is electrically isolated, and the of cable resistances to consider: negative
physical state on impressed current de- cable to the pipeline, positive cable to the
sign. groundbed and positive cable in the anode
groundbed. Since the current flow through Current Requirements The cur- the anode portion of the groundbed cable
rent requirement can be determined by drops as each anode is encountered, the
testing, if the structure is in place as de- effective resistance of the groundbed cable
scribed by Peabody [46] which is similar is usually taken as one half of its length.
to the sacrificial CP system discussed in Thus, the total effective cable resistance in
Sect. ohms becomes: Anode Selection High silicon, Rc = R(−) + R(+) + Rgb

chromium bearing cast iron and graphite
where Rc is the total cable resistance, R(−)
have similar characteristics. Dissipation
is the negative cable resistance, R(+) is the
rate varies with the environment, but
positive cable resistance, and Rgb is one
0.5 kg A-yr−1 is typical; steel dissipates at
half of the resistance of the total length of
9.1 kg A-yr−1 .
the anode portion of the groundbed.
In determining the number of an-
The total circuit resistance in ohms (Rt )
odes required for an impressed current
groundbed, it is best to start with the is the sum of the anode to ground (Ra ),
calculation of anode life. While the dis- cable (Rc ) and structure to ground (Rs )
sipation rate of high SiCrFe and graphite resistances, or
anodes is actually ∼0.5 kg A-yr−1 or less,
Rt = Ra + Rc + Rs
it is common practice to use 1.0 kg A-yr−1
to allow for a safety factor (similar to the
utilization factor used in galvanic anode Rectifier Selection The required
design). For other anode materials, the driving voltage (E) is determined by
designer should follow the dissipation in- Ohms law:
formation given by the manufacturer. The E=
total anode weight (Wt ) for the desired life, Rt
then is
The designer should allow for some
Wt = Dr × Ireq × L increase in current requirement over
the years; 25% is a reasonable figure,
where Wt is the total weight required in but the designer should also rely on
kilograms, Dr is the dissipation rate in experience. It is prudent to also allow
kg A-yr−1 , Ireq is the current requirement for some circuit resistance in the future,
in amperes, and L is the life in years. so the required rectifier voltage is usually
The number of anodes required is simply multiplied by 1.5.
426 Corrosion Protection

ac power
Buried header cable

Anode (typ.)
(−) 200

tec 30m
Pr r re
Anodes typically graphite
or high silicon cast iron.
Set up typically
Bottom of anodes typically
for transmission line
10´ below grade.

Fig. 18 Impressed current cathodic protection using surface point groundbed [39]. Other Design Concerns and other large underground and un-
derwater structures, it is important to Electrical Continuity In almost lay out the anodes so that all struc-
all cases, the structure to be protected tures receive protection. This may require
must be electrically continuous. This is a distributed anodes system or several
particularly true for piping, reinforcing small installations to insure that all areas
steel, bulkheads, foundation piles, and the are protected.
like. Where electrical continuity does not
exist, such as in piping with mechanical Cathodic Interference This term
joints, or among many structures in a refers to the stray current effect that a ca-
complex network, joint bonds consisting thodic protection installation may have on
of insulated copper cable are necessary other structures. Interference is seldom a
to insure that all of the structures to be problem with galvanic anode protection
protected are electrically continuous. because of its inherent small current out-
There are times where electrical conti- put and driving voltage. With impressed
nuity is not required. One example is the current, however, stray current effects may
installation of galvanic modes on exist- occur on adjacent structures. This needs to
ing ductile iron pipe where anodes can be be taken into consideration in the design
installed on individual lengths of pipe. of the protection [50]. Shielding In complex situa- For long pipelines

tions such as tank farms, industrial plants, many kilometers in length, the attenuation,
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 427

or reduction of protection with distance The use of cathodic protection for

must be considered. This becomes in- the protection of the internal surfaces
creasingly important as the pipeline to of process equipment in the chemical
electrolyte resistance decreases or as process and in the pulp and paper
the linear resistance of the pipeline industries, the protection of water boxes
increases. [51, 52]. and condenser tube sheets in the electric
power industry [53], and the protection
of steel reinforcing bars in concrete in Applications of Cathodic Protection
highway bridges and parking garages,
Although cathodic protection can be ap-
clearly reveal that this technique is used
plied to any bare metal surface, the current
in a broad variety of applications.
density required is often so large as to
render the process uneconomical. Metals
may equally be protected from corrosion Freshwater and Seawater
by the application of coatings that sep- In general, the rate of corrosion is very
arate the metal, to a greater or lesser low for most of the materials in fresh-
extent, from the environment. Unfortu- water owing to high resistivity and scale
nately, such coatings will often contain formation [54]. But the situation is dif-
flaws and further defects will develop over ferent in the presence of contamination
a period of time in service. The conjoint use and extraneous ions. Freshwater is stored
in a variety of materials including steel,
of coatings and cathodic protection takes
cast iron, wrought iron, copper, galvanized
advantage of the two attractive features of
steel and aluminum. When freshwater is
each method of corrosion control. Thus,
contaminated with ions of copper either
the bulk of the protection is provided by
from piping or from other parts like pumps
the coating and the CP system ‘‘throws’’
and so forth, they are deposited over the
protection into the areas where the flaws in
tank and this causes severe galvanic cor-
the coating exist. Further, as the coating de-
rosion. A deep pit will penetrate the tank
grades the CP system takes over to control wall leading to severe damage. In general,
the deficiencies of the coating. Undoubt- hot-water tanks are severely corroded in
edly, cathodic protection with protective comparison with cold-water tanks. Corro-
coatings is a very powerful combination in sion can even be generated with scales,
corrosion control. debris, deposits, and sediments, and so
Cathodic protection has been tradition- forth, present in the tank by creating dif-
ally used for a long time to protect struc- ferential aeration cells and temperature
tures in seawater. Zinc ‘‘bracelet’’ anodes fluctuations.
are installed on pipelines immersed in sea- In reality, a variety of shapes and
water to provide sacrificial CP to the outer sizes of tanks, piping and so forth are
surfaces of the steel pipe. Offshore struc- used, with and without coatings and in-
tures for gas and oil exploration, drilling, hibitors for corrosion-control purposes.
and production are commonly protected Thus the area, size and shape of the
by the use of aluminum anodes on the anodes needed for cathodic protection
steel structures. Cathodic protection is em- also vary depending on the size and
ployed by several power plants located near shape of the tanks. A current density of
coastal sites for protecting steel structures 1 mA sq.ft−1 is required to bring the po-
submerged in seawater. tential to −1.1 V against a copper–copper
428 Corrosion Protection

sulfate half-cell for protecting domestic on them, (2) anodes remotely placed away
galvanized steel tanks. The freshwater from the structure and (3) impressed cur-
tanks generally coated with paints are rent method. Mostly sacrificial anodes
protected with current densities of lower are employed for small structures and
magnitude. Zinc anodes of smaller size impressed current methods for large struc-
can be used, or larger magnesium an- tures. If anodes required are large in
odes can be used if the current densities number and expensive, the impressed cur-
are higher. Platinized titanium anodes rent method is also employed for such
are used for cathodically protecting larger conditions. With respect to the cathodic
tanks by impressed current methods. protection of the ships’ hulls, the move-
Protecting corners and other inaccessi- ment of the ship relative to the seawater
ble regions pose a big problem. How- decides the current density required to
ever, painted and coated tanks have no protect the structure. As the velocity of the
such problems. ship underway increases, the current den-
Seawater is a naturally available corro- sity increases significantly. There are two
sive medium containing chlorides, car- purposes for which cathodic protection is
bonates, several minerals such as sodium, employed, (1) to stop the corrosion of hull
calcium, magnesium and potassium, and plates and welds from uniform and pitting
dissolved oxygen of 8 parts per million. attack, and (2) to maintain the smoothness
The corrosion rate of bare steel immersed of the hull surface which is necessary for
in seawater is uniform at 5 mils per year, avoiding the frictional drag and to enhance
and the ferrous ions released during cor- the fuel efficiency of the ship. The design
rosion further oxidize into ferric ions to of a CP system for having a smooth sur-
form a rust layer over the surface. The face with minimum corrosion and highly
presence of mill scale, weld zones, rivets integral paint surface is a commendable
and so forth cause severe galvanic attack on achievement required for maintaining a
steel resulting in deep pitting and localized ship with minimum problems. Anticorro-
attack. Microbiologically influenced corro- sion and fouling paints of self-polishing
sion and fouling are other major problems in nature and a highly reliable CP would
in the use of steel structures in seawater. solve this problem.
Barnacles, mussels, sulfate reducing bac- Jetties are individual or multiple piles in-
teria, algae and so forth seriously damage terconnected together to form a structure
the structures by providing site for corro- in the seabed and support a deck. The piles
sion to initiate and also taking part in the of a jetty usually have half of their length in
corrosion processes. the seabed and the rest in the high tide and
In general, cathodic protection in sea- splash zones up to the jetty deck. They are
water is classified into (1) inshore pur- often concrete structures reinforced with
poses for pipelines, tanks and structures, steel. Cathodic protection using sacrificial
(2) structures and ships immersed and ac- zinc or aluminum anodes is installed after
tive in seawater, and (3) those that are the completion of the jetty. With a deep-
inactive or stationary in seawater. A va- water jetty the suspension of more than
riety of static structures including floating a single anode or placing of alternate an-
docks, chains, light ships, nets and so forth odes at different levels is necessary. A few
in various shapes and sizes are protected and larger anodes are necessary while im-
by (1) anodes directly and closely mounted pressed current method is employed. An
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 429

array of anodes suspended and mounted Ship hulls Painting cannot always protect
on the piles is sufficient to supply the de- hostile marine conditions, in ships and,
manded current for cathodic protection. In areas above keel blocks. Stern and rudder
order to have efficient cathodic protection, areas suffer erosion and corrosion due to
the structure of the whole jetty must be the high turbulence caused by the propeller
connected effectively so that good electrical coupled with the galvanic effects of the
contact exists. noble bronze propeller. Effective cathodic
protection of ship hulls and similar marine Marine Structures structures in seawater against corrosion
Design of cathodic protection for ma- can be applied using either aluminum
rine structures in both fresh and salt or zinc alloy sacrificial anodes. Twenty
water require special techniques. Gal- percent of the anodes required for full
vanic systems usually employ zinc or hull protection are required for stern
aluminum alloy anodes. Impressed cur- protection only.
rent systems frequently use high silicon,
chromium bearing iron, platinized nio- Offshore Technology
bium, or mixed-metal oxide/titanium an- The anticorrosion protection of offshore
odes. The structure being protected affects platforms subjected to aggressive opera-
the design. Stationary facilities such as tion conditions is an especially difficult
bulkheads and support piles require dif- task. Apart from the continuous strongly
ferent techniques from ship hulls [55]. corrosive effects of seawater, periodical
Sacrificial anodes are usually applied for phenomena are also encountered, such
the protection of vessels up to 10 000 tons. as storms, earthquakes, hurricanes, pres-
Impressed cathodic protection is used for sure of ice floats, and other phenomena,
larger objects. Electrochemical protection thereby increasing the corrosion hazard.
should assist existing coating protection These interactions cause stress and fatigue
systems. Appropriate sets of organic coat- corrosion and other forms of corrosion at-
ings resistant to alkalis are used as tack. In such conditions, special protective
coating protection. Cathodic protection coating systems are applied to protect the
station usually work in automatic mode objects, coupled with cathodic protection
with continuous control of the hull po- realized by the use of sacrificial anodes
tential, which results from the variable or an external power supply. The spud
operating conditions. Continuous change cans or mat of jack-up drilling rigs in the
in the draught of hulls dependent on submerged and buried steel structures of
the load, waves, temperature changes, the jacket of an offshore platform are usu-
and salinity of the water have a large ally left uncoated and cathodic protection
effect on the CP parameters, especially is applied to protect these areas. For the
the current requirement. Modern insol- protection of columns and spud cans of a
uble anodes are most frequently made jack-up rig, the anodes are flush mounted
from platinized titanium [56]. Zinc sac- to reduce resistance during transit. Sacrifi-
rificial anodes are used for the protec- cial anodes for the platforms are generally
tion of tankers. Magnesium and alu- cast with tubular steel cores, which are
minum anodes cannot be used because welded to the structure [57–59].
of the possibility of sparking and causing Submarine pipelines used for the trans-
explosions. portation of oil, gas or other fluids are
430 Corrosion Protection

generally coated with concrete, besides structure with very high resistances
the corrosion resistance coatings. Cathodic ranging up to 1 000 000 ohm cm. The
protection supplemented by coatings of resistivity of a soil varies greatly with the
these pipelines is achieved by means of water content. Apart from water, moisture
either aluminum or zinc alloy anodes in content, salt content and temperatures of
bracelet form installed at regular intervals the environment around, the soil dictates
of the pipelines. the resistivity of the soil and clays. Most
of the structures that are buried in the Soil and Biological Environments earth face the problem of resistivity of
Most of the clays and waterlogged soils the soil and groundbed in determining
create an anaerobic condition in which the potential and current density required
the bacteria and biological species can for cathodic protection. If the resistivity of
thrive. Corrosion is very severe under such the adjacent layers of soil present near
conditions, though the main oxidizing the pipes is different, then the voltage
agent oxygen, that is required for corrosion gradients in the soil will be increased be-
to occur is not available. The main yond those expected for a homogeneous
reason for such accelerated corrosion is medium like seawater. As the variations
the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria of a hundred to one in the resistivity of
that thrive under anaerobic conditions the topsoil to rocks are expected, large dif-
in the soil environment. These bacteria ferences in the behavior of the cathodic
are reduced to sulfides, and this reaction protection installations are experienced in
consumes the electrons that allow the reality. The soil potentials of a pipeline can
corrosion to occur. The corroding surface be changed considerably by adopting dif-
is entirely covered with a black slime ferent methods of pipe-laying techniques.
of iron sulfide and this can be easily Nowadays, coatings of very high resistance
recognized by its characteristic smell. are applied over the pipelines such that
Under aerobic conditions, that is, in the the coating resistance controls the protec-
presence of oxygen in soil or water, tion parameters [61]. For example, if the
anaerobic bacteria are not active but can product of current required per foot mul-
become active once anaerobic conditions tiplied by the soil resistivity for large pipes
are established. Cathodic protection of is less than 1 per foot, then the
iron and steel structures are possible in coating resistance controls the cathodic
the presence of such bacteria [60]. Aerobic protection parameters.
bacteria are also active under some aerobic
conditions and this should be considered Chemical Environments
carefully, particularly if such bacteria Cathodic protection is commonly em-
produce acids. In general, a large current ployed in many chemical plants depend-
density is warranted particularly in the ing on the compatibility of the process
initial stages. As the open circuit potential medium with the CP system. Sacrificial
of surfaces covered with microbiological anodes may produce unwanted corrosion
species are anodic, shifting them from products or permanent anodes may gen-
such positive potential to more negative erate chlorine and other gases and thus
points for cathodic protection is necessary. affect the quality of the medium stored
In comparison with seawater, soils, or transported in the vessels, piping and
clays and rocks present a heterogeneous so forth. Cathodic protection of the most
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 431

commonly used steel components in the for example soil, seawater or a storage
chemical industry is associated with the tank containing water. Hence, the con-
corrosion of welded regions [62], SCC in crete itself is considered as a medium or
chloride and acidic environments [63], and any other medium in contact with the
caustic cracking in alkaline environments. concrete is considered as a medium for
Cathodic protection was successfully em- CP purposes. The current densities re-
ployed to prevent caustic corrosion crack- quired for protecting the steel depends
ing of vessels used in the refining of on the age of the concrete or mostly on
alumina. Aluminum storage vessels used the alkalinity as it affects the polarization
for storing aqueous liquor were cathodi- and initial current of cathodic protection.
cally protected by using zinc anodes, which Most of the times it is difficult to estab-
was acceptable. In the pulp and paper lish the potentials due to large IR drops
industry, cathodic protection along with in the soil. The use of zinc and epoxy-
anodic protection is successfully employed coated reinforcing steel rods require lesser
for effluent treatment clarifiers, buried fuel current for cathodic protection. It is very
storage tanks and so forth. important to place sacrificial anodes closer
to the rod area and also to maintain a
conducting path between the anodes kept
Cargo/Ballast tanks In conjunction with
at different distances. Platinized titanium
approved coatings, cathodic protection of
wires are used for impressed current CP
cargo/ballast tanks is by means of long
purposes that can be placed along the rein-
slender tank anodes using either zinc or
forcing rods in a conducting backfill [66].
aluminum alloy anodes with a system
Use of many individual anodes of smaller
life of not less than four years. Use of
sizes distributed throughout the structure
magnesium and magnesium alloy anodes
is preferable even though it is expensive.
is not permitted in oil cargo tanks or tanks
Accelerated corrosion occurs when rein-
adjacent to them because of the possibility
forced concrete is buried in the ground as
of spark hazard that may be caused by
the rods act as cathodes to the buried steel.
metal parts falling on the anodes fixed.
This has caused a large number of failures,
particularly for the pipelines where the Steels in Concrete Structures pipe is connected to the rebar in a concrete
The alkaline nature of the environment pit structure. Cathodic protection of the re-
surrounding the reinforcement steel rods bar is easier and conventional techniques
embedded in the concrete matrix passi- can be applied if the rebars are continuous.
vates the steel; however, corrosion attack When a structure lies partly in the ground
takes place when chloride ions penetrate and extends out of it, then the cathodic
into them from the seawater and other protection applied within the ground does
surroundings [64, 65]. The other ions like not spread through the concrete to outside
sulfate and carbonate ions also enhance regions for any appreciable height.
the possibility of corrosion of the steel Cathodic protection can be used to effec-
rods. Cathodic protection of such steel rods tively arrest the detrimental corrosion of
can be classified into two categories: the steel in chloride-containing concrete [67,
surrounding of the steel rod is the only 68]. A schematic diagram of a CP sys-
concrete environment; and the other is tem for steel and concrete is shown in
any medium encountered by the structure, Fig. 19. A DC power supply provides the
432 Corrosion Protection

Steel rebar (cathode)

Impressed Titanium
dc current anode mesh

Current flow
+ −

Concrete (electrolyte)
Negative return
Fig. 19 Schematic of the cathodic protection of steel reinforcing bars in
concrete [1].

protective CP current to an anode on the polymer-modified concrete, and then con-

surface of the concrete. The protective cur- nected to a low-voltage dc power source.
rent then moves through the concrete to Bridge decks, parking structures, and
the steel structure to be protected. For other reinforced concrete structures lend
effective protection, the steel piece to be themselves to cathodic protection, partic-
protected must be in electrical contact ularly when the concrete is contaminated
and a return current path must be pro- with cathodic chlorides from deicing salts
vided to the power supply. The anode for or a marine environment. Special tech-
these systems can be either oxide-coated niques are required as described by Rog
titanium, conductive polymer cables, or
and Swait [71] NACE [72, 73] and Mor-
conductive polymeric paint systems. In-
gan [74].
stallations of oxide-coated, expanded tita-
Prestressed concrete pipelines occasion-
nium mesh anodes on a sidewalk and a
ally require cathodic protection. Protection
bridge substructure is very common [69,
70]. The expanded titanium metal anodes must be done carefully to avoid damage
are coated with a grouting material af- to the prestressing wire from hydrogen
ter application to the concrete structure. embrittlement or SCC [75].
Polymer mesh anodes are used to protect
reinforcing steel in bridge decks, parking Acknowledgments
garages, and other large structures. The
anode mesh is placed on the surface of The authors gratefully acknowledge the
the reinforced concrete structure, covered help of Shri N. Bhuvaneswaran of
with an overlay of portland cement or University of Madras and Dr. T. Sankara
5.1 Anodic and Cathodic Protection 433

Narayanan of National Metallurgical Lab- International, Metals Park, Ohio, 1987,

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5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 435

5.2 type of electrochemical reactions that are

Corrosion Protection by Inhibition inhibited (see Sect. In all three
cases, the inhibitor can either lower the
Olaf M. Magnussen rate of the rate-determining step of the
Institut fur experimentelle und angewandte corresponding reaction(s) or introduce a
Physik, Universitat Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40, new rate-determining step. The efficiency
24161 Kiel, Germany
by which the corrosion process is reduced
5.2.1 usually depends strongly on the inhibitor
Phenomenological Aspects concentration as well as characteristic sys-
tem parameters, such as the solution pH, Fundamentals the concentration of aggressive species in
A corrosion inhibitor is generally defined the solution, the nature and the state of
as a substance that, when added at small the metal surface, and the hydrodynamic
concentrations to a corrosive environment, conditions (see Sect.
effectively reduces the corrosion rate of a In practice, inhibitors are employed pre-
metal exposed to that environment. Cor- dominantly for corrosion control in closed
rosion protection by inhibiting additives is systems, as a cost-efficient alternative to
of considerable practical importance, with the use of high corrosion-resistant mate-
an annual market of several million tons rials. Practical criteria for the selection of
of inhibiting substances, and is the sub- corrosion inhibitors from the great vari-
ject of significant research activities [1–3]. ety of inorganic and organic substances
For the classification of a substance as with inhibiting properties are not only
an inhibitor as well as for a discussion their inhibition efficiency but also safety
of the underlying inhibition mechanisms, of use, economic constraints, compatibil-
both the metal and the environment have ity with other chemicals in the system,
to be defined. Usually, inhibition results and environmental concerns. For example,
from the formation of an adsorption layer chromates and zinc salts, highly efficient
or protective film, which influences the inorganic inhibitors, are used increasingly
electrochemical reactions involved in the less due to their toxicity and are nowadays
corrosion process (also termed interface largely replaced by organic inhibitors. Ex-
and interphase inhibition, respectively [4]). amples of commonly used inhibitors as
In other cases, the inhibitor promotes well as their classification and predomi-
the passivation of the metal or modifies nant inhibition mechanisms are given in
the solution chemistry, for example, by Table 1.
scavenging aggressive species. Inhibitors
are mainly used for the control of ho- Classification
mogeneous corrosion; their application to A common classification of inhibitors is
localized corrosion is less developed. based on their effects on the electrochem-
The overall corrosion rate of a freely cor- ical reactions involved in the corrosion
roding metal is determined by the anodic process. In the framework of mixed poten-
and cathodic partial reactions (see Chap- tial theory (see Chapter 1.3, this volume),
ter 1, this volume), both of which can be these effects are most conveniently visual-
affected by the inhibitor. It is therefore ized by E –log |j | diagrams, such as shown
common to distinguish anodic, cathodic, in Fig. 1. For a freely corroding metal, the
and mixed inhibitors, dependent on the corrosion potential Ec and the corrosion
436 5 Corrosion Protection

Tab. 1 Examples of substances used as corrosion inhibitors.

Species Type Mechanism

Orthophosphates Anodic Nonoxidizing passivator

Polyphosphates Cathodic Film-forming
Phosphonates Mixed Film-forming
Tannins and lignins Cathodic Film-forming
Benzoates anodic Nonoxidizing passivator
Silicates Mixed Film-forming
Chromates Anodic Oxidizing passivator
Nitrites and nitrates Anodic Oxidizing passivator
Molybdates Anodic Nonoxidizing passivator
Zinc salts Cathodic Film-forming
Aromatic azoles Mixed Adsorption, film-forming
Amines and amides Mixed Adsorption
Acetylenic alcohols Mixed Adsorption
Sulfur-containing compounds Mixed Adsorption
Hydrazine Oxygen scavenger
Sulfites Oxygen scavenger

log| j | log| j |

log| j c0| log|j c0|

log|j cI|
log|j cII|
(a) E c0 E cI E cII (b) E c0 E cI

Fig. 1 E –log |j| diagrams showing the effect of an anodic inhibitor on the corrosion
potential Ec and the corrosion current density jc (visualized by thin dotted lines) for
(a) a reaction-controlled and (b) a diffusion-controlled cathodic process. Here and in
the following figures, the solid lines denote the anodic (bold) and cathodic (thin)
partial reactions in inhibitor-free solution, whereas the corresponding reactions in the
presence of inhibitors are shown as dashed and dashed-dotted lines.

current density jc are defined by the may describe corrosion of a perfectly

condition that anodic and cathodic current homogeneous surface, a situation usually
densities are equal, that is, the anodic (bold realized only in model systems, in which
lines) and cathodic (thin lines) curves in case they depict the true microscopic cur-
these diagrams intersect. E –log |j | dia- rent densities on this surface. On the other
grams can be interpreted in two slightly hand, they may be used to discuss the more
different ways: On the one hand, they realistic case of a heterogeneous (e.g. partly
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 437

passivated) metal surface, in which anodic decrease in the corrosion current density
and cathodic reactions are located at differ- from jc0 to jcI (or jcII ).
ent, coexisting surface areas (with the size To achieve inhibition, it is necessary that
of the cathodic areas usually exceeding by the reaction affected by the inhibitor actu-
far that of the anodic ones). In this case the ally determines the corrosion rate. This
E –log |j | diagrams show the macroscopic point is illustrated by the important case
current densities, which are given by the that the cathodic reaction is limited by the
local, microscopic current densities, mul- diffusion of the reacting species (Fig. 1b), a
tiplied by the surface fraction occupied by common situation for corrosion in neutral,
the anodic or cathodic areas, respectively. oxygen-containing solutions. Obviously,
Ec0 is shifted also here anodically to EcI Anodic Inhibitors Inhibitors in the presence of an anodic inhibitor.
that directly affect the anodic reaction, The corrosion current density, however,
that is, the metal dissolution process, are does not change in this system as long
termed anodic inhibitors. Addition of an as Ec remains within the range in which
anodic inhibitor to the corrosion system the cathodic process is diffusion-limited.
(dashed and dashed-dotted lines in Fig. 1) This demonstrates that measurements of
can either lower the rate (i.e. the exchange the corrosion potential alone are of rather
current density) of the anodic process limited use in monitoring the efficiency of
(I) or influence the reaction mechanism an inhibitor.
(II), resulting in a change in the Tafel
slope ∂(log |j |)/∂E, as compared to that Cathodic Inhibitors In a simi-
in inhibitor-free solution. In the case that lar way, an inhibitor can interfere with
both the anodic and the cathodic process the cathodic partial reaction, as shown
are determined by the activation-controlled schematically in the E –log |j | diagram
reaction rates (Fig. 1a), this causes an an- in Fig. 2(a). In this case, Ec is shifted
odic shift of the corrosion potential Ec0 of to more negative potentials, resulting
the inhibitor-free system to EcI (or EcII ) in a reduced corrosion current density
in inhibitor-containing solutions and a jc . Again, the inhibitor can affect both

log| j | log| j |

log| j c0| log| j c0|

log|j cI|
log|j cI|
log|j cIII|
log|j cII|
(a) E cII E cI E c0 (b) E cIII E cI E c0

Fig. 2 E –log |j| diagrams for a cathodic inhibitor in the case of (a) a
reaction-controlled and (b) a diffusion-controlled cathodic process.
438 5 Corrosion Protection

the rate (I) and the mechanism (II) of are often termed oxidizing inhibitors, in
the cathodic process. Cathodic inhibitors contrast to nonoxidizing inhibitors, which
may also be effective under diffusion- require the presence of oxygen in solution
controlled cathodic reaction conditions to achieve inhibition in near-neutral solu-
(Fig. 2b), either by inducing a crossover tion. Most passivating (and usually even
to reaction-controlled conditions (I) or by oxidizing) inhibitors, however, rely pre-
reducing the surface concentration of dominantly on the second mechanism, in
species involved in this reaction (III), which the anodic process is inhibited [5].
for example, by the formation of sur- This effect may be caused even by pure
face films that block their transport inhibition of active metal dissolution (as
to the surface. described in Sect., provided jcrit
is reduced sufficiently to shift the corrosion Passivating Inhibitors Some of potential anodic of Ep (i.e. in the poten-
the most effective inhibitors stifle corro- tial range of passive oxide growth). More
sion by promoting passivation of the metal frequently, however, the inhibitor is more
surface, that is, by shifting the corrosion directly involved, resulting in passive films
potential into the range positive of the that differ strongly from those formed in
critical passivation potential Ep (see Chap- inhibitor-free solution and contain the in-
ter 3.2, this volume). To induce passivation hibitor or reaction products formed by
of an active surface, the corrosion current interaction of the inhibitor with the cor-
density jc has to exceed the critical cur- roding surface (see Sect. 5.2.3).
rent density for passivation jcrit . This can As shown in Fig. 3(a), the efficiency
be achieved either by increasing jc via of passivating inhibitors depends strongly
enhancing the rate of the cathodic reac- on their presence at a sufficient (critical)
tion (Fig. 3a, curve II) or by decreasing concentration. Below this critical concen-
the critical current density jcrit (Fig. 3b). tration (curve I) a bistable situation may
The first case usually refers to inhibitors arise, in which the corrosion potential can
that are easily reduced on the metal sur- either sit in the passive (EcI ) or active

face, resulting in an increasing cathodic (EcI ) region, resulting generally in pit-
current density. Since these inhibitors are ting. Because of this problem, which can
oxidizing in their action on the metal, they even cause an increase in the corrosion

log| j | II log| j |
log| j crit| log| j crit|

log|j cI′| log| j c0|

log| j c0|
log| j p| log| j p|
(a) E c0 E cI′ E p E cI E cII (b) E c0 E p

Fig. 3 E –log |j| diagrams for a passivating inhibitor for the case of a
reaction-controlled cathodic process. Passivation is achieved (a) by increasing the
cathodic current density and (b) by decreasing the critical current density for
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 439

current (jcI ), passivating inhibitors are cathodic areas, respectively, resulting in a
often termed as dangerous. Finally, pas- further decrease in jc .
sivating inhibitors not only induce the
formation of passive films on active met- Inhibition Efficiency
als but also help to maintain passivity on
already passivated metal surfaces, a prop- Definition and Measurement
erty that is of key importance for practical The efficiency S of a corrosion inhibitor
applications. This can be rationalized by is commonly defined as the relative
the same mechanisms as described above, reduction in corrosion rate:
with the inhibitor promoting repassivation  
of small active sites. In this case, even in- 1 − kci
S = 100% (1)
hibitor coverages far below one monolayer kc0
may lead to effective inhibition.
with kc0 and kci corresponding to the corro-
sion rates in inhibitor-free and inhibitor- Mixed and Ohmic Inhibitors
containing solutions, respectively. The val-
Some substances inhibit corrosion by re- ues for kc are determined from measure-
ducing simultaneously the rate of the ments of weight loss, corrosion current
anodic and cathodic reactions involved in densities jc , metal content in solution,
the corrosion process and are therefore pit depth, or time to failure under me-
called mixed inhibitors. Mixed inhibition chanical loads, depending on the type of
not only requires that both of the elec- corrosion to be inhibited and the practical
trochemical reactions are influenced by application. In addition, the effectiveness
the inhibitor, which indeed is often the of inhibitors is often judged from micro-
case, but also that the corrosion rate is scopic studies or direct visual perception
actually limited by anodic as well as ca- of the corrosion attack. The latter is also in-
thodic reactions. As an example, again a dispensable due to the fact that an inhibitor
diffusion-limited cathodic reaction may be may highly effectively inhibit a certain type
considered, in which inhibition may rely of corrosion (e.g. homogeneous corrosion)
solely on the reduction of the cathodic re- but be ineffective or may even promote
action rate (see Fig. 2b, curve III), even if another type (e.g. pitting or hydrogen em-
the anodic reaction is also affected by the brittlement).
inhibitor (see Fig. 1b). In this case, the in- Apart from a few exceptions, notably
hibitor effectively is cathodic in its action. chromate, the protection ability of in-
Furthermore, it is noted that a substance hibitors depends strongly on the nature
may also inhibit one partial reaction, but and composition of the metal or alloy and
accelerate the other. even small differences may cause substan-
Finally, inhibition may also be (partially) tial changes in the inhibition efficiency. A
caused by the presence of ohmic potential well-known example is sodium benzoate,
drops (e.g. because of the formation of which in neutral solution is an anodic in-
poorly conducting films) between anodic hibitor for mild steel but not for cast iron,
and cathodic surface areas. Here the rates although the anodic corrosion reaction is
of the partial reactions are additionally the same for both materials [5]. Similarly,
reduced due to the opposite negative and the state of the surface, in particular the
positive potential shifts in the anodic and presence and nature of passive films and
440 5 Corrosion Protection

corrosion products, can obviously have a a complexing action of the inhibitor (e.g.
pronounced influence on the efficiency of inhibition of steel by polyphosphates) [7].
the inhibitor. Other important parameters, The concentration dependence is usually
which will be discussed in the following controlled by the adsorption energies and
sections, are the inhibitor concentration film-forming properties of a substance
and environmental parameters, such as (see Sects. 5.2.2 and 5.2.3) and can only
pH, aggressiveness of the solution, and in rare cases (e.g. for oxygen scavengers)
the hydrodynamic conditions. be calculated from thermodynamic data.
Hence, experimental determination of
the optimum inhibitor concentration as Influence of Inhibitor Concent-
a function of the other environmental
ration Efficient corrosion inhibition parameters is of key importance in the
requires that the inhibitor concentration in development of practical formulations.
the solution exceeds a critical limit, which In addition, the inhibition efficiency
depends on the environmental conditions. also depends on the geometry of the
This is illustrated in Fig. 4 for several system, which controls the availability of
anodic inhibitors [6]. Below this critical the inhibitor. Especially for a large ratio of
concentration the protection is only partial metal surface area to electrolyte volume,
or, as in the case of carbonate, phosphate, the latter rather than the concentration
silicate, or tungstenate, the corrosion is may determine the degree of protection.
even enhanced (see Sect. It Practical inhibitor testing should hence
should be noted that not only underdosing be performed in systems with dimensions
but also overdosing of the inhibitor may that are comparable to the application. A
in some cases have adverse effects on the related problem is to maintain permanent
inhibition efficiency, for example, due to protection in systems in which after

3.0 Na2CO3
Weight loss in 5 days

2.0 Na2NO2
[mg cm−2]




0 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1
Fig. 4 The effect of concentration of different inhibitors on the
corrosion rate of iron in air-containing water. (Adopted from
Ref. [6].)
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 441

the initial application the solution is relationship between the logarithms of

inhibitor-free (‘‘once-through systems’’). the inhibitor concentration log ci and of
the anion concentration log ca is found Influence of Solution pH and Ag- in a number of systems, which can be
gressive Ions In view of the pronounced explained by the combined effects of (1)
differences in the mechanisms of metal active dissolution within small anodic
corrosion in acidic and in neutral/alkaline pits above a critical ratio ca /ci and (2)
solutions, it is not surprising that the types electromigration of ions under a potential
of substances used as inhibitors in the gradient in the pits [5]. A more detailed
two environments and the correspond- discussion of the pH and anion effects
ing mechanisms of inhibition also differ described above will be given in Sects. 5.2.2
strongly. Whereas inhibitors of acid cor- and 5.2.3.
rosion are mostly organic molecules that
adsorb strongly on the bare metal surface, Synergistic Effects In practical
most inhibitors for neutral/alkaline envi- formulations, it is common to use sev-
ronments are film-forming. Furthermore, eral different inhibitor species, frequently
small variations in pH may influence the a combination of anodic and cathodic in-
efficiency of the inhibitor for the follow- hibitors. The simultaneous use of two or
ing reasons: First, the inhibiting species more different inhibitor species often re-
often exhibits a pH-dependent solubil-
sults in a more efficient inhibition than
ity (in particular the oxides/hydroxides
the sum of the individual effects of the
formed by inorganic inhibitors). In addi-
inhibitors. For example, the inhibition of
tion, the film structure and morphology
mild steel in chloride-containing solution
may also depend on pH. Second, for
by polyphosphate is only effective upon
both adsorbing and film-forming organic
the addition of Ca2+ traces [8]. Synergis-
inhibitors, deprotonation reactions are fre-
tic effects often depend sensitively on the
quently involved in the formation of the
inhibiting species, resulting in compa- ratio of the different inhibitor species.
rable pH effects. Third, inhibition may This is illustrated in Fig. 5, in which
require displacement of adsorbed OH− the data of Felhösi and coworkers on
ions by the inhibitor, which will be the effect of Zn2+ ions on the corrosion
determined by the (potential- and pH- inhibition of steel by 1-hydroxyethane-1, 1-
dependent) adsorption behavior of the two diphosphonic acid (HEDP) are shown [9].
competing species. In this case, optimum protection is ob-
In a similar way, the concentration tained at a Zn2+ /HEDP ratio of 3 : 1,
of aggressive anions, such as chloride, resulting in an inhibition efficiency of 98%
sulfate, or nitrate, affects the adsorption or (as compared to 52% for solution contain-
film-forming properties of the inhibitor. ing HEDP alone). Such positive synergistic
It is emphasized that the pH as well effects indicate chemical interactions be-
as inhibitor and anion concentrations tween the different inhibitors, such as
at the corroding metal surface rather cooperative adsorption (see Sect.
than in the bulk of the solution are or bulk chemical reactions between the
relevant for the inhibition efficiency, which species, leading to the formation of
is especially important in the case of protective layers (see Sect. 5.2.3). For
localized corrosion. For example, a linear Zn2+ /HEDP the improved efficiency was
442 5 Corrosion Protection

Blank solution (0.5 M NaClO4, pH = 7)
−2 HEDP (3*10−4 M)

[A cm−2]
Ig lil (i )


−7 2:1

−1.2 −1.0 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2
E vs SCE
Fig. 5Polarization curves of carbon steel at different molar ratios of Zn2+ /HEDP.
(From Ref. [9] with permission.)

related to the formation of complex species inhibition. Examples for such tribological
between HEDP and the cation additive [9]. effects are erosion due to hydrodynamic
shear forces or cavitation effects, both of
which can disrupt inhibiting films. This Influence of Hydrodynamic
problem affects, in particular, the rather
Conditions Inhibitors are often applied
thick, weakly adhesive films formed by
under conditions of liquid flow (e.g.
many cathodic inhibitors.
in cooling systems or pipelines) and,
consequently, the effect of the flow
rate on their performance also has to
Inhibition by Adsorbed Layers
be considered. First, the hydrodynamic
conditions determine the transport of all Adsorption on Metals in Solution
dissolved species in the solution (inhibitor, In most cases, inhibition relies on the
H+ , OH− , anions, corrosion products) interaction of inhibiting species with the
and hence their concentration at the corroding metal surface, of which adsorp-
surface of the corroding metal. Since tion is the first and often decisive step. A
both inhibiting and corrosion-accelerating detailed treatment of adsorption at elec-
species are affected, the effect of transport trochemical interfaces and the resulting
on the inhibition efficiency is not easy structure of the electrochemical double
to estimate and will depend strongly layer is given in Chapter 5 of Volume 1.
on the inhibition mechanism. Second, In the following sections, the most impor-
the liquid flow may exert mechanical tant aspects will be briefly reviewed, with
forces on the metal surface, which particular emphasis on systems relevant
may promote corrosion and counteract for corrosion inhibition.
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 443 Adsorption on Bare Metal are assumed. Many chemisorbed species,

Surfaces The adsorption of ions or however, exhibit a more complex adsorp-
neutral molecules on bare metal surfaces tion behavior, involving the formation of
immersed in solution is determined several adlayer phases with a different lat-
by the mutual interactions of all eral order and/or adsorption geometry (see
species present at the phase boundary. also Chapter 5.3 of Volume 1). Further-
These include electrostatic and chemical more, the adsorption isotherm and the
interactions of the adsorbate with Gibbs energy of adsorption often depend
the surface, adsorbate–adsorbate, and strongly on the crystallographic orienta-
adsorbate–solvent interactions. Inhibitors tion of the electrode surface (see below).
are usually specifically adsorbed species For these reasons, adsorption on highly
that adsorb directly on the metal defective polycrystalline surfaces, a more
surface in a process involving (partial) realistic scenario for inhibitor systems,
desolvation of the adsorbate species is often better described by the empiric
and replacement of solvent molecules Temkin or Freundlich isotherms
from the electrode surface. Consequently,
the interaction of the adsorbate with θTemkin ∝ ln(cA β) (3)
the surface has to exceed that of the 1/β
θFreundlich ∝ cA (4)
solvent. Commonly, one distinguishes
chemisorption, in which the adsorbate where a continuous distribution of en-
chemically interacts with the surface, ergetically different adsorption sites is
and physisorption, caused by much assumed and the energetically most fa-
weaker van der Waals or (hydrophobic) vored sites are covered first.
adsorbate–solvent interactions. The adsorption process is influenced by
The dependence of the adsorbate surface
coverage θ on the concentration of the 1. the electrode potential E,
adsorbate species in the solution cA is 2. the nature and surface structure of
described by the adsorption isotherm. In the metal,
the simplest case, that is, adsorption of a 3. the molecular structure of the adsor-
species with a single adsorption state on bate, and
a structurally well-defined surface (e.g. a 4. the presence of other species in the
liquid or single-crystalline electrode), the electrolyte.
adsorption can be usually described by the
phenomenological Frumkin isotherm The potential determines the electronic
charge on the metal surface, σe , and hence
= cA β exp(−gθ) the electrostatic interactions. More pre-
  cisely, for a given system, σe depends on
G0ad the position of the potential relative to
β ≡ exp − (2) the potential of zero charge (pzc), where
σe = 0. For E > Epzc the metal is pos-
where a single (potential-dependent) itively polarized and the adsorption of
Gibbs free energy of adsorption G0ads and anions is preferred [10]. Correspondingly,
a coverage-dependent contribution (de- cation adsorption is favored for E < Epzc .
scribed by the empirical parameter g) due Neutral molecules adsorb preferentially
to lateral adsorbate–adsorbate interactions in a potential range around the pzc and
444 5 Corrosion Protection

are displaced from the surface at higher which is significantly more negative than
anodic or cathodic potentials by ions and typical corrosion potentials. It is therefore
(strongly polarized) water molecules [11]. not surprising that anodic adsorption in-
Often chemisorption involves significant hibitors are primarily anionic or neutral
charge transfer from the adsorbate to the molecules. The pzc of high-index sur-
metal, resulting in a shift in the pzc. faces (i.e. surfaces with a high density of
The metal surface charge not only deter- steps and kinks) can be significantly more
mines the type of adsorbing species but negative than that of close-packed metal
can also affect the adsorption geometry, surfaces (see Chapter 3.5 in Volume 1).
in particular for molecular species with This is shown explicitly in Fig. 6 for pyri-
significant dipole moments. For example, dine on Au, where chronocoulometric
on low-index Au, single-crystal electrodes measurements of the potential-dependent
pyridine and pyrazine are adsorbed at neg- pyridine surface concentration by Lip-
ative potentials in a flat geometry with kowski and coworkers are reproduced [12,
the π-system parallel to the surface, but 14]. In this case, the pyridine saturation
change to a vertical, N-bonded orientation coverage is obtained on the high-index
at potentials above the pzc [12]. The posi- Au(210) surface at 0.8 V more negative
tion of the pzc can be correlated with the potentials than on Au(111); the curve
metal work function [13] and consequently for polycrystalline gold apparently con-
depends on the metal species and surface tains contributions of low-index as well as
structure. For reactive metals, such as Fe high-index facets. Consequently, the sur-
or Cu, the pzc seems to be located at poten- face coverage is strongly inhomogeneous
tials several hundred mV below SHE [13], on defective polycrystalline electrodes. In

[mol cm−2]

(210) (110) (111)

1010 Γ


−0.7 −0.5 −0.3 −0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7
Fig. 6 Potential-dependent pyridine surface concentration
(measured versus SCE) for various single-crystal gold surfaces and
polycrystalline gold. The pyridine bulk concentration is 10−4 M; the
supporting electrolyte is 0.1 M HClO4 . (From Ref. [14] with
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 445

particular, at low concentrations cA or to increase with the functional group in

negative potentials (assuming an anionic the order O < N < S can be associated
or neutral species), the adsorbate will tend with the corresponding increase in polar-
to segregate to atomic-scale defects and/or izability. The structure of the rest of the
low-index facets. Beside these electrostatic molecule can affect the adsorption energy
contributions, the chemical interactions via influencing the electron density on
obviously also depend strongly on the na- the heteroatom. A quantitative measure
ture and (local) surface structure of the of the ability of substituents to provide
metal, in particular on the mixing of the or withdraw electrons is the Hammett
adsorbate orbitals with the electronic states constant, which has been introduced to
of the metal. The latter is determined by acid corrosion inhibition by Donahue and
the position of the highest occupied and Nobe [15] and subsequently employed by
lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals rel- a number of authors to the description
ative to the metal bands, as well as by of substitution effects (see Sect.
symmetry considerations [11]. Generally, the electron density of the func-
Particular emphasis has been placed tional group and the inhibition efficiency
on the relationship between the structure increase upon replacement of a hydrogen
of organic molecules and the adsorption atom by electron-donating substituents. In
behavior (or the inhibition efficiency) [2, addition, strongly polar substituents in-
15, 16]. Typically, organic inhibitors are crease the dipole moment of the molecule,
chemisorbing substances with at least one resulting in a stronger adsorption.
functional group (e.g. groups containing The molecular structure not only de-
O, N, or S heteroatoms), which is consid- termines the adsorbate–substrate inter-
ered as the reaction center for adsorption. actions but also the lateral interactions
As shown by systematic studies of homol- between the adsorbed molecules. At-
ogous series, the adsorption strength and tractive adsorbate–adsorbate interactions,
the resulting metal protection consider- for example, due to van der Waals
ably varies with the type and position of forces between molecules with long hy-
the substituent, which can be related to drocarbon chains, result in the forma-
variations in the polarizability of the func- tion of condensed, often ordered ad-
tional group and in the electron density on layer phases (‘‘self-assembled monolay-
the heteroatom [2, 16–18]. Qualitatively, ers,’’ see Chapter 2.1 in Volume 10), in
the role of the functional group has been which the strength of adsorption is
often explained by the HSAB principle, increased. Reciprocally, repulsive inter-
which states that hard acids prefer to react actions (e.g. dipole–dipole interactions)
with hard bases, whereas soft acids prefer- weaken the adsorption.
ably react with soft bases [17–19]. Hard Furthermore, the interactions with other
acids or bases have low polarizability and species in the solution can also sta-
acceptor atoms with low electronegativity bilize or destabilize the molecular ad-
or donor atoms with high electronegativ- sorption at solid–liquid interfaces. This
ity, respectively (i.e. are hard to reduce includes the interaction of water with hy-
or oxidize); soft acids and bases exhibit drophilic and hydrophobic groups of the
the opposite properties. Since bare metals molecules, which may promote the ag-
can be classified as soft acids, the gen- gregation of hydrophobic groups at the
eral tendency of the adsorption energy interface via formation of adlayers or
446 5 Corrosion Protection

hemimicelles (‘‘hydrophobic effect’’) [20], of the molecules in each stack are paral-
an effect which is particularly impor- lel to each other (Fig. 7c). These phases
tant for physisorbed species. Dissolved are stable in pure sulfuric acid solution,
species, such as anions or cations, may in which they retard the step-flow dis-
coadsorb with the inhibitor species, result- solution of the Cu substrate, but are
ing in a stronger adsorption (‘‘cooperative completely replaced from the surface by
adsorption’’), or compete with the in- chemisorbed chloride adlayers, in accor-
hibitor species (‘‘competitive adsorption’’) dance with the well-known reduction of the
and displace them (at least partially) from BTAH inhibition efficiency in the presence
the metal surface. An example of co- of chloride [22–25].
operative adsorption is the adsorption
of quaternary ammonium cations, which Adsorption on Oxide/Hydroxide
coadsorb with halides on several metal Surfaces Since the metal species at oxide
surfaces [21]. or hydroxide surfaces are present in form
The adsorption of inhibiting species of isolated cations (i.e. nonzerovalent
on reactive metals is predominantly esti- species), separated from each other by
mated from macroscopic corrosion data, O2− or OH− anions, they resemble the
in which the inhibitor coverage often metal centers of mononuclear metal com-
is simply equated with the reduction in plexes in solution more than metal atoms
corrosion rate. In view of the complex in a bare metal surface. Consequently,
relationship between inhibitor coverage concepts from coordination chemistry of
and corrosion rate (see Sect., the the corresponding solute complexes can
insight that can be gained by this em- be applied more readily in this case. The
pirical approach is limited and has to exposed cations and anions on oxide sur-
be supplemented by fundamental stud- faces can be regarded as hard acids and
ies based on microscopic measurements, bases, respectively. Studies of oxide single
which are currently emerging (see also crystals under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV)
Chapter 3 of Volume 3). As an example conditions identified three key concepts to
of the latter, in situ scanning tunneling describe the surface chemistry of metal
microscopy (STM) images by Vogt and oxides [27]:
coworkers of Benzotriazole (BTAH) on
1. the coordination environment of sur-
copper, one of the best studied inhibitor
face atoms,
systems, are shown in Fig. 7 [22–25]. As
2. the redox properties of the oxide, and
visible in Fig. 7(a), chains of molecules
3. the oxidation state of the surface.
with defined orientation are formed on
Cu(100) at low surface concentrations. At All three effects strongly depend on the ox-
higher coverages these form islands of ide surface structure, in particular on the
a densely packed, commensurate super- type and density of surface defects. Data
structure (Fig. 7b). From the STM [22–25] on the structural and chemical properties
and spectroscopic [26] data, a stacking-type of oxide–liquid interfaces are considerably
of adsorption geometry was concluded, in less detailed and usually are obtained on
which the molecules are adsorbed with the oxides without defined surface structure.
molecular plane perpendicular or slightly In aqueous solutions, the oxide surface
tilted to the surface and the π-systems is usually terminated by hydroxyl groups
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 447

[023] [021]

(a) (b)

[023] H

(c) (d)
Fig. 7 High-resolution in situ STM images showing the structure of inhibiting BTAH films on
Cu(100) at different BTAH coverages. (a) Chainlike structures at submonolayer coverages
(350 Å × 350 Å); (b) close-packed arrangement in the completed chemisorbed BTAH monolayer
(100 Å × 100 Å); (c) model of the BTAH adsorption geometry in the close-packed monolayer phase
[rectangles in (d) and (c) indicate the surface unit cell of the BTAH adlayer]; and (d) disordered
polymeric chains in the Cu(I)BTA multilayer phase (300 Å × 300 Å) [22, 24, 25].

and exhibits a pH-dependent charge, describe the experimental data (usually

which determines the potential drop across determined by titration experiments em-
the oxide–solution interface and becomes ploying colloidal oxides/hydroxides). In
zero at a critical solution pH (pHzpc , ‘‘pH addition to acid base reactions, adsorp-
of zero proton condition’’) [28]. When the tion on hydroxylated oxide surfaces has
solution pH is less than the pHzpc of been interpreted in terms of ligand ex-
the oxide, the oxide surface is positively change reactions, in which the metal
charged due to predominant adsorption ion replaces its OH− ligand by an-
of H+ ; for pH > pHzpc the surface is other ligand (e.g. an anion or a weak
effectively deficient of H+ and therefore acid) [29].
negatively charged. Various models have Only a few direct measurements of
been suggested to describe the specific ad- ionic or molecular adsorption on the
sorption of ions and organic molecules surface of a passivated metal exist. As
at this interface [28], which equally well an example, in situ radiotracer studies
448 5 Corrosion Protection


2.0 pH = 2.0
[molecules cm−2]

[molecules cm−2]
pH = 3.0
pH = 3.0
ΓR × 10−15

ΓR × 10−15
1.5 1.0
pH = 11.0
1.0 pH = 1.0
pH = 10.0
0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 40 80 120 160 200
(a) Time (c) Time
[s] [s]

[molecules cm−2]

[molecules cm−2]

ΓR × 10−15

ΓR × 10−15


1.0 0.6

0.5 0.3

0.0 0.0
0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0
(b) pH (d) pH
Fig. 8 Adsorption of (a, b) sulfate and (c, d) values (sulfate and chloride bulk concentrations
chloride on the passive film of aluminum in are 10−4 M and 10−3 M, respectively). pH
0.1 M NaClO4 solution at different pH and open dependence of (b) sulfate and (d) chloride
circuit potential. (a) Sulfate and (c) chloride saturation surface concentrations. (From
surface concentration versus time at different pH Ref. [30] with permission.)

of sulfate and chloride adsorption on the anions into the oxide. The (reversible)
aluminum by Kolics and coworkers are adsorption of the hard base sulfate on the
shown in Fig. 8 [30]. The adsorption tran- passive film surface is stronger and ex-
sients (Fig. 8a, c) indicate a diffusion- hibits a more pronounced dependence on
limited adsorption in the submonolayer pH than that of the more polarizable chlo-
to monolayer regime, which occurs over ride anions. This was attributed to the
a broad potential regime and depends on pH-dependent charge state of surface hy-
pH, albeit to a different degree for the two droxyl groups and chemical binding of
anion species (Fig. 8b, d). About 20% of sulfate via a ligand exchange process on Al-
the sulfate and 40% of the chloride sur- OH2 + sites (the rapid decrease for pH < 2
face species were found to be irreversibly was related to Al/Al oxide dissolution) [30].
adsorbed due to partial incorporation of In contrast, chloride adsorption is more
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 449

electrostatic in character and (partly) sup- Mechanisms of Corrosion in the

pressed by the competing adsorption of Presence of Adsorbed Layers
the perchlorate anions of the base elec-
trolyte. The anion surface concentrations Influence of Adsorbed Layers on
only slightly increase with increasing po- Metal Dissolution Reactions The active
tential in the regime in which the metal is dissolution of a metal surface in elec-
passivated. This is in agreement with previ- trochemical environment is a complex
ous models, according to which adsorption process, which strongly depends on the
at oxide surfaces is mainly controlled by surface (defect) structure (see Chapters 4.1
pH (see above). Similar data were obtained and 4.5 in Volume 2). In the simplest case,
for sulfate and thiosulfate adsorption on the dissolution of a single-crystalline sur-
stainless steel [31, 32], demonstrating the face of a pure, elemental metal, the metal
validity of this approach for the more com- atoms are dissolved preferentially at kinks
plex (passive) surfaces of technologically in steps on the crystal surface. The type
important metals. and density of these active sites depends
According to these studies, molecular on the crystallographic orientation and can
adsorption on passivated metal surface ar- be strongly influenced by the presence of
eas differs strongly from that on active adsorbates [23]. On real metal surfaces dif-
metal surfaces. Following the HSAB prin- ferent crystallographic orientations as well
ciple, adsorption of hard acids or bases as inhomogeneities, such as emergence
should be favored on oxides/hydroxides, points of dislocations, grain boundaries,
whereas molecules with strongly polar- and inclusions, exist, resulting in a highly
izable groups, which interact strongly heterogeneous surface with a variety of ac-
with bare metal surfaces, should adsorb tive sites. Adsorbate layers can inhibit the
more weakly, as indeed observed for dissolution process via
sulfate and chloride adsorption on alu-
minum (see above). On the one hand, 1. geometric blocking of the surface by
this is often a desirable property in high adsorbate coverages (i.e. via for-
corrosion inhibition since it may allow mation of a physical barrier),
the selective adsorption of anodic in- 2. deactivation of active sites (e.g. kinks)
hibitors at small active surface areas, owing to selective adsorption at those
but not on the surrounding passivated sites,
metal, thus decreasing the total inhibitor 3. changing the type or density of active
concentration required for efficient inhi- sites (e.g. by stabilizing certain crystallo-
bition (i.e. increasing the inhibitor re- graphic orientations or step directions),
serve). On the other hand, adsorbates 4. altering the adsorption of aggressive
that bind to oxide/hydroxide surfaces may species by shifting the pzc, or
help to chemically stabilize passive films, 5. introducing new (rate-determining)
resulting in a lower probability for de- steps into the dissolution reaction
passivation (i.e. the initiation of local (usually involving direct participation
etch pits), or may promote the adhesion of the adsorbate).
of cathodic inhibitor films. In addition,
specific applications may explicitly re- If the inhibitor simply blocks surface
quire protection of oxide surfaces (see sites, only the dissolution rate is re-
Sect. duced, whereas adsorbates that intervene
450 5 Corrosion Protection

with the dissolution process can change should be noted, however, that the active
the reaction mechanism and hence the sites for anodic and cathodic partial re-
Tafel slope. An example of the latter is actions are not necessarily identical and
the effect of various organic inhibitors consequently may be affected differently
on active Fe dissolution, where it is by the inhibitor. In acidic environments,
assumed that instead of intermediate the predominant cathodic reaction is hy-
(FeOH)ad , stable chelate surface com- drogen evolution, which involves H ad-
plexes [(FeOH)·(Inh)n ]ad are formed [33]. sorption and subsequent recombination to
The ability of adsorbates to inhibit sur- H2 . Some inhibitors block the second but
face reactions depends on the strength of not the first step of this reaction and thus
the bond to the metal (i.e. the adsorp- promote hydrogen penetration into the
tion energy) and on the hydrophobicity metal, resulting in embrittlement. Stable
of the molecules. Systematic studies of inhibitors, such as quaternary ammonium
acid corrosion inhibition by homologous ions, amines, and aldehydes, are capable
rows of organic substances found cor- of inhibiting both metal dissolution and
relations between the inhibitor efficien- hydrogen penetration.
cies and the electron-donating properties
of the substituent, as expressed by the 5.2.3
Hammett constant σ , for both blocking Inhibition by Protection Layers
and direct involvement in the dissolu-
tion mechanism [2, 15, 16]. According Structure of Protection Layers
to this approach, log(kcH /kcR ) is propor- Formed by Inhibitors
tional to σ , where kcH and kcR are the The vast majority of corrosion inhibitors in
corrosion rates in the presence of the in- neutral environment as well as a number
hibitor without and with substituent R, of acid corrosion inhibitors form pro-
respectively (for a detailed discussion see tective 3D films on the metal surface
Refs. [2, 16]). Recently, first attempts to (‘‘interphase’’ inhibition [4]). These films
correlate the inhibitive properties of or- may consist of adsorbate multilayers, ox-
ganic inhibitors with ab initio calculations ide/hydroxides, salts, or reaction products
of the molecular species emerged, which formed by interaction of the inhibitor with
support these trends. For example, the solution species on or near the corroding
inhibition efficiency was found to clearly metal surface (e.g. dissolved metal ions).
increase with decreasing molecular ioniza- The type, structure, and thickness of the
tion potential in a study of thiourea and inhibiting films are strongly influenced by
its derivatives [34]. Finally, not only strong the environmental conditions. The inter-
adsorption but also a very low solubility of phase films act as a physical barrier that
the corresponding metal–adsorbate com- blocks or retards transport processes and
plexes is necessary for effective inhibition the kinetics of the corrosion reactions at
(otherwise the adsorbate may even pro- the metal surface. The inhibitive proper-
mote dissolution). ties could, in some cases, be correlated with
the chemical stability of the corresponding Influence of Adsorbed Layers on insoluble complexes as well as with the
Cathodic Reactions In a similar way, ad- solubility, adsorbability, and hydrophobic-
sorbates may retard the cathodic reactions ity of the inhibitor molecules [35]. Often,
on bare or passivated metal surfaces. It other ions from the electrolyte, such as
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 451

anions, OH− , or H+ , are also incorpo- is considered, which is largely based on

rated, although their role in stabilizing or the formation of a polymeric Cu(I)BTA
destabilizing the protection layers is largely salt film [36–38]. STM images of this
unclear. Good adhesion and low porosity phase (Fig. 7d) show similar chains of
of the film are other important factors. parallel oriented molecules as for the
A detailed microscopic understanding of chemisorbed BTAH monolayer (Fig. 7b,
the corrosion resistance provided by these c), but with a random orientation, demon-
films is currently missing. However, it is strating the close structural relationship
likely that, as in the case of native passive of both inhibiting layers on the molecular
films, the degree of protection depends level [22–25]. Other examples are surface-
strongly on the defect structure of the film. active chelating agents that form insoluble
Film-forming inhibitors are of particular surface films (e.g. 2-mercaptocarboxylic
importance for inhibition in near-neutral acids for steel). An important and ex-
solution (pH 5–10), in which they are tensively studied class of film-forming
commonly classified as cathodic and an- inhibitors are substances that promote
odic inhibitors, although they often may passive film growth (‘‘passivators’’), such
influence both partial reactions (see also as nitrites, chromates, molybdates, or
Sect. tungstates. In some of these cases (e.g. ni-
trite [39]), the resulting passive film seems
to be identical in structure and compo- Film-forming Cathodic Inhibitors
sition to that formed in inhibitor-free
Cathodic inhibitors in near-neutral solu-
solution. More often, however, the in-
tions interfere with the oxygen reduction
hibitor is incorporated. In particular, for
reaction by restricting the diffusion of
the inhibition of Fe corrosion by chro-
dissolved oxygen to the electrode sur-
mates, a mixed Cr and Fe hydrous oxide
face. These substances usually form thick
similar to that found on FeCr alloys in
surface layers with poor electronic con-
acidic solution is formed [40]. In general,
ductivity (the latter is an important pre-
the predominant role of anodic inhibitors
requisite to avoid oxygen reduction on the
in neutral solution seems to be the main-
film surface). Examples are phosphates,
tenance of passivity by stabilization of the
polyphosphates, silicates, borates, and in-
existing passive oxide and plugging of
organic inhibitors, such as Zn2+ , which
pores in the passive film. Finally, it is
precipitate as Zn hydroxide, and Ca2+ ,
emphasized that many anodic inhibitors
which forms calcium carbonate films in
also affect the cathodic partial reaction
the presence of CO3 2− [3]. These inhibitors
and/or provide an increased ohmic resis-
are effective on a variety of metals.
tance across the interface. Film-forming Anodic Inhibitors Mechanisms of Protection Layer

Anodic inhibitors are, in most cases, Formation
species that can form insoluble salts with Only a limited knowledge of the kinetics
the ions of the corroding metal, thus and mechanisms of the formation of
rendering the surface passive. Therefore, protective layers has been obtained up
their effectiveness usually depends on the to now. Similar to passive films (see
metal. As an example, again the protec- Chapter 3.2, this volume), the inhibitor
tion of copper by benzotriazole (BTAH) films may form via precipitation from
452 5 Corrosion Protection

solution or via chemisorption, followed by Subsequently, a thicker film may form

a 3D growth on the metal surface. either by multilayer adsorption (e.g. due to
hydrophobic interactions) or, more com- Precipitation from Solution monly, by a reactive growth process, in
Thick corrosion inhibiting layers are usu- which ions of the protected metal are in-
ally assumed to form on the metal surface corporated into the film. The former is less
via precipitation of insoluble products desirable in practice since it leads to rapid
from solution. Possible processes are depletion of the inhibitor in the system. In
the second case the film growth requires
1. the precipitation of oxide/hydroxides of the transport of metal ion and/or inhibitor
the inhibiting species (e.g. Zn2+ ), species through the film, for example, via
2. the reaction of the inhibitor with metal a high-field mechanism (see Chapter 3.2,
ions in solution (e.g. Cu(I)BTA film this volume). The 3D growth occurs on a
formation on Cu), and much slower time scale than the initial ad-
3. the reduction or decomposition of the sorption and usually saturates at a certain
inhibitor at the metal surface, followed film thickness that depends on the envi-
by precipitation. ronmental parameters and growth condi-
tions. This was illustrated in a kinetic study
Examples of the latter are chromates, of 3-amino-5-heptyl-1,2,4-triazole (AHT)
which are reduced to Cr(III) hydroxide on Cu by Beier and Schultze [41]. Figure 9
or oxyhydroxide on the metal surface, shows the current decay and the time-
or polyphosphates, in which decomposi- depended capacity in this system, obtained
tion and subsequent precipitation of Ca by potentiostatic pulse measurements.
phosphate has been suggested [8]. The pre- Starting from the bare (active) Cu sur-
cipitation reactions will depend on the face (I), first slow adsorption of an AHT
local solution composition (pH, metal ion monolayer (II) up to a saturation cover-
concentration) in the near-surface region age (III) was observed, followed by a much
of the corroding metal, which may pro- slower film growth (IV) until a stable film
nouncedly deviate from that in the bulk. had been formed (V), which changed only
For instance, the production of OH− in slightly due to aging effects. On the basis of
the cathodic partial reaction will raise the these measurements, a high-field growth
surface pH and thus promote the precipita- mechanism was suggested.
tion of compounds, such as Zn hydroxides, Finally, several film-formation mecha-
even in noticeable acidic solution. In a sim- nism can be active in parallel for a given
ilar way, the pore-plugging ability of anodic inhibitor/metal system. As an example,
inhibitors may be enhanced by reactions radiotracer experiments by Gáncs and
with local metal ion accumulations in the coworkers on the accumulation of phos-
vicinity of active pores in a passive film. phate on aluminum are reproduced in
Fig. 10 [42, 43]. After a first rapid increase Direct Film Growth Protective in phosphate surface concentration, which
films may also be formed directly at was assigned to phosphate adsorption and
the metal–solution interface via a 3D (partial) incorporation into the passive
growth mechanism. The first step of this film, a slower accumulation is observed,
process is the monolayer adsorption of which can continue up to several days
the inhibiting species (see Sect. and which was explained by precipitation
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 453

Region I II III IV V

−3 0M
[A cm−2]

0.2 M
log i

−4 0.5 M

1 M Cu2+
0.5 M
[µF cm−2]

0.2 M

4 0M

−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2
log t
Fig. 9 Double logarithmic plot of current and capacity transients for
AHT/Cu. The data were obtained in aerated 0.5 M H2 SO4 , containing
2·10−3 M AHT and various Cu2+ concentrations, at 0.35 VSHE and a
rotation rate of 30 Hz. (From Ref. [41] with permission.)

of aluminum phosphates (Fig. 10a). The 5.2.4

pH dependence of the precipitation rate Special Cases
and the resulting phosphate accumulation
(Fig. 10b) exhibits a peak at pH 4.7, re- Control of Solution Composition
flecting the solubility minimum of these (‘‘scavengers’’)
aluminum phosphates. Furthermore, a In addition to improving the corrosion re-
strong effect of anions on the precipitation sistance of the metal, the aggressiveness
process was found, which was attributed of the environment may be reduced by
to the enhancement or suppression of alu- the addition of substances that lower the
minum ion release from the metal [44]. concentration of corrosive agents. This
454 5 Corrosion Protection



pH = 4.3
pH = 6.0
[mol cm−2]

109 γΓ

pH = 7.6
pH = 1.9
pH = 8.9
pH = 12.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(a) [min]

1⋅10−5 M
5⋅10−5 M
1⋅10−4 M
5⋅10−4 M
[mol cm−2]
108 γΓ



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(b) pH
Fig. 10 Phosphate accumulation on aluminum in 0.1 M NaCl solution.
(a) Phosphate surface concentration versus time at different pH values
(bulk phosphate concentration is 5 × 10−5 M). (b) pH dependence of
accumulated phosphate surface concentration at different phosphate
bulk concentrations after 120 min. (From Ref. [42] with permission.)

includes chemicals that remove oxygen scavengers, such as Na2 O3 and hydrazine,
(‘‘oxygen scavengers’’), adjust the pH are commonly used in the oil indus-
(‘‘buffer’’), or change the water hardness try and in steam generation. The latter
or scale forming properties. In these cases inhibitor, however, also acts as a passi-
the required concentrations can be calcu- vator, which at least partly accounts for
lated on the basis of the corresponding its effectiveness. Furthermore, the control
chemical equilibria. In particular, oxygen of corrosion-inducing microorganisms by
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 455

biocides may be considered as a special mechanisms:

(but technologically important) case of sub-
1. a shift of the corrosion potential out of
stances that reduce the aggressiveness of
the cracking range,
the solution.
2. a modification of the chemistry of
the local cell, Inhibition of Localized Corrosion 3. a disturbance of the critical balance
In localized corrosion, aggressive anions between active and passive areas usually
induce a breakdown of the passive film at associated with cracking, and
small, localized areas of the metal, result- 4. an inhibition of hydrogen penetration
ing in the rapid growth of etch pits (see and embrittlement [3].
Chapter 4.2, this volume). Ideally, effective
inhibitors of localized corrosion should in- Inhibition of Chemical Corrosion
hibit both the nucleation and the growth Processes
of these pits. Because of the extremely ag- In modern technology an increasing num-
gressive environment within growing pits ber of nonmetallic materials, such as
(low pH, high concentration of anions), semiconductors, oxides, ionic crystals, and
however, the inhibition of pit growth is polymers, is employed, which corrode or
difficult and inhibition of pit nucleation degrade via chemical rather than electro-
or of the early stages of pit formation chemical mechanisms. Corrosion protec-
seems more promising. The nucleation of tion of these materials by inhibitors is
pits can be inhibited by promoting passive currently only marginally studied and will
film growth (Sect., reducing the be an important future challenge for in-
defect density in the film, or stabilizing the hibitor science. For the important case of
passive film via protective adsorbates (usu- oxides, similar concepts as employed for
ally organic species), which compete with the stabilization of passive films in the
the anions, thus reducing anion adsorp- inhibition of localized corrosion should
tion at the passive film surface. Localized be applicable.
corrosion occurs only above a critical po-
tential (‘‘pitting potential’’), which is found Inhibition of Atmospheric
to shift proportional to the logarithm of the Corrosion
ratio of anion to inhibitor concentration, Metals exposed to humid atmosphere cor-
log ca /ci [45]. rode by an electrochemical mechanism
due to the formation of a thin electrolyte Inhibition of Stress-corrosion layer on the metal surface (Chapter 3.1,
Cracking this volume). This type of corrosion can be
The simultaneous effect of corrosion controlled by Vapor-phase Corrosion In-
and tensile stress causes stress-corrosion hibitors (VCIs), that is, volatile inhibiting
cracking above a certain threshold stress substances that allow vapor-phase trans-
(Chapter 4.4, this volume). Stress-corro- port to the corroding surface (examples
sion cracking is a highly localized form are amines, benzoates, imidazoles, or tri-
of corrosion and confined to a rather azoles [3]). The vapor pressure should be
narrow potential range. The inhibition sufficiently high to ensure a protective sur-
of stress corrosion is not well under- face concentration of the inhibitor, but low
stood but may be due to the following enough to prevent premature depletion of
456 5 Corrosion Protection

the inhibitor. VCIs have been classified as (Sect. and oil production,
interface and electrolyte-layer inhibitors, refinement, and transportation (described
depending on whether they influence pro- in detail in Chapter 6.6, this volume).
cesses at the metal–electrolyte interface In addition, inhibitors are used as
or alter the chemistry of the thin elec- additives to antifreeze formulations,
trolyte layer. In practice, VCIs are oil- lubricants, and acid solutions for
or water-soluble and applied in form industrial usage (Sect. A field of
of powders, sprays, foams, or impreg- increasing importance is the inhibition
nated papers. Applications are widespread of atmospheric corrosion (see also
and range from the protection of en- Sect.
gines and machine parts to the preser-
vation of antiques. Water Treatment
An alternative method to inhibit atmo- The control of corrosion in cooling and
spheric corrosion, in particular in outdoor heating systems by inhibitors is an es-
applications, is to add corrosion inhibitors tablished technology [3]. In these systems,
to surface coatings, especially paint films. corrosion occurs under near-neutral condi-
Here the inhibitor reduces corrosion reac- tions, with the reduction of oxygen as the
tions, resulting from the residual perme- cathodic reaction. In addition, corrosion
ability of the polymer film (see Chapter 5.4, may be promoted by
this volume).
1. the presence of corrosive agents,
5.2.5 such as acidic impurities, chloride,
Practical Applications and sulfate;
2. local galvanic elements in multimetal Overview systems;
Because of the complexity of real sys- 3. sediments, resulting in crevice corro-
tems, inhibitor selection is by far not sion;
straightforward and requires testing by 4. erosion due to water flow;
laboratory and field studies. Commercial 5. microbiological activity; and
formulations usually contain a combina- 6. stray electric currents.
tion of several active inhibitors, blended
with a specific surfactant/solvent pack- The resulting corrosion processes not only
age, which controls the release of the lead to leakage but also may induce failure
inhibitors into the environment (i.e. the of system components owing to clog-
available inhibitor concentration). The pro- ging with corrosion products (e.g. scales
tection of multimetal systems requires and precipitates). Corrosion inhibitors for
particular care, since efficient inhibitors water treatment should be effective at
for one metal may be ineffective or even variable water composition, temperature,
corrosion-accelerating for another metal. and flow conditions for a wide range of
In general, the performance of formula- inhibitor concentrations. They should pro-
tions depends on the system parameters tect all exposed metals and should not
and has to be evaluated by field tests to be aggressive to other materials in the
ensure protection. system (e.g. solder, rubber, and plastics).
By far, the most important applications Furthermore, they should not stimulate
for inhibitors are water treatment the buildup of scales, thermally isolating
5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 457

films, and nonadhering precipitates and Corrosion Inhibition in Electronic

be nonvolatile, nontoxic, and compatible Devices
with other additives. Finally, they have to The worldwide spreading of electronic
be cost-effective and ideally should possess and information technology imposes new
a sufficient reserve so that monitoring and challenges for corrosion protection. Elec-
precise additions are not necessary. tronic components employ a wide vari-
Formulations usually contain a combi- ety of different materials (metallic and
nation of different anodic and cathodic nonmetallic) that are usually not pri-
inhibitors. Commonly used are ortho- and marily selected on the basis of their
polyphosphates, phosphonates, tannins, corrosion properties and may involve ad-
lignins, benzoates, silicates, chromates, verse material combinations (e.g. between
molybdates, nitrites, nitrates, zinc salts, metal and solder). Furthermore, substan-
aromatic azoles, carboxylic acids, amides, tial voltage differences are present dur-
amines, soluble oils, and oxygen scav- ing device operation, often over small
engers, such as hydrazine and sulfites [3, distances (<0.5 mm for surface-mounted
46]. Some of these substances (e.g. sil- device components) and strongly varying
icates) are employed predominantly in with time. Consequently, severe corro-
synergy with other inhibitors, whereas in sion problems can arise, in particular
other cases the combination of inhibitors since already small defects may lead
may have adverse effects (e.g. nitrites to device failure. The predominant type
and organic amines or amides may form of attack is atmospheric corrosion, es-
carcinogenic nitrosamines at elevated tem- pecially in heavily polluted urban ar-
peratures). eas and outdoor devices (e.g. in com-
munication technology). Here, corrosion Acid Systems inhibitors are applied in the form of
In industrial applications of acids, such vapor-phase inhibitors and inhibiting ad-
as acid-pickling and descaling, inhibitors ditives in organic coatings, for exam-
are usually added to minimize the cor- ple, in the protection of printed cir-
rosive attack of metallic materials. These cuit boards. Furthermore, inhibitors are
inhibitors have to be able to effectively used in components with intrinsic elec-
inhibit metal dissolution at high acid con- trochemical systems, such as electrolytic
centration, high content of dissolved metal capacitors and batteries. The ongoing
salts, and elevated temperatures, without miniaturization, the emergence of new
delaying the removal of scales, that is, micromechanical devices, and the in-
they should not inhibit the dissolution creasing use of electronics in countries
of metal oxide/hydroxide species. In ad- with adverse climatic conditions (e.g.
dition, they should inhibit the entry of high humidity) will require continuous
hydrogen into the metal. Typically, adsorp- efforts in the development of effective
tion inhibitors are used, in particular mix- inhibitors.
tures of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing
organic compounds and acetylenic alco-
hols. These active components are blended
with wetting and foaming agents, deter- 1. Proceedings of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,
gents, and solvents in formulated inhibitor 6th, 7th, and 8th European Symposium on
packages [3, 46]. Corrosion Inhibitors, University of Ferrara,
458 5 Corrosion Protection

Ferrara, Italy, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 18. K. Aramaki; H. Nishihara, Proceedings of
1985, 1990, 1995. the 6th European Symposium on Corrosion
2. Yu. I. Kuznetsov, Organic Inhibitors of Cor- Inhibitors, University of Ferrara, Ferrara,
rosion of Metals, Plenum Press, New York, Italy, 1985, p. 67.
1996. 19. R. G. Pearson, J. Chem. Educ. 1968, 45, 581.
3. V. S. Sastri, Corrosion Inhibitors. Principles 20. G. Schmitt, Proceedings of the 6th Euro-
and Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pean Symposium on Corrosion Inhibitors,
Germany, 1998. University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, 1985,
4. W. J. Lorenz, F. Mansfeld in Corrosion In- pp. 1600–1614.
hibition (Ed.: R. H. Hausler), International 21. I. L. Rosenfeld, Corrosion Inhibitors, McGraw-
Corrosion Conference Series, National Associ- Hill, New York, 1981, pp. 109–119.
ation of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, Tex.,
22. M. R. Vogt, W. Polewska, O. M. Magnussen
1988, pp. 7–13.
et al., J. Electrochem. Soc. 1997, 144,
5. S. Turgoose in Chemical Inhibitors for Corro-
sion Control (Ed.: B. G. Clubley), The Royal
23. O. M. Magnussen, R. J. Behm, Mater. Res.
Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 1990,
pp. 72–88. Bull. 1999, 24, 16–23.
6. M. J. Pryor, H. Cohen, J. Electrochem. Soc. 24. M. R. Vogt, R. J. Nichols, O. M. Magnussen
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8. G. Butler, Proceedings of the 3rd European Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 1999, 17–98, 591–618.
Symposium on Corrosion Inhibitors, Uni- 26. J.-O. Nilsson, C. Törnkvist, B. Liedberg, Appl.
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pp. 15–21. 27. M. A. Barteau, Chem. Rev. 1996, 96,
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1980, Vol. 1. 30. A. Kolics, J. C. Polkinghorne, A. Wieckowski,
11. J. Lipkowski, P. N. Ross, (Eds.), Adsorption Electrochim. Acta 1998, 43, 2605–2618.
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Weinheim, Germany, 1992. Electrochem. Soc. 1997, 144, 586–594.
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Molecules at Metal Electrodes (Eds.: J. Lipkow- et al., Corrosion 1998, 54, 800.
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chim. Acta 2002, 47, 1365–1371.
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35. K. Wippermann, J. W. Schultze, R. Kessel
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15. F. M. Donahue, K. Nobe, J. Electrochem. Soc. 36. J. B. Cotton, I. R. Scholes, Br. Corros. J. 1967,
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pp. 3-1–3-41, Chap. I-3. Corrosion 1978, 34, 169.
17. K. Aramaki, Proceedings of the 5th Euro- 40. E. McCafferty, M. K. Bernett, J. S. Murday,
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5.2 Corrosion Protection by Inhibition 459

42. L. Gáncs, Z. Németh, A. Kolics et al., Pro- 45. K. J. Vetter, H.-H. Strehblow, Localized
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43. Z. Németh, L. Gángs, G. Gémes et al., Cor- 46. B. G. Clubley, (Ed.), Chemical Inhibitors for
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trochem. Solid State Lett. 2000, 3, 369–372.
460 5 Corrosion Protection

5.3 steel, aluminum, copper, and magnesium

Conversion Coatings and its alloys. Two major applications
include its use as a lubrifying film for
Kevin Ogle
cold extrusion, and as a pretreatment be-
Irsid, Arcelor Research, Maizieres-les-Metz,
fore painting. Other applications include
temporary corrosion resistance for un-
Rudolph G. Buchheit painted metal and electrical resistance.
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, As this chapter focuses on the electro-
USA chemical properties of the phosphated
metal surface, discussion will be limited
Conversion coatings are thin inorganic lay-
to the phosphate film as a pretreatment for
ers formed on metal and alloy surfaces by
painting. For this application, the electro-
the reaction of the metal with solutions of
chemical properties are paramount, while
specific chemical composition. Coatings
other applications such as cold extrusion
form spontaneously by contact of a metal-
rely more on the mechanical properties of
lic surface with the coating solution, and
the layer. Extensive reviews of phosphating
no externally imposed potential or cur-
technology may be found in Refs. [1–3].
rent is required. Conversion coatings are
Phosphating involves the formation
usually applied as a pretreatment to fa-
of inorganic tertiary metal phosphates,
cilitate further coating and painting. Two
M3 (PO4 )2 ·xH2 O, on the surface of the
primary classes of coatings are in common
treated metal. Phosphate layers are gen-
use today: phosphate- and chromate-based
erally classified as either crystalline or
conversion coatings. Phosphate conver-
amorphous [1]. The crystalline phosphate
sion is widely used on ferrous alloys and is
layer consists of discrete crystals rather
important in the pretreatment of painted
than a continuous film. This is seen in
steel products used in automotive appli-
the field emission microscopic images
cations. Chromate conversion is used pri-
of the phosphate crystals on galvanized
marily on light metals, such as aluminum,
steel shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1(a) shows
and is important in the pretreatment of
the completed phosphate crystals after
aerospace products for painting. Chromate
they have converged to form a practi-
conversion coatings (CCCs) are also used
cal phosphate layer, and Fig. 1(b) shows
as stand-alone corrosion-resistant coatings
the initial stages of crystal growth where
for aluminum housings and chassis for
large bare patches of the substrate mate-
electronic instrumentation and appliances
rial can be observed. The composition and
subject to benign atmospheric exposure.
crystal structure of the phosphate crys-
Key elements of the science and technology
tals will depend on the substrate material
of these coatings processes are presented
and the phosphatation bath. The crystal
in this chapter.
structure of two of the more common
5.3.1 zinc phosphate species is shown in Fig. 2,
Phosphate Conversion Coatings hopeite (Zn3 (PO4 )2 ·4H2 O) and phospho-
phyllite (Zn2 Fe(PO4 )2 ·4H2 O). Overview The major use of crystalline phosphating
Phosphate conversion coatings are widely today is as a pretreatment before cat-
used throughout the metalworking industry aphoretic painting for the automotive in-
for substrates such as iron, steel, galvanized dustry. The metal is formed and assembled
5.3 Conversion Coatings 461

Phosphate layer, complete coverage Phosphate layer, early stage of growth

Grand. = 5.00 K X Platine: position X = 47.693 mm

IRSID 2 µm EHT = 10.00 kV Signal A = SE2Platine: position Y = 36.808 mm Filament: age Grand. = 5.00 K X Platine: position X = 36.088 mm
EHT = 10.00 kV Signal A = SE2 Platine: position Y = 45.619 mm Filament: age =
Sortie vers = Impr. par défaut
WD = 3 mm Platine: Z = 26.459 mm
Image = IRSID 2 µm Sortie vers = Impr. par défaut Image =
WD = 4 mm
Périphérique = Default printer Joystick désactivé = non diaphragme: dimension = 30.00 µm vit. I
GROUPE USINOR Platine: Z = 25.474 mm
Périphérique = Default printer Joystick désactivé = non diaphragme: dimension = 30.00 µm

Grand. = 20.00 K X Platine: position X = 36.110 mm

IRSID 1 µm Sortie vers = impr. par défaut
EHT = 2.00 kV Signal A = InLens Platine: position Y = 45.621 mm Filament:Image age =
Périphérique = default printer WD = 5 mm Platine: Z = 25.474 mm
Joystick désactivé = non diaphragme: dimension = 30.00 µm vit.

Close-up view Close-up view

(a) (b)
Fig. 1 Morphology of the phosphate layer: field in the bath). Original results, Irsid. Upper photo
emission microscopy images of a trication shows a survey over a large surface area, and the
phosphated galvanized steel surface; (a) after lower photo shows a close-up view of the
complete formation of the phosphate layer; and crystals. Original data, Irsid.
(b) early stages of phosphating (several seconds

prior to the surface treatment, and the Crystalline phosphate layers of nat-
phosphating bath is applied either as an ural origin are rare. Vivianite (Fe2
immersion or spray process. In the steel (PO4 )2 ·4H2 O) layers have been observed
fabrication mills, phosphating may be per- on steel artifacts dating from around the
formed either as a pretreatment for coil third century AD, and not withstanding
coating (although chromatation is more speculation that the Romans had
popular for this application) or for the pro- discovered the process, it is probable
duction of ‘‘prephosphated’’ steel. In the that the vivianite films were of natural
steel mill, either a spray process similar origin [2]. Recently, the formation of
to that used in the automotive industry, protective vivianite films on low-alloyed
or a special ‘‘no rinse’’ phosphatation bath steel by bacteria cultures [4, 5] has been
may be used. The later is applied by a roller demonstrated under very mild conditions
directly to the steel band. (neutral buffered solution and 25 C).
462 5 Corrosion Protection

Hopeite Phosphophyllite
a = 10.597 Å, b = 18.318 Å, c = 5.031 Å a = 10.28 Å, b = 5.07 Å, c =10.52 Å
S.G. = Pnma; projection along the c axis b = 120.90° S.G. = P21/c; projection
along the b axis
Original data : Hill R. J., Jones J. B., Original data: Thomas I. M.,
American Mineralogist (1976) Weller M. T., J. Materials
61, 987 Chem. (1992) 2, 1123.
Fig. 2 Crystallography of the phosphate layer: crystal structures of hopeite and
phosphophyllite showing tetrahedral and octahedral metal ion sites within the crystal
lattice. (Courtesy Jean Steinmetz, University Henri Poincaré, Nancy I.)

Amorphous phosphate films are formed but the process was largely ignored until
during the process of ‘‘alkali phosphat- a patent of T. W. Coslett appeared in
ing’’ [1]. This type of film is generally used 1906 [2, 3]. Coslett added Fe filings to
on iron and steel and may be used for the phosphoric acid bath with the idea
temporary corrosion protection or as a of reducing the violence of the reaction.
low-cost pretreatment for painting. The Coslett’s original formulation consisted
phosphate layers are a mixture of iron of an aqueous solution of phosphoric
phosphate (Fe3 (PO4 )2 ·8H2 O), iron oxides, acid, saturated with ferrous phosphate.
and hydroxides. The treatment baths con- The solution was used at near boiling
sist of phosphoric acid solutions of pH temperature and the treatment could take
3–5 with minimal or no divalent cations as long as three to four hours. Coslett
present. Nitrate or other additives are used recognized that the phosphated metal
as accelerators. showed a markedly improved retention
of oil. He introduced the final chromic Historical Perspectives A Bri- acid rinse to improve the corrosion
tish patent [2, 3] of 1869 to improve the resistance and the process became known
corrosion resistance of steel by treatment as ‘‘Coslettizing’’. In 1909, he improved
in boiling phosphoric acid was proposed the bath by the addition of zinc dihydrogen
by W. A. Ross [3]. A number of similar phosphate as an additive to the phosphoric
patents appeared in the following years, acid. A bit later, in 1911, a patent appeared
5.3 Conversion Coatings 463

by Richards of Coventry describing the essentially to steel and later to galvanized

use of solutions containing manganese steel. Today, galvanized steel is often
dihydrogen phosphate. assembled with light alloys such as Al
On the basis of these previous works, and Mg, and therefore, the phosphatation
Clark and Wyman Parker developed the bath must work equally well on all
Parkerizing process, which was an im- these surfaces.
provement of ‘‘Coslettizing’’ in that Zn
and Mn were added to the formulation. Overview of Process and Reaction
In 1917, Parker opened the first factory Mechanisms
at Detroit, and by 1931, 20 million square Details of the industrial process and
meters of steel were treated in the US. the particular problems that may occur
Around the same time, the American are beyond the scope of this work (see
Chemical Paint Company promoted the Refs. [1–3]). In this section, we will limit
phosphatation process as a pretreatment ourselves to a discussion of the chemi-
before painting. At that time the treatment cal mechanisms that are observed. There
required on the order of 10 min. are four chemically important steps in the
During the years that followed, new phosphatation process as it is generally
types of accelerators were developed in or- used: (1) Degreasing in an alkaline cleaner;
der to decrease the treatment time and (2) ‘‘activation’’ with a treatment involv-
temperature. Around 1930, copper and ing titanium colloids; (3) phosphating, +
nickel additions were introduced to speed water rinse; and (4) optional passivation
up the reaction and to permit the use rinse. Phosphating is sometimes per-
of lower temperatures. The rate of the formed by induction: the activation and
phosphatation reaction was dramatically phosphating are applied sequentially, and
increased by the introduction of the acti- the phosphatation bath is dried directly on
vation step with Ti colloids by Jernstedt [6] the surface.
in 1940. The development of spray ap-
plication methods greatly improved the Degreasing Degreasing is typi-
speed of phosphatation lines, and the phos- cally performed using an alkaline solution
phatation time has decreased from hours at elevated temperature. As the name in-
to minutes, and even reduced down to dicates, the primary role of the degreasing
below 10 s for phosphatation on coil coat- step is to remove oil from the metal prod-
ing lines. uct. Such oil is often added to the steel
Today environmental issues represent as a lubricant during forming and for
the major driving force for the evolution temporary corrosion protection during the
of phosphate technology, for example, by period between fabrication of the metal
the elimination of the heavy metal Ni2+ and the painting of the metal. For zinc
and the suspected carcinogen, nitrite. The and aluminum alloys, the alkaline solution
chromate final rinse has been abandoned ‘‘pickles’’ the surface, removing aluminum
by many users as a result of the suspected oxides and increasing the surface pH
carcinogenic properties of Cr(VI). The of the remaining oxides. The dissolution
second driving force for technological of zinc increases the surface roughness
development is the necessity to treat as well. Alkaline cleaners are composed
different metals with the same bath. In of inorganic compounds such as alkali,
the early years, applications were limited phosphates, silicates, and/or borates and
464 5 Corrosion Protection

nonionic surfactants. Complexing agents to Tegehall [11], the Ti colloid undergoes

such as ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid cationic exchange reactions between Na+
(EDTA) are used to stabilize metal ions and bivalent cations such as Zn2+ , Mn2+ ,
from the pickling reaction. High alkaline Mg2+ , and Ba2+ . The bivalent Ti phos-
solutions are useful for steel, but zinc and phate species are less soluble than the
aluminum are normally degreased with a sodium titanium phosphate. Nucleation
mild alkaline cleaner to reduce pickling. of phosphate crystals occurs during the
For steel, the chemical effect of the de- first milliseconds of immersion in the
greasing is less evident, but it is thought phosphating bath, followed by bulk pre-
that the alkaline oxidation of the surface cipitation of the crystal. According to the
is important for the initiation of the phos- model in Fig. 3, the form and distribu-
phating reaction [7]. tion of the nucleation center determines
the morphology of the phosphate crystals. Activation During this step, the According to these authors, the crystals
surface is exposed to a slightly alka- grow epitaxially away from the nucle-
line solution of Ti colloids consisting of ation center.
Na4 TiO(PO4 )2 ·0–7H2 O. The colloidal so-
lution is prepared at ambient temperature Phosphating The phosphating
and the particle size dispersion is defined bath consists of a phosphoric acid solu-
by having 70% of its population between tion containing various heavy metal ions.
60 and 130 nm. During the immersion They are classified as monocation (metal
of the surface in the activation bath, the ion = Zn2+ or Fe2+ in older formula-
colloidal particles are adsorbed on the tions), bication (Zn2+ and either Mn2+
surface. These particles are thought to or Ni2+ ), and trication (Zn2+ , Mn2+ , and
serve as the nucleation centers for the Ni2+ ). Typical concentration ranges for a
phosphate crystal in the subsequent phos- trication bath are given in Table 1. Ni2+
phating step. Therefore, the activation step is sometimes replaced by Cu2+ for en-
determines the number (and thus, the size) vironmental reasons. Although copper is
of the crystals. considered to have nearly the same toxicity
Direct measurement of the adsorbed as nickel, it can be used in much lower
particles has proven difficult because concentration in the phosphating bath. In
of their weak binding to the surface. comparison to nickel, the relations lie be-
Nevertheless, the adsorbed colloidal par- tween 1 : 50 and 1 : 100. Oxidizing agents
ticles have been detected by ion micro- such as nitrite are added as accelerators,
probe analysis [8], atomic force microscopy and fluoride ions are added to dissolve
(AFM) [9, 10] and time-of-flight secondary aluminum oxides if necessary.
ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS) [10]. Following the pioneering work of
AFM results of Van Roy and coworkers [10] Machu [12, 13], it is well known that
are shown in Fig. 3, along with their pro- the phosphating reaction is a mixed po-
posed nucleation and growth mechanism tential process. The schematic diagram
on the aluminum surface. These results of Fig. 4 outlines some of the major
demonstrate that under the conditions chemical phenomena occurring during
of these experiments, the adsorbed par- phosphating in a simplified form. The
ticles are flat with 7 to 8 nm thickness anodic reaction is the oxidation of the sub-
and 100 to 300 nm in diameter. According strate metal while the cathodic reaction is
5.3 Conversion Coatings 465

(a) (b)
Z signal (Å)

0 Distance (nm) 801.25


7– 8 nm 100 – 300 nm


<10 µm Tiph
1 µm


Fig. 3 Germination of phosphate crystals: AFM results showing

adsorbed colloidal particles on aluminum after treatment in an activation
bath; these particles are believed to be the nucleation sites for crystal
growth, as shown in the schematic diagram. (After [10].)

Tab. 1Typical trication phosphate bath composition range used for galvanized steel in the
automotive industry. Courtesy Michael Wolpers (Voest Alpine)

Free acida Total acid Concentration (g L−1 )

Zn2+ Mn2+ Ni2+ NO3 − PO4 3− F−

1–2 20–35 1–2 0.8–2 0.5–2 2–25 13–20 0–2

a Free
and total acid are defined as the number of milliliters of 0.1 M NaOH needed to reach the first
and second endpoint, respectively.
466 5 Corrosion Protection

Mn2+ HPO42−

Elementary steps in

H+ H2
NO3 −

Zn e− Ni
Oxidation Precipitation Reduction Cementation Germination
Fig. 4 Phosphatation as a mixed potential process: schematic diagram
illustrating a simplified view of different chemical phenomena occurring
during the growth of the phosphate film on an Fe surface in a trication
phosphating bath.

the reduction of hydrogen ions or other The Fe2+ formed by the anodic reaction
oxidizing agents in the electrolyte. The op- is incorporated into the phosphate crystal
erating conditions of the phosphatation structure. This improves the corrosion re-
bath require that the bath be very close sistance properties of the zinc phosphate
to saturation in metal phosphate in a pH crystals. Figure 5 shows the simultaneous
range of 2.8 to 3.0. Under these conditions, measurement of the coating weight in-
both the anodic and cathodic reaction re- crease coupled with the pickling rate of
sult in a local decrease in the solubility of cold rolled steel in a commercial trication
the metal phosphate: the anodic reaction phosphating bath.
by increasing the concentration of metal Phosphating is an autopassivation pro-
ions in anodic zones, and the cathodic re- cess. The reaction of the substrate metal
action by increasing the pH and thus the with the phosphating bath leads to the for-
concentration of PO4 3− . It is important to mation of the phosphate crystals, which
note that the pH of the bath is just below in turn block the surface, lowering the
the first endpoint in the titration curve of reaction rate. When the reaction rate is suf-
phosphoric acid, so that the introduction of ficiently slowed so that precipitation can
even a small amount of hydroxide ion from no longer be maintained, crystal growth
the cathodic reaction can produce signif- will stop. Therefore, a period of redisso-
icant local pH changes. The pH increase lution and reorganization of the crystal
at the metal/electrolyte interface has been layer may follow the initial period of
experimentally demonstrated using micro crystal growth. The steady state surface
pH electrodes [14]. structure will correspond to a minimum
The anodic reaction plays an important crystal porosity necessary to maintain the
role if the treated metal is not present in precipitated layer at the surface. An inverse
the phosphating bath. This occurs when relation between crystal size and crystal
a zinc phosphate bath reacts with steel. number is observed, since a small number
5.3 Conversion Coatings 467

1.5 0

[µmol Zn1−x Fex (PO4)2]


[µmol Fe cm−2]
Film growth



0.0 −4
0 50 100 150 200
Fig. 5 Phosphating as a mixed potential process: gravimetric
measurement of the film growth and metal dissolution reaction during
the phosphating of steel in a trication phosphating bath. Original
data Irsid.

of large crystals is necessary to give the a phosphatation bath, and other mecha-
same relative coverage as a large number nisms must be invoked. It has been sug-
of small crystals. gested [3, 16] that these species increase
These relationships are illustrated in the number of hydrogen ions consumed
Fig. 6 in which the variation of coating per electron transferred, while reducing
weight, crystal size, the relative surface the amount of hydrogen gas produced,
coverage, and the rate of substrate dissolu- which would otherwise block areas of the
tion were measured as a function of time surface and create defects in the con-
for the phosphatation of steel in a labo- version layer. The accelerator may also
ratory trication phosphatation bath. The contribute to the passivation of the surface
partial free metal surface (1–θ) decreases between the crystals of phosphate.
as the average crystal size (dz ) and coat- Because of the potential toxicity of the
ing mass increase. The dissolution rate of nitrate/nitrite system a number of al-
the metal rdiss (here defined as a nega- ternatives have been proposed including
tive value) drops toward zero at the end of organic acids with a nitrate substitution
the reaction. such as nitrobenzoic acid, nitrosulfuric
acid, nitroguanidine, and so forth. Ox-
Accelerators The exact function of accel- idants such as chlorates and hydrogen
erators is not well understood [16]. Some, peroxide have also been proposed. The
such as hydrogen peroxide or borates, use of chlorate results in the formation
are known to be powerful oxidants and of free Cl− that in the case of zinc al-
it is thought that these species increase loys can lead to the localization of the
the total cathodic current and area at the anodic reaction into a pitting mechanism,
surface. However, other species, such as with a resulting defect in the phosphate
the most common nitrate and nitrite, are layer, known as ‘‘white spotting’’. Hydro-
not strong oxidants at a pH typical of gen peroxide has been intensely studied
468 5 Corrosion Protection


8 1 − Θ (× 10)
[g m−2]
6 dz

[µg cm2s]
1 2 3 4
log t
Fig. 6 Phosphating as an autopassivation process: variation of
partial free surface (1–θ), metal dissolution rate (rdiss ), crystal
size (dz ), and coating mass (mcryst ) with time during the
phosphating of mild steel in a trication phosphate bath. (From
Ref. [15].)

because of the fact that only water is nobler than the base metal. During the
formed during its reduction, making it phosphating treatment, Ni2+ and Cu2+
an ideal solution from an environmen- will deposit as nickel and copper metal
tal perspective. Unfortunately, solutions on the surface [17, 18]. This gives rise to
of hydrogen peroxide are not very sta- a large potential jump at the end of the
ble, and for most applications, it is not phosphating reaction, as shown in Fig. 9.
considered a practical accelerator. Reduc- By increasing and homogenizing the
tants such as hyposulfite, phosphite, and cathodic area, the deposited metallic nickel
hydroxylamine, have also proven interest- may insure that the phosphate crystals are
ing. The search for new environmentally well distributed on the surface. At the
friendly accelerators is a major axis for end of the reaction, the cementation of
innovation in phosphating today. nickel insures that metal surface exposed
between the crystals is in fact a surface of
Heavy metal ions A phosphating bath nickel rather than the base metal.
usually contains several metal ions that Ni2+ is also known to reduce the crys-
can incorporate into the crystal structure tal size [19]. This suggests that in addition
improving the physical and chemical to its effect on the electrochemistry, Ni2+
properties of the phosphate layer. At may play an important role in the nu-
least one component, often nickel, is cleation process, probably through the
5.3 Conversion Coatings 469

ion exchange mechanism proposed by produced during annealing steps may in-
Tegehall [11]. fluence the reactivity in either a positive or
negative way. Insoluble oxides such as sili-
Other additives Other species may be cates block the surface and lead to poor
added to increase the stability of the bath, results. By contrast, manganese oxides
to enhance wetting or spraying properties, seem to have a positive effect on phos-
and so forth. HF is frequently added to phating probably because they are soluble
remove aluminum oxide layers when phos- in the phosphate bath and therefore desta-
phating aluminum or zinc–aluminum bilize the iron oxides.
alloys. The F− ions form a complex with
Al3+ in solution and can also precipitate Posttreatment The phosphated
in the form of Na3 AlF6 (cryolite) or, in surface is often treated with a chromate
the presence of K+ , NaK2 AlF6 (elpasolith). postrinse although the trend in Europe
BF4 − and SiF6 2− may be used as fluoride is to either skip this step altogether or
source. It has been suggested that silicate use chromium-free posttreatments based
additions might help seal the phosphate on ZrF6 2− , TiF6 2− , Cu2+ , and/or polymer
layer, increasing its resistance to envi- compounds, in particular acrylic polymers.
ronmental attack. Tartaric acid has also This final rinse is thought to passivate the
been suggested as a stabilizer for the Ni surface of the metal between the crystals
cementation. and to alter the surface of the crystal so as
to render them more resistant to elevated
The substrate metal The aptitude of pH. These phenomena will be treated in
a particular material for phosphating more detail in subsequent sections.
depends largely upon its reactivity in
the phosphating bath. Passive materials The Nature of the Phosphate Layer
such as aluminum are more difficult The basic function of the phosphate layer
to phosphate because the passive film before painting is to promote the adher-
must be overcome, which for aluminum ence of paint and increase the corrosion
requires the addition of HF to the resistance of the painted product. Each
phosphating bath. Magnesium is another of the different structural features of the
extreme because the dissolution is so rapid phosphate layer plays an important role in
that it inhibits nucleation. achieving this goal. The phosphate layer
Low alloy steel is readily phosphatable must offer sufficient surface roughness to
as long as the percentage of Cr is low anchor the organic coating, and sufficient
(below 3% according to Rausch [2]). Car- porosity (exposed metal between the crys-
bon seems to inhibit nucleation leading tals) to allow the passage of current during
to larger crystal sizes [20, 21] probably cationic painting. Nevertheless, the elec-
by inhibiting the adsorption of the acti- trochemical activity of the metal surface
vating colloids. The surface oxide com- exposed between the phosphate crystals
position of steel can be controlled by should be reduced so as to prevent cor-
the annealing conditions and consider- rosion. The phosphate crystals themselves
able effort has been made to deter- must be stable with respect to the chemical
mine the optimum oxide composition for and thermal environments that they will
phosphating [22–25]. Segregated oxides encounter during usage. In the automotive
470 5 Corrosion Protection

industry, phosphating is usually applied with the initial surface, while secondary
to the assembled piece, and therefore, crystals nucleate on the surface of other
the mechanical properties of the phos- crystals [26]. The secondary crystals are
phate layer during forming are not critical. notably weaker than the primary crystals.
Mechanical properties are important for Ong and coworkers [27] have measured
prephosphated or coil coated steel. a shear strength of 850 kN m−2 for the
primary layer versus 450 kN m−2 for the Morphology secondary crystals.

General considerations One of the more Chemical and Surface

striking differences between a phosphate Composition
conversion layer and other conversion
layers, such as those formed during chro- Mono- and bication phosphatation For
matation and alkaline oxidation, is the monocation Zn phosphate layers, the
thickness and morphology of the layer. major phases (Fig. 2) are hopeite (H),
The phosphate layer consists of an array of Zn3 (PO4 )2 ·4H2 O, which is an orthorhom-
crystals in the form of needles, flakes, or bic structure, and phosphophyllite (P),
tiles (Fig. 1). They are usually around 1 to Zn2 Fe(PO4 )2 ·4H2 O, which is monoclinic.
10 µm in diameter, with a coating weight In general, the presence of phosphophyl-
on the order of 1 to 6 g m−2 , although crys- lite is associated with a better corrosion
tal size and coating weight can be highly resistance than hopeite, probably due to
variable with the process conditions. its enhanced chemical stability relative to
alkaline electrolytes [28, 29]. The ratio of
hopeite to phosphophyllite intensity in the
The Phosphate/paint interface The irreg- diffraction pattern has been proposed as
ular structure of the phosphate film is a measure of the quality of the phos-
important for the anchoring of the paint phate layer [30] for steel. The Fe in the
layer [15]. The metal surface of the sub- phosphophyllite phase comes from the dis-
strate is always exposed in between the solution of the steel surface. Therefore, the
crystals so that sufficient cathodic current P/(H + P) ratio will depend on the kinet-
can be passed across the phosphate layer to ics of steel pickling in the phosphating
drive the cationic deposition process. The bath [31]. Further, the Fe content of the
paint is thus deposited at the base of phos- phosphate layer will be increased near the
phate crystals and then, extends out toward metal phosphate interface, in which the
the exterior. By this mechanism, the paint Fe concentration is presumably higher [13,
is very well anchored in a lock and key 21]. Secondary crystals that grow further
manner into the conversion coating. away from the metal substrate will more
closely reflect the composition of the bath.
The Phosphate/metal interface The crys-
tals are anchored into the roughness of Trication phosphating The addition of
the surface. Even if the metal is ini- Mn2+ and Ni2+ in the bi- and tri-
tially polished, the acid attack will in- cation phosphating baths leads to the
crease the surface roughness simultane- formation of ‘‘pseudo–phosphophyllite’’,
ously with the formation of the phosphate Zn( 3 − x − y − z ) Fex Mny Niz (PO4 )2 ·4H2 O.
layer. The primary crystals grow epitaxially The Mn2+ replaces Zn2+ in both the
5.3 Conversion Coatings 471

octahedral and tetrahedral sites of the Further, amorphous phosphate films are
hopeite crystal lattice while Ni2+ replaces thought to form during the phosphating
Zn2+ only in the octahedral sites (see treatment, in particular in conjunction
Fig. 2). The presence of Mn2+ in the layer with oxidizing agents such as nitrate or
leads to a partial amorphization of the zinc nitrite. The passivating effect may be
phosphate layer and the P/(H + P) ratio is further reinforced by a final rinse with
no longer meaningful, nor has a similar chromate solution.
diagnostic been defined. The ratio of Mn
to Ni is higher in the phosphate layer than Thermal and Chemical Properties
in the bath composition.
Dehydration Drying temperatures for cat-
Crystal surface modification The surface aphoretic paint are on the order of 150 to
of the crystals may also be modified 200 ◦ C. The dehydration of hopeite occurs
by the final passivation rinse. When a in two steps [34]: two water molecules are
final rinse containing chromate or Cr(III) lost in the temperature range of 80 to
is used, a thin film of either ZnCrO4 , 120 ◦ C, and the two final water molecules
CrPO4 [32], or CrOOH [33] is formed on are lost around 250 ◦ C. The first dehydra-
the surface. Likewise, when steel is used as tion step is reversible and in the presence
the substrate material, and in the presence of humidity, the tetrahydrate is reformed,
of passivating additives such as nitrite, but the crystals are finer and the orien-
a thin layer of FePO4 may be formed tations are different [35]. Van Ooij and
on the surface of the crystals. Further Sabata [36] have proposed that the rehy-
modification of the phosphate surface dration of the dihydrate is an important
may be induced if the crystals come into mechanism in the adherence failure of
contact with an alkaline environment, as phosphate coatings. The presence of Mn
described below. and Ni substitutions in the hopeite phase
increases the temperature of dehydra-
tion [37, 38]. In contrast to hopeite, the
Metal surface modification The reactivity
phosphophyllite phase is transformed into
of the metal surface exposed between
an amorphous phase, and the dehydration
the crystals is an important factor in
underpaint corrosion resistance. Simply is irreversible.
reducing the electrochemically active
metal surface by the presence of Alkaline resistance An important chemi-
nonconducting crystals will go a long cal property of the phosphate layers is their
way toward preventing the underpaint ability to resist attack by hydroxide ion
corrosion. However, it is known that the when exposed to alkaline electrolytes [36,
surface exposed between the crystals is 39]. Such an exposure may occur during:
modified by the phosphating treatment. (1) the cationic deposition of paint (by im-
The nature of the metal may differ position of a cathodic current); (2) during
significantly from that of the original subsequent alkaline degreasing operations
surface, since Ni or Cu may also be (in particular for prephosphated steel prod-
deposited by cementation from the bath. ucts); and (3) under the paint layer during
This is reflected in potential changes cathodic delamination. The destruction
during the phosphatation reactions. of the phosphate layer by the alkaline
472 5 Corrosion Protection

environment under the paint during ac- methods are useful for quality control of
tive corrosion has been proposed as an phosphate coatings.
important step in the mechanism of ca- Electrochemical methods of estimating
thodic delamination from a scratch type the coverage of the phosphate layer have
defect [32]. been extensively developed in recent years.
The reaction of the phosphate layer The phosphate crystals are electronic in-
with an alkaline medium occurs by solid- sulators. Therefore, the electrochemical
state ion exchange between the phosphate response of the phosphated metal may
and the hydroxide, leaving behind an ox- be attributed to the metallic surface ex-
ide/hydroxide phase rich in the less soluble posed between the crystals. The basic idea
heavy metals. If allowed to continue, all of most electrochemical methods is to ob-
phosphate will be removed from the crys- tain a measurement that is proportional
tals. The presence of substitution elements to the free surface. By comparing the
such as Fe, Mn, or Ni lowers the solubility variable magnitude obtained with a phos-
of the Zn(OH)2 layer. On the steel surface, phated surface with the response of the
the process occurs with very little change unphosphated surface, a coverage fraction
in the morphology of the crystals as seen can be defined. A number of different
through the electron microscope, although measurements have been investigated in-
the diffraction pattern disappears [39]. cluding the diffusion-limited currents for
the reduction of oxygen, the anodic charg- Electrochemical Properties and ing curves corresponding to the oxidation
Characterization Methods of the surface metal, the polarization or
charge-transfer resistance of the metal, the Porosity and Coverage Measure- electrode admittance, and the double-layer
ments As cited above, the paint–metal capacitance. Each of these measurements
adherence mechanism involves mechan- has specific advantages and disadvantages.
ical locking of the paint into the voids Detailed studies and comparisons of the
between the crystals, thus it is not sur- different techniques have been given by
prising that extensive studies have been Schultze and coworkers [42, 43].
conducted into the characterization of the
so-called porosity of the layer, especially for Diffusion-limited reduction of oxygen This
the steel surface. The simplest methods method involves polarizing the phos-
involve treating the phosphated solution phated surface to a potential at which the
with a chemical reagent such that a spe- reduction of oxygen occurs at a diffusion-
cific reaction may occur on the metal limited rate [44]. The flux of oxygen to
surface. The detection of the reaction the surface, and thus the limiting current,
products may be visual as with Turn- will depend upon the area of the surface
bull’s blue reaction [40]. This consists of exposed. A difficulty is that the limiting
treatment with a ferrocynanide indicator current may depend upon the specific pore
solution that detects the amount of Fe2+ volume and geometry as well as the ex-
on the surface. Another popular tech- posed surface [42]. This may also be an
nique is the cementation of copper [41] advantage – the surface coverage being a
onto the active surface. This permits poorly defined parameter in any case, at
the visualization of the porosity by scan- least this measurement simulates the pro-
ning electron microscopy (SEM). These cess of cationic painting. Another problem
5.3 Conversion Coatings 473

is that the reduction of oxygen on the Polarization resistance Polarization resis-

free surface may lead to an alkalization of tance measurements can be measured
the electrolyte in the confined volume be- for phosphated samples in the DC
tween the crystals, which could lead to an mode [48, 49] or using electrochemical
alteration or dissolution of the phosphate impedance [42, 50]. The idea is that the
crystals. Coverage area can also be mea- polarization resistance is related to the cor-
sured by impedance spectroscopy under rosion rate by the Stern–Geary equation.
diffusion-limited conditions [45]. In prin- Therefore, if the corrosion rate is uni-
ciple, surface alteration is less of a problem form on the exposed metal, the corrosion
than with DC techniques, as impedance rate will be proportional to the exposed
measurements require only modest polar- area. The advantage of this method is that
ization of the electrode. the measurement is made by imposing a
small perturbation around the open-circuit
Oxidation of the exposed metal The idea potential, and relatively speaking, should
of coulometrically measuring the sur- be less damaging than either an anodic
face area by the integration of the metal or cathodic sweep. The interpretation is
oxidation peaks during linear scan voltam- more problematic, however, as the corro-
metry in an appropriate buffer solution sion rate may vary across the surface and
was first proposed by Machu and cowork- may depend upon pore geometry. Finally,
ers [46] in the 1940s, and has been if the anode and cathode are spatially sep-
thoroughly developed in recent publica- arated, the polarization resistance will be
tions [43, 47]. The method has been ex- proportional only to the surface, which
tended to zinc-coated steel by Klusmann controls the rate. For example, if the rate is
and coworkers [18]. The advantage of this controlled by oxygen reduction on carbon
method is that only the exposed metal con- particles, as has been proposed by Nazarov
tributes to the oxidation peaks. Thus, the and Thierry [51], 1/Rp will be proportional
measurement should be independent of only to the cathodic surface, and not the
pore geometry and volume, and should free metal surface.
give a fairly quantitative analysis of the
number of metal atoms exposed per unit Double-layer capacitance The double-
area of surface. The drawback is that the layer capacitance has also been used as
electrochemical properties of the metal ex- a measure of the free surface area [42].
posed between the crystals may not be The advantage of this method is that
representative of the initial surface, and the measurement can be obtained rapidly
in addition, may not be uniform on the by admittance measurements at a single
phosphated surface. The cementation of frequency. In principle, the relationship
heavy metal ions or the formation of amor- between the coverage and the capaci-
phous phosphate and chromate layers tance is
could affect the electrochemical response. C(θ) − C(θ = 0)
Likewise, localized surface contamination θ= (1)
C(θ = 1) − C(θ = 0)
by carbon or segregated oxides may ad-
versely affect phosphate crystal growth and One major difficulty is that the capacitance
therefore, such zones might show up pref- of the totally blocked electrode, C(θ = 1),
erentially in the metal exposed between is necessary for the calculation and yet
the crystals. cannot be measured even in principle as
474 5 Corrosion Protection

a phosphate layer with a coverage of 1 is the crystals as shown in the schematic

not obtainable. Other difficulties include diagram.
the dispersion of capacitance values across
the surface. Copper electrodeposition into the pore
Figure 7 gives the oxide charge, admit- volume The lock and key mechanisms
tance, and corrosion current as a function of paint adherence will also depend upon
of phosphatation time for a steel sur- the specific pore geometry and volume,
face in a trication phosphatation bath. which are not really assessed by the elec-
The different parameters give quite dif- trochemical methods described above. A
ferent results, especially at long times. The very clever method of investigation has
authors attribute the long time changes been proposed by Losch and Schultze [15].
to the alteration of the surface between In this method, copper is electrodeposited

bath Phosphate
Free surface

Substrate FePO4


0.5 Cox



0 1 2 3 4
log t
Fig. 7 Comparison of different electrochemical methods of
estimating the partial free surface: ex situ oxide capacitance, in
situ electrochemical admittance, and corrosion current
(determined from Rp ). Differences between these values may
be accounted for by the variation of surface morphology as
shown in the schematic diagram. (From Ref. [42].)
5.3 Conversion Coatings 475

t = 300 s
−i = 5.5 mA cm

qt (1)
Copper −0.7



qt (2)


0 1 2 3 4
q Cu
[C cm−2]
Fig. 8 Determination of free surface and pore volume from
galvanostatic copper deposition: typical potential–time
transients and a schematic diagram of the surface pore
structure during the different phases of the experiment. (From
Ref. [15].)

at constant current onto the phosphated phosphating bath. It is an open-circuit pro-

surface and the potential transient is cess and thus current transient techniques
recorded. An example is shown in Fig. 8 cannot be used to follow the kinetics of nu-
along with a schematic diagram of the cleation and growth. The majority of work
interpretation. The first transition corre- has involved the measurement of the open-
sponds to the time necessary to deposit circuit potential as a function of time,
copper on the electrochemically active sur- beginning with the work of Machu [12, 13]
face in the porosity; the time between and Ghali and coworkers [52], and more
the first and second transition gives the recently, the work of Schultze [18]. The in-
amount of copper necessary to fill the pore terpretation of the potential changes may
volume. In this way, information on the not be straightforward, especially when ce-
electrochemically active surface, the pore mentation reactions occur simultaneously
volume, and the crystal volume are ob- with the phosphate crystal growth. Fur-
tained in the same experiment. In addition, ther, the potential changes may be very
the quantitative nature of the deposition minor for zinc surfaces in the absence of
reaction is clearly defined in coulometric Ni2+ in the bath.
terms, and the experiment directly simu- Impedance spectroscopy is a partic-
lates the cationic painting process. ularly promising technique for in situ
measurements. Impedance spectroscopy Situ Monitoring of the is performed by applying a small pertur-
Phosphating Reaction bation to the open-circuit potential, and
Phosphating is a spontaneous reaction is considered to be nonintrusive. Work
between the metal surface and the along these lines has been performed by
476 5 Corrosion Protection

Charbonnier and coworkers [53] and by potential and the quartz resonance fre-
Schultze and coworkers [42] on the basis quency (assumed to be proportional to
of admittance measurements. These meth- the negative of the mass change as indi-
ods are interesting as a complement to the cated) are monitored as a function of time.
open-circuit potential, but nevertheless are Nevertheless, this technique presents a
only qualitatively related to the extent of the number of difficulties. First of all, even if
phosphating reaction. they are properly measured, mass changes
The quartz crystal microbalance has alone are ambiguous as phosphating in-
been applied to phosphating of zinc [17, volves precipitation and metal dissolution.
54]. This technique complements other Therefore, it is of interest to couple the
electrochemical techniques as ideally, it microbalance method with another tech-
gives the mass as a function of time. nique such as inductive coupled plasma
A typical example is shown in Fig. 9 in (ICP) emission spectroscopy [55]. Second,
which the variations of the open-circuit the microbalance is subject to artifacts

Pretreatment of galvanized steel

6 0.3

4 0.2
2 0.1
0 0.0
[g m−2]


−2 −0.1
−4 −0.2
−6 −0.3
−0.2 −0.5




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 9In situ monitoring of phosphating reactions: quartz crystal
microbalance and corrosion potential measurements. (From Ref. [17].)
5.3 Conversion Coatings 477

caused by the changes in surface rough- test (salt spray test) for painted panels
ness as the phosphate layer is formed. of phosphated steel, as a function of
Finally, the technique is limited to sur- the porosity of the phosphate layer as
faces that can be deposited onto the quartz determined by diffusion-limited oxygen
crystal and therefore, at present, cannot be reduction currents [44]. The first point cor-
readily applied to technical samples. responds to bare steel, which obviously
corrodes very rapidly under the severe Corrosion Resistance conditions of the salt spray test. The sub-
Measurements sequent points show the important role
Many factors contribute to the corrosion played by the conversion layer in corro-
resistance of a modern painted steel or sion resistance. However, a relationship
aluminum product including the nature between porosity and time to failure is only
of organic coating, the metal substrate observed for the very poor samples, >3%
and/or metal coating, and the conversion porosity and time to failure >400 h. For
layer. It is impossible to speak of the corro- the better samples, with a failure time be-
sion resistance afforded by the conversion tween 400 and 1000 h, other factors must
layer without reference to the total prod- account for the dispersion of the results.
uct. In this section, we will briefly describe The enhanced corrosion resistance of
some phenomena unique to the conver- phosphated steel can be attributed to two
sion layer, which do contribute to the phenomena: the increased paint adher-
corrosion resistance. A detailed descrip- ence and the chemical passivation of the
tion of corrosion mechanisms under paint metal surface by an insulating barrier film
is given in Chapter 5.4. of phosphates. A difference between phos-
Figure 10 gives an indication of the re- phate and chromate conversion coatings
sults of a standard accelerated corrosion is that the later are thought to function as

Bare steel

Oxygen reduction current

[µa cm−2]



Fig. 10 Relationship between 5

accelerated test results for painted,
phosphated steel panels, and the
magnitude of the diffusion-limited 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
oxygen current (proportional to the
‘‘porosity’’). (From Ref. [44].) Hours to failure in salt spray
478 5 Corrosion Protection

reservoirs of water soluble Cr(VI), which electrolytic current was measured using a
is a strong corrosion inhibitor. No similar scanning vibrating electrode (SVET) near a
leaching/inhibition mechanism has been scratch defect on the surface of phosphated
identified for phosphate layers in the ab- galvanized steel in 30 mM NaCl solution
sence of chromate post-treatment, even without paint. Although the measurement
though other similar phenomena such as is obtained at a height of about 100 µm
the capacity of the phosphate crystals to above the surface, the value of the current
buffer the pH under the paint might also faithfully reflects the current distribution
be taken into consideration. on the surface [56, 57]. A positive value is
The passivating effect of a phosphate obtained in regions of anodic activity, while
layer is clearly illustrated by the data shown a negative value is obtained in cathodic
in Fig. 11. Here, the z component of the regions. On a galvanized steel surface, the

1 mm


0.5 mm

Fig. 11 Passivating effect of a phosphate layer. Distribution of vertical

component of current over a scratched phosphated galvanized steel surface
measured by the SVET method. The scratch penetrates down to the steel
surface. Cathodic zones (current < 0) are indicated by the filled areas, while
anodic zones (current > 0) are transparent. Because of the passivating
properties of the phosphate layer, the anodic reaction remains localized in the
vicinity of the scratch defect. Each isocurrent line represents 10 µA cm−2 .
Original data: Irsid.
5.3 Conversion Coatings 479

zinc should become anodic to the steel a small potential jump indicating signifi-
exposed in the defect. In the absence of a cantly less sensitivity to oxygen reduction.
phosphate layer, the anodic reaction would The third curve shows a similar exper-
be distributed over the zinc surface, and iment obtained with a phosphated sur-
if the surface were painted, the anodic face contaminated with carbon deposits.
reaction would move under the paint layer The conclusion of these experiments was
in a mechanism of anodic delamination. that the carbon deposits served as ca-
In this case, we see that the phosphate thodic sites on the phosphated galvanized
layer confines the anodic reaction to the steel surfaces.
proximity of the scratch.
For nongalvanized steel, cosmetic corro- 5.3.2
sion generally involves a cathodic delami- Chromate Conversion Coatings
nation mechanism: the surface under the
paint becomes cathodic and the surface ex- Overview
posed in the hole becomes anodic. To slow
down or prevent atmospheric corrosion, Chromate Conversion Coatings:
it is therefore important that the surface Definition and Applications Chromate
treatment be a good cathodic inhibitor in conversion coatings (CCCs) are thin
the finished product. The phosphate layer (0.01–3 µm) amorphous inorganic films
increases corrosion resistance by limiting that form by contacting a metallic
the available free surface for the cathodic surface with a solution whose main
reaction. In general, the activity of the film-forming agent is a soluble chromate
free surface is further reduced by passivat- species. Coatings consist of a mixture
ing posttreatments or by the deposition of of oxides and hydroxides derived from
amorphous phosphate films between the chemical oxidation of the substrate,
crystals. and reduction, hydrolysis, precipitation,
The effect of the phosphate layer as a and condensation of chemical species
cathodic inhibitor under atmospheric con- present in solution. Coating thickness,
ditions is illustrated in Fig. 12. In this color, corrosion resistance, and so forth,
experiment, the Volta potential of a gal- depend on contact times, temperatures,
vanized steel surface is measured as a solution chemistry, application method,
function of time during a transition from and substrate composition. CCCs are
air to Ar atmosphere, as indicated [51]. applied most commonly to Al-, Zn-, Mg-,
The measurement is performed with a Fe-, Cd-, and Sn-based alloys. Chromate
Kelvin probe, and the Volta potential solutions are also used to seal coatings
of the corroding surface is directly pro- formed by anodizing or hydrothermal
portional to the corrosion potential with treatment. CCCs are primarily used
appropriate calibration [58]. The poten- to improve adherence of subsequently
tial jump induced by the presence of applied organic coatings, or to impart
air is a measure of the sensitivity of corrosion resistance under atmospheric
the surface to the oxygen reduction re- exposure conditions. Certain types of
action. Here, we see that the galvanized CCCs contain labile hexavalent chromium
steel surface shows a very large potential (Cr(VI)), which can be leached from the
jump, on the order of 200 mV. How- coating when it is contacted by an attacking
ever, the phosphated surface shows only solution. This Cr(VI) can be transported
480 5 Corrosion Protection

Y 96% RH

−200 (a)


96% RH


0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 X
Fig. 12 The phosphate coating as a cathodic inhibitor under
atmospheric conditions. Volta potential transients of a phosphated
galvanized steel surface during a transition from Ar to humid air
and back to Ar. The sensitivity of the surface to oxygen reduction is
indicated by the magnitude of the potential jump: (a) Galvanized
steel without phosphate; (b) with phosphate; (c) phosphate layer
with carbon impurities. (From Ref. [51].)

through solution to coating defects where coatings were among the first to be widely
it may act to stifle further corrosion. In this recognized as being self-healing [66]. Ac-
sense, some CCCs are regarded as being celerated chromium–chromate conver-
‘‘self-healing’’. sion coating formulations were intro-
duced around 1970 [67]. Today, the pre- Historical Perspectives The use dominant CCC types are accelerated
of inorganic chromate surface treatments chromium–chromate coatings, which are
can be traced at least to the early used as Al alloys for stand-alone corrosion
20th century [59, 60]. Alkaline carbon- protection or as a paint-base, and chro-
ate–chromate solutions were devised for mium–phosphate coatings, which are
Duralumin alloys in the 1920s [61, 62]. used to suppress white rust on Zn
Chromium–phosphate coatings evolved and Zn–Al metallic coatings applied
prior to and during World War II [63]. Cer- to steels.
tain formulations of this type continue to The primary film-forming agent in CCC
be used today, especially for Zn substrates. baths is Cr(VI). This compound is a potent
Chromium–chromate coatings, with ex- human toxin and known cancer-causing
cellent corrosion resistance were devel- agent [68–74]. Since the 1980s, there has
oped in the 1950s [64, 65]. These types of been significant research and development
5.3 Conversion Coatings 481

effort aimed at identifying chromate-free mixtures of Cr(III) and Zn(II) oxides [77].
coatings that match the ease of applicabil- On Al–Zn alloys, the CCC outer layer
ity, and excellent performance of CCCs. contains Cr(VI), while an intermediate
While chromate replacement has occurred layer contains Cr(III) and Al(III) and
in certain applications [75], widespread re- Zn(II) oxides and hydroxides. The in-
placement requires simplifying chromate- nermost layer of the coating consists of
free coating processing and improving Cr(0) [78]. Lower oxidation state forms of
coating performance. Cr, especially Cr(0) have also been at-
tributed to photoreduction or ion etching Substrates that occurs during surface characteriza-
tion [79, 80]. Aluminum On aluminum al-
loys, accelerated chromium–chromate Magnesium CCCs are usually
coatings are typically used as a foun- formed in acidic solutions in which Mg
dation layer in coating systems (conver- surfaces are easily activated. Nitric acid-
sion coating–primer–topcoat), a sealant and chromic acid-based mixtures are
on anodized layers, and as a stand-alone common. Because of the high corrosion
corrosion-resistant coating. CCCs can be susceptibility of Mg alloys, CCCs are
formed all alloy grades, but CCC char- more often used as a surface pretreatment
acteristics and performance vary from for paint than as stand-alone corrosion-
alloy to alloy. In particular, the cor- resistant coatings.
rosion resistance of conversion coated
surfaces scales with the intrinsic cor-
rosion resistance of the alloy substrate. Cadmium Cadmium plating is
Normally, the greater the alloying ele- used to increase the corrosion resistance
ment content, the lower the corrosion of steel fasteners and electrical connectors.
resistance. Alloys containing high con- However, the Cd plate is itself subject to
centrations of Cu or Si are regarded as oxidation and tarnishing in humid and
being the most difficult to conversion tropical environments to such an extent
coat effectively. In nonaerospace applica- that electrical and mechanical functional-
tions, chromium–phosphate coatings are ity may be adversely affected. CCCs may
commonly used to provide temporary cor- are applied to Cd to resist oxidation, or
rosion protection and enhance paintability, to increase paintability [81]. Cd plating can
especially for architectural products. be successfully conversion coated using
chemistries applicable to other metals. Zinc Zn or Zn–Al coatings
are widely used for sacrificial corrosion Steel Strip and coiled steel
protection of steel [76]. Zn and Zn–Al sheet is often chromated after descaling,
are readily susceptible to formation of or ‘‘pickling’’, to enhance resistance to
white rust during humid-air exposure. staining corrosion that occurs because of
Chromium–phosphate and to a lesser entrapment of moisture during storage
extent chromium–chromate formulations and shipping of sheet product. In these ap-
are used to suppress white rust forma- plications, the CCC is used only to provide
tion. CCCs on Zn are believed to be temporary corrosion protection.
482 5 Corrosion Protection Stainless Steels Most grades of (permanganate) in the alkaline carbon-

stainless steel are ‘‘passivated’’ by im- ate–chromate solutions are also used [89].
mersion in oxidizing acid solutions [82]. In some of these formulations, chromate
The main function of passivating solu- is absent [90]. These coatings are reported
tions is to remove residual iron from to perform well as a base for paint, and
machining, grinding or forming, to dis- provide good protection for high-Cu alu-
solve sulfide and oxide inclusions, and to minum alloys.
etch away Cr-depleted surfaces that re-
sult from Cr-rich oxide scale formation Acidic Chromium–phosphate Th-
during elevated temperature treatment. ese chemistries are distinguished by their
Semistainless martensitic and precipita- acidic chemistry [60] (<pH 1.8). Thin
tion hardened steels (Cr < 12–13%) are amorphous coatings with excellent cor-
usually passivated in a chromic acid–nitric rosion resistance are produced. Coat-
acid mixture to ensure the formation of a ings consist of predominantly amorphous
Cr-rich surface film that will aid in resist- CrPO4 ·4H2 O with a small amount of hy-
ing pitting and crevice corrosion [83]. drated Cr2 O3 . As such, they are distinct
from polycrystalline phosphate coatings Chromate Conversion Coating in structure, chemistry, and performance.
Types These coatings have been used primarily
as a base for painting. Boric acid additions Alkaline Chromate and Dichro- limit film formation to improve appear-
mate Formulations In these processes, ance, weldability, and corrosion resistance.
coatings are formed by immersion
in a hot (90–95 ◦ C) potassium car- Acidic Chromium–chromate A
bonate–potassium (di)chromate solu- range of bath chemistries falls in this
tion [60–62] and then further sealed by im- classification. Bath formulations for these
mersion in a dichromate solution [84–86]. coatings consist of 30 to 70 mM chromic
Contact times range from tens of min- acid, and 10 to 30 mM dichromate, though
utes to 4 h. The primary film-forming Cr(VI) speciation in solution is determined
reaction is hydrothermal Al oxide film by concentration and pH and not by the
growth, and the contribution of chromate form of Cr(VI) added. These types of baths
to film formation is secondary. Polycrys- also typically contain 10 to 20 mM flu-
talline coatings up to 6 µm in thickness oride [63, 91]. Solution pH values range
can be formed. Little information on from 1.2 to 1.8, and contact times range
corrosion resistance has been reported from 2 to 5 min at 30 to 35 ◦ C. These
for these types of coatings. Process- chemistries are intended for use primarily
ing time of alkaline carbonate–chromate on Al alloys, and produce yellow to brown
formulations can be shortened to 3–5 min coatings. Coatings as thick as one microm-
by controlling the carbonate/chromate ra- eter or more can be produced. Corrosion
tio in solution [87]. Postcoating sealants resistance on Al alloys is high, though not
are still required to increase corrosion re- as high as with sealed anodized coatings.
sistance on Al–Cu alloys [88]. The use of There is virtually no dimensional change
small additions (millimolar) of phosphate, associated with coating formation, and
and inhibiting transition metal oxoanions coatings can be applied to machined parts.
5.3 Conversion Coatings 483 Accelerated Chromium–chromate is characterized by intense electrochemi-

Accelerants are used to increase coating cal activity, which lasts for several tens of
weight and shorten coating time. Many seconds as illustrated in Fig. 13. Figure 13
different accelerants can be used includ- shows the net current density on a 0.5-mm
ing a variety of organic and transition diameter Al wire, which was a single elec-
metal compounds [60, 91]. The predom- trode contained in a regularly spaced 5-by-5
inant accelerant in commercial formula- electrode array [98]. During coating forma-
tions is ferricyanide, Fe(CN)6 3− , which is tion, current flowed among all elements in
added to acid chromate–fluoride formu- the array, and the current on each element
lations in concentrations ranging from 2 was monitored by separate zero resistance
to 5 mM [92, 93]. The two primary the- ammeter. The electrochemical activity in-
ories for the action of Fe(CN)6 3− are dicated in Fig. 13 arises primarily from
(1) formation of mixed metal cyanide com- reduction of Cr6+ to Cr3+ and oxidation of
pounds [91, 94, 95]; and (2) acceleration Al to a hydrated oxide resulting in the for-
of the film-forming Cr(VI) to Cr(III) re- mation of a mixed Al3+ /Cr3+ hydrated
duction reaction by Fe(CN)6 3−/4− redox oxide. Hydrogen and oxygen reduction
mediation [96]. These types of CCCs are may also occur at coating formation poten-
discussed in more detail below. tials though gas evolution is not usually
observed. These reactions may serve to Chromate Conversion Coating increase the near-surface pH, which aids
Formation in the precipitation of a mixed Al–Cr hy-
drated oxide [99]. The overall formation Chromium–chromate Coatings reaction for a chromium–chromate coat-
Chromate present in solution in very ing on aluminum has been given as [100]:
minute quantities either has no effect or
a slight accelerating effect on corrosion of Cr2 O7 2− + 2Al + 2H+ + H2 O
ferrous [97], and a slight inhibiting effect −−−→ 2CrOOH(s) + 2AlOOH(s) (2)
aluminum alloys in millimolar chloride
solutions [98]. At concentrations greater In ‘‘accelerated’’ formulations, this re-
than about 10−3 M over a fairly broad action is mediated by ferricyanide, and
range of pH, chromate stimulates film accelerated by fluoride as is discussed
formation, which is the basis for conver- below. First stage coating growth results
sion coating. Modern coating chemistries in round nanometer-sized nodules that
typically consist of 50 mM CrO3 , 30 to nucleate quickly cover the surface [101].
40 mM mixture of fluoride and fluoro salts, Preferential nucleation and growth on
and 2 to 5 mM potassium ferricyanide. local cathodic sites defined by local im-
Commercial formulations often include purity element enrichment, and second-
other minor ingredients and may have al- phase particle inclusions has also been
ternate activators and accelerators. These reported [102, 103]. Coatings formed in
reagents are added to a basis solution con- just several seconds do confer useful lev-
sisting of nitric acid whose pH is usually els of corrosion resistance, but are not as
very close to 1.6. corrosion resistant as coatings formed by
In the case of Al alloys and probably longer immersion times.
Zn and Mg as well, coating formation The reaction scheme indicated by Eq. (2)
proceeds in two stages. The first stage is conceptually useful because it illustrates
484 5 Corrosion Protection


Stage I growth Stage II growth
Net current density

[µA cm−2]



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Fig. 13 Net electrochemical current during CCC formation on
99.999% Al illustrating the two stages of coating growth. Stage I
growth is characterized by intense electrochemical activity. In stage
II growth, there is little detectable electrochemical activity though
the coating continues to thicken. In this experiment, the CCC
solution consists of 50 mM K2 CrO7 , 50 mM NaF, and 3 mM
K3 Fe(CN)6 dissolved in a pH 1.6 HNO3 solution. (From Ref. [98].)

coupling of Al oxidation and chromate of film growth as shown in Fig. 14. The
reduction, followed by formation Cr(III) or labile Cr(VI) reservoir also builds up in
mixed Cr/Al hydroxide. However, CCCs the coating by a condensation reaction.
are usually far more Cr-rich than the Condensation involves nucleophilic attack
stoichiometry of the reaction in Eq. (2) by dichromate of hydroxyl ligands on the
suggests [104, 105], and coatings continue Cr(III) or mixed Cr(III)/Al(III) hydroxide
to thicken with increased exposure time. backbone deposited in stage I growth
A second stage of coating growth oc- (Fig. 14) [106]. This results in the forma-
curs at longer contact times. This stage tion of Cr(III)–O–Cr(VI) linkages [107].
is characterized by continued coating These linkages are characteristic of CCCs
thickening and a comparative absence of and are readily detectable by Raman spec-
detectable electrochemical activity. Coat- troscopy [107]. This stage of CCC forma-
ings grown through this second stage tion is in some ways like sol–gel coating
exhibit an increase in the Cr : Al and formation [108], and results in an easily
Cr(VI) : Cr(III) ratios [105]. In this stage of removed, gelatinous film, which subse-
coating formation, condensation polymer- quently hardens upon drying. Other com-
ization of a Cr(OH)3 inorganic polymer ponents of film growth operate during
‘‘backbone’’ is an important component this stage resulting in the incorporation
5.3 Conversion Coatings 485

Precipitation of Cr(III) hydroxide

(H2O)4Cr Cr(OH2)4
(a) O
(H2O)4Cr Cr Cr(OH2)4
O Rearrange
Cr Cr
Cr Cr
H Cr H

(b) O H O
Cr Cr + Cr2O72 + 2H+

chromium hydroxide

+ 2H2O
Cr Cr

Fig. 14 (a) Schematic representation of the hydrolysis–polymerization–

precipitation mechanism for Cr(OH)3 ‘‘backbone’’ formation; (b) condensation
of Cr(VI) on the Cr(III) backbone by nucleophilic attack of hydroxyl ligands in
the backbone. (Adapted from Ref. [107].)

of minor coating bath ingredients such as sites that were resistant to CCC forma-
ferricyanide and insoluble fluorides; how- tion earlier.
ever, these incorporation mechanisms are After removal from solution, CCCs are
not yet well described. Additionally, a small gelatinous and easily damaged by mechan-
electrochemical component of film growth ical or chemical action. Immediately after
probably occurs in stage II. Electrochemi- CCC formation, it is possible to wipe the
cal film growth in stage II, while a minor deposit off of a metal surface with a sponge.
component of overall coating rate, may be If a CCC is to be used for stand-alone cor-
significant, because it continues to build rosion protection, it is usually allowed to
the Cr(OH)3 backbone and may act to form harden for at least 24 h before any fur-
the coating preferentially at strong defect ther handling [109]. However, as CCCs
486 5 Corrosion Protection

harden, they become decreasingly recep- contact time, and temperature, CPCCs
tive to organic overcoats. Therefore, it is can be either amorphous [112], or crys-
common for conversion-coated surfaces talline [113]. Chromium–phosphate is of-
to be painted within the first 24 h after ten the predominant compound in the
coating application [110]. coating comprising up to 80% of freshly
formed films [94, 114–116]. Most or all of Chromium–phosphate Coatings the Cr in CPCCs is present in an insoluble
Chromium–phosphate conversion coat- Cr(III) form. Little or no Cr(VI) is present
ings (CPCCs) are widely used in alu- in the coating. As such, these coatings do
minum coil coating operations for the not possess the self-healing characteristics
good corrosion resistance and paint adhe- of CCCs and provide corrosion resistance
sion properties conferred by short contact by barrier protection only.
time spray application. CPCCs are formed
by contact with acidic solutions containing Cr(VI) and Cr(VI) Speciation
CrO3 , H3 PO4 , and NaF as the primary in- Cr(VI) speciation in coating baths is an
gredients. Fluoride serves to dissolve the important variable in CCC formation.
air formed oxide and activate the surface, Cr(VI) in solution can rapidly speciate
while CrPO4 and H3 PO4 are the primary via hydrolysis and condensation reactions
film-forming agents. Coating formation to chromate, CrO4 2− , dichromate,
occurs by reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and Cr2 O7 2− , or bichromate HCrO4 − [117].
precipitation of hydrated CrPO4 , Cr(III) The predominant species depends on
and Al(III) hydroxides [111]. Depending Cr(VI) concentration and pH as shown in
on the bath formulation, substrate type, Fig. 15, and not on the form of the salt or


−0.5 Cr2O72−

−1.0 Cr(VI)-pH range for

(concentration in M)

log (total Cr 6+)

−1.5 bath formulations




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 15 Speciation of soluble Cr(VI) as a function of pH and
concentration. Many commercial CCC bath formulations have
Cr(VI) concentrations that fall in the shaded box so that the
film-forming species is dichromate (equilibrium constants
used in diagram construction from Baes and Mesmer [113]).
5.3 Conversion Coatings 487

acid added to solution. Corrosion-resistant ferricyanides, acetates, formates, and chlo-

films can be formed over a wide range rides, among others [118]. Of these, potas-
of pH suggesting that all three of these sium ferricyanide, K3 Fe(CN)6 , has been
species are film formers to some extent. most widely studied and described in the
However, modern chromium–chromate literature. Potassium ferricyanide is added
and chromium–phosphate processes are to CCC formulations in 2 to 5 mM concen-
operated at chromate concentrations and trations to increase coating weight. The
pH values at which dichromate is the active component in this compound is
predominant soluble species. Solution the ferricyanide anion, which increases
concentrations of 50 mM Cr(VI) and a pH chromate reduction reaction kinetics that
of 1.6 are typical. Under these conditions, are normally slow on oxide covered
the total chromate concentration may surfaces [96]. On aluminum, ferricyanide,
vary by a factor of two or more Fe(CN)6 3− , is readily reduced to ferro-
without a significant impact on the cyanide, Fe(CN)6 4− . Ferrocyanide is oxi-
film formation rate [118]. Some processes dized by chromate, which is subsequently
based on the use of trivalent Cr have reduced to its trivalent form contributing
also been developed [119]. Self-healing can to film formation. Coupling substrate oxi-
be imparted to trivalent Cr coatings by dation to chromate reduction through this
ferri/ferrocyanide mediation mechanism
contacting them with a solution that
increases the film formation rate, which re-
oxidizes some of the Cr(III) in the coating
sults in a more corrosion-resistant coating.
to Cr(VI) without otherwise damaging it.
Ferricyanide is also incorporated into the
CCC [61], with Fe : Cr ratios of 1 : 10 re- Activators and Accelerators ported in at least two studies [91, 96].
CCC formation is greatly aided by ‘‘ac- Ferricyanide has been proposed to exist
tivating’’ species such as fluoride, sul- as mixed metal cyanide in CCCs [94, 122,
fate, nitrate, formate, acetate, and oth- 123], but any direct effect of these com-
ers [60]. Fluoride is particularly effective pounds on coating corrosion resistance
in promoting film growth and is often or paint adhesion has not been clearly
added to both chromium–chromate and established.
chromium–phosphate bath formulations.
Fluoride is typically added as NaF and Coating Formation on Metallur-
mixed metal fluoride salts whose total con- gical and Structural Defects CCC bath
centration is in the 30 to 40 mM range. chemistries tend to be optimized for coat-
Fluoride attacks existing surface films, ing formation on the basis metal of an
particularly on aluminum. It readily com- alloy, for example, Al, Zn, or Fe. Alloy-
plexes Al3+ in solution and has the effect ing element additions, particularly when
of lowering the Al content in CCCs. Con- segregated into second-phase particles, al-
sequently, CCCs are found to be enriched ter CCC formation locally. Some of these
in Cr and of greater thickness when F− is alterations have been characterized, but
added to the bath [120]. none are well understood. In Al alloys, for
The use of ‘‘accelerators’’ in chromium– example, CCC formation from accelerated
chromate coating formulations dates to bath formulations has been reported to
about 1970 [121]. Accelerators used in be both enhanced [103, 124, 125], and in-
commercial CCC formulations include: hibited [91, 100, 126] at impurity-enriched
488 5 Corrosion Protection

grain and cell boundaries and intermetal- the Cr(VI) to total Cr ratio vary from 20
lic particles such as Al2 Cu, Al2 CuMg, to 40% [105, 135], and composition–depth
Al3 Fe, Al7 Cu2 Fe, and Al12 Si(Fe,Mn) [91, profiles indicate that most of the Cr(VI)
100, 103, 124, 125]. This response has resides in the outer portions of the coat-
been attributed to facile electron trans- ing consistent with the two-stage coating
fer at these sites, which permits reduction growth mechanism.
and precipitation of chromate. However, Coating compositions depend strongly
in the case of Cu-rich intermetallic par- on alloy substrate, bath formulation de-
ticles, such as Al2 Cu and Al2 CuMg, the tails of the processing parameters and
coating that forms is a thin chemisorbed coating age. There is general agreement
cyano-rich film that prevents proper CCC that CCCs consist of a mixture of com-
formation locally [126, 127]. This results plex chromium compounds, other bath
in a thinner, chromium-deficient coat- ingredients, and elements from the sub-
ing at these locations for short coat- strate, but opinions differ on the spe-
ing times. For longer immersion times, cific types of compounds and their rel-
coating defects of this type have been ative abundance in the coating. Com-
reported to persist [128], or to be dimin- pounds proposed to exist within ac-
ished [91]. celerated chromium–chromate coatings
include: Cr2 O3 , Cr2 O3 ·nH2 O, Cr(OH)3 , CCC Morphology, Structure, and CrOOH, Cr(OH)·CrO4 , Crx (CrO4 )y , CrF3 ,
Composition Thin chromium–chromate CrFe(CN)6 , AlOOH, Al2 O3 , and AlF3 [94,
coatings consist of a mass of small 95, 120, 122, 130]. The coating model
nanometer-sized particles that nucleate shown in Fig. 17 portrays a structural
and cover the entire alloy surface [101]. model that has evolved over the past several
This nodular morphology is recognizable decades on the basis of X-ray photoelec-
in thicker coatings, but these coatings tend tron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger electron
to develop shrinkage cracks as the coat- spectroscopy (AES), X-ray absorption near
ing dries and hardens [123, 129] (Fig. 16). edge spectroscopy (XANES), transmission
Both thin and thick coatings are con- electron microscopy (TEM), SEM, and
formal, and coatings readily form in electron diffraction Spectroscopy (EDS)
pits and scratches on the alloy surface analyses [100]. Figure 17 also provides sup-
left over from deoxidation and surface porting composition depth profile data. In
machining. Both thin and thick coatings this model, the external surface of the
are amorphous [129, 130]. All coatings are coating consists of hydrated chromium
three-dimensional with distinct horizontal oxides and fluorides, ferricyanide, and
layers and compositional variations that chromate. The bulk of the coating is a com-
can be observed in ultramicrotomed coat- plex mixture of Cr oxides and hydroxides,
ing cross sections [103, 124, 125, 131, 132] oxyhydroxides fluorides, and chromium
(Fig. 16). ferricyanide. The coating nearest the sub-
Thin coatings are mixtures of hydrated strate contains hydrated aluminum oxides,
Cr and Al oxides with a small amount metallic and oxidized forms of copper
of Cr (VI) present in the outer regions on Cu-bearing Al alloys, and chromium
of the coating [105, 134, 135]. In thicker and aluminum oxyfluorides. Characteri-
coatings, the Cr : Al and Cr(VI) : Cr(III) ra- zation of CCCs by Raman spectroscopy
tios increase substantially. Estimates of has shown that a significant component
(a) Al 50 nm

0.2 µm

(a) (c)

200 nm

100 nm

200 nm

300 nm

(b) (d)
Fig. 16 (a) Ultramicrotomed cross sections of CCC formed by 5- (upper) and 30-s (lower) immersions in the coating bath. (From Ref. [102].) (b) AFM
image of a 1-s CCC on the matrix phase of 2024-T3. (From Ref. [103].) (c) A scanning electron micrograph of an accelerated chromium–chromate
coating applied by immersion for 180 s to 2024-T3 (Al–4.4Cu–1.5Mg–0.6Mn). (From Ref. [133].) (d) A scanning electron micrograph of a
chromium–phosphate coating on a Zn–Al-plated steel surface. There is evidence of CCC cracking, and spalling in the upper right corner of the image
5.3 Conversion Coatings

(bright region). (Reproduced from R. G. Buchheit, Report to Holophane Lighting, Inc., 1999.)
46 60
44 23
22 55
42 Aluminum 21
40 20 50
38 19
5 Corrosion Protection

36 Oxygen 18 Aluminum 45
34 17
32 16 40
30 15
28 14 35
26 13
24 12 30

22 11 [at.-%]

20 10 25
18 9

Nitrogen, fluorine
16 8 20
Aluminum, carbon
14 7
12 6 15
10 Chromium 5 Fluorine
8 4 10
6 3
4 Iron 2 Carbon 5
2 1 Nitrogen
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ion etch time Ion etch time
(a) [min] (b) [min]

Hydrated chromium oxide, Fe(CN)63− Cr6+

Cr2O3·CrOOH, F−, Fe(CN)63−

(Cr, Al)OF and Al2O3

(c) 2024 aluminum alloy
Fig. 17 (a, b) Composition–depth profiles for the major elements found in chromium–chromate CCCs. (From Ref. [94].) (c) A CCC structural model
illustrating the distributions of compounds through the thickness of a CCC. (From Ref. [100].)
5.3 Conversion Coatings 491

of the coating consist of a Cr(OH)3 poly- spectra for Cr are distinctive in that there
mer to which chromate or dichromate is is a discrete absorption peak associated
reversibly bound [107]. with Cr(VI) that occurs at energies just
The accurate determination of the Cr(VI) below the main Cr Kα absorption edge
content of CCCs is an issue that has (Fig. 18). This greatly facilitates Cr(VI)
attracted special attention. Measurement analysis and has been exploited to show
of Cr(VI) in CCCs is complicated by the that range of Cr(VI) in CCCs typically
fact that the species can be inadvertently ranges from 20 to 40%. XANES has also
reduced by photoreduction or ultrahigh been used to study chromate leaching,
vacuum exposure [79, 104, 136]. This the effects of aging, and the effects
complicates analysis and interpretation of different processing chemistries and
of CCC chemistry by XPS and AES. procedures [105, 138–141].
Other techniques such as XANES and EXAFS phenomena arise from the effect
X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) of short-range molecular structure on the
measurements can be carried out at under details of the absorption spectrum [137].
ambient environmental conditions and EXAFS probes an environment within a
have been used to study CCC chemistry 6-Å range around an absorbing atom.
and structure without risk of inadvertent This technique has been used to study
Cr(VI) reduction [137]. X-ray absorption the coordination environment around Cr

1.6 1.2
1.4 1.0
1.2 0.8
Ln (Io/I)

Ln (Io/I)

0.8 0.6
0.6 0.4
0.4 0.2
0.0 0.0
−0.2 −0.2
−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40
(a) Energy (ev from threshold E0) (b) Energy (ev from threshold E0)

0.30 1 min
06 3 min
0.25 0.5 5 min
10 min
0.20 0.4 20 min


0.15 30 min
0.10 0.2
0.05 0.1
0.00 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
E − E0 E − E0
(c) [eV] (d) [eV]
Fig. 18 X-ray absorption spectra for (a) Cr2 O3 , immersion time in a chromate conversion
and (b) K2 CrO4 standards. (From Ref. [138].) coating bath illustrating the changes in Cr(VI)
(c) Replicate absorption spectra from CCCs on and total Cr in the coating. (Reproduced from
an Al–Mn alloy exhibit a preabsorption edge M. W. Kendig, A. J. Davenport, H. S. Isaacs,
peak that indicated the presence of Cr(VI); Corrosion Sci. (1993) 34, 41.)
(d) absorption spectra collected as a function of
492 5 Corrosion Protection

in CCCs and has shown that Cr(VI) is Perhaps the most widely known com-
tetrahedrally coordinated, and Cr(III) is ponent of corrosion protection is ‘‘self-
octahedrally coordinated with surrounding healing’’. Self-healing refers to the dis-
oxygen atoms. Cr(VI)–O bond lengths tinctive ability of a chromate conversion
have been measured at 1.71 ± 0.03 Å; coating to heal small chemical or mechan-
Cr(III)–O bond lengths are measured to ical defects that expose unprotected un-
be 1.99 ± 0.01 Å [122]. derlying metal. The classic manifestation
Chromium–phosphate coatings can be of self-healing is the absence of corrosion
either amorphous or crystalline. Crys- in scribe marks made through CCCs on
talline coatings consist of CrPO4 , which samples exposed to salt spray. The self-
is the predominant compound, and a healing process involves: (1) liberation of
lesser amount of a mixture of compounds. Cr(VI), latent in the coating, into an attack-
Minor compounds reported in CPCCs in- ing aqueous environment; (2) migration
clude Cr2 O3 , AlPO4 , CrF3 , Cr(OH)3 , and of the Cr(VI) to an incipient defect; and
Al(OH)3 . Cr(VI) is not a component of (3) reduction to insoluble Cr(III) hydroxide
CPCCs and these coatings do not self-heal or interaction with the corrosion product to
in the manner that CCCs do. stifle further corrosion. The key attribute
of CCCs in this regard is their ability to Corrosion Protection store and release Cr(VI) into an attacking
solution. The Cr(VI) reservoir in CCCs is Corrosion Protection Mechan- a function of coating weight or thickness,
isms A large component of CCC cor- and has be estimated to be on the order of
rosion protection is due to the barrier 10−7 mol Cr(VI) cm−2 of CCC [145]. Re-
properties associated with the insoluble lease of dichromate occurs by hydrolysis
components of the coating. This barrier of Cr(III)–O–Cr(VI) bonds in the porous
prevents contact of the attacking environ- Cr(OH)3 network in the CCC according to
ment with the underlying metal and slows the following equilibrium reaction [145]:
oxygen and hydrogen reduction reactions
that support metal dissolution. In cases in Cr(III)–OH(s) + Cr(VI)O4 2−
(aq) + H(aq)
which aging and heating immobilize the
←−→ Cr(III)–O–Cr(VI)O3 −
(s) + H2 O
leachable Cr(VI), some large measure of
corrosion protection may be retained be- (3)
cause of barrier properties [142]. CCC cor- Equilibrium between the Cr(III)/Cr(VI)
rosion protection has also been evaluated mixed oxide of the CCC and dichromate in
in the context of the bipolar membrane solution, hence the extent of dichromate
model for passivity of ferrous metals [143, release, is proposed to be governed by
144]. The structure and chemistry of CCCs Langmuir-like adsorption behavior that
is consistent with that required to enable depends on solution ionic strength, pH,
this mechanism. In the CCC, the outer and the ratio of CCC surface area to
layer of the coating is negatively charged solution volume. Therefore, the extent of
and cation selective, while the inner layer Cr(VI) release is not simply governed by
of the coating is positively charged and is solubility of dichromate in solution, or
anion selective. Ion transfer through the total amount of Cr(VI) in the mixed oxide,
coating is therefore constrained, resulting as is more closely the case for SrCrO4
in reduced surface reactivity. pigments in primer coatings. Kinetically,
5.3 Conversion Coatings 493

the rate of chromate release appears to be is still a matter of speculation, but the
well described by a diffusion control of structural rearrangement appears to be
Cr(VI) in the CCC [146]. closely linked to coating dehydration [148].
Equation (3) also shows that the Cr(III)/ Shrinkage cracking also appears to be a
Cr(VI) equilibrium is pH-dependent in a consequence of backbone consolidation
manner that favors Cr(VI) uptake during (Fig. 16). Backbone rearrangement over
coating formation, and Cr(VI) release the time-frame of days to months produces
during service. Dichromate adsorption is profound changes in coating properties.
favored at low pH – typical of coating Losses in corrosion resistance begin to be
baths. Dichromate release is favored under detected in times as short as 20 days af-
higher pH conditions; more typical of ter coating formation. In an extreme case,
service conditions in which release and after 100-day exposure to ambient labora-
self-healing are necessary. tory air, there was no evidence of corrosion
Opinions vary on how important a protection in an impedance spectroscopy-
component CCC self-healing is to over- based test conducted on a 1-min CCC on
all corrosion resistance in coating systems 2024-T3 exposed chloride solution [148].
since the soluble chromate reservoir in a Chromate leaching also diminishes with
CCC is small compared to that in SrCrO4 - time even though the Cr(VI) content of
bearing primer coatings. However, recent the coating remains the same. This in-
experiments using an exposure cell that dicates that backbone consolidation traps
duplicates important aspects of a scratch Cr(VI) in the coating [133]. Ultimately,
demonstrate the self-healing effect is po- over tens of years, the Cr(VI) content of
tent for CCCs [147]. In these experiments, CCCs diminishes. No Cr(VI) was detected
a conversion-coated Al alloy surface and a by XANES measurements on 20-year-old
bare alloy surface (the simulated scratch) CCCs on 7475-T73 exposed to the am-
are placed a few millimeters apart facing bient environment. However, CCCs on
one another. Solution is then introduced the same component that were covered
into the gap. After several hours, Cr(VI) by a paint layer appears to retain an
leached from the coating can be detected amount of Cr(VI) that is commonly ob-
in the solution. Hydrated chromium- served in freshly formed coatings [150].
containing deposits are observed on the This result clearly implicates dehydration
bare originally bare surface, and its corro- in long-term coating aging.
sion resistance is observed to increase by CCCs are not heat-tolerant [151, 152].
several orders of magnitude as measured Exposure to elevated temperature accel-
by polarization resistance methods. erates dehydration, consolidation of the
Cr(III) backbone, and losses in properties Aging and Heating After re- described above. Losses in CCC corrosion
moval from the coating bath, CCCs de- protection, Cr(VI) leaching, and increases
hydrate and harden. The film transforms in shrinkage cracking are profound when
from a fragile gel to a robust, damage tol- coatings are subject to temperatures in ex-
erant coating in a matter of a few hours. cess of 60 ◦ C. Corrosion resistance in salt
Aging effects appear to be due to consoli- spray exposure testing and electrochem-
dation in the Cr(III) backbone, which can ical testing can be completely lost when
be detected by EXAFS measurements [133, CCCs are heated for more than 15 min at
148, 149]. How this consolidation occurs temperatures in excess of 60 ◦ C [133].
494 5 Corrosion Protection Characteristics of more acidic conditions such as those con-

Chromate Conversion Coatings taining SO2 [158]. As described above,
corrosion resistance will diminish with age CCC Weight, Thickness, and Color in a matter of days due primarily to coat-
In the metal finishing trade, CCC thick- ing dehydration, which causes shrinkage
ness is generally referred to in terms cracking and immobilization of leachable
of coating weight [153], which is easily hexavalent chromium.
measured by chemical stripping meth-
ods. Coating weights range from less
than 1.0 mg dm−2 for the thinnest coat- Mechanical and Thermal Stability
ings to greater than 10 mg dm−2 . This Freshly formed coatings are gelatinous and
range translates to thicknesses of 10 nm can be wiped off easily. As the coating
to 3 µm. The color of CCCs ranges from dries, it hardens considerably. CCCs dried
clear to dark brown depending on coating for at least 24 h are mechanically robust.
weight, chemistry, and alloy substrate type. Coating weight determinations by chemi-
In general, coatings with weights less than cal stripping of the CCC are nearly impos-
about 1 mg dm−2 are clear to light yellow, sible to carry out after this time. Coatings
1.1 to 3.8 mg dm−2 coatings are iridescent will withstand some mechanical damage,
to yellow, and 3.2 to 11 mg dm−2 coat- but are not nearly as abrasion resistant as
ings will range from deep yellow to brown. anodized coatings. CCCs rapidly lose their
Green coloration in coatings is due to the corrosion resistance if exposed to temper-
presence of trivalent chromium, which is atures in excess of about 60 ◦ C. Corrosion
common in CPCCs. resistance on Al alloys can be completely
lost by exposure times as short as 15 min Chemical and Corrosion Resis- at 150 ◦ C. This occurs as a result of coat-
tance The corrosion resistance of CCCs ing dehydration, which, like aging, causes
depends on thickness and coating age. shrinkage cracking and immobilization of
Corrosion resistance has been observed to leachable hexavalent chromium.
scale with total chromium content [153].
Some studies have found that corrosion Paint Adhesion Typical aircraft
resistance does scale with Cr(VI) con-
coating systems consist of a CCC foun-
tent [154], while others have found no such
dation layer, a primer coating, and a
correlation [155]. Corrosion resistance is
topcoat [159]. In these systems, the pri-
evaluated by continuous or cyclic acceler-
ated exposure testing and electrochemical mary function of the CCC is to promote
methods. On aluminum alloys, heavy initial and long-term adhesion of the or-
CCCs will resist pitting for as long as 400 to ganic coating on the metal substrate.
1000 h [156]. CCC-coated surfaces will ex- Organic coating adhesion is promoted
hibit total impedances of 1 to 2 M cm−2 by surface topography, surface cleanli-
after exposure to aerated 0.5 M NaCl so- ness, and possibly coating acidity [123,
lution for 24 h. Such coatings can be 160]. Long-term interfacial adhesion is
expected to withstand 168 h of salt spray ex- fostered by the high corrosion resis-
posure without serious pitting [157]. CCCs tance provided by the inhibiting effects
usually perform well in mild neutral en- of Cr(VI) leached from the primer and the
vironments, but do not fare as well under CCC [59].
5.3 Conversion Coatings 495 Electrical Contact Resistance formed by hydrolysis, condensation, and

Chromated metal surfaces exhibit low polymerization of metal alkoxides from
electrical contact resistance as measured alcohols, or metal aquo-ions or hydrox-
with a flat metal electrode applied ides from aqueous solutions [167]. Sol–gel
with a small impinging load. Since systems are chemically diverse and coat-
CCCs are thin and brittle, they are ings have been devised on the basis of
easily breached allowing metal-to-metal a range of metal oxide systems includ-
contact. In service, mechanical breaches ing: Si, Al, Ti, B, Zr, Nb, Y, Ge, Sn,
can sometimes be tolerated without Zn, Hf, and Ta. Of these, SiO2 , ZrO,
risk of corrosion because of the self- SiO2 /TiO2 , and SiO2 /Al2 O3 have been
healing nature of the coating. In widely studied. This chemical diversity
some instances, mechanical damage is makes it possible to tailor coatings for
too severe and galvanically assisted specific properties. Sol–gel coatings form
atmospheric corrosion will increase the metal oxygen covalent bonds to the metal
contact resistance to such an extent interface and covalent bonds with organic
that rework of the electrical contact molecules at the sol–gel surface. This gra-
is required [161]. Low electrical contact dation in bonding makes sol–gel coatings
resistance also makes conversion-coated excellent adhesion promoters for organic
surfaces amenable to various types of spot coatings. The intrinsic corrosion resis-
welding and arc welding procedures. tance of sol–gel coatings can be high if
Electrical contact resistance is distinct the coating forms as a barrier layer, but
from the intrinsic coating resistivity, which there is no evidence that the are self-
is quite high. Al oxide films thickened healing.
by contact with chromate solutions [162],
and CCCs themselves [160], demonstrate Hydrothermal Coatings from Al-
high electrical resistance. DC resistances
kaline Solutions Aluminum oxide will
of CCCs measured with a small (4 ×
thicken during exposure to hot water. This
10−3 cm2 ) Hg droplet range from 1010
stimulates the formation of hydrated alu-
to 1012  [163].
minum oxide that is amorphous at short
contact times, but becomes crystalline at Chromate-free Coatings longer times. Thickening is accelerated
Many different chromate-free coating under oxidizing and alkaline conditions.
chemistries and application methods have Hydrothermal coatings are formed using
been devised in response to the desire to re- practices that are similar to older alka-
duce or eliminate the use of Cr(VI) in the line chromate, and chromate–phosphate
workplace and the environment. Several coating methods, but the chemistries have
classes of Cr-free coatings are briefly de- been modified to be more environmen-
scribed below. More information on these tally benign. Chemistries based on the
and other types of Cr-free coatings can used of lithium [168–171], and perman-
be found in recent reviews on the sub- ganate solutions [75, 172, 173] been re-
ject [159, 164–166]. ported. Normally, these coatings must
be sealed to achieve high levels of cor- Sol–gel Coatings Sol–gel coat- rosion resistance on the most suscepti-
ings, usually less than 1-µm thick, are ble alloys.
496 5 Corrosion Protection Rare Earth Metal Coatings Re- 12. W. Machu, Korros. Metall. 1941, 17, 157.
search and development conversion coat- 13. W. Machu in Interface Conversion for Poly-
mer Coatings (Eds.: P. Weiss, G. D. Cheever),
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based on the use of rare earth metal salts New York, 1968, pp. 128–149.
(REMs) has been extensive over the past 14. J. W. Schultze, N. Müller, U. König,
20 years. This work has been extensively R. Krumm, Proceedings of the Symposium on
reviewed in a recent publication [174]. Rare Critical Factors in Localized Corrosion III, PV
earth metal coatings, notably those based 98-17, The Electrochemical Society, N. J.,
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under the alkaline conditions promoted by trochim. Acta 1994, 39, 1183.
cathodic activity on a metal surface. Pre- 16. P. Xin, Finishing 1989, 13, 24.
cipitation can be local as in the case of 17. K. H. Stellnberger, M. Wolpers, T. Fili et al.,
precipitation at Cu-rich intermetallic parti- Faraday Discuss. 1997, 107, 307.
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cles in Al alloys, or general as promoted by Mater. Corros. 1995, 46, 83.
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REM used in these types of coatings, but Met. Finish. 1994, 92, 13.
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Pr, Y, and others. REM treatments are 1982, 22B, 390.
21. S. Maeda, J. Coat. Technol. 1983, 55(707), 43.
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22. P.-E. Augustsson, I. Olefjord, Y. Olefjord,
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500 5 Corrosion Protection

5.4 for the characterization of the protective

Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings properties of organic coatings and on fun-
damental mechanisms of corrosion. It is
Guido Grundmeier far beyond the scope of this chapter to
Max-Planck-Institut fur Eisenforschung, review the recent developments in the for-
Dusseldorf, Germany
mulation of corrosion protecting paints.
Alda Simões A good introduction to the chemistry of
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, coatings can be found in Ref. [1].
Portugal After a short introduction to fundamen-
tal aspects of organic coatings such as
5.4.1 composition, adhesion and transport in
Introduction organic coatings, an overview is given on
the application of modern electrochemical
Organic coatings and adhesives are com- techniques to organic coatings. The corro-
monly used to coat and join reactive metals sion mechanisms of polymer-coated iron,
for use in corrosive environments. Organic zinc, and aluminum are discussed in de-
coatings not only serve as a barrier layer to tail. Finally a short overview is given on
protect the metal surface but also are re- the influence of interfacial layers and pig-
sponsible for the aesthetic properties of the ments in organic coatings on the kinetics
metal surface. The degradation of an or- of the corrosion process.
ganically coated metal usually occurs along The authors hope that the chapter pro-
the metal–polymer interface starting from vides the reader with an electrochemical
local defects in the coating. Mainly electro- understanding of corrosion processes of
chemical processes such as the reduction organically coated metals that can be ap-
of water and oxygen or the anodic dissolu- plied to the variety of corrosion problems
tion of the metal substrate are responsible in this field.
for the corrosive attack.
The application of electrochemical meth- The Composition of Corrosion
ods to study this kind of corrosion in Protecting Organic Coatings
which small defects lead to localized cor- A complete coating system, recommended
rosion and undermining of the organic for highly demanding situations, consists
coating is by no way trivial because the of several layers – the primer, the interme-
high impedance of the organic coating diate coats and the topcoat. The primer is
hinders the measurement of electrochem- an essential component for corrosion pro-
ical processes that occur at the interface in tection, because it is responsible for the
the delaminated area. Only recently mod- adhesion of the coating to the substrate and
ern electrochemical techniques such as also it provides most of the anticorrosive
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy properties, through the use of inhibitors.
(EIS) or the Scanning Kelvin Probe (SKP) Its requirements are a good adhesion to
provide better insights into the corrosion the substrate and to the intermediate coat,
behavior of organic coatings. flexibility and cohesion and good chemical
A lot of excellent reviews already report resistance.
on the corrosion protection by organic coat- The intermediate coats are used mainly
ings. In this review, the authors focus on for increasing the final thickness, and con-
the relevance of electrochemical methods sequently hinder the moisture permeation
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 501

and increase the electrical resistance of the Coatings are usually classified according
coating. The most evident property of the to the resin binder. Thus, names such as
topcoat is related with its aesthetic func- acrylic, alkyd, epoxy, or chlorinated rubber
tion, since it is responsible for the color are commonly used to identify coatings
and the gloss that give the coating sys- with those classes of binders. Other classes
tem its final appearance. But the topcoat of coatings, as the fluoropolymers [10, 11]
also provides an important barrier effect have also become of common application
against the environment. It must therefore e.g. in coil-coated steel.
have a good resistance to water, aggressive The formation of a continuous dry film
chemicals, and to weathering. from a liquid coating after application is
These various layers, although with achieved by physical drying or by curing
different functions and purposes, have (chemical drying). In physical drying,
basically the same ingredients, which are film formation occurs as a result of the
common to organic coatings. In general, evaporation of the volatile components,
an organic coating consists of four basic that is, solvents and diluents. The cohesive
constituents: forces that hold the film together are in
this case weak, and the bonds can usually
• binder be broken again by solvents. The curing,
• pigments or chemical drying, involves a chemical
• additives and fillers reaction between the molecules of the
• solvent. binder. These reactions can occur either
at ambient temperature or by baking
Further to these basic constituents, in- at elevated temperature (usually above
hibitors are frequently added to the formu- 70 ◦ C). Frequently, these reactions occur
lation, for enhanced corrosion protection. between two components mixed prior to
The main properties and functions of the application, and the coating is known
the various components will be briefly in- as a two-component coating or a reaction
troduced in the following subparagraphs. coating. Another form of drying is the
For further information on the subject, the oxidative drying, which starts with oxygen
reader is advised to consult more specific uptake from the air. The oxygenated
literature [2–9]. molecules of the binder then react between
them. Although slow, the process can be Binder The binder constitutes accelerated by the use of additives, called
the matrix of the coating, that is, the contin- dryers, which are in fact catalysts for the
uous polymeric phase in which the other reactions taking place. Moreover, curing
components are incorporated. It provides by means of electron beams and ultraviolet
cohesive forces that hold the film together, light, both leading to a network formation
and also adhesive forces between the film via radicals is possible.
and the substrate. It is mainly responsi-
ble for the physical barrier provided by Pigments Pigments are pow-
the coating against aggressive agents. Its dered materials that confer the desired
density and composition are determinant color to the coating. They also provide
for properties such as permeability, UV opacity, and are partially responsible for
resistance, and chemical resistance of the properties such as hardness, resistance to
coating. abrasion and resistance to weathering. The
502 5 Corrosion Protection

barrier effect of the coating can also be with the binder and resistant to the
increased by the use of lamellar pigments environment. Pigments can be chemi-
that align parallel to the surface, increasing cally inert, in which case they provide
the tortuosity of the path followed by the only barrier protection against corrosion,
penetrating aggressive agents, therefore or they can actively protect the substrate,
decreasing the diffusivity of those agents either by a sacrificial effect or by inhibit-
in the coating [4] (Fig. 1). ing properties. Because of the relevance
Pigments can be either organic or inor- of these effects, they will be treated sepa-
ganic. Organic pigments tend to act only rately. An important parameter in the com-
as coloring agents, whereas inorganic pig- parison of the performance of pigments is
ments frequently have anticorrosive prop- the pigment volume concentration (PVC),
erties. Among the inorganic pigments, defined as the volume ratio of pigment
several types can be distinguished [9]: to the total nonvolatile components in a
coating. Each pigment has a certain PVC
1. earth pigments – obtained from nat- range at which it will have an optimum per-
urally occurring rocks, for exam- formance [6]. The critical pigment volume
ple, ochre; concentration (CPVC) is the concentration
2. mineral pigments – obtained from of pigment in a dry coating at which the
minerals, for example, barytes, calcium binder is the minimum necessary to fill
sulfate, and dolomites;
the spaces between the pigment particles,
3. synthetic inorganic pigments, for ex-
corresponding to a compromise between
ample, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide,
the main properties of the dry film [4].
chrome yellow;
4. metallic pigments, for example, alu-
minum powder, zinc dust. Anticorrosive Pigments Antico-
rrosive pigments can be divided in two cat-
The choice of a pigment must be made egories: those that have an inhibiting effect
carefully, to ensure that it is compatible on the corrosion reaction by minimizing

H2O, O2

Inert barrier pigments


Fig. 1 Effect of pigments on the path of the aggressive agents

and the active properties of pigments with regard to the
interfacial reactions and passivation of pores in the organic
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 503

the rates of the partial reactions, and those the substrate. In order to ensure electrical
that become anodic relative to the sub- conduction, necessary for the protection,
strate, providing sacrificial protection. these coatings require a high content of
Inhibitive inorganic pigments are sub- metallic zinc – typically a minimum of
stances capable of minimizing the corro- 80% [9].
sion rate by retarding the cathodic or the
anodic reaction or by limiting the ionic Fillers and Additives Fillers, or
current between the anodic and the ca- extenders, are powdered materials used
thodic regions. Some pigments react with with the aim of increasing the nonvolatile
the hydroxyl ions formed in neutral solu- content of the dry coating, but also to im-
tions at the cathode, forming an insoluble prove mechanical properties, reduce the
deposit that increases the resistance polar-
gloss and also reduce the price. Com-
ization. Others, as in the case of lead,
mon fillers are talc, mica, and barium
work as indirect inhibitors, since they
sulfate [4]. Additives are typically added
react with the resin, producing the in-
in small quantities, and address a large
hibiting substances [6]. Inhibitors such as
number of specific purposes [16, 17]. For
zinc chromate, phosphate, silicate, and bo-
example, they can improve the stability
rate, are anodic inhibitors [12]. Molybdate
of the mixture before application, prevent
pigments can passivate the surface by the
sedimentation of pigments and fillers, ac-
formation of a layer of ferric molybdate.
celerate drying, act as fire-retardant agents,
Many inhibitors also act by neutralizing
UV-absorbers for better weathering resis-
acid species, and by rendering the medium
tance or to prevent growth of fungi.
more alkaline, facilitating the precipitation
of salts. A reasonably large number of com-
pounds used as inhibitors can be found in Solvents Solvents and diluents
the literature [6, 12]. They include borates, are both volatile liquids added to the
chromates, leads, molybdates, phosphates, coating formulation. However, there is a
phosphites, and silicates, of various metals difference between them. The solvent is
such as zinc, calcium, aluminum, barium, necessary for the homogeneous mixing of
or strontium. However, strict limitations to the other components before application,
the use of leads and chromates have been whereas a diluent is a liquid that is not
imposed by legislation, due to the toxicity capable of dissolving the binder by itself
of those compounds [12, 13]. Nowadays, but which, added to the binder solution,
zinc phosphate is probably the most impor- helps to achieve a viscosity adequate for
tant pigment in anticorrosive paints [14]. the application of the coating. Together,
Figure 1 illustrates the effect of active pig- solvent and diluents are responsible for
ments as sources for species that inhibit the viscosity and the evaporation rate,
corrosion at the polymer–metal interface which in their turn influence the adhesion
or in small pores in the coating. and the internal stresses inside the dry
The sacrificial protection is typically used film. For many years, organic liquids
for protection of ferrous substrates. It is were intensively used as solvents and
attained by adding to the paint actual diluents in the coatings industry. However,
particles or flakes of zinc, which act as the ecological concerns about volatile
anodes with respect to the ferrous sub- organic compounds (VOCs) have resulted
strate [15], providing cathodic protection to in an enormous shift towards water-based
504 5 Corrosion Protection

coatings [18–24]. These are convertible Transport of Oxygen In aerated

coatings, that is, they undergo chemical solutions of neutral pH, the cathodic
changes during drying, usually involving reaction in the corrosion process is usually
crosslinking of the polymeric chains of the reduction of oxygen:
the binder [8, 23], which is essential to
ensure that they resist the contact with
2 O2 + H2 O + 2e− −−−→ 2OH− (1)
water after curing. Since this reaction occurs at the surface
Finally, some coatings do not require of the metal, the permeation of oxygen is
the use of a solvent. Examples are therefore crucial in the initiation and pro-
solvent-free coatings, or powder coatings. gression of corrosion. The subject of gas
The latter are applied as a powder permeation has been addressed in other
that, upon heating, undergoes sintering areas, as for example in the development
and forms a continuous film [25]. They of packaging plastic films or of separation
can be classified as thermosetting or membranes in chemical engineering [27].
thermoplastic [26]. Examples are epoxy In the case of corrosion underneath or-
coatings, which require the mixing of ganic coatings, the interest on the subject
two components just before application, arises from the question if the oxygen
or powder coatings, such as polyvinyl transport across the coating may be the
chloride. rate-determining step for the corrosion
process. Guruviah [28] determined the oxy- Transport Phenomena in Organic gen permeability of films of epoxy, alkyd,
Coatings and chlorinated rubber pigmented with
The durability of organic-coated systems iron oxide. Baumann [29] also determined
greatly depends on the protective prop- oxygen permeability in several paint films.
erties of the coating. Organic coatings The values he obtained were in the range
usually act at several levels: they can act 1 × 10−8 – 4 × 10−6 l cm−2 day−1 . On the
on the corrosion reactions, by limiting basis of a consumption of oxygen of
their rate, but they usually constitute a 6 × 10−6 −1.06 × 10−4 l cm−2 day−1 de-
barrier to the penetration of external ag- termined for corrosion on bare carbon
gressive agents. Corrosion reactions can steel [29], he concluded that the oxygen
only proceed if in the vicinity of the metal permeability could, in certain conditions,
surface, there are a reactant for the ca- be the rate-controlling factor for corro-
thodic reaction (usually oxygen), and a sion underneath a coating. This conclusion
conductive medium (normally water). Fur- contradicted earlier results of Mayne [30],
ther, it is known that corrosion reactions who determined higher oxygen perme-
are greatly accelerated under the effect of ation rates and consequently reasoned
aggressive ions. In this way, the resistance that oxygen permeation could not be
to permeation of gases, vapors, liquids, the rate-controlling factor in the corro-
and ions is thus a matter of concern sion process. Potentiostatic measurements
in such systems. The situations consid- made across an alkyd resin coating al-
ered below correspond only to corrosion lowed Feser and Stratmann [31] to esti-
in contact with an aqueous medium, ei- mate the diffusivity of molecular oxygen
ther with the coated system immersed in as 1.7 × 10−8 cm2 s−1 .
a solution or in contact with atmospheric As in any other mass transport process,
humidity. the permeability can be expected to depend
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 505

on the composition of the coating and ratio between the flux j of a species and
also to decrease with increasing thickness, the concentration gradient, according to
provided the composition and structure are Fick’s law for steady state transport:
not affected by the thickness. The subject
of oxygen transport in polymeric films ∂C(z)
jz = −D (2)
has been addressed by other authors [32, ∂z
33], but some doubts still remain on the where C is the concentration of water and
importance of oxygen permeation kinetics z, the direction of the flux. The solubility
for the corrosion process. A review on S corresponds to the water content at
the subject of oxygen transport in organic saturation, and is dimensionless:
coatings has been made by Walter [34].
volume of water at saturation
S= Transport of Water and Ions volume of the coating
Water can be contained inside an organic
The permeability P may be defined as the
coating in two states: either bound to the
product of diffusivity and solubility:
matrix or in microscopic water-filled cavi-
ties, known as clusters. Temperature, and P =D·S (4)
particularly the glass transition tempera-
ture, Tg , greatly influence the solubility Diffusion of water in a semipermeable
of water in the coating. The formation of membrane is caused by a concentration
clusters seems to be enhanced by a loss gradient. In the simplest case, and for
of solubility resulting from a decrease in one-dimensional diffusion, the process
temperature across Tg [35]. is governed by Fick’s law for transient
Water penetration not only promotes transport:
corrosion, but it also induces internal
stresses in the coating. It extracts sol- ∂C(z, t) ∂ 2 C(z, t)
uble components from the coating, in- =D (5)
∂t ∂z2
ducing contractive internal stresses. On
the other hand, water penetration causes For water in organic coatings, D is typically
swelling, and therefore an expansive inter- in the range 10−12 –10−15 m2 s−1 [39–42].
nal stress [36]. As a result of these stresses, For a coating of thickness L submerged
water can lower the value of Tg [35]. in the dry state at an instant t = 0, the
Under natural exposure, an organic initial and boundary conditions are
coating can be in contact with water
C = 0 at t = 0 (6)
in different forms, such as rain, dew,
or humidity. Some coatings are more C = C∞ at z = 0 (6 )
permeable to water vapor than to liquid ∂C
water, whereas with others liquid water = 0 at z = L (6 )
permeates faster [37]. The permeability is
also different depending on the film being where C∞ corresponds to the water
applied on a substrate or as a freestanding concentration at saturation. The solution
film [38]. to this equation can be expressed either as
In the description of water permeation, a distribution of concentration [43] or as a
several parameters are considered. The saturation function, φ, which corresponds
diffusivity D (m2 s−1 ) is defined as the to the ratio between the mass of water
506 5 Corrosion Protection

contained in the coating at an instant t The principles presented here are con-
and at saturation, Mt /M∞ . In this last cerned with the permeation of water in
form, the complete solution is given by a intact coatings, that is, in the absence of
summation [44–47]: defects such as scratches or blisters. After
∞ the initiation of corrosion, however, the
8  1 ionic concentration at the coating–metal
φ =1−
π 2 (2n + 1)2 interface increases, causing transport of
  water by an osmotic process [49–52] and
−(2n + 1)2 π 2 tD causing further deformation of the film.
× exp (7)
4L2 Since water is essential at the metal–
For short times, the summation can be coating interface for the initiation of cor-
replaced by an integration, giving [44]: rosion, it is thus important to decrease the
permeability of the coating. This can be

2 tD achieved either by increasing the coating
φ=∼ √ (8)
π L2 thickness, by using a coating of low poros-
ity, by the use of multilayer coatings and
Therefore, for short exposure times, the by using lamellar pigments or fillers in the
water content is proportional to the square formulation. The use of several layers has
root of time. For long times, it is a the advantage that the pores from the dif-
good approximation to retain only the first ferent layers do not match geometrically
term of the summation (n = 0), which (Fig. 2), hindering water penetration. The
gives [44]: use of lamellar pigments [4] increases the
  effective length of the path that water has to
∼ 8 −π 2 tD
φ = 1 − 2 exp (9) travel before it reaches the metal–coating
π 4L2 interface – see Sect. The conse-
The dimensionless variable tD/L2 , which quence is a decrease of the effective
appears in the solution, is the Fourier diffusivity in Fick’s law.
number for mass transport and provides
a convenient way of presenting the results Measuring techniques The most direct
of mass transport. This treatment assumes way to determine the water content in a
a homogeneous coating, with uniform coating is by weight measurements [38,
properties. A theoretical analysis for the 38, 53, 54], either as weight gain during
case of multilayered coatings can also be absorption or as weight loss during drying.
found in the literature [48]. It can be used on either freestanding

Pore Pore

Substrate Substrate

Fig. 2 Effect of having one or more layers on the geometry of the pores and
the barrier properties of the coating.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 507

or applied films. Although a reliable formed at the interface between iron and
technique, it is not free of limitations, the alkyd primer.
that is, due to the leaching of soluble
components [54]. For freestanding films, Transport of ions According to May-
the permeation of water vapor can also ne [60], in the absence of inhibitive pig-
be assessed by the Payne cup, in which ments, organic coatings retard corrosion
the water permeated is determined from primarily by acting as a barrier to the flow
the weight gain of a desiccant material of ions. It is known that the permeation of
contained in the cup. Differential scanning ions is much slower than the permeation of
calorimetry (DSC) is another possibility, liquid water and of water vapor [61]. More-
although it has the limitation of detecting over, most polymer films are permselective
only the clustered water [35]. to cations [62], and therefore greatly retard
The easiest method for the study of water the permeation of inorganic anions like
permeation is in situ capacitance determi- Cl− or SO4 2− [63, 64]. This permselectiv-
nation by electrochemical impedance. The ity (or Donnan exclusion) can be lost if the
principle is based on the fact that the pres- activities of ions become high compared to
ence of water increases the capacitance of that of the fixed ion in the membrane [65],
the coating. The most used equation for but it can play an important role at small
estimating the water content in a coating concentrations.
is the Brasher–Kingsbury equation [55], Kittleberger and Elm [33] measured the
as described in Sect. The sub- rate of diffusion of sodium chloride
ject has been treated in the literature by through several paint films, and found
several researchers, who have determined a linear relationship between the rate of
either the water content φ [40, 53–56] diffusion and the reciprocal of the film
or the diffusivity of water [41, 57] in the resistance. This behavior, however, is prob-
ably insufficient to describe the diffusion
through coatings. In a study made by
A nonelectrochemical method also sen-
Mayne and coworkers [30, 66], a number of
sitive to the presence of water is in-
cast varnish films were used to determine
frared spectroscopy with multiple inter-
the resistance of the film in contact with
nal reflection, applied by Nguyen and
potassium chloride. Two opposite behav-
coworkers to study the swelling of an iors were observed: either the conductivity
organic coating at the metal–polymer in- increased with increasing electrolyte con-
terface in situ [58]. The integration of centration – direct or D conduction – or
the stretching vibration of water was the conductivity decreased when the so-
used as a measure of the water uptake lution became more conductive – inverse
at the interface. Stratmann and cowork- or I conduction. The interpretation for the
ers measured the increase of the water I behavior was associated with the entry of
concentration at the Fe–alkyd-polymer water into the film. It was also concluded
interface by means of single attenu- that the D films have a heterogeneous
ated total infrared reflection spectroscopy structure, with I and D areas, arising
(ATIRS) [59]. An ultrathin Fe film was from differences in crosslinking density
evaporated onto a ZnSe crystal and coated within the film. As observed by Mills
with an alkyd primer. The authors con- and Mayne [67], films from noncrosslink-
cluded that no separate water film is ing systems yield films with reasonably
508 5 Corrosion Protection

uniform resistance, whereas crosslinked the Lewis sense, or a proton donor in

polymer films contain small areas with the Bronsted sense. The base may be an
significantly lower ionic resistance than electron donor, in the Lewis sense, or a
the rest of the film. proton acceptor in the Bronsted sense.
Techniques such as the Hittorf method The acid-base theory has found widespread
for the diffusivity of ions or radiotracer acceptance and an increasing number
counting for the ionic capacity have been of papers deal with the understanding
applied to the study of the transport of ions and application of these forces at the
in organic coatings [43]. interface [70].
While the adsorption theory is the
most accepted one, mechanical interlock- Adhesion of Organic Coatings
ing comes into play in case of substrates
The adhesion of a paint to the substrate
with a special kind of roughness such as
is a presupposition for the performance
galvannealed steel where the liquid can
of the coating as a corrosion protecting
spread into cavities and thereby interlock
layer. Adhesion is based on the physical
with the substrate. The diffusion theory
and chemical behavior of the underside of
does not play an important role for poly-
the paint and the surface of the metal
mer–metal interfaces. The contribution of
substrate. The formed interfacial zone
the electrostatic theory is not easy to esti-
should be called an interphase rather
mate. However, the electrical component
than a sharp interface because it is three
of the adhesive force between the planar
dimensional in nature.
surfaces of solids becomes important if
Different theories have been developed
the charge exchange density corresponds
to explain the origin of adhesion includ-
to 1017 electronic charges, meaning about
ing [68]
1% of the surface atoms [71].
• the electrostatic theory, based on a Wetting of the surface is crucial for
charge transfer between the substrate the formation of the interphase and is
determined by the surface energy of the
and the coating;
substrate and that of the liquid paint [72].
• the diffusion theory, based on the
The basic step in the liquid coating process
interdiffusion of polymer chains at the
is the replacement of the substrate–air
interface with the substrate–liquid and
• mechanical interlocking, based on the
liquid–air interface. The wetting condition
spreading of liquid paint into cavities of
for static conditions can be described by the
the surface leading to an anchoring of
Young equation. Young expressed the con-
the paint after solidification; and
ditions for equilibrium at a solid–liquid
• the adsorption theory, based on cova-
interface like that in Fig. 3 as
lent, polar, and disperse interactions as
well as acid–base interactions between γsv − γsl = γlv cos  (10)
the substrate surface and the paint.
where γsv and γlv are, respectively, the
It has been argued that the formation surface energies of the solid and liquid
of acid–base interactions between the in equilibrium with the saturated vapor of
polymer and the substrate may represent a the liquid.
major type of intrinsic adhesion force [69]. The so-called spreading coefficient S is
The acid may be an electron acceptor in given by the difference in surface energy
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 509

Fig. 3 Schematic illustrating Vapor gl

the Young equation. gs Liquid
Metal gsl

between the uncovered and the covered surface of the substrate, they may interfere
surface according to with the adhesion between the polymer
and the substrate. Eventually, in combina-
S = γsv − (γsl + γlv ) (11) tion with intrinsic stresses in the coating
where γsv and γsl are the solid–air and this might lead to a loss of adhesion. The
solid–liquid interfacial energies, respec- water molecules compete with and substi-
tively, while γlv is the surface tension of tute the polar groups of the polymer at the
the liquid [71]. For complete wetting to oc- metal surface. Moreover, accumulation of
cur, S must be positive. The greater the water at the interface caused by residual
value of S, the more rapidly the liquid will solvents or ions can lead to high osmotic
rush to cover the substrate. pressures and subsequently to a hydro-
The adhesion strength of an interface static disbonding. The degree to which
between two materials α and β can be permeated water may change the adhesion
defined by the work of adhesion. This is properties of a paint–metal composite is
the work required to separate reversibly referred to as wet adhesion [36, 73]. An
the interface to infinity per unit area excellent review on the durability of adher-
ents has been written by Kinloch [74].
Wa = γα + γβ − γαβ (12)

where Wa is the work of adhesion, γα and Introduction to the Mechanisms of

γβ the surface tensions of α and β phases, Protection and Degradation
respectively, while γαβ is the interfacial
tension between α and β. Mechanisms of Protection The
While the above mathematical treatment thermodynamic tendency for a metal to
is true for equilibrium conditions, the corrode in aqueous medium depends
real coating process is highly dynamic. on its thermodynamic stability in that
Solvents and thinners strongly influence medium, as described by its Pourbaix
the wetting process and immediately after diagram [75]. If it is not stable in the
the paint application evaporation of sol- metallic form, or in the presence of
vents, orientation of macromolecules at oxidizing species in solution, the metal
the interface and crosslinking of oligomer will undergo oxidation that shall lead
chains start leading to non–steady state either to ions in solution or to solid
conditions [72]. During solvent evapora- corrosion products. If these products are
tion, adhesion-promoting groups can ad- not passivating, then the process will lead
sorb at the inorganic surface. Examples to active corrosion of the metal. For the
of these adhesion-promoting groups are case of iron in contact with dissolved
hydroxyls, carboxyls, amides, isocyanates, oxygen, the reactions involved will be
and epoxies.
When water molecules reach the inter- Fe −−−→ Fe2+ + 2e− anodic reaction
face between the coating and the inorganic (13)
510 5 Corrosion Protection

2 O2 + 2e− + H2 O Evans (E − log i) diagrams, described in
Chapter 1.
−−−→ 2OH− cathodic reaction (14) It can thus be concluded that for cor-
rosion to initiate at the metallic substrate
The anodic reaction is therefore the anodic
at neutral pH, the presence of both water
dissolution of iron. The free electrons
and oxygen is required. Organic coatings
resulting from this reaction are consumed
retard both the initiation of corrosion and
at the cathodic sites, in the reaction
its rate of development, in two ways: by a
of oxygen reduction, with formation of
barrier mechanism and by an inhibiting
hydroxyl ions. The overall reaction will
then be

Fe + 12 O2 + H2 O −−−→ Fe(OH)2 (15) Barrier properties An organic coating is

a physical barrier separating the metal
Ferrous hydroxide is soluble in water, substrate from the aqueous corrosive
but in the presence of oxygen it may be environment. This barrier is blocking the
converted into ferric oxide [5]: flow of electrons, an important function
in order to avoid the shift of the cathodic
2Fe(OH)2 + 12 O2 −−−→ Fe2 O3 · H2 O reaction from the metal to the outer surface
+ H2 O (16) of the coating [30]. Further, it hinders the
penetration of chemical species from the
This species is less soluble than ferrous environment, although in practice every
hydroxide, and precipitates on the surface. organic coating has some permeability
In the absence of oxygen, the cathodic to water, oxygen and even ions. Figure 4
reaction can also be schematically shows the influence of an
organic coating on the electrode potential
H3 O + e− −−−→ 12 H2 + H2 O (17) and the size of the double layer in front of
the metal surface. Fast metal dissolution
Under conditions of oxygen or electrolyte due to the large electric field (107 V cm−1 )
concentration gradients, or due to het- leads to a negative electrode potential with
erogeneities of the metallic substrate, the respect to the polymer-coated area where
cathodic and anodic sites may be sepa- metal dissolution is strongly inhibited and
rated. For each of the two electrodes, the a diffuse double layer is found. It has
equilibrium potential for their actual con- been found that under normal, outdoor
ditions can be determined by the Nernst conditions, the content of water in a
equation. The electromotive force (EMF) coating is close to saturation. Also, the
for the corrosion process to occur is the diffusion of oxygen though the coating
difference between the two equilibrium may be sufficient to support unlimited
potentials. When the cathode and the corrosion, as discussed in Sect.
anode are short-circuited, a mixed poten- These observations suggest that other
tial results, known as corrosion potential, properties beyond the physical barrier
Ecorr . The value of Ecorr lies between the properties may be determinant for the
two separate electrode potentials, although protective action of coatings.
shifted towards the equilibrium potential Another component of the barrier effect
of the faster reaction. This situation can is the resistance inhibition, which consists
be easily visualized with the help of the of the ionic current flow between those
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 511

Defect area: electrolyte-covered metal

Metal Electrolyte 5Å

j • Formation of an electrochemical
− Na+ double layer at the metal surface
(a) • Potential drop ≈ 107 V cm−1 !
− ∆j1

e− Na+ ⇒ fast electrode kinetics

Transport of ions into the

polymer/metal interface

+ ∆j2
(b) OH− • Extremely extended diffuse double

e− layer at the metal/polymer interface

+ • Potential drop only ≈ 104 V cm−1
⇒ slow electrode kinetics
Metal Polymer 5Å
Intact area: polymer-coated metal
Fig. 4 Schematic of the double layer for electrolyte-covered metal (a) and polymer-coated
metal (b) (after Ref. [76]). (Reprinted with permission.)

areas. The more difficult the ionic flow, the provided by the organic coating is
slower the corrosion process. Naturally, insufficient. The phenomenon can have
this effect is intimately connected to the several origins, described in the litera-
adhesion of the coating to the substrate. ture by the following mechanisms [63,
When adhesion is lost, pathways for ionic 77, 78]:
conduction are formed, facilitating the Blistering by volume expansion due to
corrosion process. The barrier protection swelling: Organic coatings for corrosion
is made essentially by the topcoat because protection typically absorb water up to 3
it has a large thickness and a high content or 4%; if this absorption occurs locally,
of pigment and fillers. blisters may form because of accumulation
of water. This mechanism is however
Inhibiting properties Because the barrier unimportant when compared with other
properties are often insufficient for cor- mechanisms.
rosion protection, corrosion inhibitors are Blistering due to gas formation or gas in-
often used. Inhibitors can act by limiting clusion: Volatile components leading to
the cathodic or the anodic reaction, or both. blister formation can become incorpo-
They are typically added to the primer, rated in the coating during application,
where they are close to the metal surface. or they can result from inclusions of sol-
This subject was treated in Chapter 5.2. vents from phase separation. They can also
be generated because of cathodic protec- Blistering Blister formation is tion or even to a corrosion process if it
frequently the first sign that the protection generates H2 .
512 5 Corrosion Protection

Soluble salts


Water or condensated
H2O O2 H2O O2 moisture

Osmotic blistering

Fig. 5 Mechanism of osmotic blistering due to soluble

impurities (adapted from Ref. [79]). (Reprinted with permission.)

Electroosmotic blistering: Electro-osmosis concentrations of the solutions on the two

involves water transport though a sides of the film (Fig. 5). The process will
membrane or a capillary system under continue until the concentrations become
the influence of a potential gradient. equal. A review on the subject was made
It is relatively unimportant because by Morcillo [79].
with increasing salt concentration the
conductivity increases, decreasing the Osmotic blistering can also occur be-
water transport by this mechanism. cause of the formation of corrosion prod-
ucts at the metal–coating interface. Once
Blistering due to phase separation during film
water reaches that interface and metal ions
formation: This phenomenon may occur
from the substrate are produced, a dif-
when there are two volatile components
ference in the ionic force on either side
of different evaporation rates. Water may
of the coating is also capable of gener-
diffuse into the voids left by one of ating a flow of water across the coating.
the solvents, generating blisters. This is This is a key mechanism in the blister-
therefore an early blistering, since it occurs ing associated with corrosion. According
during film formation [77]. to the literature [79], the osmotic pressure
Blistering by osmotic processes, due to soluble inside a blister can reach 2500–3000 kPa,
impurities at the film–substrate interface: which is enormous, compared to the yield
When a coating is applied on a surface strength of an organic coating, of the or-
contaminated with soluble salts, osmotic der of 6–40 kPa. The viscoelastic behavior
blistering takes place. If water is in of organic coatings determines the way in
contact with the painted surface, water which the blisters develop. It is believed
will permeate, promoted by the osmotic that they grow by steps, releasing the pres-
pressure generated by the difference in the sure as they become deformed [63].
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 513 Corrosion Initiation Defects in water or to water vapor, water and oxygen
coatings are always preferential sites for are capable of diffusing into the film
corrosion initiation. Apart from the cases and of reaching the coating-substrate
mentioned above – soluble salts inclu- interface. After a certain time, a few
sions, volatile components – the accidental monolayers of water accumulate, possibly
formation of defects during its service life at points of poor adhesion. In contact with
is common, that is, in the form of pinholes water, the metal substrate (typically iron,
or scratches. The electrochemical descrip- zinc, or aluminum) is thermodynamically
tion of a defect next to an intact coating unstable in its metallic form, and with
area is shown in Fig. 4. When a small the presence of oxygen the conditions are
defect is exposed to a corrosive environ- fulfilled for corrosion to initiate. At this
ment – which may be either a bulk liquid stage, the cathodic and anodic reactions
phase or only a thin film of condensed take place at sites randomly dispersed
water – the part of the substrate that is on the metal surface. The metal ions
directly exposed will start to corrode, form- resulting from the anodic process increase
ing metal oxides and hydroxides that block the ionic force underneath the coating,
the defect. These corrosion products are giving rise to an osmotic phenomenon,
permeable to water but impermeable to with the formation of a blister.
oxygen. Therefore, a separation between After the initiation step, blisters can
the cathodic and the anodic areas occurs. grow by different mechanisms, known as
Underneath the oxides, that is, at the cen- cathodic delamination, anodic undermin-
ter of the defect, the anodic reaction takes ing or filiform corrosion (FFC). The first
place, whereas the cathodic reaction occurs two shall be briefly described, whereas
further away from the defect [80] (Fig. 6). FFC, due to its specific characteristics, will
Although organically-coated systems are be left for Sect.
particularly vulnerable to corrosion at
defects, such as pinholes, scratches, or Cathodic Delamination The
cut edges, the truth is that even apparently growth of blisters along the surface often
uniform coatings are prone to corrosion. occurs via a mechanism that is schemat-
During exposure of a coating to liquid ically presented in Fig. 7, for the case of

H2O, O2


Fig. 6 Formation of a blister
underneath a defective coating:
(a) corrosion initiation;
(b) blocking of a pore by
corrosion products; and
(c) osmotic blistering with
anode–cathode separation. (c) Cathode Cathode
514 5 Corrosion Protection

H2O O2 H2 O O2 Fig. 7 Cathodic delamination

of coated iron: (a) permeation
of water and oxygen;
Metal (b) corrosion initiation; and
(a) (c) separation of cathode and
anode, with osmotic growth of
the blister.
Fe2+ OH−


O2, H2O O2, H2O

Cathode Cathode
(c) Anode

iron. After the initiation steps, the Fe2+ 1. Penetration of water, ions, and oxygen.
and OH− resulting from the anodic and 2. Development of a low-resistance path-
cathodic reactions, respectively, together way between the bulk electrolyte and
with some oxygen coming from across the substrate.
the coating, can precipitate in the form of 3. Anodic reaction (metal oxidation) tak-
a mixture of iron oxides and hydroxides. ing place on the steel surface.
This layer is considered to be semiper- 4. Cathodic reaction (oxygen reduction)
meable, allowing only the permeation of also taking place also on the steel sur-
water but impeding the transport of oxy- face, and leading to some delamination.
gen to the metal. In the region under the 5. As a consequence of the cathodic and
oxide, therefore, only the anodic reaction anodic reactions proceeding in a con-
can occur, whereas the cathodic reaction fined volume, the ion concentration at
becomes shifted to the edges of the blis- the base of the low-resistance pathway
ter, where oxygen can still diffuse across increases, and corrosion products pre-
the organic coating. Under these condi- cipitate on the metal surface.
tions, the cathodic area will therefore be 6. Precipitation of the corrosion products
much smaller than the anodic area. The causes a drop of pH at the corro-
result of this is that the current density in sion site.
the cathodic area is high, and large quan- 7. A difference in acidity develops between
tities of OH− are formed in a confined the cathodic and the anodic areas, the
volume, producing very high local pH val- pH being higher at the cathodic areas.
ues. These conditions will then lead to a
loss of adhesion, possibly due to chemical The rise of alkalinity below the coating
disintegration of the polymer of the coat- has been verified experimentally [82], and
ing at the interface. This mechanism was pH values of 10 have been detected [83].
proposed by Leidheiser and Kendig [81] in The effect of the pH on the loss of
the following steps: adhesion is supported by the existence of
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 515

carboxylated species [84] at the interface, Although mostly it is accepted that the
suggesting chemical attack to the polymer. corrosion reaction requires the existence of
One major question is the rate-controll- the oxygen reduction reaction, Hoffmann
ing factor for delamination. It is clear has concluded that, in the absence of
that the oxygen reduction reaction pro- oxygen, dissolution can be compensated
duces an excess of anions, that needs by reduction of iron oxyhydroxides [87].
to be compensated either by the coun-
terdiffusion of cations to the cathode or Anodic Undermining Anodic
by the diffusion of anions from the cath-
undermining corresponds to a situation
ode to the area of the defect. Leidheiser
in which the loss of adhesion is caused
and Wang [80] verified that the delamina-
by the anodic dissolution of the substrate.
tion rate was smaller in thicker coatings,
The metal at the edge of the blister is
and suggested that the rate-limiting step
therefore anodic. The process is usually
might be the diffusion of alkali metal
initiated at preferential sites, such as a
cations through the coating. It has been
particle of contaminant from the cleaning
observed that in the presence of chloride
procedure or a scratch on the surface.
ion, the rate of delamination decreases
The initiation step is identical to the
with decreasing mobility of the cation, that
one described for cathodic delamination.
is, CsCl > KCl > NaCl > LiCl [80, 83]. For
coatings with an artificial scribe, Leng and The corrosive deadhesion of the coating
coworkers [85] concluded that for a simple, is mainly caused by the dissolution of
nonpigmented polymer applied on steel, the metallic substrate. The mechanism of
the delaminated area increased with the progression can be described by a process
square root of time, and that there was similar to crevice corrosion, the crevice
hardly any influence of the anion on that being formed between the substrate and
rate. He also concluded that the reaction the organic coating. This crevice is very
rate of the oxygen reduction reaction was sharp, because only a very thin layer of
determined by the ohmic potential drop metal is dissolved [88]. The cathodic areas
between the exposed area and the delam- may be either close to the scratch, where
ination front [85], and suggested that the oxygen access is easy, or at small cathodic
transport of ions was made along the de- blisters in the vicinity of the anodic
laminated area, underneath the coating. blister. As an example, Fig. 8 shows the
For a zinc substrate, Fürbeth [86] detected corrosion of coil-coated galvanized steel
preferential migration of sodium cations starting from a scratch down to steel. The
towards the delamination front, which zinc coating dissolves close to the scratch
could control the rate of the process. On underneath the coating thereby protecting
galvanized steel, he also studied the influ- the bare iron in the scratch. Anodic blisters
ence of carbon dioxide and concluded that are formed along the scratch. However,
the effect depends upon its concentration. small blisters with cathodic activity are
Below 1 vol% of CO2 the rate of delami- observed around the large anodic blisters.
nation becomes reduced without effect on Aluminum substrates are particularly
the mechanism, whereas between 1 and 2 prone to anodic undermining, whereas on
vol%, the delamination rate becomes con- steel this form of corrosion usually occurs
trolled by charge transfer of the oxygen under an applied potential [88]. Under
reduction reaction [86]. conditions of free corrosion potential,
516 5 Corrosion Protection

Scratch down to steel Fig. 8 Microscopic image of

Anodic area the corrosion of galvanized steel
starting from a scratch down to
Cathodic area

coated steel substrates fail predominantly the spontaneous potential is called a mixed
by cathodic delamination [78]. potential and it results from a compromise
between the cathodic and anodic reactions
5.4.2 occurring at the surface. Its value can
Application of Electrochemical Methods for therefore provide information on the state
the Characterization of the Protective of activity of the surface.
Properties of Organic Coatings on Metals Among the electrochemical techniques
available for the study of corrosion of Monitoring of the Open Circuit metals, potential monitoring is the most
Potential simple and inexpensive of all. Its non-
The open circuit potential (or rest po- destructive character is also an advan-
tential) is the potential spontaneously tage. The measurements are made us-
assumed by an electrode in contact with ing only a reference electrode and a
an electrolyte. When different anodic and high impedance voltmeter (Fig. 9). The
cathodic reactions occur on the surface, readings correspond to the open circuit


Electrolytic solution

Coated sample

Fig. 9Experimental arrangement for open circuit potential

measurements. RE: reference electrode.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 517

potential (or half-cell potential) of the sys- Reviews and discussions of the tech-
tem under study, versus the reference nique have been made by Murray [89],
electrode. The interpretation is usually Wolstenholme [90], and Walter [91]. The
based on the principle that a shift to- technique was first applied by Burns and
wards more negative potentials is a sign of Haring [92] to interpret the action of pig-
development of active corrosion, whereas ments and primers, and later by Haring
more positive (more noble) potentials in- and Gibney [93] to compare with the re-
dicate formation of a film, or passivation, sults from outdoor exposure on a set of
and thus the absence of active corrosion. 50 different paints. For painted steel im-
This criterion, although valid in many sys- mersed in artificial seawater, Wormwell
tems, is subject to exceptions. In fact, a and Brasher [94] observed three sections
positive potential shift within a region in the potential–time curve (Fig. 10): an
of active corrosion may reveal cathodic initial drop in potential, followed by
depolarization, with inherent increase of a rise and finally a gradual decline.
corrosion rate. On the other hand, at a The time required to reach the poten-
pH in the passive region of the poten- tial peak was considered as the period
tial–pH diagram, a positive shift in the of useful life of the paint, since the
potential may correspond to a decrease in mass loss increased significantly after
the corrosion rate, since the anodic reac- that instant.
tion becomes hindered by passivation. For Although the technique is simple and
reliability of the potential readings, the in- effective in the study of pretreatments,
put impedance of the voltmeter needs to one major difficulty lies in the fact that, for
be at least two orders of magnitude above highly resistive coatings, the potential is
the DC resistance of the coating system, not easily measurable prior to the failure of
otherwise a meaningless value of 0 V may the coating, and therefore no information
be read [89]. is usually obtained during that stage [91].


t lo
Potential (SCE)

−500 W
Weight loss



0 50 100 150
Fig. 10Potential–time and weight loss curves for painted steel (adapted
from Wormwell and Brasher [94]). (Reprinted with permission.)
518 5 Corrosion Protection

This limitation also makes the method a When compared to other techniques
nonaccelerated one. for corrosion evaluation, EIS has sev-
In the past decade, with the develop- eral advantages:
ment of more refined and more informa-
tive techniques, potential measurements • It gives kinetic information on the cor-
found only very limited application. rosion processes. The use of AC signals
allows the separation between the re- Electrochemical Impedance sistances of charge transfer resistance,
Spectroscopy of the coating itself and of the solution.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy With polarization curves only the polar-
(EIS) is a convenient and effective method ization resistance is measured, which
of assessing the properties and perfor- is the sum of all the resistances in the
mance of organic-coated metal systems. system. The possibility of separation of
The AC impedance of an electrochemical each of those components is of great im-
cell can be determined by applying a sine portance, particularly in highly resistive
wave of potential (V ) of a certain frequency systems, such as organic coatings.
(ω) and measuring the corresponding cur- • It gives mechanistic information. This
rent (I ) flowing across the cell. The ratio is based upon the use of ‘‘equivalent
of potential and current is the impedance circuits’’, which are electronic circuits
of the cell (Z) at the chosen frequency, whose response is identical to that of
according to Ohm’s law: the cell under study.
• It provides information on the proper-
V V0 sin ωt ties of the coating itself, namely its re-
Z= = (18) sistance and capacitance. The changes
I I0 sin(ωt − ϕ)
in these properties have been associated
The phase angle ϕ accounts for the shift with the loss of protective properties.
of the current with respect to the potential, • The technique is nondestructive, in
whereas V0 and I0 are the moduli of contrast with DC polarization curves,
potential and current, respectively. and it provides immediate information
The impedance is given by a complex on the systems, in contrast to exposure
number, with a real (Z  ) and an imaginary of samples in natural environments or
component (Z  ): even in climatic chambers.

Z = Z  − j Z  (19) The greater disadvantages are the difficulty

of interpreting the spectra in an unknown
√ system, and also the need to control the
where j = −1. A spectrum can be
obtained by varying the frequency of the area under measurement, since all the
applied signal, in which case the technique values determined are affected by the
is called EIS. The fundamentals of the extension of the surface.
technique are given in Chapter 7. This
subsection shall deal essentially with the Basic Analysis The easiest way
characteristics of the technique that are of using impedance data is to make visual
specific to polymer-coated systems. The examination of the shape of the spectrum
possibilities of the technique have been and of its evolution with time. In a coated
reviewed by Mansfeld [95]. system of high protection, the Nyquist plot
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 519

comes as an arc of very large diameter electronic AC circuits is required. In this

that cannot be totally defined because of approach, numerical fitting of an equiv-
experimental limitations. alent circuit is made, using appropriate
If water penetrates into the coating, the software. There are a number of equiva-
impedance of the system decreases. In this lent circuits proposed in the literature for
phase, the resistance of the coating de- organic-coated metals [96, 97]. From these,
creases, whereas its capacitance increases only the most relevant will be presented.
with time. Upon prolonged immersion, Figure 12 describes a simple electro-
the initial arc tends to close, approaching chemical cell with a bare metal, in which
the real axis, and a second semicircle devel- the corrosion process is controlled by
ops, corresponding to a corrosion reaction charge transfer. In this circuit, R
is the
underneath the coating. The smaller the ohmic resistance, corresponding to the
semicircles, the lower the resistance of solution in the cell plus the cables and
the corresponding component, revealing a connections. Rct is the charge transfer re-
higher permeability of the coating, a higher sistance and Cdl the capacitance of the
corrosion rate, or the combination of both. double layer at the solution–metal inter-
An example of this evolution is presented face. The Nyquist and Bode plots for this
in Fig. 11. circuit are also presented.
For an electrode with a highly protective Equivalent Circuits For a more film of organic coating, the circuit in
detailed analysis of spectra, the theory of Fig. 13 is usually applied. In this circuit, Cc

109 2
[ohm cm2]

3 −10
107 1

[106 ohm cm2]

104 −6 3

1 −4
2 3 4
Phase angle

−60 −2

−30 0 2 4 6 8 10
−15 Zreal
[106 ohm cm2]
10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104
Fig. 11 Evolution of the impedance spectrum of organic-coated zinc during immersion in NaCl
solution, after: (1) 6 h; (2) 2 days; (3) 7 days; and (4) 32 days.
520 5 Corrosion Protection

104 −90


103 −60

Phase angle
[ohm cm2]


102 −30


101 0
10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105
(a) [Hz]


[ohm cm2]

−600 RΩ




0 200 400 600 800 1000
(b) [ohm cm2]
Fig. 12 Impedance spectrum and equivalent circuit for a metallic
electrode undergoing a corrosion process ((a) Bode plot, (b) Nyquist

is the capacitance of the coating and Rc the thickness, and A the exposed area of the
resistance of the film to ionic conduction. electrode under test. The coating resis-
If the coating is considered as a dielectric, tance, Rc , accounts for the ionic conduc-
then its capacitance is given by: tion along preferential paths across the
coating. In new coatings, this resistance
ε · ε0 · A
Cc = (20) often exceeds the capabilities of the mea-
d suring equipment. The solution resistance
where ε0 is the permittivity of free space R
cannot usually be measured, since it
(ε0 = 8.85 × 10−14 F cm−1 ), ε the dielec- becomes masked by the coating capaci-
tric constant of the polymer, d the coating tance in the working range of frequencies.
1012 −90

1011 3
109 Rc



[ohm cm2]
Phase angle
107 Cc

[108 ohm cm2]


104 0 0
10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 0 1 2 3
Frequency Zreal
[Hz] [108 ohm cm2]


Coating Cc Rc


Fig. 13 Impedance spectrum and equivalent circuit for organic-coated metal without apparent degradation. Notice the high impedance of the coating.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings
109 −90 20

108 −75
107 −60
5 Corrosion Protection


−45 10


[ohm cm2]

Phase angle
[105 ohm cm2]
105 Cc −30
104 −15

103 0 0
10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency Zreal
[Hz] [105 ohm cm2]



Coating Cc Cdl Rct


Fig. 14 Impedance spectrum and equivalent circuit for organic-coated metal, with corrosion occurring under the blisters.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 523

In the case of corrosion underneath the the two separated corrosion areas. Since
coating, at disbonded or blistered areas, the high frequency limit of the measur-
both the coating and the corrosion pro- ing equipment usually does not exceed
cesses underneath can be detected. The 105 Hz, part of the spectrum may be out of
circuit usually applied and the correspond- the working frequency window. The posi-
ing spectra are presented in Fig. 14. It tioning of the various processes may also
is interesting to note that the resistance be shifted in the spectrum, resulting in
is usually not detected in the range some overlapping of the time constants.
of frequencies tested, since it is masked A numerical simulation of this circuit is
by the coating capacitance. The coating presented in Fig. 16.
capacitance has very low values, usually The equivalent circuits described above
in the range 10−10 –10−9 F cm−2 , whereas are capable of describing most painted
a double layer capacitance can be taken systems. Nevertheless, interpretation may
as 20–60 µF cm−2 . A more complicated sometimes be difficult, particularly after
circuit was proposed by Hirayama and long exposure periods, when large quanti-
Haruyama [98], to account for large pores ties of corrosion products accumulate on
or defects in the coating (Fig. 15). In this the surface. Another difficulty for the tech-
circuit, corrosion processes are considered nique is associated with the existence of
in two areas in parallel: underneath the blisters under intact coatings. In fact, for
blisters and at the defects. The defects highly dielectric coatings, free of pores, the
are described by a charge transfer resis- very high impedance of the coating masks
tance Rctp and a double layer capacitance the electrochemical processes underneath.
Cdlp , at the bottom of the defect, and a To circumvent the problem of the high
resistance for ionic migration through the impedance of the coating between the ref-
defects, Rp . If there are several defects – or erence electrode and the metal polymer in-
several large pores – the model describes terface, Scantlebury made measurements
them as one single defect having the to- using an artificial blister [82], whereas
tal area of the defects. The spectrum is Feser and Stratmann developed a setup in
characterized by having the time constant which the reference electrode was directly
related with the coating at the high fre- placed at the interface [31]. This experi-
quencies, followed by the responses of mental setup consisted of one reference


Cdlp Rctp
Coating Cc Cdl Rct

Fig. 15 Equivalent circuit for a coated metal with corrosion at defects on the
surface and also underneath blisters.
5 Corrosion Protection

−100 000
106 −90

105 −75 000
−50 000


[ohm cm2]


[ohm cm2]
Phase angle
−25 000

101 0 0
10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 0 25000 50000 75000 100000
Frequency Zreal
[Hz] [ohm cm2]

Fig. 16 Simulated spectrum using the circuit in Fig. 15. Values used in the simulation: R
= 100
cm2 ; Cc = 4 × 10−9 F cm−2 ; Rc = 1 × 105
cm2 ;
Cdl = 2 × 10−6 F cm−2 ; Rct = 6.5 × 105
cm2 ; Rp = 2 × 103
cm2 ; Cdlp = 5 × 10−8 F cm−2 ; Rctp = 9 × 104 F cm−2 . The dashed vertical line
corresponds to a typical high frequency limit of the measurements.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 525

electrode located at the metal–polymer 0 is the double layer capacitance

In this, Cdl
interface and a second one positioned in of a totally delaminated surface.
front of the coating. Although this setup Apart from these, a few other items
is interesting for fundamental studies, it concerning organic coatings have also
is too sophisticated for the evaluation of been addressed in the literature. In a series
technical systems. of publications, de Wit and coworkers [40,
56, 100] have addressed the subjects Relevant Parameters In addi- of curing of coatings and protective
tion to the mechanistic information, rel- mechanisms of pigments, water uptake,
evant parameters can be obtained, related and loss of adhesion.
with the corrosion and/or loss of protective The properties of freestanding films,
properties of the coating. particularly the water permeation, have
The coating capacitance Cc is sensitive to also been addressed and compared with
water absorption. The dielectric constant the behavior of supported films [38, 54].
of polymer coatings is usually in the Apart from water and ions, other fac-
range 4–7, whereas for water at 20 ◦ C it tors contribute to the degradation of
is approximately 80. Consequently, water organic coatings. Ultraviolet radiation,
uptake results in an increase of the often combined with oxygen exposure,
coating capacitance, according to Eq. (20). lead to modifications in the polymeric
Bellucci and Nicodemo [45] have made chains, decreasing the barrier properties
a theoretical approach of the subject. A of the coatings. Bonora and cowork-
review of several models proposed for ers [101] have observed a rise of water
the determination of water absorption permeability as a consequence of coating
as well as experimental comparison was irradiation.
made by Lindqvist [53], who observed Other problems have been investigated
that for a large number of coatings in recent years, such as the effect of
and for the conditions under test, the mechanical strain on the loss of protective
best agreement with gravimetric results properties [102, 103], or the delamination
was obtained with the Brasher–Kingsbury starting from cut edges [104].
equation [55]:

log[Cc (t)/Cc (0)] Electrochemical Noise

φ= (21) Generally speaking, the term ‘‘noise’’
describes the random fluctuations of a
in which φ is the volume fraction of wa- property around a mean value. Noise can
ter in the coating and Cc (t) and Cc (0) are be of various kinds, from acoustic to
the coating capacitance at an instant t and meteorological, or even associated with the
of the dry coating, respectively. This last rotation speed of planets.
parameter is obtained from extrapolation The first studies on electrical noise
to t = 0. From the double layer capaci- in physical systems were due to Ein-
tance, Cdl , the fraction of the surface with stein [105]. In the 1960s, Hagyard and
loss of adhesion, D, can also be deter- Williams [106] were the first to report
mined [99]: electrochemical noise, observed as fluc-
Cdl tuations of the potential of aluminum im-
D= 0 (22)
Cdl mersed in a potassium chloride solution.
526 5 Corrosion Protection

Iverson reported the first observation of When only the potential measurements
potential noise associated with metallic are taken, it is sufficient to measure the
corrosion [107]. He also observed that the potential between two identical electrodes
noise could be decreased by the addition or between the electrode under test and
of a corrosion inhibitor. a reference. By taking discrete measure-
The fluctuations of potential – potential ments during a certain period of time, a
noise – and of current – current noise – ‘‘time record’’ of potential or of current is
can be made independently or together. obtained.
The current measurements are made be- The first step in the analysis of the data
tween two identical electrodes coupled consists in removing the DC trend, leav-
by means of a zero resistance ammeter ing only the fluctuations [108] (Fig. 18).
(ZRA), which keeps them at the same Because of the nature of the measure-
potential. If potential and current are ments, the influence of instrumental
followed simultaneously, then the poten- noise is of major importance, and it
tial measurements are made between the is therefore essential either to mini-
coupled electrodes and a third electrode mize the spurious noise by adjusting
(Fig. 17). This third electrode can be either the setup [109] or to remove the instru-
a reference electrode, such as the saturated mental noise from the ‘‘noise signal’’ of
calomel electrode (SCE), or even identical the electrochemical system. This subject
to those of the pair connected to the ZRA. has been discussed earlier by Epelboin

Salt bridge

WE 1 WE 2


High impedance buffer

3-electrode cell Potential (volts)

− Fig. 17 Arrangement for

V = i (couple) R simultaneous potential and
ZRA current noise measurements:
(a) experimental setup and
(b) (b) electronic configuration.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 527

−612 2
Potential (SCE)



−616 0
−618 −1
−620 −2
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Time Time
(a) [s] (b) [s]

Fig. 18 Potential–time record: (a) as obtained and (b) after DC trend removal.

and coworkers [110], and more recently by analyzed are:

Bertocci and Huet [111].
The most simple attempts to quan- 1
fmax = (23)
tify noise and correlate it with corrosion 2 t
rates were based on the standard devia-
tion either of the potential – σ (V ) – or of and
the current – σ (I ) [112–114]. Those val- 1
ues were then compared with the cor- fmin = (24)
M t
rosion rate, determined by some other
method. In practice, spectral noise plots can be
In a different approach, the time record obtained only in a frequency range that is
of potential or current is converted into more limited than in EIS. On the high-
a power spectral density (PSD), which is frequency side, the limit is imposed by the
the distribution of the power in the fre- instrumental noise, whereas in the low-
quency domain. This transformation is frequency region, the time of acquisition
usually made by means of the fast Fourier becomes very long [118].
transform (FFT) algorithm [115]. Alter- The noise signal has been studied in
natively, the maximum entropy method a variety of situations, and it has been
(MEM) can also be used [116], although associated with localized rupture in passi-
with some limitations [117]. In corro- vating oxides [119–121] and with hydrogen
sion systems, both the potential noise bubbling on a corroding electrode [115].
and current noise are of the 1/f type, Reviews of the applications of the tech-
that is, the maximum occurs at low nique have been made by Dawson [122]
frequencies. and by Eden [123].
The range of frequencies depends on the The technique was first applied to or-
sampling interval t (typically t = 0.5 s) ganic coatings by Skerry and Eden [124],
and on the number of readings M of a who proposed the concept of noise resis-
time record (usually 1024). The maximum tance Rn as the ratio between the standard
and minimum frequencies that can be deviations of the potential and current
528 5 Corrosion Protection

noise, in an analogy with Ohm’s law: Comparison between noise and impe-
dance measurements has shown a reason-
σ (V ) able agreement between the spectral noise
Rn = (25)
σ (I ) plots and the impedance plots. Mansfeld
The noise resistance has given consistent and Lee [132] also concluded that although
trends when compared with the coat- for very protective polymer coatings, Rn
ing resistance from impedance measure- did not have a relationship to a particular
ments [125]. Some authors also suggest coating property, for degraded coatings the
that Rn corresponds to the polarization re- noise resistance was identical to the po-
sistance, which encompasses the coating, larization resistance. This, however, was
the charge transfer and also the diffusion limited to the cases in which the PSD
processes [124]. plots of potential and current had the same
Provided the potential and current data slopes.
are acquired simultaneously, it is possible Mills and Mabbutt have pointed out
to obtain spectral noise plots for each of that accurate determination of Rn requires
them, and another resistance, Rsn , can also that the statistical distribution of the
be defined [126, 127]: intensity of the fluctuations should have
a Gaussian distribution about the mean
 Vn (f )  intensity [130]. These authors observed

Rsn (f ) =   (26)
In (f )  that in situations of competition between
passivity and inhibition, a non-Gaussian,
Vn (f ) and In (f ) are the power spectral bimodal distribution could occur, and
distributions of potential and current, suggested that a second parameter in
respectively, obtained by the FFT or addition to Rn might be appropriate.
the MEM method. The spectral noise The technique was successfully applied
0 , is determined [128] as the
resistance, Rsn to monitoring at remote test sites, under
DC limit of the plot of Rsn (f ): computer control and data transmission to
the laboratory via modem [133]. Another
Rsn = lim Rsn (f ) (27) interesting application is the ranking of
f →0
organic coatings, based on the principle
From the plot of log – Rsn versus log f , that a high Rn corresponds to a good
the slope m can be determined. Changes performance [134, 135].
in this slope have also been related with A recent approach to electrochemical
coating degradation [129]. noise, based upon fractal analysis, was
From the studies of several authors [130, proposed by Greisiger and Schauer [136].
131], it can be concluded that a decrease of Although the principles of electrochemi-
Rn and Rsn is associated with the onset cal noise are reasonably well understood,
of corrosion. However, if two identical there is still some controversy regard-
electrodes are used, this decrease may ing the information that can be extracted
only be observed when both electrodes are from the results. The technique may pos-
affected by corrosion. This was explained sibly work as an alternative to EIS for
by the circumstance that the electrodes are high impedance coatings [134], when the
placed in series, and therefore the electrode impedance of the coating exceeds the capa-
with the higher impedance controls the bilities of the measuring equipment. On
response of the pair [118]. the other hand, the equipment required
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 529

is cheaper than for EIS, which is another Measuring local electrode potentials by
advantage. From an experimental stand- means of scanning reference electrodes
point, the technique is also quite attractive. has a long history in electrochemistry. Re-
It is nondestructive, data acquisition is cently, the development of the scanning
easy, and, provided a simple analysis is vibrating electrode technique (SVET) led to
made, reasonable information can be ob- the utilization of localized current density
tained with relatively small expertise. Up maps to detect local defects in an organic
to present, however, the questions that still coating after forming or to measure the
arise on the interpretation of results jus- activity of cut edges in corrosive environ-
tify the fact that it is mostly used as a ments [137–140]. The local measurement
complement to other techniques. of currents cannot overcome the inherent
difficulty to measure through insulating Scanning Reference Electrode layers but helps to understand the origin
Techniques of defects and the influence of inhibitors
Defects in organic coatings may origi- and pigments on the activity of these de-
nate from the production process (e.g. cut fects. The fundamentals of the scanning
edges, forming induced defects) or from electrode techniques are given in Chap-
mechanical impact (e.g. stone chipping). ter 7. The local mapping of currents thus
However, coatings may possess ionic con- provides insight into the existence and dis-
ductive pathways or ionic residuals, which tribution of defects and galvanic currents
are located at the interface so that corrosion at cut edges. Moreover, it is an interesting
starts at not visibly damaged sites of the tool to study the effect of active corrosion
coating. Since EIS is, a priori, an integral pigments in organic coatings as shown
method it can detect the existence of such recently [139–141].
defects but it cannot assign it to certain The following schematic representation
points on the examined surface. The idea in Fig. 19 shows the application of the
of a local measurement is to examine areas SVET for two types of defects in a polymer
separately that differ in their local activity. coating on galvanized steel.

0 O2 OH−

(a) (b) Zn Fe
Fig. 19 Schematic current distributions for polymer-coated steel above a scratch (a) and
a cut edge and (b) of galvanized steel.
530 5 Corrosion Protection

In Fig. 19(a), a defect in a polymer scans across the cut edge of asymmet-
coating on a metal substrate is shown. rically coated samples showed a marked
The anodic dissolution in the defect leads displacement of cathodic activity to the
to a positive current peak. The intact side were the organic coating is thin-
polymer-coated area shows zero current. ner. The authors moreover observed that
A second important situation, a cut edge the anodic current is increased on the
of coil-coated galvanized steel, is shown side with the thicker coating compared to
in Fig. 19(b). The zinc dissolution leads to both symmetrically coated samples. The
a positive peak while the area of oxygen separation of anodic area and cathodic
reduction on the cathodically protected area stayed almost constant in the asym-
steel surface is characterized by a broad metric case whereas both symmetrically
negative current peak. The activation, coated samples showed a current profile
distribution, and passivation of these local that seemed to diminish with time, espe-
anodes and cathodes can now be studied cially for the thicker coating. The authors
by the SVET as a function of coating argue with an establishment of a differen-
compositions. tial aeration cell in the asymmetric case
Isaacs and coworkers measured the dis- to explain the distinct behavior of this
tribution of current density on scribed, coating system. The observed faster de-
lamination of the thinner coating in the
painted zinc-coated steel during early
asymmetric case is explained by a predom-
stages of exposure in sodium chloride
inant oxygen reduction where the coating
and sodium sulfate solution [142]. Sam-
is thinner.
ples were electroplated steel and steel with
Localized electrochemical impedance
hot-dipped 55% Al −1.6% Si – balance
spectroscopy (LEIS) technique has been
Zn alloy. Different kinds of defects
applied to study the local ac solution
such as shallow scratches to the coat-
current density above a polymer-coated
ing, deep scratches to the underlying
specimen surface [144, 145]. Carbon steel
steel, and those after mechanical deforma- samples were polished, cleaned and than
tion of the coated surface were prepared. contaminated by dropping a small amount
The current distributions in the defect of NaCl solution in the center of the
area were dependent on the kind of specimen. After drying, the sample was
scratch that was produced and the change coated with an epoxy resin. Impedance
with the time of exposure in the NaCl measurements were done in a dilute NaCl
solution. solution. The authors revealed that even
Worsley and coworkers utilized an SVET above a visible blister underneath the coat-
to investigate the corrosion at cut edges of ing an impedance spectrum almost equal
coil-coated steel [143]. Samples were hot- to that of the intact area is measured by
dip galvanized steel, chromate treated and LEIS as long as the coating itself is in-
coated on both sides by a 5-µm epoxy- tact. The reason is the high impedance
based polymer. A 140-µm PVC laminate of the coating in series with the low
coating was applied to one or both sides of impedance of the interface in the contam-
the sheet to produce asymmetrically and inated region. A smaller change observed
symmetrically coated samples. Measure- directly above the blister was assigned
ments were done in 0.86 M NaCl solution. to a local change in the capacitance of
Interestingly, the measurements of line the coating.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 531 The Application of the Scanning following result is obtained for the corre-
Kelvin Probe lation of the corrosion potential Ecorr and
As reported in Chapter 7, the SKP allows the measured Volta potential difference
one to overcome the difficulty of con-  [150]:
ventional reference electrode techniques,
which require a conducting path between  
WRef Ref Ref
the reference electrode and the working ECorr = − χPol − ε1/2 + Pol
electrode. In principle, the Kelvin probe (28)
measures the work function of a sam- where WRef is the work function of the
ple using the vibrating condenser method. reference metal, χPol is the surface dipole
Under certain circumstances, the work potential of the polymer, and ε1/2 Ref is the
function is determined by the electrode half-cell potential of the reference metal.
potential, and therefore the Kelvin probe Similar to an electrolyte-covered metal
is able to measure local electrode or cor- surface, an electrode potential of the inner
rosion potentials. The major advantage of interface would be measured. However,
the Kelvin probe in comparison to conven- the physical meaning of this electrode po-
tional reference electrodes is the fact, that tential is not as obvious, as it cannot be
it measures electrode potentials without interpreted by conventional electrochemi-
touching the surface under investigation cal kinetics. The electrode potential could
across a dielectric medium of infinite resis-
in the absence of any faradaic currents be
tance. In the case of organic coatings, this
determined by dipole orientation of seg-
means that the SKP measures the electro-
ments of the polymer chain. If, however,
chemical potentials at the polymer–metal
interface with high spatial resolution.
A relation between the Volta potential Metal Polymer Gas Reference
difference sample and the corrosion po-
tential of the corroding interface exists,
which must be derived for different in- ∆Ψ Pol
terfaces of interest. For polymer-coated
materials, the Kelvin probe provides infor-
mation on the potential distribution at the
inner buried interface [59, 85, 146–149].
In Fig. 20(a and b), the potential distribu-
(a) ∆ΦMet
Pol cPol cRef
tions across a metal–polymer composite
are schematically shown for different cor- Metal Polymer Gas Reference
rosion situations [147]. Metal–Polymer–Humid ∆Ψ Pol


Air For nonhighly oriented polymers

with rather small dipole potential, the
Fig. 20 Diagram of the Galvani
potential between the polymer-coated
substrate and the reference electrode ∆ΦMet
Pol cPol cRef
for: (a) a polymer-coated metal and
(b) ∆ΦD
(b) a delaminated polymer.
532 5 Corrosion Protection

faradaic currents like the reduction of oxy- humid air is valid for a delaminated inter-
gen are possible at the inner interface then face where an electrolyte layer is formed
the interface will be polarized until the rate between the substrate and the polymer.
of the oxygen reduction is negligible. This D is called the membrane or Donnan
is true, for example, for polymer-coated potential, and is directly associated with
gold surfaces. the preferential incorporation of ions into
the polymeric matrix [149, 152, 153]. The System Metal–Oxide–Polymer– following correlation exists between the
Humid Air Usually, at atmospheric con- Volta potential difference and the corro-
ditions reactive metals are covered with sion potential [150]:
a thin native metal oxide. Consequently, WRef Ref
the real polymer–metal interface consists ECorr = − χPol − ε1/2
of an interfacial inorganic nonmetallic
layer, which influences the reactivity of the + D + Pol (31)
composite system. In this case, the Volta
potential difference is given by Ref. [150] Therefore, the Volta potential differ-
ence Pol Ref allows one to measure
Pol = Me Ox
Ox + Ox + Pol
the corrosion potential at the inner
metal–electrolyte interface buried below
1 Me WRef
− µ − + χPol (29) the polymeric coating only if the Don-
F e F nan potential is known or small. Usually,
where  is the respective Galvani the Donnan potential is significant for
potential difference and µe is the chemical polymers with a high density of fixed
potential of the electron. charges (ion exchange membranes), as
If the Volta potential drop across the ox- polymers with fixed cationic functional
ide layer is substituted by the correspond- groups will exchange exclusively anions
ing change in chemical composition, for and vice versa [153, 154]. Lacquers used
example, for oxide-covered iron, then for for corrosion protection may have some
an iron substrate polref is:
fixed ionic groups; however, their concen-
tration is orders of magnitudes lower than
µ0Fe3+ /Fe3+ that of typical ion exchange membranes.
Pol =− + Ox
WRef Sample Preparation for SKP Mea-
− + χPol surements Presuppositions for Kelvin
probe measurements on polymer-coated
RT [Fe3+ ]
+ ln (30) metals are that:
F [Fe2+ ]
• no electric surface charge exists on the
Thus, the Volta potential difference repre- polymer coating,
sents the oxidation level within the oxide • no electrolyte covers the coating surface
scale at the metal–polymer interface [151]. that is in contact with the metal
substrate, System Metal–Metal Oxide–Ele- • an electronic equilibrium exists be-
ctrolyte–Polymer–Humid Air The system tween the coatings surface and the
metal–metal oxide–electrolyte–polymer– metal substrate.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 533

Thus, the polymer surface has to be clean of the n-type semiconductor [155, 156].
and often it has to be in its swollen state. Furthermore, during reduction of the
Careful sample preparation is thus needed oxide, the base material will be oxidized
to avoid misinterpretation of data. and this may limit the adhesion of the
5.4.3 • During the electron transfer, very re-
Corrosion Mechanisms of Polymer-coated active intermediates and reaction prod-
Metals ucts are formed that will chemically re-
act with the interfacial layer. It is shown
Electrochemical reactions that lead to a below that major reaction products such
degradation of the metal–polymer in- as OH− ions, which are generated dur-
terface are influenced by the following ing the reduction of molecular oxygen,
properties: the electron transfer properties are of significance for the delamina-
at the interface, the redox properties of the tion process. Certain materials such as
oxide between the metal and the polymer iron are very stable under those alka-
and the chemical stability of the inter- line conditions, whereas others such
face with respect to those species, which as aluminum or zinc are covered with
are formed during the electron transfer oxides that are unstable in alkaline elec-
reaction. trolytes [75].

• The rate of electron transfer reactions Accordingly, it must be expected that

(ETRs) is strongly influenced by the steel, zinc-coated steel, aluminum and
surface composition of the metal. As magnesium will behave rather differently
most materials are covered by oxides, according to their respective electronic,
their electronic properties will deter- redox, and chemical surface properties.
mine the rate of ETR. Therefore, metals
that are covered by electron conduct- Corrosion of Polymer-coated Iron
ing or semiconducting oxides such as
iron or zinc will show a higher ETR Introduction While currently a
rate at the substrate–polymer interface steadily increasing amount of steel sheet is
in comparison to materials that form coated by a zinc or zinc alloy coating prior
highly insulating oxides such as alu- to the application of an organic coating
minum. (see Chapter 5.5), for steel structures there
• Certain oxides are characterized by is no alternative to using painted low alloy
a fixed ratio of anions and cations steel. Moreover, painted steel structures
(e.g. Al2 O3 ), whereas others have a such as bridges, piers, and pipelines are
strongly potential dependent compo- exposed to extremely hostile environments
sition such as iron oxides due to such as salt spray, rain, high humidity, UV
the flipping of valence states (Fe2+ , radiation, and extremes of temperature.
Fe3+ ) in the cation sublattice. Any Under atmospheric conditions, iron is
change of the electrode potential is covered by an ultrathin n-semiconducting
reflected in a change of the valence oxide (see Chapter 3.2). This thin oxide can
states and this will change the semi- be directly coated with an organic coating
conducting properties, as, for example, or the oxide sometimes is first replaced by
Fe2+ -states can be regarded as donors a conversion coating (see Chapter 5.3). The
534 5 Corrosion Protection

conversion coating increases the corrosion or it is induced by the separation of the

stability of the organically coated iron anodic and cathodic reaction sites. The
surface significantly. cathodic reaction underneath the organic
Polymer-coated mild steel can exhibit coating leads to a deterioration of the
two fundamental corrosion processes: interfacial zone and thereby leads to a
deadhesion of the organic coating from
• cathodic delamination and the iron substrate.
• filiform corrosion, An overview of the mechanism for ca-
thodic delamination was published by Lei-
depending on the corrosive conditions.
dheiser and coworkers [157]. The authors
While cathodic delamination is the process
described in detail the influence of various
that is most often found under atmo-
parameters such as oxygen concentration,
spheric conditions, certain situations may
water permeability of the coating, and the
lead to anodic undermining. Typical pic-
diffusion coefficient of cations on the de-
tures of these two corrosion forms are
lamination kinetics. At the beginning of
shown in Fig. 21.
the 1990s, Stratmann and coworkers used
The cathodic delamination mechanism the SKP to measure locally the corrosion
is discussed in detail in Sect. potentials underneath an organic coating
while the FFC on iron is discussed together on iron. These measurements proved the
with FFC on aluminum in Sect. mechanism presented by Leidheiser and
because of the similar mechanisms. coworkers and, moreover, provided ad-
ditional information on the reactivity of Cathodic Delamination on Poly- the metal surface underneath the coat-
mer-coated Iron Certain areas at the ing and the spatial distribution of anodes
metal–polymer interface may become and cathodes.
sufficiently cathodic to promote a cathodic In Fig. 22, a potential map of the
reaction underneath the coating. This SKP shows a typical situation during the
cathodic polarization might be the result cathodic undermining of polymer-coated
of a purposely induced polarization, for iron. In the presence of oxygen, the
example, cathodic protection of pipelines electrode potential of the metal–polymer

1 mm 1 mm

(a) (b)
Fig. 21 Microscopic pictures of: (a) cathodic delamination and (b) FFC on
polymer-coated iron.
250 150 250
150 50



250 −50

−50 150 50

115 h









−1 00


− 00

− 00



−1 00

−1 00
4 0

60 0

− 00

− 00
2 0

4 0

−8 00

− 00
2 0

−6 00

− 00
−4 00

−6 00
t efect

−4 00
to defec ce to d
Distance m] Distan [µm]



Fig. 22 Typical potential maps above a delaminating organic coating on iron as measured with SKP as a function of time in humid air. The defect (filled
with 0.5 M KCl) is located on the left. The mapping covers the area from the defect border to the intact area.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings
536 5 Corrosion Protection

interface changes in a well-defined manner extremely small and no further anodic po-
with increasing distance from the defect: tential shift is observed. This is the actual
close to the defect the potential is negative, potential as measured by the Kelvin probe.
whereas far away from the defect rather This transient of the anodic potential shift
anodic potentials are observed (Fig. 22). therefore is determined by the capability
For most coatings, the steep increase of of the surface for ETR. It has been shown
the electrode potential also marks the that an appropriate surface treatment de-
delamination front, and the region of creases the rate of this anodic potential
rather anodic potentials represents the shift dramatically up to a point where no
intact interface. The physical origin of the further anodic shift is observed because of
sudden change of the electrode potential a completely blocked interface (Fig. 38).
is, however, given by the migration of The sudden potential step at the delam-
ions from the defect into the interface ination front marks the most interesting
that results in the polarization of the position, as here reactions will occur that
highly polarizable interface to the potential are responsible for the loss of adhesion.
of the nonpolarizable defect [147]. This As discussed before, the potential step is
was shown by Leng and Stratmann who caused by the ingress of ions into the in-
measured potential profiles underneath terface and the galvanic coupling of the
interface to the defect. The cathodic poten-
the organic coating in the absence of
tial step also marks the partial reduction
oxygen by means of a SKP. The missing
of the iron oxide and the increase in its
galvanic current led to an equipotential
donor density. Obviously, this must result
area underneath the organic coating [147].
in an increase in the rate of the electron
When the partial pressure of oxygen was
transfer. Surface analysis reveals no anodic
suddenly increased, again the potential in
activity in this area, as no thick oxide lay-
the zone where ions were incorporated in
ers are found in the delaminated area [85].
the interface was shifted back to rather
The anodic counterreaction of the oxygen
positive values. reduction therefore must be the dissolu-
The three regions clearly seen in Fig. 22 tion of the base material within the defect.
shall be discussed separately. The intact in- Indeed, a galvanic current has been mea-
terface is characterized by an anodic poten- sured between both sites [148] and oxygen
tial plateau. This plateau results from the is reduced within the zone marked by the
high electronic conductivity of the oxide- potential increase. Between the defect and
covered iron surface, which allows ETR the steep potential increase, a steady po-
but no ion transfer reactions. Therefore, tential increase to more anodic values is
oxygen will be reduced at this interface observed. Experiments have proven that
and this reaction is balanced by the anodic the steady potential increase is linked to
oxidation of the oxide. As the electrode the galvanic current between defect and
potential of the oxide is given by the activ- the frontier of incorporation of ions, and
ity of Fe2+ and Fe3+ states, any oxidation is measured only if oxygen will be reduced
results in an anodic potential shift accom- within the latter zone [85, 147, 148].
panied by a steady decrease of the donor In order to compensate the charge,
density and therefore by a decreasing rate soluble cations have to migrate to the
of the ETR. Above a certain anodic poten- zone of oxygen reduction. On the other
tial, the rate of the oxygen reduction is hand, negative ions such as chlorides are
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 537

repelled from the delamination zone. This Wroblowa [158] who proposed as an initial
is confirmed by spatially resolved X-ray step of the reaction
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) mea-
surements, which reveal the distribution O2 − + R − H −−−→ R• + HO2 − (32)
of chlorides and sodium ions underneath
and as a subsequent reaction mechanism
the coating after the separation of the lat-
ter from the iron substrate (Fig. 23). The R• + O2 −−−→ ROO• (33)
electrochemical situation is summarized
in Fig. 24. ROO• + R − H −−−→ ROOH + R• (34)

Besides the chemical attack of oxygen re- Degradation of the Interface by duction products on the organic layer,
the Oxygen Reduction Process During it has been discussed by several authors
oxygen reduction, a strongly alkaline elec- that a change in the oxide thickness due
trolyte is formed that stabilizes the oxide to the high pH of about 12–14 is also
on the metal. Therefore, anodic metal dis- possible, and contributes to the delamina-
solution is never observed within the zones tion process [160, 161]. However, in situ
described above. As the galvanic element XPS measurements showed that, even in
obviously does not destroy the metallic alkaline media, a significant iron oxide re-
substrate, the delamination of the organic duction is possible only at potentials more
coating is only caused by bond breaking negative than −0.8 VSHE [162].
within the organic zone. It has indeed been
proven that intermediate radicals such as Corrosion of Polymer-coated Zinc
HO2 − , OH, and O2 − form during oxygen and Galvanized Steel
reduction [158] and may contribute to the
oxidation of the organic layer [84, 159]. Cathodic Delamination on Poly-
The mechanism of oxidative degradation mer-coated Zinc The situation described
of the polymer was postulated by for polymer-coated iron and steel is also



60 Fe

40 Cl


−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Distance to defect
Fig. 23 Distribution of ions from the defect to the
delamination front as measured by means of small spot XPS
after the removal of the organic coating [76]. (Reprinted with
538 5 Corrosion Protection

O2 H2O
Na+, Cl−

Inorganic layer ∆φ
(e.g. Fe-oxide)

i i

∆ϕ ∆ϕ

(b) (i) (ii)

Fe → Fe2+ + 2e− 1/2 O2 + 2 e− + H2O → 2 OH−




Fig. 24 Principal corrosion model explaining the formation of a
galvanic element in case of cathodic delamination on
polymer-coated iron. (a) Cross section through a metal–polymer
interface with a defect in the polymer coating; (b) overview of the
polarization curves at the defect (i), the intact interface (ii); and
the situation after galvanic coupling of the parts (c).

typical for a zinc–polymer interface. Like and therefore, the oxygen reduction will
iron, zinc is covered by n-semiconducting result in an oxidation of the zinc oxide layer
oxides and therefore oxygen reduction is until the electronic properties are such that
possible at the oxide surface. Polymer- no further electron transfer is possible. If,
coated galvanized steel is of considerably however, the atmosphere is changed to an
higher technological interest than coated oxygen-free one, then a rapid increase of
zinc. However, as long as the defect will the electrode potential is observed even
only penetrate the coating and zinc is for the intact interface (Fig. 25), whereas
still present at the defect the situation is for iron the potential is stable for rather
identical to the one of pure zinc, which can long times.
be used as a model substrate. The potential transient underneath
For the intact polymer–zinc interface, the organic coating proves that oxy-
the anodic partial reaction is suppressed gen reduction is possible underneath the
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 539

Change from argon

−100 to oxygen atmosphere


−450 zinc/zinc oxide
−500 zinc/zinc oxide/organic coating
0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 25 Change of the electrode potential of oxide-covered zinc and
polymer-coated oxide-covered zinc (UV-cured organic clear coat) after a
change of the atmosphere from humid argon to humid air (at t = 0).

organic coating. It can be assumed that the Obviously, a large potential difference
following reactions take place within the between the active metal surface in
zinc oxide the defect (ca. −0.8 VSHE ) and the in-
tact zinc–polymer interface is observed.
Zn −−−→ Znoxide + + eoxide − (35) Between these areas, a steep potential
Znoxide 2+ −
+ eoxide −−−→ Znoxide +
(36) increase marks the location of the delam-
ination front. The potential maps indicate
The concentration of ionized zinc intersti- that, as for polymer-coated iron, a cathodic
tials in the zinc oxide crystal lattice thereby reaction leads to the delamination of the
reflect the polarization by the oxygen re- coating. Fürbeth and Stratmann proved
duction. the cathodic mechanism by small spot XPS
As soon as ions are incorporated into analysis of the delaminated surface [83].
the interface, a galvanic element is set While no chloride was detected in the de-
up between the defect and the adjacent laminated region, the amount of sodium
polymer–metal interface. The potential of decreased from a high value near the de-
the interface is polarized to more negative fect to a small value at the front of the
values and oxygen will be reduced. delamination. The distribution of sodium
Figure 26 shows three typical two- ions was in total agreement with the po-
dimensional potential distributions under- tential maps.
neath a clear coat as measured with an However, in contrast to iron oxides, zinc
SKP as a function of time in vicinity of an oxides are less stable within the induced
artificial defect [83]. alkaline environment. Auger electron
540 5 Corrosion Protection

123 min

−300 −300


−900 −900
−50 4
500 300 000

200 0

y ]


0 100

] e

m th
0 0

[µ m

724 min

−300 −300



−900 −900
−50 4
500 300 000
200 0
y ]



0 100
] e

m th

0 0
[µ m

1358 min

−300 −300



−900 −900
−50 4
500 300 000
200 0
y ]



0 100
] e

m th

0 0
[µ m

Fig. 26 Typical two-dimensional potential profiles on a

polymer-covered zinc substrate as measured with the SKP in air
(95% relative humidity) for different corrosion times (as
indicated) with 0.5 M NaCl at the defect [83]. (Reprinted with

spectroscopy (AES) sputter profiles mea- a change to an oxygen-free atmosphere

sured within the delaminated zone prove (Fig. 27). Zinc potential profiles show a
the significant growth of the oxide scale, strong cathodic potential shift within the
which indicates anodic reactions [83]. This zone, which had been assigned to the area
behavior is also reflected in potential pro- of oxygen reduction before. The potential
files measured with the Kelvin probe after shift even inverts the potential difference
−200 Time (min)
−300 2710 min air
5 min N2
−400 10 min N2
15 min N2
−500 25 min N2
−600 60 min N2
190 min N2

−700 280 min N2
640 min N2

Potential (SHE)
−800 1360 min N2
0 −2000 −4000 −6000 −8000 −10 000 0 −2000 −4000 −6000 −8000 −10 000
Distance from the defect Distance from the defect
[µm] [µm]

E = E0 + ln Zn2+

RT [Zn(OH)4]2− RT
E = E0 + ln E = E0 + ln Zn2+
2F ([OH−])4 2F

Fig. 27 Potential profiles as measured with SKP on partly delaminated polymer-coated zinc sample after a change of the atmosphere from air to pure
nitrogen; corrosion time before the change: 2710 min; corrosion times since change as indicated [83]. The Nernst equations explain the local potentials
in the absence of oxygen. (Reprinted with permission.)
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings
542 5 Corrosion Protection

between the defect and the frontier of function leading to a cathodic protection of
ion incorporation: now the potential in steel. For applications in the automotive,
the latter position is 400 mV more nega- household and building industries, the
tive than the potential within the defect. metal coating is additionally covered by
This observation is not caused by an in- organic coatings leading to a so-called
version of the galvanic element as in the duplex system [4]. Scratches might lead to
absence of oxygen no galvanic current defects down to zinc or even iron. Both
flows between the defect and the interface. situations are schematically presented in
The electrode potentials are only defined Fig. 29(a and b).
by the thermodynamic equilibrium poten- In case the metallic coating is penetrated
tial. Within the defect the equilibrium is and iron is exposed to the electrolyte,
given by the Zn/Zn2+ couple, whereas a galvanic element between zinc and
at the metal–polymer interface the cou- iron is established. Zinc then acts as an
ple Zn/Zn(OH)4 2− will prevail. Thus, the anode while cathodically protecting iron
observed potential inversion is explained according to the following reactions (see
on a thermodynamic basis [75]. In the Chapter 5.5):
absence of oxygen, the Kelvin probe is
therefore a tool to hint at a local pH at Zn −−−→ Zn2+ + 2e− (37)
the buried interface and the observed time 1
+ 2e− + H2 O −−−→ 2OH−
2 O2 (38)
dependence of the potential profiles are
dominated by the diffusion of OH− along The oxygen reduction is located on the steel
the interface. Interestingly, zinc–polymer surfaces as well as on the corroding zinc
interfaces may therefore also be destroyed surface. Now, two mechanisms of delam-
by an anodic metal dissolution triggered ination have to be considered. Depending
by the cathodic oxygen reduction, but the on the coating system and the corrosive
combination of both reactions will buffer environment cathodic and anodic under-
the pH and therefore limit any destruction mining have been observed (Ref. [185] and
of the interface due to extremely high OH− references therein). Either the oxygen re-
concentrations. duction on zinc leads to a destruction of the
The mechanism of the cathodic de- interface between the organic coating and
lamination on zinc is illustrated by the zinc, or the oxygen reduction is hindered
schematic current–potential curves in and the anodic dissolution of zinc leads to
Fig. 28 [83]. After the galvanic coupling of the undermining. For rather weak inter-
the defect with the delamination front, faces, Fürbeth and Stratmann showed that
the potential in the delaminated region is a cathodic delamination precedes the an-
shifted to more negative values. Besides odic dissolution of zinc [86]. On the other
the oxygen reduction zinc oxidation, lead- hand for technical organic coatings it is
ing to a thickening of the oxide, takes place observed that in case of a defect down to
underneath the coating. steel the delamination of a purely alkaline
cleaned galvanized steel surface is not sig- Cathodic Protection in the Case of nificantly faster than that of a phosphated
Polymer-coated Galvanized Steel In most surface for corrosion tests including
cases, Zn or Zn-alloy coatings are used wet–dry cycles (Fig. 39 in Sect.
to protect steel sheets because of the Such a behavior can be explained by
barrier properties of zinc and its sacrificial an anodic mechanism. If the corrosion
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 543

Zn → Zn2+ + 2e−

1 2

2 2
+ Η2O + 2e− → 2OH−


Zn → Zn2+ + 2e−

1a 2a

O2 + Η2O + 2e− → 2OH−


(b) Igalv * R

Fig. 28 (a, b) Electrochemical model for the delamination

from a defect with an intact zinc layer in terms of schematic
current–voltage curves for the defect 7(a) and the
delaminated area 7(b) [83]. (Reprinted with permission.)

Fig. 29 Schematic cross (a) (b)

sections for scribes down to
zinc (a) and iron (b) on Organic Organic
polymer-coated coating coating
galvanized steel.
Zinc e− e− Zinc
Iron Iron
544 5 Corrosion Protection

conditions are such that the formation of coating composition itself. The more
a cathode is kinetically hindered in front hindered the oxygen reduction, the smaller
of the anode, then just the kinetics of zinc is the cathodic region in front of the
dissolution determine the degradation of anodic region.
the polymer–metal composite. Figure 30 shows some typical two-
The size of the cathodic region preceding dimensional potential distributions under-
the anodic dissolution front depends on neath a clear coat as measured with an SKP
the structure of the interface and the as a function of time [86].



0 [mV]
−3000 0
−200 −85





1000 rom

nce f m]

Dista [µ



−850 0
−3000 0
−200 −85



0 t


1000 rom

nce f m]

Dista [µ



−850 0
−3000 0
−200 −85



0 t


1000 rom


c e

Dista [µm]

Fig. 30 Typical potential profiles as measured with the SKP during

the delamination of polymer-coated galvanized steel with a defect
down to iron (defect, 0.5 M NaCl; atmosphere, humid air; times as
indicated) [86]. (Reprinted with permission.)
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 545

In the advanced state of delamination, Oxygen reduction takes place in the

two zones of different activity can be defect with a rate that is controlled
located underneath the organic coating. by the transport of oxygen through the
The shift of the corrosion potential close electrolyte layer (a, i). Thus, a galvanic
to the rather anodic potential of the intact current is established between the anodic
interface marks the front of the advancing site (zinc within the delaminated zone)
cathode. Behind this cathodic area the and the defect (cathode). In the area
steep slope marks the front of anodic between the two potential steps (b, ii), no
undermining. Fürbeth and Stratmann equilibrium potential surface is observed
proved this interpretation of the SKP data but the potential rises continuously from
with cross-sectional and surface analysis the borderline of the local anode to
of the delaminated area [86]. the potential jump, which indicates the
An overall schematic illustration of intact metal–polymer interface. It can be
anodic and cathodic undermining for the assumed that the closer the zinc to the
case when a cathode is located in front of cathodic delamination front the smaller
the anode is shown in Fig. 31. is the local anodic current while the

i i


O2 + 2H2O + 4e− = 4OH −


(a, i) (a, ii)


2Zn = 2Zn2+ + 4e−

i i
(b) [µm]


(c, i) (c, ii)

Fig. 31 Electrochemical model for the (c, i), the cathodically delaminated area (c, ii),
delamination of an organic coating from and the intact area (a, ii); relative electrode
galvanized steel with a defect down to iron in potential distribution as shown in the (b) [86].
terms of the current–voltage curves for the (Reprinted with permission.)
defect (a, i), the anodically delaminated area
546 5 Corrosion Protection

cathodic current stays rather constant in presented by Hahin [169], Hoch [167] and
this area. Ruggeri and Beck [170]. Some recent re-
sults of FFC on aluminum alloys can be on Polymer-coated Iron, found in Refs. [171–174].
Aluminum, and Magnesium Figures 32(a and b) show typical micro-
scopic pictures of FFC on polymer-coated Introduction to FFC FFC is iron, and aluminum. FFC develops in
characterized by growing threadlike fil- the presence of pores, mechanical de-
aments [163–166]. FFC occurs in wet fects, unprotected cut edges, or residual
environments and usually arises from salt crystals underneath the organic coat-
surface defects in the protective film in ing. The corrosion filaments start grow-
the presence of soluble ionic species. Var- ing perpendicular from a defect into the
ious metals such as Al, Fe, and Mg show polymer-coated area. FFC occurs only at
this kind of corrosion underneath a (poly- moderate humidity (60–95%) and there-
mer) coating. However, zinc-coated steel, fore, not under full immersion conditions.
and even electroplated silver plate and gold FFC has been found to be triggered
plate can also be affected by FFC [167]. by anions such as chloride, bromide,
An extended literature review of FFC in- and sulfate. The filament growth rate
vestigations on aluminum is given by increases with temperature. Like for ca-
Bautista [168], earlier reviews have been thodic delamination on iron and zinc
the corrosion kinetics depend strongly
on the surface pretreatment and coating
Fe composition.
It is commonly accepted that the basic
driving force underlying the FFC process
is a differential aeration cell. Filaments
are normally quite thin and shallow but
can reach a length of several hundred
millimeters. Two different regions of the
progressing filaments can be observed: the
500 µm liquid filled ‘‘active head’’ and a tail of
corrosion products. In their active head, fil-
(a) aments carry an acidic solution of the metal
cations and the initiating anions [170].
Al The following characteristics and differ-
ences are apparent for the three different
metals such as Fe, Al, and Mg:

• At too low or too high relative humidity

filaments dry up or turn into blisters,
respectively [167].

Fig. 32 Photographs of FFC attack on:

500 µm (a) epoxy-coated iron and (b) aluminum
alloy AA2024-T3. Filaments start
(b) growing from the artificial defect.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 547

• The average width of the filaments is Initiation of FFC FFC is initi-
smaller for steel (0.2 mm) than for ated by local metal dissolution in a salt
aluminum (0.5–1.0 mm) [169]. containing droplet and the subsequent for-
• For aluminum and magnesium, FFC mation of a differential aeration cell.
and blistering are the predominant If a differential aeration cell develops,
coating failure mechanisms. For iron, oxygen is mainly reduced at the outer re-
FFC is observed only under special gion of the droplet and then delamination
conditions and cathodic delamination can occur via the cathodic process of
is the primary failure mechanism; see oxygen or proton reduction. However, if
Ref. [168] and references therein. this cathodic process is hindered under-
• An interesting aspect of FFC on iron is neath the coating due to
that filaments do not cross each other.
• an insulating oxide layer,
As one filament approaches another,
• a lacquer with small permeation rate for
it is reflected or stops growing. On
water and oxygen, or
the other hand, corrosion filaments on
• an insufficient formation of an ultrathin
aluminum have been reported to cross
conductive electrolyte layer between
each other, branch, reinitiate, or even
the polymer and the metal, which
tunnel [167].
is necessary for the acceleration of
• FFC is enhanced when aluminum is al-
oxygen reduction,
loyed; especially Cu and Fe have a detri-
mental effect on FFC resistance due then no cathodic delamination occurs.
to the existing intermetallic particles This might lead to a differential aeration
(IMPs); see Ref. [168] and references cell where the metal is mainly dissolved
therein. next to the organic coating. In this case, a
• Iron exhibits a brown colored, and often galvanic element can stabilize itself, which
V-shaped membrane between the front leads to a directional growth of a filament
(anode) and the back (cathode) of the at the polymer–metal interface. The front
head. While the head front is blue, of the filament is then the anode. During
greenish blue or gray, the back is rust the formation of the differential aeration
colored [175]. cell, the halide anions are moved to the

Kinetically hindered
oxygen reduction Scratch

Coating NaCl,

Fig. 33 Schematic cross
section for an initiation of FFC
in the case of a local defect in an oxide layer
organic coating. Anode cathode
548 5 Corrosion Protection

front of the head and hydroxide anions undermining, the mechanism of this
are produced at the back of the head. The process is of importance. The mech-
initiation situation for a polymer-coated anisms of chloride induced corrosion
metal with a scratch is shown in Fig. 33. of iron and aluminum are discussed
elsewhere (see Chapter 4.2). The special Propagation of Filaments In ac- conditions of an occluded cell are con-
cordance with the differential aeration cell, sidered here only for iron, aluminum,
the propagation of the filament is most and magnesium.
likely anodic in nature [165, 170]. Only few Chloride ions attack oxide layers on
authors claim that a cathodic area in front iron, aluminum, and magnesium. Sub-
of the head promotes the growth of the sequently, the metal is electrochemically
filament [176, 177]. dissolved. The hydration of Fe2+ , Al3+ , or
In the following discussion, the an- Mg2+ releases protons and thereby leads
odic mechanism is described in detail. to an acidification of the tip of the fila-
Figures 34(a and b) schematically illus- ment. At the cathodic site, the primary
trate the galvanic element with respect cathodic reaction, the reduction of oxygen
to the current potential curves for anodic to hydroxyl ions takes place. In between
metal dissolution in the head and oxygen the anode and the cathode a potential gra-
reduction at the back of the head. SKP dient is established, which forces anions
measurements clearly show that the head to migrate to the front and cations to the
of the filiform exhibits a more negative back. As the distance from the anode in-
potential than the tail (Fig. 35). creases, the pH also increases on the basis
With regard to the fact that the an- of the dilution of hydronium ions and the
odic metal dissolution leads to corrosive migration of hydroxyl ions from the ca-
thodic site. When favorable conditions are
reached, the corresponding hydroxides of
O2, H2O the cations are formed as gels. As the head
advances, these hydrated corrosion prod-
ucts lose their water and convert to the
dry corrosion products that fill the tail; see
Anodic Cathodic Ref. [168] and references therein.
site site
An occluded cell is formed when disso-
Intermetallic lution of the metal occurs in the crevice
Cl− OH− particles between the coating and the substrate. In
(a) Al3+ this case, corrosion products block the en-
try of the crevice so that the anode and
Metal dissolution
Current in the head
cathode are separated.
Although similar in nature, the corro-
sion processes in the head differ between
Ehead Emembrane Eintact the respective metals and are described
presently below for iron and aluminum.
Fig. 34 Schematic illustration of the
mechanism of FFC for polymer-coated
Oxygen reduction
aluminum: (a) cross section and
(b) at the back of the head
(b) schematic current–voltage curves.
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 549

0.5 mm

(a) (b)
Fig. 35 (a) Photograph and (b) corrosion potential distribution
of an FFC sample (AA2024-T3). The potential scale is 300 mV
from black (low potential) to white (high potential) [178].
(Reprinted with permission.)

1. Iron: For iron, Fe2+ is formed at the magnesium small hydrogen bubbles are
very tip. Fe2+ then migrates to the back observed at the head of the filament.
of the head where it is oxidized to For aluminum, the outer surface of the
Fe3+ . The boundary between the regions oxide layer in humid environments is con-
containing the ferrous and ferric ions is sidered to be a mixture of aluminum oxide
the variably colored interface observed in and aluminum hydroxide. After the ad-
filament heads. sorption of chloride ions, an ion exchange
The green color of the anolyte can be can occur leading to the substitution of
explained by the existence of a slightly hydroxyl ions by chloride ions [179, 180].
hydrolyzed FeCl2 solution [175]. After the chemical attack of the oxide,
aluminum is electrochemically dissolved.
The chloride ions are regenerated after
Fe −−−→ Fe2+ + 2e− (39) the dissolution of the transitory hydrox-
tail next to membrane: ychloride compounds. Thus, a relatively
small amount of chloride ions can result
2 O2 + 2e− + H2 O −−−→ 2OH− (40) in a progressive attack of the protective
membrane: layer. Within the head of the filiform
filament, the anodic dissolution of alu-
Fe2+ + 2OH− −−−→ Fe(OH)2
minum leads to a local acidification of
2Fe(OH)2 + 12 O2 −−−→ 2FeOOH + H2 O
(41, 42) the anolyte due to the hydration of alu-
minum ions. It has been observed that a
secondary cathodic reaction, the reduction
2FeOOH −−−→ γ −Fe2 O3 +H2 O (43) of hydrogen ions, can occur. Hydrogen
evolution has been observed within the
2 O2 + 2e− + H2 O −−−→ 2OH− (44)
head [166].
2. Aluminum and Magnesium: The electro- – Aluminum
chemical reactions in FFC of aluminum
and magnesium are slightly different from head:
those for iron since the former two ele-
Al −−−→ Al3+ + 3e− (45)
ments have only a single oxidation state.
Moreover, in the case of aluminum or H3 O+ + e− −−−→ 12 H2 + H2 O (46)
550 5 Corrosion Protection

tail: concentration is lowest [173]. With the ad-

vancing anode a new membrane is formed
2 O2 + 2e− + H2 O −−−→ 2OH− (47)
at the back of the head and the old mem-
membrane: brane dehydrates. Oxygen can then diffuse
along the tail, which is filled with the dry
Al3+ + 3OH− −−−→ Al(OH)3 (48)
corrosion products. The authors state that
– Magnesium if the humidity is too high, the corrosion
products remain moist. This would lead
head: to a much slower diffusion of oxygen to
Mg −−−→ Mg2+ + 2e− (49) the head of the filament. In this case, the
separation of the occluded cell would be
+ − 1
H3 O + e −−−→ 2 H2 + H2 O (50) abolished and the FFC would turn into
blistering. Indeed, blistering is observed at
relative humidities higher than 95%. Thus,
2 O2 + 2e− + H2 O −−−→ 2OH− (51) the dehydration of the corrosion products
formed at the back of the head determines
the direction of growth.
Mg2+ + 2OH− −−−→ Mg(OH)2 (52) Transport of Oxygen To reveal
One model to explain the deadhesion
the transport phenomena of oxygen, Rug-
of the organic coating and the very tip
geri and Beck [170] performed a series
of the filament is the osmotic pressure
of mathematical computations comparing
of the highly concentrated electrolyte
the order of magnitude of oxygen diffu-
within the filiform head. For iron, a
sion through a paint film with oxygen
dense membrane of iron oxides is formed
diffusion through a porous oxide. They
between the head and the tail of the
concluded that diffusion through the oxide
filament [175]. This pressure causes a was most likely and verified this experi-
mechanical disbonding of the interface mentally. In this experiment, the defect
as was proposed by van der Berg and where the filament had initiated was sealed
coworkers [175] for iron FFC. Therefore, which led to the end of the growth of
the electrochemical reaction front can the filiform filament. Further, Morita and
jump from one reactive site to the next one Yoshida found that sealing the portion
without the need of any electrochemical of the tail emerging on the surface im-
activity in between. Scheck reported a mediately halted the process [182]. This
correlation between the extent of FFC and mechanism is supported by the fact that
the glass transition temperature (Tg ) of FFC has been found not only for organic
the polymer coating [181]. He observed a coatings but also under metals and oxygen-
sharp rise in the extent of FFC attack if the impermeable coatings.
storage temperature exceeded Tg , which On the other hand, different authors
provides further evidence for a purely found an influence of the coating prop-
mechanical deadhesion mechanism. erties on FFC [171, 173] and claimed that
Pietschmann and Pfeiffer explained the transport occurs via the paint film. How-
directional growth of filaments on alu- ever, since the coating structure influences
minum with the fact that the metal dis- not only the permeation rate but also such
solution rate is highest were the oxygen important phenomena as adhesion and
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 551

intrinsic stress, it is not easy to distinguish These IMPs of technical alloys, which
between these effects. It might well be that, are covered by electric conducting ox-
in case of a small degree of crosslinking, ides, act as local cathodes for the
the diffusion through the organic coating oxygen reduction process in the tail
might contribute to the overall transport (Fig. 36a–c).
of oxygen. However, since FFC is found This aspect of the corrosion mecha-
also for impermeable coatings and can be nisms was considered by Nisancioglu and
halted by sealing the tail, transport via coworkers [172] who studied the role of the
the tail is likely to be the most important IMPs as local cathodes during FFC of Al
mechanism. alloys. Recently, Nisancioglu and cowork-
ers showed that a number of commercial Electrochemical and Auxiliary aluminum coil materials that contain ap-
Measurements of FFC Slabaugh and preciable amounts of Mn, Mg, and Fe,
coworkers [166] attempted to measure the either as alloying elements or impurity
corrosion potentials of different parts content, became susceptible to FFC as a
of the FFC track to detect anodic and result of annealing. The latter being a part
cathodic areas. They did this by cutting of the fabrication process [183, 184]. Re-
the polymer along the FFC track, lifting moval of at least 1 µm of the surface layer
the organic coating off the surface, by etching or pretreatment was sufficient
and immediately measuring the electrode to render the surfaces resistant to FFC.
potentials by inserting microreference Susceptibility to FFC was correlated to the
electrodes. This method, however, involves higher activity of the surface layer com-
a major disturbance to the fragile FFC pared to the bulk in mildly acidic chloride
system. solution.
By using the SKP (see Sect., The activity of the substrates was deter-
it was possible to measure the local po- mined by means of corrosion potential
tentials underneath an organic coating in measurements and potentiostatic data.
situ without the deterioration of the cor- The presence of the surface layer was
roding system [178]. The mechanism of related to the FFC susceptibility of the
FFC consisting of an anodic reaction at painted surface [183]. Analysis of cross-
the corrosion front is reflected in rather sectional foils by means of transmission
different electrode potentials around the electron microscopy revealed grain re-
filament’s head. Whereas, for cathodic fined surface layers with a thickness of
undermining, the delamination front is about 1 µm, consisting of subgrains in
positively polarized with respect to the the size range 20–200 nm. However, it
already delaminated zone and the head was shown that the grain refined sur-
of the filiform filament shows a neg- face layers alone were not responsible for
ative potential with respect to the tail the surface activity, since etched-and-rolled
(Fig. 35) [178]. Therefore, the tip can be substrates without subsequent annealing
identified as the local anode and the lo- displayed a grain refined surface layer
cal cathode is situated behind the anode without enhanced surface reactivity. The
within the tail. anodic behavior of the reactive surface
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) layer might be explained by enrichment of
analysis of FFC tracks on coated Al magnesium on grain boundaries during
alloys shows the exposure of IMPs. annealing.
552 5 Corrosion Protection

500 µm


30 µm 30 µm
LC (etched 15 min) border 2 LC (etched 15 min) adjacent to scratch

(b) (c)
Fig. 36 (a–c): Optical microscopic and SEM pictures of the filiform tail on
aluminum (AA2024-T3) after removal of the organic coating. Influence of Surface Treatments metal and the organic coating. Indeed,
and Compositions of Organic Coatings on the pretreatment of the metal prior to
the Corrosion Kinetics the coating application is, aside from
For enhanced performance of corrosion the composition of the coating and its
protecting organic coatings on metal sub- state of curing, the most important for
strates, the composition and the interface the performance as a corrosion protection
between the coating and the metal have layer. In the case of galvanized steel, the
to be optimized. A special pigmentation type of zinc alloy additionally influences
of the paint is responsible for the bar- the corrosion process by its specific
rier properties of the paint as well as for galvanic action and the nature of the
the storage of corrosion inhibiting species corrosion products formed underneath the
near the interface. To enhance adhesion organic coating (Ref. [185] and references
and decrease the rate of corrosive un- therein).
dermining at the interface, a so-called In the automotive industry, a cathodic
conversion layer is often formed on the electrocoat (electrodeposited or ED paint)
metal prior to paint application (see Chap- with a thickness of about 20 µm is de-
ter 5.3). posited on top of the phosphate coating
The mechanisms of corrosion stress the as a corrosion-resistant primer [185]. Coil
importance of the interface between the coating as a second very important process,
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 553

is a widespread technology that applies mechanism depends strongly on the zinc

paints onto metal sheets by roll coating [4]. alloy, and the exposure conditions.
Metal sheets can be continuously coated Other parameters that have a strong in-
at speeds of up to 120 m min−1 . Prod- fluence on the corrosion mechanism are
ucts are organically precoated galvanized the metal pretreatments and coating com-
steel or aluminum sheets which are used position. For example, conversion coatings
for household applications, the building such as phosphate or chromate layers sig-
industry and most recently the automo- nificantly impede the oxygen reduction
tive industry. Such a system normally reaction at the intact metal–polymer inter-
consists of a primer and a topcoat. The face. In this case, the size of the cathodic
pretreatment is often an alkaline passiva- region becomes rather small or might even
tion with additional Cr(VI) passivation or diminish. Moreover, pigmentation and the
Cr-free thin layers (Ref. [4] and references curing state of the organic coating as well
therein). While the ED-paint is applied on as the testing conditions have a significant
already formed and cut metal sheet, coil- influence on the mechanism of undermin-
coated metal sheets are formed and cut ing [185].
after the paint application leading to mi-
crodefects and free cut edges respectively. Conversion Coatings Conver-
The ED-paint and coil-coating systems are sion layers have been described in detail
schematically shown in Fig. 37 for galva- in chapter 5.3. In this section, the effects
nized steel. of the pretreatment on the kinetics of the
In a recent review article written by and coating delamination are discussed with
Amirudin and Thierry, different models focus on the electrochemical principles.
of delamination on zinc-coated steel are For conversion layers the substrate metal
discussed that range from purely cathodic provides ions, which become part of the
to purely anodic [185]. Obviously, the protective coating after the electrochemical


100 µm
Filler CC-Top coat
25 µm

ED paint CC-Primer
Phosphate Chromate
Zn layer Zn
Steel Steel

(a) (b)
Fig. 37 Schematic cross section of typical paint systems for steel
and galvanized steel: (a) automotive coating system including an
ED-paint and (b) a coil-coating system for the building industry
including a roll-coated paint as corrosion-resistant primer.
554 5 Corrosion Protection

reaction of the substrate with the reactive The effect of the pretreatment on the
medium. The most prominent conversion kinetics of oxygen reduction can be quan-
layers are phosphate layers on steel and titatively illustrated by the electrode po-
zinc, chromate layers on zinc and alu- tential in humid air as measured by the
minum, and anodized layers on aluminum SKP. Figure 38 compares the potentials
(see chapter 5.3). for bare steel, phosphated, phosphated and
Conversion layers lead to an increased Cr(VI) rinsed, and an ED-painted phos-
adhesion strength of organic coatings on phated steel sample [76]. Obviously, the
metals under dry and wet conditions. In phosphatation and Cr(VI) passivation lead
addition, the kinetics of ion and electron to a blocking of the surface. Especially
transfer processes at the metal–polymer in combination with an ED paint, the
interface are slowed down. In case of potential is rather negative. This can be
iron and zinc, especially the oxygen explained by the reduction of the inner
oxide layer during the ED process and the
reduction rate, which strongly influences
effective blocking of the interface versus
the delamination kinetics of the coating, is
In Fig. 39, the delaminated area of
an organic coating on alkaline cleaned
Galvanized steel For galvanized steel, galvanized steel and the same coating
the most prominent conversion layers on phosphated and Cr(VI) passivated
are phosphate layers for automotive and galvanized steel are compared. Defects
chromate layers for coil-coating applica- were prepared down to steel and down
tions [4, 185]. to zinc. The ten weeks corrosion test








0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time after surface treatment
Bare steel Phosphated + Deionized water
Phosphated + Cr(VI) rinse Phosphated + Polymer coated

Fig. 38 Transient of the potential relaxation in air after cathodic

polarization at 1 V SHE in borate buffer as measured by means of an
SKP. Surface treatment of the steel substrate as indicated [76].
(Reprinted with permission.)
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 555

Fig. 39 Corrosion results after 10 ZE|Primer|Top coat ZE|Phosphate|Primer|Top coat

cycles of a cyclic corrosion test for the
same organic coating system (two-layer
coil-coating system) on just alkaline
cleaned and on prephosphated and
chromate rinsed galvanized steel.
Scribes had been prepared down to iron
and zinc, respectively. For the evaluation
of the undermined region, the
deadhered organic coating was Scribe Scribe Scribe Scribe
removed. to zinc to steel to zinc to steel

consisted of a combination of an exposure cross-sectional analysis of delaminated

to salt spray, pure humid environment and technical samples shows two different sit-
a period of drying. uations. The cross section in Fig. 40(a)
It is obvious that in case of a defect down shows a deadhesion of the organic coat-
to steel, which leads to the enhanced an- ing from the intact zinc coating followed
odic dissolution of zinc, the delamination by an area where zinc has been dissolved.
of the purely alkaline cleaned galvanized Thus, a cathode is preceding the anodic
steel surface is not faster than that of a dissolution.
phosphated surface. Such a behavior can In Fig. 40(b), a more complex situation
be explained by an anodic delamination is illustrated by the cross-sectional anal-
process. If the corrosion conditions are ysis that is representative of a later state
such that no formation of a cathode is of delamination in which the electrolytic
possible in front of the anode, then just resistance between the front of the un-
the kinetics of zinc dissolution determine dermined region and the defect is very
the degradation of the polymer–metal high because of the corrosion products.
composite. The products were formed underneath the
The situation changes when the defect organic coating and hinder the transport
is prepared just down to zinc and the of ions along the interface. In this case,
kinetics of zinc dissolution are rather slow. the defect is not galvanically coupled to the
In this case, the cathodic delamination delamination front anymore, and galvanic
determines the kinetics of undermining. coupling occurs between local anodes and
The delaminated area of the phosphated cathodes underneath the organic coating.
sample is now smaller than for the defect
down to steel, whereas the just alkaline Aluminum Several authors have com-
cleaned sample shows delamination that is pared the efficiency of various pretreat-
much faster than in the case of the defect ments for aluminum and its alloys [173,
down to steel. This example shows how 186–189]. Typical pretreatments for alu-
complex the corrosion mechanisms are minum prior to paint application are
and that no generally accepted mechanism chromating and anodization (Ref. [168]
can be found in the literature. and references therein).
A similar coating system (two-coat coil- A deoxidizing step is usually incorpo-
coating system on phosphated and chro- rated in standard pretreatment procedures
mate passivated galvanized steel) was ex- as a first step. It has been observed that the
posed to a pure salt spray test (360 h). The FFC susceptibility of aluminum decreases
556 5 Corrosion Protection

Organic Matrix
Top coating

front Primer


Corrosion products
Steel substrate
1000 : 1 20 µm

Organic Matrix

Top coating corrosion products


Steel substrate

500 : 1 50 µm
Fig. 40 (a, b) Cross-sectional analysis of the undermined region after 240 h of salt
spray testing for a two-layer coil-coating system on prephosphated and chromate
rinsed galvanized steel. Scribes had been prepared down to iron. In Fig. 40(a), the
scribe is on the right side, while in Fig. 40(b) it is on the left side.

with the removal of the outer surface layer chromate baths always contain a source of
thereby exposing the less electrochemically fluoride ions beside a source of hexavalent
active underlying bulk material to the cor- chromium and an acid to produce a low
rosive environment [183, 184]. pH. Fluoride ions effectively attack the
Anodization leads to a thickening of aluminum oxide layer and prevent the
the oxide layer with the typical hexagonal precipitation of aluminum ions. During
pores that can lead to a mechanical the reaction, hexavalent chromium is
interlocking of the paint. Moreover, both partially reduced to trivalent chromium
the anodic dissolution and the oxygen according to
reduction are significantly hindered after
the anodization [190]. The authors showed 6H+ + H2 Cr2 O7 + 6e− −−−→
that a minimum barrier layer is necessary 2Cr(OH)3 + H2 O (53)
in order to prevent FFC.
The most widely used pretreatment is The formation of these Cr3+ - and Cr6+ -
chromating. For aluminum substrates, the containing layers preferentially takes place
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 557

at surface heterogeneities and IMPs [191]. metal or metal oxide surface with the
To date, the exact mechanism of the surface-active group (e.g. phosphate,
corrosion protection of chromates for sulfur, or silanol) while they orientate
aluminum alloys has not been clarified. themselves almost vertically to the
However, the toxicity of and potential surface and thereby form a dense
carcinogenic nature of chromium have structure. The other end of the molecule
fostered a search for alternative inorganic acts as an anchoring group for the
layers [189, 191]. subsequently applied organic coating
(Fig. 41a). Adhesion Promoters and Inter- • Thin adhesion-promoting layers based
facial Thin Films Besides the above- on bifunctional organosilanes for iron,
mentioned inorganic conversion coatings, zinc, and aluminum with a thickness of
thin films can act as corrosion-resistant in- about 50–100 nm (Fig. 41b). Especially,
terfacial layers. Their thicknesses normally van Ooij and coworkers developed
range from the length of a self-assembling various adhesion-promoting systems
molecule (approximately 2 nm) to about based on this technology [193–195].
100 nm. Various surface technologies have In this case, the organosilanes not
been developed so far and could be partly only bind to the surface, but also
introduced into technical processes. crosslink with each other, which leads
to a polysiloxane network with free
• Self assembly monolayers such functional groups such as amines,
as organophosphonates, organosilanes epoxies, or acrylates.
and thiols for iron, copper, and • Plasma polymers that are deposited
aluminum [192]. These kinds of from a cold electric discharge onto
molecules chemically bind to the various metal substrates such as iron,

Organic coating
Si O
R1 CH 3 O
O Si Si O Si O
50 nm


Organic coating CH CH 2 CH

3 3

Si H

Si O

2 nm

O Si R1

Metal Metal

(a) (b)
Fig. 41 Schematic illustration of the monomolecular (a) thin film and
(b) adhesion-promoting system based on organic monomers.
558 5 Corrosion Protection

zinc, aluminum, and copper [196–201]. result correlates with the high corrosion
This vacuum based plasma enhanced resistance of the interfacial plasma
chemical vapor deposition leads to polymer. In Fig. 42, the delamination of
highly crosslinked thin films that show a paint on zinc-coated steel that was
an excellent coverage of the surface half side plasma polymer coated prior to
even at a film thickness of a few painting shows a significant delay of the
nanometers [199]. cathodic delamination process by plasma
polymers whose thickness is less than
All three techniques lead to a dense 20 nm.
organic film directly adjacent to the
metal oxide surface. They can act in the of Pigments in Paints
following ways:
As mentioned in the Introduction, the
• adhesion promotion, pigments can be divided into two classes:
• block adsorption sites for oxygen,
• barrier-effect pigments and
• barrier layer for ions and water directly
• electrochemically active pigments.
in front of the metal oxide so that
the kinetics of the electron transfer While barrier-effect pigments solely
reactions are slowed down. increase the diffusion path of corrosive
The positive effect on the adhesion force species and the coating practical
between a paint and the metal when adhesion of the coating, active
using thin organosilane primers has been pigments such as chromates additionally
shown by several authors [202, 203]. The inhibit electrochemical reactions at the
reduction of the area where oxygen can metal–polymer interface as well in defects
be reduced is difficult to measure directly of organic coatings.
since unavoidable defects in the ultrathin Because cut edges are crucial areas of
films lead to an array of microelectrodes coil-coated material and can be used to
so that the measurable oxygen reduction study the effect of pigments in organic
current is not significantly lower for thin coatings on the corrosion in defects, they
film coated surfaces. For model systems, have been extensively studied by means
coverage of a Au surface by self assembly of different electrochemical techniques
films of thiols was electrochemically such as electrochemical impedance
measured by Rohwerder and coworkers, and scanning vibrating electrodes [102,
who also characterized the ordering of 139, 140].
the films by means of scanning tunneling The effect of pigments especially
microscopy (STM) [204]. For aluminum, chromates can be divided into two modes
phosphonates led to a extremely corrosion- of actions:
resistant metal–paint interface [205]. 1. inhibition of reactions at the metal–
For plasma polymers, Grundmeier and polymer interface and
Stratmann experimentally showed that 2. inhibition of corrosion reactions within
the ion diffusion along the paint–metal a defect.
interface is significantly slowed down
in the presence of an ultra-thin plasma A chromate passivation usually used in
polymer [199]. The ion incorporation was coil-coating lines prior to the application
measured by means of an SKP. This of the organic coating leading to ultrathin
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 559


−25 −250



−65 −650
−85 00 −850
15 00
10 00

35 0







−10 ct

−15 md

00 fro m]

c [µ
(i) Zn | ZnO | 10 nm plasma polymer | paint

(ii) Zn | ZnO | paint

Fig. 42 Potential distribution measured with an SKP of a half side plasma modified zinc
surface, which was subsequently painted with a clear coat and exposed to a corrosive
environment. The low potential indicates the delaminated area starting from a scratch.

CrVI/III films on the surface likely acts of the system. This is proven by the
mainly at the interface while the existence Nyquist plots of uncoated galvanized
of chromate pigments in a primer can act steel after 3 h in artificial acid rain
in both ways because of the process of solution [141]. The resulting values for
leaching. the corrosion potentials and the charge
The action of pigments is often evaluated transfer resistance Rt are given in
by measuring the change in the electrode Table 1.
kinetics in solutions of the pigments. The inhibition of corrosion in defects
It could be shown that chromates act of organic coatings could be shown by
as cathodic inhibitors on zinc surfaces means of scanning reference electrode
thereby increasing the corrosion resistance techniques [139, 140]. Recently, Zou and

Tab. 1 The values of Rt for galvanized steel in acid rain solutions with and without strontium
chromate (100 ppm) [141]

Acid rain solution Ecorr [mVSCE ] Rt []

At anodic E, At cathodic E, At Ecorr

+60 mV −60 mV
With chromate −820 2430 41 840 11 440
Without chromate −940 1660 9315 2960
560 5 Corrosion Protection

coworkers [139, 140] investigated the and coworkers, the authors provide a
degradation of coil-coated galvanized helpful overview on the current state
steel at the cut edge. The authors of the discussion and present new
focused on the influence of the results on the corrosion protection of
chromate content in the coating on polymethylthiophene films on specially
the active zinc dissolution at the cut pretreated mild steel [207].
edge. Chromate clearly leads to a rapid Two principle mechanisms that are
diminishing of anodic activity of the discussed as possible corrosion protection
exposed zinc. The chrome-free primer mechanisms on mild steel are discussed
(phosphate based) did not lead to in short. ICPs may induce the formation
the equivalent inhibition of the zinc of a passive oxide [206]. The ICP
dissolution. The SVET measurements will be reduced as a consequence
were combined with the salt spray and of passivation and will be reoxidized
the prohesion test (French standard NFX by oxygen reduction. Consequently, the
41002). Not surprisingly, the inhibition ICP may promote the cathodic oxygen
of the Zn dissolution measured with reduction on the polymer surface rather
the SVET was in accordance with a than at the metal–polymer interface.
high corrosion resistance of the chromate On the basis of the good corrosion
containing primer. results gained by the combination of
a molecular adhesion promoter and Intrinsically Conducting Polymers the subsequent electrodeposition of
Intrinsically conducting polymers (ICPs) the polymethylthiophene film Rammelt
have been proposed as protective coatings and coworkers [207] concluded that the
against corrosion of steel [206]. The essential aspect of the corrosion protection
application of these polymers is hindered by ICPs could be the local separation of
by their insolubility in common solvents. iron oxidation and oxygen reduction. This
Several approaches have been done to would eliminate the local pH increase at
overcome this problem. ICPs can be the metal surface and subsequent cathodic
chemically synthesized and the resulting disbondment.
powder is then dispersed in an organic
solvent or directly in an organic 5.4.4
primer. ICPs can also be deposited by Overall Conclusions
electropolymerization on chemically inert
materials such as Au or Pt. However, The corrosion protection of reactive metals
nonnoble metals such as iron undergo by modern organic coatings has under-
strong anodic dissolution before the gone significant optimization during the
oxidation potential of the monomer is last decade. Electrochemical techniques
reached. have helped to understand the processes
Applied ICPs are mainly polythiophene, of transport through organic coatings
polyaniline, and polypyrrole. The potential and the localized corrosion starting from
corrosion protection properties of ICPs defects in the coatings. The organically
is still controversially discussed in the coated metal substrate is the most complex
literature. It is far beyond the scope of system with regard to the fundamental
this section to review these contradictory understanding of the corrosion mecha-
results. In a recent paper by Rammelt nism. The system consists of a metal
5.4 Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings 561

substrate sometimes a metal coating, a parameters such as barrier or passivating

conversion coating and then one to four properties.
layers of polymer. Each of the com- Organic coating themselves have to
ponents affects the corrosion process. be modified in the future with regard
Moreover, organic coatings themselves to the environmental requirements and
are complex systems containing inor- it can be foreseen that the complexity
ganic pigments in an organic matrix. of organic coating will still increase
The reviewed literature shows that the when multifunctional pigments such as
most detrimental processes that lead to chromates have to be replaced by a
the failure of organic coatings are in- multitude of surrogates. The importance
duced by a localized defect in the coat- of electrochemistry as a method to
ing which provides electrolyte–metal con- understand corrosion properties of
tact. Principle mechanisms of corrosion coatings and the improvement of organic
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5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 567

5.5 growth of the film; because this growth

Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings occurs in an electrical field, the film be-
comes very compact and very dense. These
Waldfried Plieth and Andreas Bund
properties are prerequisites for a good
Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany
chemical resistance.
Introduction Principles of Electrochemical Metal
Metallic coatings are one of the most The deposition process of a metal is a
widely used methods to change the sur- special case of electrochemical kinetics.
face properties of construction elements. Details can be found in a recently pub-
While the coatings change a great vari- lished monography [1]. It is connected with
ety of surface properties such as hardness, the stepwise transfer of a cation from the
wearability, solderability, brightness, and electrolyte into the metal layer with its spe-
so forth, a second effect is connected cific crystalline structure (cf. Fig. 1). The
with most of these coatings, that is, the metal cation in the plating electrolyte ex-
protection or improved protection against ists as a complex MeLx with ligands, either
corrosion. Several procedures are used molecules of the solvent (e.g. H2 O) or spe-
to prepare a metallic coating. Dipping cial complexing agents such as ammonia
into a metallic melt is one of the old- (NH3 ) or cyanide (CN− ). After transport of
est procedures that is widely used for this complex by diffusion or migration to
zinc coatings. Thin metallic films such the electrode (Step 1), it is adsorbed on the
as gold or copper filaments are mechani- electrode surface accompanied by a partial
cally prepared and then transferred to the loss of the ligand molecules and a partial
surface of another material, for example, reduction (Step 2, Eq. 1)
wood, stone, or another metal. The latest
developments are chemical vapor deposi-
[MeLx ]z+ + λe− = [MeLx−y ]ad
+ yL
tion (CVD) and plasma vapor deposition
(PVD). Unfortunately, the metal coatings (1)
prepared with these processes are not very The adsorbed metal ion is called an ad-
well suited for corrosion protection, be- atom. From the ad-atom position, the
cause of their crystallographic structure cation is transported by surface diffusion
and surface properties. to a position at which it is already
The most commonly used process is part of the growing metal structure
electroplating, either by electrochemical (Step 3, Eq. 2). This position is called the
or by electroless deposition. For nearly kink site position (Halbkristallage Me1/2 ).
all conditions, these methods provide a Step 3 is accompanied by transfer of
corrosion-protective solution, either con- (z − λ) electrons.
sisting of the deposition of a one layer or a
+ (z − λ)e− −−−→
multilayer process. Because electroplating (z−λ)+
[MeLx−y ]ad
also provides the most economical solution
for metallic coatings, we will concentrate Me1/2 + (x − y)L (2)
on this method in this article. The main ad-
vantage of an electrochemically prepared Various intermediate steps are possible
metallic coating is the mechanism of between Steps (2 and 3).
568 5 Corrosion Protection

(z − l)+ z+ z+
L Adsorption L L Diffusion L L
Me Me Me
L (Step 2) L L (Step 1) L L

Surface diffusion
(Step 3)


Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the primary processes of
electrochemical metal deposition.

As can be seen from this schematic and the final termination of the growth at
description, electrocrystallization is a con- some predetermined size, the mechanism
secutive charge-transfer process with at of electrodeposition would be completely
least two separate primary charge-transfer described. The mechanism is also the ba-
steps [2]. The preliminary for this mech- sis for understanding the film properties.
anism is the permanent availability of The morphology, the optical properties
kink site positions, which are only avail- (brightness), and the mechanical proper-
able on an imperfect crystal or as long ties (ductility, hardness) are all related to
as a crystalline structure has not yet been the grain structure.
terminated. After such a termination, a Unfortunately, many of the factors con-
nucleation process is necessary similar as trolling these processes are still unknown.
in the beginning of the deposition. The One knows, for instance, how to control the
formation of a stable nucleus demands size of the nuclei by the addition of small
a certain oversaturation or, for electro- amounts of organic additives (see Sect.
chemical deposition, a certain overvoltage. Additives are adsorbed on ener-
The critical size of the nucleus (i.e. the getically favorable positions, thus causing
transition between redissolution or stable termination of growth and producing a
growth) is obtained from a plot of the finer grain structure. We also know how to
free enthalpy G necessary to form a nu- stimulate deposition by high currents and
cleus of N atoms versus N (cf. Fig. 2). The high concentrations causing a fractal sur-
N value of the maximum, Ncrit , is con- face topography. But the development of a
sidered to be the critical size. While old fundamental mechanism, which takes into
theories were based on a homogeneous account the interplay of all parameters, is
cluster model, new calculations take into still far away.
account the stepwise growth of the cluster
but come, in principal, to similar con- Principles of Alloy Deposition
clusions. With the continuous formation The simple model described in Sect.
of new nuclei, the growth of the nuclei, is valid only for the deposition
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 569

N crit = 25 atoms N crit = 67 atoms

for η = −10 mV for η = −6 mV

150 Excess energy Φ (N )
Gibbs energy of 2D cluster formation, ∆G


η = −6 mV
[J ]

50 Gibbs energy of cluster formation ∆ G (N )

η = −10 mV

50 100 150
Number of atoms in 2D cluster, N
Gibbs energy of ion transfer - Nze |η|
η = −6 mV
η = −10 mV

Fig. 2 Gibbs energy of 2D cluster formation as a function of size N. (From Ref. [1].)

of a pure metal. Since the beginning potentials of the more noble metal to
of electrochemical deposition, plating of more negative values until similar depo-
alloys has played an important role. The sition rates are obtained (thermodynamic
first alloys of practical importance for approach). A second possibility to con-
corrosion protection were Zn-Cu (brass) trol the alloy composition is by limiting
and Sn-Cu (bronze) alloys. In the last the diffusion rate of the two components
years, electrolytes for plating Zn-Co (see by concentration regulation (kinetic ap-
Sect., Zn-Fe (see Sect., proach). In principle, one expects the more
and Zn-Ni (see Sect. alloys have noble metal to be deposited preferentially.
been developed for improved corrosion In contrast to this so-called normal code-
protection of Zn layers. position [3], an anomalous codeposition is
Alloy deposition is possible if the rate of observed in which the less noble metal
deposition is controlled in such a manner is deposited preferentially (e.g. Fe-Ni). In
that the different electrochemical natures some cases (Ni-W, Ni-Mo, etc. [4–6]), the
of the alloy components (noble or nonno- codeposition of a metal is obtained, which
ble) are compensated. This can be achieved cannot be deposited alone from aque-
by complexing, shifting the deposition ous electrolytes (induced codeposition).
570 5 Corrosion Protection

Models were developed to explain such additives in electroplating processes. From

a behavior, for example, assuming special the vast amount of literature, we will report
catalytic surface effects and/or adsorption only some important aspects. For reviews,
of special complexes [4–10]. see for example Refs. [12, 13].
Very little is known about the mecha- Adsorption of the additive (physi- or
nism of corrosion protection by alloys. For chemisorption) plays a key role in the
some alloys, the depletion of the passive mechanism of action of additives. One
layer of the alloy by the less stable metal general scheme classifies additives as
can be assumed, producing a thin surface inhibitors and as a reactivators [13]. It
film of improved corrosion protection (e.g. is the balance between inhibition and
Fe-Cr-Ni). Recently, it was proposed that reactivation, which controls the final
the corrosion protection of Zn-Ni alloys form (brightness, structure, etc.) of the
might be connected with the formation of deposit. As an example, for the complex
an intermetallic phase [11]. interplay between additives, we shortly
summarize the results of an investigation Role of Additives of copper deposition from a sulfuric
The electroplating of metals for corrosion- acid copper bath, containing chloride,
protection applications often involves the dithiadecyl disodiumsulphonate (DDS),
use of so-called additives (mostly organic and a surfactant (polyethylene glycol) [13].
compounds) in the plating electrolyte. DDS alone shows an inhibiting effect in
These additives are used to yield special the electrodeposition process by blocking
properties of the deposited metal layer, the growth centers (kink sites, cf. Fig. 1)
such as brightness, good levelling, and of the developing Cu film. When the
throwing power. The use of additives in surfactant alone is added to the bath,
plating baths must be distinguished from almost no Cu deposition is observed.
the application of corrosion-inhibiting Only a combination of DDS, surfactant,
additives (e.g. benzotriazole in the case of and chloride will yield finely grained
copper), which are treated in Chapter 5.2 bright copper deposits. This result can
of this volume. The choice of additives be explained by a model (cf. Fig. 3)
has been (and still is to a certain that assumes blocking of the surface
degree) performed on a highly empirical by the surfactant (inhibition) and local
basis. Substances with undefined chemical perforation of the adsorbed film by DDS
composition such as animal glue or gelatin molecules to produce pathways for the
are still used in electroplating processes. cupric ions (reactivation).
Recently, there have been increasing The main mechanisms of bright de-
research efforts to clarify the role of position are diffusion-controlled leveling,


Fig. 3 The model of ‘‘local

perforation’’ to explain the
synergistic action of brightener
and surfactant in the case of Cu
Helmholtz layer Growing nucleus plating. (From Ref. [13].)
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 571

grain refining, and orientation of crystal The consumption of additives by incor-

growth [14]. Grain refining occurs when poration in the deposit, removal with the
the additive inhibits growth processes and plated object, or electrochemical reaction
thus increases the relative rate of nucle- during the electroplating process requires
ation processes. Crystallite sizes below the careful monitoring and correction.
wavelength of visible light (<400 nm) are
prerequisites for bright deposits. Further- 5.5.2
more, the orientation of reflecting crystal Mechanisms of Corrosion Protection by
planes parallel to the surface is impor- Metallic Coatings
tant. These conditions are fulfilled, if the
additive produces high surface coverages Corrosion protection by metallic coatings
in combination with high rates for the comprises application of a coating metal
adsorption and desorption reaction (fast onto a substrate consisting either of a
dynamic equilibria). nonmetallic substrate or of a base metal.
Leveling describes the reduction of sur- In the following, we will concentrate on a
face roughness during deposition. The base metal as a substrate.
leveling of scratches and other unwanted Important for the metal dissolution
surface features is an important aspect process are the hydrogen evolution, and
in metal finishing. Geometric and true the oxygen-reduction reaction as cathodic
leveling are distinguished [12]. To obtain processes of the anodic corrosion reaction.
geometric leveling, the thickness of the We distinguish acid corrosion and oxygen
deposit must be larger than the depth of corrosion (for details see Chapter 1). The
the grooves to be filled (for details see potential of these processes provides the
Ref. [14]). True leveling, which occurs un- driving force for the metal oxidation.
der the influence of additives, is achieved A metal coating can inhibit or catalyze
at much smaller plating thicknesses. Field- these reactions. Depending on the Nernst
dependent adsorption of a reactivating potential of the coating metal, the base
additive molecule (cf. Fig. 4) is one pos- metal will act as an anode or cathode.
sible mechanism for true leveling. It will If a more noble metal is coated with a
lead to increased deposition rates in con- less noble metal (e.g. Fe with Zn), the
cave surface features and therefore a fast latter will act as a sacrificial anode driving
leveling of the rough surface. the potential of the underlying metal into


Fig. 4 Field-induced increase

and decrease of surface
concentration of adsorbates at
(a) concave and (b) convex
surface areas. (From Ref. [13].) (b)
572 5 Corrosion Protection

the cathodic region with no net corrosion complex geometries (e.g. some automotive
current (cathodic protection). Pores and parts), grinding and polishing is a time-
cracks in the coating can be tolerated to consuming task and must be performed
a certain degree as the base metal acts as by hand. The mechanical pretreatment
the cathode. usually comprises the following steps:
If the coating metal is more noble than
the base metal (e.g. Cr, Ni, or Sn on 1. Plain grinding (PG): to achieve high
Fe), effective corrosion protection is only grinding rates, the particles of the
possible with coatings that are free of grinding material should be relatively
pores, cracks, and so on. Otherwise, the large and should be fixed to the
large ratio of the cathode (coating) to the surface of the grinding disk (e.g.
anode (base metal) area will give rise to grinding paper).
pitting corrosion (see Chapter 4.2). The 2. Fine grinding (FG): particle sizes be-
effective corrosion rate will depend on tween 6 and 15 µm are used. As an
the kinetic parameters such as overvoltage, alternative to grinding paper, grind-
exchange current density, electrolyte, and ing tissues, which are continuously
so on. soaked with diamond suspension, can
If complexing agents are involved, the be applied.
ranking between the metals can be altered 3. Polishing (DP): the necessary low
because the concentration of the free metal grinding rates are achieved with particle
ions in the solution can go to a very low sizes between 1 and 3 µm. Because
level. This is, for example, the case with of their good leveling power, modern
citrus fruits in tin-coated iron cans. To electrolytes will level smaller scratches
prevent dissolution of the tin countered by and pores in the surface of the base
hydrogen evolution, an additional polymer metal and DP (and even FG) may not
or lacquer coating (see Chapter 5.4) can be necessary.
be applied.
For more details on mechanical polishing
5.5.3 and a lot of examples, the interested reader
Pretreatment of the Base Metal is referred to Ref. [15]. Mechanical Pretreatment Chemical Pretreatment

The fundamental procedure during the After the grinding/polishing, the base
mechanical pretreatment is the removal of metal must be degreased. The clean-
surface films, impurities, and so on by ers usually applied can be subdivided
the grinding or the polishing material. as follows:
The hardness of the grinding material
should be 2.5 to 3 times higher than that 1. Alkaline cleaners: contain hydroxides,
of the material to be ground. Therefore, carbonates, silicates, phosphates of the
hard metals must be pretreated with alkali metals, tensides.
diamond (hardness 8000 HV) suspensions 2. Organic cleaners: mostly chlorinated
whereas, for softer metals, SiC (2500 HV) hydrocarbons.
or Al2 O3 (2000 HV) can be used. For flat 3. Emulsion cleaners: combination of al-
surfaces, commercial grinding machines kaline, organic cleaners, and emulsi-
with grinding discs can be used. For fiers.
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 573

Ultrasound may be used to enhance the good corrosion stability, and excellent
performance of the cleaner. adherence. As cadmium is toxic and more
The last chemical pretreatment step expensive than zinc, it is used only in some
is the electrolytic or fine degreasing, in special applications in which its particular
which the chemical cleaning power of an properties are demanded: higher electric
alkaline cleaner is enhanced by an electric conductivity and ductility than zinc, better
current. The underlying mechanisms have solderability, lower coefficient of friction,
not been fully clarified. Saponification of and higher throwing power of the elec-
the esters of fatty acids may play a role. trolytes. In sea or tropical environments,
Furthermore, the evolving gas bubbles will cadmium shows better corrosion protec-
tear off the last traces of contaminants tion than zinc, whereas zinc is superior in
from the surface. industrial atmospheres. Futhermore, zinc
Electrolytic degreasing can be performed has better long-range protecting proper-
cathodically or anodically. In the cathodic ties (corrosion protection is still effective if
case, twice the amount of gas is produced small areas of the base metal are exposed).
and the cleaning is more effective. Prob-
lems may arise from hydride formation Zinc Zinc layers can be pre-
and hydrogen embrittlement (e.g. with pared by dipping a metal into a zinc
steel as base metal) or deposition of pos- melt (hot dipping or galvanizing) or by
itively charged contaminants (e.g. metal an electroplating process. Compared to
ions). Sometimes changing between ca- nickel or chromium (see Sects. and
thodic and anodic degreasing will give, respectively), zinc coatings offer
good results. the most economic corrosion protection
It should be noted that the optimization on steel. Under corrosive conditions (in-
of the electrolytic degreasing procedure dustrial air, salt spray test), the protective
is a special and challenging task for properties are proportional to the thick-
each system. ness of the layer. The stability of zinc
Depending on the base metal and the is based on the formation of a uniform,
procedure used for fine degreasing, an well-adhering, layer of zinc hydroxide and
acid or cyanide pickling may be necessary carbonate (with a small amount of chloride
to remove oxides from the surface of the or sulfate). If large amounts of sulfur diox-
base metal. ide are present, water-soluble zinc sulfate
is formed, giving rise to increased corro-
5.5.4 sion. The relation between the corrosion
Examples rate and the runoff rate (i.e. the amount
of metal being released from the corro-
The following sections give some typical sion product layer) and the ecotoxicity of
examples of metallic coatings for corrosion zinc have been investigated recently [20].
protection. More details can be found in Application of a chromate conversion (see
Refs. [16–19]. Sect. treatment improves the long-
term stability of the corrosion protection Zinc/Cadmium and yields colored coatings (depending on
Zinc and cadmium coatings are mainly thickness and chromium content of the
used for corrosion protection of iron and conversion layer). Zinc protects iron and
steel, where they show cathodic protection, steel sacrificially (cathodic protection, see
574 5 Corrosion Protection

Sect. 5.5.2) and can be plated mechanically For high plating rates (current densi-
(i.e. hot dipping, metal spraying, etc.) ties up to 88 A dm−2 ), fluoroborate elec-
and electrochemically. Mechanical plating trolytes can be used [16]. Besides the
is the preferred method for layers with inorganic ingredients listed in Table 1,
thickness >25 µm [21] and in which hy- the baths usually contain organic ad-
drogen embrittlement represents a prob- ditives acting as brighteners, levelers,
lem [22]. With modern processes, electro- and so on (see Sect. Because
plating rates up to 700 m min−1 can be of their lower current efficiency (cf.
achieved [23]. During the last few years, Fig. 5) and higher concentration polar-
zinc alloys (see Sect. with cobalt ization, the alkaline baths exhibit better
(0.8%), nickel (10–14%), iron, and tin have throwing power [21]. This makes them
found increased interest due to their im- preferable for plating irregularly shaped
proved corrosion stability (e.g. automotive parts with a coating of uniform thick-
applications). ness. The current efficiency and other
For the electroplating of pure zinc operating conditions of alkaline cyanide
layers, there are mainly three types of electrolytes mainly depend on the ratio
zinc electrolytes: alkaline cyanide, al- of total cyanide to zinc, which should
kaline noncyanide, and acid. The acid lie between 2 and 3 [16]. The acid baths
electrolytes, which exhibit current effi- yield brighter deposits [21]. As an alterna-
ciencies >95% (cf. Fig. 5), can be sub- tive, an acetate bath has been proposed,
divided into weak acid–containing am- which yields adherent and smooth zinc
monium, weak acid ammonium free, coatings under the following conditions:
and moderate acid (see Table 1). They 50 g l−1 Zn(CH3 COO)2 ·2H2 O, 10 ml l−1
contain zinc as chloride and/or sulfate. CH3 COOH, 2.66 A dm−2 , 25 ◦ C [24].

100 d
Current efficiency


70 a2


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Current density
[A dm−2]
Fig. 5 Current efficiencies in different zinc electrolytes: (from Ref. [21])
(a) alkaline cyanide × ⊗; (b) cyanide-free alkaline  ; (c) weakly acid ◦ •;
(d) weakly acid Zn-Co +.
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 575

Tab. 1 Anorganic composition of typical zinc electrolytes in g l−1 (from Ref. [21])

Alkaline Alkaline Weak Weak acid Moderately

cyanide noncyanide acid–containing ammonium acid
ammonium free

Zn2+ 7–40 5–15 20–50 20–50 100–150

NaCN 7–130 – – – –
NaOH 70–100 80–150 – – –
NH4 + – – 10–60 – 5–10
Cl− – – 100–120 100–125 –
H3 BO3 – – 10–30 10–30 –
SO4 2− – – – – 200–250

A typical zinc electroplating process With the use of cadmium coatings, a

comprises the following steps: (1) clean- variety of environmental protection mea-
ing, (2) electrocleaning (see Sect., sures must be connected. A removal of the
(3) rinsing, (4) acid pickle, (5) rinsing, cadmium layers at the end of the lifetime
(6) electroplating of zinc, (7) rinse, (8) chr- of the coated part should be guaranteed.
omate conversion (see Sect., (9)
rinse, and (10) drying [21]. Copper/Nickel
Table 2 compares the physical properties Copper alone is rarely used as a corrosion-
of zinc coatings plated from different protection coating. It mainly serves as an
electrolytes. undercoat (5–10 µm) for nickel layers. Cadmium Cadmium has a long Copper Copper is mostly plated
tradition as a corrosion-protective coating. from acid, fluoroborate, or cyanide baths
Because of its high ductility, the film (see Table 4). Among these, the cyanide
acts as a lubricant. Table 3 lists some electrolyte reveals the best throwing power
typical cadmium baths and their operating but needs intensive convection.
conditions. There is nearly no hydrogen To obtain well-adhering coatings on steel
evolution with the fluoroborate electrolyte. parts, a pretreatment by a commercial

Tab. 2 Physical properties of zinc electrodeposits (from Ref. [21])

Acid Alkaline Cyanide


Lattice structure Hcp Hcp Hcp

Type of crystallization Nonoriented Field-oriented Field-oriented
dispersion type dispersion type dispersion type
Crystallite size (nm) 70 ± 30 90 ± 40 130 ± 50
Micro strain (N mm−2 ) 80 120 150
Macro strain (N mm−2 ) −40 80 40
Micro vickers hardness 100 ± 30 130 ± 30 140 ± 40
Ductility (%) 0.5–7.5 1–5.5 0.2–3.2
576 5 Corrosion Protection

Tab. 3 Composition and operating conditions of some typical cadmium plating baths

Cyanide bath Sulfate bath Fluoroborate bath

Cadmium 20–30 g l−1 CdO 50–60 g l−1 CdSO4 100 g l−1 CdO
Sodium cyanide 120 – –
(g l−1 )
Sodium hydroxide 10–130 – –
(g l−1 )
Nickel sulfate 0.1–0.2 – –
(g l−1 )
Ammonium sulfate – 100–250 –
(g l−1 )
Fluoroboric acid – – 400
(46%) (g l−1 )
Additives, etc. 0.1 g l−1 (e.g. 10–20 g l−1 (gelatine, 50 g l−1 dextrine
turkey red oil) urotropine, wetting 30 g l−1 dioxyphenylsulfone
Current density 2.5–5 0.5–1.5 3
(A dm−2 )
Temperature (◦ C) 20–35 20–30 25
pH 5 2.5–3

pickling bath should be applied before the chromium layer, which is passivated by
plating itself. a layer of chromium(III)oxides, further
improves the corrosion protection. The Nickel In not too corrosive en- underlying mechanism has been inves-
vironments (electronic devices, houseware, tigated in great detail (see Sect.
etc.), nickel coatings are often used on The best corrosion protection of iron
metals and alloys to prevent tarnishing and zinc is obtained with a combination
or corrosion. The lifetime of the layer is of dull or semibright nickel covered by
proportional to its thickness. The main a layer of bright nickel [25]. The thick-
base metals protected by nickel are iron, ness ratio should be 4 : 1 for iron and
zinc, aluminum (and its alloys), and cop- 3 : 1 for zinc. The texture of the nickel
per. In combination with iron, zinc, and layers is very important, the semibright
aluminum, nickel usually is cathodic. nickel should be columnar, the bright
Therefore, to provide corrosion protection nickel lamellar.
on these metals, the nickel layer must be Most modern nickel electrolytes are
dense and free of pores. based on the composition proposed by
Bright surfaces can be obtained by Watts [26], which contains boric acid be-
polishing or by using bright nickel elec- sides nickel chloride and sulfate. The
trolytes. However, in industrial atmo- chloride facilitates the dissolution of
spheres, tarnishing will occur. There- the anodes, but also increases the in-
fore, in many cases, a thin chromium ternal tensile stresses of the deposit.
layer is plated above the nickel coating Boric acid serves as a buffering agent.
with thickness between 0.25 and 1.5 µm The throwing power can be improved
(see Sect. The presence of the by adding inorganic salts. Recently, it
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 577

Tab. 4 Composition and working conditions of different copper plating baths

Acid bath Fluoroborate bath Cyanide bath

Copper 250 g l−1 CuSO4 ·5H2 O 200–500 g l−1 Cu(BF4 )2 270 g l−1 K[Cu(CN)2 ]
Sulfuric acid 96% 75 – –
(g l−1 )
Chloride (g l−1 ) 0.02–0.2 – –
NaCN (g l−1 ) – – 10
KCNS (g l−1 ) – – 10
Na2 SO4 (g l−1 ) – – 5
NaOH (g l−1 ) – – 5
Additives, etc. Various organic Small amounts of copper Organic brighteners,
additives, wetting sulfate, various organic wetting agents
agents additives, wetting agents
Current density Up to 20 with effective 5–50 1.5–8
(A dm−2 ) convection
pH 0.5–2
Temp. (◦ C) 20–40 25–50 70

has been found that the addition of summarizes the composition and work-
sodium hypophosphite strongly enhances ing conditions of the various nickel
the throwing power [27]. Besides the electrolytes.
Watts electrolyte, sulfamate and fluorob- Because of the concurrent hydrogen
orate electrolytes are used. The sulfa- evolution, the current efficiency is always
mate electrolyte yields deposits with less than 100% [28]. Pore formation as a
the lowest internal stresses, which can consequence of hydrogen bubbles sticking
be completely eliminated by additives to the electrode can be avoided by
or even be transformed to compres- the addition of hydrogen peroxide or
sional stresses. Therefore, it is also wetting agents.
used for electroforming applications. Bright nickel deposits are obtained from
The fluoroborate electrolyte is strongly one of the above electrolytes with addi-
buffered and can be operated at rel- tives. Because of its low costs, the Watts
atively high-current densities. Table 5 electrolyte is the most often used base

Tab. 5 Composition and working conditions of various nickel electrolytes (from Ref. [16])

Watts Fluoroborate Sulfamate

Nickel 240–450 g l−1 NiSO4 ·6H2 O + 300 g l−1 Ni(BF4 )2 300 g l−1 Ni(NH2 SO3 )2 +
45–90 g l−1 NiCl2 ·6H2 O 30 g l−1 NiCl2 ·6H2 O
Boric acid (g l−1 ) 30–50 30 30
pH 1.5–4.5 2.7–3.5 3.5–4.5
Temperature (◦ C) 40–70 37–76 25–70
Current density 2–10 2–20 2–14
(A dm−2 )
578 5 Corrosion Protection

electrolyte. The additives can be divided stresses and thus improve the ductility of
into the following classes: the deposits.
1. Brighteners: The group of brighteners 4. Leveling additives: These substances
is further subclassed into first-class bright- increase the cathodic polarization. Possible
eners and second-class brighteners. Nickel candidates are coumarin, thiourea, 2-
electrolytes with first-class brighteners will butyne-1,4-diol, propargylalcohol, pyridi-
only yield semibright deposits. First-class nes, and others.
brighteners will render the electrolyte less
As with all high-performance electrolytes,
sensitive towards second-class brighteners
continuous monitoring of the composition
and metallic contaminations. According to
is necessary, which can be performed by
Saubestre [29], the molecule of a first-class
spectroscopic or chromatographic meth-
brightener must contain the functional-
ods. In addition, cyclic voltammetry [33]
ity =C−S=O with the sulfur atom in a
and electrochemical impedance spec-
hexavalent state. Brighteners of the sec-
troscopy [34] have been proposed for the
ond class will improve the brightness of
screening of nickel electrolytes and the
the deposit considerably even in low con- deposits obtained from them.
centrations. They increase the cathodic
polarization and cause brittleness and ten-
sile stresses. Therefore, they are always Nickel-phosphorus Excellent
combined with first-class brighteners. Sol- corrosion protection is observed if the
uble salts of metals with high hydrogen nickel layer contains phosphorus. This
was first observed with electroless NiP
overvoltages can act as second-class bright-
layers (see Sect. During the
eners (Zn, Cd, Hg, Tl, Pb) as well as organic
last years, electrochemical plating pro-
compounds with double and triple bonds
cesses for nickel phosphorus have been
(coumarin, thiourea, etc.). All brightener
developed. In these processes, a phos-
systems contain sulfur. As a consequence,
phorus source has to be added to
bright nickel deposits will always contain
the electrolyte; either sodium phosphite
some sulfur, which lowers the corrosion
or sodium hypophosphite are used.
resistance of the layer. Studies on the
The other components of the elec-
mechanisms by which additives influence
trolyte are similar to a Watts bath
the deposit morphology can be found in
(see Sect. Table 6 lists a typical
Refs. [30–32]. composition.
2. Wetting agents (surfactants): The role
of these additives is to lower the surface
tension and thus to facilitate the release Tab. 6 Composition of a
of hydrogen bubbles adhering to the nickel–phosphorus plating bath
electrode surface, which would otherwise
lead to pores in the deposit. Hydrocarbons NiSO4 ·6H2 O (g l−1 ) 150
NiCl2 ·6H2 O (g l−1 ) 45
with chain lengths between 8 and 18 NiCO3 (g l−1 ) 30
carbon atoms and a sulfate or sulfonate H3 PO4 (g l−1 ) 58
group are used. NaH2 PO2 (g l−1 ) 30
pH 0–1
3. Internal stress reducers: Brighteners of the Temperature (◦ C) 50–70
first class usually lower the internal tensile
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 579


[mol %]


0 10 20 30 40 50
Current density
[A dm−2]
Fig. 6 Content of phosphorus in nickel–phosphorus layers as function of the current
density. (From Ref. [35].)

The phosphorus content of the nickel Later, the nuclei of the deposited metal
layer increases with increasing the pH take over the catalyst function.
of the electrolyte. Another important In the case of copper, formaldehyde is
parameter is the current density. The used mostly for the reduction. A typical
phosphorus content decreases with in- electrolyte composition is given in Table 7.
creasing current density [35, 36] (cf. To decrease the pH of the bath, hy-
Fig. 6). Finally, the phosphorus con- pophosphite was tried as reducer [37].
tent depends on the concentration of Because the oxidation of hypophos-
hypophosphite. phite only occurs on nickel particles,
nickel had to be added to the bath Electroless Copper and Nickel resulting in coatings with a small
The electroless deposition of a metal is
based on the electrochemical reduction of Tab. 7 Electrolyte composition and working
the metal cation by a reducing agent. The conditions for electroless copper plating
reduction takes place only on a catalyst so
that the electrolyte is stable if no catalyst CuSO4 ·5H2 O (g l−1 ) 15
is in the bath. For further improvement Potassium sodium tartrate (g l−1 ) 40
of the stability, stabilizers are added to the Formaldehyde, 37% (ml l−1 ) 6
electrolyte. Stabilizer, e.g. V2 O5 (mg l−1 ) 1–3
pH 10–13
The catalyst can be small metal particles. Temperature (◦ C) 70–75
To start the reduction process, palladium Typical deposition rate (µm h−1 ) 1–5
catalysts are prepared on the substrate.
580 5 Corrosion Protection

nickel content. This is one reason this is improved if the layer is heated
bath was not accepted by the plat- to 650 ◦ C.
ing industry.
In the case of nickel reduction, hy- Hard and Decorative Chromium
pophosphite dominates the market [38]. Coatings
Two types of electrolytes are used: a weakly Chromium coatings are mostly applied
acid bath with a pH between 2 to 5, which onto copper/nickel subcoatings (see Sect.
generates nickel deposits with a higher Reference [40] gives a short his-
P content in the film that are better for toric overview of chromium/nickel plat-
corrosion protection, and an alkaline bath ing with special regard to the automo-
(8 < pH < 13), which can be used at lower tive industry.
temperatures. The plating baths contain chromium in
The compositions and working condi- a hexavalent state. Furthermore, sulfuric
tions of the baths are summarized in acid and/or fluoric acid must be present
Table 8. to act as a catalyst for the chromic acid
There are also electrolytes on the mar- reduction. The typical ratio of chromic
ket using sodium borohydride, methyl- acid/catalyst should be varied only in
or ethylamino borane, or hydrazine [39]. a small tolerance regime. The surface
Rather pure nickel layers are deposited area ratio between anode and cathode
from these electrolytes. is also important because the chromate
The autocatalytic nickel deposition can is reduced partially to chromium(III).
also be used for alloy deposition (Ni- A small content is necessary for the
Co, Ni-Fe) and for the deposition of process, but, to control the concentration
nickel dispersion coatings (Ni/SiC). The of chromium(III), some part must be
nickel film can be heat-treated, be- reoxidized on the anode. A surface area
low or well above 280 ◦ C, the transi- ratio anode/cathode of 1 : 1.5 down to
tion temperature amorphous/crystalline. 1 : 3 is used. Table 9 lists some typical
The hardness increases up to 400 ◦ C electrolytes for chromium plating.
(1000–1200 HV) and then decreases The mixed electrolyte was introduced
again. Especially the corrosion protection as a self-regulating high-speed chromium

Tab. 8 Electrolyte composition and working conditions for electroless nickel plating

Weakly acid Alkaline Borane

Nickel 25 g l−1 NiCl2 ·6H2 O+ 30–40 g l−1 NiCl2 ·6H2 O or 93 g l−1 NiCl2 ·6H2 O
25 g l−1 Ni2 SO4 ·6H2 O 30 g l−1 Ni2 SO4 ·6H2 O
Reducing agent 25 g l−1 NaH2 PO2 10–30 g l−1 NaH2 PO2 37 g l−1 dimethyl-
amino borane
Lactic acid (g l−1 ) 27 – 25
Sodium citrate (g l−1 ) – 100 –
NH4 Cl (g l−1 ) – 50 –
Stabilizers, etc. 1–3 mg l−1 Pb,Sb or – 1 g l−1 thiodi-
0.1–0.2 g l−1 thiourea glycolic acid
Temperature (◦ C) 85–95 60 30
pH 4–4.5
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 581

Tab. 9 Composition and working conditions of some chromium-plating baths

Sulfuric acid bath Fluoric acid bath Mixed catalyst bath Nonfluoride bath

CrO3 (g l−1 ) 250–400 300 300

15 g l−1 K2 Cr2 O7
Catalyst 2.5–4 g l−1 H2 SO4 1.5 g l−1 HF 2.5 g l−1 SrSO4
3.6 g l−1 K2 SiF6
Typical ratio 100 : 0.9–100 : 1.2 150 : 1–200 : 1
Temperature 50–60 55 35–55
(◦ C)
Current density 20–40 Up to 60 5–100 (depending
(A dm−2 ) on temperature)

bath. Strontium sulfate and potassium optimal corrosion protection is achieved

fluorosilicate are added in access as pre- if the second nickel layer is less noble
cipitates, thus self-controlling the concen- than the first. A typical combination
trations. is a semibright nickel layer, free of
sulfur, followed by a bright nickel layer. Corrosion Protection of The protective properties are controlled
Copper/Nickel/Chromium Layers by measuring the potential difference
The system of a copper layer, a nickel between the two layers. A difference
layer (see Sect., and an additional E > 50 mV is necessary, the outer layer
chromium coating (see Sect. is having the more negative potential.
one of the classical layer combinations The corrosion protection is increased if a
for an effective corrosion protection. The crack-free chromium layer or a chromium
nobility of each successive layer in the stack layer with microcracks is added to the
decreases. With possible variations in layer copper/nickel or to the nickel or double
thickness, layer properties such as sulfur nickel layer. A crack-free chromium film is
content (in the case of nickel layers), heat possible if special additives are added to the
treatment, and so on, any protection can chromium-plating electrolyte. Manganese
be obtained, either in a reductive (cities, salts, selenic acid, and indium sulfate are
industrial complexes), or in an oxidative mentioned in the literature. The film also
atmosphere (land and sea atmosphere). has to be sufficiently thick (>22 µm). The
While the copper film acts primarily stability of the film is not very high because
as a primer coating, which improves crack formation is a permanent process in
the stability of the following nickel layer these films.
or layers by its more noble character More effective are films with micro-
as well as the adhesion, the nickel cracks or micropores as obtained with
film has direct protective properties. For modern chromium-plating electrolytes.
this purpose, it must be deposited pore Furthermore, double layer or multilayer
free, which demands a thicker film chromium films provide very stable
(>10 µm), or a double layer. In this case, corrosion protection.
582 5 Corrosion Protection Tin Tin itself is relatively resis- operated at temperatures between 80 and
tant to corrosion and tarnishing. Plated 90 ◦ C.
on iron and copper alloys, it provides Electroplated tin, which in contrast to
good ductility and corrosion protection hot dipped tin, mostly looks matte or
under mild conditions (e.g. in-house ap- semilustrous, but can be brightened by
plications). For outside applications, zinc reflowing, that is heating for a short time
coatings (see Sect. 5.5) should be used. Tin (some seconds up to a minute) above the
is mainly used in the food (e.g. canning melting point of tin (232 ◦ C). Table 10
of food) and electronics industry, because summarizes the composition and working
of its nontoxic and solderable behavior, parameters of the commonly used tin
respectively. Because of its standard po- electrolytes.
tential (−0.14 V), tin generally acts as a
cathode when in contact with iron (an- Noble Metals
odic corrosion protection, see Sect. 5.5.2). The typical metals in this category are
Electroplated thicknesses lie between 1 µm silver, gold, and the platinum metals
(pretreatment for painting, lacquering) rhodium, palladium, platinum, and ruthe-
and 50 µm (corrosion protection). Tin is nium. The demands for corrosion pro-
problematic for low-temperature applica- tection by noble metal coatings are a
tions (e.g. parts of refrigerators) because pore- and crack-free deposit and a layer
of the allotropic phase change at 13.2 ◦ C thickness that is able to protect the sub-
(tin pest) from the metallic β-phase to the strate for the expected lifetime of the
semimetallic powdery α-tin. Even for pure plated parts.
tin, the conversion proceeds slowly, and
it can be almost completely suppressed Silver Silver is one of the oldest
by alloy deposition (e.g. Bi or Zn, see metal deposits used for corrosion protec-
Sect. tion of less noble metals. Because of the
Tin is plated from alkaline baths, con- very high deposition rate, compact and
taining Sn(IV) as stannates, or from acid bright deposits can only be obtained if the
Sn(II) electrolytes (sulfate, chloride, fluo- free silver ion concentration is controlled
roborate). As electrolytes containing both by complexing agents. The most widely
two and four valent tin yield no useable used bath is a cyanide bath. Cyanide-free
electrodeposits, special care must be taken electrolytes have also been developed. A
during the plating process. In the stannate typical cyanide bath for bright silver de-
electrolytes, the anodes must be filmed posits is given in Table 11.
(preoxidized at high-current densities to The pH of the electrolyte is reduced
form tin suboxides) before each plating by absorption of carbon dioxide from
process in order to prevent the formation of the air. Therefore, carbonate has to be
Sn(II). The acid electrolytes contain several removed regularly.
additives to prevent the oxidation of Sn(II) To obtain a good adhesion of the silver
to Sn(IV) and to produce smooth deposits. layer on steel substrates, usually a thin
Because of the higher polarization dur- silver layer is predeposited using a low
ing deposition, the stannate electrolytes silver content (0.5–2 g l−1 ) and a high-
exhibit higher throwing power. They can current density. Applying this procedure,
be used without additives but must be the formation of a cementation layer of
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 583

Tab. 10 Composition and operating conditions of some tin electrolytes (from Refs. [16, 41])

Sulfate Fluoroborate Na stannate K stannate

Tin (g l−1 ) 30–40 40–80 30–50 40–160

Sulfuric acid (g l−1 ) 40–70 – – –
Fluoroboric acid – 40–200 – –
(g l−1 )
Boric acid (g l−1 ) – 10–30 – –
Free hydroxide – – 12–15 (NaOH) 15–22 (KOH)
(g l−1 )
Temperature (◦ C) 20–30 20–40 70–80 65–88
Cathode current 0.1–2.7 0.1–32 0.5–2.2 0.1–11
density (A dm−2 )
Anode current <2.7 <2.7 1.6–2.7 1–4.3
density (A dm−2 )
Additives Phenol- or Peptone, gelatine,
cresol-sulfonic β-naphtol,
acid, β-naphtol, catechol,
resocinol hydroqinone

Tab. 11 Composition and working Table 12 summarizes the commonly used

conditions of a silver plating electrolyte electrolytes. Reference [42] reviews re-
cent topics in electrolytic and electroless
KAg(CN)2 (g l−1 ) 55 gold plating.
KCN (g l−1 ) 120
By adding copper and/or cadmium salts
KOH (g l−1 ) 5
Sodium benzenedisulfonic acid 25 to the neutral electrolyte, gold-copper-
(g l−1 ) cadmium alloys can be plated.
Turkey red oil (g l−1 ) 60
Brighteners (g l−1 ) 1
Selenic acid (g l−1 ) 0.1 Platinum Metals These metals
Temperature (◦ C) 50 are used for deposits only in special condi-
pH 12 tions in which extreme chemical stability
Current density (A dm−2 ) 1–2 is demanded. Examples are protective coat-
ings on vanadium, tantalum, niobium, or
conditions in which the extreme corrosion
silver on the steel is prevented, which stability of these materials is the impor-
would be formed if the parts were brought tant property. We refer to the literature
into the higher concentrated electrolyte. (e.g. Ref. [19]).
To prevent the formation of the typical
dark brown film on the silver layer, Alloys
a thin protection layer of rhodium is In the automotive industry, coatings
deposited. of pure zinc have been more and
more replaced by zinc alloy coatings [43, Gold Society’s admiration for 44]. The latter offer better corrosion
gold has stimulated early developments resistance at lower coating thickness.
of plating solutions for gold deposition. They are also used as replacements for
584 5 Corrosion Protection

Tab. 12 Composition and working conditions of some typical gold electrolytes

Alkaline cyanide Neutral Weakly acid Sulfite

Gold 2–20 g l−1 KAu(CN)2 7 g l−1 KAu(CN)2 7 g l−1 KAu(CN)2 10 g l−1 K3 Au(SO3 )2
KCN (g l−1 ) 5–30 – – –
Na2 HPO4 (g l−1 ) 0–20 28 0–100 –
Na2 CO3 (g l−1 ) 0–20 – – –
Na2 SO3 (g l−1 ) – – – 70
Additives, etc. – 0.25 g l−1 Co
100 g l−1 citric acid
Temperature (◦ C) 45–70 70 35 55
pH 11–13 7 3–6 9–10
Current density 0.6 1 1 0.5
(A dm−2 )

electrodeposited cadmium coatings. The Tab. 13 Electrolyte composition and

effect of anomalous codeposition is of- process parameters for electrodeposition
of Zn-Co alloys (from Ref. [46])
ten observed in these systems, that is,
the less noble metal is deposited prefer-
ZnSO4 ·7H2 O (g l−1 ) 625
entially. See Sect. and Refs. [3, 17, CoSO4 ·7H2 O (g l−1 ) 125
45] for a discussion of the fundamentals of Na2 SO4 (g l−1 ) 75
alloy electrodeposition. pH 2–4
Current density (A dm−2 ) 53–133
Electrolyte flow rate 1.5–4.3 Zinc-cobalt Zn-Co with Co con- (m s−1 )
tents from 0.2 to 7 wt% (solid solution of Co Temperature (◦ C) 55
in Zn) can be deposited from sulfate (see Current efficiency (%) 88–95
Table 13). Furthermore, there are mildly
acid chloride and alkaline cyanide–free
baths. The acid baths show high-current typical Fe content is 0.3 to 0.6% (see
efficiencies (i.e. plating rates) but poor Table 14 for an alkaline electrolyte). The
throwing power. With increasing Co con- alkaline baths contain complexing agents
tent, the corrosion rate decreases signifi- to prevent precipitation of nickel and
cantly (up to a factor of 5–7 compared to iron hydroxides. Special conversion elec-
pure Zn), but the coatings seem to become trolytes have to be used for efficient
more sensitive to cracking. Phosphatabil- corrosion protection. After chromating
ity for alloys with 0.5 to 1.7 wt% Co has (see Sect., the coating offers sim-
been shown. ilar improvement of corrosion protection
This system shows the effect of anoma- as Zn-Co. Without chromating, the cor-
lous codeposition (see Sect. The rosion resistance is comparable to pure
deposits have a light-gray appearance. zinc. It has been found that Fe diffuses
into the chromate film, in which it reacts Zinc-iron Zinc-iron can be elec- with the components of the conversion
troplated from weak acid chloride or layer to form a very corrosion-resistant
sulfate baths or from alkaline baths. The film [43].
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 585

Tab. 14 Composition and working conditions of alloys contain 5 to 10% Ni. Because the
a Zn-Fe electrolyte alloys with high Ni content are difficult
to chromate, special conversion coatings
Zn (g l−1 ) 20 have been developed for the acid Zn-
Fe (g l−1 ) 0.3–0.35
Ni coatings.
NaOH (g l−1 ) 100
Complexing agents Aliphatic amines
Temperature ( ◦ C) 20 Zinc-manganese This alloy re-
Current density (A dm−2 ) 1–3
ceived attention when an US Air Force
report was published [50]. In contact with
metals more negative in the list of standard Zinc-nickel Zn-Ni alloys with
potentials than zinc, such as aluminum
5 to 15 wt% Ni offer excellent corro-
or magnesium, a better corrosion be-
sion resistance and are mainly used in
havior is expected. Although the system
the automotive, aerospace, and electron-
found new interest in recent years [51,
ics industries. Above 15% Ni, the alloy
52], a commercial electrolyte seems not
coating becomes more noble than steel,
to be available at the moment. The good
and the corrosion-protection mechanism
corrosion resistance has been explained
changes from a sacrificial to a pure phys-
ical one (comparable to pure Ni coatings, with the formation of a dense γ -Mn2 O3
see Sect. They can be electrode- layer on the surface of the alloy [43]. On
posited from acid or alkaline baths. The the other hand, an intermetallic phase (ε
acid baths are usually based on sulfate, phase) has been found [52], which could
chloride, sulfate-chloride, pyrophosphate, also be responsible for the high corrosion
or acetate (Table 15). The system shows resistance (see Sect. Table 16 lists
anomalous codeposition (see Sect., a possible bath formulation, from which
which has been explained by a hydrox- bright deposits are obtained. So far these
ide suppression mechanism [47]. As in coatings showed only limited corrosion-
the case of Ni-Fe, the alkaline baths protection properties.
must contain complexing agents (see
Sect. The alloys electroplated Tin-zinc Tin-zinc alloys offer
from acid baths contain approximately 10 good corrosion resistance, even after heavy
to 14% Ni, whereas the alkaline Zn-Ni mechanical stressing (bending, crimping)

Tab. 15 Electrolyte composition and process parameters for the electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloys

Alkaline [48] Weak acid [48] Acetate [49]

Zn (g l−1 ) 7.0 32 6.5–16.3

Ni (g l−1 ) 1.0 25 5.9–14.7
NaOH (g l−1 ) 125 – –
NH4 Cl (g l−1 ) – 105 –
CH3 COOH (g l−1 ) – – 6–15
Complexing agents Aliphatic amines – –
Current density (A dm−2 ) 0.5–4.0 0.5–3.0 0.7–1.3
pH >14 5.9 4–5
Temperature (◦ C) 32 40 20–60
586 5 Corrosion Protection

Tab. 16 Composition and working conditions of conversion, the tin content at the surface
a possible Zn-Mn plating bath from Ref. [52] increases as only zinc is dissolved.

Manganese sulfonate (mol l−1 ) 0.75

Zinc sulfonate (mol l−1 ) 0.25 Nickel-iron Because of their Fe
NH4 Cl (g l−1 ) 105 content of up to 35 wt%, Ni-Fe alloys are
Sodium acetate (g l−1 ) 30 less expensive than bright nickel coatings.
Wetting agent Ralufon NAPE 14/90 15 They show good corrosion resistance,
(g l−1 )
leveling, ductility and brightness, and
Brightener benzalacetone (g l−1 ) 0.2
pH 3 readily accept chromium coatings (see
Temperature (◦ C) 25 Sect. The Fe-Ni system shows
Current density (A dm−2 ) 7.5 anomalous codeposition. Table 18 lists the
composition and process parameters of a
Fe-Ni alloy plating bath.
and have been proposed as an alterna-
tive to cadmium coatings. Their good Intrinsically Conducting Polymers
solderability and low electrical resistance (ICP’s, ‘‘Synthetic Metals’’)
makes them attractive candidates for Twenty years ago, a new class of organic
electronic contacts [53]. Furthermore, the polymer materials was discovered with
problem of tin pest (see Sect. does the new property of electronic conductiv-
not arise. Tin-zinc can be plated from ity comparable to metallic conductors [55].
acid, neutral, alkaline cyanide, and alka- The first representative was the polyacety-
line noncyanide baths (see Table 17). The lene followed in the subsequent years by
proprietary acid bath operates at pH 1 and several other polymers, such as polyani-
yields deposits with a zinc content <1%, line, polypyrrole, and polythiophene (see
which makes the application of chromate Fig. 7). The neutral structure is shown in
conversion coatings difficult. The alloys Fig. 7. This structure has properties com-
plated from neutral and alkaline baths can parable to a semiconductor. The metal
be easily treated with chromate conver- like conductance is obtained by chemical
sion coatings (see Sect. to improve or electrochemical oxidation (shown for
corrosion resistance, where the adhesion polypyrrole in Fig. 8). In this example, up
is even better than on pure zinc (an- to 30% of the pyrrole rings can be oxidized.
chor function of tin). During the chromate The positive charge of the heterocyclic ring

Tab. 17 Tin-zinc plating baths (from Ref. [53])

Neutral Alkaline cyanide Alkaline noncyanide

(Stanzec process)

Tin (g l−1 ) 10–30 18 1–1.6

Zinc (g l−1 ) 3–15 14 40–60
Cyanide (g l−1 ) – 34 –
Hydroxide (g l−1 ) – 10 (KOH) 16–26 (free OH− )
pH 5.5–7 12.5–13
Temperature (◦ C) 15–30 60–70
Tin content of the layer (wt%) 70–80 70–80 70–80
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 587

Tab. 18 Composition and working conditions of is compensated by incorporated anions.

a Fe-Ni plating bath (from Ref. [54]) Typical conductance values of conducting
polymers in their reduced and oxidized
Nickel 131 g l−1 NiSO4 ·6H2 O or states are summarized in Table 19.
118 g l−1 NiCl2 ·6H2 O Another characteristic value of the con-
Iron 2.8 g l−1 FeSO4 ·7H2 O or
ducting polymers is their oxidation po-
2.0 g l−1 FeCl2 ·4H2 O
H3 BO3 25 g l−1 tential Eredox (see Table 19). It is not a
Citric acid 9.6 g l−1 thermodynamically well defined value, but
L-ascorbic acid 3.5 g l−1 depends on the structure of the polymer
pH 2–3 as chain lengths, branching, and so on.
Temperature 25 ◦ C With an increasing degree of polymeriza-
Current density 0.5–2 A dm−2 tion (increasing chain length), Eredox shifts
to more cathodic values. The reported











Fig. 7 Examples of the chemical structure of intrinsically
conducting polymers. The structure shown is nonconducting. The
metal like conductivity is obtained by chemical or electrochemical
oxidation. This is shown for polypyrrole as an example in Fig. 8
588 5 Corrosion Protection

H H H Fig. 8 Neutral and oxidized

structure of polypyrrole.


− 2e − + 2e −

+ 2 X− − 2 X−

+N N N
N N N+

H H H X−

Tab. 19 Properties of typical representatives of has to be covered by another polymer or

intrinsically conducting polymers paint coating. Also, particles of the ICPs
in the submicrometer range were added to
κ at 25 ◦ C (S cm−1 ) Eredox (V vs the paint.
SHE) The reason for the unclear situation
Reduced Oxidized
concerning the degree of protection may be
Polyacetylene 10−5 103 0.8 seen in the different types of applications
Polypyrrole 10−8 102 0.1 to the metal surface and its combination
Polythiophene 10−8 50 1.2 with a secondary, protective paint film (see
Polyaniline 10−10 10−2 0.4 Sect. Application of Intrinsically Con-

values represent a saturated situation with ducting Polymers to a Metal Surface For
approximately constant chain length ob- the application of ICPs to a metal sur-
tained after cycling the polymer film in face, different procedures are described in
a solution of its monomer. The most the literature.
widely investigated ICP for corrosion pro- One application brings the conducting
tection is polyaniline [56–59]. In the last polymer as a dispersion coating to the
years, polypyrrole [60–62] and polythio- surface [66]. A powder of polyaniline (with
phene [63–65] have been investigated. a particle size in the range of some
There is still an intensive discussion tens of nanometers) is dispersed in a
about the real corrosion-protective prop- conventional paint, and this is painted
erties of ICPs. While some groups are onto the metal surface. The authors use a
enthusiastic, there is also a very critical at- very low powder concentration of 4% and
titude towards the use of these materials. explain the corrosion-protection properties
In any case, a film of an ICP cannot act with a percolation model.
as a protective film itself. It must be con- In a second procedure, a polymer film
sidered as a new type of primer, which is prepared on the metal surface (by
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 589

chemical or electrochemical oxidation), reaction, the metal (iron) is dissolved

after a pretreatment of the metal surface. as Fe2+ and oxidized to Fe3+ . Then
Different procedures of the pretreatment the passivating oxide is formed. The
are described. Beck and Michaelis describe process depends on the positive redox
a treatment with manganese oxide/oxalic potentials of the conducting polymers. The
acid [60]; a treatment with nitric acid is theory assumes that the oxidized state
reported by Ferreira and coworkers [61]. is constantly renewed by a permanent
In a third procedure, an adhesion pro- reoxidation of the neutral form of the
moter of a 3-(ethyl-phosphonic-acid)thiop- polymer by oxygen.
hene was applied to the metal surface A third mechanism considers the local
followed by an electrochemical film prepa- separation of the different processes con-
ration [65]. The following procedure was nected with the metal corrosion inhibiting
used in this case: Mild steel was mechan- the delamination of a coating by a corro-
ically polished, then the specimen were sion product [58, 65, 67].
treated for 60 minutes in a solution of 3-
(ethyl-phosphonic-acid)thiophene. After- Aluminum
wards, a layer of poly(3-methylthiophene) The deposition of aluminum is not possi-
was formed by electropolymerization in ble from aqueous solution. Several non-
an electrolyte consisting of 0.1 mol l−1 3- aqueous processes were developed, for
methylthiophene, 0.1 mol l−1 tetrabutyla- example, one based on tetraalkylammo-
mmonium-hexafluorophosphate (N(Bu)4 nium complexes dissolved in toluene [68]
PF6 ) in dichloromethane (CH2 Cl2 ). or similar procedures by other groups [69,
In all examples, a secondary protecting 70]. The process has been continuously
coating had to be applied to achieve improved [71] but so far a breakthrough in
corrosion protection. the application of electroplated aluminum
is still pending. The problem is the price, Mechanism of Corrosion Protec- compared to zinc coatings. Electroplated
tion by Intrinsically Conducting Polymers aluminum is more expensive than zinc by
The first explanation of the corrosion pro- a factor of 3 to 5. Therefore, electroplated
tection of conducting polymers was based aluminum is restricted to some high-tech
on the idea that the typical noble character applications, for example, special optical
of the conducting polymers (compare the surfaces. As a corrosion-protective coat-
redox potentials given in Table 19) simply ing, the material is not yet an alternative to
transforms the coated metal into a noble the established systems.
one. This of course requires compact films,
free of pores, which is not observed in 5.5.5
practice. Also, the stability of the polymer Posttreatment
film against the atmospheric degradation
is not sufficient. The corrosion-protection metal layers, de-
Another mechanism of the interaction of posited on a substrate as described in
conducting polymers with metal surfaces the previous sections, are often subjected
is based on the idea that the conducting to some posttreatment. The following de-
polymer passivates the metal that is to scribes the most widely used procedures:
be protected [56]. The polymer is reduced the formation of an additional organic film,
to the neutral form. As a compensating or the formation of a conversion layer.
590 5 Corrosion Protection Wax, Lacquer, Paint 2. Yellow chromating: The bath contains 2

Protective organic films are described in to 20 g l−1 chromium as chromic acid or
detail in Chapter 5.4. dichromate, 1 to 5 g l−1 sulfuric acid, and
Only a few general remarks: The organic 0.1 to 1 g l−1 sulfate, chloride or nitrate
film can be a thicker film of paint or a as a catalyst for the chromate reduction.
very thin film not distorting the geometry The film has a yellowish color and a
of the parts. In the latter case, a thin thickness of up to 1 µm. This film is
wax film (10–100 nm) is applied to the very efficient in corrosion protection, and a
surface. The film is hydrophobic and keeps time of 500 h in a salt spray testing without
moisture away from the surface. The film any corrosion spots is achieved. Moreover,
can also prevent direct contact of the metal the film has the property of self-healing
deposited with the human skin. This is of mechanical defects, which makes this
important with toxic or problematic metals procedure so superior to alternatives. But
like chromium and nickel. the film contains up to 200 mg m−2
chromate and this will probably soon lead Conversion Coatings to an end of this very cheap and effective
The most important treatment is the con- protection process.
version coating (see Chapter 5.3 of the 3. Formation of chromium films contain-
same volume). This type of treatment is ing only chromium(III): A first example
typically used for zinc or cadmium layers was the blue chromating films with-
or on bulk metals like aluminum or mag- out chromium(VI). But these films are
nesium. The classical conversion coating too thin and reveal only limited corro-
is chromating, the formation of a metal ox- sion protection.
ide/chromium oxide film. We will discuss Recent publications report on chromium
the process for the example of zinc layers. films containing only chromium(III)oxi-
1. Blue chromating: Two typical bath des and with thicknesses similar to the
compositions are given in Table 20. yellow chromating films [72, 73]. The
The layers have a more or less blue color thicker film is formed if a bath contains a
depending on the thickness of the film. more efficient catalyst like silicofluoro an-
The thickness of the layer should be 50 ions at elevated temperatures (80–90 ◦ C).
to 90 nm, however exact control of the The film is not self-healing. The process
layer thickness is difficult. The corrosion is called chromiting. The high process
protection of a blue chromating film is temperature and the lack of self-healing
very limited. properties of the film demand further

Tab. 20 Typical bath for blue chromating (concentrations in g l−1 )

With Cr(VI) Without Cr(VI)

Chromic acid (CrO3 ) 0.5 –

Chromium potassium sulfate (CrK(SO4 )2 ·12H2 O) – 3
Ammonium fluoride (NH4 F) 0.6 1.5
Fluoric acid 0.2 0.5
Nitric acid 4 4
5.5 Corrosion Protection by Metallic Coatings 591

research efforts towards substituting the 2. K. J. Vetter, Electrochemical Kinetics – Theore-

yellow chromating process. tical and Experimental Aspects, Academic
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4. Olive chromating: These films are thicker 3. A. Brenner, Electrodeposition of Alloys, Aca-
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not show much better corrosion-protective
5. E. J. Podlaha, D. Landolt, J. Electrochem. Soc.
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used for military applications and where 6. E. J. Podlaha, D. Landolt, J. Electrochem. Soc.
the special color is demanded. 1997, 144, 1672–1679.
7. B. C. Baker, A. C. West, J. Electrochem. Soc.
A typical bath contains 30 g l−1 chromic 1997, 144, 164–168.
acid (CrO3 ), 3 g l−1 sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ), 8. B. C. Baker, A. C. West, J. Electrochem. Soc.
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troless metal deposition are the most 1991, 21, 565–574.
reliable processes if a corrosion protection 13. W. Plieth, Electrochim. Acta 1992, 37,
by metal coatings is demanded. The avail- 2115–2121.
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16. H. W. Dettner, J. Elze, Handbuch der Gal-
tinuously. This concerns more complex
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persion coatings. Nonaqueous processes 17. F. A. Lowenheim, Electroplating, Technical
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est development might be the simulation 19. T. W. Jelinek, (Ed.), Praktische Galvanotech-
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6.1 understood in detail at this time. First

Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals of all, the metal is separated from the
(Hot Corrosion) gas phase by the melt film and trans-
port of oxidizing species from the gas
Michael Spiegel phase to the metal/melt interface has to
Max Planck Institut fur Iron Research,
.. occur. Hence, the solubility of gases in
Dusseldorf, Germany
the salt is one important factor in Hot
6.1.1 Corrosion. In some systems, counterdif-
Introduction fusion of the oxidized and reduced ionic
solutes of a transition metal solute, Fe3+
Hot corrosion is designated as the accel- and Fe2+ , can support transport of the
erated attack of metals and ceramics in reduced species to the salt/gas interface.
oxidizing environments by the presence Subsequent to diffusional transport of the
of a thin molten salt film, for example, dissolved gas species through the molten
a fused sulfate, carbonate, chloride, or salt, interfacial reactions take place at the
nitrate. In many high-temperature pro- metal/melt interface and corrosion prod-
cesses, molten salts are present either ucts are formed. As the corrosion products
in partially molten ashes, as deposits are partially soluble in the salt, their solutes
on boiler tubes from conventionally fired are transported toward lower concentra-
plants such as waste fired boilers (chlo- tions by diffusion in the salt film. Most
rides, sulfates), as a single salt deposits of the generally passivating oxides such
on gas turbines (Na2 SO4 ), or as the elec- as Cr2 O3 are soluble in salt melts; thus
trolytes in molten carbonate fuel cells the formation and maintenance of a pas-
[(Li,K)2 CO3 ]. sivating layer on the metal surface is
Corrosion reactions beneath molten made difficult.
salts are generally complicated, because As the molten salt is electrolytic, Hot
the number of possible corrosion products Corrosion processes involve electrochem-
is much higher than in the case of ical reactions like oxidation of the metal
gas phase corrosion, and a variety of and reduction of melt components and
chemical and electrochemical reactions dissolved gases. Hence, many of investiga-
are possible. tions of Hot Corrosion have been done
Many different steps are involved in by electrochemical techniques, mostly
Hot Corrosion and not all of them are combined with conventional corrosion
598 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

experiments such as thermogravimetry For further considerations, it has to be

and exposure tests. mentioned that the activity of ionic species
In this article, some fundamental as- is a difficult and ambiguous concept and
pects of Hot Corrosion are explained. provides a valid definition of a standard
For practical reasons, most of the in- state. Hence, under consideration of
vestigations were done on sulfate and cations (for example, Na+ ), being present
carbonate melts, and the article will fo- in the melt, the equilibrium (1) can be
cus on these two types of melts. For written as
sulfate melt–induced Hot Corrosion, the
excellent review article by Rapp [1] is re- Na2 SO4 = Na2 O + SO3 (2)
commended for further reading. The basicity of the melt is then defined by
log a(Na2 O) and the acidity is defined by
6.1.2 log p(SO3 ). This is analogous to the defi-
Chemistry of Deep Salt Melts nition of pH value in aqueous corrosion.
It is important to note that the basicity Sulfates of the melt can be changed by gas
The early model of Flux [2] and Flood and phase composition. From Eq. (2) [setting
Forland and Motzfeld [3] describes the sul- a(Na2 SO4 ) = 1], it can be seen that
fate melt as a melt with oxyanions. Accord-
ing to this model, the SO4 2− -anion disso- a(Na2 O) = Kp(SO3 )−1 (3)
ciates, giving SO3 and O2− -ions (Eq. 1):
Hence, by decreasing p(SO3 ) in the gas
SO4 2− = SO3 + O2− (1) phase a(Na2 O), the basicity of the melt is

log p(SO3)
−15 −10 −5 0
4 NaO2


log p(O2)

Na2O O2− Na2SO4 S2O72−





−4 0 4 8 12 16 20
−log a(Na2O)

Fig. 1 Na-S-O phase stability diagram for 900 ◦ C, indicating the solutes O2− ,
O2 2− , S2 O7 2− , and S2− .
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 599

increased. According to the construction of This equation is only valid at low con-
Pourbaix Diagrams in aqueous corrosion, centration of physically dissolved SO3 .
Eq. (2) can be plotted as a Na-S-O stability At higher concentrations, deviation from
diagram [4], showing the stable species as Henry’s law was observed according to a
a function of melt basicity. Figure 1 shows reactive solubility of SO3 with the sulfate
the Na-S-O phase stability diagram for ion (Eq. 9):
900 ◦ C, indicating the solutes O2− , O2 2− ,
SO4 2− + SO3 = S2 O7 2− (7)
S2 O7 2− , and S2− .
From Eqs. (4 to 6), it is clear that the Solubility of Gases The pos- solubilities of O2 and SO2 in Na2 SO4 are
sible change in the melt character by negligibly low, whereas the solubility of
variation of the gas phase in contact with SO3 is significantly higher.
the molten salt strongly depends on the
solubility of gas species. The solubility of Anodic and Cathodic Reactions
gases also affects the corrosive nature of Upon cathodic and anodic polarization
the melt by changing its redox potential with noble metal electrodes, disregarding
and oxidizing character. dissolved gas species from the atmosphere,
The solubilities of O2 and SO2 in molten the following reduction and oxidation reac-
Na2 SO4 were measured by Andresen [5], tions in a pure Na2 SO4 melt are possible:
who used a manometric method measur- cathodic reactions (increasing overpoten-
ing the pressure drop in a closed vessel tial):
for a constant amount of molten salt in
contact with the gas phase under investi- SO4 2− + 2e− = SO3 2− + O2− (8)
gation. For O2 and SO2 , low solubilities 2− − 2−
SO4 + 6e = S + 4O (9)
were observed, following Henry’s law. For 2− − 2− 2−
the temperature range of 1175 to 1350 K, SO4 + 8e = S + 4O (10)
the Henrian constant (KH ) for O2 and anodic reactions:
SO2 , respectively, are defined by the Eqs. (4
and 5): SO4 2− = SO3 + 12 O2 + 2e− (11)

7.111 × 103 Furthermore, the reduction of SO3 and

lnKH (O2 ) = −9.425 − O2 produced by equilibrium (1) is also
possible according to
× [mole cm−3 bar−1 ] (4)
14.91 × 103 SO3 + 2e− = SO2 + O2− (12)
lnKH (SO2 ) = −1.003 −
T 1
2 O2 + 2e− = O2− (13)
−3 −1
× [mole cm bar ] (5) The decomposition of the sulfate only oc-
curs in highly basic melts under reducing
Flood and Forland [6] published an equa- conditions or at high cathodic or anodic
tion for the solubility of SO3 : overpotentials. In principle, this is possi-
ble in deep melts or if the melt is trapped
18.26 × 103
lnKH (SO3 ) = −22.84 + in pores within the oxide scale.
T Dissolved gas species and, therefore, the
× [mole cm−3 bar−1 ] (6) gas phase composition in contact with the
600 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

p(SO2) + p(SO3) × 103

2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Limiting current density

[mA cm−2]

p(SO2), p(SO3) varied

2 p(O2) ≅ 1 atm

0 5.0 10 15 20 25
p(SO3) × 104
Fig. 2 Limiting diffusion current density at Pt electrodes beneath a thin Na2 SO4
melt as a function of p(SO3 ) at constant p(O2 ) at 896 ◦ C.

melt changes the major reduction reac- with the use of chronopotentiometric mea-
tions. In a thin Na2 SO4 film, experiments surements in a relatively deep Na2 SO4
at 896 ◦ C in an O2 -(SO3 + SO2 ) gas mix- melt at 900 ◦ C in an O2 + 1% (SO2 +
ture have shown that the limiting diffusion SO3 ) atmosphere [8]. Two cathodic steps
current (see Electrochemical Techniques (transition times) were observed (Fig. 4)
in Corrosion Engineering and research, and attributed to the following reduc-
Vol 4, Chapter 7) increases with increas- tion steps:
ing p(SO3 ) at constant p(O2 ) (Fig. 2) and
also increases with increasing p(SO3 ) at S2 O7 2− + e− = SO4 2− + SO3 − (14)
constant p(SO2 ) (Fig. 3) [7]. This shows − − 2− 2−
SO3 + e = SO3 = SO2 + O (15)
quite clearly that SO3 is dissolved in the
salt as the major electrochemically active In addition to the reduction of S2 O7 2− ,
species. From the experiments, the diffu- the reduction of O2 is also possible in
sion coefficient of S2 O7 2− was determined an O2 - and SO3 -containing atmosphere,
to be 2.1 × 10−4 cm2 sec−1 . As SO3 is dis- however, to a much smaller extent be-
solved as S2 O7 2− in the melt, the major cause of the low solubility of O2 in the
oxidizing species in a thin Na2 SO4 melt sulfate melt.
film in the presence of SO3 is S2 O7 2− . If the melt is highly basic and no
The major reactions involved in the SO2 /SO3 is present in the gas atmosphere,
reduction of S2 O7 2− were investigated the reduction of oxygen ions also occurs, as
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 601

p(SO3) + p(O2) × 104

0 1 2 3 4

Limiting current density
[mA cm−2]


p(SO3), p(O2) varied
p(SO2) ≅ 1 atm

0 1 2 3 4
p(SO3) × 104
Fig. 3 Limiting diffusion current density at Pt electrodes beneath a thin Na2 SO4
melt as a function of p(SO3 ) at constant p(SO2 ) at 896 ◦ C.

shown in chronopotentiometric measure- In accordance with the definition of the

ment in an Na2 SO4 melt with addition of acid/base character of sulfate melts, the
5 mole% Na2 O2 in air at 900 ◦ C [8]. Two basicity of carbonate melts is also defined
major reactions were identified: by Eq. (19):

O2 − + 3e− = 2O2− (16)

Na2 CO3 = Na2 O + CO2 (19)
2− − − 2−
2O + 4e = 2O2 + O2 (17)
In corrosion studies, the supply of elec-
a(Na2 O) = Kp(CO2 )−1 (20)
trons for the reduction reactions is the
oxidation of the metal in contact with the
sulfate melt. Solubility of Gases The solubil-
ity of oxygen in carbonate melts takes Molten Carbonates place by a chemical reaction between
Like sulfates, molten carbonates are also the O2 molecules and the basic compo-
oxyanion melts, containing O2− ions, nent of the melt (Na2 O); hence, it does
stemming from the dissociation of the not obey Henry’s Law. On the basis of
carbonate ion: impedance measurements in a (Li,K)2 CO3
melt at 615 to 800 ◦ C, the following reduc-
CO3 2− = CO2 + O2− (18) tion steps for oxygen species take place
602 6 Corrosion in Special Environments


t 1a


t a2

t 1c


−0.6 t c2


−1.0 reversed

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 4Chronopotentiometric curve on Pt electrodes in a deep melt of
Na2 SO4 in O2 + 1% (SO2 + SO3 ) at 900 ◦ C.

by dissolution in the carbonate melt (see Another possibility for oxygen dissolu-
also Sect. [9]: tion is peroxycarbonate formation:

1. Peroxide formation: 2CO3 2− + O2 = 2CO4 2− (23)

2CO3 2− + O2 = 2CO2 + 2O2 2− However, no clear experimental evidence

(21) for the peroxycarbonate mechanism exists
Peroxide ions are mainly present in K- up to now.
rich melts. According to experiments by Cleas
2. Superoxide formation: and coworkers [10], in a molten
Na2 CO3 –K2 CO3 melt at 800 ◦ C, the
2CO3 2− + 3O2 = 2CO2 + 4O2 − solubility of CO2 in carbonate melts is
(22) rather high. The results of cyclovoltametric
Superoxide formation does not take experiments indicate a very weak anodic
place in pure Li2 CO3 melts; therefore, reduction peak for CO2 to CO, but
superoxide ions are not present in a significant solubility of CO2 in the
predominately Li-rich melts. carbonate melt. Hence the solubility of
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 603

CO2 occurs by chemical reaction of CO2 superoxide reduction steps:

with the carbonate ion according to
O2 − + e− = O2 2− (33)
2− 2−
CO2 + CO3 = C2 O5 (24)
O2 2− + 2e− = 2O2− (34) Anodic and Cathodic Reactions Hence, in corrosion studies in an oxygen-

Anodic polarization of a carbonate melt containing environment, the reduction
with inert Au electrodes is limited by the of oxygen species is the relevant reduc-
oxidation of the carbonate ion according tion reaction.
to reaction Eq. (18). The cathodic process
is generally the deposition of alkali metal 6.1.3
according to Solubility of Oxides

Men+ + ne− = Me (25) Alloys, used at high temperatures, obtain

their protection from a dense and adherent
There is also evidence that in contact
oxide layer formed on the metal surface.
with O2 and CO2 -containing gas, some
The corrosive attack of metals and alloys
contributions to the cathodic current
in molten salts is due to the solubility of
are caused by the following reduction
oxide scales by basic and acidic dissolution.
This breakdown of the passive film gives
CO2 + 12 O2 + 2e− = CO3 2− (26) rise to accelerated metal consumption
by enhanced oxidation (Hot Corrosion).
2 O2 + 2e− = O2− (27) The phenomenon is closely related to
CO2 + 2e− = CO + O2− (28) pitting corrosion of metals and alloys in
aqueous solutions.
Special interest has to be paid to the
electrochemical behavior of oxygen species Solubility of Oxides in Sulfate
stemming from the reactive dissolution of Melts
oxygen in the carbonate [9]. The following In general, the solubility of oxides is a
reduction steps of oxygen species take function of melt basicity and depends on
place after reactive dissolution by the the chemical composition of the passive
peroxide and superoxide mechanisms in layer. Hence, the corrosion process of al-
a (Li,K)2 CO3 melt at 615 to 800 ◦ C: loys in molten salts is quite complicated as
a result of the heterogeneous composition
1. Peroxide formation: of the oxide scales formed on alloys.
By combination of thermodynamic sta-
2CO3 2− + O2 = 2CO2 + 2O2 2−
bility diagrams of the salt phase to be
investigated and the oxide phase un-
peroxide reduction steps:
der consideration, phase stability dia-
O2 2− + 2e− = 2O2− (30) grams can be constructed to predict the
behavior of any oxide in any molten
O2− + CO2 = CO3 2− (31)
salt. Figure 5 shows the Na-Fe-S-O-phase
2. Superoxide formation: diagram [11, 12] for prediction of cor-
rosion of iron in a Na2 SO4 melt at
2CO3 2− + 3O2 = 2CO2 + 4O2 − (32) 1200 K. This diagram is constructed from
604 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

−log p(SO3)
−15 −10 −5 0


−log p(O2)




Na2SO4 FeS2

0 5 10 15 20
−log a(Na2O)
Fig. 5Na-Fe-S-O-phase diagram for prediction of corrosion of iron in a
Na2 SO4 melt at 1200 K.

superposition of the Na-S-O- and Fe-S-O- salt. Control of the basic conditions was
stability plots. The diagram shows clearly done electrochemically by a combination
the basic corrosion products NaFeO2 of a Ag/AgSO4 reference electrode (RE)
at high a(Na2 O) and the acidic corro- with a Na+ -conducting closed-end mullite
sion products FeSO4 and Fe2 (SO4 )3 at membrane (Fig. 6) measuring differences
low a(Na2 O). in the activity of Na and a closed-end
and internally platinized yttria-stabilized Solubility Plots To investigate zirconia oxygen sensor (Fig. 7) measuring
solubilities of oxides in molten salts as differences in the oxygen activity. The
a function of melt basicity, experiments sum of the EMFs of the combination two
were carried out by Rapp and coworkers electrodes gives a measure for the Na2 O
in molten Na2 SO4 at 1200 K [13]. The melt activity at 1173 K:
basicity was fixed by variation of the gas
atmosphere containing p(SO2 ) and p(O2 ) E = −1.466 − 0.116 log a(Na2 O)
and by addition of Na2 O2 to the molten (35)
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 605

Fig. 6 Ag/AgSO4 RE with a

Na+ -conducting closed-end mullite
membrane for measuring differences in
the activity of Na+ -ions. Mullite tube

Figure 8 shows solubility plots of various

oxides in molten Na2 SO4 at 1200 K as a
function of melt basicity − log a(Na2 O).
Pt wire
The characteristic shape of the plots
represents the amphoteric dissolution
behavior of oxides in molten sulfates. Basic
solubility occurs at high a(Na2 O) (left-
Ag wire
hand side of each curve), acidic solubility
occurs at low a(Na2 O) (right-hand side of
each curve). A characteristic minimum is 10 mol % Ag2SO4
reached at which the dominant dissolution 90 mol % Na2SO4
mechanism changes from basic to acidic. Basic Dissolution By the oxida-

Al2 O3 :
tion of the bare metal surface by Na2 SO4
in a basic melt, metal oxide, sulfide, Al2 O3 + O2− = 2AlO2 − (38)
and additional basic Na2 O are formed
Fe2 O3 :
according to:
Fe2 O3 + O2− = 2FeO2 − (39)
3Me + Na2 SO4 = 3MeO + Na2 O + MeS
(36) The dissolution of chromia depends on
Hence, the Na2 O resp. O2− concentration the oxygen partial pressure of the gas
on top of the metal oxide is higher than atmospheres at p(O2 ) smaller than 1 bar
in the entire melt and dissolution of oxide
takes place according to:

MeO + Na2 O = 2Na+ + MeO2 2− (37)

In the case of basic dissolution, the metal

oxide is dissolved as a complex oxide ion.
Dissolution reactions were investigated
by Rapp and coworkers for several ox-
ides in a Na2 SO4 melt at 1200 K, ZrO2 tube
stabilized with
such as Al2 O3 [14], Fe2 O3 [11], NiO, and CaO or Y2O3
Co3 O4 [15] and by Zhang for Cr2 O3 [16].
The most important basic dissolution re-
actions are
Fig. 7 Internally platinized
yttria-stabilized zirconia oxygen sensor Pt paint
measuring differences in the
oxygen activity.
606 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

mole metal ions
mole Na2SO4

log conc. ppm

Co3O4 Al2O3

1 (900 °C)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
−log a(Na2O)

Fig. 8 Solubility plots of various oxides in molten Na2 SO4 at 1200 K as a function
of melt basicity a(Na2 O).

(10−7 Pa), and T = 1200 K dissolution of MeO + SO3 = Me2+ + SO4 2− (44)
chromia occurs as chromite:
The oxides are dissolved as metal ions in
Cr2 O3 + O2− = 2CrO2 − (40) the sulfate melt and metal sulfates are
At higher p(O2 ), chromate is formed: formed. Acidic dissolution reactions are
3 Al2 O3 :
Cr2 O3 + 2O2− + O2 = 2CrO4 2− (41)
Al2 O3 = 2Al3+ + 3O2− (45)
1 Fe2 O3 :
2NiO + O2− + O2 = 2NiO2 − (42)
2 Fe2 O3 = 2Fe3+ + 3O2− (46)
Co3 O4 :
1 At low p(O2 ), magnetite Fe3 O4 can also be
2Co3 O4 + 3O2− + O2 = 6CoO2 − (43) dissolved as a sulfide FeS:
As discussed in detail in Sect. 6.1.4, 13
Fe3 O4 + 3SO4 2− = 3FeS + 3O2− + O2
the dissolved species are transported 2
from the melt/scale interface toward the (47)
melt/gas interface and precipitation of The acidic solubility of iron oxides slightly
oxides takes place. increases with decreasing p(O2 ).

Cr2 O3 : Acidic Dissolution Acidic disso-
lution occurs by interaction with SO3 , At high p(O2 ), chromia is dissolved as a
which is dissolved in the molten sulfate sulfate according to
as S2 O7 2− . In principle, the following re-
action takes place: Cr2 O3 = 2Cr3+ + 3O2− (48)
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 607

At lower p(O2 ), sulfide is more stable: Fig. 8, this condition is placed between the
solubility minima of Cr2 O3 and Fe2 O3 .
9 Hence, Cr2 O3 is dissolved by ba-
Cr2 O3 + 2SO4 2− = 2CrS + 2O2− + O2 sic fluxing:
NiO: Cr2 O3 + O2 + 4Na2 SO4
NiO = Ni2+ + O2− (50) = 2Na2 CrO4 + 2Na2 S2 O7 (52)
Co3 O4 : The Na2 S2 O7 leads to acidic fluxing of the
2Co3 O4 = 6Co 2+
+ 6O 2−
+ O2 (51) Fe2 O3 , according to

Fe2 O3 + 3Na2 S2 O7 = Fe2 (SO4 )3 Synergistic Solubility Hwang
+ 3Na2 SO4 (53)
and Rapp [17] have shown that the
dissolution kinetics of different oxides are The accelerated dissolution is due to the
not independent and a synergistic effect short diffusion distance of the SO3 in
is observed. An accelerated dissolution of the melt.
both oxides with respect to the single oxide
phase occurs. Solubility of Oxides in Carbonate
At 1200 K, Fe2 O3 and Cr2 O3 powders Melts
were dissolved in a Na2 SO4 melt with a As in the case of sulfates, the solubilities
certain basicity given by an atmosphere of oxides in carbonate melts depends on
of oxygen containing 1 vol.% SO2 . In the partial pressure of CO2 in the gas


Li/K = 62/38

log x (mole fraction)


1023 K
973 K
923 K

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1
log p(CO2)
Fig. 9 Solubility plot of NiO in a (Li0.62 K0.38 )2 CO3 mixture as a function of p(CO2 ) in the
gas phase at temperatures of 923 to 023 K.
608 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

phase and therefore on the basicity of the according to basic dissolution:

melt. As NiO is the cathode material in
molten carbonate fuel cells, its solubility is NiO + CO3 2− = NiO2 2− + CO2
of major interest and has been investigated (54)
in detail. Figure 9 shows the solubility plot acidic dissolution:
of NiO in a (Li0.62 K0.38 )2 CO3 mixture as
NiO + CO2 = Ni2+ + CO3 2− (55)
a function of p(CO2 ) in the gas phase at
temperatures of 923 to 1023 K [18]. Two Further investigations on the basic dissolu-
different solubility regimes are observed, tion of NiO in other carbonates have shown
showing a negative slope [low p(CO2 )] that the solubility also depends the nature
and a positive slope [high p(CO2 )]. These of the carbonate. Figure 10 shows that the
two regimes correspond to the basic solubility of NiO at 910 ◦ C in an CO2 -O2 -
[low p(CO2 )] and acidic dissolution [high Ar atmosphere is highest for Rb2 CO3 and
p(CO2 )] of NiO in the carbonate melt lowest for Na2 CO3 , especially in the acidic

T = 910 °C
5.0 a(O2) = 0.25

log [Ni] mol ppm




−6.0 −4.0 −2.0 0.0

log p(CO2)
Fig. 10 Solubility of NiO at 910 ◦ C in molten Li2 CO3 , Na2 CO3 , K2 CO3 , and
Rb2 3 an CO2 -O2 -Ar atmosphere. The solubility is highest for Rb2 CO3 and
CO in
lowest for Na2 CO3 .
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 609

regime [19]. Evidence is given to the fact and basic dissolution of the oxide occurs,
that the basic solubility of NiO in K2 CO3 at as described in detail for several oxides
constant p(CO2 ) slightly depends on p(O2 ) in Sect. In the ideal case, the
in the gas phase. This dependence is due dissolved species form a separate layer,
to the following basic dissolution reaction: comparable to a Nernst concentration
interface. From these interfaces, transport
K2 O + 2NiO + 12 O2 = 2KNiO2 (56) of the dissolved oxide species and also
oxidant gas occurs by Fick diffusion
6.1.4 within its concentration gradient in the
Corrosion Mechanisms in Sulfate Melts melt film toward the melt/gas or the
gas/oxide interface. According to Fick’s
Corrosion mechanisms in molten sulfates law, transport of any dissolved species,
consist of a sequence of chemical reactions including oxidant gas, through the melt
and transport processes including oxide film is given by
dissolution, transport of dissolved species g
through the salt film, and subsequent Ci − Cis
ji = −Di (60)
precipitation of oxide within the salt film δ
in contact with the gas atmosphere. ji = flux of species i
Di = diffusion coefficient of i Oxide Fluxing/Precipitation: The g
Ci , Cis = concentration of species i at the
Rapp–Goto Model
melt/gas and melt/scale interface
From the electrochemical point of view,
δ = melt film thickness.
the oxidation of the bare metal Me requires
the reduction of dissolved gas species such
As a consequence of the concentration gra-
as SO3 and O2 , or under highly basic
dient in the melt film, a basicity gradient
conditions and very deep melts, of the
also exists from regions of high p(O2− ) at
SO4 2− ion itself.
the melt/oxide interface to regions of low
By oxidation of the metal beneath a
p(O2− ) at the melt/gas interface. By reach-
highly basic molten sulfate film, O2− ions
ing regions with low p(O2− ), the solute
are generated at the oxide/melt interface
experiences a lower solubility and precipi-
by reduction of O2 or of the sulfate ion:
tation of solid oxide occurs by the reversal
Me = Me2+ + 2e− (57) of the dissolution reactions:

O2 + 2e− = O2− (58) MeO2 2− = MeO + O2− (61)

and This precipitation creates a permanent

sink for the solute, promoting the contin-
Me + SO4 2− = MeO + O2− + SO2 uous flux of the dissolved oxide in the melt
(59) film. On the other hand, the consumption
Furthermore, metal-sulfide formation is of oxidant gas O2 by the formation of O2−
also possible at the metal/oxide interface, and subsequent dissolution reaction at the
as observed in many corrosion products melt/oxide interface creates the gradient
on metal samples, formed by basic fluxing. for oxidant diffusion. Figure 11 shows a
Hence, the region close to the oxide surface schematic plot of the gradients and trans-
is much more basic than the entire salt film port processes within the melt film.
610 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

Fig. 11 Schematic plot of the

Metal MO Salt melt Gas phase solubility gradient and transport
processes within the melt film.
At the melt/gas interface, the
oxide precipitates.

Rapp and Goto [20] analyzed the general the basic conditions was done by a com-
fluxing conditions and developed a crite- bination of a Ag/AgSO4 RE with a Na+ -
rion (negative solubility gradient) for the conducting closed-end mullite membrane
continuous fluxing of oxide scales: and a closed-end and internally platinized
  yttria-stabilized zirconia oxygen sensor, as
<0 (62) already reported in Sect. With
dx x=0 this equipment, the authors continuously
As long as the negative solubility gradient recorded the basicity and oxygen activity of
is valid, as defined by Eq. (62) (Rapp–Goto the melt as a function of time. Figure 12
criterion), fluxing proceeds and the cor- shows the result of the experiments plotted
rosion process is enhanced. A detailed in the Ni-Na-S-O diagram. The dashed line
analysis of the Rapp–Goto criterion is in Fig. 12 indicates the p(O2 )-dependent
given by Shores [21]. He emphasized the solubility minimum of NiO. At the begin-
role of the thickness of the melt film on ning of the corrosion reaction, the melt
the basic and acidic fluxing conditions. In was found to be more basic than expected
thin films, the chemistry of the melt is gov- to be in equilibrium with the gas atmo-
erned by the composition of the gas phase, sphere. With time, the conditions in the
whereas in deep melts, local equilibria at melt pass the stability field of NiS by be-
the melt/oxide and melt/gas interface will coming more and more basic with time.
control the corrosion mechanism. As a In conclusion, the local chemistry of the
consequence, NiO may not be dissolved by melt film is different from that expected
basic dissolution beneath a thin salt film by equilibrium with the gas phase. The
in an atmosphere containing SO3 , because formation of NiS leads to a significant in-
the solubility minimum of NiO occurs at crease in the basicity of the melt film and
more basic conditions than given by the results in basic fluxing of the Ni.
gas phase. The Rapp–Goto model was supported
As response to this question and as a and Shores was refuted by Otsuka
proof for the Rapp–Goto fluxing model, and Rapp. In most cases, the diffusion
Otsuka and Rapp [22] performed a poten- of gas species is the rate-controlling
tiometric measurement on preoxidized Ni step in hot corrosion, as shown in vari-
at 1173 K in O2 -0.1% SO2 gas, covered with ous electrochemical experiments (see also
a thin film of molten Na2 SO4 . Control of Sect. 6.1.6).
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 611


NaNiO2 Basic 10 Acidic


−4 9 dissolution
4 7 Start of
NiO 6 corrosion
log p(O2)

−8 3 2 10 min
30 min

5 14 min
20 min
18 min

−16 16 min
NiS NiS2

−4 0 4 8 12 16 20
−log a(Na2O)

Fig. 12 Basicity and oxygen activity measures during corrosion of

preoxidized Ni beneath a Na2 SO4 film at 1173 K in O2 -SO2 , plotted in the
Ni-Na-S-O-stability diagram. Acidic Fluxing from the corrosion mechanisms observed

Acidic fluxing occurs by dissolution of the in molten sulfates. As already described
oxide in the melt, as already described in in Sect., NiO suffers basic and
Sect. This acidic fluxing requires acidic fluxing within a molten carbonate.
a higher p(SO3 ) in the gas phase and/or As further analyzed by Lee and Shores in
some alloying elements such as Co and Thermogravimetric (TG) experiments [23],
Ni, from which molten eutectic mixtures the hot corrosion of nickel in a eutectic
are able to form with the sulfate deposit (Li0.62 K0.48 )2 CO3 melt in an O2 -CO2 at-
(alloy-induced acidic fluxing). The main mosphere at 650 ◦ C can be described by a
feature of acidic fluxing is the dissolution fluxing mechanism, most probably accord-
of certain metal sulfates formed by reaction ing to the Rapp–Goto model. The authors
of the alloying elements and SO3 from
suggested the following reactions:
the gas phase within the salt deposit.
Generally, no sulfide formation occurs by Li-rich melt:
acidic fluxing.
Ni + O2 2− = Ni2+ + 2O2− acidic (63)
Corrosion Mechanisms in Carbonate Melts
Ni + O2 2− = NiO2 2− basic (64)
2− 2−
Ni + O2 = NiO + O saturated
The corrosion mechanisms of metals and
alloys in carbonate melts are quite different (65)
612 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

K-rich melt: Fe2 O3 + Li2 CO3 = 2LiFeO2 (s) + CO2

− 2+ 2− (68)
Ni + 2O2 = Ni + 2O + O2 acidic
If chromia is present on the metal surface,
(66) soluble K2 CrO4 is formed:
Ni + 2O2 − = NiO2 2− + O2 basic (67)
The reaction Eqs. (63 and 65) are produc- Cr2 O3 + 2K2 CO3 + O2 = 2K2 CrO4 (l)
ing oxide ions at the melt/scale interface, 2
whereas at the melt/gas interface, oxide + CO2 (69)
ions (in form of CO3 2− ) are consumed by
the dissolution reactions involving O2 in If the alloy contains elements such as Mn
the melt. This gives rise to a gradient in or Co, solid compounds like Li2 MnO3 and
O2− concentration toward the melt film LiCoO2 are also formed [24].
and a solubility gradient, as described in
Sect. 6.1.6
Regarding alloys as construction mate- Methods of Investigation
rials for molten carbonate fuel cells, the
corrosion mechanisms are characterized This chapter is closely related to the
by the formation of solid oxides on top of chapter titled ‘‘Electrochemical Tech-
the metal surface, rather than by the flux- niques in Corrosion Engineering and
ing mechanism. These oxides are formed Research, Vol 4, Chapter 7’’. Hence, no
by chemical reactions of the native oxide detailed description of the techniques will
scale formed on the metal surface and the be given here; however, examples are
Li2 O compound of the molten salt. For provided for use of electrochemical tech-
example, iron oxide Fe2 O3 reacts with a niques for molten salt corrosion studies.
eutectic (Li0.62 K0.48 )2 CO3 melt at 650 ◦ C A typical setup of a high-temperature
in synthetic air containing 15 vol.% CO2 electrochemical cell is shown in Fig. 13.
to form LiFeO2 according to The melt is placed in an alumina crucible



Fig. 13 Typical setup of the inner

crucible of a HT-electrochemical cell
with counterelectrode (CE)(1), the
working electrode (WE) (2), the
reference electrode (RE) (3), the
(2) (1)
gas-inlet tube (4), and the
thermocouple (5).
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 613

situated in a vertical, closed-end furnace. The main difference to aqueous corro-

To avoid electronic disturbances from sion studies is the design of reference
the furnace heating wires, a cylindrical electrodes. The most useful types are
vessel made of stainless steel is placed closed-end tubes of either internally pla-
between the alumina crucible and the tinized Y2 O3 -stabilized ZrO2 , mullite (see
furnace. The vessel is electrically grounded Sect., or glass membranes, de-
to avoid electrical charges on the surface. pending on the composition of the melt
The alumina crucible is closed by a heat- and temperature. Glass membranes, espe-
resistant pyrex-glass-flange with breaches cially Pyrex , Supremax , and Duran 50 ,
for the electrodes, the thermocouple, and are Na+ - and K+ -conducting membranes
the gas-inlet tube. The electrode wires and and also useful for studies in molten salts,
the thermocouple are shielded with small especially at temperatures up to 700 ◦ C.
diameter alumina tubes. The alumina Similar to the mullite RE, a silver wire is
tubes are fixed with cayon fittings in the dipped into the molten chloride or sulfate
glass flange. to be investigated, additionally containing
AgCl2 or Ag2 SO4 in concentrations of 1 to Polarization Studies 10 mol.% [25].
For polarization studies, a three-electrode As for aqueous corrosion, polarization
setup is necessary, consisting of a WE, a studies provide mainly information about
CE, and a RE. As the WE, the metal to be the potential-dependent behavior of a
investigated is chosen, or for studies of the piece of metal in the melt regarding
polarization behavior of the melt itself Au active dissolution, passive range, and
or Pt are appropriate, as well as for the CE. breakthrough potentials. A lot of work



0.3 Pt
[A cm−2]




−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
E vs. (Ag/Ag+)
Fig. 14 Polarization curve of 2.25Cr-1Mo-steel in a eutectic (Ca-K-Na)-sulfate
mixture at 850 ◦ C in an N2 -5 vol.% O2 gas mixture in comparison with Pt.
614 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

on this topic was carried out by Jäkel eutectic 62 wt. % Li2 CO3 -38 wt. % K2 CO3
and Schwenk [26] in a eutectic (Li-K-Na-)- melt at 650 ◦ C in synthetic air, contain-
sulfate melt at 700 ◦ C, using a Duran 50 ing 25 vol.% CO2 . The details regarding
Ag/AgSO4 RE. RE and setup are described elsewhere [28].
Figure 14 shows a polarization curve Upon anodic polarization, the voltam-
for 2.25Cr-1Mo-steel in a eutectic (Ca-K- mogram shows three different anodic
Na)-sulfate mixture at 850 ◦ C in an N2 -5 peaks (A,B,C) and two cathodic peaks
vol.% O2 gas mixture, using a mullite (D,E). According to detailed investiga-
Ag/AgSO4 RE. After an active region, the tion by Scanning Electron Microscopy
material becomes passive in the potential (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) on
range of approximately −0.25 to 0.25 V, samples held at the different anodic
followed by an increasing current with potentials, the following reactions were
increasing potential. Investigation of the identified:
sample within the passive region shows
the formation of a porous Fe2 O3 scale on A: Fe + CO3 2− = FeO + CO2 + 2e− (70)
the metal surface [27].
B: Fe + 4FeO + 4CO3 2− + 5Li+
To detect electrochemical reactions of
an active metal in a given melt as a = Li5 Fe5 O8 + 4CO2 + 3e− (71)
function of metal potential, cyclic voltam-
C: Li5 Fe5 O8 + 2CO3 2−
mograms are useful. Figure 15 shows a
cyclic voltammogram of pure iron in a = LiFe5 O8 + 2Li2 CO3 + 4e− (72)



[A m−2]


−0.25 E D

−1500 −1000 −500 0
Fig. 15 Cyclic voltammogram of pure iron in a eutectic 62 wt. %
Li2 CO3 -38 wt. % K2 CO3 melt at 650 ◦ C in synthetic air, containing
25 vol.% CO2 .
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 615 Impedance Spectroscopy and following short preoxidation time,

Impedance spectroscopic measurements resulting in an ultrathin, nonprotective
are randomly used in molten salt cor- oxide scale on the nickel surface. After
rosion studies. In general, most of the 670 min of reaction, diffusion-controlled
impedance spectra emphasize diffusion- behavior was again observed, as shown in
controlled kinetics for the active corrosion the Nyquist plot in Fig. 17.
of metals in molten salts. This behavior In addition to experimental work, the
is expected, as the activation energy for most recent paper by Zheng and cowork-
charge-transfer reactions is easily reached ers [30] gives some theoretical impedance
at higher temperatures. models for hot corrosion of metals in
One example is the hot corrosion of molten salts. In general, the authors
a preoxidized nickel specimen by a thin propose large semicircles in the Nyquist
Na2 SO4 melt film in a 0.1 wt. % SO2 -O2 plot for nonactive metals, resulting from
gas mixture at 1200 K [29]. By variation rate-limiting charge-transfer reaction. For
of the oxide scale thickness and the active metals, the total impedance may re-
purity of the material, different regimes sult from the scaling of the metals, and
of corrosion were investigated: passive the Nyquist plot should show two capac-
state, pseudopassive state, and active state. itance loops, and the rate-limiting step is
The passive state of 99.9975% of pure the charge-transfer reaction. For porous
nickel, preoxidized in pure O2 for 2 h scales on the surface, a line should be
at 1200 K is controlled by diffusion of shown in the low-frequency range, re-
S2 O7 2− in the salt melt. The corresponding lated to a diffusion-controlled process.
Nyquist plot of impedance data shows The authors proved these assumptions
linear behavior in the low-frequency range by an impedance measurement of FeAl
with a slope of 45◦ (Fig. 16). The semicircle in molten (Li,K)2 CO3 at 650 ◦ C after
at higher frequencies was attributed to the 48 h of corrosion, showing a diffusion-
resistance of the NiO layer itself. The active controlled behavior in the low-frequency
state was established on less pure nickel range (Fig. 18).

Imag Z

0 8 16 24 32
Real Z
Fig. 16 Nyquist plot of impedance data of the passive state of 99.9975%
pure nickel in a Na2 SO4 melt in an 0.1 wt. % SO2 -O2 gas mixture at 1200 K,
showing linear behavior in the low-frequency range with a slope of 45◦ .
616 6 Corrosion in Special Environments


Reaction time = 670 min

log a(Na2O) = −11.4
log p(O2) = −7.85
Imag Z


0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Real Z
Fig. 17 Nyquist plot of the active state of Ni after 670 min of reaction in a
Na2 SO4 melt in an 0.1 wt. % SO2 -O2 gas mixture at 1200 K. Also,
diffusion-controlled behavior was observed.


Measurement 0.01 Hz

40 Simulation

[ohm cm−2]

20 1.6 × 104 Hz


0 20 40 60 80
[ohm cm−2]
Fig. 18 Nyquist plot of impedance data from FeAl in molten (Li,K)2 CO3 at
650 ◦ C after 48 h of corrosion, showing a diffusion-controlled behavior in the
low-frequency range. Other Methods advantage of these tests is the possibility

of exposure of many samples at the Exposure Tests Exposure tests same time. The furnace for the tests
are conducted to give an overview on the will be connected to a gas flow device,
long-term corrosion kinetics. The main as described elsewhere [31]. There are
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 617

several methods of applying the salt for Thermogravimetric Experiments

investigation: In contrast with exposure tests, ther-
mogravimetric experiments are useful to
• evaporation of the salt in a hot zone of study short-term kinetics regarding pos-
the furnace and condensation on the sible incubation times or the influence
cooler sample surface (Dean test); of gas phase composition. Evidence must
• full immersion of the sample in the salt show that the overall mass change is not
(crucible test, thick salt film); influenced by reactions of the salt itself, by
• top surface coverage of the sample (thin significant evaporation, or by reaction with
salt film); the gas phase.
• applied as a slurry or an aqueous The most appropriate method of sample
solution (thin salt film). coating for TG studies is the deposition
from a slurry or an aqueous solution and
In general, thick salt films are used to suspending the sample subsequently by
simulate the situation of corrosion beneath glass hooks directly in the flowing gas
partially molten ashes such as waste or coal stream. By this method, gas supply to
ash. Thin salt films mainly exist on turbine the sample surface is nearly equal over
blades (Na2 SO4 ) or on current collectors the entire sample geometry. Using the
in molten carbonate fuel cells (Li,K)2 CO3 crucible test does not allow homogeneous
(see also Sect. 6.1.7). In general, corrosion gas diffusion to the sample surface and
beneath a thin salt film is much faster gives rise to misinterpretation of the
than beneath a thick film because the kinetic results.
kinetics of oxidant gas supply from the
gas atmosphere through the thin film is 6.1.7
much faster. For long-term exposures, Applications
the redeposition of salt is necessary,
simulating the continuous supply of salt Gas Turbines
during the process to be investigated. From Nickel-based alloys, used in gas turbines
this point of view, the Dean test is more such as aircraft engines, often show
appropriate than the other methods. accelerated attack compared to exposure
Determination on the extent of corrosion in oxygen or air. It has been established
can be done by measurements of the that deposition of Na2 SO4 , formed by
scale or remaining metal thickness or by salt from the air and sulfur from the
determination of total weight loss after fuel, is responsible for these kinds of
removal of corrosion products. The last attack, especially work by Goebel and
method is especially favored, if a high Pettit [33] as well as by Bornstein and
amount of oxide is dispersed in the DeCrescente [34, 35] recognized that the
solidified salt. formation of sulfides on the metallic
For kinetic studies and according to the engine parts results from the presence
guidelines developed in the TESTCORR of a thin salt film on the metal surface.
project [32], the extent of corrosion has to Extensive research was performed on
be determined on a logarithmic timescale alloys, coated with Na2 SO4 and reacted
after 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 h of in air, oxygen, and SO3 -containing gases.
exposure and redeposition has to occur Not all of the work done can be described
after every 20 h. here in detail but some principles on the
618 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

reaction mechanisms will be given in the of the corrosion products depends on the
following. In general, two types of hot temperature and p(SO3 ). At 750 ◦ C, an
corrosion regimes are distinguished and outer layer is formed, consisting of Co3 O4
designated as type I and type II. and CoSO4 , whereas Cr2 O3 and CoCr2 O4
Type I Hot Corrosion occurs when the were detected as an inner scale in pits
metal surface temperature is higher than underneath the original metal surface.
the melting point of Na2 SO4 (T > 884 ◦ C). At lower temperatures (600, 650 ◦ C), an
When Ni with Na2 SO4 deposits is reacted outer scale of porous Cr2 O3 was formed
above 900 ◦ C in SO3 -containing oxygen, and no pits were detected. On Co-Al, no
the Na2 SO4 is molten from the very start pits were formed and a uniform corro-
of the reaction (m.p. of Na2 SO4 is 884 ◦ C) sive attack was observed by the formation
and accelerated corrosion occurs. of Co3 O4 and CoSO4 . In addition, also
Type II Hot Corrosion takes place at aluminum sulfides were detected at the
temperatures below the melting point metal/scale interface. A detailed corrosion
of Na2 SO4 . As the reaction proceeds, mechanism of Co-based alloys in O2 - and
dissolution of corrosion products occurs SO3 -containing gases was also provided
and a melt is formed. In the case by Luthra [38]. In this model, in only SO3 -
of Ni, NiSO4 and/or a solid solution containing gases, the SO3 is dissolved in
of Na2 SO4 + NiSO4 is gradually formed the melt and transported via SO4 2− ions
through the reaction of NiO + SO3 : from the melt/gas to the melt/oxide inter-
NiO + SO3 + Na2 SO4 = Na2 SO4 face at which CoSO4 is formed. In only
O2− -containing gases, Co2+ is dissolved
− NiSO4 (s) (73) from the oxide and transported to the
melt/gas interface at which it is oxidized
With further reaction, the NiSO4 content
by O2 to Co3+ and Co3 O4 is formed. Some
in the Na2 SO4 − NiSO4 solid solution
Co3+ also diffuses to the melt/oxide inter-
increases and for a critical concentration
face at which it is reduced to Co2+ again.
of Na2 SO4 − NiSO4 , the sulfate mixture
If p(SO3 ) is quite low and O2 is present
melts. Under these conditions, the more
in the gas, CoSO4 is also formed at the
rapid hot corrosion is initiated. With
melt/gas interface.
increasing p(SO3 ), the melting point of the
Alloying elements like Mo, W, and also V
NiSO4 − Na2 SO4 solid solution decreases
as a fuel impurity form acidic oxides MoO3 ,
and a NiSO4 − Na2 SO4 liquid solution
with Tm < 884 ◦ C forms [36, 37]. WO3 , and V2 O5 . The effect of NaVO3 on
In aircraft turbines, especially nickel- the acidic fluxing of CeO2 , HfO2 , and
and cobalt-based alloys suffer from salt- Y2 O3 was studied in detail by Zhang and
induced corrosion. On these alloys, type II Rapp [40] and it was shown that fluxing
corrosion mechanisms were observed, de- was accelerated by the presence of acidic
pending on the surface temperature of the solutes in the melt. This behavior results
turbine blades. Studies were performed on from complexing reactions between the
Co-Cr, Co-Al, Ni-Cr, Ni-Cr-Al, and Co-Cr- solute VO3 − and oxide ions, provided by
Al-Y alloys [38, 39]. It was shown that on acidic dissolution of ceria:
Co-Cr and Co-Cr-Al pits were formed on
the alloy, filled with corrosion products. 3CeO2 + 4NaVO3 = 2Na2 O + Ce3 (VO4 )4
On Co-Cr and Co-Cr-Al, the morphology (74)
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 619

This reaction principle is also valid for any walls (300 to 400 ◦ C) and sulfates CaSO4 ,
other oxide. K2 SO4 , Na2 SO4 , PbSO4 , and ZnSO4 on
hotter parts such as superheaters (450 Waste Incineration to 550 ◦ C) [41]. Because of the significant
Corrosion of superheaters and water walls amount of heavy metals, these salt mix-
in waste fired boilers results from the tures form low melting eutectics down to
deposition of fly ash on the metal sur- 250 ◦ C.
face. This produces a characteristic failure A typical sulfate melt–induced attack
situation in which the covered part of the of superheater (T ≈ 550 ◦ C) from a waste
tube is significantly damaged (Fig. 19). In fired boiler is shown in Fig. 20. The
these ashes, molten phases are formed, morphology of the scale is typical for
mainly chlorides KCl, NaCl, ZnCl2 , and a molten salt attack, a thick and dense
PbCl2 on cooler parts such as water chromium-rich oxide scales in contact

Fig. 19 Characteristic failure

situation of a superheater from
a waste fired boiler. The ash
covered part of the tube is
significantly damaged.

1000 µm

Fig. 20 Typical sulfate melt–induced attack of superheater

(T ≈ 550 ◦ C) from a waste fired boiler. The morphology of the scale is
typical for a molten salt attack, a thick and dense chromium-rich oxide
scales in contact with the metal and iron oxide precipitate and nickel
oxide precipitate in the molten salt.
620 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

with the metal and iron oxide precipi- metal in the molten salt as soluble metal
tate and nickel oxide precipitate in the chlorides.
molten salt. Systematic investigations on
the corrosion mechanism of steels and Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
nickel-based alloys beneath molten sul- Molten carbonate fuel cells operate at
fates under waste incineration conditions 650 ◦ C with a molten 62 wt. % Li2 CO3 -
were carried out by Spiegel [42]. The
38 wt. % K2 CO3 -eutectic mixture as the
corrosion mechanism is closely related
electrolyte, CO2 and O2 as oxidant
to hot corrosion, as described by the
gases, and H2 as the fuel. The relevant
Rapp–Goto model.
reactions are:
Regarding molten chlorides, mainly
KCl-ZnCl2 mixtures are present in the
ashes and fast corrosion occurs at
relatively low temperatures. Figure 21 CO2 + 12 O2 + 2e− = CO3 2− (75)
presents results of a thermogravimetric
measurement on 2.25Cr-1Mo-steel be-
neath a molten 50 wt. % KCl-50 wt. % H2 + CO3 2− = H2 O + CO + 2e− (76)
ZnCl2 mixture at different tempera-
tures in He-5 vol.% O2 gas mixture. Figure 22 shows the principal setup of
At 350 ◦ C, significant corrosion occurs such a fuel cell. In practice, the stack
by the molten salt. The main corro- technology is applied by combining many
sion mechanism is the dissolution of modules into a bigger device. The main

400 °C 2.25Cr-1Mo
He-5 vol.% O2
15 mg/cm2 KCl/ZnCl2
Mass change
[mg cm−2]


350 °C


250 °C

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Fig. 21 Results of a thermogravimetric measurement on 2.25Cr-1Mo-steel
beneath a molten 50 wt. % KCl-50 wt. % ZnCl2 mixture at different temperatures in
He-5 vol.% O2 gas mixture.
6.1 Molten Salt-induced Corrosion of Metals (Hot Corrosion) 621

Fig. 22 Principle setup of a CO2/O2

molten carbonate fuel cell.

Cathodic current
NiO cathode
(Li,K)2CO3 melt
Ni anode

Anodic current


corrosion problems occur at the cathodic 6. H. Flood, T. Forland, Acta chem. Scand. 1947,
side at which NiO is used as the cathode 1, 781.
7. D. A. Shores, W. C. Fang, J. Electrochem. Soc.
material and stainless steel as the current 1981, 128, 346.
collector. Both parts contact the gas phase 8. W. C. Fang, R. A. Rapp, J. Electrochem. Soc.
(O2 , CO2 ) and the molten carbonate, lead- 1983, 130, 2335.
ing to hot corrosion attack. NiO as the 9. T. Nishina, I. Uchida, J. R. Selman, J. Elec-
trochem. Soc. 1994, 141, 1191.
cathode materials starts to dissolve in the 10. P. Claes, B. Thirjon, J. Gilbert, Electrochim.
melt and reprecipitates in the electrolyte, Acta 1996, 41, 141.
leading to a short circuit and breakdown 11. Y. S. Zhang, R. A. Rapp, J. Electrochem. Soc.
of the cell voltage. Furthermore, corrosion 1985, 132, 734.
12. Y. S. Zhang, R. A. Rapp, J. Electrochem. Soc.
of the cathodic current collector by the 1986, 133, 2498.
molten carbonate occurs and the cell volt- 13. R. A. Rapp, Corrosion 1986, 42, 568.
age decreases because of the growth of 14. P. D. Jose, D. K. Gupta, R. A. Rapp, J. Elec-
poorly conducting oxide phases such as trochem. Soc. 1985, 132, 735.
15. D. K. Gupta, R. A. Rapp, J. Electrochem. Soc.
LiCrO2 . Laboratory research is continuing 1980, 127, 2194, 2656.
to find metallic materials with good cor- 16. Y. S. Zhang, J. Electrochem. Soc. 1986, 133,
rosion resistance, forming corrosion prod- 655.
ucts with reasonable electric conductivity 17. Y.-S. Hwang, R. A. Rapp, J. Electrochem. Soc.
1990, 137, 1276.
such as spinels, doped with Co and Mn. 18. K. Ota, S. Mitsushima, K. Kato et al., Pro-
ceedings of the Second Symposium in MCFC-
References Technology, The Electrochemical Society,
Princeton, N.J., 1990, Vol. 90-16, p. 318.
19. M. L. Orfield, D. A. Shores, J. Electrochem.
1. R. A. Rapp, Metall. Mater. Trans. A 2000, 31A,
Soc. 1988, 135, 1662.
2105. 20. R. A. Rapp, K. Goto in Proceedings of the
2. H. Lux, Z. Elektrochem. Angew. Phys. Chem. Fused Salt Symposium 2 (Eds.: J. Braunstein,
1939, 45, 303. R. Selman), The Electrochemical Society,
3. H. Flood, T. Forland, K. Motzfeld, Acta chem. Princeton, N.J., 1979.
Scand. 1952, 6, 257. 21. D. A. Shores in High Temperature Corro-
4. C. O. Park, R. A. Rapp, J. Electrochem. Soc. sion (Ed.: R. A. Rapp), NACE International,
1986, 133, 1636. Houston, Tex., 1983, p. 493.
5. R. E. Andresen, J. Electrochem. Soc. 1979, 126, 22. N. Otsuka, R. A. Rapp, J. Electrochem. Soc.
328. 1990, 137, 46.
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23. K. N. Lee, D. A. Shores, J. Electrochem. Soc. 33. J. A. Goebel, F. S. Pettit, Metall. Trans. 1970,
1990, 137, 859. 4, 1943.
24. P. Biedenkopf, M. Spiegel, H. J. Grabke, Mat- 34. N. S. Bornstein, M. A. DeCrescente, Trans.
er. Corros. 1997, 48, 731. Met. Soc. AIME 1969, 245, 1947.
25. A. Rahmel, Werkst. Korros. 1968, 19(9), 750. 35. N. S. Bornstein, M. A. DeCrescente, Metall.
26. U. Jäkel, W. Schwenk, Werkst. Korros. 1975, Trans. 1971, 2, 2875.
26(7), 521. 36. K. L. Luthra, D. A. Shores, J. Electrochem.
27. M. Spiegel, Electrochemical investigations Soc. 1980, 127, 2202.
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Sulfate Melt. ‘‘Proceedings EUROCORR‘00, 21, 233.
London, (2000). 38. K. L. Luthra, Metall. Trans. A 1982, 13A, 1647,
28. P. Biedenkopf, M. Spiegel, H. J. Grabke, 1843, 1853.
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1996, 47, 179.
32. A. B. Tomkins et al., TESTCORR, Code of
Practise, ERA Report 2000–0546, 2001,
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 623

6.2 or SiO2 on materials used at very high

High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by temperatures. These alloys certainly must
Gases also have sufficient mechanical strength
.. at high temperature to be creep resistant.
Hans Jurgen Grabke The high-temperature corrosion behavior
Max-Planck-Institut fur Eisenforschung
.. of these engineering alloys by all possible
Dusseldorf, Germany
kinds of attack has been described in a
.. .. book by Lai [1], which gives extensive in-
Gunther Holzapfel
.. formation on the mechanisms and kinetics
Lehrstuhl fur Physikalische Chemie I,
.. of corrosion and the necessary background
Universitat Dortmund, Germany
for the material’s selection in the industry.
6.2.1 More emphasis on the fundamental as-
Introduction pects of high-temperature corrosion and
especially oxidation of metals was put by
High-temperature corrosion is a practical Kofstad in his textbook [2].
problem in most applications of metals This chapter now concentrates on the
and alloys at elevated temperatures in electrochemical aspects of oxide growth,
corrosive environments. In power plants, which have been studied mainly in earlier
chemical and petrochemical process in- years for fundamental interest. These stud-
dustries, for aircraft engines, heat treat- ies concerned the more rapidly growing ox-
ment and other metallurgical processes, ides, for which the system metal/scale/gas
and new technologies such as waste- can indeed be compared to an electrochem-
incineration plants, high-temperature fuel ical cell – the so-called protective oxides
cells, and so on, the metallic materi- Cr2 O3 , Al2 O3 , and SiO2 are more complex
als must be carefully selected, to allow cases, but will be discussed also. Con-
sufficient lifetime and avoid premature sidering the vast amount of literature on
failure. Sometimes processes are not pos- oxidation of engineering alloys, this discus-
sible since the materials would not with- sion is only short and concentrates on the
stand the process conditions that must be electrochemical aspects. Some rare studies
adapted to the available materials. have been done on the electrochemical pro-
The corrosion by atmospheres gener- cesses in sulfidation and chloridation, and
ally is by oxidation but also carburization, these will be reported. But carburization
nitridation, chloridation, and sulfidation and nitridation are not considered since
are possible, in the flue gases, process these reactions are not electrochemical in
gases. Oxidation and formation of a slowly any way.
growing oxide scale can be considered In principle, most metals (except some
as positive and helpful to suppress the noble ones) are unstable at high tem-
ingress and attack by C, N, S, Cl, and peratures in gaseous environments. They
so on. All high-temperature alloys are should react to oxides, sulfides, chlorides,
tailored so that they can withstand high- and so on depending on the kind of
temperature corrosion by the formation environment. Generally, the Gibbs free
of a scale that is protective: Fe3 O4 and energies of oxidation are most negative, so
Fe2 O3 on low-alloy steels up to about that oxides are most stable and their forma-
550 ◦ C, Cr2 O3 and spinels on high-alloy tion pressures very low. For an oxidation
Cr-steels up to about 900 ◦ C, and Al2 O3 reaction
624 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

2x 2 theory correlates the scale growth and the

M + O2 = Mx Oy (1)
y y parabolic rate constant with ionic conduc-
tivities and transference numbers or with
the formation pressure results from the ionic self-diffusivities [7–9].
  However, in oxidation, sulfidation, and
pO2 = exp (2) so on, not only diffusion in the solid
reaction product, but also phase boundary
where Go is the Gibbs free energy reactions play a role:
under standard conditions. Thus, data
on Go are important to find out the • the surface reaction in which O, S, and
most stable reaction products (Fig. 1), and so on are transferred from the oxidants
an electrochemical method has been put O2 , CO2 , H2 O or S2 , SO2 , H2 S . . . to
forward by Wagner for its determination the scale surface and
[3]. This method is based on the use of a • the transfer of the metal atoms through
solid electrolyte, doped ZrO2 , and its use the oxide/metal-, sulfide/metal-, and so
for determination of thermodynamic data on interface.
[4] is described in Sect. Wagner was well aware that these pro-
In the oxidation, sulfidation, and so on of cesses also may affect or even control
metals and alloys, solid reaction products the kinetics of oxidation, sulfidation, and
are growing as film, scale, crystals, or in so on, and he initiated research on the
other morphologies, on the metal phase. A phase boundary reaction kinetics [10–18].
frequent case is the formation of a dense Some cases of surface reaction control are
scale, separating the metal and gas phase. described in Sect. The surface re-
In this case, generally, a parabolic rate actions generally have no electrochemical
law is observed for the increase of film character, but as shown, electron transfer
thickness x steps are involved [10–12]. Least is known
dx k about the reactions at the inner interface,
x 2 = 2k t which results from = (3) but studies on sulfidation [13–18] have
dt x
proven its role.
indicating diffusion-controlled growth. So, Wagner and his followers have cov-
The parabolic law was first observed by ered not only the diffusion-controlled ki-
Tammann [5] in 1920 for growth of AgI netics, by the generally so-called Wagner’s
on silver and later (1923) by Pilling and theory, but also the other fundamental
Bedworth [6] for the oxidation of iron. aspects of scaling kinetics. This kind of
In the following years, knowledge about fundamental research on mechanisms and
disorder and defects in oxides and other kinetics of scale growth, also on the elec-
solid compounds was gained (see Sect. trochemical reactions in high-temperature On the basis of this knowledge, oxidation, sulfidation, and so on was flour-
Wagner could develop his theory on the ishing till the 1960s.
growth of scales by diffusion of ions Since for protection against high-
[7–9] (Fig. 2). In fact, the model pro- temperature corrosion, slow-growing, de-
posed corresponds to an electrochemical nse, well-adherent oxide scales are of
cell, with anodic and cathodic reaction, greatest importance, later on the research
diffusion of cations and/or anions, and concentrated on the growth and adherence
charge transport by electrons. Wagner’s of such scales, that is, mainly Cr2 O3 and
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 625

H2/H2O ratio 10−8 10−6 10−4 p O2

CO/CO2 ratio 10−8 10−6 10−4 10−2


0 0 1
Fe 2
=6 1
−100 M CO 2
O4 O =2 10−2
e 3
M M = 2Co + O2
+ O2 O
2Co O
−200 = 2H 2
2Cu 2
NiO + O2
M 2H 2
+ O2 = O2
=2 10−4
4Cu i+
−300 102

C + O2 = CO2
Zn 10−8
=2 B 2C
−500 + O2 + O
H n =2 104
2Z 2 Cr 2O 3 2
O2 3
4 Cr +
∆G ° = RT In p O2

C M M 10−10
[kJ/mole O2]

−600 3 B
iO 2
−700 Si + 10−12

−800 O3
2 Al 2 10−14
= 3 106
4 Al +
−900 3 B
Mg O B
M =2 Ca 108
O2 =2
g+ O2
2M a+
−1000 2C
M Change of state Element Oxide 10−18
Melting point M M 108
−1100 Boiling point B B

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
[°C] 10 10−22
10 1012
CO/CO2 ratio
0K H2/H2O ratio

10−200 10−100 10−70 10−60 10−50 10−42 10−38 10−34 10−30 10−28 10−26 10−24
p O2

Fig. 1 Plot of Gibbs energy of formation per mole O2 versus temperature,

for some important oxides (Ellingham–Richardson diagram). Lines of
constant pO2 , pH2 O/pH2 , and pCO2 /pCO are drawn by connecting the
point at 0 K with the mark at the auxiliary scale.

Al2 O3 . In these oxides, the transport of Sect. Furthermore, the attack by
ions is mainly along grain boundaries and mixed oxidants is of great practical inter-
the electronic conductivity is low so that est, and the phenomena involved in attacks
transport of electrons may play a role (see by oxidation, sulfidation, carburization,
626 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

Fig. 2 (a) Schematics of the reactions

and transport processes in a growing
Me XZ− X2 scale, during the corrosion of a metal in
e− a gas phase with X2 = O2 , S2 , Cl2 or
(a) Me MeZ+ + Ze− 1
+ Ze− XZ− else; (b) curves for growth of thickness
2 X2
or mass gain per area m/A according
to linear and parabolic kinetics.

Linear rate law

Parabolic rate law


(b) Time

nitridation, and/or chloridation rarely can suitable two phase mixture, for example,
be discussed as electrochemical processes. Fe + FeO, FeO + Fe3 O4 , and so on, whose
equilibrium pressure is well-known. The Determination of Thermodynamic Gibbs standard energy of reaction (1) then
Data results from Measurements of Gibbs Energies Go1 = −E1 F + 12 RT ln pO2 (4)

The electrochemical measurement of stan-
dard Gibbs energies Go for the formation where E1 is the open-circuit voltage in
of metal oxides and other compounds is equilibrium, F is Faraday’s constant, and
briefly described here, since it is a gener- R the gas constant. From measurements
ally very elegant and precise method. Its at different temperatures, one can derive
limitation is to have available a solid elec- the standard entropy change S1o and the
trolyte with prevailing ionic conductivity, enthalpy H1o
that is, the transference number for ions −dGo1
tion ∼
= 1, this has been discussed in detail S1o = H1o = Go1 + T S1o
[19–24]. In a wide range of temperatures (5)
and oxygen pressures, doped ZrO2 can be As mentioned, cells can be constructed in-
used, in the galvanic cell volving two condensed-phase coexistence
electrodes, for example,
Pt|Me, Mex Oy |
ZrO2 + CaO(or Y2 O3 )|Pt, O2 (g) Fe, FeO|ZrO2 + CaO|Ni, NiO
Go = −2F E = Go (FeO) − Go (NiO)
for determination of Go of the general
oxidation reaction (1) where the oxygen The virtual cell reaction is a displacement
pressure pO2 at the right-hand side, maybe reaction
pO2 = 1 bar, or pO2 = 0.21 bar (in air)
or given by the oxygen pressure of a NiO + Fe = FeO + Ni (6)
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 627

and the Gibbs energy obtained is the oxygen partial pressure pO2 results in the
difference of the Gibbs energies of FeO cell voltage
and NiO formation. So if the value
of Go for one of the coexistence RT 0.21
electrodes is well-known, the other one E= ln  (9)
4F pO2
can be determined. In high-temperature
oxidation, the formation of mixed oxides
and spinels is also of interest, and was Such cells can be used, not only for mea-
studied for many systems [25–27] using suring pO2 in gas mixtures containing O2 ,
solid electrolyte cells, for example, but also in CO2 −CO or H2 O−H2 mixtures
[28], and, in addition, for controlling pO2
Pt|Ni, NiAl2 O4 , Al2 O3 |ZrO2 + Y2 O3 | by getting oxygen from or pumping oxy-
gen into gas streams. Oxygen pressures
Ni, NiO|Pt
and therefore activities can also be mea-
for the virtual cell reaction sured or established in solid metals and
alloys or in liquid metal baths [4].
NiO + Al2 O3 = NiAl2 O4 (7) It may be noted that initial states of ox-
idation, that is, the formation of oxygen
Corresponding cell values of Go for the adsorption structures on Ni and on Fe,
formation of many ternary compounds
could be studied using an electrochemical
have been obtained. Besides doped zir-
cell (Fig. 3) for establishing defined oxygen
conia, also some iodides, AgI, CuI have
activities in and on a metal sample [29]. The
been used as cation conductors in elec-
electrochemical cell was mounted in an ul-
trochemical cells for thermodynamic and
trahigh vacuum (UHV) system and could
kinetic studies. The Gibbs energy of a sul-
be heated so that adsorption isotherms and
fide formation can be determined [21], for
surface structures could be determined
example, by the cell
by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and
Pt, Ag|AgI|Ag2 S, S, Pt low-energy electron diffraction (LEED). In
another study [30], the surface composition
The transfer of Ag+ ions to the right side of wustite FeO was measured as a func-
of the cell and their reaction with molten tion of E and ln pO2 at high temperatures
sulfur corresponds to the virtual reaction 720–900 ◦ C.
2 Ag + S = Ag2 S (8)
Sulfur pressure The following cell is
suitable to control the chemical potentials Measurement and Control
and activities of silver and sulfur in Ag2 S
of Partial Pressures and Activities
Oxygen pressure For measurement or Pt|Ag|AgI|Ag2 S|Pt
control of oxygen pressures, the following
cell is used: Through AgI as cationic conductor, Ag+
ions can be transferred to and from the
Pt, O2 (g) |ZrO2 + Y2 O3 |O2 (g) , Pt
sulfide Ag2 S,
In the case of an oxygen sensor with the
reference electrode in air (0.21 bar O2 ), the Ag = Ag+ (in Ag2 S) + e− (10)
628 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

Ni/ZrO2 (+CaO)/Fe-FeO

RT p O2
E= In
4F p O2(Fe-FeO)


c (2 × 2), q = 0.5
O(ad) on Ni (100)
0.5 T = 850 °C
A O /A Ni


0.3 Ni NiO
p (2 × 2), q = 0.25

1.6 10−13
−25 −24 −23 −22 −21 −20 −19 −18 −17 −13
log p O2
Fig. 3 Use of a solid electrolyte cell Ni/ZrO2 (+CaO)/Fe-FeO to measure the
oxygen adsorption isotherm on a Ni single crystal at 850 ◦ C by AES (adsorption
structures obtained from LEED), step isotherm approaching the coverages 0.25
and 0.5 at free energies −260 kJ mol−1 O and −220 kJ mol−1 O [29, 30].

the Gibbs energy of this reaction is where E o is the electromotive force (emf)
given by of the cell corresponding to equilibrium
with liquid sulfur.
G = µAg (Ag2 S) − µoAg = −EF (11)
and the silver activity in Ag2 S can be Nonstoichiometry and Defect Structure
derived from of Oxides and Other Corrosion Products
−EF After formation of a dense film, separating
aAg = exp (12)
RT gas phase and metal, transport processes
must be possible in the film for continued
Since the chemical potentials of Ag and
growth. In a rigid ordered lattice, transport
S are coupled by the Gibbs–Duhem
of particles would be impossible and
equation, one can derive that
scale growth would not be possible. In
2(E − E o )F all solid compounds, however, there is
aS = − exp (13) a certain disorder caused by interstitials
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 629

and vacancies in the lattice, which enable Accordingly, the conductivity of pure NiO
solid-state diffusion. The defect structures was found to be proportional to (pO2 )1/6
and diffusion will be summarized in the at temperatures >850 ◦ C [34] (Fig. 4a).
following for ionic crystals since oxidation, The electrical properties of NiO, doped
sulfidation, and chloridation, and so on with monovalent ions (Li+ ) and trivalent
mostly form ionic crystals. For denotations ions (Ga3+ , Cr3+ ) have been studied quite
of the defects, somewhat modified symbols extensively. The study of Cr-doped NiO
according to Kröger are used. is of particular interest for understanding
the oxidation behavior of Ni−Cr alloys. Cation-deficient Oxides When trivalent Cr ions are introduced into
The oxidation products of the base metals a NiO crystal, the electrical compensation
of most alloys are cation-deficient oxides: could occur by formation of doubly ionized
for example, NiO, FeO, CoO, and Cu2 O. nickel vacancies, according to
These will be discussed in turn. Cr2 O3 = 2CrNi + + 3OxO + VNi 2− (16) NiO Studies of nonstoichiom- where CrNi + represents a Cr ion on a Ni

etry, electrical conductivity, and thermo- site with a +1 charge relative to the normal
electric power [32–35] have shown that site occupation. Since [CrNi + ] = 2[VNi 2− ]:
NiO is a metal deficient, p-type semicon-
ductor, that is, vacancies exist in the cation (pO2 )1/4
[h+ ] ≈ (17)
sublattice and are compensated by positive [CrNi + ]1/2
holes h+ , corresponding to Ni3+ ions. The
electric conductivity is proportional to the In fact, the conductivity of NiO doped
concentration of positive holes [h+ ]; NiO with Cr is proportional to (pO2 )1/4 at
is accordingly a p-conductor. The reaction temperatures >850 ◦ C and decreases with
for the incorporation of excess oxygen into the Cr content, if the NiCr2 O4 solubility is
the lattice is not exceeded [34].
Upon doping NiO with an oxide of a
2 O2 (g) = OxO + VNi 2− + 2h+ (14) monovalent metal, for example, Li2 O, the
lithium cation occupies sites in the cation
lattice and this defect has a negative charge
where OxO is a normal oxygen ion on an
relative to the normal lattice. Doping with
oxygen site, and VNi 2− is a vacancy on a
Li2 O may increase the number of electron
nickel site, which carries a 2− charge in
holes, or decrease the concentration of
relation to the normal lattice. The law of
VNi 2− :
mass action can be applied to this dilute
solution, with the activity of normal oxygen
Li2 O = 2LiNi − + OxO + 2h+ (18a)
ions equal to unity
2− −
Li2 O + VNi = 2LiNi + OxO (18b)
[VNi 2− ][h+ ]2
(pO2 )1/2 Accordingly Li doping enhances the con-
+ 2− ductivity of Ni, but decreases the cation
and with [h ] = 2[VNi ]
diffusivity since cation vacancies are
results [h+ ] ≈ (pO2 )1/6 (15) annihilated. Correspondingly, Cr doping
630 6 Corrosion in Special Environments


[ohm − cm]−1

Ni/NiO coexistence

1 1
1000°C 3.8 2.6


10−4 700°C

10−1410−1210−10 10−8 10−6 10−4 10−2 100

p O2
(a) [atm]

700°C 800°C 900 °C pe−


−3 900°C
[Ω cm]−1

Gh+ Ge−
log G


−9 ZrO2 + 10 mol% Y2O3

0 −10 −20 −30 −40 bar −50

log p O2

Fig. 4 Conductivities of semiconducting oxides in dependence on

the oxygen pressure: (a) of a pure NiO single crystal, σ increasing
with pO2 , approximately ∼ (pO2 )1/4 , at low oxygen pressure
contribution by excess electrons [34]; (b) of ZrO2 + 10 mol Y2 O3 , at
low oxygen pressure increasing electronic conductivity by electrons
σe− and at high oxygen pressure, contribution of electronic
conductivity by defect electrons σh+ ; through the doping with Y2 O3
ionic conductivity prevails – but without doping a very
low-conductivity results at intermediate oxygen pressures!
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 631

enhances the cation diffusivity, and these wustite Fe1−y O at 1300 ◦ C [41]. The phase
doping effects on diffusivity should affect field of wustite could be studied using a
the growth rate of oxide scales by cation dif- solid-state electrochemical cell [42].
fusion. These ‘‘Wagner–Hauffe’’ doping
effects have been studied and confirmed Pt/Fe, Fe1−y1 O/ZrO2 + CaO/Fe1−y O/Pt
for NiO + Cr2 O3 and NiO + Ag2 O [36].
varying the composition of Fe1−y O by CoO Measurements of the el- coulometric titration and measurements
ectrical conductivity of CoO as a function of the equilibrium cell voltage. The defects
of oxygen partial pressure [37, 38] show in wustite correspond to those in NiO and
that the same vacancy model applies CoO, that is, cation vacancies and electron
as for NiO up to pO2 ∼ 10−5 bar. For holes. However, because of the high-defect
higher oxygen pressures, it was found concentration, occurrence of complexes,
σ ∼ (pO2 )1/4 , which indicates formation for example, of two cation vacancies
of singly charged vacancies and one Fe3+ interstitial, have been
assumed, and existence of three wustite
2 O2 = OxO + VCo − + h+ (19)
regions has been proposed, separated
Corresponding results were obtained in by order-disorder transitions [42]. The
a recent study [39] using a very pure most important consequence of the high-
CoO single crystal. Measurements at vacancy concentration is the high-iron
1000–1300 ◦ C temperature and pO2 led self-diffusivity [43], resulting in high-oxide
to a model in which free electron holes are growth rates.
considered and electron holes trapped by An electrochemical method could be
cation vacancies. The latter configuration applied to measure chemical diffusion in
corresponds to the singly charged vacancy; wustite [44], using the solid electrolyte cell:
its lifetime could be estimated to be twenty
times larger than the residence time of an pO2 , Pt/ZrO2 + Y2 O3 /Fe1−y O/Pt, N2
electron hole on a cation site.
Oxidation studies [40] showed that, in At first, the relation of the emf E of this
CoO, singly charged and neutral vacan- cell and the stoichiometric composition
cies are the prevailing species. The latter of the wustite sample was measured by
cannot be detected by conductivity mea- coulometric titration. Then galvanostatic
surements, but affect the cation diffusivity, or potentiostatic measurements of the re-
according to laxation curves for oxidation or reduction
= OxO + VCo of the wustite samples were obtained and
2 O2
the chemical diffusivities determined. The
DCo ≈ [VCo ] ≈ p(O2 )1/2 (20) values are consistent with those obtained
from tracer diffusion measurements, con- FeO As a measure of nonsto- sidering thermodynamic and correlation
ichiometry, the value of y in Ni1−y O is factors. As already mentioned, surface
rather small: 2.75 × 10−4 at 1200 ◦ C and compositions of wustite were also mea-
0.21 bar O2 [35]. The corresponding values sured by AES, using an electrochemical
for Co1−y O are considerably higher: about cell to establish the oxygen activities [28]
0.01 at 1150 ◦ C and 1 bar O2 , up to 0.14 for (see section on Oxygen Pressure).
632 6 Corrosion in Special Environments Cu2 O For Cu2 O, the conduc- In these reactions, a zinc cation enters an
tivity is proportional to about p(O2 )1/7 in interstitial site either with one or with two
the temperature range 800–1000 ◦ C [45]. positive charges. Writing the mass action
Thus, Cu2 O is a p-conductor and oxygen law for reaction (23a)
can be inserted in the lattice according to
K = (pO2 )1/2 [Zni + ][e− ]
2 O2 = OxO + 2VCu − + 2h+ (21) where [Zni + ] = [e− ] (24)

which leads to one obtains for the oxygen pressure

dependence of the conductivity, which is
[VCu − ]2 [h+ ]2 proportional to the concentration of free
K= [h+ ] = [VCu − ] electrons
p(O2 )1/2
and σ ≈ [h+ ] ≈ p(O2 )1/8 for this oxide, σ ≈ [e− ] ≈ (pO2 )−1/4 (25)
in approximate agreement with the exper- In the case of reaction (23b), the oxygen
imental result [45]. Transference numbers pressure dependence should be given by
have also been determined by a simple ex-
periment [45]: a Cu-foil was contacted at σ ≈ [e− ] ≈ (pO2 )−1/6 (26)
its ends with Pt-wires and the foil was
oxidized at high temperature to Cu2 O. In fact, conductivity measurements [46]
After that, a high dc-current was passed gave exponents between −1/4.5 and −1/5
through the oxide for a long time and in dependence on temperature and pO2 ,
so that both defect equilibria (a) and (b) are
then the foil was fractured in its middle
and the two parts weighed. In this exper-
The addition of a lower valent oxide to ZnO
iment, Cu+ -ions are transferred into the
cathode part of the sample causing a mass Li2 O + 2e− + 12 O2 = 2LiZn − + 2ZnO
increase, which can be used for calcula-
tion of the cation transference number:
− +
tCu+ = 5.2 × 10−4 at 1000 ◦ C. Thus, only a or Li2 O = 2LiZn + 2Zni + 12 O2
little part of the current is transported by (27b)
cations, the electron conductivity (by defect decreases the concentration of free elec-
electrons) is prevailing: te− ∼ = 1. In fact, trons and increases that of interstitial zinc
the electrical properties σ and ti of oxides, ions. The addition of a higher valent oxide
important for the oxidation behavior of
metals, have been determined only in rare Zni + + Al2 O3 = 2AlZn + + e− + ZnO
cases. Mostly diffusivities were studied. (28a)
+ −
or Al2 O3 = 2AlZn + 2e + 2ZnO + 12 O2 Cation-excess Oxides (28b)
increases the concentration of free elec- ZnO Zinc oxide can lose oxy- trons and decreases that of interstitial zinc
gen at high temperatures [46] according to ions [46].

ZnO = 12 O2 + Zni + + e− (23a) TiO2 and ZrO2 Interstitial cat-
or ZnO = 12 O2 + Zni 2+ + 2e− (23b) ions most probably are also the prevailing
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 633

defects in rutile TiO2 , the defect A corresponding defect reaction oc-

equilibrium being described by curs for ZrO2 at low (pO2 ) and high
temperatures, whereas ZrO2 becomes a
Zero = Tii 4+ + 4e− + O2 (g) (29) p-conductor at high (pO2 ) (Fig. 4b). A
most important ceramic is ZrO2 doped
where zero represents the perfect stoichio-
with CaO, MgO, or Y2 O3 . The doping ox-
metric crystal TiO2 .
ides suppress the temperature-dependent
Mass action law and electroneutrality
transformations of ZrO2 and stabilize the
condition lead to
cubic high-temperature modification. In
K = [Tii 4+ ][e− ]4 (pO2 )4[Tii 4+ ] = [e− ] addition, the lower valent cations intro-
(30) duced by doping cause a fixed concentra-
thus, the electrical conductivity should be tion of oxygen vacancies, according to

σ ∼ [e− ] ∼ (pO2 )−1/5 (31) CaO + ZrxZr + OxO = CaZr 2− + VO 2+

and conductivity measurements [47] be- + ZrO2 (34)

tween 944 and 1205 ◦ C yielded for the
These oxygen vacancies confer an ionic
exponent: −1/4.24. . . −1/4.7 indicating
conductivity to ZrO2 + CaO, which is used
that also trivalent Ti-ions are present in
in many applications, especially for mea-
the interstitial sites. That the defects are
surement and control of oxygen pressures
interstitial cations was confirmed by trans-
(see Sect. For this purpose, solid
ference studies by the Tubandt method
electrolyte cells are used for which the
[47]. Three sintered TiO2 tablets were
voltage results from Nernst’s law
pressed together and a dc-current between
100 and 400 mA was passed for 10–12 h at     
RT p (O2 )
3.4 × 10−13 bar O2 . After this experiment, E= ln  (35)
4F p (O2 )
the tablets were separated and weighed.
The mass of the tablet at the cathode in- where R is the gas constant, F Faraday’s
creased and the mass of the anodic tablet constant and p  (O2 ) the oxygen pressure
decreased. The transference numbers in to be measured, and p  (O2 ) a reference
the temperature range 842–982 ◦ C were oxygen pressure. Air is often used as
determined to be about 1–3 × 10−4 for reference and sometimes metal/metal
the interstitial Ti4+ and Ti3+ ions. At high oxide mixture, so here p  (O2 ) is given
temperatures, >977 ◦ C and low pO2 gravi- by the formation pressure of the oxide.
metric studies indicate the existence of
oxygen vacancies in TiO2 with a concen- Chromia and Alumina
tration proportional to (pO2 )−1/6 , which The stable modifications α-Cr2 O3 and α-
corresponds to the defect equilibrium Al2 O3 both have the corundum structure
Zero = VO 2+ + 2e− + 12 O2 (g) (32) and are closely stoichiometric; deviations
from stoichiometry as a function of
with the mass action law pO2 could not be observed. Many steels
and high-temperature alloys rely on the
K = [VO 2+ ][e− ]2 (pO2 )1/2 2[VO 2+ ] = [e− ] formation of slow-growing Cr2 O3 or Al2 O3
(33) as a major component of the oxide
leading to σ ∼ e− ∼ (pO2 )−1/6 . scale [1, 2].
634 6 Corrosion in Special Environments Cr2 O3 Cr2 O3 is a semicon- formed according to

ductor with an ionic conductivity as
calculated from self-diffusion that is Cr2 O3 = 32 O2 + 2Cri 3+ + 6e− (39)
10−3 –10−5 times the electronic conduc- ∗ ≈ (pO )−3/16 is expected.
from which DCr 2
tivity [48]. Two regions are distinguished
This defect equilibrium had been assumed
[49]: (1) a low-temperature range at which
to be predominant by Kofstad [2, 52] and
conductivity depends on doping and
he had calculated kp from Wagner’s theory
pO2 , and (2) a high-temperature range ∗ data. The calcula-
using the earlier DCr
at which conductivity is independent of
tion rendered values in the experimentally
pO2 . The high-temperature conductivity
observed range of kp . However, this agree-
at >1250 ◦ C is intrinsic, due to excita-
ment appears to be fortuitous, considering
tion of carriers across the forbidden gap
the more recent diffusion studies. Most
or caused by self-defect semiconductivity
probably, both in the oxidation studies,
(Eigenstörstellen–Halbleitung) that can be
and in the diffusion studies, the same
fast diffusion paths, grain boundaries, and
CrxCr = VCr 3− + Cri 2+ + h+ (36) dislocations determine the processes. The
rate of oxidation is limited by the fastest
This or similar processes lead to an moving ion with an activation energy of
electronic conductivity at high T , which is about 245 kJ mol−1 , close to that of Cr
independent of pO2 , as observed. Doping tracer diffusion in hot pressed oxide. In
with acceptors such as Mg, Cu, Ni, or Li the Cri 3+ model, oxidation is governed by
increases the hole conductivity according diffusion between the interface Cr/Cr2 O3
to, for example, where [Cri 3+ ] is large and the surface
Cr2 O3 /O2 where it is small at any pO2 .
Cu2 O + O2 = 2CuCr 2− + 4h+ + 3OxO
Therefore, the rate should be independent
of pO2 , yet a dependence proportional to
Doping with donors such as W, Ti, Nb, or
(pO2 )3/16 has been found [2, 52] corre-
V leads to n-type conductivity at low pO2 ,
sponding to a defect equilibrium
but p-type behavior after annealing in air.
Self-diffusion and rates of oxidation [49] 3
4 O2 = 32 OxO + VCr 3− + 3h+ (40)
creep and sintering are dependent on the
presence of ionic defects in Cr2 O3 . The Oxidation of Cr leads to scales of different
self-diffusion of oxygen is much slower morphologies. Thin flat films grow by vol-
than that of chromium. However, recent ume diffusion only. Thicker polycrystalline
data [50, 51] are 4–7 orders of magnitude films are wrinkled, as a result of compres-
lower than previously published data, sive stresses, attributed to growth at grain
which were dominated by dislocation boundaries, by volume diffusion of Cr and
and grain boundary effects. The new grain boundary diffusion of oxygen.
data, obtained for single crystals, show a
dependence on pO2 corresponding to the Al2 O3 Al2 O3 has a band gap
reaction of about 9.9 eV and is an insulator at
2 O2 = 3OxO + 2VCr 3− + 6h+ (38) room temperature [49]. Concentrations of
defects formed by electronic or ionic dis-
At 1100 ◦ C, and at low pO2 , the diffusion order are extremely small, conductivities
data suggest diffusion of Cr interstitials and diffusivities in most studies on Al2 O3
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 635

have been governed by impurities. Accep- fast. Measurements of dc conductivity as a

tors are Mg, Fe, Co, Ni, and V, donors function of grain size show that there is no
are Ti, Si, H, and Y. Ionic and electronic preferential ionic conductivity at the grain
transference numbers have been obtained boundaries [56]. Therefore, the rapid oxy-
from measurements of emf in an oxygen gen grain boundary diffusion that has been
concentration cell [53] observed must involve neutral species. Ac-
cording to oxygen pressure dependence
Pt, O2 |Al2 O3 |Pt, O2 of oxidation–reduction processes, neutral,
atomic Oxi is the species diffusing at grain
Combination with the conductivity data boundaries.
gives partial ionic and electronic conductiv-
ities as f (pO2 ). The conductivities usually
show a minimum at about 10−4 bar O2 . In Sulfides
acceptor-dominated material, the conduc- There are great differences in the electrical
tivity is electronic (by holes) at high pO2 properties and disorder for the sulfides of
and ionic at low pO2 . In donor-dominated interest, as typical examples manganous
material, the conductivity is electronic at sulfide MnS, silver sulfide Ag2 S, iron
low pO2 and ionic at high pO2 . Oxidation- sulfide FeS, and nickel sulfide NiS are de-
reduction of Al2 O3 with Fe as impurity is scribed here. In this sequence, the degen-
described by: eracy of electrons increases, corresponding
to a transition to metallic conductivity.
2 O2 + 2FeAl − + VO 2+ = OxO + 2FexAl
(41) Manganous Sulfide Nonstoi-
Oxidation–reduction of Al2 O3 containing chiometry and defect concentrations are
Ti is described by: very low in Mn1−y S; of the order of that
in nickel oxide. The predominant defect
4 O2 + 3TixAl = 3TiAl + + VAl 3− + 32 OxO equilibrium is
Calculations of defect formation energies 1
2 S2 = VMn 2− + 2h+ + SxS (44)
[49] suggest that Schottky disorder
Thus, it is a metal-deficit, p-type semicon-
0 = 2VAl 3− + 3VO 2+ (43) ductor in a wide range of sulfur activities.
Only at very low pS2 near the Mn/MnS
is the dominant ionic disorder process. equilibrium it is a metal-excess, n-type
However, in Al2 O3 , oxygen diffuses slower semiconductor with doubly ionized in-
than aluminum [49, 54, 55] suggesting that terstitial cations and quasi-free electrons
[VO 2+ ] < [Ali 3+ ] and prevailing Frenkel [57, 58]. The growth of MnS proceeds by
disorder, if not the mobility of Ali 3+ is outward diffusion of cations, being the
much higher than that of oxygen vacancies. rate-determining step of manganese sul-
In any case, the ionic defects are the fidation. The low nonstoichiometry is the
major defects, electronic defects being the reason the MnS growth is several orders
minority species. of magnitude slower than that of other
Self-diffusion experiments show that transition metal sulfides [59, 60].
grain boundary diffusion of oxygen is In a recent paper, sulfidation kinetics
faster than bulk diffusion [54, 55], whereas of Mn−Li and Mn−Cr alloys have been
for Al, these processes are about equally studied [61], and the doping effects have
636 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

been found as to be expected: Li decreasing mobility of the Ag+ ions, σAg+ is inde-
the rate since the concentration of VMn 2− pendent of stoichiometry and chemical
is decreased and Cr increasing the rate potential of Ag.
since the cation vacancy concentration is
increased in the mixed sulfides formed. FeS and NiS The high-
temperature modification of ferrous Ag2 S Silver sulfide can attain a sulfide Fe1−y S has a wide composition
small metal excess, y ∼ 0.0025 at 300 ◦ C. range up to y ≈ 0.11, similar to
The relatively small Ag+ ions are dis- wustite Fe1−y O. Equilibration in H2 S–H2
tributed statistically on many sites in the mixtures leads to continuous isotherms
rigid S2− lattice, and are very mobile. y ∼ (pS2 )1/n where n varies between 2
Therefore the activity and chemical po- and 8. This result cannot be explained
tential of the Ag+ ions is virtually constant by a simple defect structure [62, 63].
at varied chemical potential of Ag. The In addition, the conductivity has metallic
variation of µAg can be conducted in an character, according to its magnitude and
electrochemical cell: its decrease with increasing temperature.
Overlapping 3d and 4s bands are
Ag/AgI/Ag2 S
responsible for the metallic conductivity,
by electrochemical titration [31] since AgI which shows a minor increase with sulfur
is a ionic conductor for Ag+ ions. Little activity, linear with the deviation y from
changes of stoichiometry are correlated to stoichiometry [64].
strong changes of µAg = µoAg − EF where The equation for the defect equilibrium
E is the cell voltage measured and µoAg cor- 1
2 S2 + 2e− = VFe 2− + SxS (46)
responds to aAg = 1, that is, equilibrium
Ag/Ag2 S [31]. The conclusion is that the
would lead to [VFe 2− ] ≈ (pS2 )1/2 if the
strong change of the chemical potential of
activity of electrons is assumed to be
µAg is caused by its electronic part:
constant. This relation is valid only in
µAg = µAg+ + µe− (45) the range 10−2 < y < 10−1 , and the en-
hancing increase of pS2 with y can be
that is, the thermodynamics of Ag2 S is considered as being caused by repulsive
determined by the concentration of free interactions between the cation vacan-
electrons, which could be determined cies [64]. Similar considerations are valid
by measuring the electronic conductivity for the high-temperature modification of
[13, 31]. nickel sulfide [65, 66].
The electronic conductivity σe increases
proportional to the deviation from stoi- 6.2.3
chiometry y, but for high values of y Mechanisms and Kinetics of
and σe , there is a deviation caused by High-temperature Scale Formation
the beginning of electron degeneracy,
that is, transition from Boltzmann- to Surface Reaction Control (Linear
Fermi–Dirac-statistics. The ion conductiv- Rate Law)
ity in Ag2 S is much smaller than σe , so After a continuous dense layer has formed
it could be measured by using AgI/Ag- in the oxidation of metals or alloys, the
probes [13]. Because of the disorder and oxidant (O, S, Cl, etc.) must be transferred
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 637

by some surface reaction to the surface of the backward reaction, including the rate
the layer. Oxygen is transferred mainly by constants and dependencies on the oxygen
three reactions activity aO present on the surface, which
in equilibrium with the given CO2 −CO
CO2 (gas) = CO (gas) + O (in the oxide)
mixture would be
k1 pCO2 pCO2
(aO )eq = = K1 (53)
H2 O (gas) = H2 (gas) + O (in the oxide) 
k1 pCO pCO
A general rate equation for oxidation and
O2 (gas) = 2O (in the oxide) (49) reduction results
aO Linear Oxidation in CO2 –CO j = k1 aO −m pCO2 1 − (54)
(aO )eq
Mixtures The first of these reactions is
relatively slow and can be rate determining Oxidation occurs if the oxygen activity on
for long periods of time and considerable the surface is lower than in the gas phase,
thicknesses of the oxide layer, for exam- reduction takes place in the reverse case
ple, in the oxidation of iron to wustite [11, [69–71]. This rate equation is composed
69–73], which will be described in more of two terms: an exchange velocity com-
detail. prising the dependencies on temperature,
The following reaction steps describe the partial pressures, and activities
j o = kf (pi )f (aO ) (55)
CO2 (gas) = CO2 (ads) (50a)
and a term describing the distance
CO2 (ads) + 2e− = CO2 2− (ads) + 2h+ from equilibrium. The ‘‘exchange ve-
(50b) locity’’ of the oxygen transfer from
2− 2− CO2 could be measured in equilib-
CO2 (ads) = O (in the oxide)
rium CO2 −CO−FeO, using an isotope-
+ CO(gas) (50c) exchange reaction [12, 70], the result
(Fig. 5)
In the second step, negatively charged
CO2 (ads) is formed by electron transfer jOo = k1 aO −2/3 pCO2 (56)
from the solid [12, 30], its decomposition is
the rate-determining step. A rate equation (at >900 ◦ C) indicates participation of two
was proven: electrons from the solid oxide in this
reaction as formulated in the reaction
= k1 aO −m pCO2 − k1 aO 1−m pCO mechanism, given above. At lower temper-
Adt atures, increasing values of the exponent
  m are caused by increasing coverage with
 O(ads), as confirmed by AES-studies in
 k1 aO 
j = k1 aO −m pCO2 
1 −
 which the oxygen activity of the FeO was
k1 pCO2  varied by using a solid electrolyte cell [30].
pCO The ‘‘linear’’ oxidation of metals, de-
(52) termined by the surface reaction that
The rate of oxygen transfer per unit area delivers oxygen from the gas phase and
is described by terms for the forward and rate Eq. (54), can be applied to describe the
638 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

Iron Wustite Magnetite

983 °C
[mol cm−2 sec bar]

983 °C
k1 ·aO−m

900 °C
Oxidation of iron
900 °C

800 °C
Reduction of magnetite 800 °C

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 5 Oxygen exchange rate coefficients k(aO ) = k1 aO −m measured
by isotope-exchange method [12, 69–72] at surfaces of wustite and
magnetite in gas–solid equilibrium, and during the oxidation of iron to
wustite, or during the reduction of magnetite to wustite.

oxidation of iron to wustite in CO2 −CO foil (5 µm) is oxidized thoroughly. Then
mixtures. For a long time and consider- the oxygen activity of the wustite rises
able thickness of the oxide film (∼100 µm), and the emf decreases. From tB the rate
the wustite surface is in near-equilibrium constant could be calculated [73], which
with iron, since the diffusion processes corresponded well to results of the isotope
in wustite are so fast (see Sect. exchange studies [12]. In the oxidation
that is, aO ∼
= aO (Fe, FeO) and the rate co- of thicker iron samples, the equilibrium
efficient k1 aO −m is practically constant. metal-oxide cannot be maintained and
Accordingly, the isotope exchange mea- the oxygen activity on the surface slowly
surement yielded constant values during decreases. This causes the slow decrease of
the oxidation of iron to wustite; and also oxidation rate, observed in several studies
during the reduction of magnetite, the rate of oxidation in CO2 −CO [10–12, 74–77].
coefficient was constant corresponding to In principle, the rate equations for
equilibrium wustite/magnetite (Fig. 5). surface reaction kinetics are ‘‘linear’’
The situation during the oxidation was and describe a linearly time-dependent
illustrated also by measuring the emf growth of the corrosion layer. However,
during the oxidation of an Fe-foil, fixed during this growth the oxygen activity
on a plate of ZrO2 + CaO, versus a on the surface increases and gradually
reference electrode [73] (Fig. 6). The iron approaches the value for equilibrium of
foil is held at first in a nonoxidizing gas phase and oxide surface. Because of
CO2 −CO mixture, then at t = 0, it is the dependence on aO with a negative
changed to an oxidizing CO2 /CO ratio. exponent, the rate gradually decreases, and
After adsorption of O(ad) and nucleation several authors have misinterpreted this
of FeO, the emf is constant at the value for kinetics as ‘‘parabolic kinetics’’ (see Sect.
equilibrium Fe−FeO, until at tB the thin
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 639

Phase under study
(iron foil)
Zirconia electrolyte

Quartz tube

I II emf




0 20 40 60
Fig. 6 Use of a solid electrolyte cell for measurement of oxygen transfer
reactions [78]: (a) schematic setup and (b) emf versus time curve for the
oxidation of an iron foil (5 µm) in CO2 −CO at 960 ◦ C, periods: I Fe in reducing
gas, II nucleation of Fe, III oxidation Fe → Fe till consumption of Fe,
IV equilibration of FeO. Linear Oxidation in H2 O−H2 transfer in reaction (47), thus oxidation by

Mixtures In the reaction sequence of the H2 O and reduction by H2 are much faster
oxygen transfer from H2 O, reaction (48), than these reactions in CO2 −CO [69, 71].
either the dissociation of H2 O(ads) or
of OH(ads), is rate determining and its Linear Oxidation in O2 The oxy-
exchange velocity is given by
gen transfer by dissociation of O2 , reaction
j o = k2 aO −n1 pH2 O (49) appears to be even faster than oxy-
 gen transfer from H2 O. To measure the
o k aO −n2 pH2 O
or by j = 2 (57) rate of oxygen transfer from molecular
(pH2 )1/2
O2 to and into oxide surfaces. Wag-
These velocities are higher by a factor ner initiated relaxation measurements on
of about 102 than the values for oxygen Cu2 O and NiO [79]. Another possibility
640 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

are isotope-exchange studies using 16 O2 be shown that the Ag2 S growth can be
and 18 O2 [80], and here an electro- affected also by the reaction at the inner
chemical method should be mentioned phase boundary, that is, by the transfer of
[81] in which a test electrode covered Ag+ ions from Ag to the sulfide [15].
with oxide was brought in single point The surface reaction is rate controlling
contact with a ZrO2 + Y2 O3 electrolyte also for the sulfidation of iron in H2 S−H2
(Fig. 7a). Current-potential measurements mixtures. Up to large thicknesses of the
were made in air at 1000 ◦ C. The test Fe1−y S formed the rate equation was
electrode materials markedly affect the found [83]:
shape and the hysteresis of the polarization
dnS pH2 S
curves and the electrochemical reactions of =k − k  pH2 (60)
Adt aS
oxygen are differently catalyzed by the elec-
trode materials (Fig. 7b). Also impedance The forward reaction is retarded with
measurements had been conducted, but increasing sulfur activity, probably due
no clear conclusions were drawn on the to adsorbed sulfur, since the electrons in
oxygen reactions. Fe1−y S are highly degenerated and ae− is
independent of aS . Linear Sulfidation in H2 S−H2
Owing to the high disorder and diffusivi- Bulk Diffusion Control–Parabolic
ties in many sulfides, sulfidation is often Kinetics
controlled by phase boundary reactions.
The surface reactions of oxidation in H2 S Transition from Linear to
and reduction in H2 have been studied on Parabolic Kinetics When thermodynamic
Ag2 S [82] at 300 ◦ C using the electrochem- equilibrium is nearly established at the
ical cell Ag|AgI|Ag2 S|Pt. As described in surface and also at the oxide/metal
Sect., the chemical potential of Ag interface, oxidation is virtually controlled
in Ag2 S is given by by diffusion in the solid oxide. For oxides
such as FeO, NiO, CoO, Cu2 O, and so on
µAg = µoAg − EF (58) with cation vacancies VM as the prevailing
defects, the growth occurs by outward flux
and can be fixed by applying a constant of cations and inward flux of vacancies,
voltage E. Removal of S by reduction is both fluxes are equal and given by
accompanied by transfer of Ag+ through
the AgI to Ag, and the current measured cV − cV k
jM = −jV = DV = (61)
corresponds to the rule of reduction. Upon x x
sulfidation at constant E, the current for
where x is the oxide thickness, DV the dif-
supply of Ag into Ag2 S is measured. It can
fusion coefficient of cation vacancies, and
be concluded [82] that electrons take part  
cV and cV are the vacancy concentrations at
in the reaction:
the gas/oxide and oxide/metal interfaces,
H2 S(g) + 2e− (in Ag2 S) respectively.
Equation (61) can be rewritten and
= H2 S(g) + S2− (ad) (59) integrated

since the forward reaction rate is strongly dx k
dependent on the applied potential. It will VOxide = x 2 = 2kt (62)
dt x
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 641

Test electrode

ZrO2 + Y2O3 electrolyte

Reference electrode Counter electrode









−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

(b) [Volt]
Fig. 7 Oxides as catalysts for oxygen reactions on zirconia electrolyte: [81] (a)
schematic of the polarization cell, (b) polarization behavior of single contact
642 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

ax Scale

O2, S2 = X2
(a) (b)

ax Scale Metal

Fig. 8 (a) Schematics of the development of the activity steps and gradients
of nonmetal activity in a growing scale; (b) initial states when either a surface
reaction or an interfacial reaction is rate controlling (‘‘linear’’ kinetics); and (c)
state after continued corrosion, near-equilibrium established at the phase
boundaries (parabolic kinetics).

which leads to the well-known parabolic jFe

jO = (64)
rate law. (1 − δ)
It has been shown before that the cation  
vacancy concentration in equilibrium with  aO 
k1 aO −2/3 pCO2 
1 −  
the atmosphere for the oxides discussed K1 pCO2 
is given by cV = const. (pO2 )1/n . Accord-
ingly, the variation of the parabolic rate
constant with the oxygen partial pressure   DV
= (cV − cV ) (65)
results: x

  With increasing thickness x of the oxide

k∞[(pO2 )1/n − (pO2 )1/n ] (63) layer, the difference (cV − cV ) increases,
that is, the driving force in the pro-
where the latter pO2 generally is constant. cess is needed for the diffusion in the
The transition between linear surface oxide. On the other hand, the oxygen ac-
reaction controlled kinetics and parabolic tivity on the wustite surface approaches
bulk diffusion-controlled kinetics certainly equilibrium with the atmosphere aO →
must be gradual. This transition could be K1 (pCO2 /pCO), that is, the oxygen trans-
observed very well for the case of the ox- fer needs only a lessening part of the
idation of iron in CO2 −CO mixtures to thermodynamic driving force (Fig. 8).
wustite [10, 11] and was described by Wag- Equation (65) demonstrates that decreas-
ner. For this special case, the mathematical ing rates are to be expected in the transition
description was derived from the fact that from linear to parabolic kinetics. There-
the flux of oxygen transfer to the FeO sur- fore, the kinetics of oxidation, sulfidation,
face must be always equal to the flux of and so on cannot be exactly linear, even in
Fe transported to the surface by diffusion the start of reaction, but the rate must de-
needed for the formation of the nonstoi- crease. This decreasing ‘‘linear’’ rate often
chiometric Fe1−y O: has been misinterpreted, for example, in
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 643

the oxidation of Mn in CO2 −CO [74] and product oxide, sulfide, or halide:
in the sulfidation of Fe in H2 S−H2 [84].

dn 1 1 µx (σ1 + σ2 )σ3
= dµx Wagner’s Theory of Oxidation Adt x z2 F 2 
µx σ1 + σ2 + σ3
A more general approach was given by (70)
Wagner [7–9, 67, 68] relating the parabolic 
dn 1 1 µx
rate constant to the ionic conductivities, = (t1 + t2 )t3 σ dµx
σi , and diffusivities of cations and anions Adt x z2 F 2 
in the scale. In the growing scale, a force kr
is acting on an ion or electron with the = (71)
charge zi , which results from the chemical
potential gradient dµi /dx and the electric where, dn/Adt is the rate of both outward
potential gradient dφ/dx, and causes migrating cations and inward migrating
movement at a constant drift velocity. anions (moles s−1 ), x is the instanta-
The drift velocity ui in cm s−1 of particles neous thickness of the reaction product
of the type i in the direction of the x-axis (cm), z2 is the charge number of the an-
is given by ions, µx is the chemical potential of the
  oxidizing nonmetal, µx and µx are its
1 dµi d
ui = −Bi + zi e (66) chemical potentials at the outer surface
NA dx dx
and the inner interface of the scale, σ
Here, Bi is the mobility, that is, the steady is the electrical conductivity of the scale,
state velocity under unit force per particle, σ1 , σ2 , and σ3 the cationic, anionic, and
corresponding to a change of chemical electronic conductivities, and t1 , t2 , and t3
potential per particle by unit energy for a the transference numbers of these species,
displacement of unit length. Further NA respectively. According to these equations,
is Avogadro’s number, e is the electronic the ‘‘rational rate constant’’ kr can be calcu-
charge, and zi the electrical valence of a lated from data for the ionic and electronic
particle of type i. It follows that the flux in conductivities in solids, which, however,
moles migrating per unit cross-section A are not easily determined (see Sect. 6.2.2).
per unit time equals: In the case of oxidation, the parabolic
  rate constant can be expressed in terms
dni 1 dµi dφ
= ci ui = −Bi ci + zi e of electrical parameters in the follow-
Adt NA dx dx ing form:
where ci is the concentration in moles per 
RT pO2
unit volume. The mobility Bi is related kp = (t1 + t2 )t3 σ d ln pO2
to ionic conductivity σi and to the self- 4F 2 c2 
diffusion coefficient of particles Di . (72)
The limits of integration are the activities
σi = zi2 F 2 ci Bi (68) of O2 at the metal/oxide interface pO2 and
Di = Bi RT (69) the oxide gas interface pO2 . In most oxides
of interest, the ionic conductivity is very
Using the relation to transport number and much less than the electronic conductivity
conductivity, Wagner derived the equation
for the rate of formation of an oxidation (t1 + t2 )  t3 = 1 (73)
644 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

and it is more convenient to cast Eq. (66) The potential measured using electrodes
in a form that includes the most readily that conduct ions is given by
accessible parameters, that is, the tracer
self-diffusion coefficients of the cations G(MOν )
Vion = te (78)
DM∗ and of the anions D ∗ 4F ν

  The electrostatic potential difference

pO2 ∗
z1 DM D∗ φ  − φ  is thus of the order G(MOν )/F
kp = + O d ln pO2
 z2 fM fO and typically a few volts.
In this equation, fM and fO are the Diffusion-controlled Growth of
correlation factors for the cation and Some Oxides The growth of some spe-
oxygen ion self-diffusion mechanisms, cific oxides is described in this section. The
respectively, and are of the order of unity. oxides have been selected either because
Evaluation of kp from Eq. (74) merely they can be considered as model oxides
requires that data exist for the self- (CoO, NiO) or because they are important
diffusion coefficients D ∗ as function of in the corrosion of low-alloy steels (Fe3 O4 ,
pO2 . Fe2 O3 ) or as slow-growing oxides (Cr2 O3 ,
The electric field that develops during Al2 O3 ) attributing corrosion resistance to
oxidation is an important feature of the high-temperature alloys [1, 2].
process. It is the difference in electrostatic SiO2 is another slow-growing oxide,
potential across the film, which attributes corrosion resistance to
 high-temperature materials such as SiC,
 RT  Si3 N4 , and MoSi2 . At lower temperatures,
φ −φ = tion d ln pO2
4F  the growth of insulating SiO2 films is of
1   great importance for electronic devices.
+ (µe − µe ) (75) However, up to very high temperatures,
the growth of SiO2 is prevailingly by inter-
where µe is the chemical potential of an stitial diffusion of neutral molecules, O2
electron. The measurement with electron- or H2 O in the amorphous scale [85], so
ically conducting electrodes (Pt) yields the SiO2 growth is not an electrochemical pro-
difference in the electrochemical potential cess and not a topic for this encyclopedia.
of the electrons between electrodes ‘‘and’’, There are results [86, 87] indicating that go-
that is, ing to very high temperatures, >1400 ◦ C,
the ionic conductivity and contribution in
RT pO2
Ve = tion d ln pO2 (76) transport during SiO2 growth increases,
4F pO2 but these processes are not fully under-
stood as yet [88].
If tion is independent of oxygen pressure,
this equation can be integrated to give
CoO CoO is a p-type electronic con-
G(MOν ) ductor and is metal deficient (see Sect.
Ve = − tion (77) The cation vacancy concentra-
2F ν
tion increases with the oxygen pressure.
where G(MOγ ) is the free energy of The Co diffusivity is several orders of
formation of the oxide MOν . magnitude greater than that of oxygen.
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 645

Cobalt diffusion measurements of differ- from ∼p(O2 )1/4 to ∼p(O2 )1/3.3 at 950 ◦ C.
ent workers [89, 90] are in good agreement This is consistent with a contribution from
and show that at 1200 ◦ C, diffusion is by uncharged cation vacancies at the lower
singly charged vacancies at high oxygen temperature. The growth of CoO on Co at
activity and doubly charged vacancies at temperatures 950–1300 ◦ C is the best ex-
low oxygen activity. Most oxidation studies ample for the validity of Wagner’s theory.
have been conducted at high temperatures
and for thick films, so that Wagner’s the-
ory should be valid. The tracer diffusion NiO In the case of nickel oxidation, in-
tegration of Eq. (74) gives kp = 6.4 DNi ∗
studies have shown that DCo ∗ ≈ (pO )1/4 .
Equation (74) can be integrated to give where the diffusion coefficient is that at
kp = 5.1 DCo ∗ , where the diffusion coef- the oxygen activity of the oxide/gas in-
ficient is that at the oxide/gas interface terface. The reported values for kp are
(f = 0.78 for a vacancy mechanism). The in agreement with the diffusivity data
agreement with the most recent data for kp only above ∼1200 ◦ C. At lower temper-
[91] is excellent at the high temperatures (5 atures, they show great scatter and are
%), somewhat less at the lower tempera- generally higher than expected for bulk
tures (Fig. 9). The dependence of kp on pO2 diffusion control. The scatter has been
is in agreement with the tracer diffusion explained by effects of metal impurities
studies. As the temperature is lowered, the (doping the oxide), surface conditions, and
oxygen pressure dependence of kp changes crystal orientation. At high temperatures,

15001400 1300 1200 1100 1000

kp (calculated) = 5.1 D *Co

kp measured [91]

[cm2 s−1]
kp D *


D *Co

Fig. 9 Arrhenius-plot of the parabolic

rate constant measured for the growth
of CoO on Co in air [91] compared with 10−9
6 7 8
that calculated from Wagners’ theory
and the tracer diffusion coefficient D∗Co 104/T
for Co in CoO [89, 90]. [K−1]
646 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

>1200 ◦ C, the values for kp measured [92] (pO2 )−1/4 . Both electronic conductivities
and calculated from DNi ∗ are in reason-
decrease to the inner part of the scale.
able agreement and kp ∼ (pO2 )1/n with Throughout the whole scale a low ionic
3.5 < n < 6 [92]. The higher values of kp conductivity is given by O2− diffusion via
in the lower-temperature range are caused anion vacancies. However, the very low
by fast diffusion at oxide grain boundaries electronic conductivity in the center of
[93–95]. Data for diffusion along grain the scale limits the oxidation rate. This
boundaries and along dislocations have consequence was clearly shown by an
been determined, which could be used to experiment [96] in which the surface of
predict kp when grain boundary diffusion the ZrO2 scale was short-circuited to the
prevails: underlying Zr-metal with a Pt wire. The
  oxidation rate is markedly increased by
∗ z(D  δ)∗
kp = 6.4 DNi + (79) this short-circuit (Fig. 10). The kinetics
g change from a cubic rate law, m ≈ t 1/3 ,
to the normal parabolic kinetics and the
where D  is the grain boundary diffusion
parabolic constant is given by
coefficient, δ the effective width of the grain
boundary (∼1 nm) and g is the grain size −Go
in the oxide film (determined by transmis- kp = σion (80)
2F 2
sion electron microscopy). Measurements
and calculations of kp with Eq. (79) for Inserting the oxygen ion conductivity and
the temperature range 500–800 ◦ C, oxide Go of ZrO2 formation results in a
films of 0.3–30-µm thickness and grain value that is in good agreement with the
sizes 0.15–1.4 µm were in excellent agree- measured one.
ment. The grain growth during oxidation Similar situations can be expected for
leads to a deviation from parabolic ki- other oxidation reactions, for example, in
netics, that is, a time dependence with the oxidation of Ti, Nb, Ta, and so on, even
n < 0.5. The oxidation kinetics of Ni thus more complex situations, since mostly
can be explained by the Wagner theory multilayers of different oxides should be
when modified to include grain boundary formed. The growth of oxides involving
diffusion. zones with different disorder and insuffi-
cient electronic conduction, however, has
ZrO2 , TiO2 , Ta2 O5 , and so on For the not been studied and discussed satisfacto-
growth of CoO and NiO, it could be rily as yet [2]. One reason may be that most
assumed that the same defects prevail of these oxides do not form dense com-
in the whole scale between surface and pact oxides, but tend to crack and spall,
oxide/metal interface. This assumption due to growth by inward oxygen diffusion
cannot be true for the more stable and a high ratio of the molar volumes
oxides, where the oxygen activity varies of the oxide and metal (Pilling–Bedworth
from about 1 bar to about 10−40 bar ratio).
O2 , for example, in the case of ZrO2
at 1000 ◦ C. At the surface at high pO2 , Cr2 O3 In the oxidation of high-alloy
ZrO2 will be a p-type conductor σh+ ≈ steels and other high-temperature alloys,
(pO2 )1/4 . At the oxide/metal interface, Cr2 O3 is the most important constituent
ZrO2 will be an n-type conductor σe− ≈ of protective oxide films. Its formation is
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 647

With Pt-coating and short-circuit
"Normal" oxidation

(Mass gain)3
[mg cm−2]3


800 °C
40 750 °C
700 °C

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Fig. 10 Kinetics of Zr oxidation in oxygen (1 bar) at different
temperatures, with short-circuit the kinetics are accelerated and
the rate low changes from a cubic to the parabolic law [96].

affected by many complications such as DO resulted in a range 10−15 –10−14 cm2

the volatilization of CrO3 and CrO2 (OH)2 s−1 and grain boundary diffusivities in
at high temperatures and high pO2 , the range 10−12 –10−9 cm2 s−1 , whereas
loss of contact between metal and oxide lattice diffusivities extrapolated from stud-
and cracking and blistering of the film. ies on massive single crystals are DCr ≈
Thus the kp values for oxidation of Cr 2 × 10−21 cm2 s−1 and DO ≈ 1 × 10−19
show a wide scatter [2] and dependence cm2 s−1 and the grain boundary diffusiv-
on the way in which the metal surface ities are not higher: ∼1 × 10−21 cm2 s−1 .
was prepared. Cr2 O3 is a p-type conduc- With the data for grown scales, kp values
tor at high pO2 and low temperatures
were calculated using Eq. (74) for the cases
but is an intrinsic conductor at above
of scale growth by lattice, grain bound-
∼1200 ◦ C (see Sect. Diffusion
ary diffusion, and both mechanisms [101]
of Cr in Cr2 O3 is mainly at grain bound-
and the result indicates that chromia scale
aries and dislocations for polycrystalline
growth is occurring by countercurrent dif-
There have been many studies on lattice fusion of chromium and oxygen in lattice
diffusion and grain boundary diffusion in and grain boundaries, the latter transport
single crystal and polycrystalline Cr2 O3 . is prevailing. So in fact, Wagner’s theory
However, for discussion of Cr2 O3 growth is applicable if the actual lattice and grain
on Cr and Cr-alloys, these data proved to boundary diffusivities measured for the
be too small to account for the oxidation growing scale are inserted Eq. (74) results
rate [97]. Accordingly, the diffusivities in in the measured kp value. It may be noted
grown Cr2 O3 layers must be higher, and that the diffusivity of Mn in chromia scales
some studies were conducted on diffu- is clearly faster than that of other cations
sion of cations and oxygen in such scales [100]. As a consequence, an outer layer of
[98–100]. At 900 ◦ C values for the lattice MnCr2 O4 is found on the chromia scale of
diffusion coefficients, DCr , DFe , DNi , and most steels.
648 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

Al2 O3 The growth of Al2 O3 has been the oxide was shown to behave as a mixed
studied on alloys only, since Al metal melts conductor (tion ∼ 0.5) down to 10−15 bar
at 660 ◦ C, but its kinetics is of great interest O2 and as a majority electronic conduc-
since α-Al2 O3 is the most protective tor for lower pressures. The open-circuit
oxide. At temperatures <1000 ◦ C at first voltage was found to decrease from ∼1 to
metastable aluminas are formed, but at ∼0.2 V over the first 300 h. If the oxide
high temperatures and under the influence were an ionic conductor, the open-circuit
of reactive element additions (Y, Ce, La, Ti, voltage should have been 2.12 V. Thus,
etc.), the stable α-Al2 O3 grows. This oxide after extended oxidation time, tion ∼ 0.1
has low concentrations and mobilities indicating that the film becomes predomi-
of intrinsic ionic and electronic defects, nantly an electronic conductor. These data
so that conductivity and diffusivities are show that a detailed application of Wag-
dominated by solute ions, impurities, or ner’s theory to Al2 O3 growth is fruitless
dopants. because of the uncertainties concerning
The electrical properties of growing the defect and transport properties of the
Al2 O3 scales have been measured by film. However, values of the ‘‘parabolic
putting a platinum electrode in contact rate constant’’ for the growth of Al2 O3
with the upper side of an oxide layer have been compiled and show a relatively
grown on an alloy. At 1100 ◦ C, the small scatter [106]. Lattice diffusion stud-
potential difference, Vo , between the two ies have been conducted (using Cr or Fe
interfaces of the scale were measured at for determination of cationic diffusivities),
i = 0 and the potential–current curve was and one can conclude from the data that
∗ is always greater than D ∗ in the Al O
recorded. Outer oxygen partial pressures O 2 3
∗ is too small by at least two
in the range 1 × 10−14 bar were applied and that DAl
by using mixtures of O2 , Ar, CO2 , and orders of magnitude to explain the val-
CO. The oxygen partial pressure in the ues of kp measured at high temperature.
experimental setup was measured using a Grain boundary diffusion of oxygen in-
zirconia solid electrolyte cell [102–104]. ward is the most likely transport process
Evaluation according to Eq. (76) leads controlling the growth of Al2 O3 films at
to tion = 0.4 at low oxygen pressures and high temperatures, as can be concluded
tion = 0.1 at higher pressures. Accordingly from 16 O2 /18 O2 tracer experiments and
the scale consists of two parts, an inner measurements of 18 O diffusion in grain
zone with considerable ionic transport boundaries in polycrystalline Al2 O3 [106]
and an outer zone with high electronic (see Fig. 11 [51]).
conduction. This leads to an oxygen
pressure at the oxide/alloy interface of Iron oxide scale Oxidation of iron or
2.2 × 10−27 bar O2 , near the expected low-alloy steels at temperatures >570 ◦ C
equilibrium pressure. (wustite stable) leads to a scale composed
Calculation of the rate constant from the of an inner thick layer of wustite, Fe1−y O,
electrical data yields a value that is close and two outer thinner layers of mag-
to the experimental value. This indicates netite Fe3 O4 and hematite Fe2 O3 . The
that mainly charged species sustain the disorder of Fe1−y O has been described in
α-Al2 O3 growth. Sect., its very high-iron vacancy
In an earlier investigation [105] of alu- concentration being the reason for fast out-
minum scales formed on a Pt−Al alloy, ward cation diffusion and rapid growth.
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 649

2000 1500 1200 1000


D ′d(O) grain boundaries



Range of kp
[106] 10−18
D* and kp
[cm2 s−1]

[cm3 s−1]




10−16 D*Cr


4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 11 Arrhenius-plot relating the parabolic rate constant for the growth of Al2 O3
scales and data for diffusion in Al2 O3 , (the scale for the grain boundary diffusion
data at the right has been adjusted, so that if δ = 1 nm, the grain boundary
diffusion coefficient corresponds to the bulk diffusion scale) [51].
650 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

The gradient of the vacancy concentration, can be high. Thus, high electric fields
that is, of the deviation from stoichiometry may arise for thin films. Furthermore, in
y, proved to be linear. This was shown by Wagner’s theory, one precondition is elec-
controlled electrochemical dissolution of trical charge neutrality at every point in
the layer [107–109] at a potential in which the film, whereas space charges will exist
only the Fe2+ ions are dissolved, an ex- near the outer surface due to chemisorp-
ternal current supplied electrons e− for tion of the oxidizing species and also at the
the reduction of the Fe3+ ions and thus a oxide/metal interface [112].
measure for y, since 2[VFe 2− ] = [h+ ]. The extent of this space charge is of
The growth of Fe3 O4 is also by outward the order of the Debye–Hückel screening
diffusion of cations, Fe2+ and Fe3+ , which length [113]
can move via free interstitial sites and va-  1/2
cancies in the cationic lattice [110]. The εεO kT
lDH = (81)
disorder in Fe2 O3 is very low similar to e 2 ce
the case of Cr2 O3 and Al2 O3 . Outward
diffusion of Fe3+ and inward diffusion of where ce is the concentration of elemen-
oxygen are possible, but so slow that the tary charges of electronic and ionic defects.
growth of the inner layers could not be For most oxides with typical values of ce ,
sustained. Therefore it is most probable the space charge regions will extend to less
that most of the oxygen needed is trans- than 1 µm at >500 ◦ C.
ported through the Fe2 O3 layer by atomic One can conclude that for most ox-
or molecular diffusion through cracks, ides Wagner’s theory is valid for film
fissures, and grain boundaries (Fig. 12). thicknesses greater than ∼1 µm at tem-
Surprisingly, there has been only little re- peratures >500 ◦ C. In oxides with large
cent research on this important system, so concentrations of charged defects, Wag-
that the role of Fe2 O3 growth is not well ner’s theory is valid for films greater than
understood. Owing to prevailing outward 20 nm in thickness, only for thinner films
cation diffusion in the scale of iron oxides, the electric field is too high.
a separation of metal phase and wustite
can occur. The formation of a gap at the 6.2.4
interface can cause the oxidation process to Theory of Thin Film Growth
stop. If not, oxygen is transported via this
gap by reduction/oxidation reactions that Theories of thin film growth must consider
are possible in the presence of CO2 −CO jumps in the presence of large electric
and/or H2 O−H2 [110, 111]. fields and the possibility of large space
charges. Several approaches have been Validity Range of Wagner’s Theory
put forward to describe thin film growth,
Wagner’s theory is valid only for the and numerous expressions have been
growth of relatively thick films. The proposed for kinetic laws: logarithmic,
Nernst–Einstein relationship and the inverse logarithmic, cubic, parabolic, and
equation for transport by gradients of so forth.
chemical and electrical potential (66) are
valid only for small electric fields, whereas Theory of Cabrera and Mott
according to Eqs. (77 and 78) the volt- The theory of Cabrera and Mott [114] is
age between the two interfaces of a film widely accepted as a fundamental base
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 651


Fe FeO Fe3O4 Fe2O3 O2

Fe2+ Fe3+
Fe2+ Via FeO…
Via VFe2−
Over O2−
tetrahedral + Via VO2+

e− e− e−
Via + Via + and − Via −
Over microcracks,
O2 dislocation pipes,
grain boundaries?

Fe FeO Fe3O4 Fe2O3 O2 + H2O + CO2
H2 Fe2+, e−
Fe2+, e−
Fe2+, Fe3+, e−
Fe3+, e−

CO2 Fe 2+, e− Microcrack

Fig. 12 Schematics of the diffusion processes and phase boundary reactions
during the oxidation of iron [110, 111]: (a) in oxygen and (b) in CO2 and H2 O
containing atmospheres.

for discussing thin film growth. Here, it The free passage of electrons through
is assumed that electrons can freely pass the film is possible at thicknesses <5 nm
from the metal to ionize adsorbed oxygen by tunneling. For higher thicknesses, it is
at the oxide surface. A uniform field is assumed that the electrons surmount any
created in the film by the negative charge charge barrier by their thermal energy,
from the excess oxygen ions (O2− ) on corresponding to thermoionic emission.
the oxide/gas interface and the positive
surface charge on the metal surface. In the Field Caused by Chemisorption
Cabrera–Mott mechanism, it is this field Grimley [115] has derived an approach to
that drives the slow ionic transport across calculate charges and voltages for the case
the film and causes its growth. of oxygen chemisorption according to
652 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

2 O2 (gas) + 2e (metal) = O2− (surface) W for the jump of a metal atom into the
(82) oxide lattice by an amount qaφ/2x (Fig.
For chemisorption, equilibrium results 13). According to Cabrera and Mott, the
  interface is far from equilibrium if the field
a(O2− ) −Go is large enough, and the jumps into the
= exp (83)
p(O2 )1/2 a(e− )2 kT oxide are favored strongly. The condition
for the reverse jumps to be negligible is
with a(e− ) = exp(−eφ/kT ) the activity 1/2 qaE > kT , which is likely to be true
of electrons. At low surface coverage, for films less than 20 nm in thickness.
the number of excess oxygen anions is Since the interface jump has the highest
given by activation energy, the rate of these jumps
determines the film growth rate:
n(O2− ) = NS p(O2 )1/2    
  dx −W qaφ
−(Go + 2eφ) = aν exp exp
× exp dt kT 2kT x
Di  xl 
= exp (87)
Regarding surface charge and film as a a x
simple capacitor, one obtains
where ν is the vibrational frequency of
2− εεO φ atoms at the interface, xl = qa/kT
n(O )= (85)
2ex and Di = a 2 ν exp(−W/kT ), having the
dimension of a diffusion coefficient.
and for the electrical potential difference The rate Eq. (87) describes an oxidation
results a dependence rate that exponentially decreases with film
Go kT thickness. Integration gives the inverse
φ = − + logarithmic law:
2e 2e
4e NS p(O2 )1/2 x xl D i xl t
× ln (86) = − ln (88)
kT εεO x axL2
that is, it mainly depends on the free where xL is a limiting thickness at which
energy change for the chemisorption (82) the growth rate falls below an arbitrary
but is also dependent on T , p(O2 ), and negligible value, according to Cabrera
x. The surface excess of oxygen anions and Mott: 10−15 m s−1 . The inverse
calculated from this equation, widely logarithmic rate equation can be rewritten
corresponds only to a small fraction of in a simplified version:
a monolayer.
= A − kil log t (89) Field Effect on the Reactions at the x
Metal/Oxide and Gas/Oxide Interfaces Also, the transfer of defects, metal vacan-
In Wagner’s theory, near-equilibrium is cies, or interstitial oxygen from the surface
assumed at the metal/oxide interface, into an oxide is affected by an electric field.
that is, the frequency of jumps through There are some differences in the mech-
the interface is about equal in both anism, which leads to different constants
directions. The presence of the field, in the law, but in principle the inverse
however, decreases the activation energy logarithmic law applies also in this case.
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 653

Electric field = 0 Electric field = E

Metal Oxide Metal Oxide

f1 = 0

a S1
qaE /2
∆H f

Potential energy


Fig. 13 Schematic diagrams [114], showing the potential energy of a metal

ion as a function of position near the metal/oxide interface during thin film
growth. The electric field generated by the transfer of electrons to adsorbed
oxygen lowers the energy barriers for ions moving away from the
metal/oxide interface. Interfacial Reactions During Scale In this reaction, the cation vacancies are
Growth annihilated at the scale-metal interface.
As pointed out before, the equations de- Sometimes, the reaction at the interface
rived by Wagner are applicable for bulk is described as vacancy injection, that is,
diffusion control in the scale, that is, if the a transfer of cation vacancies to persist as
reactions at the surface gas/scale and the metal vacancies VM in the metal lattice
interface scale metal are approximately in
VM z+ + zh+ + M M = MM
+ VM (91)
equilibrium. The role of the surface reac-
tions in the growth of FeO on iron, upon In the latter reaction, additional lattice sites
oxidation in CO2 −CO or H2 O−H2 has are created, so that the vacancies must
been pointed out already. However, also be annihilated at vacancy sinks, or voids
the interfacial reactions may play a role. and cavities are created. In the case of
In the case of prevailing cation diffusion prevailing anion diffusion, growth of oxide
as in the formation of FeO, CoO, NiO, lattice and consumption of metal lattice
Cu2 O, metal vacancies arrive at the inter- occur at the interface
nal interface and are occupied by a metal z
atom M M from the metal phase, which M x = VO z− + MM x
+ ze− (92)
is ionized when jumping into the oxide
In this reaction, a new unit of oxide results
from a direct displacement of the interface
and does not involve a jump of metal
VM z− + zh+ + M M = MM
(90) atoms. But a jump of metal atoms may
654 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

take place also, perhaps following some occur in parallel during scale growth, the
diffusion in the interface, overall growth rate is expressed by
z 2−    
Mx = VO + MM
+ ze− + VM (93) dm
2 Adt Adt a Adt c
and metal vacancies are created, which  −1  
1 zm 1 2m −1
must be annihilated. Thus, in both cases = + + +
reactions occur at the interfaces, which kla kpa klc kpc
may involve jumps of atoms and anni- (97)
hilation of vacancies. Such processes are where the indices a and c refer to anionic
possible only by the operations of struc- and cationic growth control, respectively.
tural defects, such as disorientation and One can see from Eqs. (94 and 97) that,
misfit dislocations. Such defects are gen- if one of the interfacial steps is blocked
erally present at the interface, and their with increasing reaction time, the rate of
role in enabling vacancy annihilation and the overall reaction may decrease due to
progress of oxidation has been empha- a decrease in kl , and the mechanism of
sized by Pieraggi and Rapp [116, 117]. A oxidation may change between cationic
general analysis of the scale growth ki- and anionic control. The authors [116,
netics, considering the steps: (1) surface 117] apply plots of t/(m/A) versus m/A
reaction, (2) diffusion, and (3) internal in- for evaluation of oxidation studies on Cr
terfacial reaction has been given [116, 117]. and Cr implanted with Y, on Ni−30Cr
The growth kinetics for the series combi- implanted with different doses of Ce and of
nation of surface and interfacial steps and Fe−25Cr alloys with deposits of sputtered
of the diffusion step is described by ceria of different thickness. In all cases,
doping leads to decreasing values of kl and
dm 1 2m kp , which was explained by blocking of the
= + (94)
Adt kl kp cationic interfacial reaction and diffusion.
This is one possible explanation of the well-
where the linear constant kl involves known reactive element effect. According
both steps, the surface reaction and the to this ‘‘poisoned interface model’’ (PIM),
interfacial reaction. Integration leads to the scaling of pure metals Fe, Ni, Co, and
Cu should also be affected by deposited
m2 m alkaline earth metals: Ca, Sr, or Ba. In
t= + (95)
kp kl fact, strong retardations of oxidation were
observed, indicating that the alkaline earth
Different initial conditions have to be
cations may accumulate at the interface
considered, for example, in the case of
oxide/metal and block the cation transfer.
transient oxidation of alloys, see

(m − mo ) 2 m − mo Evidence on the Reactions

t − to = + (96) at the Scale/Metal Interface
kp kl
Conclusive studies on the role of the
and t − to must be introduced instead transfer reactions at the inner phase
of t, and m − mo instead of m. boundary are rare. The G necessary for
Furthermore, considering that anionic and the sulfidation of Ag and Cu could be
cationic interfacial and diffusion steps measured [15, 21]. In the sulfidation of
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 655

Ag, the chemical potential of Ag can be After separation of scale and metal, the
measured bringing AgI/Ag-electrodes in scale is converted to the higher oxides
contact with the Ag2 S and the Ag (see Sect. Fe3 O4 and Fe2 O3 and the oxidation may A current was led through the se- be completely stopped, if not continued by
quence Pt|Ag|Ag2 S|AgI|Ag|Pt (Fig. 14a). oxygen transfer through redox reactions
Through this setup, only Ag+ ions can of the gases H2 O−H2 and/or CO2 −CO.
pass, since AgI is an ion conductor but The transfer reactions such as reaction
not an electronic conductor. The differ- (99) will be hindered when impurities
ence of electrochemical potential of Ag+ accumulate or segregate at the interface;
is measured at the interface Ag|Ag2 S, this has been studied for the oxidation of
using the AgI/Ag-probes and, with in- steels [108–110].
creasing ion current increasing potential In connection with the role of interfacial
differences were observed (Fig. 14b). The ledges, and interfacial misfit and misorien-
transfer of only electrons, which can be tation dislocations (see Sect., it was
monitored with Pt-electrodes, causes no proposed that the ledges and dislocations
potential differences and the potential dif- may be pinned by impurity and doping
ference caused by simultaneous transfer of elements in the metal phase, especially
Ag+ ions and electrons is corresponding the ‘‘reactive elements’’ such as the rare
to the case of only Ag+ ions. In the trans- earth elements Ce, Y, La, and so on and
fer of Ag into Ag2 S, the Ag+ ions occupy Ti, Zr, Hf, and others that generally have
interstitial sites in the sulfide: a retarding effect on scale growth. This
pinning effect would affect the transfer re-
actions. A new explanation results for the
Ag(in the metal) = Ag+ −
i + e + VAg ‘‘reactive element effect’’, which is benefi-
(in the metal) (98) cial concerning growth rate and adherence
of protective oxide scales. However, it is
A vacancy is created in the metal phase, difficult to prove this effect – and it may
which can be annihilated by operations be noted that more explanations of the
of structural defects, disorientation, and reactive element effect, more or less well
misfit dislocations [116, 117]. Prolonged proven, were put forward in the oxidation
sulfidation also can cause void nucleation literature.
and cavity growth at the interface. In the One may conclude this chapter with
case of sulfidation by liquid sulfur, the the statement that not much is known
separation of sulfide and metal by cavities in fact on the reactions at the interface
could be avoided by applying a pressure on metal/oxide and new experimental ap-
the growing sulfide [13–18]. proaches are necessary.
The formation of cavities and of a gap
between scale and metal phase was already 6.2.5
mentioned for the case of oxide growth by Local Cell Action in High-temperature
inward migrating vacancies, for example, Corrosion
FeO, where the interfacial reaction is
Mostly, in high-temperature oxidation pro-
2− + cesses, diffusion of ions or electrons in the
Fe (from the metal) + VFe + 2h
solid reaction product are rate determin-
= FexFe + VFe (in the metal) (99) ing. Both cases are possible: rate-limiting
656 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

Pt4 Pt1


Ag2 U32

S1 Pt5
Ag2S U13
e− Pt3

Ag+ AgJ



(a) S2


( )


( )



220 °C

100 150 200
(b) [mV]
Fig. 14 Measurement of the current density-potential curves for
the interfacial reaction Ag → Ag+ (in Ag2 S) + e− at the phase
boundary Ag/Ag2 S. (a) Experimental setup and (b) curves
measured at 300 and 220 ◦ C [15].
6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 657

ion diffusion or rate-controlling electron agreement with the data calculated from
transport. Corrosion can be enhanced by the ionic conductivity and thermodynamic
local cell action if two phases are present, data for AgI.
one phase with high ionic conductivity, Similar processes, sidewise growth of
the other phase with high electronic con- chlorides or bromide, are expected also
ductivity. Wagner [118] had put forward when a wire is partly covered with Ag and
examples of local cell action during the exposed to chlorine or bromine gas. But
scaling of metals. in view of the lower ionic conductivity,
As an example, for the case that the that is, lower Ag+ mobility in AgCl
main product has a high ionic but a and AgBr, the phenomenon will be less
low electronic conductivity, and another spectacular.
phase providing easy flow of electrons Very high oxidation rates can be expected
is present, the following reaction was when an alloy yields a scale consisting of a
studied: melt providing fast flow of ions and a solid
phase providing easy flow of electrons. A
Ag(s) + 12 I2 (gas) = AgI(s) (100) model experiment for such a case was
where solid AgI is mainly a ionic con- also proposed by Wagner [122]. When Ni
ductor with a high Ag+ mobility. For the is covered by a borate melt, oxidation can
experiment, Ta wires were covered with take place only by dissolution and diffusion
Ag by immersing their ends in an Ag-melt; of oxygen in the melt to the metal surface.
these wires were enclosed with iodine in Low oxygen solubility and therefore slow
ampoules and heated at 174 ◦ C. transport rate result in a very low rate
An AgI layer grows not only on the Ag of oxidation, as confirmed, corroding a
surface, but also spreads along the Ta wire Ni spiral inserted in Na2 B4 O7 ·K2 B4 O7
(Fig. 15a) due to diffusion of Ag+ in the at 780 ◦ C. But when the Ni spiral was
AgI layer and migration of electrons in connected to a Pt gauze, only partly
the Ta wire. The length x of the AgI covered with melt, the mass loss of the
layer increases proportional to t 1/2 . The Ni by oxidation was about two orders of
flux of Ag+ ions results mainly from magnitude higher (Fig. 15b). Obviously, a
the electrical field, since their chemical cathodic reaction occurs at the three-phase
potential is virtually constant, due to the boundary air/gauze/melt and oxygen is
high degree of cationic disorder in AgI reduced
[119–121], thus O2 (g) + 4e− = 2O2− (103)
jAg+ = uAg+ cAg+ (101) The electrons are easily transported to the
∂x Ni in the metal gauze, and the oxygen
Wagners’ derivation leads to an expression anions are diffusing in the melt to the Ni,
for x where formation of NiO occurs. It was
  shown also that in a Ni-Pt couple the
x= (uAg+ Et)1/2 (102) current is mainly controlled by cathodic
where uAg+ is the mobility of Ag+ ions These results are of great importance
and E = −Go /F results from the free considering the oxidation or ‘‘hot corro-
energy of the formation of AgI. The sion’’ of alloys where the scale consists of
values measured for x are in excellent electronic conducting oxides and a melt.
658 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

Ag+ e− AgI

Aq X'


Ta e−

(a) x=O x x=X

Pt O2

Anions 2e− + 1/2O2 = O2−

melt 2e−
Ni = Ni2+ + 2e−

Fig. 15 Local cell action in high-temperature corrosion [118, 122]. (a) Growth of
AgI on an Ag−Ta couple in I2 (gas). (b) Corrosion of Ni in a borate melt, reactions
on a Ni−Pt couple.

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rates, when by close contact of oxides and electrochemical cell.
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6.2 High-temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases 661

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662 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

6.3 interpreted as MIC. The following sections

Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion describe biofilm formation/structure, mi-
crobial processes influencing corrosion,
Brenda J. Little and corrosion inhibition.
Stennis Space Center, Mississippi
Florian B. Mansfeld
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Biofilm Formation
Liquid water is needed for all forms of
Peggy J. Arps and James C. Earthman life and availability of water influences
University of California, Irvine, California both the distribution and growth of mi-
croorganisms. Water availability can be
Microorganisms growing on metal sur- expressed as water activity (aw ) with values
faces influence the fate of those materials ranging from 0 to 1.0. Microbial growth
in the environment, with results ranging has been documented over a range of wa-
from severe localized corrosion to sig- ter activities from 0.60 to 0.998. Fungi
nificant reductions in corrosion rate [1]. are the most desiccant-resistant microor-
Corrosion resulting from the presence and ganisms and can remain active down to
activities of microbes on metals and metal aw = 0.60, whereas few bacteria remain
alloys is generally referred to as microbio- active at aw values below 0.9 [4]. The tem-
logically influenced corrosion (MIC). The perature range in which living organisms
terms microbially induced corrosion or can grow is that in which liquid water can
biocorrosion are also used interchangeably exist, approximately 273 to 373 ◦ K. Life is
with MIC. Microbiologically mediated re- possible over concentrations of H+ ions
actions can alter both the rates and types of varying by several orders of magnitude,
electrochemical reactions, resulting in sev- and some individual microorganisms can
eral forms of localized corrosion, including grow over a range of 10 pH units or more.
pitting, crevice corrosion, differential aera- Many microorganisms can withstand hun-
tion cells, metal concentration cells, selec- dredfold or greater variations in pressure.
tive dealloying, enhanced erosion, and en- For example, pressure in the depths of the
hanced galvanic corrosion. Most MIC stud- sea is only mildly inhibitory to growth of
ies have focused on bacterial involvement; many microorganisms. Heavy metal con-
however, other single-celled organisms centrations as low as 10−8 M can inhibit
(fungi, yeast, algae, etc.) can also influ- growth of some microorganisms, while
ence corrosion processes. Numerous test others may be resistant to concentrations
kits are available for culturing microorgan- of a millionfold greater. Microbial species
isms known to influence corrosion. How- show thousandfold differences in suscep-
ever, accurate diagnosis of MIC requires tibility to irradiation [5].
a combination of microbiological, sur- In addition to water, all organisms
face analytical, and electrochemical tech- require carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sul-
niques. Since microorganisms are ubiqui- fur and other trace elements for growth.
tous and can be attracted to both anodic [2] Microorganisms can use many organic
and cathodic [3] sites, spatial relation- and inorganic materials as sources of
ships between microorganisms and cor- nutrients and energy. Many microorgan-
rosion products cannot be independently isms can grow on trace nutrients found in
6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 663

laboratory-distilled water. MIC has been consists of a sequence of steps that begins
documented for metals exposed to sea- with adsorption of macromolecules (pro-
water, freshwater, distilled/demineralized teins, polysaccharides, and humic acids)
water, crude and distillate hydrocarbon fu- and smaller molecules (fatty acids, lipids)
els, process chemicals, food stuffs, soils, at solid surfaces. Adsorbed molecules
human plasma and sewage [6]. form conditioning films that alter the
In aqueous environments, cells attach physicochemical characteristics of the wa-
to solid surfaces and produce biofilms ter–surface interface, including hydropho-
consisting of polymeric substances and bicity and electrical charge.
multilayered assemblages of cells in mi- Transport of microorganisms to an in-
crocolonies (Fig. 1) [5]. Biofilm formation terface and subsequent attachment are

Biofilm develompment

1 2
Conditioning film

3 4

5 6

 1992 The center for biofilm engineering, msu-bozeman P.DIRCKX


Fig. 1 Biofilm development and regeneration illustrated in six steps.

Step 1: initial attachment to substratum; Step 2: synthesis of EPS to
establish more secure association with substratum; Step 3: bacterial
replication on the substratum and microcolony formation; Step 4:
formation of mature biofilm; Step 5: sloughing and detachment of
portions of biofilm; Step 6: recolonization of areas of substratum
exposed by sloughing events [5].
664 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

 1992 The center for biofilm engineering, msu-bozeman P.DIRCKX


Fig. 2 Conceptual illustration of heterogenous

biofilm structure [11].

mediated by diffusive transport due to followed by division of cells and re-

Brownian motion, convective transport cruitment of planktonic cells to form a
due to liquid flow, and active movement of complicated architectural structure, and
motile bacteria near the interface. The in- ending with detachment of individual cells
fluence of convective transport exceeds the and aggregates [9, 10]. Biofilms are typi-
other two mechanisms by several orders cally composed of pillar- and mushroom-
of magnitude. Once a microbial cell is in shaped cell clusters separated by water
contact with a surface it may or may not channels that allow nutrients in and waste
adhere. The ratio of adhering cells to the products out (Fig. 2) [11]. Biofilm accumu-
total number of cells transported to an in- lation at surfaces is a self-perpetuating
terface depends on substratum properties and continuous process. Initial coloniza-
(including charge density), physiological tion increases surface irregularity and
state of the microbes, hydrodynamics, and promotes recruitment of free-swimming
nutritional signals from the environment. cells, promoting further surface irregu-
For many bacteria, attachment requires larity. These changes can influence par-
cell-surface appendages (flagella, fimbriae, ticle transport and attachment rate by
pili) or adhesive substances [7]. (1) increasing convective mass transport
After attachment, microorganisms pro- near the surface, (2) providing shelter from
duce adhesive substances, collectively shear forces, and (3) increasing surface
known as extracellular polymeric sub- area for attachment. Growth is due to
stances (EPS), which provide the matrix microbial replication. Each species in the
that holds bacteria together and allows for- biofilm has its own growth parameters
mation of microcolonies and ultimately a and there appear to be spatial distribu-
mature biofilm. EPS also bridge microbial tions of growth [12]. Detachment includes
cells with the substratum and permit neg- two processes: sloughing and erosion.
atively charged bacteria to adhere to both Sloughing is the process in which large
negatively and positively charged surfaces. pieces of biofilm are removed, expos-
Biofilm formation is dynamic and can ing the underlying surface. Reasons for
be viewed as a developmental cycle [8], biofilm sloughing are not well understood.
beginning with microbial attachment, Biofilm erosion is the continuous removal
Bulk water
O2 (CH2O)n NH3 Mn2+

Aerobes (Nitrifiers)
(CH2O)n NH3 NO2− NO3−
S2 O3 S Fe
Fe2+ Fe3+
Methanotrophs S0 SO42− Oxidizers
Microaerophiles CO2 CO2 CH4 H2S Oxidizers Mn
Mn2+ Mn4+

(CH2O)n CO2, H2, Organic NH3 N-reducers NO3−
acid N2 Denitrifiers

Fermenters Mn
Mn2+ Mn4+
(CH2O)n CO2, H2, CH3COOH Reducers
M Fe
Anaerobes eth Fe2+ Fe3+
an H 2S SO42− Reducers
og SRB
CO2 + H2 CH4


Fig. 3 Possible reactions that can occur in a biofilm.

6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
666 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

of single cells or small groups of cells as H2 S-induced cracking or sulfide stress

from the biofilm and is driven by shear cracking. Crolet and Magot [14] described
stress at the biofilm–fluid interface. An a group of bacteria isolated from an oilfield
increase in shear stress increases erosion production facility capable of reducing
rate and decreases biofilm accumulation thiosulfate (S2 O3 −2 ), not sulfate, to sul-
rate. Empirical observations indicate that fide. The non-SRB fermentative strains
erosion rate is related to flow velocity, produced H2 S and organic acids from
biofilm thickness, density, and tertiary S2 O3 −2 and peptides. Corrosion penetra-
structure [13]. tion rates of carbon steel in the presence
Biofilms are capable of maintaining en- of these organisms were in excess of
vironments at biofilm/surface interfaces 1 cm yr−1 .
that are radically different from the bulk SRB are the organisms most closely
fluid in terms of pH, dissolved oxy- identified with MIC. SRB are a phylogenet-
gen, and other organic and inorganic ically diverse group of anaerobic bacteria
species (Fig. 3). In some cases, these found in natural and industrial environ-
interfacial conditions could not be main- ments. SRB use sulfate as the terminal
tained in the bulk medium at room electron acceptor during respiration and
temperature near atmospheric pressure. produce H2 S. When the aerobic respira-
The consequence is that microorganisms tion rate within a biofilm is greater than the
within biofilms facilitate reactions that oxygen diffusion rate, the metal/biofilm in-
are not predicted by thermodynamic ar- terface can become anaerobic and provide
guments based on the chemistry of the a niche for SRB (Fig. 4) [15]. The criti-
bulk medium. cal biofilm thickness required to produce
anaerobic conditions depends on availabil-
ity of oxygen and the respiration rates of
Corrosion Promoting Mechanisms
organisms in the biofilm. The metabolic
The most serious MIC takes place in activity of SRB causes accumulation of
the presence of microbial consortia where sulfide near metal surfaces.
many types of microorganisms are present McNeil and Odom [16] developed a
within the structure of the biofilm. thermodynamic model to predict metal
These include sulfate-reducing bacteria susceptibility to MIC by SRB. If the
(SRB), sulfur oxidizing bacteria, metal- reaction to produce the sulfide from
reducing and metal-oxidizing bacteria, the oxide has a negative Gibbs free
acid-producing and slime-producing bac- energy, the reaction will take place.
teria, in addition to other aerobic and If the value is positive, the metal is
anaerobic microbes. immune to derivation by sulfides and will
not be vulnerable to corrosion by SRB. Sulfur, Sulfate and Thiosulfate The model is limited to thermodynamic
Reduction predictions as to whether a reaction will
Reduction of elemental sulfur or thiosul- take place and does not consider metal
fate results in production of hydrogen toxicity to the organisms, tenacity of the
sulfide (H2 S), which acidifies a corrosive resulting sulfide or others factors that
medium and catalyses the penetration of influence corrosion rate. The following
hydrogen into steels, a process known is a summary of mineralogical products
6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 667

Dissolved oxygen
2500 Sulfide


1000 Biofilm surface
Metal surface
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Dissolved oxygen concentration
[mg L−1]

−9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1
Log of total sulfide concentration
[M L−1]
Fig. 4 Concentration profiles of sulfide and oxygen in a biofilm on
mild steel [15]. (Reproduced with permission of Taylor and Francis Ltd,

formed during SRB-influenced corrosion Practical Aspects

reactions [16]. The corrosion rate of iron in the presence
of H2 S is accelerated by the formation of
• Ag: acanthite (Ag2 S). iron sulfide minerals [17] that stimulate
• Ag-Cu alloys: acanthite, argentite [the the cathodic reaction. Once electrical
high temperature polymorph of Ag2 S contact is established, mild steel behaves
or jalpaite (Ag3 CuS2 )]. as an anode and electron transfer occurs
• Cu: complex suites of sulfide minerals: through the iron sulfide. At low ferrous ion
the most common product is chalcocite concentrations (0–10 mg L−1 ), adherent
(Cu2 S). Final product in many cases is and temporarily protective films of iron
blue-remaining covellite (CuS1+x ). sulfides form on the steel surface with
• Cu-Ni alloys: sulfide corrosion products a consequent reduction in anodic and
similar to those of Cu but with cathodic currents. High-corrosion current
significant djurleite (Cu31 S16 ). No Ni densities associated with SRB-induced
minerals observed. corrosion of mild steel are maintained only
• Cu-Sn alloys: corrosion products similar in high concentrations of ferrous ion [18].
to those found with in Cu. MIC failures due to SRB have been re-
• Fe (carbon steel): final product is pyrite ported for mild steel piping and equipment
(FeS2 ) with numerous intermediates. in marine and soil environments, as well
• Fe (stainless alloys): product formation as to waters in oil refining, process indus-
rates are slower than for pure Fe or tries, and fossil fuel and nuclear power
carbon steel. No Ni minerals have been plants. Volumes edited by Dexter [19],
detected. Stainless steels with 6% or Kobrin [20] and Stoecker [21] provide nu-
more Mo appear to be very resistant. merous case histories.
• Ni: millerite (NiS). Sanders and Hamilton [22] analyzed
• Pb: galena (PbS). microbial corrosion in North Sea oil
668 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

exploration and defined two distinct forms which the conversion of copper to copper
of SRB-mediated corrosion: pitting caused sulfides is thermodynamically favored at
by SRB growing in the biofilm on a concentration of 10−2 M total sulfur.
metal surfaces, and sulfide-induced stress The first sulfur-poor compounds are con-
corrosion cracking, hydrogen induced verted to sulfur-rich compounds. Little and
cracking or blistering caused by hydrogen coworkers [28–30] published several re-
permeation of the metal alloy in high ports documenting localized corrosion of
dissolved sulfide conditions. copper alloys by SRB in estuarine environ-
Bibb [23] presented three case histories ments. Others [31, 32] reported the failure
of pipe failures in South African power of copper alloys due to pitting and stress
plants including failure of mild steel corrosion cracking in polluted seawa-
pipework handling raw water, an epoxy- ter containing waterborne sulfides. CDA
lined seawater cooling pipe and galvanized 706 (90 : 10, Cu : Ni) suffered accelerated
hot water pipework. The presence of corrosion attack in seawater containing
the organism Desulfovibrio desulfuricans 0.01 ppm sulfide after a 1-day exposure.
was confirmed in all failures. Honneysett It has been argued that if the copper sul-
et al. [24] documented MIC of carbon steel fide layer were djurelite, the sulfide layer
caused by SRB in a cooling system for a would be protective [33]. Even if such a
casting machine. The onset of the problem sulfide film were technically passivating,
coincided with the use of reclaimed the mechanical stability is so poor that sul-
sewage water. fide films on copper surfaces are useless
The impact of oxygen on SRB was exam- for corrosion protection. In the presence
ined by Hardy and Bown [25] using mild of turbulence, the loosely adherent sulfide
steel specimens and weight loss measure- film is removed, exposing a fresh cop-
ments. Successive aeration–deaeration per surface to react with sulfide ions. For
shifts caused variation in the corro- these reasons, turbulence-induced corro-
sion rate. The highest corrosion rates sion and sulfide attack of copper alloys
(129 mg dm−2 d−1 ∼ = 5 cm yr−1 ) were ob- cannot easily be decoupled. In the presence
served during periods of aeration. Lee and of oxygen, the possible corrosion reactions
coworkers [15, 26] determined that corro- in a copper sulfide system are extremely
sion of mild steel could not be initiated by complex because of the large number of
SRB in the absence of ferrous ion. King and stable copper sulfides [34], their differing
coworkers [27] demonstrated that weight electrical conductivities, and catalytic ef-
loss of steel was proportional to the con- fects. Transformations among sulfides, or
centration of ferrous sulfide and depended conversions of sulfides to oxides, result in
on the stoichiometry of the particular fer- changes in volume that weaken the attach-
rous sulfide minerals. ment scale and oxide subscale leading to
The impact of biogenic sulfides on the spalling (Fig. 5) [35].
corrosion of copper alloys has received a MIC has also been documented for cop-
considerable amount of attention. The gen- per and copper alloys used in potable water
eral phenomenology of SRB-influenced applications. Alanis and coworkers [36]
corrosion of copper can be understood described a case of localized corrosion
by considering the following scenario. in underground brass pipes of low zinc
Microbial consortia that include SRB pro- content (8.22%) used for drinking water
duce anoxic, sulfide-rich environments in distribution. Perforation was due to SRB
6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 669

Thick, sulfide-rich scale

Thin product

Thick scale containing sulfide,

partially converted sulfide, and oxide
Partially converted subscale
Oxide-rich scale

Fig. 5 Schematic of (a) thick sulfide-rich scale on copper alloy and
(b) disruption of sulfide film [35].

and aggressive anions such as chlorides in SRB, contained large amounts of iron and
the soil. copper in addition to significant amounts
Monel 400, a nickel alloy containing of manganese and silicon and reduced
66.5% nickel, 31.5% copper and 1.25% amounts of nickel.
iron, has a marked tendency for the ini- Two attempts have been made to develop
tiation of pitting in chloride-containing a diagnostic for SRB corrosion of copper
environments where the passive film can alloys: mineralogical fingerprints and sul-
be disturbed. Under stagnant conditions fur isotope fractionation. Many sulfides
chlorides penetrate the passive film at under near-surface conditions can only be
weak points and cause pitting attack. Sul- produced by microbiological action on spe-
fides can cause either a modification of cific precursor materials such as metals. If
the oxide layer, as described for copper, or a corrosion process can be shown to have
breakdown of the oxide film of nickel al- taken place in a pH-Eh range typical of
loys. Pit initiation and propagation depend near-surface conditions and no compelling
on depth of exposure, temperature and kinetic arguments can be reached, then
presence of surface deposits. Little and mineralogical and geochemical data indi-
coworkers [30] reported selective dealloy- cate that the presence of these minerals as
ing of nickel in Monel 400 in the presence corrosion products implies SRB activity.
of SRB from an estuarine environment. McNeil and coworkers [38] demonstrated
Pope [37] reported a case study from that djurleite, spionkopite and the high
a nuclear power plant in which Monel temperature polymorph of chalcocite ap-
heat exchanger tubes were found to pear to be mineralogical fingerprints for
have many discrete deposits under which the SRB corrosion of copper-nickel al-
severe pitting corrosion was observed. loys. The stable isotopes of sulfur (32 S
Deposits, formed by iron-and manganese- and 34 S), naturally present in a sulfate
depositing bacteria in association with source, are selectively metabolized during
670 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

sulfate reduction by SRB and the result- In a two-year study of MIC in natural
ing sulfide is enriched in 32 S [39]. The 34 S gas pipeline facilities Pope and cowork-
isotope accumulates in the starting sulfate ers [42] failed to establish a relationship
as the 32 S is removed and concentrated between numbers of SRB and MIC for
in the sulfide. Little and coworkers [40] carbon steel.
demonstrated sulfur isotope fractionation
by SRB in sulfide corrosion products on a Sulfur/Sulfide Oxidation
copper alloy. Elemental sulfur, thiosulfates, metal sul-
Several investigators have demonstrated fides, H2 S, and tetrathionates can be
that there is no direct correlation between oxidized to sulfuric acid by microorgan-
numbers of SRB and the likelihood that isms generically referred to as thiobacilli.
corrosion has occurred or will occur. Jack Corrosion in sewers and other concrete
and coworkers [41] prepared a review of structures is often due to oxidation of
30 months of electrochemical measure- sulfides generated by the activities of
ments, weight-loss data, water chemistry SRB and may occur in many steps. Con-
and microbiological data for an oilfield wa- crete is a moderately porous mixture of
terflood operation in which produced brine alkaline inorganic precipitates and min-
was injected to displace oil from the reser- eral aggregates. Anaerobic conditions in
voir. They concluded that SRB numbers sewage support SRB that convert sulfate
could be used as an index of biocide per- to H2 S, which volatilizes to the sewer at-
formance in these field systems. No other mosphere and redissolves in condensate
correlations between corrosion measure- on the sewer crown [43] (Fig. 6). A sec-
ments and microbial numbers were found. ond community of microorganisms at the

+ 2O2 → H2 SO4
H 2S

H2S H 2S

Thiobacilli Thiobacilli

Concrete Sewage
sewer pipe

Fig. 6 Diagram of sulfur cycling by microorganisms in a sewer.

6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 671

crown oxidizes the sulfide to corrosive sul- obtained by integration of the 1/Rp - time
furic acid. curves as
Mansfeld and coworkers [44] used linear  
polarization to determine polarization INT = (1)
resistance, Rp , for mild steel sensors
embedded in concrete exposed to a Corrosion losses remained low during
sewer environment. One concrete sample the first two months followed by a large
was periodically flushed with sewage increase for both the flushed sample
to remove sulfuric acid produced by and control. Increased corrosion rates
sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Another sample of embedded steel electrodes occurred
was used as a control. A data logging when surface pH reached values of 1 or
system collected Rp at 10-min intervals less due to accumulation of sulfuric acid
simultaneously for the two corrosion (H2 SO4 ).
sensors and two additional pH electrodes Mittleman and Danko [45] determined
placed at the concrete surface. Figure 7 [44] that sulfur cycling, that is, sulfate reduction
shows cumulative corrosion loss,  INT and sulfide oxidation, by microorganisms


[s ohm−1]




[s ohm−1]


0 40 80 120 160 200
(b) Days
Fig. 7 Cumulative corrosion loss  INT for mild steel sensors
embedded in concrete and exposed in a sewer bypass; (a) control
sample and (b) flushed sample [44]. ( NACE International 1991.)
672 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

was responsible for concrete and carbon of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (formerly

steel deterioration in a dam in South Thiobacillus ferrooxidans) and the fungus,
America. Cleland [46] demonstrated the Hormoconis resinae. The individual or-
coexistence of elemental sulfur and sulfate ganisms caused an approximate dou-
in the presence of iron sulfide corrosion bling of the corrosion rate compared
products in ship ballast tanks, indicating to sterile conditions. The corrosion pat-
microbial oxidation. tern included scaling, pitting, and stress-
Sulfide oxidation reactions are impor- cracking [47]. Similar situations are found
tant to the formation of sulfuric acid where pipelines are buried in soils that
in coal, gold, and copper mines, and in contain coal ash, industrial wastes, land-
other sulfur-containing deposits. All coals fills or railway right-of-ways through coal
consist of organic material containing car- outcroppings and rivers in the coal min-
bon, hydrogen and oxygen, and smaller ing regions.
amounts of sulfur (principally as sulfide Formation of elemental sulfur during
and organic sulfur). Variation of coal types microbial oxidation of reduced sulfur
is related to the biological starting mate- compounds has been reported [48, 49].
rials and variations in conditions during Case histories of corrosion in the presence
coal diagenesis through geological time. of elemental sulfur can be attributed
Inorganic and organic compounds are to either direct oxidation to H2 SO4 , or
present in coal. Inorganic sulfur occurs electron transport from the metal through
predominantly as ferrous sulfide (FeS2 ) a metal sulfide to elemental sulfur.
in its mineral forms, pyrite and marca- The disproportionation of elemental sul-
site, whereas organic sulfur compounds fur in water at elevated temperatures
are part of the molecular configuration yields H2 S and sulfuric acid, which acidify
of the coal. If FeS2 -containing coals are the corrodant, activate metal dissolution,
exposed to moisture and oxygen, sponta- inhibit repassivation and favor crevice
neous FeS2 oxidation starts, resulting in corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.
production of ferric iron and sulfuric acid, Elemental sulfur is a powerful oxidant for
as given below. organic and inorganic materials. Metals
4FeS2 + 15O2 + 2H2 O and metal oxides react with either dis-
solved or undissolved sulfur at ambient
−−−→ 2Fe2 (SO4 )3 + 2H2 SO4 or higher temperatures, regardless of the
(2) presence of oxygen, to form sulfides that
The pH of the water phase will drop act as catalysts for the cathodic reduc-
during the oxidation process. Because tion of elemental sulfur. The availability
rates of spontaneous pyrite oxidation of sulfur in soils limits the activities of the
decrease as pH falls, the process will sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Where sulfur is
stop at pH 4. Acidophilic pyrite-oxidizing present, corrosive activities and rates can
bacteria, indigenous to coals, thrive at low be dramatic. Railroad tracks through the
pH and continue the oxidation to pH sulfur producing areas of the Gulf Coast of
values lower than 2. Texas have high corrosion rates due to the
The South African Rail Company, a activities of thiobacilli [50]. Steel troughs
carrier for large quantities of low-grade and drainage pipes failed after 15 to
coal, reported accelerated corrosion of 30 days and 1.5 to 3 months, respectively,
steel due to the presence and activities when used in Russian coal mines with
6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 673

acid-producing bacteria [51]. The predicted than carbon steels, with the exception
lifetime of the materials when oper- of the duplex steels that are corroded
ated with waters at neutral pH is 1 to at the same rate as carbon steels. The
2 years. Chromium-nickel and chromium- resistance to sulfur increases with the
molybdenum steels are sensitive to attack content of nickel, chromium and molyb-
by thiobacilli-contaminated environments denum in the alloy. High-alloy stainless
containing elemental sulfur. steels are susceptible to stress corrosion
Schmitt [52] reviewed the effect of ele- cracking at temperatures above 150 ◦ C.
mental sulfur on corrosion of construc- Grade 2 titanium suffers sulfur-induced
tion materials (carbon steels, ferric steels, crevice corrosion above 130 ◦ C, however,
austenitic steels, ferritic-austenitic steels the Beta-C alloy retains passivity in sulfur-
(duplex steels), nickel and cobalt-based containing brines up to 300 ◦ C.
alloys and titanium. Wet elemental sul-
Dowling [53] proposed a mechanism for
fur in contact with iron is aggressive
corrosion of structural steel exposed to wet
and can result in the formation of iron
solid elemental sulfur (Fig. 8). Freestand-
sulfides or in stress corrosion cracking.
ing moisture and steel/sulfur contact are
Iron sulfides containing elemental sulfur
requisites for corrosion of structural steel
initiate corrosion only when the elemen-
by solid elemental sulfur. The principal
tal sulfur is in direct contact with the
sulfide-covered metal. Iron sulfides are form of attack in S/H2 O media is not
highly electron conductive and serve to due to secondary acid generation result-
transport electrons from the metal to the ing from hydrolysis of the sulfur. Instead,
elemental sulfur. The coexistence of hy- the author demonstrated that steel oxi-
drogen sulfide and elemental sulfur in dation was coupled to sulfur reduction
aqueous systems, that is, sour gases and through an electron conductive iron sul-
oils, causes crevice corrosion rates of fide layer. Evidence is also presented for
3 mm yr−1 and stress-oriented hydrogen the direct electrochemical reduction of
induced cracking of iron-containing al- solid elemental sulfur in the presence of
loys. The corrosion rate is enhanced in the FeS, supporting the role of this process as
presence of chlorides. Corrosion-resistant the partial cathodic step in the mechanism
alloys experience lower corrosion rates of the sulfur corrosion reaction.

Humid environment


Sulfur layer




Fig. 8 Mechanistic view of relationship between elemental

sulfur and metal sulfide during corrosion of mild steel.
674 6 Corrosion in Special Environments Metal-oxidizing Bacteria Results by Linhardt [56] and Lewandow-

Biomineralization of iron and manganese ski [57] demonstrate ennoblement (an in-
oxides occurs widely in natural waters, and crease of Ecorr from −150 mV to +350 mV
is a dominant control in the geochemical vs. SCE) of stainless steels in river waters
cycling of these elements. Mineralization involving formation of MnO2 . Linhardt
can be carried out by a variety of organisms found large amounts of manganese min-
including bacteria, yeast, and fungi, but is erals (mainly MnOOH and MnO2 ) on
particularly associated with genera of the severely pitted turbine runner blades in a
so-called iron- and manganese-oxidizing hydroelectric plant and suggested that pit-
bacteria, including Siderocapsa, Gallionella, ting was due to biomineralized Mn oxides.
Leptothrix, Sphaerotilus, Crenothrix, and Renner reported severe pitting around
Clonothrix. welds in type SS 316 pipes used to pump
Manganese oxidation is coupled to bac- cooling water from the Rhine River [58].
terial cell growth and metabolism. While He suggested that the failure mechanism
Mn2+ is soluble, the oxidized forms involved iron- and manganese-oxidizing
(Mn2 O3 , MnOOH, Mn3 O4 , MnO2 ) are in- bacteria causing ennoblement and pitting.
soluble. Microbially deposited manganese Linhardt [56] concluded that ennoblement
oxides have an amorphous structure as was due to the formation of MnO2 accord-
MnO2 (vernadite) and sometimes form ing to the reaction:
a black precipitate of MnO2 (birnessite),
found with Leptothrix and spores of Bacil- Mn+2 + 2H2 O −−−→ MnO2 + 4H+ + 2e−
lus spp. (Fig. 9) [54]. As a result of micro- (3)
bial action, manganese oxide deposits are Pitting occurred as a result of galvanic
formed on submerged materials including interaction between areas covered by man-
metal, stone, glass, and plastic and can ganese oxides acting as cathodes and bare
occur in natural waters with manganese stainless steel surfaces serving as anodes.
levels as low as 10–20 ppb. Deposition The extent to which the elevated current
rates of 1 mcoul cm−2 day−1 on stainless density can be maintained is controlled
steel have been observed [55]. by the electrical capacity of the mineral,

Fig. 9 Manganese deposits on stainless steel after 13 days of

exposure to fresh water [54]. (Reproduced with permission of
Taylor and Francis Ltd,
6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 675

reflecting both total accumulation and Iron-oxidizing bacteria produce orange-

conductivity of the mineral-biopolymer red tubercles of iron oxides and hydroxides
assemblage (only material in electrical con- by oxidizing ferrous ions from the bulk
tact with the metal will be cathodically medium or the substratum (Fig. 10). De-
active). Oxide accumulation is controlled posits of cells and metal ions create oxygen
by the biomineralization rate and the cor- concentration cells (Fig. 11) [59] that ef-
rosion current, in that high corrosion fectively exclude oxygen from the area
currents will discharge the oxide as rapidly immediately under the deposit and ini-
as it is formed. tiate a series of events that are individually


Cl− Cl−
ic bacteria
depositing bacte
water tal- ria
O2 + 2H2O +
4e− → 4OH−

Oxide layer

M → M2+ + 2e−
M2+ + 2H2O + M (OH)2 + 2H+

Fig. 10 Reactions under metal-depositing bacteria.

Fig. 11 Tubercle formation, resulting from the activities of

iron-oxidizing bacteria [59]. ( NACE International 1976.)
676 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

or collectively very corrosive. In an oxy- rates increased but later declined due to
genated environment, the area immedi- formation of an iron sulfide (FeS) film.
ately under individual deposits becomes High amounts of soluble iron prevent
deprived of oxygen. That area becomes formation of protective sulfide layers on
a relatively small anode compared to the ferrous metals.
large surrounding oxygenated cathode. Ca-
thodic reduction of oxygen may result Acid-producing Organisms
in an increase in pH of the solution
Most heterotrophic bacteria secrete or-
in the vicinity of the metal. The metal
ganic acids during fermentation of organic
will form metal cations at anodic sites.
substrates. The kinds and amounts of acids
If the metal hydroxide is the thermody-
depend on the type of microorganisms and
namically stable phase in the solution, the
the available substrate molecules. Organic
metal ions will be hydrolyzed by water
with the formation of H+ ions. If ca- acids may force a shift in the tendency for
thodic and anodic sites are separated from corrosion to occur. The impact of acidic
one another, the pH at the anode will metabolites is intensified when they are
decrease and that at the cathode will in- trapped at the biofilm/metal interface. The
crease. In addition, Cl− ions from the organic acids of the Krebs cycle can pro-
electrolyte will migrate to the anode to mote electrochemical oxidation of a variety
neutralize any buildup of charge, forming of metals by removing or preventing the
heavy metal chlorides that are extremely formation of an oxide film. Burnes and
corrosive. Under these circumstances, pit- coworkers [61] showed that under aero-
ting involves the conventional features of bic conditions solutions of citric, fumaric,
differential aeration, a large cathode to ketoglutaric, glutaric, maleic, malic, ita-
anode surface area ratio, and the devel- conic, pyruvic, and succinic acids formed
opment of acidity and metallic chlorides. metallic salts when incubated with copper,
Stainless steels containing 6% or more tin or zinc. Acetic, ketoglutaric, succinic,
molybdenum are not vulnerable to this and lactic acids were isolated from an
type of attack. anaerobic culture of Escherichia coli in
which enhanced corrosion of carbon steel Metal-reducing Bacteria had been documented. Little and cowork-
Other microorganisms promote corrosion ers [62] demonstrated that isobutyric and
of iron and its alloys through dissimilatory isovaleric acids accelerate the corrosion
iron reduction reactions that lead to the dis- of nickel. Gerchakov and Udey [63] sug-
solution of protective iron oxide/hydroxide gested that amino and dicarboxylic acids
films on the metal surface. Passive lay- were also aggressive.
ers are either lost or replaced by less The pH under algal fouling varies
stable films that allow further corrosion. with photosynthesis and respiration. Daily
Obuekwe and coworkers [60] evaluated pH changes of up to 2 units have been
corrosion of mild steel under conditions recorded under algal biofilms, with pH val-
of simultaneous production of ferrous ues above 10 during photosynthesis. [64]
and sulfide ions by an iron-reducing bac- Decaying algae contribute to a type of cor-
terium. They reported extensive pitting rosion known as ligament cutting during
when both processes were active. When which pH values as low as 1.8 have been
only sulfide was produced, initial corrosion recorded under decaying algal filaments.
6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 677

Fungi are ubiquitous in atmospheric and increase of the oxidizing characteristics

aquatic environments where they assimi- of the medium favoring pitting attack,
late organic material and produce organic (3) production of metabolites that de-
acids including oxalic, lactic, formic, acetic crease the surface energy of the passive
and citric. Most fungi are aerobes and are film/electrolyte interface, (4) microbial ad-
only found in aerobic habitats. Fungi are hesion enhancing metal dissolution, and
nonphotosynthetic organisms that have (5) microbial uptake of fuel additives, in-
vegetative structures known as hyphae, the cluding corrosion inhibitors. Rosales [77]
outgrowth of a single microscopic repro- demonstrated metal ion binding by fungal
ductive cell or spore. A mass of threadlike mycelia, resulting in metal ion concentra-
hyphae make up a mycelium. Mycelia are tion cells on aluminum surfaces. Differ-
capable of almost indefinite growth in ential aeration caused by the adherence
the presence of adequate moisture and of fungal mats can cause crevice cor-
nutrients, allowing fungi to often reach rosion [71]. De Mele and coworkers [72]
macroscopic dimensions. Spores, the non- reported that corrosivity increased with
vegetative dormant stage, can survive long contact time due to accumulation of
periods of unfavorable growth conditions, metabolites under microbial colonies at-
e.g., drought and starvation. When con- tached to metal surfaces. De Meybaum
ditions are favorable for growth, spores and de Schiapparelli [73] demonstrated
germinate and produce hyphae, complet- that the metabolic products enhanced
ing the cycle. aqueous phase aggressiveness even af-
Fungal contamination and decomposi- ter the life cycle of the Cladosporium sp.
tion of hydrocarbons are well-documented was completed.
phenomena [65–79]. The major limiting Numerous reports document fungal
factor for microbial activity in fuels is avail- degradation of coatings and, in some cases,
ability of water [65]. The volume of water corrosion of the underlying metal [80–82].
required for microbial growth in hydrocar- Stranger–Johannessen [83] reported that
bon fuels is extremely small. Since water ship cargo holds coated with chlori-
is a product of the microbial mineraliza- nated rubber and carrying dry cereals
tion of organic substrates, it is possible and woods were severely corroded within
for microbial mineralization of fuel to months. Heavy pitting and reduced thick-
generate a water phase for further prolifer- ness of the steel plate were observed.
ation. For example, Cladosporium resinae, Corrosion products were populated with
the kerosene fungus, grew in 80 mg water viable fungi. Stranger–Johannessen [83]
per liter of kerosene and after four weeks demonstrated that fungi derived nutri-
incubation, the concentration of water in- ents from degradation of the protective
creased more than tenfold [65]. coating in addition to the cargo. Corro-
Fungal influenced corrosion has been sion resulted from acidic metabolic by-
reported for carbon steel and aluminum products. Stranger–Johannessen [84] re-
alloys exposed to hydrocarbon fuels during ported deterioration of an epoxy resin
transport or storage. The following mecha- coating in ship holds filled with mo-
nisms for MIC in fuel/water systems were lasses, fatty oils and other fluid cargoes.
elucidated by Videla et al. [69]: (1) a local She also confirmed fungal degradation of
increase in proton concentration derived polyurethane cable sheathing in the ma-
from organic acidic metabolites, (2) an rine environment [85].
678 6 Corrosion in Special Environments Slime-producing Bacteria copper [98]. Beech and coworkers [99, 100]
As previously indicated, many microorgan- found that a large polysaccharide-protein
isms produce EPS or slime, and several complex (>200 kDa) produced by a marine
researchers have investigated the role of SRB in the genus Desulfovibrio, is capable
EPS in corrosion [86–88]. EPS consist of of accelerating the deterioration of mild
polysaccharides and proteins, plus signif- steel. They suggested that the high affinity
icant amounts of nucleic acids, (phospho) of the EPS complex for Fe ions accounted
lipids and humic substances [89–91]. The for its corrosive nature.
final composition of the EPS matrix re- Heavy metals, such as chromium, that
sults from a combination of the following: are toxic to certain microbes may in-
active secretion, shedding of cell surface crease production of EPS. Fang and col-
material, cell lysis, and/or adsorption of leagues [101] found an increase in the EPS
substances from the environment. EPS of an SRB-enriched marine culture when
are usually acidic and contain functional chromium (50–100 ppm) was added to
groups, such as carboxylic and amino acids seawater. Exposure of mild steel samples
that, as mentioned earlier, readily bind to this solution for 20 d under anaero-
metal ions. EPS can bind metal ions from bic conditions resulted in corrosion. A
the substratum or from a liquid medium subsequent study by Chan and cowork-
and control interfacial chemistry at a ers [102] suggested that corrosion of mild
metal/biofilm interface. EPS are also im- steel, immersed in synthetic seawater con-
plicated in increased resistance of biofilm taining extracted and purified EPS (from
cells to biocides and other antimicrobial the same SRB-enriched culture as above)
compounds [9]. and incubated under anaerobic conditions
A unique type of corrosion referred to as as before, was aided by oxidation reactions
copper by-product release, cuprosolvency, provided by EPS. The electrochemical re-
or ‘blue water’ occurs in potable water sys- ductions of EPS were coupled to iron
tems constructed of copper tubing, and oxidation. Polysaccharides in EPS were
has been reported worldwide [92–95]. The electrochemically reduced and converted
problem is most often attributed to EPS to hydrocarbons, as shown by changes in
induced metal concentration cells. The the X-ray photoelectron spectra.
condition is characterized by the release
of copper as fine particles in plumbing Corrosion Inhibiting Mechanisms
systems distributing soft water in the Inhibition of general corrosion by biofilms
neutral or neutral-alkaline pH range. Wa- has been reported for mild steel, copper,
ter may contain between 5 to 300 ppm aluminum and stainless steels, and brass.
copper (as Cu2+ ) as finely suspended The mechanisms most frequently cited for
precipitates. A bacterial biofilm and as- the inhibition are formation of a diffusion
sociated acidic EPS bind copper ions at barrier to corrosion products that stifles
the metal surface and alter the porosity metal dissolution, consumption of oxy-
of the oxide film [96]. Geesey and cowork- gen by respiring aerobic microorganisms
ers [97] characterized binding of an acidic within the biofilm causing a diminution of
polysaccharide to thin copper films and that reactant at the metal surface, produc-
suggested a cupric ion interaction with tion of metabolic products that act as corro-
carboxyl groups on EPS. These inter- sion inhibitors (e.g., siderophores) or spe-
actions promoted ionization of metallic cific antibiotics that prevent proliferation
6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 679

of corrosion-causing organisms (e.g. SRB), been due to the formation of a protective

and formation of passive layers that are layer containing bacteria, exopolymers and
unique to the presence of microorganisms. other metabolic products. In addition,
One apparent contradiction that has since Pseudomonas sp. is an aerobe and
not been resolved is that some microor- Serratia marcescens is a facultative organ-
ganisms in biofilms can cause localized ism that can also consume oxygen, the
corrosion and others inhibit generalized authors concluded that corrosion inhibi-
corrosion. To further complicate matters, tion could be related to O2 consumption.
the same organisms and mechanisms to Dissolved O2 concentrations were simi-
which MIC has been attributed can also lar in bulk solutions with and without
reportedly inhibit corrosion. For example, bacteria. Bacterial concentrations at the
strains of Pseudomonas and Serratia are metal surface decreased the number of O2
reported to increase the corrosion rate molecules that were reduced at the surface.
of iron and nickel compared to sterile The authors hypothesized that at low O2
conditions [103], but can have a protec- partial pressure under the biofilm a pas-
tive effect on some metals under cer- sive film of magnetite formed that would
tain circumstances [104, 105]. Videla and not have formed without the microorgan-
Guiamet [106] found a protective action of isms. The proposed explanations are not
S. marcescens on aluminum. Metal-binding completely satisfactory since corrosion in-
by extracellular polymers has been re- hibition was not observed with killed cells
ported as a mechanism for both MIC [107] but was observed when respiration was
and for corrosion inhibition [86]. reduced in stressed cells. The absence of
Under laboratory conditions using elec- Pseudomonas after a six-week exposure in
trochemical techniques, Hernandez and natural seawater may indicate competition
coworkers [108] observed increased cor- from other microorganisms once the con-
rosion resistance when mild steel was trolled corrosion-inhibiting biofilms are
exposed to complex nutrient-rich me- introduced into natural environments.
dia containing a Pseudomonas sp. or Jayaraman and coworkers [109–111] de-
Serratia marcescens. They determined monstrated that corrosion inhibition is a
the following: very general phenomenon among aerobic
bacteria and the extent of corrosion var-
1. Inhibition required bacterial adhesion.
ied with areal coverage and proportion of
2. The inhibition effect disappeared when
variable cells. Bacterial by-products in the
in situ cells were fixed in glutaraldehyde.
medium did not account for their observa-
3. When cell-covered surfaces were trans-
tions since fermentations in the absence
ferred to nutrient-deficient synthetic
of oxygen had nearly identical corrosion
seawater, the inhibition continued de-
rates as sterile anaerobic systems [112].
spite the predicted diminished respira-
The authors concluded that only a thin
layer of actively respiring cells consuming
4. After exposure to natural seawater
oxygen was required to inhibit corrosion.
the inhibitive effect disappeared and
When cells were killed with addition of an
Pseudomonas could not be located in
the biofilm. antibiotic to the medium, an immediate in-
crease in the corrosion rate was noted, as
Hernandez and coworkers [108] specu- measured by electrochemical impedance
lated that corrosion inhibition might have spectroscopy (EIS). Lower corrosion rates
680 6 Corrosion in Special Environments

B. subtilis
B. subtilis/polyaspartate
B. subtiles/polyglutamate
B. licheniformis/g-polyglutamate
E. coli
E. coli/polyphosphate

log Rp, log Rpit

0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 12Time dependence of Rpit and Rp for Al 2024 exposed to synthetic
medium with and without B. licheniformis or E. coli.

were accompanied by increases in the rates (Fig. 12) produced and ennoblement
corrosion potential (Ecorr ), ennoblement. (Fig. 13) in both media [118–121]. A signif-
The authors suggested that this increase icant reduction of relative corrosion rates
might be due to the presence of corro- and ennoblement of Ecorr were also ob-
sion inhibiting compounds. This group served for cartridge brass (C26000) in both
also discovered that aerobic biofilms pro- media in the presence of the same bacterial
tect copper, aluminum, and brass [113] in biofilms [116–118].
a laboratory setting, indicating that aerobic Regenerative biofilms have been tested
biofilms may be beneficial on a wide range under industrial conditions in the chill wa-
of metals. ter system at the University of California,
The concept of corrosion control using Irvine (UCI) and at Three Mile Island Nu-
regenerative biofilms using both natu- clear Power Station (TMI) using EIS [123,
rally occurring strains and genetically 124]. Reciprocal polarization resistance
engineered bacteria has been inves- (1/Rp ), considered to be directly propor-
tigated [114–127]. Electrochemical mea- tional to the corrosion rate, was compared
surements of aluminum (Al 2024-T3) as a function of time for preexposed mild
samples exposed to artificial seawater or steel samples tested in unaltered (stan-
synthetic growth medium in the presence dard) service water and samples tested
of each of three strains of bacteria showed in service water inoculated with protec-
a significant reduction of active pit growth tive bacteria. Substantial differences in
6.3 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 681

B. subtilis
B. subtilis/polyaspartate
B. subtiles/polyglutamate
B. licheniformis/g-polyglutamate
E. coli
E. coli/polyphosphate

Ecorr vs. Ag/AgCl



0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 13Time dependence of Ecorr for Al 2024 exposed to synthetic
medium with and without B. licheniformis or E. coli.

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Electrochemical Techniques for

Gerald S. Frankel
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Michael Rohwerder
Max Planck Institute, Duesseldorf, Germany

7.1 Goals of Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689

7.2 Experimental Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691

7.2.1 Sample Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
7.2.2 Surface Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
7.2.3 Sample Masking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
7.2.4 Choice of Electrolyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
7.2.5 Cell Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
7.2.6 Choice of Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696

7.3 Electrochemical Techniques for Determination of Corrosion Rate . . 696

7.3.1 Potentiodynamic Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697 Corrosion Rate Measurement by Tafel Extrapolation . . . . . . . . . . . 697 Corrosion Rate Measurement by Fitting Polarization Curve to
Wagner–Traud Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 Corrosion Rate Measurement by Linear Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . 700
7.3.2 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
7.3.3 Corrosion Rate Determination by Electrochemical Noise Analysis
(ENA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
7.3.4 Comparison of the Techniques for Assessment of Corrosion Rate . . 708

7.4 Techniques for Studying Passivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709

7.5 Techniques for Evaluating Localized Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710

7.6 Exposure Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716

688 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

7.7 Quartz Crystal Microbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716

7.8 Scanning Kelvin Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717

7.9 Scanning Probe Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720

The understanding of the electrochemi- 7.1

cal phenomena underlying corrosion pro- Goals of Testing
cesses provides a basis for experimental
techniques that allow simple and accurate Before beginning a series of experiments
measures of corrosion rates. The electro- to measure corrosion rates or to study
chemical fundamentals are discussed in some other aspect of corrosion, it is
Sects. 1.2–1.4 of this volume and in other important to determine clearly what the
volumes of this series. This chapter will goal of the work is. Usually, such studies
discuss a wide range of experimental tech- require the use of an accelerated test
niques commonly used in the field of method to provide answers to problems
corrosion and issues associated with their quickly. Exposure testing in the service
use. Electrochemical techniques will be environment is an important tool in
the focus, but some nonelectrochemical corrosion engineering, but the time frame
techniques will also be discussed. Elec- for exposure tests is often too long for
trochemical techniques take advantage of timely decisions on design.
our ability, with modern instrumentation, Corrosion testing is frequently used to
to utilize feedback control and measure address questions and solve problems
very small currents. These techniques al- regarding the stability of a material in
low highly sensitive measurements that a given environment. Corrosion-related
far exceed the capabilities of most non- failures take several forms. A general loss
electrochemical techniques based on, for of material to corrosion usually leads to
instance, weight loss or appearance. On mechanical failure as a result of thinning
the other hand, some nonelectrochemical of the cross section of the part, and an
techniques are also extremely sensitive to increase in the stress for a given load.
small amounts of material loss. An ex- Localized corrosion can lead to failure by
ample is the quartz crystal microbalance perforation of a tube or vessel. Localized
(QCM), which provides submonolayer sen- corrosion can also initiate a crack that
sitivity as will be described in the following could propagate as a result of mechanical
sections. loading, or from synergistic interactions
690 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

of environment and stress. Breaching of a the rate is constant. The total loss of ma-
coating might define the failure of a coated terial over a period of time, X, is given by
structure. This cosmetic failure associated the integral of the rate:
with a coating can lead to accelerated 
attack under the coating and subsequent X = r dt (2)
failure by another mechanism. Failure of
electronic devices is often associated with If icorr is constant, X for a given time t
an open or a short in thin-film wiring or is simply C(M/ρnF )t icorr . The lifetime
loss of optical, magnetic, or some other of the component would be the time
property. for the development of a critical material
The first question that might be of loss, which might be associated with a
interest is to determine if the material reaching a critical stress leading to ductile
passivates or undergoes uniform active failure.
corrosion in the relevant environment. If If a material is found to be passive in
the form of corrosion is active corrosion, the service environment, then it is often
then the corrosion rate needs to be mea- of interest to know if it is susceptible to
sured, and a determination can be made localized corrosion. Material loss by uni-
if there is sufficient material to survive form passive dissolution is typically small
the lifetime requirements. Corrosion rate, enough to be ignored when predicting
r (units of thickness loss per unit time), lifetimes. For a system that exhibits lo-
is related to a corrosion current density, calized corrosion, prediction of lifetime is
icorr (A cm−2 ), which is the outcome of difficult. The main problem is the deter-
most electrochemical tests, by way of Fara- mination of the time for initiation of a
day’s law: localized attack. Once localized corrosion
  initiates, the time to perforate a struc-
r=C icorr (1) ture can be determined if the propagation
rate of localized corrosion is known. Local-
where M is the molecular weight of ized corrosion propagation rates typically
the corroding metal (g mol−1 ), ρ is the are not constant with time; they tend to
density of metal (g cm−3 ), n is the decrease with time, following a t −1/2 de-
charge number (dimensionless), F is the pendency [1]. Techniques are available to
Faraday constant (96 485 C mol−1 ), and C determine this rate, as described in the
is a constant to alter units of thickness following text. The penetration distance is
and time. obtained from the integral of the rate, as
The rate of corrosion is commonly in Eq. (2), and typically follows a t 1/2 de-
a function of time because of changes pendency [1]. So, if the propagation rate
in the sample surface or in the envi- is known as a function of time and some
ronment. However, most electrochemical initiation time is assumed, failure times
techniques provide an instantaneous cor- by penetration can be determined.
rosion rate. Long-term exposure tests do Testing of real components can provide
not provide the time-dependent corrosion information regarding the susceptibility
rate, but rather an average rate over the of the component to crevice corrosion.
exposure time. If a reasonable estimate of The propagation of crevice corrosion is
the time dependence of corrosion rate is often similar to that of other forms of
not available, it is commonly assumed that localized corrosion, so failure prediction
7.2 Experimental Design Considerations 691

has the same requirements. Initiation cell, selection of the appropriate test envi-
of crevice corrosion is also not well ronment, and choice of the best technique.
understood. These factors will be addressed in turn.
Other questions can be answered by
electrochemical testing. By measuring 7.2.1
the behavior of the different materials Sample Selection
in a complex structure, it is possible
to determine if the corrosion rate of The microstructure of a metal often
certain components of a structure will be plays a critical role in the corrosion
enhanced by galvanic interactions. The process. Therefore, it is critical to choose
basis for making this assessment was the material stock for testing carefully.
given in Sect. 1.3 of this volume. Microstructure can change depending on
Often, it is of interest to know if reduc- the form of the material, that is, plate,
tions in corrosion rate can be achieved rod, sheet, or thin film. End grains
by certain means, such as changing of a worked structure are often more
the material or alloy, using protective susceptible to attack. Temper can play a
surface films, altering the environment, very important role in the corrosion of
or modifying the design. Electrochemi- Al alloys. Ideally, the material used in
cal testing can generate useful input to experiments should be identical to that
these questions by providing compara- used in the real application. If the form
tive results. For instance, the influence of the material is unknown, it might
of detrimental or beneficial agents in so- be of interest to investigate the role of
lution can be determined by a series processing and microstructure on the
of experiments in solutions of varying corrosion process.
A final question that might be addressed 7.2.2
by experiments is the susceptibility to en- Surface Preparation
vironmental cracking. Such experiments,
of course, would require the application of Details of the surface preparation can exert
a stress in some form. a dominant influence on the corrosion rate
and mechanism. Mill scales can be protec-
tive or act as sites for aggressive attack.
7.2 As a minimum, as-received surfaces are
Experimental Design Considerations typically cleaned with organic solvents and
water prior to testing. Because of inherent
When designing an electrochemical ex- variability of as-received surfaces, it is com-
periment, there are several factors that mon to generate a fresh and reproducible
need to be decided. It is common that the metal surface by abrading and polishing.
design of the experiment and the prepa- Abrading a surface to a 600-grit finish is
ration of samples comprise the hardest sufficient to prepare a reproducible sur-
and most time-consuming part of electro- face. However, the roughness of a freshly
chemical experimentation. Decisions need prepared surface can affect the corrosion
to be made regarding sample selection, rate. Samples polished to a mirror finish
surface preparation, masking to expose a typically exhibit lower corrosion rates than
certain area, specifics of the experimental those that are only abraded. Abrading and
692 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

polishing are typically performed under and this connection should be protected so
water, and the conditions generated during that it does not contact the solution.
such surface preparation can be aggressive It is possible to simply immerse a sam-
to some materials. High-strength Al alloys ple partially in a beaker of solution, making
should be polished in a nonaqueous slurry, electrical contact above the water line. In-
such as alcohol or kerosene, to minimize herent in this approach, however, is the
corrosion during polishing. If polished in existence of a sample/solution/gas inter-
water, the reactive intermetallic particles face, which can influence the corrosion
in these alloys will be attacked. rate. Oxygen from the gas phase would
have greater access to the meniscus at this
7.2.3 interface, and attack can be accelerated
Sample Masking there as a result of an oxygen concentration
cell. If the solution is agitated by stirring
Since corrosion rate must be normalized to or bubbling, the position of the interface
the exposed area, it is critical to know and would not be constant, which can also af-
control the area of exposure. Furthermore, fect the measurement. It is common, for
for electrochemical tests, an electrical samples that are immersed through the
connection must be made to the sample, water line, to use a flag electrode (Fig. 1a)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Mounting nut

Sliding 'o-ring' seal

Adapter to cell neck

Electrode holder

Brass electrical connections

Mounting rod
area-limiting gasket
TFE-fluorocarbon compression fluorocarbon
gasket insulator
Test specimen TFE-
(e) (f) (g) fluorocarbon cover

Fig. 1 Schematic representations of various connection in (c) and (d) must be coated to
masking techniques and sample configurations. prevent exposure to the electrolyte. (e) Sample
(a) Flag electrode; (b) wire loop electrode; (c) pressed against an o-ring; (f) rod with Teflon
sample painted with protective coating; (d) compression gasket, from ASTM G5-94; and (g)
sample mounted in epoxy or other Teflon seal from ASTM G61–86.
metallographic mount. The wires for electrical
7.2 Experimental Design Considerations 693

that minimizes the interface length. Wire layer of protective coating material, such
loop electrodes achieve the same goal for as described earlier.
wire samples (Fig. 1b). The masking of a sample is often related
Protective coatings are often used to to the form of the sample and the choice of
mask off an area of a sample (Fig. 1c). the cell. One approach is to use a cell with
This approach generates an interface at an opening in one of the walls. The sample
the edge of the coating and the exposed can be pressed against the opening using
area, which is a region that is often the an o-ring or gasket as a seal, Fig. 1(e). This
site of crevice corrosion for systems that approach can only be used on flat samples,
are susceptible to crevice attack. A slight and such cells are often called ‘‘flat cells’’.
delamination or poor adhesion at this Standard rubber o-rings can also generate
edge is sufficient to create an occluded occluded regions that result in crevice
region at which attack is enhanced. The corrosion when pressed against a metallic
crevice corrosion at such an artifact can sample. Special Teflon o-rings with a knife-
dominate the signal from the sample. edge reduce this effect because of the
A commonly used organic coating for compressibility of Teflon. These Teflon o-
masking samples is red Microstop lacquer. rings can be easily damaged, and so should
It is resistant to many solutions, easily really only be used once. However, they are
applied, and it dries quickly. However, it is often used repeatedly in practice owing to
not extremely adherent and is susceptible the cost of such special o-rings. Standard
to crevice attack. Marine epoxy paint is rubber o-rings can be used in conjunction
another masking material that is more with another protective coating. The o-
resistant to crevicing. Apiezon W black ring is pressed against the coating in this
wax is very resistant because, for a period approach, with the masking and crevice
of about two days, it is extremely adherent. prevention accomplished by the coating.
Prior to application, it is dissolved into an Figure 1(f, g) show electrode configu-
organic solvent, such as trichloroethylene, rations from two ASTM standards. The
and must dry for several hours before use. first uses a Teflon compression gasket to
After two days, as drying continues, it seal a cylindrical sample. The standard,
becomes very hard and can form a crevice. ASTM G5 [2], is for testing stainless steel
Corrosion samples can be mounted in in sulfuric acid, so crevice corrosion is
epoxy or some other mounting medium not a concern. The electrode assembly in
as is commonly done for the preparation Fig. 1(g) is from ASTM G61 [3], which is
of a metallographic sample, Fig. 1(d). for testing localized corrosion resistance
Samples mounted into a round puck of stainless steels and similar alloys in a
are easily handled during polishing. An chloride solution. The seal is made by a
electrical connection can be made to the Teflon gasket that is pressed against the
back of the sample with a shielded wire sample by a cover. Electrical connection is
attached by a setscrew, spot-welding or made through a rod pressed against the
conductive epoxy. Such a sample can be back of the sample.
simply immersed into a cell. However, ASTM G150 is a new standard for the
the sample/mounting edge of a polished determination of critical pitting tempera-
surface is very susceptible to crevice attack ture (CPT) [4]. That standard describes a
in crevicing environments, and those flushed port cell, in which the sample is
interfaces should be covered with another pressed against an o-ring attached to a cell.
694 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

The o-ring is set back from the opening to of corrosivity will change from case to case,
form an intentional crevice. The crevice re- and must be determined empirically.
gion contains a showerhead type manifold A decision must also be made regarding
through which deionized water is forced. the concentration of dissolved oxygen in
This water flushes the crevice to prevent the electrolyte. Again, if the service condi-
accumulation of aggressive species. Such tions are known, then the test conditions
a masking design can be very effective at should match them. Sometimes it is of
preventing crevice corrosion, but it is crit- interest to deaerate the electrolyte, which
ical to ensure that the deionized water is is typically performed by sealing the cell
delivered uniformly to the whole crevice and bubbling Ar or N2 gas through the
region to prevent crevice corrosion. electrolyte. Deaeration will often reduce
the open circuit potential (OCP) by elimi-
7.2.4 nating the oxygen reduction reaction. This
Choice of Electrolyte allows observation of the oxidative behav-
ior of a sample in a region that would
The choice of electrolyte is sometimes, not otherwise be accessible because of the
but not always, a simple matter. If the dominating current associated with oxy-
service environment is well known and gen reduction.
controlled, then it should be used for the
test environment. However, the service 7.2.5
Cell Design
environment is not always known or
can be quite varied, as in the case of
A wide range of cells can be used for
an airplane that travels from place to
corrosion experiments. As mentioned, the
place. The choice of environment is less
selection of the cell is connected to the
restricted in such cases. To characterize the
form of the sample and the masking
corrosion behavior of a material, a range
scheme. It is often possible to simply
of pH values is often studied, and the
immerse a sample into a beaker, Fig. 1.
effects of chlorides in solution are usually
The water line can be managed with a flag
of interest. The solution should have electrode, or by masking the sample to
sufficient conductivity to avoid problems expose only a submerged area.
associated with ohmic potential drops. IR A round-bottomed multinecked flask is
compensation techniques should be used a common approach when a sealed cell
in those situations. Some studies attempt is required, Fig. 2(a). The multiple ports
to assess the corrosion susceptibility of a allow for insertion of tubes for deaeration,
range of alloys, or the efficacy of different thermometers, and the various electrodes.
coatings or inhibitors. It is critical to As mentioned above, cells that press the
find solutions of the right aggressiveness sample against a window are called flat
when making such comparisons. If an cells. Flat cells are easily sealed and
overly corrosive environment is used, convenient to use, Fig. 2(b). A clamp-on
then all of the samples will exhibit poor cell is a type of flat cell commonly used for
corrosion resistance. Conversely, if a too- coated samples, Fig. 2(c). Large areas are
benign environment is used, then all typically needed for clamp-on cells, and
of the samples will look good, with no crevice corrosion is not a problem. The
differentiation achieved. The correct level clamp-on cell uses a common glassware
7.2 Experimental Design Considerations 695

Thermometer Reference electrode Counter

Gas outlet Working electrode

Salt bridge
Gas inlet

Auxiliary electrode

Luggin-Haber probe
(a) Working electrode (b)

Reference electrode Counter electrode Reference electrode


Filter paper disk
Pt mesh
Coated sample WE Filter paper disk

Protective tape with hole

o-ring Electrical connection (d)
Fig. 2 Various types of cells for corrosion experiments. (a) Greene cell;
(b) flat cell, can also be configured for sample on bottom; (c) clamp-on cell
to expose large area of a coated sample; and (d) droplet cell, which can be
used with pure water to simulate atmospheric corrosion.

fitting with a large opening and an surface and minimize the ohmic potential
o-ring seal. drop. The tip of the capillary should be
There are several issues related to the no closer to the working electrode surface
reference and counterelectrodes. Reliable than a distance equal to twice the capillary
reference electrodes are commercially diameter to prevent shielding effects. If
available. The saturated calomel electrode the inner diameter of the Luggin capillary
(SCE) is extremely robust and is commonly gets too small, the resistance in the
used for studies in chloride solutions. For electrometer circuit can lead to oscillations
studies in which chloride is to be avoided, in the potentiostat control circuit. Stability
the mercurous sulfate electrode (MSE) is issues can be surmounted by using a Pt
suitable. The location of the reference wire that is connected to the reference
electrode is critical in cells in which large electrode lead through a small capacitator
ohmic potential drops exist. In these cases, (several microfarads).
a Luggin capillary should be used to Counterelectrodes should be made from
bring the sensing location of the reference an inert material such as Pt or graphite,
electrode close to the working electrode and should have a large enough area to
696 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

prevent current limitations. If products to assess the effects of various cleaning

that form at the counterelectrode are a con- steps after reactive ion etching on the cor-
cern, it can be isolated from the rest of the rosion of thin-film Al samples [6].
solution by a semipermeable membrane
or a glass frit. In resistive electrolytes, 7.2.6
the counterelectrode should be as paral- Choice of Technique
lel as possible to the working electrode.
Nonuniform current distribution can lead Many different electrochemical and non-
to spurious results. For perfectly uniform electrochemical techniques exist for the
current distribution, the working electrode study of corrosion and many factors should
should comprise one complete wall of the be considered when selecting a technique.
cell and the counterelectrode should com- Corrosion rate can be determined by Tafel
prise the complete opposite wall. extrapolation from a potentiodynamic po-
The droplet cell, Fig. 2(d), has uniform larization curve. Corrosion rate can also
current distribution and shrunken dimen- be determined using the Stern–Geary
sions that allow resistive electrolytes to be equation from the polarization resistance
used [5]. This approach was developed for derived from a linear polarization or an
the use of pure water as an electrolyte as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
a means to mimic atmospheric corrosion, (EIS) experiment. Techniques have re-
but it can be used with any electrolyte. An cently been developed to use electrochemi-
area of a flat sample is exposed through a cal noise for the determination of corrosion
hole in a piece of protective tape. Electro- rate. Susceptibility to localized corrosion
plater’s tape is a very resistant tape with is often assessed by the determination of
good adhesion that is useful for this and a breakdown potential. Other techniques
other masking applications in corrosion. exist for the determination of localized
If the hole in the tape is made with a corrosion propagation rates. The various
round punch, the same punch can be used electrochemical techniques will be ad-
to make circular dots from pieces of fil- dressed in the next section, followed by
ter paper. One such dot is placed securely a discussion of some nonelectrochemical
into the exposed hole. A small (typically techniques.
10–20 µl) droplet of solution is placed on
the filter paper using a calibrated pipette.
This wet filter paper acts as the electrolyte. 7.3
A piece of woven Pt mesh is placed on Electrochemical Techniques for
top of the wet filter paper, and a reference Determination of Corrosion Rate
electrode is held against the back of the Pt
counterelectrode. As mentioned, the small This section will discuss a number of
dimensions allow the use of even very pure different electrochemical techniques used
water. This simulates atmospheric corro- for determination of corrosion resistance
sion, in which a thin water layer forms on or corrosion rate. It will be assumed that a
the surface. As in atmospheric corrosion, modern, computer-controlled, potentiostat
soluble species on the sample surface and is available for use. Such instruments are
pollutant gases in the air are dissolved into now relatively inexpensive. The menu-
the water droplet, which provides some driven software for experiment control
conductivity. This technique has been used and data collection, as well as powerful
7.3 Electrochemical Techniques for Determination of Corrosion Rate 697

programs for data analysis, make modern resistors with a range of values, poten-
systems very easy to use. tiostats can accurately determine currents
A number of good sources of informa- over many orders of magnitude.
tion exist on the topic of electrochemical ASTM G5 describes a procedure for
and nonelectrochemical test methods for a potentiodynamic polarization test on
corrosion. This chapter refers to many type 430 stainless steel in sulfuric acid
ASTM standards, most of which are in that is intended to be a means to check
Volume 3.02 of the ASTM Annual Book experimental technique and instrumenta-
of Standards entitled ‘‘Wear and Erosion; tion [2]. It indicates that the multinecked
Metal Corrosion’’. Books [7–9] and review flask shown in Fig. 2(a) and the electrode
articles [10–12] on corrosion testing pro- configuration shown in Fig. 1(f) are suit-
vide more detail than can be given here. able for the cell and working electrode
Data will be presented below from dif- configuration, respectively. A scan rate of
ferent techniques applied to Fe in 0.5 M 0.167 mV s−1 is specified.
H2 SO4 . Figures 3, 4, 6, and 7 represent
experiments performed sequentially on a Corrosion Rate Measurement by
single sample in the same electrolyte to Tafel Extrapolation
facilitate comparison of the different tech- As described in Chapter 1.3 the under-
niques. The experiments were performed standing of mixed potential theory through
in the following sequence (which is differ- the use of Evans diagrams provides the ba-
ent from the order of presentation): linear sis for the determination of corrosion rate
polarization, EIS, potentiodynamic polar- by Tafel extrapolation. For systems under
ization over a wide potential range. The activation control, Tafel-type behavior (a
noise analysis was performed on differ- linear relationship between potential and
ent Fe electrodes taken from the same the log of the current density) is exhib-
stock. ited when the potential is sufficiently far
from the OCP (>50–70 mV) that the cur-
7.3.1 rent associated with the reaction of the
Potentiodynamic Polarization opposite polarity is insignificant. A po-
tentiodynamic polarization experiment for
The relationship between current and po- Tafel extrapolation typically starts at a po-
tential at an electrode/electrolyte interface tential about 250 mV negative to the OCP,
can be probed by either controlling the and scans upward through the potential
potential and measuring the current, or of zero current (which might be different
by controlling the current and measur- than the original OCP) to a value that is
ing the potential. In order to investigate about 250 mV positive to the original OCP.
the relationship over a range of values, The zero-current potential is an instanta-
the controlled parameter is either stepped neous open circuit or corrosion potential,
or scanned. The most common approach and is often referred to as such. However,
for determining the current/potential re- the zero-current potential measured dur-
lationship is potentiodynamic scanning. ing a polarization experiment might be
The potential is scanned at a fixed rate different than the OCP measured before
between two set values and the current or after the experiment owing to reactions
is measured at periodic intervals. By au- that occur during the scan, such as oxide re-
tomatically switching between measuring duction, dissolution, and passivation. One
698 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

can avoid this type of artifact by combining corrosion current density. As shown in the
the results of two separate scans that each figure, a value of 1.8 × 10−4 A cm−2 is ob-
start at the OCP, one proceeding in the tained. The cathodic Tafel slope can be
anodic direction and one in the cathodic determined to be 114 mV decade−1 .
direction. Unlike the cathodic portion of the po-
The ±250-mV range of potential is suf- larization curve, the anodic portion of the
ficient to allow the observation of a Tafel curve in Fig. 3(b) does not exhibit clear
region if it exists. Less polarization is re- Tafel-type behavior. The mechanism for
quired if the Tafel slope is low. The line Fe dissolution in acids is quite complex. A
describing the behavior in the Tafel region line can be drawn in the region just above
can be extrapolated to the corrosion po- the corrosion potential, giving a Tafel slope
tential to determine the corrosion rate, as of 34 mV decade−1 . Extrapolation of this
described in Chapter 1.3. A Tafel region line intersects the zero-current potential at
extending for at least one order of mag- 7 × 10−5 A cm−2 , a considerably different
nitude of current is needed for accurate value than the extrapolation of the cathodic
extrapolation. The rate of polarization in a portion of the curve. This is not uncom-
potentiodynamic scan is typically between mon in practice. When this happens, it is
0.1 and 1 mV s−1 . The intent of such tests usually considered that the anodic portion
is to determine steady state behavior, so, of the curve is affected by changes on the
given practical limitations, slower scan- electrode surface, that is, surface roughen-
ning is preferred. Furthermore, at high ing or film formation. The corrosion rate is
potential scan rates, non-faradaic current typically determined from the extrapolated
associated with charging of the capacitance cathodic Tafel region.
associated with the interface double layer Potentiodynamic polarization over a
or a surface oxide film (I = C dE/dt) will wide range of potential, such as is seen
add to the current associated with faradaic, in Fig. 3(a), provides more information
or electrochemical reactions. about the system than just the corro-
An example of a potentiodynamic polar- sion rate. The behavior of the electrode
ization scan is given in Fig. 3 for Fe in over a range of potential is often of in-
1 N H2 SO4 . In this experiment, the poten- terest. The various regions of electrode
tial scan began at a value 250 mV below behavior are labeled in Fig. 3(a). The ca-
the OCP, and continued upwards to very thodic and active dissolution regions are
high values. The full polarization curve is used for the determination of corrosion
given in Fig. 3(a). The portion of the curve rate by Tafel extrapolation to the corrosion
near the OCP is expanded in Fig. 3(b). The potential. Extrapolation of these regions
potential at which the current switched po- to the reversible potentials of the oxida-
larity, the zero-current potential, is where tion and reduction reactions provides a
the curve points downwards. The currents measure of the exchange current den-
are negative at lower potentials, and pos- sity of the reactions. As the potential is
itive at higher potentials. For Fe in 1 N increased further, the curve bends away
H2 SO4 , the cathodic portion of the curve from the linear Tafel-like behavior. The
exhibits clear Tafel behavior over a wide 0.5 M H2 SO4 solution is quite conduc-
range of potential. It is a simple matter tive. Nonetheless, ohmic potential drops
to extrapolate this region to the zero cur- become significant at large currents as de-
rent or corrosion potential to obtain the scribed in Chapter 1.3.14. The curves were
7.3 Electrochemical Techniques for Determination of Corrosion Rate 699

[A cm−2] −1

log i

−4 Passive region

−5 region - H Transpassive region
evolution Active dissolution
−1.00 −0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
(a) [V]



[A cm−2]
log i

i corr


−0.800 −0.700 −0.600 −0.500 −0.400 −0.300
(b) [V]
Fig. 3 Potentiodynamic polarization curve for Fe in 0.5 M H2 SO4 : (a) full
polarization curve and (b) portion of curve near zero-current potential.

measured without the use of IR correction As the applied potential increased fur-
by current interruption, which was avail- ther, a region of limiting current was
able on the equipment used, because the observed. The reaction is limited in this
current interruption would lead to an insta- region by mass transport of the dissolu-
bility in the active/passive transition region tion product away from the surface, as
at higher potentials. For an accurate mea- described in Chapter 1.4. The surface was
surement of only the active dissolution covered by a FeSO4 salt film, and the so-
region, IR compensation should have been lution in contact with the salt film was
applied. saturated with FeSO4 . Further increases
700 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

in potential, above +250 mV SCE, resulted a corrosion rate that is between the values
in a precipitous decrease in current den- determined by extrapolation of the anodic
sity by about three orders of magnitude and cathodic regions. The fitted values can
as a result of the formation of a thin, depend strongly on the limits of the curve
protective passive film. The passive region chosen for the fit, and these limits must be
then ensued for over 1 V of polarization, chosen carefully. If limits are chosen such
during which the passive current density that non-Tafel-type behavior is included in
changed little. At very high potentials, in the fitted region, then nonsensical results
the transpassive region, the current in- could be generated.
creased again. This increase is associated The corrosion rate determined by the
with the evolution of oxygen on the elec- fit for the polarization curve shown in
trode surface. Fig. 3(b) is 1.4 × 10−4 A cm−2 , and the
fitted anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes Corrosion Rate Measurement by are 47 and 98 mV decade−1 , respectively.
Fitting Polarization Curve to Wagner–Traud The corrosion rate is between the values
Equation determined by extrapolation of the anodic
For a situation in which the anodic and and cathodic Tafel regions, and the Tafel
cathodic reactions are both under pure ac- slopes are different than those determined
tivation control, the net current measured manually.
as a function of potential is the difference
between two exponential expressions, as Corrosion Rate Measurement by
given by the Wagner–Traud equation [13]: Linear Polarization
   As mentioned in Chapter 1.3, the slope,
2.3(E − Ecorr )
inet = icorr exp dE/di, at the zero-current potential is a
ba measure of the polarization resistance,
2.3(E − Ecorr ) RP . The corrosion can be determined
− exp − (3) from the polarization resistance using the
|bc |
Stern–Geary equation, if the Tafel slopes
This expression was derived in Chap- are known:
ter 1.3. An experimental polarization
ba bc
curve, such as that shown in Fig. 3(b), icorr = (4)
(ba + bc )2.3RP
can be fitted by nonlinear least squares
fitting to this expression. Such a fit will Recall that both Tafel slopes are posi-
yield values for the corrosion rate, corro- tive in this form of the equation. The
sion potential, and anodic and cathodic Stern–Geary equation is the basis for the
Tafel slopes. Most modern software pack- linear polarization method in which the
ages for analysis of corrosion data have polarization resistance is determined typ-
this capability. ically by scanning the potential from a
In this approach, the behavior is as- value slightly below the corrosion poten-
sumed to be perfect activation polarization tial to one slightly above the corrosion
for both reactions, so that the extrapolated potential. It is an extremely easy technique
Tafel regions intersect the corrosion poten- that has been put to considerable use in
tial at the same value of current density. corrosion monitoring. The polarization re-
As was seen for Fe in H2 SO4 , this is of- sistance can be determined by a simple
ten not the case. The fit usually provides two-point measurement at values above
7.3 Electrochemical Techniques for Determination of Corrosion Rate 701

and below the OCP. Or even simpler, a sin- H2 SO4 in which the potential was scanned
gle measurement can be made at a value from −20 to +20 mV relative to the OCP.
either above or below the OCP and the A relatively linear response is observed
slope dE/di can be determined using the in this potential range. From Fig. 4, the
(net current, potential) point of (0, OCP) polarization resistance can be found to
since the i –E curve must go through this be 80  cm2 . Using the Tafel slopes
point. These simplified analyses assume for this system determined from the
that the polarization response is perfectly potentiodynamic polarization curve given
linear, and an error will result if there is in Fig. 3 and the polarization resistance
any deviation from linearity. taken from Fig. 4, the corrosion rate is
ASTM G59 describes a method for found to be 1.4 × 10−4 A cm−2 , which is
conducting potentiodynamic polarization close to the value determined by the Tafel
resistance measurements [14]. It describes extrapolation technique.
a setup for type 430 stainless steel in sulfu- It is possible to use the data from
ric acid, as for ASTM G5 described earlier, a standard potentiodynamic polarization
and the same apparatus is specified. Ac- curve to determine polarization resis-
cording to this standard, the potential tance. So, even though the scan was
should be scanned from 30 mV negative performed over a wide potential range,
of the corrosion potential to 30 mV posi- the data near the zero-current potential
tive of the corrosion potential at a rate of can be analyzed. The Tafel slopes are
0.167 mV s−1 . determined from the potentials further
Figure 4 shows the results of a linear away from the zero-current potential, and
polarization experiment for Fe in 1 N the corrosion rate is determined from


RP = 80 Ω cm2







−0.200 −0.100 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500
[mA cm−2]
Fig. 4 Linear polarization experiment for Fe in 0.5 M H2 SO4 . Tangent is drawn
at point where i = 0.
702 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

the Stern–Geary equation. This then is to get:

a second measure of the corrosion rate,
ba bc
along with Tafel extrapolation, that can be inet =
obtained from a potentiodynamic polariza- (ba + bc )2.3RP
tion curve. 2.3(E − Ecorr )
× exp
The linear polarization technique is ba
considered to be ‘‘nondestructive’’ rela-  
2.3(E − Ecorr )
tive to potential scanning over a wide − exp − (5)
range because the electrode is barely dis-
turbed from the open circuit condition. Experimental data for net current as a
Larger polarization in either the anodic function of potential over a small range
or cathodic direction can affect the elec- near the corrosion potential can therefore
trode surface, and therefore might be be fitted to this equation to extract the
‘‘destructive’’. Certainly, for field moni- Tafel slopes, and the corrosion rate can
toring, large polarizations are undesirable. then be determined from the Stern–Geary
However, Tafel slopes are needed to get a equation.
value of corrosion rate from Eq. (4), and It should be noted that the Stern–Geary
large potential scans are needed to get equation is dominated by the smaller
those values. Values for Tafel slopes can of the Tafel slopes. Often in corrosion,
sometimes be found in the literature. Al- the cathodic reaction is diffusion limited
ternatively, as mentioned in Chapter 1.3, oxygen reduction, so bc = ∞. In that case,
it is possible to determine a value of cor- the corrosion rate is given by:
rosion rate in the absence of knowledge
of the Tafel slopes by arbitrarily assum- ba
icorr = (6)
ing that the slopes were both 100 mV 2.3RP
decade−1 . The corrosion rate is then given
by 0.022/RP , which is 2.75 × 10−4 A cm−2 7.3.2
for the data shown in Fig. 4. This value is Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
not too different than that obtained us-
ing the actual Tafel slopes, and is still The electrochemical techniques described
close to the value determined by Tafel in the preceding text measure the response
extrapolation. of the system to a voltage perturbation.
Mansfeld has described a method to de- Tafel extrapolation requires a large per-
termine Tafel slopes from the nonlinearity turbation from the steady state condition
found in small magnitude linear polariza- to be applied. The polarization resistance
tion measurements [15]. The approach is can be measured by the application of a
similar to the fitting method described smaller perturbation. By applying a small
earlier for fitting potentiodynamic po- varying perturbation over a range of fre-
larization curves to the Wagner–Traud quency, it is possible to probe the full
equation, Eq. (3). Mansfeld showed that response of the system, and not just the
the fit can be made with only two pa- resistive components. In the EIS tech-
rameters, the Tafel slopes, instead of nique, a small AC signal (typically a sine
four. The values of Ecorr and RP can wave of amplitude ±10 mV) is applied
be determined, and icorr can be elimi- over a wide range of frequency (typi-
nated from Eq. (3) by insertion of Eq. (4) cally from 105 to 10−2 or 10−3 Hz) at a
7.3 Electrochemical Techniques for Determination of Corrosion Rate 703

number of discrete frequencies (typically number of good references on EIS de-

5–10 frequencies per decade), and the scribe the technique and its application to
current response is measured at each fre- corrosion [7–9, 12, 17–23].
quency, ω. The impedance is determined As described in Chapter, the
by Z(ω) = V (ω)/i(ω). The low magnitude discontinuity generated by an electrode
of the applied voltage signal means that surface in an electrolyte results in sepa-
EIS, like the linear polarization technique, ration of charge to create parallel planes of
does not polarize a system far from its charge as is found in a capacitor. However,
steady state condition and it may be con- the electrode–electrolyte interface does not
sidered to be a nondestructive technique. behave as a perfect capacitor. If it did, the
ASTM G106 describes a method to current would cease flowing when the ca-
check the equipment and technique for pacitor became fully charged. The interface
collecting and presenting EIS data [16]. behaves instead like a leaky capacitor, or
Type 430 stainless steel is to be tested like a circuit composed of a capacitor and
in 0.005 M H2 SO4 + 0.495 M Na2 SO4 . resistor in parallel. Figure 5 shows a circuit
A 10-mV amplitude signal is applied at that represents well the behavior of many
the corrosion potential at 8–10 steps per electrochemical interfaces. The resistor in
decade from 10 000 to 0.1 Hz. The results parallel with the capacitor is labeled as RP ,
of round-robin testing are provided. the polarization resistance. For a simple
For a linear system, the current response electrochemical reaction under activation
will be a sine wave of the same frequency as control, the polarization resistance can be
the excitation signal, but shifted in phase. considered to be a charge transfer resis-
Since the impedance is the ratio of two sine tance, and is sometimes labeled as RCT .
waves, it is a complex number that can be The capacitor is labeled in Fig. 5 as CDL ,
represented by an amplitude and a phase the double layer capacitance, which is asso-
shift or as the sum of real and imaginary ciated with the separation of charge at the
components, Z(ω) = Z  (ω) + j Z  (ω). electrode/electrolyte interface. Many cor-
Complete commercial systems includ- roding interfaces have a surface film (e.g.
ing both hardware and software allow EIS a surface oxide) and still exhibit behav-
measurements and data analysis to be ior that is represented well by the circuit
made rather easily. However, some care shown in Fig. 5. The capacitance in that
should be taken when using this approach, case can be associated with the capaci-
since the generation of artifacts and the tance of the film. The parallel resistor and
misinterpretation of data are possible. A capacitor are in series with another resistor



Fig. 5 Circuit describing the

behavior of a simple
electrochemical interface.
704 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

that represents the ohmic resistance in spectrum for the case of Fe in 0.5 M H2 SO4
solution between the sample and the refer- presented in the format of a Bode plot.
ence electrode. For an applied signal with Both the log of the impedance magnitude
a very low frequency (as in DC techniques and the phase angle are plotted as a
such as linear polarization), the capacitor function of the log of the frequency of
exhibits high impedance and the measured the excitation signal in this format. The
response is the series combination of the behavior of the Fe/H2 SO4 system is very
two resistors. At very high applied fre- close to that of a perfect RC circuit. Modern
quencies, the capacitor acts as a short, EIS analysis software allows fitting of
and the system again behaves as a resis- the data to the behavior expected for
tor. However, only the ohmic resistance is a given equivalent circuit, such as the
sensed since the polarization resistance is RC circuit shown in Fig. 5. Such fitting
shorted by the capacitance. At intermedi- provides best values for all of the circuit
ate frequencies, the capacitor affects the components. By fitting the data to the
response of the overall circuit. behavior expected for the circuit shown
In the field of corrosion, impedance in Fig. 5, the polarization resistance and
data are usually reported in one of two double layer capacitance were found to be
formats. Figure 6 shows the impedance 90  cm2 and 84 µF cm−2 , respectively.


[Ω cm2]
log |Z|



Phase shift



−1 0 1 2 3 4 5
log f

Fig. 6 Bode plot of EIS data for Fe in 0.5 M H2 SO4 .

7.3 Electrochemical Techniques for Determination of Corrosion Rate 705

It is possible sometimes to determine frequencies to a value of f = 0.16 Hz

the values of the equivalent circuit ele- (ω = 2πf = 1), and determining the in-
ments without the use of a computer. verse of the impedance at that frequency.
Understanding how this is done is im- For the data in Fig. 6, the ohmic and
portant for evaluating the fits provided by polarization resistances can be deter-
the computer and for determining initial mined to be about 0.3 and just under
values required for the fitting routines. 100  cm2 , respectively. The value of RP
As mentioned, the impedance for the is slightly higher than that determined
RC circuit in Fig. 5 at high frequency is by linear polarization (Fig. 4) in a mea-
given by the ohmic resistance, and the surement that just preceded the EIS
impedance at low frequency is given by experiment on the same electrode. The
the sum of the ohmic resistance and double layer capacitance is seen to be
the polarization resistance. RP is there- 1/3000  cm2 = 333 µF cm−2 . The polar-
fore the difference between the high- and ization resistance determined by EIS can
low-frequency impedance, as is easily seen be used to determine the corrosion rate
in the Bode plot. The phase shift at low- with the Stern–Geary equation, just as was
and high-frequency approaches 0, which is described above for polarization resistance
expected for resistive behavior. At interme- determined by linear polarization. EIS data
diate frequencies, the impedance has an provide no estimation of the Tafel slopes,
out-of-phase component, and is influenced which are required in the Stern–Geary
by the capacitance of the interface. The equation.
phase angle approaches −90◦ , which is the The other common plot for impedance
value found for a pure capacitor. The slope data in corrosion is the complex plane plot
of the log impedance magnitude versus or Nyquist plot, in which the imaginary
log frequency plot should be −1. The component is plotted as a function of the
capacitance can be determined by extrapo- real component at each frequency. The
lating the capacitive region at intermediate data from Fig. 6 are plotted in Fig. 7 in

fmax = 14 Hz


[Ω cm2]


10 f = 140 Hz
f = 0.14 Hz
0 20 40 60 80 100
[Ω cm2]

Fig. 7 Nyquist plot of EIS data for Fe in 0.5 M H2 SO4 .

706 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

the Nyquist format. The frequency for In particular, as shown above, the
each point is not explicitly given in this capacitance is often nonideal. Nonideal
format. A perfect RC circuit such as is capacitors can be represented by con-
given in Fig. 5 will form a semicircle stant phase elements with an impedance
in the complex plane, which intercepts given by:
the real axis twice. The high-frequency Z = A(jω)−α (8)
intercept is the ohmic resistance, and the
low-frequency intercept is the sum of the where A is a constant and the exponent
ohmic and polarization resistances. The α is less than or equal to 1. When α = 1,
data for the Fe/H2 SO4 system is close to this expression represents the impedance
being a perfect semicircle. Since this plot is of a perfect capacitor. When α = 0, the
on linear axes, the low ohmic resistance is impedance is a constant, independent of
difficult to resolve in Fig. 7. As mentioned, frequency, which is the behavior of a
most data are analyzed nowadays by resistor. Electrochemical interfaces often
computer fitting. However, the double exhibit behavior that can be modeled by
layer capacitance also can be determined a constant phase element as shown in
for a system exhibiting behavior similar to Eq. (7), with α less than 1.
a perfect RC circuit from the polarization The transfer function or impedance is
resistance and fmax , the frequency for the valid only if the following conditions are
met [18]:
point at which the imaginary component
has a maximum value: Causality: The response of the system
1 must be determined entirely by the
CDL = (7)
2πfmax RP perturbation.
Linearity: The perturbation/response must
Analysis of the data in Fig. 7 shows that, be described by a series of linear differ-
for the Fe/H2 SO4 system, RP is about ential equations, the impedance must
98  cm2 , and CDL = 1/{(2π)(14 Hz) not depend on the voltage amplitude.
(98  cm2 )} = 116 µF cm−2 . The RP value Stability: The system must return to its
is similar to that determined by analysis original state when the perturbation is
of the Bode plot and by the computer removed.
fitting. However, the CDL value is about Continuity and Finiteness: The impedance
a third of that determined from the Bode must be continuous and finite over
plot. The discrepancy is caused by the fact complete frequency range: 0 < ω < ∞.
that the behavior of the interface is not This condition is not met by EIS
exactly that of a perfect Randles circuit. experiments, since the full range of
The slope of the Bode magnitude plot frequencies is not accessible.
is about −0.8 rather than −1, and the
Nyquist plot is not a perfect semicircle, The validity of EIS data can be checked us-
as the maximum imaginary impedance is ing the Kramers–Kronig transformations,
less than twice the polarization resistance. which calculate the imaginary component
So it is inappropriate to treat the data as if of the impedance from the real compo-
they were generated by a perfect RC circuit. nent, and vice versa [17, 18].
There is no reason, of course, that an The EIS technique is particularly pow-
electrochemical interface must behave as a erful for certain applications. The use of
collection of perfect electrical components. DC techniques is problematic in highly
7.3 Electrochemical Techniques for Determination of Corrosion Rate 707

resistive electrolytes, whereas the ohmic condition. This makes it particularly suited
potential component is clearly identified in for corrosion rate monitoring in the field.
EIS. EIS allows for identification of compo- A variety of techniques based on noise
nents in complex equivalent circuits, such exists, but the most common uses two
as is exhibited by electrodes coated by an identical working electrodes and a noise-
organic layer. EIS measurements have pro- free reference electrode situated between
vided early evidence for failure of painted the two working electrodes. The current
metals. flowing between the two working elec-
The standard methods for EIS deter- trodes is measured by a zero-resistance
mine an average impedance for the whole ammeter, and their potential is monitored
exposed area of a sample. Many sam- versus the reference electrode.
ples, in particular coated samples or those The noise resistance has been defined as
undergoing localized corrosion, have spa- the ratio of the potential/current standard
tial variations in behavior. A local EIS deviations, σ :
method has been developed to measure σV
these variations [24–26]. The local AC so- Rn = (9)
lution current density is mapped across a
surface using a two-electrode microprobe. Therefore, if a small amount of potential
The ratio of the applied AC voltage (using noise drives a high-current noise between
distant reference and counterelectrodes) the two electrodes, the noise resistance
to the local current density gives the local is low. Noise resistance has been found
impedance. It is possible to obtain a full to correlate with polarization resistance
EIS spectrum at each location, or to map determined by EIS for certain systems [30].
the impedance at a fixed frequency. This Another approach for ENA is to trans-
method provides information on the loca- form the recorded potential and current
tion of the attack, and can detect failure fluctuations into the frequency domain
prior to visual observation. using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
method [37]. The spectral noise resistance,
7.3.3 Rsn , is given by the ratio of the voltage
Corrosion Rate Determination by and current FFTs at each frequency and
0 , can be used as a
the limiting value, Rsn
Electrochemical Noise Analysis (ENA)
measure of corrosion resistance:
The electrochemical techniques described VFFT (f )
in Sects. 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 measure the Rsn (f ) = (10)
IFFT (f )
response of the system to an externally
applied perturbation. It is possible to Rsn = lim [Rsn (f )] (11)
f →0
use the inherent noise in the system
as a stimulus and measure the system For steel with polymer coatings exposed to
response [27–36]. The fundamental basis 0.5 M NaCl for 130 days, the values of Rn
to use noise analysis as a determination of 0 were found to be very close to each
and Rsn
corrosion rate is not as strong as that for the other but different in magnitude than the
other techniques. However, the advantage EIS parameters [37].
of noise analysis is that there is no need to The spectral noise response can be
apply any external signal, and the system determined in a different fashion, that
is not polarized at all away from its natural is, from the power spectral densities
708 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

(PSDs), which are calculated from the FFT analyze the data. Data were collected for
or using the maximum entropy method several minutes at a rate of 100 Hz. The
(MEM) [31]. The spectral noise resistance ratio of the potential and current standard
is determined from the PSDs by: deviations resulted in a noise resistance of
  20–40  cm2 , which is the same order of
VPSD (f ) 1/2 magnitude as found by linear polarization
Rsn (f ) = (12)
IPSD (f ) or EIS.
The values of Rsn calculated by Eqs. (11
and 12) are identical if a single potential
Comparison of the Techniques for
and current data set is used [31]. It was Assessment of Corrosion Rate
shown that:

Rn = Rsn (0) = |Z(0)| = RP (13) Several electrochemical techniques for the

assessment of corrosion rate have been
if the impedance of the two test electrodes presented in this chapter. It is of use
are identical and much higher than the re- to summarize and compare the different
sistance of the solution between them [31]. techniques. Table 1 provides a summary
Experiments validated this relationship for of the data generated by the different
several systems [32]. Nonetheless, there is techniques for Fe in 0.5 M H2 SO4 , and
no agreement on the fundamental basis the corrosion current densities determined
for the relation between noise resistance from those data.
and corrosion rate. Potentiodynamic polarization over a
A commercial software package [38] was relatively wide range of potential pro-
used to perform a noise experiment on vides information of the behavior of the
two Fe electrodes in 0.5 M H2 SO4 and to sample at potentials different than the

Tab. 1 Values determined by different techniques applied to Fe in 0.5 M H2 SO4

Tafel extrapolation ba = 34 mV decade−1

bc = 114 mV decade−1
icorr (cathodic extrapolation) = 1.8 × 10−4 A cm−2
icorr (anodic extrapolation) = 7 × 10−5 A cm−2
Fitting to Wagner–Traud equation ba = 47 mV decade−1
bc = 98 mV decade−1
icorr = 1.4 × 10−4 A cm−2
Linear polarization RP = 80  cm2
icorr (b = 100 mV decade−1 ) = 2.75 × 10−4 A cm−2
icorr (real b values) = 1.4 × 10−4 A cm−2
EIS CDL (manual Bode) = 333 µF cm−2
CDL (manual Nyquist) = 116 µF cm−2
CDL (fit) = 84 µF cm−2
R = 0.3  cm2
RP = 98  cm2
icorr (b = 0.1 V decade−1 ) = 2.2 × 10−4 A cm−2
icorr (real b values) = 1.1 × 10−4 A cm−2
Electrochemical noise Rn = 20–40  cm2
7.4 Techniques for Studying Passivity 709

corrosion potential. The Tafel slopes can of corrosion. Experimental techniques

be measured, and the corrosion current specific to the study of passive films
density is determined by the Tafel extrap- typically determine the current transient
olation method. Alternatively, the data can associated with passive film formation or
be fitted to the Wagner–Traud equation reformation. For an oxide that can be
using a computer. The technique is not removed by cathodic reduction, the experi-
suited for corrosion monitoring owing to ment is a simple one. Following a cathodic
the large polarization required. treatment, the potential is stepped into
Linear polarization is simple, easy, and the passive region and the anodic current
fast. The sample is not polarized far from is monitored as a function of time. The
the corrosion potential, so it is suitable current will decay approximately exponen-
for in situ monitoring. The polarization tially [39–45], so, to obtain data over a wide
resistance is measured, but the Tafel slopes range of current and time, it is necessary
are needed to determine corrosion rate. to have a high-resolution analog-to-digital
Under certain conditions, Tafel slopes can converter or a series of data collection de-
be extracted from the data. vices operating at different current and
EIS requires more sophisticated equip- timescales [42–44]. In the latter case, it is
ment and analysis, but provides more necessary to piece together the different
information on the behavior of the inter- time segments, which is not easy. With
face than DC techniques. Tafel slopes are a wide dynamic range of data, it is pos-
needed to determine corrosion rate. Using sible to plot log current density versus
a scanning probe to map the local current, log time to determine the kinetics of the
local EIS measurements can be made. passivation process. If the sample area and
ENA is a promising technique for cor- peak current are large, a limiting value and
rosion monitoring. However, the funda- subsequent small shoulder in the decay
mental basis for determining corrosion can be observed. This has been attributed
rate from noise is not as developed as for to ohmic potential drop associated with
other techniques. the high initial current [46]. The ohmic
All of these techniques monitor the potential drop decreases as the current
response of the electrode to stimulation by decreases, so the potential at the elec-
a potential change. The magnitude of the trode surface is not constant with time
potential stimulation and current response in that situation. Therefore, it is desirable
decreases in the order potentiodynamic to minimize ohmic potential drop by using
polarization, linear polarization, EIS, ENA. a conductive electrolyte and an electrode
Each of the methods provides information, configuration that minimizes the area of
and there are trade-offs involved in the the exposed metal.
decision of which is the best to use. Many different techniques have been
used to depassivate or bare small areas of
metal to follow the repassivation kinetics,
7.4 including, scratching, breaking, guillotin-
Techniques for Studying Passivity ing, impinging particles, and incident laser
irradiation. Burstein and coworkers have
As described in the chapter on passivity developed and extensively used the scratch-
(see Chapter 3.2, ‘‘Passive Metals’’) pas- ing and guillotining approaches [42–44,
sive films play a critical role in the field 46]. Scratching is easily accomplished
710 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

using a hardness indentation stylus and have been developed. This section will
a rotating disk electrode. The stylus is summarize the various approaches that
pulsed against the surface to cut a groove are commonly used.
into the sample. A simpler approach is The most common electrochemical ap-
to manually scratch the surface with a proach for the evaluation of susceptibility
sharp scribe. In this case, the scratch can of a material to localized corrosion is poten-
be more reproducible if the sample has a tiodynamic polarization, typically starting
short dimension, such as is achieved by at the corrosion potential and scanning
mounting a thin foil on edge into an epoxy upward until breakdown is observed. In a
mount. The manual scratching across the cyclic polarization test, the scan direction
thin sample can then be accomplished rel- is reversed after some amount of localized
atively quickly and reproducibly [47]. corrosion, and the potential for repassi-
To study the earliest stages of repas- vation of the localized corrosion is deter-
sivation where the current densities are mined. Figure 8 shows a schematic polar-
the highest, it is necessary to create the ization curve for a material that exhibits lo-
fresh area as quickly as possible. A very calized corrosion in the test environment.
small area of fresh metal can be cre- In this schematic, the corrosion potential is
ated extremely quickly (on the order of below the pitting potential and the material
microseconds) by the thin-film-breaking is spontaneously passive at the corrosion
experiment [48]. In this approach, a thin potential, as no active region is indicated
film deposited onto a brittle substrate such as the potential is scanned upward. It is
as glass or Si is suspended into the so- not uncommon for the current signal to
lution. Breaking of the thin-film electrode become noisy as the potential approaches
results in the creation of a fresh metal area the pitting or breakdown potential. The
of size equal to the cross-section of the current transients observed are associated
thin film. Current densities on the order with metastable pitting events, or pits that
of 1000 A cm−2 were measured using this initiate, grow for a period, and then repas-
technique on Al thin films [48]. sivate [49]. At some point, one or more
stable pits form so that the current con-
tinues to increase rather than returning to
7.5 the passive current density. The potential
Techniques for Evaluating Localized for the formation of a stable pit has been
Corrosion given several names: pitting potential, Ep ,
breakdown potential, Eb , or pit nucleation
As described in Chapter 4.2 on localized potential, Enp [50]. This critical potential
corrosion, alloys that are protected by a will be referred to here as Ep , but it is not
thin passive film tend to be susceptible clear from an electrochemical experiment
to localized corrosion resulting from a alone if the breakdown is associated with a
breakdown of that film and aggressive pit, crevice, or other form of localized cor-
dissolution at the breakdown sites. The rosion, such as intergranular corrosion.
tendency for breakdown increases as the The surface must be examined after an ex-
potential increases. The electrochemical periment to determine the form of attack.
techniques described in Sect. 7.3 can be If the potential scan direction is reversed
used to address localized corrosion. Other after some period of localized corrosion
techniques specific to localized corrosion growth, a hysteresis is observed. Once
7.5 Techniques for Evaluating Localized Corrosion 711

Fig. 8 Schematic cyclic

polarization curve for a system
exhibiting localized corrosion.


log current density





initiated, localized corrosion will tend to most systems that exhibit localized attack.
grow at lower potentials, in the potential If one is interested in determining Ep ,
region at which stable growth would not the formation of crevices associated with
initiate. Eventually, as the potential is the masking scheme comprises an artifact
decreased further, the localized corrosion that masks Ep because crevices will form
will repassivate and the current will at lower potentials than pits.
decrease back to a value near the passive ASTM G61 describes a method for cyclic
current density. The potential at which potentiodynamic polarization measure-
this happens is called the repassivation ments and presents data from round-robin
potential, Er , or protection potential, Eprot . testing at five different laboratories on
A correlation has been between pit- Type 304 stainless steel in 3.5% NaCl [3].
ting potential and pitting in the field: the The scatter band for the pitting potential is
tendency to form pits naturally at open large, from 0 to 350 mV SCE. The mask-
circuit increases as the experimentally de- ing and sample holder used for these tests
termined pitting potential decreases [51]. are shown in Fig. 1(g); a Teflon gasket was
The difference between Ep and Er , which used to make the seal. Numerous repli-
is related to the extent of hysteresis in a cations of this experiment in classroom
cyclic potentiodynamic polarization curve, laboratory exercises at The Ohio State Uni-
has also been considered to be a measure versity have shown that the system is very
of the susceptibility to localized corro- susceptible to crevice corrosion. The break-
sion [3, 52]. Issues associated with this down potential exhibited for experiments
interpretation have been reviewed [53]. that generate a crevice is in the range of
Cyclic polarization measurements to values reported in the ASTM standard, 0
determine Ep and Er are simple to to 400 mV SCE. For samples in which only
perform. However, care must be taken pits form with no evidence of crevices, the
to avoid artifacts or misinterpretation. breakdown potential is higher; in the range
The biggest problem is the possibility of 400–650 mV SCE. It is possible that the
for crevice corrosion, which is large for 304 stainless steel material used in the
712 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

round-robin testing was more susceptible to stable pit propagation [61]. CPTs for
to attack than that used for the more recent many stainless steels are in the range
testing. However, it is also possible that the of 10–100 ◦ C [61]. The CPT can be used,
round-robin tests were all compromised by like pitting potential, as a means for rank-
crevice corrosion. This example highlights ing susceptibility to pitting corrosion – the
the care that must be taken to avoid crevice higher the CPT, the more resistant the
corrosion when attempting to measure Ep . alloy to pitting [61].
On the other hand, the standard actually The CPT can be determined by perform-
only refers to ‘‘localized corrosion suscep- ing a series of potentiodynamic polariza-
tibility’’ and not to pitting susceptibility, tion curves over a range of temperatures
and crevice corrosion is certainly a form that are held constant for each experiment.
of localized corrosion. To test the suscep- Alternatively, the CPT can be measured in
tibility to crevice corrosion, however, it is a single experiment by holding the poten-
best to use a device that forms a repro- tial at a high value (but below the potential
ducible crevice, such as is described in for transpassive dissolution) and slowly
ASTM G48 [54]. increasing the temperature of the solu-
If the oxidizing power of an electrolyte is tion. The latter approach, which requires
high enough, or the pitting potential low a programmable temperature controller,
enough, pitting will occur at open circuit. is described in ASTM G150 [4]. According
In this case, the OCP is pinned to a value to the standard, the temperature is to be
that is close to the pitting potential because increased at a rate of 1 ◦ C min−1 . The ar-
of the relative nonpolarizability of the pit tifact of crevice corrosion is a real concern
dissolution reaction. ASTM G69 describes during CPT testing since crevice corrosion
a method for testing of Al alloys in 1 M becomes increasingly prevalent and diffi-
NaCl and 30% hydrogen peroxide [55]. The cult to prevent at high temperatures. CPT
corrosion potential in this case will be close can also be determined by immersion in
to the pitting potential because the extra FeCl3 solutions of varying temperature for
cathodic reaction provided by the peroxide a period of time and inspecting the surface
polarizes the alloy to Ep . for the presence of pits.
Temperature can also be used as an The scratching technique described ear-
acceleration factor in a fashion similar lier can be used to test the susceptibility
to potential. Many materials will not pit for the formation of stable pits [63]. By
at a temperature below a critical value purposely removing the passive film, the
that is often extremely sharp and re- initiation stage of pitting is eliminated
producible [56–62]. At low temperatures, and the repassivation potential is directly
extremely high breakdown potentials are measured. A sample can be scratched dur-
observed, corresponding to transpassive ing potentiostatic polarization at various
dissolution, not localized corrosion. Just potentials or periodically during potentio-
above the critical pitting temperature dynamic polarization. At potentials below
(CPT), pitting corrosion occurs at a po- the repassivation potential, the current
tential that is far below the transpassive will quickly decay to the passive cur-
breakdown potential. This value of CPT rent level following scratching. When the
is independent of environmental param- sample is scratched at a potential above
eters and applied potential over a wide the repassivation potential, the current
range, and is a measure of the resistance will increase continuously. This approach
7.5 Techniques for Evaluating Localized Corrosion 713

for determination of the repassivation metastable pitting current transients re-

potential avoids the complication associ- quires low background current because the
ated with the dependency of repassivation current associated with metastable pits is
potential determined in a cyclic polariza- small. The smaller the background signal,
tion curve on the apex current or the the smaller the events that can be resolved.
depth of the pit [52]. An electrochemical It is critical to avoid artifacts associated
equivalent to the mechanical scratching with crevice corrosion, which will swamp
experiment involves stepping the potential the metastable pitting signal. In order to
for a short period to a high potential, E1 , to get a low background current, it is neces-
initiate pits, and then stepping down to a sary to use electrodes with small surface
low potential, E2 [64]. If the pits repassivate areas. Data collection must be at a high
and the current decays at E2 , then the cycle enough rate to distinguish the individual
is repeated, but the value of E2 is increased events.
during each step until the pits formed at E1 Studies of pit growth are complicated
no longer repassivate. The highest value of by problems associated with accurate mea-
E2 at which the pits repassivate is then the surement of the pit current density. The
repassivation potential. current measured from a sample held at
EIS is a method that is not very well a fixed potential may come from several
suited for the study of pitting corrosion pits with unknown active pit surface area.
because, as described earlier, it should be For this situation, it is possible to count
applied to electrodes at steady state, and the pits, assume that the current is evenly
pitting is a non–steady state condition. divided between the pits, and assume that
Nonetheless, EIS can be used to assess the the pits have a certain shape, such as a
low-frequency impedance at open circuit, hemisphere. This, however, can result in
which provides a measure of corrosion rate considerable error. Furthermore, if pits
without the need to polarize away from are not all initiated at the same time, then
open circuit. It is therefore possible to use current is coming from pits of varying
EIS to determine if pitting is occurring at size, which confounds the determination
open circuit. of current per pit. Another problem in
The study of metastable pitting has accurate determination of the i –E rela-
provided unique opportunities for un- tionship for a pit is that a considerable
derstanding pitting corrosion since meta- amount of hydrogen evolution can occur
stable pits involve initiation, growth, and within pits, especially for Al and Al alloys.
repassivation in short, discrete and plen- It has been found that about 15% of the to-
tiful events. It is easier to address the tal anodic dissolution current is consumed
stochastics of pitting with the numer- locally by hydrogen evolution in Al pits
ous metastable pits generated in a few and crevices [65, 66]. This means that the
experiments than by performing many ex- current measured at an applied potential
periments that generate stable pits. The is only a fraction of the true anodic disso-
signal associated with each metastable pit- lution current. Finally, the determination
ting event can be analyzed to determine of pit growth kinetics at open circuit is
pit current density, which allows deter- a challenge, because by definition, no net
mination of the electrochemical kinetics current is passed at open circuit.
of dissolution in pits and assessment of A variety of experimental approaches ad-
the rate-controlling steps. Observation of dress the problems listed in the preceding
714 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

text in different ways. In general, they in- Nonelectrochemical techniques are use-
volve either the formation of a single pit, ful for the study of localized corrosion
or nonelectrochemical means for determi- growth because they eliminate several
nation of the growth kinetics. One of the problems: the need to determine the
reasons that metastable pits are so interest- current from a single site, assumptions
ing is that metastable pit current transients regarding active surface area, and compli-
represent individual pitting events. Other cations associated with hydrogen evolution
techniques for forming a single pit include within the pits or intergranular regions,
the exposure of a small area, laser irradi- which can consume a reasonable fraction
ation of a small spot, implantation of an of the anodic pit current density in the
activating species at a small spot, or the use case of Al [65, 66]. The foil penetration
of artificial or single pit electrodes. Other method is a nonelectrochemical method
than the artificial pit electrode technique, that measures the time for localized corro-
in which the whole exposed area is active, sion to perforate foils of varying thickness
the other techniques listed still require an as a means to determine the growth rate
assumption regarding the geometry of the of the fastest growing localized corrosion
active pit surface in order to determine the site [1, 71, 72]. The penetration time is de-
pit area and thus a pit current density. termined by exposing one side of a foil
sample to an aqueous environment. A
Artificial pit electrodes are formed by
piece of filter paper and then a Cu foil
imbedding a wire in an insulator such
are pressed against the back of the sam-
as epoxy [67–69]. The local environment
ple. Penetration of localized corrosion on
within an artificial pit electrode crevice
the other side is sensed by a decrease in
should be identical to that formed in real
resistance between the sample and Cu foil
pits. The whole exposed area is active so
resulting from wetting of the filter paper by
the measured current can be easily con-
the localized corrosion environment. This
verted to pit current density. Furthermore,
technique has been successfully applied to
artificial pit electrodes have an ideal one- the study of pitting, crevice corrosion, and
dimensional geometry allowing for easy intergranular corrosion in stainless steel,
modeling of transport. Artificial pit elec- Al and Al alloys [1, 71, 72].
trodes have been used extensively to study Another nonelectrochemical approach
Fe and stainless steel behavior. Polar- to pitting involves the study of two-
ization curves for artificial pit electrodes dimensional pits in thin-film samp-
of FeCrNi alloys with and without 2.7% les [1, 66, 73–75]. Pits in thin metallic
Mo in a 1 M Cl− bulk solution showed films with thickness on the order of
that anodic polarization curve in the pit 10–1000 nm rapidly penetrate the metal,
environment for the Mo-containing alloy reach the inert substrate, and proceed
was shifted to higher potentials [70]. The to grow outward in a two-dimensional
change in the corrosion potential was ap- fashion with perpendicular sidewalls. The
proximately equal to the change in pitting measurement of pit wall velocity from the
potential measured on a standard electrode analysis of magnified images of the grow-
by potentiodynamic polarization [70]. This ing two-dimensional pits provides a simple
indicates that the effect of Mo on the pit- and direct means for determination of pit
ting potential can be explained solely by its current density via Faraday’s law, with no
influence on the pit dissolution kinetics. need for assumptions. Since the pit depth
7.5 Techniques for Evaluating Localized Corrosion 715

is limited by the metal film thickness, pits G34, G66, G110, and G112 [78–81]. These
in thin films grow at steady state with no are immersion tests, with visual observa-
increase in ohmic path or diffusion length tion of the results. No electrochemical tests
with time as is the case described earlier for exfoliation resistance exist.
for pits in bulk samples. As a result, two- The single loop electrochemical poten-
dimensional pits in thin films exhibit a pit tiokinetic reactivation (EPR) test is an
current density that is constant with time electrochemical test for the sensitization of
at a given applied potential. This steady stainless steels that is described by ASTM
state aspect of pitting in thin-film sam- G108 [77]. Type 304 or 304 L stainless steel
ples allows unambiguous determination with a 1 µm polished surface is tested in
of the current-density/potential relation- a 0.5 M H2 SO4 + 0.01 M KSCN solution
ship. The typical form for the polarization at 30 ◦ C (±1 ◦ C). The potential is first held
curve of a thin-film pit includes a region at +200 mV SCE for 2 min to passivate
at low potentials at which the current the sample, and scanned back to Ecorr at
density is almost linearly dependent on a constant rate of 6 V h−1 . This downward
applied potential followed by a region at sweep in potential leads to reactivation of
high potential at which the pit current the specimen. Reactivation is the result of
density reaches a limiting value, and pit- the preferential breakdown of the passive
ting is mass-transport limited. Another film covering the Cr-depleted regions of
consequence of the constant pit depth is the alloy near the grain boundaries, and re-
the finding that the repassivation poten- sults in a large peak in the potential versus
tial and the lowest pit current density at current curve for sensitized material only.
which a pit can grow are extremely repro- Nonsensitized stainless steel will remain
ducible. It is therefore possible with pits passive during the downward scan and ex-
in thin films to accurately assess the crit- hibit little or no peak. The normalized size
ical conditions for pit stability. One final of the reactivation peak during downward
advantage of working with thin films pro- scanning, Pa , is therefore a measure of
duced by physical vapor deposition is that sensitization. Pa has units of C cm−2 and
the full range of compositional variety can is determined by
be achieved with a single-phase structure
(typically nanocrystalline or amorphous) Q
Pa = (14)
because of the nonequilibrium nature of X
the as-deposited microstructure. where Q is the charge under the peak
Several ASTM standards address the and X is the normalization factor for both
susceptibility of alloys to intergranular specimen and grain size:
corrosion. Stainless steels are tested for
sensitization by immersion in different X = As [5.1 × 10−3 e0.347 G] (15)
boiling acids according to ASTM A262 [76].
Similar tests are described in ASTM G28 As is the specimen area in units of cm2
for Ni-rich Cr-bearing alloys [77]. ASTM and G is the grain size as determined by
A262 also describes an electrolytic etch test ASTM E 112.
in oxalic acid, which can be used to screen Pa correlates to data measured from
prior to the more lengthy immersion tests. immersion tests such as ASTM A262.
Testing for intergranular and exfoliation It is more sensitive to the degree of
corrosion in Al alloys is described in ASTM sensitization than immersion tests only
716 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

if the degree of sensitization is low. Pa pitfalls. A cell is described, in which

does not distinguish well various degrees samples are simultaneously exposed in
of high sensitization. three conditions: fully immersed, partially
The need to polish the sample and immersed, and exposed to the vapor phase.
determine grain size is avoided by a modifi- One of the most common accelerated
cation of the single loop EPR test described exposure tests is the salt spray or salt
above. In the so-called double loop EPR fog test described in ASTM B117 [84].
test, the sample is tested in the same en- In this test, samples are exposed to a
vironment [82]. In this test, the potential spray or fog of 5% NaCl solution at 30 ◦ C.
is scanned from the corrosion potential, Several US military specifications require
through the active/passive transition, to a salt fog testing, and many corrosion
value of 300 mV SCE, and then the scan di- engineers have considerable experience
rection is reversed, scanning downward to with this test. It is therefore of use
the original corrosion potential. The peak as a qualification procedure to evaluate
current during the downward reactivation materials. However, the results of salt
scan, Ir , normalized to the peak current spray testing do not always correlate with
during the upward scan, Ia , is a measure of other types of exposure, and considerable
sensitization. Ia is relatively independent variability in test results is not uncommon.
of sensitization. However, reactivation is ASTM G85 describes modified versions
observed in the downward scan if the sam- of salt spray testing in which the spray
ple is sensitized. Like the single loop EPR, solution is acidified with acetic acid, SO2
the double loop EPR test is most sensitive is added, or the test conditions are cycled.
to small degrees of sensitization. A value of These modifications result in a more
Ir /Ia greater than 0.001 is considered to be corrosive environment than the standard
an indication of the onset of sensitization. salt spray test.

7.6 7.7
Exposure Testing Quartz Crystal Microbalance

This encyclopedia and this chapter are The most common nonelectrochemical ap-
focused on electrochemistry. However, a proach for the study of corrosion is weight
few words about nonelectrochemical tech- loss measurements. Such measurements
niques are in order for completeness. are limited by the resolution of the gravi-
Exposure testing of samples to service or metric device, and, for aqueous corrosion,
accelerated environments is widely used, are usually applied in aggressive environ-
and there are several ASTM standards ments such as the boiling acids used to
describing appropriate methods. Several evaluate sensitization of stainless steels in
immersion tests for intergranular and ex- ASTM A262 [76]. The Quartz Crystal Mi-
foliation corrosion were mentioned in the crobalance (QCM) is a gravimetric instru-
last section. ASTM G31 describes methods ment capable of submonolayer sensitivity
for immersion testing of metals [83]. This that has been increasingly applied over re-
standard practice contains mostly com- cent years in the area of corrosion [85, 86].
mon sense, but also has information that The QCM takes advantage of the fact
will help experimentalists avoid common that quartz crystals have a well-defined
7.8 Scanning Kelvin Probe 717

resonant frequency that depends on their have been applied to the study of atmo-
thickness or mass. The deposition of a spheric corrosion [88, 89], passivation [90],
thin, uniform film onto the quartz will and inhibition [91]. Recently, QCM in the
affect the frequency by an amount equal nonlinear region has been implemented,
to that caused by a layer of quartz of allowing the use of bulk metal samples
the same mass [85, 86]. Any subsequent cut as thin disks from single- or polycrys-
change in mass of the deposited layer will talline materials and glued to the quartz
alter the resonant frequency according to crystal [92]. Thus, mass change studies can
the Sauerbrey equation [87]: now be performed not only on evaporated
or electrodeposited thin films but also on
f = −Km (16) all kinds of materials.
K= √ (17)
A µq ρq
where f is the resonant frequency prior Scanning Kelvin Probe
to the mass change, A is the area,
and µq and ρq are the quartz shear The Kelvin probe is a noncontact, non-
modulus and density, respectively. For destructive, vibrating capacitor technique
a 6-MHz crystal, the mass sensitivity is for measuring work functions, or more
1.2 × 10−8 g cm−2 Hz−1 , or [86]: precisely the difference between the work
function of sample and probe. It was
m = −1.2 × 10−8 Af (18) first used by Thomson, later Lord Kelvin,
in 1862 [93]. This method has been fur-
This equation holds for small mass load- ther improved throughout the following
ings, that is, those that result in about less decades [94] and is now a well-established
than 2% change in frequency. Such thin method for measuring work functions, or,
deposited films do not experience shear from a more electrochemical point of view,
deformation since they are located at the Volta potentials. Whereas in traditional
antinode of the standing wave [86]. As a re- Kelvin probes, the probe is a small gold
sult, the properties of the film do not affect plate or mesh of several square millimeters
mass sensitivity factor K. Thicker films or centimeters, in Scanning Kelvin Probes
will experience shear deformation during (SKP), the probe is a small metal tip with
the measurement, and so the properties a diameter of typically several tens of mi-
of the film will influence the relationship crometers, which can be scanned across
between m and f , and alter the re- the surface of the sample.
lationship shown in Eq. (18). Therefore, Under certain circumstances, the elec-
QCMs are typically only applied in the lin- trode potential of a surface determines its
ear region, which limits their use to thin Volta potential, and thus SKP microscopy
films. Nonetheless, thin films can be used allows measurement of local electrode or
to model bulk materials as long as the corrosion potentials. Conventional scan-
environment is not extremely aggressive. ning electrochemical reference electrode
Furthermore, thin films are used exten- techniques require a finite electrolytic re-
sively in electronics and magnetic storage, sistance between sample and reference
and the corrosion behavior of thin films electrode, whereas the Kelvin Probe oper-
themselves is of great interest. QCMs ates across a dielectric medium of infinite
718 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

resistance. This dielectric layer could be air level, which will act as a reference, recip-
or an electrically insulating film covering rocal charging shifts both levels to a com-
the sample. However, experience shows mon level causing a potential difference
that usually the Volta potential of the sur- ref
sample =  ref −  sample [104, 105], the
face at the outermost layer is measured, so-called contact bias potential [106]. The
that is, most films are conductive enough reference metal is often in the form of a
to act as the active surface of the sam- tip, and the tip and the sample area be-
ple in the vibrating capacitor. In the case low the tip form a capacitor. If the tip is
of electrolyte or polymer covered metal, subject to periodic mechanical vibration,
a suitable calibration allows the electrode periodic changes of the capacitance, C,
potential at the buried metal/electrolyte or and thus the charge Q = C·sample ref re-
metal/polymer interface to be obtained. sult. This causes an AC electric current
This opens a plethora of different applica- iAC = sample
ref · dC/dT ∝ 1/d 2 to flow,
tions for SKP microscopy, such as: where d is the distance between tip
and surface. sampleref could be deter-
• Outdoor corrosion of metals such as
steel, weather resistant steel, galva- mined from this current if d and C were
nized steel, copper, and so on. SKP known, but more reliable is the method of
can be used to study the effects of electronic compensation of iAC [107–109].
the ultrathin electrolyte layers formed Electronic compensation of this current re-
during daily wet/dry cycles, which are quires the application of an external bias
of ultimate importance for the average U = −sample
ref , that is, the vibrating tip is
corrosion rate, but cannot be analyzed scanned over the surface while the current
by conventional electrochemical tech- is being electronically compensated, thus
niques [95–97]. obtaining a Volta-potential map of the sur-
• Indoor corrosion of electronic materials face [95–97]. Kelvin probe measurements
such as aluminum or copper. Usually, with submicron resolution can be obtained
electrolyte layers of only some mono- with the Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Mi-
layers are formed, which still results in croscope (SKPFM, see following text).
slow corrosion of the metal. SKP has It is possible to measure the work
successfully been applied for the in- function of metal, electrolyte, or poly-
vestigation of the corrosion behavior of mer surfaces; only sufficient conductivity
such materials [98]. for currents in the order of 10−12 A is
• Delamination of polymer coated mate- required. Furthermore, as already men-
rials in the vicinity of defects. In particu- tioned, the work function at the surface
lar, corrosion potential maps have been of a thin layer of electrolyte or polymeric
measured close to defects, which pro- coating and the electrode potential at the
vide direct information on the progress metal/electrolyte or metal/polymer inter-
of the delamination front [99–102]. face beneath it are linearly related [99].
• Investigation of the stability of modified Once the calibration curves are known,
metal surfaces, the modification layer it is possible to ‘‘measure through the
being as thin as one monolayer [103]. coating’’ and obtain information about the
electrochemical conditions at the interface
If a metal is brought in contact with an- without destroying it. For more details, see
other metal with different Fermi energy other references [110].
7.9 Scanning Probe Microscopy 719

Fig. 9 Galvani potential Galvani-potential

distribution across the metal
Metal Gas Reference



− χref

In the simplest system, the sample is Volta-potential difference and the elec-
exposed to ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). If trode potential has been proven to be valid
the metal is free of any oxide film (Au, experimentally [96, 114].
Pt, etc.) the Kelvin Probe will measure the
work function of the metal (see Fig. 9):
ref Wref WMe Scanning Probe Microscopy
Me = − − −
    Many types of microscopy have been
Wref 1
= − − µMe − χMe used in corrosion experiments. The abil-
F F ity to visualize the electrode during or
(19) after corrosion experiments is extremely
where W is the work function, µ is the illuminating. Scanning probe microscopy
chemical potential, and χ is the surface (SPM) techniques are particularly power-
potential. ful for corrosion because they have the
If the metal surface is covered by a bulk ability to generate quantitative and high-
electrolyte layer, then the Volta-potential magnification images of the surface in
difference is directly linked to the absolute situ. SPM techniques utilize some in-
electrode potential ε1/2 [112, 113] of the teraction between a tip and a surface
metal/electrolyte interface as well for an that is extremely sensitive to their sep-
oxide free as for an oxidized surface aration distance. For scanning tunnel-
(Fig. 10): ing microscopy (STM), the interaction
is electron tunneling, and for atomic
Me   force microscopy (AFM), it is electro-
ref µe Wref
El =  Me El − F + χEl + − F static forces. SPMs also use very sensitive
  piezoelectric scanners to accurately con-
= ε1/2 + χEl + − (20) trol the x –y position of the tip and,
F through a feedback loop on the interac-
tion phenomenon, its separation from the
where  Me El
is the Galvani potential dif- surface.
ference between the metal and electrolyte. Both STM and AFM have been used
This simple linear relation between the in corrosion studies. STM requires a
720 7 Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion

Galvani-potential  Me
Fig. 10 El is directly
correlated to the absolute
Metal Electrolyte Gas Reference electrode potential, so in the
case that both dipole potentials
χ remain constant, the
El allows
Me measurement of ref
to obtain the electrode
χEl potential ε.


− χref

flat and conducting surface, but has applying an AC voltage between the metal-
been used in the study of the early coated tip and sample, which will cause
stages of passivity [114–116], as well as the tip to oscillate. On a point-by-point
dealloying [117, 118]. AFM does not have basis during the rescan, a DC voltage
as good a spatial resolution as STM, but ramp is added to the AC signal until
the range of 100 nm −100 µm is of interest the first harmonic of the oscillations
for many corrosion applications, such as is nulled. The DC voltage required is
localized corrosion [119, 120]. equal to and opposite of the local Volta
One approach to using the AFM to potential, thereby providing a map of
study localized corrosion is to press hard the Volta potential across the surface.
with the tip or ‘‘scratch’’ the surface The SKPFM has been used to study the
to stimulate passive film breakdown. effects of the intermetallic particles in high
Scratching with large tips has been used strength Al alloys, which generate local
with success to study the repassivation heterogeneities that control the corrosion
process [120, 121]. By scratching in a process. These micron-sized particles can
controlled fashion over a small area with be clearly observed by the SKPFM signal
an AFM tip, it is possible to study the because of the sharp contrast in the
conditions under which the freshly bared local Volta potential associated with the
surface will repassivate or propagate into difference in composition [90, 120, 121].
localized corrosion [120, 121]. The effects The ability to visualize the particles is an
of potential and environment, including extremely powerful tool for understanding
inhibitors can be probed. how they behave in the localized corrosion
It is also possible to combine AFM with process.
SKP to achieve the capability to map Volta
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7.9 Scanning Probe Microscopy 721

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