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Growth modication of the face: A current

perspective with emphasis on Class III treatment
Hugo J. De Clercka and William R. Proftb
Chapel Hill, NC, and Brussels, Belgium

A summary of the current status of modication of jaw growth indicates the following. 1. Transverse expansion of
the maxilla is easy before adolescence, requires heavy forces to create microfractures during adolescence, and
can be accomplished only with partial or complete surgical osteotomy after adolescence. Transverse expansion
of the mandible or constriction of either jaw requires surgery. 2. Acceleration of mandibular growth in preadoles-
cent or adolescent patients can be achieved, but slower than normal growth afterward reduces or eliminates a
long-term increase in size of the mandible. Restraint of maxillary growth occurs with all types of appliances to
correct skeletal Class II problems. For short-face Class II patients, increasing the face height during preadoles-
cent or adolescent orthodontic treatment is possible, but it may make the Class II problem worse unless favor-
able anteroposterior growth occurs. For those with a long face, controlling excessive vertical growth during
adolescence is rarely successful. 3. Attempts to restrain mandibular growth in Class III patients with external
forces largely result in downward and backward rotation of the mandible. Moving the maxilla forward with
external force is possible before adolescence; moving it forward and simultaneously restricting forward mandib-
ular growth without rotating the jaw is possible during adolescence with intermaxillary traction to bone anchors.
The amount of skeletal change with this therapy often extends to the midface, and the short-term effects on both
jaws are greater than with previous approaches, but individual variations in the amount of maxillary vs mandib-
ular response occur, and it still is not possible to accurately predict the outcome for a patient. For all types of
growth modication, 3-dimensional imaging to distinguish skeletal changes and better biomarkers or genetic
identication of patient types to indicate likely treatment responses are needed. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop 2015;148:37-46)

lthough growth modication has been of the changes produced by the treatment methods
considered important from the beginning of of that time were tooth movement, not modied
orthodontics, the concepts underlying its use growth. At that point, the American view was that it
and the views of its clinical usefulness have varied was almost impossible to modify growth because of
greatly over time. To orthodontists in the late 19th tight genetic control, and that attempts to do so
and early 20th centuries, growth modication was were rarely indicated. Europeans remained more pos-
easy because it was assumed that growth was largely itive; in the United States, there was increasing accep-
controlled by environmental factors and was judged tance of European functional appliances and
as successful because the dental occlusion improved. enthusiasm for growth modication in the last quarter
By midcentury, cephalometrics had shown that most of the century. There is a somewhat less enthusiastic
view of it now, as better data for long-term outcomes
have become available, and genetic inuences once
Adjunct professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University again are being emphasized.
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; private practice, Brussels, Belgium.
Kenan distinguished professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of In this article, we had 2 goals: (1) to provide an
Dentistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. overview of growth modication possibilities and limi-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- tations based on the best current data for the various
tential Conicts of Interest, and none were reported.
Address correspondence to: Hugo J. De Clerck, Kerkstraat 120, 1150 Brussels, types of malocclusions, and (2) to discuss in more
Belgium; e-mail, detail Class III growth modication with elastics to
Submitted, revised and accepted, April 2015. bone anchors, the most recent form of growth modi-
Copyright 2015 by the American Association of Orthodontists. cation and, in terms of short-term changes, perhaps the most successful.
38 De Clerck and Proft


Transverse growth modication is largely done in the
context of maxillary expansion by opening the midpala-
tal suture. Ample clinical evidence now conrms that
opening the suture can be accomplished. In young chil-
dren, up to age 8 or 9 years, little force is needed. Up to
that age, a transpalatal lingual arch for dental expansion
also will open the midpalatal suture. A jackscrew device
is not needed, and rapid expansion is contraindicated
because of the possibility of injury to the nose, involving
displacement of the vomer bone. Fig 1. Extreme mandibular deciency: A, sagittaly and
By age 9 or 10, there is enough interdigitation of B, transversely, in a patient with congenitally missing
bone spicules on the edges of the midpalatal suture mandibular canines and 3 incisors, and a hypoplastic
that opening the suture requires microfractures, and a tongue but normal facial soft tissues. This made him an
ideal candidate for mandibular distraction osteogenesis
heavier force from a jackscrew device is necessary to
in preparation for eventual surgical mandibular advance-
do this. The rate of opening the suture with a jackscrew ment.
remains controversial. The original reason for rapid
expansion was that the suture would open too rapidly
for tooth movement to accompany it, and the amount is almost impossible; surgical narrowing by removal of
of skeletal vs dental change would be greater. This is bone at the symphysis is difcult and potentially unstable.
true in the short term but not in the medium or long
term: after rapid expansion, skeletal relapse is followed MODIFYING CLASS II GROWTH
by tooth movement, so that a few weeks after the jack- Patients with a Class II growth pattern have some
screw is tied off and left in place as a retainer, the skeletal combination of decient forward mandibular growth
and dental components of the expansion are about 50- and excessive maxillary growth that is more likely to be
50. Approximately the same ratio is found when the downward than forward. The desired growth modica-
expansion is done slowly, at a rate of about 1 mm per tion, of course, is stimulation of forward mandibular
week.1 Slow expansion, therefore, can be considered growth and restraint of maxillary growth in both direc-
an equally effective and less traumatic way to expand tions.
the maxilla. Additional transverse growth after adoles- The orthodontic literature has hundreds of reports of
cent expansion almost never occurs.2 devices to modify growth in this way and much data for
The suture opens in a V pattern both transversely outcomes of treatments. Functional appliances that
and vertically, with more expansion anteriorly and position the mandible forward are the mainstays of
some expansion all the way up to the orbits. Extremely treatment. Their short-term effects are summarized in
heavy force in late adolescence carries with it the risk a recent meta-analysis, to which readers are referred
of an uncontrolled fracture that extends vertically and for further information.3 The conclusions relative to
can lead to a signicant injury. growth modication are that (1) functional appliances
Transverse expansion of the mandible is possible only can accelerate the rate of forward mandibular growth
with distraction osteogenesis at the symphysis. The ma- before and during adolescence, (2) there is an element
jor indication is lack of development of the mandibular of restraint of maxillary growth in the response, and
midline structures (Fig 1). Symphysis distraction as a (3) a signicant part of the correction of a Class II maloc-
way to gain space for the alignment of crowded mandib- clusion is due to dental rather than skeletal change.
ular incisors is now judged to have a poor ratio of benet Does acceleration of mandibular growth during
to cost and risk. adolescence lead to a larger mandible at the end of the
Excessive transverse growth is almost totally a prob- growth period? The possibilities are shown in Figure 2;
lem in the mandible. Mandibular arch width is affected the consistent conclusion is that the period of growth
by tongue size and posture; with a large tongue carried acceleration is followed by diminished growth later, so
low in the mouth, a posterior crossbite is likely to be that if there is any increase in mandibular length in the
present with normal or even wide maxillary dimensions. long term, it is quite small. Sometimes the change is
It may be the best clinical judgment to tolerate such a evaluated as statistically signicant; sometimes it is
crossbite rather than to attempt an extreme maxillary not, but the data do not support the idea that the ortho-
expansion. Narrowing the mandibular arch in such a case dontist is growing mandibles.

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De Clerck and Proft 39

The best description of short-face problems is that

the lower third of the face is short relative to the other
facial thirds; the graphic way to say it is that the chin
is too close to the nose. Patients with this problem usu-
ally have a relatively long ramus, an acute gonial angle,
and a low mandibular plane angle: the so-called skeletal
deepbite conguration. If they also are somewhat
mandibular decient, a Class II Division 2 malocclusion
may be present.
In those patients, one would want downward growth
of the mandible and would be willing to accept some
downward rotation of the mandible to increase anterior
face height. The problem is that rotating the mandible
down also moves the chin back, so improving the face
height may make the mandibular deciency worse.
The most successful approach to growth modica-
Fig 2. Diagrammatic representation of the difference be-
tion in these patients is an activator or bionator type
tween mandibular growth acceleration and true stimula-
of appliance, with contact of the mandibular incisors
tion of mandibular growth. Good evidence shows that
growth in the period after acceleration is slower than ex- against the palatal portion of the appliance and the
pected growth. The extent of some true stimulation in acrylic trimmed to allow eruption of the mandibular pos-
the long term is small if not zero. (From Proft WR, Fields terior teeth. It may be necessary to tip the maxillary in-
HW Jr, Sarver DM. Contemporary orthodontics. 5th ed. cisors facially rst to allow mandibular advancement.
Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2013. With permission from A less desirable alternative is cervical headgear because
Elsevier). it elongates the maxillary posterior teeth and rotates
the occlusal plane down posteriorly. It is better to in-
crease both the occlusal plane and the mandibular plane
Is extraoral force to the maxilla effective in restraining angles during treatment.
its forward growth? The answer is yes, and the amount of Does the deepbite impede forward mandibular
growth restraint is greater with headgear than with growth? Occasionally, there is a burst of forward growth
functional appliances, but the outcomes of treatment as face height is increased, but this is the exception
between functional appliances and headgear are remark- rather than the rule. On the other hand, lengthening
ably similar. It appears that an improvement in the ante- the face is a quite successful form of growth modica-
roposterior position of the maxilla relative to the tion.6 For Class II deepbite patients, trauma to the
mandible greater than 5 mm is about as much as growth palatal soft tissues or gingivae facial to the mandibular
modication can provide, and that such a favorable result incisors is an indication for beginning treatment before
occurs in not more than two thirds to three quarters of adolescence.
the patients treated during adolescence.4 In contrast, modifying the long-face pattern of
The timing of Class II growth modication treatment growth and controlling downward and backward rota-
remains controversial despite multiple clinical trials with tion of the mandible is difcult and, at least until
the same conclusion: that 2-stage treatment beginning now, has been almost impossible. In theory, it should
before the adolescent growth spurt is not more effective be possible to impede downward growth of the posterior
than 1-stage treatment during adolescence.5 The pri- maxilla with high-pull headgear and impede eruption of
mary indication for preadolescent treatment, therefore, the posterior teeth in both arches. In fact, even the
is psychosocial problems caused by teasing and harass- combination of high-pull headgear with a functional
ment about protruding maxillary teeth, not a severe appliance with bite-blocks is not successful in produc-
malocclusion. ing the desired skeletal changes.7 It is possible that an
adaptation of the technique for intrusion of the maxil-
SHORT-FACE AND LONG-FACE GROWTH lary posterior teeth to correct open bites after adolescent
MODIFICATION growth, or bone plates across the zygomaticomaxillary
Vertical deviations from acceptable facial proportions suture, can be used to diminish the downward growth
are less frequent but not less important than anteropos- of the maxilla that is a key component of long-face
terior deviations and can accompany Class II or Class III development, but there are as yet no data to conrm
growth patterns. that.8

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40 De Clerck and Proft

For modication of vertical growth, the conclusions

are the following. Can you produce downward and back-
ward rotation of the mandible and increase the face
height when this is required? Yes. Can you produce up-
ward and forward rotation of the mandible, or even
maintain its vertical position, in a patient with a long-
face pattern? Unfortunately, no, at least not yet.


Class III problems are a combination of possible
causes: decient maxillary growth forward and down-
ward and excessive mandibular growth forward, or de-
cient growth downward. Decient vertical growth allows
upward and forward rotation of the mandible and exac-
erbates a Class III problem; downward and backward
rotation alleviates it, but only if excess face height
does not become a problem instead. At present, there
are 3 major treatment methods, which will be discussed

Chincup effects on the mandible

Attempts to restrain mandibular growth go back to Fig 3. Chincup for mandibular restraint circa 1900 (gure
the beginning of orthodontics and almost always involve from Angle EH. Treatment of malocclusion of the teeth
a cup or cap on the chin that is attached to the back of and fractures of the maxillae. 7th ed. Philadelphia: SS
the head (Fig 3). Although this produces an upward and White Dental Mfg Co; 1907). Angle was convinced that
backward force, almost always the result is downward it would work if patients really cooperated but acknowl-
rotation of the mandible, with minimal restraint of edged his disappointment with the usual results.
growth in length of the mandible. Some data suggest
that chincup restraint is more effective at an early age, usually is only tooth movement and downward and
but catch-up growth after early treatment tends to backward mandibular rotation.
wipe out any improvement. Disarticulation of the maxillary sutures by rapid
If a patient with a large mandible also has a short palatal expansion or an alternating expansion-
face, chincup treatment would be more valuable. For constriction of the midpalatal suture before traction
that reason, it is widely acknowledged that wearing a often is included in the standard facemask protocol.
chincup during mandibular growth is more effective in However, in a randomized prospective clinical trial,
patients of Asian than of European or African descent, the amount of protraction of the midface was not
simply because shorter face height is more likely in Asian affected by rapid palatal expansion.11 The only indica-
Class III patients. In contrast, most Americans and Euro- tion for rapid palatal expansion in facemask patients,
peans with a Class III problem caused by excessive therefore, is a severe constriction of the maxilla, so
mandibular growth also have a long face; for them, chin- that a crossbite would not be corrected as the maxilla
cup therapy is not effective. moved forward.
Some investigators have tried using bone anchors on
Facemask effects on the maxilla the maxilla to decrease tooth movement in the hope that
Until the pioneering work of Delaire9 with facemask this would allow treatment at later ages, but the
treatment in young children, orthodontists thought improvement in skeletal change was small and inconsis-
that bringing the maxilla forward was impossible; efforts tent.12 For most patients at any age, downward and
to do that resulted only in proclination of the maxillary backward rotation of the mandible is part of the
teeth. It now is well established that protraction of the response, which again means that short-face patients
maxilla can be accomplished with facemask therapy, are most likely to respond well.
that skeletal change is more likely in children at age Below, magnitudes of change with facemask treat-
8 years or younger, and that the upper limit for a positive ment are compared with the changes obtained with
result is about age 10.10 Above that age, the outcome the third method, Class III elastics to bone anchors.

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De Clerck and Proft 41

Fig 4. A, Start of intermaxillary bone anchored elastic traction; B, a biteplate to unlock the occlusion;
C-E, distalization mechanics with the xed appliance; F, 4 years out of retention.

Class III elastics to bone plates inserted after eruption of the canines to reduce the risk
The use of skeletal anchorage in Class III orthopedics of damaging these teeth during xation of the screws.
has 2 advantages: (1) it can be used to minimize both Repeatedly loading the intraoral part of the bone anchor
dentoalveolar changes and downward and backward by tongue or nger pressure should be avoided because
mandibular rotation, and (2) with continuous light force it may lead to bone loss and increased mobility of the
from Class III elastics, there now is evidence that greater screws. That is why early loading is advocated to
skeletal changes can be created than have been seen pre- neutralize the adverse effects from discontinuous
viously, with effects on the maxilla, mandible, and muscular forces.
temporomandibular joint. Because this method is rela- The success rate of miniplates is mostly related to
tively new and has not been as thoroughly examined the surgical procedure and the thickness and quality
as the treatment procedures discussed above, it will be of the bone, which varies from one location to
reviewed here in more detail. another.14 Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)
The technical aspects will be considered rst. Mini- images can be helpful to choose the best places for
plates are inserted on the infrazygomatic crest and in insertion of the screws. Especially in young children,
the mandibular canine region and connected by elastics both the thickness and the density of the bone in
day and night. In the maxilla, an intraoral incision and the infrazygomatic crest may be insufcient for good
reection of a ap are needed to allow placement of mechanical retention of the osteosynthesis screws.
the bone anchor above the alveolar process and the For this reason, the best stability of the skeletal
attachment that projects into the mouth to emerge at anchorage is obtained in children at least 11 years
the proper location. To prevent dehiscence of the soft old. Higher density and thickness of the external
tissues, the lower part of the bone anchor should be con- cortical bone in the mandible results in a lower failure
toured so that it is in close contact with the bone surface rate than in the maxilla. At any age, mandibular bone
before the ap is sutured.13 is more dense than maxillary bone, so 3 screws are
To reduce the risk of bacterial inltration, it is impor- needed to stabilize the maxillary bone plates, but
tant that the perforation of the soft tissues through only 2 are needed in the mandible.
which the intraoral part of the bone anchor enters the A typical sequence of treatment is shown in Figure 4.
oral cavity is located at the upper extent of the attached If at the start of treatment there is a reverse crossbite of
gingiva. Furthermore, the section of the extension perfo- the incisors, a biteplate should be used to unlock the oc-
rating the soft tissues should be round to facilitate oral clusion and to facilitate forward movement of the
hygiene and good adaptation of the soft tissues around maxilla. This biteplate is worn day and night, and also
the bone anchor. In the mandible, the plates should be during eating. At every monthly checkup (needed for

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2015  Vol 148  Issue 1
42 De Clerck and Proft

patients treated in this way), interdigitations in the bite- Exposure of the maxillary dentition typically improves.
plate or occlusal interferences should be eliminated. All these changes take place over a long period.
It has always been assumed that higher forces are Cranial base superimpositions of CBCT images allow
needed for moving bones than for moving teeth. How- a much better understanding of the changes produced
ever, better clinical results are obtained with light by treatment of this type. When there is considerable
bone-anchored intermaxillary traction than with heavy variability in the treatment outcomes, the percentage
extraoral force from a facemask. More important than of various types of change in a series of consecutive pa-
the amount of force seems to be the loading protocol: tients provides a better understanding than statistics
continuous intraoral forces give a better outcome than based on the normal distribution. Figure 5 is a frontal
intermittent extraoral traction. This probably is due in view of soft tissue changes in 25 consecutive patients,
part to better compliance with wearing intraoral elastics all treated by the rst author and analyzed by colleagues
than an extraoral facemask, but as a general rule, heavy at the University of North Carolina.16,17
force is not required for growth modication. This has As shown in Figure 5, in the majority of the patients,
been conrmed by both human experience and animal the midface and the maxilla, not just the maxilla, were
experiments.15 moved forward. This included forward movement of
In a typical treatment, the timing is similar to Class II the infraorbital area, the zygomatic arches, and the
growth modication: intermaxillary traction is main- nose. The mean advancement of the zygomatic arch
tained for 12 months and is followed by treatment was 3.7 6 1.7 mm; for the maxillary incisor, it was
with a xed orthodontic appliance. Because of growth 4.3 6 1.7 mm. The large standard deviations suggest
changes in the maxilla and the mandible, a Class III or high variability, and Figure 5 shows that there were mid-
Class I molar occlusion is often transformed into a Class face advancements of 4 to 5 mm in 8 of the 25 patients
II relationship that will need to be corrected in the xed (32%) and 2 to 3 mm in 12 patients (48%). The nasal tip
appliance stage of treatment. moved upward by 1 to 2 mm as well as forward in those
In these maxillary-decient patients, there often is who had midface advancement. But there was essen-
insufcient space for the eruption of the maxillary ca- tially no maxillary or midface advancement (0-1 mm)
nines. Usually some additional space is already obtained in 20% of the patients.
by the protraction of the maxilla, resulting in an increase There also was an effect on the mandible in almost
of arch length in the molar region. More space can be every patient, with 4 to 5 mm of distal movement of
created using maxillary miniplates combined with the the chin in 3 patients (12%) and 2 to 3 mm in 5 patients
xed appliance as anchorage to distalize the maxillary (20%). Distal movement of the chin in monkeys who had
molars and premolars (Fig 4). This can improve smile es- a continuous force against the chin was reported in early
thetics and tooth exposure, especially in patients with a animal experiments but had not been seen in humans
hypoplastic midface, and reduce the need for premolar previously. This would be possible, of course, only if
extractions. An alternative would be headgear to support there was remodeling or relocation of the condylar fossa
the distalization, but bone-anchored distalization me- and distal movement of the condyles, and this was
chanics depend less on compliance than does headgear observed in the CBCT superimpositions in most patients.
traction, and because the miniplates are inserted below Although the patients were growing during the treat-
the zygomaticomaxillary suture, this will not result in ment period, the chin moved forward in only 5 (20%),
compression of the sutures, minimizing what would be so there was some degree of growth restraint in 80%,
an undesired orthopedic effect with headgear. and in many patients there was an increase in the length
After debonding, some relapse of the Class III growth of the mandible without forward movement of the chin.
can still occur. In that case, additional intermaxillary These skeletal effects underlying the soft tissue changes
elastics may be needed for some time to maintain the are discussed in more detail below.
nal occlusion. Therefore, the miniplates should be There were effects on the maxilla and the midface.
removed only after stabilization of growth. The maxilla is connected by sutures to the surrounding
Next, we consider facial changes. Extra forward bones. Animal experiments have clearly shown by histol-
growth of the zygomaticomaxillary complex and re- ogy that traction across the posterior sutures of the
straint of the forward displacement of the bony chin maxilla leads to increased bone formation and forward
can result in an important reduction of the soft tissue displacement of the maxilla.18 Resistance against
concavity and improvement of the overall expression separation of sutures depends on the total surface of
of the face. The upper lip is most affected by the protrac- the suture and the complexity of the interdigitations,
tion; the tip of the nose usually is slightly moved upward and that is why the zygomaticomaxillary suture has
and forward, whereas the chin becomes less prominent. a much higher resistance to separation than the

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De Clerck and Proft 43

Fig 5. Cranial base superimpositions from before to after 1 year (11-13 months) of intermaxillary trac-
tion for 25 consecutive maxillary-decient Class III adolescents. Red shows forward movement relative
to the cranial base; blue shows backward movement relative to the cranial base. (From Nguyen et al,16
with permission from Elsevier).

zygomaticotemporal and the zygomaticofrontal sutures. intraoral traction, and more backward and downward
This explains why not only the maxilla and the teeth but than the theoretical center of resistance of the maxilla.
also the zygomatic bone often move forward as 1 unit. Thanks to the pure skeletal anchorage, almost no den-
For the same reason, much larger separations are toalveolar compensations are observed at the level of
observed all along the transverse palatine suture than the maxillary incisors.
at the level of the tight junction between the pyramidal Since mild transverse crossbites are spontaneously
process of the palatine bone and the pterygoid plates of eliminated during the orthopedic correction as the
the sphenoid bone. In contrast to the zygoma, the pala- maxilla is brought forward, rapid maxillary expansion
tine bone seems not to be affected much by the forward is indicated for intermaxillary traction patients only
traction. with severe transverse discrepancies between the 2 jaws.
The center of resistance of the maxilla has been hy- There are signicant differences between both the
pothetically dened as at the buttress.19 Since the line timing and the outcome of facemask protraction and in-
of force connecting both bone anchors is at a clear dis- termaxillary traction. It is well known that interdigitation
tance below the buttress, counterclockwise rotation of of sutures increases with age, so protraction of the mid-
the maxilla was initially expected. During protraction, face can be obtained more easily in young patients. For
however, only a small amount of rotation occurs. There- this reason, treatment with a facemask has always been
fore, the center of resistance of the zygomaticomaxillary advocated before the age of 9 years. However, other pa-
complex must be located close to the line of force with rameters such as skeletal maturation and staging of the

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44 De Clerck and Proft

interdigitation of sutures on CBCT images may better about half of our treated patients. A high correlation
predict the orthopedic outcome in the future. was found between the amount of displacement of the
Despite being older (because bone anchors are less anterior and posterior surfaces of the condyles and the
stable at earlier ages), patients treated with bone- amount of apposition at the anterior eminence and
anchored orthopedics without rapid maxillary expansion resorption at the posterior wall of the glenoid fossa (un-
at a mean age of 12 years showed about twice as much published data, in preparation). This reects a moderate
maxillary forward displacement compared with a group relocation of the articular fossa; this also has been
treated about 4 years earlier with a facemask preceded observed as a response to Herbst appliance treatment,
by rapid palatal expansion.20 However, there was high but in the opposite direction.21,22
variability in the amount of protraction observed with It also is true that the direction of condylar growth
both protocols. Downward and backward rotation of could be modied by the force application. Similar to
the mandible occurred in many facemask patients; this the method of superimposition on metal markers of
was not observed in the intermaxillary traction patients. Bjork and Skieller,23 a method for superimposition on
There are effects on the mandible and temporoman- stable internal structures in the chin has been developed
dibular joint. Because facemask treatment is more suc- (unpublished data, in preparation), and soon this will
cessful than chincup therapy, the adaptability of the give us better insight into whether the direction of
sutures to external factors has been considered greater condylar growth is related to and can be inuenced by
than the adaptability of condylar cartilage, and Class the direction of the elastic traction.
III orthopedics have been focused mostly on stimulation Although almost no dentoalveolar changes are
of maxillary growth. However, the forces generated by observed in the maxilla, in nearly all intermaxillary trac-
bone-anchored elastics also pull the chin backward tion patients a spontaneous decompensation of the up-
and upward. This is in contrast to the more horizontal right mandibular incisors occurs. Why this occurs is not
reaction forces of the facemask applied to the chin. yet clear. It could be explained by increased pressure by
That is why no posterior rotation of the mandible and the tongue and perhaps by reduced muscular force from
no increase of the vertical dimension of the face are the lower lip. This repositioning of the mandibular inci-
commonly observed with intermaxillary traction. Clock- sors, however, commonly results in a spontaneous
wise rotation of the mandible results in increased facial reduction of incisor crowding.
convexity and is often wrongly interpreted as a restraint In comparison with chincup treatment, bone-
of mandibular growth. anchored traction does not produce downward and
The increases in length of the ramus and the body of backward rotation of the mandible but does produce ef-
the mandible in patients treated with intermaxillary trac- fects on the shape of the mandible that have not been
tion are not signicantly different from those of a con- observed in chincup patients. Would 3D studies of chin-
trol group. However, the distance between the condyle cup patients show changes at the condyles or mandib-
and the chin (condylion-gnathion) increases signi- ular shape in those who do have a positive response to
cantly less in a treated group than in the controls. This treatment? Perhaps, but it appears that intermaxillary
is explained by a reduction of the gonial angle in the traction produces much more predictable and greater
treated group, vs its slight increase in the control group. changes.
One would think that a reduction of the gonial angle There are also effects in patients with cleft lip and
would project the bony chin more forward, but in palate. In addition to the total bone surface and inter-
contrast to the control group, the gonial landmarks digitation of sutures, stretching of the intraoral and ex-
moved posteriorly in the treated group. This swing- traoral soft tissue envelopes may contribute to the limits
back movement of the ramus is an important cause of of protraction of the midface. The impact of the soft tis-
restriction of forward projection of the chin. The combi- sues on the resistance to the forward traction of the
nation of a slight closure of the gonial angle and the maxilla is not known yet. Is there a maximum amount
swing-back of the ramus explains why, despite similar of stretching? How much does it inuence relapse, and
lengthening of the ramus and the body of the mandible how could it eventually be modied by external factors?
in treated patients and untreated controls, the chin pro- In cleft patients, scar tissues from the surgical closure of
jection is restrained without an increase of the mandib- the lips and soft and hard palates further restrict the for-
ular plane angle. The shape rather than the size of the ward movement. The location and the amount of these
mandible is affected by the elastic traction. scar tissues certainly affect the amount of protraction of
Superimposition on the cranial base of the CBCT im- the midface. It has not yet been established whether in-
ages before and after bone-anchored elastic traction termaxillary traction can overcome the restriction in for-
also shows posterior displacement of the condyles in ward growth of the maxilla that frequently results from

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De Clerck and Proft 45

cleft lip and palate correction. Three-dimensional imag- changes. There is no doubt that within certain limits, at
ing data now being collected and analyzed will clarify least in the short term, some modication of growth of
this possible use of the method. the different components of the midface can be ob-
Regarding intraoral traction vs orthognathic surgery, tained with intermaxillary traction. In some cases, this
do the changes during intermaxillary traction make a may be sufcient to avoid orthognathic surgery or at
difference in the need for later surgical repositioning least reduce the severity of the surgical correction
of the maxilla or both jaws? Although good data for needed after completion of growth. Individual variations
long-term outcomes with intermaxillary traction are in treatment outcomes, however, are high. For all types
not yet available, several advantages are possible even of growth modication, better biomarkers are needed
if the treatment effects are partially lost as the original to predict the outcome and to dene guidelines and
growth pattern continues after treatment. Improvement indications for an orthopedic approach in growing
of facial esthetics in teenagers instead of postponing a children.
surgical approach until completion of growth may
have a favorable effect on self-esteem and psychosocial REFERENCES
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July 2015  Vol 148  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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