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Dramatic Play: Rachel IELG D1 G2 With the post office -Post office box Mailing May by Setting up this

ing May by Setting up this area

Post Office Ages 16-38 dramatic play, Mail box, uniforms, Michael O. Tunnell will be just like
months toddlers will have cards, envelopes, etc. (WR T9) normal. On the table
CI4: Seeks and the chance to (RR2 Yellow 244) I will have letters
engages in pretend to be mail -boxes (2-3) and boxes out for
pretend play and people. The area will (RR2 yellow 258) the children to grab
creating things be set up in an -Mail box (1) and put in the mail
inviting way to (RR2 yellow 257) boxes. I will have the
encourage pretend -Stuffed dogs (2-3) uniforms on the
play with other (work room top shelf) shelf that they can
toddlers. -Paper/pens/stickers for put on. The mail
letters boxes can be to the
(WR cupboards) side or against the
wall. We will see
what works best and
without any blind
spots. We need to
make sure that the
toddlers keep the
toys in the area, and
make sure the boxes
stay off the ground
so they do not trip
over them. We need
to make sure that
the mail boxes are
sturdy and will not
fall over on top of

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