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IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)

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A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

A Comprehensive Smart Prevention System

against Home Poisoning with Carbon Monoxide
Aymane Eddahmani, Fatima-Zahra Lahlou, Yassine Salih-Alj
School of Science and Engineering, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco

This paper presents a lifesaving smart mechatronic system that prevents poisoning from high concentrations of
Carbon Monoxide. This proposed system provides a technical solution to attenuate the dangers of gas used for
heating space and water. It relies on sensor nodes, actuator nodes, a main control node, and a corresponding
smartphone application allowing emergency communication and remote monitoring of the heated rooms. Sensor
nodes-composed of a gas sensor, a microcontroller, and an audiovisual alarm- as well as actuator nodes- which
comprise a window actuator, a relay, and a microcontroller- are installed in rooms where heating is used. When the
concentrations reach dangerous levels, the main control node, which consists of a microcontroller connected to a
server, sends commands to the sensor nodes to turn an alarm on, and to the actuator node to automatically open the
air vents and activate the fans to accelerate the renewal of air and decrease the gas concentration. Through a
smartphone application, the suggested system notifies relative and/or emergency services. The paper presents the
architecture and design of this scheme, details its components, and provides its cost analysis.
Keywords: Carbon Monoxide, gas sensor, poisoning, smart system

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is the resulting compound of incomplete combustions of hydrocarbons. This colorless and
odorless gas is poisonous since it reduces the oxygen levels in the blood [1]. Every winter, we often read news about
families all over the world dying from the high concentrations of Carbon Monoxide, resulting from the use of gas
heating. As alternative heating systems are expensive on the long term, installing smart prevention systems is very
helpful in preventing such tragic losses.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), everyone is at risk of CO poisoning. Individuals of all ages, and
especially infants are at risk of dying from inhaling high quantities of Carbon Monoxide. CO cannot be seen visually,
and does not have a smell. Common symptoms of this poisoning include dizziness and fainting which renders the
victim helpless until they inhale too much of the poisonous gas. Even at low concentration, CO is still very dangerous.
At 0.16% (1600 ppm), death can occur within 2 hours unless very urgent appropriate treatment is considered. At 1.28%
(128000 ppm), death can occur as quickly as in 3 minutes [2]. Therefore, it is very crucial to prevent CO from reaching
high concentrations and avoiding the extreme cases.
There are many designs of smart gas detection system in the literature. These designs differ depending on the type of
the used sensor, the communication paths, the triggered outputs, etc. One gas detection system is composed of a
detection and transmission module, as well as a receiver module [3]. The first module senses gas concentration,
compares it to a predetermined threshold, and correspondingly activates an audiovisual alarm. The information is then
sent to the receiver module via radio frequency (RF), which acts as a mobile alarm device. After processing the input, a
micro controller activates an audiovisual alarm, and an LCD display shows the gas concentration.
Another approach proposes a slightly different system. It first detects the increase in gas concentration, then, depending
on a predetermined maximum concentration, it activates a warning light, and transmits the signal to a master node and
from there to a monitoring center [4]. The latter alerts the user by sending this information to a computer using a
ZigBee communication [4]. ZigBee is a new wireless technology that requires low power and has low cost [5]. ZigBee
has the ability of self-control and self-healing, which keeps the network working even if one of the nodes of the system
is broken [6].

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 1

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

A different system for Carbon Monoxide detection is based on a Wireless Sensor and an Actuator Network (WSAN)
[7]. The benefit of this system is its autonomous countermeasures. In fact, it needs little human intervention. The
system uses a computer as a central controller. It is connected to a sensing module, which continuously detects the level
of CO. As concentration of the gas increases, the base station sends a signal to the actuator module, which turns on
ventilation to disperse the gas. If the gas level does not decrease, an alarm is triggered. The two modules and the
central controller are connected via ZigBee. This system uses a fan as an actuator, as well as connects the computer to
the internet, to allow for online data saving and access.
This paper presents a comprehensive smart prevention system against poisoning with Carbon Monoxide to be used in
homes. It considers a WSAN network where communication between the components is performed via ZigBee. Unlike
other systems, the proposed design needs no human intervention since it has a window actuator, which opens the air
vents when the concentrations of the gas reaches a predetermined threshold. It also controls fans to fasten the
dispersion of the gas. It uses a mobile application that serves as a portable alarm system, and through internet
connection, notifies emergency services.
The paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the general system model, Section III details the architecture and
components of the suggested scheme, Section IV analyzes the cost of the system and Section V concludes the paper.

The comprehensive smart prevention system from poisoning with carbon monoxide for homes operates on several
levels. Not only does it sense the environment but it also acts on it using its actuators. Fig. 1 illustrates the different
levels considered for the system operation: Gas sensor Window Actuator

Gas Sensor

Window Actuator

Fan Actuator

Environmental Level
Communication Microcontroller

Zigbee Web server


Communication Data Collection and

Level Web Application Treatment Level

Audio Visual

Data Display Level

Figure 1 System Operation Levels

2.1 Environmental Level

This level consists of the gas sensor, as well as the actuators, which open the windows and activate the fan for a faster
dispersion of the gas. The sensors read the event from the environment and report them, whereas the actuators act
according to these events.

2.2 Communication Level

This level is composed of wired as well as wireless communication. Sensors and actuators communicate with the
microcontroller unit via ZigBee. As for the server, it is connected to internet in order to provide the user with
information related to the events. The audiovisual alarm is connected to the microcontroller via wiring.

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 2

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

2.3 Data Collection and Treatment Level

The microcontroller analyses and treats the data received from the environmental level thanks to the sensors. It then
sends commands to the actuators as well as to the audiovisual alarm. The microcontroller communicates with the server
as well. It stores the events information on the database of the server.

2.4 Data Display Level

This system displays the data via an audiovisual alarm, as well as via a mobile application and a web server. The
audiovisual alarm reports the sensor readings and makes them constantly displayed to the people in the house through
the smartphone application. The server shares the information it receives from the microcontroller and makes them
accessible to the user via the same mobile application, and to the emergency services in case of emergency via a web


The considered system architecture is illustrated in Fig. 2. It is composed of the following:

Zigbee Zigbee
Main Control Actuactor
Sensor Node
Node Node


Emergency Phone Emergency
Contact Services

Figure 2 The Proposed System Design

3.1 Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network
The sensor of the network detects and reports an event. The microcontroller processes the information and sends it to
the actuator accordingly [8]. The presented system is a prevention system installed in rooms (confined areas).
Therefore, a ZigBee-based WSAN is the most appropriate [7], as it does not require any wiring, it is easy to install, and
is highly mobile [9].
Since different units are installed in different rooms of the house (wherever a gas heater is used), it would be more
practical to link all the sensors and alarms with the central microcontroller via wireless ZigBee communication.
3.1.1 Sensor
MQ-7 (Fig. 3-a) is a SnOs semiconductor sensor, which targets CO gas. It is sensitive to this gas in a range varying
between 10 and 500ppm. Therefore, it is widely used in domestic CO detection systems. This sensor has long lifespan
with a relatively low cost, and a fast response [10].

a. MQ-7 Gas Sensor. b. Dual Rack Actuator.

Figure 3 Suggested (a) Sensor and (b) Actuator for the system

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 3

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

One other advantage of this sensor is its simple drive circuit. The sensors heater coil requires a voltage supply as low
as 5V. The sensor is then connected to a load resistance. The output of the MQ-7 is then connected to an Analog to
Digital Converter (ADC).

3.1.2 Actuator
The choice of the actuator varies depending on the windows of the house in which the system is installed. Modern
houses use sliding windows. The most suitable actuators for this type of windows are the Dual Rack actuators (Fig. 3-
b). They can be controlled via a wall switch, a remote control, as well as automatically when connected to a smart
system. These actuators do not require window replacements, as they can adapt their window opening distances. The
dual rack actuators reach 650 N in push action and 350 N in pull action. With maximum load, they absorb 0.1 A, with
a voltage supply of 230 Vac.

3.1.3 Main Control

The main control unit is the central unit, which communicates not only with the sensor and the actuator units, but with
the server as well. It uses an Arduino Yun as it has enough computational power to handle the multiple data streams
coming from the actuator and sensor nodes, and can be connected to the internet via an Ethernet cable.
The microcontroller attached to the sensor and actuator is the Arduino Uno. Arduino Uno is an open source
microcontroller based on the ATmega32u4 and the Atheros AR9331 processor. This board serves as a primary data
collector that sends a signal to the main controller. It is especially useful when designing connected devices.
An XBee shield is installed on the Arduino Uno and on the Arduino Yun to provide ZigBee communication.

3.2 Server
The server uses a database that stores the readings of the sensors for different users. The microcontroller is connected to
this server via the internet to store all the readings of the sensors. The user can then access this information using the
mobile application. In case of non-responsiveness of the user, the emergency services and emergency contact specified
by the user and stored on the server are informed with the details of the incident

3.3 Audiovisual Alarm

Sensor readings of CO concentration are constantly displayed on the smartphone application. Once the level of CO
reaches the predetermined threshold, the microcontroller triggers the audiovisual alarm which is part of the sensor
node. This alarm consist of a siren sound as well as a flashing red light. There is a two-way communication between
the controller and the sensor node. Therefore, the system is able to know whether the user has manually shut off the
alarm or not.
Table 1 shows the levels of CO and their effect on the body [2]. It shows, as well, the level of Carboxyhemoglobin
(COHb), the hemoglobin to which CO is attached and that can no longer deliver Oxygen. The threshold and the danger
level is based on these levels.

Table 1: Carbon Monoxide Concentrations, COHb Levels, and Associated Symptoms

Carbon monoxide concentration COHb level Signs and symptoms
35 ppm <10% Headache and dizziness within 6 to 8 5 of constant exposure
100 ppm >10% Slight headache in 2 to 3 h
400 ppm 25% Frontal headache within 1 to 2 h
800 ppm 30% Dizziness, nausea, and convulsions within 45 min; insensible within 2h
1600 ppm 40% Death in less than 2h
3200 ppm 50% Headache and nausea in 5 to 10 min; death within 30 min
6400 ppm 60% Headache and dizziness in 1 to 2 min, death in less than 20 min
12800 ppm >70% Death in less than 3 min

3.4 Systems Logical Sequence

This design is comprehensive in the sense that there is little to no human intervention. The system works
autonomously. As the sensor reads high level of CO, the fan and the window actuators are automatically activated for a
rapid dispersion of the gas. Once the concentration decreases, the air vents are closed back.
The system continuously reads the concentration of Carbon Monoxide and compares it against the pre-determined
threshold chosen by the user and using the recommendations of the system shown in Table 1.

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 4

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

Once an increase is detected, the audiovisual alarm is triggered and it provides audio feedback as well as visual
feedback in case the user is for some reason unable to hear the alarm.
When the alarm is set off, first, the air vents are opened and the fan is activated. The air vents remain open until the
CO level is below the safe limit. Once the safe limit is reached, the actuators close the vents and the alarm stops.
In parallel, time is counted from the instance the alarm is set off. If the user does not manually shut off the alarm, (i.e.
user is unresponsive) and the time exceeded a predetermined threshold the application notifies the emergency contact
as well as emergency services and provide them with the pertinent information
The logical sequence, illustrated in Figure 4, grantees that the windows are closed immediately after the environment is
safe again and that the user is safe even in the worst-case scenario of unresponsiveness.

Sense CO Level

CO Level > No


Alarm On

Send Notification to
User via Mobile App

Activate Fans

Open Windows

Elapsed Time >
Predetermined Time No
Manually Shut
Notify Emergency

Notify Emergency

CO Level < No
Close Windows

Deactivate Fans

Figure 4 Block diagram of the proposed logical sequence

3.5 System Components

The system is organized in nodes that group multiple components together. These nodes are Sensor-Alarm node,
Actuator node and controller node.

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 5

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

3.5.1 Alarm Sensor Node

Since the sensors need to be installed on the roof as CO has lower density than that of air, the audiovisual alarm is
attached at the same location. This guarantees correct readings as well as reach for the alarm sound and light.
The sensor alarm node is shown in Fig. 5. It consists of a CO sensor, an Alarm, an Arduino UNO board, and an XBee
CO Sensor Audiovisual


Figure 5 Alarm-Sensor node and its components

3.5.2 Actuator Node

The actuator node consists of an Arduino Uno board, an XBee shield, relays, fan, and window actuator. The XBee
receives the request to activate the actuators. The board then activates the fan and opens the window. Since the output
voltage of the Arduino Uno is limited to 5V, a relay is used to activate the actuators. The relay is the bridge between the
power supply to the actuators and the Arduino board. This node is shown in Figure 6.

Arduino UNO Window




Figure 6 Window actuator node and its components

3.5.3 Controller Node

The controller node is the central unit that controls the system. Using an Arduino Uno, the different sensor-alarm nodes
and actuator nodes are connected. This controller node is also connected to the internet. Fig. 7 shows this node
connected via ZigBee to the two previous nodes.


Zigbee Zigbee
Arduino Window
Sensor Actuator


Figure 7 Main Control Node

The systems cost can be estimated by adding up the prices of the components. The total cost should include the
workforce cost for the system installation as well.

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 6

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

The sensor-alarm nodes components and their prices are as follows. Arduino Uno, which cost equals 21.99 USD [11].
The CO sensor chosen is the MQ-7, and it is compatible with Arduino. The price of this sensor is 6.99 USD [10]. The
audiovisual alarm is part of the sensor-alarm node as well. It consists of a bright red LED, which cost is 0.35 USD [12],
and a bell which price is estimated to be 2.9 USD [13]. The sensor nodes communicate using an XBee wire antenna.
The latter drives the communication using its built-in ZigBee mesh. Its price is 26.95 USD [14].
The actuator node includes an Arduino Uno and XBee shield as well. It has also a dual rack actuator whose price varies
depending on the windows of the house. As stated earlier, it is assumed that the system is installed in modern houses
with sliding windows. That being said, the cost analysis is based on this assumption. A dual rack actuator costs 259.00
USD [15]. The actuator needs to be activated with a 5 VDC relay, as that is the maximum output of the Arduino used.
The price of such relays equals 2.99 USD [16].
Regarding the main control node, it has an Arduino Yun which price is found to be 74.66 USD [17].
Table 2 summarizes the overall cost of the system.

Table 2: Cost Analysis of the Suggested System

Price of the System: 501.72 USD

Node Component Price in USD
Sensor Node MQ-7 sensor 6.99
Arduino Uno 21.99
Xbee Antenna 26.95
Red LED 0.35
Alarm Bell 2.9
TOTAL 59.18
Actuator Node Dual Rack
Actuator 259
Arduino Uno 21.99
Xbee Antenna 26.95
Relay 2.99
TOTAL 310.93
Main Control Node Arduino Yun 74.66
Xbee Antenna 26.95
TOTAL 101.61
Cost of Installation 30.00
TOTAL 30.00
Since the existing systems do not include an actuator node, it is not considered in our cost comparison.
The installation of the suggested system requires one main control node, and as many sensor nodes as the number of
rooms specified by the customer. Therefore, the cost is computed using the following equation:

C t n C S node C m node (1)

Such that C t is the total cost, C S node is the cost of one sensor node, C m node is the cost of the main control node, and
is the number of rooms where a sensor is needed.
The existing systems are detectors and alarms only. There is no communication between the different elements.
Therefore, each room needs to include one detector and one alarm unit. Therefore, the cost of the existing systems can
be computed as follows:

C t n C Alarm (2)

Such as C Alarm is the cost of existing detectors and alarms, which is equal to 99 USD [18].
Fig. 8 shows the price difference between the suggested system and the existing ones.

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 7

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

Cost Comparison Between Existing Systems and Suggested One

Cost ($) 500
1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of rooms
cost of other systems cost of proposed system

Figure 8 Cost comparison between proposed system and existing systems as a function of the number of rooms

The figure shows that the proposed system is effective considering a scenario of three or more rooms, as its cost is
lower than that of other systems.

This paper presented a comprehensive smart prevention system against poisoning with Carbon Monoxide in homes.
The suggested system involves a CO gas sensor, an audiovisual alarm, and a window actuator. The system model was
presented, followed by a detailed design that includes all the pertinent components. Finally, a cost analysis was carried
out. Implementing the proposed solution in this paper would help reduce the risks of gas heating in closed spaces, and
save lives. Future work would consist of installing a prototype in a household and testing its response under different
conditions of concentrations and user specifications.

[1] Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 30-Dec-2015.
[2] M. Goldstein, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Journal of Emergency Nursing, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 538542, 2008.
[3] L. Fraiwan, K. Lweesy, A. Bani-Salma, and N. Mani, A wireless home safety gas leakage detection system, 1st
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[4] J. Qin, Z. Gao, H. Li, and Z. Sun, Design and implement of a flammable gas detection system based on wireless
sensor network, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), 2015.
[5] Y. Wei, L. Ke, Z. Dong, Design wireless intelligent control of greenhouse based on ZigBee, Transactions of the
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[6] K. Hyunjue, C. Jong-Moon, K. Chang, Secured communication protocol for internetworking ZigBee cluster
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[7] M. F. Jan, Q. Habib, M. Irfan, M. Murad, K. M. Yahya, and G. M. Hassan, Carbon monoxide detection and
autonomous countermeasure system for a steel mill using Wireless Sensor and actuator Network, 6th International
Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), pp 405- 409,2010.
[8] S. Nakano, Y. Goto, K. Yokosawa, and K. Tsukada, Hydrogen Gas Detection System Prototype with Wireless
Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensors, pp 159 - 162, 2005.
[9] Zujue Chen, Zhan Shi, Qiuyue Guo, "Design of wireless sensor network node for carbon monoxide monitoring",
Telecommunication Systems, pp 1 - 7 , 2013.
[10] GeekBuying, Universal Gas Sensor Module Kit w/ MQ-2 / MQ-3 / MQ-7 for Arduino Available:
[11] Amazon, Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller A000066. Available:

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 8

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

[12] Amazon, Round Super Bright Light Emitting Diode. Available:
[13] Alibaba, DC12V Or 24V Red Color Round Conventional Fire Alarm Bell. Available:
[14] Amazon, XBee 2mW Wire Antenna - Series 2 (ZigBee Mesh). Available:
[15] e-motion, Inc. P-200 Double Rack Linear Actuator. Available: http://www.e-
[16] Ebay, Mini Relay SPDT 5 Pins 5VDC. Available:
[17] Amazon, Yun microcontrleur Perel Arduino. Available:
[18] Amazon, Nest Protect smoke & carbon monoxide alarm, Wired (2nd gen).


Fatima-Zahra Lahlou is a General Engineering student at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (AUI),

Ifrane, Morocco. She participated in an exchange program in University of Wyoming (UW), Wyoming,
USA. She worked on a research with the Parkinson Group in UW. She also worked as a tutor with Gear
up in UW as well as with the Center for Learning Excellence in AUI. Her research interests include
mechatronic systems and renewable energies.

Aymane Eddahmani is a General Engineering student at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (AUI),

Ifrane, Morocco. He works as tutor with the Center of Learning Excellence in AUI, and participated in
an exchange program in the Technical University of Graz (TU Graz), Austria. He worked as Research
Assistant in both AUI and TU Graz where he worked on research projects on energy optimization and
solar cells. His research interests include sustainability and renewable energies, and mechatronic

Yassine Salih Alj received the Bachelors degree in microelectronics from the University of Quebec at
Montreal (UQAM), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in 2001, and the Masters degree in electrical
engineering from the cole de Technologie Suprieure (ETS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in 2003, and
the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications from the National Institute of Scientific Research Energy,
Materials & Telecommunications (INRS-Telecom), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in 2008. He served as a
research assistant at the Telebec Underground Communications Research Laboratory (LRTCS) from
2005 to 2008, and then during 2009 as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Poly-Grames Research Center, of the cole
Polytechnique de Montral, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He is currently working as a permanent faculty member at the
School of Science and Engineering (SSE) of Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (AUI), Morocco. He has published over
40 publications and has been actively involved in IEEE events for the past five years, where he chaired and served as
Technical Program Member or as distinguished reviewer for over 100 conferences. His research interests are in the
areas of Wireless Communications, Indoor Positioning, UWB (Ultra-Wideband), Digital System Implementation, GPS
(Global Positioning System) and Engineering Education.

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 9

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