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YtrtrSACffiUrufte)fA HhET/CAPSUI-E
Mnmtrlv14 Arup72'l

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i-lYti[:lT;1i:]iltv1PANY lNC,

V [ : l t t ; A r l r ]l li J I l ! , iA n H , l i i i T F f l i : tIi [ ] / - \ D E M A R I (
( ) l l r l l { - )ril l 1l l l i l l r l t : t . l t - l l F ' M F N
l N- C
This operatingmanualappliesto
Versacountmodels714 and 721
V e r s a c o u nma Equipm entInc ( PEl) for appr o x i m atel y
t ch i n e sw e re so ldby Pr oduclion
30 years.Reconditioned Versacounlmaclrineswere sold by Hypak Industriesand in
nrostof those cases an is addedto the modelnumber.DeitzCo was the major
to thesecompanies.
r f p a rtsa n d su b a sse mblies
s u p p l i eo To my knowledge,PEI and
Hypakno longercJealwith the VersacounlDeitzCo is the best sourceof originalparts
and service.

V7 1 4 a n dY 7 2 'l a re ve ry si mi l ar M . ost V714machineswer e upgr adedlo Y721

s p e c i { i ca ti o nast so rn e ti me .A ppr oximately lOOoV714 machineswer e soldlr om 1967
l o ' 7 7 . Ap p ro xi rn a te5l y0 0 V 7 2 1machineswer e soldfr om 1977lo' 87. The V721w as
r e p l a c e db y V 7 4 1 i n '8 7 . E a rl y V714' swer e electr icallydilfer entfr om laterV7 14'sbut
t h e yl o o ke Otn e sa me .T h e 6 spoker im was r eplaced a 5 spoker im and the r i m
g u i d e swe re cl i ffe re nT t.h e o ri gir r al countercir cuitsin the ear lyV714w er e
electr onic
i n o d i l i edo n l h e l a te V 7 1 4 n e cessitating a wir ingchangeto the solenoidsin the head
actuatorassembly.Minorchangeswere made to the bottletable(shelf).Many early
type V714 parts are obsoleteand are replacedby the latertype. All electrontube
c u n te rsa re u n re p air able
e l e c t r on i co and obsolete.They must be r eplacedwhen they
f a i l .T h e vT 1 4 mo d e ln u mb e rwas changedto V721when the solidstateelectr oni c
c o u n l e ra n d a l l sta i n l e ssste e lrnetalpar tswer e intr oduced. lt lookeda lot likeaV714
b u t t h e rew e re si g n i fi ca ni tmp rovements.
planto hav ethes e
l f y o u h a ve a n e a rl ymo d e lV 7 14withthe or iginalr im and counter ,
itemsreplace<1 if they requireservicebecausewe no longerhave these itemsor sub-
in stock.
e xp l a n a ti o np u rposeslhis m anualwill coverboth the v714 and v 721'
F o r o p e ra trn g
fil l i ng
D e i t zC o ma n u fa ctu reth s e p h ar maf itl lir r eof tablet/capsule
counter /bottle
machineon a new Phar mal i l l
m a c h i ne s.w e w e l co mea tra de- inof a Ver sacount
c o u n t i n g /fi l l i nma
g ch i n e .
* Mostmachineshave a 16"diameterrim and turntable.Thereis alsoa 20" diameter
* Versacountmachinescame as eithera Rightor Left-handversion.Viewedfrom the
operatingposition,the R versionhas the headat the rightend. The L versionhas the head
on the leftend.Certainpartsfit only the R or L type machine.Modelnumbersshow head
locationasV721Ror L.
* Grossweight-typically125 lbs

1 1 5 V A Cfu se dfo r 2 A mp s.
Accessories: lsnoutd withtheseitems)
(1 bottletablew/ adjustablebottlestopsundereachfillingstation
(2 4 pairsof funnels'.
1",1 114"dia.bottomopenings
(3 setof chipsieveswithdifferent sizeholes
(4 setof tabletand capsuleguidechangeparts
(5 centerhubmounted, springloadeddiverter
(b operatingandsparepartsmanuals
Optlons: (canstillbe supplied)
AGS Air-Guide-System, nozzles, andhoses.
AS1Air Supply(partof AGS)
Vinylcoverfor machine
Generaf Elescription: (referencesto 714/721meansinformationappliesto both models)
A Versacount is an electromechanical machinethatcountsanddirectsthe flowof tablets
(Reference to tabtets alsomeanscapsutes, captets, getcaps, etc,)alternatelyintoOneOftwo filling
stations.Countratescan be up to 24O0tablets/minute, witha countrangefrom1-10,000. lt
is notdesigned to countcleargelcapsandtherefore is notre@mmended for thattask.
Approximately 10,000tabletscan be loadedintothe stainless stee.lhopper. The loppgr
gateis openeilto allowtabletsto partiallyfillthe vibratorJeed pan mounted on top
6t a targevibrator.Tablets move along the length of the feed. pan at a_rate depending on
the power appliedto the vibrator. As tablets move toward the end of the pan they pass
oveichipsidveplateswheredustandchipswillfallthroughintoa dustcupbelow.Tablets
dropfrointhe endof the panto theglassiurntablewhich[ssurrounded by a stainless steel
rim.Theturntablel carriesthetablels into the guide channel. Tablets move single filedown
theguidechannel,off the edgeo! the glass,immediately abovethe photoelectric scanner
ass6mbly and diverter head mechanisrn. As they drop_.throug.h llle scanner.beam, they.are
detected and counted. The diverter head directs the falling tablet into either the leftor right
filtinqfunnel.Thenumberof tabletsto be putintoa bottleis determined by the
numberthatis presetin the electronic counter.lrnmediately after.thepreqgtcountis
achieved, the iounter resetsand the diverter flagautomatically changestheflowto theother
fillinqstation.Fillinqstationfunnelsizeis selected basedon tabletandbottleopeningsize.
Bottiesare placed-under the fillingfunnelon the bottletable.Adjustable bottlestop,squickly
locatethe bbttle precisely under thefunnel. Because thisis a semi-automatic operation, the
operator mustremovefilledbottlesand empty bottle under the filling.station
Vibratorandturntablespeedis adjustedto deliverproduclto the bottleat a ratethatthe
operator cankeepup with.These-adjustments arejocatedon themaincontroldoorpanel.
Uncratethemachine,makingcertainthatno partsaredamaged. The machineis shipped
mostlyassembled.Youmustinstallthe glassturntable plate.We suggestthatyougo
throughthisoperatinginstruction beforecompleting the machineassembly.lnstallation
shouldbe madein the suggestedorder,as detailedbelow. Photographs are alsoincluded
inthemanual,as an additional guide.
A. Mountthe machineon work-table withdialsandswitchesfacingtheoperator.
B. Turnallswitchesoff.
C. Installpartsin theorderlisted,referring to thephotographs anddetailed
- Hopper-lnstallwithdooropeningfacingthe rim.
" Chipsieves-Selectthe solidplateor appropriate sizesieveand install
in the sieveplatecut-outof thevibratorfeedpan.A smallthreadedknobis
suppliedto securethe platein thecut-out.
- Glass turntable-Placeglasson centerhub,withthesupportplatebelowand
the thinplasticwasherabove.Supportplatehasa slotthatmustlineup witha
pinin the hub.Theplateis madeof aluminum or phenolic andit maybe glued
to theglass.Tightenringnut,by hand,ontothe glass.
* Rim- C"ut-out sdctionfits-underihe endof theviSrator feedpan.Alignment fork
on thetopof the motorcover,must'capture'the
preventthe rimfrommovingaroundthb hub.Fastensecurelywiththe threaded
rimhold-down knob.
. Head assembly- Installon topof the headltable supportbar.Hardware(usually
threadedknobs)is suppliedto attachfromunderneath, throughslottedholesin
thebarintothreadedholesprovided in thebaseof the head.Insertthe 6-pin
plugintothematching receptaclebehindthemachine mainframe.
" botiletable-Installaitne bottomof the head/table supportbar.A two-piece
clamping assemblyslipsoverthebar,Thetableis easilyraisedor loweredon
the bar to
. Electronic brinqthe bottleopeninqunderthefillinqfunnel.
underthe is mountedon
couriter-is locateijdiredtly
a bracketthatattachesto two screwsat eithersideof the meteron the frontof
themainchannel.Insertthe4-pinplugintothematching behindthe
" Powercable-Insertplugintoa standard115VACoutlet.

Hopper-mounts'above and intothevibratorenclosure. lt is sjcured by two cap nuts.The
nopper door opens to let product onto
spill the !r.ay.The dooris
vibrator a
t<niliteOknob.The hoppeiis remoVable forcleaning and/oremptying. An optional
extension willdoublethe hoppercapacity.
Vlniaior-vibratorfeedtray,'dndchipsieVes, arelocatedbelowthe-lopper,.inside the .
vrOiator enclosure. Thefeeidtrayextbndsfroman opening !! IIon! of over
the. the
turndd 'ona lf the turntable motor ls
rim inO turntable.The vlbratdr can not be
ViOntoipo*er is set by adjustinga knobon the c-ontrol door.panel, Tfu Powe.rfpquired
dependson the sizeoi the prodlct and the productionrate desired.Productdeliveryrate
teedtrayto the turntableshouldapilroximately
froi.r-tf'e equaland notexceedthe product
flowthroughthe head.
Chloslev"es- aresuppliedfor the removalof dustandchipsfromthe productfeedtray'..
SJr5ciiiieve *itn n'oiessmailerthanthetablets.Insertthe sieveintothe lowerlevelof the
uiOrlioitrayandsecureit withthe thunrbscrewprovided. Chipsanddustthatfallthrough
thesieve,collect in the removable chip cup.
Turntable/Rlm assembly-A stainless steelrimassembly surrounds a 114"thick,l6"
round,glassturntableplate.(-20modelhasa 20"diameterrimand plate)The rimsupports
theproductguideassembly. An optionalrimcovermaybe included. To removethe rim
andgetaccessto the glassturntable, removethe largethreadedknobfromthe centerhub
andliftthe rimawayfrom the glassplate.Therimlocating forkattachedto thetopof the
motorenclosure, must'frame'the rectangular platespotweldedat the rimseam.This
assuresthattherimalwayslocatesin thesameplace.
Productguldes-attachto andare adjuSted at the guidesupportblock.Theyare made
specificallyfor L or R modelmachines andarenotinterchangable. Theyareselectedand
adjusted according to the sizeandtypeof product.Theguidechannelconsistsof a
movable innerguideanda fixedouterguide.Theinnertabletguideis a flat,rectangular
shapeintendedfor aligningtablets.Theinnercapsuleguideis a low,spear-like guidethat
alignscapsules andcaplets.A wedgeshapedheightguide,usedonlywiththetablet
guide,knocksoffthetop tabletof piggybackedpairs.A capsuledeflecting wireguideis a
stainlesssteelwiredeflectorthatknocksoff piggybackedcapsulesor caplets.A pointed
tabletplowguidemaybe clippedon the leadingtop edgeof the tabletguide.Theflow
correctorguideattachesto the rimwherethetabletfallsfromthe turntable. Thespring
loadeddivertingguideattachesto the pushesproductto the outeredgeof
theglass,in linewiththeguidechannel.
RimCllp Theproductinnerguidedoesn'tcovertheentireguideopeningcut intothe rim.
Therimclipslipsoverthe topedgeof therimto closeup the gapbetweenthe innerguide
andthecutoutin the rim.Removetheclipwhenadjusting theguides.
Counter-V714hasan electrontubedecadecounter.V721hasa solidstatedigital
counterwitha bluepanel.Bothcountup to 9999.Anynumberup to 9999maybe preset
by the operator.MostV714tubetypecounterswereupgraded to the V721counter.Set
thecounterknobsto the desiredquantity, starttheoperation, and uponcompletion of the
count, thecounterautomatically resetsto -0000-andis readyto acceptanotherseriesof
@unts.A resetpushbutton willzerooutthecountat anytime.Thecounterconnectsintothe
powersupplymodulewitha 4 pinconnector.
ControlPanel-is mountedin the accessdoorto provideselectrical controls
to operatetheturntableandvibratorfeeder.Switchesandvariable autotransformers
provideDCvoltageoutputto the turntablemotorandthe vibrator. rearof the panelis
coveredto reducethedanqerof electrical shock.
PowerSupplyModule-(FSM)mustmatchthetypeof electronic counterbeing qged.
TheW1 4 andVt2l PSMbothfit in the samelocationbutareelectrically different,lf a
W14 is upgradedby changingto aW21 typesolidstatecounter,the PSMmustalsobe
replaced. ltls locatedunder(inside)themainchannelframe. A meter,lightintensity control
andtest pushbutton extendfromthe PSMthrough the main channel frontfor operator
access.Powerto the PSMcomesfroma cablewitha 4 pinconnestor thatconnectsfrom
underthemainchannel.Behindthe mainchannelthere aretwo rectangular cut-outs that
provideaccessto connectorreceptiacles in the rearof the PSM.Thecounting.head and
electronic counter plug into these receptacles. The PSM supplies power to the
photoelectric lights6urce,headactuatorcoils, andelectronic counter.Themelefdisplays the
photocell signaicunent.The lampintensity adjustment ccntrolsthe^intensityof the light
bourceaim6dintothephotocell. Thetestpushbutton appliesa 12Ohz signaltothecounter
fortestpurposes. TheW2l PSMhasa plug-insolidstateswitchmodulethatdetermines
whichtiitlnjstationis selectedby deliverihg ilre actuatorcoilvoltaggto the head.To remove
thePSMd-isconnect the connecting plugsin the rearandside(115Vpower)andremove
twoscrewson eithersideof the meterin front.
BottleTable-a squarephenoliccomposite shelfattachedto the hq? .
consistsof a mountingdssembly,andtwo bottlestopassemblies. The two.-part mou.nting
assembly clampsaroilndthe lowverticalpartof thesupportbar. Raiseor lowerthetable
underthefillingfunnelsaccording to theheightof thebottlesto be filled.Twobottlestop
bracketsare locatedon top of longslotsandareattachedby two thumbscrewsto a
threadedplatebelowthe slot.Thesestopsmovein/outin orderto quicklylocatethe
openingof the bottleunderthefunnel.Theywillworkwellwithroundandsquarebottles.
Modifiedstopscan be madeto workwithirregularshapedbottles.
HeadAssembly-containsthe tabletdetectingphotoelectric c-omponents, the divertingflag
assembly, is locatedundertherimbelowtheguidechannelassembly.
A cableplugsintothe PSMthrougha cut-outin the backof the mainsupportchannel.The
headcanbe adjustedin threedirections, up-down,right-|eft, and hasseveral
important components thatmustbe in properoperating condition. Thesecpmponents and
their conditions are:
- Funnelassembly-Fourdifferentsizefunnelsdropintoa funnelholdingbracket.The
bracketattachesunderneath the headbelowthediverterflagarea.Selectthefunnelsize
that accommodates both the tabletsizeandthe bottleopeningdiameter.
. Lightsourceassembly(photoelectric)- Mustbe focusedandaimedintothe photocell
windowon theopposite sideof the headopening. A GE #10incandescent lampprovides
the is delicateand mustbe mountedcarefully intopin receptacles locatedin thelamp
mounting base.A barrelcontaining a springis threaded overthe baseandthe lamp.The
springh5tOs the lampstillinsideth! barrel.-When thebarrelis putoverthe lampit mustbe
threacled carefully. lf the lampis twistedtheconnection pinsmaybreakthe_ glassenvelope.
Thebanelfitsinsidea rectangular lensblockthatgripsthebarrelwhen an allencapscrewis
tightened. Thebarrelshouldbe adjusted andsecuredin theblockso thatthefilamentimage
is horizontal andfocusedon thephotocell window.Keepthe lensclean.Raisedor lowerthe
liqhtsourceto chanqethe distancebetweenthedetectionbeamandthe edgeof the
dlverterflag Keeptfrelightsourcelevelwithandacrossfromthe photocellwindow.The
liqhtsourcecableplugslntooneof two FICAtypejacksunderthecenterof thediverter
h"ead. The intensityotine larnpis controlled nf tne lightintensityadjustment locatednextto
the powersupplymeteron thefrontof themainchannel.
" Photocell as.sembly- Acrossfromthe lightsource,it detectsthe shadowcastby a
passingtabletthroughthe lightbeam.Keep- the plasticwindowoverthe.photocellclean.
Thest6ngthof the [notoeldctric signalis displayed on the pgryer. supplymeter.When
maximumlight is caston the photocell the meterindication is high..When the lightintensity
dropsas ha-ppens whena Abletpassest[o_ughthe.light beam,the meterindication drops.
Theiphotoceli cableplugsintoonegf two RCAtypejacksunderthe centerof thediverter
heaci,nextto the lightsourcejack.Thephotocell assemblycanbe raisedor loweredwhich
changesthe distan-ce fromwherea tabletis detected to the diverterf.l.a.g
gperating area.This
is ess?ntially a timingadjustment and it is necessary to makeit possibleto.separate the last
tabletof a filledbotti6fromthefirsttabletof the nextemptybottle.A detailedexplanation
of thisadjustment is in a latersectionof thisoperating manual.
" Divertdr assembly- Consists of thediverter flag,theactuatorcoilassembly andthe
related linkage. Two coils, located under the acfuator coil cover are mounted so thattheir
electromagn?tic forcesopposeoneanother.Whena.coj]energizesit pullsa.plateag,?ll:!
thecoilarrirature. Linkaqbconnectsthisplateto theshaftof thediverterflag.Whena boffle
is filledthecounterreseTs andsendsa siqnalto the PSMto switchfromonecoilto theother,
pullinothe platetowardthe energized coii,movingthediverterflagso thatthetabletflow
boesintothe emptybottle.Adjus--tments includecoitdistancefrorntheplatecenterline and
diverterflaqaliqrim-ent on the hctuatorlinkaqe.TheW21 powersupplyhasa solidstate
switch module fhat controls theenergizing voltageto thesecoils.lf a coilfailsto energize
oroperlv this switch module should be checked.
HeadLocatlonAdfustments:3 adjustments- Hardware fromunderthe suppo{par . ,.
securesthe headto tne headsuppohbarover 2 slotted holes. Movethe headrightor left
belowthetabletdrop-off point atihe endof the guide channel so thattabletsfalldirectly
throughthe middleof the scannerbeam.Thescanneris alwayaalignedwiththecenterline of
thediirerter flag.The supportbarattachesto the mainchannel.end plate..The plateis
attachedby 4 hex bolts'through andthe headwillmoveforwardor
back.Adjuitthe plateuntilthe-tablet flowdropsandhitsthediverterfla.gin thefronthalfof
tneflag.tabbts'shouldnot hitthe photocell housinglf theydo movethe headforward.The
suppoftbarfitsin a slotmachinedihtotheendplate Hardware fastensthroqgha slotinto .
the'endplate.Thebarcan be raisedor loweredwithinthe limitsof the slot.Raisethe head
untilthe'lightsourceis within114"oI the'bottom 9f tfe glasgplate.ln theorythe lowerthe
headlocalion- the greaterthetabletseparation- thebettertheaccuracy.However.accuracy
is affectedmoreo/taotetsthatdriftotf-center duringthedropintothe headthanby
separation so keebthe headcloseto the undersidsofthe glasswheredriftis smallest.
S E T - U PP R O C E D U R E . . . . . F R OTHME B E G I N N I N G
The machlnemaln power, electronlc counterand photoelec-trlc llght source
shouldbe'on'.The vlbrator feed and turntable motor are'off'.
1. Closethe hopperdoorandfillthe hopperwithproduct. Open.thedoor.enough to.allow
a manageable quantityof productto spiil'into thevibratottrqy When.production begins,
adiusttfie doortb qet b sniooth,constantdeliveryof productintothe tray.
2.'Setup theguiddchannelwiththeappropriate-guides- usethecapsqlqguide.and the.
capsule'deftedting wirefor capsules,captet's andmostgel caps,or the tabletguidewiththe
3. Futfro productsampleson theglassturntable in theguidechannel,.one at the
beqinninq hndoneat tfieend.AdjuEt the guide channel openlng untilit is only sligh.tlywider
if'a"ntne6roOuct width.Adiustthe height g'uide or capsule defleLting wire guide so that
6ioou:OlbXed productis eliminateO. f-aOtdts shouldnotstickin the guidechannelbecauseit
6;'i'straiqhioi is a littletootiqhtfor the product. BesuretheguideChannel isn'tso loosethat
tabletsb6uncefromsideto Sideas theymovedownthe guide channel.
4. Twounusualguides aresometimes required.
a. TheflowcoTrecting guideattachesto'therimandplacesa smatlwedgeshapedsurface
at the spotwnerethe taOtetdropsoff the glass.Thewedgefillsin the.a,!g!ebetweenthe
qlassperimeter anda lineperprjndicular trc-tne centerline g4is9f the guidechannel.ln other
il,ordstheflowcorrector piovibes a squareedge from which the can
sometimes preventa tabietor capletfiom drifti-ng centerline
off.l|.re afterit dlonsf-r,91"![e is a'guidethatis usedwhendriftingoccurs although it does notalwayssolvethe
O.rne taOtet ptowguiOeclipson to edge..ltprotrudes in frontof
tnetaoet@Edan'oGuattyis curvedin the directionof the i,npo1ilg ttgy^",t^et1*91:Jh"
plowsepa-rates tabletsasihey approachtheguidechannelin a pile. I ne lowpolnteo
i-eiOing'eOge tetstabtetsclimbup bnpoverin an unscraTbliry_99!91 ^--:- tensionto
S.ine"defl"ector gride,mountedontherimhub,shouldhave-enough spring
movethe produCt to the outeredgeof theturntable.
o.lne guibesenend-througn an-Spening thatwe callthe rimcut-out.Tablets
in therim'rim
niigr,irdltniougntr'ebpening.-wd suppiy a small clip'thatslipsoverthe top edgeof
therimandwill-cnver theopening.
7. put thecorrectsiietunrielsin'thefunnelholder.Generally youshouldusethe largestsize
funnelpossible for the sizeof thebottleopening.. ,.
g. puJ{,ygematyodttieiunoeitherinings'tation5. Adjustthe bottletablelocationandthe
Oottfe-itops so thatthe botle openingi5 directlyunderthefunnel.
9:ihJprbioerectril-ligr'tiourcbsrroiltobe aim-ed andfocusedon the photocellwindow'
in" ohbtocell siqnaliirenqtnmeter,locatedin thefrontof the mainchannel,shouldbe setto
Z ny'aOlusting th? lampin[e_nsity controlto the rightof the meter.
10. put a smal qraniifiyoi-Cotriniets-on ine turniable. Set30 in the presetcount.register of
theelectronic countei.hun the set-upquantityoverandoveras you make the other
adjustments. Eachtimethe machineaccurately cpunts30 tabletsthediverterflagwillswitch,
ttreftowto the otherfillingstation.Settheturntable speedadjustment, locatedon thecontrol
door,for 5.
11.Turnon the turntablemotorswitch.Theset-upquantityof tabletsshouldmoveintothe
quidechannel.Adiustthe diverterandchannelguidesas iequired.As thetabletsQro.p flgp
ihe qlass,theyshouldpassdirectlythroughthe-center of the photoebcficbeam.. Adjust the
f.1eldtocdtion as requiied.Tablets'should-hittheflagbetweenthe mid-pointand thefront. lf
not,adjustthe headsupportbarforwardbr back.
t Z.'Cohfirm thatthe mdifrinehasaccurately lf so,
increase theturntablespeeduntilyou begirito geta counterror.Yourideal production rate
wil be about10%loweithanthe5peeddt wniCntheerroroccurred. 13.Setthe vibrator
rite to delivertabletsto the at
turntable less
slightly thanthe same rateas theyleavethe
' timlng:
Gettinqthe last tabletin the correctbottle...
Becausethe photoeledtric scanneris somedistanceabovethe diverte{ta9,pp]eJ:.19^,
OetLCieO i distance
cejrtain abovethe rangeof movement for theflag.Thereforeseveral
milliseconds mustpaii Oetoretheflagmo'ves.lf the lasttabletof a countp?9sedthrough
trreJ"annercausinb-jn immeoiate mo'vement of thediverterflag,thatlasttabletwouldnot
oo in thecprrectnotte.A factorinvolvedin thisactionis slowactuatormechanical
il"oubin6'it. Th;r;H timetagin the mechanicalfunction of thediverter.flagmechanism.The
followinq description oiin aOllstment willresolve thisuncertainaction..{eepin mindthat
afltaOtetifaltat the samerate(lawof gravity). Onceyou makethisadjustment
it shouldworkwithall Products.
* when you *oue ine photoc.ell
assembly up/down,you mustre-aimthe light
sourcbintothe Photocell window'
. there is moresphcebetweenfallingtabletsthanyoucan see wi.thyoureye'
lre pnoiocerr
assJm6rv-Can oro9U tl_yq,moveit-upit willbefartherfrom
y,Jciiuertei of distanceequalsan
iragrangJ,* rouement,andvisavers. An increase
,ncreisein tim6tor the tabletto movefromthe pointof detectionintothe flagrange.There
twotechniques for makingtheadjustment.
Settheturntable sPeedat'5'.
* Seta countot r-inine counterpreset.Raisethephotocell to.thehighestpos.ition.
the neiOit shouldbe detectedand counted whichwill
onetablet.ns it passeiit.rtorSih probabty h?pq9-n
maket[e oiutrti'ig
irnreo,at6ry fiagchange stations.Thechange.*ll!
oeioiJtiie g'"ii*ihin tnEttagrange",andtherefore $qintgthe.wrong
it.will ?otllt:
continuetocount'in! iingrkJtaoreianojower the photocell untilthetabletooesintothe
botrtetfthetabletgetsr.rit ii'{iiiiriJJort otihehead,'the
ovir.]i'iiig";g tabletis
correct a littlemoresothat
oeninqhitbythe6#;!,;';iir,e trdg.iowdrthephotocell assembly
tiretabtetgejtsthoroughly intothe flaqranqe'
. set a countof 4 in the counterpr"3ut'riJ"p the photocellwhere it is. Lineup7 tabletsin
thequidechannetoneaftertfreother-anO ai tfreg].utqturnsholdbackthetabletsso that
tablets they should bedetected,
iffi#;;'ililp onlnLghss whenrfu r"r"is""the ttre bottleandtheSthtablet
counted r#;;;id tfir +intiotetlnto
andthe1'"it'In%ilio lowerthephotocell'
iritoihe empty bottle
intotheemptyboilE,;itil+r'"taorJtiiiri"'erteo photocell'
tf theSthfollowstn" atf iniotne filledbottleraisethe
Assorted TiPs and FYI tidbits: to turn,theglasshold-
. lf the glassg"dlJninied anOt-airs to rolatebutthe hubcontinues
ineij."s willthen be loose. Thisoftenhappens
downringnutwirr'6?c['iGtfofftitdia; or between the glassedgeand
whenproductgetJstuct<between;,i;'g9gf,g. !:_glass of rubber cementto tne
therimlimpropeil;iGite"tsi vouian applyq.sma]lamount rhe plateisalwavs positivelv
;i;d;;;bpbnbirt6lliti'*iri'iiiacnliJ grabiio tneplate.
drivenbecauseof the pinin thehubthatengagestheplate.Thiswillpreventtheglassfrom
slipping. lf theglassis replaced, theplatecanbe priedoff andbe reusedbecausethe
rubber cement is not permanent.
* glasshold-down ringnutshouldonlybe handtightened.
* The
The glassandthe supportplateshouldbe cleanso theymateas flatas possible.
- Alwaysbe surethe slotin the platelinesup withthepinin the hub.
" Youdanuseplexiglas(polycarbonate) in placeof theglassplatehoweverit willnotbe
as flatandit willscratcheasier.We recommend theglassas a bettersurface.
. Thesmallcapacitor foundon themotormounting boardbetween theouterterminals is
not absolutely necessary. You can operate without it.
" The#12lampis verysimilarto is nota goodsubstitute becauseyoucannot
adjust the power supply meter lo #2. Do not use a #12lamp.
" Therim alignment forkandplatearea matchedset.lf the rimis puton a different machine
the fork may not match the clip.
* TheRAEmotoris no longeravailable. We cansupplya Bodinemotorandthisrequires
a newmotorcoveras well.RAEmotorbrushesarestillavailable. lf the motorbrushis not
replaced beforeit wearsdownto it'smounting fitting,themotorarmaturemaybe damaged.
. Theinitials PSMmean'powersupplymodule'.
" lf thecounterresetsto zerobuttheheaddiverter failsto changesides,theplug-inswitch
module in theV721PSMis suspect.
. TheV721solidstatecounteris currently replaced by the newAD835,DC3type
counter is
which usedon the new PharmafillTCl and 2.
. TheV721PSMis designated AD571.
. lf theentireV714n21is shipped, thevibratormustbe firmlysecured.Otherwise it will
bend thestandard brackets andtheloosevibrator willdamagetheenclosure.
- lf the PSMis replaced, be surethewiresgoingto themotor,inside thechannel,arenot
squeezed under(over) the sheetmetaledgeof the PSM.
" Themain line fusevalueforthemachine is 2 Amps.
. lf theguideassemblyis replaced withthenewesttype'always centeredlguiQes, lhe
headmounting bracketslotsmustbe elongated 112"lowardthe motor.Withthisguide
improvement it willnotbe necessary to movetheheadRA whenthe guidewidthis

TEL (e0B)681-0200
FAX (e08)681-8468
Tips for trouble shootingthe Versacountmodels714 and 721

How does it work when everythingis right?


p h o t o c e l la s s ' y

ffi.. filament image

Thereis a lightsourceassemblymountedat the rear of the countinghead and a photocell

assemblyacrossfrom the lightsource,in the frontof the head.The lamp in the lightsource
projectsa beam of lightthrougha lens.The imageof the lampfilamentis condensedand
focusedby the lens.The lightsourcemain blockcan be mechanically adjusted(by loosening
screws)so that the filamentimagecan be aimeddirectlyinto a smalloval
the top front of the photocellassembly.The photocellis behindthis window.The intensityof
the lightis controlledby a potentiometer adjustmentlocatednext to the meter,in the power
supplylocatedin the main channelof the machine.The metershowsthe signalstrengthof
the photocell.When the photocellreceivesa high levelof lightthe meterindicateslow.When
the lightis blockedand lightintensityon the cell is less,the meterindicationincreases.
Wheneverthe photocellsignaldecreasesby a certainamount,a count registerson the
electroniccounter.What usuallymakesthe photocellsignaldecreaseis the passingof a
tabletor capsulebetweenthe lightsourceand the photocell.As the tabletpassesthroughthe
lightbeam,a shadowfrom the tabletis cast on the photocell.The shadowpassesand is
followedby a brightlight.So long as there is a shadowfollowedby a brightlightthe counter
will registercounts.lf you operatethe machineat too high a speedthere is too littletime
betweentabletsfor the brightlightto returnand you get miscounts.Generallyspeaking
though,the photoelectric countingcircuitis countingindividualshadowsof tabletsthat are
p a s s i n gt h ro u g hth e b e a mo f l i g h t'

'on' and must be aimedinto the photocell

what can go wrong? The lamp must be
window.The windowmust be clean.Boththe lightsourceand the photocellassemblyplug
intoconnectorsthat are locatedunderneaththe head assembly.Be sure the connectionsare
good.lf the lamp is not bright,increasethe potentiometer(pot)settingat the powersupply'
Checkthe shouldread at least1 at the brightestlevel.Passsomethingthroughthe
lightbeamand see if the meterindicationchanges.Doesthe counteroperatecorrectly?Are
the numberslighted?Pushthe 'test'buttonnextto the meteron the powersupplyto makethe
countercount. When the counterreachesthe presetnumberdoes it resetto -0-?

T r o u b l es h oo ti n g p ro ce d u re : a ss umingthatthe counteris not counting....

1. With poweron, are the counterdigitslighted?lf not, checkthe main powerfuse. Checkto
see if the counteris correctlypluggedintothe powersupply.See if the powersupply,power
cableis connectedto the powersupply(underthe mainchannel).
2. lf the counterdigitsare lighted,pushthe countertest buttonlocatedon the powersupply.
Doesthe countercount?lf not I wouldsuspectthat the electroniccounteris bad and should
be sentfor repair.
3. lf the test buttonmakesthe countercount,go to the countinghead and passyour finger
throughthe lightbeam.lf the photocellcircuitdetectsyour fingerand a countis registered,
than the head and counterare working.lf not, checkto see if the lamp in the lightsourceis on
(thelightintensitypot shouldbe turnedto maximum).lf not, checkto see if it is broken,
burnedout, or if the lightsourceconnectionis bad. Checkthe head connectorthat plugsinto
the powersupply.Wigglethe connectorwhileit is pluggedin and see if the lamplights.lf the
lightwillnot go on and the lampis good and the connectionsare good,the powersupply
m a yb e t h e p ro b l e m.
4 lf the lampis lighted,be sure it is focusedand aimedat the photocellwindow.lf not make
the necessaryadjustments. When the lampis at full intensitythe meterwill indicate-1- or
less.lf you can'tget a meterindicationas low as at least-2-, but the meterdoes indicate
something,be sure the lens and windoware clean.One uncommon,but possibleproblem,
can be whenthe photocellmovesout of positioninsidethe photocellenclosureor suffers
fromcontamination. Removethe photocellassemblyfrom the head cover.Removethe
photocellblockfrom the rear of it'ssheetmetalsupport(containsthe'window').This willallow
you to examinethe photocell.The photocellwindowcan be replacedif necessary.

HopefullyI have coveredeverypossiblereasonwhy the head may not count.We have

everythingnecessaryto get aY714 or Y721workingagain.The originalcounteris obsolete
and the replacementis the ADB35,alsoknown'aSa DC3 conversion'

Jim Deitz

714 AND721
rr]c rn
R g
o' I m flS conrisuratio
, l lgj lJ-m,'ii,U,ffi:?.[
,A\ turn Phenolicboard(A)
" upsidedownso that holes
,/ \
( o * ) for bracket(B)are at top

t 4.] [",T*
I " Jb J Y * Y



r---'l D

['*fi t
(l B
to lowerpartol the head
attachesto the headsupportbar by clamplng A. Bottletablebase,Phenollc (1)
action.KnobE exlendsthroughpartD Into B, SuPPort brackeltor table(1)
thethreadin partB. By lightenlngknobE the C. HexHd 1/4-20x 5/8'hardware (2)
tightens. clatnpto raise D. Clampblocklor supportbrkt' (1)
or lowertablelo accomodate differentsize E. Knob,threaded114-2O lor clamp(2)
bottles. F. Bottlelocatingwedgeaka'butterlly'(2)
G. Clarnp blockforwedge(2)
H. l(nob, threaded,tlghtenswedge(4)
S. Slot,lo provldeadJustment lor wedge




The lampassembly mustbe focused,acljusted, anclaimedintothe photocell housingwindow.

Jb focus,loosenthe allencap screwdepicted above,and move the lamp in or outfrom
the lensinsidethe block.The lampis focusecl whenyouseethe coilsof the filamentprojected
on a pieceof whitepaperplacedin frontof the photocell window.At the sametimeadjustthe
axisof the filamentimage'uniil Therewillbe a haloof lightaroundthe filament
it is horizontal.
imagewhichis normal.To replacethe lamp,unscrew the knurledrearsectionof the lampbarrel.
ThJlampfitsintothe baseby pushingit'stwo pinsintoreceptacles. The lampis fragileand care
mustbe takenwhenscrewing the basebackintothe barrel.An internalspringkeepsthe lamp
tightin the base.lf the springholdsthe lamptoo tightlywhilescrewingin the basethe lampwill
bieak.The springmustbe looseand notstuckintoposition.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
t _

-2- indicationon
For greatestaccuracywe find that the lightinten3ityshouldbe adjustedfor a
the powersupplym"ter.When the lightintensitypotentiometer is fully CW the metershould
indicate-1- or less.lf not, checkto bJ surethe lightis aimedinto the
you find that you can't
windowis clean,the lamp is focused,and the lamplensis clean.lf
adjustto a settinghigherthan -1-, thereis a possibility you have the wrong lamp installed'
to workbutis infacttoobrightandcan'tbe
lampis i *r o, A #i2 willappear
d i m m e de n o u g h .
bo a
G l a s s u urn E e b teT- h i s ma cl ri n e or iginallycam e wibh a lir ne glass disc cu b
1 5 . g 7 " d i a m e b e r "T. h i s g l a s s i s e x c e p b i o n a l lfyl a L a n d s b n o n g . l t i s n o E
t o c h i p o r s c r a b c t r .S o m e m a c l r i n e sh a v e b e e n s e e n w i b h p l e x i g l a s so n
g l a s s t u r n b a b l e s .T h i s e x p l a n a b i o ns e r v e s b o i n f o r m t h e u s e r a b o u t t h e t y p e
l i t f t t h e V e r s a c o u n Em a c h i n e '
g l a s s [ h a L w a s o r i g i r r a l l ys u p p l i e c w

di s c
G l a s s S u p p o rt D i sc- 0 l cl e sLrnaclr ineshave bhe black bakelibesuppor b
to bhe
c e l n e n g e db o b h e g l a s s . I n s o n r e c a s e s b h e c e m e n t e d d i s c c o n b r i b u b e d
c r a c k i n g o f b h e g l a s s . L a b e r r n a c h i n e su s e t l r e b l a c k d i s c u n d e r b h e
di s c
w i t S o u t a [ta cl ri n g to L h e cl i sc ir r any way. Tlr e cunr enbnr odel has the bl ac k
l . u b b e rc. e l n e n L e cUl ot l r e g l a s s t o k e e p s l i p t o a n r i n i m u m b u b a l s o m a k i n g i b
p o s s i b l eL o r e l l o v e t [ 1 e b l a c k d i s c i f n e c e s s a r y .B e f o r e p u b t , i n gb h e g l a s s o n L h e
b l a c l <c l isc b e ce r.U a i rr l h e re i s no clebnisor r bhe disc which will pnevenLLhe
g l a s s f l ' o l n b e i r r go L l t e t [' h a n l e v e l '

the kn ur l ed ni ng
A t l r i r r p l a sti c w a sl re r i s u se cl beLweenbhe top of tlr e glass and
r r u bb h a bh o l d s t l r e g l a s s c l o w n .T h e r i n g n u t s h o u l d b e h a n d

manufacbur edas
L e f t v s ri g h t-l ra n d ma ch i n e -The M odels 714 and 721 wer e
t o b h e l e f ba n d
l e f [ - h a n cal n d r i g h L - h a n dm a c h i n e s .A R H m a c h i n e h a s b h e h o p p e r
p r o d u c bf l o w i s U o b h e r i g l r b .A L e f L i s t h e o p p o s i L e '

lr elp s bo
T h e v i b r -a [o rrrro tb e [u l 'n eclor r if Lhe ntoLor switch is off . Tlr is

p a g e 4 C o u n b e r- l l rfo tionon counter s r efer s only to bhe old 7' 14 m ac hi ne

no war m - up and
e l e c t r o rr-b u b eco u n b e r. so l i cl sbabe721 Eypecounter r equir es
r e a d o u t i s b y t r u n t e r i c a lL E D d i s p l a y '

P a g e 5 P o w e r S u p p | y M o d u | e - T l r e p o w e l . s u p p | y m o d u t e f o r . t h e T , l y4 omua c l r i n e
newer counter
w i f f n o t B c c e p ba 7 2 1 o r 7 4 1 L y p e c o u n L e r . T o a c c e p ba
m u s b u p g r a c l eL o a 7 2 1 t y p e p o w e l ' n r o d u l e '

visa- vers a'You

T h e m e b e r re a cl s tri g h e r w h elr bhe lam p inLensibyis lowen and
m u s t l r a v e t h e l a r n p i n r a g e f o c u s e c la n d a i m e d i n b o b h e s e n s o r
P A R T S ^ F R V I C EI N F O R M A T I O F T O D E L7 1 1 . 7 1 4 - 7 2 1 - 7 4 1

711 MODEL 714 MODEL 741

T h e f i r s t V e rsa co u n trMb a b l e tcountingm achinewas sold by PnoductionEqui pm entl nc

I P E I Ji n t h e mi d 6 O's. T h e n e g i s tened tr ademank' Ver sacount'is [he pr oper ty of PEIon
'Versacount'are fon the purpose of
Hypak Industnieslnc. Befenencesto the trademark
g a t p a rti cu l a nma chineand model, Deitz Co is not associatedwi th the
d e s c r . i b in th
t n a d e m a rkV E R S A C OU N TD . e i UzCo tr ades under the tr adenam e PHARM AF ILL.

T h e f i r s t r-u no f ma ch i n e sw a s designatedModel 711 fallowedby M odels 7 14,721 ,

a n d 7 4 1 . A p p n o xi ma te l 2 y OOOm achineswene pnoduced.Som e M odel 711 m ac hi nes
a p es [ i l li n u s e , T h e l a r g e s bm o d e lq u a n t i t y w a st h e 7 2 1 . M o d e l s7 1 4 , 7 2 1 , a n d 7 4 1
w e r e m a de a s e i th e nn i g h t-h a nd( 721F| on left- hand( 721LJand had eithena 16" on a
2 0 " d i a me te rri m (7 2 1 F -2 O1 .A night- handm achinehas it' s countinghead o n the r i ght
end of the machine. Product flow direction is from left to night, Glass tunns CW. A left-
h a n d m a ch i n ei s vi sa -ve n saC, er tain model714 m achines have lettensuffix esothen
than L,/R. We ane not sune of the significanceof these letters. Vensacountmachines
ane often inconporatedin[o automatic fillingopenations.These machines have unusual
attachmenbsthat ane not addressed in this instruction.

H o w t o i d e n ti fy th e va ri o u s m odels.
M o d e l 7 11 co n si ste do f a l a rge squar e enclosune( no doons]thatcontainedthe
electricalcomponenbsand the vibratonfeed assembly.The top and bottom of the
e n c l o s u rew a s ma d e o f ca s[ a lum inumand was nor m allypainted gneyor gneen.A
hoppen exfended
nestedin the fop opening,Astainless fnomthe
to suppont
enclosune the motorassembly,the glassdisc,rim,'head,andbottletable.
counterwas a lange,electron
Theelectronic design.Thenimhad6
spokes and the tablet guide set-up was found only on 6 spoke rims. The photocell
e n c l o s u rew a s n o u n da n d a [ta chedto the fr ont of the countinghead'
M o d e l 7 1 4 co n si s[e d o f a si n ri larsquar e enclosuneexcept the top and botbomw ene
m a d e o f b n o w np h e n o l i c.T h eh o ppennested in an openingin the top. Stainle s ss teel
f n o n t a n d r e a n p a n e l s [d o o n sJcould be openedfor access lo the vibnatonand el ec tr i c al
w i n i n g .T h e e n cl o su rew a s mo u nted on top of a paintedsteel base channel,T he
s u p p o n tl e g s w e re a l so p a i n te dsteel, A powensupplywas mounted in [undenJthe bas e
c h a n n e l .A mo to n a sse mb l yw a s m ounted at one end of the base, covenedby a
stainlesss[eel enclosune.The glass turntable and nim wene mounted above the motor
enclosune.The counting head and bottle table atfached to an aluminum head,/table
s u p p o r t b an a t th e e n d o f th e b ase channel.The714 used the same electn on- tube
c o u n t e ra s t h e 7 1 1 , s u s p e n d e du n d e n t h eb a s e c h a n n e l .E a r l ym o d e l 7 1 4 ' s u s e d t h e
s a m e 6 s po ke ri m a s th e 7 1 1 , At a laberdate, a 5 spoke nim was used. The fi r s t
l o u n t o n t h e c o u n t i n gh e a d .T h e w a s
7 1 4 ' s a l s o u s e d E h e 7 1 1 t y p e o f p h o t o c e lm
c h a n g e dt o a n e cta n g u l a r- e n cl o sunethat was fit into a new head design.

M o d e l 7 2 1 w a s a l mo st i d e n trcalto bhe 714. The paintedbase channeland l egs w ene

n e p l a c e db y sta i n l e ssste e l fa b rications.The electnontube countenwas nepl ac edby a
s r n a l ls o l i dsfa te u n i tth a t me a s ur ed4" X 6.5" and had a blue panel. Rotanys w i tc hes
p n e s e tt h e co u n t n u mb e n .T h e 721 powensupply,located under the base channel ,
w a s l a n g e nt h a n b h a t i n L h e 7 1 4 , A l l 7 2 1 r i m s w e r e t h e 5 s p o k ed e s i g n .T h e 7 1 4 a n d
7 2 1 h o p p e n sw e r e t h e s a m e .

M o d e l 7 4 1 w a s a ma j o r d e si g n change.A stainlesssteel enclosur er uns the l ength of

t h e m a c h in e .T h e vi b ra to nfe e d , the m otor dr ive assembly,all electnicaland el ec tr oni c
and con[nolcomponen[sanein this enclosure.A hingedfnontand neandoon
a l l o w e a s y a cce ss to th e i n si d eof the machine.The countinghead is at one end of the
T he
f r . o n tp a n ela n d i s n o [ a d j u sta b le,lt is hingedso that it can be openedfor ser - v i c e.
hopper-assembly is designed to be self supporting and is situated oventhe vibnaton
f e e d p a n . F e w 7 4 1 p a n s a n e com m on to the obhenm odels. A PHARM AFIL LT C 1 '
m a n u f a c tu re da n d so l d b y D e i tz Co. is alm ost identicalt;othe VensacountM odel 741 .

M a n y c h an g e sh a ve o ccu r-n e d to the 741 andTC1 oventhe past 5 yeansth at s houl d

one of
b e n o t e d . yo u ma y h a ve a n e a nlym odel 741 or TC1 that would benefitfnom
t h e s e m o d i fi ca ti o n s.
* T h e F AE g e a rmo to t i s re p l a c edby a Bodinegear motor . The RAE moton som eti m es
caused the motor speed-controlcircuit to fail, Wh,en replaced by the Bodine
p n o b l e mw a s so l ve d .
* T h e o n i g i n agl l a ss su p p o t" [h u b and pos[ was a bnonzebeaningassembly.W e
of the
r e d e s r g ne dth e h u b a n d p o s[ to use ball beanings.W e incr easedthe top speed
glass turntable by using a 24 tooth motor"sprocket. When [he spr-ocke[size is
c h a n g e dth e ch a i n l e n g th a l so changes'
* T h e l a t es[ mo d e l T C 1 h a s re placedfhe chain anr Jspr ockets with a gear -b el t dt'i v e
a s s e m b l yfo n sn ro o [h e r a n d q u ieter openations.
l- l-

F'i'"m*r , -*+\

kfifu /
I c-l

-f /
6*lW '



lrrstrucllslnj_o_tll!g_u_q_e- model721

,i I
r e j e c t i r rgtl re u p l re ru a l )srrl w e l l en l' l) i!J!ly
I lr isguidepr ovidesa sir npler nel l - r od
back' ca;r sule lllovesdownthe guid e
c l tannel .
l r rc l r d e trc rl r a v ea n o p e n i r r t ;l r t o r t u l r w l r i ct lltrer e j e c t e c la p s u l ew i l l p a s s ,it lttusb t e used
w i t l rt l t e ca p strl eg tri tl e . I l re o riqirr ;r ltlesillr lr ;ltltltelstair tless steelwir e solderedto the
l . l r r : rtrl r ow i r ol . r r o l <oof f t l r eb r a t ; [ t et lt t e r ew a s n o t l t i r rtgl t a tc o u l db e
s l r e e t r r r e tl -alll 6 c k eW
e i t r l .W e n o w t t t a l t el l r og t r i c l w
e a s i l yt J o l r et o l e a l t a r ; l r t l rw e i t l ra s c r e w - o lwl i r e .T l t ew i r e
c a r tb e r b p l a c e ti l{ i t l a i l s .

r u re ce i vetl re u u i d eyoLrlnaytr eetlto r evelsetlte wite to the othersideof the

W t r e r yo
b r a c k e to f tl re ty1 ;eo f rrra t;l ri ne yoLrar e using( r iglr or t left- ltatr rdnodel) You slto ul dtr end
t l t y a t h i n s t a i r r l e ssst e e lw i r ei s
1 r ew i r et 9 a c c g r r r l r l i lsl lrre n e c e s s i l yl a s l < , " l l rree a s o tw
u s e c il s b e c;a u se i t l ra s s1 -l ri rruy clr ar acter istics; and willtr r r .r ve away fr otna lteav yl oad.T l ti s
w i l l5 e l 1t1 :re ve rrtl tl o cl <a g e s, l i y tcrkeeptlte wito ftt- r ttt touclr ir rtlte g ir ttteror outergui de
s u r f a c e sw l ri cl tw i l lre rl u t;etl re s lr tir r gy tlLr ality. Ytluwillalso need to bend the en d paddl e
( r e c t a pg u l awri l e sl ra g l eto ) a 4 5 tlegr eeatr glestl tlr at' 1.r iggy- back' capsules are nl ov ed
of tlte tittt'
tlte cettlelr
o u t o f t tte cl ta ttttell.ra cktcrw a r t.l

guicle block

45 deg

t: H
A H---{ansle

NJ.', (so0)68/.-0200

Therc are four standardsizesof eBainlesssteel funnolsfor all modelsof the

Verscountsnd Pharmafitltablet countingmachines.Funnelsare usually
orderedin pairs but can bo orderedin singlounits.

#1 #2 #3


314 #4

<-1 114-->

Dimensions are aPProximate

Funnels are polished and cleaned by us however I recommend that you clean the
funnels more thoruughly prior to use.

1994 Price- $12.OO each or $22.59/pair.

Chip Sieves for
Versacount Models 71 4,/721

T h e s e p l a t e s a r e k n o w n a s c h i p s i e v e so r d u s t s c r e e n s . T h e y a r e u s e d a s p a r t o f
t h e v i b r a t o r p a n a s s e m b l y . W h e n a s i e v e i s n o b u s e d , a s o l i d p l a b ei s p l a c e d
w h e r e t h e s i e v e w o u t d n o r m a l l y ! o . T h e s i e v e i s d e s i g n e dt o a l l o w d u s b a n d
b r o k e n p i e ce s o f p ro d u cb to dr op inbo a dusb cup located under the siev e ar ea of
t h e v i b r a g o r p a n . In o rd e r to wor k pr oper ly bhe pr oducb should not pile up boo
d e e p l y o n to p o f b h e si e ve . T r y bo keep bhe pr oducb accumulation over the s i ev e
b o o n e o r b w o l e ve l s d e e p . A c ljust the hopper door opening Eo keep the pr oduc b
f l o w t h n o u g h th e vi b ra to r p a n, under contr ol. The chip sieve may slighb bendi ng
t o p r e v e n t vi b ra b i o n n o i se a n d to keep bhe pr oducL moving in the cor r ec b

C t r i ps i e v e s f o r b h e V e r s a c o u n bM o d e l s 7 1 4 a n d 7 2 1 c o m e w i b h h o l e s b h a t a r e
1 / 8 , 1 / 4 , a n d 3 / 8 " . T h e s e s i e v e sw i l l n o b f i b a M o d e l 7 4 1 '

oooooooooooo THUMBSCREW

o114 o318

BY DETTZCOMPANYlNC,ROUTE34, WALL' NJ' U//tu (vud)od','uzvu

T h e f l o w co rre cb o r IF C J i s a two par b
s h e e t me te l fsb ri ca ti o n b h at atbachesto Lhe --_-.-11
r i m . l b's p u rp o se i s L o fi l l i n the wedge -
s h a p e d o p e n i n g a b t h e p o i n bw h e r e b h e
p n o d u ct d n o p s fn o m b h e e dge of bhe glass
t u r n b a b l e a f t e r p a s s i n g b h r o u g ht h e g u i d e

P r o d u c t p a s s e s b h r o u g h b h e g u i d e c h a n n e l ,d r o p s f r o m b h e e d g e o f b h e g l a s s
b u r n t eb l e b h ro u g h th e b e e m of Ehe phoboelectr icscanner ' wher e ib is c ounted.
i s i m p o rta n t th a b b h e p ro d uct dr op str aighB down after leeving bhe gl as s .

Certain producbshapes presenba problem

accomplishingthis Bask,This is becausethe
edge of the glass is nob perpendicularto the
directionof product travel down the guide
c h a n n e l .A s t h e p r o d u c bl e a v e sb h eg l a s si b
falls off wibh a changein direcbionLo one side. (rtjr0E

Our solutionfor this problem is bo fill in bhe rYNtOAt.

wedge shepedgap betweenLhe edge of the o L A S 9 l u n N r E L El N A N
glass and a perpendiculan lirrebebweenthe
r r r u t e t F L o wo t n E c I l o NM A YB EI O E l r l l E l sl l D E
guide surfaces.This givesbhe product a zoF TtlE CENlElr[lNEwl Et't lllls PnooLEMOCCUnS
r tErLowconnEclonPnovloEs
'squaro'edge from which t'o fall through the rONPNOOUCT CIIANNEL.

E c a n n e rb e a m .
' br ackeb' and it' s function is to hol d the
T h e u p p e r p a rb o f th e F C is called bhe
a c t u al fl o w co rre cb i n g a b tachm enbin is slightly cur ved, has a s l ot ab
o n e e n d , a n d a th re a d e d hole wiBh a scr ew in the other end. The slotted end i s
i n s t a ll e d u n d e r th e h e a d of bhe r im segment scr ew closesb bo bhe en d of bhe
g u i d es. T h i s scre w i s l o ce ted under bhe guide suppor t ptate' The cunv e s houl d
d i r e c b th e h o te e n d a w a y fr om bhe r im. You can expect to bend this par t, m ov B
b h e s lo g mo re o r te ss u n d er the segm ent scr ew head end tilt the brac k et up on
d o w n a s re q u i re d to p o si Eionthe FC in bhe cor r ecL spot along side t he gl as s ,
under the ends of bhe guidechannel.
The other part of this essenibly is actually'the lflow corrector'. There are
d i f f e r e nt sh a p e d F C 's fo r l e ft- hand and r ight- har 1dm achines. lb hes a s l oE ab the
t o p e n d a n d a b e n b w e d g e s hape ab the other end.' The slotted end goes under
t h e h e a d o f th e scre w i n th e br ackeb.The obher end m ust be posiLio ned
p r e c i s e l y a s fo l l o w s:
* b h e e d g e o f th e F C th a b l ocabesalong the per imeber of the glass ed ge s houl d
b e a b o ub 1 /1 6 8 h b e l o w b h e top sur face of bhe glass. As pr oduct leaves
g l a s s i t mu sb n o b b e sb o p p ed or stowed down by Ehe FG.
i t h " e d g e fro m w h i ch p ro ducb dr ops off is bent down so thab pr odu c b does nob
the F C s o
h a v e a te n d e n cy to sb o p o n the sur face. tt is advisable to slightly bilb
b h a t t h e e n ti re su rfa ce b o u ched by bhe pr oducb is angled slightly down.
* T h e p ro d u ct sh o u l d l e a ve the glass sur face and ver y br iefly touch the F C
tabl eb
s u r f e c e a s i b d ro p s. T h i s b rief touch is usually enough to assur e that bhe
o r c a p l e Ew i l l fa l l stra i g h b d own.
" T h e co u n t sp e e d w i l l fa l l slightly when the FC is used.

lt will s l ow dow n
T h e F C d o e s n o t n e e d L o b e used with m any types of pr oduct.
necessar y bo k eep
b h e c o u n b sl i g h b l yso I re co m m end thab ib is used only when
o d d s h a p e d p ro d u cts fro m dr ifbing bo the side'

ll nrruuBFACI(EI
ll ns neclutnED
nt rc rNPUSrrruN

lr r*FoMUST
You can monethan doublethe capacityof
the standardlroppenon all Phanmafill and
V e r s a c o u n[[a b l e tc o u n t i n g ''/nbeost tt f'l iel l i n g
r n a c l r i n e sT.h e s ee x b e n s i o n s on top
o f t f r e l r o l t p e rw i t h n o f a s t e n e r s t ' e c l u i r e d .

E x [ e t t s i o [rtto p p e rn- o n r i n adl i r l e n s i o n sa l - e

1 2 " x 1 6 " x 6 " w h i c l ri s 1 1 5 0 c u ' i t r c h e s .
T h e e x t e n s i o nf o r "t h e o l d e r V e n s a c o u n t
7 1 4 / 7 2 1 i s n o t i r r t e r c h a n g a bw l ei t h t h e
n e w e r '7 4 1 , T C 1 a n d T C 2 e x t e n s i o n .

F M A 2 4 O O - 1e x t e t l s i o nf i [ s V e r s a c o u r r f
r n o c l e l s7 1 4 a n d 7 2 1 .
fits Phanrnafill

Hoppercovensare also available. These

coversare madefnom 1/4" thick clear
. h a n d l ei s m o u n t e di n
l e x a np l a s t i cA
the middleof the cover'Tlrese covers
fi[ on top of [lre standardl-ropper
and/ ot'the hoPPet' ex[ension.

C o v e rA D B 9 2 - 1f i t s t h e V e t ' s a c o u n t
7 1 4a n d 7 2 1 .

C o v e t 'A D B 9 2 - 2 f i [ s [ l r e V e t ' s a c o u n [
7 4 1 a n d [ l - r eP l ' r a r r n a f i lTl C 1 a n d T C Z '

@ DArE.
appliesto Versacount
Thisinformation tabletcountingmachinesModels714 and721thatare
to usethe new ADB35solidstateelectronic

The Model714electronic counterwasa large,brown,electron tubeassembly thatplugedinto

a powersupplymodule(PSM)withone transformer, locatedunder the main suppoft channel
of the machine. The Model721electronic counterwasa small,solidstateassembly witha
bluepanel,thatpluggedintoa PSM, AD571,withtwotranslormers that was approximately
n p l a c e otfh e
2 . 5 "l o n g e r t h a n i n a t b t t hMeo d e l 7 1 4T.h eM o d e7l 2 1P S Mc a nb e i n s t a l l ei d
ModelZta pSn/lwithno difficulty. Because the old electron tubecountercouldnot be serviced
aftera cerlaindate,manyold Model714 machines wereupgraded to usethe Model721lype
electronic counter.Whena Model721 typeelectronic counter was retrofitted to a Model714,
the AD571PSMwas alsorequired. The AD571PSMincludesthe AD426,an B pin,plug-in,
solid-state switching moduleor'flip-flopmodule'.ln certaincasesit was necessary to makea
wiringchangeto the countingheadelectricsolenoids as partof the Model714 modifications
to aclept6e tr,toOet 721 lypecounterand AD571 PSM. Thereare twoversionsof the Model
714headandtheearlierversion wiringwillnotmatchtheAD571PSM.

o o


" o l r m lo .

underthe mainchannelso thatthe rneterand two adjusting

pSM unitsare installed functions
openingin the sideof the mainchannel.
extendthroughthe rectangular Thereare two screw
holesat eachsideof the mainchanneicut-outthatalignwiththe threadedholesin the PSM.
Wheninstallingthe new PSMyou mustbe surethatthe mainchannelwiringis not pinched
between inside Reconnect
surface. tothePSM
connection model
thecomplete numberor
specilyif the headat the rightor leftendof the machine.

AD571Powersupplymodulew/switch moduleincluded-
AD426Plug-inswitchmoduleas replacement part-
AD835Solid-state counterpackage-
of headwiringfor certaittretrofits-
A D 8 3 5 E L E C T R O N I CC O U N T E R

Thisinformationappliesto Versacounttabletcountingmachines Models714 and721thatare

beingconvertedto use the new solidstateelectronic Model of
DC3.The designation
the completeelectronic counterpackageis AD835.The AD835wlll replacethe olderAD570
solidstatecounter on a VersacountModel721 direcllywithoutotherchanges.For a Model
714conversion it may be necessaryto alsoreplacethe powersupplymodule(PSM)and
rewirethe countinghead.

The DEITZDC3electronic counteris a small,solidstate,fourdigit,presettable,

panelmountedassemblyoriginally designed for useon the Model
Pharmafill TC1 tablet
countingmachine. Thiscounteris morereliable thanany of the previous modelcounters. The
presetnumberswitchassembly is a dustfreeclosedassembly thatdoesnotsufferfromthe
problems experienced withopenswitchconstruction. The red LEDdisplayis brightand big
enoughto be seeneasily.A specialinterconnection circuitboardis addedto the basicDC3to
makeit compatible withthe old Versacount machines.The DC3is mountedin an all stainless
witha frontpanelmountedLCDtotalizing
steelenclosure counter.Eachtimethe counting
headactuates,the LCDtotalizerincreases by oneunit.Thiswillprovidea runningcountof the
numberof bottleslilled.The cablefromthe DC3enclosure connectsto the samefittingin the
backof the AD571PSMas did the old AD570electronic counter.


1996 Prlcesl The ADB35priceis $ lf the powersupplymodulemustbe replacedthe

AD571 pSM priceis $ The AD426switchmoduleis with
included the AD571price.
lf the
on the
the priceis $60.Lookfor moreinformation
countingheadneedsa wiringmodification
Thefollowing pertainsto the electronic
information powersuppliesand counting
headsthatwereusedon Versacount the Model714wasthe
Models714 and721.Precedlng
Model711.Thereare veryfew Model711aroundandtheyare so obsoletethat I do notsuggest
to upgradeor add conversion
attempting packages.
The Model714machineoriginally hadthe sameelectronic counteras the preceding Model
711,an AD4Z1powersupplymodule(PSM),and an AD367countinghead.A few months after
ol the Model714,a newand improved
the introduction AD504electronic counter,AD490PSM
and AD427countingheadweredesigned.The electronic counterslookedsimilarhowever
theywereelectricallydifferentwhichmadeit necessaryto modifythe PSMand headwiring
Oesign. Therewereiew earlytypeModel714machines so mostof thisinformation refersto the
morecommoncounter,PSMand head.The counterwas mountedunderthe machinemain
supportchannel,betweenthe pluggedintothe AD490powersupplymodule
(pSM)locatedinsidethe channel.As tabletswerebeingphotoelectrically countedin the
countinghead,a smallspotof lightmovedaroundthe insideperimeter of 4 decatron(nixie)
tubesthatwerevisibleto the operator.He determined the numberof tabletscountedby seeing
whatnumbereachof the fournixietubespotsof lightwerenextto. Decatron tubesbecame
obsolete makingit impossibleto servicethe was necessary to
replaceit andthe ADa90 pSM withthe newAD57Osolidstatecounterand AD571 PSM from
the nextgeneration Model721 machine. The replacement AD571PSMfit in the sameplaceas
the originalAD490pSM on Model714 machines. Thereare manyold Model7'14machines
beingJsedtodaywithModel721 typeelectronic countersand PSM's.

The ModelTZl machineusedthe AD570solidstate,electronic counter,the AD571PSMand

the AD427head.This solidstatecounterhadfour red LEDtypedigitaldisplaysand a blue
frontpanel.The presetnumberwasenteredby turningfourrotaryswitchesuntiltheypointedto
the desirednumber.Thiscounteralsowas mountedunderthe mainchannelbetweenthe
supportlegs.The AD571PSMhadtwotransformers, an externalmountedAD426switch
moduleandwas 2.5"longerthanthe old AD4g0PSM.The AD570electronic counteralsofell
victimto obsolescence. becameunavailable.
the rotaryswitches
Eventually Thismadeit
necessary to finda replacement counter'
for the AD570electronic

The latestmodetpharmafill TC1 andTC2 tabletcountingmachinesusesa solidstateDC3

counter,We haveadaptedthe DC3to be usedon the old Versacount Model714
We haveaddeda small,resettable
steelenclosure, LCD
andT2Llt is mountedin a stainless
counterthatwillaccumulate operations
the numberof headswitching whichcan be equatedto
the AD835electronic
the numberof botilesfilled.Thiscompletepackageis designated
conversionfor Versacount Models714 and721'

AD835 AD571 PSM AD427 HEAD




and mechanismsof adjustmentfot' L heV714

T h i s p i c t u resh o w s th e th n e ed i r - ections
and 721 clivenring head. The bottle table is also depicted..fh" up/down and inlout
adjustmentsr.eqliir.e looseninga 1/4-2O hex head bolt with a 7 /16 wnench' Out-
adviceis to keep the up,/dowi adjustmentin the sarrtepositiona,t-9lltimes. That
positionis with th" top'of the photoelectniclight source about 1/4" below the
6"tt"- of the glass tur-ntable.'Whenmakinglhein/aut adjustment be aware that if
yo, ."-ove thJ handwanecompletelyth.estFap nul located on the inside of the main
channelwill fall out of position.'youwitt have a difficulttime get[ing the strap nut.into
positionagain. I advisethal you don't removethe hardware unless you must and ane
'origjinally fo relocate the str--apnuts. The night/left adjustment handwarewas
two thneadeclknobs but in rnost cases we see that [hese machineshave
I t \ - Z O H H b o l ts h e re a s w e l l .The bottletable clam pingsuppontalso had th neaded
knob hardwane.The neasonwhy the knobs were locaLedin these two adjus[sment
rrositionsis becausethese adjuitmenbswene fnequentwhenethe other-adjustments
wene less fnequent.

Count accuracydepends on the tablet flow droppingthrough tlq centen of [he

photoelectricscannenbeam. When you change-fr"oina wide [ablet to a nanrowtablet
the center.lineof the dnoppingtablet'changes,lf the head right,/left adjus[men[isn't
m a d e , t h e ta b l e ts ma y b e mi ssingLhe r niddleof Lhescanner light beam and er r or s
w r l li n c n ea se .
FA rR.*,:a* s&.tNG LAHP ,S,x/1ET

L \ GH T 5otr Rce. BLocK


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McD. DATEF.eE 221, ?Z

34, WALL,I{ J 07719

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