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- Marco adjustables and wallwasher fixtures are

designed to provide an attractive compliment to contemporary
architecture and interiors. ldeal for display lighting, accenting of
wall murals, tapestries, sculptures, window displays, over-
counter illumination, marquees, graphic lighting, overhangs, ex-
hibits, mobiles, information boards, entrances, banners,
backgrounds or anywhere directional and adaptable lighting is
required. ln addition to merchandise lighting in department and
other stores and shops of all types, Marco wallwasher and direc-
tional lighting is recommended for motor inns, hotels,
museums, libraries, schools, terminals, bars, restaurants,
lounges, fast-food spots, art centers, auto showrooms,
convention facilities, foyers, or
for any installation where f unc-
tion and appearance in lighting
are requisite.
..... 10
w305513 .. . ...2
4202609 w305514 ......2
A303607 ......6 w306517 ......4
A401501 ..... 11 w306518 ......4
A403608 ......6 w306519 ......4
A504610 ......8 w306520 ......4
A50461 1 ......9 w306521 ......4
A508613 .....17
..... 16
w306522 ......4
A523618 w306525 ......4
A601601 .....12 w306526 ......4
A601604 .....14 w405529 ......2
A602502 ......7 w405530 ......2
A701602 .....12 w405531 ......2
A701605 ....^.14 w405532 . . ....2
A801603 .....12 w405533 ......2
A801606 .....14 w405534 . .....2
w405537 ......2
w405538 ......2
w406541 ......4
WALLWASHER w406542 ......4
w305505 ......2 w406543 ......4
w305506 ......2 w406544 ......4
w305507 ......2 w406545 ......4
w305508 ......2 w406546 ......4
w305509 ......2 w406549 ......4
w305510 ......2 w406550 ......4

f i;:[:t""I1t: l;;'J;;::;? :;:]3lJ:::i;: :'":it:li;::"lt ;:t;i:i'"1";Jl.'i,:H Jlll ?:'::::; J'.i,
degrees or in opposing directions for corridors, aisles and passageways from two 'sixty' degree angles or two
'ninety'degree ang les. When lnstal ed about the perimeter of a room the apertures appear dece pt ive ly as other
Folio downlights of similar size, providing unif ormity and continu ty. Available in c lear or gold Alzak. Des g ned
for economical A-type lamps. Units are suppljed as standard with prewired junct on box.

Cat. No. No. Degrees SPEC

Cat. Watlage/ Ceiling Trim
Clear Gold Cut.out PG Lamp Height.A Cut.out.B o. D..c
w305505 w305506 180' W9
w305507 w305508 120"
w305509 w305510 90.
w305513 w305514 2t90"
1 00/1 50/200w/A23 10t'
w405529 W405530 1800 w13
w405531 W405532 1204
w405533 W405534 90.
w405537 W405538 2/900
,, 150/200/300w/PS25 11,1" 8"/,, " ot-,'

F or op I tona I accessof /es. specllyl

/01 27 C channel rangers. pair
/57 W305 conversion kit for downlight only (clear cone)
/58 W305 conversion kit for downlight on ly (go ld cone)
/86 thermal protection de eted
/87 W405 conversion kit for down ight on y (c lear cone)
/88 W405 conversion kit for downlight on ly (qold c one)
192 IlaI type trim r ng

Photometric Data
Utilizing the dual reflector
system, each unii provides
downlighiing and s pec itlc
Serles 300000
angle of wall illumlnation
as ind icated.
Dual ref lector-co n e assembly
rotate s for directional
pos it io n ing. Two galvan ized
steel support brac kets with
Iap GripKlips and ce n ter r5 r5 r5 r5 r5

spring clips hold assembly 15 15 15 15 l5

in pos it io n. 3

Unit is furnished prewired

w ith flex, connector &
junction box mou nted on Downlighl ng
one piece die cast plaster '- Wallwashlng
f rame with u n iversal 150WA23 r:
hanger brac kets. lor 200W/A23 mu tiply
CP & flc va ues by 1.4
U. L. listed for thermally for l00W/A23 mu I ply r3

protected operation. Where CP & ftc valus by .5

exce pt ions to thermal
proteclion reg u lat io ns may
Series 400000
apply, specify /86 for thermal
protection d e leted.
Pair of 25" adjustable bar
hangers supplied standard.
27" C channel hangers are
availab le as optional /01.
Medium base socket. SF
wire. For PS25 or A23
lamp as ind icated.
0.70 ext ru d ed alum inum heat
sink & cast cap with side
entry con nector. ghting
-Wa washing -o
Narrow d is posab le trim 300wPs25lF /,2
conceals cut-out. Fin is h tor 150W/PS25 multiPlY
CP & ftc va ues by .36
is low gloss white paint. for 200WPS25 mult PIY
CP & ftc values by -5 l

U.L. L sted l.B.E.W. Union made

Suitab e for damp local ons

An achievement in engineering design. these units corrbl ne highly eff cient downlighting with effective wa I

il umination. The dua ref ector systems assures sca lop-free, even bath ng of walis from sixty to one-eighty
degrees or n oppos ng directions for corr dors. a s es and passageways from two 'sixty' degree angles or two
'ninety'degree angles. When nstalled about the perirfeter of a roorn the apertures appear deceptively
as other
Fol o downl ghts of similar size, providing uniformity and cont nuity. Avai able n c ear or go d A zak. Designed
for economical A-type lamps and hor zontal lamp positioning allows instal ation where recessing depth is
imited. Units are suppl ed as standard with prewired junction box.

Cat. No. No. Degrees SPEC

Cal. Wattage/ Ceiling 'frim
Clear Gold Cut.out PG Lamp Heiqht-A Cut.out.B o. D..c
w306517 w306518 180'
w306519 w306520 12Aa
w306521 w306522 90,
w306525 w306526 2t90"
100/1 50i200wi A23 10L' 7 7^" 8',L. "
w406541 W406542 180. w15
w406543 W406544 1200
w406545 W406546 90'
w406549 W406s50 2t94"
., 150/200/300w/ PS25 11,1' ' 8'/. " 9ls "

For optional accessories, specity:

101 27 C channe hanqers, par
/86 thermal protection d e leted
/92 flat type trim ring

Specilicat ions Photometric Data
U t ilizin g the dual reflector
system, each unit provides
down lighting and spec if ic Series 300000
angle of wall illu m ination
as ind icated.
Dual reflector-cone assem bly
rotates for d irect ion al
pos itio n ing. Two galvan ized
steel support brackets with
Iop GripKlips and cente r
spring clips hold assembly r5
in pos ition.
Un it is furnished prewired
with f lex, connector &
junction box mounted on -,, t ,f i- ...o"
one piece die cast plaster
f rame with u n iversal 6
for 200W/A23 mu llply
han ge r brac kets. CP & ftc vaLues by 1.4
U.L. listed for thermally for 100WA23 multiply
CP & itc values by.5
protected operation. Where
except io n s to thermal
protection regulations may Series 400000
apply, specify /86 for thermal
p rotect ion de leted.

Pair of 25" adjustable bar

hangers supplied stan dard.
27" C channel hangers are
available as optional /01.
lVedium base socket. SF
wire. For PS25 or A23
lamp as indicated.
G alvan ized yoke.
Angled socket neck, cap Downlighting
& co n nector. -
Narrow d is posab le trim tor 150W/PS25 muliiply
conceals cut-out. Fin is h CP & ftc values by .36
is low gloss white paint. for 200WPS25 mu tlply
CP & ftc values by.5
U-L. Lisled .B.E.W. Union made
Suilable for daanp locations

Cslllng Crvlly Rstleclrnce
80 70 5030 100
70 50 30 r0 70 50 3010 50 30 i0 50 3010 50 t0 r0 0
Coolllcl6nls ot Ulillallon

1 70 69 68 67 69 6467 66 65 64 64 63 6262 61 60 60 59
2 67 65 63 62 66 6463 61 62 61 6060 59 59 59 58 57 56
3 65 63 60 59 64 6260 58 60 59 57 59 58 56 58 57 56 55
4 63 60 57 5662 59 57 55 58 56 55 57 55 54 56 55 53 53
5 61 57555360 57 55 53 56 54 52 55 53 52 54 53 51 51
6 59S53 5t 53555351 545251 54 52505351 5050
3220 Lumens
7 585451 4957 5351 495351 4952 504952504948
8 56 52 49 48 55 52 49 47 51 49 47 51 49 47 50 48 47 46
Spaclng to mount ng 9 54 50 47 4654 50 47 46 49 47 46 49 47 45 48 47 45 45
heighl raiio .5 10 52 4A 45 44 52 4A 45 44 47 45 44 4T 45 43 4T 45 43 43

20 gauge cylindrical housing, finish matte
black. Door in side provides access to J-box.
Cat. No. Spec Pg Wattage & Lamp 18 gauge matte black mounting yoke allows 3580
rotation and tilt to 300.
Prewired is standard. Unit is furnished with
150WR40 or PAR38
A303607 417
flex, conneclor and junction box mounted on
or O250W PAR38 die cast p laste r f rame.
U.L. listed Ior thermally protected operation.
Where exceptions to thermal protection
4403608 419 150W840 or PAR38 regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
O25OW/PAR38 protection d e leted.
Universal hanger brackets complete with
25" adjustable bar hangers, standard. Optional
C channel hangers available /01.
F or optional accessor/es, speclty. SF wire. [/edium base socket
101 27" C channel hangers. pair Truncated cone is specular gold Alzak.
/36 clear cone Available as optional in clear or black.
/60 blac k cone Tension spring hinged. Trim includes white
/86 thermal p rotecl ion deleted painted overlapping trim rin g.
192 llat type trim ring
Desiqned for.150 watt F40, PAR38 or
250 watt PAR38 quartz lamps (by others).

U.L.Listed,sutabefordamp ocations LB.E.\J.Unionmade

8., z.nlar O slanc. trom F xiure (F"er)


Specif ications
Housing is cylindrical heavy gauge bonder zed
t6 steel, painted black. Top access is standard.
Adjustable socket permlts 0'to 30'angu ar
M!llpeL].'lr.rln adjustnrent from vertical. Trlm rotates 3580
V. !s based on rwo I rr!rs m.unled on,1 lt .eilers l,t lrom wall Roundel 50u spread lens provides even
distribution of lght on wal s.
Bor':onlal D stanc. trom fixrur.r (F..1)
Prewired is standard. Unit is turn shed with
231 f lex, connector and junction box mounted on
die cast plaster frame.
?, ll tl 9! ,J2 90 ll t3 a2
66 15C 205 150 25 09 U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.
Where exceptions to thermal protection
:3 12
regulations may apply, specify /86 ior thermal
E'T l5 protection de leted.
ta\ 93 )at 93 6t 32 l6
Universal hanger brackets comp ete with
l6 5a 7a 50 ?3 l6 25" adjustable bar hangers, standard. optional
C channe hangers avai able /01.
SinA. Unit nst.ttat'on t50w R40 FL
Sf wire. N4ed,.rn base soc hel
!i'Lres brrc.l .n..e I'rtLrrF m.Li.te.l I tr.m *al rq5o L!me.s
S pec u lar Alzak ref lecto r.

Trim assembly is aluminum construct on with
Cat. No. Pg Wattage & LamP matte b ack riser and white painted outer
trim. Torsion spring hinging.
1 50/200w For 150/200W/F40 lamp (by others).
A602502 423
U L. L sted, suilable for damp locai ons LB.E.W. tln on made

F ar opt iona I accessories, spec if y :

/01 2/ C l.arge s. pair
/86 therma protection de leted

Photometric Data
C.lllng .00
wall8 .50.30 .s0 .30 .50.30 .50.30 .50 .30 -50.30

0.6 J .47 .45 .47.45 .47.45 .45 .44 .45 .44 .45.44
0.8 L51 .48 .51 .48 .49 .48 .44 .47 .44 .47 .44.47
3OOWF4O FL 1.0 H .53.51 .52.49 51 ,49 .49 48 .49 .48 .49.48
3600 Lumens 1.24 G .55.52 .55.52 .53.51 .52.51 .51 .49 .51 .49
1.5 F .57.55 .56.53 .55.52 .52 .51 .52 .51 .52.51
Spacing to mo!nting 2.O E.47.45 .47.45 .47 .45 .45 .44 .45 .44 .45.44
heiqht ralio 0.85
- 2.5
D .60.59 .60.57 .57.56
c .63.60 .60.59 .57.56
4.0 B .63.61 .61 .60 .59.57 .56 .55 .55 .55 .55.53
5.0 A .65.63 .63.61 .60.59 .56 .56 .56 .55 .55.55

Specif ications
Housing is cylindrical heavy gauge
bonderized steel, painted black with access
door inside for entry to J-box.
Two piece cast socket assembly allows 3580
rotation and tilt to 250.
Prevr'ired is standard. Unit is furnished with .)
flex, connector and junction box mounted on
die cast plaster frame.
U.L. listed for thermal y protected operation.
Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
protection d e leted.
Cal. No. Spec Pg Wattago & Lamp
Universal hanger brackets complete with
1 20W/ER40, 1 50/300WR40, 25" adjustable bar hangers, standard. Optional
A504610 C channel hangers available /01.
Q250WPAR38 or 200WPAR46
SF wire. lvledium base socket.
F or opti onal acce ssori es, s pecily : Aluminum groove baffle is finished
maite black and secures with spring clips
101 27" C channel hangers. pair and safety chain provided. Trim includes white
/86 thermal protection deleted painted overlapping trim rin g.
For 120W/E840, 150/300W/840, Q250W/PAR38
or 200W/PAR46 lamp (by olhers).

U.L. L sted, su table for damp ocations LB.E.W. lJnion n ade


Ho.izontal Distance trom Fixrures (Feer)

ra 31 26 22 ?6
-t :1,1 3OOWF4O FL
43 39 36 3S 43 3600 L!mens
o3 Spacing to nrou nl ng
41 44 42 44 4l he ght raiio 0.85
E 4L 46 44 42 44 46 -
9 5l 40 3S 38 39 40
o 32 34 36 34 32
30 3',i 31 31 30
Housing is cylindrical heavy gauge
bonderized steel, painted black with access
i5 Mulriple
M, Unit lnsrallation*
door inside for entry to J-box.
'Va ues based on two flxtures rnountcd on 4 ft centers3lt. lronrwaI
**ValLres based on one fixture mounted 1i from $ralt.
Specular Alzak ref lector with trim plate rotates
to direct light on to walls. Cast socket
bracket should be positioned so lamp is
vertical at all times.
Horizontal Distance lrom Fixture {Feet) Prewired is standard. Unit is furnished with
432101234 flex, connector and junction box mounted on
*1 5 r0 19 22 19
2 t0 5 2 die cast plaster frame.
E2 11 16 23 2A 23 t6 11 U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.
o 512203231 32 20 12 a
Where exceptions to thermal protection
E4 5 | 19 30 33 30 19 11 regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
g5 410 16 2A 2A 2A 16 l0 4
io 3 91620232A169 protection deleted.
3 9 14 17 19 11 14 I 3 Universal hanger brackets complete with
o Single Unit lnstallationr * 25" adjustable bar hangers, standard. Optional
C channel hangers available /01.
SF wire. lVediu'n base sochet.
Aluminum groove baftle is finished
Cat. No. Pg Wattage & Lamp matte black. Baffle and surface trim secure
spring clips. Safety chain provided. Surface trim
A5046 t l A1.1 300w/R40 plated is painted low gloss white.
For 300W/R40 lamp (by others).

U.L. L sted, su tab e for damp ocations I B.E.W. Un on made

F or optional accessories, specily:

/01 27 C channel hangers. pair
/86 thermal protection de leted
Photometric Data

Cat. No. 4202609 150W/PAR38FL Cat. No. A202609 150W/R40FL

.50 .30 .50 .30 .50 .30 .50 .30 .50 .30 _50 .30 .50 .30 .50 .30 .50 .30 .50 .30 .50 .30 .50 .30
06 65 61 65 67 6a 65 63 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 ?3 .24 23 23 .22
08 1-. 69 72 69 1\ 6a 67 2t 2a 27 2a 26 25 26 25 26 25 25 .24
l0 75 /1 ta t, /3 70 /0 68 28 26 27 26 27 26 21 26
) 2a 78 72 70 l0 28 l0 28 .?9 2A 2A 27 2A 2t 2A 21
l5 8C 73 7) 3t 30 31 29 30 29 29 28 29 2A

20 80 82 79 /9 74 13 Jl :lr :12 :ll 3r l0 l0 29 .30 29 29 .29

25 85 82 81 8l 80 34 12 13 .12 32 3l 30 30 30 29 3A 29
8/ 8.1 85 82 8t 35 33 3.1 32 32 3l 31 30 30 30 30 ?9
86 86 8n 83 76 75 l5 l4 .35 34 33 32 3l 31 31 30 30 30
76 76 3l .33 31 31 3l 3L 30 30
For 300 watt R40 multiqly CP x 2.0

Heavy gauge cylindrical housing, bonderized
steel, painted black. Standard top access.
Spec SF wire. Medium base socket. Adjustable socket
Cat. No. Pg Waltage & Lamp assembly for 3580 rotation,250 tilt.
Prewired is standard with flex, connector and
150/R40, junction box mounted on die cast plaster frame.
A202609 A7
or 150W/PAR38 U.L. lisied for thermally protected operation.
Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
For optional accessories, specify: protection de leted.
101 27" C channel hangers, pair Universal hanger brackets with 25" adjustable
/86 thermal protect ion deleted bar hangers. C channel hangers optional /01.
Vertical matte black baffle is aluminum, secured
with torsion spring hinging. Surface trim is
wh ite pain t.
For 150WR40, 150W/PAR38 lamp (by others).
U.L. Listed, su table for damp ocations I B.E.W. Union made

Ho.izontal Oistance from Firt!res (Feet) Hori2ontal Oistance fron Fitture (Feet)

al tL4 129 13.1 132 13.1 t2.9 t2.4

al a7 t] 36 66 84 6.6 3.6 1.7 0.1
-2 18.6 19.5
9z 1.3 29 5.6 9 a 12.0 9.8 5.6 2.9 1,3
1.J.7 I9.5 ta.1 2L.4 14.7 19 5 17.I ja 18 34 65 gS 1r7 9q 6s 34 rA

o E4


7.1 7.4

0 t2

1 123


-4 2A


4.8 4.4 4.4 4.8 4.4 Ee r.0 1.2 1.6 2.4 2.r 2.4 1_6 1.2 1.0

7 4l 67 o7 0.9 1.4 2.4 2.\ 2.0 t.4 0.9 0.7

Multiple unit lnstallation w401501 sinele Unit installation W40l50l

15OW R4O FL I50W F40 rL
va ue5 bd\cd on one lLte molnteo r lr. irom *dll
Va ues based on three fixtures hou.ted of 3 ft centers3ft fromwatt Specilica t ion s
Housing is cylindrical heavy gauge bonderized
steel, painted black. Top access is standard.
Trim assembly consists of aluminum groove
baff le, specular Alzak reflector and alum inum
white painted trim plate. Assembly rotates 3600.
Torsion spring h ing in g.
Prewired is standard. Unit is furnished with
Cat. No. Pg Wattage & Lamp
flex, connector and junction box mounted on
1 50/300w die cast piaster frame.
A401501 421
R40 U.L. listed for thermally protecled operation.
Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specify /86 for therrnal
Fot optional accessories, specily: protection d e leted
/01 27' C channel hangers. pair Universal hanger brackets complete with
/86 thermal protection deleted 25" adjustable bar hangers, standard. Optional
C channel hangers available /01.
SF wire. L4edium base socket.
For 150W/840 lamp (by others).

U.L L sled, suitable fordamp locations LB.E.W. tlnicn made

Specilica t ion s
Cat. Spec Wattage Cul. Trim o.A. Housing is cylindrical heavy gauge
No. Pg & Lamp out-A o. D..B Heighl-C bonderized steel, white baked enamel f inish
Serni.recessed Semi-recessed or regressed rotating adjustab e
A601601 A1 75W/R30 10" 11" O1a
eyeball is aluminum construction and rests
on aluminum trim frame. Angular adjustment 1s
150/300w 300, horizontal rotation is 3580.
A701602 43 R40 or 150W 11%" 9vi' Torsion spring hinoino.
PAR38 Prelvired is standard. Unit is furnished with
Segressed flex, connector and junction box mounted on
150/300w die cast plaster frame.
A80t603 A5 R40 or 150W 13" 14" '113L" U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.
PAR38 Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
protection de leted.
Universal hanger brackets complete wiih
Trim linish must be specified' 25" adjustable bar hangers, standard. Optional
P Low gloss white paint C channel hangers available /01.
S Sat in aluminum SF wire. N4edium base socket
B Satin brass Available in low gloss white paint, satin brass,
or satin aluminum. Finish must be specified.
Fot optional accessories, specify:
/01 27" C channel hangers, pair For 75W/R30, 150/300W/R40, or 150W/PAR38
lamp as indicated (by others).
/86 lhermal protection deleted
U.L. Listed. su iable tor damp local ons
LB.E.W. union made

Photometric Data

Cal. No. 4601601 Cat. No. 4601601 Cat. Nos. A701602 & A801603 Cat. Nos. A701602 & A801603
Flood 75 R30FL Spot 75 R30SP Flood 1sOW R4OFL Spol - 150W R40SP
- - -

Cat. Nos. A701602 & A801603 Cat- Nos. A701602 & A801603 Cat. Nos. A701602 & A801603 Cat. Nos. A701602 & A801603
Flood 150W PAR3SFL Spot 150W PAR3SSP Flood 300W F40FL Spot 300W R40SP
- - - -

Specif icalio ns
Housing is cylindrical heavy gauge
bonderized stee. white baked enamel f n sh
Cat. Spec Waltage Cut. Trim o.A. Senr -recessed or regressed rotating adjustable
No. Pq & Lamp out.A O.D.-B Heiqht-C eyeball is aluminum construction and rests
on alu m inu m trim f rame. Angular adjustment is
Semi.recessed 300, horizontaL rotation is 358'.
A601604 A1 75W/R30 10" 11" o'h Torsion spring hinging.
150W Die cast concentric louver. finished matte b ack.
470't 605 A3 R40 or 111h" 127,;' 9fi' Prewired is standard. Unit is furnished w th
PAR38 flex, connector and junction box mounted on
Fegressed die cast plaster frame.
150W U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.
A801606 A5 R40 or 13" 14" 113/;' Where exceptions to thermal protection
PAR38 regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
protection de leted.
Universal hanger brackets complete with
25" adjustable bar hangers, standard. Optional
Trim finish must be specilied: C channe hangers available /01.
P Low gloss wh te paint SF wrre. N4ed un.r base sockel.
S Satin alum in u m Avaiiable in low gloss white paini, satin brass,
B Satin brass
ot opti on
al accessori e s, s pec i fy :
C channel hangers. pair
or satin aluminum. Finish must be specified.
For 75W/F30, 150/300W/R40, or 150W/PAR38
lamp as indicated (by others).
/86 thermal protection d e leted
ll.L. Lisied, su tab e for darnp locations
IBEW llnron rrade
Photometric Data

Cat. No. A601604 Cal. Nos. A701605 & A801606

Spot 75 R30SP Flood 150W R40FL

Cat. Nos 4701605 & 4801606 Cat. Nos. 4701605 & A801606 Cat. Nos. 4701605 & A801606
Spot 150W R40SP F ood 150W PAR38FL Spor
- 150W pAR38sp

Spec il ica t ions
Housing is cylindrical heavy gauge
bonderized steel, painted black.
Prewired is slandard. Unit is furnished with
Spec flex, connector and junction box mounted on
Cat. No. Pg Watlage & Lamp die cast plaster frame.
U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.
A52361 I 425 150W/R40 or PAR38 Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
protection de leted.
Trim finish must be specified: Universal hanger brackets complete with
KP black baffle wilh white eyeball 25" adjustable bar hangers, standard. Optional
KS black baffle with satin aluminum eyeball C channel hangers available /01.
KB black baffle with satin brass eyeball SF wire. lMedium base socket.
White paint, satin aluminum, or
satin brass eyeball in aluminum constructed
Fot optional accessories, specify: black stepped baffle. Trim ring is white paint.
/01 27 C chanrel hange,s. pair Specify fin ish as indicated.
/86 thermal protection de leted Eyeball tilts 300, rotation is 3580.
Trim secures with torsion springs.
For 150W/R40 or PAR38 lamp
(by ot he rs).

LJ.L. Listed, su lable for damp ocations LB.E.W. Union made

\ canrv 70 so ro rc 70 50 30 r0 50 30 0 50 t0 r0 50 30 '0 0
I' R.',o Lo/r , PnL o, 1,r ,,d,o,,
I rj r,1r ri! 71i 7, (i| |t iir i, ,r
'r \
Specif ica t ion s
'/: r -; : !i].1.r,1:r Housing is cylindricai heavy gauge
bonderized steel, matte black f inish
Adjustable arm enables luminaire to be
Ce r'^s ftrry Rarra.r.nre positioned partially or fully below ceiling line.
30 70
vYair Fel ecrrnce Horizontally rotates 3500, tilts in or out of
70 50 30 r0 50 30 ro 50 30 ro s0 30 r0 0
housing, up to 850 when out.
ilr lit r7 !rrr !,1
Prewired is standard. Unit is furnished with
flex, connector and junction box mounted on
tt) 1'. ttt iti ll ir 7,r lir 7 i die cast plaster frame.
i/_ L,d ',1r fr U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.
Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
protection de leted.
Cat. Spec Watlage
Universal hanger brackets complete with
No- Pg & Lamp 25" adjustable bar hangers, standard. Optional
Flush C channel hangers available.
150W/PAR38, SF wire. lMedium base socKet
4508613 415 R40 or Q250W Tension springs sec u re trim.
For 150W/R40, or 150W/PAB38 or Q250W
PAR38 lamp as indicated (by others).
1/2" x 1/2" x t/2" black egg crate louver
F in ish m ust be specified:
PP White luminaire & arm available as optional, specify /79
SK Satin luminaire with black arm U.L. L sted, suitab e for damp ocations .B.E.W. Un on made
For optional accessories, spec ily:
/01 27 C cha'r'rel hanqers. pair
179 1/2" x 1/2" x 72" black louver
/86 thermal protection d e leted
t92 f lat type trim ring

For other accent, display,
and adjustable lighting
request literature.

Tnk -
Marco manufacturers a
complete line of single
and triple circuit track
offered in surface and
recessed modular
system s
or in individual track
com po n ents

Riviera, Concorde
& Quarius seties
Additional eyeball units
and wallwashers are
available in both the
Riviera & Concorde series.
Surface, semi-recessed
and recessed wallwash
designs are offered in the
Marco popular quad line,
the Quarius series.

justable units
including the Explorers
are available in
H.l.D. light sources.
Marco, a pioneer in
H.l.D. lighting has
a wide range of mercury
vapor, metal halide and
high pressure sodium
recessed and surface
mounted f ixtures.

Subsidiary ot Xiddo, lnc.

6100 S. Wilm ington Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90001
(213) 583-6551

1101 Lakeland Ave.

Bohemia, NY 11716
(516) 567-6060

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