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Puen oof fo e'nfofo fo emo mo ne me Mo Mo Me Mo mo Me Me Moe Mo Me Mo Mo Me 0 NO 40M KIIKIKIISIIIISAL st Tense Va Past Simple ‘Past Participle a a er ® warwe ea eat at eer ome ime eons ga ep ep ek ale acs a Broa ra a a a Bay Tou Toa orn a Tas Cone Come ow oa oa Be i 7 be a Dose Da Dew Dawe Dar Dank Daa Dive Dae Dien er me ae a Far Fae fed Fel Fel fal ra a orto mlocne rte ebto lo Me Meio na ae mente fe fo fo mo ete ete a ae Me hfe fe a me mento fe fe fo mo oof fo e'nfofo fo emo mo ne me Mo Mo Me Mo mo Me Me Moe Mo Me Mo Mo Me 0 NO 40M Ay Flew Flow Forest Forga Forgaties Freeze Fro Frozen Gat Got Goien Give Gane Given Ge Wat Gone wow Grew Grown Fang Tne Tung Tawve Had Tal Tear Hex Head Tide Hid Hiden wi Hie i Hold Ha Ha Keep Ker Ker Know Knew Known Lay Laid Lain Lewe Let Lei Lend Lent Lent at Tat Tat te Tay Tain Tine Tost Tow Nake Made Male Meet Mat Mei Pay Pic Paid orto mlocne rte ebto lo Me Meio na ae mente fe fo fo mo ete ete a ae Me hfe fe a me mento fe fe fo mo eho eo feo fo ee Dee of oe Moe oo a eo Me Meo a oe Read Read Rad Ride Rode Ridien King Rang Rang Hise Rowe Risen Run Ran Rin By Said Said ee Saw Seen sail Sold Sold Send Sa Seat Shoot Shor Shor Show Shows Shows Shut Shut har Sing ‘Sang ‘Sing Sak Sink Sink 3 Sar Sa ‘Sleep ‘Slept ‘Sept Slide ‘Sid sid ‘Speak ‘Spake ‘Spoken ‘Spend ‘Spent ‘Spent Sand Siood Sood Seal ole sblen wick suck suck ‘Sing sung sung weep swept swept Heote dla ne ee tebto ao ne Meio ae te oleate fo fo fo me eee te fo ae oe hfe fo a ae me nfo fo fa fo oof e'nfefofo o e mo mo re Mee Mo o eo Mo Me Me oo Mo Mo Mo Mo Moo 40 Ho, ‘ving od Took Taught ver ow ‘om ial old wold ihink thought Thought ‘how thie Thewa jumdestand ~——~—~S*~*~*~ nest ~——SS*~*~Si to wake woke woken Win won won witraw witsew withieawn * HANG - Hang has two different meanings. The first is "to attach (or hang) something in a high position (e.g. on the wall or on a hook). In this case we Use the above verbs Hang-Hung-Hung, BUT when Hang means "to kill someone by putting 2 rope around someone's neck and leaving them in a high position without any support", we use different verbs: Hang-Hanged-hanged. This verb is typical of public executions in the past. (e.g. They hanged him in the main square.) *** LIE - Lie has two meanings. When it means “to put your body in a horizontal position* (normally on a bed) it uses the Lie-Lay-Lan verbs. BUT it is regular Lie-Lied-Lied when it has the other meaning of ‘not to say the truth", {EAD - Even though they are written the same, the pronunciation is different in the Past Tense and Past Particpple form, orto loine rte obo to renee ne ae mente fo to fo mo eee te to oe Me fe fe mo me mente fo fe fo oof e'nfefofo o e mo mo re Mee Mo o eo Mo Me Me oo Mo Mo Mo Mo Moo 40 Ho, Part Two ‘The following verbs can be regular or irregular: Past Simple Past Participle burned OR burnt | burned OR burnt dreamed OR dreamt | dreamed OR dreamt leamed OR learnt | learned OR leant smelled OR smelt | smelled OR smelt ‘The second form (burt, dreamt etc.) is more common in British English. Part Three \Verbs that have the same form in Present, Past and Past Participle form: All of the verbs above are written and pronounced the same in the three forms EXCEPT for Read which is written the same but pronounced differently. orto loine rte obo to renee ne ae mente fo to fo mo eee te to oe Me fe fe mo me mente fo fe fo

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