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Everett Dalton

Jessie Levesque


10 May, 2017

All about Park City Day

Hello everyone, my name is Everett Dalton, and Im from the class of 2019. I joined this

school late in the year, but the adjustment to this school has been smooth sailing. When I first

came to Park City Day School, I was nervous about the class size and that I would be far behind

in the mathematics curriculum. But it was extremely easy to learn the basics of it and expand my

knowledge. Now I am one year ahead of my old school's mathematics program. My fellow

classmates helped me in many departments such as learning the schedule and explaining what we

were learning in classes. Something else that was new to me was having two buildings. One is

dedicated to the sports, arts, and preschool to fifth grade. The one I am in is dedicated for the

middle schooler from 6th grade to 8th grade.

The schedule here makes much more sense than at my old school. They have a system

called A days and B days. This system means you only have to memorize two days of the

schedule then because every other day the schedule is the same as the last. Something that I

really enjoy at PCDS is the electives. An elective is a class that you sign up for at the end of the

day. You pick two electives, and one happens on Mondays and Wednesdays, the other on

Tuesdays and Thursdays. The electives range from pottery to making robots to playing sports

and beyond. We also have a large curriculum. In world cultures we learn about many parts of the
world, such as Africa, the Americas, and Asia. In math we learn about Pre Algebra. During

science class we have learned about the basics of visual coding, atoms properties, and we even

designed machines that measures snow density, which on paper sounds basic but it turned out to

be a hard project. In communications we learned the spelling and definition of various words.

We also learned how to make reviews, news reports, and public speaking. In athletics we learned

how to play floor hockey, football, softball, and kickball. In arts we learn how to block and make

a play. We also learned how to draw hands and more. Finally, Park City Day School also teaches

spanish. In Spanish we learn many vocabulary words. Like Gustar which means liking

something or quer meaning to want something.

I truly will remember this year of grade school because of the teachers, what we learned,

and most of all the classmates. This school is extremely welcoming and the teachers make sure

you understand and love what you are learning.

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