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The Role of a Manager

Alakh Desai


June 1nd, 2017

What is the role of a manager and how it has changed over time? In order to
know the role, we need to know what the manager is. A manager is a person who
supports, activates, and is responsible for the work of others to reach a certain goal.
The manager can have a variety of job titles such as team leader, department head,
supervisor, project manager, dean, president, and administrator. To become a
manager you need to have some certain qualifications, you can be a different level
manager, being able to adapt to new changes. Being a manager is not an easy role to
take on, you have to be responsible for your teams actions.

In order to become a manager, you need some educational requirements

even though small companies may only look for experience. To qualify for
management positions you need to have a bachelors degree in business
administration, business management, or another similar major. Some other
prerequisites you can have are a high school diploma, SAT/ACT scores, and
transcripts. Even if you have the education it is really important for the manager to
have many other skills such as organization, team, planning/strategy, prioritizing,
communication, problem solving, and leadership. It is important for the manager to
have organization skills because they are responsible for guiding or running other
departments. Being a manager means you have to work close to your team who is
your employees, and you must be approachable, compassionate, and have good
listening skills to be able to keep a motivated staff. Planning for the future is a must
as many company or organizations do end up in problems, which could be avoided,
so having a vision or strategy to get past those problems is easier. A manager should
also be able to think and solve a problem on their feet as soon as they happen.
Having communication skills is a key in being a manager since it is important that
everyone on the staff is always informed about what is happening or what the plan
is. A manager is a leader which should be able to persuade others to follow the
direction you may want them to go in, which could be a vision you have for the
future of the business or organization.

There are different levels to being a manger, which means you do not have to
be a certain type of manager you could be a specific type of manager. There are five
different types of levels starting at the bottom is non-managerial workers, then first-
line managers, middle managers, top managers and at the very top it would be
someone from the board, these level are similar in both typical business and non-
profit organizations. Non-managerial workers are just employees working for a
business or an organization. First- line manager is someone that is in charge of a
small work group made of non-managerial workers. Some job titles for a first-line
manager are; department head, supervisor, and team leader for both the business
and organization. A middle manager is someone who is in charge of relatively large
departments, or divisions consisting of several smaller work units and they also
have to report to the top manager. Some job titles for middle managers are
department/ division manager, plant manager, and a branch manager. The top
manager is someone who can guide the performance of the organizations as a whole
or of one its major parts. Being a top manager you could be called chief executive
officer, president, vice president, managing director, administrator. This shows that
to become a manager it does not necessarily mean that you have to be a top
manager you can start off at the lower level and with experience you can make your
way to the top.

Overtime the roles of manager have changed, and they will continue to
change towards the future. In the past being a manager meant that you were needed
to give order to your staff and see if those orders were followed and if they werent
then those people were not fit for the job. But as the manager you had to make sure
that order was completed correctly and within the time to be seen as a successful
leader and to get paid, but that has all changed over time due to factors such as as
economy, inflation, necessities etc. People have seen overtime, what should and
should not be done to be a successful manager and with the experience from older
leaders we have learnt what the real role of manager is. Being a manager in this day
and age, means that you need to be able to create an environment where your
encouragement and values affect each person in the team. As a manager you should
be able to provide positive conditions that will allow your staff to solve problems, to
do their job effectively and efficiently so they can also achieve your goal or vision for
the company. But the business world is always changing to get better, so a manger
should be able to adapt to the changes quickly to make their role better and

In conclusion, a manager should have some certain qualifications. you can be

a different level manager not necessarily the top manager. Being able to adapt to
new changes as the world is always changing and growing. It is important to know
what the role of a manger is before you try to become one and you must know that it
is a great responsibility to take on. Remember that to be a great manager you should
be able to lead, communicate, and mostly encourage your team to achieve the goal at
the end of the day.
Works Cited

Blanchard, Ken. "The Changing Role Of Today's Managers." Small Business,

Information, Resources, Articles. Small Business Resources, 03 Sept. 2003. Web.

01 June 2017. <>.

Conrad, Larry. "The Manager's Changing Role in a Teams Environment." The

Manager's Changing Role in a Teams Environment. Educause, 01 Jan. 1995.

Web. 01 June 2017. <


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