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Assalamualaikum Wr.


Honorable ones the juries, the participant of English speech contest, and all audiences.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given
us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this place. And lets deliver sholawat and salam to our
prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in
the right path.

Ladies and gentlemen

Drug? What is that? I am sure you all already know, and may be better than me about what drug is and
what the advantages and disadvantages are. Drugs actually are medicine for anesthetize patients in
surgery. But that perception was misapplied by some people.
Drugs have been misapplied by some people for a long time. Some people which use drugs beyond the
medical treatment consider that drugs can make them feel better when they facing some problems , make
them feel easy to find new brilliant ideas or just for a pleasure.

I am sure you will never forget the accident in Tugu Tani, Jakarta, when a drugs user, Apriliani, drove her
car with high speed and hit the pedestrians in a Tugu Tani bus stop. The recent tragedy in Pondok Indah
where a man with the influence of drugs drove his car and hit many people on the road is another
example. It obviously proofs that in the effect of drugs, hallucination of the drugs user is bigger than other
normal people. They cannot distinguish between the real world and the hallucination world and consider
all things in around them are like a dream and not real.

The effect of drugs are not only dangerous for drugs user themselves but also people surrounding. For the
users, drugs are so risky because they may lead to overdoses, HIV/AIDS and brain or mental damage.
Drugs are also dangerous for the people surrounding as it has already mentioned above. The dangers of
consuming drugs open our eyes that the usage of drugs beyond the medical treatments is profitless.
Because drugs just lead us in the destruction for the users themselves and for other people surrounding.

Dear ladies and gentlemen

But it is so sad, if we hear many of our young generations consume the drugs such as Heroin, cokain,
Koplo, dextron, extacy, or marijuana . They merely consume drugs to get drunk, enjoyment, and temporal
satisfaction without consider the risks.

As moslems we have the guidance from the holy quran that drinking alcoholic drink is forbiden, and it is
bad action, and despicable deed, as Allah Said in the holy qur'an : "ya ayyuhalladzina amanu innamal
khomru walmaysir wal anshob wal azlam rijsummin amalisyton fajtanibuhu laalakum tuflihun." It means
: "oh ye the believers actually alcoholic drink, gambling, and draw destiny is despicable from the evils
action so avoid them, may be you will be the pleasure people.(almaidah verse : 90)"

Because the drugs or the alcoholic drink is so dangerous for our health, for our body, for our future. So
we must keep a way from it. we must avoid it. Dont try to consume it, dont try to sell or buy it. Those
are what I can deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot for your attention and I ask forgiveness for my
mistakes, and the last I say:

WasalamualaikumWr. Wb.
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Good morning for all of the audiences

First of all, let's thanks Allah the Al Mighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we
can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this great occasion.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to deliver my speech in this morning.

The addictive drug is a kind of drug, which is often misused and cause many problems on one's
nerves. Drug abuse can result in nerve damage, resulting in addiction and dependence. The use
of drugs does not fit the current rules a lot going on in the community.

When a drug is used, the effects will be retrieved by the user. First, the drug is able to provide
peace to the wearer and make them unconscious. When used in excess, then the drug could result
in death. Later, the drug can also cause stimulation and passion toward the user.

The Ladies and Gentlemen

Drugs are not only used by the adults, but its abuse was committed by teen years old. In
Indonesia, we often see an awful lot of kids who use drugs. Of course, the use of addictive
substances provides a broad and thorough impact for them. They will experience a change in
behavior, decreasing the quality of work, potentially causing crime and getting the health
disorders cause death.

As teachers and parents, we should prevent any drug abuse. We can make a variety of programs
and activities such as playing music, exercising, making the clubs studied, and various social
activities. In essence, we make a wide range of activities that aim to distract the students.
All students as the young generation in particular

This is a very serious problem for us. A generation of this nation will be lost if we do not take
action together and soon. In short, we must be willing to go to against illicit drugs, and war must
start from within.

So, what can we do as a young generation? Prevention is better than cure. Avoid drugs because
once you try it, you will be stuck and then became addicted. You will eventually be turned into
criminals or take your life. We have so many examples around us, what happens to the user.
They are all loose on their future. I think we do not want such things to happen to ourselves.

Let us do the above efforts consistently and never give up. I am sure that we could eradicate
drugs in Indonesia.

Thats all my speech. I do hope my speech will be useful in our life.

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

The honorable the school headmaster, teachers, staff, and all the invited guests.

Let us say gratitude to God who has given His mercy and grace so that we are able to be here for
attending a drug counseling program.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The addictive drug is a kind of drug which is often misused and causes a lot of problems on
ones nerves. Drug abusing can cause nerve damage, resulting the addiction, and dependence.
The use of drugs that does not fit to the existing rules is now easily found in many levels of

When the drug is used, then some effects are to be obtained by the users. First, the drug is able to
provide peace to them and makes them unconscious. When used in excess, the drug can even
result in death. Then, it can also lead to stimulation and arousal which will be high on something
so that it is widely used by workers to provide spirit and enthusiasm.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Drugs are not only used by adults, but its abuse has been committed by teenagers. In Indonesia,
we often see a lot of kids who use drugs and they even have been addicted. Of course, the use of
those addictive substances causes wide bad impacts for them. They will experience a change in
behavior, lowering the quality of work, potentially causing crime, and experience health
problems that lead to death.

We as teachers and parents, should prevent this abuse. We can make a variety of programs and
activities such as playing music, exercising, making learning clubs, and other social activities. In
essence, we make a variety of activities aimed at diverting the attention of the students, so they
are not tempted by drugs anymore.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In addition to providing programs that make them do not remember drugs, we are also supposed
to provide moral education and knowledge to them about the dangers of drugs, and various
consequences of the drug abuse.

Let us do a variety of businesses over consistently and never giving up. I am sure, we can
eradicate the drugs abuse in Indonesia.

I think thats all I can say and thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Good Morning Ladies And Gentlements. Thank for the chance that has been given to me. My
name is Tascia.. Im representative .. The honorable . mr.. . . And all the young
generation that present here.
Ladies and Gentlements,
Thousands of young men have wasted their lives because of illicit drugs in our country,
Indonesia. They were mostly victims of a cruel environment, a broken-home family, of
ignorance, of curiosity or particularly of the illegal drugs mafia. It is estimated that around 4
million people in Indonesia illicit drug users about one in every 50 Indonesians. In the capital
city of Jakarta, it is estimated that three out of ten young people are users. A study by the
International Labor Organization (ILO) office in Indonesia showed that around four per cent of
illicit drug users in the country are children under 17 years old. Two out of ten users are involved
in illicit trafficking. Some teenagers start being involved in producing and trafficking drugs
between the ages of 13 and 15. Chairman of the National Narcotics Coordinating Board said that
the countrys illicit drug users include around 7,000 junior high school students, over 10,000
senior high school students and about 800 elementary school students.

Ladies and Gentlements

People usually take drugs to have fun or escape the pressures of life. Drug users among students
are particularly worrying. It was reported that a number of traffickers operate around schools by
cheating, forcing or giving free illicit drugs to students. Once the students are addicted, they then
go to the traffickers to buy the illicit drugs. If they do not have money, they steal it from their
family members or others. Narkoba is the Indonesian term for narcotics, psychotropic and
addictive substances. Psychotropic substances popularly called Ecstasy and Shabu-shabu are
considered favorites among the middle and upper class users. However, for an increasing number
of young people, the drug of choice is low-grade heroin, known as putaw, which is cheap,
plentiful, but potentially deadly. These drugs are readily available in all major urban areas,
including schools, Karaoke lounges, bars, cafes, discotheques, nightclubs, and they even spread
into remote villages. Therefore it is not surprising that drug users continue to increase from year
to year.

Ladies And Gentlements

The facts above showed us how familiar Narkoba issues In our young generation. First we
should know whats the meaning of drugs addiction? Drug addiction is a complex brain disease.
It is characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that
persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. Drug seeking becomes compulsive,
in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and, thus, on
behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after
long periods of abstinence. The Definition confirm us how serious the consequences of using

Ladies and Gentlements

Drug abuse has also contributed to the increase of HIV/AIDS patients, through the usage of
unsterile injections. According to a report based on an illicit drug and injection safety study of 20
Asian countries conducted by the Center for Harm Reduction in Australias Burnet Institute,
drug injecting is spreading to all the countries [of Asia] and its popularity is increasing. Our
Country, Indonesia have up to 1 million drug injectors, and 19% of them were infected
HIV/AIDS. How Dangerous the drugs abuse for us.

Ladies and Gentlements especially,The young Generation

This is an extremely serious issue for us. Its a threat that could kill an entire generation. One
generation of this nation will be lost if we do not take action together and immediately. In short,
we must be ready to go to war against illicit drugs and the war must start from home.

then, what can we do as the young generation? Prevention is better than cure. AVOID the Drugs,
dont ever think to try just bcoz you curios. because once you try, you will be trapped and later
become addicted, and the addiction will finally turn you into criminals or take your lives. We
have so many example around us, what happened to the users. Some bcome crazy, Some was
going to the jail, And The others were died. All of them loose their future. I believe we dont
want such things happened to ourselves.

The Young Generation,

Now its time for us to say NO to drugs. Its time for us to arrange our future. Its time for us to
face the world with our ability. Its time for us to prove that we can do something for our
country, With The spirit of Indonesian Awakening Day.
Assalamualakum Wr Wb
Best wishes for all of us
Dear principals who I respect.

Mr. / Mrs. Teacher and Administrative staff

And friends who I love.
Let us pray praise Allah SWT who has bestowed His blessings so that we can gather here and on
this day I will deliver a speech on Drugs.

Drugs is an Indonesian term for narcotic substances, psychotropic and addictive. psychotropic
substances popularly called Ecstasy and shabu-shabu are considered favorites among the middle
and upper class users. However, for an increasing number of young people, the drug of choice is
low-grade heroin, known as heroin, which is cheap, plentiful, but potentially deadly. This drug
has been available in all major cities, including schools, karaoke lounges, bars, cafes, discos,
nightclubs, and they even spread to remote villages. Therefore, it is not surprising that drug users
continues to increase from year to year.

Thousands of young men have wasted their lives because of drugs in our country, Indonesia.
They are mostly the victims of the environment cruel, a broken home, of ignorance, of a sense
of curiosity or also of victims of the drug mafia. It is estimated that about 4 million people in
Indonesia are as drug users, or about one out of every 50 people Indonesia is or ever tasted the
forbidden goods. In the capital Jakarta, an estimated three out of ten young people are drug users.
A study conducted by the Office (ILO) International Labour Organization in Indonesia showed
that about four percent of drug users in this country are children under 17 years. Two out of ten
users are involved in the illicit trade. Some teens became involved in producing drugs and that
memperdagangankannya between the ages of 13 and 15 years. Chairman of the National
Narcotics Coordinating Board said that drug users and illegal drugs in the country amounted to
about 7,000 ii junior high school students, more than 10,000 high school students and about 800
elementary school students. Data were so very alarming and makes us worry about the future
later, either when the user will be how future illicit goods continues to increase.

People usually use drugs for fun or escape from the pressures of life. Drug users among students
is very worrying. It was reported that a number of traders operating in the vicinity of the school
to deceive, coerce or provide drugs free of charge to students around the school. Once students
are addicted, they then go to the traders to buy drugs. If they do not have money, they steal from
their family members or others.

The above facts show us how familiar Drugs among our youth. Things that we should know as
we grip to avoid the enticements of the drug mafia. First we have to know what is the meaning of
drug addiction? Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at
times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use persist even in the face of extremely
negative consequences. Looking into compulsive drug, largely as a result of the effects of
prolonged drug use on brain function and, thus, on behavior. For many people, drug addiction
becomes chronic, with the possibility of recurrence even after long periods of time. By knowing

Wassalamualaikum WrWb
Impacts of Drugs Misuse
Drugs which contain compounds that give addictive effects for users are really harmful. At the
beginning, people, who misuse it, want to relive their stress by consuming the addictive drugs.
They do not think about the dangerous impacts which will appear after they consume it.
Teenagers often fall into this problem because their parents probably do not pay enough attention
to their children. The impacts of consuming this kind of drugs are not only for the users, but also
for their family, and even for our country.

First, the users will have the impact for themselves. They will have brain function disorder and
they do not grow normally as other teenagers. Besides, poisoning is the symptoms that arise due
to the use of drugs in a lot number, it influences their body and behaviour. If they consume it in
an excessive dose, they will get overdose that can cause death by stoppage of respiration or brain
blooding. Overdose occurs due to the tolerance so that we need a dose which is greater or for a
long time we stop consuming it, then we put up with the former dose in use. Health damage or
organ function disorder like liver, heart, pulmonary, the kidney, the endocrine glands,
reproduction, and skin diseases will also appear.

In addition, the consumer of drugs will also get behaviour or mental-social disorders which are hard to
control. They are easily offended, outraged, withdrawn from the community, and their relationships
with family/fellow are disturbed. Their value of religion, culture, and social life, that they have, can
decline. Furthermore, economic and law issues can be involved when the addicts are in debt to meet
the need of drugs. They can steal money or sell his personal belongings or family. If they still go to
school, they can use the school fees to buy drugs, so that they are threatened dropped out of school.
Maybe, they can be arrested by police or even in jail.

Second is the impact for their family. The comfortable and peaceful atmosphere of their family can be
disturbed. The family are worried because their belongings are lost in the house. Their children are lying
and not responsible. They steal, deceive, and become asocial. The parents are embarrassed because
their children are the addicts. The parents feel guilty, and try to cover the child. The future of their
children is unclear. The children are dropped out of school or unemployed. Stress level increases.
Parents are desperate for the increased output of money, or because their children must be treated in
the hospital for many times, maybe even live in prison. Family should bear the burden of these
socioeconomic problems.

Third is the impact for our country. The mafia of illicit trade are also trying to supply drugs. The
dealers relations with victims are connected and they create the black market. Therefore, the
market is formed and we are difficult to break the chain of their courses. The consumers of
narcotics do not have durability and sustainability so that our countrys development is
threatened. The state will suffer loss because the people are not productive and crime increases
and also the infrastructure that must be provided.

The misuse of drugs that is done by people can cause impacts not only for themselves but also
for their surroundings. The loss that they suffer is huge for this case. The impacts of drugs
misuse are really hazardous and bad for ourselves, family, and our lovely country.
Say NO to Drugs
Drugs Is an abbreviation of Narcotic and other dangerous medicines. Besides drugs, another term
to call them is NAPZA which stands for Narcotics, Phsycotropica and other addictive substances
(hazardous materials). Drugs are very dangerous for us. However, nowadays these drugs have
been widely circulated in the community both in urban, rural, and even circulated in law
enforcement agencies circle. Many factors lead people to use drugs especially for teenagers. The
main factor that causes teens to use drugs is crisis of identity. They are searching for their
identity which they have not met yet so that they are easily tempted by drugs. Another factor is
family factor. There are so many families who do not pay attention to their children, especially
for broken home families. These drug users do not know that drugs can have a negative impact
on its users; the following are the adverse effects that could be caused by the drug.

In terms of health, drugs can harm organs in our body. Substances which are contained in the
drug can damage brain and kidneys when it is consumed continuously. Drugs can cause
hallucinogenic effects that can harm our nerves. Drugs also can cause addiction effect to its users
so that they will feel addicted and want to use the drug continuously. In addition, the use of drugs
also can make the user depressed, and cause various dangerous diseases such as liver disease,
schizophrenia, blood clots, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage, and ultimately can
lead to DEATH!

When viewed in terms of religion, drugs are things that are illicit and should be shunned because
drugs can cause a variety of crimes such as thieves, rob, and even kill. Drug users who do not
have money to buy it will perform those crime actions to obtain drugs. Moreover Drugs can also
harm themselves and others. By using drugs, it means that we have been doing thing which is
forbidden in the religion so that we will get sin.

Moreover, for teenagers drugs can ruin their future and jeopardize the future of this nation. Teens
who use drugs will feel lazy to learn and have no spirit or desire to live. They will only be
seduced by momentary pleasures offered by drug. In addition to, drugs also harm our nation. We
can see from data collected by the government that 32 percent of drug users in Indonesia are
teenagers. Nearly half of teenagers in Indonesia had been using drugs, whereas they are future
generation for this nation. What would happen if the successors of our nation are the generation
who are lazy and like to do bad action.

Based on discussion above, we can conclude that drug is thing which is dangerous for its user,
other people and nation. Therefore, let us stay away from drugs by saying no to drugs, involving
in preventing drug action around us, doing socialization about the dangers of drugs and much
more. Because without drugs our lives would be more meaningful while with drugs our life will
be full of miserable.

DRUGS have become a serious problem for this nation. This illegitimate item indiscriminately
undermines anybody. The representatives of the people, judges, artists, pilots, students, laborers, and
even housewives did not escape the trap of drugs. In terms of age, drugs also never choose victims,
ranging from children adolescents, adults, even up to the elderly.
Indonesia is a 'paradise' of drug trafficking. Imagine, if judging from the rank of drug circulation in the
world, our country ranks third as the largest drug market in the world.
Then, if examined in more detail to the provincial level, Aceh is ranked first as a province of drug dealers
and drug users of marijuana type. Placement of ratings like this for Aceh seems reasonable because in
Serambi Mecca is often found marijuana fields.
Threatening the future of reality as mentioned above should be a reason for us to worry because it
threatens the future of the young generation who is the holder and successor of this nation's relay. It is
said that because the effects of drugs are so tragic.
According to data cited from South Sulawesi Provincial Narcotics Board (BNNP), the impact of drugs
includes physical, psychological, social and economic impacts. Physical effects such as disorders of the
nervous system (neorologis): convulsions, hallucinations, and impaired consciousness. Psychological
impact is not normally the ability to think, feel anxious. Dependence / always need medicine.
Socioeconomic impacts for example always harming the society, whether economic, social, health, or
The above-mentioned impacts are clearly a major threat to this nation, especially Aceh. What is the fate
of this nation if the next generation is the generation of drug-minded, physically, psychologically, socially
and economically disabled generation? Of course, these generations can not build their own people who
are also 'sick'.
It has been mentioned before that drugs are indiscriminate, attacking anyone. Nevertheless, the
targeted drug target is generally the younger generation aged 15-30 years. From that age range,
adolescence is a very vulnerable age affected by drugs.
According to Police Headquarters data published in the book of Demographic Prespectiveness of Islam
by M Cholil Nafis, from 2004 to March 2009 recorded as many as 98,614 cases (97% more) teenage
children are drug users.
Dissemination of Drugs among Children and Adolescents
Until now, the spread of drugs is almost unavoidable. Given that almost all of the world's population can
easily get drugs from irresponsible people. For example, from drug dealers who like to find prey in the
area of school, discotheques, brothels, and places of association genk. Of course this can make the
parents, mass organizations, the government worried about the spread of drugs that so willingly willing.
Drug eradication efforts have been often done but there is little possibility to avoid drugs from
teenagers and adults, even children of elementary and junior high school age are many who fall drug.
Until now the most effective effort to prevent abuse of drugs in children is from family education.
Parents are expected to monitor and educate their children to stay away from drugs.
According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) agreed by Indonesia in 1989, every child
was entitled to information on reproductive health (including HIV / AIDS and drugs) and protected both
physically and mentally. But the reality that occurs today contrary to the agreement, has been found 7-
year-old child is already taking the type of inhaled drugs (steam inhaled). Children aged 8 years have
used marijuana, then at the age of 10 years, children use drugs of various types, such as inhalants,
marijuana, heroin, morphine, ecstasy, and so on (BNN research in collaboration with the University of
Based on data from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), cases of drug use by offenders with primary
education level up to 2007 amounted to 12,305. This data is very worrying because along with the
increasing cases of drugs (especially among young people and children, the spread of HIV / AIDS is
increasing and threatening.The spread of drugs becomes easier because elementary school children
have also started to experiment with smoking cigarettes. Drug traffickers infiltrate addictive substances
(substances that cause addiction effects) into the tobacco lintingan.

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