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Early Childhood

Corner Childrens
Understanding of
Equality: A Foundation
for Algebra
any states and school districts, as esting to explore what children under-
well as Principles and Standards for stand about equality and the equals sign.
School Mathematics: Discussion At the start of this project, many teach-
Draft (NCTM 1998), recommend that al- ers asked their students to solve the fol-
gebra be taught in the early childhood lowing problem:
years. Although young children often
understand much more than traditionally 8+4=c+5
thought, adults can have difficulty concep-
tualizing what would constitute appropri- At first, this problem looked trivial to
ate algebra for the early childhood years. many teachers. One sixth-grade teacher,
Fifteen teachers and three university re- for example, said, Sure, I will help you
searchers are currently involved in a out and give this problem to my students,
project to define what alge- but I have no idea why this will be of in-
bra instruction can and terest to you. This teacher found that
should be for young chil- all twenty-four of her students thought
Karen P. Falkner, that 12 was the answer that should go in
dren. In this article, we dis-
Linda Levi, and cuss the concept of equality, the box. She found this result so interest-
Thomas P. Carpenter which is a crucial idea for ing that before we had a chance to check
developing algebraic reason- back with her, she had the other sixth-
ing in young children. grade teachers at her school give this prob-
lem to their students. As shown in table
1, all 145 sixth-grade students given this
Misconceptions about the problem thought that either 12 or 17
Equals Sign should go in the box.
Even though teachers frequently use the Why did so many children have
equals sign with their students, it is inter- trouble with this problem? Clearly, chil-
dren have a limited understanding of
Karen Falkner,, is a primary-grade equality and the equals sign if they think
teacher at Lapham Elementary School, Madison, WI 53703. She is that 12 or 17 is the answer that goes in
currently participating in a study of young childrens algebraic the box. Many young children do, how-
thinking. Linda Levi,, and Thomas Carpenter, ever, understand how to model a situa-, are affiliated with the Wisconsin Center tion that involves making things equal.
for Educational Research, Madison, WI 53706. They both study the For example, Mary Jo Yttri, a kindergar-
development of young childrens algebraic thinking. ten teacher, gave her students the prob-
lem 4 + 5 = c + 6. All the children
Edited by Kate Kline,, Department of Math-
thought that 9 should go in the box. Yttri
ematics, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008. This
then modeled this situation with the chil-
dren. Together, they made a stack of four
column addresses the early childhood teachers need to support young
cubes, then a stack of five cubes. In an-
childrens emerging mathematics understandings and skills in a other space, they made stacks of nine and
context that conforms with current knowledge about the ways that six cubes. Yttri asked the children if each
young children pre-K-K learn mathematics. Readers are arrangement had the same number of
encouraged to send manuscripts for this section to the editor.


cubes. The children knew that the group- ementary school. Usually, the equals sign
ings did not have the same number of cubes comes at the end of an equation and only
and were able to tell her which one had one number comes after it. With number
more. Several children were able to tell sentences, such as 4 + 6 = 10 or 67 - 10 - 3
the teacher how they could make both = 54, the children are correct to think of
groupings have the same number of cubes. the equals sign as a signal to compute.
Even after doing this activity, however, the
children still thought that 9 should go in First and Second Grades
the box in the equation. Karen Falkner is currently teaching a first
This incident surprised Yttri and the and secondgrade class. Children typically
researchers. We had assumed that kinder- stay in the class for two years. The re-
garten children would have little experi- mainder of this article shows how the chil-
ence with the equals sign and would not dren in this class have progressed in their
yet have formed the misconceptions about understanding of equality over the past
equality demonstrated by older children. year-and-a-half.
Even kindergarten children, however, ap- For some time, solving story prob-
pear to have enduring misconceptions lems has been an integral part of math-
about the meaning of the equals sign that ematics instruction in Falkners class. Stu-
are not eliminated with one or two ex- dents are regularly asked to write number
amples or a simple explanation. This in- sentences that show how they solved story
cident also illustrates that children as problems. Falkner expected her students
young as kindergarten age may have an to be successful, therefore, when she first
appropriate understanding of equality re- asked them to solve the number sentence
lations involving collections of objects but 8 + 4 = c + 5. To her surprise, the stu-
have difficulty relating this understanding dents answered the problem just as re-
to symbolic representations involving the search indicated that they would. Most
equals sign. A concerted effort over an ex- put 12 in the box, and some extended the
tended period of time is required to estab- sentence by adding = 17. The discussion
lish appropriate notions of equality. that followed was interesting. Most said
Teachers should also be concerned about that 12 should go in the box because eight
childrens conceptions of equality as soon plus four equals twelve. The following
as symbols for representing number opera- excerpt illustrates the class discussion that
tions are introduced. Otherwise, miscon- took place after students had worked on
ceptions about equality can become more the problem.
firmly entrenched. (See About the Math-
ematics on p. 234.) Falkner. Is 8 + 4 the same as 12 + 5?
As Behr, Erlwanger, and Nichols Anna. No
(1975); Erlwanger and Berlanger (1983); Falkner. Then why did you put 12 in
and Anenz-Ludlow and Walgamuth (1998) the box?
have documented, children in the elemen- Anna. Because 8 + 4 equals 12. See?
tary grades generally think that the equals [Counting on her fingers] Its
sign means that they should carry out the 8,9,10,11,12. [Many children nod their
calculation that precedes it and that the heads in agreement.]
number after the equals sign is the answer
to the calculation. Elementary school chil- Falkner. Did anyone get another an-
dren generally do not see the equals sign swer?
as a symbol that expresses the relationship Adam. It is 7.
is the same as. Falkner. Why?
Not much variety is evident in how Adam. Because you have to have the
the equals sign is typically used in the el- same amount on each side of the equals

Percent of children offering various solutions to 8 + 4 = +5

Answers Given Number of
Grade 7 12 17 12 and 17 Other Children
1 0 79 7 0 14 42
1 and 2 6 54 20 0 20 84
2 6 55 10 14 15 174
3 10 60 20 5 5 208
4 7 9 44 30 11 57
5 7 48 45 0 0 42
6 0 84 14 2 0 145

DECEMBER 1999 233

sign. Thats what the equals sign dren to be able to adopt the standard use of
means. the sign.
Falkner. I see. Adam, would you say Falkner then chose to develop her stu-
that again? dents understanding of the equals sign
[Adam repeats his explanation. Other through discussion of true and false number
children, considering Adam a class sentences; this discussion builds on the work
leader, listen attentively.] of Robert Davis (1964). Falkner presented
number sentences, similar to the following,
Falkner. [Gesturing at the number to her students and asked whether the num-
sentence on the chalkboard.] So,
Adam, you say that the equals sign ber sentences were true or false.
means that however much something 4+5=9 12 - 5 = 9 7 = 3 + 4
is on one side of the equals sign, the 8 + 2 = 10 + 4 7 + 4 = 15 - 4 8 = 8
same amount has to be on the other
side of the equals sign. [Looking at The childrens reactions were interest-
the rest of the class] What do you ing. All agreed that the first sentence was
think about what Adam said? true and that the second was false. They
Anna. Yes, but it has to be 12, be- could prove these assertions by a number of
cause that is what 8 + 4 equals. means. They were less sure about the remain-
Dan. No, Adam is right. Whatever ing sentences.
is on one side of the equals sign has Falkner. What about this sentence? 7 = 3
to equal what is on the other side: 8 + 4. Is it true or false? [Lots of squirming
+ 4 = 12 and 7 + 5 = 12, so 7 goes in around, distressed faces, and muttering
the box. from the class.]
The class wrestled with this prob- Gretchen. Yes, 3 + 4 does equal 7.
lem for some time. The equals sign is a Ned. But the sentence is wrong.
convention, the symbol chosen by
mathematicians to represent the notion Anna. Its backward.
of equality. Because no logical reason Falkner. But Adam has told us that the
exists that the equals sign does not mean equals sign means that the quantity on each
compute, Falkner thought that it was side of it has to be equal. Is that true here?
appropriate to tell the class that she Anna. Yes, but its the wrong way.
agreed with Adam and Dan. Telling the
class what the equals sign meant was Falkner. Lets try this. [She models the
not, however, sufficient for many chil- problem, giving one child seven Unifix

About the Mathematics

Children must understand that equality is a A second reason that understanding equality as
relationship that expresses the idea that two a relationship is important is that a lack of such
mathematical expressions hold the same value. It is understanding is one of the major stumbling blocks
important for children to understand this idea for two for students when they move from arithmetic to
reasons. First, children need this understanding to algebra (Kieran 1981; Matz 1982). Consider, for
think about relationships expressed by number example, the equation 4x + 27 = 87. How do you
sentences. For example, the number sentence 7 + 8 start solving this equation? Your first step probably
= 7 +7 + 1 expresses a mathematical relationship involves subtracting 27 from 87. Why may we do
that is central to arithmetic. When a child says, I so? We may do so because we subtract 27 from both
dont remember what 7 plus 8 is, but I do know that sides of the equation. If the equals sign signifies a
7 plus 7 is 14 and then 1 more would make 15, he or relationship between two expressions, it makes sense
she is explaining a very important relationship that that if two quantities are equal, then 27 less of the
is expressed by that number sentence. Children who first quantity must equal 27 less of the second
understand equality will have a way of representing quantity. What about children who think that the
such arithmetic ideas; thus they will be able to equals sign means that they should do something?
communicate and further reflect on these ideas. A What chance do they have of being able to
child who has many opportunities to express and understand the reason that subtracting 27 from both
reflect on such number sentences as 17 - 9 = 17 - 10 sides of an equation maintains the equality
+ 1 might be able to use the same mathematical relationship? These students can only try to
principle to solve more difficult problems, such as 45 memorize a series of rules for solving equations.
- 18, by expressing 45 - 18 = 45 - 20 + 2. This example Because such rules are not embedded in
shows the advantages of integrating the teaching of understanding, students are highly likely to
arithmetic with the teaching of algebra. By doing so, remember them incorrectly and not be able to apply
teachers can help children increase their them flexibly. For these reasons, children must
understanding of arithmetic at the same time that they understand that equality is a relationship rather than
learn algebraic concepts. a signal to do something.
cubes in a stack and asking him to stand stood. Falkner was convinced that the no-
on one side of her. She gives another child tion of equality would take time for all
a stack of four Unifix cubes for one hand the children to understand, and she re-
and a stack of three for the other hand. turned to it often as the year progressed.
That child stands on the other side of her.] Falkner integrated discussion of
Now, do these two children have the same equality throughout the school year in two
number of cubes? ways. First, she continued to present open
Class. Yes. number sentences in which she varied the
Falkner. Does it make any difference location of the unknown. Some examples
which side of me they stand on? [She asks of these open number sentences included
them to change places, which they do.] the following: c = 9 + 5, 7 + 8 = c +
10, and 7 + c = 6 + 4. Second, she pre-
Class. No, but. sented true and false sentences, such as
As you can imagine, the fourth num- those in the examples, to encourage chil-
ber sentence caused confusion for many chil- dren to reflect on the meaning of the
dren. Some children thought the number equals sign. She also had the children
sentence was true because 8 + 2 does equal write their own true and false number sen-
10. Children who had a firm understand- tences. The tasks that Falkner used to
ing of equality were able to explain that this build childrens understanding of equality
number sentence was not true because 8 + were also tasks that build their understand-
2 is 10 and 10 + 4 is 14 and 10 is not the ing of number operations.
same as 14. As the year progressed, more and
When Falkner came to the final sen- more children began to understand equal-
tence, 8 = 8, the class was quite disturbed. ity. In March, the class had the following
Anna spoke for the students when she said, discussion:
Well, yes, eight equals eight, but you just Falkner. Look at this number sentence:
shouldnt write it that way. In the few re- 8 + 9 = c + 10. What
maining weeks of school, Falkner contin- should go in the box?
ued to give problems to her students with
the equals sign in various locations. Carrie. It should be 17. Yes, eight equals
Skip. But 8 + 9 would eight, but you just
The Next Year equal 17, so 17 + 10 shouldnt write it
would equal 27, so 17 isnt that way
In the fall, Falkner posed the same problem, OK to put in the box.
8 + 4 = c + 5, to her class. A few, but not
all, of the children who had been in the Myra. Right; 17 + 10 does
room the previous spring correctly solved not equal 17.
the problem. Many new first graders Ned. I think that 7 goes in the box; 7 + 10
proudly put 12 in the box; others looked at is 17 and 8 + 9 is 17. Both sides are even.
the sentence in confusion and asked for help. [The class generally agrees, although Car-
A discussion similar to the one in the spring rie is not yet convinced.]
ensued. This time, however, a few children Falkner. Think about what we know
understood the notion of equality and en- about the equals sign. Look at this num-
thusiastically explained why the number 7 ber sentence: 4898 + 3 = 4897 + c . Can
belonged in the box. Lillie gave the most you figure this one out without even do-
spirited explanation. The equals sign ing the addition?
means that it has to be even. The amount
has to be the same on each side of the equals Larry. I think that 4 goes in the box; 4897
sign. [Gesturing with her hands] It is just is 1 down from 4898, so you need to add 1
like a teeter-totter. It has to be level. more to 3.
This class discussion was the first of Falkner. Did anyone do it a different way?
several about similar open number sen- [Children shake their heads. In general,
tences. Each discussion had its doubters, as the class agrees that Larrys way gives the
well as children who once again explained right answer and is easy.]
the idea that each side of the equals sign had Such discussions about number sen-
to equal the same amount. As Falkner tences gave the children an important con-
listened to the discussions, noted who was text for discussing equality throughout the
talking, and looked at facial expressions, it school year. As the year progressed, dis-
appeared that the children were beginning cussions about equality became integrated
to grasp this notion of equality but that the with discussions about other algebraic
concept was not easily or quickly under- arithmetic concepts. In the following ex-

DECEMBER 1999 235

ample, the children discuss a much more so- joying the power of that new knowledge.
phisticated problem that involves an under- These children are developing an under-
standing of variables and operations, as well standing of equality as they learn about
as equality. numbers and operations. This under-
Falkner asked the class to look at the standing will allow them to reflect on
sentence a = b + 2. She said that the sen- equations and will lay a firm foundation
tence was true and asked the class which was for later learning of algebra.
larger, a or b? Children who think of the
equals sign as a signal to do something would References
have trouble with this problem. Because 2 is Anenz-Ludlow, Adalira, and Catherine
added to b and nothing is added to a, they Walgamuth. Third Graders Interpreta-
might think that b is larger. The class first tions of Equality and the Equal Symbol.
agreed that a and b were symbols for vari- Educational Studies in Mathematics 35 (1998);
ables, just as a box or triangle were. The class 153-87.
then quickly agreed that a was larger, and
their arguments for that position clearly in- Behr, Merlyn, Stanley Erlwanger, and Eu-
dicate a sophisticated understanding of equal- gene Nichols. How Children View Equality
ity. Sentences. PMDC Technical Report, no. 3.
Tallahassee, Fla.: Florida State University,
Falkner. Why do you think that a is larger? 1975. ERIC No. ED 144 802.
Anna. They split the b and 2 apart; a brings Davis, Robert B. Discovery in Mathematics:
them together. A Text for Teachers. Reading, Mass.:
Jerry. I think a [is larger]. That plus 2 is part Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1994.
of a. Erlwanger, Stanley, and Maurice Berlanger.
Myra. Yes a has to be bigger because what- Interpretations of the Equal Sign among
ever b + 2 is has to be higher than b because Elementary School Children. In Proceed-
you combine them. ings of the North American Chapter of the
Anna. Right; a has the + 2 in it and b doesnt. International Group for the Psychology of
Mathematics Education. Montreal: 1983.
Lillie. Together they have to be the same; b
+ 2 has to be the same as a. Kieran, Carolyn. Concepts Associated
with the Equality Symbol. Educational
Studies in Mathematics 12 (August 1981): 317-
Conclusion 26.
Discussions such as these, which involved an Matz, Marilyn. Towards a Process Model
ever-growing number of children, indicate for School Algebra Errors. In Intelligent
that the children have learned to see the Tutoring Systems, edited by Derick Sleeman
equals sign as a symbol describing a relation- and John Seeley Brown, 25-50. New York:
ship rather than as a do it sign. Because Academic Press, 1982.
this article was written before the end of the
school year, we have not collected summary National Council of Teachers of Mathemat-
data on childrens understanding of the prob- ics (NCTM). Principles and Standards for
lem 8 + 4 = c + 5 in this class. In a pilot School Mathematics: Discussion Draft.
study involving a similar first and second Reston, Va.: NCTM 1998.
grade classroom in the same town, however,
we found that at the end of the year, four- The research reported in this article was sup-
teen out of sixteen children correctly an- ported in part by a grant from the U.S. De-
swered that 7 should go in the box. partment of Education, Office of Educa-
As we reflect on our introduction of the tional Resreach and Improvement, to the
notion of equality and the equals sign to this National Center for Improving Student
class and others, we continue to be amazed Learning and Achievement in Mathematics
at the interest and excitement that the chil- and Science (R305A60007-98). Opinions
dren bring to the discussions. Lillie uses her expressed do not necessarily reflect the posi-
teeter-totter metaphor with the enthusiasm tion, policy, or endorsement of the support-
of a child ready to play on one. Skip is genu- ing agency.
inely outraged that anyone should fill in a
blank so that an equation reads 17 = 27.
These are not the bored comments of chil- Reprinted with permission from Math-
dren looking forward to recess but the ex- ematics Teaching in the Middle School,
cited contributions of children who are ex- copyright 2000 by the National Council
ploring a new world of thinking and com- of Teachers of Mathematics.
municating mathematically and who are en-


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