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Useful Icelandic phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Icelandic, a North Germanic language spoken mainly in

Key to abbreviations: inf = informal, frm = formal, >m = to a man, >f = to a woman.
Please note: the formal phrases are rarely used.
Click on any of the phrases that are links to hear them spoken. If you can provide
recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.
To see these phrases in many other languages click on the English versions. If you'd
like to see these phrases in any combination of two languages, try the Phrase Finder.

English slenska (Icelandic)

Velkomin (>f)
Velkominn (>m)

Gan dag
Hello (General greeting) Gan daginn
Sll (>m)
Sl (>f)

Hva segir ?
How are you?
Hvernig hefur a?

Allt gott
Allt fnt
Reply to 'How are you?'
Allt gtt
Bara fnt

Long time no see Langt san vi hfum sst

What's your name? Hva heitir ?

My name is ... g heiti ...

Where are you from? Hvaan ertu?

Hvaan kemur ?

I'm from ... g er fr ...

Gaman a kynnast r
Pleased to meet you
Gaman a hitta ig

Good morning Gan daginn

(Morning greeting) Gan dag

Good afternoon Gan daginn

(Afternoon greeting) Gan dag

Good evening
Ga kvldi
(Evening greeting)

Good night Ga ntt

Vertu blessaur (>m)

Vertu blessu (>f)
Goodbye Bless mean
(Parting phrases) Bless bless (inf)
Vi sjumst
Sjumst sar (see you later)

Good luck! Gangi r vel!

Cheers! Good Health!

(Toasts used when drinking)

Have a nice day Eigu gan dag

Bon appetit /
Veri r a gu
Have a nice meal

Bon voyage /
Ga fer
Have a good journey

I understand g skil

I don't understand g skil ekki

Yes J

No Nei

Maybe Kannski

I don't know g veit ekki

Gtiru tala hgar?

Please speak more slowly
Viltu tala svolti hgar?

Gtiru sagt etta aftur?

Please say that again
Gtiru endurteki etta?

Gtiru skrifa etta niur (inf)

Please write it down
Gtiru vinsamlegast skrifa etta niur (frm)

Do you speak Icelandic? Talar slensku?

Yes, a little
J, smvegis
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')

Speak to me in Icelandic Talau slensku vi mig

How do you say ... in Icelandic? Hvernig segir maur ... slensku?

Excuse me

How much is this? Hva kostar etta?

v miur
Sorry Fyrirgefu
Mr ykir a leitt

Gjru svo vel (sg)

Geri i svo vel (pl)

Takk fyrir
Thank you
akka r fyrir
Krar akkir
Reply to thank you a var ekkert

Where's the toilet? Hvar er klsetti?

This gentleman will pay for everything essi herramaur mun borga fyrir allt saman

This lady will pay for everything essi dama mun borga fyrir allt saman

Would you like to dance with me? Viltu dansa vi mig?

I miss you g sakna n

I love you g elska ig

Lttu r batna
Get well soon
Lttu r batna fljtt

Leave me alone! Lttu mig frii!

Help! Hjlp!

Fire! Eldur!

Stop! Httu!

Call the police! Ni lgregluna!

Gleileg jl og farslt komandi r

Christmas and New Year greetings
Gleileg jl og farslt ntt r

Easter greetings Gleilega pska

Birthday greetings Til hamingju me afmli

One language is never enough Eitt tunguml er aldrei ng

My hovercraft is full of eels

Svifnkkvinn minn er fullur af lum
Why this phrase?

Famous volcanoes Eyjafjallajkull

Surtsey (Vesturey)

Recordings by Stefan Steinsson and Jhannes Helgason

Download all the audio files (Zip format, 1.4MB)
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide
recordings, please contact me.

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