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Recessed Specification Lighting
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design homogeneity in lighting excellence

The unily concept

- an approach lo recessed lighting where divergence in function may be achieved
wilhout loss ol design harmony. A variety of downlights, ellipsoidals, wallwashers and H.l.D. units (shown
in l/arco's H.l.D. catalog) can e{fectively be inlermingled to produce specific photometric results in a
single installation and yet maintain overall consistency in aperture appearance and size identity. To
insure conlormity in ceiling pattern of lights, {or example, a champagne gold cone in a six and three
quarter inch aperture could be mounted lor standard downlighting throughout a given location, while
around the perimeter of the area the combination dual reflector units could be used to provide both wall
illumination and downlighting. These wall washing unils, when properly spaced, olfer even distribution of
lig ht wilhout scallop ing. These unique units are but a portion of the extensive Fo lio co llectio n com prising
over two hundred and fifty catalog items. In addition to the gold cone there are clear and black Alzak
cones and matte black baffles in round aperture units as well as extruded black baffles in square
ape rtu res.

- there is no competilive equal to the Folio collection and therefore il is impossible to
suggesl ils comparative quality, but good workmanship is self-evident and the products themselves
reveal the care and pride that are an essenlial element in the construction of lhis extensive line.
Specification information is detailed at the back of the book.

Energy consciousness
- ln the engineering development of Folio, performance dictated design, but an
awareness of the critical energy shortage was also an essential consideration. Marco approaches the
energy problem with incandescent folio designs photometrically constructed to accomodate
incandescent 'A' lamps, having higher lumen per watt ratio than incandescent reflector sources. A low
cost .l50 watt 'A' lamp with 2780 lumens (750 hours lamp life) produces better color rendition and
lumens per watt efficacy, as compared to a 150 watt R40 flood (2000 hours Iamp life) with '1900 lumens
producing 12.66 lumens per watt. Units in the Folio collections are available for both horizontal and
vertical mounting of 'A' lamps exclusively as well as the standard downlights being designed to achieve
excellence of performance with either'A{ype' lamps or reflector lamps. For even greater energy savings,
consult Marco's H.l.D. catalog for information on the vast Folio H.l.D. collection. l\4arco's engineering
acumen and record of performance are apparent in the variety of Folio units.

Downlights, standard cones, round aperture. . . .2.7
Downlights, full housing cones, round aperture. ...8-9
Downlighls, standard baffles, round aperture. . .10-15
Downlights, full housing baffles, round aperture. .16-'17
Downlights, vertical 'A' lamp cones, round aperture. .18-19
Downlights, vertical 'A' lamp shallow cones, round aperlure. .20-21
Downlights, vertical 'A'lamp shallow baffles, round aperture. .22-23
Downlights, horizontal 'A' lamp cones, round aperture.
Ellipsoidals, cones, round aperture.
Ellipsoidals, baflles, round aperture. .28-29
Downlights, standard baff les, square aperture. . 30-31
Ellipsoidals, baffles, square aperlure.
Semi-recessed downlights, standard lamps, cones, round aperture. . . . . . ...34
Semi-recessed downlights, 'A' lamps, cones, round aperture. ...35
Semi-recessed downlights, standard lamps, batfles, round aperture. . . . . .36-37
Wallwasher - verlical 'A' lamp cones, round aperlure. .38-39
Wallwasher - horizontal 'A' lamp cones, round aperture. .40-41
Quartz downlights, cones and baffles, round aperture. .42-43
Quartz downlights, light shield trim, round aperture. .44-45
Valueline economical downlights, cones & batfles, round aperture. . . . . . .46"47
Specifications 48.49
Aperture is only 4% inches in diameter on this petite downlight
Aperture-4% " engineered for use with reflector lamps. Ideal for restaurants,
lounges, hotels or any commercial or fine residential
installation where an effective small aperture unit is needed.
Gripklip locking system holds cone securely in position and
provides ease of installation. Narrow disposable trim ring
conceals rough ceiling cut-out.

(' -,---_*_-.=.\ . I

Fixture is furnished with ilex, connector and lunciion box mounted on plasler
lrame. Standard trim f nsh s wh te pa nl and w be furnished unless otherwise

Fot oplional accessoties, specill altet cat. no.:

lO1 27 C.r'a.nF 1a.gers. pai
/86 therma protection deleted
/92 f at type trim ring

Not.: Becnuse oi srna airert!rc s /e. fre \/ired l!f.tiLr'r b.rr .|'i fol b,. lrsed
!nless if.r. s cei iiq Jc.esslb lily olrcr lhnll I rro!ql .Lrl ouL lo ilxtur.


Ceiling Cavity Fellectanc6

80 70 5030 100
Wall R6lloctanc6
7050 30 10 70 5030 105030 105030 1050 30 100
Cooilicienls ol Ulilizallon
1o91061o,11o3tO6tO41o31or1or 99 98 97 e6 95 9a 93 91 91
105101 98 96103100 97 95 97 S5 93 S4 92 91 92 90 89 88
r02 97 94 91100 96 93 90 93 91 89 91 89 87 89 88 86 85
98 93
89 86 97 92 89 86 90 87 85 89 86 84 87 85 83 82
95 89
85 82 94 88 85 82 87 84 81 85 83 80 84 e2 80 79
6 92 86
82 79 91 85 82 79 84 8l 78 83 80 78 82 79 77 76
89 83
78 76 88 82 78 75 8r 78 75 AA 71 75 79 7E 74 73
8 86 80 75 73 85 79 15 12 7A 15 72 77 T4 72 77 14 72 71
s 83 76 72 69 A2 16 72 69 75 72 69 75 71 69 75 71 69 68
10 81 74 70 67 80 74 70 6T 73 69 67 72 69 67 72 69 67 66
Fixture is ensineered,",
performance with either economical A-type lamps or refleclor
lamps. ldeal for all downlight installalions where controlled
lighting and aesthetic appeal are essential. Gripklip locking
system holds cone securely in position and provides ease of
installation. Narrow disposable trim ring conceals rough
ceiling cut-out.

Patent No. 3801815

Fixlure ls lurnished with tlex, connector and junclion box mounied on plaster
lrame. Standard trim finish is white paint and will be furnished unless otherwise

Fot oplional accesso es, specily altet cal.

l0l 27" C channel hanqers, pair
/04 top access
/86 thermal protection deleted
/92 flat type trim ring (not available on slope unit)


C6lllng Cavlly Rellectanc

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rollect3nco
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 l0 50 30 10 0
Cooltlclenls ol Utilizalion
1 81 79 78 76 79 77 76 75 T5 74 73 72 71 70 70 69 6A 6T
2 7A 75 72 70 76 74 71 70 71 70 68 69 68 67 67 66 65 64
3 75 71 6a 66 73 70 67 65 68 66 64 67 65 63 65 64 62 61
72 61 64 6271 67 64 61 65 63 61 64 62 60 63 61 59 59
5 69 64 61 58 68 63 60 58 62 59 57 6T 59 57 60 58 56 55
6 66 61 58 55 65 61 57 55 60 57 55 5S 56 54 58 56 54 53
T 63 58 54 52 63 57 54 52 57 54 51 56 53 51 55 53 51 50
I 61 55 51 49 60 55 51 49 54 51 49 53 5t 49 53 50 48 48
I 58 52 49 46 57 52 48 46 51 48 46 51 48 46 50 47 46 45
10 56 50 46 44 55 49 46 44 49 46 44 48 46 44 4A 45 43 43
Aperlure-6s/n " Fixture is engineered phoiometrically for economical A-type
lamps or reflector lamps. S milar unit with slight neck height
variation is available for PAR lamps. Recornmended for all
general down ight appl cat ons. Unit combines ease of
installation, maximum performance and aesthet c design.
Gripk ip locking system holds cone securely n position and
provides ease of instal atlon. Narrow disposable trim r ng
concea s rough cei ing cut-out and rnay be discarded for f ush

Pli.rrl No. 3801I l5

Horrsl r!l ref ector assenrb y cons sts of extrLraled a Lrm nLrm heat
.0r.0 ^ .1. .. l rr .r . r -.r e, lr ro. ., ..o..,
A zak cone lr c ear, black or llold nl1(l nar o\'v (lisl)osrl) e trlm ring
firlslrecl I ow gloss \,,.,h itr pa nt.

FixlLrre s lLrrnished wilh lex conneclor and junct on box mounted on p asler
frame. Slandard lrim I n sh s wh te pa nt and wil be lurn shed Ln ess otlrerw se

Fot optional accossoties, specily allet cat. no.:

101 27 C cl a1r e Ha.qers. pai'
/04 top access
/86 therma protection de eted
/92 f at type tri.n ring (nol avai ab e on s ope un t)

o 80
ciling Cavlry Fll6clanc6
70 5030
Wall Folleclanc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 3010 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30
c06llici6nts ol Urll12stlon
l0 0

I 72 70 69 67 70 69 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 62 61 60 59
2 69 65 63 61 67 64 62 60 62 60 59 60 59 57 59 57 56 55
3 65 61 57 55 64 60 57
54 58 56 54 57 55 53 55 53 52 5l
61 56 53 50 60 56 52
50 54 51 49 53 51 49 52 50 48 47
5 58 52 48 46 57 52 48
45 51 4T 45 5A 47 45 49 46 44 43
6 55 49 45 42 54 48 42
45 47 44 42 47 44 41 46 43 41 40
51 45 41 38 50 44 40
3a 44 40 37 43 40 37 42 39 37 36
8 4A 41 37 34 47 4137 34 40 37 34 40 36 34 39 36 34 33
9 45 38 34 31 44 38 34 31 37 34 31 37 33 31 36 33 31 30
42 35 31 28 41 35 31 28 34 31 28 34 31 2A 33 30 28 27

colling CavilY Rellecl6nc

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rolloclsnco
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 10 50 3010 0
c06lllclants ot Urlllzalion
1 a07877 757A77 75 74 74 73 72 71 70 70 69 68 6a 66
2 77 74 71 70 75 73 71 69 70 69 67 68 67 66 67 65 64 63
3 74 70 67 65 72 69 66 64 67 65 63 66 64 62 64 63 61 60
71 66 63 61 70 66 63 61 64 62 60 63 61 59 62 60 58 58
5 63 63 60 57 67 62 59 57 61 59 56 60 58 56 59 57 55 55
6 65 60 57 54 64 60 56 54 59 56 54 58 55 53 57 55 53 52
T 62 57 53 51 62 57 53 51 56 53 51 55 52 50 54 52 50 49
8 60 54 51 48 59 54 50 48 53 50 48 52 50 48 52 49 48 47
I 57 51 48 45 57 51 4A 45 40 47 45 4a 47 45 49 47 45 44
10 55 49 46 43 54 49 45 43 48 45 43 48 45 43 47 45 43 42

C6illng cavlly

8o 70 5030 100
Wall 8llocltnc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 T0 50 30 100
Co.llicionls ol Utlllzallon
1 1o11oo 98 97 99 98 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 87 a5
2 98 94 92 89 96 93 90 88 90 88 86 88 86 85 85 84 83 82
3 95 90 87 85 93 89 86 84 87 85 83 85 83 81 83 82 80 79
91 86 83 8o 90 85 82 79 84 81 7S A2 AO 78 80 79 77 76
5 88 83 79 76 87 82 7A T6 81 77 15 79 77 74 78 76 7A T3
6 86 8o 76 73 84 -lg 76 73 7a 75 73 77 T4 12 76 74 72 71
83 77 73 71 82 77 73 7Q 76 72 7o 75 72 7A T4 71 69 6A
I 80 74 70 68 79 74 7a 6A 73 70 67 72 69 67 71 69 67 66
9 7A 71 6A 67 77 71 67 65 70 67 65 70 67 64 69 66 64 63
10 75 6S 65 62 74 68 64 62 6a 64 62 67 64 62 66 64 62 61
Fixture is engineered photometrically for economical A{ype
lamps or reflector lamps. Similar unit with slight neck height
variation is available for PAR lamps. Recommended for all
general downlight applications. Unit combines ease of
installation, maximum performance and aesthetic design.
Gripklip locking system holds cone securely in position and
provides ease ot inslallation. Narrow disposable trim ring
conceals rough ceiling cut-out and may be discarded tor llush
mou nting.

Patent No. 3B0l815

Housing reflector assembly consists of extruded aluminum heat

sl.l, .050 Alzd\ rpflector, alLl-'rinLrm ce.1te, tro.1r'tio. \ection,
Alzak cone in clear, black or gold and narrow disposab e trim ring
finished in low gloss white paint.

Fixture is lurnished wilh llex, conneclor and junclron box mo!nled on plasler
lram. Slandard lr m llnish is while pa nl and will be lurnrshed unless olherwrse

For optiona, accessotles, specily aflet cat. no.:

lOl 27" C channel hangers. pair
/04 top access
/86 thermal protection deleted
/92 flat type trim ring (not available on slope unit)

Colllng cavlly R6ll6clance

8o 70 5030 100
Wall R.ll.ct5nc6
705030 l0 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 100
Coolllclents ol Ulilizallon
70 69 67 66 69 68 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 61 60 59 58
67 65 62 60 66 63 61 60 61 60 58 60 58 57 58 57 56 55
64 60 57 55 63 60 57 55 58 56 54 56 55 53 55 54 52 51
61 57 53 51 60 56 53 51 55 52 50 53 51 49 52 50 49 48
58 53 49 47 57 52 49 47 51 4a 46 50 48 46 49 47 45 44
55 50 46 43 54 49 46 43 48 45 43 47 45 43 47 44 42 42
52 46 42 40 51 46 42 4A 4a 42 40 44 41 39 44 41 39 38
49 43 39 37 48 43 39 37 42 39 36 41 38 36 41 3a 36 35
46 40 36 33 45 39 36 33 39 36 33 38 35 33 38 35 33 32
43 37 33 31 43 37 33 31 36 33 30 36 33 30 35 32 30 29

c6ilinq Cavliy Rolloctanc6

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rsll.ctanco
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 10 0
c06lliclonis ol utllLstlon
1 92908887908887868544&8281 80 79 79 78 77
2 89 85 $ 81 a7 84 82 80 a2 80 78 79 7876 77 76 75 T4
3 85 81 78 76 84 80 77 75 78 76 74 76 74 7315 73 T2 T1
827A74 71 8177 73 7175 727074 71 69 72 70 69 68
5 7g 7470 67 7813 7o 67 72 69 66 70 68 66 69 67 65 6.4
6 76 71 67 64 75 70 66 64 69 66 63 68 65 63 67 64 63 62
73 67 63 60 72 67 63 60 66 62 60 65 62 60 64 61 59 59
a 70 64 60 57 69 64 60 57 63 59 57 62 59 57 61 59 57 56
9 67 61 57 54 66 60 57 54 60 56 54 59 56 54 59 56 54 53
10 65 58 54 52 64 58 54 52 57 54 51 57 54 51 56 53 51 50

C6lllng Cavlly Boll6ctanco

80 70 5030 100
Wrll Rallactsnc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 105030 105030 105030 100
Coelllclef,ls ol lJlllEallon
1 102100 99 s7100 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 88 86
2 99 96 94 92 97 95 93 91 9291 a9 90 88 87 87 86 86 84
3 979391 899592 90 8890 88 87 88 87 a5 86 85 84 83
4 9491 88 85 93 90 87 85 88 86 84 86 85 a3 85 84 82 81
5 92 88 85 83 91 87 84 82 86 83 82 85a381 83 82 80 80
6 90 86 83 81 89 85 83 80 84 82 80 83 81 80 a2 a0 79 78
7 8a 84 81 78 87 83 807a82 8078 8l 797881 7S 77 76
8 86 82 79 76 86 81 78 76 80 7a 76 80 77 767977 7675
9 85 80 77 75 84 79 76 75 79 76 747A76 74 78 75 74 73
10 a3 78 75 73 A2 78 75 73 77 75 73 77 74 73 76 74 73 72
High intensily fixture where raised ce I ng he ghls demand increased
wattage. Fu I housing unit is ava lab e for ref ector mogul base amps.
A zak cones available n clear, black or gold. Unit features standard top
access- Disposable narro\, tr m ring is furnished for rough cei ing cut.
outs, but may be d scarded for f ush mount ng.


Ti.. t

Housing is heavy gauge steel, bonderized, and finished matte

black. N4ogul base socket. Removable top on round housing
provides access from above ceiling. Cone is available in clear,
black or gold Alzak. Narrow overlapping trim ring is furnished
as standard.

Fixlure is lurnished w lh 1ex. conneclor and l!nct on bor mounted on p asler

frame. Standard 1r m iin sh s wh le pa nt and w be lLrrn slred un ess olherw se

Fot oplional accessotios, specify altet cal. no.:

101 27" C channel hangers, parr
/86 thermal protecl on deleted
/92 flat type tr m ring
Fuli housing unit for medium base 150 watt PAR38 coolbeam
amps. Alzak cones avai ab e n c ear, black or gold. Top access
available as opt on, specify /04. Disposable narrow trim ring is
furnished for rough ceiling cut-outs, but may be discarded for
flush mou nt inos.


-t f

Housing is heavy gauge steel, bonderized, and finished matte

black. lVedium base socket. Cone is available ln clear, black or
gold Alzak. Narrow overlapping trim ring is furnished as

I F xture s lurnrshed wrlh I ex connector and lunclron box mounled o. p asler

irame Slandaro tr m I n sh rs wh te par.1 and will be I!rnrshed Lrnless olherw se

Fot oplional accossoties, specily aller cat. no.:

101 27 C cl'dnre ha.qers. oar'
/04 top access
/86 therma protection deleted
/92 flat type trlm ring
Aperture is on y 4% inches in diameter in this petite downlight
engineered for use with reflector lamps. ldeal for restaurants,
Apetlwe.4l/4" lounges, hotels or any comnrercial or fine residentia
installation where an effective small aperture unit is needed.
Gripk ip locking system holds aluminum groove baffle securely
in positlon and provides ease of lnstallation. Narrow
disposable trim ring conceals rough ceiling cut-out.



F xlure rs iurnished w th 1ex. conneclor and l!nclion box mo!n1ed on p aster

lrame. Standard lrrm finrsh s wh te pa nl and w be lLr.n shed !nless otherw se

Fot optional accessoties, specily altet cal. no.:

l0l 2l C channel hangers, Pa r
/86 thermal protect on de eted
/92 t al type triar r ng
Note B'r.irLLs.r .r srna I iip,r) l!r.r s 'e, tr e,ir r.l jLrn'ri. r lio! rr"rir bu !sLr.l
Lrr es! rh.r.r s .e .].t ilIc{rsslb ii! i1 re llri]n ll .rLr!lr .L,t ii!t or I )iiLr 1,.


C6illng Cavity Relleclanco

80 70 s0 30 i0 0
Wall Rlleclanc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 l0 0
Co6llicienls ol Uli ization
68 67 66 65 66 65 64 64 63 62 62 61 60 60 59 58 58 57
66 64 62 61 65 63 6t 60 61 60 59 59 58 57 58 57 56 55
64 61 59 58 63 61 59 57 59 58 56 s8 57 56 57 56 55 54
5S 57 55 61 59 57
57 55 53 60 57 55
56 53 52 58 a5 53
56 55 54
55 53 52
54 52 51
57 54 51 50 57 53 51 s0 53 51 49 52 50,19 52 50 49 48
56 52 50 48 55 52 50 48 51 49 48 51 49 48 50 49 4817
54 50 48 47 54 50 48 47 50 48 46 49 48.16 4917 46,15
53 49 47 45 52,19,17 45 49 47 45 48,16 45 48 46 4a 45

Fixture is engineered for excel ence of photornetric
performance with reflector amps. ldeal for ail downlight
installations where controlled lig ht ing and aesthetic appeal are Aperture-53/4"
essential. Gripklip locking system holds aluminum groove
baffle securely in pos tion and provides ease of installation.
Narrow disposable trim ring conceals rough ceiling cut-oui.





n' f
rl -ll

Fixlure is turn shed wilh I ex. conneclor and iunclion box mounl(d on plasler
Irame Slandard tr m I n sh s wh le pa nt and will be lurnished unlers olherw se

For oplioral accossoties, specily altet cat. no.:

101 27 ' C channel hangers.Par
/04 lop access
/86 thermal protection deleled
i92 t at type trim ring (not ava lable on slope un t)


Ciling Cavily B6llecranco

30 70 5030 100
wall F6ll6ctanco
70 50 30 1070 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 104
C6.tllcl6nts ol Utillzalion
1 t2I\lA A O6abSb o oooqo b4o bj 6'bi
2 71 6S 68 67 69 68 67 66 66 66 65 65 64 64 63 63 62 61
3 70 68 66 65 69 67 66 65 66 65 64 64 64 63 63 62 62 61
69 67 65 64 68 66 65 64 65 64 63 64 63 62 63 62 62 61
a 68 66 64 63 67 65 64 63 64 63 62 64 63 62 63 62 61 6l
6 67 65 64 63 67 65 63 62 64 63 62 63 62 62 63 62 61 6l
7 67 6,1 63 62 66 64 63 62 64 62 62 63 62 61 63 6? 61 61
I 66 64 62 62 66 64 62 61 63 62 61 63 62 61 62 61 61 60
9 65 63 62 61 65 63 62 61 63 62 61 62 61 61 62 61 60 60
10 64 62 61 60 64 62 61 60 62 61 60 61 60 60 61 60 60 59
Fixture is engineered photometrically for reflector lamps.
Aperture.6sln" Similar unit with slight neck height variation is availabie for
PAR lamps. Recommended for all general down ight
applications. Unit combines ease of installation, maximum
performance and aesthetic design. Unit features lMarco
exclusive GripKlip locking system for securing baffle in
housing and extruded aluminum heat sink neck. A disposable
narrow trim ring is furnished for rough ceiling cut-out and may
be discarded for flush mounting.


!, II

Houslng refleclor assembly cons sts of exlruded aJum num heal sink
neck..050 Alzak ret ector, a uminum groove baif e in matte black finish
and narrow ta m ring f n shed in low g oss wh te pa nt.

Frame-in assembly consists of plaster frame, hang-"r brackets, cast

heat slnk cap with medium base socket, sidc er'ltry connector and
lea cls.

Fixture ls Iurnished wilh llex, connector and j!nclion box mounled rn p aster
frame Slandard lr m I n sh is white painl and w j be lurn shed unless otherw se

Fot optional accessoties, specily aftet cat. no.:

101 27" C channel hangers, pa r
/04 top access
/86 thermal protect on deleted
i92 f at type trim r ng (nol ava lab e on siope un t)


Ciling Cavaly Bllectanc.

80 70 50 30 100
wall Rellect6nc
70 50 30 10705030 1050 30 10 5030 r05030 100
Colllclnts ol Ullll2allon
75 74 73 73 74 73 72 71 7A 70 69 68 68 67 66 66 65 64
74 72 71 7a 73 71 70 69 69 68 68 68 67 66 66 65 65 64
73 71 69 68 72 7! 69 68 68 67 66 67 66 66 66 65 65 64
7' 6q 6A 67 11 69 67 66 6A 66 66 67 66 65 66 65 64 64
71 68 67 66 70 68 66 65 67 66 65 66 65 64 65 64 64 63
70 68 66 65 69 67 66 65 66 65 64 66 65 64 65 64 64 63
69 67 65 64 69 67 65 64 66 65 64 65 64 64 65 64 63 63
69 66 65 64 68 66 64 64 65 64 63 65 64 63 65 64 63 63
68 65 64 63 67 65 64 63 65 64 63 64 63 63 64 63 62 62
67 64 63 62 66 64 62 62 64 62 61 63 62 61 63 62 61 61

Ciling Caviiy Rlleciance

a0 70 5030 100
wall Bellctance
70 s0 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Collicienls ol Utilization
41 40 40 39 40 3S 39 38 38 38 37 37 36 36 36 35 35 34
40 38 37 36 39 38 37 36 37 36 35 36 35 35 35 34 34 33
38 37 36 35 38 36 35 34 35 35 3,1 35 34 33 34 33 33 32
37 35 34 33 37 35 34 33 34 33 32 34 33 32 33 32 32 31
36 3,1 32 31 36 34 32 31 33 32 31 32 31 31 32 31 30 30
35 33 3r 30 35 32 31 30 32 31 30 32 30 30 31 30 29 29
,d ,i r0)q,jji 0 c,l ,029 l02928 l029282
33 30 29 28 32 30 29 28 30 2A 2T 29 28 27 29 2A 21 21
32 29 27 26 31 29 27 26 29 21 26 2A 21 26 2e 21 26 26
21 16 25 3n 2A 26 2a 2A 26 24 27 26 25 27 26 25 25

Ceilina Cavitv Felleclance

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rellctance
70 s0 30 1070 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 1050 30 100
collici6nls ot Utilizalion
l 83 82 81 80 818A 7918 T7 77 16 75 74 74 72 72 72 7A
2 81 79 77 76 80 78 76 75 76 75 74 74 73 72 72 71 T1 TA
-t5 76 7413 74 73 72 1311 71 71 7A 69 69
3 79 77 73 7n
7A 75 7311 77 74 721A 73 71 70 71 70 69 70 69 68 68
16 73 71 69 75 72 70 69 71 70 68 70 69 68 69 68 67 66
6 75 71 69 68 74 7r 69 67 70 68 67 69 68 67 69 67 66 66
73 70 68 66 73 70 68 66 69 67 66 68 67 65 68 66 65 65
I 72 69 66 65 7t 68 66 65 68 66 64 67 65 64 67 6s 6,1 63
I 7t 67 65 63 70 67 65 63 66 64 63 66 64 63 65 64 63 62
10 6A 64 62 60 6a 64 62 60 63 61 60 63 61 60 63 61 60 59
Fixture is engineered photometrically for reflector lamps.
Aperture.TsZ" Similar unit with slight neck height variation is available for
PAR lamps. Recommended for all general downlight
applications. Unit combines ease of installation, maximurn
performance and aesthetic design. Unit leatures Marco
exclusive GripKlip locking system for securing baffle in
housing and extruded aluminum heat sink neck. A disposable
narrow trim ring is furnished foi rough ceiling cut-out and may
be discarded for flush mounting.


r \ -'.
-3" I'--s.
ei :,
.l l


Housing reilector assemb y consisls of exlruded alumlnum heat sink

neck, .050 Alzak rel eclor, a uminum groove baff e in matte black finish
and narTow tr m ring f nished in low gLoss wh te pa nt.

Frame in assembly consists of plaster tramc, han-qer brackets, casl

heat sink cap wlth medium base socket, sicle entry cotrnector and

FLxlLrre rs iurnrshed w th let con.eclor and luncl on bo! 'nounled o. p asier

lrame Standard ir m f n,sh s wh 1e pa rt a.d w be 1!r. shd !n ess olhrr{ se f
Fot optional accessoties, specily allet cat. no.:
101 27" C channel hangers, pair
/04 lop access
/86 lhermal protection deleted
/92 f at type lrim r ng (not ava lab e on slope unit)

C.iling Cavily R6llecrance

80 70 5030 100
Wall R6lleclance
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Coelticionls ol Uti!izalion
.: !;40;o,on,a
2 44 42 41 ,1043 42 40
39,10 39 38 39 38 38 38 37 37 36
3 42 40 38 37 41 39 38
37 31J 37 36 37 36 35 37 36 35 34
40 38 36 31 ,10 37 35
34 36 35 34 36 34 33 35 34 33 32
39 36 33 32 38 35 33
32 35 33 32 34 32 31 33 32 31 30
6 37 34 32 30 36 34 32
30 33 31 30 32 3l 30 32 31 29 29
35 32 30 28 35 32 30
28 31 3A 2e 29 2A
31 31 29 2A 27
I 34 30 28 27 33 30 28
27 30 2A 27 29
2A 26 29 27 2A 26
s i229 62 J224262 2A 26 2. 2A 26 2a 27 26 2a 24
t0 ia 21 25 23 3A 27 25 23 26 24 23 26 24 23 26 24 23 23

Ceiling Cavily Bolloctance

80 70 5030 100
Wall Flloclanc6
705030 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Co6llicief ts ol Utilizstlon
1 7312 71 7A 71 70 69 69 68 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 63 62
2 706866 65 69676564 6564636362 61 62 61 6059
3 686563 62 67656361 6361 606260 59 60595857
4 666360 58 656260 58 61 595760 58 57 59575655
5 64 60 58 56 63 60 57 56 59 57 55 58 56 55 57 56 54 54
6 62 59 56 5,1 62 58 56 54 57 55 54 57 55 53 56 5,1 53 52
7 61 5754 52 605654 52 56 545255 53 52 54 5352 51
8 595552 51 58555251 54 52505452 50 53 52 5049
9 575350 49 57 535049 52 504952 50 48 51 504848
r0 55 51 4o 47 55 51 4a 47 50 4a !7 50 4a 47 50 43 46,16

Ciling Cavily Relleclance

30 70 50 30 10
Wa i Relleclanc6
70 s0 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 s0 30 10 s0 30 10
Coellicienrs ol Utili2arion
73 1211 1Q 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 66 65 64 6d 63 63 61
70 6866 64 69 67 65 63 65 63 62 63 62 61 61 60 59 58
68 6562 60 67 64 61 59 62 60 5 61 59 58 59 58 57 56
65 6158 56 64 61 58 s6 59 57 55 58 56 55 57 55 54 53
63 5855 53 62 58 55 53 57 54 52 56 53 52 55 53 51 51
60 5653 50 60 55 52 50 54 52 50 5,4 51 50 53 51 49 49
58 5350 48 57 53 50 48 52 50 48 52 49 47 51 49 47 46
56 5t 48 ,16 55 51 48 4a 5A 47 A5 49 47 15 49 47 45 44
5,1 48 45 43 53 48 45 43 48 45 43 41 45 43 47 44 43 42
5t 46 43 41 51 ,16 ,13 41 .45 43 4l 45 42 41 44 42 41 40
High intensity fixtLrre where ra sed ceiling heights dernand ncreased
wattage. FLrll hous ng unit s avai able for rellector mogul base lamps
Aperture-g74 " Aluminum aroove bafile ln matte b ack iinish. Unil features standard
top access. Disposab e narrow trim ring is furnished for rough ceiling
cut-outs, but may be discarded for I ush mounling.




HousinO is heavy gauge steel, bonderized, and finjshed matte black,

mogul base socket. Removable top on round housing provides access
trom above ceiLing. Aluminum groove baffle ls matte black finish
Narrow overlapping trim ring s lurnished as standard.

Frxl!re s lurnished w th flex conneclor and lunct on box mounled on p asler

irame Slandaro tr m I nish s while oa nl and wil be f!rnrshed !nless olherw se

For optional accossoties, specily aflet cal' no.:

101 27 C chalnel hargers. oair
/86 thermal prolection deleted
/92 flat tYPe trinr r ng

COOLBEAM LAM P Aperture-63/4"
Full housing unit for medium base 150 watt PAR38 coolbeam
lamps. Aluminum groove baffle is finished in matte black. Top
access available as option, specify /04. Disposable narrow trim
rlng is furnished for rough ceiling cut-outs, but may be
discarded for flush mountings.


Housing is heavy gauge steel, bonderized and finished matte

black. Nledlum base socket. Aluminum qroove baffle in rnatte
black f nish. Narrow overlapping trim ring is furnished as

F xture s lurnrshed w lli ilei. conneclor and tuncl on box mounled on p aster
iram Slandard tr m I .,sh s whrle pa nl and w,l be l!rn,shed !. ess olhe.w s

Fot optional accessories, specily altet cat. no.:

l0l 27" C channel hangers, pa r
/04 top access
/86 thermal proteclion deleted
i92 ilat type trim ring

Fixture is photometrically engineered and designed

specifically for the use of economical A'type lamps. These
highly eflicient units are ideal in areas of normal ceiling height
and are particularly recommended for motels, restaurants,
shops, stores, offices, banks or in any commercial installation
where large maintenance departments are not staffed. Not only
is fixture easily installed, but height and overalldimensions of
unit recommend it where recessing area is limited. All three
sizes feature exlruded aluminum heat sink neck, Marco
exclusive Gripklip locking system for securing cone assembly
in position and a disposable narrow trim ring lo conceal rough
ceiling cut-outs.



Housing reflector assembly consists of extruded aluminum heat

sink, .050 Alzak reflector, Alzak cone in clear or gold finish and
narrow disposable trim ring finished in low gloss white paint

Frame-in assembly consists of plaster frame, hanger brackets, cast

heat sink cap with medium base socket, side entry connector and

Fixture s furn shed with liex, connecior and junclion box mounted )n plaster
lrame. Standard lrim lin sh is while paint and will be lurnished unless othelwise
spec fied.

Fot oplional accessoties, specill altet cal' no.:

l0'l 27" C channel hangers, Pair
i86 thermal p.otection deleted
/92 flat type trirn ring (not available on slope unit)

Colllng Cavlry Roll6cianco

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rotl.ct.nc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 10 50 3010 0
Coelllclonls ol Ulillzallon
1 T3 717Q 6A 7170 68 67 67 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 60
2 70 66 64 62 68 65 63 61 63 61 60 61 60 58 60 58 57 56
3 66 62 59 56 65 61 58 56 59 57 55 58 56 54 56 54 53 52
62 58 54 51 61 57 53 51 55 53 50 54 52 50 53 51 49 48
5 59 53 49 47 58 53 49 46 52 48 46 50 4a 46 49 47 45 44
6 56 50 46 43 55 49 45 43 48 45 42 47 44 42 46 44 42 41
7 52 46 42 39 51 45 41 39 44 41 38 44 41 38 43 40 38 37
8 49 42 38 35 48 42 3a 35 41 38 35 40 37 35 40 37 35 34
I 46 39 35 32 45 38 34 32 38 34 32 37 34 31 37 34 31 30
10 43 36 31 29 42 35 31 29 35 31 29 34 31 2A 34 31 28 27

Cslllng cavlly R6ll6cldnco

80 70 50 30 l0
wsll R6ll6clanco
70 50 3010 70 50 3010 50 30 l0 50 3010 50 30 10
Coetllclenis ol Ulillu alion
82 AO 79 77 81 79 77 76 76 75 74 73 T2 T1 71 7A 69 6A
79 75 727Q 77 74 71 69 72 70 68 70 68 66 68 66 65 64
75 70 67 64 73 69 66 63 67 65 62 66 63 62 64 62 61 59
7i 66 62 59 70 65 61 58 63 60 58 62 59 57 61 5a 56 55
67 61 57 54 66 61 57 54 53 56 53 58 55 53 57 54 52 51
64 57 53 50 63 57 53 50 56 52 49 55 52 49 54 51 49 48
60 53 49 46 59 53 48 45 52 4A 45 51 47 45 5Q 47 45 44
56 49 45 42 56 49 45 42 48 44 41 47 44 41 41 43 41 40
53 46 41 38 52 45 41 38 45 41 38 44 40 38 43 40 38 37
50 42 38 35 4S 42 38 35 41 37 35 41 37 34 40 37 34 33

Colllng Cavlly R6ll6ctanco

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rell6ctanc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
coelllclenls ol Ulillzallon
1 87 84 82 80 85 83 81 79 AO 7A 77 77 75 74 74 73 72 T1
827874 71aO 76 73 70 74 71 69 71 69 67 69 67 66 64
77 7t 67 63 75 70 66 62 68 64 61 66 63 60 64 62 60 58
72 65 60 56 70 64 59 56 62 58 55 61 57 54 59 56 54 52
67 59 54 50 65 5a 53 50 57 53 49 56 52 49 54 51 48 47
62 54 49 45 61 54 48 45 52 4A 44 51 4T 44 50 46 44 42
58 49 44 40 57 49 43 40 48 43 39 47 42 39 46 42 39 38
54 45 39 35 52 44 39 35 43 38 35 42 38 35 41 37 34 33
49 40 35 31 4a 40 34 31 39 34 31 38 34 30 37 33 30 29
46 37 31 27 45 36 31 27 35 30 27 35 30 27 34 30 2T 26
Fixture is photometrically engineered and designed

specifically for the use of economical A-type lamps. These
highly efficient units are ideal in areas of normal ceiling height
and are particularly recommended for motels, restaurants,
shops, stores, offices, banks or in any commercial installation
where large maintenance departments are not staffed. Units
feature shallow black or gold cone. All three sizes feature
extruded aluminum heat sink neck, universal hanger with 25"
adjustable bar hangers. lMarco exclusive Gripklip locking
system for securing trim assembly in position and a disposable
narrow trim ring to conceal rough ceiling cut-outs.




Apetlurc.73/4" f


Fixlure s Iurnished w th IIex, connector and tLrncl on box mounled on plaster

sh s wh le painl and wil be lurn shed un ess olhe.w se
frame. Slandard lrirn frn

Fot optional accessoties, specily aftet cat. no.:

l0l 27" C channe hangers, pa r
/86 therma protection de eted
/92 ilal lype trim ring


Ceiling Cavily Rlloclanco

80 70 s030 100
WsLl R6tl6ctanc
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 1050 30 10 50 30 10s0 30 100
Collicienls ol Ulilizaiion
1 73 71 70 6A 71 70 68 67 67 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 60
2 69 66 64 62 68 65 63 61 63 61 60 6t 60 58 60 58 57 56
3 66 62 59 56 65 61 58 56 59 57 55 58 56 54 56 55 53 52
63 58 54 52 62 57 54 51 56 53 51 55 52 50 53 51 50 49
59 54 50 48 58 53 50 47 52 49 47 5i 59 47 50 48 46 45
6 57 51 47 44 56 50 47 44 49 46 44 48 46 44 48 45 43 42
53 47 43 40 52 47 43 40 46 43 40 45 ,12 40 44 42 40 39
8 50 44 40 47 49 44 40 37 43 40 37 42 39 37 42 39 37 36
I 47 41 3t 34 47 41 37 34 40 37 34 39 36 34 3S 36 34 33
10 4a 3A 34 32 44 3e 34 32 37 34 32 37 34 32 36 34 31 31

Ciling C.vily R6lloclance

80 70 5030 100
Wall Fellectance
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
Coelllclenls ol Ulilizalion
?2 AA 1A 76 AO 1A 77 75 75 7413 73 71 11 70 69 69 67
7B 74 T1 69 76 73 7A 68 71 69 67 69 67 65 67 65 64 63
74 69 66 63 72 68 65 62 66 64 61 65 62 60 63 61 59 58
70 65 61 57 69 64 60 57 62 59 56 61 58 56 59 57 55 54
66 60 56 53 65 59 55 52 58 55 52 57 54 5t 56 53 51 50
63 56 52 49 62 56 51 48 54 51 48 53 50 48 52 50 47 46
59 52 47 44 58 51 47 44 50 46 44 49 46 43 49 46 43 42
55 48 43 40 54 4A 43 4A 47 43 40 46 42 40 45 42 40 39
52 44 4A 37 51 44 40 37 43 39 36 43 39 36 42 39 36 35
49 41 36 33 48 41 36 33 40 36 33 39 36 33 39 35 33 32

Ciling Cavity Fllclanc6

70 50 30
Wall Fllclanc
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Coiiiclenls ol Utili2alion
1 86 84 82 80 84 82 80 79 79 7A 76 76 75 7413 73 72 71
2 a2 7A 75 72 aA 77 74 72 74 72 7A 72 10 6A 7A 6A 67 66
3 77 72 69 66 76 71 68 65 69 66 64 67 65 63 66 64 62 61
73 67 63 60 72 67 63 59 65 61 5S 63 60 58 62 59 57 56
5 69 63 58 55 68 62 58 54 60 57 54 59 56 53 58 55 53 52
6 65 58 54 50 64 58 53 50 56 53 50 55 52 49 54 51 49 48
61 54 49 45 60 53 48 45 52 48 45 51 47 45 50 47 44 43
I 57 49 45 41 56 49 44 41 48 44 41 47 44 41 47 43 41 39
9 53 45 4r 37 53 45 40 37 44 40 37 44,10 37 43 39 37 36
10 aa 42 3T 34 49 41 37 34 41 37 34 40 36 33 40 36 33 32

Aperture-5s/" Fixture is photometrically engineered and designed

specifically for the use of economical A-type lamps. These
highly efficient units are ideal ln areas of normal ceiling height
and are particularly recommended for motels, restaurants,
shops, stores, offices, banks, or in any comrnercial installation
where large maintenance departments are not staffed. Units
feature shallow black baffle. All three slzes feature extruded
aluminum heat sink neck, universal hanger with 25" adiustable
bar hangers. N4arco exclusive Gripklip locking system for
securing trim assembly in position and a disposable narrow
trlm ring to conceal rough ceiling cut-outs.



Apetlurc.7 3/4"

F xlu.e s iurnlshed w th I et connector and luncl o. bor mounled of plaster

lrame Slandard tr m i n sh rs whLl-o pa nl and w I be 1!rn shed !. ess olherw se

For optional accossotios, specily altet cat. no.:

101 27 C c\a11er nangers. oa.r
/86 thermal prolect on deleted
/92 flat type tril.n r ng l)


Csiling Cavily Relleclsnc6

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rlleciance
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Coelllcients ol Ulllizalion
62 60 59 58 61 59 58 57 57 56 55 55 54 54 53 53 52 51
59 57 54 53 58 56 54 52 54 52 51 52 51 50 51 50 49 48
56 53 50 48 55 52 50 48 51 49 47 49 48 46 48 47 45 45
.) 40 46.4 q2 40 a6 !4 48 a) 4) aa na a) a5 a4 a2 42
51 46 43 41 50 45 43 40 45 42 40 44 4l 40 43 41 39 38
48 43 40 38 47 43 40 38 42 39 37 41 39 37 40 38 37 36
45 40 37 34 44 40 37 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 38 35 34 33
43 31 34324231 34 32 36 33 31 36 33 3t 35333r 30
40 35 3t 29 39 34 31 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 33 30 29 28
r0 3A 32 29 27 37 32 29 27 32 2A 37 31 2A 26 31 28 26 26

Ceiling Cavaly Retlectanc

80 70 50 30 10
wall Relleclanc
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10
C06llici6nls ol Utilizdlion
70 68 67 66 68 67 66 65 65 63 63 62 61 61 60 59 59 58
67 64 62 60 65 63 61 59 61 59 58 59 58 56 57 56 55 54
64 60 57 55 62 59 56 54 57 55 53 56 54 52 55 53 s2 s1
60 56 53 50 59 55 52 50 54 51 49 53 5t 49 52 50 48 47
57 52 49 46 56 52 48 46 5l 4A 46 5A 47 45 49 47 45 44
54 49 46 43 54 49 4a 43 4a 45 42 47 44 42 46 44 42 41
51 46 42 39 51 4a 42 39 44 41 39 44 41 39 43 4t 39 38
48 43 39 36 48 42 39 36 4t 38 36 41 38 36 40 38 36 35
46 39 36 33 45 39 36 33 39 35 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 32
,13 37 33 30 42 36 33 30 36 33 30 35 32 30 35 32 3a 29

C6iling Cavity R6ll6ctanc6

80 70 50 30 10
wall R6lleclanc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 3010 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10
Coetticinls ol Utillzalion
69 67 65 64 67 66 65 63 63 62 61 61 60 59 59 58 58 56
65 62 60 57 64 6t 59 57 59 57 56 57 56 54 56 54 53 52
62 58 54 52 60 57 54 52 55 53 5t 54 52 50 52 51 49 48
58 53 50,17 57 53 49 47 51 48 46 50 48 46,19 47 45 44
7 55
46 43
42 39
49 45
46 42
42 41 44
3S 44 41
42 46
39 43
49 43 39 36 48 42 38 36 41 38 36 41 38 35,10 37 35 34
46 39 35 33 45 49 35 32 38 35 32 38 34 32 37 34 32 31
42 36 32 29 42 3A 32 29 35 32 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 28
40 33 29 26 39 33 29 26 32 29 26 32 29 26 31 28 26 25
Fixture photometrically for economical A type lamps
is engineered
and designed specifically for areas where recessing depth is limited.
These hiqhly efficient units are excellent for motels, restaurants,
shops, stores, offices, banks and other commercial installations
where ease of maintenance is important. Narrow disposable trim
ring is provided to conceal roLlqh ceiling cut-out and may be
discarded for flush mounting.



. i, '
r . -.'l

'.. r

Housing reflector assembly consists of .050 Alzak reflector, angled

extruded socket neck, Alzak cone in clear, black or gold and
narrow disposable trim ring finished in low gioss white paint.

Frame'in assembly consists of plaster frame, hanger brackets,

galvanized yoke, socket cap with medium base socket, connector
and leads-

Fixture s Iurnished with Iler conneclor and lunct on bo! moiJnled on p aslei
frame Standard trim fin sh is while oa nl and wi be lurn shed un ess oln'arw se

For opfiona, acc6ssoties, specily aflet cat. no.:

lO1 27" C channel hange's. Pai'
/86 thermal protection deleted
/92 flat type trim ring

Csllln9 Csvlly Felleclanc
80 70 5030 100
Wall R.llocl6nc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
Co.lllcl6nl3 ol Ulllluatlon
1 74 72 71 69 72 71 70 68 68 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 61
2 71 68 65 63 69 67 64 63 65 63 61 63 61 60 61 60 59 58
3 67 63 60 58 66 62 60 57 61 58 56 59 57 56 58 56 55 54
64 59 56 53 63 59 55 53 57 55 52 56 54 52 55 53 51 50
5 61 55 52 49 60 55 51 49 54 51 4a 53 50 48 52 49 48 47
6 5A 52 4A 45 57 51 48 45 51 47 45 50 47 45 49 46 44 43
7 54 4E 44 42 54 48 44 42 47 44 41 46 43 41 46 43 41 40
8 51 45 41 38 50 45 41 38 44 40 38 43 40 38 43 40 38 37
I 4A 42 3A 35 47 41 37 35 41 37 35 40 37 35 40 37 35 34
10 45 39 35 32 45 38 35 32 38 34 32 37 34 32 37 34 32 31

Clllng Csvlly Fstlclanc.

80 70 5030 100
Wall F.tlsclancs
70 50 30 l0 70 50 3010 50 30 10 50 3010 50 3010 0
Coeltlclonl3 ol Ullllzrllon
72 70 69 68 70 69 68 67 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 61 60
69 66 64 62 68 65 63 62 63 62 60 61 60 59 60 59 58 57
66 63 60 58 65 62 59 57 60 58 56 59 57 55 57 56 55 54
63 59 56 54 62 5a 56 54 57 55 53 56 54 52 55 53 52 5l
60 56 52 50 59 55 52 50 54 51 49 53 51 49 52 50 49 48
58 53 50 47 57 52 49 47 51 49 47 51 48 46 50 48 46 45
55 50 46 44 54 49 46 44 49 46 44 4A 45 43 47 45 43 42
52 47 43 41 52 4T 43 41 46 43 41 45 43 41 45 42 40 4A
50 44 41 38 39 44 40 38 43 40 38 43 40 38 42 40 38 37
47 41 3a 36 47 41 38 36 41 38 36 40 37 35 40 37 35 35

c6lllns Cavlly R6lloclance
80 70 5030 100
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 t0 50 30 10 50 3010 0
coolllclonl. ot urlllzallon
83 82 A0 78 82 BA 78 77 77 76 75 74 73 7212 71 7Q 69
79 76 73 71 7A 75 72 70 73 70 69 70 69 67 69 67 66 65
76 71 68 65 74 70 67 65 68 66 64 67 64 63 65 63 62 61
72 67 63 60 71 66 62 60 64 61 59 63 60 58 62 59 57 56
68 62 58 55 67 62 58 55 60 57 55 59 56 54 58 56 54 53
6 65 59 55 52 64 58 54 52 57 54 51 56 53 51 55 53 50 49
62 55 51 48 61 55 51 48 54 50 4a 53 50 47 52 49 47 46
I 59 52 47 44 58 51 41 44 51 47 44 aO 46 44 49 46 44 43
55 4a 44 41 54 4a 44 41 47 43 41 46 43 40 46 43 40 39
10 52 45 40 38 51 44 40 37 44 40 37 43 40 37 43 39 37 36
Five apertuIe sizes are aval able in this familV of photometrlcally
engineered e ipsoidal reflector unlts Deslgn(rd 1o optlcally
ApetluJe-41/4" minlmize th-" light source, the f ixtures are lecomm-"nded where
aesthetic appea ancl controlled Liqhtlng are esscr'rtial. Combin ng
installation ease, maximum performance and deslgn appcaJ' these
recessed lights are constructcd for maintenance convenlence with
standard top acccss. Units fealutes l\4arco exclusive GripK ip
locklng system for securing coI'le in position and extruded
a uminun"r heat sln k. A disposable naTrow trlm ring ls furnlshcd for
rough cei ing cut out and may bc discarded {or fl!sh mounting




Aperture.Tsl" ,A

Housing assembly consists of plaster frame, hanger brackets,

extruded aluminum heat sink neck with cast cap and medium
base socket (except E501 series which has mogul base), side
entry connector and leads, Alzak reflector and prewired
junct ion box.
Trim assemblv conslsts of Alza< cone in clear, black or qold and
narrow dlsposablc trim rlnq finished ln low gloss white paint
For optiora, accossoti6s, specily atlet cal- no-:
lOl 27" C channel hangers, pair
/15 champagne go d reflector
/64 25W n ght lighl, medium base
/80 sloped ceiling, degree of siope must be specif ed
/86 thermal protection de eted
/92 flat type trim rina (not avai able on slope unit)

C6lllng Cavlty R6llclanco

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rolloctanco
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
C06lllclonls ol UlllEallon
Cat. No. El01301 1 47 46 45 44 46 45 44 43 43 43 42 42 41 41 40 40 39 39
100W/A19, 1740 lumens 2 45 43 41 40 44 42 4a 39 41 39 38 39 38 38 38 s7 37 36
3 42 40 38 36 42 39 s7 s6 3a 37 35 37 36 35 36 35 34 34
Spacing criterion 1.0 40 37 35 33 39 37 34 33 36 34 32 35 33 32 34 33 32 31
For 75W multiply CP x.7 5 38 35 32 30 37 34 32 30 33 31 30 33 31 30 32 31 29 29
For E101302 multiply CU x .87 6 36 32 30 28 36 32 30 28 32 29 28 3t 29 2A 30 29 28 27
For E101303 multiply CU x .98 7 34 30 28 26 34 30 28 26 30 2S 26 29 27 26 29 27 26 2s
8 32 28 26 24 32 28 2A 24 2A 26 24 27 25 24 27 25 24 23
9 30 26 24 22 30 26 24 22 26 23 22 25 23 22 25 23 22 21
10 29 24 22 20 2A 24 22 20 24 22 20 24 22 20 2s 21 2A 19

Colllng Csvlty Ril6ct.nco

80 70 5030 100
Wlll Boll.cllnca
70 50 30 10 70 50 3010 50 3010 50 3010 50 3010 0
Co.lllclenis ol Utllluallon
1 65 64 63 61 64 03 61 60 60 59 58 58 57 57 56 56 55 54
Cat. No. E201311 2 63 60 58 56 61 59 57 55 57 56 54 55 54 53 54 53 52 51
200WA23, 3830 lumens 3 60 56 s4 52 59 55 53 51 54 52 50 53 51 50 51 50 49 48
Spacing criterion 1.1 57 53 50 48 56 52 50 47 51 49 47 50 48 46 49 47 46 45
46 44 53 49 46 44 48 46 44 47 45 43 46 44 43 42
For 100W multiply CP x .42 5 54 50
40 40
6 52 47 44 41 51 46 43 41 46 43 41 45 42 41 44 42
For 150W muitiply CP x 7 49 44 40 38 48 43 40 38 43 40 38 42 40 38 41 39 37 37
For E201312 multiply CU x .87 a 46 41 38 35 46 41 38 35 40 37 35 40 37 35 39 37 35 34
For E201313 multiply CU x .98 9 44 38 35 33 43 38 35 33 38 35 33 37 34 32 37 34 32 32
10 42 36 33 30 41 36 33 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 30 29

' Colllng Cavlly Bollsclanco

80 70 5030 100
Wall Fellsclanc6
705030 10 70 50 30 t0 50 3010 50 30 10 50 3010 0
coF,lllclonls ol Utlllzatlon
1 70 69 67 66 69 67 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 60 60 59 58
2 67 64 62 60 66 63 61 59 61 59 58 59 58 56 58 56 55 54
Cat. No. E301321 3 64 60 57 54 63 59 56 54 57 55 53 56 54 52 55 53 52 51
150WPS25 lamp, 2580 lumens 61 56 53 50 60 55 52 50 54 51 49 53 51 49 52 50 48 47
Spacing criterion 1.0 5 57 52 !9 46 56 52 48 46 51 48 45 50 47 45 49 46 45 44
For 200W multiply CP x 1.25 6 55 49 45 43 54 49 45 43 4a 45 42 47 44 42 46 44 42 4l
For E301322 multiply CU x .87 7 51 46 42 39 51 45 42 39 44 4139 44 41 39 43 40 38 37
For E301323 multiply CU x .98 8 49 42 39 36 48 42 38 36 41 38 36 41 38 36 40 37 35 35
46 39 36 33 45 39 35 33 38 35 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 32
10 43 37 33 30 42 37 33 30 36 33 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 29


t50 Celllnq C6vlly A6lloclsnco

a0 70 5030 100
Wall F.ll6ctrnc.
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 t0 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
Cosltlclents ol Ullllzttlon
Cat. No. E401331 1 8179 77 75 79 77 75 7474 73 71 71 70 69 69 68 67 66
300WPS25, 6300 lumens 2 76726966757t 68 66 69 66 64 67 65 63 65 63 61 60
Spacing criierion 1.1 3 72 06 02 59 70 65 62 59 63 60 58 62 59 57 60 58 56 55
For 150W multiply CP x.41 67 61 56 53 66 60 56 53 59 55 52 57 54 51 56 53 51 50
For 200W multiply CP x .51 5 63 56 51 47 62 55 51 47 54 50 47 53 49 46 51 48 46 45
6 59 52 47 44 58 51 47 43 sO 46 43 49 46 43 48 45 42 41
For E401332 multiply CU x .87 7 55 47 42 38 54 46 4t 38 45 41 38 44 40 37 43 40 37 36
For E401333 multiply CU x .98 8 51 43 38 34 50 42 38 s4 42 37 34 41 37 34 40 36 34 33
9 48 39 34 31 47 39 34 s1 s8 34 31 37 33 30 37 33 30 29
10 45 36 31 28 44 36 31 28 35 31 28 35 31 2A 34 30 2A 26
Five aperture slzes are available in this Jaml y of photometrical y
engineered e ipsoidal reflector units. Deslqned to optical y
Aperture-4% " mir'rimize the light source, thc fixtures are recomrnended where
aesthetic appeal and controlled ightinq are essentia Combining
installation ease, maximum performance and design appca , these
recessed llghts are constructed for maintenancc convenience with
slandard top access. Units leat!res I\,4arco excLusive GripKllp
locking sVstem for securing baff c ir"r positlon and extrudcd
aluminum heat sink. A disposablc nart'ow trim rlng is f!rnished for
rouqh ceiling cut out and maV be discarded for flush mounting.





Housing assembly consists of plaster frame, hanger brackets,

extruded aluminum heat sink neck with cast cap and medjum
base socket (except E501 series which has mogul base), side
entry connector and leads and Alzak reflector.
Trm assembly consists of alumlnLtm groove baffe n matte black
finish and narrow d sposable trim rng finished in Low gloss wh 1e

pa nt.

Fot optional accessoties, specill altet cat' no.:

101 27" C channel hangers, Pa r
/15 champagne gold ref ector
i64 25W n ght light, med urn base
/80 sloped ceillng, degree of s ope must be spec f ed
/86 therma protect on de eted
/92 flai type trim rinq (noi avai able on slope unit)

Calllng Cavlly B.ll.cl6nco
80 70 50 3I) t0 0
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 r0 s0 3010 0
Co.lllcbnts ol UlUkatlon
1 41 40 39 38 40 39 38 38 38
37 36 36 30 35 35 35 34 34
Cat. No. E101304 2 39 37 30 35 38 37 35 34 35
34 33 34 33 33 33 33 32 32
100WA19, 1740 lumens 3 37 35 33 32 36 34 33 31 33
32 31 32 31 30 32 31 30 29
Spacing criterion 1.0 35 32 31 29 34 32 30 29 31
30 29 3t 29 26 30 29 2A 27
5 33 30 2A 27 33 30 2A 27 29
2a 26 29 27 26 2A 27 26 25
For 75W multiply CP x.7 6 32 29 27 25 31 2A 26 25 2A 26 25 27 26 25 27 26 24 24
30 27 2s233027 25 23 26 24 23 26 24 23 25 24 23 22
8 2A 25 23 21 2A 25 23 21 24 23 2t 24 22 21 24 22 21 21
I 21 23 21 20 26 23 21 20 23 2t 20 22 2t 19 22 2t 19 19
10 25 22 19 1A 25 2t 19 1a 21 19 18 21 19 18 21 19 1A 17

Csllhg Cavlly Rollsclsnco

80 70 5030 100
Wdl Folloclanco
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
Collllcl.nts ol Ullllz.llon
Cat. No. E201314 56 54 53 52 54 53 52 51 51 51 50
50 49 48 48 47 47 46
200WA23, 3830 lumens 53 51 49 48 52 50 49 47 49 47 46
47 46 45 46 45 44 44
Spacing criterion 1.1 51 48 46 44 50 47 45 44 46 44 43
45 44 42 44 43 42 41
For 100W multiply CP x .42 49 45 43 41 4A 45 42 41 44 42 40
43 41 40 42 40 39 39
For 150W multiply CP x .72 46 42 40 38 45 42 40 38 41 39 37
40 38 37 40 3E 37 36
44 40 37 35 43 40 37 35 39 37 35
38 36 35 38 36 35 34
42 37 35 33 41 37 34 33 36 34 32
36 34 32 35 33 32 31
40 35 32 30 39 35 32 30 34 32 30
34 32 30 33 31 30 29
37 33 30 28 37 32 30 28 32 30 2A 32 29 2A 31 29 2A 27
35 31 28 26 35 30 2a 26 30 2A 26 30 27 26 29 27 26 25

C.lllng CaYlly Bell.cunc

80 70 5030 100
Wall Sellcctlnc
70 50 30't0 70 50 30 t0 50 30't0 50 30't0 50 30 t0 0
coolllcl.nk ol Utlllarlon
1 60 58 57 56 59 57 56 55 55 54 53 53 52 52 51 51 50 49
Cat. No. E301324 2 57 55 53 51 5054525052504950491a484E4746
150WiPS25 lamp, 2580 lumens 3 54 51 48 46 53 50 48 46 49 47 45 4a 46 44 46 45 44 43
Spaclng criterion 1.0 52 48 45 43 51 47 44 42 4A 44 42 45 43 41 44 42 41 40
For 200W multlply CP x 1.25 5 49 44 41 39 4A 44 41 39 4i 40 3A 42 40 3a 41 39 38 37
6 46 42 38 36 46 41 3a 36 40 38 36 40 37 36 39 37 35 35
43 38 35 33 3a 35 33 37 35 33 37 34 32 36 34 32 32
8 41 36 32 30 40 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 30 34 31 30 29
I 38 33 30 28 3a 33 30 28 32 29 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 27
10 36 31 2A 25 36 31 27 25 3n 27 25 30 27 25 29 27 25 24

Colllng Cavlty Rollgcl8nco

E0 70 5030 100
Wall B.llectrnc.
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 t0 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 3010 0
C06lllcl6nls ol Ullllzallon
1 72 70 68 67 70 69 67 66 66 65 64 04 63 62 61 01 60 59
Cat. No. E401334 2 68 65 62 60 67 64 61 59 01 59 s8 60 58 56 58 56 55 54
300WPS25, 6300 lumens 3 64 00 56 53 63 59 55 53 57 54 52 55 53 51 54 52 50 49
Spacing criterion 1.0 60 55 51 48 59 54 51 4E 53 50 47 51 49 47 50 48 46 45
For 150W multlply CP x.4't 5 57 51 46 43 55 50 46 43 49 45 43 48 45 42 47 44 42 41
6 53 47 43 40 5217 43 40 46 42 39 45 41 39 44 41 39 38
For 200W multlply CP x .51 7 49 42 3E 35 46 42 38 35 41 37 35 40 37 34 40 36 34 33
8 46 39 35 32 45 39 34 31 38 34 31 37 34 31 37 33 31 30
43 36 31 2E 42 35 31 28 35 31 28 34 31 28 34 30 28 27
10 40 33 29 26 40 33 29 26 32 28 26 32 28 25 31 2a 26 25
SQUARE BAFFLE The square aperture downlight is available in four or six inch
apert u re sjze. Eng ineered for excellence in performance as well
Aperture.4" as for a clean, pleasing appearance, these fixtures have a
durable extruded aluminurn baffle available in matte
fin ish, an extruded aluminurn heat sink neck with a cast socket
cap, briqht finished reflector, and exclusive Gripklip locking
system for easy installation in securing baffle-reflector
assembly into the frame-in. The square narrow wh ite trim frame
is furnished for rough ceiling and may be discarded for flush



Not. Sm; :fre itr'..i 4'! ror p.rml p e r'.11 e.-l l,|.Lll]_ b.! r.r f,c
rsedLr'r .::s:_,; e !ol ]. ;..esi t!r].rr! : I lrLqlr irr .Lt

Frame- assembly consists of extruded aluminum p aster

frarne, hanger brackets, cast socket cap and medium base
socket, side entry connector and leads, and prewired junction
bo x.

Housing'reflector assembly conslsts of extruded aluminum

groove baffle in maite black finish, retlector and extruded
aluminum heat s ink neck.
F xlure Ls iurn shed w 1lr ilet conneclor and lLrnct o. bo! mo!.led on p asler
lrame Standardlrmlnsh slvhrie0a.ta.dw belurn shed !. essolnerw se

Fot oplional accessoties, specily allet cal. no.:

101 27" C channe hangers, Pair
/86 therma protect on de eted


Ciling Cavlly Rel!eclance

a0 70 5030 100
Wrll R.l e.lrn.6
70s030 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Co6llicients ol Uliliz.lion
71 70 69 68 69 68 67 67 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 61 60
69 67 65 64 68 66 64 63 64 63 62 62 61 60 61 60 59 58
67 64 62 61 66 64 62 60 62 61 59 61 60 59 60 5S 58 57
65 62 60 58 64 62 60 58 60 59 57 59 58 57 58 57 56 56
6.4 60 58 56 63 60 58 56 59 57 56 58 56 55 57 56 55 54
62 59 56 55 61 58 56 54 57 56 54 57 55 54 56 55 54 53
60 57 54 53 60 56 54 53 56 54 52 55 53 52 55 53 52 51
59 55 54 5t 58 55 53 51 54 52 51 54 52 51 53 52 51 50
57 54 51 50 57 53 51 50 53 51 50 53 51 50 52 51 49 49
56 52 50 49 56 52 50 49 52 50 48 51 50 48 5l 49 48 48

C6ilinq Cavily Retleclance

80 70 s030 100
Wall R6lleclance
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Coelticints ol Ulilizalion
29 2A 2A 27 2a 2A 27 21 27 26 26 26 26 2a 25 25 25 24
28 27 26 26 21 27 26 2a 26 25 25 2a 2a 24 24 24 24 23
2T 26 2a 24 21 26 2a 24 25 24 24 24 24 23 24 23 23 23
26 2a 24 23 26 2a 24 23 24 23 23 24 23 23 23 23 22 22
25 24 23 22 25 24 23 22 23 23 22 23 22 22 23 22 22 21
25 23 22 21 24 23 22 21 23 22 21 22 22 21 22 21 21 21
24 22 21 21 24 22 21 2A 22 21 2a 22 21 2A 21 21 2Q 2A
8 23 22 21 20 23 21 2A 20 21 2Q 2A 21 2A 2A 21 20 2a 19
9 23 21 2A 19 22 21 2A 19 21 2A 19 2A 2A 19 20 19 19 19
2) )a 1a 1A 22 2a 1o 1A 20 1g 13 20 19 18 20 19 18 t8

C6iling Cavily Rol sclance

80 70 50 30 10
Wall Rll6ct6nc
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10
Conllicianlsnol Ulilizrtion
s3 91 90 88 91 90 88 87 87 85 84 84 83 82 8l 80 79 78
90 87 85 82 88 86 83 8t 83 81 60 81 7S 78 79 77 76 75
87 83 80 78 86 82 7S 77 80 7A 76 7A 76 75 76 75 74 73
84 80 76 74 83 79 76 73 77 74 72 76 73 72 71 72 11 1A
a1 76 73 70 AO 7a 72 7A 7171 69 73 70 68 72 70 68 67
79 73 70 67 78 73 69 67 72 6S 67 71 68 66 70 67 66 65
76 7n 66 6,1 75 70 6li 6,1 69 66 63 68 65 63 67 65 63 62
8 73 67 64 61 72 67 64 61 66 63 61 66 63 61 65 62 60 60
9 71 65 61 59 70 64 61 59 64 61 58 63 60 58 63 60 58 57
10 68 62 59 56 68 62 5g 56 62 58 56 61 58 56 61 58 56 55

Ceiling Cavity Foll6clanco

80 70 50 30 10
Wal R6ll6clanc6
70 50 30 i0 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10
Co.lli.i6nls ol Ulilization
50 49 48 47 49 48 47 46 46 45 45 44 44
43 43 42 42 41
48 46 45 13 47 45 44 43 44 43 42 43 42
41 41 41 4A 4A
1 46 44 42 41 45 43 42 4A 42 41 40 41 40
39 40 39 38 38
44 42 4A 3A 43 41 39 38 40 39 37 39 38
37 39 38 37 36
42 39 37 36 42 39 37 36 38 37 35 38 36
35 37 36 35 34
6 ,11 38 36 34 40 37 35 34 37 35 3,1 36 35
34 36 34 33 33
39 36 34 32 3S 35 33 32 35 33 32 35 33
32 34 3332 31
a 37 34 32 20 37 34 32 30 33 32 30 33 31
30 33 3130 29
9 36 32 30 29 35 32 30 29 32 30 29 31 28
30 31 2928 28
10 31 31 29 27 34 31 29 27 30 2A 27 3A 2A 27 3A 2A 21 26
This square aperture family of ellipsoidal reflectors is available in
five sizes. Designed to opticallV minimize the light source' the
fixtures are recommended where aesthetic appeal and controlled
lighting are essential. Combining installation ease, maximum
performance and design claritv, these recessed lights are crafted for
durability and maintenance convenience, leaturing heavy extruded
aluminum baffle, extruded heat sink and reflector retaining clips
for access from above ceiling. A disposable narrow trim frame is
furnished for rough ceiling cut'out and may be discarded for flush
mou ntin q.


Housing assembly consists ofplaster frame, hanger brackets,

extruded aluminum heat sink with cast cap and medium base
socket (9" size has mogul base), side entry connector and leads and
.050 thickness Alzak reflector.
Trim assembly consists of extruded aluminum groove baffle and
narrow disposable trim frame, finished in low gloss white paint.
Fot optional accessoties, specily allet cat. no.:
l0'l 27" C channel hangers, pair
/15 champagne gold retlector
/64 25W night light, medium base
t86 thermal protection deleted


C6ilinq Cavity Belleclance

80 70 50 30 10
Wall Relleclanco
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10
Co6llici6nts ol Ulilizalion
1 39 38 37 37 38 37 37 36 36 35 35 35 34 34 34 33 33 32
2 37 36 34 33 38 37 35 34 35 31 33 34 33 33 33 33 X2 32
3 35 33 32 31 35 33 31 30 32 31 30 31 30 29 30 30 29 28
34 31 29 28 33 31 29 2A 30 29 2A 29 2A 27 29 2A 27 26
32 29 27 26 31 29 27 21 2A 27 26 2A 26 2a 21 26 25 25
6 31 2n 26 24 30 27 26 24 27 25 21 26 2a 24 26 25 24 23
29 26 24 23 29 26 24 23 25 24 22 2a 23 22 25 23 22 22
a 21 24 22 21 27 24 22 21 24 22 21 23 22 21 23 22 21 2a
9 26 23 21 19 26 22 2A 19 22 2A 19 22 2A 19 21 20 19 19
10 24 21 1a 18 24 21 19 18 21 19 18 20 19 18 20 i9 17 l7

Ciling Cavlty R6lloclance

80 70 s030 100
Wall R6tleclance
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 s0 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Co6tlici6nts ol Utilizalion
53 52 51 50 52 5r 5a 49 49 48 48 4T 47 46 46 4a 4a 44
51 49 47 46 50 48 ,1it 45 46 4a 44 45 41 43 44 43 42 41
4A 46 44 42 4A 45 43 41 44 42 41 43 41 40 ,12 41 ,10 39
46,13 40 39 45 42 40 38 41 39 38 40 39 37 40 38 37 36
44 40 38 36 43 40 37 35 39 37 35 38 36 35 37 36 35 34
,12 38 35 33 41 37 35 33 37 34 33 36 34 33 35 34 32 32
39 35 32 30 39 35 32 30 34 32 30 34 32 30 33 31 30 29
, )r)A2A ' 0/8 )r 0rB1))a)A 2'28)-
35 31 28 26 35 30 28 26 30 27 26 29 27 26 29 21 26 25
10 33 29 26 21 33 2A 26 24 2A 26 24 28 25 24 27 25 24 23

Ceiling Cavily B6lloclanc6

30 70 5030 100
Wall Relloclanco
70 50 30 10705030 10 50 30 105030 10 50 30 100

0 ol oO!8 oO!8-.
58 55 53 51 57
Coellici6nts ol Ulilizalion

55 53 51 s2 50 49 50 49
48 48 48 47 46

55 51 ,19 47 54 51 48 46 49 47 45 48,16 45 47 45 44 43
a2 48 4a 43 a1 4T 44 42 46 44 42 45 43 41 44 42 41 4A
49 4,1 41 39 48 4,141 39 43 40 38 42 40 38,1r 39 38 37
41 42 a8 36 46 41 38 36 40 38 36 40 37 35 39 37 35 34
44 38 35 32 43 38 35 32 37 34 32 36 31 32 36 33 32 31
41 35 32 30 40 3s 32 30 35 32 29 34 31 ?9 33 31 2S 28
I 33 33 29 27 38 33 29 27 32 29 21 32 29 27 31 29 27 26
10 36 31 27 25 36 aA 27 2a 3A 21 25 29 27 2a 29 26 25 24

ceilinq cavity Boll6clsnce

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rell6clanc
70 50 30 1070 50 30 10 50 30 l0 50 30 10 50 30 100
Co6lticienis ol Ulilizalion
82 80 79 78 80 79 78 76 76 751413 73 72 71 7A 7A 69
19 16 7A 72 7P,]a 73 71 73 71 70 7t 69 68 69 63 67 66
76 73 70 68 75 72 69 67 70 68 66 68 67 65 67 65 64 63
73 69 66 6,172 68 66 63 67 65 63 66 64 62 64 63 61 60
71 66 63 60 /0 65 62 60 64 61 59 63 61 59 62 60 58 58
68 63 60 57 67 63 59 57 62 59 57 61 58 56 60 58 56 55
65 60 57 54 65 60 56 5,1 59 56 54 58 55 5,1 57 55 53 52
63 57 54 51 62 57 54 51 56 53 51 56 53 5l 55 53 51 50
60 55 51 .19 60 54 51 49 54 51 49 53 50 48 53 50 48 48
58 52 4916 57 52 49 46 51 48 46 51 ,18 46 50 48,16 45

Ceilinq Cavily Fo,lcl.nc6

70 50 30 r0 0
wall Relleclance
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Co6f lici6nis ol lltillzallon
69 6866 65 68 66 65 64 64 63 62 61 61 60
59 59 58 57
66 6361 59 65 62 60 58 60 58 57 58 57 56
57 55 54 53
63 5956 53 61 58 55 53 56 54 52 55 53 51
53 52 50 50
59 5551 4! 58 54 51 49 53 50 48 52 49 48
51 49 47 46
56 51 17 45 55 50 47 45 49 46 44 48 46 44
47 44 43 43
53 48 t4 41 52 47 44 41 46 43 41 45 43 41
45 42 40 39
50 44 40 38 49 44 40 37 43 40 37 42 39 37
41 39 37 36
47 41 37 34 4610 37 34 40 36 34 39 36 34
38 36 34 33
'14 38 34 31 43 37 3,1 31 37 33 31 36 33 31
36 33 31 30
{1 35 31 41 34 31 2a 34 31 2A 33 3A 2A 33 30 2A 2T
Semi-recessed lights are popular not onlV where recessing depth is
limited but lrequently where the shallow cylindrical design adds a
dimension of interest to the ceiling. These highly functional units
have a clean non tapering cylindrical skirt available in a variety of
finishes. Photometrically engineered for use of either reflector or
economical A-tVpe lamps, the lixtures have all the quality features
of the Folio series includinq heat sinks, Alzak cones and GripKlip
easv installation. Highly efficient, they are particularly recom-
mended for lounges, hotels, restaurants, lobbies, shops, or wherever
a touch of glamour will enchance the overhead area


Frame-in assembly consists of plaster frame, hanger brackets, cast

socket cap and medium base socket, connector & leads.
Housing cone assembly consists of heat sink, reflector, transition
section, Alzak clear, black or gold cone, ouier housing and
cylindrical aluminum skirt in choice of finishes

Fixture is lurnished wrlll flex, conneclor and lunclron bor mo!nted on plasler
lrame Slandard lrim I nish s wh le Darnl and w 1l be lurnrshed !n ess olherw,s
Fot opllonal acccsso ea, speclly arlct cat, no.:
101 27 C channel hangers, pair
/86 thermal protection deleted
S*irt t nist must !e specitiedj
P white paint
K black paint
L lght bronze
M medium bronze
D dark bronze
S saiin a uminum
Semi-recessed lights are popular not only where recessing depth is
limited but frequently where the shallow cylindrical design adds a
dimension of interest to the ceiling. These highly functional units
have a clean non-tapering cylindrical skirt available in a variety of
Iinishes. Engineered for economical A'lamps, the fixtures have all
the quality features of the Folio series including heat sinks, Alzak
cones and GripKlip easy installation. Highly efficient, they are
particularly recommended for lounges, hotels, restaurants, lobbies,
or wherever a touch of glarnour will enhance the overhead area.


Frame-in assemblV consists of plaster frame, hanger brackets, cast

socket cap and medium base socket, connector & leads.
Housing cone assembly consists of heat sink, Alzak clear or gold
cone, outer housing and cy indrical aluminum skirt in choice of
{in ishes.

Fixlure is lurnished with llex, connector and junctlon box mounled on plaster
trame. Slandard tr m I nish is whit pa nl and wi be furn shed unless olherwlse
For optiona, accesso es, spcclry allq cat, no,:
IO'l 27" C channel hangers. pair
/86 thermal proteclion deleled
Stirt tinist must be specitidi
P wh le paint
K black paint
L lig ht bronze
M medium bronze
D dark bronze
S saiin a uminum


Semi-rccessed llghts are popular not only where recessing depth is

imited but frequent y where the shallow cylindrlca design adds a
dimension of interest to the ceiling. These highly functiona units
have a clean nor'r'taperlng cylindrical skirt avai able in a variety of
finishes. Photometrically engineered for use of either reflector or
economica A type lamps, the fixt!res have all the qua lty featLrres
of the Folio series incl!ding heat sinks and GripK ip easv
lnsta ation. Highly efficient, theV are particular y recommended
for lounges, hote s, restaurants, lobbles,shops, or wherever a touch
of glamour wi enhance the overhead arca.


Aperlure-7 t/e"
Frame-in assembly consists of plaster frame, hanger brackets, cast
socket cap and medium base socket, connector & leads.

Housing baffle assembly consists of heat sink neck, reflector and

malte black baffle with cylindrical aluminum skirted trim in choice ot
fin ishes.

Fixlure s lurnished w lh f ex, conneclor and juncl on bor mounled on p aster

trame. Standard lrim iinish is white painl and wil be lurnlshed unless olherwlse

Fot opllonal accssaotles, speclly sltot cal, no,:

/01 27" C channel hangers, pair
/86 thermal prolection deleted

Skitt linish |lr.ust b6 specilied:

P white palnt
K black paint
L lig ht bronze
M medium bronze
D dark bronze
S sal n aluminum

For photometric data on D201184 see D201114 page


For photometric data on D301194 see D301124 page


For photometric data on D401234 see 0401134 page

The tour de lorce ol the folio family, these fully recessed
fixtures are an achievement in engineering design that
combine highly efficient downlighting with effective wall
illumination. The dual reflector system assures scallop free,
even bathing of walls in choice frorn sixty to one'eighty
degrees or opposing directions of lighting for corridors, aisles
and passageways in two ninety degree angles, and all folio
wallwashers are fu Ily f ield adjustable. When installed about the
perimeter of a room, the apertures appear deceptively as other
downlights of similar size to provide uniformity and continuity
in any installation. Available in clear or champagne gold Alzak,
units are designed for economical A'lamps. Recommended for
lobbies, hotels, banks, stores, transportation term nals,
museums, art centers, library stacks, hallways or where
downlighting and wall washing are a desired combination.


Frame-in assemb V consists of plastr:r frame' ga vanizcd steeJ

support brackets, harlger lllackets, cast sockct cap and medium
base socket, siclc cntry connector and leads

Housirrg ref ector asserrbly l-ras dLla reflcctols (inncl cone ref ector
of .050 c car or clrantpagne gold Alzak and clrl oLrt to provide
degree of wa illuminatlon rectLr r-"d) sccured in hoLrslng wlth top
Gripl( ips ancl center sprilrg clips. Units adjLlst rotationally Heat
sink is extruded aluminum. Narroirv disposable trlm I ng ls flnishecl
in low gloss white paint.
Fot oplional accessories, specily altet cat. no.:
lO1 27" a channe hangers. Pa r
i57 W305 convers on k t ior downL ght on y (clear cone)
/58 W305 convers on k t ior downlght ony(godcone)
/86 therma protection de eted
/87 W405 convers on k t ior downl Cht on y (clear cone)
/88 W405 conveTs on k t for downl ght only (qo d cone)
/92 flat type tr m ring

,0 single luminaire
1lr .ahrar.
multiple luminaires
I .n 4 fr .Enrer.
o1'2'3'4' 0 o o 0 0 0
Series 30oo teet
Jootcandle distribution on wall - lixturs mounted 3 foot out lrom wall
1 99652 17 16 17 16 17 13 12 13 12 13
2 98752 18 17 1A 17 1A 14 13 14 13 14
3 10 I 7 4 2 17 17 17 17 17 13 12 13 12 13
4 11 10 7 4 1 19 20 19 20 19 15 14 15 14 15
5 10 10 6 4 1 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15
6 98532 20 19 20 19 20 14 15 14 15 14
7 76532 17 1a 17 1a 17 13 13 13 13 13
8 55422 15 15 t5 15 15 11 12 11 12 11
I 44321 14 13 14 13 14 10 11 10 11 10
10 33321 12 11 12 11 12 ooooo
foorcandle distribution on wall - {ixturs mounted 4 foot out Irom wall

1 55321 1l 10 11 10 ',l1
2 66432 12 13 12 13 12
3 65432 12 13 12 13 12 10 I i0 I 10
4 65432 12 12 12 12 12 10 I 10 I 10
--- Downlighting 5 16532 t3 13 13 13 13 'il 10 11 10 11
Wall washing 6 76543 14 15 14 15 14 10 11 10 11 10
150 watt/A23 7 65433 14 14 14 14 14 10 11 10 11 10
For 200 watt/A23 mutliply B 54432 13 14 13
14 13 10 11 10 11 10
CP & flc values by 1.4 I 44322 13 13 i3 13 I 10 I 10 I
For 100 watt/A23 multiply
CP & ftc values by .5
10 11 12 11 12 11 99999
Note: computation based on 120o

single luminaire multiple luminaires

.n 3 ft .enfa^ I dn 4 ft. .enters
Series 4000
o't'2'3'4 0 0 0 0 0 0
lrom {ootcandle distribution on wall - fixture mounted 3 foot out from wall
1 20 20 14 104 39 35 39 35 39 29 21 2S 27 2S
2 20 18 16 11 5 41 3'7 41 37 41 30 28 30 28 30
3 23 20 16 104 39 38 39 38 39 29 28 29 28 29
4 25 23 15S3 42 40 42 40 42 32 31 32 31 32
5 23 23 1492 44 42 44 42 44
6 20 14 1383 46 40 46 40 46 31 30 31 30 31
7 16 14 10 7 3 39 37 39 37 39 29 27 29 27 29
B 12 12 I5 2 34 32 34 32 34 27 25 27 25 27
9 99-742 32 30 32 30 32 23 22 23 22 23
10 77641 2a 21 2A 21 28 20 19 20 19 20
iootcandle distribution on wall - Iixture mountd 4 foot out from wall

- c,P 1 11 11 7 4 2 25 23 25 23 25 18 16 18 16 18
2 13 12 8 5 3 26 26 26 26 26 20 18 20 18 20
3 14 11 I 6 3 26 27 27 26 2'7 23 19 23 19 23
4 14
'15 10 I 6 3 21 26 27 26 27 23 20 23 20 23
---' Downlighling 5 11 10 6 4 29 27 29 27 29 25 22 25 22 25
Wall washing 6 16 12 I 7 4 32 30 32 30 32 24 23 24 23 24
300 watt/Ps25 lF 7 15 10 I 7 4 33 28 33 28 33 23 24 23 24 23
For 150 watt/Ps25 multiply B 12 I 8 6 3 29 27 29 27 29 23 24 23 24 23
CP & {tc values by .36 I 10 1 6 4 2 2A 27 2a 27 2a 21 23 21 23 21
For 200 watt/Ps2s multiply 10 t6431 27 27 27 27 2l 20 20 20 20 20
CP & fic values by .50
Note: computation based on 12oo

ROUND CONE The tour de lorce ol the folio family, these fully recessed
fixtures are an achievement in engineering design that
combine highly efficient downlighting with etfective wall
illumination. The dual reflector system assures scallop free,
even bathing of walls in choice from sixty to one-eighty
degrees or opposing directions of lighting for corridors, aisles
and passageways in two ninety degree angles, and all folio
wallwashers are fu lly field adju stable. When installed about the
perimeter of a room, the apertures appear deceptively as other
downlights of similar size to provide uniformity and continuity
in any installation. Available in clear or champagne gold Alzak,
units are designed for economical A-lamps. Becommended for
lobbies, hotels, banks, stores, transportation terrninals,
museums, art centers, library stacks, hallways or where
downlighting and wall washing are a desired combination.



Frame in ass0mbly consists of plaster trame, ga vanized steel yol<e,

hanger brackets, cast socket cap and medlum llase socket side
entrv connectol and leads. Prcwired junctiorl box ls optiona
HoLrsing rellectol assemb y has d!al reiLrlctors (inner colre refl-"ctor
of .050 clear or champagne gold A zak and cut-out to provlcje
degree of wal illumlnation required) sccLlred ilr hoLlsing witl,
center lock up nut and spring clips. Socket neck ls extruded
alumlnum. Narrow disposab e trlm ring is flnlslred in low gloss
wh ite palnt.
Fixture s Iurnished w lh lex. connector and tuncl on bor mo!nled on p asler
frame. Standard tr m I nish s wh te painl afd w,L be 1\rrn shed un ess olherw s-.

Fot oplional accessories, specify aftet car no.:

101 2/ C char.el l-ar gers. pa '
/86 thermal protect on deleted
/92 flal type tr m ring

single luminaire multiple luminaires

on 3 ft. centers I on 4 ft. centers
o 't' 2' 3' 4' 0 o o o 0 0
Seri-.s 3OOO
trom footcandle d;stribution on wall - Iixture mounted 3 foot out from wall
1 99652 17 16 17 16 17 13 12 13 12 13
2 98752 18 17 1A 17 18 14 13 14 13 14
10 I 7 4 2 17 17 17 17 17 13 12 13 12 13
4 11 10 7 4 1 19 20 19 2A 19 15 14 15 14 15
5 10 10 6 4 1 20 20 20 2A 20 15 15 ',15 15 15
6 98532 20 19 20 19 20 14 15 14 15 14
7 76532 17 1B 17 18 17 13 13 13 13 13
8 55422 15 15 15 15 15 11 12 11 12 11
I 44321 14 13 14 13 14 10 11 10 11 10
10 333?1 12 11 12 11 12 99999
footcandle distribution on wall - fixtur mounted 4 foot out Irom wall

'- c,P
1 55321 11 10 11 t0 11 B7a-78
2 66432 12 13 12 13 12
3 65432 12 13 12 13 12 10 I 10 I 10
*-- 65432 12 12 12
'13 12 12 10 9 10 I 10
Downlighting 5 76532 13 13 13 13 11 10 l1 10 1i
Wall washing 6 76543 14 15 14 15 14 10 11 10 11 10
150 watt/A23 1 65433 14 14 14 14 14 10 lt 10 11 10
For 200 watt/A23 rnutliply B 54432 13 14 13 14 13 '10 11 ',10 l1 10
CP & Jtc values by 1.4 I 44322 13 13 13 13 13 I 10 I 10 9
For 100 watt/A23 multiply
CP & ftc values by.5
10 33222 11 12 11 12 11 99999
Note: computaiion based on 120o

single luminaiie multiple luminaires

on 3 {t. centers I on 4 ft- centers
S-"ries 4000
o1'2',3'4' 0 0 0 0 o 0
{rom tootcandle distribution on wall - fixture mounted 3 toot out from wall
1 20 20 14 104 39 35 39 35 39 29 27 29 21 29
2 20 18 16 11 5 41 3t 41 37 41 30 28 30 28 30
3 23 20 16 144 39 38 39 38 39 29 2A 29 28 29
4 25 23 15 I3 42 40 42 40 42 32 31 32 31 32
5 23 23 14 I2 44 42 44 42 44
6 20 14 13 8 3 46 40 46 40 46 31 30 31 30 31
7 16 14 10 7 3 39 37 39 37 39 2e 27 29 27 29
8 12 12 I5 2 34 32 34 32 34 27 25 21 25 27
I 99742 32 30 32 30 32 23 22 23 22 23
10 11641 28 21 28 27 28 20 19 20 19 20

lootcandls distribution on wall - Iixture mounted 4 foot out {rom wall

1 11 11 7 4 2 25 23 25 23 25 t8 16 18 16 1B
2 13 12 8 5 3 26 26 26 26 26 2A 1a 2A 18 2A
3 14 11 I 6 3 26 27 27 26 21 23 19 23 19 23
4 14 1A I 6 3 27 26 27 26 21 23 20 23 20 23
'--- Wallwashing 15 11 t0 6 29
Down ighting 5 4 27 29 27 29 25 22 25 22 25
300 watt/Ps2s lF
6 16 12 914 32 30 32 30 32 24 23 24 23 24
7 15 10 8 7 4 33 2A 33 2A 33 23 24 23 24 23
For 150 watt/PS25 rnultiplV
CP & ftc values by -36
B 129863 29 2'7 29 27 29 23 24 23 24 23
For 200 watt/Ps25 multiply
I t0 7 6 4 2 28 27 28 27 2A 21 23 21 23 21
CP & {tc values bV .50
10 76431 27 27 21 21 21 20 2A 2A 20 2A
Norei compLrtation based on 120o


These downlights share the same clean open aperture look of

Aperture 53l4" the 53/4"standard folio downlight in clear, black or gold Alzak
cone. Photometrically engineered for use with high intensity
quartz lamps (minican base), these units are particularly
elfective in high ceiling installations, such as churches, hotels
and audiloriu ms.

Housing assembly consists of plaster frame, hanger brackets,

bar hangers, reflector, reflector support pan, extruded
aluminum heat sink neck and cast socket cap, socket housing
with socket, connector and leads, and prewired junction box.
Beflector secured with retaining clips for standard top access.
Safety screening is standard.
Trim assembly consists of Alzak cone secured with Gripklip
locking system and disposable trim ring.

Fixlure is furnished w th I ex, conneclor and iuncl on box mounted on plasler

irame. Slandard trlm finish is while palni and will be iurn shed unless otherwise

Fot oplional accessoties, specily altot cdl. no.:

l0'l 27" C channel hangers, pair
/86 therma proteclion deleted
/92 flat type trim ring


Colllnq cavlly Rllsclsnce

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rsll.crrnco
to 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 10 50 3010 0
c06illclonls 0l utlllzatlon
1 95 94 92 91 94 92 90 89 89 87 86 86 85 84 83 82 81 80
2 92 89 87 85 91 88 86 84 85 83 82 83 81 a0 81 79 78 77
3 89 85 82 80 8a 84 81 79A28A78A07A7778777674
86 82 78 76 85 8r 7a 75 79 76 74 7A 75 73 76 74 73 72
5 83 78 74 72 A2 7f 14 71 76 73 71 15 T2 7A 73 71 7A 69
6 81 75 71 69 80 74 71 68 73 70 68 72 70 68 71 69 67 66
T8 72 6A 65 77 71 68 65 70 67 65 69 67 65 63 66 64 63
I 75 69 65 62 74 68 65 62 68 64 62 67 64 62 66 64 62 61
9 72 66 62 60 71 65 62 59 65 62 59 64 61 59 64 61 59 58
70 s3 60 57 69 63 59 57 62 5S 57 62 59 57 61 59 57 56

These downlights share the same clean open aperture look of
the 53/a"standard folio downlight in black aluminum groove Aperlure 5sle"
0 baffle. Photometrically engineered for use with high intensity
quartz lamps (minican base), these units are particularly
effective in high ceiling installations, such as churches, hotels
and aud itoriu ms.

Housing assembly consists of plaster frame, hanger brackets,

bar hangers, reflector, reflector support pan, extruded
aluminum heat sink neck and cast socket cap, socket housing
with socket, connector and eads, and prewired junction box.
Reflector secured with retaining clips for standard top access.
Safety screening is standard.
Trim assembly consists of aluminum oroove baffle secured
with Gripklip locking system and disposable trim ring.

F xture is furn shed with flex, conneclor and lunct on box mounied on p aster
frame. Siandard tr m I irish s wh le paint and will be furn shed unless otherw se

Fot oplional accessoties, specily allet caI. no.:

101 27'C channe hangers, pair
/86 therma protect on deleled
/92 flat type trim r ng


Colllng Cavlty Fll6clanc6

a0 70 5030 100
Wall Rellectance
70 50 30 10 70 s0 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Co6llici6nls ol Ullllzallon
92 90 89 87 90 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 82 81 80 79 79 77
89 86 84 82 87 85 83 81 82 81 79 80 79 78 78 77 76 75
87 83 80 78 85 82 80 78 80 7A 761A 77 7a 77 7514 73
a4 aa 77 75 A3 79 77 74 7B Ta 74 76 74 T3 75 73 72 71
e2 77 14 72 AA 16 74 71 15 73 71 74 72 7a 73 71 7A 69
79 75 72 69 79 7! 71 69 73 71 69 72 70 68 71 69 68 67
17 72 69 67 76 72 69 61 71 68 66 70 68 66 69 67 66 65
75 7A 67 6a 74 7A 67 64 69 66 64 68 66 64 67 65 64 63
73 6T 64 62 72 67 64 62 67 64 62 66 63 62 65 63 62 61
71 66 63 60 70 65 62 60 65 62 60 64 62 60 64 62 60 59

ROUND TRIM These downlights are trimmed with a f ive inch pinhole aperture
liqht shield finished in matte black in the interior and low gloss
white on the outside. A white trim ring is furnished standard.
Light shield and trim ring are secured with Trilok spring clips
for secure mounting and installation ease. Photometrically
engineered for use wilh high intensity quartz lamps (minican
base), these units are particularly effective in high ceiling
Aperture.S" installations, such as churches, hotels and auditoriums.

Housing assembly consists of cast aluminum housing with

heat dissipating fins, plaster frame, hanger brackets, bar
hangers, ref lector,min ican socket, connector and leads, and
prewired junction box.

Trim assembly consists of light shield and trim ring secured

with Trilok spring clips. Safety screening is standard.
Fxlure s furnished with flex, connector and junction box mounted on pasler
fiame Standardlrmlnish swhleoaintandw be lurn shed unless otherw se

Fot optional accessoties, specily altet cat. no.:

101 27 C channel l-anqers. pdi
/86 thermal protection deleled

C.lllns cavlly Foll6ctanc6

80 70 50 30 10
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 ol Utlllzrtlon
93 91 90 8a 91 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 82 81 80 79 78
89 86 83 81 87 84 82 80 82 AA 7A AA 7A 76 77 76 75 74
86 82 78 76 84 80 77 75 78 76 74 76 74 73 75 73 72 70
a2 TT T3 71 A1 76 T3 TA Ta 72 69 7311 69 72 69 68 67
79 73 69 66 78 72 69 66 71 68 65 70 67 65 69 66 64 63
76 70 66 63 75 69 66 63 68 65 62 67 64 62 66 64 62 61
73 67 63 60 72 66 62 60 65 62 59 64 61 59 64 61 59 58
70 63 59 57 69 63 59 57 62 59 56 61 58 56 61 58 56 55
67 60 56 53 66 60 56 53 59 55 53 58 55 53 58 55 53 52
64 57 53 50 63 56 52 50 56 52 50 55 52 50 55 52 49 48

colllng Cavlty Eslloclanc

60 70 5030 100
W.ll Rllectsnce
705030 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
C06tllclonl6 ol Ullll2stlon
93 92 90 89 S1 90 89 87 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 80 79
91 88 85 83 89 86 84 82 84 A2 A1 A2 Aa T9 79 7A 77 76
88 84 82 79 87 83 81 T9 A1 79 7B T9 TB T6 TA T6 75 74
85 81 78 76 84 80 78 75 79 76 75 7T 75 74 T6 74 73 72
a3 7A 75 72 A2 77 74 72 76 73 71 1513 71 74 72 7A 69
aa 76 72 70 7g 75 72 7a 74 71 69 73 71 69 72 70 68 68
78 73 69 67 77 72 69 67 71 69 67 70 68 66 70 68 66 65
75 70 67 65 75 70 67 64 69 66 64 68 66 64 68 65 64 63
73 68 64 62 72 67 64 62 67 64 62 66 63 61 65 63 61 61
71 65 62 60 70 65 62 60 65 62 60 64 61 60 64 61 60 50
These economically priced downlights feature extruded aluminum heat sinks and other quality Marco features. Matte black
cone or aluminum groove baffle secured into plaster frame with exclusive GripKlip locking system. Designed for reflector or
par type lamps.


-1 :! l'

cone SPec. Pg. batlle Spec. Pg.

D209205 75WR30 150WPAR38 50/75W/ER30 D87 D209206 75W/R30 150W/PAR38 50/75WER30 D89
D309207 150/200WR40 120WER40 D95 D309208 150/200W/R40 120W/ER40 D97

0-30'sloped ceiling, degree of slope must be specified 0-300 sloped ceiling, degree of slope must be specified
cone Spec. Pg. balfle Spec. Pg.
D210209 75W/R30 t50WPAR38 50/75WER30 D91 D2102t0 75W/R30 150W/PAR38 50/75W/ER30 D93
D310219 150/200WrR40 120W/ER40 D99 D310220 150/200W/R40 120W/ER40 D 101

Fot oplional accessotias, specily altet cat. no':

101 27" C channel hangers, Pa r
/04 top access
/37 clear anod zed cone'
/86 therma protection deleled
/92 flal lype trlm ringt
/93 gold anod zed cone'
/259P while paint walLwasher insert (150W/R40)t
/260P whiie paint eyebal lnsert (75W/R30)+
/2605 satin a uminum eyeball lnsert (75W/R30)t
' anly available on cane unils
I not available an slaped ceiling tnits
I anly available on D3a92a8

Frame-in assembly consists of one piece die cast plaster
frame with universal hanger brackets, cast heat sink cap
with medium base socket, connector and 64" of 1B gauge
SF 2 1eads. Prewired junction box mounted on plaster
D imensio ns lrame,
Cat. No. Aperture A BC D Housing assembly consists ol matte b ack cone or
D209205 cone 11 114" 5 3/4" 6 5/16" 7 1/8" a uminum groove black baffle, extruded aluminLrm heat
D309207 cone 11 112" 6 314" 7 5/8" 8 3i 16" ..nL d1d 7 16" n"r'ow di po.dble Il,r ring.
D209206 baffle 11" 5 3/4" 6 5/16" 7 1/8" Housing assembly snaps up into plaster frame and is held
D30g20B baffle 11 112" 6 314" 7 5/8" I3/16" secure with l\,4arco exclusive GripKIip iockinq sVstem.


Colllns CaYlty R6ll.clance

80 70 5030 100
Wall B6ll6ctanc
70 5t] 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
C06lllcl.nts ol Utlll'.rlon
82 80 78 76 80 78 77 t5 75 74 73 73 72 71 70 69 69 67
78 74 71 69 76 73 70 68 71 69 67 69 67 65 67 65 64 63
74 6e 66 63 72 68 65 62 66 63 61 65 62 60 63 61 59 58
70 65 61 57 69 64 60 57 62 59 56 61 58 56 59 57 55 54
00 66 60 56 53 65 59 55 52 58 55 52 57 54 51 56 53 51 50
63 56 52 49 62 56 52 49 55 51 48 54 51 48 53 50 48 47
59 52 48 45 58 a2 47 44 51 47 44 50 47 44 49 46 44 43
Cat. No. D309208 56 49 44 41 55 4a 44 41 47 44 41 47 43 41 46 43 40 39
120WER40, 1560 lumens 53 45 41 38 52 45 41 38 44 40 37 44 40 37 43 40 37 36
Spacing criterion 0.5 50 42 38 35 49 42 38 35 41 37 35 41 37 35 40 37 34 33

Collrng Cavlty Rll6ctanc6

80 70 5030 100
w'll Rsllecranc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30.t0 0
C06lllcl6nts ol Utlllr.tlon
76 75 74 73 74 73 72 71 71 70 69 68 68 67 66 66 65 64
73 71 69 67 72 70 68 67 68 66 65 66 65 64 64 63 62 62
71 68 66 64 70 67 65 63 66 64 62 64 63 61 63 62 61 60
69 65 63 61 68 64 62 60 63 61 60 62 60 59 61 59 58 58
67 63 60 58 66 62 59 58 61 59 57 60 58 57 59 57 56 55
65 61 58 56 64 60 58 56 59 57 55 59 57 55 58 56 55 54
63 59 56 54 62 58 56 54 58 55 54 57 55 53 56 54 53 52
Cat. No. D209206 61 57 54 52 60 56 54 52 56 53 52 55 53 52 55 53 51 51
75W/ER30, 975 lumens 59 55 52 50 59 54 52 50 54 51 50 53 51 50 53 51 50 49
Spacing criterion 0.5 57 53 50 48 57 52 50 48 52 49 !a 51 49 48 51 49 48 47

Collln9 Csvlry Follsctanc6

80 70 5030 100
Wall F6ll6clanc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 105030 105030 105030 100
Coelilc16nts ol Utll12.tlon
79 78 76 75 T7 T6 75 74 73 73 72 71 70 70 69 68 68 67
76 73 71 69 75 72 70 69 70 69 67 68 67 66 66 65 64 63
73 7Q 67 65 72 69 67 65 67 65 64 66 64 63 64 63 62 61
71 67 64 62 70 66 63 61 65 62 61 63 61 60 62 61 59 58
68 64 61 58 67 63 60 58 62 60 58 61 59 57 60 58 57 56
6 66 61 58 56 65 61 58 56 60 57 56 59 57 55 58 56 55 54
7 6! 59 56 54 63 59 56 54 58 55 53 57 55 53 57 54 53 52
Cat. No.209205 8 62 57 54 51 61 56 53 51 56 53 51 55 53 51 55 52 51 50
150WR40 FL, 1900 lumens 9 59 54 51 49 59 54 51 49 53 51 49 53 50 49 52 50 49 48
Spacing criterion 0.9 10 57 52 49 47 57 52 49 47 51 4A 47 51 48 46 50 48 46 46

colllng C!vlly Rslloclanc

80 70 5030 100
W.ll Roll6ctancs
70 50 30 107050 30 10 50 30 10 5030 10 50 30 100
Coslllclnis ol Utlll26llon
1 79 7A 76 75 77 76 75 74 73 72 72 71 70 70 69 68 68 6
2 T7 747271 7573?1 7A71 70 68 6d68 67 67 66 66 65
3 74 71 6973 67 71 69 67 69 67 66
67 66 65 66 65 64 63
72 69 6671 65 68 66 64 67 65 63
66 64 63 65 63 62 61
5 70 67 6469 62 66 64 62 65 636! 62 61
61 63 61 60 59
6 69 65 6268 60 64 62 60 63 61 60
62 61 59 62 60 59 58
7 67 62 6066 58 62 60 58 61 59 58
61 59 57 60 58 57 56
Cat. No. 209206 8 6561 5856 64 60 58 5660 5756 59 5756 5957 5555
120WER40 1475 lumens 9 63 59 56 54 63 58 56 54 58 56 54 57 55 54 57 55 54 53
Spacinq criterion 0.5 10 61 57 55 53 61 57 54 53 56 54 53 56 54 53 56 54 53 52

EIY MAFIGCf Reflector is specular clear Downlights are also available

.050 Alzak and photo- for s oped cei ing instal atlon.
Engineering Specilications metrically engineered for Fequesl information.
economlcal use of 'A'
Heat sink is 0.70 extrLrded
aLrminum with cast cap and Patent Number 3801 81 5
slde entrv connector.


Prowired Junction Box,

mounted on plaster f rame
and with flex is standard. ffi

GripKlips hold cones and
baffles securely in position I
in plaster f rame. Where
cones and baffles are not
affixed to other parts of the
housing, (i.e. ellipsoidals)
safety chains are provided.

Trim ring ls a 7/16" narrow

r ing designed to concea
rough ceilin g cut-outs, but
may simply be discarded for Round Aperture Cones
fJush mounting.

Plasler lram6 on round

aperture unils is one piece
die cast aluminum. Square
aperture units have
extruded aluminum plaster Ellipsoidal units are
frames. All units are available in round apertu re
lurnished with a pair of designs wilh clear, black, or
universal hanger brackets. champagne gold Alzak cone
or matte black aluminum
Cone is specular clear, groove baffle or extruded
black or champagne gold black baffle in square
Alzak. aperture config u ration.
Trim assembly snaps up
into plaster frame and is
Round balfle is aluminum secured with GripKlip
groove in matte black Round Cone locking system. Has safety
finish. chain. Trim ring is
disposable for llush
Square ballle is extruded mounting. Pholometrically
aluminum in matte black engineered reflector is
f in ish. specular clear .050 Alzak
and available as optional in
Round Ba{fle
champagne gold, specify
/15. Reflector has retain ing
clips for standard top

Square Baffle
Round Aperture
Full housing is round heavy qauge steel,
bonderized, and finished matte black.
Relleclor is specular Top access is standard.
clear Alzak and
engineered lot
economical use ol'A'

A-lamp downlights are available in configurations for

vertical or horizontal lamps. Specular reflector cone
assembly is designed specifically for economical A lamps.
Vertical units secure with GripKlip locking system and have
extruded heat sink and cast cap. Horizontal lamp {ixtures
secure with center lock-up screw in galvanized yoke support
and have angled extruded sockel neck.

Square Aperture

brite-dip anodized



Wall-washer has unique dual reflect-

or system to provide both down
light and wall illumination. lnner
cone reflector is .050 clear or gold
Alzak and cutout for deqree of
wall wash ing required. Re{lector
system is rotational for adjustment
of proper light direction. Vertical Sloped cailing units Jurnish
lamp units have two galvanized truncated trim having
support brackets and center spring
integral overlapping ring in
clips. Horizontal lamp units have
place ol trim ring. Finish is
galvanized Voke and center lock up.
low gloss white paint. On
downlights, plaster lrame
with universal hanger
brackets mounts directly to
slope adapter lor ease of
installation. Degree of
slope must be specified.
6100 S. Wilmiflgton Aw., Los Angeles, California 90001 (213) 583-6551
lloi Lakeland Aw., Bohenia, Nevi york I 1716 (5l,6) 567-6060

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