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doe Trumpcare - AHCA

stac up agains Obamacare
The individual mandate is gone under Under Obamacare, the individual
mandate requires all eligible citizens to
individua mandat
Trumpcare. Continuous coverage is the
new requirement. Fail to keep coverage have health insurance, which makes
and you'll pay 30% more a month. coverage affordable nationwide.

Under Obamacare, every policy offered

The AHCA allows the states to decide
whether they will require insurance essentia healt benet in the marketplace had to cover the 10
essential health benefits so even bronze
carriers to cover the 10 essential health
plans had some base level of coverage.

The AHCA allows the states to decides to

People with pre-existing conditions
whether insurance carriers can charge
people with pre-existing conditions more pr - istin condition cannot be denied coverage or charged
higher insurance rates under the ACA.
for their healthcare.

Trumpcare provides tax credits to people People who earn up to 4x the federal
who need help paying for their insurance. poverty line can get cost assistance to
This assistance is based off of the c assistanc buy insurance on the marketplace -- 85%
person's age and not their income. of people who sign up qualify.

Trump has rolled back the Medicaic Current Medicaid funding is based on an
expansion offered by Obamacare, which open-ended matching system whereby
means that fewer people will qualify for Medicai ndin the federal government guarantees at
least $1 for every $1 spent by the state.
Medicaid assistance.

Under the AHCA, the age rating ratio may Under Obamacare, carriers were not
be 5:1, meaning that carriers can charge permitted to charge people of an older
older demos 5x more for insurance than a ag ratin rati demographic more than 3x as much as a
younger demo, meaning the ratio was 3:1.
person of a younger demo.

Trump has discussed the idea of allowing There has been bipartisan support for
people to purchase prescription drugs
from foreign countries, which he believes prescriptio drug overseas drug importation in the past. As
it stands, there are no provisions in the
will lower costs. ACA that specifically address this.

Health Savings Accounts, which are tax- Individuals have the option to use HSAs
advantaged medical savings accounts, under Obamacare, but most people don't
would be bolstered under Trumpcare. Healt Saving Account because they require high-deductible
health plans and significant funding.

Under Trumpcare, people may be able to Right now, people can only deduct
deduct the full cost of their health medical expenses if these costs exceed
insurance premiums from their federal tax
returns each year.
t deduction 10 percent of the household's adjusted
gross income.


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